, -r 3 -rf .t
ilxe MlicMta gailg gsgle: glturstlag gtorniucl- IuTlJ 12- t894-
Editor. I Iiusincssilanascr.
Pn Mi Fliers anil Proprietor-;
All lelteti rcnnmlDP to l!ic buMiif , of iho prln
ii u dep.irlmmt.b inlcrv.-uWiijiton or for .id er
l friiict-hotiUI b-aditi '! to the lnHucss manager
'iicoiilvUl jiajier in .-onUiV-U-rn K:m-yis or
iJieAil'ai i "." Vifllty wiunj ImjiU tUc Oaj and
tiiSht-.tsocutcd l'i s KcpottN in full.
In Alauie: l'fc-lase niuw.
nnily.cnecoiy t-ieye.r
Daily, one copy. sl months
Dnily. oiiccp. tliteejuonths
LSI! 11, UliCUi WHO ". .......... ...... -
Juieetimesaeeiaii-u.jutriii. j.j.1 ... ;-
l.iee timcb a v. cek, any d jys desired, mx :ao... -.
Pnr copy, one yc.ir ...... 'd
Keiuittni.rtsm.ty be irtadcntonr rl-K, either t
ilraft. iiprcts.eaprthnioi)oyonic'r, po-toOice order
crtitMMerrri lettc-. Jlo ev cut in any othei ay
KattLeiiskof the pen-on MndiiiK It. til. 1
ofi'ieaddit" n full, ii ending state and count j. If
addi eta U to tc changed. xU " oW audtoas us w ell as
KvrAitninis tXTiiE rrrr and FrnrnB.
11-eEACl.r.ii dellverwl by rairlers in "iVIrlita
sd all subiirits sit 15 cent a week. 'Hip lwix-riuay
1. idi-il bj postal cunlo' by toliihn No. !!
and w ill b- rrv ei! eui ly iiimI l rtilJirly. lrrefu(arlty
rfteiTUeorchn).t.'eofsii(ri-ssfiliould be u: orteU
tuinedlately to the Eagi k oflicc
OurrntesofadoSi-lii2liall be as JoTrnstho'? o:
BJiy other paper of equal xaluo as on advertising
All transient adxcrtlseaccnts must be paid for In
Tbetronrietors rrfcrve tho rlsbt to relect urd
r.l?contlnue any tidveitisemcnt contracted lor
cither bi tlieniylves or their iu;cnt8.
Kiueied In tbo poto!lleo at Wichlttt as f-ecenfl
cUy matter asdenteied for tran-inisiioii through
he walls as such. , ,, ,.
1 nbtem office nt I'oom t Tribune Bnild.n?. now
YorkCltv anilaS-llii! Itooltery." t-uI.?0' whe,r0
nil contract Tor forcJKnmUertJslui; will bo made.
ndu litre file of the paper cuti bo seen. b. C.
Bed. with, ji;ent.
Itradcis oftbc KAOr.r. w icn In .exv i oik cjtv or
ChloiK". tansee'ojilesof t'miwpprat tho onice ot
cLraseiit at the adihesBKl veil above.
All iiot!c for eiiti-rinlxim nts of any kind m
TTlikh an tiiluilttancc fee I reiinlicdivlll lie charceil
hi theiateof lUecenb-peiblieier da-; and iiiub.
1j t laM-lUcU ami vrill not bo run as puio reaulus
The Caoix hn lhe lircs-'t circulation of any
tfally pajM-r in Kann jind covrrn more territory
than aiiv 'iwi Kansas ili.liie"forabiiiil;reacninK
tow us on tho tiny of uubllci.Uoii in Kaii'itH. iJician
Ten ltoi-v. Panhandle of Teias and eastern Colo
rado. i he colnmns t f the Koi.r haro been tested
and proved to be tho bp-tadvertlluc inedlnni iutha
J-oulhw-est. 1 he only daby that reaches all the ter
llory above- nan-ed on day of publication. At an
dvertlsln melluin it is unexcelled.
Wich'.tn Lodge No. 189 K. of P. will hold
a regular meetiuf; touiijiit.
It is desired that every member of Hypn
tia be on band Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock, with lunch basket, l-nife, fork and
napkin, at the City building, from which
place carriages will start for Mrs. Singer's
country home, where Hypatia's annual
picnic will be held. Ladies ownimr con
veyances please briny them. By so doing
all members may be accommodated.
The ladies of the "Unitarian church will
pive a lawn social at the residence of Mrs.
CliHrlie JTordham, 522 South Lawrence uve
nue on Wednesday oveniusj, July 17.
Every one who has attended the entertain
ments given by these ladies know that
they always have everything; of the best.
Fehleison's full orchestra will furnish the
music. There will be dancing, card and
refreshments. Everybody invited. Edith
Professor Barber was a visitor in the
moruinu hours.
Miss Martin was present yesterday and
nddreste 1 the special primary and the elo
cution class on the subject of physical
Those who are ambitious to take tha en
tire program can now be almost gratified,
since, m nddiliou to the live regular stud
ies which may bo tukuu in the regular
hession. there is the special bookkeeping.
Prof. Adams 12 o'clock to 1; special pri
mury, MissShults lto2; elocution Piof.
Scott 2 to 3; physical culture, Miss Martin
2 to 3; imhvMurtl work in arithmetic, Prof.
Barber 2 to 3. One can put in eight and
one-half hours continuous work if to dis
posed. An extraordinary feature was tho repre
sentation of the story of Hiawatha in an
impromptu blackboard sketch by Miss
SShuits in the model prim try. As tho
etch grew under skillful strokes it is
difficult to iy whether the little people or
lhe teachers wete the more interested and
pletised. It was a fine combination of les
t.on in free band drawing, language, writ
ing, spelling, pronunciation, geography,
Jolt-lore and standard literature. It is
needless to urge the taking of tho advice
of Captain Cuttle.
Hoes and Cattle are Iti-niislit Prom Snrroumllns
Towns to Stock Vaicss.
Joe Scott made another visit to the stock
yaids yesterday with a car of hogs.
Major Boaiey was in from Goddard yes
terday, lie had a car of cattle at the stock
Alexander Knott of Belle Pluine was at
lhe Union Stock Yards yesterday with a
car of hogs.
Several people all over tho state are
claimiug lhe discovery of Dave Overmeyer
ns tho proper Democratic nominee for
governor, 'ihey nie all off. Dave Over
meyer was discovered in Wichita and the
back files of the EAGLE will prove it. A
year ago County Attorney Wtllard Boone
in r column interview brought htm out
and the Democratic papers took it up and
t ilked it over uutil a sentiment was crya
tabzed. HO I Eh sOJoUKNKKS.
Hotel Metropole G. P. Bellows, Kansas
City; Ira ,1. Kot, 2Cew York; M. D. Lee,
Anthony; Charles Wolwrtou. Kaunas
City; Lew LebUcht, Harper; C. E. Crooks,
Council Grove: J. W. Brown, Khumis Cit",
btella Manning. Lawrence; F. Ii. DaiTc,
Clay Center; P. B Gillett, Kingman: J. M.
Johnson, Kai.sas Ciiy; C. J Chambers,
Spnngfi-ld; G. R. W lllet. St. Paul; O. P.
House, cit ; 1). Felger, N-wtiu; Ben Glaze,
citj; A. A. Glas-ell at.d wife. Eureka; E.
H. Behm, Indepei.dence, Ind.; J. Famler
sou, Sweet ttprim:, Mo ; Paul Ested and
lady, city; H. Smith, Topekn; C. E B-ach.
Kansas Citi; Fred L. Tnckey, citj; J. M.
Ross, Lyons.
Hotel -Mnuhattau H. Walker, Miss For
Sj'the, Hunnewell; C. P. Hodgson, Chi
cago; Sidney Blukeman, Lyons; Henry
Stewart and wife, Maverline, .Mo.; C. A
Fisher, Euid; S. S. Woodcock, Wellington;
V. A Deau, Marion; L. F. Pearspu, Medi
tine Lodge.
Hotel Carev A. W. Reily, St. Joteph;
G. F. Peulieid. C. S. John, J. O. Simpson,
M Louis; J. X. Baird, J. A. Phillip-,
Chicaso; Hugh Courtney, St- Louis: Cha.
s'oan. Hutchinson; B. S. lv.mond,
Claude Dyson, Kansas City; A. L. Conrad,
H. C. Wood. Hutchint'Oii; C. S. Bowman,
Newton; J. V. Dougherty, Wichisa;
v A. Cbandlers. Meditins Lodge, H. C
1 oss. Chicago; F. W. Carey, Chicago; R.
M. Laimn, ZS'ew York; W. Ia Cowden,
Ashland; J. C. Pollock and wifo. Wiufield;
Charles J. Peckham, Winfiela; Ij. L. Beg
ler, Xeutou; 11. A. Coooin. Topekn; A.
Kohne, Abilene; John T. Hodge, Xewiou;
H G. Boiiham. Chicago.
l "
Highest Konors World's Fair.
f-V-VM 3 3
ill xi? f f ELS.
A pure Gr3pe Cream of Tat tar Powder. Free
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
Taxable Yalnation of Wichita Shows
a Slight Increase Popnlist Equal
ization Board Reduces Railroad
Assessment Over Fifty Thou
sand Dollai s 'G-rinuing'
Corporations" are Re
lieved While Down
trodden Poor
Must Ante-Up.
The couuty has lost nothing in the line
of taxable wealth during the past year,
and would show a good increase were it
not for the Populist state board of equali
zation cutting down tha assessment of the
railroads over $50,000.
Couuty Clerk Caryin has made out his
annunl report and it makes a very satis
factory showing. Condensed, it is as fol
lows: Afton township Acres of taxable land,
23.029, assessed m J4.TS per acre: aggregate
value, S110,23j; ngureeate value of per
sonal property, SG.oiw. Total asse.-sed
value of all taxable propel tv, HIG.SDO.
Attica township Acres of taxable land.
22,775, assessed at SG.43 psr acre; aggregate
vtlue, S-14G.S30; total nmnDerot town lots,
3m; aggregate value, $707,600; aggregate
value of personal property. $17,090: a-rsrre-gate
value of railroad property, $2S,4S."i.
Tot tl assessed value of all taxable prop
el ty, 199,60L
Delano township Acres of taxable lands,
21,C09; aggregate value. S174.GG1; nuuib-r or
town lots, 8..VJ3; aggregate va.tte, 37,727; i
aggregate value or all pergonal property,
10,563: ot railroad property, $'53,433. Total
of nil taxable property, sS'J.bbs.
Eale towusbip Acres ot taxable lands,
21,877; asse-sed at $0.04 ner acre, agcregte
value. 132.933; uumier"of town lots, 29S;
aggregate value, 62,421: aggregate value of
personal property, ?14,837; of railroad
proDerty, 47.230. Total of all taxable
property, 197.441.
Erie towusaip Acres of taxable lands,
23,001; valued at 4 10 per acie, aggregate
value, 91,440: number of towu lots, 9J; ag
gregate valv-, 093; aggregate value of
personal property, 3,410; of railroad piop
erty, 27,390 Total of all taxable prop
erly. 13J,933.
Garden P.ain township Acres of taxa
ble laud, 22.S33, aggregate value, 5122.121;
number of towu lots 2S2; aggregate value,
7,SS5; aggregate x'alue of personal prop
erty, 11,043; of railro.ul property, J7.Gb3.
Total value of all taxable properly, 1GS,
736. Grand River township Acres of tnxabla
land, 23,009. vain -d at & 59 per acre, ag
gregate value, 5S2.947: aggie0'ate value of
peisonal property, 2,044; lailroid, S15.
Total of all taxable property, S3,S0G.
Grant township Acres of taxable land
23,013, valued at S6 21 per aero aggregate
v.uue, 142,920; number of town lots 102,
aggregate value, 1.129; aggregnte value of
personal propert3 3,441; of railroiid prop
erty. 2,323. Total ot all taxable pioperty,
Greeley township Acres ot taxable land,
21,737: assessed at 6.09 per acre; aggregate,
value, '43,3S2; number of town lots, 915,
aggregate value, 16,921: aggregate value
ot all personal orcpeit'. 18 0SG; of rail
road property, 25.520. Total of all tax
able property, 206,109.
Gypsum township Acres of taxable
land, 31,900; afahesed at 7 06 per acre; ag
grcgam value, 223.432; number of town
lots, 751, aggregate value, 2.G50; -iggregate
value of in rsonal property, 12,830; of rail
road. 30,835 Total of all taxable
property. i97,777.
Illinois township Acre of taxable
land, 22,9SS; assessed at 5 42 per acre; ag
gregate value, 124,076; aggregate value.of
personal property. S1O.4S0. Total value of
all taxable property, lio,15G.
Kechi township Acres of t-ixablo land,
22,052; aggrega'e value, 1S2,15S; number
or town lols. 1.7G7; aggregate value, 7.445;
aggregate value of all personal pronerty,
13,760: of lailro.td property, 104,210.
'lolal value of taxuble property, 367,573.
Lincoln tow iiship Acres of t txahle land,
22,915; aggieg-ite value, 130,400; number of
town lots, 184; aggregate value, $1,957;
aggreg-ite value of personal pronerty, SJ2,
505; of railroad property, 43 010. Total
value of all taxible property, IS.502.
Minnelii township Acres of taxable
land ,22,839; assessed at fi 43 per aero aggre
gate value, 147,0iG; number of town lots,
125; aggregate value, 925; aggregate v due
ot personal p-opert'. 0,705; or railroad
prtii)rty, -45 ri Total of all taxable
property- 2(W.32L
Morion tow n-hip Acres of taxable laud,
21.GJ0; assessed at 4 S3 per a jre aggrega'e
value 104 95'; number of town lot-, hll;
aggregate value, 21,009; aggiegate value
of personal property, "2.420; of railtoad
properly. .0.340. " Total value of all tax
able properly, t7S.7"-M.
Xinnescili town-hip Acre of taxable
land, 21.497; Hsssese.l at 5.SS: aggregate
value, 121,479; uumber of towu lo s, 1,874;
aggiegate value, 23.070; aggregate value
of personal property, 14,705; of railro id
property, 52.305. Total value of all taxable
property, 223 330
Omo to wush.p Acre? of tixablo land,
22.S06; aggregate value, 12(.lb3; number ot
town lots, 4S3; aggregate value, i,195;
aggregate value of petson-d property,
10,995; of railrond propert v, 53 7S3. Total
of all taxable property, 194,13S.
3'uk township Acres ot taxable land,
S'fSSO; aggregate value, 5133.2SS; iitinilr
ot tottii lot-, 3S4: aggregate value, 3.175;
aggregate va.uo ot peisonal property,
7,915; of railroad property, 23,140. Total
value of all taxable properly, sl07.518.
Payne townsh.p Acres of taxable prop
erty, 22.045; aggregire value. 125.232;
number of town lot-t, 2J0; aggregate value,
2.162; aggregate value of persoiml prop
erty, 7.021; of railro id pioperty. 46,330.
Total value of all taxaolo property,
Kockford townsiiip Acres of taxable
land, 24 230. assess, it so 75 per acre; ag
gregate vaiue, 139.540; iiiniiliT ot town
lets, 1.043; aggreg.te value, 18,794; a'grp
gate value of personal jr-perty, li,135;
ofrailioad property, P0 GU5 Total value
of all taxable property, 205,074
Siletn township Acres of taxible isnd,
20,101; aggregate va'ue, 140,707; number
ot" town lots, 25: aggregate vauie. 355: ag
gregate v.ilueof personal propertr. J47.S73;
of railroad property. 3S.S90. Total vatu
of all taxable propel ty. 203..
Sherman towiishiu Acres of taxable
land, 23.940; aggregnit- value. $152 00:
number of town lots, 729; aggregate value,
$10,110; aggregate value ot personal prop
erty, 0.009; o lailroatl property, 20,773;
Total value of all taxable property.
Ttiioii townslut) Acres of taxable land.
23.041: assesse I at iOGb; aggregste value,!
!53..4o; number ot town lots, ow; aggre
gate value, 12,621. 'ggregate value of per
sounl property. 12.573: of railroad prop
eit. 30.000 Total valua of all Uxable
property, 209 'K.U. j
Valley Center township Acres of tax
able lend, 22,760; aggregHte vlae, F140.9TS;
number of tonu lots, 619: aggregate alue,
14, ITS; aggragttf value of persoual prop-1
eriy, 10.012; of railroad property, 10S.''55 !
total vatue ot all taxable property, ?273,
223. Viola township Acres of taxable land
22.949; aggregnta vnlue 115 295- u umber of
lown lotsT3Sf aggregate value 1.940; aggre
gate alue of jer?ousl property 12,1S5; of
rnilroad prop-rty. 2s,5GJ. Total of li
taxable pri.perty 155 Oil.
Wco townsnip Aires of taxable land,
34,733; nsess-vl nt 7 76 per ncre; aggnMiite
Milue. 209,705: aunifw-r of totvn lots, 2 571:
,ggrega;e v.uue, 7 570; aggregate vtilueo'
j.-rso.al propert j , 2"i.7a5; of railroad prop
en, 3e)?' Total of all taxable prop
er, v. 801 950.
W'chita ownship Acre? of taxuble land
9,477; nggrere value 244.648; number of
own lots 13 493; aggrega e value S5.74l:
ggr:ate value of personal property
24,d35; ot raiirotd property 32j6-15. Total
r.iiuc of all taxable property 654
ichita citj Kurab-r ot town iot 85,
49, assise i nt 03 33 per lot. agtcat
vaiue, 4.145,224?; nggr-gat- atneof per
sonal trowrir. 590.950; of r-olroid prop
eitv, 210,9-15 Total vnlne of all taxable
propert , 0 292,195
Whole couuiy of Secjswlck Acres of
taxable laud GIT SoO, assessed at SG.C9 1-10
per aere, aggregate value $3,944, &H; num
ber of town lots 103,000, assesseil m $40 -T
per lot, aggregate value $4,443,146; anre
gts value of personal propertv, 5I-43.C01;
of railroad pnp?rty, $1,350,420 Grand
total yaluo of all the taxatile property in
Sedgwick couuty. $H,020.lSa
She Talks Ahaut the Dalton Gan and EtII
Minucd Corrtsponiients.
The ante-mortem obituary on Mrs.
Ledru Guthrie, who was reported dying in
Chicago, dnru't fit. Tho information
which it contr.tued was sent by an Okla
homa gentleman of veracity who, doubt-les-,
wms imposed upon. To the editor of
tne UAGLt .ur-. untune writes concerning
the matter, having seen it in the EAGLE in
Virginia. The EAGLE has a wide cucula
t ion and a woaderJul influence in Virginia
for a Republican paper .md it is but right
and jusc unit .Mw. Uutnrie's statement
should be published. She says:
"DEAU Sir A short time ago an article
appeared in your influential paper with
the following startling hyalines A
Former Wichit-i Girl Dying iu Chicago,'
eta, iu which the writer graciously gives
me a complimentary biography and con
cludes tuu touching and sympathetic
article by saying 'the husband wno dis
carded her is now at her bedside waiting
for the spirit to take its flight.' Permit
me to say for the b.-neSr ot my numerous
friends who aro leaders of your paper.that
the whole of the ai tide is purely tensa
tioual, and in the main untrue. It ema
nated from the fertile imagination of a
correspondent whose only object
was to fill space. and furnish
copy without regard to whom it might af
fect. I Mticerely hope that when it does
come my time to die some four-dollar-a-week
local writer will be set to the task of
arranging the notice who is not hurried
for copy by a publisher anxious to fill
space, lor 1 think by this rush and anxiety
we otten miss materi il intended and in
spired iu the first instance to write the
romantic biographies o: sucli characters
as 'Butterfly Kid" nnd "Ilttle Snake
Jack" and others whose lives Is the
thrilling story that raises up such courage
ous and self sHcrdicing personages as Bill
aad Bab Daltop. I have not been in
Chicago for more than two months; I am
iu the most perfect health, I dou't
think it would be a sacrifice of gootl
taste to menttou the causes stated
in the "application fordivorce'' baton the
contrary consider the insinuation a de
cided lack of delicacy. It would alTord me
gieat pleasure to say that I was "a former
ichiitt girl" but a high regatd lor truth
precludes me, unless short visits duriug
the past eight yean, which in the aggre
gate would not exceed three monlns of
time, be sufficient to justify the assertion.
I recognize auu couceed to the public the
light to notice the lives and ac.ions of
those who have been to prominently con
nected with public life as myself and Mr,
Guthrie, yet this right does not extend to
any p rson the preiog, to, by inueudo aud
insinuation, distort facts by sensational
romance and weavo from the private life
of one, fancy pictures.
I am most sincerely,
Gfxevieve M. Guthrie.
dr. iiEvn:: co.nvicted.
13nd of a Li n;
and Hxchlng Trial In Kiowa
John Humphrey returned from Greens
burg last night where he had the suit of
Kiowa county against the sureties on the
bond of the bank of Greensburg dismissed.
While he was there, yesterday morning,
tho jury iu tho case of tho state against
Ur Meyer brought In a verdict of guilty
in the ilistrict court. This has been one of
tho biggest cases evdr tried iu
Kiowa county. Dr. Meyer was vice-president
f the batik of Greensburg at the
time of Us failure soma eighteen months
ago. lie was charged with re
ceiving money while the bank
was in a failing condition. Attor
ney General Little prosecuted and
Judge Peters of Newton, dr feuded. It is
siid that there was a good dial of politics
iu the case and that the Populists of the
couuty took more thau usual interest in
convicting Dr. Meyer. The trial lasted
twelve days and was so closely watched
that people came in from the country in
the niortiiug and listened to the proceed
ings till adjournment. The case will be
appealed totnesupieme court.
Fighting Sons of the IVerlesi I'rlnces Stand
ing up lr Uncle .S m.
If there is anything left of the backbone
of the strike it will not hist long. "For
twelve da)s it has been in progress with
out any distinguished Wicliitan taking u
hand in it. Tho sons of the Peerless Prin
cess are conserv itivo and have a good do il
of tho nature ot Davy Crockett. When
they are once sure that they are right
stone walls nor iron bars can't stop thoni.
They Imve at last come to the assi.stance
of Uncle Sam in his desperate hand to
hand encounter w ith the serpeut of An
archy at. Chicago and the good people of
the uatiou miiv now feel assured that the
white dove of peace wUl -soon spread her
wings over Chicago. News came from tne
scene of riot und bloodshed yesterday
that a militarv company 1ms been organized
among the Wichiti residents of Chicago,
and th-it they have tendered themselves to
the government to put down the insurrec
tion. Capi in Perry Crossou is t he leader
and bis company consists of 1G0 s'rong,
matiy of whom saw servic-s in the late war.
Captain Cro-son lived in Wichita duriug
tho days of its most startling development,
and was engaged in the real est ite busi
ness. He afterwards went to Chicago. He
was an active old ddier aud fought with
distinction iu an Ouio regiment. W. R
Payne, one of fho prominent leulcrs in the
resiibinissson movement, is supposed to be
the judge advocate general of his com
pany. Tho government with ichlta at its
back in iy safely continue the war
on the back alley tnugs and home
less ruffians that constitute the mob
of Cnic tgo. Before the bold, brave sons of
the Peerliss Pnticess at t:e business end
of 100 not gnu", the GiovonlsLeys, the Shi
niskevs, the O-nerhotltskeys and the other
bandit hordes from the Dauubian territory
of Europs will lly liko mice before a lutnd
of tigers. Chicago and the government are
to be congratulated in this, their hour of
peril, that men of such bravery anil loyalt
are witn them.
Hendrsous Ict Per ied !j Hjston Store
The Boston Stor nine met the Hender
son pets at the fair grounds yesterdav
with blood in their eyes and a hard gHtne
was fought In winch the Bostons dine out
with liyius color.
They liuad up as follows:
Cb tubers
L Anderson.
II. Shenrles..
C. Andcrsou
a. Anderson.
S. Farrow . . .
B. Aoderon.
.1st lmse
,2nd base...,
, ..Srcl base..
....I. Held...
....r. tleld...
...c. field....
Score by innings:
Boron's 1 0 3 3 0 2 10 10
Hriidersoas 1 2000020 2 T
Batteries Hender-on Pets, Taylor, and
Oweus nd Lhuck; B soa Farrow and
t- Auder-oti- Bie on blls Amlrrson 1,
Owens, i; Lnck 1. Be hits Bostoas
12; Pet 6. Strwrk out by Anderson 13,
Oweua 1. Lauck o.
Court Ualiljle- tn IMvre . Wetl a-s aarrtoce
Three I)J On 0e Cv.
After fonrtem rs of marriage and
family life Sarah B. Brown 'ks the di
me court to graat hern divorce from L.
C. Brown. She clim tbt b?r hasDiixl
is guilty of extreme croHtv aad of ndul
'tery. She acca5-- him of the buter a anm
ber ot time--, sod s in rir't U the
forrarr tbt he has -.truck her in the f.tce
and braieed her. S . nsks tor th-e for
chii.lren nod for a lot nnd (ivrei'iug sn
Hendryx xvenu, Lawreoc- ereth ;
udditian to the city of U icbibt. mA for ab j
abso'nie iHrarcr. O .vine to - ah--ie j
of the dtstritt judge tb prob ite judge j
lsusd a temporary re-trdiuu- order re-t
straining the husbind from disposing of
any ot the property.
fcubpu? ias were i'sued summoning
John, Herman, aud Grace Lagan to ap
pear b-fore the probate conrt in the at
t.chmenr case of Henry Schnitzter vs.
Mike nnd Dora Lagert.
Snbpujoas were sued requiring Cor-
nealia Jlagerman, I. P. Campbell. ..i
Ribband T. W. Sargent to appear before
the probite court in the interests of the
estate of John llagermau. -this case has
been occupying the probate court for three
day-. The question just now is concern
ing the p ij meut or attorneys' fees to
Adims and Adams, former attorneys for
the estate.
Affidavit were filed concerning the in
sanity of William Hudson in the probate
court yesterday. A hearing of the case is
set for today at 10 a. m.
W03IE.N JMlOKsdi IT.
Cox's Attitude on the Igarette Qaes ion
Touches a Kesp nslre Chord.
The movement started by Mayor Cox
agaitirt the deadly aud demoralizing cig-
arett- has met with the hearty approval
of the Woman's Christim Temperance j
uuiou. At their recent meeting ineioi
lowing resolution was passed
rent evil against which we are organized
to fight
We wish also in this public way to call
attention of the Humane society to the
little colored boy who is ued as a walking
advertisement for a tobicco llrm. This is
certaiuly a case of cruelty to cuiidreu and
ought to bi looked after.
Mrs. X. L Clegg is lyiug vary sick at
her home, 200 E tt First street.
Miss Harriet Johnson will entertain the
Kiug's Dauguters tomorrow night.
Miss Mabel Lyons nf St. Marys, is visit
ing friends on North Emporia avenue.
C. S. Jobes of -Medicine Lodge is visit
ing his bt other, A. U. Jobes of this city.
Charlie Luling took the Missouri Pacific
for Denver j'esterday, on a pleasure trip.
Miss Bertha Dougherty and Mr. Dr.
Miuick nnd daughter left for Cleveland
Miss Agnes Coaway leaves this morning
to spend the summer visiting friends iu
Lincoln. Neb.
A Goldstandt hns so far recovered from
his recent sickness as to be able to be at
his store agaiu.
Another horsewhipping of a sensational
nature was barely averted yesterday on
South Maiu street.
Fred. H. Stucky, who has been suffer
ing with a severe attack of tunsolitis, is
convalescing slowly.
Colonel Woodcock's youngest daughter,
Miss Ethel, left yesterday for a week's
visit with frieuds at Newton.
The votaries of baseball are agitating
the question of clubbing together to secure
a more accessible bill grouud.
u ill Hawkins. Hurry Sanford and Will
x-orry were arreaitu oy IU9 ponce jester -
day on the charge ot loiterin
Mrs. Fratik Talhurt left yesterday for
Greeucuatle, Ind., whituer she was culled
by the serious illness of Ler mother.
The strike h is so far subsided thit E I
Vail and family felt tfife in leaving lor a
visit to their old home at La Porte, Ind.,
Thomas Elliott and family have moved
from 1155 North Emporia uveuuu to 933
Waco, where they will he pleased to have
their friends c.tll.
The colored PopB, from three to five iu
number, ara tryiuji to get a paper and
were out yesterday collecting $7.50 to ena
ble them to t;et il out.
.Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Todd of Fort Reno. '
are rejoiciuy over a flue baby hoy. Tney I
are both ex-Wichita young people and !
have mauy irieuds here.
The Marion county, Arknnsia, Enter
prise pays a flowing tribute to Colonel
Hallowell on a rousing Iteuublican speech j
he deliVdied down there .1 few days ago. ,
There will ha no Knights of Irihor strike
in Wichita. Thid is cffi2ial. Tho order is
delunct here, the only known members '
beiug Mrs. Lease and 13. E. Kie?, and j
neither of them will strike. '
Hon. P. Ii. Dwei of Clay Center, Ro-j
publican nominee Tor attorney general of
the Mate, mi!, in the city hisc night ,-
routi- from El Dora in whore he attended
the Republican county convention.
"Prepare to meet thy God" was tho
startling cry of a man who rode a white '
horse up Wichita -treot lait evening. 11. 3 '
own particular God seemciTto be Kucchtis.
At midnight he was resfng eusily iu tne
city jug. j
The case of the State against Kate
Shank in Justice Tucker's cnuri Was con- !
tinned till today. The charge is disturb- '
iug the peace of one, Mr-, ritroble. The
trouble aroie over some household dillicul- J
t3 The two families live under the bums '
roof. j
Colonel Robert Hamilton of St. Louis,
thepn.ct.cd muiager of the Wuittaker '
interest'', is sueudiug a few days in the
city looking after the interests of the com
puny iu tills city. H? say there is no
immediate" propect of areiumptiun of
James Hooker was brought into the re-
it-solved ,'ihat we return a vote ot i chil(l -as oaptizeQ and christened, all
thanks to Minor Cox for his attitude on . r . ,, , ,
the cigarette question and express our the party, except the clergyman and
willingness to aid him in suppressing tin-. , myself, being in habits or boots and
WUCG UJ cue u l) IJ lain! rat.TiUili aull ., ,, i ,
charged with beu.tr drunk and disorderly, t T311 ln the Pyrenees, it happenod
He was fouud ou North .Main street and , that Gen. Picton's dispositions for re
bad his head cot wnere he had falit-n ceivincr the assault of Marshal Soult
ugtitwt the side of his bugy iu oue of his
drunken stuggere.
The lawn of the German Evangelic il
church on south Market Street was mghly
iltumiuated lust night by innumerable
Jhp mesel. interns under whose soft colort-d
raja three or four hu.itlreil happy people
partook of Ice cream, cake, lemonade, ttc
It was .1 very m.-rry gathering.
Tho hot -ls of the city suffered quit. a
finiuc'il lo-s during th stuke. Travel
fell otf orr o'i per cent. b still it was not
nn bad here as at Ctitcigo and De-iv-r.
The Brown Palncb hot-l had ouiv four,
vi-ifrs la-.t Sunday, and the Auditorium
at Chicago had ItesthHU thirty.
"The richt of chicken owners" is the
Mil-jett of a lecture soon to b- delivered iiy
Ullicrr Cauipheil in the south fart of the
city where u libt occurs rverj- hour In tha '
dhy b.'tween the owners of chickens aud '
the oi.er- of can!D. lie thinks the.
uiiht .1 will have to be c.illea out yet. '
A. K. Brown wo.-acquit "! of thechnree j
nfn.-sxu.t in Justice Jones' conrt, D B. j
Xixon was the pros-cutmg w:tn-s. Th I
tight letweea the two aro-c oter a while t
mule eating another man's corn. Brawn
km eked 'ixou down three lim-s. .Nixon I
appealed to the law und the county paid j
for their squabbling. j
Ex-Ciiy Attorney T. C. Wil-on is t
Atlantic Cm, X J . one of the fAshtooable '
summer reeorts stendlKiC the hot months.
Mr. V :lio-i writer home h tariiiiog e
count of the str.ke aad tuvh Ut west
through outside tae limits of Chicxo.
Five hundred m-n attscke! 'h- trm jcu
compelled It to reenro to Chuan.
An immense plcoie wts held at Gr
wold's purk yrsterdav by th" Sandny
-ebool chu-srs of the Fir- -M. E cacrcfe.
Over I,OJ0 persons attended aad evvryltody
hail o:$i eojiyible time Swinsr, iee
cream. lemcnai! aud boat rhliu made the
youn peop: happy nd th older ooe, !
s-pokeM of by k.'I wno atteuded it.
A gentleman of t'.is city received a latter
yesterday from a frifii-1 of bin who is In
the k-ecret ervioe of tire gveromen; at
Chicago. He told him that his work re
ceuti) hnd been to miigl with th inner
circle of :c .stumers nt ChiCMo. ai tta:
he ha rvkleMC- agniast Eugene Debs sof
fleirttt to provr nim guilty of a cetupiracy.
Tftir, of cocre, ws giveu job roaju
An Istrraatlosal ramHj-.
A typwal southern Afrieaa hoo&chold
described by Oliver Schriener had an
English father, a half Dutch mother
with a Freaek name, a Scotch gonra
ess. a Zulu cook., a Hottentot hocse
maid. aad a Kafir stable boy. while tb
little girl who waitod oa the table was
Kie Godparent Make Their Response! la
Hunthi Costnaic.
An "up-to-date christenincr," which
was recently held at an English country
house in a sporting: county, is described
In- an American rrirl in one of hor home
jtt d qnoted j th x york
i , ., .
"Milly is up and has taken to riding
again, and is in her habit from morn
ing until evening, when she slips into
a lovely tea-gown for an hour or so, to
appear resplendent latr on in gor
geous dinner attire," so runs the letter.
"The house is full of people, all of the
hunting set, of course; so I was not in
the least surprised when I was told
that the baby's christening was to
come off at the next meet and hunt
breakfast, which was to take place nt
II Hall. -I shall be sure of my
godfathers and godmothers if I com
bine the two, said Milly, 'and I think
it will be a trood end-off for babv.'
I Ghc added, with all seriousness.
'And so, just before they started, the
I breeches. It was really a very pretty
j sight, however, with the two god-
( fathers in their pink coats, Miss S.. as
j godmother, in: the nattiest of habits,
with Milly standing by similarly at
tired, and the little pink shred of hu
manity in long lace robes. As soon as
the ceremony was over, the entire party
took horse and scampered away, leav
ing the small M. F. H. of the future to
his nurses."
The "VTonderful Momoryof a. Noted Franc
Theophiie Gautier, the French
author, was gifted with an extraordi
nary memory. Whatever he had
heard or seen remained engraved upon
his mind.
On the day on which the two first
volumes of Hugo's "Legende des Si
eeles' were published, tho author
dined in Gauticr's company at the
house of another friend. There were
beveral literary men presont, all allied
more or less closely to the tribo of ro
inunticists, admirers of Victor Hugo,
nnd counting upon finding a feast of
good things in his new work.
In the course of the talk Gautier re
marked: "Let us prove whut we ad
vance. I will recite Les Lions' to you."
' And in a clear voice, his eyes gazing
steadfastly as though he wero reading
from afar a book visible to himself
I alone, ho recited the whole piece, not
repeating himself once, never hebitat-
i f nml nof. :., Wn?r
a bingle syl
ft o
Yet he had read it that morning for
the first time.
Many times his friends, doubtful
upon some point of history, lang-uago,
geography, anatomy or art, referred
the matter to him, and received im
mediate satisfaction. They used to say
then: "We havo only to turn over tho
leaves of Theo.'
A Little Songster Who Is UIj;hly Prized
in Europe.
The indigo bird is about the size of a
Gcrmnn canary, and of a deep blue all
over, with a metallic luster in certain
lights that ndds much to his beauty.
A graceful little fellow inhabiting a
lightly-wooded country, where he pours
forth his melody from the top of somo
high tree to hia nesting mate below.
His song, says Harper's Young- Peo
ple, though not very powerful, is ex
tremely sweet, and combined with hia
r'ch plumage makes him a desirable
t cage-bird. Large numbers are shipped
, to Europe every year, showing that ha
!:., L. ir :.. u
is appreciated there. He is not hard to
tame, and should bo fed, as a regular
thing, on canary-seed now and then a
little green food; while in his estima
tion no kinds of inserts come umiss.
If given the freedom of the room for
E llight he is very happy, and will catch
Hies in a rapid way. Very graceful
when flying, the indigo bird will dart
from one side of the room to the other,
stopping instantly, and hovering on
the wing for a moment, like tli6 humming-bird.
Ho is inquisitive, too, and
ls aPfc to int. an? dark "le thmt he
finds. Tho writer once nearly lost his
bird by hisdighting on a wiro fonder to
gazo up the dark chimney.
A Clarer Stratagem,
during the Iron Duke's cam-
displeased him. The danger threat
ened from in front, and the difflculty
lay in delaying the attack until Well
ington conld effect the change he
wished. lie was, as uiual, equal to
the occasion. Waring his hat in tho
air he galloped to the front of a regi
ment as if he meant to order a charge.
The whole of Picton's line cheered tre
mendously, and as the roar died away
Wellington was heard to remark, half
to himself
. ,
zander and 1
Soult is a cautious corn-
will not attack in force
without ascertaining I lie meaning of
these cheers. That will leave time for
the Sixth division to come up, aad we
shall beat him." This was exacUy
what happened, and Soult sustained a
bloody repulse where he might haTt,
won an easy victory.
niaurkablr Gonsldrrata.
A Cincinnati nvritpper reports a
Finking manifestation of amiabtlitj
on the pert of a littlo maiden of that
city. A beautiful utvr doll hn just
been given her, and aabe sat holding it
and singing to it her mother noticed
that the old one was not ia Bight
"What have yon done- with BaatrieeT
asked the mother. "1're pat her away.
answered the little girL "If see aaw
mc loving ray new baby it aught hart
her feelinn."
A chiropodist aaaoaac oq his
card? that he has had th honor of re
moving corn from m-ttsI of the
! crowned hcsa of Karopr. Loedoc
j xi i" -. J.-M mwtfJM-M'-'Mmimi J mlmm ii twmr-mmmm w
In the "Vrcls-
T-te tJBr"t&t ram
V. T"n.rik.
i k"-t- r --
saw i.i yrart W. t
.r a n4 s cTolals
Sr- k.' Jx -' 1 "A " k,. Hhrt
I due tn J0-" XWJk PAJt.II.1.,.
lie ihp't Iw v. " rJ,rt mit jflw
laaitir ad uoll j sniwle BuwrAl
Pills "
1 'jxze tie WiCi. Tit
t it i5ll
"We Sell Goods Cheaper
Than Any Other House in Hie World
But for Cash Only."
ub .twia.rerrT7-i
And the crowds still come. And why
shouldn't they when we give such values as
the following for the little dollars:
Zephyr Laines, printed goods, 8c.
Best Dress Prints, many styles, 4c.
Best Indigo Prints, American irake,
Best Turkey Red Prints, 4jc.
Fine 4-4 Bleached Muslins, extra qual
ity, 5 c.
Heavy yard-wide LL muslin, 4c.
Another invoice Dotted h.wiss.
Don't be decoyed into waiting for your
mattings by the olcl chestnut of 'goods to
arrive' but get a hustle onto yourself and see
our new line of the finest China Matting
ever unrolled in Wichita, at 10c per yard.
130 and J32 North Main St.
V fr?Q,
rTJ IT Fpgllars
And Mime S, siu, $12
Also some $3.00. $3.50,
pants; lor 2.5' .
'J'lie vainmakers can't
ing?, and there is no place on earth -where yon get raoro
for your money than we give. YV do not give it ail ort
paper, but reserve a little to go with the elothos.
C. EV9.
& IDalker.
Wo place on sale this
morning our stock of
a yard.
These goods were
bought origin all v to re
tail at 10c a yard.
159 Tl Viiaxn 51
m -coJ.
mi r5 Z
& fS0&
,-K3 &-
i44 w. mkm
Terms Cfch. S. G. XelT, )fer,
Thbxs arc few lies e-rer rcea s.roesd
black walnut trees.
Fa km aanaais la Japan are shod with
sandals made of straw.
Tanrrr avtnea in tie Uaited Sua
use electric locoaaotrws.
Ciarrtjut turn seldoas acea fat Qibss.
Wlm a oforaed ehiW fc bam. I la at
otto pat to death. j
I it is cdbwim umucay in imw ;
to riw a funeral procession whflU Vhn '
beholder is under aa aaabrella.
MUnLSosonia in Dmasarh la stflD la i
its Infancy. Aa tnyna train thsta
autkes not more thaa oaa hunfred '
uiltis a day. i
Aa engineering aathoritjr ilaalarea ,
that the fleaa aide of laathsr. wto
ased a acttiar. anonid ba plaacd
tfrakMt the wheeL I
A (HMjfWMfmcn aadaae la Uto ;
Bsnkoi Eachrasd ia an aaaahipg ibm a j
wStl turn ths badVa on the dial a dJs-
immtm of sis ioehv
Hlacb list at tardy debtors ace fr j
enmted :a Vieaaa. for th WoaflS ol '
kufcdlords aad other perjaa tfanljr i& I
ba rictimdavd by nan an wba Hme bo-
yoae Vscs- asoae. '". I
r,t' Mff--ljn.alyyp?grr
To iret an exceptional chance to buy? If
so, hero is the chance.
We Avill ive von the choice of somn
2? nnd $25 Suits for Ten
and $14 Suite for Six Pol
$4.00, $4.50, 5.00 and 5.50
equal thec shoveis of bless
la the number of fetters wo nm
receiving from tho school chil
dren in raplj to our Free Sodu
Wnter offer. Tit ay 1I eeem to
roaJize that 1U0 drinks ot our
soda is worth 50U or more driuks
ot the ordinary truck, and nro,
therefor, msJciag a strons; Mfnrt
to secure the prize. Bee &LGU
of July "J for puriienkri.
At onr store it's naelees to spec
ify "pure" or "the best iu. ordr
to fttroid hsriag inferior or adul
terated sroods nsJmed off oa you
j We kep only one kind tb"
genuine article, sad ul oar cus
tomers receive the seme.
Shoemaker & Miller,
-.. 'I'K t.' .' J 1 I 1 .
j U f H'iit lHtil.r -iliih to rHW tt r r -
o ti i rtt-t to ii0, tn ffirr rnpi'!'
a t $tf to r Urff tii 0 trimmm mr
4oU ff Hiuiynr ftibrte. ('.
Ii nrtl hu fPrr HU frwi
$'i7 CHf prirr mm '
r.7 0. tlcwm&rr r km re lftl
lHtter0 i meUrt frtm.
r. ir. hitab.
iz9 3. m.
m" fc TW . ilMlM m . -
- uiBaar
?T siTL fU l . f
VjMxrf l -v, .! m f9
out' V0 .
A rtt- ''. r ' -alaaorat-
-i -'.'
are tiie fT. ?-. J
two dofuan aad t'-'j - ta - '
doenhai gkwet, two iuilars. tb W . .
mmdm lata, lv aWiar. aad say pi -
r cswys Wspad fortbadrsMStaa '.,
which aaajr ba el annani, ekth or !
It said that ItaJ. tU Cmnm. 'h
BriUab spy. bast lf a daoajbter, a r
saantifal fH who hsberfta aeon -oraMo
f Jitana, Tbongh a ti rl
wy aaaaty pay tVoas lbs gmn nan i .
La Cnroa dftri a wenlthr as naJ r
gtaisg bt aridbmca to tha isAaU m -
m&'.a. h sttpalnaad that nb .'
(khoaid W Inanurtd 9m mmjm, mad !
Isaanoald rsoriy fl.Snt year ttr tho