OCR Interpretation

The Wichita daily eagle. [volume] (Wichita, Kan.) 1890-1906, September 04, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by Kansas State Historical Society; Topeka, KS

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014635/1891-09-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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I i TTT fW "TT-TftRk-' -4- ..2LL ;" - -eT V LeV-s--J M ' W
When you advertise, yonr main ot- BW tf ; m m fl fcf""t tf M 'I -tCf M 9 M"" fe f I
Ject shonld "be to associate your name F i M i m ' aV I Jk ,1 I a ; T Jl S I IF
with, yonr goods. Hake a distinct 111 W ' Mf m 'III K I 1111 I I. Sm 111 1
statement. 111 li W Illlllll t I I I I ! B af I 1 1 I I
1 u ks , ' K3 L CL ! try J i
i r ' -
WHOLE NO. 2233.
Bntatltntions of "well-known adrer
ted articles geem to be the order of
ike day. We deem it Only justice to
eur patrons to warn onr readers
against this lorm of piracy. When
you "want an article, ask yonr mer
chant or drnjffist for it, and don't ac
cept a substitute.
r0L. Xy, NO. 93.
& dl"1 gulf ' '
And we are doing onr level best
to keep it. We are making
particularly fast time with, our
5.00, 10. 00 and $15 suits. They're
breaking the record all to pieces
Why? Because for cheapness
they are unapproachable. They
are oirered at just about two
thirds of their actual value, and
they take as big a lead in the
matter of quality as they do in
other directions, it isn't a mere
reduction in price; it's an almost
complete obliteration of the fig
ures they ought to sell for
Your pocketbook may be as at
tenuated as a living skeleton.
If this is unfortunately the case
we are appealing to just that
Kina or a pocKetDooiv wnen we
offer such reductions. A few
325. 00 Prince Albert suits go
this week at $15.00. Big drives
in Furnishings,
flue-Price Cloiliiers, Batters, Furnishers.
126 & 128 -Douglas Ave.
TVe are first in
field with new
DAYIS -:- & -:- FOUTS
i jfr-i a
Rubber and Leather Belting, Hyd
rant Hose, Packing, Eta
teiiis for Favorite Stovo and Range
Co. Best in the World.
518 East Douglas Avenue
Arriving daily in all departments.
W Mill
l XJJ 111 Xllllll
Repairs, -we make a specialty of: such
as Chronometers, Repeaters, Chrono
graphs, etc., in fact, if yon have any
job that is difficult or requires an ex
pert and skillful -workman, whether
it he a watch, clock or some articlo of
jewelry, it will he to your interest to
call on
403 East Douglas Ave, Wichita, Kan.
Where you will find a competent
workman of nearly twenty-fire years
experience. Alaoa fine stock of Watch
es, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and
Is Manufactured by the
Birfk Seeds a Specialty.
All Goods Warranted
Tel. 293.
217 East Douglas
LAWRENCE, Kan, Sept. 3. Professor
nou,iu bis weather report, says that
Augus'fc wns a month of little rainfall, but
high relative humidity, only four Augusts
in thojlast twenty-three years suowhiR less
ramfail, aud but two a bigher humidity.
A little cooler thau the average, the max
imum temperature reached being 93.7 de
grees. The total run of wind was 52S miles
above fthe average and the wind was in the
north jistonisbly ofteu.
The -mean temperature was 72.49 degrees,
which is 2.04 degrees below the August
nvt-rage. The highest temperature was
13.7 decrees, on the 9th; the lowest was 43
degrees, on the 24th, giving a range of 45 7
dereds. The mercury reached 90 decrees
en seven days.
The rainfall was LIS inches, which is
2 'sS inches below the August average.
Rain fell in measuaable quantities on six
days. There were three tii under shower.
The entire rainfall for the eight months
of 1801 now completed has been 30.52 inches,
w Inch is i2.l3 inches above the averagefor
the same mouths in the preceding twenty- ,
three vears. Last year 21 70 niches of rain
Jell during the eight mouths.
Some Summer Leg Wear
A Particular Notice.
Buy Scrivens Patent Elas
tic seam, they Trill wear
as comfortable, and niade
to sell at 1.00 per pair. For
sale by
mii.iLM ar
Mens1 Euenisher,
204 Douglas Ave.
P. S. Six different styles
of Boy's Derbys opened this
Special Dispatch to tae Dally Eagle.
Oklahoma Crrr, O.T., Sept. a Captain
Hays leaves here in the morning with
troop D of the Fifth cavalry to assist
Agent Patrick in expelling all intruders
from the Sac and Fox, the Iowa and Potta
watomie reservations. If he require more
trooDS thev will ba sent him nt nnm
These reservations are lull of boomers, who
have taken possession of the land and in
tend to sell out when the country is
Guthrie, O. T., Sjpt. 3 Roy Hoffman,
clerk for the allotting agents of the Sac
and Fox Indians, arrived hore this after
noon. Ho saysthatthe country, including
the Iowa lands, is full of boomers. In
making the trip of sixty miles he left the
regularly traveled route frequently, in or
der to observe the country and ascertain
whether or not there were people hiding
in the bushes. Hoffman makes the state
ment that there is scarcely a quarter sec
tion of desirable land in either the bac
and Fox or the Iowa reservation that is
not occupied by a "sooner." The people
waiting on the border are not at all an
noyed at this, for they feel that the "soon
ers" will be driven out, or, if not driven
out, their right to locate homesteads will
bo contested by legitimate settlers.
Perkins, O. T., Sept. 2. SDecial.l
The big bridge across the Cimarron river,
just three-quarters of a mile south of
Perkins, was completed Tuesday morn
ing, and a regular old-fashioned barbecue
was given. About two thousand people
witnessed the finishing of the bridge.
There was a dance given on the bridge at
night by the young people of Perkins and
Theie are hundreds of schooners arriv
ing daily, proving that Perkins is the
only point where they can enter the uew
lauds soon to be opened, providing there
should come rainy weather about the
time of the opening and the river bo up.
Tho town and vicinity are filled with peo
ple anxiously waiting for tho word "Go,"
and when the word is said, the new bridge
will be tested; for there lies as line a body
of rich bottom land Along tho Cimarron
through tho Sac and Fox and Iowa reser
vations as ever was farmed in any country.
j. great many gooi teams can oo seen
among tho different boomers' camps.
Every shanty in the town is occupied and
more are needed. If the people continue
coming to this point as they have in the
past few days, and the co'untry is not
thrown open, there would be, it is safe to
say, 5,000 people in tho valley.
Corn is selling hero at 25cents, wheat at
45 cents, and oats at 25 cents, and an
abundance of poik is being put up for
St. Louis, Sept. a Jay Gould and his
two daughters, Helen aud Annie, his two
younger sons, aud Dr. J. P. Munn and
Geueral Manager Clark, of the Missouri
Pacific and Union Pacific railroads, and
his family, arrived here tonicut from Col
orado. Mr. Gould's appearance was much
better thau the dispatches from the West
indicated. He said that he had obtained a
much-ueeded rest during his stay in Idaho
and Colorado. Concerning the reports
about the Union Pacific, as well as the
rumors about the Missouri Pacific swal
lowing up the Denver aud Rio Grande,
Mr. Gould did not care to say anything.
He would reach New York by the end of
the week, and would give his attention to
these matters then. General Manager
Clark said, however, regarding the re
ports of the purchase of the Denver and
Kio Grande, that they were fabrications
pure aud simple, and as to the relinquish
ment of the Union Pacific. Mr. Clark
avowed that they were entirely without
Caddo, L T Sept. a In the Choctaw
district court yesterday Jackson Fletcher,
a fnll-blooded Choctaw, was sentenced to
bo shot on Sept. 30 He killed another
Choctaw last winter, for which he is to
pay the death penalty.
KUSK, Tex . Sept. "a John and Wade
Felder have been sentenced to be hanged
on Friday, Oct. 9, for the murder, on the
night of Aug IT, of Young Thompson.
The baugiug will be public.
The Bardstey Revelations to be the
Stock inj Trade of Bojirbon Jaw
I smiths? in the Campaign.
The; New Ydrk Prohibitiiinists to Again
Plky the Pajrt of Assistant Democrats
in thd Coming State Election
Oonressman Gates and the Alabama Alli-
The Kansas Farmers Said to
IFavor tho Sob-Treasury Scheme,
f Senator Peffer Imagines He
Has Been Lied About
j .The Contest in Ohio.
Political Notes.
Swab & Glosser,
Largest Tailoring Establishment in the State.
145 Korth a&un St.
Harrisburg, Pa.s Sept. 3. With Robert
E. AVright of Allent'own forauditor general
and A. L. Tilden of Erie for state treasurer
and a platform that will appeal to the
party generally, tho representatives at the
Democracy of Pennsylvania assembled in
contention today feel that they have ac
complished something worth exulting
over. The proceedings of the convention
werp characterized by the greatest har
moey. All signs of factiou were obliter
ated, and, so far as possible, anything that
woujld engender discord was carefully
eliiriinated, not only from the platform
but from the convention proceedings.
Cleveland's name aroused the most enthu
siam, but that of Governor Pattison evoked
a demonstration scarcely less hearty.
There was a pronounced sentiment in
favor of a constitutional convention pure
and simple, but a qualified endorsement
that declared for a revision of the funda
mental law limited to ballot reform was
gracefully accepted as a compromise. The
severe arraignment of the Republican of
ficials for dereliction in the discharge of
their important duties is causing consid
erable comment, but it is regarded as the
keynote of the campaign, and as the signal
for more of the same sort of hot shot.
HARRISBURG, Pa., Sept. 3. The Dem
ocratic state convention was called to
order at 10:30 o'clock this morning by
Cbairman'Kerr, of the state central com
mittee. The opera house was filled with a
representative gathering of the Democrats
of the state. The convention consisted of
46J delegates. H. Williams Bland of Read
ing was unanimously cuosen temporary
chairman. After a short and enthusiastic
speech by the temporary chairman, the
usual committees were appoimeu ana tne
convention took a recess until the after
Tho afternoon session of the convention
becan at 2 o'clock. The committee on per
manent organization reported in favor of
Hon. George W. Skinner of Fulton county
for permanent chairman. Air. Skinner
was conducted to the platform and deliv
ered a speech, after which the chairman of
the committee on resolutions was intro
duced, and the platform was read aud
unanimously adopted.
The platform endorses the principles of
the national platforms of T.834 and 1683; fa
vors an honest and economical adminis
tration of public affairf; a sound and
stable currency based on 'gold and silver,
coined and circulated in such proportion
as will keep them in parity: a reform and
revision of the tariff; libei.al but just pen
sion lawSj and all well considered legisla
tion tending to increase tjhe rewards and
lighten the burdens of Iatjor; arraigns and
condemns the Republican, party for having
elected men to state aud municipal offices
tiy whose neglect of duty, complicity in
fraud and the plunder of he public treas
ury, a million and a half Of dollar-) of the
peoples' money have been stolen and
squandeted; arraigns and condemns the
Republican auditor gemral and state
treasurer for complicity in the Bardsley
affair; arraigns and condemns the conduct
of the Republican state convention for its
condonation aud defense of faithless Re
publican state officers guilty of derelic
tions, some of whom Bat in its councils,
influenced its actions, aud dictated and
controlled its utterances, and pledges the
candidates nominated today to reform
these abuses aud punish those guilty of
Each plank in the platform was cheered
as it was read, and its adoption was unan
imous. The nomination of candidates for
auditor goneral was then begun. Robert
E. "Wright of Allentown and James G.
AlcSparren of Laucaster were placed in
nomination. The baliot resulted: Wright,
37.2; .McSparren, 80. Wright's nomination
was made unanimous.
A. L. Tilden of Erie and Charles W.
Ralondof Middletown were candidates
for state treasurer. Tilden got all but six
votes, and his nomination was made unan
imous. The committee to select delegates at
large to the proposed constitutional con
vention, of which Patnck Foley of Pitts
burg was chairman, reported the names
Mr. Wright, in accenting the nomina
tion for nuditor general, said:
"Never in the history of the country
was there exhibited an administration of
affairs so universally .corrupt as that de
veloped in Pennsylvania within the last
six months. Meeting, therefore, as this
convention does, in the presence of this
overshadowing dishonor, it is but right
that, for tho time being, it should turn
aside from the discussion of current politi
cal topics to the more important and press
ing question of honest government. Your
platform is a very simple one. It empha
sizes the old truths of the Ten Command
ments. The injunction Thou shalt not
steal' is the cardinal. On that plank the
impending battle must be fought. We
must permit no confusion of issues when
the honor of Pennsylvania is at stake.
The discussnn of tariff duties ceased with
us when the treasury of Philadelphia was
looted; the sdver question lost its interest
as the waves from the flood tide of corrup
tion reacned the steps of our state capitol,
and the only reciprocity the people of
Pennsylvania would hear of now is that
which was exampufied when the doors of
the Eastern penitentiary closed upon the
disappearing lorm ol tJaroaiey.
Mr. Tilden followed in a short speech,
thanking tte convention for the honor
conferred upon him.
The convention at 4:40. with three cheers
for the ticket, adjourned without date.
ufacturer whatever equality of conditions
he may have lost by reason of the pay
ment of a higher scale of wages; denounces
the state department for assisting Ameri
can brewers to extend their business in
our sister republics of South America;
favors the submission to- the people of a
female suffrage amendment; declares
against national banks, and advocates the
issue of treasury notes redeemable in gold
or silver, and the maintenance of a metal
reserve sufficient for that purpose, and
calls for the strict enforcement of the civil
service laws.
A resolution that the state committee be
authorized to appoint a committee to con
fer with the Farmers' Alliance, with refer
ence to what steps should be taken to con
serve the best interests of both organiza
tions, was referred to the state committee.
The nominating committee reported in
favor of the following nominations: Gov
ernor, J. W. Uruce, a retired farmer of
Canastota. Madison county; lieutenant
governor, George W. Halleck, a prosperous
farmer of Suffolk county; secretary of
state, William E. Booth, Livingston
county; comptroller, William W. Smith,
Poughkeepsie; state engineered surveyor,
H. P. Forbes, a professor in the University
of Canton, St. Lawrence county; attorney
general, S. E. Crosser, Buffalo. The ticket
was unanimously chosen.
Chicago, Sept. 3. The Alliance men of
Alabama have been calling upon me to re-
here yesterday. "The Alliance organiza
tion in two counties of my district, Bui
lock and Russell, passed resolutions ask
ing me to resign my seat in the house. In
Barber, Henry and Lee, three other coun
ties in tne same district, similar resolu
tions were introduced but voted down. In
Russell and Bullock counties there are 12,
000 voters, and 5,000 of that number are
negroes. As only one-third or le3 of the
whites are Alliance men, tie resolutions
do not represent the feeling of the people,
and Mr. Kolb and his Alliance followers,
in trying to injure me, will not have any
effect. Kolb wants to be governor of Ala
bama, aud that is the secret of the move
ment against me."
Topeka, Kan., Sept. 3. Dr. McLallin,
editor of the Alliance Advocate, said this
morning that every county Alliance which
had so far elected delegate to the October
convention had instructs them for the
sub-treasury scheme, and liat there was
no doubt of it carrying in Kansas.
TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. 3. Senator W. A.
Peffer publishes a card, emphatically de
nying the statement that he has been tra
ducing the name and fame if Kansas dur
ing his travels over the east. He says:
"The man who charges the Kansas Alli
ance speakers in the east with injuring
the credit of the state i- la liar, and he
knows it. You may look over the reports
of mv SDeeches as . given in the Kansas
Farmer, and you will not fiud that I have
ever said anything to injure the credit of
this state. I have told the people of the
east that Kansas is as good a state as there
is in the "Union; that our people are as in
telligent and just as hone-1 as they ever
were. I have said this an said it ropeat
edly. We must have ihoFj money in cir
culation; we mast have lower rates of in
terest, aud we propose to have it. We say
to the Republicans of the east, you have
legislated continuously in favor of the rich
and a :ainst the farmer and the working
man, at we don't propose to stand it any
longc We are going to ake hold of the
govei oent and seo wha.. can be done for
the j oducers. Kansas investments are
justi safe as they ever were. Kansas
soil is just as rich and Kansas securities
are just as good. I have the interests of
Kansas fully as much at heart as our op
ponents, and we do not-say anything to in
jure its credit. Tjiese gitlemen willfully
and kuowingIylujs'soil'vV5y lufcke tbejae
The Secretar;
Ability to 1
of the
The World's :
ponea Its De
' Confident of His
eet All Obligations
Tlie Position 1 afcen Ty the State De
partment TV itb. Reference to the
Sitm tion in Chili,
air Commission Post-
ision on tho Sunday
Closing QuestionThe Govern
ment to kh Asked for a Loan,
the Enterprise,
ics of the Prls-
c the Country.
rip Cattle.'
to Start!
Washington, Sept. 3. A statement pre
pared by the tr asury department shows
that there was a net increase of $6,103,321
in circulation d iring the month of August
and a net increase of $13,053,604 in money
and bullion in the treasury during the
same period. St cretary Foster made the
following statement this afternoon in re
card to the financial condition of the
"The irrespon1
to the effect tha
tically exbauste
$20,000,000 wort
Springfield, 111., Sept. 3. H. E. Taube
neck, chairman of the national committee
of the People's party, in speaking of the
outlook in Ohio, says:
"I think we will make some inroads
there, but I am firmly convinced that Mc
Kmley will be elected governor. The
Democrats are all split up, and are making
a very feeble fight. From the best advices
I have I think 20,000 Democrats will vote
for McKinley. Cleveland is doing all he
can do to defeat his own party in Ohio,
for if the Democrats win there it means
that a free silver plank will be put in the
national Democratic platform in 1892, and
that will make a platform that Clevelaud
cannot stand on. Wo are doiug all we can
to defeat the Republicans, and especially
to prevent the re-election of John Sher
man to the senate, but I regard McKinley's
election as certain."
ALBANT, Sept. 3 At the Prohibition
state convennoa today the committee on
resolutions reported the platform, which
was adopted without amendment. It re
affirms the principles maintained in the
platform adopted by the last national
convention; denounces high license: af
firms that tie legislators of the state, both
democratic end republican, are subject to
the control and dominion of the liquor
interests; en. is for the submission to the
voters ot the state of a prohibitory amend
ment; favors the appointment of a noa
partisian tariff commission, and says that
such commission should so adjust the
details of the tariff schedules that the
sum total of import duties shall not ex- j
WASHINGTON, Sept. a The penitentiary
census shows 45,233 convicts in the United
States. New York leads, with 8,190.
Texas come next, with 3,319. Pennsyl
vania is third on the list, California
fourth, Georgia fifth and Missouri, with
1,701, is sixtfi. Thus it appears that the
prison population does not follow the total
population very closely. Of the 2 Gi8 life
convicts Missouri has only 15. There is a
very striking difference in the proportions
of female convicts east and west. New
York has 5SS female convicts, Massa
chusetts 217, New Jersey S7, Pennsylvania
85. On the other hand. .Missouri has only
36 female convicts, Illinois 45, Kansas 14,
Texas 45, Arkansas 11.
Attention is called to the surprising
variations in averages for different states,
ranging from 2 years and 356 days in Rhode
Island to 12 years and 116 days in Missis
Of the 45,233 prisoners in penitentiaries,
53 were not sentenced, 2.4S6 were serving
sentences of less than one year; 3S,757 had
been sentenced to imprisonment for a defi
nite term of years; 2,6$$ for life: 12 during
their minority and C2 were under sentence
of death and awaiting execution. Where
sentence for a definite term of years is pro
nounced the most common sentence is
found to be for 2 years, and then in the
order stated: For 6, 3, 1, 10. 4, 7 and 6
years. Nearly seven-eichths of the peni
tentiary sentences fall under one of these
varieries. There are reported 132 sentences
of 50 years and over, of which 55 are for
93 years, The number of "fractional" sen
tences is alo shown, which is 4,859; and
taking them into the account the total
duration of imprisonment for not less than
one yerr.but for less than life, ordered by
tHe courts was 22S.110 years and 5 months.
The average term of a sentence, therefore,
is 5 years and 27 days. A tendency to
greater seventy of sentence is apparent in
tne west and south. The average sentence
of a native white convict born of native
parents is 5 years and 308 day; of a for
eign born convict, 5 years and IDS day,
and of a colored convict, 6 years and 183
days. The average sentence of a male con
vict is 6 years and 2So days, and of a female
4 years and lo days.
BERLIN, Sept. 3, A remarkable discor
ery has been made by Dr. Stretch of this
city. He was conducting experiments
with the view of determining how weak a
solution of cocaine would prove effica
cious asalocal anesthetic in surgical opera
tions, when he stumbled upon the fact
that simple water injected under the skin
with & syringe renders the flesh at that
point insensible to pain. The effect of the
water is to create a stigbt swelling. The
space marked by the swelling remains in
sensible to pain for some minutes, so that
incisions can be made without causing the
slightest pain.
ible statement published,
. the treasury will be pr-ac-
l by the payment of about
i of 4K per cents is best
answered by thb fact that we had in the
treasury vesteru iy, in excess of the 100.-
000,000 gold rest rve $117,500,000 of money,
with contingent liabilities of $47,000,000,
leaving a net cakh balance of more than
$60,000,000. As Ito the 17,000,000 in cash
resened to cover contingent iiabilitiesjif
held by the bauks S4U,oyy,uoo olltcoum
be loanedwith Absolute safety.
"The best ansjver to these critics is that
the bonds will he paid tomorrow if pre
sented, and the! strain on the treasury
will not be felLt I am entirely satisfied
with tho result. ! More than $25,000,000 in
money, for which there is ao use in the
treasury, will pe put into circulation,
thereby aiding I the business interests of
the country anjl practically assuring a
comfortable moifiey market."
WAsniNGTON.iSept. 3. The information
received from (phili today at the depart
ments was comprised in tho following
cablegram from Admiral Brown, dated
Valparaiso, Sept- 3:
"Business fully resumed; everything
quiet. Congressional committee, includ
ing two cabinet ministi.s, arrived from
Iquiqua yesterday and go to Santiago
Admiral Brown's cablegram was re
ceived by the navy department, and was
communicated immediately to Mr. Whar
ton, acting secretary of state. While Ad
miral Brown is not a diploma-tic represen
tative of the government, his statement
of facts is taken as an addition to the
official information before thtj department
of state to the effect that Balmaceda's
government is a thing of the past and tl at
the new regime nas oeen estaunsnea. ino
requirements of diplomatic practice have
been so far met that it is probable that
the department of state will now proceed
to take official cognizance of the state
of affairs in Chili, as modified by Balma
ceda's n signation and tho victory of the
congressional party.
Several cablegrams have been sent to
Minister Egan. and there is reason to be
lieve that when ho is satisfied jtbat the
government (even though it be temporary
in form) has been securely established,
th he will immediately open official in
tei course with that government. This
step, it is said at the department, is equi
valent to according a minister to the uew
government, and as soonjas such new gov
ernment officially notifies tho department
of state that it has authorized its special
envoys to represent it rcgula-ly in the
United States, Ss'ior Moutt and his col
leagues will be recognized at the depart
ment of state.
SenorMontt, the principal congressional
envoy here, has received a dispatch, dated
Valparaiso, Sept. 2, saying that General
Baquedauo (to whom President Balmaceda
surrendered the government when he left
Santiago) had given up command. The
re-establishment of the constitution and
laws, tho disp.uch says, was celebrated
ltu lnuescriimuiu euLuusin&ui.
Cur OF Mexico, Sept. 3. The Anglo
American says that a prominent gentle
man of this city, who i3 well known in tho
Anglo-American colony, has received the
following dispatch in cipher, dated at Val
paraiso, Sept. 2:
"President Balmaceda is aboard the
Condello and expects to disembark in San
Francisco. However, if he be pushed by
the insurgent warships he miy land in
Mexico. If he does, extend all possible
protection "
Here is the first definite news regarding
the whereabouts of Balmaceda. The Im
perial and the torpedo boat Cordilla have
sailed north and are said to be pursued by
the cruisers of the congressional party.
Whatever port the fleeing president may
make, he will be protected. No warship
will attempt hfs capture within the marine
league of Mexl(X or of the United States.
Until the new government is formed Bal
maceda is the recognized bead of ChilL If
Balmraeda land3 in Mexico he will receive
the hospitality thattheconstituhon grants
to all political refugees.
NLondon, Sept a A letter from an of
ficer on an English warship at Valparaiso
asserts that Balmaceda insulted and quar
reled with the American minister, Exan.
and also the French minlBter; that the
latter refusd to accept an apology, but
that Minister Egan renewed his rela
tions with the government, under threats
from Senor Godoy that if Egan gave
Balmaceda trouble, they would send him
aboard an English warrhlp.
j urged upon the commission the Sunday
5 closing of the fair.
ev. Francis L. Patton, president oi
Princeton umversitv. then Dresented the
( question from a Biblical standpoint. He
tha exposition, but the most important
point in success was a moral one. The Ten
Commandments were high-water mark in
morality, and if the nation and the fair
should yield obedience to the fourth com
mandment they would be in a fair way to
oby the other nine. Tho essence of civili
zation, according to Matthew Arnold, was
righteousness. Therefore, if this exposi
tion would make for civllizatiou it must
make for righteousness.
The commission then took a recess.
It was announced on reassembling that
action on the Sunday-closing question
would be deferred until the local directors
of the exposition have made their rules
and submitted them to the commission for
Alter a little skirmish the report of the
committee on classification was adopted.
It establishes, practically, without a single
change, the plan of classification arranged
bji Vice President D Young.
Tho report of the auditing committee
nho passed muster, though Commissioner
White of New Mexico, labored to have it
amended or recommitted.
Cousiueratiou of the $5,000,000 loan by
tho government was called up as a spec
ial order by Vice President DeYoung.
Ha offered a resolution referring the
whole subject to the judiciary committee,
with instructions to report in favor of the
lou. Commissioner MoKtnzio otKea
tucky offered a resolution postponing tha
consideration until the April session. In
cidentally Mr. McKenxio made a speech
agaicst tho sudden proposal to the
cduutry to lend the fair such a large sum.
Mr. DeYoung amended his resolution by
leaving the committee to report according
to its own discretion.
,Au adjournment was then taken until
Tonight the judiciary committee met
and promptly agreed upon a report en
dorsing the appeal of the Chicago direc
ec,tors to congress for the loan of tho sum
named, tho government to take as security
a -.. eu upon the first receipts of the exposi
tion. Tho world's fair directory today formally
confirmed the nomination of J. M. Sam
uils of Kentucky, as the chief ot the de
partment of horticulture, ix w. Kouiuson,
Ul S. N., chief of macbinory,:and H. S.
Pcabody of Illinois, chief of the depart
ment of liberal arts. All three having
been previously confirmed by the national
board of control, Messrs. Samuels, Robin
son and Peabody are now duly appointed.
Tne speedy confirmation of Samuels is a
surprise, in view of tho bitter contention
that raged so long regarding the horticul
tural bureau.
Washington, Sept 3. Pensions have
been granted to the following:
The New Regulations for Inspection
Prove Satisfactory to the Got
eimment of the Kaiser,
American Parm Products to ba Admitted
Into tha Empire on tho Same Terms
as Those of Eussia-
William H. Colley. Elmore Alledt Fran
cis Lindsay, Drayton Gillett, Samuel
Rsed Wallace Bllggins. Edwin C. Sey
mour, Solomon Hilbert, Joseph A. Harris,
Charles A. Presson, William Lawrence,
Henry Cobum, Samuel Mears, William
Thompson. John C. Auderaon, George W.
Rhodes, William C Undorwood, James
Morrjan. Henry Wille, Hugh H. Ashbaugh,
DAvfd Moore, James Hutchius, Millard F.
Williams, Luther Frost, Uriah Osboru,
Philip Hopper, William S. Johnson, Jacob
Kerby, G.orge W. Kates, James H. Gray,
Edwin B. Woodwortb, Charles G. Ward,
Oscar W. Carter, John Wesley Street,
Justus C. Taylor, Charles H. Gibson,
George Noble, Thomas G. Harris, Albert
L. Cornish, Allen B Cross, Enos Wines,
George W. Taylor, William J Bell. Will
iam J. Ostrander. Benjamin F. Martin,
Charles Thayer, Richard Taylor, Joseph
McKcuzie, Francis M. Small. William II.
S'owarc. Abel Miller, Isaac T. Swart, John
M. Goodrich, William W. Wallace, Ben
jamin F. Beach, Thomas Howey.Frank J.
Manning, Johu G. Hower and George W.
James W. Talbott, Jonathan Palmer
and Sek-ka-meh.
Oliver H. Hills and Knute S. Lewis.
Secretary Rusk's Efforts to Promote tha
Use of Oorn a3 a Substitute for Rye
The German Importation of Pork
Products Prior to tha Imposi
tion of the Embargo Tha
Threat of Retaliation
EffectiTa Notes-
GCTHRIE, O. T.. Sept 3. A large num
ber of Cherokees have joac arrived on the
strip and are staking oif claims near Wil
low Springs. They propose holding strip
claims, and if the government attempts to
onen the strip to settlers, tney will take
ceed the revenue requirements of the gov- J tne oath of citizenship, and thns. under
ernment, and that the duties levied on j the laws, be qualified to enter the lands
imported articles shall be no higher than j and at the same time retain all their rights
are necessary to restore to the home man- and Int treat in tho home reservation.
CHICAGO, Sept. 3. The national Colum
bian commbsUn reassembled at 10 o'clock
this morninjr. A resolution was passed
Inviting the board ol laay managers to o
present with the national commission,
during the prer enttion of the memorial
of the Amercan Sabbath naloa for closing
the exposition on Sundays.
The member of the Sabbath union, led
by Colonel Zlllott F. Shepard. of the New
lorkMal! anu Express, arrived nbortly
before lliSO o'c ock, and were shortly af
terwards followed b the board of lady
managers. Colonel Shepard, as president
of the American Sabbath union, presented
the memorial cf the nnion praying for the
closing of the fair on Sunday. He also, as
president of the Sabbath obsenraai com
mittee of the general ossemb.y of the Pres
byterian churth, presented s petition of
that body to tie same end. Heltkewha
read a telegraai from Archbishop Ireland
of St. Paul, giving his acquiescence in the
movement, uda resolution in favor of
closing the fair on the Sbbth day p.vd
by the Farms' Alliance convention at
Ocslo, Fla.
Colonel Shepard was fallowed by Rev.
Sylvester Scoville, president of Woos
ter (O.) collegcGeneral O. O. How3ra.Rr.
A. Forney, of Philadelphia, and Cwihic1
Excelsior Spkikge, Mo., Sept. 3 The
second day's session of the Jimouri Bar
association was called to order at 10 o'clock
this morning. A great deal of disappoint
ment was manifested when it was luarned
tiiat ex-Governor J. Proctor Knott, of
Kentucky, who was to have delivered the
annual address, would not be present.
Henry Hitchcock, of St. Louii, rend tho
report of the committee ou law reform.
Ho was followed by Judge Johu F. Ptiii
lrps, who read the report of the committee
on judicial administration. The balance
ol the morning nession was occupied by
lion. D. C. Allen, of Liberty, who had
bjeen asked to deliver an addresn when it
vfas learned that ex-Governor Kuott would
not be present. Tho addrens was a very
able effort. The subject was "The Evolu
tion of tho Law.'
The afternoon session was opened by the
reading of a paper on the question of
"Tact in tho Administration or Law," by
j'ustice John L. Thomas, of tho supreme
court. It. b Walker, of JofTersou, tnn
rpad a paper on the question of "How Far
Corporations are Liable for Acts not Au
thorized by their Charters " Tiiere were
ajbout thirty additional arrivatathi inorti
ipg and the attendance today was large.
! Constantinople, Sept. 3 it It eml-
dfflcially announced that Turkey agree
ment with Russia, arising out of the Mos
cow incident, permits tho veiseln of tha
Black sea volunteer fleet, carylng con
VfcUi guarded by soldiers bound to the
Pacific, to pass through the Dardanelles,
on the Rnssian embassy ad vising tho Porte
and obtaining lta consent. Vessels carry
ing discharged soldiers, returning home
unarmed, will be allowed to pasa through
the Dardanelles on a satisfactory declara
tion by the commander of each vea!.
This agreement does not affect exlattsg
Const AXTrKOPLE, Sept. 3 Th an
nouncement is mxJs today that the sulin
has dismissed from office the grand vizier
and prosi ant of the ooudcU. Klninil
Pasha. The governor of the IsIamI of
Crete will b KJarnil Pasha's uceir.
Besides Kiamll Pasha six of the cabinet
were also dismissed.
ST Louis. Sept. 8 In compliance with
instructions from Prestdaat Cro. re
trenchments in toe working force of the
Missouri. Kansas nad Tex railway have
bgnn. At Sedalia yesterday tblrty-two
men were discharged from the car shops,
nod at Den won, Tex., raioctfoM occurred
In several departments, over 1C0 men kxjisst
discharged. Tbe dutffliuaU will be
made all along tL line
ST. Locis. 6pt. a. A moraine ppr
says that a prominent oCkial of th. M
souri Pacific ro&d eald to a friend yester
day; "W't just got to get lioW ot th
Den ver and Rio Grande, for tho Yxader
hilts have euchred ns oat of tbft Union
Pafic " TfajH remark woold seem to 1-
-dicale that Jay Gookl had saaoe a 4tl
with the Vand-rwlts ana woaJd impij
that the Vanderbflta have treated ttto
Union Pacific
rain. Tlij jml ! f vtfetss! fit RjfiV)
( Alexander S. Slaitisfid of Brooklyn, who witi Jcjaraace o,000l
' The DALLza, Or., Sept. 3 Ax mnU
yf yeswday'jt diwiAiros fire abKXt -third
of this city is la &phe &md not
than 1.CO0 people are botaaieftK. Btabea
block were totally coojicuaed. Toe Yofft
oiock ana opera doom, xe 3ieBot,
Baptist acd Congregational chore.
Gibbon. McAllister & Co. lars mUr
meat warehouse, t& Ftorra of Firtoa
3rotcfTS aad E. P. Fitzgerald. lt ortefc
block of L C JftcfcelMrn, together with Sv
or ix cnuaresJ rtsioeace. re o oi
BRRLW, Sept. a The Relcbsssblat
publishes an order to the effect that tha
prohibition of the importation of swine,
pork and sausages of American origin
shall no longer bo enforced, when such II vo
pi? and hog products are furnished with
official certificates stating that they hava
been examined in accordance with tho
American regulations and found free from
qualities dangerous to health. The chan
cellor has sent instruction to the proper
officials that tho order bo given immediate
the :-ew aokeemekt.
"Washington, Sept. a Secretary Rusk
today received official notico that the Ger
man government had raised the embargo
ou American pork. The agreement rela
tive to the admission of pork into Germany
was signed at Capo Slay Point about ten
days ago, but, at tho request of tha Ger
man government, tho fact was withheld
from the public press uutil official action
could ba tken by tho home government.
The agreement not only provides for tha
admission of our pork into Germany, but
afro affords tho United States the tamo
schedule with refereace to farm products
as that enjoyod by Russia, Secretary
Rush is confident that ho will soon ba ibla
to extend our market Tor corn by introduc
ing it Into Germany foruao aaau articlo
of food in place of rye, tha crop ot which
in Germany is this year exceedingly short.
To this end ha has instructed his corn
agent, Colonel C. J. Murphy, now in
Europe, to proceed nt once to Berlin and
lay the matter before tho German govern
ment, TnE GE71MAX TRADE.
WAsnrSGTOK, Sept. a The removal of
tho German embarco upon American
pork products renders Interesting a re
view of tho former trade with Germany
In such products. While tha Gorman de
cree of June 20, 1PW, In terras excepted
ham and Zbaeon from tha prohibition, tho
exports of these products declined from
S3.155.507 in ISal to $329,880 in 18S3. In
the year ending Juno SO, 1883. the export
wore increased to a total of $1, 40.203, but
the export of lard fell about f UO.OOQ. In
March, 183, came tha decroo excluding
bacon and hamsandinthoyearondd Juno
30. 1SRI. the total exports of bacon amount
ed to $207,933, and of bams to $39; in 18Sd
tho same items amonnted toIllSI, 120 ami
3, respectively; In 16S7 to I155.M3 and
(05; In 1860 to I50.GS0 and (1815; in 180 to
(148.014 and $11.
That any American pork, bacon and
hams whatever have found tbeir way
into Germany ninco March 0. 1883, U ex
plained by tun fact that such products aro
admitted Into certain ports to bo trans
ported under government regulation and
iuparvlsion to other sea-going ve9bi fer
consumption on ship board. Tho export
of bacon from tho united States to Bug
land not including Scotland or Ireland
in the year ended June 90, 10, ntnonntrd
to 24,(08,504, and tho exports of hams to
$2,0W,eW In the year ended June 80. JMW,
the fl euros were: Hacoti, $31,471,901; hums.
i5.2Su.3S9. England has never excluded
the pork or pork products of lb Uttd
States. Not only have American farmers
been deprived by thefarbltrary naUan of
Germany of a market for pork, haiss awl
bacon, amounting on the average to n&
least 10,000,000 per annum, during the hut
eight years, bat tbe exclusion of these pro
ducts hsn Injuriously affvetad tho experts
of American lardn to that country.
In 1&81 the exports of lard to Germany
nrooUDtrd to S.0'8,&9: In 1932 tbe KiaotMt
was $ S,8?7. and in 1988 it shrunk to
87.140 In 1800 the tti was only t?.Sti,
481. or less by fSOO.OGO than it wss two
years before. Again, in 1W, the exports
tioa of swioe from tbij United States to
Garmany had bgun, aad it bade fnir to
flourish. In that year tba exports .-unocutf-ed
to t8 42'r; in 1&8 the nmonnt was oolv
(485, )a 167 it was 199; m 10 It was tUt,
and In I WO it was nothing.
Germany wa Anally broagbt to reason
by two thing's. Tb set of An. 30 of lsst
year provides far the most eotofat ami
riekl Inspection of all lira nMimai ai
salted pork fld bacon for srxportntleMB, aaxl
authorize tba pratdaot. In case aay bob
try should nafafttiy McritatM aejA4i
the prod oet of the United .HUU. to in
hibit the importation into tha TJU'
States from cb oohiU7 of such pmtoe i
thereof an ba may daem proper. Tfce-
prortttJons. together with Om tarnl saatWi
of the tai iff act of 10. ris.tlg to roe
prooity, placed the Uaitrd ftlw in a po
sition wbare jt would sotBHsasd reiMit
and fair treatment.
The lasoecUoa law nod reznUUoos ntJi
in fall forea nad . aad Qtrmnrnf aejsl
avery other eenntry ! roivad offlalat
aotica of tbe fact. Thut eomtry proetaoas
about eight ninths of all th sewftr
iMported into Uta United State, aad ta
Importations of that enmmodUj town
April 1, ll. wnan it iMaM tten of daily,
to Jna '-A asMHtated to $387, M9, nomtiM-t
I4.048.725 in the eorraoodtag pwrts4 of
MM Oa le or of e4f-4eWet ioo,
thrrriore, (iscmaay has no nottot keoa
maae to ltA that It weald t wwMA5
Me for her to maintain w poUay of eat
ctaston. Thore is every reJton Va rrC
that Franc will foiinr tn expef
Germany fcsfora tfce rod of loan
r&r. The rvmornl of tha barriers rais!
by these coantrtes against Anrtn
products will ) two! I in tn aoa
ooosnent of the policy of exetaalon hf
othar European goversaaest which sow
fcfiioree Jt.
BOSTO. S, a Tfce Sn&olfc Tt com
pany, nsrtrr4 in J77 a? UMt
aetts logUtetora and atertz?l to do a
genera! feaafcio aortK Jo oJ
neas, ha feeo notUtal oy toe Savta- W)c
eosaiston?3 to pay no more woneyon
tfte weatrn portion of Ha Unas.
westers fxrss loans located in Ktwu nave
failed to ULtlntf to expectation. Tne
eoas9iay's statecaoot Hi April Ww4 tta
bliuaa sod of 4.fr& So poor fens
t4 vettarn beMoSM bjooeau Mm (a
company now on naod osnc Wt,3W f
orcteMirt3 of wtm soorfwaar. I v
(fji ot tax tftPa. wtbon It avae faownr
lafiai pcoctefttsgs, and t5. to '
S53 sroJob bar not fceo a, not -. va
netostned te the o839nys & ua
&rt boagni.
aofwrr our.
NAJKTS&LE, Sopt. aVTfca ni rr.
tion o ASUla burned this momm. U

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