Newspaper Page Text
"Wf -WWJ-. w - "'--"" t ? "hvi - y?jp -p-B'teiFwj'-!! 5sMK-"-?ir "Te'fe-iiF! "'"JWsp?' u - " -i7r,,-3,'"4"r5S'i ,?sf-"'i'ty'',r':,i "riq'-KRr; v" -"- i. -3siLj!r -? J -'WSRPFC 1& pje Ikftxia gailxj gaglc: fricTag llcmmg. xnz 12, 189 -3 J iTl "f 1 1$ & FINANCEANDCOMMERCE WICHITA MAEEETS. The Eecalpts of Stock at the "Wichita Union Stock Yards for the Past 24 Hours Wero as Follows: 108 Cattle 278 Hogs. Shipments 68 Cattle. 234 Hog's and 21 Horses. CATTLZ. Wichita, JuneiL While the receipts wore heavier today the quality was a little below yesterday. The market was steady with good cattle, of whioh there -was none in, in demand. The stuff in were most all mediums and brought good prices for that grade. Good butchers' stud would find ready sale and at good prices. The. t ollowimj ore the oloMns quotations: K;? 8lWnS srr. Bd to extra Si 50&5 !5 1-UUlDs t. g 7524 50 Fatlvo feedlnfj slrsn. aii6w"iii9.V.V.V 3 S04 00 a.tlve stockers, OJO(39) lbs , 2 7S3 25 Choice cows and reifers 3 (KW 75 Fair to Rood cows-imd heifers...... , 2 &3S 01 Bulb and stags., .. 2 5rti2 75 1 at Vearlini iu.u n eno n OoodyoarUncBMrBV.V.V.V.V."I!IIlI!!.".."."." 2 753 W Poorer cts demand M5aTawa" 1 2.VJ1 51 3 eal cslves. Kwais n,.r-heu1 . .. SWl OT , 4 5.K&7 f .- 3 5.Q1 7-1 Texas teers cond to extra, com fed.. Texas cowg. medium 'to pri!nV."corn fed.'.'." 2 (Wjt3 50 -A t?i KJ1 I V T 1 m 3 GUJf 1 50 REPRESENTATIVE SALES. .,TIl8;J0j,wlngartae representaUvo sales of car tie at fliv'yards today: "" Teicnption. Arse. 1 (,w. 1:30 f CoT8. ,.-. 1230 cw. ni j Coiri : tl y 0 Holfers a jto 1 Caniier SiO I llllch cow Prlre. 3 50 2 15 1 90 1 SO 2 0) 1 10 13 01 noes. Traulug in the hog market today wrs rather quiet, although the receipts were heavier than for a day or two. The mar ket was steady to strong and the quality of hoes in, good. Tops brought $4.15, the same as yesterday, but the bulks went for about $4.10. There was one Jot of very nice pigs in, which also sold well. THnXSENTATTVE SALES. The following are tho representative sales of hca at the yrds today: -"a Ko Dork Av. Pilr. n 77 1G0 2 4 15 05 30 .... 213 -4 15 35 " 40 21", l 10 1 2 40 n 4 10 15 2 .... 210 4 10 14 7 40 litf I 05 1U Dock t Prlre ! .... 1S 4 P5 320 l&O 4 05 nos an'd j.iomrt. 40 130 3 35 111 3 25 1 .... 100 2 75 EHEEP. Good stock ewes. T0(SE0 2 503d 50 Good to extra wethers, 7.3S5 , 2 Ujal m Goad to extra lamlJa 4 005 00 Brief Mention. The cattle receipts heavier than yester day. Totso many hogs in but they average better. Fort Worth was the only heavy buyer on the ground today. It. Stevens, of Ohio township, was a visitor at the yards today. Neal & Sons, of Pratt, had a car of hoss in tod ay. J. D. Ewing brought in a car of cattle. George McKInley, of Freeport, had a car of cattle on the market Nearly half of the hogs in today came in in wagons. J. 1T. Eowen, of Spivey, sent In a mixed load of hogs and cattle late in the evening. Good butchers' cattle were in demand, but none were hero today. .Loaay's hog buyers were: Fort Worth, 20G, and Garland 391. A car of horses were shipped out today. A few car loads of hogs were made up this evening to be shipped out in the morning. The shippers of today wore: Fort Worth two double deckers of hos; Lehman, one car of horses, and Ewing, one car of cattle. Nearly everything in today was disposed Of. LIVE stops: market. Ity TrleKraph. ST. Lotus. Ma. Juno. 11 TATTLF Recelntt 4500 fhlpraenta 129). Marketoctlvc N'athes :380Gfi(iO Texans and Indians J3 03 Si HOGS lU-elpts 3S00. shipments 410a Market lower. Fair to cholcohear- II ,"54 45, mixed OOe 40. SHEEP R;celptfl2?(. shipments 2CO0. Market Ann, Fancy KANSA8 Crrr. Mo June 1L CATTLr Rocelpts 2190. shipments S70. Natives steady. Texan-. Meadv to ftronp. Steers lWt5m, cons ?2 004 bo ?i.JkorF udfeeilers 2 HVitl 2a. HOGS Receipts' BGjO. shipments 2150. Market opened strong to hli'h or. closed w oak. Bulk 14 204.4 30; nil grades li 50 tU0. SHEEP-Recelpta OtX), shlpmenta . Mar- kot stixieg. CniCAOO. IlL,Junll.-CATTLn-RecelptR 1CWO. fhfpmeny 2.00. Market steady to j-ronger and hlche'-. Extra ste-rs J fKVWJO. Rood 10 choice J5 M5 f&: othet 4 50a5 25 Texans 2 2.. C3 Ftockors W tCt.4 OX cows i21oO'4 20. IIOGS Re ceipts 25.000. shipments 12,000. Market active, t-teadv. Rouh and common t anal IP, mixed and packet! f 4 S04 A prime heavy butchers' weights add 6 5'.. llKht 5I40J4.V). -llKEP-Recelpts 7500. shlp tnenuam sjiaiket active-, steady. Natlvej $ S0& M. Texans 14 OA?4 65, Txas feeders none on sale, western U 65S5 J5, lambs 6 037 01). M'lihlta Grain Market. WicuiTA. June 11. Followine are tho closing nnoutlons: ORAlN-CarloLs on track- Vrn HAT-No. 2 SOc. No 2 hard 75o. No 3 73c No 4 Gc COR V No 3 or better 45S50c. white 50c o VTS-Siaa UYK No 3 or better 60c HAY Raled $10 00312 00 per ton. loos j $700310 00. GROUND CORN-Cbop in car lots J13JperlW lbs. com and oats $1 4j per 100 lbs, nran, sacked. SOc per 100 lbs. Wichita Froduce Market. "Wichita. June 11. FIOTJK- t Highest patent S2 75, second patent 12 45. icy 2 35. fncy 2 20. R First creamery 15, second creamery extra f.mcj ui .i iii.K first creamery is, second creamery ..i., imcok ujm ii, uao uairj cc, common aairy oC- FGGS-lJUorer doz POULTRY-Roosters II 50S 00. hena t2 253250 iprinir chickens !5?.8ia Pol ATpth-New potatoes-Homo crown, $125; perbushol: California 1 iu; old. 75c tlW. ?OAlrA.ntDraclt0 ?u Canon Olty $s 00, Weir QSi?0" Frontonao 4 5t Pltuburff H 50, lllinola t w, McAllister $1 01. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH- New 1 ork Money. Nsw Yop.k. June 1L Monev on call casv rancrincr t iom Sl, m a r .- last loin 2v, olooed off ertsl t 2U, I'rime mercantile paH!r cs?. bUirline exchance quiet but firm at $4 $it for CO dUy bills, and 4 SiJi for dunaud. Chlcaso Grain aud Proiuce, Chicago. June n. Wheat Fasy. torn Eay. 0 its Weak. Por x "-toady. 1 nnl-DulL " he leading futures rangeil as follows: 1 I OCR Dull. Snriag patents !5 0025 6? W -. -r patents 5 CsViAJll. 6tratjht J4 (SCSS 00. bafceri V H KaT- Juno STc July SiTUc, Aurut 9Ssfc a M4c July 53tc AUEn- 5ta. A .S Ju... ilr, July ruc. AMtU-t SSc FORK-July f 85, ptatW N i;w liAKD JUJy ' '.September SS27K- Cash quotnl ons were as follows: WHEAT-970. ( OitN-c, OATSJUsO. KYt-S4c I5ARLKY Nomiasb 1-1 AXSEED-M1L T1MOTKY-J1 271 29. PiRK- 9. 1ARU-6C5. SHOK 1' RIHS-5 036 7a DSY SALT SHOULDERS-5 fJcj5 11 Mi OUT CLEAR SLDES-J5 25. V HISKY 1 13. ABTICLES. Receipts. Shipments. JVheat .I7!TZ 71.000 47aioj J, '" - 2W.0OO! 415.00 Oats... . . I92.0J 2Ii.U0 BUTTER Active xrnnfW Frtr-i ereamerr- TT1n extra firsts lSfctfic. firvts" 14ai5c extra dairy LV3 i.GUS liQloa. Kansjs City Ptodncc KAnsas Cttt. JnnelL The Daily Indicator report: yHEAT-Qulet. No 2 hard cash 8030, June SOc asked. No2redcasa91Hc. COKN-Weaker. No .J cash J3c bid, June52Mc. 2xrT?70er- N 2 caa and June 42c bid. BUTTER steady. Creamery 12ai5c, dairy 1013c, Bt?Sp5cHS1 10t Pactlnr. 910o. EGGrS-FlrmatllMa HAY-Steady. Fancy IS 0039 00, choice 18 008.001 low grades S0U&5 CO. St. Louis Produce. St. Louis, Jane 11. "WHEAT-Weafc. Cash 93c, July SIc asked. Au gust 90&c, December 945)5. CORN Weak. Cash 65c. July 52c, September SOHc. OATS Easy. Cash 47&C. July S&fc, asked, Au gust and September 33c, i'ukjv Kdsier. sio Ml LARD-Lower 16 30. PHTSICIASTS. JDli. MARY GAGE DAY, 25 and 26 Zlmmerly block. Oflee hours 2 to 5 p. m . l-tf DR. E. EMMA COBB, Female and children's disease HprecUlty. Homt Ivr Ladles during confinement. Strictly privaU wkettsodaslrod. Letters Oi lmjuirf confidential and ajimvered Immediately OO receipt of wme. Home. 7U South Ida ave, WlcMti, Kan. It3-tt WO CHJRE NO FISSURE FISTULA and all dleeruku ot the rectum cured without the use of the knife, Usa tura, caunics ordtentlon from busineds. Jio money to be paid until patient is oared. PIUVA'115 DISEASKS la both sexes speedily, cured Call on or addrens DR. J. E. BENNETT. HStf office 143X Main St.. Wichita. vie. a a FUllLEY. piiysioia:; :AKD : SURGEON. I Rrsmnxca I Furjey Block, Adjolnlnc the Omce. S31 East Douelas Are. Telephone No. 118. JE. r. MUNSELL, M. V. specialties Medical and surgical dis eases of Eve, Eur, Nose, and Thront. Removal of facial and other blemishes; andflt tlnt.'specta(Sea. Office- and residence, 1200 South Emporia. Cl-tf Dlt. CltOSKEY. EVE, - EAR, - SURGERY. Largest Stock of Spectacle In the city. Prescrip tions ill led as coon a mada. olllco Jioui-.'Jio lUfi. ni., 1 to 1 p. ro. Sunday, 9 to IOJMji. m. 117 Nortn Main street. attob:neys at law. a. c. Slcss. w. e. Stanley. SL USS & STANLEY, Attorneys at Law. WicUltA, Kansas. Harris, Harris dj'VermUlian, Attorneys at Law, 111 S. Main SL. Second floor. J'.A.ROTTHnATTOTT. W. H. RAU0H. JiOJIIiBA UGTT C KAUCJDT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Proprietors of "Western Collection Bureau. Col lections rnsile anywhere In the United States and Canada. No. Ul Main St, Wichita. Kamas. E. B. JEWETTy Lawyer. Rooms 2. 4 and 6 203 X. Main st Wichita. dlW-tf JOU.V W. AHAM5, G. W. ADAilS. ABAMS , ABAMS. AttornevsatLaw. Office, first stairway east of the Wichita National Rank. UC-tf A. JT. ABBBEGATE. (WllliA. D.Mallory Abstractor, Convovancer & ITotarf Puhlic Fine dmnjrhtln? a spprlnlty. Complete abstracts to any Innd In Scdpwlck countv. Odlce, Juct nt right of west rntmnce. Main -street. New Court House, first floor. Prompt service uuarantecd. Telephone SM. 106-tf IEX1ISTS. Bii. e. rr CREBrTov. Dnf Irt. Office 314 JT. Main over Smith A Stover's. Ylfll7ed air idmlnistered. Residence C26 N. To pekan venue. WichiUv. Kausos. 01-tf Tnll Kts of teeth. W. JS, and ?11 Gold Kllilncs. Jl. and tin: Silver. 7ac: "ai&riis EttiacMuir w'th cocaine. 60c Wo gjjiSjSKuarajitee satisfaction. BO VB'S BENT J L BOOMS. DlL '-1- 1 . Porn. Dlt. J. A. IIOLLENItEItOER 113 East Donlns Avenue. 10T-tf YETEEINARY SURGEONS. M. Phillips. P r. Phillips EiriEETPS ,r- BTTTLLIBS, VETERINARY SURGEONS. Grartnates of the Chicago Veterinary rolleiie HopItal accommodations. Calls bv Telephone, Telocraph or Mall will receive prompt attention davor mht. Office No. 114 N, Lawrence ave. Office telephomo No. 71. Residence 30 N. Topeka ave. Residence telephono No.215. dCy-tf-w47-tf PHOTOGRAPHERS. ROGERS, The Photographer. Pictures In nil sires and styles He also carries the finest assortment of picture frames In the city. G'o him a friendly call and examlno samples. SCHOOLS. ALL HALLOWS AGABEMY. Conducted by Sisters of Charity, B. V. M., Wichita, Kan. The Academy Cource Is thorough In tho Prepara tory, senior aud classical grades. In the Musical and Art iepartments overyear Is taken to elevate he taste of the pupils. Board and tuition per ses lon of Ave months 17. Payment required in aa- ance. No pupil reoelved for less than a leiriojL end for proipectus. 127 tf ARCHITECTS. w. r. froudjoot. o. w. kibb BROJJBFOOT C BIRB, Architects and Superintendent. Office In 3fab. Ucimer block. REAL ESTATE AGENTS lutii .ipnrr. It. C IbHAtL -Notary Public, ISRAEL BROS. Eeal Estate and Bente, TelppheneSlO. To buy WicMt city property or Sedgwick county land at present nrlces means large returns on your money, Ichtta, with her stock ajid other indus tries, is Just in her Infancy, and such bargains as we can now otTer were never offered before. All having busines in our line are Invited tecail or correspond- The Wichita interests of non-residents properly and faithfully cared for. Office fccccad floor i North Market. Israel Building. dStf MTJSIC. BIANO TUNING. THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. References- Tho. Saaw and Mrs. D. Hays of the Moiort School of Music and others Addresj T. G. Ijvne. box 1813 Wichita or Tr.o. Shaw. dl53 tf 1SS2 - 1S91 A. W. SICKNER, Teacher of Music. 1'leteher Block. Thorough tnstruetloa. Puptis recltils rlvea weekly All pupils are tendei ed tre use of an extensive and carefully belected music library. lOLtf H. N. KNE.CBTT, .Manufacturer ot KAZOBS A2TD SHEABS. Grinder of All Kinds of Edged Tools. CLIPPERB, HAJ60K5, Jfc TABLE CDTLEBT Surgical Instruments Repaired. 2291.iIainSt. WicMta, Kaa. H. C CAMPBELL ELDffiLDGE & CAMPBELL, WICHITA, KAN. Poeclal Information by "Wire or Mail Free on Ap plication. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. O. Dattdsoit. Prts. H. o. CooLroaa YJ. JOUN Derst. Cashier. CITIZENS' : BANK. PAID UP CAPITAL, - - $ 500,00ft STOCKH'D'KS' LXABILITT.LOOO.OOO Larsest Paid Up Capital of any Baal: la fibs Stata of Kaaeaa. P A il C F R PostivelyCured J No Knife Used. Safety and Permanency Assured. Do not delay a day If you have cancer. Write for testimonial-, and information, or come to Wichita tnd be examined by our Medical Director, M. S. Ko ohello. Address THE WIcFil 1'A REMEDY CO For reference of our work wnf. d 1vr BAILltOAJ) TI METABL.ES. Missouri PACirir it. n. B, "W. ELDRIDGE. BWrnBHHffllt " ai.kive. leave. St. Lonls Mall and Express ." ii P m 1:15 p 3r Knn-ai City Express 7:10am S-JS p m wiafield and Kiowa Express .rr20i 31 'ffliM Kiowa Mixed 11.55 a M 4:15 P II WICHITA AND COLORADO, Colorado Mall and Express 11:20 a M 5-30 P 11 Colorailo Mixed C-'O I M 740AM ,Depot Second and Wicnlta street: ticket office 1' North Main atreet. K. E. Rltcklet. Pflsspncci and 'licketAjent. TIME TABLE CHICAGO, KOCK ISLAND It RAILWAY. "Great Reck Island Route."l In effect on and after March 6. 1891. PACIFIC THAIKS. I Aititivn I T.rAVF GOING NOItTH AND EAST. No. 2 Colorado Springs, Denver and Pacific Coast Express dailv No. 2 Kansas City St. Louis and Chicago, 'through Mall and ex. dal'y No. 4 Kansas City fet Loul and Chicago night ex. dally No. C2 Accommodation. daily, except Sunday, GOING SOUTH. No. ."Kansas City St. Louis and Chicago ex, dally No. 1 Kansas City St, Louis nnd Cnlcasro through mail and ex. dally No. 61 Accommodptlon dally except Sunday 850 A ji 9MFM 1125Aii C35AM 655 PM 220 pm E55AM 955 P M 12 25PM 040a M 700P K 2 3d P M Elegant rccllnlnp chnlr cars on all twins, an'l Pullman skeperi from Wichita to Kansa-s City and Chicago without chanjre on night trains. Tlckots sold and baggage checked through to all points north. outh. east and west, and fteamshlp tickets fold to all European jiolnta nt lowest rates. City ticket otneo 100 East Douglas avenue, corner Main ftreet: passenger station corner Douglxs aud Mead avenues. Telephone 399. W. H. WlPHART. Ticket Agent. J.vo. KrnA'STIAN. G. T. & P. A.. Chicago. 111. st. i ouis a San thancisco it. n. TKAIVS. I AUltlVi: LEAVE No 1. Going AVest, pass (to Ellsworth) No. 3. Going west, passeng'r (stops at Unrrron) 'No. 4, Going East, passenger No.2. Going East, passenger 5C0AJI 4 45 p u 10 20 AH 10 a. ! U (10 pm 1015 a m 10 3D I'M I Trains marked thus run d.illv. West bound train. No. 1. has Pullman car. West bound train. No. S, connects at Rnrrton foi Pueblo. New Mexico and Southern California, East bound. No. 4. Is a solid train to St. T.ouls with chair car nnd Pullman flceper. makes connet tlons for Ft. Smith. Little Rock and Paris. Tex is tasi oounrt, NO. 2, plght e free reclining chnlr car and express to St. Louis, has City Union Ticket o.Tlco. Cor aialn and 1st street and Union Depot. Doitclas avenue. l I'uuman sleeper. ATCHISON. TOPEKA i. "ANTA rrtltf.. THAINS. j AltUI I I LAVb NOllTH N1) KAsrr. No. 414" Kansas City express EOOAJI 805a 31 No. 4i.C Chlc.tgo cstlbuled express 3C25ai 1030am No. 40s" Missouri River ex- .Press 90) pm 905 pm No. 457 Englewood cvprcss CSS p 31 stops her SOUTH and west. No. 40" Oklahoma City and Oklahoma express t40AM 745 AM No.4WT Caldwell and Pan handle oxpresf ?40am '43AM No. 403 Ft. Worth. Galves ton nnd Terns expi e-s. . . B 35 r "M 6 45 P JI No. 413 Wlchl'i Express, 3245PM fctops tiere No. 457 Englem- m a -en SIOam Trains marled thus , dally. rOrilMirNTNop.TH AND EAST. Train No. 411, Kan-is citv expiest, runs eolldto Kansas City, has cha r .ir ervlce. Train No. 400 comes r !-i cfrom Galveston and is a through Chicago train i .ilncAVchita at 10-.Sip m and arrives In Celcago the next day at 9 15 p m. TialnNo, 403 hae flee recliiniigchaircar to Kan sas City Pullman to K.ins..s t .tj , also to Topeka. Atchison and St. Joseph. EQITIPJIENT SOUTH A T WEST. Train No 407. has Pullman anu i hi'r cars. Train No. 405 has through Pullman car to Ft. worth and Galvoton. Train No. 413 has reclining chair car from Kansas City and stops at Wichita. City Union Ticket office Cor Main ai dlst streeLand Union Pajs.en'er fatatlon corner i nuilasiuidSth tion corner . ouglas andst W. D. Mintuc-K. D. P. A. WICHITA b WESTERN H. "i ! a itiu t i irTB 8olnc West, pass, (dolly).. Oluif West, freight , 32 40 r II uoing Last. p&5s Going East, IrlchL.. 7 40am 1105am' Union l'lck et office Cor Main and 1st -treat, unloa Pajsecger Station corner Donglas and ith avtnuej. W. n. Mrauoci:. D. P. A. Govern Yourselves Accordlnsly. The Bock Island route havinjj been se lected by tho Young People's Society of Udrlstlan iinnenvor ns tue onicial route over which they propose to travel, from the Missouri river en route to Minneapolis, to attend the tenth annual international con vention Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor. You are respectfully re quested to see that your tickets read over that line from the Alissouri river to Min neapolis and return. The Rock Island route will place on sale round,trip excur sion ticket at lowest first-class fare one way. Tickets on sale Julv 7 and S, '91, good for return passage until August 31, T9L For further information call at city ticket office Rock Island route, 100 East Douglas ave, corner Main street. Wichita. Kan. W. H. WlSHART. datf Remember "Well and Bear In Mind That if you are going to Washington Oregon or Idaho, or any Pacific coast points, it will be to your advantage to go Tia the Missouri Pacific railway. The rea son is that jou will save time and lav overs at junction points. The fast Pacific express leaves lonita every aay at 5:35 p. m. via the Missouri Pacific railway, deDot corner Second and Wichita streets. City ticket office. 120 North Main street. E. E. Bleckley. P. & T. Act.. Wichita. H. C. TOWNSEND, G. P. 5c T. A., St. Louis. 101 tf Nipht express for Kansas City. St. Louis and the east leaves lcuita at v.- p. m. Chair cars and Pullman sleepers en this ram. MissounPacincrailway. 10 ti City Ma?. A handsome lithograph map of the citv how ins all the street ana location of, ta ublic buildings, etc. for sale at thi fSco. 50-i Too Gret a Kisk. Passenger Conductor, one of the but tons on the dress of that lady m front of rae has fallen ofL Here it is, and I think yon had better tell her about it. Conductor (gruffly) Why don't you tell her yourself? Passenger Not much, rra her husband. Cloak Rsview. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castork 5av vlVw)gi'gtyrCy DEER HUNTING IN THE ROCKIES. In a Few Tears There "VTI11 Bo 2To More Buckskin for Moccasins and Legging. The hunting of deer in the Rockies is fast driving them north into British America, and in a few more years our Indians will have no more buckskins for leggins and moccasins. Only the skin of the heavy hided deer can be used, that of the antelope and white tailed varieties being too tender for long service, says The Great Divide, in which we find the following: The Apaches make their moccasins and leggins in one piece, in the style of hunt ing boots, while most of the Indians to the north wear slippers and leggins. When ever a deer Is killed and cut up the bladder is carefully cut away, cleaned and filled with the brain of the animal, and the little bag is most carefully guarded until a stream is reached, where the hide may be cured. The entire skin is then put into running water and weighted down with stones. In four or five hours the soaking has swelled it and loosed the hair at the roots, when it is taken out and stretched on a frame, while the owner, with the aid of a cleansed rib of the animal, scrapes it down until the hair is rubbed, off, very much in the same manner as overheated horses are scraped to remove the foam and sweat. The skin is then pulled and stretched for three or four hours, and at the same time oiled with the brain until it is perfectly dry, soft and pliable, when it is ready for use. When a tan color is de sirable it is soaked in an infusion of red bark. The sole of the moccasin is always made of the raw hjde of beef cattle and sewed to the upper with the sine(ws of the deer's tendon. Chamois Skins. Chamois skins should never be left in water after using, but should be wrung out and hungup to dry, spread out carefullyso as to leave no wrinkles; neither should they be used to wipe off colors, as paint stains form hard spots and help the skin to wear out sooner. Chamois was never intended to wipe the face and hands with, and this should be avoided also, as the skins are lia ble to become greasy thereby. Never put a chamois skin into warm water nothing above lukewarm, as it will curl up, become thick, tough and useless. To bring back chamois that has been ruined by grease, paint, or has been used as a towel until it has all the resemblance of a dirty old rag, tho following is recommended: Take a bucket of clean water, making it middling strong with ammonia, soak the skin in it over night, and the next morning rinse it out in pure water, after which use freely of pure white castilo soap and water. It is claimed that the process will insure a very good skin again, available for considerable further service. The whole operation, aside from the soaking, need take no longer than a quarter of an hour, and in reality the skin after this treatment is, according to Hide and Leather, better than at first, having become thoroughly broken in and free from lint and other impurities. Custom of Dining at a Late Hour. M. Franklin explainsin one of his curious essays on the private life of the forefathers of the present generation of Parisians that the custom of dining at a late hour is noth ing but a return to the habit of tho Seven teenth century, and that the Eighteenth century alone is responsible for all the shifting and changing that has confused and worried the would-be cheerful diner. Tho only difference between the present day and the Seventeenth century is that what was then called supper is now known by tho grandiloquent name of dinner. Charles V had his breakfast at 10 o'clock, and only after having attended mass, and his chroniclers report that he supped "in a' very good time." The oldest French cook ery book, dating from the Seventeenth cent ury, fixes the breakfast hour at the same time at which it is now fixed among the upper classes. Nobody," sayB this old ora cle, "should eat before the hour of 9, unless he be ill or feeble." It then goes on to put down a law the application of which at the present time would put most people into rather an awkward position. To eat once a day, says The Menagier in quaint old French, is to lead an angelic life. To eat twice is to be human. But to eat three or four times is "vie de beate." Hflects of Music on Animals. The keeper of a menagerie was once asked whether the band had any effect on the animals: "To be sure it does," said he; "they like it, and therefore it does them good. If you were to come m and look at them in a morning when the band is perambulating the town, you would see many of them, the more savage beasts in particular, dull and moping, and either sitting or lying in their dens. We who travel with wild beasts cannot, of course, give them the room they ought to have, and being cribbed up in show boxes they degenerate for want of exercise, do what we will with them. But it would be very much worse, I reckon, if it were not for the music. When they hear the band strike up they rouse themselves, and begin taking what exercise they can, the beasts of prey by walking backward and forward, and the others by repeating the movements nat ural to them when at liberty. The birds will begin to chaffer and plume themselves t the sound, and even the snakes at times will uncoil and rear up, and convince the people, who sometimes seem to doubt the fact, that they are living creatures." Ftlbllcal Facts and Fljjares. It is told that the Bible contains 3,553,-4-S0 letters, TT3.746 words, 3IJL73 verses, 1,189c hapteTS and C6 books. The word and occurs 40,277 times, the word Lord 1,653 times. The word reverend occurs but once, which Is in the 9th verse of the 111th Psalm- The middle verse is the Sth verse of the USth Psalm. The 2Lst verse of the 7th chapter of Ezra contains all the letters of the alphabet except the letter j. The 19th chapter of LL Kings and the 37th chapter of Lsaiah are alike. The longest verse is the 85th verse of the Sth chapter of Esther. The shortest verse is the 35th verse of the 111th chapter of St- John. There are no words or names of more than six syllables. Plaginrlam. A considerable amount of plagiarism has been the subject of mnch complaint, A modified outrage is the instance of the o'u Kory of the cobWer who, on being rexnon stratea witn when disctrverea at his dally occupation at the thn fixed for his wife funeraL replied, 'Business first and pleaa nre after;" and the "new version" is Sy when spoken to as to being on a lump sugar, responded, "Buxziness now ana pleasure when it's swarm weather." A Tef t. "Henry, if you truly love me, yon aa5 Jrove it in some way." "Nothing easier, my love. The river here is very deep and swift. Jump in and you shall see how quickly I will have you out ag3in." Flieggnde Blatter. YYronj;. Gondnctor Step forward there, please. Irate Passenger Pa forward as far as I ten go. There's no room forward. Wag You are wrong, rfr. There's eSwut six miles of space just aasad of the ivorssft. Bjup-r'a E&sar. CHARLES G. JEFFERSON. rh Bay State Man TTho Can lift Over 1,671 Fonnds. One of the greatest amateur lifters of heavy weights in America is undoubtedly Charles G. Jefferson, of Clinton, Mass., who sot long ago is credited with having CHARLES O. JEFFERSON, broken David L. Dowd'a record of lifting 1,4423 pounds of iron with both hands by easily raising l,571i pounds- Jefferson is thirty-seven years of age, 5 ft. 10 in. tall, and carries about with him 101 pounds of muscle and bone. There isn't any fat about him. Ho is a New Hampshire man by birth, and from early youth displayed remarkable strength. Before he began to train he could shoulder a 253-pound barrel of sugar and walk off with it. In 1SS5 his unusual strength had attract ed so much attention that he concluded to systematically develop himself. The result was that in a short time he could lift 407 pounds with his middle finger. One day he surprised himself by raising one end of a 1,029-pound beam with a single finger, a lift said to be equal to 514 pounds. Another of his simple feats i3 to lie npon his back, grasp 200 pounds of iron that lie beyond his head and swing them into the air above him twelve times. Wrestler Jake Manz. Jake Manz, amateur champion middle weight wrestler of the west, was born in Milwaukee about twenty-five years ago. He is 5 ft. 6 in. tall, and tips the beam at 14S pounds in wrestling costume. ManZj who is a member of the Milwaukee Ath- JAKE MANZ. letic society, is an all round athlete of no mean ability. Though generally heavily handicapped in the matter of weight, he offsets that disadvantage by his grand headwork, wonderful science and catlike movements when on tho mat. Ho wrestled his first match in 1SSS, and his record since then has been a brilliant one. He won the title of middleweight champion wrestler of Wisconsin at the Milwaukee exposition in July last year. At the big athletic tournament at Chi cago March 2 this year Manz and C. G. Ivnode were the competitors in the final bout for the middleweight amateur cham pionship catch-as-catch-can st3le of the west. The bout was well contested and caused much enthusiasm, but as the match was limited to time, and a3 neither man had gained a fall, it was declared a draw. Manz expressed his willingness to continue till a satisfactory decision could be arrived at, and as Knode declined to go on with the contest Manz was declared the winner. Cuptain Billy Nash. Here is a picture of Captain Billy Nhsh, of the Boston league team. Every one inowi that Captain Billy's men are great ball players, but they have attracted particular attention since the opening of the .season -j WILLIAM NASH, by tho wonderful ball they have been play ing. New York has especially been their victim. Na3h holds down tho third bag for his team, and puts up a great game. Last season he stood fifth among the third basemen of the Players' league and thirty fifth among the batsmen. Eon. Here Is a picture of Eon, one of the crack flyers belonging to the stables of P. J. Dwyer & Son. Eon was looked upon as a possible winner of the Brooklyn handicap, ft EON. but came In tenth. Eon is by Eotns, out of War Song. Eon is a bay colt, 5 yeaxi old. His turf career has been Texyaucoeasa t nL but tba company be met in tbe Brook lyn handicap was much too rapicLfor biro. Prparl for It. Htuband (coming wearily In and seising himself) Well, you can buy that doak you wanted so much- I realised tome thing on an Investment today. Wife I am bo glad. Here b tie bilL Cloak Review. Skit Death- J&ck Witherspoon Why do you sing all lie time? Jim Wehall To idll time. Jack Withcrspoom You bare a good te.pea Princeton TisFsc. I I j 1 ' m i I sjP fjjy weamcaxsam' ADVERTISE o. TwocenT COLUMN. THE PEOPUS'S COLUMH. Your "Wants Supplied. ThA foncwiacrateumlerytho diSereul heading ill b chrrgM. Spray able Strictly-in. Advance No advcrtlKraruts tales' tor low than K cents. J3 lis aAvceilacmeats choked. nr rite as two bee. NOAiyvTIBTISEJEOCHTAKEK "TO BUN UN TIL FOBKIOE25." ftrtoe giver "under cMScd head ta UU column applicable daiy,toloS34idrernsnicut. Kotcrelgu AdTertlMBuBi t U&ea. M. prices fftrro. Asfri to toarer&usfnts bent In car of th Caol!! oXuo ahoulu e culled for within Udarn Mu.r tuMrcton. "Wia a advertisers wih rcpry Tor trcrCed. to them tnax'tetf eaveiopts must, be sent. Reforest lotorv&qr d-JWcicent nhould girt decrtttca.&ndal(f lcscitloa or copy of the ad c7Us!meu shouM Ire sent. Kcrcpoaiblt to; Advertisements ciwa or di nUnttd 1- i-ArpU tina. 1FANTJEDEJJLA LE'hELbT u der this head 2c per line per day. Bomestiat. "YTT ANTED A GOOD OIRL FOR housework. 537 North Topeka. GENERAL 21 St "WANTED-COMPETKNT GIRL AT 611 b MAR, . Vet st. Co a "VANTED-A COMPETENT GHtL FOR OF J ' oral housework. References veqinrirf. US' N Lawrence avo. dl7 (V. -IT'AJNTED-COMPETENT GIRL. Bitting. 1157 N Tupoka. MRS. aT-Vv! dlllf "YTrANTED A GOOD OIRL FOll. housework. 3U3 North 1 opoka. geniral ttftX VANTED A GOOD COOK; G04XD 'WAGES. A pply at 1315 N Em porta ave. lSTtf Nurses. ilZ i.tcelitt it eons. WANTED-IMMEDIATLLY- 1 ,'XPKRIKNCKD ieamstressea at Mioses illcff liMcer,.:a.V Market kt. ;i j -rANTED-EXPERIENCED 1 ELP WANTED i for dressiuaUnc nt room C , Fletcher block. Miscellai fcous. WANTEB.V LALE HELB. Luder thU head ft j,or lino per day. Trt uiz. Rookkeepi trs. and Clerks. 1 '. Rtoys. Salesmen, WANTED-A DRES9:GOODS MAK AT MUN son is McN. Amaru's. aj 4 YirANTED-O M-, S A LESMAN I :i,Y. VERY TOWN ' ' ,l?.(l city VU boutaern KansasAo wll the "Ad just&blo" sb.ul braut-wt -,-iw it .l,.v,f r it.nn,i terms to i;iodbUIein!ii, tttlon. Call on or aii fr n!n. RfvlilVlI'J1 nlfc Vrt Amn tttlon. Call on or aiJ Jress W. 'I Niih JU to u ilU N Main at., "SVlcli,'.!, Kan. un u M LsitealUt neons. WANTED-CO MPETI7NT STENOGRAPHERS ami bcck-l ,viT.ers who desire publttuns, tu npjply attheat) ialAKC0untnnt'Bndste4nraph ti jiiurinu. Ofl oefoc the htaieaot Kun-ias. Colu railo. Nebraska, ii3s.iri andleju., at thu fcoulh vtatern huettie , joUjjo. Ichlta. Lun. Tj t W-aTED- BUSINESS MEN WHO ARE IN needo -staocxapherH ur accountanta to call atthe atlol u Accvuutant's and htenotraphor'a Bureau. Bj Utcti cflice fct tte bouihvrrsirru llu-.!-Lefcblollen A chila. Kan. We usually hae uu onr hppllt Atfon list thoroueluy tomjient book keepers a; iJttecoraphers.withflri.lUiiM ttt-jrtsa. ic. He. fmnlsUtdirteof charae. SVtf ' iitiations tf' anted Male. CL,ut.r iLls head 1c per line per Ujr. Miscellaneous. AGENTS WANTEB. nder this head ?o per line perduy. TfANTEI-AGtNrt. 1-OR THE ORANDROT t iseLlcc Fourth of July JoeUy. Twuaattplea 16. cent lea tot If ty Dollars entity made. lne- tl L'ate before too lam. M. Ernst. Cleveland, O. 31 M Jmtqtloyment Agencies. Er.Jcr this bead Za per line per day. WANTEB MI SC ELLA NEO US Under this head 2c por line per day. "YITAN-IED PCPILS IN PENMANSHIP BY A y graduate ot Prof Henry bpuncor'- 11uIdv- Ooliece, Washington. D. C. Jliss hmina J. ltowe, ato E Thirteenth t lcblta. Kan. St ' IN THIi4 neighborhood about the iUh lunt. Hiir trini and steady work through hfcrveAtlnif and threshlnt:. Addreu W H Kerr, bikla Center, Barton county. Kan. i YT-E BLEACH. CLEAN OR DYE MFNSSTR-VW T hauaamo a for ladies. 146 N Malu L. p stairs, Yi 4 WA:fTED-,;ENTEIia Ton fROKT ROOMS T and Inside room: nicely furnUrd. Hi N Main d!7 t w ANTED-TO RENT A Address 22 b Osage a e FOUNTAIN dl7 6f TANTED-LADIW OUT OF TOWN TO KNOW 'I I barn op-flel a sboppiBe bureau and eon get full 11&C3 ot samples fr m all the rtores for tbem to select from. Ourautee lowest prices an cloaait at tention to order. Wrk Mrs. L. Ulbboa, 44 o. Market. Wichita, Kan- IC CI WANTED-TWO FIRST-CLASS CARPEN- ' torv. tLoe accustomed to br wora pre ferred. Steady Job and nrt-cla pay to A )&. 1 men. Apply by letter top o box 113 II tf 1 V" ANTED-A FIRST-CLASH STENOGRAPHER ' and typewriter. !nt b a man end over JI years of age. J. Jl Heme. Jcrck Uock. d7 U FOR SALE Miscellaneous. Under Ibis head Ic ptr line par day. J7OR ALE-BAKEKr DOING A QOOD BtM neas; present owner, a Crt class baker, win work for party i n-e3Ary; any ?red butn mas can lake bold and make money if te 1 a. baaer or cot. Plesty of room to awct zrorery ttk Iks bakery. Reason for aelUar. no capital. I&ulr7JS N Mala. II J J70R SALF-ie-!:ai "yiotor" bicycle in . ?ood rood .ties, cheap. C A. Medtridr, Main axd Iou;Uii. 21 I' ORFALE-PROPEP.TY ON SEVXNTEENTH X asd LawTtsce a. a Jr home co:t t of boue of four rooms. Jars tt&M, lata lutxll. ail feaced and nicjy cultivated, tia U bou?at at your own ffcuret. iKjilr at 2tt MaJ it. Xjr. 4 T70RSAJ.E-CHEAP-LAROEMIRPORS SUIT JL able, Tor bar brra. Oil W or utarm K. 8?r4. Jeweler, a i. Jiala at, Wichita. Ka. .' riTaLNjxFrLEATlBTOCKoFlTlBn X -ware, located Is aa Sot as 4rrJwRfflrl 41ttVt aa cu tre fesiiidia ttseatauofCansaa. VrillUfer c ah or trad tet ycerr cattie. Call 03 or -jl.t.t J A"Esoi;ax.ilrai, ia. X tt FOR SALE 00 WILL SUY J HOCSKJjWrjH I lota. tw bteeks tic-k n-w rort hoq hail caah, baiaKca cs tic. Lecjuir 4E7 N Maia t, Ml FOR SALE ONE"cOOD FOLDIO tDAND manrxas; very Chtap Icr caah. IbcU -Pb Toea.av. lt B'OB SALF.-GOOpTWO-FZATFD CARRIAGE. aeccad bi&d. larire at Cor itaMt. Vr.t ITOE bALE-TYPE-wnrrER. REMINGTON SO. X S It &M tmly tezz t-s.tix. E.CV,ar7-, pea body. Kan, 7t T,XR iALE-OSE LAP.GE J-YEaK-OLD COLT. X -weil broke 05 -yer-?. o cOi wort bora asd waos. 25ES. fosna vt t t?oe SALE-TnRsrtowiJijto aljJeWad" J? Cr-trtJ W Cayl&s. an z LKf-zU. dtatf T7GR SALE-A CHOICE. WELL IKPROYED X' all Usvuxa, ixza farm, el to "ATeiiu. ii ter-i irLt en ca V MeakU.1, f r-v-r. ks cir jrj, Terr c&e9, lr Tae aast iiil Market ti. Vmiu, t.-. POR hAUC-A SNAP-FIRJT CIAS KEAT J marxtferaa.atabr'ats U a fw y. M -zxc!.i.rf s.vcttcary far rsft&ls? a S8 daa usaas f&ctory KttX.5 ls-l-tt CS rthilaia.t. Wieu.iUfi. 8M ttor" SALE-rarT fort srioTT r: EVATcm X aeoret. Day Ufu iitear Mi4i. Aslst.-- carv S A Drnzi- rf e W IC a6Ma- Jt TJHR KALE-CAR LOAD J.YXArtU SULF kre4 steer. ale r-ii-&; e-ihti -. W aa Wans to ncti amrthjiiiT. TMrMrs A OaaMaWL CbJob xcoek Yjii. WJctitta. Kaav t , rxn eale stone apawx ascd cjuw A rmtu.httar cmcr- rr4ic at1efj aeat walic je ratVt jicte. lsjt-bt ai twsaruMrai aawcuyk2. ii,tr -r r7 JiVY o O O o 4te0G i St I 81BWJBB N L a t Situations Wantet I Female. L nder this bead leper iaeperduy. Bomcsti jcs. THE PEOPLE'S C0IUM. Your Wants Supplied, T?OR. SALE A RANDSOiTE LITH4KJRAP& JL" man er tatclty of Wtefcltg!vs names streets public buildings, colleges. JtfCno. etc, ala Uxum la en paper, price o ctsti each; 3 tar 14 cents: 34 ef the city of "Wtefcltg!vs names of streets renu a Uciea. Kaa. AddretheWictRA Eagle, Wichita. cicwr TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A RUNDRED, AT this office, old papers suitable for packing pal Hag under carpets, etc dWf U WANTED Qieal Estate Tnder this head 3o per line per day. FOR TRADE. rnder thi bead,Scprlrne per dT. jl OR TRA DK-lst CLAiS PKODOCTlVKiiSiCK business hlocx with moderate taortxacv due In 3$ years for trade tor good farmtnr property la Kansas or elsewhere, Addrej Qulea Sbo cat carrier NTo 3, Yichita. Kan. dlQgt OR TRAJDE-FOR LAND OR CATTLS-X number ona ltverr hara aud tock dolus good bu-siues. AdcrsJcrcilloa J, A. Andrews, KauapoUd. Xaa. d i 12t FOR EXCHANGE. V nder this head :c per Una per day. FOR RENT Houses. tnder this head So per tine per dy fWFOrt RF.NT-A 7-ROOM HOCSEI KX. ,Pir ar.d close to bminea eeau j,!s 4aTS Mary u ' Jfi. ,4 GOOD UK, fR tFNT-DWELLINO OF iV.ooMK.RAl n cliar. y w tenet- stone walk, ex- JL iS05!?5S or vac" mU children. Brei' .jj ASYJ1 nt Call at nutttui corner .y&5E S TJ.VOR RENT -53 nis nishetl complete. P 1t - Fourth ave. 13 4t r-7-Rld5c FLAT.WAfERToAsr CI i FOR RENT C7 JL bath, and two j jl uaiu. ana iwo iftM cott-es newly pASeml P2 FO,!Ln-V,-A?OD LAROK HOUSE OS'K Citak tf6m I1 - Cheap. C!l at SW S. Main at, dJA.u FOR RENT Rooms. L'nder 3Uls head Jo per llneperdar. Fi ,R1?v''TTl''?CR KOMS NICELY nit inqulr at Ufa . baiTron ce a eotte. I "iOR R6-TVOROOMS. FKRNrs"urD OR A unffaahed, with beard, at 40 N l re0Ce MR FOR RENT-ANY RSLIOIOIS SOCIETY IV need ofa quirt, tiietf plap for -northtp wi, find Council Huj., MS South Water 4rrei. in evry wy Oeairable ta aiely arprtd. im1 ad pie ant. Can be. encarrd Tor mortlo MMieo. Inqulro atW South ttter FOR RENTM iscella n eous. Under this head ru per line per Jay. ITIOR RENT-STORE ROOM NO. 4CC B-DOVO-? lasitve.; 33X110 feet, will rrtit cheap to good par lltxa. llaxitca X t-oa, :t L DouUs. lt tf LOST, Under this head ?c per lire per day. I OST-RbLL DOGt WUHb U 1 fli HRINDLE Xa spoU; fcmalu. Return to Boston htura and rot FO UND. Vftrr tils brad Ic per line per day. "lOUND AIHHKET BOOK IlBU:CtlNO TOP. A JacobN presumably, toll at the oonnUoz room of tbU ottlco. IOUNDA RLNUl OF KEYS. OW.VXR CAN hae samo by calllnat this oCco aud paylnu coarse. init riXAKE.N UI'-ACOW, AT RIVI3KMDE. I'AlU JL ties can have samo by calllco; on Joseph Scho lar. M fi STRAYED. Under thla head la par Una per day. STOLEN. Under this head ic per lute per day. GEN Ell A L STO KA GE. "OR1CK STORAOK ROOM AT XKk NORTH KM SJ ltorla uu call ob J. r. l:ei at 3l K. Douglas or 2a N Eioporla ave. I"-lf SToltAK-Elton warehouae, new. clean and . .. almoat fire pivot Near Douzlaa avenue nd bonlu 1- e UepwU 4 ifUce Ct7 t DouKtasa aa. d H tf FINANCIAL. Tnder this had So per line per rtr. ONKY TO LOAN-ON CHATTEL AND COL latoral '-our)Us, If you want a ma 1 amount of money call and sea us. Roberta A Mera.B7 N. Mam. d nt QTRAIOHT 6PERCF.NT MONEY TO LOAN ij on Imnroveu form aiwl oltr prorrtr tall on r aildrejn G AlUtflaklfor patUoulara. No. 22 N Main aU. Wichita. Eau. AIONEYTO LOAN IN I. A ROE OK al amounte oncalUt. horn's, plaaoa. I SJlAfL horn's, plaaoa, hoUMliold COoda. botes, boodaoranv Bfod Moutltjr. wicbit 1W tf l.onn 4 o room over III M lali T D. Met ORMICK. REAL ESTATE nitOKEIl ' in city and farm prortr-rim nroprtr n rpeciaity torrnpeoatMa aoncitto. L. Wichita, Kan. JiJ lrl ir dU7 tf 17LRN1TURE LOANH, CAT1 LE LOAtfR-MOX. J ev loaned on almost cvartbloc by J. F Lud lum. over itiHotd'a cTOcary, corcar First aad Mala. Ctf M1SCEL LANEO US. Under tbi tad ?c pr Ilsa per day. DR. LE DFCT8 I'KUJOOICAU FILLS. TIIU ureal Freocli retaedy. act directly on the men ptruaiayttom a&d pestttvely care apprrlo of tb roerises Warraitled ta prsmaU mrcntmat'n These pillAtlMettld net to takes dorlc ptvenaser Amrtkm 1111 eompany royal, proptietera, ja cer la. 11 (cUie pi lied Vy ClM lwra-r XS tAitt Doactaa. Wichita. Kan, Ly wbo)el a4 etalL IKlyr OKLAHOMA MAP-A POCKET MAP OT THC Indian territory tbiwtog ttin Chrlie tf" and OEIahowa. with all the Indlao laiid. raptula, naUom. towns, villa r ts. military rrvUoo, lo dlas Ttr atxws U4 bocdarIa, al tha mail r-vf- of each Krwa. ti Eastern and YYUrn la&t tiUHTieUot Oklaboma. th Cberoke OUtlt.eto. a oompiete -ket man 24 by 23 loh rorared. Th Jatcfftand tthtnt etimptftt pr pnbilthad of thi new csmntry. wbwh wui be opBl a a fw days. T. HlbeM-nt post paid taaayiAdr4 upon th r. tflpt of cat. Ad4r U. P. Murdock, llama iljr. Eacl. Y- Ichlta, Ka 7 tf IlUaka, Blanks of all kinds ul In real atat) trHnRActions, court proceedings, Jiuiioj bUnk-, nil kinds and description", can 1 pn re based on the first floor. In the btulnes odec tf First Floor Illanka. Blanks of eTery dcrItIon can bfl fonrxl In the ba1ne oflico of the KaglB, tint floor, in qn&atlties to uiu Call 4 the counter. tf Colorsdo Toariat Rate via Hanta Fc Root. Cotnmenclag Jane , 15QI, exirlon tickets will go on alo to Pueblo, Colorado Sprinsr. Trinidad and Doovor at nrk of 24 for round trip. Alo toTrln tdad tU Denver prtcc 127 SO. Final limit for rvturn p&.s'sags October 31. Jror prtlcnirj Inquire comer Tint and Main Ktreetx or paeser ttion DoogU. aad Fifth avennea. l-Kt LAttlm lU aid Httarn. Anaoal inr eting of TrarpJ-ni' Protective Association of Amtrtea will take rIr5t Little Bock, Ark., on Jcne 2 to 5, 1631, et hlch time excarki Uckeix will tes on ale by the Missouri Padflc rail way at rate of one lowest ant-ciaJii inn for roand trip. TJckfcU will be on le m My U xm Jcse I, llmitrd to rtutrn to &sa in cltxlim: J tints IS, UQ-. E. E. Blecklet. P&Aeoxr d Freight Ajfest, d7 tf ISO North Mala street. Go eot via the "New Short line. Ml four! Padflc -Plesjiact UtU rwaVJ Throngs nlwpiog and c&air cats withi chasc Wlchiu to ot. LooJ. A tf CtoU-M3 Asa3hrr. Otuwa, Kan., nse J S to 27 JncIatlTe Tbe Santa Fe rocte will sell ixmnUm ticket, one Un for roond trip. JDate of gJe Jaa IS to 27 iadaulre with a final limit for return pjwge natil Jon 27. Direct cnactka will ie made rta Em poria, leaving Wlefclta t& a. m. aad ar rlre at 4 p. ta. same day. Iswuire Csioa ticfcrti krtoce, corner F)ra ajwl Main and piiaengor stattos. da 1 Norm To? a. Saratoga cilfw, debetotti nin. ple?. all klMb ot hmd. All orders Jor rKpl)a aad pa.rtie pneppUy allleat 334 X- jfwavr Mrs. Wlaaltvw'a HoottirB fT-S koojl -iwjs te aat lor efcihtre ltUtcz. 1 otlt the cMfeL aoiieae the ram. al!yi all pais, em wtsd eotie, and I to bent Jtisiwly far duarrkca. Tvrrmtj-Htpemau louia Umh! by aiJUeaj of rjaother. dtiwU