Newspaper Page Text
A!ma & v. mtf ft mf? KQ YOJj. XXI. XO. 45. TCIITTA, KANSAS, TUESDAY XORXIXG. JULY 10, 1S94. WHOLE NO. 2S12. If. Wichita, Kb., July 10, 19-1 3IB. GLOSE JBUYEB, 0f o Town. Dear Sie "While il is true we are making a "rim1' on feather-weight Summer Clothing, we are positively not trying to make up the difference by charging more f? ior our regular line or suits. V- "We can till your order for 'A Genteel Business Suit" with an all wool cheviot or unfinished worsted, either light or dark, for $S, $10 or 1:?. Of course we guar antee the fit and you know by exiDerience if you are not -atisfied you can have your money back. Hoping for i lie privilege of supplying your wants we are yours to command, 406 E. Douglas ave. A Cream That's Pure. Our Ice Cream is made on tlie premises, aud is served with our Delicious Soda, or put up to take home. BON AKE ON TON AKERY A KANDY ITCHEN 254 N. Main. N. STEFFEX, - - Proprietor. SS&iSmS kCopper Plate gEngraving. 'm u. mm r j i lie LrtULc is uitjjjaieu to Furnish Estimates on Fine Copper Work of all m Kinds. Mfedding Invitations, p Ail the Latest Styles, mMonograws of Every Description. Cards including Plate, $1.50 per 100. Call and see our Fine Line of Samples. The only Com plete Line in the city, Orders Filled in from One to B Throo riiiwe I III Jf UIA.1 Ul Biqycles,$14 50to100 For Ladies, For Men, For Boys. You can buy mom at prices that will suit you. Bicycle sun diies. Barnes &Newoomb Popular Musi's Dealers. 407 E. DOUGLAS. rp rpiimim .A HUM $500 REWARD. The above ill be pviii Jo any per-wi treated l Dr. tirabam who does not ret eie bt net! tor n cure. according to agreement. Dr. Graham i- r? locau-d in tin city nid will jOMtiveb fulfill to a letter all a-rrecincnta 11.0 doctor lias bad year of experience ri treating with unbounded bticees. nil chronic i-csw, especially that cla- nt oases that 1 nve b-'on Rum up as incurable bj the famli 1 lUMcian. If jou are Mirterlus from any du- ie Hint hareited tieattuent. -ee thedoc icat once. It will cost jou nothing bat :iwr thuo Don't lorget the place sad number. the Fens wick Medical and surgical lnpen , 2l N. Mam street, ichita, Knu. trie clinic Monday and FrHia5 trom 11 a. m. t 4 p. m. The poor will receive treatment f r e of charge ujkui the presentation of a cer tiucatc from thur jutot. BRADFORD1 ilGIliiOLli II llCoO 126 jOETLT 3a:Cs STREET. TUESDMi kfSX $K JULY JO Sf- ('. - To-DAV the annual conven tion of the Retail Clerks Na tional Protective Association opens at St. Paul, Minn. The membership of the As sociation is drawn from every section of the United States and is constantly growing-. The object is to promote the interests of retail clerks and to secure that system of mutual aid for which in these days so i many beneficial orders' and I fraternities have been orcan Ifeed. Jilver since we opened up busi ness in "Wichita years ago, we I have been fitting out clerks with stylish fitting suits and we think we can do it just a little better and a little cheaper than any one else. Come and get our prices to clerks. T.B. Tailor and Furnisher, 145 MAIN STUEET. CLEARING SHOE SALE Now in full U ist at John Braitsch's Old Reliable Shoe Store. Pi ices cut on the entire stock. Now is the lime to get bargains in shoes for the next 30 day?. If m nee J of footwear don't miss this great slathering shoe sale. Two large bargain counters also put up to select from. J0ffisT BRAITSCIT. LExVDEU IT SHOES. 120 E. Douglas. Sign of Horse Shoe IIEEE IS SOMETHING -TOO TUWL TnE EDlSflS-JIUIEflGRAPn TYPEWRITER. A JT radical V'yl,,ng JIacIiincfor S'J-J.OU. It lacks ino niGHEST Speed, but is fast enough. It hasbteel type. It keeps its alignment. It prints fiom a ribbon. It is a heavy nianifolder. It is strong and durable. It is light and portable. It Joes 1'crfcct Mimeograph Work. It does as good work as the $100 ma chine. 1 IS NO TOY. No 1-; ; characters, caps and mnU lottery S2i.03 No ! S6 character, cap and small let terv. wide carriage 2o.C0 No S Kmelish. Freneh and German, W characten.. caps and hmall let ten. 25.00 Address the ELVGLE caalogue ot typewriter. for full descriptive A Needle in a Haystack It's hard to find a needle in a haystack, but it is not hard to lo cate the best place to buy yonr SHOES when re are selling the Best Makes and Latest Styles at the Lowest Prices. Do not fail to see our new line of Black and Tan Shoes before purchasing-. SHOE STORE EiU GiVs "iSffK If t r; Mm in s3ili!$fc- WTE SELL IT. gjav fi-7 123 & 127 Main Street. VICTORY Is the word inscribed on our Crowds all day yesterday buy ing the hundreds of bargains that cau only be had here. Bargains in every depart ment" up staks and down. Yes, -ve have some imitators, of course, "ve always do. "Wlieii we sneeze tliey all sneeze. The Big Store Sets tlie price pace. Fine yard -wide muslin, Heavy yard wide muslin, Fine 4-4 bleached muslin, Best Turkey red prints, Best Indigo prints, 3Jc o c 4ic 4io Be3t dress prints (all kinds), 4ic Zephyr Laines (good line) 8lc Half wool challies, 10c Just a few of the 25 cent "Wind sors are left. They will be cloaed at !2-lc- 'Ehey are plums. A handsome souvenir with a paper of pins today given A 50o fast black ladies' iDg at 32c stocl Dress Making. China silks and wool dresses made in our best styles, for goods bought and sent to the dress mak ing department this week $5-00 for making. Fine Carpets for little or nothing during our Great July Sfle. Mattings to arrive m a few days, good grades, S to 10c per yard JUsncnr Ci CMrti A lot of new organs from $tL0 to $75. A lot of seconn-hand, in good order, $10 to 8-L0. New pianos $175 to $25C. 2sev sewing machines, a little shop worn, $25 to $30. Don't forget, this week only. You must write or come to the store to get these prices. Cash or good payments. Don't; wait, the' Aviil a'o fast. SANTA PE IS RUNNING. TorEKA, Kan., July 9. George F. Nich olson baa instructed nil agents to notify the public that all oassencer trains, local and through, Rre now running regularly on the Santa Fe system, including trains to aud from Southern California points, via Albuquerque. TROOPS HOVE FKOM KANSAS. JrMTlON Cur, Kan., July fl. TbU ha been a busy day at Fort Kdey. Orders came at 11.15 a. in. from department head quarters for troops. Tbree batteries of hht artillery, four troop-, of the 1 bird CAValry, the sicnal corp and a detachment of the Ilo-uital corps leave foribicaco over the Union Pacific. Major Randolph. in cominnnd of the nrtnlery past here, will be in command of the iirt section. Twenty stock, ten box nnd seven coal cars leave at 7 p. m., and the second, fourteen coaches and one Ptillman, will leave later, but four troops of tne seventh remain at the post. DISAFFECTION IN TEXAS. Dallas, Tex.. July . The ardmeo of W w ., Tfl! M ONLY TH0S. SHAW the Santa Fe system nt this paint struck at 11 o'clock toiiity. They weut on; on the strenclh of a telegram from Debs promis ing all possible assistance. Pasencer trains are running on time and pallia:; Pulinnn sleeper-. When the l-(. north Itonnd passenger was reedy to pull out, some of the strikers uncoupled tne sleeper and sain they wot lid not permit it to go out. After a squabble with some non union men the Meeper was atrain conplrd nnd after a delav of half au nour lite tr.m Jkfr. A mass meeting of all organized Ubor i called for tonizht. under the upfceeof the American Railway union. Employes of the railroads entering Fort Worth held several meeting yesterday, aud dually decided nee u 50 out" on Deba' order. As tWp t the 'troagebt railroad center in the south- nfkt the r-.ult is tmiwrtxnt. Till S A 1 CHICAGO'S WAR CL0DD SHOWS SIGNS OF LIFTING. Day Passes Without Serious Conflict Between Strikers and Forces That Sow Protect the Citv. All Trades Unions Agree to "Walk Oat To night Unless Pullman Gomes to Timi Wickes Sefuses to Oinfcr. Advices of Strikers Retnrmujr io "Work and of Resumption of Traffic Lead to Relief Debs is Losing Ground Comparative Quiet Reigns in Chicago and Roth Sides Anxiously Await Action of Federated Trader Unionst Chicago, July 9. Peaco reig3 in War saw. The same cannot be said of Chicago, for the tread of armed men is still h;urri in her streets and the wheels of commerce still lying at the bid of the Amencau Rail way uuion. Neverthelebs, the wnr cloud which has overhung this city, and this land, for the past ten days shows distinct .Mtjns ofliftmir. of stori 3 of ad ditional railroads tied up at vanoi i poiuts throughout the country today's dNp.Uches almost without exception brinj; advices of strikers returning to work aud tin increase ia the resamptiou of traffic, amounting in some places to u let urn to normal con ditions. The day in Chicngo has passed without a serious conflict between the rioters and the armed forces now on duty here. The feature of thedny h is been the action early this morning, after an all night's session, of the Federated 'lr.ides unions of Chicago in deciding to call out all clashes of labor on Tuesday atteruuon at 4 o'cloik unless Georo M. Pullman should have agreed hefoie the metidiau of that diiy to settle differences between his company nnd his strikmg employes by arbitration or other wise. For reasons unkuowu to the public, Grand blaster Workman Sovereigu of the Kuiyhts of It ibor aud his advisors subse quently decided to postpone the walk-out and p mdytic stroke which they proposed to inflict upon the business of Chicago, until 7 o'clock Wtduusdavnioru iu g. Lute this afternoon the announcement was made that President Samuel M. Gom pers of the American Federation of Labor has called a meeting of the executive board of that ussOLiat.on to bebHd m this city on Thursday, and that ho would leave Xlw York for Chicago tomorrow evening. In iew of this, it is not believed tli it tho Federated Trades of Chicago will take precipitate action ueioie consultation with him. As at preseut. Gompers cannot reach Chicago before "Wednesday nuiht, it will be im po&iibto to decide ou a line of action to be pumitd before Thursday, and probably if it should be resolved to declare a general strike of all these combined forces it could not he put into effect before Friday morning. In this connection the interest ing question arises whether or not if President Gompers allows himsslf to be hauled from Now York to Chicago by non-union engineers aud firemen, his visit will be of any nurticular profit. One labor leader in Chicago said tojny thtt if he did so, he might as well stay iu Xew York. Another feature to bo noted in connec tion with the meetiugof Chicago federated labor is tho fact winch was developed tbar. there v. us in the meetiusr a large and in fluential conservative element whoso action had practically ulocked the plans of the more hot-headed Ie idors unt 1 the latter, inthe excitement consequent upon the readfng of President Cleveland's proclam ition, were enabled to stampede them and carry the slriKe resolution. Therefore there is reason to believe that eeu if the order for a ceneral strike goes forth, inatiy of those to whom it is directed will decline to obey it. So that with the men already made idle by the tie-up, t lie walk out will not oj nearly so impoitmt as auticipsttu oy tne leaurrs. nut tliect, it auy, tne action oi ice J-'residenc wickes of the Pullman company this afternoon in refusing in the rao-t positive manner to even meet a committee to con- sider tlie question of arbitration will have upon the dt-cibiou of the Ibor le-idera aud their followers, remains to be spen. Tonight' action of the city council m respect to President Cleveland's, order bringiiitr federal troops to Chicago, was forestalled by a larse number of mdor-e-mnits of hi action sent tlietn by promin ent bulness men of tne at-. The list of signatures included thoe ot almost everv conspicuous merchant, m inuftcturer and banker ot Chicago. Touching the situation in general, it may be said that in Chicago the iud- were ail doing better tnan on anv previous dny since the sir ke began. PassxHiyer trams were movint; with mre or le regularity and some freight tradic has been cared for. A large number of striking freight band it rs of the Illinois Central returned to wotk and other roads noted accessions to their opemuve forces. At St. Loui-., Kansas City and Denver it was reported that railroad business bad attout returned to nurmnl condition. Na-hvi.le alo reported n improvement. About the ouiy roinla at wnich the strike managets showed any gain were in the par.ial walk-out of oreinen at Fort vo'.t, Kiu, the freight men on the Knua wL.i aiiU Michigan at Cb.trlestown. W.V , aud ttie strike of the American Rilwy uo ion men on the Big Four at Manocn. It Aviil thus be seen that At the leading railroad centers the strikers bave made Derceptible losses, while their gains are at comparatively unimportant noints. Regulnuous wtoica prevailed in the cor ernniem building tody, were a ner ap proach to martial law. Deputy marshals were -tationed on every floor and every body wa challenged who could not show that be bRl busiutst in the bailding Tomorrow s. suurise will see in tbs aty 1,0)0 more federal troop than there were this morning. lhe, with the forcea al ready in the field, it is believed, wiit be able tomorrow to make a farther better men: in the conditions m this city sad the in bUizJtioa of troops and marine at Saa Francisco, and of regulars at other points on the Pacs be cont. will suffice, m all probability, to trt traSc on the trans oituUnvfatul hi.e& tomorrow. OFF CIAL STATHXE2J-T. Chairman Ecaa Hepo.-ta S atn of Situ ation Amon: Associated Ltae. Chicagc July l Cbalnoan John SL S-an of the As-oeiatioe ot Railway Gen eral Maegen when afced tonight by tee Associated Press for an otDeisl statcnicet c thecsadjrlocs of the rcids represented in that association said: "With the ex ception of two or three minor instances there has been no trouble or disturbance reported toduy. All the lines have run their recular passenger and mail trains aud a number of liue resumed their sub urbaa trains. All the lines commenced work in their freight yards and many fre'gbt trains were run in and out of the city. 'The Union stock yards company are clearing tht-ir tracks of wreckage and re pairing damage done duriog t he past week. They expect to commence operatious to morrow (Tuesdaj) uiurniug. The number of trains moved today are equal to the total moved dunug the past four days. It is true that trmus have beea guarded to prevent their beidi: molested, but the tc tions of the military toward the mob and rioters during Ihe past two ddVs have had a most salutary efiVc:. The" president's prcchfiiatioo, together with General -Miles' orders, have produced excellent re sults. All the lines of railway expect to show far hotter results tomorrow. The men who have icplaced the strikers are good men aim ta isf.ictoty to the lines that have employed them. "Johx-U. Ega" deds' statement. President E. V. Debs of the A. R. U , when seeu by an As-ociated Press re porter, said. "We are stronger than ever. Nothing tau break our forces but usurpa tion and tyranny. I tim threatened with arrest. hat forr For organizing labor. WVsiy to capital 'here is our labor and theeareour terms.' This is Ieal this is the spirit of the age. .Mr. Havemeyer organizes a sugar trust and says to the pubdc 'uere is my sugar and these are my terms'. Ha has polluted the uatioual legis'ature. I acted houorablr and com mitted no crime. The United Siats authorities are bnngiug themselves mto contempt by their wuuton violation of law aud the constitution. Tiie common peo ple are beginmnir to understand thi. Capital insists upun looking upon labor as it did upon slavery, that it has uo right, like capital, to ask or exact terms. This is the principle of slavery I want to call the attention of the people of this country to thb. The Pullman strike, while the ncntrt cause, is not the underlyiug cause of tais trouble. People of this countryare p ly ing over W.000,000 a day m interest. This is draining productive industry of its profit and is piling up money in the money ceu rs. What old Eu-daud failed io do with soldiers in the eighteenth century she is doing with thegolu standard. Over &J0o. 000,000 each iear goes there to pay iuteret. We are not responsible for the lawless elpment and loss of property. Not even discipllatd armies have ever been able to prevent this element from risiug. Wu ask the public to be pat.eut while labor stands with it back at the door that leads to serfdom and tays to its oppressors: "Thus far and no fartner." It is bettor to lo-ie a little now than more in the eud, aud con stitutional liberty. ORDEB F20M GENERAI, MILES. General-in-Command Instructs Military "What Duty Requires. CHICAGO. July 9 The following order was issued this afternoon by General -Miles: To nil United 5tntos troops scrvlne In the depart ment of the 311isom 1. The acts of violence committed during tht past few das iu the slopping of mail trams and post roads, the blocking of the interstate commerce, the open defiance nnd violation of the injunction ot the United States court, the assaults upon tho federal forces iu tho lawful discharge of their duties, the destruction, pillage aud looting of the inland commerce property belonging to citizens of t he different suites, and other acts of rebellion and lawless ness have been of such a serious character that the duties of the military authorities are more clearly defined. The proclamation of tho president, the commuiider-in-chief of the laud and naval forces and the state militia, when called ou to serve, is understood by the military to Lo in the interest of humanity and to OCT. JTELSOJT A. MILIS. nvoil the useless wast of life, if possible. It is au execntire order for all law abiding citiz-ns to seperate tUemelvas from the j.iw breakers nnd Miof in nctuai nostil'ty to the action of the L niieU States court i and the laws ot the national uowrnmenr He Las tiffined the attitude of these lew breakers to be enemies of the covernment, and hence it i the duty of the military forces to aid the United States marshal- to disperse, capture, or destroy all bodies of men obstructing the mall rou'es. and in actual bostilitv to the injunction of the Umted State court nnd the laws of the United State-". This do not change the relation of the federal officials with those of local authorities, as it is expected thf.t the state and municipal government will maintain neacs and good order wicbin the territory of their juri-diction. Should they fail, or be overpowere 1, the military forces will assist them, but not to the ex tent of leaving unprotected properly be longing to or uuder the protection of the United States. The ofheer in the immediate command of the troops must be the judge as to wi at use to make of the force at his command, in executing hm order and In en1 yonoei action be required, nd there be time, be will communicate with hia next superior for his instructions. The earnest efforts of the law-abiding citizens hive done much loiuiprere tbe condition of affairs daring the lat few days .lud I can earnestly reqeeslall the law-abiding citizens to do whatever pol bie to assist in maintain ins the cirtl government and tbe authority of the municipal, state and federal roTrnmsbi in preserving peace and good order." WITCKES IS DETEaKINED. CHlCAbo. Jnly ft The conference n nouocvd for noon today betweea a com mittee of the employes of Pailotaa ami Second Vice President Wyefces of the company dtd not occor. ss no comeatttee appeared. Mr. Wycke remwioad nt hie otlice until S o'clock watting for tbe ex pected Ttsttar. v, e ar eiways nmay to racetve our x enJployelt.', he sid. nd brr weal tbe7 here to sy Tbe petition of the company in tbe matter is unchanged, howevr, na-l we bare nothing more tor te ibe n-n than ha alren ij been tkL Tbe Uklk of a conference between Mr Debs and ntyatf i all h cranrd. We wlli not receive Mr Deb, Mayor Hopkins or aayoae ei- mm a reprasentatire o." oer ex -employes. If the lauer wish to talk with a they act noma tfcaw-e'vt and witbooi o&tstd repren tatiot." DAAGES FOR UNCLE SA2L, CmCAfiO. July V A 4feetel aeeat of the treasury eepartmeot mk a report to tee depnttmeot yes4erdy, atuthes Um amoag tbe er- boroed in th nuiwj yrs were many containing; good whiee wote ie bomt te tbe gowrnmeet. betag ia treaelt fsoea tbe pert ef Xw YoA Mad alecr aperti tc the Chicago cssioa hoaic OF 3aglc She Jpailij Wichita, Tu-sday, July 10, 1894. Wea'her for Wichita Todajr: Fair aud Warmer. INDEXOFTODAY'S IMPORTANT KEWS Poses. 1. War Clouds Show Sigos of Liiiu. LTarines Ordered Out in California. 2. Pras. Clevelaad Declares MnriWtl Law. Mine E;ot3 Oause Many Ddttfes. Tariff Bill Conferees are Par Apart. Free for AH in the Second District. 3. Baltimore Again Laads for Pdsnaat. Bullish Kaws Strengthens Wheat Values S.ocks Develop a Pirmer Tone. 5. Bond Election O.dered by Oonncil. Lavryer Casey Horsewhipped Law Kight 5. Bill ITye Paind by Oriitc HewaH. Seeking Title to a Large Pwtuse. 8. Queen Vie Knights an Ilhnoian. CONFLICT AT HAMMOND. S. Troopa Firs Into Mob, Killing One and Woundinc Dlany. CHICAGO. July 0 The greatest excite ment auy where m the country bunday was at Hammond, Iml , where late in the af ternoon the rioting culminated in the tiring of Company B, United Stale in lantry. DEAD. Charles Fleischer, a laborer. WOl'SPHD. Victor Vacter. fatally. William Campbell, shot through both leg-. Mr. Flemtn?. shot iu knee. Victor Bitte. shot ia leg. Vuknown man. nhot through the wrist. A number of other people were slightly iujured, but weie carried a way by their friends and secreted and it will he impos sible to learn thee.xtict number wounded. The trouble began Saturday uitrht. The rioters kept their work up all mcht. burn ing crs and disablinu engine. Sunday morning they burned a Pullman ear. Most ot this work was done luside the Uliuois state line, and as soon as the Illi nois inllif a artiwd ou the eene the mob retird into ludmuu uud jeered at the troop. About 9 o'clock Simdnv morning a qrent crowd gathered as:aiii about the Mooon depot. Several freight cmm were over turned and the Michigan Central traeks blocked. The sheriif at.d deputies were Duwuries to restrain the mob, ami us there was uo hope of the Indiana militia arriv ing before luie in the eveuluir, an appeal was made to the authorities iu Chicnco, and Company B of tne Fifteenth lufjiitry was sent out at once. 'Ihe iroopa were .stationed about the Monon depot, an that seemed to be the center u the rioters' attack, ami tbeir piesence quieted tldti.'s for a while, nnd tho blockade ou tlie iracKs was uuany rmse-i ni i o ciock in the afternoon, nnd several passouger trains nulled throii"Ii. Tbh seemed to nuuur the mob, and, with an increase of numlMTf, its parlous rew to a frt-uxy. Tho rsulnr were jroeitl with oaths andshouus r dtrlsion, nod vol-k-jH of sticks ami atones Were showered upon tbeui. The men stood tlicir irronnd, however, aud kept the mob tor several honrs from Npproaeh mjl the buildings. By 3 o'clock fnllv 5,000 riotera were assembted. They hiul been aroused by their leaders to a frenzy that inude an encounter with the soldiers cettuiu. Several times tner rushed upon tho company of troops, lwt were met by llxed bayonets and driven b.ick. At last, however, the entire ImhIj of htrikera made a determined rueh toward tne depot. ''Make ready, firel" was tho command, and the thirty-five prinKUeldti rang nut iu response. A second vuller quickly fol lowed the surging crowd? The flnt volley Htacgored them and the becond stopped them ns eflotually as if they had run nainst n stoue wall. Severn) men worn H-en to fall, hut they were taken away by f their comrnde and the "Xtent of their lu- junus cnuiu iiui u iohtuco. Fleischrr fell in the front rank of the rioters. He whs taken t u- lu-iiitai, where he died in n hOrt time. In the ruah tuat followed sc r a f women Had child ren were trample i un'er lKt, aud halt duz-n women fainteti on the tracks. The suldiera then took up a portion on tha track Ht the Kuweit street crotAX. 1 h- news of the kill tig preed with re markable rapidity, and ten minute after ward the atr"-Ls in the vic.nilr were diled with a threateniDK intb. yyjr Harta left his comrniT for a few moments to ! assist the firemen and doctor in plwctnic .icwr on Hie niiiii nncug hou wuim- ined lately surrounded by a erotrd. 'Kill him, ' "Shoot him down," were the cr of several exeited men, a the mob ttrgrd around tbe mnjor Har'x. bonever. di 1 not pay any attention to then od was aot molested The excitement by this tinM wa intasse. t Men rtn front booae to honia borrow iik sbotgnus. rifles and oUMtr areornn. To arm." was the cry heard on ever side, and fully 3.0UO people ropoadod. MaUer looked so threateaiog that a etUI waa Mt to Cbicago for reinforcement, atkd twn more covtpanies wre snt oat on a special train. Tbeae addtUoonl troops were sta tioned at tho acene of the trouble aad f frctoaily cowm1 the riotera fur the time being Mojor Hart x arretted tour of tfc leaders ? .,." . ,..i. . . . . . . n ...i ... wt!. .. .-.. a -sHiKii ri vMSirs " Nit re vin was pnllina: oat of lb c tr a crowd ra'-b- ered and stoned it. hot quietly dteperaod on the apptach of a company of m'satry. Tb offlcer commecd t'a Lnitrd States force made public tonight lb (al lowing teleitrwn received by him from General Mils tbi after aooa. ContaUa4ia OtTm V lt4 tate Trmpw General rebe field wif that Uoeeraor Xaitbew-. of fadiaaa b ek) the pnatt drnt Ut-t three com Dm a lea oi Uaitad State troop m aent to liammoad to dteperae tbe mob of riotera. TeU make vomr emtr and that of the troop piate Toe, are to nre upon any mob er ma obatroetlag tho line of road aad hold Um place oaUl far-th-r order. By command of Major General Milan. lugtnT Mclaa and Vireman Cooper of tbe Michigan Leatrai. a bo were tfrafltaaat from taeir tgae sad ormVeil j boaiaa by tbe mob lam nkbt, are la a ariaaa eoeev ttoa aad not rxperUd to lecorer. H B M 'o. aapertateaAeatof the later Icckjng ym. wbu mam tmdij iaared ta te moratng'e row. w:ii rrct Nearly a t boaaned mi:ttUmea arrfredta Haavmood totUj The war frwaa tae obadL Tntrl and 7ostrtk rgimat of the ladkaaa t roopa. hooo aftar ta arrlvai the Uoitd State troopa were areewat away and left for Chicagx HBI-O FOR CONTB3CPT H4STA Fa. N- M.. Ja.y -Robert Kami aad ffT iHorra rTO'ed ior lateftmas riih Saata Ke traiaa at KUn auii Ittyotat here ta rittmr. err T.a"I .a charge f coatempt a . t-uci r . maala. Ju4 rrd bM Wn .4 bail ae acb caarcr. frim. will a. eC fur rcrerai daye on eeosaat of laefc of witae. !'apr an '. re-jeV. !? mm cori. t1 et ei l we I NW Mexw ' )" A . ,j!- B '. -- taa tla. as )- em. Tbetfw " s4til a Rutoa aat Lae Vaaae ami t.. 'lObmae wage smrdMr Mmtat maw tfetoege tin lesA crr. BULLETIN MARINES TO SAIL IN GOVERNMENT TAXES UP RAILSOAD P1GHT IN 0ALIF08KIA. Sea Soldtara Ordorotl Pram Hare Island to Oakland u Opea up the Southern J'acWc-'ll hi iu North California Complete as Erur Strikurs Milt luannrato Cfnarrllla "rarlUre Asniiist llrepe K3ult Dreaded. Sak FSAXCffCO, Jy 8. Tb twelfth day of tbtt ;nrat Jrik an tu SetHbrii Pocine rtwds te systom ekwed wl&h not a wheel tur!8 in uarltHtrn Cnliforui.u At tfenuncu, 0thUal, tn Jtw nu 1 I i his yMttt the jttuatioM is aAcbMed. lue mouther u raclflc munn-ers are niter I y helpiwa aot apptwr to mnb m elfori t tenme imfilc. Tonight fc. an uddd eTcittaent, however. eausl by &b Hews thii Uuitet bUitcs niMrinug irwn Mnro IInihI, renlur troop, hnv been ntl; ml to OrtkUml to heiH tbe lltht tba; the Southern Pueine manaen Jihto o lon heen wnitiiu; for th pocriiui.Hlto iiiMk LoMlvrn f in sinkrr m Oticlamt y there Hill be no r.uuiat ri-.iKb U Uetroo;t-. lnt they ouewly declurv that the sinknrs bare rooivwl U cimdiul a SUerllia warfare. KveryHie known whtt this means, and mnuy cuxns ar fW-il of the eoitb of lumorrow. Uoreiur Mnrkhani li6 bnou wanted of the mv prouehins: dHiier and is Itiurriac Imiu Los An?lts to the suue cu.tL The luci that the Mlhiruie Umvc de cided to beicin operHtitHtA ucuihnI tho strikers ri Oakland h1 not at Scrn ineiito, where the men hva nlrwiidy been unered nnd prov!iel to the oiHt nniun tLemhoa with ritle?, it Mniti Cwllt, In Southern Cnllforii the mdrtvid secaia to hitva m11 but broKen the btocknde. STRIKERS LOSING Q ROUND. Ixm ANbKl.K& Crti.. July . lhts-inkm nro niipureatly IokIdk erouud rapidly .it this point. The !aiiu r ditMtchl nil other oerlMtid trnln thin morutn? d nerly lt the Sita Fe lonI i rains nrrirrt and dtjpiirte.1 on tliodiita time 1 br outhcru Pacific company is alo ruuuiaic many of itf iu&tl (m.i tender trnm nnd io day ttiAile up a freight iihiu for tbe etwt Hbd oue lor Snula IinrlMra. lknb trmit will Ue dtopatcbed loutcbt or tomorrow morning. A large immtior of deputy .shalH Iikvq Ueun nruiml Mih iirtm tnt or dered to rewi tomorrow iiiorniiic to Kiiurd the prtHMnjc of a pteeeni;r train north to Snii Frnncisco lb crowds mi the nulroud depota are gradually KrwvMti binnller. WARLIKE PREPARATIONS. YALLKJo, Cl. Jnly Theie hHTo been uiiie decidedly warlike prepiirai totif it Mure Inland navy ynnl Uxtay. (. om innmlaut iiowi-von reCMlvett orders to have Hit uTMiUb sullors and marine rondy to ,-.., .. u. ,. .....,.,- I rno CompilllM Qf marinw of men oeh and1 the three companies ot forty men available. The Monterey baa Meant up and in ready to trt for Oakland a-t boou as tha onler ht hMtied Anotif ha tall ton of sailors enu be had from Hi Charleston, which arrived Unlay U t" ' o'clock thin evening no order had been received for the millinr, of the .Monterey. TRAINS MOVINO WBST. Grand JinctioS, Col.. July tt -Tho Itio Grande Wetrn road wax ofKined t- day from (irand Junction to Ogden, tratna Iteing hent in both dt recti n. Une hun dred regulars "t" companloB (J and (,', r-ix. tennth infantry, am red today from K' rl Ioa(laaa. They are cnbiiwI in the uat.m yurda. The Midland tra'.ns are rnnnlna regularly, but a few bourn late. Tae Mi U land is carrying the mail for the lti Grande. IMPROVEMENT AT SALT LAKE. SALTLAKV, Jnly 0 -There b . i, . decided Improvement in panMr a ! frrtgbt trutlle toiy Irmln are moving witbuut interruption. The Chieaico lint lied fat mail left tbe Union Pnclfte tlept t this morning manned by deputy marahalx. and carrying fall ciuipmaot, teeiudmg Pallmau aioapora. MILITIA IN A TItA?. Spokxse. Wh.. Jnly V -A mob nt Bpratcoe la-t Htxht atoned tlHtaeecUl tni earrying two compunlaa of utllltln.'llicU'-! the cr In front of it aimI raa a ear of " t on the citlrert oaet ef tbe town I lanrnod it The trette wast mi town wu , Hj, fiml and flfUon tmt of It born t Tbe tmln with tbe militiit ia tpreg m depot with tbe traelt dtro7ed oo l-o , aide. The regular troopa arrived tun Morning. TROUBLSS IN TUB NORTH V7HHT FFOKAXK. Wash., J nee 9 Twelve p'is t rvsrg arrested for noting a Nortborn Ps ' cue rrdr hre ami ordered mitn ft ttMitlcb the Unitd HUlt eotfiri. w-i . untlr taken from the aoitT UU .. eight by depotiex aad eonreyed ia car risnes outstoa tb cur. Tber aaiUd ti wet-beaad frat Xorthera tram to morale ad wnt west Tbe traia a . left fcer. yrsUrday fr lbs aeat with tr -aboard ia hetd up at Hup. Ida , wlcr erai frn aad fiiciaea hart be dswwl I in Cear d'Aloe tea itoatin tea is qutat. Tbe Ultras elaaeaat aee tmmr, g toe arrival ef United kW tireapa sj. ie utitw wi aiwH ' erinte4ai .i ot imm Gem Mae i ". w .. .lk rived bera today with hi family. H one of tbe eJtiaeaa xidtaaped at tae t.-nt kaeeboae we marderad. TRIKJi UROKMX AT TAOO&X V. TaOOMa. Waah , Jolj 9 -Tnki air a more troops arrived te ib city, aad torc r row Troop K, Foertb eaeairy. fu r oqoipped. with Captain Fred WaMr commaad. will Itave Vmaceaeer barrs f i i Tiftima Two enmpeadae of lafafc' arrived tuday. Company V. Ttmru man meat, atime4 at Port Towu aad a battery of ilamt netilierf ? f Caaby, Ltesieaaaa McChrtlead la c. Tba battery weat rUcfet o '' qtieti a rU tbere aflaaog mribera H- Un and eepaiy aaarabat are xaareiea; bride on tb 3it.t-rt. Si Utuftt - otearred tbt tmt aad none b feaeadL v. b treoa wao amead yaatardae UW' iOi regniar eo Hn oa tbh. oirf-loa ' Narthara Parjae. a wail a tSm U manaarn aad a mama lap my afc' " Tairty extra patmvaaea aio aeUI oa . Tea ritar zabw very ejaatl. Mrtaebera brotiaa. Ail ymmn iaai tr are rttaalag mjsalarly a4 tea of fretitat u baa toaaa. XAHX2i svtfw vxxmxmm. Hujesa. Moat.. J air ft -Tae Xerth-r- Pactnc trata am aaantl lane Jew a. We sate-day aad wae 4aa bere today. . -?t; aetil totawrrwe. kta i . r morales at & tS aae aaa a ta Yetitiw tea troa ar oa a aJoas tin- jio i- tae mate, eat w t i to ,at-f- wta tba tram iluk- t A3r'- Kvi(ee ami an ear r i.-t tavmaar itml Tae t -J3r n.T rea a tmva or eo bat - aaanar . wmjpe am m eaara b imsd. &V!i' ef Mm bamsff oi 4 d i bere tc aasrmt, butmcaat a-c eertfiei.