Newspaper Page Text
i-55?? ghe WatWtt. Uailg gagle: ISUdtKsfcttj &0riritHL Pteg 13, 1891. ! i r b i FI11S AND COMMERCE WI0EITA MAESET3. Tne Receipts of Stock at the Wichita Union Stock Yards for the past 24 Hours "Were as Follows: 1212 Cattle, 2804 Hoss, 154 Sheep. Shipments; 1137 Cattle, 412 Hoes. There was a pretty good run of cattle today, and good stuff sold steadily at good prices. A hunch of fair shipping steers brought 34.55, while butchers' steer sold lor $185. Good cows and heifers Drought $4, and there was a demand for more of a prime quality. Poor thin stuff was not wanted very bad by anyone, and canners had to be almost given away. The cattle market closed steady with about every thing sold. Native ahlppl&ster3. good to extra St SS5 23 Good to extra native butcher steers, 1O0OS KOOlbs 3 1VS4M INativa reeding sten,. a:C501bs : 33.4 03 atlT blockers. SMftSOUlbs a CU&3 fO Choice cows and heifers ... 3 50 Gfl fair to good cows and heifers , 2 7i$3 03 .Balls and ta? l"a2 7i Fatyearllng stws 3C0.3 50 Good yearling steeis 2 T53 00 Canasra 1 SS&l 5U Poorer grades and scallawags .,. 50(5.1 10 VealcalreK, 12130 lbs, per head 4 HXST tX) Texas steers, good to extra, com fed 3 50T14 75 TTxas steers. fair .. 3 4BA3 3) Cexas cows, medium to nrimf. corn fed.... 2 02SJ 5J F.ErKESENTAXTVE SALE3. Th6 following are tha representative sales of cat tie at the yards todav: 2o. Description. JLmf Pric 9 Shipping stcr.-. 1017 4'iV" 30 Butcher steer jg 4 35 5 Butcher steers and hoifers.. ....! C78 4 CO 6 Batcher heifers cis 3 uo "sed . &-; 2 00 2 ow - - iav; 300 1 C-w 975 5Q ' Cows ""X" SI5 3 10 1 .ow 1J40 3 75 - SS0 2 00 1 Cow. . ..... UU) ""5 9 Cows and heifr3.... . 3) I 00 IS Cows and hylTera . . , ..'. .". . .". .." SO S3) t cannr... .. ... . itiJ 1 l 2 Stacker if? 4 TJ2 ? LWters- - 525 3 25 1 btocter.ji.. 54a 2 75 S Stociters ...... sti 1 a 1 bum ::n:::"::::::::::::::i27o s eoos. The hog market opened 5 cents lower than the prices of yesterday, and there -vvasaslov feelincall day. Sellers had to work h?,rd to dispose of their stuff, as buy ers we b somewhat offish. The quality of t je jogs were not quite so good as for a cor.pieof days past. Tops sold at 4,65, h.ilk S4.50(g4.53. Light hogs went at V3 00g3.S5. The market closed weak at t he decline and several loads of hogs were i-ield over. REPRESENT VrTVE SALES. The following are the representative sales of hoes at the yards todiy: 2 Pi? -iT,- Price No Dock Kv. Price -. ltd 273 4 4(5 40 173 4 45 I ... 235 iOi'.j 7! 0 212 1 1 -. 120 4 80 2 .... 19-, 4 40 i i,i S IV, 4;S 200 1S5 4 35 120 27o 4 fto 7 W 4 20 ! 9 28 " ' 2 si B I 98 JS1 4X 13 '& 4 50 24 .... 127 3S5 a 0 255 4 50 13 .... 334 3 So .... art 4 51 10 .... ivt 3 85 43 IU7 4 50 5 .... MO 3 75 -'- 1 4 50 5 .... 140 3 75 J 2 ae 4 50 S 2fl 125 S 75 ; i3 21S 4W 6 40 151 C75 C" ---. 212 4 471 2 .... lid 3 70 i i2 --- 2" 4 45 3 - 133 370 r.00 205 4 4i 9 40 117 3 fiO 5 .... 221 4 45 2 4U 1(3 3 Ml 1 .... 1SJ 3 00 SHZEP. 5ood stock sheep. S&aiOO 53 505 fO Hr id stock ewes 7ftiiS0 2 5"a3 51 !, fifMtoextni withers 75a5, 2 003 00 J uood to extra Iumb-s 4 UK5 50 Brief Jiention. xood run of hogs today. Market closed weak and 5 cents lower. lit buyers today were: Whittaker, 73S; " V Co., 50; Dold, 473; flanks, 91; Fort vSjrth, 475; Houston & Arnett, 25. The following shippers had stock at the faids today: H. V. Myers, Rome, hojs. T Bramweli, Yoder, hogs. ZL Liindsey, Frederick, cattle. Leslie Coombs, Perth, hogs. "Loomis Bros., Garden Plains, hogs and j ianle. 'G Rail, Peck, hogs. D W. Travis, Saratoga, hogs. John Hillman, Cheney, hogs. Capt, T. Xeal & Son, Pratt, hoes. Charles Roberts, Kingman, hogs. P. McKinley, Freeport, hogs and cattle. L. B. Connell, Anthony, hogs. Thomas Burkett, Eureka, hogs. Ol C. Osborne, Eureka, two loads of bogs. J. H. Burkett, Ashland, hogs. TJave Winn, TJdall, cattle and hogs. T. E. Gilleland, Winfield, bogs. J. J. Bonahoe, Winfield. cattle. J. W. Storr, Derby, cattle. C. Andreal, Ellinwood, hogs and cattle. T. Al. Potter, Marion, hogs. W. T. Blakely, Rose Hill, hogs. Lee Xichols, Rochester, hogs. James Miller, Tiola, hogs. C Fizjr, .Nashville, hogs. LIVE STOCK MABKET. By Tclesrraph. ST. LOUIS. 3fo May 12. CATTLE Receipts KfJO, shipments 200. Market active. Natives 3 '.. ft 65. Teians and Indians to 3034 70 HCHJS Re ceipt 8&X, .hipmenta 3a0. Market lower Heart U 75st4 so. mixed 4 2021 75. fcHEEP Receipts SOU, j&lpmenw 23SX. Market steady. Fair to choice f 4503 51 K.O-SAS Crrr. Mo.. May 12 CATTLE HecpJpU 810, shipments 20c0 Market about steady. Sledrs ii 35wo 75. cows S3 25?4 70. stOiktrs nd fevers J2 504 P0. HOGS Reeipts LE30, hipments 370 Market dull Bulk f4 45 4 to. aL KTsdes 53 0X34 70. SHEEP-Recelpts loOU. Market -trony. Chicaoo. I1U May U. - CATTLE Receipts S500, shipments .Market sct've and steady Estr-i Uw 4 25a6 iXS, others 3SAS14 aX Texans HSKs4i. butchers' cow, J?7-i3 sa HOG-Receipts 1.0. hlpments Market lower. Roueh and com mon 14 ii34 40. m red aad packr 4 704 sa. prim lieaw and butchers' weights J4 55iS4 3a. light 4 25 54 vS. HEEP-R.Heipw lLrtJO. t,h.pments Market lower Katirea 4 40t6 OJ. westerns 5 C&i id Jambs 6 507 S, WicUlta Grain 3Iarkct. WICHITA, Kan May U Following are the clo-inc quotations; GRAI-Car loti ca track: WHEAT-No2S7c No 2 hard Sic No S 77c, No. i. Tot. CORN No 3 or better 55c -r hite 55c. OATi 42ui4oc KYE No 3 or better GOe. HAY Baled JKl (V512 0) per ton. loose 17 CC.1000. GROUND CORN Chop in car lot il 30 per HO lbs., corn and oats, Jl 40 per 100 lbs, bran, sacked U CO per 100 lbs. Wichita Prodnce 5larket- Wichita. - an.. May 12. FLOCR Hicht patent fZ 75. ?cond patent f 2 45. extra fancy J2 35. fancy t2 20. BrTTEH Fi'St creamery 25c. second creamery .T2c, finest dairy 15c. Sae dairy I2c common dairy luc xIGGS KVSllc PCTLTRY Rooster $1 SX312 OX hens tl 50S3 00. POTATOES Mlnneota. s-icked. per bu. J12-, ancv Greely 140, Eariy Rows $1 SS, COAL Anthracit JH CO. Canoa City JS 00. Wei City U 5.1. Fronienac U aO, Pitlsburs 14 50. IUIaoL- $784 McAllister 7W. UAEKETS BY TELEGSAPH , ew York Money New Ycrit. May 12. Mcnev on call easy, ranging from 4 to 5 per rent lart loan. 4; closed offered at 2 per cent. Prime nienantile paper 57. Sle-ling eichange qu:et and teady at 14 S1H for 3i day bills and U Sb'-i for dmand. Chicaco Grain and Produc. CHiCAGa May 12. Wheat Krm. Corn Nominal. Oats btfong. Pork Easy, Lard Easy, The leading future ranged as fowws: TLOUK Qmtt, easy. Spring patenU J5 00.?j 50, winter patjnti 5UU&520. straight 4 3ig5 ttl. bakers u a 40. U HtU.T May 1 02, June 1 a July 5"K CORN May 2Hc June 5"c July 5Sw. OATS May 4Sic, June tStc July 45tc PORK Jlay 11 50. July $11 75. September 12 03. LAJBD MaySdCtt, JulyoS6b6entetsber 56 S3. Cash quotations were as follows: WHEAT 1J CORN-SI OATS 43. RYD-SSc. BARLEY NomlnaL FLAXSEED 1 14. TIMOTHY-l 25l XK. PORK 11 fil LARD-47f. SHORT KIB3-?5 9045 95. DRY SALT SHOULDERS-t5axa5 25, SRORT CLEAR SIDES6 iO&S L WHISKY-1 17. akticles. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat 10.000 5.0C0 Corn St.B 155.000 Oats 1 S7.0U3 3J.UXJ BUTTER Easier. Extra creamery 24&26c ex extra Srsts 21a!c Crst3 17S20C, extra da.Ir7 2a22c, extra, firsts 17iac firsts HSlSc iiGGs-ligUc. St. Louis Produce. St. LociS.May 12. WHEAT Stress, higher. Cash tl C2. 3Iay 1 C3 bid, July 1 oi bid. July CSJiSSSc, August 05c COKN-HIsher. Casn 5 He, MayiSJic, JolT 5"5S 57lfs. OATS-Higher. Cash 51k'c May 5IHc. July iZfts. PORK-iasy, tU C.11 ST. LARD Weak, SB 25. Kansas City Produce. Kansas Crrr, May 12. The Dally Indicator reports: FLOUR-XX ek:. XXX 75c, family f 1 05. choice Jl 40. fancy Jl SJQl 83. W1I?:aT Quiet. :io 2 hard cash92Hc. o 2 red cash 435c. CORN Firmer "o 2 cash oojfc Mar 565cbid. OATS Sady. So 2 cash 4SHC hid. May 45?fc bid. UYE Steady. Ko 2 cash TGc bid. BUTTER Weak. Creamery I33c, dairy liai7. storepacked tlta EGOS Firm at HHc HAY Lower. Fancy prairie HOC, soodto choice 13 UX14 00. common 3 50311 50. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. X. S, XAFTZGETt. Attorney at Law. Money to loan. 133 K. Main St, Wichita, Kansas. 50-lm 3IOBKIS & MOOD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. oace Xo, 1 Xorth Main Street. Room? land?. Telephone No. 127. d33-lm J.R. HAT.rovri:r.L. J.E Huke. H. L. Oordoy Hallo well. Hume C Gordon, LAWTERS. Rooms 03, M4. 6C5 Pedzwick Blk. Telephone No. 112. Wichita, Kansas. If. C. SLUSS. W. E. 8TANLEY. SL USS & STANLEY, Attorneys at Law. Wichita, Kansas. Harris, Harris Vermillion, Attorneys at Law, 111 S. Mala St.. Second floor. P.A.notntBArGTr. w. h. RAUca. BOHUBATTGH . XATJCH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Proprietor ot Westora Co!ectfoa Bnrau. Col lections made anywhere in th United States and Canada. No. 147 Main Su Wichita. Kansas. E. B. JEWETT, Lawyer. Rooms 2, i and G 203 N. Molnst Wichita. d!04-tf John W. An am?. G.w.ADAiis. A BAMS & ABAMS, Attorneys at Law. Ofnce. first stalsway east of the Wichita National Bank. ll-tf A. J. ABBLEGATE. (With A. D. Mallory Abstracter, Conveyancer & ITotary Public Fin drauhtln a peclalty. Complete abstracts to any land In 5d"wlck county. Office, Just at riht of v"st entrance. Main treet. New Court Hon1", first floor. Prompt service cuaranteed. Telephone 238. lLC-tf DENTISTS. BB. E. H CREBITOH. Dentist. Office H N. Main over Smith Stover's. Yjtnliied air administered. Residence 2S N. To ptka avenue. Wichita, Kansas. Ul-tf Fall tfl of teeth. JS. and $10 Gold Fillings. $1. and up: Silver, 7oc; Extracfinc wth cocaine. 50c Wo guarantee atifactlon I"P.i!nles3 DeutiJts. BOYD'S BEXTJ L BOOHS, DR. F, BOYT. DR. J. A. HOLLEXBCBGER 113 East Douslas Avenue. 103-tf TETERINAEY SUEGE0NS. M. Phillips. s E. Philijps BHILLTBS .C BHILLIBS, VETERINARY SURGEONS." Grndaates of the Chicago Veterinary College Hospital accommodation. Calls by Telephone. Telecraph or Jlail will receive prompt attention day or nlcht. Offlre No. Ill N, Lawrence ave. Office telephone No. 71. Residence 650 N. Topeka ave. Residence telephone No.2I5. d6a-tf-w47-tf BOISTDSIE. SURETY OX BOXBS. Thoe who ar required to pivc bonds In positions of trust, and who desire to avoid asking fr'ends to become their snrefies. or who may wish to relieve friends from fnrther obligations aa bondsmen should apply in person or bv letter to W . H. LIVINGSTON, rent, Stite Natl Bank. 'Wichita. San. Oftlio American Surety Company ot New York Pamphlets on application. 15 tf PHTSICIAiS'S. E. E. HA2IILTOX, 21. D. Sp-cialties: Diseases of the Eye. Ear. Noso sad Throat, Catarrh and Sttiny glaajts. Oaice 127 N. Market street, Israel &. Myers block. BE. MARY GAGE BAY. 25 and 26 Zimmerly block. Office hours 2 to 5 p. m. 12-tl BR. E. EJIJIA COBB, Female and children's diseases a sprecialty. Home for Ladles during confinement, fctrictly private wnen eo diwireil. Letters of inquiry confidential cad answered immediately on receipt of same. Home, TU South Ida ave. W.chlta, Kan. 143-tf BR. CROSKEY. EVE, - EAR, - SURGERY. Largest Stock of Spectacle! in the city. Prescrip tions filled as oon as made. OCIce hour- y to 10 a. n: 1 to 4 p. m. Sunday, S to lfc30.a. m. 117 North Mala street. BR. C. C. FURLEY. PHYSICIAN :AND : SURGEON. OFFtrE: I nriDis.'ca 331 East Donylaa Ave. j Furley Block. Telepncnu No. 116. 1 Adjoining the Oaco. E. Y. JTUXSELL, IT. B. SPECIALTIES Mllcal and anrical dl ee3 of Eve. Ear. Nose, and Throat. Removal of facial and other blembhes; and S.U tinr spectacle. Office and residence. 1200 South Emporia. 64-tf KO CURE PILES XO PAY FISSrRE FISTrLA and all disease cf the rectnm cured without the use of the knife, liga ture, caustics or detention from business. No money to be paid untilpatlent is cured. PRIVATE DISEASES in both sexes speedily. ccrvu iaii 02 or auuresi dr. j. e. ben:.ett, orlce 143 N Main St Wlchit net: PHOTOaHAPBCEES. ROGERS, 1 Photographer- Pictures in all iies aad "tries He also carries the Cnest assortment of picture frames 5n the city. Give fc!a a friendly call and aiamtne samples. SCHOOLS. ABL HALLO J'S ACADEJIY. Conducted by Sisters of Charity, B. V. II., "Wichita, Kan. The Academy Course Is thorough in the Prepara tory, senior and classical grade. In the Musical and Art Departments everycare Is taken to elevate the t&sto ot the pupils. Beard and coition per ses sion cf Ave montas 57 Payment required .nad- Send for sroisectss. ITT tf 1 S JL C CAMPBELL. ELDEIDGE & CAMPBELL, WICHITA, KA. Fpecial Information by "Wire or Mail Free on Ap plication. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. O. Davidson. Pres. H. O. CooLiDGr Y.P. Johx Debst. Cashier. CITIZENS' : BANK. PAID UP CAPITAl, - - $ .ooOtWG STOCKH'D'RS' LIAJJrLITT. 1.000.000 Largest Paid TJp Capital cfacy Bank la ska fit&t of Kaosas. EEAL ESTATE AGENTS FlLtli V. lfiHArr y C. IsitaEl. otary Public. ISRAEL BROS. Eeal Estate and Bents. Telrphene 319. To buy Wichita city proprtv orSeegwlck county land n Pjeaexi? prices means large returns on your mcnev. Wichita, with her stock and other Indus- inw. .s just in her infancy, and such bargain as we can now offec were never offered before. All having business in our line are invited to call or correspond. iJiPr . interests of non-residents properlv ialttMjcared for. Office second floor 12a th ilarket. Israel Cuildln,'. dSOtf ARCHITECTS. w. - PKoenrooT. o. w. bi2b. PROTJBFOOT S BIRB, Architects and Superintendents. OSica la Foch ue&ar.fclock. ITJSIC. 18S2 1S91 A. W. SICKXER, Teacher of Music. Fletcher Block. Thorough Instruction. Pupils recitals ;;iven weekly All pupils are tendei ed free um; of an extensive and carefully selected music library. H. X. KXE.CHT, Manufacturer ot SAZORS AM) SHEARS. Grinder of All Kinds of Edged Tools. CLIPPERR, 4y eTtr-o -rcr . oxxxj.-i.j:.o TAJiJUE CUTLERY Surgical Instruments Repaired. 229 N Main St. Wichita. Kan. P A U C F R PositivelyCiired J Xo Knife Used. Safety and Permanency Assured. Do not delay a day It you have cancer. Write for testimonials and information, or come to Wichita tnd be examined by our iiedlcal Director, M. S. Ho cheile. Address THE WIC hi TA REMEDY CO. For reference of our work, write. d3Myr "ote Change of Time. Commencing Sunday, Oct. 5th, the Mis souri Pacific last Mail and Express will leave Wichita at 1:20 o'clock p. in. arriving at St. Louiij next morning at 7 o'clock. Chicago Express will leave at S:10 a. m., arriving at Chicago (via Kansas City) at S o'clock next morning. This makes the fastest trains for both 3c. Louis and Chi cago. Pullman sleepers and chair cars through to St. Louis without change. dl20-tf California, "Washington and Oregon are having a "boom" on tolid basis this year. The country is fast fillingup with farmers. Business is lively in all branches. If you happ-en to be one of the many who "are thinking of taking a trip to the Pacific coast, for ik.isure or business, write to G. T. Nicholson, C. P. and T. A.. A. T. & S. F. R. R., TopekH, Kan., for Pacific coast literature; or api-i1, to local agentSantaFe route, 122 North M.t: i 'treetbr Union pas senger fetation, corut"- Douglas and Fifth, and learn all particular about personally conducted parties. 139 tf Three trains daily m each direction between "Wichita and Kansas City, "Wich ita and St. Louis, via Mii-ouri Pacific railway. 107 tf A Summer Outins. It is almost time for your summer vaca tion. The Santa Fe route runs direct to Maai ton Springs, Cascade Canon, Green Moun tain Falls and "Woodlaud Park, the pretti est resorts in Colorado. Watch out for announcement of tourist rates to Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Inquire of local asent A., T. and S. F. R. R. Co., 122 North Main street, and pas senger station, Douglas and Fifth avenues. 123tf St. Louis to Co'orado via Wichita. Commencinc Sunday, July 13.1590, ths Missouri Pacific railway will run through sleeping cars from St. Louis via Pleasant Hill, Rfch Hill, Fort Scott and Wichita to Geneseo and from thence to Pueblo. Colo rado Springs and Denver. This chanes was made on account cf a great many peo ple from the east goinc to Colorado being desirous of going via "Wichita. The train will stop here two hours, civing all a chance to view the "Peerless Princess" and still land passengers in Colorado same time as if they had sone via Kansas City It also gives the citizens of Wichita sleep ing car service from here to Colorado. Re turning, it gives us tnrougn sleeping car service Vichita toSt. Louis, and gives the Colorado people a chance to ca east via Wichita. Thi3 change will undoubtedly be appreciated by the traveling public,and especially by the'citizens of Wichita. If you are going east or west go via the pop ular new through route. Through chair and sleeping car service. New route just completed between Fort Scott and Rich Hill goes through the finest mineral and agricultural country in tbe west, Don's forget the new short line to St, Louis or Colorado. City ticket office, 120 North Main street. Wichita, n.tnsas. 46-tf E. E. BLECELZT. P. & T. A. Wright Jt Miller. Heal estate and rental agents. d45-:f Literature of the West. Call at tbe Santa Pe ticket office, 122 N. Main street, for descriptive books con cerning Colorado, Xew Mexico, Califor nia, Oregon, Washmcton, the Dakotas, Wyomins and Utah. In addition to sup plying tHbse anticipating a trip west with this information parties may also leam to their advantage by calling "at the Santa Fe office before purchasing tickets, or ad dress the undersigned. W. D. MUEDOCK. 122 Xorth Main stL, TStf Wichita, Kan Chic3eo express via the Missouri Pacific allway, leaves Wichita at S:10 a m. Chl ago next morning S o'clock. Missouri Pacific railway 107 tf R. W. ELDRIDGE. jgjjiy O f rk A Xaali Hard Zoefc. ' A yonnj; man of brilliant social quaKties went out to dine with some recent;-acquired friends one Sunday, aad, proceeding to make himself agreeable, this is how he got on: Taking a slice of bread, he re marked as he broke it, "I don't know how many times Billy has spoken to me in praise of his mother's bread, and I am more than glad to be able to test it today this is fine, Mrs. " "WelL the fact 'is, 2a. , while I always mean to make my own bread, I actually exhausted my sup ply before I knew it yesterday, and so this was bought at the bakery." With some confusion the social man expressed his re gret that ha hadn't the pleasure, and so forth, and managed to keep his dignity until the last vestige of his sauce was dis appearing and his hostess offered to help him to some more. He inquired cautiously, "Is this some of your make Mrs. ?" He wanted to get under the table when the lady replied with evident reluctance that it was not. His re marks were rather forced after thi3, and he got on only passably well until dessert was served, when his heart rose as he thought he saw a chance to redeem himself. A de licious looking charlotte russe was brought on. He improved his opportunity by say ing, "1 have been introduced to this same dish before, Mrs. ." "Indeed," said sbe, not a little surprised. "Yes, you know mother was here yester day, and she said you were making a char lotte russe for which you gave her the . recipe. So you see this pudding and I have met before. If it is half as nice as it looks, Mrs. , it must" "I am sorry to say this is not the same one I was making yes terday. "We ate that one last night for tea and thi3 one I bought. It is fully as nice as mine, though." The young man of so cial brilliancy bad faded and could not be revived. Springfield Homestead. Curious Facts About Seers' Horns. "Why and how is the deer so peculiarly unlike any other of the bovine race the horn differing so materially from all the horned cattle in its composition, growth, muturity and decline? It presents all the phenomena of animal and vegetable growth. It sprouts from the brain with out any prolongation of the frontal bone. It rises and breaks through the sinews and takes root on the bone, growing the same as a vegetable. It is nourished by and se cretes albumen upon the surface, and dis poses of the fibrine the same as an animaL It is clothed with a skin and hairy coat very different from that on the rest of the body. This covering and hair possess a property unknown in other animal bodies that of being a stypic to stanch its own blood when wounded. It carries marks of the age on the buck by putting out an ex tra branch each year, which shows an ad ditional power each year to produce them; and this power does not exist in the female; so this difference is more distinctly marked than in any other class of animals. Again, the horn possesses properties unknown in any other animal matter. It is entirely inodorous, capable of resisting putrefaction and almost impervious to the effects of the atmosphere. And still, water at 300 degs. Fahrenheit will dissolve these horns readily, even though they are not soluble in alcohol and resist the action of acids and alkalis. It is the only vegito animal substance that we know of that does not perpetuate itself by procreation. The male and the female are sustained by the same nutrition and elements, and the male only produces horns. This phe nomenon is quite as much of a curiosity as the absence of the horn in the buck after shedding, St. Louis Republic. The Cry of Plagiarism. We have infinitely more sympathy for the man in the pillory than for the rabble that pelt him. The one may have pro voked our dislike, but the other provokes our loathing. The actual wrong that the plagiarist has committed is nothing com- 1 pared to the injustice and inequality of his i punishment. He has borrowed, and failed i to acknowledge the debt he cannot really I be said to have stolen, expt in the extreme I case of his altering and marring the idea3 that he borrowed, and that case is of rare occurrence. If he borrows and improves, we have Milton as an authority for saying tnat ne nas not piagianzea at au. Hardly a single case occurs to us of com plaint from the original owner of the ideas. There was the story of John Dennis, who found that the management of his theater had substituted "Macbeth" for his own play, but had retained the use of the stage thunder which he had been at such pains to invent. "See how tbe rascals use me!" he cried. "They will not let my play run and yet they steal my thunder." But that could not fairly be called a case of plagiar ism, for there can be but little doubt that the thunder was improved by being asso ciated with the play of "Macbeth" instead cf that of "Appius and Tirginius." Spec tator. The Air of Cities. Some alarming statistics have been col lected in Manchester, England, which show to what an extent the public health suffers from the impurity of air in cities. It was fund that the deaths from respira tory diseases, which are nominally about sixty per week in that city, reached during a foggy week in December 200. Observa tions were made at various points of the city and the quantity of sulphuric and car bon wa3 estimated. This quantity was ob tained by ascertaining the amount carried down by the snow by collecting deposits on the roofs of greenhouses, and by exam ining the incrustation on the leaves of out door plants. It was found that during three days of fog an amount equal to 600 weight of sul phuric acid was carried down by the snow in one part of the city, and farther away from the center, near Owens college, the amount was over 4CO weight, the "blacks" over two tons, and the hydrochloric acid about200 weight. One of the results of the j inquiry has been to emphasize the demand for cneaper gas, so as to stimulate its use for heating purposes in lieu of coaL New York Commercial Advertiser. Infantile Vituperation. The keynote of the kindergarten Is Froe- bel's reiterated aphorismThe harmonious growth of our whole being. A mother m a suburban town, where a kindergartea has recently been established, felt, how- ; ever, that ber young daughter of five must have some prctrudiEZ bumps in the sym metry of her development when she told her jin a fit of infantile vexation. "I don't love you; you are only a nasty paralielop ipedon!" Xew York Times. D-aste Hd a Good Mexaorr. ' Ponsonby Fm becoming quite tired cf oldDuste. He's treadng me very shabbily. Ponsonbv I wanted to go to th races ' Monday, so I told him my gracdancie was dead. What do yon think he said? Popinjay Can't guess. Ponsonby He said my grsnduncle usually dkd on Fridays, and declined to let me oal Jewelers7 Circular. The old stove it always useful for th shop or shed or aozae room where odd Jobs are to be done in cold weather. Work peo ple will do much better and can work much more rapidly in a ccrafortabk temperature, and if time is moner the relative valne of warm and. cold rooms or workshops is clearly apparent- Under the old blae laws of Corraeeticst "any man who fWl stand by and see two dogs fisht and not try to separate thea shall be deemd guilty of a breach of tfce peace, and shall lie in jail the lesgth. at sma daxx mndL zxm? ADVERTISE 5 O O o crGY Af mmm W TwocenT COLUMN. THE PEOPLE'S ODIUMS. Your Wants Supplied- The fcllowlsff rae9 under tea different fceadinf will bs charged. Payanle Strictly In Ad ranee. Ko adveriisenieau taken for leas than 10 cents. One Ha adrartisemenUi charged same rate as two yo ADVERTISEMENTS TAXES -TOBU3T UN TIL ronaiDDKN? Prices given usder cla12ed heads in, thl column tcplicabift ehjy to local advertleaenu. So forties aavertlsexicas taken at srices jrtvea. Answars to tCTufajemeau teat la cored th EAGL2 cfioa fMta& be ualled for wittea 13 dart titer tsserttac 'Whea advertisers -ariii: rr?lj for. warded to 156m stacyed e&reloye scat he Mrat. Reference to former odventeestf&ts aaccld sUe deaortptloa asd date of luseftlctiCr copy oJ th ad Ter3sesie2t hccid bo sent. XotrvsTXiasthtoforaAvertise&eata girea or Als coati&nd by teZwboae. WAX TEBTE3TALE HELB. Csder this head io ?er Una jer dx. Domestics. WANTSD-A COMPETENT STEADT GIRL for general tousenort. 3 EEzaporU ave, 152K w rAXTED-A GIRL AT ON'CE. 3CS Norta Trr-iTED-A FIRST AND SECOND HOTEL V cook, must be first class. A?p.ywith refer ences at 1551 Falrview ave. 13T tf "ITANTED A good cook; no fcousa work required. Apply 1C31 .V. Lavrence ave. d 133 tf Xurses. WANTED A WHITE NURSE GIRL TO LOOK cfter a 2-year-old baSy. Call a: rooms UOJ Fletcher Meek. U9 tf MiscelZa n eo ns. TTJXTED-A FIRST-CLASS BASQUE MAKER Y at 233 outa Market. dial a. TTT-ANTED-FIRsT-CLASS HELP IN DRESS t r making department. Htjsneat wages paid by piece or v. eek. Munsoa i McNnrczara. ISO St TV 7ANTED-AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAK- er at 2S3 N Lawrence. 13 6 Situations Wanted Female. Lnder this head lo per line per day. Domestics. WANTED-BY A COOK OF THITY-FIVE years experience; either meat or pastry cook; a situation. Call at 1(33 Topeka are. US !? Miscetta neous. WAXTEBMALE HELB. Lcder this head 2c per line per day. Trades. AV ANTfcDlMMEDIATELY ONE WOODTUR ner at Wichita planing tnilL dlil if V-."TED TWO GOOD BRUSH HA.VDb 131- i mediately, fe toner fc Andrews. Painter?, lis & Main st. dlil 2t WANTED-M FIRSTCLASS TINNERS AND galvanized iron cornice workers. Sledy employment. Apply at once. Mesker A- Bro.. CI to 42 outh 6th st at Louis. Mo. 150 . TTTANTED A FIRST-CLASS WHITE BARBER V with a capital of about t300 to step into a paying business, pool, billiard and ciu-r stand woil located. Address Harper A Rouse, 'W lchlta, Kan. llstf Bookkeepers and Clerks. Boys. Salesmen, Ulisceallaneous. W'ANTED-ORGANIZERS 3Y THE FRIENDLY i Aid society. Pays Its members llUJeeryslx months- Has paid f.U,CU0 In benents. Reserve and Beneflt fund held in ttuat by the state of Ma.-s.L-chUMrtta. Terms liberal. Address Friendly Aid society. Waltham. Mas- Uj at w A N'l ED-COMPETENT STENOG RA PHERS and book-keepers who desire poeiticns. to apply sttbe N atioual Accountant's and stenograph er's Buituu. Once for Uie states of Kansas, Colo rado. Nebraska. Missouri and leias, at the EoutU v esters Business College, W ichta. Kan. "i tf VTr ANTED-BUSINESSMEN WHO ARE IN T ? need of stenographers or accountants to call at the Naticca Accountant's aiid Stecorapber's Bureau. Branch office at tie Southwestern iJasi ness Collece. W rchlta, Kan. Wo usually have ou our application list thorocgbly competent book keepers and ttenctraphers. with flr-t class referen ces. Help luxnihtl tree of charse. 2jtf Situations Wanted Male. l-nder Ibis head 1c per lino per day. Misccllan eons. TANTED-A EOY WANTS WORK-ANY- ttlnij; staying In store, tiorkins on farm or taking care of horsc-S- Address or call on Wllke Draves. SOI S Fourth ave. HQ t' AGEXTS WAXTEB. Lcder this head 1c per line per day. Employment Agencies. Vcder this head 2c ter line per day. WAXTEB Ml SCELLAXEO US Under this head 2c per line per day. V"ANTED-AT ONCE. TO BUY A BUGGY it horse. Mast b cheap. State co?cr. size and lowest cash price. Addreaa P. O. box 55?. dl2 3t TTTANTED-I WANT TO EXCHANGE A FARM. Y In Sumner county for a stock of dry goods or groceries or both. Address "A. Z." KagJe. 152 C VANTED-TO BUY A BOILER AND A 5TA- r tionary ensrln'- of from 16 to 3 hor power. Call or address J. H. Myers, 121 aad 123 W.caiw. t- 7ANTED-LADIES TO CALL AT 311 EAST t T DoTiglas and have their old straw tat re modeled and rethapd in the iat fashion at a maJI cost of from Ui to T5 rent Tear patronage solicited. Mesdames HL1 A Frascl. 13(1 S WANTED TO SELL OUTTHE BUSINESS of straw has and bonnets. Thete is and always w'.t t en ngn for trzi women to do In Wichita, Bcs.nes tburocghir worked Bp: 23 years experience. Over No. Hi N Mais t. J. A. Johnson. 150 4 TV AN1 ED TO BUY A ROAD CART. MUST t be rh? and la good order. Give prus. Ad dress boxSCk 1M o WANTED-A VACANT ROOM IN A QUIET place, either with or without beard. Addr G S W care Eagi. ISO tf TV" ANTED FARMS we hate just closed T sTraI deals oa Sedgwick cossty farms and will havs more cciomn in a w days aaa caa mJ yoar farm if yoa will p Lice it n car hands. Ad dress a. S. eisoa. Wichita. Kan. w3 I dlil St TTTANTED A HORSK TO USE FOR HIS keepUi: ht of attention aad only tltUn driving. References given. Adores Jock box 53. W ANTEDTO BUT A GOOD TOP BUGOYOR pha!cat mast bo cheap for cash; give artee. Address lock box St3. 1 tr TTrANTED-PlANO TUNING. THOUE WHO desir bit :ilcm to addrr ?ez card ex phone. J. L. Sheidoc. HotI M-tropole, ! E5 WAXTED Ileal Estate. VzAtr this hid tc per llms pr day. y -ANTED-KAVE a CASH BUYER FOR A farm either sorth"sl er soth of tows, act crr sJx Call si ence oa Israel Bros., !2i N JJartetst. (1WB WANTED SEVERAL GOOD IHPROTED FOR SAFjEMisceUantoxts. Uader this iad 2c p-lis ?r day. "OS SALE THREE BOWLING ALLET5. AD 1 drwsJ W. CUytca. ill Z Dsssiu. di42tf- UOE SALE BaNXERA OFFICE OUTFIT JT whtm ntssz ccs2ir trimmed wtta ci-T and hrenxa wire. rzl doer brocxJ. itJ vasis. deaale doors, ccmhisaioa iocia. i Sao esocgi fw asye!lXT;pricactep--itm35boCd.aiS(trrw J. D. Bnmphieyi A Co.. aitctia. Zaj. iatoi PaV R. sale C3EA.P TWO GOOD COCNTERS iV csn a iat of roi 4rrSig aad parados i, Inezes at US DouiU- lie 4- K. Inq-3 TTOR SALE AN" INTEREST IN A PaTING J. fcwfsew ta this dry; tiueca.i- ArxMefcase rora rnt;"" Adir- a tiu oSce- sa 9 TTOa SALE OR EXCHANGE LT5TERT BARN Jl aad ncfc doSig a good, tradswet; wlU & cip for cash e? exchaag for five stock or aedg wicfe eocrty Ixsd. sstif r3aAtarelllis. A-d-da.A.S.KsStW&tU.S. UllUitt THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Your Wants SuppMecL POP. SALE-GREAT RARGAINS-NTNE-ROOM r house; ijouth side. J0 Xeet. JS-3 cash, bai- j 25Pfl tITT tOD' 5 rooms. Soslh Side. SJ feet, fenced S1M0-3X) cash. h. iance 3 years r.t o per cent. 5 rooms. South side, S leet, S1SC0-K0 cash, hal- T rcms. South Sid. 5TH te ei. floe shade. JliOO 3CC cash; balance zyi years at b per cent. 10 rooms NortS -:de. modem convieaieaces, fine nlktc ;aP-3Jll cash, balasce 6 per cent. s roomSi North bide W feet. nice. .esse. 12XC 50C I cash, balaccs 3 year .t o per cent. t roams. North side east and osth front. Si feet, i fenced, shade, prlca J11CO 5?'C5a. tstuice5year r S rooms, modem conveniences, au leet, pnee J3A t casn. oai.ince time. S room!". North Lawrence. O fe-C gas. bath, on I story building. 3ro)-r cash, balance 1 years at. ! per cent. Several fine bargair.s in business property, also la farms. Israel Bros. 13 N st. 1SJ it TOR SALE-FURNITURE POLISH AT i AND X S? ceats per bottie- Furniture, pianos. se wins machines, bungles. e:c mado to looi as sood asi nw. Kno Furniture Co. r iOB SALE TENT. S-FOOT WALL 12x33- Cheap- Eno Fumitnro km, '- " -OK SALE-TWO SEfS OF IVOrwY BILLIABD 1 balls, incaire at taa sedsrtvict Eilllard Ha.L ItJtf FOR SALE-IN TOPEKA-A WELL LOCATED drop store. larotco JlJiX5. Cash psr month tSM. Address iicrray A Footer. Topejra. Kan. 70R SALE-CHEAP-A GOOD FONT ' -wants him? CallatslSE Dcaxla. W1IO 1S 6 --.r oTv-wi? coinrn! ivn CTTIPS JC inltaHe for concrete Kradlag. jlriveways anl ! waits; aro moaiesiouc. ti.iwiic . tw-j... . new City HalL l' " 170R SALE-A HOTEL ICE CHEST. ORIGINAIj T cost $JS.seU for JSi. Israel Bros. U Mkk. d id tr l?OR SALE-THE LEADING CtOTHINa Bt&I X nes In toTva of ovrr 5.WW inhabitant-, doing .v good business, twst corner locauon. Lsiao23hl tel. years. 5 or particulars enouiro A i1'1 L.M. di-! t. riWENTY-FIYE CENTb A flUNDRED, AT X this oSlce, old papers aaitiiita for paciss pu. tlng under carpets, etc "- " nANDS05tn LITIIW3RAPU Kan. FOR TRADE Under this bead So per Uoo perMay- TT'OR TRADE ltJJ ACRES OF GOOD LAND IN XI Cowlev county. Improved. To tntln for a steam threahlag outht. Address 2121 N Lawjai. o. FOR REXT House: Under this heodlc pr lino prday. r-?FORRENT-FLA r NO. Cffl W LLM. LVEBY W54 convenience, -water, gas and bath. Apply-to &N iluln. W I" JWFOR HI-NT-HOUSE NO. 21S N TOPEKA O. ave. Inquire one door south. IX) U EFOR RENT-NO. T1S N. EMPORL. S ROOM"?. vacant ilay t U.1. eat. Room Xo Seig. : bloc. dlSJ-ii FOR RENT-A GOOD LARGE HOUE ONE Iain st. dWi-tf 7-FOU KENT-OOCbE No. 1130 N. LA WTtENCK bSL ave.. 10 room, bath. ra, electric bril, etc. Iiouse freshly painted. gool tab! and brn. Ap ply tolir. J E. Jennings, 125 N.autsst. ds. if FOR REXT Rooms. Under tb!s bead 2c per llneperday. r IWR KKNT-OCTalDt. ROOM NICtLY FCRN- C lshed at 214 N Mala St.: luuulro at room 2. 1S1C FOR REXT Miscellaneous. Under this bad 2o per llun per day. POP. RENT-UPRIGHT PIANO. PRICE FIVE dollar per mouth In advance. .iddrtts Car rier No. 11. P. O. ! OP. BENT-STORE R003I NO. 407 E.DOCG las ave; 2ixll0 feet, wilt rent cheap to uoud parties. Barne & Son, 200 E Douglas. 114 tf FOUXD. Older this headJc per line per day. irVoUND A BUNCH OF KKYS OWNER CAN X? have same by ca.ling at this ofilcs and Pay In chargts. il'Jit FOR EXCHAXGE. Under this head 2c per lino per day. .TP A VFT Under this bead 2c per line perrtay. STRAYED-FROM S25 SOUTH EJCPORIA ST. Bay hor, -wei.-ht IfOfl lb Any luformatlou leading to his recovery will be suitably rewarded. Law iz. Jones. d!32 If S RAYED OR STOLEN- ROJI 31Y OFi'ICK "Naples on attach-umts" with the namo of J. T. Schoon ver on tho buck. lio "Wlltido on mort gage forecloonres. ' Will tho person or prons having poB-w-lon of tbe above volume ilndly r. turn tnem- J . Coates. 4W STOJLEX. Under this head 3c ?er line per day. GEXEEAC STORAGE STORAGE Elton warehouse. sw. ciean awl almct fire proof. N-ac Doocls areaun and ban: a Fr depot. OHJce 617 L .Douglass are. d Iff! tf Losr. Under this head 2e;per lln t day. LOaT -WHILE DKIVHJJ A HLACfc. WKAP Finder pteaso return to Eaglo cCc and ct reward. IS1 tf T" C-1-A 3IONOGRAM OF THE LETTEIfJ R J H. It. rlcder will plesttxltavo iutt:ljui oCice and 2et rewjrtL C3S tf FIXAJSCZAL. ruder this hfail 2e pr Ha pr r CTRAIuHT PER. CENT MONEY TO LOAN O on ImproTed frnt and city property. Calloo or addre-i U. A. HatfieiU for particular. No 23 N ilHin st vt ichlta. Kan- 141 MONEY LOANED ON ALL KINDS OF CHaT tel propcrry and collateral security t lorrest rates. C. L. Aler & Co. room 11, iX N Main t. 1S Monet"to loan nr L.uioE or silall amounts occa: tie, bor-. pianos, hotuototd roods, botes, bond or .-ui good curHy. VJchlta Loan Co room over 113 N Main at. 13 tf TV" D. McCORJIICK. rIEAL ESTATE BROKEH ' fa city a nd fans property Karm prt?ertr ("pecialtv Ocrreaposdesca solicited. ITJ E. Fir: v, Jcn:ii. hjia. aKJ MONET TO LOAN-WE AvrLL LOAN TOS money onlosgor Lrt tlmon farm er c'?r .mprkj; iu w iirei. cj tmin. neuveaiH goods, etc r.iuo x lirsr. zjQ tu: S.1 idsrwu biOCa. U'tf FURNITURE LOANS. CATTLE LOAN-JION-eylcndcnalmotT--ythIag by J T. Ld lum. tve- btaitrd's grocery, comer lint aid Xalc Ctf MISCELLAXEO US. Under this bd ler Ilas pr da j. TT 'ANTED AGENTS TO FELL THE PINLES3 l C lothe- Lines lh onlv lies evr lttvntod ttt tYi the cloth's wlifeoat - Irji. . p erfnet tatxn. patent rcy Vm mA only by gsu. tc whom rxcftaJv risbt 1 rvs; ca rclpt cf H cetits wo will ead a mssi iloe by maU, also ctr etluArs. pricfl list and. Inss taaga's -caryoar trrUory tt oacx. Addre.- Tb ilot Cloubr-i lAncCcu. IT liermea street. rtorrtr to. 12ZA yr-2 U tit TTATERBURTS CHCOt. OF SHORTHA'TD acdTTtwwritter. Y ii C A. bliMtec. Ste- deti can titer it anytime. Grak&s. Pitxaaa &d N Rapid rystrm tasghl. sSidcat rss my tc&oct tar rrciTj tivtaties. tha trt sosta. Cos:ptit ttsearphrsre a.wy-! tt irmaad. I jjtv more for m ts-crapsers iia I mz rcppiy Tjitors4waT waosme Ii3 V o -iHILDKENS DKEJ- XaDE TO ORDER. Call at 1225 S L&wrezwe t. UPHOLSTERING. FCRNf-TURF REPAIRED aad caaa aU gst ts at 151 itirtn. 13J fa ANTS A5Pr-CIA LTY XAriETbORDERit Black ehev? t U1U Vcr4T tli trtl St s-r-anwd. TaitonngVaiilJi trasaaiKN iJJS. Prtc to rat th; tlav Xit V rpo eanees and loan agest-f's: JL sj On fta'jf Dti af wtti 7a-' time Joet. Pair vac. 4wr ba. r cv-r. wtrcvgwarx ad bask farsKBr. aad xtcrr rcrvljy alauargals- O H. BUei.-nudr,&n za?. Aia.Kaa. ij tf OELAEOHA MA?-A POCKET 3CA.P OF THE Istjta trrtery twsis it Ct34if strip add Oklahoma, w ;ta at! ti rd'.ta adL captt&la. aaxics. tarz. Tag-. zzii-jurt r-Ta. la ds r--rTitimii4 acs lmlA . o ti suj r--vic cf aeh urrx, the ZtjTa msA T Meters -.- iixriciM cf Ot iaicma. th Ctrytt cstt.e. a compact p4 xtay- 3t by 22 tscfa etor. T5 usma asd cmi con3ptie map -r p3hfiid f fhi ew twastry.wiiri wi.1 fc o'SxC m a fww (Uya. K"L.b3l pen jj ioaydr cpoe th r oytcfSOtit. Addr K. P-iJirdsCA, SatiSM X rr. Ec. W jciUia. r.aa. 25 tr Xla- PUyiog Ctrc. 5end fa 10 cent in stamps cr cdn to John Sebastian. cearai tiexct azA smws. per ;?st Chicago, Boci lAiAadndPactr rail-waT. for a patt cf the iatef, isx?a tut, ftl&Jftst playint; card thai eTer c;i dened the eya and npplrd aJons the Cns: ers of th( derro?!!: to iiiph-Five, SeTrs-Cp, Catsino. DntehT Ecchrr, Wttstorairy cthr ancient cr modern sm, and ct Jtmr noser's -xortiJ five ttssa crtr. JO tl Nerv morotas tzprKsx, Kissa3 C!t7lo CSicao 'XXrsas: xerotic -ti TTOR SALE A JJ map cf thedtyoC W!chtta.clTe3namesccrets public buildings, colleges, paries, eic sue wu fJ Imeu raper. price a cvnt vach: 3 1 ror 10 cents-' U cents a lioiea. Addrea tha V ichlU Lagle. Avlchl j. UU--. JL2XJB01I TIMETABLES. Ktssotrai pa cine r. a. lACJUVX. tKAVK. "a-?; city Express. . .. v ..,.k T39 P r VlaaJdacd Kiowa Espresa....f iSCP u . Ti3 a X PawAUzed .... ....ShjiAic tliPJC ,WtCHrrAAyt COLORADO. Colorado Mail aad ijprrss 'IL3JAX iSJPK OotonMioJdlxed. ,tapx i,JL,?. Depot Second aad WJcaita strata; tteSttoflCftKl North ilaia seet . e. BtrotUtT. 7a!eECVi and Ttciet Agess. tike xajox oitcaco, accK tauotn a vxcvnt EAII.WAT. Gre3t Rock Island Bcate. la eff on and aftr October a, tSH. TSAIXS. j AH&rVTt I LKXVX COrST KOKTTT ASD E.T. Na. 2 Colorado Spriest.! Denver aad Taciflc Coast j EXpessdailv j SJOaM Ne Sansas Cf- St. Louis! J:id Chicago. Throushl 7Jatl and er. daily I E20AK ZVa. t Kanas City St LouSf acd Chicara nlhr x.i SiSxH SUAX S3SPX capx daily SJOPJt! No. gz Accommodaaos.1 dally. escrpt Sunday.. .. ! USav ooiNO socnt. I NoL5Kaasaaty St. Lccis) and Chicago x. dally ..J No. 1 Kiavt City U Lou! 63 AM" (0aM ana i. lucaTO uirosgn maiu i aad ea. dally . . i 6J5P3l! No.t aecomroJttIoa dally! f except tundra . i 33 P' ICCPJC J39P-4 L!cCMt recllntns cttr car on all twin. att Fciltaan rieeperi from Wichita to r.ana City aa I Chicago without cfcng on night trains. Tickets sold and bocraca checVl throcaa to all oct north. onth, east and xvt. sod Reamship tkku soM to all Eororvaa potcv at Jowwt rate. City tlcfeet office 103 East Douglas avenue. cnr ila.1 street: paseitffcr tatka corner Dougbu and Mwtl arennea. Teiephoce KH. W. JI. VTKHAaT. TcSt Vgeai JfO.:rfl.rriJf. O- T. .t I A ChjCAgo. Hi. T. Loria a sax riusci o u. r.-- TttXlfK. t KRITK 1 ISTJ N'o.l.OoInc ss paslo' 'ilUrrorthl. . tSau J .o. Jt Going wt. passeaVf top at Burrtoa'. . ' 4Wr5t No. i. Oolng East, pasrager ' MU.U No. 2. Going East. pasnger HMN !30a icrt 133PI Train marred thn run d.lly. Ww bound train. No. 1. has Pullman car. Wt bound train. No. S. connects at Burrtos far rueblo, Ne-w iiexico aad SouttiTn OklifarnU. East hound. No . i a eoJld train to M. Lon? with chair car and Pullman aletwr. maVe mnceq Han for Ft. Smith. LltU Kock and Part-, Tex5 Eat bound. No. 2, night xtin to bt. Louis, hx tree reclining chair car and Pullman slpr City I men TicSet efflco. C2 North, ilatu tn; and Union Depot. Douglas avraao. ATCHIhOV. TOPKVJk Atl.-TA renK.. TRJklNK. MT1 An KAST. No. 414 Kansas City etprv No. 4ng t hlcago vestltuled rxprvw No. & Jtiourl River et- lire- No. 457 Englewood exprc M1CTH avu wrst. No. X Oklahoma City and Oklahoma express No WT Caldwell and Pan- handle rtprr-.f No. 05 Ft. Worth. Gatves- tun and Tesa exprniv Nv 4K AMchlta. Exprens. Na 457 Englewood acenx. 800am! 10 ISA u! joaiAf SCOP Ml 305 rv SSP)i. stopsher NCaM T4QXM TtlA't 'Cam i34rv! 3lip)t 13 iS r il Voj hero i 31 a n Tnuns irarVrtl thus . dally. rocirMtxT NonTn a vn TArr. Train Na 4!i. Kansas City xpr. raas potldlo Knnns City, has chair far frrYcr Train Na KV corai dir-ct from fllveton arsd 's athroitch thlcAgotraln.lwvlng Wlhjt at IttSlpm and arrive in l elcagn tne next day at !f 14 p m. Trm No. nao frw rrellulng caair car to Kr. sasdty Pullman to Kansas Ctty, Io lo Tutx-i. j. Atchison and St. Joph. eocirjirNT MCTn a f ttkst. Train No lot. has Pullman and chair cars. Train Nn. 416 tin through Pullman car to Ft. AorU and Galvton. Train No. h reclining chair car frra Kiaas City and top at Wichita. (Iiy b'niou Tlciet offlce 121 North Haln rft, tn I I ntoti Paxingcr Mitlsa corner Douglas and M.1 aveau W. D. Mckdock. D. I A. hkura a WltSTElt n. K. TnAINA i AhKivK i l.Ktrr 04n ni, paiw. (daily J . .i Ootas Vt. frSght. I . . flolnr lit. piw ... I (UQ a Jl OUn.' Last, trelght. f 1186a Jl J!4r t 12 40PM 1 mow 1! ift oCSr na North ilaln trt. Ccton Pasvcger iUUou corner Douglas aad &th Tuuen. W. D. MCRUOCIC D. 1 A. LONDON RESTAURANTS. John nnll'a Fnrorlte Diet Dlffin front Tli at of tlla American Cousins. Tho American who la for tho moment Iivins in London rcstaarantfl may eat near ly the same things ami cat them in tho Ktmo fashion a.s ho tvonKl In tha first chuut rcsLinrants along Broadway, bat he mn6 exert himself to do ro.nnd nnlesA,hu lrrn from experience how to order, hm will not pvt food .ervl as he desires it. Tbe djf ferenco in the jrnstronornio habils of Eng land and Amrnci aro so slight, and yet so important, that a foreigner in London Li baffled to a miw; irritAtmg degrea in bL endeavor to discover the secret of living a. he like;, and those people who come hero for a short time only turaally go away with out ever learning the means of getting thmga on they want them and not as the cooks here onstomarlly arve them. Perhaps tho moit nrprilng enlighten ment concerning tho preparation of viandi in London that an American will undergo is his dipcovory that in ail rcstanrants that staple and snccnlcnt article, roret br.t, In eerved rell done, aad that to obtain it in a rare state, long, peraUtnt and carefnh worded commands, sotnettm thrratA. ar neccsaary. I believe I arn right in aasum ing that nn inrarlahJe opinion in Amerlrrt prevails to the effect that the Londoner de mand that hlx beef bo a rich crimen, fad of rnby jnices and with only a cripn5M n the outside. A stranger vrbo is in the habit of eating it Sn this form first neglect to mention hin preference to hi Tvalser here, for the rca-von that ho feete nre it U never served othenvtee in EnglaxxL To hU ex treme astonlbn.ent is in brought to him a dark, well cooked bitnm. He then Informs hi vaitr that be like- his beof nnderdons, or at least he n3 tho word nnderdouo if ho has learned that th terra rare ii not very well underool by London aervantv On the second trial hi receive a piece of meat that may po-jibiy have a slight snggextion of pin knew in it center. He then begin to realize that tb I concentkrn of the tierrn ncderdone is nat thoroughly undentood In the particular plan -scbere he is eating, and rrolve to m nothing more but at his sareil cookrd Ix-rf and trust for better luck another time. la the next place he cat, however, bb experi ence is tbe same, and it Sa many days be fore be learns that Londoners as a people do not eat rare meat, and that to get it One most direct a great amount of energetic de ftcription upon a waiter, who raat be made to comprehend thai the beef Is desired not sj he and the cook would call underdone, but very, very, very underdon the vcr7 most underdone, la fact, thafc the kitchen can provide. Alter thoroughly Impressing a particu lar waiter wtth ooe's views on the point for everal dayi in succession man will, if he rsrnembera the inevitable tipe, get beef as delicious, probably more m. than can bo found elsewhere in tha world, ior the quality of English beci caa never be qneond. I hare never yet bad pix of rnXenor beJ serTed to me kt ingianti, eves tbe taort eclndJ country inns excel ling in the product. Tbe mutton chop of Chicago fa ft ctittcn cutlet In Leaden. Ths London chop ts ronr! piece of meat esorcling a sail bone. Tbsi only London chop cut la tht Americas style is termed a chajEpchop.' and in of the large variety called by Azaer leans "English zastton chop." To sccsrs the small lota chop it is cecesstary to al ways ask for cutlets. Ccr. Chicago Her hid. In Iowa there are islrty-nme eoantSra, eaca one of wjuch has eracfiy S7C scaars miles, eaca CivtsSoas were poslhie la th newer west, where inlaor political dlvtsteas were mad in advaxce cf settlement. la th older rwsrts of the country the terntoriaj arraasesieata were Largaly accftist5L Vienna has C02,000 Roraaa CatholioL There are 2i pnests aad nana ia hex doitrs. The VJeaaa ualversity coatala Sifl fiomaa CathoUs and 2,034 JewUh tadeats- Ia the truty-iz hospital-., witk thesr 5,2 beds, I&,C& persona went trtud lalc&I A Gersaa biologist says that tk two sides cfaZace are sever alfka, latwocaeww ; of Sie t.V eyw are o&z ol line; ca es Is atron',r than tae ether la sevea penoast ;utof tea. and tfce rtsts ar i sxarriir. 1 t-ic than tt Ua. Jt: