Newspaper Page Text
Slue WLitltT&H ijailg gagle: Wlt3.xxts&x HXarrttiMg, nrfl 4, l&94v Highest of all in Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report, UAILMOAV SCHOOL, The Kntiona! is the only Bchool in America, where the scholars get the actual training the same as if they were on "The Main Line," Btation work, lelejrrapby, express business, Western Union. A'so short hand and typewriting. 3rd floor Firebauh block, cor. 1st and Market, Wichita, Kan., Prof. J. E. Startzell, Prin, Wholesale ft Hanitfacrt Baking Powder J&2& Ha houses girea below are repiesemt&tiTo oees in their liftt, aid fhortvghly reliable Ther are famished thv fur readr refer ecce tor the 8onth generally, aa well a for city aad enbarfcam bayira, PoUara and laquiier should eoxrefpon aire with names giTea. ABSOLUTELY PURE If you want TTTI Ij I Houses. RoYaI ' iV I U DOES IT PAY To buy of money savers? Hundreds of satisfied clothing buyers in this vicinity will answer this question by telling you 'Tt Does." "We are money savers for fche people with a big S, and are always willing that you and your neighbor shall have a share. There certainly must be something about our busi ness that Pays or our trade would not "stick" and grow as it does. No inducements in the way of gifts or prizes are offered: but we give you in stead, sound Bargains in real value for the money you pay and back our state ments of values by refund ing the cash if you are dis satisfied with your purchase. Herman & Hess 406 E. DOUGLAS AYE. 0 KAWiOUD MIIAXD- -o L. M. L'HAVTFonn. Owner GEO. 2J. BOWEN, Local ilanager. One Whole Week, Commencing Monday, April 2. Hetarn engagement of Starr's Big Comedy Co. at Popular Prices, 10, 20, 30 CENTS. Appearing in an entirely New Eepertoire, opening Monday night inthe realistic comedy drama Shadows of a Home. bongs ana dances all new. Change of play nightly. f MONDAY SIGHT, LADIES FREE, , for which seats must be reserved j before Monday at 7 p. m. Seats now on sale at box office. Mrs. I. B. W lm-ui's Summer millinery opening will be the most attractive ot the season. Ic shall also he a t;reat bargnin snle, lasting the remainder of the wvek. Thursdavt Fri day and Saturday. ISO North Main, up itairs. 119 It That Brach of Promise Casa. The famous breach of promise suit wherein a t-ociety lady is sueiug a promi nent gentleman for damages is t-et for trial on Thursday eveniug, at Garfield HalL Owiug to the desire of so many persons to witness the trial it has been deci'led to Admit no odo without a ticket. Secure four tickets in advance. dll9-lt I'lmt Itcctsl -t Fall mount Instl nte. At 3 o'clock this afternoon Airs. AlcCov, lasistsd by her pupils and Mrs. George Stromr, will give a musical recital ntFair niouni IuMuute. A lare uttetidance of the friends of the institute is expected. dllO-lt The greatest millinery sale of the sea ion will be Thursday, Friday and Satur day, when Mrs. B. D. Wilmans has her summer millinery opeuini;. This b-auti-ful line of new unods will be sold Mirpris ingly cheap. If you ctunot set waited on the first day come early the next morning 1 b5e re three bargain dajs. ISO N. Mtiu, npctalrs. dll91t Disso.ution otlcc Owing to the lung continued illness of Mr. Hume and the necessity of bisietiriug from business for a time, for the purpose of recruiting his health, the partnership heretofore exi'tinjj between Y. E. Stanley nd J. E. Hume, is this day dissolved by miiti'al consent, Mr. Slauley succeeding to the business of the firm. w. E Stanley, J. E Hums. Wichita, Kan., April 3, 1S94. dll9-lt Jlrs. U.J). Wllmans. Summer millinery opening; 100 new patterns on the way. dl19 It. CLAIRVOYANT. Madam De La Mott, the wonderful clairvoyant aud mind reader is at 250 X. Main Mreet, room 16, where she will leiui the future like a book and tell you how to make friends and bring peace of mind to mil who call upon her. Domeitic troubles vanish before her Wonderful powers. Call upon her in trouble of any kind and she will guide you through. 2j0 X. Main, Room 1G. Ot. Public installation of the newlv elected officers of the Wichita Lodge No. 4 ami Columbia Lodge No. 3, O. D. H S. wi 1 take at their hall in Getto b'ock, N. Main, on Thursday, April 5, at 7:S0 p. m. At the conclusion of cen monies there will be au entertaiutnent given consisting of singing and dauciug. Refreshments erred. Amission free. All members with their families and friends are invited, J. Zimmerman, Sec'y. 2C Sirs. 1. B. V Umin's Summer millinery opening will be a grand display and will afford the ladies a rare opportunity to sreure a geuuine late novelty at a wonderful reduction. This opening and pale will commence Thurs day morning and continue the remainder ot the week. 130 North Main, up stairs. 119 lu For Safes, Locks and Vault-work call at 119 N. Market street J. E. Consigny, rep resenting Mosler Bauuiann Company, Cinciuatti, Ohio. dllS 4s Major's PriKr.lim.uion. Whereas, The board of health of the city of Wichita has passed a resolution de claring it necessary for all owners or occu pants of property in the city of Wichita to clean their premises and put the iame in a good Eauitary condition, and whereas it is necessary for the general health of our citizens thatsaid order and resolution ot the board of health Decompiled with. Now, therefore, I, L. M. Cox, mayor of the city of Vichita, by authority vested in me by law, do reque-t all owners or occupants of property within the city of Wichita to cleau their premises and put the same in u goad sanitary condition on or before April 15, 1S9L 111-106 L. M. COX, Mayor. THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. They Are Situated Many Mllea Distant from Honolulu. Tho group lies in a chain, distant from Oahn seven hundred to twelve There are several records of its discov- ery. Ocean island was quite well known as early as 1S30. In that year tho English vessel Gledstancs was wrecked on its shores. In 1870 the United States cruiser Saginaw was lost in these waters. She had gone down there to dredge a channel and provide a station for old side-wheelers then setting out as Pacific mail liners. The only losses of life were from small boats. Ono boat, sent up this way for assistance, was lost just off Kauai. But ono of tho crew was saved. He "brought tho news to Hono lulu. In a few hours Capt. King, now minister of interior, was off aboard a schooner carrying a relief expedition. Next day, at tho request of the Ameri can minister, an island steamer was sent after the schooner. Long was master of tho steamer, and Capt. Rice, now of tho tug Eleu, was mate. They beat Capt. King only twenty hours to Ocean island. Tho Americans were gone. They had been picked up by a sailing vessel. An inquiry thatstirred naval ciclcs followed tho loss of tho Saginaw, and Honolulu was made the port of call for the Pacific mail. Of tho three side-wheel liners, one was burned at sea, ono at Hong Kong, and tho third lost off Panama. Years ago two whalers went ashore in one night on Pearl and Hermes reef. Tho vessels were lost entirely and several men drowned. In 18S5, the English craft Dunnater Castle, coal laden from Newcastle, was wrecked on an Ocean island reef. A small boat sent for help found its way here. The Waialeale, Hale, master, was dispatched to the rescue and brought all hands to Honolulu. The crew of tho Saginaw first found water on Ocean island. At ono time tho carrying of guano and phosphates to tho United States from tho midway group promised to become a great business. The discov ery of phosphates in Florida and other states along tho Atlantic coast had a depressing effect on tho fertilizer traf fic in tho United States. Gettlnjr Civilized. One of tho Indian boys at the Car lisle school developed a new way of doing business the other day. A lady resident wrote two notes, ono to tho dressmaker and tho other to a grocer, and handed them to the boy to de liver. Then, fearing that ho would get them mixed, she toro up tho note to tho grocer (as sho thought) and told tho messenger to take the remain ing note to the dressmaker. But tho boy, who was able to read, saw that the note ho held was for tho grocer; so to tho grocer ho went. On his return, tho lady was surprised to sec a pack age of groceries instead of the dress sho expected. Sho asked tho boy how ho had got tho goods without money. "I charge," replied tho young Indian. "But I havo no account there," said tho lady. "No matter; I charge, any how," said tho boy, calmly. When tho lady went, a few days later, to pay the bill, sho found that tho groceries had been charged to the dressmaker. Florida Enchantment. Miss Gossipo Did you know, Fan, that Mrs. Foote, the little widow, who is at tho Ponco do Leon, is going to marry again? Miss do Siecle Yes, and I think it takes a courageous man to marry a woman who has ono Footo in tho grave. Brooklyn Luc. Breaking All Uncord. Milfred Isn't Bessie a very origina, girl? Maud I should think sol Why, she said "Yes" to Jack the first timo h proposed to her. Brooklyn Life. Tor Sale. One hundred good three to seven room hou-es, c-w be ".hipped to any locaMon. H. H. RICHARDS, Wichita, Kau. dllS Si Now that the little cold weather spat is over you will be sure to need hose and lawn sprinklers to put that lawn of yours into good shape. You will also want to know where to buy that ho-a and lawu prinkler cheapest. I you do, telephone 26, or call upon Bertram & Bertram, South Lawrence, they will please you. 110 tf Hact Line. Perry, Wharton to Stillwater. Leaves Stillwater 7 a. m.; Perry 1 p. m. Also Ex change stables at Orlando and Stillwater. We make a specialty of carrying pusseu gers between these noiurs. SHIYELY, Yaxwtck & Shiyely, d21tt Elect on Proclamation. In accordance with the provisions of Sec. 6, Article 1, of the revised statute of the state of Kansas, of lSS"i, I. J.R. Brown mayor of the City of Colwich. do hereby proclaim that there will le a regular elec tion held in and for the City of Colwich, at the City Hall, on the first Monday in April, being the 2d day of April. 1S94. to elect: One Mayor; oue Police Jude and five Coundlmen: the polls of said election to open at S a. m and close at 6 p. in., of said election diy. Election will be held under the new Australian ballot S3stem aud all enndi uates and conventions will be governed ac cordingly. G. W. Steenrod, T. a Knoblauch and L. Patry are appointed to act as jndge; and 2. bterns and A. Lingg as clerks of said election. Given under my hand this 20th day of March, 1S94. J. R. Bnowx, 109-12t Mayor of Cay of Colwich. .Advice to JSIol Iters. Mrs. Winslow's Soothiug Syrup should always be used forcbildreu 'teething. It toot lies the child, toftens the gums, allays nil pain, cures wind colic, aud is the bet remedy for diarhoea. Twenty-fiva cents it bottle. Used oy millions of mothers. d64tf w4otf JUctc unc. Leave Perry at 1:30 p. m. and returning leave Stillwater a 7:30 i. m. dSS tf. Turner & Ford, Props. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor la- A TELEPHONE, We can furnish you ONE OR TWO j Bd All Materials Necessary. Electrical Supply and Construction Co., 250 North Main. 8 W. WTLTCTE. C. 1. KESTD. JAS. H. Trajan WICHITA MATTRESS CO., 82 V. Douglas Are,. VTholeiale and Kctnll Dealers In Haffresscs, Bed Springs, Cols, Cribs, PILLOWS. ETC. Upholaterlne Neatlv Hone Remallnr Mattresses anil Repairing bprlngs a Specialty. llnfl Orders recelre Prompt Attention. Kansas Steam Laundry 122 & 124 S. Lawrence Ave. All work fitiaraiiieu to be turned out in good order. Goods delivered to any part of the city. Ut-lt-plione 195. Agents in other towns wanted. B. C. WHITNEY & CO., Jobbers in PAPER, PAPER BAGS, TWINE, ETC. Correspondence Solicited. 151 N. EMPORIA AYE., WICHITA ARKANSAS VALLEY FENCE CO. Manufacturers of Wire and Picket Eence, Poultry Setting, Etc, Etc, Write for terms to Dealers. 109 Wichita at, iclnta. Kas. THE GEM MODEL WOKKS CO 321 West Douglas. Models made from drawings or descrip tions. Brass castings of all kinds done in best workmanlike' manner. Repairing of all kinds done satisfactorily. Repairing Bicycles a specialty by Alex Glass, F'r'm. CHAS. P. JMTTELLEE, Ybolesale and Retail F LORiST. Denier in cut flowers, house and bedditig plants; roses and geraniums, a specialty. Orders for parties, weddings and funer als promptly filied. Telephone 284. WM. F. SMITH, Fine Stationery, A full line of Purses and Pocket Books, 314 N. Main st. Wichita, Ks. A. T. BEN BOW, Slanufacinrer and Dea'er In th Benbow Self Heating Washer, lien bow Ued Spriugs and All Good Clothes Wringers H kinds of repairinr mide nd for sale. W'ite "or i ices aud free istak-curfl. , 609 E. Douglas, next to Caiey Hotel DEALERS' BRANDS A- SPECIALY. 506 E. Douglas Ave. Blakeman Bros. & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FBESH EISH AM) OYSTERS. Fishermen's Supplies of all kinds, Eeins, hoop nets, tiammel nets, twine, hooks, lines, etc. Fresh Fish and Oysters a specialty. 520 .E. Douglas Telephone, 27. A Grclon Papa. Young Mr. Van Braam sent his card to Mr. Gaswell, with the request for a short interview. When the elder gentleman descended to the parlor he found his caller in a state of nervousness; so he said, kind ly: , "Good evening, Mr. Van Braam." "G-g-good evening, Mr. G-G-Gas-welL" "You wished to see mo about some thing particular?" "Your daughter referred me lo you, sir. I I I I" The young man's hesitation was painful. "I see how it is, young man," the papa interrupted. "You are up to your I's in love. ell, you can have her." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. 3Ilrte or High TMts DTe Yon look tired. She; I havo been to my dressmaker, getting fitted. But you look tired, too. He Yes. I met my tailor, and he gave me Cts s. Y. Wccldy. The Gersn&n TTlfc-IXeaWr-. In Germany when a man is convicted of beating his wife he is allowed to continue his work, is looked after by the police, and arrested every Satur day and locked up until Monday morn ing, when ho is again delivered over to his employer. His wages are given to flis wne. it ne won't woric be is taken to jail, where he h to work harder GEO. H. LLOYD & CO., WHOLESALE HARNESS and SADDLERY Saddlery Hardware, Whips, Leather. Harness-makers Tools, Rtc Spucial attention, given mail orders. 401 E- Douglas Ave . Wichita. TELEPHONE NO. 272. C H. RECKMEYBR, Wholesale Manufacturer of SADDLES and HARNESS. And Jobbers in Saddlery Hardware, 121 East Douglas Ave. THE PEERLESS STEAM LAUNDRY Having moved to 155 and 157 North Markt, Old Opera House, are hot pre pared to do the best work in tho stafe. If you have any trouble with our "oods wearing out too soon try the Peerless. Agents wanted iu every town iu Kansas aud Oklahoma. We also have added a rough dry department for family washing, which-we will do for 4c per pound. Phone 232. SATIS FACTfOM GUARANTEED vV ftd J- Jff !j&fZJC - -mOC7 4 WLsauLerijasrFs? M.S J25llirn.r& w WPECIAL ATTE fITIQM WALL PAPER AND GYPSESTE AJITISTS. Oils, Pjints, Varnishes, Gypsine, Wall Paper, and Picture Frame Mouldings, and a general line of painters supplies, can bo bought at bottom prices at our stoie, 312 East Douglas. We are the Wall Paper and Gypsine Artists of the city. EgTHouse painting a specialty. Get our prices on your work. GARRETT & EXSTCAID. Al. M. (riuceesbor Wholesale and .Retail J from $40 to $125. Fnll line medinm grades and Cycling cult repairing. Sulkies Fitted with Pneumatic Tires. HUSE, CHAELTON, DUNN & CO., -JOBBERS- Queensware, Glassware, 220 N. Main LEmLAXN-HIGGINSON GROCER CO., Wliolesale Grocers 203 AND 205 N. WATEH STREET. Bole A (rents for the CelLrattd Jersey Coffee, tlie Lest i ackase coffee In theraanrei WICHITA TENT & AWNING CO. Tents, Awnings, "Wagon, Machine, Grain and Harvest Covers. 104 WEST DOUGLAS, TTATiSTEAD MILLING CO ITLOXJJEI, "SECOND TO NONE" Best Flonr in the State. OTTO WEIS, A:rt. Cor. 3d. & Fifth Avenue, l'honu 105. 7 J T. MAJtTiy, Wholesale aud Itauul Artists Materials, Pictures, Frames J cu dire, rirtrre !.. EayKere'MU.Btc. lrt onal'tr French Clilna for I'remtlii. FTerrtlillii: In tho line of JUtl&t Matrruts at St. l.cult or Chicago prltr. The onlr exclulre Art Mcielu Itmrtui. Hull Oidera Vt tnutly Pttendeil tulalosueXrce. 'telephone iJJ 151 yollTJI MAIN ST11EUT C. A. Rose-Florist Dealer in all kinds of Plants. Eulbs and Florists fc'tipplies. Cut Flowers a Specialty, All orders promptly attended to. Office 404 '. Water fct. Tel. 338. FAMES MACHINE WOBKS Builds and Repairs ENGINES, BOILERS and MACHINERY 124 S. Washington Ave Wichita W. H. GULP & CO, IJlorists- Careful attention civca to mail or telegraph orders for cut flowers and florid Pric es reasonable, St-nd for price lift or Plaaw, beeds, Bulbs, aad Hardy fccrubberr. 811 Wabash Auenue. FEED HIMSTEDT, Wioleaale Dealer In and ilinafirtnrtr ot SOLE leatiiei:, boots and shoes AND OEKEKAL LESS OF SHOE FESDDfGS. Write for Prices and Term3 to Dealers. MS ORTH J1A1X STREET. WICHITA, THEWILLOTM'FGCO Successors to BrTLER & GUALEY, Slarfactnrers of and Jobbera in Fiec n and stamped Tin N are. 251 Norta Main Mreet, K. 11 BUTLli.llaner. SEEDS FOR TEE Garden, Farm and Field Onion sets, potatoes and street pota toes; plants m season. Seed for mail or der nrice list. ROSS BROS. E2 it 81S & Dcflglaft, Wicbii K, BOOT&SHOECO; VVICHITA-KATI5. GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS. CA-JEITI, to GlastfJk Co.) accessories. Diffl 253 N. Main. Lamps, Cutlery, Etc. St WicMta. OLIYEE BEOTHEKS. Wholesale & Retail Dealrs In LUMBER andCOAL Yards and Office 617 EastDougla Avenue. Telephone No. 285. Established 1ST0. !L. HAYS. Manufacturer ana Jobber Harness,SaddliTjT,LeathcrandSliocDcdiDgs Specialty of Hand made Harness. Correspond enco solicited. ill fell on time or ailo caab discount. 127 W. Douglas Wichita. J. A. BISHOP, Wbotaaale and Retail Paints. Oils, Glass, Wall Paper The permanent G1PSINE Wall finLsb alwaj s in stock. Write lor prices 150 If Market St., Wichita, Ka WICHITA BOITIIMG AYOilKS OHO 7.IUUKItUANK.M'cr. Bottlers of otnjrer A. Cham Cider, Rada Water, Standard 'erv Food, also General Western .Agents for V ra. J.Lemp'aExtra Pale). : Cor. First and Waco Sis., Wichita. J. P. ALLEN. DRUGGIST. Everything Kept in a First Class Drug Store. 10S EAST DOUGLAS AYEXUE, fVichita, - - Kan. WICHITA CORNICE WORKS JT. TV. KIFE & CO. Tinvare and Galvanized Iron Cornice Window Cap Vy HcbtK. Talij,(;tttcri. tln&d tlzie roof c? C-oilo;fOTes rrplrnl and t'en ed. SecUt aUstian .lra to wctk Sn tbocoanirr. 133 N. Lawrence ae., Wichita, Kan. J. K. WSHatTBX. Pre?. KAK8AS BUGGY CO., Varclactnrsrs efasd Dealers la Carriages, Baggies, and Wagons rrom-yi aitcattau ciea is all Iclzi c rr?inss aad paiau&c. lli-115 X, 4tb Ave. Wichita, Kan. Coma and see the Celebrated KENWOOD BICTCIE Befare Toa tT. It 1 -hl iaat rn& FtTeAw.rvi ctt as exaisapj aifc cfil" fur, " rest w-eel, or ta S3 7 ?raou. Ktic A, ?. SL0SSE2. CHAS. LAWRENCS, Photographers Sopplies! 102 K Dmtftm jiveniic WJklia, Ka& Ttltfkoat CmacUa .r BICYCLES CITY ROLLER MILLS, FLOUR. vuj. uiauua uitic usau uua iuo uiaiaau FvS for 20 years and never downed. $sk mhmx ft'MKP'1 OLIVER & IMBODKX WEIR CITY AND WESTERN COAL CO- 31 incr of Gentiti.c Feir City CouIt JS'o. 7 Shaft DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HARD AND SOFT COALS. rirCltT. r-er ton ileUrere-l J Oiaso city Shalt, per ton. delivered. oi Prices as low as the lowest on all otUer kinds of coaU Sati&fuct'oa guaranteed, Office and Tarda 119 N. Water si Telephone G3 "l d A T H'c are the exclusive Agents for the JFoilow V- K.J JryJL-A ingCoals: Genuine JIcAlester, Lump and Xut; tTenit; I iiu7f Xttt and SlacJ) Denning Lump, equal to Canon Ctti. only $0.00 per ion delirered. "We also have in -tock Weir City. Fleming, Omrc, Black Diamond, Canot City and Ouita, and Pennsylvania Anthracite. Our priced aie as low a the lo weal SCHWARTZ BROS., Office and Yard, 541 "Wett Douglas. lelcphone 102. HOUSE FURNISHERS. Those thinking of buying Fnmitnre either on the cash or easy payment plan, will find & complete line of no;r and second hand goods to select from at the Popular Priced Doublo Store of SINGER $c PQNNELL. Susf S. M. MAXTTELL, Maxwell &d MloOlure. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF NOTIONS, AND FURNISHING GOODS. 237 -AND 239 SOUTH MAIN STREET. WICHITA, KANSAS Lu C. JACKSON, DISTRICT SANTA FE COALS, AND JOBBER OF BTJUMNG MATERIALS ii2 S. 4th Ave. Wichita, Kan. THE C E. POTTS DRUG CO. (Formerly Charles K. Foils A Co., Cluclunatl O.) WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. Goods Sohl at 6L. JLonls and Kum City l'ricts. 8 rr.d ?5 fccnth aiain Sheet, - - - - "Wicl ita, Kanaa THE JOHNSTON & LARIMER DRY GOODS CO., WltOLKSAl.B Dry : Goods, : Notions : and : Furnishing: Goods, Complete Mork tn all the UepArtmcutl 119, 121 &123N TopekuAvi. Wichita, Kansas. :- EAGLE :-: CORNICE :-: WORKS. k- ZM EAST DOUGLAS AVENUE. Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron, and Copper Cornice; Tin, Copper, lion, and Slate Koofiug "Work done in any part of the country. Estimate furnished on application. Phone 324. accim Caswell & Buckltst J. I AKLETIS. AI.TA E. fiTTEET. ritAIv B. ITAliKEU WICHITA CREAMERY CO. Wholesale Dealers m Butter and Eggs 212-2U South Topeka Avenue. r cfar tj prm!tai(m to Vacraa Kstlonal llaak. JACOB DOLD PACKING CO. PORK KD BEEF PACKERS PINE MEATS, IAEDS AND SAUSAGES. A I rl for ETerylxxiyi lliltc rioTfrHrnnd nnr Sr-edalij; thn Ca-t Lard In the rountry. holce I rmlljr Jrrt, tlie iloat Popular brand uu iht Biailct. Uhe JJcst Grocer can luinleh either. xi J on ti nni ijic ci cr.u ut 11 uiiu lorcr, onu jdfiii on eiiiaziu 3d 01 ipinal Llthornpbcd Cantiyon are sure ot zcit'itix It. Pnt up Jur I'amlljr viae m 3, 6. lu cud 'JO pouud lniui al Tin Tali, lithograph label. 1884. WICHITA WUOLESAU3 GTTOCJ5Rr CO.. Wholesale OFFICK AND WAREHOUSE 213 TO Keep cTerj tbU iu the crocery lltie, !. also Kle itioprieiont ot lh Tlycr lococecia" brands of Cigars, FARNUM & CO. Royal Spice Hills and Spray Yeast Factory Spray Baking Powder, &nd Kojal Grannlated Spicks. Award ed the State Contract. AILESBUEY UEBCAKTILE CO Jsos. 138-140 N. Fourth Ave. Wholesale - Grocers. Jobbers of Teas. Cigahs akd Spices Fo7eirctorAlTarado arrt Ffiraretta Clrara. Kolfcta; lock nht : ef Hrcaonr. Oar hxe V rariM ib tk ssmairr lilvk Artistic Tiling a Specialty. 143 N. Water St. Telephone 29. O. B. STOCKER & CO, ifcH S8) CO.. - WICHITA, KX. ; 17, L. aicCLDRS AGENT FOR 15)1. . Grocers 223 HOUTII UMIKKV HTHEET. rri"n, clr mn i eianitn Qjt,Lnrp. lleldiiic:, Jil Ccncnrxtlo' ami "f rli sc-aw. 1 FIXING UP A BIT. s ilcf!a asid Flre-Uc art of Wood lUzixlt U tfc S&tSL '. c fc Corns and tn :bco. 1-b-fiM