OCR Interpretation

American telegraph. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1851-1851, October 06, 1851, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

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Corner of 14M stred and New York Avenue.
Z. RICHARDS, Principal.
H. Cua.i?, I . . . .
H. W. McNkil, j
A. Zapponk, Professor of Modern Languages.
It- Gibson, Teacher of Drawing and Painting.
Circulars can be obtained of the Principal, or at R.
Faruhum's Bookstore. I oct 1?tf
sumed on the 29th of October. In the Scientilic
School, now connected with the College, young ineu in
advance of our academies enjoy rare facilities in preparing
for practical life.
In the Mercantile Department a thorough business edu
cation may be had.
In the Agricultural Department special attention is
giveu to agricultural chemistry.
There is also a Teachers' Department, and a Depart
ment of Modern Languages.
Newark Academy opens on the same day, (29th Octo
ber.) Applications for admission should be made early.
Term bill $76. For circulars containing full information,
address Rev. W. S. I'. GRAHAM,
Sep 0?2aw4inWAS] President of the College.
Ttacher a>ul Translator of French, Spanish and Italian.
(The Classics taught also, if required.)
A FEW PUPILS may be instructed on the Gul
Classes ol gentlemen meet at his room on Pennsyl
vania avenue, north side, between ad and 4J^ streets.
Pupils will bo accommodated at their residences also,
sep 15?tf
Second story, Old Medical College, corner of E |
and Tenth Streets.
f I GIB duties of our Institution will be resumed on Mon
JL day, September 1st, ensuing. Circulars may be ob- I
tained at the bookstores of Austin Gray, Taylor A Maury, ]
and R. Farnhum; or of ourselves, corner of IS and Tenth
streets. JAMES NOURSK,
Under the care of lieo. Alfred llolmead, Rector,
and Mr. Charles Tucker, A. M.
riAIIE DUTIES of this Institution will be resumed on
X the 18th of August, in the lower Saloon of Mr. C&
rusi's building.
In English, Mathematics, Greek, Latin, and French,
the course will bo full and thorough. Pupils fitted for |
the Counting-room or College.
The experience of fifteen years, in the management of |
boys, induces the confident belief that the satisfaction ex
pressed by their numerous former patrons, both in Mary
land and Virginia, will bo shared by those who may be
pleased to entrust the education of their sons to their
For terms and further information apply to the Rector, |
the Rev. Alfred llolmead, at his residence on 9th, between
E and F streets. ? [ jy 29?dtf
SHEETINGS.?130 pieces Sheetings, all grades?
cotton and linen. YERBY & MILLER,
sep 29?lm
rilARllAMT'S Effervescent Seltzer Ape
_L rtent.?This highly valuable preparation is the
most convenient and efficacious aperient in use, and may
be had at $1 per bottle at the Drug Store, corner of E and
7thttreet?. J. F. CALLAN.
sep 23?
AT THE BIBLE DEPOSITORY, corner of E and loth
streets. [sep 1?tf) JAMES NOURSE.
DANIEL PIERCE continues to cover and re
pair UMitltKLLAS and PARASOLS as usual,
"at his old stand, Pennsylvania avenue, south
side, be I ween 12th and 13th streets, sign of the
black and white Umbrella. ttt)~ A general assortment
of Umbrellas for sale. Silk, Gingham, and other materi
als suitable for every description of repairs, always on
hand, tiu' Pa. a v., south side, between 12th and 13th
streets. J une 3?eotf
HYMNS of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Hymns of the Methodist Episcopal Church South
Ilymtis of the Methodist Protestant Church
Lutheran Hymns
The Psalmist, with supplement
Watts and Rippon
Watts and Select Hymns
Parish Hymns
Psalms and Hymns
Episcopal Prayer-Books, with Lessons
Bible and Prayer?bound together
Catholic Prayer-Books
Bibles and Testaments; large and substantial Fami-1
Bibles, Pocket Bibles, etc.
All of the above in every variety and style of binding.
ap 26?eodtf 7th street, opp. (Kid-Fellows' Hall.
pared by the late Br. TALLJ5Y, of this city, acts like a
charm, invariably effecting permanent cures in all cases of
Wounds,Bruises, Burns, Scalds,Chilblains. Painful Swell
ings, Biles, Piles, Abscesses, Ulcers, and Sores of all kibds.
It is wonderfully efficacious for Jnfiammation or riting
of the Female Breast, or inflammation arising from any
As a lip salve, and for chapped hands, it has no supe- J
rior. It will make a perfect cure in a hurry.
The subscriber has used it in bis own family with
astonishing success, and can recommend it with con
fidence. And so well assured is the Proprietor of its effl- |
cacy, that the purchaser will be at liberty to return what [
salve is left and his money be refunded in case of failure.
A. GRAY, Bookseller, 7th street,
ap 34?lawy General Agent fox the U. S.
WIIITEHURST'S new and ex
Store of Duvall A Itro., between
iyt and 6tli tracts, Pennsylvania
This Gallery possesses many advantages over others,
being built on the second floor, and arranged expressly
for this purpose. It contains one of the largest sky
lights in this country, and is the inost extensive and
finost south of Baltimore. It possesses every facility for
copying Paintings or Daguerreotypes, not having its su
perior in the world?where may lie obtained beautiful
and highly-finished Daguerreotypes in all weather, though
cloudy is preferable, except for children. Post mortem
cases promptly attended to.
Awarded the first medal at the late Fair of the Mary
land Institute. ...
Galleries.?No. 205 Baltimore street, Baltimore; 347
Broadway, New York; Pennsylvania avenue, Washing
ton, D. C.; 77 Main street, Richmond, Va.; Lynchburg,
Va.; Norfolk, Va.; and Petersburg, Va.
??>- These Galleries arc open free to the public, at all
hours of the day. , ? . .
sep 20?tf J. II. WHITEIIURST, Solo Proprietor.
JAMES A. CONNER, proprietor of the CITY EX
PRESS, begs leave to inform the public that he
still continues to run his EXPRESS WAGON to George
town daily, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He will also
convey baggsge to and from the Cars, and to any part of
the city, at moderate charges. He hopes, by strict atten
tion to his business, and the prompt ami faithful delivery
of all articles committed to his keeping, to merit a liberal
share of the patronage of the public.
Orders left with Mr. Lewis F. Perry, at Clagett A Dod
son's, Pennsylvania avenue, near 9th street, will be at
tended to with promptness and fidelity. [ au 2?tf
(lESfliEMEN'S W K AIIIIV OS.?We have
J in store the following articles, particularly adapted
for gentlemen's wear, which are choice and elegant :
15 pieces French Cloth, black and fancy, of first grades
20 do medium and cheap Cloth, black and fancy
10 do extra superior Scotch Cassimere, entirely new
20 do fancy good stylos medium
20 do black Doeskins and Cassiineres, all qualities,
and of the most approved makes
160 patterns of the most choice Vestings
25 embroidered Satin Vest Shapes, rich and beautiful
Also, a vory superior stock of Alexander's Kid Gloves,
with all kinds of silk, woollen, and cotton Gloves, half
Ilose, Undershirts and Drawers, Suspenders, Cravats,
Toeket Handkerchiefs, Ac.
The whole of which will be sold at the very lowest
sep 18?lm _____ .
Under th* direrJitm of Aarojt Haioht Palmer, of New
York, ami Wortiusoton G\RRrrrsoi? Smith r.*, of If em
OrUtann, Altoni'i/n and Omntrllors of the, Sup. Churl U.S.
This establishment is formed for the following objects:
1. For practicing law in the Supreme Court of the Uni
ted States, and conducting professional business before
? iT^For the prosecution and recovery of allclalms, in law
or equity, against the United States Is-fore Congress or
the Executive Departments, or against foreign Govern
ments before Boards of Commissioners.
8. For the settlement of accounts with the State, Trea
sury, War, Navy, Post Office, and Inferior Departments,
and obtaining the remission of fines, penalties, and for
feitures for alleged violations of the revenue, post office,
or other laws.
4. For securing letters patent for Inventions from the
UniUni States or from foreign Governments, and procu
ring land warrants and pensions under the various pen
sion laws of the United States.
6. For collections generally, embracing debts, legacies,
and inheritances In the United States and foreign coun
Q. For the purchase and sale of lands In any of the
States or Territories of the Union, and loaning moneys
on mortgage of real estate lying therein.
7, For investment of funds in Unihvl States and State
stocks and loans, collection of the dividends thereon, and,
generally, for the transaction of all business pertaining to
a law, loan, ami banking agency.
All communications addressed, post-paid, to Messrs.
Falmer A Snethen, American and Foreign Agency, City
of Washington, will receive prompt and faithful attention.
June 30?ly* Office No. 6Carrotl Place, Capitol Hill.
TAYLOR * MAVHY. BookieUara and
Bt?tlouer*i IVoiuiTlviuiia avenue, near 9th .
street. have oonsUntlv ou Laud a full assortment of
PAPER, of every variety, for Bale at New York price?,
au 22?bt
I EPISCOPAL Prayer-book*.
\i Catholic Prayer-books.
Methodist llymu-books
Unitarian Hymu-books.
Presbyterian Hymn-books.
Baptist llyinn l ook*. In every variety.
for salts at the published price, by
June 28?tf Booksellers, near 8th street.
ALL of Harper A Brothers' Publication*.
All of Appleton's Publications.
All of Putnam's Publications,
Little A Brown's, Boston; and all books published in
the United States.
For sale at the publishers' prices by
June 28?tf Booksellers, near 9th st.
RULED LETTER PAPKK at $1 26 a ream.
Ruled Foolscap Writing Paper at $1 25 a ream.
Good Envelopes at $1, $1 25, and $1 00 a thousand.
Steel Pens at 25 cunts, 50 cents, and 75 cents a gross.
Small Wrapping Paper at 25 cents a ream.
For sale at TAYLOR A MAUItY'S
June 28?tf Book and Stationery store, near 9 th st.
With 12J Cents to save four Pounds of Coffee !
rpms ESSENCE has been proved by many thousands
X uf the richest and most respoctublo families, as well
as by the poorer class of people, almost through the whole
United States, to be by far the best preparation of Coffee
ever offered to the public. Coffee made by this Essence
is much more wholesome, more delicate, fine-fiavored,
perfectly clear, and, in every instance, superior to the
finest Java coffee.
In order to givo full satisfaction and proof that the
above article is perfectly healthy, and to show something
of the deserved reputation it has gained and justly enti- j
tied to, we annex u few certificates and recommendations,
particularly relating to health, from Or. Booth and Dr.
Chilton, practical Chemists and Analysists of the cities of |
Philadelphia and New York; also, from our Agents, all
of whom are prominent Chemists and Druggists.
College Avenue, Tenth st., below Market st.,
Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1861.
I have examined the Essence of Coffee manufactured
by Hummel, Bobler A Co., and find that its constituents
are not iu the least degree injurious to health; it may be
used freely and with perfect safety.
JAMES BOOTH, l'rofr. of Chemistry,
applied to Arts, Franklin Institute.
No. 73 Chambers st., New York, Aug. 22,1851.
I have examined an article prepued by Messrs. Hum
mel, Bohler A Co., of Philadelphia, called Essence of Cof
fee, which is intended to be used with coffee for the pur
pose of improving it. 1 find it free not only from any
thing injurious to health, but, on the contrary, the in
gredients of which it is composed are perfectly whole
some. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., Chemist.
York, Penna., Aug. 4,1851.
Messrs. Hummel, Bohler A Co.?Gentlemen: We take
pleasure in recommending your "Essence of Coffee" as a
very superior article; it is extensively used in our county;
we have only had it one year, and have sold over 16,000
packages. Wo believe it to bo one of those articles that
will remain iu constant use, and the tuore it becomcs
known the greater will be tho demand for it.
Yours, respectfully, C. A. MORRIS & CO.
This Essence of Coffee may be had, wholesale and re
tail, at the corner of E and 7 th streets.
oct 4?dtf J. F. CALLAN.
~ removal!
JOHN D. CLARK has removed bis Magistrate's, No
tary Public, and General Agency Office, to Twelfth
street, third door south of Pennsylvania avenue. Sol
diers' Claims for Land, Back Pay, Extra Pay, Pensions,
Claims before Congress and the Departments, promptly
attended to at moderate charges. Persons at a distance
may explain their claims, (post paid,) and suitable forms
will bo sent back with instructions. sep 19?6m
T1HE BUILDER'S GUIDE?containing Lists of Prices
and Rules of Measurement for Carpenters, Bricklay
ers, Stone-masons, Stone-cutters, Plasterers, Slaters, Paint
ers, Glaziers, Ac. Also, a table of lineal, square, aud cu
bic measures, rules of mensuration, the building regula
tions, the laws relativo to buildings, lien laws, Ac., Ac.
J ust published, and for sale by
sop 16?lm D street, between 9th and 10th.
For Fitting up Stores with Fancy Fronts.
17 E. GEIGlik, Builder and Architect, would respect
. . fully inform his friends and the public in general,
that he is prepared to fit up Stores and build Fancy Fronts
on an entire new plan, embracing all the latest improve
ments. The work can be done without stopping the busi
ness while the work is going on.
He is also prepared to do all kinds of work in the build
ing line, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable
terms. All business entrusted to his care will be promptly
attended to.
Place of business on D street, between 9th and 10th.
may 1?6m
XWE would invite the Ladies to call and examine
our extensive Stock of Green, Blue, and Black
Watered, Bordered and Lined Silk and Satin Turc
PARASOLS?the largest assortment in the District, at
greatly reduced prices.
Also a choice selection of UMBRELLAS, all of the latest
fashion, and the work warranted.
JUST RECEIVED?a handsome variety of Silks and
Scotch Ginghams for re-covering.
Repairing and Covering faithfully and punctually
executed. A. CORBIT A CO.,
may 6? 6m Penn avenue, near 4 street.
JAS. F. HARVEY, Undertaker,
Seventh street, between G and 11 streets,
77 WOULD ros]>eotftilly return his thanks
Wi|f -pTTT rr Bflr to his fellow-citizens, and those of the sur
rounding country, for their past patronage, and would in
form them that lie is fully prepared to fill all orders for
Funerals at the shortest notice. He would respectfully
say that he has taken considerable pains to provide him
self with all manner of conveniences for an Undertaker.
Ills mode of preserving Ixxties in the. warmest weather has
never failed to give the utmost satisfaction.
He keeps constantly on hand a large supply of I
ready-made COFFINS, of all sizes.
June 2?MWAS?y [Marlboro' Gazette?ly]
Portsmouth, July 9, 1861.
Mr. J. K. Bousit?Dear Sir: I feel It a duty to make
known the benefit 1 have derived from Dr. Hampton's
VEGETABLE TINCTURE. For a number of years I
suffered from disease, but to a greater degree for the last
three years. One of the forms of my disease was dyspep
sia. From this dreadful malady I suffered to such an ex
tent that life was really a burden. The attack of it on
me was different to that on any other person of whom 1
have heard; at times it was like the palpitation of the
heart; there was a constant thumping and beating with
out intermission about the region of my heart, chest, and
stomach; some of the attacks would last for weeks; my
stomach was much distended, with constant pain, great
weakness, and constipation of the bowels. I could not
oat the most simple food without pain. I also suffered
greatly from disease of the kidneys, with constant pain
in the back, that I could walk only with great difficulty.
I tried nearly all of the most celebrated patent medicines
of the day, but found no relief. I had also the best medi
cal attendance. One of my physicians frankly told me it
was of no use for me to be paying him for advice, as he
could do me no good. 1 gave up almost in despair, and
thought my disease certainly incurable.
At this juncture I heard of Hampton's Vegetable Tinc
ture. I refused to give it a trial, although persuaded by
my friends, until my son purchased a few bottles, and
requested me to try it; after taking it a few times, it had
a most happy effect on me; my confidence Increased, and
after taking three bottles, my dyspepsia, or disease of tho
stomach, was nearly if not entirely cured. I now feel
myself a new man, and in better health than for years.
1 am certain the cure in my ease was made by this Hamp
ton's Vegetable Tincture alone. Since my cure I have
recommended the tincture to a number of my friends,
who have also t>eon relieved by it. Some of the cures
have been as rapid and equally wonderful as mine.
I present my respects to Messrs. Mortimer A Mowbray,
the proprietors of this valuable medicine, and say to them
its value is above price; and from my cure, and what I
have seen of Its effects on others, I shall ever feel it my
duty to recommend It to the suffering. I have no doubt
many valuable lives will be prolonged by Its use. I hope
the afflicted will cast aside their prejudices and give it a
trial. Yours most respectfully, (Signed)
Jonx Luke.
The above is extracted from a letter from a gentleman
sixty years of age, and of high character. He says: " I
have given but a faint Idea of my sufferings ; I feel inad
equate to the task." We also have received, in the last
few days, letters from two of our most worthy and well- i
known citizens, giving two remarkable cures of spinal
disease. But yesterday one of the oldest merchants re
ported that he was cured of neuralgia of the head, of
years standing, and so bad that bis teeth fell out from its |
effects. Call and see letters. Was them ever so many j
cures, wonderful cures, made by any other medicine.
All we ask of tho afflicted is that they try Hampton's |
Vegetable Tincture, the great purifier of the blood and
cure for all chronic diseases, as dyspepsia, rheumatism, I
scrofula, and all complaints of the stomach, bowels, Ac.
General Agents, Baltimore st. [
Also for sale by C. Stott A Co., Washington, I). C.
Joseph Moffett, 7 th St.. near E.
R. 8. T. Clssell, Georgetown,
jy lfV?3m C. C. Berry, Alexandria, Va. |
HN. GILBERT has opened an office in Washington J
, city, where ho will give his prompt attention to
all those who will favor him with the agency to sell farm* j
Ip Virginia, Maryland, or the District of Columbia. Having
followed farming heretofore, and being a northerner by
birth, he can appreciate the wants of such as come from
the North for the purpose of locating farms in this vicin- |
Ity. Ho has tho agency to sell a goodlv number of farms j
in Virginia, and those coming from the North would do
well to call, before purchasing, at his residence on Penn- |
sylvanla avenue, first square west of the Capitol Gate,
may 2#?y *2m I
[Despatched to the American Telegraph.]
New York, October 6?12 m.
The steamer Ohio armed here this morning
from Chagres, bringing the Pacific's mails,
about two miilious in gold, and four hund red
and fifty passengers. She has no later Cali
fornia news.
Baltimore, Oot. 6?2 p. m.
Sales of 200 barrels Howard street flour at
$3.94; 200 do. City Mills at $3.12* ; grain
James Beatty, an opulent merchant of Balti
more, died last night.
Northern markets unchanged.
Philadelphia, Oct. 5.?The steamer Com
modore, for New York from Stonington, ran
down the sloop Nonesuch, last night, bound
from New York for Westport, Ct. Captain Buck
ley was severely injured. The crew was saved.
Troy, N. Y., Oct. 5.?The steam planing-mill
of Mr. Norton Sage was fired by an incendiary
last night, and totally consumed. Loss esti
mated at $85,000, mostly covered by insurance.
New York, October 4, p. m.?Wm. Burger &
Co., a heavy Drug House, failed to-day.
Boston, Oct. 4.?The Hon. Daniel Webster
has written a letter, accepting the invitation to
be present at the New Hampshire Fair, to be
held in Manchester next week.
Georgetown, October 6?12 m.
While much is being said upon the subject of
Reform, it would be well for the Mayor or some
other power to clothe the clerk of the market
with authority to bring about a reform in the
half-peck and peck measures, now in our mar
ket, by forbidding the use of the sharp-top con
cerns now in vogue, and giving us in their
stead the old-fashioned honest measures once
used. Lot us keep pace with Washington.
There is but little news in the flour market
this morning?small sales are making at$3.81J
?$3.87?. Grain steady at last quotations:
prime wheat, 78c.; corn, yellow, 57@58c.;
prime white, 68(3}i60c.?but little in market.
The supply of roll butter by wagons, this
morning, was very limited?amounting, in all,
from 5,000 to 6,000 pounds, which sold at
21J@22c. per pound.
Arrivals.?Packet schooner Bounty, Parker,
New York, to P. Berry; packet steamer Co
lumbia, Harper, Baltimore, to E. Pickrell; echr.
Connecticut, Jones, Philadelphia, to E. Pick
rell ; schr. Rome, Lea, Baltimore, to order.
Canal Trade.?Arrived?Boats A. Lighter,
Pacific, Mountain Ranger, N. J. Berston, F.
Bloodgood, R. G. Violett, J. D. Snivoly, Col.
Young, Gen. Cass, and Oregon, from Cumber
land, with coal; Anna Marion, 77 miles, 1,002
bbls. flour ; J. P. Smart, 31 miles, flour, wheat,
corn, &c.
Departed?Canonicus, C. H. Ohr, II. Casey,
William Fowle, Morning Star, Mount Vernon,
Southampton, Ann. ? Electro.
Corner of F and \2th sis., Washington, I). C.
riMIE LECTURES will commence on the fir*t Monday
I in November, and continue until the latter part of
Noble Youso, M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice
of Medicine. _ , _ ... ,
Chari.es II. Lieberman, M.D., Professor of Institutes
and Prac.tfce of Surgery.
Flodoardo Howard, At. D., Professor of Obstetrics and
Diseases of Women and Children.
Jon.vsox Eliot, M. D., Professor of Anatomy.
Joshua A. Ritcuib, M.D., Professor of Institutes of Me
J ames M. Austin, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica
and Therapeutics.
J. W. H. Lovejot, M.D., Professor of Chemistry.
Samuel W. Everett, M.D., Associate Professor and
Demonstrator of Anatomy.
Clinical lectures will be delivered and operations per
formed on patients from the Infirmary and Dispensary
attached to the College.
The College building has been recently erected at great
expense, provided with large and convenient lecture
llalls aud Anatomical Rooms, and is admirably adapted
for medical instruction.
Fees for a full course of Lcctures fW.OO
Matriculation (paid only once)
Demonstrator's Ticket J000
Graduation irnnn
Perpetual Ticket * " 160 00
Fee for those who have attended two full
courses In other Colleges ?????? 60.00
au 20?lawtNov Corner of 10th *nd ? streets
HERE may always lie found a general assortment of
Religious and Miscellaneous Books, a large supply
of the various I'rayer and Hymn Books used in the dif
ferent churches, Music Books, Juvenile and Premium
Monks, Lithographic Prints, Ac. Also, School Books,
lllauk Books, and Stationery of every description, 1er
fumcry and Fancy Article*.
Here is the De|>ository of tho Methodist Book Concern,
including Sabbath School Publications; here the I*P<*I
tory of the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, an 1
here is a constant supply of the publications of R?>bert
Carter A Brothers, American 1ract olher
religious houses. GRAY,
He(. J -en 7th street, opposite Odd-Fellows Hall.
1HAVE JUST RECEIVED a supply of the following
articles, which I will sell as low as they can be had
in this market for cash: ..... on
Roofing Tin. bright and leaded, 14 by m
Bright Tin, 10 by 14; Sheet 7.inc
Bar, Round, and Square Iron?American, English and
SWBand and Hoop Iron, Plough Plates and I*ndsides
Cart Steel, American and English Blister Steel
Cart and Buggy Axles, and Wagon Boxes
Horse Shoes, Horse Nails, and Nail Kods
Cut and Wrought Nails aud Spikes
Pumps, Grindstones, Wheelbarrows, and TrucKS
Ploughs, Harrows, and Cultivators
Corn Shelter* and Com Mills
Vegetable Cutters and Straw Cutters
Wheat Fans and Churns
Sausage Cutters and Sausage 8timers
Ox Yokes, Cattle Ties and Bull Rings
Root Pullers and Bramble Hooks
Fruit Gatherers and Corn l'archers
Shovels, Spades, Forks, Rakes, and Hoes
Folding Ladders and Water Rams
Vegetable Boilers and Garden Syringes
Wire for Fencing and Screw Wrenches
Garden Trowels, Pruning Scissors, Ac.^KRLFR
Ml 11 -eoil'2m Opp. Brown's Hotel. Pa. av.
~10MK Ladies all, give us a call,
' And road our Proclamation,
With beaux and pas, sis, brothers, mas,
And hear our conversation.
Our Gaiters, Slippers, Boots and Shoes?
Our Patent "SOCUMW i>'Uxion;"
With Fairy Pumps, and Sylphine Shoes
Bright Fashion's contribution?
of the best quality, and the latest and most fashion&blo
style, can be had cheap, for cash, at ^ KMRIC?\q,
sep 25?tf 7th strteet, near Ixiuisiann a*
~t UN'S AND PISTOLS constantly kept on hand, on
X D street, between fith and 7 th, Washington, D.C.
C. H. Mime* also offers for sale some double and single
barrel Guns, Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, and Percussion
Cap*. 004
Corner of Horth and Mouumeut ?lreel?,
Baltimore, Maryland.
81880N it BAIKD baring completed their extensive
works, (which in now one of thu largest establish
iueuts of the kind In this country,) are prepared to till
all orders in their line, viz: MARBLE MANTLES, MON
TILES, (for floor*,) MARBLE LETTERS, Ac., at as rea
sonable rates as tan be had In this or any othur city iu
the Union. For beauty of execution anil originality of
design, their stock cannot be surpassed. They would re
spectfully invite Architects, HuMert, Qtbinet-Makeri, and
others, to call and examine before purchasing. They are
also prepared to furnish the trade with Slabs, Blocks,
Ac., to order.
4*- All orders by mail punctually attended to.
Sep 26?d2m
Still another of our most talented and
highly respectable citizens speaks for Hamttum's
Baltimore, July 18,1861.
Mettrt. Mortimer rf? Mowbray:?Gentlemen : My daugh- |
tor having been afflicted for more than a year with the
spinal disease, and having tried every remedy that was
prescribed by some of our best physicians, without afford
ing her any apparent relief, I fortunately was advised
by a friend to try a bottle of " Dr. Hampton's Vegetable
Tincture," which relieved her of her pain in less than
twenty-four hours. I am pleased to say that since she
took it she has been free from paiu, and she iN gradually
gaining strength, which I attribute entirely to the restor- |
ative properties of this medicine. I believe if It were
more extensively used, it would do more good in the re
moval of such diseases incident to the human family than
what is usually prescribed.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Robert Kerr,
Principal Western F. II. School.
Call and get pamphlet and see certificates of wonderful
For sale by MORTIMER ft MOWBRAY, 240 Baltimore
street, General Agents.
Also by 0. Stott ft Co., Washington, I). O.
Joseph Moffett, 7th st. near E.
R. S. T. Cissell, Georgetown.
jy 16?3mlf 0. C. Berry, Alexandria, Va.
YEltBV A MILLER take great pleasure in announc
ing to the Ladies that they have just returned from
New York, and havo now ready for their inspection the
most elegant assortment of Fancy Goods to be found In
the city. In our stock they will find?
100 pieces splendid Silks, embracing the newest and
most fashionable styles of the season
10 pieces splendid Watered l'oplins, all colors
1 case new style French MouBselincs, prettiest |
goods of the season
10 pieces Chene Poplins, very rich
Splendid Cashmeres, newest and richest patterns
Figured and Plain Mousselines do Lainc, from 12%
cents to $1 per yard
A largo stock French Merinoes
Do do English do
Palmetto Cloths, in all the best colors
10 pieces Black Grode Rhine, all widths
Splendid Embroidered Linencambric Handkerchiefs
100 dozen plain and colored Bordered do. from 6% up
Worked Edgings and lnsertings
Splendid Collars and Cuffs, Undersleoves, Ac.
Bluck Silk JjiiwiiH
Black and White Plain and Ribbed English Silk Hose
Do do Raw-silk do
400 dozen Cotton Hose, black, white, and mode co- |
lors, of the very best make
20 dozen best Black Silk Mits, long and short
60 dozen Alexander's best make Paris Kid Gloves
Black, white, and colored Silk Gloves
In short, our stock is complete and elegant, and we are
determined to sell at the lowest prices. We therefore
respectfully invito the Ladies to call, whether they wish
to purchase or not, as It will afford us pleasure to show
them our stock. YERBY & MILLER.
Remember the place, No. 0, Penna. av., bet. 7 th and
8th streets. sep 18?1 m
WE ARE NOW OPENING a very choice and select
stock of Black goods, embracing all desirable arti
cles for Ladies in mourning. We name, in part?
30 pieces IMack Alpaca, ull grades
10 do choice Bombasins, Lupin's make
6 do Black French Merinoes
6 do do Cashmeres
2 do do Cashmere de Ecosse
6 do do Muslin de Laines
6 do Second-Mourning Silks
4 do English Crapes
10 do Italian Crapes
1 carton Black Love Veils
2 pieces Veil Crape, very nice; with Black Silk, Kid, |
and Cotton Gloves ; and all kinds of Black Hosiery.
sep 18?lm No. 6, Pa. av., bet. 7th and 8th sts.
<C~| THE SUBSCRIBER has not yet disposed of his
Hiia LANDS near Brentsville, Prince William county,
Virginia, or hii HOUSES and LOTS at Buckl&nd. They
are still for sale on accommodating terms. Mr. Robert
llodgkin, who lives adjoining these lands, will show them,
and the boundaries, to anyone wishing to purchase. My
terms as heretofore advertised?one-fourth in cash, the
balance in one, two and three years credit, with interest,
secured on the land. The property at Buckland will be
disposed of on application to Eppa Hunter, esq., at
Brentsville, on the same terms. The title, which is indis- j
putable, will be made by Eppa Hunter, esq. Letters ad
dressed to me at Salbysport, Alleghany county, Md., will
be promptly attended to.
Sep 19?lawtf IIENRY A. B ARRON.
P. 8.?11. A. B. will be at Brentsville on the 6th of Oo
tobcr, and remain some weeks.
A GOOD OPPORTUNITY is now presented for those ,
J\_ who desire to have their parlor and chamber furnl- |
ture restored to Itsoriginal beauty. Pianos, etc., polished
at reasonable rates. The advertiser has had ample ex- I
periencc in varnishing and polishing household furni
ture, and is prepared to cxecute all order* entrusted to
him. Ills process docs not require the articles to !>e re
moved from the room, nor will it provo injurious to the
carpet or floor.
Orders left with Mr. J. T. RadclifT, Odd-Fellows' Hall;
J. M. Donn, corner of Pennsylvania avenue and 10th
street; N. M. M'Greggor, 7th street, near D. and Mr. M.
Thompson, Pennsylvania avenuo, between 3d and 4J-4 I
streets; at which places reference will also be given, if |
required. au 11?oo<l3m
Oar. of I\nnrylmnia Avenue and Thirteenth ttreet,
may 26 Washwoto* Citt, D. C. d A y
Old Wines, Liquors, Segars, Fresh Foreign
Fruits, Comestibles, etc.,
Ibnniylvania avenue, 3 doort eait of Fifteenth ttreet.
may 17?ly
Surgeon Dentist,
Office near Itrnwn't Hotel, /Vnnjtyitvmta avenue,
Charges New York and Philadelphia prices, and guaran
ties his work to bo equal to any done In those cities.
*p 6?tf
Dealers in
No. 6, opposite Centre Market,
ap 10 w ASHilMtOH Cmr. D. C. d A j
Office Eighth street, opposite Market.
BUSINESS of all kinds requiring the attention of an
Attorney, Magistrate, or Agent, will be promptly
attended to. Claim* brought before Congress and the
Departments will receive prompt attention by being
placed in his hands.
Fee moderate. June 12?y
Attorney and Counsellor at Law,
|")RACT1SES In the Court* of the District, and proee
1 cute* claims of every description before the several
Executive Departments and before Congres*.
? Office and residence 21*t street, two doors north
of H. ap 11?tf
Home and Sign Painter, and Olazier,
South side Louisiana avenue, between nth and 7th streets,
(Dwelling South F street, between 7th and 8th streets,
Island,) is prepared to execute to order all description* of j
work in his line. ap 15?Rm
Attorney at Ii*w,
Will practise in the several court* of the Dl*trict of |
Col umbia.
Office on VX street, near First Presbyterian Church,
jy 16?tf
WM. INOMAN, Cabinet-maker, Carpenter, and Prin
ters' Furniture-make", can b? found by Inquiring
at NOELL k BOYD'S Venetian lllind Manufactory, Penn
sylvania avenue, between 9th and 10th streets, south
side. Jy 31?Cm
Officer, Collector, and General Agent.
BUSINESS entrusted to him will be attended to In a
proper manner, and may be left with any of the j
Magistrate*. Residence 0 street, between and rtth.
streets, Washington, D. 0. JT 20?tf
(Late of the firm of Walker Wise,)
HAS Opened a shop on E street, opj>osito Temperance
llall, between 9th and 10th streets.
Residence on 1 street, north skle, between 6th and 7th
streets. mar 24?tf
HVLL'I NfirsapnrillA*
Also, Townsend'* do.
Schwartz's do.
For sale by J. F. CALLAN,
Sep 29? corner E and 7 th streets.
E street, between 1JKA and 1 Uh, Washington City, D. C.
MARBLE MANTLES, MouuiueAta, Tombs, Head and
foot Stones, Ac., constantly on hand, of the U-ut
quality and workmanship. All kinds of Stone, for Build
ing, Ac. All kinds of work in his line faithfully executed
at the shortest notice. up 18?tf
General Banking and Exchange Bu?lne??.
TUB undersigned respectfully announoe to the publio
that they nave entered into copartnership for the
transaction of a general Exchange and Bankiuj; business
in the city of Washington, under the firm of?
All business entrusted to them will be attended to with
promptness and fidelity.
Late Treasurer of the United States
Of Alexandria, Virginia.
Of the city of Washington.
mar 24?tf Of Baltimore, Maryland.
Dr. Stickland'g American Family Pills.
BESIDES the cathartic and anti-dyspeptic qualities of
these Bills, their adaptation to purify the blood?to
cure the Liver Complaint, Urinal anil Alidominal Diseases,
and especially that class of maladies known as Female
Complaints; to relieve the system of Worms, and pimples
on the skin?may be seen, as set forth in a pamphlet,
which can be had gratuitously of the wholesale agent.
A. OKAY, Bookseller,
7th street, opposite Odd-Follows' Hall.
N. B.?The above Pills come to me so highly recom
mended, from so responsible a source, that I do not beni
tate to believe that they will prove to be as good as the
ueht ever introduced, and that it will not he long bet'oru
their popularity and sale will be unparalleled.
June tJ?eott A. OKAY.
T 11 U DAILY It K U 1 H T E 11,
IS circulated extensively among the Merchants of that
city, and travellers And it in all the Hotels, Steam
boats, and Kallroad conveyances diverging from Phila
delphia. It contains a correct list of the names of those
persons arriving at the principal hotels daily, and conse
quently is the best means the Proprietors of Hotels in
other cities can have for extending their business among
the travelling public.
, for the use of Merchants, Storekeepers, and others;
a full assortment of various sizes now in store. The above
Chests are warranted equal to any other make for security
against Fire or Burglars, having withstood the test of both
without injury or loss to the owners, in any instance.
Also?In store and for sale:
Seal and Letter Copying Pressos and Books
Trucks, for moving Boxes, Hales, Ilk., in Stores
Druggists' Presses, with Cylinders and Paus
Packing Levers, for Dry (Jood Stores, Ac.
Portable Shower Baths, of new construction, suitable for
warm or cold water
Refrigerators, for keeping Meats, Butter, Milk, Ac., in
dining room, hall, or cellar
Water Filters, for purifying muddy or bad Water,caused
by Rains, Limestone, Marl, or other causes.
61 S. Second, 1 door below Chestnut street,
mar M m Philadelphia.
OWING to the late revolutions nnd counter-revolutions
among the nations of Europe, which have followed
each other in such quirk succession, nnd of which " the
end is not yet," the leading periodicals of Great Britain
have become invested with a degree of interest hitherto
unknown. They occupy a middle ground between the
hasty, diryointed, and necessarily imperfect records of the
newspapers, and the elaborate and ponderous treaties to
be furnished by the historian at a future day. Whoever
reads these periodicals obtains a correct and connected ac
count of all the important political events of the Old
World, as they occur, and learns the various conclusions
drawn from them by the lending spirits of the age. The
American publishers therefore deem it proper to call re
newed attention to the works they publish, and the Tory
low prices at which they are offered to subscribers. The
following is their list, viz:
The London Quarterly Review,
Tub Edinburgh Review,
The Nokth British Review,
The Westminster Review, and
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.
In these periodicals are contained the views, moderately
though clearly and firmly expressed, of the three greatest
parties in England?Tory, Whig, and Radical; '? Black
wood" and the " London Quarterly" are Tory, the " Edin
burgh Review" Whig, and the ''Westminster Review"
Liberal. The " North British Review" owes its establish
ment to the last great ecclesiastical movement in Scotland,
and is not ultra in its views on any one of the grand de
partments of human knowledge. It was originally edited
by Dr. Chalmers, and now, since his death, is conducted
by his son-in-law, Dr. llanna, associated with Sir David
Brewster. Its literary character is of the very highest
order. The "Westminster," though reprinted under that
title only, is published in England under the title of the
" Foreign Quarterly nnd Westminster," it being in fact a
union of the two Reviews formerly published and reprinted
under separate titles. It has. therefore, the advantage, by
this combination, of uniting in one work the best features
of both, as heretofore issued.
The above Periodicals are reprinted in New York, imme
diately on their arrival by the British steamers, in a beau
tiful clear type, on fine white paper, and are faithful co
pies of the originals?Blackwood's Magazine being an ex
act /uc simile of the Edinburgh edition.
For any one of the four Reviews, $3 00 per annum.
For any two, do 6 00 "
For any three, do 7 00 "
For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 "
For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 00 "
For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 00 "
For Blackwood and four Beviews, 10 00 '?
J'ayments to be made, in all cases in advance,.
A?r Remittances and communications should be always
addressed, post paid or franked, to the Publishers,
79 Fulton street, New York,
mar 24? Entrance 54 Gold st.
(~^ REAT chanoe for Book Agents to clear from $500 to
Jf $1,000 a year 1 Books of universal utility. SEARS'
NEW AND POPULAR WORKS?the most splendidly
illustrated volumes for families ever issued on the Ame
rican continent, containing more than row* thousand en
oravinos, designed and executed by the most eminent
artists of England and America.
The entire series have been carefully examined, and
strongly recommended to Superintendents, Trustees, and
Teachers of Schools, by the following distinguished gentle
men: His Exocllency Hamilton Fish, Kx-Oovernor of the
State of New York; Christopher Morgan, Secretary of
State, and Superintendent of Common Schools, N. Y.; T.
Romeyn Beck, esq., M. D., Secretary of the Regents of the
University, N. Y.; the Legislative Committee on Colleges,
Academies, and Common Schools: Rev. Edward Hitch
cock, LL. D., President of Amherst College, and Professor
of Geology, Massachusetts.*
Amherst College, Dec. 25,1848.
Mr. Robert Sears?Dear Sir: I have looked over the en
tire series of your valuable publications with much in
terest and profit; and am quite surprised at the amount
of literary labor you have performed, and the research it
must have cost you to obtain so many fine illustrations,
while you have an active superintendence of an extensive
business. I am also gratified at the decidedly moral and
religious influence which ^rour books will exert, and can
not but hope that they will do much to counteract the
effects of that light and immoral literature which deluges
the land, and, like the frogs of Egypt, comes up even to
the kneading troughs of our kitchens. May you live long
to follow your plans.
Respectfully and sincerely, your obliged servant,
?The works alluded to as having been examined and
recommended, are as follows: A new and popular Pictorial
Description of the United States, Pictorial History of the
American Revolution, Scenes and Sketches of Continental
Europe, Description of Great Britain and Ireland, Picto
rial Family Annual, Treasury of Knowledge, Information
for the People, The Family Instructor, Pictorial Sunday
Book, Bible lliography, Bible History, and second series
of The Wonders of the World.
Gentlemen of respectability and of good address wanted
to sell the above popular Pictorial Works. Full particu
lars of the principles and profits of the Agency will be
given on application either personally or by letter. The
postage must in all cases be paid.
Please address BOBERT SEARS, Publisher,
mar 24? 128 Nassau street, N.Y.
AGENCY, No. 116 Market ?t, Philadelphia.
E. RUSSELL A CO., (late Geo. W. Gordon,) Boston.
J. D. PRATT A CO., Baltimore.
WM. B. PIERCE A CO., Cincinnati.
CHAS. BARI/OW A CO., St Louis.
WM. B. PIKRCK ft CO.. Louisville.
This well known and extensive establishment invites
Merchants, Manufacturers, and Bankers, to an investiga
tion of its system, and gratuitous test of its records of the
standing and responsibility (1 traders in the U. States.
Our increased patronage has enabled us, during the past
year, to open offices in Cincinnati, I?ouisville, St. l<ouis,
and New Orleans; these, in connection with our long es
tablished offices in Boston, New York, and Baltimore,
enable us to offer facilities and advantages which time nnd
experience alone could accumulate, and which we believe
are unequalled.
We are prepared to make collections in any of the States,
Territories, Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, France,
Germany, and in any commercial port, of the world, and
will pay particular attentihn to old and doubtful debts, in
the collection of which class we have extraordinary facili
ties, and have been unusually successful.
Having full lists and reports of nenrly all the Attorneys
In the United States, we are st all times
nlsli vou. gratuitously, the names of good and responsible
lawyers In any part of the United States and < anadas.
Connected with our Agency is a Commissioner fbrnear
1 y K|| the States, who is enabled to afford every facility
?nd leiral form for preparing accounts, Ac., for immediate
use thereby avoiding a delay often fatal to the collection
of. debt. mAr 24
Oregory'? California Package Express.
THK SCBSCKJiiKKS will despatch
SPECIAL MEN- KNG Jfiltg, two or more
tiiuee per motiUi, by Stetuiutliipa, via
^^^^CHAGRKS md I'AN AM A, iu ebwu
... ,, ^ of parccl*, jewelry, valuables and mall
ei?^4 hi'' wh,ich wl" lu *11 <**>? arrive in Ban Frau
the mail "learners, "?d be delivered in advance ot
^ ?nnounoe to the imblic that we have entered
th^i^hm.^i011 T ^ hBILT"'?t transportation bouse on
from chU!!'. ! H ,r? 1)01111(1 to us to transport our goods
and hiivtmr*'8 A at"tma' ln of all other twyriuti,
all nthJ gt arrangements with the U. 8. alail and
wVa^rr thB **?*. for the carriage of X
fresco XVin ^ **
triniJwfon ?*}? w,h" 8ut^rior 'lualitle* of the line, for the
thJ^H Mall iU ??"*? advantages over
S?' Bf- JJaD(i B111 oths? ooaapetitow, iu the truufuor
tatieu of letters and parcels between the Pacific and At
lantic States, are well known and already generally an
preciated by the public. \ Thu value of a mercantile lelter,
delivered by us three or four days in advance of all other
competition, being properly estimated.
.lll4ve h1so ?"'tablished agencies in GUAYAQUIL,
?i ' a VALPARAISO, for which ports, and other
cities on the South American coast, we are prepared to
reeeive LETTERS and PARCELS, which will be promptly
despatched to their destination by our agent iu l'anauia.
The mail for South America is made up but once a
Managers and Agents,
.... .. 149 I>Har- ?>r. of Wall st., New Yorfc.
i EMISSION, to Messrs. Johnson A Low
den, 115 W all st.; Spofford, Tileston A Co., 48 South St.:
Nesmith k Co., 60 Pino st.; and Levi Apgar A Co., 76 Dey
"r*"'- mar 24?
WM.H.CARY A CO., 213 and 246 Pearl Btroet, New
? .1 ? ,rk' iuvlte the attention of the City and Distant
Jobbing trade to their large and varied stock of goods
which they offer at the lowest rates, either for cash or au
proved credit.
Under their present arrangements they can offer great
inducement* on all their Foreign floods, and will give
their customers tho benefit of the large discounts which
chases Baitted by ti"' increased amount of their pur
They pledge themselveB to soil many Btyles of American
floods at manufacturers' prices.
Their stock will be kept full during the whole year, and
a 1 orders will bo promptly supplied. They particularly
invite the Mexican and South American dealers to exam
ine their stock of Jewelry, manufactured expressly for
those markets; also their stock of Ivory Combs, adapted
for exportation. ' *
. :Th<' flowing articles constitute a part of their stock.
Linen threads?Various makers, plain and satin finished,
black, drab, white, brown, and colored, Nos. 20x80
?? ^.?tt?n?Clark'a, Alexander's, Smith's Eagle, and
Kemngton's, white, black, and colored, Nos. 10x160.
26 to 300 yards '
1 apes and Dobbins?Linen and cotton, assorted colors and
Cutlery?Itazorg, Knives, Shears, Scissors, and Table
Knives and Forks, Wade k Butcher's, Wostenholm's,
Rodgers', and other celebrated makers
Brushes?Hair, Cloth, Teeth, Paint, Varnish, Shaving,
Shoe, Crumb, Horse, Scrubbing, Ac., Ac., in great
variety ?
Musical Instruments?Accordions, Violins, Flutes, Fifes,
Clarionets, Ilarmonicans, Ac.
Fans?A large and rich assortment, consisting of beauti
fully carved pearl, ivory, bone, and wood sticks; also
plaiu sticks, with plain, fancy, and silvered paper
Ivory Combs?Fine S, SS, SSS, and NPU, 1 y.xi U inches
Combs?Plain and fancy Tuck, Dressing, Pocket, and Side,
of shell, buffalo, and horn
fluns?Single and Double, English and American, real
_ and imitation Twint; also a variety of Rifles
Pistols?English and German, Pocket, Belt, and Holster;
Colts and Allen and Thurber's Revolvers; also, a
complete assortment of Sporting Apparatus
Perfumery?Lubin's, Mangenet k Coudray's, Piver's, Pin
aud's, and Ede's fine Extracts
Soaps?low's White aud Brown, Windsor and Honey;
Lubin's, fluerlain's, Pinaud's, and Mangenet k Cou
dray's assorted styles, Ac., Ac. J
Also?Percussion Caps, Needles, Pins, Hooks and Eyes,
Steel Pens, Suspenders, Buttons of all styles, Pocket
books, Port Monnaies, Purses, Stationery, Reads,
Whalebone, Look; ng-glasses, Ac., Ac.
Ivory, Tortoise Shell, Pearl Shell, Horns, Tips, Ac., for
Catalogues in the French, Spanish, German, and Eng
lish languages. mar 24
OTATIONKRS' WAREHOUSE, 20 South Fourth Street,
I hiladelphia. (Wholesale only.)
is LI I'M AN, Importer of French and Eng
jish Stationery, offers to the trade, at Stationers' Ware
| house, a complete assortment of
of the best quality, at tho lowest rates. ? mar 24?
BR1?K 4 UURBIN, Iron A Steel Mer
chant*, Importers and dealers in American,
Swede, Norwegian, Refined, Cable, and common English
Iron; manufacturers of Boiler Rivets and Spikes lloon
Sheet, Small Iron, Axle Iron)
113 North \\ ater street, and 54 North Delaware avenue
mar 24?
SllEPPARI) A VAN HABLINUKN, No. 274 Clicsnut
?treet, above Tenth, Philadelphia, have just received
per ?teener splendid Table and Piano Covers, Dama.-k
Table Cloths, Napkins, Moreens, and Worsted Damai-ks.
mar 24?
First Premium Grand and Square Pianos.
A G.EI1LE, Manufacturers,
^ 4' 6> *? 9' "nd 11 Eutaw itrw't, Bal
I i/ Ol i7 f7 Ncw tributes to the exccUenee
v, , , , , BaJtimore made Piano Fortes. The
Maryland Institute, at their last exhibition, awarded to
us the First Premium for the best Orand Piano, and also
w fiVT ^re?ilun for be*t Square Piano exhibited,
t wi l b? re?,l wtixl that in 1848, our Piano also received
the hirst ITtalum by the same Institute*.
, Such testimonials an? not easily earned, and are not to
be lightly regarded. We may therefore say that having
taken the First 1 remium, wherever our Instruments met
with competition, we offer them to the public with a con
fidence we might not otherwise avow, guaranteeing all
Instruments made by us to give satisfaction, or they may
bo exchanged within six months from day of sale The
durability of our workmanship we further guarantee for
five years.
Having just completed large additions to our Manufac
tory, wo hope now to supply all who may honor us with
their patronage; and we invite all who desire a superior
Instrument, carefully adapted to the climate?a very im
portant matter, and which we have made our careful
study?to call and examine our various styles, which we
are constantly finishing, and which will be sold at the
lowest market price for cash or approved paper.
In addition to the above public testimonials, our Piano*
are recommended in terms of the highest praise by the
following eminent artists, whose certificates can be seen
at our Ware moms: Charles Bochsa, the great composer
and musical director to Mad. A. Bishop; Mr. Geo. Knoop';
Miss Adele and Charles Hohnstock, and other distin'
gnished performers. To the many accomplished Professor*
and Amateurs, by whom our Pianos are constantly used
whilst making our thankftil acknowledgments to them
we refer for further testimonials.
Old Pianos taken in exchange.
Pianos hired and tuned. nAr 24
BOWEN A McNAMKK, 112 and 114 Broadway, New
lork, have now ln store, and will receive by early
packets and steamers, a very extensive assortment of
French, Oerman, English, Italian, and India
embracing every variety of the newest and richest style*
I offered in thl* market. Sample cards are now ready
j for exhibition. Merchants from every section of the
I country, and particularly our old friends and custom
ers, are assured that every attention has been paid to
present a stock of goods, unequalled, either In extent or
i variety, by any similar establishment in the country.
Many of our richest goods are manufactured from de
signs or samples furnished by us, and will lie found
I adapted to the best trade in the larger cities and town*.
The following embrace the leading article* of our stock
Extra rich Clione and Brocade Silks.
Kich Paris Bareges, Muslin*, and organdlef.
Rich printed Silk Tissues, new article.
New style English Poplins.
Barege de Laines, Pari* pattern*.
I New style French Prints.
English. Scotch, and American Printed Lawn*.
) Super Black Oro* de Khines.
I French and Knglish flingham*.
Plain anil embroidered Canton Crape Shawl*.
Rich Paris Itibbons, large assortment.
Millinery Silks, Crapes, Ac.
Dress Trimmings, newest style.
Bombazines, Alpacas, and Muslin de Laines.
Laces and Km broidery.
| Linens and White floods of every description
Kid flloves, best manufacture.
English and German Silk and Cotton Hosiery.
Long and Square Cashmere Shawl*.
Rich Silk Mantillas, great variety.
Pongee and Spitalfield Handkerchief.
Italian Cravats and Sewing Silks.
Also, a great variety of rich goods for evening dresses
not enumerated in the above.
Also, Slnchews, Samets, Fancy Silk Cravats, Bay State
Plaid Long Shawls, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Oreen '
Barege*, Satins, Silk Scarfr, Suspenders, Plain black and
high colored Mousellne de 1.nines, Turkey red Prints,
Curtain Muslins, Oil Silks, Belt Ribbons, Serges, Satin
! Vesting*. Ac.
t0~ Those who visit this market for Mk floods, who
would consult their interest, and who desire to see a
i stock unsurpassed in every d. pnrtment at the very low
est market prices, are respectfully invited to call.
mar 34
I MPOKTF.KS of Biandies, Wines, and Segars, No. 1 Kx
I change Place, Baltimore, offer for sale an extensive
assortment of?
BRANDIES?J. Hennessy, ,T. J. Durand, superior old
Jean l-oiils, 1811 and 1838; Maglory; Otard, Dupny A Co. ?
Pinet, Castillon A Co.; Marte 11; J. Durand A Co.; A. Selg
nette; J. J. Hupuy and J. Kraud brands.
WINES-Champagne, Claret, and Hock, of rarion*
grades. Also, Port, Sherry. Madeira, Sicily, Lisbon, Bur
gundy, Malaga, and other Wines, In great variety.
SKUARS?Havana and Principe ?egnrs, of approved
brands, constantly receiving from the manufacturers.
HOLLAND GIN?Grape and flray Mare brands, of fine
flavor; also, London Brown Stout and Porter; Bordeaux
and Marseilles Sweet Oil, Sardines, Maccaroni, Vermicelli,
Olives, Capers, Castile Soap, Bay Rum, Roll Brimstone,
Canary Seed, A?. mar 24?

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