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Image provided by: Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS
Newspaper Page Text
:sml B ftje W&itkitx gailij xqXh: .fittitlag Wtningt funje" 7, 1891. GIVES YOU A THIRTY DAY SALE That Surpasses Cost Sales, Closing Out Sales, Going Out of Business Sales. In faet Knoeis to Flinders any Sale Ever Offered during the DOUGLAS AYE. History of Wiehita. 10 109 EVERYTHING Sueeumbs to the Great BLUE MARK. Eaeh and every artiele shown in any of our dej partments shows the reduetion. Baekward Spring. Too Many Summer Goods. Out they Must Go IN THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. TELL YOUR FRIEND TELL YOUR TELL IT TO EVERYBODY. TELL IG IC LAUGHTER EVERYWHERE Olf JtjLJlL Of Dry Goods, Notions. Clothing Millinery, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods. CASH CASH s w THE ALMIGHTY THE GREAT DOLLAR MERCANTtt VER HAT WE WANT. INSTEAD of OURMAJNCMOTH STOCK. Don't take it for granted what you read is true or may be true; come right in, join the jmultitudes, and see for yourselves. You need goods; You want goods; You want them cheap; You want to buy them of the BOSTON STORE. Read this ad. carefully. See display in window Monday, June 8th. 7 CTS Choice of the ful lest lot of Swiss Ham Zburgs shown this season Worth from 12 to 20 cts a yard, only H cts See display in window Tuesday, June 9th. C A CTS Greatest value y of the season. 50 doz. Corsets, comprising 500 bone woven summer corsets and Coutille corsets; lots of them worth $1.00. See display in window "Wednesday, June 10th. A A CTS You never heard Jf of such values. 500 fine bleached knotted fringe Linen Towels. They are remarkable bargains. 1 See display in window 1 Thursday June 11th, WQ CTS 375 fine Blouses fl 1 ) such as sold regularly II I every day at $1.25, i " $1.50 and $2.00. Thursday I 73 cents. II See display in window Friday, June 13th. A WK CTS 800 pah- of la J ( ) dies fine hand sewed Dongola shoes every pair is fine make all solid. Are regular $2.50 & $3 goods See display in window Saturday June 14th. . 3Q CTS 400 gents fine ) Percale Shirts, all the very finest quality, worth from $1 to $1.75. Sat urday choice 83 cents. Reai Further -bee What e Blue Mark Does, CHALLIE 15 Cent All our 25 cent half wool Challies reduced to 15 cts. 39c Challies, Blue Mark 29c 45c " " " 29c 75e Challies all the latest de signs, strictly all wool, reduced to 49c, SILKS. 27 Cents. All our 50c solid color China Silks. 50c fancy India Silks re duced to 35c. $1,00 fancy India Silks re duced to 50c. $1.25 fancy India Silks re duced to 75c. $1.50 fancy India Silks re duced to $1.00. All of our Wool Dress Goods bear the Blue Mark, suffering great reductions. DOMESTIC DEPT. Cents. Large line of Dark Chal lies, formerly 7 and Sc. 4 Cents. 100 pieces of Summer Lawns. 5 Cents. One case of Bleached Muslin. Other grades of muslins at greatly reduced prices. 5 Cents. One bale yard wide un bleached Muslins. Blue Mark on all other unbleached Muslins. 6 Cents. 50 pieces Outing Cloth re markable value. Blue Mark on Flanneletts bring them all to the low water mark. LINENS Cents 20 pieces all linen un bleached Damask, Blue Mark wades into all grades of bleached and unbleached Damasks. 18 Ig one case red Damask Large Cotton Huck Towels. Qa All linen Plaid Tow vv els. 6c Great Bine Marl Sale In Satines. White Goods. Imported Ginghams. Ladies Furnishings. Here we do the same thing. See how low we have cut Ladies Vests and Ladies Muslin Underwear. A chance to buy at prices you do not often get. antachief Dep't Here you will find some values that will astonish you. 2p 100 dozen ladies col- ored border handker chiefs. All of our fine Handker chiefs, matters not what may have been the price, go now at a sacrifice. RIBBONS, 74 Cents Monday, or as long as last 1000 yards all Silk Bib bon, mill lengths, go at He. See them, they are cheap. 8 Cents 15 pieces Black Lace stripe Organdies. 39c Organdie now 30a 30c Organdie now 24c. 25c Organdie now ISc. Blue Mark goes for our Lace Caps, Parasols, frloves, And Mitts. The new price is bound to sell them. CORSETS. Blue Mark affects every- MILLINERY. Here we are again. Blue Mark spares nothing. Bead what it does here: Cents 100 Ladies Fancy Flats. 25 Cents CLOTHING. .29 Choice of all of our mens $4.00 and $5.00 suits. thing. Cents For Summer Corsets. All Corsets succumb to the Blue Mark except Ball's HOSIERY. 5c, 7cr 9a 12c, and 15c are some of the Grand specials the Blue Mark makes in this department. 75 Ladies Leghorn Flats. All other lines of Milli nery suffer the same way. Come and see. 4.95 Gents FnrnisliiMs. 33 Cents All of our foe, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 fine Percale Shirts next Saturday 33c. Blue Mark on Flannel shirts, Madras shirts, "White shirts. Choice of all our mens cas simere suits. Mens pants 7 9c, 89c 99a See them and must buy. and you SHOES $4.00 shoes now $3.00. $3.00 shoes now $2.00, $2.50 shoes now $1.75. $2.00 shoes now $1.50. $L50 shoes now $1.25. We cannot Guarantee to fill Mail Orders exact ) I m$wr& but will do tlie "best we can.