Newspaper Page Text
AHRANUKMKNT OF Tilt MAILS. The Great Eastern Mall from Baltimore, PhlUuMpWa, New York, Ho?tun, Acand Bnflkio, Ac., **?; ocivod by 9 o'clock, a. m., daily; ??*? <*?> .***??' (torn this o*?e, to and by those plaoue, will bcolowed u heretofore, at 4 and 9 o'clock, * ?**?"flF? _ The South*? Mail will *>? cio??4 hereafter daily at S o'clock. a. m., aud will bo reocived, as heretofore, dally b,lte ?looad'ShSUeB Mall and Great Western Mail am received by H p. ui., aud oloMod at9, p. m,daily. The Mail Train*, north of Philadelphia, an to arrive Our* in time to aounnct with the Train for Baltimore, which tiring the lireat Mali, to arrive here by 9 a. ui No Manteri. Mail is received at this office on Sunday night, aud no K.kstiiru Mail, to be sent lieyoud Baltimore, is made tip on Saturday uight. Norfolk, Ac., throe time* by Balti more?Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; four time* tiy Richmond?Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. The Mail for Anuapulit, Maryland, aud Norfolk and adjacent places in Virginia, in closed every night, exoept S.nlurday, at 9 p. m , and in reoeived six Utne* a week, with a Mail froiu Baltimore, Maryland, by 12 m. The Mall from Georgetown, D. C., is received twice daily by fi a. in., and & p. in., and it it closed for that place at the same hour*. The Mail from lUwkvilie, Ac., Md.( 1? received Monday, Wudnesday, and Friiloy, of each week, by tt p. in., anil it is dosed me those plapo* at a p. m. of the Home days. The Mail from Hrookville, Ac., Sid., is received by 5 p. m. of WeduBHdiiy and Saturday, each week, and closed for those places at l) p. m. of Monday and Thurs- day. Upper Marlboro,' Jtc., Md., received by 4 p. in., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday,and is olosed same days at 9 p. in. Port Tobooco, Ac., Maryland, received Tuesday, Thurs day, aud .Saturday, by 5 p. m., closed Sunday, Tuesday, aud Thursday, at 9 p. m. Warrentou, Middle burg, Ac., Va., received Sunday, Wed nesday, aud Friday, by 11 p. m., closed at 9 p. m., Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday. l??tsbur?, Ac., Va., received by and closed at 9 p. m., Monday, Wednesday, aud Friday. The posture on newspapers, and that on all printed matter addressed to ally foreign country, Is required to be paid iu advance. The postage Is also to be prepaid on letters and puekuts addressed to foreign countries, other than Oreat Britain. Ireland, and Scotland, aud Bremen, In Kurope, and some places to which they pass through the Bremen post office. &4r The Office is open from half-post 7 o'clock, a. m . to 9 o'clock, p. m., daily, except Sunday, and on that day It Is open from half-past 7 to ten, a. m., and from 7 to 9, p. m. WILLIAM A. BRADLEY, Postmaster. PROSPECTUS OF THE "NATIONAL MON UMENT," A weekly journal to be published in Washington, under the sanction of the Washington National Monument Society. ' JAMES C. PICKETT, Editor and Publudu. The Monument is intended to be a literary, agricultural, and miscel Igneous paper. It will contain selections of the literature of the day?tile best that can be found In Ameri can atul English publications: interesting scientific articles, embracing mechanics; foreign aud domestic news; a sy nopsis of the proceedings of Congress, and every thing that such a journal might be expected to contain, with the exception of party politics, which will be at all times most rigorously excluded. The Monument will l>o published for the express and the sole purpose of aiding in the erection of the uoble column now rising on the bunks of the Potomac, in hon or of the Father of his Country, and which every one who venerates the name of Washington would rejoice to sue oompletud. After deducting out of tho subscription the expenses of the journal propos<?d to be published, the remaining funds will he faithfully applied, aud with out reserve, to the purpose indicated. The aid, therefore, of all who are willing to contribute to so patriotic an ob ject, and one so entirely national, is earnestly requested. By subscribing to the Monument, a valuable journal at a low price may be obtained, while it will he doing some thing, at the same time, towards completing that majestic memorial of the Nation's gratitude. The Board of Managers recommend Mr. Pickett, former ly Fourth Auditor of the Treasury and Charge d'Affairs to Peru, who proposes to edit and publish the Monument journal, as one well qualified to perform the duties ol editor, and to conduct the paper faithfully, and satisfac torily to the subscribers. They assure their fellow-citizens that this enterprise is not a speculation got up for indi vidual emolument. Mr. Pickett will make thoexperimcut with his own means and at his owu risk; if successful, he will receive nothing more, and he asks nothing more, than a very moderate couipeusution for his services. Not one dollar, therefore, of the direct subscription to the erection of the Monument will be, in any event, applied to the support of tltc paper, nor the Society in any man ner held pecuniarily responsible. To give the public an idea of what may be done with the journal it is proposed to publish, it may be slated that a list of fifty thousand paying subscribers, at two dollars each, will yield an aunual net profit of from fifty to sixty thousand dollars. The postmasters, and secretaries of all organized bodies throughout the Union, are respectfully requested to act a-> agents in obtaining subscriptions, thus aiding the great object of our exertions. As all editors and publishers, on account of the object for which the Monument newspaper will be established, must wish it to succeed, it is hoped that they will con tribute to its success by publishing this prospectus. All moneys will lie remitted, and all letters and moneys addressed prepaid, to the general agent of the Monument Society, lion. Klisha Whittlesey, Washington. Omicxhs.?Millard Fillmore, cx-ojflcio President; Arch. Henderson, First Vice President; Walter Lenox, (Mayor of Washington,) Second Vice President; Thos. C'arbery, Third Vioe President; J. B. H. Smith, Treasurer; Geo. Watterstou, Secretary. Board or Minaoeim.?Winfield Scott, N. Towson, Thos. Munroe, W. A. Bradley, P. K. Kendall, Walter Jones, Thomas Blagden, Peter Forea* V.W. Beaton, M. F. Maury, 1. Hartley Crawford, Benj.6gle Tayloe, Klisha Whittlesey Terms.?The MONUMENT will be printed on a double royal sheet?the paper apd type being of the best quality? aud In quart^ Mfm, containing sixteen large pages, that It may be moTO easily preserved. The price will be two dollars per annum, payable on the receipt of the second number. Tho nature of the enterprise not admitting ol any credit, none can he given. Societies and clubs will be furnished with the Monument on the following terms: 3 copies for $6; 6 copies, $8; 10 copies. $16; Ac. Those who are disposed to patronise the Monument are requested to forward their names to the Oeneral Agent, without delay. The first number will be published early in May, and the second on the second day of August, and woekly thereafter; time Icing allowed for the Prospectus to be circulated, and for the agents to make returns. As all subscribers will be contributors to the Monument Itself, their names will he published in the paper. W isiiinoton, April 23, lbill. /SoDFKEY PATTISON. A cd, OF NEW YORK, vJT take leave to Inform their friends and the public, that they have taken up the Imparting Husinesi on their own account. For tile future they will confine them selves strictly to the < hmmixsitm Hurinrss, for the pur chase of dry good*, in Glasgow, Bootland. From their long experience In the trade, they feel con fident that they can promote the Interest of those engaged In the Importation of dry goods, and they respectfully so licit orders, which shall have their best attention. The name of the firm in Glasgow Is changed to Godvmy Pattwon A Co. #? The New York fittn being dissolved, they will be pleased to receive orders through their agent, James Pattison, No. SI Pine street, New York. OODFREY PATH SON A Co., Cbmmunon Merchants, Glasgow, Scotland. MVIUtNCXS: Messrs. Dennlaon, Wood A Co., Hew York. Messrs. W. C. Plckersgill A Co., do. Messrs. Merrill, Ely A Oo., do. Joseph Walker, esq-, do. The subscribers being alone entrusted with samples ot ?loth and patterns of these goods for the United Steles market, invite the attention of the trade. OOBFRKY PATTISON A Oo., Glasgow Office, 81 Phte street. New York. mar 24? BOKKK, BROS. A JONKS, 82 Market street, Philadel phia, Invite the attention of the trade to their splen did stock of Fancy and Staple BONNETS and HATO, of all kinds, purchased for cash In Europe by one of our firm : and also an assortment of city and eastern made Boots and Shoes. All of which they oner at very low rate*. ffllK BEST AND MOST VALU AIM-E AGRICULTURAL I IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, exhibited at ?n State Fair in I860, will be seen by the award of Pre miums below: Awarded to E. Whitman, jr., No. 6& Light street, Balti more, by the Maryland State Agricultural Society,at their Bd Annual Fair, held in Baltimore 23d, 24th and 25ti> of October, 1860. For the best Plough in the ploughing match ? $10 For the best ploughing with ox team, (special pre mium,) - ? - - ? ? 2 For the best plough on exhibition, 1st premium ? 8 For the best Railway Horse Power, Whitman's Im proved, 1st premium ? -16 For the best Hay Press, 1st premium ? - 26 For the best Cornsheller, 1st premium ? - 6 ' For the best Field Roller, 1st premium - 8 tor the l?est Corn-Stalk Cutters and Grinders, 1st aremlum - ? ? ? ? * 6 For the best Chums. 1st premium ? ? 4 For the best Hay and Manure Fork, 1st premium, 2 For the best Hayrakos. 1st premium ? 2 For the bestCultivator, 1st premium - - 4 Ne exhibitor of Agricultural Implements at the above named Fair, having received one-hsif the amount of pre miums nwapled us on the different kinds of Implements and Machines, it Is ronrlusiveevidenne that ours werecon sldeved the best and most valuable on exhibition. ?(At the great Fair of the Maryland Institute, for the pro motion of the Mechanic Arts, held In Baltimore in Octo ber and Noiftnlier. I860, the first premium (a heavy Silver Medal) was awarded to Kurs Whitman, jr.. for the largest and best display of Agricultural Implements. Also first, yemium (another Silver Medal; for his 1 niproved Wrought Son Railway Horse Pnyrer, which was made for exhibition at the World's Fair, In London, in May, 1861. Our stock this season will he the largest ever offered in this eity, and probably the largest In the world, consisting ef more than 8,000 Ploughs, 260 Threshing Machines, j 1000 Wheat Fans, 1000 Corn fthellers. 600 Straw Cotters, ' ftOO Cultivators. Reaping Machines, Wheat DtIIIs, Com ' and Ooh Crusher*. Burr Shine Mills, Cl?ler Mills, Hay and ! Cotton Presses, together with every article whlsh a farmer ?r planter eould wish In the proseentlou ofhls pursuits; I all of whMl will be mid on reasonable terms, at wholesale 1 _ ..tall K WHIWA?,K*C0, At Mm *14 stand, M Lfcffct ft., Baltimore, DM. fKKiUl 4TJUM OOOM ISM. (^UMPKk, Mk.Kk.IU.CV, * Wl'tr. N*. MS ft*M?orr \j MnK k*M nm?4 m m? m! efcafcv MWftWWl *t UlttlMk, h*?,k, Mi AwwrtOSU Dry U?i?k tuiutU (w Ike spring ttW?, wabrwetn* ?# Um miImw ?u U? pertaining U> their llttr, w<l ?" wbiofc u>?y ittTiU' Um KlWlltl.'U of then oUsto?ei? chant* gwuc rally visiting Iht* market These (vast* i.ave been nkKnl with (not enre aud ?tl. ulion. ?uj will bo sold vui as tanirablo trrws witu; similar astahilsh me ut In the country. We name, In part, DRKAS (JOODtl?embracing ? ohuloe variety. Oro d. KUiuiw, rich lustres. iu >11 width* aud qualities Satin d? Cbeitos &xtra super Ervnch Hart-gas, la all colors do do du plain do Silk and Linen Jaspe Ponlina, a new article Uro d? Naples, a uew and beautiful article Uarvge do Laimwt, ox Ira wu|-or silk and wool do rich uhluts color* do ueat styles Ssper, all wool French de Laines, all oolora Super Toil 1'lude, cnliroly new French l^appet aiul Kmb'd Muslins Ernb'd Bruquutelles, a beautiful article Colored Silk Kmb'd Fancy Muslins I'rinU'd Beings*, entirely new dusigo* 34 uud 4-4 Super French 1-uwutt and Organdie* of latent styles?all qualities Super Faucy Lawn*, embossed Silk and Wool Kugliah aud Scotch Ginghiuus, in black, white, and fancy color* 0-4 Silk Warp and Ileal Alpaca* and Canton Cloth* i much Chintz and Turkey lied Prints Spring Print*, a beautiful assortment, Ac., Ac. OLOrkSi UASSIMERES, Ac.?Super French Black and Colored Cloths, of all grade*, by the moat celebrated maker* Super Black Cloths, English, Herman, and American Super 6-4 Cashmeretts, Cashmere Cloth*, aud Drap de Kte 34 and 5-4 Summer Cloth* and Crape Lustre* Black Cassiuierv* and Doeakin*, of "Sedan" and other bent make* Fancy Plaid and Striped Cussimeres of new design* do Uuion Drillinga; Zetland and Plymouth I'laid* Mooched and Brown Liuen Duck* and fancy Drilling* Super French aud India Nankin* aud Goatee Check* Tweed*, Kentucky Jean*, Farmer*' Drill*, 4c. VEST1NGS, Ac.?Super Black aud Fancy Silk and Satin Vesting* Duff Cashmere aud Caahwerett do Plain White, Fancy, and Duff Marseille* do Silk aud Worsted Surges ol all widths do Levantine do do LINEN OOODS.?4-4 Irish Llneu*, all qualitlus Richard sou's, Barkley's, Grey's, Young's, Ac. 3-4 and 4-4 Ulay Linens; 4-4 white and brown Hollands Russia llaruesly and Scotch Linen Sheetings, all width*, beat makes Pillow Case Linen*; Table Cloth* and Napkin* lileached aud Brown Damasks and Diapers, 8-4, 10-4,12-4 lUrd's Eye, Ilu&iia aud Scotch Diapers and Dowlas Huckaback do and Crash No. 1, 2, 3, and 4, Burlaps Linen Cambric Hdkft, of all qualities, Ladle* and Gents White Goods of all description* Inserting*, Edgings, Linen and Cotton Laces, Ac., a large assortment. DOMESTICS.?3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 Brown and Bleached Mus lins 5-4, 64, 74,104,114 and 124 Brown and Bl'd Shirtings Maryland and Potomac Bagging 34 and 7-8 Cotton Osuaburgs, plain and twilled Bleached, Brown, Blue aud Corset Drills Plain, Striped and Plaid Chambrays Bed Tickings, Shlrtiug Strips, Apron Checks, Ao. Plaid and Stripe Domestic*, best make*. PANTALOON STUFFS.?Blue Denims, American Nan keens, Checks and Plaids, Kouon Cassimorne, Striped Osnaburgs, Kennebec Tweeds, Ac., Ac. The above Domestic* were purchased in December last, previous to the rise in Ottton Goods; we are therefore en abled to offer them at price* that cannot fail to please, mar 24? C., B. A B. A New Boute to Pittsburg. VIA THE BALTIMORE, SUSQUEHANNA, AND PENN SYLVANIA RAILROADS. r|MIROUGH TO PITTSBURG IN 33 HOURS. An ex X press train of cars will leave Calvert Station daily, with the U. S. Mail from Washington and Baltimore, at 8^ a. in., connecting with the Fast Line at Middletown at 1 p. m., arriving at llarrisburg at 1 % p. m., to dinner. The train leave* llarrisburg for the West at 2 p., in. ar riving at Uollidaysburg at 8 p. m. At thi*polnt, passen gers have the option of taking either the Cars to Johns town, thence by Packet Boats, or Stage* direct from Uolli daysburg to Pittsburg. Tickets will be sold to the following points, by this train, to wit: York, Wrightsville, Columbia, Marietta, Middletown, llarrisburg, Nowport, Millerstown, l'erryg ville, Lewlstown, McVeystown, Huntingdon, Hollidays- J burg, and Pittsburg. Thi* train also connects with the Cumberland Valley I Ilailroad, which passe* through Carlisle, Shippenaburg, [ Chambersburg, and other joints on thi* road. For the accommodation of passenger* from Washington for any of the above points, the Baggage Master of the Company will be at the Depot of the Baltimore and Ohio | Railroad Company on the arrival of the Morning Cars, at 8 a. m., to receive the Baggage, which will be carried free of charge to Calvert Station. ROBERT STEWART, mar 24? Ticket Agent. To Country Merchants and Booksellers. 171 C. A J. BIDDLE, No. 6 south Fifth street, publish li, the following work*: Cleveland's Compendium of Engllah Literature. Harrison on the Rise, Progress, and Present Structure ] of the English Language. Lynd's First Book of Etymology. Oswald's Etymological Dictionary. Fiske's Eschenburg's Manual of Classical Literature. Flake's Classical Antiquities. Outline* ofSaered History. Trego'* Geography of Pennsylvania. Vogdes'* United States Arithmetic.?Key. Ring's30(H) Exercise* In Arithmetic.?Key. CritteudMi'* Book Keeping, Counting-house and Bahool edition*, r Vogdes'* Mensuration.?Key. Alsop's First Ixissous in Algebra.?Key. Alsop's Algebra, for High School*, Academies and Col leges.?Key. Uummercs' Astronomy, fourth edition, just published. Monge's Statistics; translated from the French, by Woods Baker, A. M., of the United States Coast Surrey ; Just published. Maury's Navigation, the text book of the U. 8. Navy. McMurtrio'* Scientific lexicon. Peale'* Graphics. Controller*' Copy Slips. Hill's Drawing Book of Flower* and Fruit. Hill'* Progressive Lessons in Painting Flowers and Fruit. L'Abcille pour les En fans. Sand ford anil Merton, in French, by Berquin. The Works of Thomas Dick, LL. D., 10 vols 12mo, in tarious styles of binding. Select Speeches of Distinguished American Orators. Select Speeches of Phillips, Curran, Grattan, and Km met. Select Speeches of Chatham, Burke, and Krsklne. Alkiu's Christian Minstrel. Aikin's Juvenile Minstrel. | IN PRESS. Dunlap's Book of Forms, second edition, improved. English Literature of the Nineteenth Century, by Prof. C. D. Cleveland. Map of the World as known to the Ancients, 81 by 60 Inches?on rollers. E. C. A J. B.'s stock comprise* most of the popular School Text Books, which they offer for sale, at low prieea. mar 24? Austin's Magic Fr??c?r? i Through in six minutes. For the preparation of Ice Cream*, Water Ices, &c.?Patented Sep tember 19, 1848. ri^UK dlstlnguising merits of this Apparatus are? | 1st. The astonishing rapidity of tho process, surpass ing belief?hence the name. 2d. The Cream during the progress of freeiing becomes charged with atmospheric air, by w.hicb it nearly double* In bulk, and obtains that peculiar smoothness, lightness, and delicacy of flavor, for which the Ice Cream of our best Confectioners is so highly prixed. 3d. It does not require a tenth part of the labor that the common Freuaer does. 4th. It does its work better, producing a better article, In evory respect, than bv any other mode. 6th. There is a considerable saving in ioe, as the tub needs no replenishing during the ojieration. The annexed testimonial from the Proprietor of the Eutaw Mouse will put to rest all doubt. " Having witnessed the proees* of frneting Ioe Cream In Austin's Magic Freezer, two quarts of Cream having been fro sen In the inrmlihle short time of ?ix minutes, I cheerfully recommend it to the public." II. r. JACKSON, Eutaw Honse. Baltimore, May 16, 1848. "This I* to certify, that during the summer of 1H48, I used one of Austin's Patent Ice Cream Free sets of the largest slxe, (10 gallons.) making from 10 to 60 gallons per day during the season; and so far as regards expedi tion snd power, I consider It decidedly the best freezeT now in use, as I have had with It no difficulty in making ton gallons of superior quality Ice Cream from five of plain Cream, In thirty minutes from the time I com menced working It. A. H. BROWN, Baltimore, April 6, 1861." Manufactured and far sale by the patentee. A. H. AUSTIN, No. 81 N. Eutaw street, near Saratoga. Also, by CORTLAN A CO., No. 203 Baltimore street. County and State rights for sale. mar 24 AMERICAN HOUSE, IIANOVKR STREET, BOSTON. THE Undersigned hating entirely rebuilt and en larged the above extensive establishment, contain ing in all about three hundred and fifty rooms; would respectfully give notion that It Is now ready frir the reception and accommodation of the travelling commu nity- / An extended notice of the unsurpassed conveniences of this House is deemed superfluous, as the numerous Im provements whieh have been made cannot be properly given in an advertisement. Suffice it to say thai no ex pense has been spared to render sny apartment perfect. The ftirnlture was made expressly to order, regardless of cost, and certain portions of It, especially the Drawing rooms, will be fhund to he of the most beantifUl amd taste ful mannflvture. The Dining rooms are capacious, and the hours tirr meals will be so arranged as to suit the con venience of the early and late. Every department will he condnetod In an unexcep tionable manner, and the Proprietor pledges himself that the American House sha Jibe truly tfce Traveller's florae mi M UW1R MOB. Dinwmbqqlunr* T? or Uils Itwutwttoa lud.. ijr/SaSS ? - ?? scs; i ms 2 A Pn*???hlp of, a*J NmTJSaXio^ A Profuaeorahip ofaX^rtSgT T^r,!tiP oftf"i}ern l*ng"?*<??< wad Drawing Th? OulluglaUi y?ur 1* divided into two mwitton. or Urn,. o.. tta",,J5"wS?UI?'or'oS<,w! S2,"S"" SJESfK^ss'- Aprti E*'t* COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. 'iisasss .*-*-* I II. livy, fluishMl; Homer's (Mvhhuv au w (loiBhed; UMimotry, bvgun; History, olm^touod " ' ?"?**? ?* flushed; Caiculun; Natural Theolo^r; Evid,moeaof"hri?' II. kotfic; Mental Philosophy; The Alcestus of w?.i S^in. 8' flntohed: Nttturml ''hiloaophy i Meohaui,^, 1S33; SSSSi IS*"* **" HBr?Jotus, finished; Surveying II. Elements of Criticism; Butler's Analogy; Cicero's rusculau Questions; Demosthenes de Corona* Voltaic Electricity or Galvanism; Electro-Magnetism Miuri.cio ^^ssxss^s^saiis^L, PHILOSOPHICAL APPA11ATVB. .. "J1? Collie is provided with a Philosophic*! Apparatus that fUrnlshes ampttiffedns of experimental Illustration In all the different branches of Natural Philosophy. The f^Si i IkV 8^Dd do,lsrB has recently been expended, partly in this country and partly in London and Paris, in the purchase of new apparatus, adapted to the present advanced state ol the Physical Sciences. EXAMINATIONS. , At theclose of each study, or branch of study, the mem bersi of the class axe carefully examined, and, at the close of the year, t? aU th* studies of tlu. year, in the presence of a Committee of the Trustees; and their attainments are communicated to the Board of Trustees. RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. In addition to daily morning and evening prayer, di vine worship is held twice on every Sunday, and the reel tation on Monday morning is always in the Greek Testa request of his parent or guardian, a student is permitted to attend any place of worship which himself or the parent or guardian may select. One member of the Faculty will attend at each of the different places of wor ship (I resbyterian Episcopalian, and Methodist) in the village, and note all absentees. Two at least of the Professors, with their families, will reside in the College buildings, and will board at a com mon table with the students, who are required to occupy such rooms as may be assigned them by the Faculty. ADMISSION. In order to admission to pursue the entire course, a studwit must be at least fourteen years of age; must give satisfactory evidence of good moral character; and must sustain an examination in the following studies, vii ? Arithmetic, Elements of Algebra, Latin and Greek Grammar, Jacob s or ielton's Greek Reader, and the first h Xenophon's Anabasis, Jacob's or Doering's Latin Reader, Sallust or Ciesar, Cicero's Select Orations, aud Virgil, or what shall be deemed equivalent. EXPEN8ES. Entrance Feb.?If the student enter as Freshman, five 111? J ,f M Sophomore, ten dollars ; if as Junior, fifteen dollars; and if as Senior, twenty dollkrs. ' TuiHnn 1,4 Settioo. 2d Session. $21 00 $21 00 Room rent 400 400 Incidental expenses i oo i no Use of Library 1 ? 1 ? Janitor's Wages 100 ,AX Fuel for Oratory and Recitation room 1 60 remn^ " " Cbftrged to b,ni" rtiSTttaK tbe toUto'of 1116 ?< Washing, at the usual rates. All dues are payable in advance. The tuition is remit, Utr'yCm application, to all students designed for the Min The tuition feo for Modern Languages will be eiirht dollars per session, to be paid to thTlnst^tor taffi For students who do not design to prosecute the whole ^urse required for a degree, a more limited range of stu diex is furnished, adapted to the sphere and oourse of life Ipated individual, so far as such can be reasonably antic The studies of this Course are arranged under the follow- ; ing departments, to wit: wilh AH?hTn^AII^A1l,D"!AJir>'EWm-In which- beginning with Arithmetic and Algebra, the student will be carried '^""f !J_Ltbe hiRher brandies of the Mathe^ AHtronnm'y'Tc application to Natural Philosophy, j * ^P"81' Depart**!**?Comprising lnstrnotion ' in Orthography Heading, Elocution, Grammar, Writing, 1 '?<tographjr, History, Composition. Rhetoric, Logic, Intel lectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Political Grammar h H"* Constitution, Philosophy, Ornithology Na- ; ('hrUtU^ity087' Klement" of OrlttaEiii, and Evidences of , ?^A Dlf ?In which will be lm partod an acqiiaintanoe with all that is necessary to nual fr/eff for the immodiate duties of the counting-house, oriKlnal and popular system of art. which invariably produces a bold, flnishod hand IrnMnI*/. marTP 10 PurP08el' of the accountant and 1 ih?i.^'r<!ll^^T7Co^p^*inK nom?o?* abbreviated me- 1 Interent, Discount. Equation of Pay ments, Ac., and other m.-rcantilc calculations founded on per ?;nUge; together with all such operations m are re i I oo untl ng-room know,edKe "f th? business of the I 8 Hnok-krefnnf??ngl? and Double Entry, by the mo*t ! rh,P^,,- rA rTTI>1,RtP of in'tr^UoTin this branch will lie furnished, designed to fit the stuili-nt to take charge of any set of account hooks. . A"*,rt"-rr/RAL Department?Cbmnrlsinr a w>- I lection from the Kngllnh and Mathemntlcal eourwn; and, I r'7 ^"y- Mineralogy, Geo|f*v, Chemistry I and Agricultural Chemistry; the last two filustraU-d by experimental lectures. J j ftth. A Civil KifOiNin Depaktitknt?In which are tangbt Arithmetic, (Bu-nUI and written,) Algebra, (men U' writt^n') 2""mrtry' Trigonometry, Surveying, j wHh the use of instruments in the field. Practical Knd- ' ocering. Architecture, Perepeettye, Draughting, and To- i pojnfhT. AT"|W^ nourse of study will consist of a judicious selection of suhlects from the other departments including all the branch.* pursm-l in our nomroou schools. Practical I.ecturee will alii h,, on Mjool Tcs-hing. both as a sCennnT?^T" I ' relaZe"to theT^^n1yHthn".my'iT' th" '"rtructinn t T'v Jin *22 V. MMb Of teaching, but they Will ^also hsve opportunities of exemniifvhw "W-rtunity nf doing so: while others. WkoM ol.ieet n.av [be to Require sufficient knowledge to translate with fm-ii kv.snd to pronounce with tolerahl. "r^nZs, 1^' short a time as possible, are also provided for. Ifewark Academy. By a Iste re-organi*ation of this department of Del. I ware College, the Boanl of Trwtow have K metres 1 I to place It upon a new and improved foundation anil to 1 endow it with advantage, by fe^Tm^r^st? I in^he*(Vll r0U,ilrT. """? Acsd.'my, berctelhrc mended ! V" h: T of course saMectiil to all the evils which have Wn found to attend the amalgamation ?/??, two departments In th- sam, baildlng, ^ > ?Mune gr-vernment. now enjoys the privilege of a ? n?r!? ?'?tahllshment, w thout loslna those wbUh . ? Separate relation V. the C.lleg,. profi-r. h n>"uU A large and elegant .^ificw, with all the s, tures ?r a complete boarding establishment ^ . 'k. erectod and furnished, in which the stud-nl* r,f th!\ P and bis Assistants; and all Its eiercl*... .? J , nnclpal a system of Its own, uninterrupted by the Ini 7^ ?n operations of the other department T?, ftirnitnrTrrf rtudy-roomi and dormitories has been Chosen , u,^ liar reformer-to comfort and convenience for ^udv ^mi no cipenke has been spared In providing the an*'na?? necessary to render the means of Instruction ^ 2fJ^ew*rk Academy fac ilities for prixxit, ,tmlv .^t comfortable accommodation of students, fuiiT i | iheme nfTordpd hy man y of our roll^gpn. i From Its Intimate relation to the College student. 1 the Academy enjoy many advantage., no? ien.'r.n^K talned at Institutions of this kind. Those ^ho wish to 1 pursue some particular branch which falls within the College course, may he Mm tM T K?T'\7 I and discretion, by recommendation of the f>TlriH.' permission of the Faculty, may enjoy the use ?t A i ' lege Library without additional rhjr, aL,,.?" ^I" may be hsd to the I^ct,^. aml ?K? ?tW prt^L"'^ The charge for Boarding, Washing Fuel a with tuition ,n the English! Utln. andV.Ck, do lars for the Summer .Session, and seventy-*.. ? i in!fc.r f1"" rtn'y ettras are one dollar m'r ???.' i Mr!! ? incl.lental expenses, snd a fee of eight d^lUr.X .Vr. MATTHEW MRTOB, A M Newark, Delaware ?n.'.w.rePo,^.. WaStt^? HOAiUUAtt ??HOOL Jf ' f I.?i Thl" (a situated in mm ?r the h?althi*?t parte of iti. oity of Wilmington, en ? ' iUZSt V" PurUo?"' "I the toiro tt. uui f' " of the location may be inferred from the fctt that, aaiow lite uetebifehiuwU of Um Sehool, about twenty-eight years, very few ukm)? yX aeriims indisposition hev# occurred among the pupil*, and not a Wngledeath either here, or from diseases contracted while here. I lie ix>urse of instruction include*, benidw the ordinary English branches, Natural wKJneophy, Chemistry, l'hy Bi ology, lOstorv, Rhetoric, the various of Matfco maUos, and the LatU, Greek, and French linages. Par ticular attentton U paW to the Uteher Mathematics and their applloMUm to Meehaalod and Engineering; <)?? latter k-l"'V8y*aK *re taught practically by Ueid operation*, with IM JIM of appropriate instrument*. Uctures on Natural 1 hiloaophy and Chemistry, in whiuh all tho im portant principles are illustrate/ by experiment*, are regularly delivered before tlie students. As the olyoct is to make the Instruction as thorough and practical as possible, no expense has been spared in providing suitable apparatus. Jt is believed that, in this respect, the Institution will compare favorably with any similar one In the cOUntw. A carefully delected library, of more than one thousand to I utnes, containing works im the various branches of Literature and Science, furnishes amide reading matter, while a Laboratory, rully suppll.xl wltli apparatus and teste, contains all that Is necessary for practical instruction in Chemical Manipulation The school year commenced On the third Second-day (Monday) of the Math month, (September,) and la divided into four quarters of eleven weeks each, leaving a vacation of two months, from about the middle of the Seventh month (July). SAMUEL ALSOP, mar^4? PHnoipij, Wilmington, Del. MORE HOME EVIDENCE" " riHIK TESTIMONY OF ONE OF OUR LAWYERS.? X Mr, JA8. L. HAMILTON?Dear Sib: Although the number and respectability of the testimonials of which Jhou are already in possession, as to the efficacy of your ledicine, "THE GREAT VA. REMEDY," in tl<e diswises which it is designed to cure, are sufficient, in my opinion, to establish its reputation, and secure for it such patronage as will adequately reward you for the discovery of so ines timable a Medicine?yet the great benefit whioli I have derived from its use, and the salutary effects which I hnve witnessed from its employment in the cases of several friends, to whom 1 had recommended it, constrain me to j fr'r 8u<ih use h* you may think proper to inuke I,of it, this formal acknowledgment of its sanitary virtues. 3"*-Vr*PeP?l* ?f long duration, and very aggravated In Its character, manifested by au almost total destruction of the digestive functions, great debility, ner vousness, emaciation, and impaired appetite, with pain, and a burning sensation in the left side of the chest, palpi tation of the heart, vertigo and congestion in the head, and many other symptoms indicative of the worst type of the disease, by the use of three or four bottles of your W paraUon, been entirely relieved. The cases of my friends, in which your Medicine was taken, were Dyspepsia, Chni nfc Headache, and Sore Throat, iu all of which it proved efficacious, after the trial of a vast number of other reme dies without benefit. Your medicine is as pleasant to the taste as a oonlial, and in my experience corrects all de rangement of the stomach, restores the wasted or enfeebled energies of the digestive organs, and imparts strength and reanimation to the wholo system. Very respectfully, yours, Ac., J. HOWARD GRIFFITH, Marshall Buildings, ? ... Baltimore, Aug. 24th, 1860. For sale, in large or small quantities, by the Proprietor, or by those buying it to sell again. Office of the Pi^prietor, 290 N. GAY ST. -J11^ Baltimore, Md. wj VALUABLE LAW BOOKS. ? the attention of the Profession, and others desiring Law Books, to our very extensive stock, which, we believe, contains the best assortment of Ameri can Publications in the United States. Particular atten tton given to furnishing or completing Libraries for the Departments, Associations, and States. Orders by mail promptly and carefully executed. English Common Law Reports, 68 Volumes, wiin a complete Index to the first 47 Volumes. Since volume 39 of this series, The English Common Law Reports have been reprinted in full. With volume 44, wo commenced binding each English volume separately, in stead of, as formerly, two English in one American volume. Price?For the first 43 vols., $3 60 per vol. For the succeeding, 2 60 " The reputation which these Roports maintain in Eng land and in the United States is known to all the Profe.v sion. The low price at which they are otTered, compared with the rates of some of the principal Aluericun Reports, of even Inferior merit, recommends them particularly to the attention of those purchasing Libraries. A General Index to the first 47 Vols, of the Eng lish Common Law Reports. By Hon. Georos Suajwwood and Gboro* W. Bicdle, Esqrs. 1 vol. 8vo.?$& 00. With this Key to their contents, the English Common , w "^portfl present to the Profession a mass of legal learning in the shape of Opinions, Data, elaborate Argu ments, Ac., Ac., sufficient, probably, for the Elucidation and Prosecution or Defence of any case that can arise in our Courts of Law; and being thus made easily and in stantly accessible, these Report* will be found so compre .ln'_Je:20nTen t' and cheap, as to supersode the news s"y ?> other or more expensive scales. The Index will be found of great value to all possessing the Reports, and of great convenience to those having aocens to, but not owning the series. New English Exchequer Reports?Pleas and Equity. k*0.1? ^Printed f?^", In best style, with American j Notes, by J. I. Claki Ha*, and H. B. Wallacx, Esqrs, at $2 50 per vol., bound. ^ * Including MoCfelland and Youage, Yonnge and Jerri", I Crompton and Jervis, Crompton and Meeson, Crompton. Fruity an ^>f*,OC' and Younge and Collyer?In Meeson and Welsby in 19 rols., Welsby. Hurlstone and Gordon, voL 1, published and ready for delivery. We take pleasure in referring to the accompanying fetters, explanatory of the character of these Reports, and their value to the Profession in this country: m?,. T.? J. w. "??" Gentlemen?In reply to your fetter, I can with great "i'1.<',r, V **/' ? entertain a very high opinion of the recent Kxchequer Reports. In my judgment they are not fmi ^ any ootemporaneous RejK>rt?, in fearninc. ability, or general utility and interest. The cases deeid,,l ure discussed with great care, and expounded with uncom mon force. I scarcely know of any volumes which I deem of more importance or value for a Professional Library JOSEPH STORY. ? Camb*iixi*. January 26, 1846. Gentlemen: Your letter of the 24th has been received, rh y?u ,u'k my opinion as to the value of the Knir lish Exchequer Re|x>rts, from Price downwards to this time, to an American lawyer, and as to the expediency of reprinting them la this country. Of the high value of these Keports, IsiUi on the I'loas and Kijulty sides of the Court, I have not the least doubt?the decisions of this CMirt for the last fifteen or twenty years, both at Kquity and in Common Uw, being onUtl?l U< ?<,ual respect witf. 1 any others in Knglan.i. I should think an America., Lawyers Library essentially Incomplete without them. I am, gentlemen, very r.wpertfnMy yours, M.?r, T.! J. w. Law Library. fburth Series?fbrty Volumes. Twelve bound?Ten Dollars in Numbers. The cheapest Uw Periodical In the United States. It Is our determination to make the Uw library the cheapest series of reprints of English Uw publications in ? fimnd fnl'lv l!1* 2^*^ De?'"rtTn?"t will, we trust, be fonnd folly to realixe the expectations of those who 8?'th's M?'rcantile Uw,Touchstone. Hror.m's ?n^Ten^^(Wrh u ?".W Pr,U"' Undlonl Thl l UhM I l.''" tft. I^oporty, Smith on Contracts. The ii^h reputation which Uiv " Uw Ubrary" has sc itaJSuSe'TT?^ ^ "S"M SUU,,,? ** ' Xvnwter of rontrntj^h??'l| T thn rat* Rt wh,rh "* valuable content* have been presented to the Profession, is the best w'?".n ofrpr Oj ?ts merits and its claims for your support. *, hope, and will aim, to retain this high cha Leading Cases in Law and Equity. /" ',>rft Merits? WUh American AnOj. Svo *4 v," "!',u Tu(,.or''' '^in* Ca*es In Kriuity, 1 vol. b^^^-M ^are ;X^n,, e,ab0,mto Am'^n N0t^' i r?.u1,,ih1 i-?411"* Osrnm, 2 vols.?$10. late F fll.T.^I ^'tion-with Notes and References to j nn' J'1 Cl,,rk ?n" 8. A nerican Unding Cases, 2 vols. lng Cases *ln ^ ? the Iiead c" urte M te?i ^ t i" fW V th" American If"?' Mited by John Innis Clark ilare Kao >?.< Horace Blnney Wallace, Esq.?$e. ' h' 1 The hngtish Ecclesiastical Reports. Seven Volumejr?124 60. ~"-ln the rrt?* tn the notice of , , , It contains the only reports of the manv important cases of Wills, Settlement^ivorces, Ac cover* the whole of that important branch of the law eoi ^J^nld ber0,,!?T,,.b3: the (h-jihsnx' Court PractW. It would be difficult to point to any English Keirf)rt* of more general value In the United States, than thK? Mon of Dvrisions. ?Marvin's Ugal Hibliograpby British Crown Cases Reversed. Thret Volumes?M rJUlT" 17Bfl to 1840-To be con tinned. The Decisions upon the Crown Cases r?v?r?*ri #v? consideration of the Twelve Judges of Kn^lsnd are of the first importance to the due administration of the criminal' justice of the country; and in committing to the press SfcrirTJ :,nrt"? ? ^ent peri,si of more than forty years, the publishers believe that they are nmk thSpublfe*' oemraunlcation to the Profession and IU?e^^^0!^0nTIJ^^,7 PnW"hed "?nU,n . m . ? T. A J. W. JOHNSON, Urn Rookaellen^Publiahers, and Importers. *** W Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Tapaeott'it General JholgraUoa and JToreiga ** change Office, Itor convoying PuMiueri to and from (treat Britain and Ireland, and remitting money to ail parte of Eng land, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. ' W.A J.T.TAP80OTTA00,M18outt Htreet, New York, WM. TAPSOOTT A 00., 8t. George'* Buildings, Kegent'h Koad, Liverpool. In aiutounciug tint completion of Uittir arrangement# for the pretieut wiaoou of emigration, Uu> subscribers beg to assure their friends and public that every effort will be made by them to ensure a continuation of the patronage hitherto so liberally bestowed upon their Mouse; and would earnestly impress on the minds of those wirUing to nojid for their friends in the Old Country, that Mr. Wil liam 'i'apscott will personally superintend the departure of all persons from Liverpool, whose passage may be eu gaged at their office in Now York, or by any of their Agents throughout the United States and Canada. This, tliey l'eel assured, is a sufficient guaranty for promptness, and a full security that passengers will be quickly and carefully dispatched. The subscribers are agents for the New Llue of Liverpool Packets, viz: "Queen of the West," Capt. 1\ Woodhouse; "Sheridan," Captain G. 15. Cornish; "Constitution,"Captain John britton; "Garrlck," Captain 11, J. II. Trask; "llottinguer," Captain Ira bursley;" Row cius," Captain Kldredge; "Liverpool," Captain J. Eld radge; "Slddons," Captain Cobb. The "Union" Line of Liverpool packets, comprising the "Kappuhannock," "American," (new,) "Niagara," "At lantlo," "Cornelia," " Adriondack," " Bea," " Kmplre," " lvanhoe," (new,) " Mortimer Livingston" (new,) Ac. The "St. Gkoruk'h" Line of Liverpool Packets, com prising the " St. George," "St. Patrick," Ac. And many ? >ther first-class Packets, which this limited space will not admit of enumeration?sufficient in number, however, to despatch a Packet from Llveriiool at least every five days, thus preventing any delay whatever at that i>ort. The Ix)ndon line of Packets, comprising 24 ships, nail on the 1st, 8th, ltltli, and 24th of each month. The Glasgow Line of Packets, sailing from New York aud Glasgow ou the 1st and 16th of each month. The ships comprising the above Lines are already well known to be all of the first and largest, class, communde.l by the most experienced men, in the different trades, are fitted up strictly with an eye to the comfort of passenger* of every grade, and will sail punctually on their stated days. W. A J. T. Tapscott A Co. can confidently assert that they now possess facilities for carrying on the Emigration business between the Old and new World, suiterior to ai:y other establishment in the country, and through their own exertions and the combined efforts of William Taps rptt A Co., of Liverpool, their numerous customers may rest assured that the greatest punctuality will bo noticed and perfect satisfaction given in every branch of their business. REMITTANCES TO ENGLAND, IRELAND, SOOTI-AND, AND WALKS. The Rubscrilsjrs supply Drafts for any amount from ?1 upwards, drawn dircct and payable at the National ltank of Ireland and branches, Exchange A Discount Bank, and Win. Tapscott & Co., Liverpool; National Provincial llank of England, llank of Scotland and branches, Messrs. James Butt, Sons A Co., London. All of which are paid on demand, without dlsomut or any other charge. Persons residing in the country and wishing to send money to their friends, may insure its being sent satisfac torily, on their remitting to the subscribers the amount tliey wish sent, with the name and address of the person !'or whom it is intended; a draft for the umount will then be forwarded, per first sailing Packet or Steamer, and a receipt for the same returned by Mail. Persons having money in the Old Country which they wish to receive, without the expense of going for It, may get it safely transmitted by its being deposited with Win. Tapscott A Co., Liverpool, and an order from them for the amount will meet promt payment here. TO EMIGRANTS FOR THE FAIl WEST. W. AM. T. TAPSCOTT A CO. having the most extended arrangements for conveyance of passengers from New York to the Far West of any house in the trade, they are enabled to offer thom any modo of conveyance, whether railroad, canal, or steamboat, and that at prices as low as are usually paid for the worst possible conveyance, and with a certainty of thuir not being sutyectcd to any delay or imposition on the route. Every information given on application either person ally, or by letter addressed to W. A J. T. TAPSCOTT A Co., At their General Emigration and Foreign Exchange Office, 86 South st., New York. Or to WM. TAPSCOTT A CO., St. George's Buildings, Regent's Koad, Liverpool. CHARLES McDERMOTT, Es<i., Agent for Lowell, Mas sachusetts. mar 24? NOTICE. BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON KAILROAD. ON and after WEDNESDAY next, 9th Instant, the sta tion on Pennsylvania avenue will be vacated, aud the new one on New Jersey avenue occupied. The Passenger trains will leave the latter, commencing at 6 p. in., as usual, at 6 and 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. daily, ex cept on Sunday, when but two trainB run, vix., at B a. m. and 5 p. ni. In making this change, the undersigned desires to call attention to the rules of the Company, in regard to the reception and delivery of merchandise: 1st. 8liippeni are reminded, that in all coses a bill with full directions should accompany the goods. This is for the protection of both parties, and unleat complied with the goods cannot be received. 2d. Consignees are notified that all merchandise must be removed on the same day upon which it is received, as the Company cannot hold itself responsible for any thing left in its house during the night. The hours for reception and delivery of merchandise are from H a. m. till 4 p. m. The undersigned takes occasion to remark that these art not new regulations, but he has been compelled to call at tention to them from their frequent violation, which bus cr.used much and serious inconvenience. ap 7?d2w T. U. PARSONS, Agent. FURNISHING MAIL LOCKS AND KEYS. Pos* Orrici Department,) Marc/, 14, 1851. J IT being desirable to substitute locks and keys of some other kind for those now in use for the mail service of the United States, specimen lock* and keys, with pro posals to furnish the same, will be received and considered at the Post Office Department until the first day of July next. The different locks will bo submitted to a commis sion for examination and report. Upon this report, con tracts will, as soon as practicable, tie entered into for flir nishing such locks and keys for four years, with tho right on the part of the Postmaster General, for the time being, to extend and continue the contract In force for an addi tional term of four years, by giving to the oontractor n written notice to that effect, not more than nine nor h-ss than six months before the termination of the first term of four years. With a view of procuring the best lock at the lowest price, no kind of lock Is prescribed as a standard, the Do partment relying for a selection on the mcchanleal skill and Ingenuity which a fair competition, now invited, may develop. It Is, however, proper to state that a lock suit thle for the mail service shonkl possess the following qual ities, vii: durability, uniformity, lightneM. and strength. For the pnrpose of displacing simultaneously all the mall locks and keys now In use, about thirty thousand new loci* and twenty thousand keys adapted thereto will he required to be furnished by the contractor within seven months after the contract shall have been entered Into: afterwards the annual supply will depend on the dura bility of the locks and keys adopted, as well as the In crease of the mail service; but it will probably never ex ceed in amount three thousand of the former and one lltousand of the latter. No lock will be considered if it he like any already In general use; nor will any one with whom the contract ?nay he made he allowed to make, sell, or furnish, any lock or key similar to those contracted for for any other purpose or use than that of the Post < iffioe Department The kind of lock adopted must be paten W, and the |>a trntee will be required, on entering intocontract, to make an assignment of his patent for the exclusive use and ben efit of the Department, if the Postmaster General shall deem such requirement essential to the Interest* of the service. Incase of the failure of the contractor at any time to fulfil faithfully the terms and conditions of his oontrart, the Postmaster General shall have the right, henlde* a resort to the penal remedy hereinafter men tioned, to annul said contract, ami to contract anew with any other party or parties as he may see fit, for tarnishing similar locks and keys. In deciding upon the proposals and specimens offered, the Postmaster General may deem it expedient to seleet for the through malls the lock of one bidder, and for the way mails that of another, lie reserves, then-fore, the right of contracting with different individuals for sueh different kinds of locks as he may select, and also the j right to reject all the specimens and proposals. If he shHll ' deem that course for the interest of the Department. Tin party or j*rtinscontracting will bo required to give bond, with ample security, in the sum of thirty thousand dol lars. for a faithful performance of the contract. The con tract Is to contain provisions for this due and proper in spection of the locks and keys, and also for guarding against their passing into improper hands; the terms of these provisions to be arranged between the Department and the successful bidder, if a bid should be accepted. No application will be considered If not accompanied with satisfactory evidence of the trustworthy character of | the bidder, and of his ability to fulfil the contract. N. K. HALL, mar 24? Postmaster General. Philadelphia Type and Stereotype Foundry. riMIE subscriber would call the attention of Printers 1 to the greatly reduced prices of the present list. They now offer Plea at 30 cts. Small Ilea - ? ? - 32 " I/ong Primer - ? ? 34 " Bourgeois 37 " Brevier ...... 42 Mlnlon 41 cts. Nonpareil ft8 " Agate ....... 72 '* Pearl 1 08 ? Diamond I m Determined to spare no expense In making their estab lishment as perfect as possible, they have recently got up a complete set of the just ly celebrated Scotch-cut Letter. from Diamond to English, to which they particularly Invite attention. Having lately made numerous additions to their stock of Kaney Types. Borders, Ornaments. Ac., their assortment is now unrivalled in the United States; and their im proved methods of casting, and of preparing metal. enable them to furni?b orders In a manner to insure satisfaction Printing Presses, Cases, Stands, Chases, Galleys, Print ing Ink, and every article used in a printing-office, con stantly on hand, at the lowest rates. S<-eond-hand Presses, and Type used only In stereo typing, at reduei-d prioea. Books, Pamphlets. Music, I.abets, Ac. Ac., stereotyped with correctness and despatch. N. B. Specimen Books will be sant to Printers who wish to make order.. L. JOHNSON A 00., nar 84?tf No. 6 Sanson street. HUNT'S MERCHANTS' MAOAZlNh AMD COMUkJlCIAL HKV1MW. MUdbtUfud, July, 1888, BY f BMNAJI UUJHT, H1MTOB. AJIU PKOPailTOK. TllliK Number lot i>ucefuber, 18&0, completed Uiu twen 4. ty-thlrd semiannual volume The work hint Ims enlarged niuoe iU Ii uiuwurt iiieut in July, Ik'M, alid ern h volume now contains more than seven hundred large M> IttVo pages. A few complete sets of tlie Magaxlne oiay be obtained at the publisher's oihcu, 142 Fulton street, New York, neatly and substantially bound, for two (lollu> and a lialf pur volume. Tliv following are a few of the many commendatory let tern reoelved by the editor of the Merchants' Magazine trom distinguished suuoement Letter from t/it lion. Henry Clay, Abhland, liOth July, 1849. Dear Sir: I wish to express to you the gratification 1 derived ou receiving the July number of the Merc-bunts' Magaxlne and Commercial Keview, from viewing ytur portrait in the beginning, and from reading your addicsa to your friends at the end of It. When w e fuel under ob ligations to those w ho have contributed to our inl'oi mu tton and amusement, we are naturally detiroun to possesa all the knowledge of them, of their appearance, of the fea tures of their countenance, atid of the character and hab its of their mind, which we can acquire. You have placed your numerous readers (at least you have me, it' 1 may not speak for them) under those obligations; and the number of your valuable work now )>efore me, iu Heme degree, satisfies the desire to w hich 1 have alluded. 1 have become quite familiar with the Mayacine and Keview, and have no hesitation iu expressing uiy humble opinion that it is eminently entitled to the public regard and support. It colli* ts and arranges, in good order, a large amount of valuable statistical and other liil'uimation, highly useful not ouly to the merchant, but U> the states man, to the cultivator of the earth, to the manufacturer, to tlie mariner, in short, to all classes of the business and reading community. Kutertaiuiug tills opiuion, I am glad that it has been, and hope that it may continue to be, liberally patronized. Offering you cordial assurances of my esteem and re gard, 1 am truly your friend and obedient' servant, Freeman Hunt, esq. 11. CLAY. Extract of a letter fnnn Hon. Millard Fillmore. "1 hnve read it (Men-bants' Magazine) with a good deal of attention, and have uo hesitation in saying (hat I think it oue of the most valuable periodicals that waa ever published. To the merchant it seems quite indis pensable, and to the statesman and man of general infor mation almost equally desirable. It is a grand repository ut useful facts and information, which can be found no where so well digested and so accessible as in these num bers. 1 only regret that I do not own the whole work." Litter from the Hon. Thomas H, Benton. Washington City, April 20,1840. Mr. Freeman Hunt.?Sir: I owe you many thanks for the opportunities 1 have had to read the Merchants' Mag azine, aud have found It In reality to be a magarint, and tbat well replenished, of all the useful mutter which the title would imply, and presented with a fullness and clearness which delights while it instructs. It is, in fact, a merchants' magazine in the large acceptation of the term?merchants who go between nations, whose large operations bring many departments of knowledge, and a view of the state of the world, into dally requisition. Hut it is not the great merchaut only, but the oue of more modest, but, nevertheless, of most useful operations?the merchaut of the interior also?who w ill find this magazine to abound with the information the pursuit of his busi ness and the elevation of the mercantile character re quires. Nor is its utility at all confined to merchants, but extends to the legislator and diplomatist, and to all who are charged with managing the affairs of the nation. For myself, I have found it most useful to me in my senato rial labors, aud have been in the habit for many years of carefully consulting it. Very respoctfully, sir, your obedient servant, TIIOMAS H. BENTON. heller from Hon. Wro. H. Seward. My Dear Sir: Have the goodness to place my name on your list of subscribers for the Merchants' Magazine. I regard it as an invaluable work for the use of all who would understand not merely commercial operations in this exteuding country, but the fiscal and commercial questions involved in the administration of the govern I ment. I am, with great respect, your humble servant. Freeman Hunt, esq. WILLIAM H. SEW AUD. The Merchants' Magazine. is published monthly, at 142 Fulton street, New York, by Freiwan Hunt, and fur l nished to subscribers tor five Dollars a year, in advance. I mar 24 W. . SPRING IMPORTATION. A 8. PHI PI'S A CO., 64 and 66 Broadway, Nevr York, and 10 Milk street. Boston, are now re I oeiving a complete assortment of British, French, and Oer | man Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, which they offer on liberal terms. N. B. W4U receive the newest stylo of Dross Goods by I every steamer. A large assortment of Trimming Goods always ou band. mar 24? BALTIMORE PIANO FORTE MANUFACTORY. ELASTIC* IN1VKK6AL TOUCH. WISH A UROTIlEB, Manufacturers of boudoir, Grand, j and Square J'ianns, request those who would be assured 1 <jf a first claw Piano, one that ladles can perform on with the greatest possible advantage?one that the ti urtl ?lan be lustantly adjusted to the exact strength of the lin gers and movement of music, one that will stand In con cert tune, oue that the tone will uot become shrill and grating, that is chaste of style aud cUgantly made up ot straight and regular curve lines, tbat will last an ap<?to give them a call. The ancient standing of the Baltimore Factory, aud liberal patronage of citlxens and oth< r? of the first order of artistic taste and srience. conceded at once the most critical, have been fully anticipated. '11 eir recently finished Grand Piano, minutely reviewed by the Oiost accomplished civil engineers and master artists, has been denominated truly a O'raml l\ar<i; also, tbat their 1 late Iioudair, for style, power, and compass of tone, is not I surpassed, if equalled, in the world. Friends and rns I temers, please atop in and cxam'.ne for yourselves J. J. WISE A BROTHER, No. 81 Hanover street, Baltimore. * Elastic, because the kevs recover their quiescent place I in time equal to the displacing. Universal, because the I name instrument may be instantly altered to any degree hard, ot soft touch, so that ton thousand or more per formers, all different, may each find the touch they pre i fer. mar 24?tf COLD SPRING WATER CURE. rilHIS NEW AND SPLENDID ESTABLISHMENT for 1 the scientific treatmeut of the various diseases with * tiicli the human system is afllicted, is situated about three miles front the city of Ilutfalo, in a rural spot, and *o accessible from all points as to tie reached without In convenience or delay. A Hue of omnibuses runs from the steamboat landings In Buffalo to the springs every ten minutes. The house and grounds are near the extensive and beautiful green-house,-aud nursericKof the Messrs. Hodges A Bryants; and the scenery in all directions is unsur pnssed, as regards either variety or beauty; cm hint jug | lints of view, from which may be taken in at a glance " the broad expanse or take Erie, the Niagara flowing ma jestically towards the Falls, extensive forests, ami the '-Queen City of the I^akea," with its moving panorama of Steamlioats and ceaseless enterprise. The writer, taken Immediately from the celebrated ?'Cold Spring," is unsurpassed as regards coldness and purity, by any In the United states. The house, recently erected at a cost of about seven thousand dollars, ha* been fitted up in a neat and elegaut stylo, at considerable ex tra expense, ajid is sufficiently capacious to accommodate seventy-five patients. Connected with the establishment, anil constituting one of its attractions, are the fixtures and conveniences for In nocent and healthful gymnastic exercises. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. The institution is under the general supervision of 8. M. DbvIs, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in Central Medical College, and Geo. W. I'm is, VI. V., formerly of Dansvllle, N. Y., the resident physician, and is permanently nssociaU-d with the liefore mentioned gentleman as counsel, and associate of the medical 1 oard of control. Ainl the friends of the establishment deem it a matter of felicitation that the services of Miss Mary M. Taylor, a lady of high medical attainments, who bus at tended two courses of lectures In the Central Mcdhal Col lege, have Wen secured, and that female patients can at any time avail themselves of her Invaluable aid and coun sel. The steward's department is under the control of a gen tleman eminently qualified for that |iosition; and unwea rled pains will t>e taken to have every thing appertaining to the establishment arranged on a plan, and conducted In ? way, to ensure the comfort, siul promote the htalth And happiness of all who may wish to avail themselves of Its benefits. Baths of all descriptions, adapted to llie cure of the various forms of disease, and constructed on a scale not Inferior to those of any other establishment in this [ country. An enlightened public sentiment has everywhere repu diated a reckless use nf drugs In the treatment of disease; while intolerable sufferings and broken constitutions hava haranUfrvty tiiMati i "Mtnt.* A return from a wide I and fatal departure from the simplicity of Nature's law* I Is called for, alike by a rational lore of happiness nnd the deplorable exigencies of our condition. Hydropathy, or a scientific use of water as a restorative and curative agent, I Is a practical substitution of a simple and remarkably effi cacious mode of caring the sick; for that system of drug* ging. depleting, and cauterixing. which, in obtaining the mastery over disease, too frequently places the patient be yond the reach of further annoyance. The success ol the various Water Cure establishments In this country, to say nothing of any other, has fnlly confirmed the hopce of the smrly discoverer* and promulgators of the great truths upon which Uia system Is founded, and renders verbal communications unnecessary. It Is deemed sufficient to sav. that the " Cold Spring Water Cure" will compare fa vorably with any of the well-conducted establishments ot a similar character, and will lie fbund equal to the best, as regards the order, convenience, and desirableness of its arrangements. The Institution Is now opeu for the recep | tion of patients, and in fail operation. TERMS. For board, medical advice, attendance and nnrslng, Ac., from $7 to >14 per week, payable weekly, varying accord ing to the room and attention required. Each patient will be required to furnish two linen sheets, two cotton comforters, one woollen blanket, and four towels; or, where it Is not convenient for the patient to furnish them as above, they cen tie supplied at the establishment by psying fifty cents a week. . All communications for medical advice should be aa dressed either to 8. M. Davis, M. D.. or toOeorge W. Dart* M. D., 280 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. ? . M. A U. W. DAVW A Co.. Bu*alo.