Newspaper Page Text
&tiS''V-ii H aWV'W ifu rdj; jsg- tow ')W3KrohWWWBBJWW(( SATURDAY PRESS. v j ii r voi.tfMfi r. HONOLULU, II. I, OOT015ER 1(1, 1880. NUMBER 7. -. fc.fc w, im&t -gag 4 I THE SATURDAY PRESS. a vKWHiurmt to nt; i-iiu.itiu;ii wkum.y sttR.fnirnna n vr. noi.i.Aiw a ykah iw advance slitrltT n .Mmll.rrt nlHsiWre.s Vr Thn. tl Thrum lWlue. Manager. , , Ml mtlir fVili tmriUf Pre. 1 1 . 1 ba l.uhe -MTt IlllW PIIKiS" Memory, "Tin tHNinlwina rtfutit J Hip at-ir look lirlaMly down I lm IIip c-uili, ili-oknl In lirr roW of atmw. So lltflil tfliMliia nt llm iiltiilmr wo in V ihtii, lilrli fllvrw II rlirot ti tiiMllluJit mul lo rue). Atnl ihto ttlth tmlrlrM1ii NUrir-l Mnmitr) minra Ainl Irnils wo rutlr llininuli lir-r lulllqlil rcnlniv linl l'n tniirftii h m linn rtor nnng, Or ilolionlNt nnrll n'rr jMflraynl Tim rnrlinntt-tt aliAilovy laml ltcrn Memory II ima, (In rtlp)n, rlirrrlo., loni nml tlrcnr, llirk almilnl Iij II") iintHtiifnl ryprvna trm. Aiul jr-l II aim III liiimntAlii iii nrc Imtlinl In lioruon own liliir. ttMn Hi rrnijiijr rlllTa, H.iIkM In tlio ilrpimy lllit if itlnUul Jonta, Arc rliiatoivil Jojk scronn o ullior dj I (Iimii II uniitly-aluiilriK liillnlilort lioiiil T fin MrrplttR ttlll'roa n'rr llic nnrml ilnat Of iloir ilr-jMrtnl ones j nml Jrl ill Hut Inm!, AS Iwrn'er our ftiolatpiw. Mil uimn tlio hlniro, Tliej Hint oro sjrr,iitifi rlan tmni out tlio ilnst Of ileMli's. limu, wllfiit .Tinr, ninl ronnil nn alnnil, A rral llior tllil tcfnrrt llm iirlemi fnmli llrrehpit tfirjlrrlny ullliln il viiIy1 linlla. Tlio Ihwvpih Hint ImmuI nlniMi Hint linil Mn lmnn With rlmiil of nrioii lineal noinn iltrk nml rliilt, Sarrlinril with wmiw, onnl llirlr xtmilim nlinilo 1Ikim Itin Kimnr, Joymin Ininl lrlovr Ollirrn nrp flonlliic llinmpli Hip ilrrnmy nlr t Vlillo nn llm falling ruiow llirlr nmtnlnn lliicwl Willi pilil nml crlniwin linon llirlr nlimlnwn (nil Upon llin llnwpry uioniln mul nntiiij Klovn, Sofl nn llm nlimlmtn of nil nnp'l'n winu, lion llin nmali IiiIIIp of the ilny In ilonn, Anil rrpnliiR'n pincii fnlln ppnlly on tlio lirnrl, 1 ImiiiihI nwny nrnww Hip nolny ypnm Vnto llin nl moot cr;ft of Mrmon'n lntnl, AS liprn pnrlli ninl nky III ilrcniny illnlnnro roppt Anil Mrniory illm Willi ilnrU olillvion jolimt M'liprn woIip Ihn flrnl-iTiiipiiilrpil noiiniln thnt fpll Hv)ii Hip onrin rlillilliooirflpnrly niorni Ami wniiiloriiiR Hipiicp, bIoiik llm nMlliiK yenm, 1 wv llm nhmlow of my fonnpr nolf (lllillnu from rliUilliiKiil up lo ninn'n pnlnto. Ilio pntli of j mi 111 wlmln ilown tliroiiKh ninny n Tln Anil on llm lirlnV o( mnny n ilrrnil nliyns, l"mm ont uluinn ilitUiiPsn poiiips no ray of lljjlit, Sio Hint n plinnlom ilfiirpn o'er thn (jiilf Ami IntIiiiiih loirnril llm urijo, Acnin tlio pnth liPmln o'pr n nninmit wlmrp tlio nunlionnin fnll t Ami limn in light nml nluulo, smmlilno nml fcloom, Siirrow nml Joy, thin Ilfo-pith lrniln nlonR. Jnmtt A. Odrjlftii. Brevities. Wo prosnmo thnt pork is it fnvorilo diet in Utflh; nt Inst nlmust every other ninn hns his spiro rib. Tho mnn who goto tnndilcst nt n news paper squib is tinn.illy tlio follow who bor rows tho pnper ho rcnils it out of. It is now sniil tint Gosler did not com tnnnd Willinn Tell to shoot nn npplo off his son's hoid, becinso thoro woro no npplos in Switzerland nt thnt time. A Sonth End rami nsked a onc-nrmed orgnn grinder if ho wns n survivor of tho Into wnr, nnd tho organist rcpliod: " Unug it, do I net ns though I wns killed in it?" You enn disguise tho nailmnrks of petty shortcomings, but you enn't putty tho knoUholos in tho fenco of a mean dis position. SoTprnl plnUsof iofl-cwAm Anil n piece of enko Mnke tho flntwt kind of Modern stomnch-ncho. A qnostion that is giving tho Pittsburg lnw students tho headache : " Can a mnu marry his widow's sister ?" Tho .Indians up in tho British Dominions havo been caught smuggling. This must bo stopped, if possible, boforo tho red mnn Ins nn opportuuity to corrupt his Christian whito brother. A Now York mnn has discovered that cats oat cucumbers, nnd tho mystery ns to what ailed them about U in tho morning is dissipated. "It is cheaper to keep n cow than to buy milk.";. JV.inMm. "It is nlso cbeapor to giro np a girl than to keep her in candy." Cyrus lxtld. A lady wishes to know tho best wny of marking tablo linen. Blackberry pio is our choice, although a baby with a grnvy dish is highly esteomed by many. An old salt when asked how far north he had cvor been, replied that ho had been so fnr north that " tho cows when milked besido a red-hot stove gavo icecream." Tho terrible power of oirly education to shapo n man's life is illustrated by this pro Terb, taken from tho Spanish: " What is sucked in with tho mother's milk stays un til it runs out in tho shroud. " It is better to have an opinion of your own and to be half wrong than to allow your lips to be shaped by others. Tho Danes HTi "He who builds according to every man's ndvico will livo in a very crooked house." Whon a sUid old Professor imagines that ho is cajled upon to write book for tho boys, somoouo should tll him that he knows ns little of the trait and quirks of tho average boy as be docs of tho goat on llobineun Crusoe's island. If you havo any real greatness you won't go far before tho world will find it out. Small men insist that they are great, while great meu can ailbrd to keep still. The Talmud saya that "all kinds of Wood burn silently except thortia, which crackle and call out " Wo too are wood. " Tho trouble about taking a medicine war ranted to cure all diseases is that it may not kuow exactly what is wautcd of it, and in tbrtt case it will go fooling around in tho system trying to euro you of" some diseaso that you have not got. New Orleans JV anune. It is a great mirtako in mothers to tako bo much piins teaching their children to &pek. What a world of trouble it takes to make fcome babie talk, and what a world of trouble they i"' I with their everlast ing talking aftei naviug once learned how to do it " Ktla, is your father at home ? " said a biKiifuj lovor U his sweetheart. " I want to propone something very important to htm," " No, Clarence, papa is not at hornet but I ara. Couldn't you nroposu to me jus, as well ? " Aud he did with perfect success. Arteraus Ward once told ua the funniest lory he ever heard was about au iuebri ated reporter, who leaned oier ibe railing of the rfjpoftvr'MjKallery is tke Kagliah 1 House of Lords and inquired ; " Will shum Hoble'ord jilea'shing comip song? " A lawyer and a preacher were dtsouMiag the direction of the wind. The former said, " We go by the courthouse vane." ''And we go by the churcU vane, " replied the pirsoa. "! tbe'mtterb6f wind that i. the lesi a uthority, ',aaid ,tke lawyer. And. ibe preacher weut koata k eefiUte. Washington Kntomlmd. Wo nrn luilohlrd lo ihn I'Diirleny of Mr. JJ. V, Holies, nr this cil)-, for tlio followtng ooulenipomry nivotint. of llm rnunrnl of Ooorgo Wnshlngtoii. II in laknn from Ihn IVftrr (ytntif (Jmrttc, New York, .Inn. Ilh, A. P. 1-00, nud Is a great ourionlly. Tlio piper is numbered rjrl, n hlnnll four pignl si6ol in Inrgn typo, priro Ui'i renin onn pign nml n-tintf being taken up by ndvertlnompiits, of which moro thnu a eoU ninn ndvnrlisn sales by Mr. Sliorilf 1'elnr Ten Ilrooek, a tianin quite recently known on lite turf in England, Thorn run other cnrioHiliim in llin wimii nper whtoh vn pro pohe to produce in n future number: fWje! Vhifli, Dec. 20. On Wnlnrsdny last llm mortal prl of WAS1UNOTON tlm great tho Knlhnrof IiIn Cmnitry nnd tho rriond of mnn, wns consigned to the tomb, with solemn honors nml tiiticml pomp. A multitude of persons assembled, from mnny miles round, nl Mount Vernon, the choice nbodn nud Inst residence of tho illus trious nhief. Thuro wero the groves tho spicioiiH nvrnucf., tho beautiful nnd sub lime KccncH, I lit) noble mansion hut, nlns 1 tho august inhabitant ten iioio no marf. Tint great soul was rotir. His mortal part wnR there indeed j but ah I how nU'eetingl how nwftil tho scctaclo of such worth nud greatness, thus, lo mortnl eyes, fallen ! Yes 1 fallen 1 fallen I In tho long nnd lofty Portico, where oft tho Hero wnlkcd in all his glory, into lay the shrouded corpse. Tho countounnco still composed nud sereno, seemed to ex press tho dignity of tho spirit, which lately dwelt in thnt lifeless form. Thoro thoso who paid tho lant sad honors to tho bono factor of his country, took un impressive n fnrowell view. On tho ornament, nt tho hoid of tho coflin, was inscribed Sunnr. ad Judicium nboul tho midtllo of tlio collin, Oi.ouiA m:o and on tho silver pinto, OENERAL GEORGE WASHINGTON, Departed this life, on tho 14th Decombor, 1779, Ait. 08. Uctween thrco and four o'clock, tho sound of nrlillery from n voRsolin tho river, firing ininuto guns, nwoko nfrosh our sol otn n sorrow tlio corpso wns moved a bind of musiu with mournful melody melted tho soul into all tho tenderness of woo. Tho procession wns formed nud moved on in tho following ordor: Cavalry, 1 Infantry, v With nrms reversed. Gunrd, ) Mumc, Clergy, ; Tho Goucrnl's horso with his snddle holsters, nnd pistols. ifwle n-i- 2 i W ' 2 in Cols. Gilpin, Mnr.stcllor, Little. UU.P. g Simms, ' Hnmsnj, s Pay no, .Mourners, Jlasonio Brethren, Citizens. Whon tho Procession had nrrived nt tho bottom of tho elevated lawn, on tho bauks of tho Potomac, where tho family vnult is plnccd, tho cavnlry halted, tho infantry marched towards tho Mount nnd formed their lines tho Clergy, tho Masonic Brothers, and the Citizens, descended to tho Vault, nnd the funeral service of tho Church was" performed. Tho firing was reie.ited from tho vessel in tho river, and tbo sounds echoed trom tlio woods aim hills around. Three general discharges by tho infantry tho cavnlry, and 11 pieces of nitillery, which lined tho banks of tbo Potomno nt tho back of the Vault, paid the last tribute to tho entombed Commander-in-Chief of tho Armies of tho United States nnd to tho do ptrtcd Hero. Tho sun wns now setting. Alns ! tho sok or a lory was set forever. No tbo name of WASHINGTON tho American President and General will triumph over Death 1 Tho uncloudvd brightness of his Glory will illuminate tho futuro ages I Lepen in America. Tho loper is commonly regardod as an importation from tho hast. JJut it seems wo havo had lepers on this continent for ovor a century past. On tho shores of tho gulf of St. Lawrenco, in tho New Bruns wick marshes, lies tho village of Tracadic, called by its neighbors " tho settlement of mfscr)'." Its most notable edifice is the leper house, which tho provincial govern ment is about to transfer to tho aire of tho Dominion of Canadn. Its upper story is filled with lepers, who are still able to 6co the scanty fishing smacks of tho village set oat for the banks. Tho lower story is darken ed, fur its inmates no longer know night from day. Tho disease is said to have been brought from tho Levant, in 1758, in secondhand clotlios, wuicu wero distributed among tho fishermen at the mouth of tho Miramichi by tho captaiu of a French ship. It was tho tioxt year that tbo discaso broke out, and was carried to the neighboring towns bytli(HO who tied to escape it. Nut until 18-U were any steps taken to collect and isolate the victims, who were placed first in a pent-house at Sh'oldrako, and three years late at Tmcxdio. Tho infection, however, would not havo taken root, Had not tua jieopio oeou proa is posed to it by a fish diol and by nucloanly habits. This frightful diaoaao was brought by the Qrusadera into every part of Kuropo, but has been extinguished evcrywhoro ox ccpt among tho fishermeu of Norway. In their' case diet aud habita have helped to perpetuate it iu a climate which might have been thought the most unfavorable to its permanence. The English Friends, who visited Norway some years ago, gave a most painful account of the great leper hospital at Bergen. I'enn Monthly. IngWfth eapital to the extent of $1,000,. 000,000 now lie idle aud waiting for au opportuuity for aafe investment. American capital in the same condition amounts, it is uppoeod, to 900,000,000,, Kuglihh. capi,ai cannot tiud at home "even a four per cent In vetiutt)t, and therefore will coma to Ame rica aa! iow as the political crisis U over, wbtreWUer ratiraa cut be had. . mi. n. r. i-.Mi:nnoH, iMivamidra ahw j-n,i.-nf (Irtlrr.llll lliiirnmnn'. If lnfi, 01 Merrliniil HI Orrirnlimir. H In III M, 11 l,i -f r .IHiii mrn, n. n. omrriN, W Kntl HI., Iliumliiln, I'nnhlnnnhtn Millilirr anil I Draw Mnhnr. 1 Nrw (liiml. nml Hljlr-n rpflnt mrrjr mnn Hi, Ijt J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney nmt Cnunnxllnr nt I.iw, I .Mnrilinnl SI , lnin)liilii, II I, I; r.nwAUD ritcsToit. AHoriiry mul Couiur Hor nt Lnw, ly fini'itHNItPfljIlniiiiliilii I J, NOTT CO., Imporlpm nml Dnnlnrn In Rlovrn, Rnit;p, Mrlnl., Ilnn.p l'mnl.lilnu llnmln, Ctoflidf. III... mul ( hlnn WntP, I'rnrllrnl Mcrl nnlr., Ilomiliilti, II, I. .Mr A. XV. RICHAItDSON A: CO., IMIIlllTKlin ANII 1Kt mm IN lliMiln, HIiim., rnrnl'liliir llnmln, llnl", l'i, Trnnlin, Vnllnfn, I'rifiimrrjr nml Snn, Wnllhnni Wntrlmn, rinp.lfHflrr, Mr , rnrntr of 1'iiit nml Mrrrlinnl Kin,, il Mil i ir IKMHMI1IH, II I M. DICKSON, Phntngraphln Artlat, l3 nml 101 l'ort .'Hint. l'lrlnrrn nf nil .Ire. nml klmli lumtn In nnlrr, nml I'romrn nf nil ilc.frllitliuili niii'lnnllT nn Immj, rti.ii, Uliriu, rornl., nml liiirlu.lllpii or llm rnclilc. I. W. 1IOPP, Cnltlnnt Mnknr, ITphnlntarar, Dnnlnr in Furnltnrn, Hr, MKIne fllrri'l, IiIwpcii N'nimiiii nml Korl Hlrri-tn, Mntttra.Fii rnn.lnntlr nil hnml or iniiiln tn nrilrr, VJ TIIOS. G. THRUM, Importlnn nml MnnnfHctnrlnK Stntloaar, Nawa ARiint, Book Blmlor, fte., Hrrilmtit Nlri'rt, nml Dealer In Fine Slntloiirry, llnoV.,, Tnirn nnil fnncy (lomlii, I Korl ritrrrl, nrnr llnlrl, llniioliilii. ly w. . WKM.inii. ions nwiirnx. WENNER A; CO., rirtHtrci't,niiHilln OiM' Hall, MnnnthotnrlnK JnWdlem, Slnmonil Spttnm, Kiujrnirrn, nml Di-nler. In .Inwplrjr nf nil kind.. Hlinll nml Knkiil .Irurlry mniln tn nrilrr, Onlern nl.o re ceived nml fnltli fully nlleiuled In fur nil kind, nf Ilnlr Work In Jrwplry nr Memorial Drnlnnn. I ly d. wTcEark, Wntoh Mnker nml Jeweler, iMroRTrnnr Waltham nml alt nthrr American Watch, Clack and Jewelry. Wnlcti Ilepnlrlne mnile n nneelnlly. I ly Nn. 17 Merchant Mlreel. Honolulu. FRANK GERTZ, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER No. al Mcrclmnt HI., noxl to Tlion. O. Tlirnm. nnnta nml Mliopn Mnile to Onlrr, of Ileal Hn trrlnl,nml nt Kenitniihle rler. Boots and Shoos made for Cash only 'iiy M. & ORINBAUM A CO., Importers nnd 'Wholesale Dealers in Gene ral Merehnmllne, 3 Mnkci-'n Mock, Queen Street. ly M. S. ORINBAUM & CO ForwnrtUnK and Commission Merchants, 214 Ciillfurnla Ht., Special facilities foi nml nnrtlcalir attention jinlil lo S consignment, nt Inland proilucc ly T. J. MOSSMAN, Importer and Dealer In Crockery, rintn nnd DecoratH l'nrcclnln, Cut nml l'rei.eit Ola.., Hlhcr l'latecl Ware, Cutlery, Clinnilcllem, I.nmpn, Chimneys, Ktc. Kire Proof Store, cor. KIiir nnd Kuuanu Sis., Honolulu. 'Vr . WM. J. SHELDON, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. Sl'KCIAL ATTENTION C1IVEN TO BCorso Shop on Klnc Street, oppoaltc tlm I'nllco Station. S3m E, COOK "WEBB, M. D HoxneopatMs t, (Late Chief of SUIT llonienpnthlc Hospital, Wnril's Ulnnil, N. Y.) OOlco 110 Kort Street. HpecUl attention to dlnenscs of nnincn nml children. Olllce liimrs Until 10 A. . 2lo4r.n. 21 ly o. siatl ken. a. INOLINU. G. SEGELKEN St COn - No. f Nnunnii Street, linsmitha and Plnmbors. Dealers in Stoves, Unlives, Tin, Sheet Iron ana Copper arc, keep eon itanily on hand a full assortment of Tinware, (lahnn Izcd Iron and Lead l'ipe, India Itnbbcr Hose, Ac, &e. S ly HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE A BROTHER, Proprietors, NUUANU SUKET. l'llot. Medium and Nary Dread always nn hand and made to order Also, Water, Soda and Duller Crack-. crs, Jenny I.lnd Cakes, &. Ship Dread re-haked on the shortest notice. Family Dread, made of tho Dcst flour, baked dally and alwa) on hand. N. U -Brawn Bread tit" (He Best quality s A. L. SMITH, 41 rORT BTUEET, IMrOItTEll AND DEALER lit Jterlden CJtudropln Dated Ware, Glassware, King's Combination Spectacles and Kje Glasses, llrackets. Vases, Lnstral Wire Ware, Fancy Soaps, Picture Frames, Wnttcnholm's Pocket Knives, Scissors, l'ls tols. Powder. Shot and Ammunlllon, Clark's Spool Cotton, Machine, Oil, all kinds of Machine, Needles, "Domestic" Taper Fa.hlous, Sole Agent for the uni versally acknowledged Eight Running Domestic Sewing Machine. U. . WHITIEr. J. W. BOBIKTSOM WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, (Suecessora to II. M. Whitney) Stationers, Publishers, News Deal i mad BoolfBlnaars. 1 Merchant Street, Honolnlu, II, I. ly THE HONOLULU BOOK-BINDERY DOES BIKDIHO OF ALL DESCBIPTI0KS. The work executed nt this establishment U under the suiiervlsloii of Mil. JOHN I.. UKKS.who is well known as an experienced workman, and cannot burpa$ttd, WOBU BII.K AT TUB I.UWEHT KATES. WHITNEY - KOUKUTSON, Stationers, Publishers, News Dea'ern and nook Dlndera Jl c. ;. i;oi.i;iu, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST Herse MnueiHg, t'arrlasro Werk, Il"HtalluH Maclilnerx, ate. B08 Shop on King Btrt-el. next CastleVt Cooke's. ly TIIKO. II. Ik.lVlt.M, Ln Jl), Ossin A Co. J IHP0KTIR AMD C0KMIII10M MXRCKAIT, ash Agist roa Lloyd'saad tha Liverpool Ifn.lsrwrllrrs, and Cor.len Marina Insurauca Company, and Wurtbern A.urniiceCuiuany. u7M ly V div. !ftA:rAatl.WK CO.. IMFOItTEBS AKD C0MKI8HI0N BISCHAMTI, KublBsos'a rira-pioofltulldlac, QuttnBtrsat, Honotalu, II.I. . iaiNi ra Tin Ol.ijow an I Honolulu Llb of Packata. Juliu liar A Ci' Lli.r-l anj Loadoa lackats. Tli. WalKapil 1'lantatn.ii, Tha ripucvr IManUtion. Illlo, lUKalau Planlallou, Illlo. l In I.e., T.ll t U'alwn, Hngar Machinery. The t'nul'tattlieop Itaneh CuuirT. 7WI 'ft HON. 4s. V II HUM, IUrOKTI.10 1MU MAKliriCTl'UIKII ITATIOIIR, RIWI A0IRT, R00X-BIRDRR ftRO VArER SVLXR, UerclnntBl. near Kort, aud Furl bl. uaar Hot. I, Honolulu, II.I. Al, 1'uMl.her vf Iba Hawaiian Almanac and Annual, and Hawaliiu UlrrcUiry and Caliadar, Ac Ac. -Th. Msrchant .lrt mr will ba davolrd lo d.nrtsl kla. liosery. libwk Hook; Nt. sal llludlsg Uep.rlaaauis. Tha fort " ?l'a, sill embraea Klua Hlallouery. Hooks, AriUts' Mal.iUU; Tuv. aud rane ll'i.-)s. TM l I. S, OAlTkg, J. S. ATSSStOS ('AHTliK A COOIiK. MirriB. AIB C8HMIMI0R MIRCafaRTI, OfrOHTBiU AND In Cnral MvrohandiM, Mo. U Kls f Iraat, Hjaolala, HawaUas lalasis. .,,, AOKNTB r0K Tka Unlos lasaraaea Coaspaay of tin fraatlKO. TkaNaai Bagiasa asioai re lussrajwa uunpaay, aosiunj Ilia Orasos rackak Line. Tka Kukala PUaUlUs, Tka Halts riaotallas. la. Jaya. A Suu'sOaUbfaUdl Madlclaaa. wauiaa ruAiaiwi, Nbaaler A Wlbwa'a . sasiag ss rualalioa. (oaaaiiy; ooi;rmni,j,on jk'v -v.vteir l"'1 Nn, II KnnliiiPiniiil nlrrei, 4). H. HAIt'l'OU', AMitlonrrr. nl.r,Miin nn On. en Hi.l, nun door Irnm Knnliiiniann J121 , "lrl . ly riiitiMi r.i.i a. ;o., " OXNXRAL COMMlfHIIOX AOKItTI, - "'iJHnnl It Mt.. ol n . It . T . TOI If t '. a. h'iiai:i'i:ii vu, Importers A Commission Merehante nnil lliiiiuliilu, lUwnllmi lil.n.l. l. . H.IIMLtlinOH, ,il. .. aunor.oN aid tiomkopathic riiTsiciAif. Oflle (Vrn.r I'nrtnnd tl.r.lniilnMI., tlenntiilii 7jn ":. i. aiaim7 " Auotlonnor and Commtiilon Merchant, ilannSlrnnl,llnnulllll()l,l, i.""""'?! :. ii4ii'i'M4;iii.Ar:4Ji:It a :,, tMPORTRna AND COMMISSION MKRGHAXTH, Hiinnliitn, O.Imi It, 1, ttn ly m.ttin pi'uik.'KHIji, nm,u,iKix. vn. a. uttvir Ac :o., Sngnr Fnoton and Oommliilon Agents Jliimiliilii. II. I, WI7 :. . iiAi.i. a'wo., IMrORTKRII AND DKAT.ERB IN HARDWARK'nlnlt, 1)11. nnd (IrrernlMrrclinriAlte, Cnfn.rrnit.iol Kln Wit. Jll. '!'. WATi:illlONI' IKrOHTER AND DKALER IR OERKRAt MERCHANDISE. 771 Q111..11 rltr.el, Kiuiolnln. II. I. ly :i:;ii, iihoyvn. attorney and counsellor at law. NOTAIIV I'tJIII.lC. AndA(enlfr InklnK. Aeltnnwledittneuln of tntlrurnnnlnfor Ihn l.lnnd nf Onhu 717 Mo. n K..tinni.iiM ntre.t. Ilnnnlnls, II. I. ly i. i i:iii.i:km a ;., DEALERS IN DRY OO0DS AND OINERAL MERCHANDISE, rirn.irnnflnr. HIH-ly JOlin II. I'ATI', notary roBLio and commissioner of deeds, For the CI. If. nf C.llfoinl. nnd New Ynrk.ODIrn nt llin ll.nK of IIMiop A I'o.. , llnnolnlii. iflnn ly J. n. WIIIIVMIY, m. ,, i. M. Dantal Room on Foit Strett, OITIe c In Ilrcwer'n, lllneU, corner lintel nnd Kort ntrreli. nil ly Kntrnnce, llnlrl Street A . W . I'M II . GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. VnuillyOrocnrynnd Feed Utorr, 78 ly CnrnrtHtreet.Ilnrnlulii. il. i. r. emtio), r. c. jnnu, Ijn. C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7 Honolulu, Hawaiian Iilandi. ly ;. AFONU. Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise And China (loodn, In the Klte-I'rnnf Hlorc, torner ol KlnRnnd Nnii.nn Rtrrnli. HI J. '. GIKVIN. Commhuinti Mirchnnt ami Central flrnler In Dry (inndn, Grocrrlei, llnrdwnre, Stationery, Tatcnt Mcdlclnen, l'i rfiiinery, and Ulnsnwarc. KJ WAII.UKU, MAUK ly l.O.nlCKIIOK IIOBT. I.KWKIIR, 0. H. COOKS i.i:vi:kn a. iicKtorv. IMP0BTER8 & DEALERS IN LUMBER. Andmllkluil.oflull.llngMterll.,l'orlHtret.llonolula A. W. PEIRCE & CO,, SHIP CHANDLtBS COMMISSION MERCHANTS aouvts yon Drand'n (tuna and Uomb I-ancei, I'.rry Oavln' rain Killer, 785-,! No. 40 Quef n Hlreet, Honolulu. ly i.Airi: &. :.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And IniK)rters of nd Dealers In Hay, Grain, ami Genera rri.lnce. lloiioliiln, II. I. 7m ly IIOM.IHTI'.K A CO., VrurigittH, Apolhteat (m, Importers of Tobacco and Cigars, Manufacturer, of Soda Water, Agents for P. Lnrlllard A Cn's Tin Tap;; W. 8. Kimball & Cn's Vanity Fair; and Goodwin A Co'a Old Judge. Tobaccos and Cigarettes. 816 Sfo as .Vuimliu Street. Iloimluln. ly PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Baery 3E. SOR1V, Practical Confeetloner, Paltry Cook and Baker, 818 71 Hotel street, between Nnnnnu and Fort. 3 ly THOMAS TANNATT, No. 83 Fort Street, opposlt- E. O. Hall A Son. 'Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Music Boxes For Sale. Or carefully repaired In a workmanlike manner. Orders from the other Islands promptly atti nded to. 7W ly CASTLU A HATCH, Attorneys at X-et-wr. W. It. CAHTI.K, Nptary Public, attend all the Courts of Ihe Kingdom. Particular attention paid to Ibe urcotlatloa of Loans, Conveyancing", Collecting, etc. Sur Money to loan on Mortgage. Ofllco I No, It Kaaliunianu street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islanda. 7M ly BISHOP & CO., B . NT BL 33 II S , HONOLULU. I I I I HAWAIIAN ISLANDS! . . DRAW liXCIlANOK OX...... IHE IMK OF CIUFOMU, : : : : S FMKISCO AND TIIKia i0STS IS H.w Yerk, Boston, Pails, aacaisan, THE OnlENTII IMK C0RP0MTI0N, : : 10NMM ask thus ssiaciiss IS llama; Kona(t Mrilucr, and Melbearn., And transact a flen.rnl Panting Tin. Intss. 77 ly II1MAN HROH,, Importers of General Merchandise KKOM FltAXOE, ENGLAND, OF.RMANY, AND UNITED STATES, No. 13 Merchant Btrcct, - Honolulu, II, I, HVMAN HROH,, WHOLESAL10 aUOOERS, S1A and 218 California btrret, HAN I K A N J1 M t) , fTT I'attlcular attention paid lofllllns aud shipping Island orders. KJ0 ly TUONAN I.Ai'K, OBINII Ka. Wtt Mtreot, will attend to all orders In th. LOCI. Will 1 IEREML RCPftM URC He will give special altonilon 10 classing-, rrsslrlnat ami rrgulsUog Hawliif Maabinas, snd all olhar kindaol Light Machluary and Mslal Work ol every ilaacrlptloa. Ulacka Ithlng, ate. Also, on kaad and for sale rhsas, ' A Variety of Sewing Maoninee JMM. rtatats. , AatsasiMMfaMa, aawina Machlsa Tuokara, atlatsra. sad all other aalrs Ml 4spflcets awts of auoklosa spsaal oa aaott oottos. Ao tkaf MacbUs TwUl. T aWs Awsi HfUii Atsfsaw fir Tke nerssea tasselac kjacklua. freaa t la (40. WkOVs Saw lag Use oa. fauan lit to (7. Hosta rHiaUlaSewlug Macbls, ftssa IH W U. . ajar IscJwrtBS ail aauas' -' '' tally. ifntmam j, ' 4 (iviJ.i ' ul ,MwU-4,. r.n.ic. kowje, llonse anil Sign Fainter, Potter Hanger, An. , ,TW ly Nil IHI'mt nitret, nonnllllH a Bforclinnt Tailor. 7H Nn ftl'nrlHIlnw DjnfiMHld'n. ly ii. :. ;M!i,vrviti: a. iimotiii:m. OH00ERT, FRP.n 8T0JIK nnd BAKERY, Cornsrnf Klnc nnd Forlslrseli, mir U'IMi:it A. .. Corner of Curl nnd Mnrt. Ilnselulii, I.nmlitr, rnlntn, Oils, "alii, Salt snd Building J'Jh MalBrlsliBf jivnrr fclnrl.. iii.i.iiXjiiA.v 'a. ;., IMrORTKRM AD DKAI.KIU IK HARDWARK Cnll.ry.llry (Inndi, t'nlnls and 1)11., and llsn.rnl Msr. hniidl,rtii oil, Kin, llnnolnjii TH ly " "noi,i,i;H a. :., Ship ChanrlUrt and Commmion Ksrohanli, mpnrtrrsnnd Healer I n (lii.fl Mnreiiaudhi,Qne.rnirM Honolulu, llnwallnti l.lnntls, lyp ly a. n. iii:siioMr a .. IsrnaTiat Ann lilliii is Cronernl 3VCozols.axxc91aaov Inn Corn. r Qnssn slid KnahnnisntiMlresIs, ly HONOLULU IRON WORKB 00. S-ffTK ITI'.AW KNillHKH, RtlflAll Mlf.l.H Vtllff Hllrra,Cmlir, Iron, firms and Land fti.llna Machlnory of Evary Oaaorlptlon, MadnloOrd.r 6 Partlonlsr atlentlon paid to Ship's Blnekimlthlng arJOII WIIHK .leentednn Itie.hnrle.t nollee. i,HM ly I IIAVK KtlllHKD A FIRST-CLASS HORSE -SH0ER An am srepare1 lo carry an this nraneb 01 ray Illiniums In a manner satis. fnetory lo injr I'atrons. OWNERS OP"FINE STOCK Will do well to giro me a Call. Horsos sont to my King St. Shop Will bo faithfully ntltntkil to. mtm C. WEST. THE LIVERPOOL LONDON GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Kslahllshed 1BJ0. Ununited Liability" to Stockholder. Asset Jtcscrrc In coin e for 18TUi ..11.2111,1(0 .8 ,MJ,I .000 Frcmlnrnn received aftir d'ductlon nf rein surance $5,.T'I5 Losses promptly adjusted and paid here. 1 Am IlINItOl tr o.. Agents. FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Com party. A Leading Home Company. Asstts, Juno 30th $767,307,17 Additional Cash Capital (now being called In) S30,0U0.00 Total Asset $1,117,307.17 THE KI KESHAN'S FUND INSUll- X ANCK VOMI'ANY Its claims to the best Catronace upon Ha sonnd flnarclal condition, reinforced y Itn accession of capital. clTlnc It (iter a million dollars In assets; its eitcnslve system of Aecncles, in surliir; It a large premium Income, without the necei sity of heavy concentration of lines: its adherence to tho best principles nnd practices of undemrltlng; by open, fair and clearly expressed contracts, and prompt and equitable adjustment and payment of legitimate lusses. I'or seventeen rears It has been favorably known as a cotiscnntltc underwriter, and during that time baa paid over 14,000,000 IN LOSSES, Tasstnc triumphantly Ihtonch tho heaviest eonflaj-ra. tlons Known In modern history. IIIMIOP A Co., Agents, 1 3m Honolulu, II. I. Baston Board of fBilerwrllers. A OKHTS far tne Hawaiian Islands, JV 803. 1 y O. IIKriVl Wl CO. Pkiladelpkia Board of Underwrllers. A OKXT1 for the Hawaiian Ialanils, o My C. IIKKV7KKARO. Insurance Notice. TUB AOBhT roil THE BltlTISH For eign Marin In.nrnnce- Company, (Limited), lias ie eelvad Instructions to ridnet the rotes of Iwtwesn Honolulu and Torts In tha Pacific, and Is now pre pared In Usna Policies at tha loweat rates, with sapaclal r.dnelkin on fralght per tteamera. THEO. II. DAVIKR, ly 77 Agant Brit, for. Mar. Ins. Co . Limited V. A. NOHAKPKR. AUEMT sfBrtmen Hosnl ofUiidarwrltera, Agent of Dresden Hoard of Underwriters, Agsnt ol Vienna Hoard of Underwriter.. Claims again Insurance Companies within tha nradlcllon of the above Boards of Underwriters, will have to ba cartl flxl to bj the abovn agent to make (ham valid. 7H0 ly iiamiii!kuii-iiki:m:h FIRS INBUBAHOB 0OMFAIT. THE UNDBItHIOilKD haTlns; heaa ap polntrd Agents of Ilia almve Company, ara prepared tn Insure risks acalnit lira, u stone and Brlek Hallil Insja. and un Merehan4la storsd thsrsln, 07 Iba tnosl faviirabla larms. tor particulars apply at Ilia nfflea of t Ij t. A. gCIIAEKKH A CO. CAI.IaV'OKNIA. INSURANCE COMPANY. T1I1B UMDBKSICINKD, AaKFITB. OF THE alKive CHuauv. Iiava been aulhorlaed to lasnra risks on Cara. Freight and Treasnrs, from llonolnla to all partaof tka world, and vka versa. 79 ly II. UACHrtXP A CO. THAN-ATLANTIC FIRE INtURANCK COMPANY, r HtMinti. Capital : , Sin Million Relchimark; RMHM INN1TRKB N llll.niNUN. MKK. chandlaa and Furniture, on liberal terms, br I7lt 1)' II. HACKrKI.ll f"0.. Agents. HAMBUIIC-MACDEBUrtC FISI IH8URANC1 COMPANY, Or HAUHUllO. BaJILBINUN. MKaMIHANBINK, rUBNI. TlHIKand Machinery Insured aajalnsl Vlre on tha anoal faverahla terma. A. Acenl for Us Hawaiian Islands. 71 iy UNION INSURANCE COMPANY or lil FRANCIICO. mCalxXa. xaoomroBATBD, iaa CASTLE COOKI, AGENTS II For the Mswallaw lalaaia. ly GERMAN LLOYD wWwRrVaTW lI'MaTlwBrwafSjwl VFMHoIfIW Wl E?wl HWf FOKTUNA' tkV MHr0J CfswatsT-W if 111 Ms TtB A . laMUBA-ci- (MrtlW save astakllskad a Uesaral Ageacv Iters, and tha adefslfoaA, Usaetsl A(eulvra autkcaliaal to tsks 1 wwaRra we a ..T, wawwSBwVluBwaHfPacV1" t"gfls-3Sr:" I Mft ly F. A. aCBAWM CO,. OeMHl Aslt. .11 Uti. 114 UMilJatt iv. ' . a 4 .. .. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, CaBlta., I'lVf iTfiniann RflrMmrk. ffliir. i'nfnr.Mnit7njr. havinu mkr apimlnlrd Agenla for Ilia almvn Company, ara now reaify in IaewPlleleRRlnat MlaKsorrirena tlnllrl. Imrs, Hereliaiiillse anrl rnrnllure on terms e,nal lnllio.n nf other re.perlabla rompanlea li.ana paid lor and ndln.lid hre Knr pntllnil.l., uphlr lo iiilr In f.l) A Co, Agns Wl II HAi'KI'P.r. Insurance Notices rimr. iiNiM:HNiiNr.n ami: pnkparkh lo willn upon Mrrrlmndlse, per first rlais res. alt hetHeen this and Ihn (;onl roils, roverlng lo.. or ilshmue, If niiiiiiillni( lo M nioie, 1,11 Hi. siiiiihI valiianfllie whole shlpuiml at poll of dslltery, tipon favoraliln leitiis , , . IIIHIIO)' A Uo. Alii nla nf llm 1'liemeti's Kunil liistirancn Company, Honolulu,,! n,.'), hm, nlu tlm Rhenish Woatphrllan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, OF n. li(.tnHA'H, Hhenlalt rrassla, Aaohon avid Lolpzig Iniuranoo Co,. Minllcd, or AACiit::. (Ani.At;if apkm.k.) A 1.1. l,AI- rilH I'AHTIf.'tJI.AR AVF.M. AIK by floods arilvlng here, am loaured In inn alwiva Coiripanln, liava Imi mad with Hie rug. iilrniien nf and c. to by Ihn undersigned, In order to bval ld I7MI ly J. O, HI.ADk, Agent. H0RTH BRITISH AMD MEB0AMTILE INSURANCE CO., OF IaOMMOK ANII EIIINBUHUII. K8TAIII.IHIIKI) IM, CAPITAL , , .,.,.... l.frey,ataj Arsamnlatcd and Invested Knurl. !l,S3g,lIS rilllK IIMKltaUr7Kl7llAVK BEEN AP- M. I'OINTKI) AUKNTd for His Hamlwleh 1. 1. 11.I1, and ara authorised lo Insure agsluit Vitn upon favorable larms. Ill.hs taken In any part of Die (.lands un rllons and Wnndan lliilldlngs and iii.rclisndl.e .lored Ihsreln, llw.lllng and furniture, Tlmlirr, Coals, fllilp. In harbor with or with out cargoes, 01 undar repair. o iy KU..Harraciii,AKfiitit a co THK New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. or noHTOH, wAs IIKIORPORATCD, lass. 7i Oldeit J'urclt Mutual I.tfe fnnuranee'Co. in tile United Slate. Policies limed on the mott farorabl Tsrntg. Kxample or Jtoii-ferrVlture Plan, INgUllKDAflK, 35 VKAIli-OIlDINAHY LlfK PLAN 1 Annual premium continue. Policy 2 years 3 days 2 Annual premium continue. Policy 4 years 12 days 8 Annual premium a ntlnii.s Policy ft years 27 days 4 Annual premium continue. Pillcy 8 yenrsM days & A nniial premium continues Policy 10 yesrsM days , 1 t 910,000,0001 Losses Pa lil throriKli llonolnla Agener, 46V000 CASTLE ft COOKE, .ENT8 lla POIt THK IIAWAIIAW IHLAKDl. ly WILDER 5 CO., Aaenls for Ihe Ilnwallan Islanala, OK THE Mutual Life Insurance Co. or If KW TOBK, Largest, Safaat and Moat ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD! Assets (1880). $90,000,000 -VXsXs 0Vf3Z. Now is a Good Time to Insure None but Firat-Clais Risks Taken, 21-'l LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY THIKTT.TOURTH ANXTAL XEFOBT. AHHtTTK (Cash) ... AV.HllAL I1VCOME... UAMII NUKFLtlM. ass.oao 7,awa,ao H. HAOKFELD & CO. CCNKRAL AGENTS, C. O. BERQ-ER. Speoial Agent For tha Hawaiian Islands. Tne only Company that Issaes Tontine Investment Policies, Ilclnc practically an Rndowuient Poller at the usnal Life ll.tea. 771 1,0 JUST RECEIVED AT TIIOS. O. THRUM'S FORT STRICT STORK, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Office or Waste Baskets Mosquito Net Hoops, Bicycles, Velocipedes, Net Ilftmniocks, Boxing Gloves Children's Furniture, Bead Hanging Baskets & Wall Pockets, Tocelber with a full assortment of Fine Stationery, Books, Artists' Colors water and oil, &o. AIM, SELECTION OF NEW GOODS CONHIBTINU IM.FARTOa Frames, Fancy Glusswaro, Panel and Statuary Pictures, Oak WugonB and Wheelbarrows, With a variety of Novelties sTXJaT TO T&A An lurolce of I hi Celebrated lord Pianoe ! Which will be offered on Braeunable Tcraas. SALAMANDER FELTING ro ( tveriif JUijfrj, Slftsj Pi-pcn HTCr KTC. Svs S)S) prCHM. of Puol P1ICI 1IDUCID TO $7.10 BBL. FOR aUUE OK laXAaVE. T1IK WKLI4 KNOWK PKEMTls ol las saesrabsacA. aUsat4 oa Ms Irasf, aeef taebeUte, an osfias let ss la. or Uereoaaleo- Iff 1 I tat "- 1 "'I'HimM. A. TswMPa. ' Latest Deptixture IRON STONE Nicklo Mounted In Sets or Single Pieces, such as ToaPolfl, ColToo Pots. ' Crenm Jugs, Water Jtigs, .. Slop Jar, Sugar BowIh, Fpoon IFolderH, Ton and Coffco Urns, ' Bot Tolo-n-Tole,. r tit , Butter Bowls. M -AMK) Plain Granite Iron Stone Ware. 1 The aborr ware Is pot together not (Imply u take the eye hut Is well made In titrj respect. -ALSO CROCKERY fs AND China Ware! Plates, Platters, Dishes, Chambers, Cups and Saucers, Toilet Sets, plain snd fancy, Cheese Covers, Dinner "and Tea Bets, Desert Sots, Ac, &c. STOVES, RANGES, Agricultural Implements, NOTT A C... Practical Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Workers, 1 ly Ka, ihomana Street. Honolaln. BY THE LATEST ASXIYALS rwM HAN'r-A-rtBC WE If AVK ItECKIVKD A JiAHGK adilltlon to onr former sleek of Ship Chandlery. Ship Stores, 1'rorlslona, aVe,, aV which glrea sa the GreaUat Awortaent of Goo4a Kepton these Islands, sll of which will be sold at Ihe Lowest Market Prices, as sanal. Oar friends and tha .v..,t. . , vb, w.uai. uhi iiicjju Bail uia illcrrnerslly are respectfully lnrlted to examine. 618 BOLLK8 A CO. putincj 3 PAINTS AND OILS. ATLANTIC MABtlJt PACSlAaBsas 9W S T 100 Iba. Zinc White. Hobbnck Lead, Uolled Paint Oil In balkaad Is Csalloa saaas, A fall assortment Fancy Color Paints. 3 818 BOLLKSACO. LUBRICATING OILS. SrRBM wIL. IM AHYUAjTTrrYaaee.i Castor Oil and B gsllon Una. SIB BOLLXS A CO. WIRE RIGGING. CI usca to a nemo., wmm 9 Sale by OLLBS A CO. t B18 MANILA CORDAGE. a wvm.u a miiHt r arm six thread 10 are inch. 2 tl BOLLKSACO. HEMPICORDAGE. AND BOLT ROPE. A aawmbtunt r aas wwtmu a i-a '"n to" 'S'0- Alao-UpwarD, Salalar, Eallln, lloasallne. Marline, Koindlar, Ac. t I1B BOLUS A CO. BLOCKS AND MAST HOOPS. Patbutt tmmu mruhrrum utmcuu. Mtuille Iron Mtrappe Slocks, Patent SsablnK, Plain BsahlS". a tail aaaortneat of alaea. I IM sHHXXS ACO. GROCERIES. PAIMBARHV -ABB) IB rAIIsf, B a latw. each. Batter la Jars sad steam. Coaeaau Csaea Assorted Table Fruits, Csnsed McaU, Jasss sad JallUa, iiunry in uiaaa, -icsis. aces 01 sca arcs or rig rutk for isaiiiy sa, and Caddies of riaeat Tea, Hatatl virrsticciii, accaroai. ivrsccars Keg oojar. S M rUtr, Caea Sssa aXjiJWAW. BREAD. 1a UAJsj fjaAtawBB BBB. ABB) 1 sjsOlBat brtsd, sods Cracker Is r PM"mi.. w,.y. ! .. .. m. Mk otmb vn era In Bases aaa Tlaa, AM Jhsmss, aaaaaa Cakes, Ac, Ac "T aOLUUACO. 8T EXTRA MKSSMEKr. A'Z.itZVT' "" "TSK-ara" For aals by Sett HAMS AND BACON. Jawr AT aUBB, tot , by IMS ' KOU.MACO EXPECTED, )KB oWBBAA,TB ABBITB, AB ABBA v POTATOES AND ONIONS. RBCHVBB sBsB CtTT BBW VBBK tkeirtaaslVawsBerksi. " ISM BOCLSf ACO. GOLDEN GATE FLOUR AKBB-a pxfaa. bstba rAau.r ib osatier sea kaaesaAur CoraBesl. ;rfi:V. ; !i afs.i asdwi I attest woes aaa I Aeefc.aaaeftfce 1 tts mxmwio. ( r sltlMJfc fit 'll , t IT rwxisnm fit. l t ' -I "J tt IAAaaflA A l.