jj, - - s W San VOL. XXI. NO. 46. "WICHITA, KANSAS, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 11, 1S94. YTIOLE NO. 2S13. L i - n Wichita, Ks., July 10, '94. MR. CLOSE BUYEB, Out of Town. Deab Sir While it is true we are making a "run" on feather weight Summer Clothing, we are positively not trying to make up the difference by charging more for our regular line of suits. We can fill your order for "A Genteel Business Suit" with an all wool cheviot or unfinished worsted, either light or dark, for $S, $10 or $12. Of course we guar antee the fit and you know by experience if you are not satisfied you can have your money back. Hoping for the privilege of supplying your wants we are yours to command. Herman k Hess 406 E. Douglas ave. OPera Ho-ise Block, Kinsman, Kansas. HOTEL BEILNSWICK. i The only fhst-class liolel in the city. With all modern impiovernents. Cui uno unsurpassed. Free hack from al trains. Fine sample rooms. Rates 2 per day, J. J. Blackavell, Prop. CO ( )As displayed in window past (Q four days. ( Q) 1000 fine Flowers. re-1 (inainder of stock from Milli-(p 0)nery department, sold forin-(Q Perly from 0O0 to 1.2o each. tToday Only 25c. Don't fail to be on hand.( C ) c More than 0110 thousand Hnts-Q wfeold yesterday at liic, "We putinA s inotnei jot ior iouay ranging : lc in valuo at 49c, 60c, S9c and someV )of them reach to 1.30. ( SChoicc of Lot 15 ctsS Today jn Another great bargain. l.SOvQfj (g yards fancy Silk Ilibbon in diiTer-gj b:y nt widths, tho bi.lanco of stocK fiom Milhneiy 100m, sold dniinjr-' CM.T-on fiom 50c to $1.23 per yard.V )At fl o'clock todav, choice of lot ) te 15 CTS'YAKD. fe ) ) k New "Wasli Goods, ( T Vic ainvinj; daily, bought at le-b7 ( than -13c 011 the dollar. (O ) 2 300 yards fine Pongeo "Va;li yGooils, legular 13c quality on sab sl (now at " & 1-2 cexts. ?; i )See window. ) fa On sale SATURDAY. 5.000 v:nids Dotted Swi-s Mulls, the lik v: yii s nocr Lcen eeii neforc m thLr) QinasKet under 10c. Satuiday sure vf-eo wnuiow, V. O ' CEXTS ) Ss?e those Printed Mull in fig (QureN and stripes we show at ojc. v "VTnt. linw irlipnn :ill Inn1.-, of Utip J)Wa.h Goods aie now going: , (sVt Wiihh Stuff-, cut to Or. (q sTSOc W-n bt nil's cut to 12c. XT w)2 jc AVasli Stufl. cut to 14c. ) (Q See our Standard Low AVatei(Q "laik on Staples, Domestics. ov hu ting Prints for 3c. (Dro-s Prints for 3c, V QNMosquito Kettiug for 2Jc. q Tl lash, all linen, bleached, 41c. T (Oruie bleached Domestics 4c. ) vViotd yard wido unbleached Mus g (e hn 4lC' e1 Boston Umi i & I III Hi V ) Is the Great Sale on (1P T A 117 17 T$ 0 ( P LU Vj Ei ha.9 --- -7sr -0SeR ADFORD'S SHOE STORE 126 ZSOirrH MALN STREET. P'WcO visa. dULy-JI-9 r fv?, f i l, J JdZ . r To-DAY the Young Peopled Society of Christian Endeavour meets in its annual inter-national convention at Cleveland, Ohio. The sessions will continue until the 15th instant, and during that time Cleveland will be altogether too small a town to accommodate the invading army of Christian Endeavour crs It is possible that the number of visitors may reach 40,000, hailing from all parts of the country. Another meeting will take place in our store where many gentlemen will make the ac quaintance of the fine quality of our 85.50 panis. "We say they are goods and when we say a thing we mean it. T. B. GLOSS EH, Tailor and Furnisher, 145 MAIN STREET. z-j&x. Iia rcTE.' ftri."w. m ncs-SSS?f3ra A lot of new organs from HO io $75. A lot of seconn-hancl, in good order, $10 to $10, New pianos 8175 to 823C. New sewing machines, a little shop worn, -25 to $30. Don't forget, this week only. You must write or come to the store to get these prices. Cash or good payments. Don'L wait, they will c:o fast. THOS. SHAW Bicycles,S14 50to8lO0 For Ladies, For Men, For Boys. You can "buy them at prices that will suit you. Bicycle sun dries. Barnes &Newcomb Popular Music Dealers. 407 DOUGLAS. A Oeani I Thai's Pure. Our Ice Cream is made on the promises, and is seryed with our Delicious Soda, or put up to take home. BON TON AN IT ANDY AKERY D illTCHEN 254 X. Main. X. STEFFEN, - - Proprietor. A Needle iu a Haystack It's hard to find a needle in a haystack, but it is not Lard to lo cate the best place to bnv your SHOES v-hen ?e are selling the Best Makes and Latest Styles at the Lowest Prices. Do not fail to see our new line of Black and Tan Shoes before purchasing. -rw X0 f'ZsZs13f 1 ? At ',fvM n v sfwy ) MMfhMM C ttl KKJi ,! IJLIlrJ I! UUXl. V11U1 123 & 127 Main Street Our Dry Goods Won't do if you are collecting an cient relics. There is no moss, whiskers or cobwebs of antiquity on the bargains we are offering. The Crowd Attending our great JULY SALE increases with every day. This is due, no doubt to the many new bargains we are adding from day to day. Fine all silk Windsor Ties for men, women and children 12-Jc. Mens Negligee Shirts marked from $2.00, 2.25, 2.50 and $2.75 to $1.48 for your choice. Yery fine goods. See the Silk Mitts we are sell ing for 25c. Fifty cents would not be too much. Are you in need of Childrens' Hosiery; we have bargains for yon in several different grades. Zephyr Laines, printed goods Sic Best dress prints, all kinds, 4ic Best Indigo prints Best turkey red prints Fine 4-4 Bleached Muslins Heavy yard wide Muslin Fine yard wide Muslin 4.1c 5c 4-Ac 30 Mattings 8 tol0cyd The quality will surprise you. CLEARING SIIO Now in full hlit at John Braitsch's Old Keli ible Shoe Store. Pi ices cut on the entire Steele. Now is the time to get bargains in shoes for tho next SO days. If in nee 1 of footwear don't miss this gnat latlieriug she sale. Two large bargain counters also put up to select from. J0IEJ BRAITSCH, LEADER IX SHOE?. 120 E. Douglas. Piijn of llore Shoe FREE TREATMENT ! $500 REWARD. The aboe will be civon to any person treated bj Dr. CSraliam who does not rcteie bonefitf r a cure, according t apreenieut. Dr. Graham is permnnuntlv- licatfl In tins city and will lositivcH luttill to a letter all aurOements. The doctor lias had year, of experience in tretniK with unbounded success U chronic di-ea'-es, ejveciajly that elaa of ca-as that have been yien up a incurHble b the family pnician. If j ou are nirerlnR from any di eae that, has res$tel trentment. see the due tor at once. It will cost jou nothing bit - our tune. Don't lorget the place and nuuibr, tht Seowick ZVletiical and urgieal Dipen arr, 2.' X ilain street. ichit. Kan. I-reecilnn. onday and Fnda- from 11 a. m. to 1 p. di. The ioir Will re eie treatment fr roti h.rse upou the presentation ot a cer tificate from their i-a-toi. UEEE IS SOMETHING TOC "WAXT. A "V iV 3-Vvi"i-vlTe BWra S"iT(Ss ; -r, WE SELL IT. THE IDISOK-MUIEDCRAPII TVPEWOITEIi. No l 7S ctairacter, letter? . . rpj Ml MUA $&. ? 38 character, cap- and m-ucts. witie earrteer Na-Eacltt-h. franch aad bcrioao, tt . St IS Addrsn l he HAGLK caalccue of tvo.rrltec for fnR desaitpdv ANNUAL E SALE h- L A V " I -. bid RfetaTSEi: KrXK7P NEAR ITS CRISIS TODAY'S STRIKE DEVELOPMENTS 1IEAX LIFE Oil COLLAPSE. Federal Government Slowly Accom plishing Its Pnrpose Preserva tion ot Life and Property. It3 Troops H-ive Enforced Tempsrary Peace and Its Judicial Arm Will Now Assert Its Sway. Bay's Advices ludicate That Strikers aie Losing Ground Orders, How ever, llave Been Promulgated Calling-Out Unionists in Chi cago and Knights of La bor All Orer the Country and Obe dience Cleans More Fight CHICAGO, July 10. Slowly bnt stendily, calmly uud certiitily us befits the supreme power of a great nation, throughout all that wide stretch of its uomuiu where evil-disposed persons are taking advantage of an exceptional industrial condition to incite violence ana bloodshed, the federal eoernoient is moving to the accomplish ment of that for which its powers were delegated to it by the people, the preserva tion of order and the sufety of life and propert'. At Chicago, in conjunction with the state and municipality, it has al rtady brought pe.tce out of the condition of war which prevailed last week. At San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles and various other points in Colorado and Washington where the unruly aro crying havoc, it hu. let loose the dogs of war in token of ita intention to have peace, oven uit has to fuhtlor it. In this city the military arm haviug accomplished Its pur pose, the judicial arm took up the orderly course of its duties which include the fixiug upon the guilty porties the measure of their crime and the iittiug of the pun ishments thereto. The first step in this procedure was the assembling of the fedeial grand jury and the delivery of the charge to it by Judge Grosscup, as set forth in extetiM) elsewhere in these dispatches. That it is the inten tion of the national authorities not to be turned aside from an exhaustive inquiry into the questions which it has undertaken topjos upon by mere technicalities, was evinced at the outset by the Lriisqne.iess with which it swept aside the plea of pri vacy and privilege which the "We .ern Union Telegraph company, with a due re gard for the pnvacy of the messages of its clients, was forced to put in when the jury called for tho messages from President Debs to the members of his order, which h 1 b"ii iriMismi'tid over its I.i.t, Ihe court held that public t.vfety was pnra moutit to private right and so ordered that the di-p itches be produced. That it is the intention of the government not to be too loug about the work iu hand, was shown from the fact that the foutstepsof the tele graph official w ho brought tne dispatches had scarcely ceased to re echo along the corridor leading to tho grand jury room, when that bodj filed into Judge Gro-scup's court urn announced time it imu toiiud a true Lull of indictment. Pending the ar rest of i ho perou thus put under indict ment, his name remained locked iu the breast of the lord high executioner and the public was allowed to draw all its con clusions from the premises and Mich pre limiuary dta as it had at band. That Pie-. dent Deb' was the man none doubted and subsequent developments justified the siirnn-e. Touching 'he outlook forthe future out side of Clue igo, it may be said that today's dispatches were almost uniform in tenor to the eirvct that normtl conditions had already bsen restored, or that they were rapidly approaching that .tate, and there teems no reason at this writing to suppo-e that the progress tow aru a complete re sumption of "trado and traffic will meet with any serious check as the coming day, shall succr'd each other. Iu o'her word-, it does not seem po-.-ible with all tho forces of law an I order as now arrayed, with their leader put to his own defense at the bar cf justice, with their ranks begin ning to be depleted by desertions and with the strain which they haw already endured, that the American Kiilway union can rtlly itj forces for a struggle which must needs be long and discourag ing at best. Apparently, therefore, their only hope of final triumph lies iu md which they hope to get from Union labor outside of their organization. A tins is being written, the order for all clas-ts of labor in Chicago to go ou strike tomorrow morning is being promulgated and that of Giaud Master Workman Sov ereign of the Knights of Labor, callmc on all members to strike iu sympathy with the Pullman stnk-r-, all over the country, is expected to follow quickly. How gen erally the orders will be olered is Drobin metical. Ton great extent their effect has been alreadv discounted by the stagnation of business and it Is known that some of the longest headed of the labor leaders believe that action ha been postponed too long to be fmly effective. At unset to morrow tlm nation will probubly know whether the situation is one of crisis or collapse. ZGAN'3 STATEoISXT. Cniroo, July 10 The follow in? state ment a is-ued by Chairman Ejran of the General Pa-sengtrs association: TiMiny, Tueday, the railways in the city of Chicigo ha ml led their usual number of pa-sencer and mail train8- Many ot them have re&uiued suburban -service. The number of freight train-, both In and out of the city, on all linee- has largely in-cra-ed since yesterday. Th backbone of the -trlke was broken yesterday. Nearlv all of the rtquisitioos for men wanted by the different railways have been filled. The ra.Iway companies have nothing to -y as to tbe pro-ecution of individuals who violated tbe hws. That matter is left In the hands of thegovernnirnt JuHX M. Ecax. IN DEADLY COXFJLICT. roops Attnoked by Riotous Striker. Fire Refa-ned Csualtiea. SrsrXG Vailet. I2L. Jnly 10 Corapaoy C. of the Fifth regular-, commanded by Captain Conrad, en me into collision with the mob at this place and after patiently enduring volley after volley nt stones, fired into the mob. killing tiro ae and waaadmg svml otbexs. Tins ca&caUieg nre aa folww-s: MAS. Dominic Hxrtraer, stoat tkroagli tb head, killed tntnatty. JoMa Sfttob, italntn, sai :xagk tfce breast. Wnlier Grefory, oepttjr rtta broken, Ldly bntfeeat. La-h KMp, deptttr. shot la tgb. S D. PoweiL ihmntr. bt tw fa Lice. Uaiaert-a Italian rioter, shoi by Powell, j OF gaglc SEhc Uailii c Wichita, Weda'sday, July 11, 189-1 W'ea her for Wichita Today: Fair and Warmer. INOEXOFTODAY'S IMPORTANTNEWS Pa;es. 1. Today's Strike Developments Mean Mnch Dictator Debs Indicted and Arrested. 2. Sacramento Strikers Tall of light. Federal Grand Jury Investigating Strike Knigats of Labor All Ordered Out, Senator Peffsr Mounts Eh Hobby. 3. Howard Moffat is Tennis Champion. Grain Traders are Hot Speculating. Wail Street Suffers From Strike News. 5. Casey Blames Barber for His Troubles. 6. Congressional Directory Has Its Uses. Bright Ohicago "Women Who "Write. Casimir-Perier the Blaine of France. 8. 0'Eeilly Eeeps Snakes on the Sly. Unknown rioter, baud and arm badly lacerated by bayonet while the militia was clearing tho btreetb. The fight occurred at 4:30 this evening when a Rock Islaud train bearing the troons pulled mto the depot. At tho time of it arrival a Urge mob of Poles. Ditbuauians and Huns was gathered upon tho hill overlooking the depot. As the men filed out on the depot platform they were greeted with a chorus of jells and the stones rained down nrouud them. Captaiu Conrad raised his lriud and called to the mob to cease throwing stones. It obeyed him an in stant, but seeing the troops remain raisive, regained its viciousness and sent volley after volley of stones at the soldier--. at the SHine time drawing clo-er atid be coming more threatening. Captain Cou- rad ordered his men to aim, and as more stones came at the regulars he gave the word to fire. The mob broke when the firing began and has not assembled since. The troops went back to Chicago tonight. SPRING VALTuEY TERRORIZED. Striking Miners Hold tho Populace Under Ban of Intimidation. OTTAWA, 111., July 10. Affairs atSpring Valley are taking on an ominous look to day. The commanders of the Hock Island and Galea burg comp tuies sent a long com munication by wire to Adjutant General OraudorH detailing tho situation. The substance of the dispatch was that the miners have so intimidated all classes of people by threats ot what will happen after the troops have been removed, that every obstacle is placed in the pathwio' of the soldiers and all clashes act in a hostile manner. Mayor .lackton, who is evidently terrorized, ordered tho -oldiers out of town thi morning, but they refused to obey. The telegraph operator was frightened away and oue or the soldiers is at the key. The store keep ers bavo been made to refuso to sell sup plies to the troops aud the latter have, in consequence, taken possession of the com piuy's store, soldiers acting as custodians in plnce Af the terrorized clerks. More troops bavo been u-dced lor. SITUATION IN OMAHA. U. P. Strikers "Will ba Reinstated-K. of L. Pledge Sympathy With Debs. OMAnA, July 10 Tne Federated Board of Linoii Pacific employes held a confer ence with General Manager Dickinson in regard to reinstating the striking Ameri can Hailuay union men. Mr. Dickinson expressed a williuguess to take back all men out who had been peacenblo and had not attempted to obstruct the traffic of the road. Notifications were sent to agents by General Trallic Manjger Monroe to accept freight for nil points. Di-.tncr Master orkman Cohen of the Knigtitsof Labor will tomorrow call out alt inemb-rs of hisorgamzition in Omaha, South Omaha and Lincoln, in accordance with orders from General Master ork man Sovereign. It is bellevtd that the Union Pacific mn will refuio to obey the order, although Cohen expresses confidence th it from 5,000 to G.000 men will walk out la tbe three cities At a mass meeting tonight resolutions of sympathy anil pledingsupport to Debs were adapted. Loci agitators nromtsed th it all organized labor in Omaha would :L"LST,J.nrnJ!lK:..L,!,t stratiou here will be of little force. There are no railroad men out. nere and tbe local workingmau aro not inclined to quit ou such slight provocation n is now offered. GRATULATIOKS TO DEN"VEI Colo.. July JEFFREY. 10. President Jeffrey of the Denvtr and Rio Grande Kailroad comp my is receiving congratula tions from all sides on tne success of his method of dealing with tho strikers. Mr. Jellrey has taken the nosition that em ployes should have time to think over the problem confronting them aud has not at tempted forcibly to operate trains. The result is th it no damage lies been done :o the property of the company and the strik ers are voluntirily returning to work. The road is now op-n. Santa Fe oHcinls announce that that line is open to Ogden and southern California points, "aud all trams are moving on tune." The Union Pacific wm today opened to Ogd n and all the oiher roads arn doing business as o?umL WAITE LOOKED WORRIED. Dewek, July 10. Under the impres 3ion that President Cleveland's proclama tion tv a declaration of martial liw all labor organizations in session adjonrned before 4 o'clock. Governor Waitc looked worried and hud nothing to y. except that the state of affairs was very seriou. Adjutant General lrney thought the proclamation was a direct nsurpition of authority. General McCook ws very busy at h.s headquirters ail day ami had no information Vj give. ENDED IJ? COLORADO. PCTBLO. CoL, July 10 Tbe firemen aad brakemen on tne Rio Grande bore ioairbt voted to return to wort. Places of strik ing switchmen aad sbopmeit will be Ailed and tbe company annoances tb.tt all ImsM i!!! will te resumed tomorrow. Strikers Gunnison returued to work to night. The trike .n Colorado is at an an end so farns ite unpnirmns: of railway rrtces k coe eerned. "WRIT OF ERROR REFUSBD. CHICAGO, Jbit 10 J notice B-tiley today refnx-d to crant th- writ of error nod suporev'e that woeid uty Ue -xeotioa of PatncK B Preodrgst nntil bin in sanity trUl coe Id be reviewed by ue oprem cort Two Ust effort will fci mid tuaaorroir to j-ftre tbe lite of la, a sMin by apaivta to tbe nn eaa-t for writ of bibe eoraas, d -eektar a eommauon from Goreraar AllsM. EKDEAVORERS "WILL 1ZE&Z. CLTTaXa-Xft, July w serretary liarr of tbe Uarteil city of Cbneuxa Ka drsror, srrivsd la tbe my from Boston ibA slteraooa smmI laai; "AU reporbi or rasao U be caatrary, tba aaani Can laa Sadeaeor coaeransssi w40 be i& ia ibiaU.T Jaly 11 b I. Pmcipmmootut k lU-'Pttuoic BULLETIN DEBS IN UMBO TRAP SPRUNG WITH DESPATCH BY SPECIAL GRAND JURY. Western Union Ordered to Bring Ills Dispatches Into Court and In dictment Promptly Follows. His Lieutenant, Howard, and Other Amer ican Railway Union Members are Also in the Toils. All Taken to District Attorney Mil Christ's Office "Where They CJive lioml m $10,000 ErcIi Debt.' Mall and P.ipe'ra Seized Un der au Order of Court. Leader llxprosaos Himself on Arrest aud Subsequent Proceedings. CHICAGO, July 10. The federal grand jury, alter receiving tho instructions of United States Judge Grosscup this af;er- noon, returned indictments against Engene V. Debs president of the Ameri can Riiilwaj- union, George V. Howard, its vice president; SylveaUr Kelcher, sec retary, and Lt. W. Kogor-". one of Us directors, and shortly the renfter the men were arrested. 'lhey nre charged with conspiracy to commit an unlawful act, that is, to block the progress of the United States mail. Joined in the indictment with the four leaders of lhaltulway union was James Murwui, the K ck IsIhiuI striker who threw the switch which !- railed a mail train at Blue Island on the night of June 30. Debs, Howard, Keicbcr and Rogors wero taken into the oilice of District Attorney Milchrist immediately after their arrest, nnd after a few hours de tention wra released ou hail by Judge Grosscup, their lKnd being 510 000 each The federal grand jury spent bur a short time on the case of Debs and tbe other leader- of the tnke. The cao agoinst them for conspiracy had lieen preparwl some days ago by Attorneys MilchrUt and Walker and the grand jurors h-nl not becu at wOrk two hours when the indict ment was realy to be presented in court. It was based on some of the public utter ances of Debs and the other leadt-rs, ami this was clinched by the original orders in wntiug cnt out by Debs directing men on the different railways to quit wor, ami this stopped the running ol mail train. A large number of telegrams nt by Deb- from his headquarter, giving directions which extended the blockade of trains were submitted to the grand jury by E. M. Mulfotd, minnger of tbe Western Union Telegraph companv, under a subpoena issued by the United States court, Judge Grosup overruling the telegraph conipai'K protect that tho mas sagos were privileged documents and ex empt from seizure. Mr. Muiford bad left the grand jury room bnt a few minute when the kthimI jury filed out a-nl walked Into Judge Grosscup's court. Foreman Sanborn liandc 1 to tbe court the indictment w bich : tnet attorney. was Ht ouce la Ken to tnr oiuce or me ui- Marshal Arnold and a deputr weres-nt out with the warrant. Shortly before 5 o'clock Marshal Arnold returned with President Deb a a pri oner Deb hh tdku into ililchrtsi's private oilice He was aceompaaied by Theodore Debe., his brother, wmo wne witn him wLen the arrt was made There were in tbe office when tbe head of tbe American Railway union arrived . a pria- i oner, Edwin Walxer and Mr. MUchrt-.t, i and these were soon jomel by Jndr.e Grusscnp, who bad been MimnooHl to take bail. Debs sent his brother oat to look for bondsmen and wmle waiting for his friends to appe r. rX. with tbe judge, the two attorney for the government and the marshal who bad arremed him, while the door of the omce wm loekad to all comet!'. It was not lone antil D?pitr Togan np peareil with Kelcber tbe rcretary. In a short time Theodore Deb retoroed witn Attorney W. L. Bishop, who bad been re tained to defend tbe prisooer. At l o'clock Ioejna appeared with Rocon and Vict-l'rftlleni Howard. Tbe Utter wa the only one of the four wbow face bore tracts of anger or reenattnot an be wax taken ioto tbe b.ck room. Tbe oibars look their arrest calmly. I. wA 7.30 before ( lrC Borabam ap peared and the bail bond whs Ijt11t me reuted. Tbe boodsmeo are Atderaaa WuiUm FiuurerHld. wao qaaltfled to tao sum of J2JO.0W) and Wiiitsm .snaHel. who quaiiaed for Vi 0W. lUe br.uda belog ta tbe ham of f lo.yiA each It was some time later when tt formality of striae vm completed and tb tudlcted oaas left tbe boiiding la company wito taeir bnolt.meo. Marbal Arnold f ond Deb la bie apert maatx at the LcUad, waea he look bin into roiodr Toe strike lsdr wm sit tir'g ta sa outer room wbwb be ad as nm office when tbe mrbsl appe red aad tber were sereral persons witb kiss. Wbea tbe autrsaM.1 iotrodoeed bimself. Debs stepped Into aa inner room. aJtlax tbe msrsnsl to so with bias, aad tbea Uft marsbai howl bw warrant. "I am ready to xo with you." t&A Debs witb appareat ebeerfolaeaa, as be walked lato ooc-r room aad rseh-d for ki bat sad wtiblaie Mtark. "I tare beca la dieted and arrested." be std io tb" wm were in bit cftte. xtA wttbottt say fortaor remsrk be bamd away witb too marsbai. Wbtie tbe bail m brios: arnasd Atto-arr John F Getting - ed tbe party in tbe dtatnet sttorae-r's cJ&rja. He was retained by tbe railway uoloo raVers on Moaday ss-it ia tatrtr tefestH 1 ia esseUBsr were arreatasf. Mr. fssaabsa: said tb dVHtVo of t- asep will bs dt- I icted by Cisrar - Dcrnr( wss im tbe ttray of n- a j. - Tb-riadtr '.--i,t .- tat Pro. labor. Tlstar'aaamrf !.--1 sltasVMriA oa etiott. ioB. Um. sJVsaad bs 4 tbal erirsl -tla -- W wiUarf for bail ! J& &M Tg (Pi L ' V I rCGtN'E 7. DEBS. to ? rrsr Br ' 1 '- . a iateretesr said, j naajaisi" sf tba s;atsl saast abiptsr -W , ut. i- , v s -. er rrwt to aa- J sT tba & Asam Mimas af (bs U1 ,-w-r ..a i , . - . . ! saadasit aa I fkaaas, aui sialnsl so be aai4 la Tsssb b) f '- " m- jmrf, t &.-- ' ' -"ai'sWaa'J'siy 1 . baa baaa pawl acot. - -atrarr t tisnit, "d at . i- Nf sfdtr af tax p-isral frast bj ait. assf of tb UsUast Sstti by obwtrscttsx s& ts the mails of tho country. Our hail has leen fixed at $10,000. Since 1 hv bn brought here I have been Informed offic?rt of the court have gone to our hoa.lqnar ier m the Ashland block and takes mv personal correspondence and some of lOf records, of the A. R. U. I do t know iy what right this act hn been ooiKraUl lt ens to me to be na infamous outrage. Not oolr did they take my prr anual effects and paper, bit car nd with them my unowned hitters. I have uever h?rd at that before in ibu country. Iu Kus-.i i and not out of ittnt country bare such thins buon to ie It seems like the net of the ostr of Riit-a i instead of . he act of a free country. The -elzure was made by an officer of the court and a potonlce orHctL I acn not runnlug a lottery ami eanaot itmieritMad under what laws thf po;o4Mo antkoriiiet are a perty to th" ewnre of my invt- mail. It is au outrage ami you cm)I fchw v free country. It eouw to m not to hn com put i Wo with the stars HHd uinan. ! Is no looser a questiou of rigbt la tb country but a quctiou ol force, ami bv lute force nt that.'' District Attorney Milehrlst, when qnn trotted Mbout th seizure of the eff-ot- f JlV. Deb-". sid: Those men are Hrw-t , on a snbptpo.1 dnc-s tecum, a )wrAm)' legal optTitiou, whereby tbey ant coi maudeu u bting with them erythii appert-Ouiuc to their Iwissnees. In la case wo have a corporation t Uetl with the Amertcin Rulway onin tht etTects ot that orgtnutttoa onn bo brof;ht into court ou a arrnt of the kinl fc wrl today. The recorde of tbe rnixUn antsubj-ct tJ the oontiuaml of tbooour' Only recently whon wo were Lrylnt; ine railroads for vioUUott of tne lbntu oomuierce laws we insned tbe ww proce--I will sny, however, that t( tbe oilteer t the court took any of .Vr. D-b' nersonal mail it will be returned u him nnopetei Letters nadreel to blm w yreiden: of the American Kail war union, non-ever, will not be returned to Mr. Deb." The grand jury in idlliloti to the In dictnients against Mr. Debs nd hi mo ciHtot returnol indict meuts neain.tc a number of men who hve been nnwoted during the ;mt.t two wek aod booiul over to the court by Coat(lrioMr floyo. on oharees of violation of federal laws Iu conueoUou with the etrtkn. DBBS' LAST ADDRESS. CniCAGO, Julj 10 EiiKene V Debs, to nlglit ihiuel an aldre "To Ail Js'rtfclng Km ploy e and 6ympNthlBers"urrinC them in view of the MTious phase tbe strike hat a-uied, uot only to refrain from hcs .. violence, but to aid in every w ty in their powr to inaintHtii law an i order. "The respoatdbtlUy of the gmve. alt na tion that confrontM the conntrr," oootin ues Mr Debs, "fc, not with tt. Sirwtg In the faith our position Is eorrect and our grievnnce jut. we cn affonl pnUmiUy io await the final verdict. Then tbe wrong. whereer lound, wilt li rebnked uud the right putty eittbroHeu." HOWARD'S SAY. CniCCO, July 10 Vice-i'retadeat How ard, of the A. R U ntd today that tho union was ihroiiKh with attempt at arbi tration. A general strike may take (dace tomorrow. Mr. Howard added: "You know w have got the general uioaj.gom licked nir the (are ot the earth. We had them (lit on their faces tnoro than a wtft ago and they know it. Tney "aid then, though it has uot been their policy slsc, 'we are helole-w to do unrtbing In tht ninttor. Let tbsui go ahaed and tb up everything until tho whole business of tce country is prostrated and thou will iw if there i not a xoacral uprising to pull down this thing.' " CHIEF S ARGENT TAJ-KS. Tfrkk HACTa. IikI.. July 10. CbC Sargeut cf the fiieuien bakl toalftbU "Toiegrams that I have received today wore mostly from tbe south ami iadksite the mltt disturbance among our members at jiroeut in that qiinrur. la many see tloits of .be south llirv have goe out Tho strike of tie Hijc four flremen whs a surprise to tne 1 hare beard nothing from them at all, they, as well nit tu others, have ninipiy struck on their own hook. I Niipno'.o when tbe -trikinx Are men see tneir plice MIImI wih new mn they will understiiad tbe situation better." DUBS' ORDKK3 DISRBOARDKD. Kavs ( ltr. Mo., July 10 A biKh olilcer of the itidntri.il eonacll taaiRnt said the order from DelM to tbe men on Missouri PaclOo to go oat wonhi not be r girdrtl. beoane tbe men felt the strike nt Cblesgo had no particular beartasT on them. Tbe Memphii yttn, wblrh Htfecwl more than soy oth-r railrtanl. m beainiilog to more Its trnltte aad tbelr prospect of soon oecnrioK n ftt" eemplo met ot men seems irood On etbor sy--tem tbe rmbsrsrols nrsctieslly MXml. Tb Misonrt PaeiNe day force of wltbmei went out bat ittarned to work In aa bour Thtit railway clnlmn tbey will soon bv plenty of man to All tb pbvjsw of tht night crew. CHARG3D WITJI OONSPIRACT. KaXsa ClTT. Mo., Julr 10 A special to tbe Times from 'I barer. Mo., saya Deputy United states mrshsl toabxht made the followir.x Kmrki of promlae:' local eltiseaa: Jamea Kiawey. x-aejar Memphis roate, H Gsrvood. dnp'', . W sdswortb, brl-lgc inspectar; C. V Rice, engineer MempkM roate; Harry Pe-le, x-T!tner nod prsseat city saar sbal. S. 11 Ilrysn, roood-boiiiiassp. Tbe ebMrge is coopirsy ta obetrssstlag Unit States mails on tb Msaspbts raaie 1 be prisooeTs were Ukon to tit. LoMs aa special tnua for trlsk J0LY CROP RKPORT. WjuSanpeToV. Jaly ia Tb Jly t tanrn ta tb stattatlelaa of lbs liipiirtbi'wst of aftricaltare make tbe foUoertar arr aas oa crop aoadittoaa; Cora. Vr. vrister wbaat, Mff eprins; wbsat, 6 i. all waast. 7 tr. osvs, TT 1, wr tor ry, W 9: spriftK f. . l r e. n barley. ", rj 9hl, pata)s a tohaeeo. 8L Tb prs.imlosry aeraaaa of arn as re parted by casrasaoadsats sbosra Ht p r osnt as oumpnrsl wttb tbe acrsssss of MsK beiBar sn lact fpaw la rooad aambrs ' i.t&,00 acres, at 7a,sXt,0M sajrlnal tbftt CW last yasr. The seersss of tba prtaetpsJ afcaas are Iowa. m. MlaimirL WK KjiaaasV Utt K brankJi. ll. Tb srersga aoadUloa to asUaattaX la; Jaly. Tb r-rassss la tba priaafpal asMbja ar? Ohio 1. lastlaos fa, tlUaote 9. loam lb Jfisor. lol. Kssvaa fisV Ssbrmasn M Tex- 'X, JCsatoefty t'a, Tsassaa MbnV iaa93 Tb eood tn of vtstar wbaaa w K ' nersiaat fAX la Jaa sad 77.7 ss fear Tba paree&tasjB of tba pnscupst aVta are as . allows: Jtfftssaori VU bCansss la. CJ lornis 51. Orasoa 97, WsaftUajfas lb cood.uon of sprlsia; sb Is acsiaet m tb Joaa sad H I ia Jary. Ie Tba fail - tsac report is mmtt ' potate. Pete's wrmg. sre- lasas 7" Kansas ?V rsaba m Matb Osbssat N'orib Oakoe , Wasbiatftoa) , Cbjnajon flb Tba -Tarae eoaslitttbm of bsa wfMsr aasi sprlasT bssa. or all wbssat far ab esauaVry. is 71 9 per esat. TKHAJNTXY OUHt BAaVAJOQaL WaaHibttTus. Jsly l-lb eassb bjU maaasfwaaany tba abbs af ass tsslar was ITMJMjm. mi wbirisW as fit was tpM reerv. XAMOOtW XXat? rammOXmO. Tort. X a. ki. JWy J4s fssf tramajlsl - " 5r sriatr off tax plasms aTasi bg far.. '"Voe L. taavaa f BsHMa ff