Newspaper Page Text
IP Mittota gailij gagl: pursaatj Ptorwittg, pril 9, 1891. Iff s1 i 1 ?1 IMuliftlPjLui n wjvyvirvi'yvT fTffTTsysi'y 1 a i - - A?y 7jnne ate, July 5n. 1 t uau-jit o bu. JUIT II 20. Sftitcmhpr 7 MANCEWMIIE l WIOHTTA MAEKET& Receipts 01 Live Stock at the Union Stock Yards during the past 24 nours: 4 Cattle. 878 Hoffs. Shipments: 45 Cattle, 426 Hogs. The fresh receipts of cattle today were small. The market was much more active than yesterday, but there was no strength developed in the price of what was offered. Some, of the stock received yesterday was sent, outin first hands, but the most of it was offered for sale here today, and when l5t to good, sold at steady prices. Poor stuff was hard to sell, bringing a very low irice. Everything was sold at the close. !ood butcher stuff sold well, as will be seen in the case of two heifers, averaging ), selling for $3.75, and a cow weighing 1,220, for $3.70. There is a good demand for good butcher cattle. KTCHITA LIVE ST00K MAESET. Wichita. Kan., April 8. CATTLE. Otcte receipts today were small. The market was Wore acUv &ut prices did not advance any. Satire ehlpLins steers, good to extra J4 50S 25 Gw&$? xtfa native butcher steers, 1000a JNatlve reeiiing steers 3 25J 00 2 753 25 . 3 OUST 75 . 2 7533 m . 1 752 75 . 3 0i3 25 . 2 603 01 . 1 251 W . c021 10 CholoecoTajKiBejfp'rs airto gpd cows and heifers Bulls and ri tars aj6arli5: steers Good yeaning steers , voMuon, Poorer erode and scallavfass.. mi caives, per nevia 1 BOatiliO S5031 25 "".l)fte. Tesasstsers, lair 2 !&iZ 00 " pwa I03S3 00 REPRESENTATIVE SALES. ,,ThfftoHnrlne are the representative sales of cat ueA'tae stock yards today: Jy Description. $ Stockers y Blocker.... Avce. Price, .... 7f4 2 65 .... 5C0 2 60 .... 570 2 75 .... 7R) 2 50 .... !CS SCO .... 815 3 Id ....1070 3 35 S75 3 30 ....1125 2 50 ....1273 3 25 ....1130 2 tO ....VW 2 25 ....1015 2 00 .... 010 1 75 ... 10W 2 00 ....1130 2 10 ....IteO 3 00 ....1010 2 50 . ..1040 2 00 .... S30 2 75 ....NMO 2 50 ...,10a 2 85 ... liei sat ....1220 3 70 ....1200 2 35 ....OX) 3 75 ...1003 3 35 .... S'H 3 GO .... 740 3 25 ....703 3 00 .... 83 3 25 .... 735 2 to .... 703 2 15 .... SS0 200 ,...470 150 ...993 2 50 ,...1020 1 60 ... 120.1 2 15 ...1140 1 75 ...840 2 00 ....1340 1 (0 ...1320 2 25 Mocker , Cows . Cons Cows Cows Sows , , OWB..... Cows , Cows Cow...., Oow . ....i Cowi. Cow , Cow Cow , Cow.,... , Cow..... Cow , Cow , Heifers Heifers , Heifers Heifer Cows and heifers... Cows and heifers.. Ftock heifers Etock he'fers Stock heifer........ Stock heifer. Bull and 1 cow.... Bull Bull Bull Bull Bull ,.., Bull HOGS. The run of hogs was small. The market opened 5 cents higher, and all packers of h medium to good grade, offered, sold at Ahe advance. There was no change in prices cturing the day, the late sales being steady t the morning's raise. Tho supply was mot equal to tho demand. Quality was about the same as yesterday. Light hogs were in good demand for outside orders, liut they did not get the benefit of the rraise, selling only at steady prices. Tops ftoday. $4.85; bulk, $4.72i4.S2; pigs fend lights, $2.753.25. The market closed Isteady. REPRESENTATIVE SALES. The following are the representative sales of noes i me j-nrus toaay: Ko Dock rrlce. Dock ieo 320 At. Price. 4 75 4 72 4 72 4 f 4 no 450 S 63 5 6 43 5 SI 6 6 9 7 8 61 40 1G0 40 "40 4 fv5 IS! 175 1S3 VZ 172 1C4 LIGHT1 207 Sb 211 260 1G 2S5 2I.T IPS 2lS 2?0 lb5 4 S2 4 ) 4S0 480 4 SO 4f0 480 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 1G0 40 in 112 3 25 3ftl 3 15 ft. 11)0 105 1G0 fcHi'Er. Good stock Rheep, snatro Good stock ewes,. 703S0.. ....... Good to extra -wethers 75S.S3.... Good to eitra lambs J2HV35C0 2JOt2 30 2 0a3 00 4 WKs5 W Brief Jlentlon. Hogs were 5 cents higher today. The cattle market was moro active, but prices did not advance any. Fort Worth bought more hogs today than they have for several days. Laydon & Shelley, Rochester, had their rst load of stock on this market today. Dallas and Fort Worth each shipped a double-deck of hogs. j Hog buyers today were: Dold, 224; Whit ttaker, 265; Fort Worth, 2SS; Reed. 54; Har riott, 55. ; The following shippers had 6tock on to-day's market: J. M Horton, Corbin, cattle. J. B. Kell, Peck, cattle and hogs. B. B. Ramsey, Andover. hogs. J. E. Caldwell, Lyons, hogs. I. H. Maupin, Latham, hogs. C. A. Clift, Bluff, hogs. T. M. James, Burden, hogs. C. E. Blake, Mount Hope, lioas. Gibbon Bros., Coates, hogs. LITE ST00KMAEKET. By Telecraph. ST. Lotris, Mo.. April 8. CATTLE-Receipts 1100, shipment SOO. Market steady. Natlre teers J4 ftt5 (50. stookers and feeders. 2 S0S4 00. Texans and Indiani S SU5J5 SO. UOOS Iteccipu CaJO. shipments S01 Market steady. Heavy. i.iOO 5 20. mixed. J4 60S5 00. SHEEP-ReceipU 500. Shipments none. Market steady. Good to choice 90d6 0a Kansas Citt. April 7.-CATTLE RecelpU ,270, shipmsnt'' 1400. Market steady to slow Steers 'J8 7606(0. cow (175,94 25, stocker and feeders 2 25T 10. HOGS Receipt IK4U, khlpments 7uS0. aiarjcei sieaay. uuik t so, mi raues oojm5 I 35. SHEEP Rec?lpt.s S&). hlpmenU 1M0. Market steady. Good to choice 4 00&5 JO. rfOniCACO. III.. April 7. CATTLE Receipts 1100U, shipments 4000. Market slow, steady. Steers, extr 6 03-56 25. common to choice S 75o JV cows and heifers $2 50i4 00. stockers $2 3534 00. HOGS Kecalpts 25.000c shipments 1W00. Market fatrlv ac tive, steady- Rougn and common 4 ffta5 20. pack ers 4 80(15 25. prime heavy and butchers' wnlchts 6 55 45, licht 4 90G5 15. SHEEP-Receipts 7.0C0; uhlpments i500. Market actlre. st ady to shade stronger. Westerns I 8XJ5 SS, Texans 5 005 5a lambs SXIG 60 Wichita Prodnce Martet- Wi chita. Kan April S. FLOUR Hicht patent 2 53, second patent J2 25, xtra fancy 2 15. fancy 2 U). BUTTER First creamery 27c second creamery Sic, finest dairy 17c, line dairy 15c, common dairy 101 20. kggs aaioc POULTRY Roosters U 5033 0(1. hens $2 503 00. ttneks J2 002 43. lira turkeys &37q per pouno. POTATOES Ilnneot, tacked, per ba. Jl 20. fancy Greely $1 a). Eariy Ohio si 750tS 0A COAL AnUirnoIte U 03, Canon City 5 00, 'Weir City 4 60. rrontenac $4 50. Pittabars 4 $0. Illinois 7 W, McAUister 7 00. Wichlia Gr-im Jlarket- Wichita. Kaa., April S. FolIowiDi: are the closinc qaotaUons: Wheat advanced 2c today. Receipts are small. GRALv Car lots on track. WHEAT No. 2 eS29Sc. No. 2 hard 76c, No. 3 7Sc. Ko. 72c ,, ,. CORN No 3 or better. 5jC white 55c, new corn s5c OATS-4l'345c RVE No 3 or better. &"c HAY $9 IOSU5 Oj per ton in car lota. GKOTJND CORN Chop in car lots 1 00S1 10 per HO lb". j MAMETS BY TELEGEAPH. New York Money. " New York. April S. i Honey on call easy ranging from SvSSi per cent. ' last loan 3. closinc ofiored ar 3ha per cent. Prime mercantile pa per C3. Sterllntr exchange Quiet, firm at J4 S6M for sixty dny bills and 54 as?f for demand. Chlcac" GraLu and I'rodocc Chicago, April S. Wheat Firm. Cora Steady. Lard Steady. The leading futures ranged as follows- WHEAT-April 1 0 May 1 05. July 1 0 1W. SSSS-Awiea&iELY er&c, July 6&b. H352M. t uaan quotations were as follows: wTF?."7Fir. 2? "ktE? 10c advance. Slew W 5075 8prlnK Pteats & . WHE AT-N'o 2 cash 1 (AH. CORN G7c. OATS-54c BARLEY Nominal. FLAXSEED-51 21& TIMOTHY-J1 23&V2S. PORK-J12 TTH. LARD 6 0. SHORT RIBS-J6 0536 10. PtvTJLAIjT SHOCLUERS-S5 0035.10. UORT CLEAR SIDES-J8 JS 45. TfV HISKY $1 16. articles. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat 49,000 53,000 Corn 215.000 155,003 Oats 249,000 215.000 BUTTER Onlet. V.rm. r-ram.n- vvoi.t extra firsts 2j22c. flrsta UalOc. extra dtlry 21233' extra nrsts 17lSc, firsts 13311c EGGS- l-W. St. Louis Prolnca. St. Louis, April S. HEAT-Hiehar. Cash 1 05, Slay 105c, Julr CORN-Strong, Cash GSc. May 66Jc nsked, July OATSDull. Cash SG5Hc bid. May 51Wc POR v-Firmer. Cash Jl2 25312 37. y-D-Firm. Casht6 5a WHISKY-J114. Kansas City Produce. Kansos CITT, April 8. The Dally Indicator reports: . PLOUR-XX. 65c. ZXX 75c. family ?1 Co, choice SI 40. fancy 1 8&S1 85. TVHEAT-Steady. No. 2 hard casn and April Sic bid. S5c a9ked. No. 2 red cash 98c bid. CORN-Steady. No, 2 cash HKb5c. April 63c bid. OATS Steady. No 2 cash 53c bid, April S2&C RYE-Qiiiot. No 2 nominal, BUTTER-Plrm. Creamcrr 2&32c, dairy lSgllc. rolls 15(522o. storepacked, 2322c. EGGS-Weakat lie HAY-Flrm. Fancy prairie 14 00. timothy 19 5a ATTOESTETS AT LAW. X. S, KJLFTZGER, Attornev at Law, Money to loan. 133 N. Main St, Wichita, Kansas, 90-lm JIOItRTS t- HOOD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office No. 137 North Main Street. Tclophone No. 127. Rooms land 2. dfiMm J.R. Hallowkll. j. E. Hume, H. l. Gonno.v HallowcU. ITvmc cC Gordon, LA.T7TERS. Rooms 503, 504. 505 Sedjiwlck Blk. Telephone No. 112. Wichita, Kansas. THOMAS C. WIESOX, City Attorney, II.'N Main Street. Telephone No. 1L Wichita, Kansas. H. C. Sluss. vr. E. Stanley. SL USS 0 STANLEY, Attorneys at Law. Wichita, Kansas. Harris, Harris & Vermillion, Attorneys at Lair. Ill S. Main St.. Second floor. P.A.RonmutTGIT. W.H. RAtTCE. HOHliBA UGH C BAJ7CH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Proprietors of Western Collodion Bnrean. Col lections mado anywhere In tho United States and Canada. No. 147 Main SU Wichita, Kansas. E. B. JEWETT, Lawyer. Kanun. Rooms 2. 4 and C 203 N. Main St., Wichita. dlW-tf John w. aiums. g. w. -Ujams. ADAMS C ADAMS, Attorneys at Law. Oflice. first stairway east of the Wichita National Bank. HG-tf A.J. APPLEGATE. fWlth A. D. Mallory Abstractor, Conveyancer & Notary Public Fine draurtitinp a specialty. Complete abstracts to any land In fcedewick county. Office, just at rlsht of west entrance. Main street. New Court House, first floor. Pi-ompt service cuaranteed. Telephone 230. lc-tf DENTISTS. DB. E. H CBEDITOTi. Dentist. Oflice 144 N. Main over Smith A Stover's. Yltillzed air udmlnlstered. Residence CM N. To poka avenue. Wichita. Kansas. i)l-tf Full sets of teeth. 55. J8, and f 10 Gold Fillincs. $1. and up; Silver. 75c; Extracting w'th cocaine. Site. Wo guarantee satisfaction. tifPainless Dentijts. BOYD'S DEXTJ L BOOMS, Dr. '-i. P. Boyd, Dr. J. a. Hollen-ueiiger 113 East Douclas Avenue. 109-tt MSTEBDJAEY SUEGE0STS. M. Phillips. S. r. Phillips PHILLIPS C PHILLIPS, VETERINARY SURGEONS. Graduates of the Chicago Veterinary College. Hospital accommodations. Calls by Telephone, Telecraph or Mall will receive prompt attention day or night. Office No. 114 N, Lawrence ave. OClce telephone No. 71. Residence 30 N. Topeka ave. Residence telephone No. 215. dft-tf-w47-tf BE. J. "W. SHULTS. Succesafully treats Catarrh, consump tion, Diseases of the Skin, Blood, Heart, and Liver, Bowels and Urinary Organs, Private Diseases, fits and Lost Powers in either sex, Piles, Tu mors, Diseases of "Women and all !f Chronic Diseases. lt : He is also a success- ' ful surgeon. Patients treated nt a distance and medi cine sent to all parts of the country. Send a stamp for question blank. Office, 150 Korth Alain St., "Wichita, Kas. d93-lm w52-5t PHOTO&HAPHEES. ROGERS, The Photographer. Pictures la all dre and stvles He nlso carrier the finest assortment of picture frames in the city. Give him a friendly call aad examine samples. EEAL ESTATE AGrEIVTS PKE1 V. 1SKA EL. R, C Iskael notary Pnbllc ISRAEL BROS. Eeal Estate and Rents. Telephene SI?. To buy Wichita city propertvorSeegwIck county land at present pr!ce" moans large returns oa your money, Wichita, with her :ock and other Indus trie, is Just in her infancy, and uch bargain as we can now oiler were never oared before. All having business in our line are invited to call or correspond. The Wichita Interests of non-resldeats properly and faithfully cared for. OSc second Soor 12a North Markeu Israel Building. dftitf AIvCHITECTS. w. t. PHornroor. a. TROUDFOOT S BIRD, Architects aad Snjwrtata&deat. Ofllca la Fach bAtoaT block. BOXDSIUE. SURETY ON BONDS. Thcvs who are required to give bond in positions cf trust, ar.d who desire to avoid asking ineads to become their sureties, or who may wish to relieve mends from farther obligations as boadssea should apply in person or by letter to VT.E. LIVINGSTON. Agent. State Na.fl Bank. Wfchlta, Kaa. Of tha American Surety Company of New York Pamphlets on application. 16 tf No chance of cars of any kind bet-wee "Wichita al St. Louis via the "New Mi ouri Pacific short Ue," d5S tX 7flacsrs?e ''rYy B. "W. ELDRIDGE. M. C CAMPBELL. ELDEIDGE & CAMPBELL, WICHITA, KAN. Fneclal Information by "Wire or Mall Free oa Ap plication. LITE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. O. Davidson-. Pres. H. O. Coolidge, Y.P. John Derst. Cashier. CITIZENS' : BANK. PAID UP CAPITAL, $ fiOO.OCH. STOCKITD'BS' IiAJBILITT.1.000.00a Largest Paid Tjp Capitcl of Any Bans la-tiw gats of Ka&sas. PHTSIOIATS. B. E. ILAMILTON, M. I. Specialties Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat, Catarrh and fittlnc glasse. Office 127 N. Market street, Israel & Myers block. Dn. chas. Bezaxson-. Da. c. p. Les. PR'S. BEZAXSON C LEE, Office r.oom 17, Main street. Keystone Honss, :2St.j North d 120-61 Dli. C. C. FUHLEY. PHYSICIAN : AND : SURGEON. oitice: 331 East Donslas Ato, I RESIDENCE Farley Block, Telephone No. 115. 1 Aajomsns tho Office. DJR. E. EMMA COBB, Fcmaln and children's dlseasesa gprccialry. Home for LEdles durtnc confinement, strictly private vhea so desired. Letters of Inquiry confidential md answered immediately on receipt or same. Home, 711 South Ida ave. Wichita, Kan. 115-tr E. r. M UN SELL, M. J. SPECIALTIES Medical and snrclcal dis eases ot Eye, Ear. Nose, and ' mill ntTiAV )ilAm1ch.c ami flf tln' spectacles. Office and residence. 1200 South Emporia. -tt mi. citosKEr. EVE, - EAR, - SURGERY, Office hours ! to 10 a. in.. 1 to 4 p. m. 10iSO.a. in. 117 North Main street. Sunday, 9 to -SPILE FISSURE FISTULA and nil dlsoase ot the rectum cured without the use ot the knife, na ture, caustics ordetention from business. No money io ie pam until patient is cured PRIVATE DISEASES in 1 both sexos speedily. cuiea uau on or address DP.. J. E. BENNETT. Jietf office 143 N Main St.. Wichita, MUSIC. 188S 1891 A. W. SICKNER, Teacher of Music. Fletcher Block. Thoronch Instruction. Pup is recitals given weekly All pupils are tendei ed free ue of an extensive and a refully selected music library. RAILliOAD TIMETABLES. jiissociu PAciricn. n. AI.RIVE.I LEAVE. Kanas Cltv Exprpo St. Louis Mail nnd Hxpress Kansas City Express Wlnfieldand Klow.i Express... Kiowa Mixed WICHITA AND COLORADO. Colorado Mall and Express.... Colorado Mixed 7:10 A M 3-05 I M fi V 31 9.25 v M 10.35 A 31 11.20 A 31 6.25 P 31 8:10 a M 1:20 p 31 0:15 P 31 7:25 A JI 1:15 P 31 5J3PU 7.40 A M Depot Second and Wichita streM: ticket oflice 120 North Main street. E. E. Bi.rcKi.ET. raencui and Ticket Agent. 11HE TABLE CHICAGO, ROCK 1SjLA"D ii rCI RAILWAT. f'Grent Hock Island Route."! in effect on and after October 19. 1311. AUIC1VU LEAVE GOING NORTH AND EAST. No. 2 Colorado Springs, Denver and Pacific Coast Express daily No. 2 Kansas City, St. Lonis nnd Chlcairo. Through Mall and ex. '.n1!r No. 4 Kansas C .!j . , Louis and Chicago Jj''ht ex. daily No. t2 Accomnvi....ion. daily except Sunday.. . . GOING SOCTR. No. 3 Kansas City, St. I.oi's If CAM 5oAM !55PM 3125 Pit 3K-5AM ana unicago ex. cany No. 1 Kansas City. St. LoaH. and Chicago through malii and ex. dally j No. 61 Accommodation, dally; exceptbunday ' CC5A3I :rcpt 230 pit 2"PI Elegant reclining chair cars on all train, and Pullman r leepers from Wichita to Kinsas City and Chicago without change on night trams. Tlckats fold and baggage checked thro-g' to all points north, south, tast and west, and stc "nshlp tickets sold to all European points at lowest rate. City ticket office 100 Last Douglas avenue, turner Matn street; passenger station corner Dodg.aa aaJ Mead avenues. Telephone VJi. W. II. Wishart. Ticket AgsnL J.vo. Srn ctian. G. T. & P. a Chicago. III. st. i ocib San trancisco r. r. 1 ARRIVE I LEAVE No L Going West, pass (to Ellsworth) No. 8. Going west, passeng'r (stops at Burrton) Sni finlnr- F!n&f nmaprinp' AM iCPJt !C0 A it It 40 Pit 1 S3P3I 305 PJI 45P3I 125 A Jt 1U5P3I SCOpm! No. 2, Going Et, passengeri No.G, Going East...". .NO.a. uomg m est to ourrtoc Trains marked thus run dally. West bound train. No. 1. has Pullman car. Wet bound train. No. 3, connects at Burrton for Pueblo. New Mexico and Southern California. East bound. No. 4. is a solid train to St. LouK makes connections for Ft. Smith, Little Rock aad Paris, Texas. East bound. No. 2, night express to Su Louis, has free reclining chair car aad Pullman sleeper No. 6. fat eastern expre has free reclining chair car. tourist sleeper, and Pullman sleeper to St. Lou! No. 5, fast western express, has through tourist sleeper to Los Angeles and Pullman s!eper to El Paso. Texas, and through to tha Cily of Mexico with out change. City Unloa Ticket o2ce. 122 North Mala strso: and union Depot, Douglas avenue. ATCHISON'. TOrEKjk 4. SANTA TE i. K. ARKIVE I LIAVS NORTH AND EAST. No. 414' Kansas City exprcs' No. 4C2 Chicago vestlbuled pre- sotrrn and wrT. No. 4P7 Oklahoma City and Oklahoma express N0.4V: Caldwell aad Pan handle expresf . . No. 406 Ft. Worth. Galves ton and Texas express. . . No, 413" Wichita Express, from Kansas City. . ..... No. 415 Caldwell express. ... WO AM 745AM SIBph 4S3PM1 stoppers 4S5PU' Ittrx Trains marked thus . daily. SQnrMENT NORTH AND TAST. Traia No. 414. Kansas City express, runs solid to Kansas City, has chair car service. Train No. 4(S comes direct from Galveston aad is a through Ch.cago train. leaving Wichita at 135 p m and arrives In Ceicago the next day at 2r p m. T-alnNo. 40S hae fre- reclining cha.r car to Kan sas City Pallmin to Kansas City, also to Topeka. Atchison and tt, Joseph. rQcipjirNT socrn and west. Train No 4LT. has Pullman and chair cars. Train No, 4C5 has through Pullman car to F W orth and Galveston. Train No. 413 has recllniag chair car from Kansas City and stops at Wichita. City Unloa Ticket cSce 122 North Main street, aad Unioa Passenger Statics corner Douglas aad th avenues. W. D. MCRDOCK. D. P. A- T ICEITA WESTERN 1 R. ; AKKlVg Going West. pass.(dally). Going West, freight Going East, pass Going East, freight. SUpit 12 43PX S43AM ... 1ICSAM . Vnion licket ocice 122 North Main street, rnioa Passenger Statioa corner Douglas aad 5th aveases. W. D. M CBJMXTK. D. P. A. Jtlt Painted Red. The Kansas City and "Wichita special train via the Saiita Fe runs without change of any class, and has in its equip ment a new reclining palace chair car which is free, 13 ti VWHHBcr Tp Lffll OR DEAD? The Mystery of a Murder on Staten Island. A COBPSE FOUND BY A SAILOR It Is Thought to Be That of Carl Bat tinker, TFho Came to America with "William Wright Tho Latter a Suicide or Fugitive. Europeans have made America notorious" as the scene of some of their most infamous crimes, or as the land to which they hava fied in evasion of justice. It was at St. Louis that the Maxwell-Preller horror took place, and in a Canadian swamp and a Canadian jail yard occurred the life takings of the Birchall-Benwell tragedy. It was to New York that a Copenhagen merchant shipped the body of his victim packed in a THE ASTOP. HOUSE SUICIDE, barrel of lime, and it was at New Orleans that Esposito, the most fiendish Italian brigand of modern times, first felt tho clutches of the law. In due season tho trunk mystery of St. Lonis, the swamp mystery of Canada, the barrel mystery of New York, and the mystery of the New Orleans bandit's identity were solved; and as in those cases the American officials showed their competence and intelligence, it is only reasonable to expect that in course of time they will arrive at the facts in what must yet be termed the Staten Island mys tery. As in three of tho other affairs men tioned, the fate of two men is involved. "When the mate of a vcsael anchored off Tottenville discovered the body of a man floating in the water near his ship, and when a subsequent examination of the body disclosed documents and a passport bearing tho name of Carl Ruttinger, the evidence all seemed to show that Ruttin pcer was the man's name and that he had been murdered. Further inquiry brought to light the fact that the dead stranger had for his companion and friend a brother-in-law called William Wright, and as a handkerchief stuffed in the mouth of the corpse bore the initials " W. W." the conclu sion first reached was that Wright had killed Ruttinger. As nearly as could be es tablished, the death of the Staten Island victim occurred on a day in February about twelve hours previous to the suicide at the Astor House in New York city of a person who had registered as Fred Evans, and who left among his effects no clew to his identity or relatives. The Astor House case was for a time something of a sensa tion lecause of the queer attempts at iden tification made by a lawyer, an actress and a real estate dealer. The claims of these people proved baseless, and after lying for weeks at the morgue the corpse was buried in Potter's field on Hart's Island. But it was not permitted to rest in its unmarked rave. The man with whom Ruttinger and Wright had lodged in New York city recog nized its the former the Staten Island body, and gave such a description of the latter that it was thought possible that the self styled Evans might be the missing Wright. The remains, therefore, were exhumed and the theory indicated established, so far as the testimony of several witnesses and of two photographs can be considered of value. Apparently this identification closed one part of the search. The next thing essayed by the officials was a discovery of the rea sons for the murder and suicide. Ruttin ger, it was learned, had been a lace manu facturer in Germany, and had married a sister of William Wright in England. The couple quarreled and separated. Wright sided with his brother-in-law, and with him sailed for America. The German had plenty of money, the Englishman had none, and because of this a theory was SUPPOSED PICTURE OP WILLLVM WRIGHT, evolved that Wright had killed Rnttinper and then, horrified by the enormity of his crime, had taken his own life. Bat op posed to this was the fact that Rutcinger was tall, stoutly built and powerful, while Wright was small and delicate in physique, almost to effeminacy. The authorities now are engaged in the investigation of new clews which, if they amount to any thing, are expected to show that the body found near Tottenville is not that of Rut tinger at all, but of a sailor named Schneider. They hare also been informed that with in the last few days a man answering Wright's description in every respect was seen at a hotel in Rochester, X. H. So it will be seen that they are confrontwl with a remarkabte series of complication. If the bodies now on hand prove to be those of "Wright and Ruttinger, the question to be solved is ttiat of the reason for the mur der and suicide. However, if it should tran spire that the German aod the Englishman are psill alive, it will be the duty of the officials to ascertain bow Rnttimrer's pa pers chanced to be in the pockets of the Staten Island victim, and why it is that Wright has made no effort to elucidate the mystery of the affair. The German, k may be as well to state, carried an insurance oc his life of 90,000 marks. ?. X. "Wextx. After Appeal 1,113. llurdercr Sweet lady, will you bring me a bouquet of these same flowers on the day of my execution? Murderer "Worshiper Yon shall have rt unless the species has become extinct by that time. New York Herald. fi An Anxiotxs Spoas. Maid Oh, madam, your husband him fallen in a nt on the parlor floor! Madam Dear mel Dd he break any of the brioa-brac BijrhaiBton Republican. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castona. ADVERTISE O, TwocenT COLUMN. THE PEOPIE'S COLUMN. Your Wants Supplied. $ The following rates ender the different headings will be charged. ESPPayahle Strictly in Advance. No advertisements ta&en for less than 10 cents. Oso line advertlEemeats charged tamo rata as two lines. NO ADVERTISEMENTS TAKEN "TO RUN UN TIL rORBIHDE" Prices givoii ntnler classified heads in this column Sphcable Uy to local advertisements. No foreign verttseirexfu taken at prie9 fclven. Answers to advertisements snt in care of th Eagle oSlro should be called for within lOdtys after Insertion. When advertlrers wish replys for warded to them stamped envelopes incst be sent. Befcrenca to farmtr aSvercisemems should give description and date of Insertion or copy of the ad vnisim&nt should tsa pest. Not responsible for advertisements given or dis continued by telephone. WANTED FEMALEHELIJ7 Lnder this head 2c per line per day. Domestics. WANTED-GIRL-MCST BE A GOOD COOK and willing: to do general honseworfc tor a small family. Call at 43S N, Topeka ave. dl23 2t "7ANTED-A GOOD GIRL V.'ANTS SITUATION in a small family. Call at S13 Cherry street. d!23 T'5rANTED--AT ONCE-A FIRST CLASSTABLE V waiter. Keystona House. 2&H North Mnla. TrANTED-GOOD GIRL TO DO GENERAL houseworic. ilust be a sood cook and furnish reference. White girl preferred. Emporia avenue. Apply at 21o N. UI21-U VANTED FIRST-CLAPS COOKS IMME 1 1 diatcly at Keystone house, 2SJa North Main street. d iSO-o WANTED-A GOOD WHITE COOK. at 302 N Topeka. S. P. Woolanl. APPLY US tf T7"ANTED-A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO ' general housework. Mrs. H. T. Kramer, 401 N Topeka ave. US tf TTANTED-A GOOD COMPETENT GIRL TO t do general housework. In family, of fcur. Apply at Riverside or SS W Douglas ave. Mrs. Henry Cotnley. ill21 it WJANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE M work, at 557 Waco. llfa-tf - rANTED-AGIRLTODO COOKING IN PRI I f vale family. Jlust bring good reference-. Mm. H. W. Lewis. 503 North Topeka ave. dllG-tf WANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COOK FOR Piazza. None but flrjt-class help need ap ply, woman preferred. Apply to Mrs. O. O. Brown. 52U North Waco. d 115-tr WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. a pply at Riverside, one door outh ot J. O. Davidison's residence. TTTANTED-COOK. AT WICHITA HOSPITAL. tt South Fourth ave. Apply to matron at the hospital. dl05-tf 7ANTED-A poria ai e. GOOD COOK AT 1313 Gto. L. Pratt. N. EJI-dlOl-tf Nurses. V"ANTED-A NURSE GIRL. V North Fourth avenue. CALL AT 454 dlil-Ct M iscella n eo us. T ANT ED-TWO APPRENTICE GIRLS FOR our millinery department. Munson fc Mc Namara. d 120-gt Situations Wanted Female. Lnder this head lc per line per day. Domestics. "rANTED-bITUATION As HOUSEKEEPER in small tamtly. Understands all kinds of housework. References. Inquire at lit! Ida avenue. dm bf "WANTED AN ORPHAN GIRL WOULD 1 like a homo in u Christiaa family. Inquire at OXi S Emporia ave. IU 1 YlpYNTED-A GOOD GIRL ABOUT 21 YEARS of age wants a position In small family to do housework. Applyat IK N Hydraulic ave. dllTti M iscella neons. "irANTED-A POSITION AS ACCOUNTANT by a young lady of experience law. ,w. real estate or msurrnce oihce preferred. Address Laura Leech, tt!7 N '1 opeka. 119 6. )VA N TED MALE HELP. ender this head 2c per lino per day. Trades. WANTED A FIRM-CLASS WHITE BARBER T with a capital of about J3u0 to step into a paying business, pool, billiard and cigar utnd welt located. Address Harper A Kouae. lchita, Kan. 113 ti BodKkee)ers and Clerics. Bois. Salesmen, Misceallan eous. WA NTED-COM PETENT &TENOG It A PII EIlS and look-'epers who desire posttloas. to epply at the NatlonalAccountant'sacdstencgraph er's bureau. Office for the stales of han&as, Culo rado, Nebraska, illssourl and Texas, at the South western Business College, V icluta. Kan. 2a tt -TXTANTED-BCSINESS'JIEN WHO A HE IN need of stenographers or accountants to call at the National Accountant's and Mecographer's Bureau. Branch oflice at the Southwestern Busi ness College, W;chita, Kan. AVe usually hae on oar application list thoroughly competent book keepers and stenographers w.lh first clss refsren ces. llelp lurnUhid ireeol charge. 2Stf Situations Wanted Mate. Cader this head lc per Use per day. A GENTS WANTED. Lcderthls fctad lc per line per day. TTTANTED-AOENTb TO SELL GEN. SHEP.- v man's Memoirs, written by himself with sup plement by iecreur James G. blaiae. Call at 4i6 sedgwick block, 9 to 12 a. m., Thursday aad Friday. dUltf Employment Agencies. Er.dr this head lc ter line per day. 7:STED-ENERGETIC YOCNG MEN AND i V ladies to Join in a p-laj clawt of shorthand which will be organized ai the Southwestern Busi ness college on Tuesday morning. April 7. More calls for stesographers are received than can be filled with graduates Positions guarantee to ail wbojcainth class nd complete icacoqrM. d Oj-2t W ANTEDMI SCELLANEO US iTANTED-I HAVE CtSTOMERS POR TWO t good house. centraUy caled. must b very cheap. W. D. McCormic. 113 E. Psrst t. d!23 2t V'ANTED-TO EXCHANGE BOARD TOR PA- per hanging. Entjair at 120 mtfc Topek avecae. dn2-st rANTED-THOSE NEEDING IOWA POTA t toe for ! or eaUag call at Elton's sew wareroom cr Va.Iey hoose. Price vtry low T. a. d!22-t- Wyatt. XTT-aNTED-THOSE HAVING SECOND-HAND T Y fcralture to sell, call at once ai OS E. IKig- Us. Mclatyre Bros. dl22-f -l"ANTED-5MALL HOU5E AND STABLE TO move oZ premisei. Address all W. Dosglas. dCt-ttt Y7ANTED-EVEP.Y PROPERTY OWJp. de'lrelag to vll to call at my cSce IB E. First ireet aad list their farmorcJiy reaiteaoe property. W, D. McConaick. Real Estate Broier. 114 Xl'ANTED-ir Y'oC WANT TO SELL YOPK ? residence property, list it wKh ns. We hare bayars. biackweicer A Hoibrock. -'ANTED-POR TWO GENTLEMEN PCP.N- Isbed rcoai coctraliy iccated, beis of refer- cscs. ACirei S Eag oSice V9 tf -l-lANTED TO LEAsE A DWELLING OP ktvcb cr eigat room. aodra tapnertsseau, aad a bars, wilt m tea blocks of Docgta artaae oa Nart&&da. laqcueof J. R. lUiisweil. Stdgwici Wocx. 123 71 -tttanted-jasoline stove?, sewing V machines ard argaaf- W1U bay thtm cr repair tifa ai a rcaMisabte price. Gatkln A Jxc ijccs. 35 E DouliA ave. HIV e T-t-fiO WANTS TO SELL THEIR QCITT IS A I pece of improved roiieace property Uat 1 mcrtyagid; hot mut ccnaii sti or ttts rtxs. give ivcaliOTV. irspTovtmrat.. amssi; asd tlceltj) aorarace runs aid price waatl foe ti Mjsity. AddrcM -Ecitr- lock box JttQ, Wicaita. 1 c XTTANTED-A GOOD DRIVING HOESE 4 OR Syearseid. aibBd aaii gts.t In QZlr cf E. T. Alies, Zl;erU Uock. CS3 ti w ANTED-LtWPOrNDS CHICKEN PEATH--ri.L6tO rosmSs dsci falters. LOOpocadt ree Jeatberx also fifty toe cf itscii. Caaioao? xdiires tl Kiia fe?r5g Bod c?r, 54 aad Ji Wrtt DecjU. Wi awe. 4-t TVaNTED-PaSTSER IN HAP.DWARE bcsi It neaa. GtxA yecxVfsa. Fcr sarticslari eiweir o O O P coov M " N L a $Z pMtSMgr. HaTtz, Eas. a j THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Tour Wants Supplied. "WUNTED-CLERXS. BOOK KEEPERS. STEN i cprspfcers and telrsraph oreratcrs, or othea persons who wish to become thorccchly ccrapetent m the atore branches, to call a: tlie ioathitestera iuaiaes college, corner Docls and Topcti t nea. Wichita. Kaa. SU TOB SALEMisctXhineous. Under thi3 head 2c par Itae per day. POH SALE-GHOCEUV. ST-XTiC AND FIXT ures. all new goods; best aayicg. ail cash, and most prominently located business m Guthrie. Oklahoma: liCQJ cash wlil hand it it. Address p. J care Wichita Eagle, dKJ Gz FOR SALE AT V a T. U. 1 UlCHANGE. WEST of postofPce. Diamond, Sta r and R Homemodo bread and rolls, calces and pus, fresh every day: Siar r.d Trlancle salt-rising bread frh every Tcesday. Thurscay and samrUcy. Orders tsSea salads, cooked meats, fowls, titc House pUnu from Mueller preeahoase. dl2t u SALE-AT A BARGAIN A COMPLETE 1 a: and well assorted retail stock of drv coods. notions and fnmkhlnc poods, of an inventory value of SH02.CO. TJus is an exceptionally clean and strictly dwirable stocic. bu'.n:: all new and staple good in cood order, and will br sold on very favorable terms. Por parti -alars call oa or address Tie Johas'-oa Jc Lar-mer Cry Good. Wichita. Kaa. dli:-Jt POR SALE-CHEAP-PARit 153 ACRES PIR5T bottomland well improved. 6 miles from Ham and Douglas. The best bargain la Sedgwick county. Blackwelder & Holbrooi. dUl tt TTOR PALEHOUSK AND TWO LOTS. CHEAPl X Will tae uvim or eood Iwirso and boi-rv f or first payment, balance in 2 years. Por particulars eaijnlre at 2 Cherry st. K. D. G ullettc dill St J I?OR SALE-ONE CARRLvGE AND ILMtNIiS. ? Call at SK a. Hydraulic dI21 3t l?OR i-VLE-GOOD PAIR WORK HORSES. X bay, weight 2.03. s years old, at a bargain. Eso Furniture company. d tKt T?6r SALE-FPRNITTRE POLISH AT K AND -1 SO cents per bottle- Old famiiuro uvula to look as good as nuvr. Eno Furniture company, d U0-oi 1?OR SALE-BIG BARGAIN. VI Fi:ET. E.VST -L front on Topeka avenue, within -fl feet of Oat; street tor Jl.itC. Blackweldot A- Holbrook. d U"B-t F OR SALE-AN UPRIGHT BICYCLE. CALL at lit North Lawrence. d UO-tf TTOR SALE lul ACRES 3 MILES SOl'TH OF X7 the city, ail bottom. Pt Ices only K per acre: aloH acre, bottom land, cloo to the city, good hoae, Uirn. abundnncc of fruit, etc A lag banrain. D. W. Mctalla. over IK N. Matn. d iaJ-3 ?OR ALE-CHEAP ONE HAINES BROS-. X squure piano in gooa condiiion. Inquire at 243 N La reuce ave. 119 tf JOR SALE-CHEAP OR WILL TRADE FOR A ? house and lot closer in town, four acce. gool sis room house, tu o closqts. pantry, two pon.he. cellar, barn and other bulldingv fruit anil shade trts. all fenced and in a line siato of cnlUvHlktn, one mile from poatofilco. Address "Laud" box lis Wichita. Kan. US ir l?OR bALE-AN KTEY ORGAN. AND FIL dll7 A' ter. Call at -".'4 N I Topeka ave. I?OR SALE -CHEAP. ONE FLVK JF.RSEY A cow: must be soul regardless of prictiasthe owner Is leailntr the city. Call at tho bedcwlck btable-v, ;i. ater dlllC -cioi: sale-attention bctlderm at a JD bnrgaiu, derrick", hortopower. gceiing blocks and ropes, and all kinds of stoneetler tools. In ulre of John Bamberger, 3B E. Douglas avf . Wlch ta, Kan. dIlS-2Ct TJIOR SALE- CHEAP. LUMBER YARD FOR J? cash or on long time, or will exchange for good unincumbered farm iHnd iu the Arkansan i alley, bee or addrtes J. Beach, apent. Vaimy Center, Kan. d W-atw3 FOR SALE-CHEAP-ALL THE BUILDING-., pile bottoms, fence, etc- at the Carey lumber yard. VJK fcat Dougias ave. tf rpWENTY-FIVE CENTS A HUNDRIID AT J. this otflce, old papers suitable lor pjckuut" pat- ling under carpets, cU. tu. t; IT'OR i-ALE A HANDSOME LITHOGRAPH ; map id thecity of lcbltu:glveliamesof struts public umldtngs. rolleges. prkii, etc. size UaD on linen paper, price j cent-, each: 3 !orlDcenU.3i cents a dozen. AUviiex. tha Withaa Eagle. WmhiU, Kan. UllA-tf FOR Sale DEED?. MORTGAGE. AND AuL kinds ot legal bUnk: blank xecejpt books, noto books, etc- at Uie W ichita. talo offlue. Oiders by mail promptly atteuded to. dlt-tf FOB TRADE. Under this lied 2c per line per FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles Under this head 2c por line per day. FOR RENT Houses. luder this head 2c per line por day. FOirRENT-REMDENCElril SOUTH LaW Eai rence ave.. 8 rooms. In oicedent rep llr. with city water and gas; location tb mct dlrable. Apply SI) South Lawrence. dl25 4t CfS- FOR RENT A GOOD LARGE HOUSE ONE f!"i block from Douglas ave. Chtap. Call at 2UU .VMatnst. dlW-tf f'FOlt RLNT -HOUSE No. 113) N. LAWRENCE CJ-i. aie.. IU rooms, bath. irus. electric belU. lc House fret-lily aiiitl. gooI stable and barn ply to Dr. J L. Jennings, IX N . Main st. M At- FOR RENT Rooms. I nder this head 2c per llneper day. 6RK'ENT-FLitNl'HKbROOMb."al'6LE)rt. 1 en suite; board next dour. 112 North Law rence T7OR RLNT-N1CE FURNISHED ROOM, WITH JL? soft watur and south front la pm ale family. .no. Uu V. Williams st. 1,'OR ROOMS AND BOARD-CALL ATS3&NORTH J lojwkit avenuo. dllfi-Ut IPOK KLNT-MCtLY FLUNIslifcD ROOM. ALL J. modern convenlencs. with gaa. hen. and cold water, bath room, etc- No. 6.4 N. ropewa ae. Uill-tf ?OK ItENT-ilOOMb O.N hECOM Kl.OOIt AND X all of tho third Hour, which is satiable for a hail, over 'MS N. 31am st. t. Jlev:. 21s E. dlll-tf Douglas ave. ."oil KENT-TWO PLEASANT room, .no. VJ N, 'i'opelca ave. PUHMhliKU dllftsLT iOP. KLNT-A VERY DESIRABLE PUitNIsU 2 cd room oi 204 N Emporia. HU FOR RENTM iscella neons. Under tc'.s had 2c per libs pr dy. I TOR KENT-BCSINESi ItOOMb UNDER Opera house, stone building; size 27x101 fett. ac Gutnrie, tne gateway to tee lttdla Unuocn tu Le opeted. Apply to it. W. Pentecost. Ucthrle, Ok. am at IrOR KENT-bTOCK RANCH. VJXl ACHLS. fenced, im&g water, in Syc.mote township, Butler county. H. U. 11 arUey, 1211 N Lwreuie ar . Wichita, Kan. . 13j V FOR EXCHANGE. LOST, LOtT-A MONOGRAM OP THE LETTERS K. 11. V. t inderwtil pieikM: leave aiaatKal cm ce aaS Set reward. dtt M STRAYED. rndr this head 2c per Mai pr Cay. (n TRAY ED U.H faTOLEN-PROM THE KESI- O icitce of a. tL Ward, 4U b. Mala. a 4-er-id torrel atare wni stripe aa face. A37 oos icrnmg lalortaauoa o: ar wBrix;y wia m pia :or si troab.o. April i USt. A-M-War. LM 2t STOLEN. FO UND. tLU htd 3c per Uoe ;er day. Cade: F OCND-A PAIR OP ETEOLAasES. OWSHE ua tf cili at tius occc rt'ALEN CP-THKEE tTKAY (.Ws W. D, suf X Pintail. AiaM aattiUoe. d IXl-t' ART AND MUSIC. FINANCIAL. rfler ll t3 5c pr lict per jty. M ONEY TO LOAN-IP TOC WANT A 5KAJ.L isjxajLSt mtmrr oa asy tioc ; cii r- ca. Ity, solves. ws. bcrgtcs vkh. L.-iM or be&w-biMfi Cvd, rr a cr car of P O bax V7. Mate wiasfe kbC wfcee tttarur AB be ;. Jo delays. US C f ONET TO LOAN-ON rTRNITrRE. HOlifcESL 'i. ssai aad il. ktas of caaiit wk.-St at C; N. Slais. a. Xerru. A- 1. TZJr TT D, MeCOBMlCC KSAX K6TATE BltOKER ' . is ery n Jam J;-rty Pares prtriy a tpetHy crretiee toO&XL. ia i. run V. fcjma, i-at. CiI7 31 ONET-MONET TO LOAN ON WATCHES OTBirftC. jr"itrj Jut aasttcai latirss-, at MSN ii4i j r. ytax. Katger. iXSt Monet to loan in amocnts op ts and vy?4 tm. ar. ctta. saai, crvp. ioirOd isnut;c ;i aC ail ktedx of -n? U)trtrilii. eiKLcsituwoaitTj i.zic Ntci fca&x. tf MONET TO LOAN-WS wji.t. LOAif TOC saey co iog or rtKt Us ea ,'r. r etty jrcperty. a- at Uno, eMU. r'K iiAsl goi. si fti-. u liJLTxr. aj js. an tccm't kock. M-ii FrSSTTXTAT. jjOAXS. CATTLE LoilTf-J.'ON-y 1cj t. aiaatwt iryjair Vj J T. LaJ .tra. urr bwtt" grccecy. awr&cr as kid Mjus. MONET LOANED OX KOK5K itiilln oot, ciao. bafcald fwunere. f. aUn ugsi. it 30m ws a tsaaB aakiw& txs. zA t E.U Wtrr Soil ht Orrrsen." Tfcre hoars the aalctest 10 Sc Lazlt Misb&ari Padis aUwagr, 2ii ii i THE PEOPIE'S C0LUMS. Your Wants Supplied. MISCELLANEO US, Cider this head io per line per day. PERSONAL WILL THE PAP.TT WHO AD dresjd a communication s'.srawt "A Former Neighbor" be mors explicit and write asaln. 15331 rruiOSE DESIRING TO LEARN SHORTHAND JL should vlii Watertmry's school of shorthand and typewriting. Y M, C A. Boildln: and wime the worxiajf of the new devices which reader jhort hand as Ielhie as print and easier to tears, d.13-5 ARSGISTEREDJERSEYBULLEEPTAT 35 S. Fourth aveane. dUl to. 2 HAVE Jl CUSTOMER FOR A C3 ACRE FARM we.l Unproved, aosta of aad wlthla tea mile of. Wichita, must be bottom luuL Alo hive cus tomer for SO or IGdacre outhe&sto city 10 or U mile. Musi be special bargains. W. D. McConnlcit. Ill E. First strrJ. dill 3t DR. LE DrCTS PERIODICAL PILLS. THE creat French remedy, act directly or. tie nsea truai ysiem and positively cure npprckra of tho raeaie. Warranted to promote mentnutioa The pCls should not bo uVn darins preccano . son Scan Pill company, rorL prupritton, ipa cer. la. $5. Genuine supplied oy Chas Lawrac la East Dcuslas. Wichita, Kaa, by whole3le and eR- IK tyr. MRS. A. M. FORD HAS REMOVED HER drcssmaVtns departaeat to the old dremwuik lair parlors of Innea sj Rots. Entraac first tAlr way south of siore dlCa-tf w ILCOX.THE WjlTCHMAXER. WILL CLEAN your watch and warrant It for T5 centa. Alw main iprini: Ti cents and warranted. HO N. Mala dSTOJt T ANTED AGENTS IN EVERY CITY, TOWN T and illl Ago in tho Pnited Mate (oxer pt la state of Kansas) to Uke futctiptioi!. PonttBaMf rt can Ciako ii.ocry No capital requlrtd. Saispl copies tree. Cath ccmailiiots, fco:ir y can bemau bj gettiiif np uubi. Addicas lLo ictlu Eagl. A IchKa. Kia. ;Uf OKLAHOMA MAPA POCKET MAP OF THU Icdtan territory, sheivinc th CheroJ.p trlp and Oklahoma, with all the Indian lands, capitals nation, town. viliagA. nililt-iry reservations, la dla reservations ara bor.adAr:JS, also the mall ser vice of each town, the Eftern and etera land dtitrlcuof UkUhoma. tlie 4. Cerokeo outlet, etc A complete pocket nup. 14 by Si toch colored. Th latest and most complete map over published of this new country, wbkh will be opened In a few day, will ba seat post paid to aay xddrtv upon the re ceipt of JD cents. Address K. P. Murdock. Uuslaaxi Mgr. Eagle, Wichita. Kan. Tstf TO BANKFRS AND LOAN AOENTS-FOR sale Oue Hno burslar-proof Dlebold stfe with Yale time lock. Pair vault doors Ui nk counter, wire cage wor and bank furniture, and ftiture generally at a bargain. O H Blackwelder, a!enee. Wlch'.U. Kan. S4 t" JOR PALE-SCALE BOOKS. 5RORT HAND . writers' note book, blank receipts and not books and legal blanks of every ki&U. Mall order rromptly Mtemled to. Cll ua or apdrcss th Wich ta Eagle, Wichita. Kan. l0-tt PROPOiVLS FOR INDIAN SUITLIhS AND TRANSPORTATION. "PVEPAKTMENTOF THE INTERIOR, Omen of KJ Indian Affairs. Washington. April 4, U5L haled propoa.s. lndorvyl "Proposals for Beef, (bids for Beef niUAi b submitted lncparataea elopesi. Bacon, Klour. Clothing, or Transportation, "tc . lis the caso my b and directed to the CiramUsloner of Indian Affaim. Non 6S and 6T Wooster street. New Yort win u recelvcsl until I p. m.otTuelay. May 5, Jssi. for forM.htng for tho Indian scrvlrn about '.U,0u pcur.di lUtn. i. tHUHU roimiis Beef on the hoof, I.aa(U pound net Beef. -n.iui iwund Beanv M On") pound Batlne Powder, fftunds t orn. .VXUU poumH Cod-. 10.lXO.tOJ pound riour, llu.UO pound Feed. '.y."" pouiuis nam ureau. vmxt pound tiorainy. Fountl lnl an barrels Mess I'nrb. pounds tJaUneal. Aiu.Ou pounds Oat, U0.0JU pound IUc, 2J.U.0 iKundc Tin, UT.UW pound Conre .'alt. IflaftO Kino s-alt. .TO'(H) iKinda 'oap L1UXUU pound iugar. and twunda Whu.i. Also, Blanket, Wonlen and tvtton G00.K (enn sltiug in part of Ticking, ynl(i: Standanl Calico. 1C0.1O3 yanls. Drilling. 22,du yards. 1upI. rr from all lzlair. t4.(j0 yard. Dentmsj SOUU) .nls. Gingliam. Tfi0r )anU. Kentucky JnHt. liTOIyards, thertot 2MA) ard. Brown -hrltug. 29(i.ftu j-unlx. Bleacht-l it-ewtaj, 4iUO yard: liiotory sun-ting, UWfl rUv Calico Shirting. &.UUJ yards. Wlavjy. i.hjo v"rd.)i Clothing, Oro-rt-rles. Notion. Ilardwar .Medical Suprlle. School Books, etc, and a long at of ml Mlaneou article, such a Harne. Plow. Rake, Forks, etc.. ami for about 575 Wagons required for the wrvlce. to b delivered at I lilcago Kansas City, and Sioux City. Also for suoh Wagons as may be required, adapted to tho climate of the Pacini Coast, with California broke, delivered at San Franclco. Alo, transportation fortuch ot tho article, goodt, and supplies that may not U contractisl for to bo delivers nt thf Agencle M1D3 31UST UK JIADK OtT O.V OPVall.VMST 11UNK. Fcheilulcs showing the kimls and (juantltle of ,ulUtoiiCRSiip!le required for each Agency and School, and tho kind and quantities In groa. of alt other goods and rticlr. together with blank pro poaI, condition to b observni by bidder, tiffin anl plac of delivery, tertu ot contract and pay ment, transportation route, and all other nee-. sary in.ti ui U-m will be turn heU upon application to the Indl.m Dftlcn In Wablbffton or N'n. (A and C7 WnoMerb?r-et, New Y'orii, tht CommlMArtrs cf fnl)lstence, U.S. A .atChrTenc, llilrsiifo, l.eaven worth. Omaha. Saint Lou'a. balm Paul, and San Pranclco. tho Putinater at n!oux City. Iowa; Yanktor.. S DaUou. Arkan. City. Caldwell. To rek, and Wlrliita. Kna. and Tucson Arliona. Tfte rlgrt i reserved by the Uoveroronl to mject nn and .til Md. or any part of any bid, aad tbeo propiKtiti are luvited under provlwi that approprl. Uoii shall I made for lh suaplt by Concte-s. Bid will bcoiKMied at the hour and dif koova tated. and bidders ara Invlud to be pratcat at tho opunlng. CCHTiriED CHECK. All bhU mot he accumpanlud by certllid rhjki or drafu uoti ome t'nlt! Mateo Depoltory it thn Plrst National Bank of ban Kranclco. Cal., for at least ate per cent, of th amount of the proposal. T. J. MORGAN. CommlMton-r. JI7lb-l&o din-I'A OROPOfALS POR PrKL-Iir.ADgCARTP.RK 1 I)eNirtBirnt of the Ml auurt. Office or th ChW gwirtTnia.ter St Ijui. Mluoori, April T Jhji. Sb11 pruxl In triplicate. ubjwl to tha utNal condition, wlil N recnivrd at thla oClce and at thi oCVren of ilia QaartermattAra at tii foltowlEit naind station!), until 12 01 lock. noon, central standard titnn. May 7. 11. aod then opened. fr runilf hlHg and dellrerlng wool, roal and rhroI, during the fltruil year lxginnlDK July lot. 11, at Ports Leavenworth and RUey. Kanuu; Port Beau and sill. Ciklahuroa. Territory and Port Supply. In dian Territory. Fort Lewis and Locaa and at Denver, ( oiurado. and Campa at (juthri and ULta. biima l?lt. tklah'jaia Territory. PrvpoaU for delivery at other plnl wilt be entertained. BVldrrt mat state hr they propone to make d'llvrrtet. The Government rerea the rijht to reject anr or all bid, ortorestract for Itlwr kind of nopplie. or urh portion of earn a may be, co&aidort-d for th bt Uitert of the ervlc and to walv sosn defects a are not in conflict with tt law i'le fere&ce will be given loartk.! otdomMUaerodBC- tion or maDuiarxore rnaii'en 01 quabty ana Wire lnc Iodide: tho pnre 1. ttirn nrfMt!. . prwlucUen or maaufactares th doty ther't; being eqnaL RUak propo! ami prlntM rlrcnlar girls fjrfl infnnaatlon. will b furnlihM 00 application Ui thi ogk or 14 th qu.wnnter of the utattoB named. Envelop containing propo! nbcxjld t marked TrntywAl fur Fuel at V and add"-vd to tt naierlecel or to the Quarter-tnal'-i of the staiios oaicl oe C". V Fua TKli, QaArtrmatr. L s, A,, t hlef Qurtrmaiter. A prit 7-a.V aivd . May 5 P A N G E R Positiy.Cured VJ No Knife Used. Safety and Permanency AsaurecL Dosot dly a dytf yoa havn cabct. Writ tor twtimoota! &d lcformttQ. or com t WwhllA nt to xamld by our Miltcai Dlrwrtor. M. & U cb4, Addr- TUE WirRjTA HCHtUY QO. ?or rsfereaca of our work, write. 4-lyr Fine ny!ny Cardv Fnd if-n fiU cent in stamp, or coin to John Fb&tiaa. jenTl ticket nd pxnxn Kcr nzect Cbicftso. P.ock foUnd ao1 PiuAfla railway, for pack of tb latrt. moot fi rst. lirkot pujlag cahI that Tcr fsul dened the cjot And ri-ppll alonj; tbe fing er of the devote; to Hicn Fire. Sren-Cp, Casiso, Dutch, Eocbr?, WbUt or aj other aocieat or raodrn Em aad get your money, worth Are Urnm qt-.z. l ti Remrraber TTUI and Iar in JIIM That if jou are ginx to WathlnstiTn. OrtrKoa or Idaho, or any Pad fie cot points, it wiil be toyotir tulr&al&t to go tJ the if iaaouri Parffic railway. The rea son i that yon will wire tira atl ly orers at nnrtioa poisU. Th; fast I'xcida express le&T Wirhlt eTery dAy xt Z'JSi p. m. via the iliaoari Pacific railway, derwt corner Second aad Wlgblta atrc.?. CU? tlciet offio?. YSt North Mats trtt. E. E. TivserXzT.V.tcT AzL.Wkblta. H. C. Towshejii, G. P ti. T. A-, Sf, Lottis. lti Chicago expref tU the Mottri Pacific railway. leave Wichita at ts!0 a xa. C2t caso next zaornins tclocx. ifloari yusilc railway 1OT ti Call at the Santa Fe Ucit oSce, 122 X. MaIq atret for dencrJptlT txx)k. eoa cimilos Colorado. New Mexico, Califor nia, Oresoa. Wahlsrtoa. tiws Dalota., "iycriiay aad Utah. lis addition to Jop plyins tbovs antitip&tiosr a trip wai wHh th1 isfrroatca parties y alo learn to their adraatae by calling at the East Fe office bfre pwrciuaJn ttcieU, or ad drtaa the asdersli''- V D. MlTESXVCX, ia North Mafa tt,. Ti'.i Wichita, Kaa Caiiersia, V,'nhiesUfa aad Orrtsa ar haTloi; "bom" n olll b-5 tii jnu. Tb country w fat aihsij op -th fartser. Btti-i H liTely in aJi faVaacfcei. If yctr bsppB to ie one of th toaay -who art tfalciacs: of taitsj; a trj to the PaqISc cot. tor pltajfare or bolneaj, write to G. T. NJchobon, G V and T A.. A. T. ti 5. F. K. K-, Topeia, K.. Sot Pel3c eoaat Bteratere, or apply to local agent cat F route. 122. North Slaia -trret, or Unlcapaa a;rer fiatios. corner Ioosla4 and Fifth, aad l4m x'J partKXtlxra atoaS peroalI park-Stwidjr, i H -