Newspaper Page Text
rev -" f t'j'"V" v j.-v--' SaM2B15Tl891. . ifte WJiatuswijaniiiWgKiaSi SSI SI Mm 3 1 t . ..w 4 B ( ( liU M sat.1, l B t h m m 8: t i ; (WfciSsSIPTtf Chicago Grata and Prodnce. B. W. ELDRIBOX. It C ClifflXLXkJ JH F TTfJk ?$Ift ,4)1 nl- MWfff YH fm IWmW V.w. K.V'VHBIRSPRWA'lTlP E WM rTTTTi"' rtr iHI 1Q I VWS1 FIANiAlCOMWCS WIGHIIA 1IAEKET& tCh Receipts of Stocte e th "Wichita Hfcta Btc Varl3 fo ta past 24 Bar4 Werd & Followa 129 Cattle, lOGSlfcoffSk &$&etotet 3 Horses. T',ee!5Jteiolcaili8 wr larger today taaaTOr.pevaai-aaySipastj but they were still Wcifergeeaoogk to supply ths buy ers. !be Quality of t&e-stuffs today was varf- afif oft a average, and ciioJce in BWBfctnsAtnceB. TliA enarke was strong and'acHve from tin opeaina, and sellers iuvi i Rotable i disposing of their stock 6ood prices. Ererythln moved lively. S?5h-re was aa tniusttul amount of steers, anil hamai&t -was Ire from the glut of JK! -staff that generally characterizes It. Hhereiano limit t the amount of jpoefi'CafcU, especially butcher stnffi, that eft kaoJdiore. Miainarliet closed strong ad active. OATMlC Cx receipts oCayx,ere.'Aa. The market vi as motive una strong. TCadw shltpfcwr rteena coed to extra.. ?washltplwrrteeas. cocoa extra..,,,,; Oca) La sr ra. enrim butcher rtot-l's. itwO& ,Sl 50O5 2 ESOlbs .,...,....., 8 5C64 JM ?.frcdihs..ww,3(lCM. fljflibs,,.,, S-5034 2 NafcLoclitrs, bW-Willbs o.,.... . 2 7v3 5 DhtoilnrsM I6tfjia- . . S 004 00 Kail' 4 good ccra.AiOi& .liciy.s..wv..., 3 75 1 Ofl ftiUsand .tags .-..,.... 1 752 IS r,atrerUpc net-re nMuwnn.9 00 a3 S5 3oodyeafctSig steetfc ,,.. 2 ST3 03 3Mer- ..........vvv.,H 1 2.VS1 as sosrw (tniiks wifl a31flW.ii.'S.v, SOg.1 20 reaJJMOw'a, 1A4!-J8!J lixs. per boiul.r.,., - SftgJ (0 S'czK&i'.tecrs. gowtto-ei&viH-cwai iwS,v,, -S 5(4 K ffea5 steers, salt ...-. .v . S V03 J Ccau -tovss, meflSuiaM jn Una, corn f6d 3 00S3 5J BEssscsjciann: sixes. Eha loTlowing-aTetJta i,cieialaiJvo saJcscicat- K4 atiieyiw'Cfi tocUiys PiIgc 0,1 4 85 4 S.J 25 SJ 3 To 40 lOi SI)J 2&) 403 3 75 8W 20J J3 8 75 4 on 400 175 2j00 48 Slilpplug tn.Tfe... .-.,-u.. .w, Jfl Butcher steers. .. ....v, 4 StikrA m..t,,w . 5CT-H ..1113 . , fm V.1C ., !OT ,.. . Tl)7 ,. n ftm 1 JUiS,.lM2 3 CnTS., ." 1U13 CflTR-S.. ,.. -. ,1(HU .U...),,.. S3J v,. .;. ii2o i,,-- 9-TO '..J....1363 Cowv...... W llnll J. BOGS. The receipts of bogs irereiair ior Sat ardny but t3aa qruality was not overly Bat!sfaBtary ictba buyers. There were a BoodaafcnyJiijweight jnedtnm packers nmonghe jaSes&agsi .antl only u few loads of fdir'aatcra la. The market opened Fteady, jjid t2ie Imlk 4f stuff sold about the sain bm ysestsrdny Tn the afternoon, the bxLfBWfccok adruffiftage of the reported weafcntess nfc"JEIanBas-Ciby and the market became easier here. The sales, however do not how nny decline. Tops today, 5jUj,bnlic &E0J35.05; lights, $3.23S3.. ffhe marltfctritoBed easy, vith all hogs sold. coaKZESiCT-AirrvB baix& 5Tieft)nwKlnzai-oXh8Tepr6olitativ9 sales otimga at m yaras txxuvyt yrlre, 10 6 10 6(B : 6 05 S( 6S 6 na 4 9'i 4M 4 Ift Dock Av. .... 1U 155 E0 IbO 193 Tripe, 4K3 4 SO 430 PIGS AND MOni. Ill 3) 3 50 127 113 US las 122 113 IPS 131 3 50 SM 3 4Q 350 3 40 :i53 3 70 4 !'5 i 4S-J 4 S3 4 a 4 85 KQXEF-. GooAFttxAaheep, SOaaDO Good sUxrt ewes TCakS Good t extra -vretlijrs 55i5. ooo. to extra ltmle ..... ....52 50ffi5 00 , . 2 WT. 50 ... 2 00S l ... 4 OOOi A3 EncT -31 tntloa. Hogs -were n,3ittle easier at the close. Thero were somo very good, though small, fihiaping stetr's on today's market. The eattlfl market Tvas lively. High prices held sway. Deputy ftTm-ghnl Haj-sixiarketed a bunch ot 51 nice steers today. Ijanniaa shipped a load of horses to Pennsylvania today. Tho receipts of cattle for the week were B52, against -537 last week; hogs 7734, agamstGna. I JL Connell, jnthony, wa3 in with stock. J. J. Donahoe, Ceilarvale, was in the city, having brought in a load of bogs. The Dold house at Kansas Citj, paid on jra averagej?LS3 for the liogs they bought there Friday. Jn "Wichita the same day they paid $.95 9 cents more. The hogs bought at Kansas City averaged 233 ' pounds, at "Wichita 200, or about 10 cents per bundre3 difference in the price, mak ing the "Wichita hogs cost 19 oeuts more i.han the Kansas City purchases. Hog buyers today: Dold, 806; "Whit taker, 52S; J. P. Co., 40; Hanks, 103. The following shippers had stock on to r" days market 1 Ellis & Uourne, Harper, hogs. " G. Koch, Cheney, hogs. - Iu P. Shelley, Kingman, bogs. " J. K. Kell, Clearn-atcr, hogs and cattle. The Bank of Andale, hogs. Edwards & AlcCullough, Little River, iogs. Col. Ncff, Arkansas City, hogs. J. B. Cjvldwell, Lyons, hogs. B. B. Boon, South Haven, cattle and hogs. Chas. Osborn, Eureka, hogs. LIVE STOOKMAEEE'E ly Telegraph. ST. IX)tns. Mo. April IS. CATTLE Receipts 400, Bhlpments 1300. Jlarkotstronij. Natives J4 10 6 10. stookors and fcoders f3 Cbjtl 10. Teians and Indians 3 535 40 1IOG5 IteceluU 3200, shipments 4200. Market nlchor. Heavy $5 1055 30. mlsed 4 70 5 15. SHEEP- Keoeiptu 3UJ, shipments none, ilax Let stoedy. Good to cnoloe M 5AJ5 75. KAKSA8 Crrr. Mo., April 18 CATTLE Receipts 4K0, ihlpmentsCXl Market slow 10c low er. bteors $3 T56 jO, cows fI754 SO. stocVers nnd feoJere J2 25 0425. IIOGS-Roceipts 72a, sliipments 4NX1. Mur kct bct steady, others 5.310c lower. Balk U 70(3 4 90. nil Kradoa K5 2;vi5 10. SlIFKP-Keceipt- 130. nhlpmeatd . Market steady. Good to choice J 4 U) O50. CHICAGO. 11L, April IS -CATTLE Receipts J50U0, ahipmonts none. Market steady. Natives $4 80cJ6 05. Btoci.ers J2 55'$4 45. Texan. 53 00. cows and bolls f I Aki:4 30. teifort. 4 50v35 00. HOGS Ke cetpts 10,000. hiptaents 5CW. Market acCve and steady. Roucli and cotnuion r4 iOa4 T5, packers S4 K)a5 20, prime heay and butchers' weichts S 25.3 45 llcht H O025 25. MIEEP KecelDts 30UU. ahipmeats 2,000. Market steady. Natives H 7sS6 to, wwesterns i5 s0&6 00. lambs lb 75&t So. "Wichita Grain Markot. Wichita. Kan April is. Followlns are the closlns: quotations: GRAIN Car lots on track: WHEAT No2953ftic, No 2 hard 76c No 3 T'te.No COKN No S or better CJ53c white 62jSSc OATS 42345c RYE No 3 or better C0c HAY J9 5US10 (0 per ton In car lots. GrfOUND COKN Chqp in car lots ?1 0031 10 rer ICOlbs. , Wichita Produre Market. Wichita. Kan.. April IS. FLOTTR-Htsht patent 2 7i. second patent $2 45. axtr fancy J2 35. fancy 2 20. BU11 EK First creamery 27c. second creamery S4C flnest dairy 17c line dairy 15c common dairy !U12ic. i:GGS-910c ., . . ... POULTF.Y-Rooslers fl X&2 OX hen! J2 JOSo 00. dncks t2 O3052 40. lireinrkeys-&7c ptsr U. POTAT OES-Miuns0ta. sacked, per bu, J1A fincy Greely S10, Early Rose $1 3o ,,,. COAL-Arithracite U 00. Canon City IS 00. TCelr City l 50. trontenac 54 50. Htxsbuis 0. Illinois f7UC McAllister t700 HAESETS BY TELEGEAPH. Nctt York 31oney. New York. April 15. Money on call easy ranslntr from 3C per cent, last loan S. closed o-Jcrd at A Prime mercantile paper 5. sterling exchange quiei uhu biuj v - . M day Mils and f4 ts& tor demand. 1 Km Dock jvl 5 Z EM T8 3(5 as. CD S8 2U 1 2S3 5 .. COt TO 1GB Oi7 71 S8 IS? 81 40 1!U B 60 211 88 2S If 47 sfl ra d. 83 178 Wiieat-Sfeaily, v.orij steady. Oats-Eosy. Jork-Steady. Lnrd Steady. Tho leading futupes rnffsd u fowws: L.a??In?- Wlnt' Ptnta S4 50a5 00, iprlaj lJDg Mi9U.bokers330S3 75. r ?1 13, July si US94. rijc. July (BKcs. POIIK UaV T1 OTLC I.ilv tlC 5 Sanlinilwlli $1372 ' "' ' " LAItp-3Iay S6 !B, July f6 85. September 171 Catfi quotations were as follows: VTHEA-T-fl li COJlX-750, Oats scitc RTC-sjaaie. BARLE-Nomlnel. l?LAXsnKI-l 2L TlMOTHY-l lasl A PORK KS7W, LAHD-45. SHOUT KIBS- 0 5, tX is&JLiY MlOUAiUli VVHISRY-3, ft. AKXICXS3. Receipts. Shlpmenta Wheat .v-.v.u. 124,000 SS.OPO Corn ..x.., 33,WH 185.000 Oa ts. .. A. .J. .77 12C.00UJ 17.000 IJUTTEK-Aoareaad tinner. Extra creamery 24Vg&25c, extra nratelaiUSi firsts rOASSc, extra dairy 21'rf23c. extra acata&22c arsa 1&SQ. Ji(SJd-Jaai2o. St. Iioals Prodaee. St. Lour April la TTHBAT-aUfljer. Caah 14 12, ilay lift July lOlftl 04?. Auffust Oi COKN Casi ana, TOc, tutares lower, Hay tOJic Jolv trjc. OA.T Casa firm. 55c futuroa lower, May 55c, Jnh-m. POkK Steady I1J 75. LAiU-St6aly S5 ffi& Kansas City Produce. Kansas Crxv, April la TTie Dally Indicatxir reports: FLOUE-XX C5c, XXX ttc, family 41 CB, choloo 1140, fancy SI 801 85. WHEAT-Higher. Ko 2 hard cash 1 03. ApxU to bid. No 2 red cj,h SI 0&il 07. COIC Fine No 3 oash dSd bid, S9o aiked, April 6S&5. OAirs strocser. No 2 cash ana April &4&o bid, O&ic nsked. UYE-C Oaet- No 2 cah Tite bid. BUTTLR Weak. Creamery 20a24c dairy l&fclA. stnrep&cked &315c. EGGS Firm atlOJio. HAY Firm. Fancy pratrie 15 0C. timothy 9 DO. ATT0B2O1TS AT LAV. X. S. NAFTZGER, Atlornevivt Law, Money to loan. 133 N. Main St, Wichita, Kansas, ftMrn MORRIS & ROOD, 'attorneys at law. Office Ko, 137 North Main Street. Rooms 1 and 2. Telephone No. 127. d63-lm JJt, ,T. E. Httjik, H. U Gohdo.v Hallotvelh Hume & Gordon, LATTTERS. Rooms 03, 504, 505 SedirK-lok Blk. Telephone No, 112. Wichita, Kansas. H. a Stcss. w. E. Stahlhy. SL WSS C S0MJfI,EY, Attorneys at Law, Wichita, Kansas, Hurris, Harris & Vermillion, Attorneys at Lar, in S. Main St, Seoond floor. J5. A. RointHA CTGTT. W. H. RAUCH. rohrbattgh: c raugh, ATTORNEYS AT loAW. rroprtetoiN of Western Collection BnrPAO. Col lecllons made anywhere In the United States and Canada. N a 147 aia St, Wichita. Kansas. JE. JB. JEWETT, Lawyer. Rooms 2, 4 and 6 203 N. Mainst, Wlohlta. dl04-tf Jonir W. Adams. a. W. Abams. ADAMyS tC ADAMS, Attorneys at Law. Ofllce, first stairway east of the Wichita-National Bank. 116-tf A. J. AJPJPJDEGATE. (With A. D. Mallory Abstracter, OonveTanoer & Notary Publio Fine draiirtitlnjr a specialty. Complete abstracts to any land In Sedjrwfck ooimty. Olllce, Jut at right of tKfstea trance. Main streot. New Court House, first floor. Prompt service guaranteed. Telephone 230. li,6-tf DENTISTS. XJ?. E. H CREDITOR. Dentist. Office 144 N. Main over Smith &. Stovers. Yltnllzcd sir administered. Residence 62(j N. To PlIji avunuo, Wichita, Kansas. Ul-tf Fnll sets of teoUi. Ml f8. and StO Gold Fillings. 1. nnd up; Silver, 7oc; Lxtmcfinj w'th cocalno. 60c Wo guarajitee aatisf ictlon. EPalnles3 Dentists. BOYD'S DEKTAJj ROOMS, Va. 'i. F, Both, Dn. J. a, Hoixiu;BKaacn 113 Ea3t DonCias Avenue. 10-tt HTEEISTAEY SUEGE0N& M. PniixiPS. E. IV. Pniiiinj BHILBIBS & BBOOLLIBS, TETERtKAKY SURGEONS. Graduates of tho Chicago Veterinary Collee. Hop!tal accommodation!?. Calls by Telephone, Tele'irnph or Mall will reeelva prompt attention day or nlirht. Ofilco No. ill N, Lwroceave. Ofllco telephone No. 71, Residence CGO N. Topeka are. Rcidencs telephone No. 215. d&Mf-wC-tf REAL ESTATE A&E1STTS ISUAEL. It, O. laiiAti, notary Public ISRAEL BROS. Eeal Estate and Bents. Telephone 319. To buy Wichita city proporry or Sedgwick connty land at present prices nieaas largo returns on your money, T ichlti, with hex stock and other indus tries " Juit in her Infancy, and such bargains an wo can now offrr were nover offered before. All bvrintj bulness In our line are Invited to call or correspond. me tMcnitn interests of non-read en w propt and fnithftilly cared for. Ofilco second floor North JlarkoU Inmel Building. dGStf OJSTDSATEX. SURETY OF BOJTDS. Thoso who are reqnlred to giro bonds in positions of trust, and who desire to avoid asking friends w become their mreHei, or who may wish to relieve tnenas irom icrtner oougauons as iMBOsmen bhould apply In person or by prson or bv letter to w. U. LI vinos: & LIVINGSTON, igent. State Nat'l Bant. Wichita, Kan. Of the American Surety Company of New York Pamphlets on application. IS tf PHYSICIAjSTS. E. E. HAMILTON, M. D. Specialties: Diseases of the Eye. Ear. Nose and Throat, Catarrh and fitting glassea Oface 127 N. Market tre; Israel & Myers block. Dn. Chas. Bxzaksok, Dr. C. p. Lra DR'S. BEZAXSOy C LEE, Office Room 17. Keystone House, 22S North Main street. dl20-6C DR. C. C. EUR LEY. PHYSICIAN :AND : SURGEON. orricr: S51 East Dousrlas Ave. IRESIDESCK Fnrley Block. Telepnon No. US. I Adjoining the Oface. DR. MARY GAGE DAY. 25 and 26 Zimmerly block. Oface hours 5to5-p.m. 12-tf DR. E. EMMA COBB. Female and children's dlaeasee'a rpredalty. Hctae for Ladles during conflnement. fctrtctly privat whea so desired. Letters of Inquiry confidential and answered lrcmediaXelr on receipt ot sama. Home, 711 South Ida ave. Wichita, Kaa. lU-tf E. Y. MUX SELL, M. D. SPECIALTIES: Medical and surgical fli eses of Eve. Ear. No., and Throat. Removal of facial and other blemishes, and Si ting spectacle. Office and residence. 1300 South Emporia. 64-tf DR. CROSKEY. EVE, - EAR, - SURGERY. Ofllce hour p to 10 a. m- 1 to 4 p. ta. 10-.KU. zn. 117 North Mala ttreet Sunday, 8 to &f&gsffi33m jEMIQhht m-i j B. W. ELDRID05, ILG OlSLflfiUM ELDE1DGE tfcJAMPlfflilV "WICHITA, JL&if t Broirfal ThfOTTaaUoTi bT Wire or Mail Free on A- pUcaUon, LIVESTOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. O. DAvrDOJf . Prej, JOHir D H. O. Coonroaa VJ. KMT. Cashier. CITIZENS' : BANK. PAID TTP OAPITAlr . $ 500,00 aTOCKIi7D,ES, XIAl?ILlaX. 1.000.000 LamestPaldVp Capital of toy Eafii ta 4 KtaU oiKaoau, NO CURE PILES NO PAY FISSURE FISTULA and all dtease ot the rectum cured without the tire of tho knife, liga ture, caustlos or deU-ntion from bualnesi. No money to bopald untllpatlent is cured. PRIVATE DlSKASEb In both sexes jpeedlly. eared Call on or addrou Vll. .T. E. BENNETT, HOtf offlce 113 N Main St., Wlohlta. AKCHITECTS. w. f.TPttorDFOoT. o. w. Brea FROV&FOOT A BIRD, Architects and Superintendents. Offlce la Feoo bal&er block. MUSIC. 1888 1S91 A. W. SICKXER, Teacher of Music. Pletcher Block. Thorough Instruction. Pupils recitals given weeklv All pupils are tendei ed free use of an extensive and carefully selected music library. PHOTOGRAPHERS. ROGERS, The Photographer. Pictures in all sizes and styles ne nne-iC assortment or niccuro frames In the city. Give him a friendly call and examine samples. SCHOOLS. ALL HALLOWS ACADEMY. Conducted by Sisters of Charity, B. V. M., "Wichita, Kan. Tho Academy Course is thorough in'tho Prepara tory, senior and classical grade. In the Musical and Art Departments overjearo is taken to elevate the taste of the pupils. Board and tuition per ses sion of flvo months $7. Payment required in ad vtince. No pupil received for less than a se-sion. Send for prospectus. 127 tf PQp Positively Cured J Ko Knife Used. Safety and Permanency Assured. Do not delay a day if you hive cancer. Writo for testimonials and information, or come to Wichita ,,iid bo examinod by our Medical Director, M. S. Ro clielle. Address THE WICHI 1'A REMEDY CO. For reference of our work, w rite. dJO-lyr PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Offico of Indian Affairs, Washington. Apnl 4. 1S01. Soaled proposals, indorsed "Proposals for Beef, (bids for Beef mut be submitted in "separate en velopes). Bacon, Flour, Clothing, or Transportation, etc." (as the case may be), and diiected to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Nos. 05 and C7 Wooster stieet, ev York, will be received until 1 Fi. in. of Tued.iy, May 5. 1S11. for furnishing, for the ndlan service about 100,000 pounns Bacon, 34. 000,000 pounds Beef on the hoof. l.OvO.OO pounds net Beef, uGO.WO pounds Beans, bl 000 pounds Baking Powder. 2.1C0.O0O xwuiids Corn. 553,100 pounds Coffee. 10,000,000pounds Flour, 1K...U0U pounds Feed. W.OOO pounds Hard Bread. 40.000 pounds Hominy. SO.Otfl poimds Laid. fifO b-irreis. Mess Pork, 25.0U0 pounds Oatmeal, 80J.OOO pounds Oits, 110 000 pounds Rice, 22A0 pounds Tea, 117.000 pounds Coarse Silt, llAO 0 Fine fcalt, 3OJ.0D0 pounds hoip. 1,100.000 pounds Suaar, and 412,000 pounds Wheat. Also, Blankets, Woolen and Cotton Goods, (con sisting In pirt of Ticking. 17,000 yards; Standard Calico, 100.000 yards; Drilling, 22 0j0 varrfs: Duck, freo from all sizing. 34,000 yards; Denims, 20,030 yards, Gingham, 330 000 jarcK Kentucky Jeans. 14,(Xlvards; Cheviot, 25.000 yards: Brown sheeting, 230,000 yard; Rioached Sheeting. 45,000 yards, Hickory Shirting. 15,000 yards. Calico Shirtiug. 8.000 yard-; Win.y, 4,000 yinls); Clothing, Gro ceries, Notion-, ii. nlware .Medicil Supplies, School Books, etc., and a ong list of mls-ccllaneoui articlcM. such as liarne-.-., lio.s. Rakes. Forks, etc and for about57" Wagons nii'ied for the service, to be delivered at Chicago ... isas City, and Sioux City. Also for such Wagons as i iv be required, adapted to the clirn.ito of the Pi ciHi Coast, with Lalifornia brakes, delivered at San i"r i ci'co. Also, transportation foi sui n of the articles, goods and supplies thit may not be contracted for to be delivered at tho Agencies. BIDS 1TU3T BE MADE OrT OV GOVEa.VMENT BLANKS. Schedules showing tho kinds and quantities of subsistence supplies required for each Agency and School, and tho kinds and quantities in grus, of all other goods and articles, together with blank pro posals, coadltions to be obsened bv bid iers, time and place of delivery, terms of coi tract and pay ment transportation routes, and all other neees sary instructions will be furnished upon application to the Indian Office in Washington. Noi. to and 67 Wooster street. New York; the Coram. s-aries of Subsistence, U. S. A , at Cheyenne, t. h cago, Leaven worth, Omaha, Saint Lou'j. Saint Pan I. and San Fr-anctsco: the Postmasters at Sioux City. Iowa; Yankton. S. Dakota; Arkansas City. Caldwell, To-pt-ka. and Wichita, Kansas, and Tucson Arizona. The right is reserved by tho Government to reject any and all bids, or any part of any bid, and tlie-o proposals are invited under proviso that appropria tion shall be made for the supplies by Congress. Bids wttl be opened at the hour and day above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at the opening. crnnriED chzcks. ATI bids most be accompanied by certlfled checks ec drafte npon some United States Depository or tho First National Bank of San Francisco, Cal., for at least Ave per cent, of the amonnt of the proposaL T. J. MORGAN, Commissioner. 427lb-15C0 d!22-13t Somothlncr that Suits. An early train, always on time, which waits for nothing, stops at all points, and runs fast between stations, is what suits everybody. Santa Fe route new express running'be tween Wichita and Kansas City is that kind of a train; people set their watches by it. Leavs Wichita at S:45 a. m. and arrives in Kansas City at 5:30 p. m. W. D. MUKDOCK. D. P. A., 66 tf Wichita, Kan. A Mistake Corrected. Winter is not the only pleasant season in California. All months are equally de lightful if in summer one is located near the coast. The co-called "dry season," with its bright, sunshiny days and health giving ozone, just suits invalids and par ties needing an out-of-door life. Santa Fe route runs low excursions everv week to Pacific coast. Inquire of agent A. T. and & P. R. R-, 122 N. Main street and passenger station, Douglas and Fifth avenues 123tf Nicht express for Kansas City. St. Louis and tbe east leaves Wichita ac 9.45 p. m. Chair cars and Pullman sleepers on this rain. ilissouriPacificrailway. ItJTtf IJteratore of the West. Call at the Santa Fe ticket otnee, 122 IN". Main street, for descriptive books con cerning Colorado, New .Mexico, Califor nia, Oregon. Washington, the Dakotas, Wyoming and Utah. In addition to sup plying tbbse anticipating a .rip west with this information parties, may also learn to their advantage by calling at the Santa Fe office before purchasing tickets, or ad dress the undersigned. W. D. -MlTRDCCK, 122 Xorth Main st., rSti Wichita, Kan Blank charters lind all kind of legal blanks for sale by The Wichita Eagle, d71t Wichita, Kaasa. aaD1fjal tam&LLXttSm rani Hose, l?Aokitt& Eta - Af tuts for PftTotlte Store AfidJftM Co. Best In the World, 5X East Douglas A verm 32$ . ,d jgggf HOTEL CARSY. $2 TO $3 PER DAY EIRE ITSURAjSTCE Germanla, WestcJiester, MilwauTcee Mochanics, Borpje's, Security, Bi'oviden ce- Washington, Olcland Home, W. L Y. MILLEB,Tor ia NorthMarket.S ST. EYES TESTED Without Charge at tho SPECTACLE BAZAR 142 X Main Street. The Largest Optical House in the South west. We are the only firm employing a Scientific Optician and the only one that can guarantee a perfect fit. Spectacles and Eye Glasses in endless varieties. Artificial P3'es, field and opera glasses, telescopes and optical instruments of all kinds. SPECTACLE BAZAR, 142 N Main St. - - - Wichita, Kansas. Repairing at a Very Low Price. Wright & Miller, Real estate and rental agents. dtt-tf St. louis to Colorado via Wichita. Commencing Sunday, July 13.1S90, the Missouri Pacific railway will run through sleeping cars from St. "Louis via Pleasant Hill, Rich Hill, Fort Scott and Wichita to Geneseo and from thence to Pueblo. Colo rado Springs and Denver. Tin's change was made on account of a great many peo ple from the east going to Colorado being desirous of going via Wichita. The train will stop here two hours, giving all a chance to view the "Peerless Princess" and Btill land passengers in Colorado same time as if they had gone via Kansas City It also gives the citizens of Wichita sleep ing car service from hereto Colorado. Re turning, it gives us through sleeping car service Wichita to St. Louis, and gives the Colorado people a chance to go via Wichita. This change will undoubtedly be appreciated by the traveling public.and especially by the citizens of Wichita. If you are going east or west go via the pop ular new through route. Through cliair and sleeping car service. Newioute just completed between Fort f-cottand Rich Hill goes through the finest mineral and agricultural country in the west. Don't forget the new bhort line to St. Louis or Colorado. City ticket office, 120 Xorth Main street. Wichita, Kansas. 40-tf E. E. Blecklet. P. & T. A Remember Well and Bear In Mind That if you aro going to Washington, Oregon or Idaho, or any Pacific coast points, it will be to your advantage to go via the Missouri Pacific railway. The rea son is that you will save time and lay overs at junction points. Tho fast Pacific express leaves Wichita every day at 5:35 p. m. via the Missouri Pacific railway, depot corner Second and Wichita Btreets. City ticket office, 120 North Main street. E. E. Bleckley, P.&T. Agt.,Wichitfi. H. C. Townsend, G. P. & T. A., St. Louis. 101 tf Chicago express via the Missouri Pacific railway, leaves Wichita at 8:10 a m. Chi cago next morning S o'clock. Missouri PaciSc railway. 107 tf A Few suggestions for the Tonrlst. When contemplating a trip of any kind, the first thought that most naturally sug gests itself is, "How can I derive the mot comfort out of this trip." To this answer is, take the Missouri Pacific rail way. The next question to solve is, "Where shall I co to get correct information rela tive to this trip." The answer is, at the Missouri Pacific ticket office, at 120 N. Main street. Last, but not least, is to get my ticket just as I want it, and baggage checked when I want it, and my sleeping car reservations through to my destina tion. All these accommodations you will find at the Missouri Pacific ticket office, 120 X. Main street. 101-tf Take stage at Wharton for Stillwater; Billy Snyder, proprietor. d4S tf Three trains daily in each direction between Wichita and Kansas City, Wich ita and St. Louis, via Missouri Pacific railway. 107 tf Xew Pullman sleeDins car service Mis souri Pacific railway Wichita to St. Louis change via the "Pleasant Hill route. d55tf Xote important change of time on Frisco line Sunday, April 12, 1S91: Eat bound trains depart as follows: Morning mail express 10:20 a. xc ; night express 10:35 p. m. West bound: Colorado express de parts 5:30 a. m.; California, Colorado and Xorthwestem express. 4:45 p. m. The "Frisco" is the only line running two solid trains to St. Louis without change of any class. All trains are equipped with reclin ing chair cars (seats in which are free), also Pullman palace sleepera. The train formerly leaving for the east at 1:35 p. m., also west bound 3.-05 p. m. tram, is discon tinued. 126-tf First Floor Blanks. Blanks of every description can be found in the busines "office of the Eagle, first floor, in quantities to suit. Call at the counter. ti Are Ton Going to Washington Territory? Parties emigrating to the northwes will find it to their interest by calli ng a the Rock Island ticket office for informa tion regarding rates, routes and accommo datioas via this line. Do not not be de ceived bv asenti. of other lines as to this ronte. Vou are invited to call at the office and be convinced as to the superiority of the Great Rock Island route over ail others. By patronizing this line you can have the choice of four different routes west of Denver. For speed, safety and comfort the Rock Island leads the proces sion. W. H. WishaRT, Ticket Agent. fFr. 1Vk Poif TirtrTJ rtnp rrtrr Mala itxeet. dtJ-U xZSszy J2sl' QmO i O 0 w TwoceimT COLUMN. THE PEOPLE'S COLUM, Yonr Wants Supplied. Th ronowlsff rates under the different baadlags will be charged. STPayable Strlotly in A4lvance. Ko edvertiseaients. takes for lees thaa 10 cents. On tine advertisements ohared same rat as two line. NOAJDTERTlSEMKKTSTAJEffiK "TORUNUN nii FORBIDDEN." Pricesiciren tt4e classified heads la this column tppHoabi only Sbloeal ad erUseaie&ts. No f ur lgb aaverilJaBW tafcen at prices given. Aiiswers to advertisements ient In car of the EAG13 office should bo called for within 13 days after InsertiDn. When advertisers jflsn replya for-" warded to them stamjMd enVWopei must be seut. Reference to furmar odverauainents should jjlve iescrrptien.anaaAlHof InsarUoa or copy at the ad Tertlsemeas should be sent. Not responsible, for advertiseaents giren or dis continued by telephone. WAXTED FEMALE HELB. Lnder this bead ta per line per day. Domestics. WANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOP. GENERAL 1 housework. Itefereaoee required. Call at 215 N. Emporia ave. dl3J-tf w ANTED-A FIRST-CLASS COOK AT THE omans JSscliauge, lit m, r irat St. iai-ii- W ANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENSRAL housework in .i small family. No wahlaj. 654 lndlanu are. d!S2-Ct VANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral houseword to go to Salt Lake. Inquire at 240 N. Fourth ave. dlW-tf "YTTANTED-A GOOD GIRL TO DO HOUSE j work, llunt bo a good cook and furnish references. V. bite girl pi eferred. Apply at 313 N, Emporia are. dl32-tf WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In small family. No washing. Apply at 1314 N. Topeka ave. d!30-4t TtrANTED-A GOCD GIRL FOR GENERAL Y ho&sework, bmaU family. Call at 220 North Ohio. dl31- WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Must bo a good cook. Call at 1152 N. Lawrence ave. dl31-tt WANTED-IN A FAMILY OF TWO. A GOOD Intelligent girl to do general housework. References required. Room 17. 407 E. Douglas are. dISO-Gt VTTANTED-A GOOD GIRL. MRS. E. B.ALLEN, V 457 North Main st. dl50-tf WAS NT ED A GOOD STRONG WOMAN TO DO general houoen ork. CallatUOJ b. Emporia. UiiXJ-tb- W ANTED-A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call at 433 south 1 opeka. dl-S-et WANTED-A GIRL TO DO GENERAL HOUsE w ork. J. T. Dorsey, 224 orth Main st. dl2S-6t WANTED-GIRL TO COOK AND DO GEN eral housework in a small family. Apply at 30a south Market st. dL.-7-Ct W ANTED-A GOOD GIRL; ONE THAT UN derstands cooking and ironing; no washing. Apply at ll-SN.Uopckuae. dl.4 tf w 7 ANTED-A GOOD COOK AT 1313 N. EJI- porla ae. ueo. i. frait: uiut-n. Xurses. Miscella n eons. V 7 ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED TRIM3IER IN DU91UU OLULCi JI1U1UV1 J wuuni4iufc. - w 117 ANTED IMMEDIATELY BY MISs NETH a basque and shlrtmaker. Call at Room 7, Flrebaugh building. North Market st. dl32-t2 XirANTED EXPERIENCED WAIST AND sklit hands; also appreence girl. Mrs. L.E. Biecken, third floor, Fletcher Block. dI30t -, TIT ANTED - SIX GOOD EXPERIENCED hands in our dressmaking department. Mua eon & McNamara. dl20t A r ANTED-A FIRST CLASS BASQUE MAKER at UD West Second street. u-a oi- Situations Wanted Female. Lnder this head 1c per line per Uuy. Domestics. 7AN'l ED-SITUATION TO DO GLNKRAL hounenorkin thecity byagirlof IS. Call or address, 222 . Morris st. dl32-3t Miscellaneous. WA XTEDMA LE HELV. Lnder this luad 2c per llnu per day. Trades. v TAN'l KD-A GENERAL BLACKSMITH AT 123 . tourtn aie. uioi-ji- "T7ANTED-A FIRST-CLASS SHORT ORDER T cook wants a situation. Apply at 711 Dong las ave. dlSl-ot IXrANTED AT ONCE, A GOOD COAT MAKER t at L. J. Guttter, infield. Kan. dbfi-of T ANTEDA FIRST-CLASS WHITE BARBER V with a capital of about f3U0 to etep Into a pa ing business, pool, billhtrd and clgtir suxid well located. Address Harper it Rouse, V lchlta, Kan. Ha tf BooJch'ccpcrs and Clcrhs. IVA'l'KB-A GOOD MAN IN EVERV TOWN 11 In Kansas to represent an old eiabl!khed business. Good salary. AddiecS Boi773. Wichita. Kan. dlib tf Roys. Salesmen, Mi sec a llaneo its. WANTED-COMPETENT STENOGRAPHERS and to&k-kiepers wno desire pwitions, to apply at the .at.utiHlAccountat.t'sand stenograph er a Bureau. Omce for the slates of Kacsais, tolo rado. Jebranti Disiouri and lei,, at the tuuth viestcrn Luaiutss College, W lchlta. can. 'Zi tf TVTANTED-BCSINESS MEN WHO ARE IN IT need of stenographers or accountant to call at the .National Accountants and Stenographer's Bureau. Branch office at the Southwestern Busi ness College, T .chita. Kan. We usually have ou our application list tLorouchly coaiiat took. keepers and ttenographer. w itit flrnt dafc refereu ces. Heip lurmthed tree of charge. ti Situations Wanted Male. LiaSr thii bead lc per per day. TrrA"rED-colIPETE;rr MEAT OR PASTRY Y V cook vi ants a situation. Inquiro at UZ3 North Topeka. dlrt-12t' A GEXTS WASTED. Lnder this head 2 per line per day. VANTED-AGENTS; 5 to I3 PER DAY; T coliecting smaU pictures for u to copy ana enlarge; satisfaction guaranteed and a ti outfit free. A. Dunce tc KjQ, in Reade zJL, ew York. Hi 6i wed and sand. TTTANTED-AT ONCE, AGENTS TO SELL y V the ilf e of P. T. Barnum. by the glf td writer Joel Beaton. Esq.. author of "inerson as a Poet. ' ett. ffiu pages elegantly Illustrated. Price ILiX Outfit free, send 15 cents to pay postage, seoiro your agency at once. Caution Beware ofcalch pcny books, a rehua of aavertlng'dodges. Room 17. 407 E. Doughs ave. dUS-tf ANTLD-AGSNTS TO rELL THE LIFE OF i? Gen. Vm. T. Sherman, by v Fletcti'W Johnson, carefally reviewed and rertvd by Mj Oea. O. O Howard, U. s, A., the ilfe-loiig and Int. mate friend of Gen. febrman the can for this wore is isacsie. Hve thousand copie have com from the pre eeh day for the past two wee and still tae publ-shers ne csiy fiiied asm.. portion of their orders. Thi U the best Life o Sherman. Ca J and examine for yo3reX itoon. 17, 13.2L23aad25. 407 L. Doslav. dl25 if "TTrANTED-AGENTS TO SELL GEN. SHER- V T man's Mersolrs, written ty hime4f witi rp- pleaent by secretary James G, blajse. CaU at i5 sedgw lck mock, to 13 a. m., Thursday and Friday. dia tf Employment Agencies. Lcoer tfcii head iz pr ls per day W AXTED--M1SCELLAX EO US AY ANTED-50 FEET OF VACANT PROPERTY within 4 b.oks of Dosglaa ava. and bi-wtea Emporia are. and Main si. uwisers on.y -idre or caJL W. D. McCortaic. Reai Lataie Broker, 112 First ta. diCll TV 'ANTED-A MODERN HOUSE Or F.OOMS, r cltv wjLter asd bsh room. JocaLl aoth Docglts in, asd socUi of Teala n. Price tat sat be over Ctt V. V. Mcterealcfc, 112 E. Flrt t- L3-H -frrANTSD 25 1EET VACANT ON NORTH V Mln.!K.cth of PireJ- W. D. McCorask. 32 2. Flat s iXS-R TT 'ANTED-TO bcy A SECOND-HAND ilty bicycle eiap. o- a. lswtssm XTTANTEDTHS LADIES TO KNOW THAT I V aj prepjirwl to rehato trwl!At aad bcrat is zht stir itape. Ci at 417 . Mala st, Mrs. P.Glcst. , dlB-Ct S TO KNOW TH AT 1 HaTE ?asi rcplrI a f reih C5Ir Cf ORrtr BraS UeAldze and Res Blo. " Mia. i. Coa. Gaerai Agest. 443 N Fif ta are. ilStS.' TT rANTZD-TO RENT ORGAN'S. MC5T 32T IN sttM. nsiz, zjk 1,3. . ejj-- THE PEOPLE'S COIUMN. Your Wants Supplied, WANTED MISS BELLE WAYNICK WILL give private or class instruction la the science and art of elocution. Boom 4. Bstler block. 12U'-ll- WAXTED-CAPITALTO ESTABLISH AlIER eantile bjlaes at El Rotio.OS.. representing lumber, hardware and builders' suppUcs. Address Loek Box S32. Wichita. Kaa. dlSi-R "TTrANTED A TEACHER FOR SKIRTAND T stage dancing. Address "Aivlna,' this omce. Ul3it Tr'ANTSD-25 FEET VACANT. E. DOUGLAS, West of Mosier. W. D. it cCormlck. 132-3t WANTED-OFFICE FCRNITURK REPAIRED. Seat caned. L'paolsterlng dose. Sue2 it Catothera, Ul X. Market. dl32-6l TirANTED TO BUY PONY THAT YOUNG f I lady can ride and drive. Must be young and gentle, and cheap for cash. Address l'ony. Lock Lox 10SJ. dl3-Ci X-tANTBD-A GOOD MAN WHO CAN RLN AN ensuie. Answer by usaU to 112 s. Topeka are. dlSl. "TT7" ANTED-TO RENT REASONABLE A GOOD jlano. upright preferred. No children. Good care will be taken ot ite Address S. J. Kagle ofllce. UlSI-rif TTJaNTED TWO BICYCLES (SECOND HAND) i Give tall discriptloa and prioe. Address H, O. Wise. Bentley. Kau. dtw-jf TTTANTED-A HOUSE OF SEVEN OH MORE ?Y roomtomove. Address P. O. Box 1U1, stat ing price and location; south side preferred. 13U& WANTED-foOffl CLEAN STOCK OF OENERaL i merehand'se to exehaace for clear farm near Wichita. Address T. IL. care of tacoofaeo. ia?4.t WANTED WALL PAPER CLKANED ORI- mnil color restored, at W. Watts. 523 North Fourth ave. dl3v-Cl WANTKD YOU CAN SAVE MONKT BY going to Palmer's harness store for ttto nnd traveling bags, harness, saddies, whips, new, dusters, etc 255 North Malu st, dUS-i "WANTED-FINK BAM POO BUJY CAR- riages, the latest style and othrr kinds, at tno lowct la the cit, at Fanner's to y store, 25S North Main st. dl2Wt T harncas and saddles tor new one at Pal mer's harness and trims store, 2-3 N. Main st. dirs-ct WA NTKlJ-CLITRKS, BOOK KEEPERS. STEN V crrnphcr and telegraph orerators, or othtM jwMniwio wlh to become thoroughly competent in the above branches, to call at tbu southwestern Business collese. corner Douglas t.nd lupctu ae ues, Wichita. Kan. 4a tf AT rANTED-EXPRESS WAGONS, VELOCI 1 pedes and tricycles, etc, aay down to rock bottom prices, at Pafmer's. 25a North Main st. USMSt WAMEIV-1.CC0POUNDS CHICKEN FEATH T ers. 1XHX3 pound duck feathers, IfiJi pounds geese leathers, also fifty tons of febucks. CXU on or r.ddress the Kansas spring Bed company. 544 and &45 West Douglas, West Side. W-tf TVAN'TED-PARTNERTN HARDWARE BC3I it neas. GoodiocaUoa. For particulars enqulr of postmaster. Haven, Kan. S3 Srte -T ANTED-A GOOD DRIVING HOUSE 4 OR ?V 5 years old; must be found and guntle In qn!r of . T. Allen, Zimmerly block. d!02 tf FOR SALEMisccUa neons. Under this head 2c per line per day. OR" SALE HOUSES :" FoirsAI"AT"'A 'baR- giin. comprising all kinds ot prices. Can be seen at Riverside Park. Apply to Geo. Gay, 1217 E. Oak st. "?OIt SALE-JOHNSON. FRY & CO.. SCBsCRIP JL tion eiltlon of Shakespe'ire, 2s numbers. Illus trated and unbound. Address H, care Carrier No. 11. dlS2-lt' "TXm SALE-A WELL IMPROVED FARM. 1G0 X acres, 6 miles from city. For SO dars only at &L5UU, part time, it's a snap. D. W. McCormick. 112 K. first hi. dLiJ-li fSrOR SALE FINK RESIDENCE, S ROOM. U 75 feet ground, uat front, north of Douglas ave. lloum cost $3,500. All giea at 3 003. part lime. Be quick if you want it. D. W. McCormlclc. 1.-lt l?OK SALK-GRASS OFF SO ACRESOF fInE J hay land 12 miles from Wlchltu, for pa.fon of IsOI. CaU at 20.1 N. Main. dk3-tf EOR SALE 5 ACRES WEST OV PACKING houMj. Price f5y); 10 acres north of Packing house on Lawrore ave.. Jl.OOflt 35 acres mlien west ot Garfl Id college, il.M); HM cash, balance time. Israel Brim . 125 N. Market. tll32-i VQR SALK-40 ACRK FRUIT FARM. 6 MILLS JT south of city. House, barn and other Improve ments. Choicest fruit of all kinds. LluO grape vines bearing. A bargain. D. W.McCalla, HUN Main. dlt-3f I?OR SALE-A GOOD PHAETON. CHEAP FOR cash. Call at Mammoth btablo. 114 S. Main hi. diaLet 4FOH SALF-7-ROOM HOUSE, ON NORTH KSL side. 50 tu Price t2A VMi cah. U.Unce Clears, 6 per cent 7-room house. 50 ft. on north side. JIJOU oat half cash, balance ey payments. 7-room house, on south slJc, M ft,, iX.Mt, fJU awh. balance 2 years, 7 per cent. Israel Brob.. l- -Nnrlh Market. dl3?-2l POUTSALE A HANDSOME DARK BROWN JL driving mare, ladies hors, and well borilt hand made buggy. Apply at omcu city Jims. U133-K ?OR SALEA FIH.ST-CLAKS FARMriS ACREsT A 4itf miles of helge. beautiful icroe. orchard. good buildings, cm-r KO acres in cuIUvatlon. 12 miles fiom city. J JAW for thirty dai a Part time. D.W. McCormick. I?OR KALE-2.000 FE1CT GOOD SECOND-HAND I lloorlng. cheap. Apply at rink. 212 b. Totva. dUl-Ol ITiOR RALE BAKERY. DOING A GOOD RU8I- nw, cheap This Is a sua.pi wunoa just op-a-lng. l.nqulre at 253 N Main. dUUt VOR SALK-ONH BaBY CaRUUGE. CALL AT JC 1315h.Emrorla. dl.-a' "THJR SALE ABOUT IJU1 FEiTT OV LUMBER J. in bu.inl partitions, at IIS W lKngla.t. ErKinlre at once. E. i, SjKt.r, 152 N Market -t. dli-tf J?OR SALE CHEAP-ONE ORON, 1 IJOOK : caje, 1 IndieV gold watch and chain. Enquire at 428 h. Osage ave. dl25-t For sale water mill and 25 acres of land. To be sold at pubiV- nxictlon, milt northwest of Hnlsttad. Friday, May 1 IrtL Tenas caih, or M me to suit parcnar. D. N cnrtUi. Prop. dizuie 1?OR SALE TO BH MOVED OS'F OF PKEM . Isec, a thre-rocin clots rl pantry! also good barn 12-. Addrens, A. C G care Eagle onicv. dl-7-if ?OR SALE THK LEADING ClXJTHINO BTSI X pesn in town of over 5JXC lchabltan-A. ctotEg a good lralnes, bet cornrr location. LataMliM un eara. For xrtloalars ecquira A. Wicbua Lagle. dtS tf IfOR SALE-CHEAP FARM" WW AC RHS FIRST ; bottom Ixnd well lmpruved, S alirs frta lUia and Douglas. Th U-s bargain la Sedgwick county. BJackwelder A Holbrook. dl3 tf I?ORSALE CHTjTf-ALL TITEEUrLDritGft! pile bottoms, fence, ettx. at the Carey tnaUtf yard. LOG East Douglas ave, SUtf TWBNTT-FIVE CKNTH a HUNDRED AT this office, old piper kOitnoU lor packing' -ha ting under caiT-t. etc. disf t FOR SALE A HANDSOME IJTHOKAP11 map of theclty of W vctita, girts Baicejof itrertr t-ublic bulldiBS, colleges, parkji. etc- fcte- Ual5 on li&n pap'r. trice cents tcn; a iir V) cmlxH cenu tUCita. AdrcsvtLe WlcliUa iJg. Wic&ila, Kan. HA-tt FOR TRADE Tjnder tkU he'd 2e per Ua per ay. FOR SALE Horse and Vehicles Lnder this bead 2c per lies per day. -TJSOR SALK-OR WILL TRADE FOR A UGHT JC driver, a medium sed Mac horse, an ea cel'er.t worker, eapectally for light exprets work - Ul tell cheap. Addrts Horit, Lock Box 3C. dlJ-SC- FOR REXTHoxihcs. Lnder this bead 2c per line pr tT. BFOR RENT-NO. 715 N. EMPORlA.8 RCXTMS. Pi vacant iUy 4. H. r. Vt Kcsi iA ed--v u. biuc- 3I21J 4MFOK K?:NT-BESIDKCfc S.A bOlTH UW. lei roaee ave., i rcctoi is excl-BVOoa!li-Ms.wtta ci.y wattr and ga, locattos very Ojt.'naA. Apvr at ti oath Lwreace ate, dKlft arFOR P.EN7 A GOOD LAltGK UOVnY, ON 1BL CoIlg IU1. FtiraUhed cr Jaraih-. f eiiceid panire, rrnlt, aws a&d Urn C all ct cr adcrwa. Atr. lL U M uni. 53U ii. Oatral ave. dMT-a fgS rOlTflENT A GOODLABGK HOUbB ONE Ft b.ock trca hcngUA art. Ctta. C-U at 20 JVata . dJW-tJ 4FOK KXNT-HOUhEs.H-C X LAWRENCK JBL aTe B rocsifi. tii. ga. ectrtc twlit. c FOR REXT Rooms. Ct-der thii bead Je p-r Usurper day. 1Xr" KLNT-NfcATLY FCKNIiHUD ROOJ4S ! at 2S . Eitporia. dUS-K- -cvaa rent-front F.ciKrTH ezios- Jl crew lAfSe c-t, at Si . . T Ulti. i- SiK-ti 1TOKEOOMS AND BOAED-IcaLL ATSft NORTH X ToeiE areoa. el.-Kt rOK KXJ4T-NICEXY FCRSIiHED ROOM. ALL X sacAi-ra coa tsa:. wi ;, Ua. aA J4 water. tii. n&su t?C !&. ii ."'. I oj---. arc. I? OK RLNT-A TEF.T DB&IKAiiLi; FUftH L ed rcKS 3"x Ls;l. iitf ART AXD MUSIC. T7-ATE M. WaTJ.1CS:S ARHaT STCDfV IN JLV. KKi- bli. XtS i. Kala .t, FUt -. SLCIl FOUXD. Crdw ti-U i.2 2c jr a fr Cay. TTOUND-A PAIR OF GOLD GL.t5aES. OWXZP. jl. t5 siTt emsam try -ii.'jaai m. yja, fctarge-. C!lHuCca.'CJtjKl! dia-4t FiOtTND-A PAUt or YJBLAS5, ONEK owU at iiU sSm. 4S. if THE PEOPLE'S C0LUM5. Your Wants Supplied. FOR REXTMiscetlancous. Under this ha 2c par line er day. TXn RENT-AT A IJAKOaJX, BrTEItSIDK f l'ark. f tt of Cenwl are. 25 acres all enclosed, good race trck, finest ouaaisr rrt la tho state. Apply tn Ow. Gay. 1217 fc. Uak st dlS2-2f FOR RENT 1 ORGAN. C PER. MONTH IN AD vanca; alo 1 sprisht pUtao, priea ti par month. Addrev Sab. postofilce, diao-tt -17OR RENT-HOTEL GOOYKAR, WELT. FCR X; nlsbcd. and a, gool tratlr, corner Emporia ani. Douglas avenues. Jcmn Goodyo.r. dl2J-& TTOR RENT-BrsiNEsS ROOJIS FNDEH JJ Opera hou; stone btdldlng: Uro SxlOO fret. At Gnthrie. the gateway to the Indian lands oca ta be opened. Apply to ti. 1. Ptrnucu:. Guthrie, Ok. dCl IS FOR EXCHAXGE. t TpOR EXCHANGE-CLKAR "WICHITA LOTS" JTJ fortam. harness and wagon, tarn, lumber, or piano. What have yoa to trale. Box 1043, Wichita, Kaa. dlJMf LOST, LOST-imi OF APRIL, A MALL BROSHA tia wk Was lost between Plae treet and Bur tou. If found, reture to J. ItKnlht. dUMt f OaT v DIAMOND lVU KING. FINOEII Xj will be Suitably rewarded by leaving at Bavv shoo store. dlDt T OST-Fr6.M IUNO BUCK ONYX SET WTITt JLi monogram A.J. P. Liberal reward for rrturn to A.J. Price, Itock Tsland passenger depou dl3Q-K T 0T A MONOGRAM OF THE LETTERS R. JLJ U. D. hinder 111 please leave aatae at Kals oCc undiet rtmard. dta tf STRAYED. rnder this bead 2c per line per day. FIXAXCIAL. rmder thts head 2s per Uao per day. "W d. mccoumicc real estate sroke;; la city and farm property Farm property t specialty Correspondence aollclttd. l'J 1. Vtr st. Wichita, Kaa, ail? tf MONKYTO LOAN IN AMOUNTS OF io a.VI upward on horxs, cattle, male, crops, household furniture, pUvnos nrd all klnd of cur It J. at lowcKt ratea. lchlu. Lcn Co, room 1, over Slate NaUoaal Kaak. i if INKY TO I.OAN-WK WILL LOAN YOU money da loug or short time on farms or city rtv. aifo on hore cclIa irrfn hn..Ll toods. ttt ltoce &. Harper. a)U and all Scdgwlcc block. J7U1LVITURE LONS. CATTLK LOANS-MO.vI X e loaned on almost ertryihlnr by J. F. LmJ. lum. over Stafford's grtsrery. corner Fut and Mala. CJtt MONEY LOANED ON HORSES. BUaOlKS cowsLpUnos, honhold rurnttcre, etc. Notes boncht. If you want a small amount of moner crmotindtceus. . T. Nash a Co,U3 North Mala Silt MISCELTjAXEO us. Under this head 2c per line pr day. GUEAT INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS AND org-inliers, by a Maos. Endowment Order. Boaetlts KJLU to (1 44 In S years. S W0 to Ji,KU in 5 years, and tTHt to J4.9J0 In 7 years, with sick, acci dent and death boftnflts. The of yoar life time. If you applv at once. Kor full particular ad drks Ja-s. F Reynotda Rooms Ca nnd d Oluba building. Bosjon. Hasx dlJWl PANTSA SPECIALTY-VOBY SUITSMADI5 to order f om 1 15 upwards. Tailoring In all Its branches. Satisfaction guaranteed. 3l N, Jlaln. op posite Occidental hotel. dW3-Jl DR. LE DITC8 PERIODtCAl. FILLS. TUB great French rrmwlT. act directly en the wen ftrnal system and p.nHtly enre tnpprrKlin of the menses. Warranted to promote nnnstrnatloa Tliese pills Mmntd not be taken during pregnancy American I'll, company. royaL proprietor, "spea cer. la. 12 Genuine supplied by Chas Lawrtno 102 East Douglas, Wichita, Kaa. by wholesale aad eUll. 117 lyr. SECRET ORDERS I HAVE A HALL TH20. with two add'Uonal rooms, which I win rent reasonable. Location good and weU vrililatM. Ad drcya -Hall.'' Eagle oClce. dl30-a HORSES CLIPPED FOll 12.50. WKnAVETIin only pow-r clipping machine in this city, 4 An guarantee yon a nrsl class joh. Howry Brrvt, Place Stahlea, dOi U MR A. M. FORD HAS REMOVED HSR dressmaking department to the old drwanaak lng parlors of Innes it Rota. atrasc first rialr w ay south of Horn dl05-tf OKLAHOMA MAP A POCXKT MAPOrTTiH Indian territory, shewing the Ch-rolr- itrip and Oklahoma, with all th tndlaa lands, piul, nations town-, rlllagwv tnllttary r"-rvtlen, Ii dian resc rmtloBi and Iw-indarlea, the mail r vlceof each titwTR. tba F.mxlrrn and Tetern land districts of Oklahoma, th Chenke oulW,e. A complete pekl laapi 2 by SS Inch color-. Th litest and Hint complete map err pQhllsb4 of thu rmw cuntry, whkb will be open-d In a fw dajra. AVI II Iw .pnt ftU oald to ult atSdrasa nson the ro. reipt of 30 cvutv Addr m li. r, Mttrdck, r:sia Mgr. kJcle, Wichita, Kaiv 7 U rpO BANKERS AND LOAN AOKNTK-TOR A Al One tine burglaispnwt DUould aaf with TKe tim lock. Tale vail dours ba nkl conntara, wire cag werk and bank, farnltnr-s and Sstur-a rrnnUTy at n. bargain, ii H Black welder, aasicn-s. Wichita. Kaa. W tf RAITjROAD timetables. rsBocnr (AUBUra.1 J.KAVK, Kansfl-, Cttr Erpres ., 7 n a k fwa a lir K4Jr M :-3 a M M. Lonl MtJl asd Eipretji..,,, tin r Kansas nty Itxpres-.. .......t Ti r M wlntl-lit and Kiowa Eisr-..,...l J Si x Klwv Mlx-J- lOJS a kfiiUru wrCHTTA Af roionaDO, COiortoo Mf ind Lxprs III aiAK wr- LuioradO JUiXvd. ccs r mJJ u a m D-pat K-n4 nnd. ViTlcntta ut-; ticket ofnr-i 13 NoTthMalnstr B.E,Kt,ttr. 7-m-)r-n and Tlokt Ae3S. time XAaia cnicaoo, noj un-a - rci KArawAT. rCr-arTlock IsUr.d lVn,-A.1 TrrrTM-t on and ilr Octobf 13. tim. prlngs,! DnviT and Padnc Conai! xpr-s dally ., I flcZKansaaCty r. I-rjl! and Calcago. Throsgh Mall atwt ex. dailyu,... 7o 4 Kanaas Clcj-,. St, Lraii and Chicago liiht vx. dally. . . .. .. Sol i3 AcoomrawlaUon. daUy -rrp Juinday. at.ia turrit. 7?o.E Karma Clry, St. ZnU IK7A54 ifcrw 11UAX and 1. aicago "x. naiiy ., No 1 KaniMJt Ctj. St. Lni4 and (Ir-jiirn throagU tnil r.d srx dally ---,. - i Su CI AfrnajiiwiiJjtttd-Jjr i IKpx ?0?i"i XWpt 31367 . Elegant r-Ialcir csa.'r e- m 11 tralna aa-t rallmaa le?-zx frwm Wlghlt. to Kannaa City aai Chicac wsthaut ctaec-j em nigh trcloa Tfck-ts rold and bagg&g cbcUl tbrsiotli to all psrtota scrti. iranlJi. rir, aa4 m; aad stmssahip Uck HMUtll Etjrop-aa point at loe tmUm. CUT lick: oSJe jtB IUm. Dongta ea-. cTBr Jlalrj treat. ?as:-r -uct:;i cars LKejaa acd UA 4;j.on J., W L WrtBAffT. T"fcVA8al- Jxo.rai-r-TAjr. U-T.A V A Chicago. IU. rt. z.cis has iraAiaiijjF n. h. I xajvT 1 Lun No t tXrtng ' s, -,-- (tot 1-J.s - . , . .1 N. . Uolar r!. psjtM-grj tsSAC tt3rx 4rr J.4.Genr -4, p'gn pl2 A.X1 K M A ' . 2. Going Kaa!. j-mir-n toaoyy' nr 4.- -L. il 41 m . Teala roark-id Ubi r 3y. W heasd trala, N. J. a Fal-maa cari Wl Vmnd trala. Hi 1. enaa-ct at ftwr&r tsr rsbtfv '"" JiVxJcn aad nas Caltforala. East feossd. No Cli t ki'.IA trsia to M. IVr-ts. -wltk ehat? 'jue aart FsCaiaa 5psr. mkm tmn Uea Jcr Ft. ailta. Ltttt Kmx a Paris, TtiM. KAMltmnsA. .o.ifrtt i7 u H.Ii.U frr- rwLiialsg rfcair ca aaA PatiaMa a?. CBr l aloa Tiekt oSic. r-rr-a ifila ir aad C'sksa L$ot. Doagtas areaaa. ATTnjo-K, Tarraa f a.tta m r. . JUT I tlUtl rT a aarr N. tU' jCa Qly rxpri Na 42 U-louce imU&i!!, Ulra turr '4SAt txrx Jrt. . . . ..... K.CTS JLXD WJarg. Xa CT f Jtliirit Cty aaS tarn f n iaiXTCA -xsi 2a -97 CaIwsC kas-S -irr.f. Ko. Sf rt. rVertr, C-drs-H ua asa 7-aaJt tt-. frcm xuxtJLt City-., yx 4U f XJr, rjr?nm,-- 17 u 4UJ-1 Trla ncrlw". tftT ULr xcrirw err rr xro iut. Tnls Nu 4a. Uti Cttr -xj-. rcaa 5A U EJ5ji nty t S r - rrtt, T.s Na. 4SB ta in f -ven OsCr-w-j. sa4t is a tjvsga Ct"S WTkia. irmr'ax WVtita at2 m ajul rr- t r tJ axl iy a j. 9 ta. 74a , a " frttadac Hj'-t e ! X w C4iy r.'2M to tas Cisy. - vT6a Atciiwcs a&d a J--lik, xfi-nj-3r 3t7ntt ats mtxr Tt-J ?9 - t F.iafta aa. eiar -. Ir-wS ." x ttracaft. rt ivtti er t rs. V. f,r-J, . O-- , 7ra - rrssfax ei-Ur at frwx riT Osy zA hv as veVAJr. 3y Tackes Stv tZT ?t3 Vi er--.4 Ciibm 5-uHiW rJio trrryr I jt ai4.i9. areai&u. K. D, JStrXX. D. J. A. WJO--7A a tsrzu-t b. a. irelLXr 77i TUT ii O'Jtss W-s. rjLi. j&ulyi tt&zt Wt-4, Xeleit,.. . UaA- Eiurt. Mn I Ooiag EfcH. frigat. M'-A .. -,-... bm .... Vt. -.,. m ff.-:4i rututu at "...a unr tgU uj ii , W.D.iica-ca, B.F.A. yT - -"