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J.f , U KfZZ.&S' - i j-v i v-c-,-. - , , ,. c ;a -' irf-r ' - r - ;K5 M "vr 'zr ,. I Wg&WW t ,s& ' v- 11 W" m 'w "?.- zr.?, -7" L 1 Stitfiai faille. - dsti ? X 0 iil'i If A V r - r r - I M j i !,V i r Us. I 1 H $5 s YOL. XX. 3vTO. 117. WIGHITA, KANSAS, SUNDAY MOROTNG, APKIL 1, 1894. WHOIiE 3TO. 2727. DON'T FAIL to Attend our LINEN -:- SALE THIS WEEK. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY Greatest Line of Val ues Ever Shown to the Public. MAKERS OF LOW PRICES. CATERERS TO THE WANTS OF ALL MANKIND. 4 es of less Vce 7aA 4 House In the Stafe THIS WEEK Our Annual LINEN : SALE THIS WEEK. ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS Note Prices as per Advertisement Below. LINENS. LINENS. Avail Yourselves of this Great Opportunity to Buy Linens Cheap. DAMASK TOWELS. AT 290 YD. 12 pes fine all linen bleached satin damask; actual value is 50c; this sale 29c. AT 550. "We show a line of fine 60 to 62 inch bleached damasks well w'th 80c; now this salefooc. AT 890. 7 pes double satin damask, ex tra fine 'quality, beauriful designs regular price Llo, now at 89c yd. AT 990. We offer choice of 12 pes, very best grado of double satin dam asks which always sold at 1.20 to 1.40, for 99c yd. AT 150. 8 pes German damasks, all lin en, half bleached, good quality and good weight, worth 29c; for 15c yd. AT 330. 5 pes fine all linen cream Ger-i man.dice lineu, extra weight-and fineclothjworth'&sny tinie-45c; now only 33c. AT 39C. 15 pes fine cream German dam ask 56 inches wide, both colored borders and plain cream; regular price is 50c; now 39c. AT 490. 9 pes 60 inch fine cream Ger man damask, all the newest pat terns in momie effects, never of fered before for less than 65c; now on sale 49c AT 630. 5 pes cream German damasks, 72 inches wide, extra fine quality, would be cheap at 1.00. It can't laat long at the price, 63c. AT 460. 12 pes fine cream damask, 58 inches wide, in blue, red and Todd plaids and stripes; goods would be cheap at 60c; this sale 46c yd. AT 190. 10 pes fine Turkey red damask, fast colors, worth 30c yd; now 19c AT 330. 10 pes guaranteed fast color Turkey red imported damask, never before sold for less than 50c; now only 33c. AT 490. 12 pes fine Dumfermline dam asks in red and blue and green, 60 inches wide, warranted fast color, never before offered for less than 60c; now only 49c. AT 490, Solid red damasks, fast colors, beautiful goods, good value at 60; now 49c AT IOC. 16 dozen fine all linen plaid towejs, size 1Sx36, never before sold for less than loc. to close out the lot 10c, worth 15c AT 5 0 EACH. 24 doz fine damask all linen towels; the price is enough, 5c AT 70. 19 doz fine all linen col border damask towels, size 15x30, extra heavy quality; a bargain at 12c now only 7c AT 16C. 12 doz fine damask towels, all linen, Bize 21x42, would be cheap at 25c now 16c AT 15C. 16 1-2 doz fine all lineu huck towels, size 1Sx32, hemmed or fringed ends, actual value 25c: now 15c AT 90. 15 doz fine bird'seye huck tow els, very fine quality, worth 15c; this sale 8c AT 190. 12 doz hemmed and fringed end huck towels, colored border, size 20x40, an elegant towel for the money; worth 30c now 19c AT 250. 18 doz bleached huck towels, colored border, hemstitchod ends, worth 35c; now only 25c AT 130. 36 doz fine crepe towels, size 18x36, best wearing towel made; worth 20c, now on sale 13c. Crashes. AT 50. Fine all linen plaid crash 5c, worth double the money. AT 630. Brown crash all linen, 16 inches wide, worth 10c, now only 6 3-4c. AT 8 3-40. l J. J. Brown crash 20 inbhes wide aft 4eG3jexcillent gooth&rt5mf price, worth 12 l-2c; now only 8 3-4c. AT 80. Bleached Itussia crash, best and most serviceable crash made, worth 15c, now 8c yd. AT 15C. 75 pes full standard white oil ( cloth, worth 25c, at 15c yd. AT 180. 75 pes best quality full stand ard oil cloth 18c, worth 25c. Nap kins. AT 950. S7 dozen full 3-4 size bleached dinner napkins, regular price 1.50 to 1.75, this sale 95c doz. This is the best napkin ever offered for the money. m HAMMOCKS. "Wash Goods. Parisian Moussellais, 31 inches wide, light and dark grounds, fast colors, worth 124c, now on sale 9c Pekin Pongees, black grounds, and latest designs in colored fig ures, 31 inches wide, fast black, loc, worth 2oc Shantong Pongees, colored grounds, Bheer, elegant cloth, now 15c, worth 25c, Irish lawns, 40 inches wide, el egant new patterns; just the thing for waists, 12e, worth 25c. Drap de Havanna cloths, 33 in, wide, trifle lighter weight than percale, just the thing for ladies' and misses' waists, 124c Bella Yista mulls, 31 in. wide, fine sheer cloth, dark ground DKESS GOODS. At 13c. Double fold chameleon cloths, crepe effects, spring shades, brocaded designs, worth 25c At 25c. 38 inch novelty suitings, all new spring shades, bro caded and changeable effects cheap at 40c. Dt 17c 36 in, English cashmeres, very complete line of shades also black, nice quality, well worth 25c At 25c 36 in English cashmeres, extra fine finish; all staple colors also black, worth 39c At 37c ah nuui uuiuinu uemi-v jetta, 40 in wide, colors and acfcfwduldbo good value at 60c, At 49c. 46 in all wool French serges, elegant finish, all colors and black, very cheap at 7oc At 39c. 38 in spring suitings, fan cy mixtures, new and desir able, well worth 50c At 50c All wool spring novelty suitings, spot, whip cords, checks and rough stuffs, reg ular value 75c At 19c Half wool challies, elegant designs, cream grounds, 50 styles to select irom, worm 25c At 25c ILalford challis, black and dark blue grounds, worth 39 cents. At 25c Beautiful line silk stripe challis, all new figures and designs, cream grounds, cheap at 39c At 33c Halford challis, extra wide Everybody will want a hammock. Choice of 300 Mexican Hammocks worth 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 ONLY 49c. only, worth loc, now only 9c Princess lawns, in blue, pinl and heliotrope, 31 in. wide, fas' colors, 12ic, worth ISc Egyptian dimity cords, ligh grounds, small mat figures foi waists, 12c, worth ISc Pair outing cloth, good weight worth 10c now 7 l-2c yd. Japonette3 2oc 12 pes English lawns, very fine sheer cloth, violet grounds, bl'L and colored figuies, two grades, 25c and 35c Imported French onjanda mulls soft and sheer, looks like silk: el egant patterns, worth o0c only 25c 25 pes satines, worth 18e, 12 l-2c now now Muslin Underwear, AT 230. Ladies drawers, tucked, well made, good muslin, worth 39c AT 35C. Ladies drawers, lace trimmed, tucked, nicely made and finished, well worth 50c AT 48C. Ladies drawers, best quality muslin, emb, trimmed and tucked worth 75c. AT 350. Ladies' chemise, lace trimmed and tucked or hem stitched, worth 50c. j AT 50C. Ladies chemise emb. trimmed, nicely made, good quality muslin worth 75c AT 98 C. Ladies chemise, India linen, Val. lace trimmed extra length, good value at 1.25. AT 48C. Ladies gowns, emb and lace trimmed, full length, good qual ity muslin, worth 75c. AT 690. Ladies gowns, tucked yolk, cambric, ruffles, full length, wth 100. AT 900 Ladies gowns, best quality muslin, extra length, tucked yolk aud emb trimmed, worth 1.25. CORSETS! AT 39o 50 dozen French "Wren corsets; 400 bone; regular 75 quality. AT 49o 40 dozen O K corsets ; white ecru and fancy stitched. AT 25c 25 dozen corsets, cheap at 50 cents. GENTS i r J SHOES. and light and dark groueds, de- signs equal to the imported, would be cheap at 40c. Finest line of all wool im ported challis in the city, now on display. At 25c China silks, all colors, and black, worth 40c At 25c Surah silks, complete line f shades, also black, well worth 40c vt 45c India silks, dark grounds, hoice designs, good value t 65c t60c "Washable silks, elegant colorings, spleneid quality, welL worth 90c a 49c dd-incn omna snics, solid 20 pes fine satines, blk grounds colors, evening shades, extra I colored figures, really worth 20c, quality and finish, always J now igC V(j. old for $1.00 in fiTiA nmor 32 in wide. .- -riw M&AV VW - - , white grounds, colored figures, I 12 l-2c, worth 25c Empress India linen, white ground, colored figures, very fine sheer cloth, absolutely fast colors 20c, worth 25c TTJENISHINGS ! Men's celluloid collars, only 9 cents. IMen's heavy box, only 7 cents. Men's balbriggan box, only 9 cents. Men's black sox, only 9 cents. Men's good domet shirts, only 15 cents. Boy's domet shirt waists, only 15 cents. Boy's percale shirt waists, on ly 25 cents. Boy's heavy knee-pants, only 25 cents. Men's heavy working shirts, onlv 25 cents. Boy's knee-pant suits, 69, S9 fc 99 cents. Largest Line of Ladies' Misses' Oxfords in the city. 500 pre infants1 dong. button soft sole kacks, less than manu facturers' price, 9c. 300 prs infants dong. but sole leather shoes, cheap at 25c, sizes 2 to 6, now 19c 200 prs childs' dong. but. pat. tip spg. heel shoes, sizes 6 to 8 only 49c 200 prs child's dong. but. pat tip, spg heel shoes, size 9 to 11 very cheap, 75c. 120 prs las. dong. pat tip. but. shoes, very cheap at 1.25; now 99c. 120 prs ladies glove grain shoe always sold at 1.25, now 99c 100 prs ladies serge house slip pers, buy them now for 39c. 120 prs ladies pat. tip Oxfords good value at 1.00, going for 75c. 120 prs ladies tan goat Oxfords good wearers, for 99c. 120 prs ladies common sense buskins, solid comfort and service for 1.00. 60 prs ladies chocolate crimped vamp Oxfords, a beauty for 1.25. 60 prs ladies dong., crimped vamp, Oxford sq. tip only 1.25. 60 prs ladies dong. pat. tip, Prince Albert, always 1 50, now 1.25. THBEE EXTKA BARGAINS. 60 childs tan dong. bnt shoes, 8 1-2 to 11 12, sold everywhere for 1,75; our price 1.15. 60 misses tan dong. but shoes, sold everywhere at 2.00; our price L50. 60 prs ladies soft plump dong. Phil, tip Oxfords, very nobby, for 1.69, worth 2.50. I 500 flint blown tumblers, as per cut, nicely en graved, only six cents. At 74e 2sew line of India silks, black grounds, latest designs shot effects, good value at SL00 Miscellaneous ! At 7c 1,000 bottles household ammo nia' worth 15c At 5c 800 scrubbing brushes, well worth 10c At 5c 300 feather dusters, worth loc At 7c 500 Japanese splashers, worth 15c At 9c 500 whisk brooms, well made and finished, worth loc At 7c 1,000 bottles vaseline, always sold for 15c At 4c 500 SDonges.good quality, worth 10c 1 1 1 JY&f7AX - TWO SPECIAL SALES AND A GRIPSACK UMBRELLA. MONDAY 15 pieces 24-inch figured China silks (real Japanese) dark and light grounds. This is our part of the purchase by our dry goods syn dicate, of three hundred pieces; the style's beautiful; price? "Well thereby hangs the tale. Examine the quality, look them over, and the price is 50 cents. TUESDAY A large and handsome assortment. of the new wash fabric satin stripe crinkle Glorianas. The spe cial price on Tuesday will bo 9 cents. WEDNESDAY Here's a new wrinkle and a new price on something all the ladies I want they can't all paint, but all can and must powder, sometimes. 288 boxes Tetlow's Swan's Down ' face powder, and 288 bottles half j ounce size Floridena perfumet One box of powder and one bottle of perfume, both for 10 cents. Gripsack Umbrella. Here's a curious and useful arti cle a regular rain umbrella that can be folded up and packed in an 18-inch gripsack. A slight turn of the wrist and it is ready for use. Sse display in window. Price, $3.50. CARPETS Business has started up with a rush in this department. Prices! Prices! Prices! They tell the story and make the sales. Call on us for prices. If that wrap stylish and pretty? At least 50 other stylos from 82 50 TO $25. Very handsome one, 5 TO S10. DRESS GOODS A lot of pretty plaids, silk stripe reduced to 75C. BLACK AB AT R0S 40-inch, all wool. You have never paid less than 50 cents, but this is another snap 30 cents. IF YOU WANT o pay about 48 or 50 cents wo can show bigger values and nicer than ever lay on our counters previous to this. Take a look at them. SILKS Surely this is a silk year. First, there's the special sale goods 3fon day at 50 cente; then there's tho plain 28-ineh, and the stripo wash silks, all at 50 cents; then there'n the Chinas and Japs, at 75c and $100. All as pretty as posies and asking you to buy 'em. MILLINERY A bed of roes in the month of Juno isn't in it with the new trim mer in making a beauty show. f There's the true artistic touch there's the look of not too much, but ju3t enough. And we are now opening our second lot of trimmings. An Echo From the Credit Man: "Its time to pay your bills tomorrow." It takes money, money, money, to bring on dry goods. r - r . - i & " -Kf "if. 4 -0- iissr. i HLnnBflH bbbbbsbbbbbbbIbsbbbsbibdbbbbbbbsbB