Newspaper Page Text
seawaaBBs8K5ses aaafflSftSSMJJgiBSttrSMWjSeBk ,MLr-Wihlhl!, - SATURDAY PRESS. htmxmmnm ,Sr . f VOIiUMIiJ I. HONOLULU, H. I, OCTOBER 23, 1880. NUMBER 8. - . ..m,,, JW,JiM reOMjr .ISJII ,"; RS:iVi&i.fit53Ti.V-6-srJri'"3lA .&3SnilWSeW.i2,MBmr J THE SATURDAY PRESS. A NKH'MI'U'Krt TO 111! I'L'llMHlll'.I) WKKKI.Y sunsrnit"rin n VE DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE Hnli'f rlbers and Advertisers will address Mr. Tlio. 0. Thrum, llnslness .Manager, Ml matter fur the Saturday I'ress should be nddrr-sicd to the 1ATI ItDAY I'KKNH " (From Tlir New York Tribune.) Home Charity. Wlij ffn nVrtlio oeonn (,'lvliiu Porcln lipim neoilml nuns, Willi ro ninny vtnror living At our tloorn wltli onUtrotrlicJ p-ilmn. Thorn nrn thinly ilpiiirtn iicnrrr, 'I linn Hnlinrn'". wililcrnosa j AiicI nVr tlicni our wny In denror, Yet our ilnty tiuiin tlio Ichi. Thorn U ninny ft liitlor KrlnvltiR In llin hovel o'or tint w.iy ; Miny n inn for our rcllovliiH Cometh to us day by tiny I lliinury wnnt our fort omlirncpi. Anil iH'forn our iloorwny ulntm Nrlfflibont with boaerchliiK 'new, Aakliijj pltUnoo from our linml 1 Thnro nro tlimHiimlrt nick nml wnnry Nnnr in, whom tho lionthuu might l'lty for thnlr fortuiio dretry. In this lnnd of ChrNtlrm IlRut I Evnry ilny boforo tut promos OrowiN (IcHcrvIii( iirocioin Rift, llittnr mug, nml mil dlHtrostnit IlunloiiK wo might pirtly lift; Ami true mlwitoii work tloftcryhig, Duty goes not oVr tlio non ; Jltit to Ood'H high cnll replying, Hclpa the nenrrat mlHory 1 It. W. Hoi.i.t Brevities. Tho (trot cold wntor euro was tho doltigc, mid it killed moro Minn it curoil. " Tint Bormon did mo gaod, " nnitl uno friend to nnothor, rtftor hen ring nn eloquent jironrlicr. " Wo shall roo, " was tho reply. A tioblomnn, who is in tho habit of Hponking to Holdiors in nn allahlo tnatmor, was much ntnnsod whon n guardsman Haiti to him, in a hoarty and gonial way, " I like you my lord. Thoro's nothing of tho gontlomnn about you. " Women, it is said, nro moro thorough in what thoy undortako than men nrc. Even in tho matter of conversation wo havo tho ovidonco of hor striving to tho vory uttor most. If nil mon woro porfect, what n monoton ous world this would bo, to bo stiro! The few of us that nro porfect now would havo nobody to find fault with or laugh at. " Nasby " tnkos prido in tho sorvico of his father nnd grandfather, in ono war or another. As for himsolf, ho says : " My military record is clonr. In tho lato ro bollion I sorvod by Biibstitnto. I furuiuhed throo substitutes, nil of whom to-day nro in good health in Canada. " A young artist who lives in a boarding ho u ho wants to know how ho can learn to play tho violin without disturbing tho boardors. Soap your bow young man, soap your bow, and bitho tho strings twico a day in swcot oil. Thou you can sit up nit night and piny ovorturos, and nobody will mind it. Tho freaks of fashion nro strango things, nnd tho habit of wonring bunches of roses nt the waist instead of in tho bosom of a lady's dress may givo riso to unromantic hituations. Tho lover who used to ontroat " n rono from that fair bosom, " must now, if ho has any regard for nnntomy, beg for " a roso from that stomnch." Sovoral men lately swnm tho Mississippi, nliovo Now Orleans, on n wogor. A roportor on tho raco snys : " None of them seemed to bo putting forth much effort till it was discovered that an alligator had struck out from shore ns a competitor, and then well, every man did his host to keep tho nlligator from carrying off tho stakes. " The Wealth ofYouno Love. Edwin (who has just sold his first sketch from imtnro to n beuovolont-looking stranger for 20 guineas) : " Thoro lovo ! It only took mo two hours ! Working six hours a day for six dnys n weok, that mnkes eight eon sketches at 20 guineas each 1 weok say pounds that's 18,720 per milium say 18,000 a year, wo must take n fortnight's holidny, you know ! And all that without reckoning that I moan to raiso my prico as I goou 1" Angolina : "Splendid do.ucst ! And we'll lay by half, you know, iu cuso of n raiuy day I " Ak Ahkmoaxojj Chess. Thoro is vory littlo stylo nbout chess. It gives a mau uo opportunity to balanco bimbolf on ono log, loan half over a grcon table, nnd job ovor a veal ivory ball with a cuo hold across tha Hitinll of his back. Thoro is uo rauuing to first base, or going over throo foneos for tho bill, iu choss, nnd thero is no bnll's-oyo to hit, which nro disadvantages in a way. Then a monti, littlo Bix-by-uino man, with n bulging forehead nnd a watory oyo rnd spectacles, cau whip a rwn twico his size, which is an anomaly calouUtod to disturb tho equilibrium of nature. A lady onco consulted Dr. Johnsou on tho degreo of turpitudo to bo attached to her sou's robbing an orchard. " Madam, " replied tho doctor, " it all depends on tho weight of tho boy. I rotnembcr my school fellow, David Garrick, who wrtH always a littlo fellow, robbing a dozen of orchards with impunity ; but tho very first time I climbed nn npnlo tree I wns a heavy boy tho bough broke with me, and it whb called a judgment. I suppose this is why Justito is represented with a pair of scales. Ufilimnn does notenioiu a total contempt otall the pleasures Mid amusement of hu man society. It chocks, indeed, that spirit of dissipation which is too prevalent. It not only prohibit pleasures which aro un lawful, hut likewise that unlawful degreo of attaohmeot to pleasures, iu tbmtelvt inuoccnt, which withdraws tho attention of mau from what is serious and important. "Bat It briijg aMUbfaiawt node due linijtn. tion, without extirpating it, It forbids it an the business, tut peiniiUit as the ro taxation of life. Little Bobby, aged 3 years, has attended Sunday-school one or two mouths. He ja au apt scholar, mid gives early proniM of Kanug rich ethical fruitage At play with an elder brother, the other day, his original Adam so far got tho better of him as to caube him to clinch his little fists and Btrjke his brother. Brother Tom waa about to retaliate with his more formidable woanou, when Bobby cried out; " No, no, no I Teacher says oo Mam't strike back wheu oo is hit. " Forestry. Dttuiwo tho pnst fow years tho press In tho United Slnlcs lino boon ii'llntlng nnd keeping before tlio pcoplo tho sulijccf of tho rnpiilly dinnpiienririfj forcnls of Unit country. It Is es timated Hint every year, Inking tho whole of tlio country; three million ncrcs of wood-lnud nro elcnfeil up, nml littlo or no effort is umdc to replant. While it has not yet been nntisfac torlly proved to Bclctitists Hint tho total niinual rnirifiill iu n country denuded of its forests is sorloiidly lessened, yet it is a fuct thnt tho regularity of the wnter supply is impaired by tho destruction of forests. Tlio rninfnll Is ro tailicil In tho shndo of tho trees nml in tho spongy soil nml mosses, whorcby the water porcolittcs gnidnnlly nnd equably Into the springs and rivulets. Hut if tlio IiIHhIiIcs tiro luro of trees, tho rninfnll, having nothing to rotnhi it, rushes nt onco into tlio strcnins, which hecomo for tho time only torrents, nnd a drouth succeeds n flood. This is rendered nil tho worse from tho fuct Hint tho fortilo soils nro washed away, and In tho end, not only is tho clitiiato rendered hotter, and moro variable, but the country bccomcB nn irrcclaimnbto doHort. Thd f.iminos thnt frequently occur in India and China nro owing to the destruction of tho forests thnt has been going on for centuries, rendering tho water mipply uncurtain. In some parts of India, however, oxtensivo for ests h.ivo been plnutcd during tlio past thirty years, which 1ms hnd tho effect to restoro tho Innil in somo deiirco to itslormcr lienltlifuliicss nnd fertility. Accounts of trnvellers represent tho comidics bordering on tlio Muditcrnncnn to h.ivo Buffeted from tho denudation of tlio forests. Springs havo dried up nnd disap peared, floods havo carried off tho foitilo soil, tho country bus become barron and no longer capible or supporting a lurgo population. The thinking uieii of Cnlifotni. i nro becom ing uhtrtned at tho couBcqucnecs sure to ap pear iu the futnro owing to tho rapid destruc tion now going on of tho forests on the Hanks of tho Sierras ; and the people of tho Connecticut Valley nrc mourning tlio loss of their beautiful river, which is beginning to dwindle and run dry because, of the destructive work of tho lumbermen in tho hills whero it takes its riao. Tho Hon. George l Mnrsh has published a work entitled, " Tho Karth ns Modified by Human Action," iu which ho lias done much to excite interest in this subject, by showing forth tho nets of man which havo in many plnccs brought tho tnee of tho cat tli to a " dos olation as complete ns that of tho moon." Snys Mr. Marsh, " A destruction liko that which has overwhelmed many onco beautiful and fcrtilo regions of Europe awaits nn impor tant part of tho United States unless prompt moasiucs aro taken to cheek tho action of tho causes already iu operation." Robbing tho land of its foicsts is tlio most potent of these Cannes. All that has been said of the disastrous re sult which aro sure to follow tho destruction of forests in other lands, will apply with equal forcu to Ilnwaii nei, albeit our area is small. Hero wo have been for many years iccklessly cutting down our forests forluewood, or allow ing herds of cattlo to dontioy the tlees by stripping and gnawing thobark of tho grown trees and tiauipling down the young saplings. Many tracts of land can bo seen throughout tho Islands that uoro onco garden spots of vorduic, but which since tho lorcsts havo dis appeared have become mid deserts. Tho sub ject has ficquoiitly been brought to tho atten tion of tho public through the picsB in foimer yeais, and in 1870 tho Legislature was induced to pass an net for tho protection of forests. Thcicin tho Minister of tho Interior was au thorized to set apart such government lunds ub in his opinion was suited, by reason of forest growth, for tho piotcctiouot water sources ; to appoint u superintendent of woods uiid forests, whoso duty it should bo to enforce regulations for tho protection and picscrviiliou ot forests. Tho Minister was further aiithoiizcd to lease crown lauds and purchaso privato lands for tho same object. Tlio' last section of tho Act roads "That tho sum of dolluts is hereby appropriated for tho purposes of this Act. The blank was never filled, nnd bo tho Minis tor having uo funds, nothing has ever been douo by tho government for tho ptotcctiou and preservation of foicsts. Wo may. huwovor, oxcept to this statement the notion of Mr. Wil der, wl on Minister of tho Interior in clearing tho upper part ot Nutiauu Valley of tho cattlo that formerly roamed there. If tho government will not or cannot tako any action in this matter, private parties who aro landholders should oitiier each for himself or iu concert with othcis, adopt some plan, and that without delay, whereby the destruction of foiests may be arrested, and tho iuipoitatit work of planting nuw forests bo commenced unless wo aro content to see our springs and water-courses dry up and these fair isles bo come parched deserts. "CTOXLtOANO house UKATEH Ol' or UII.AUKA. W. II. LTCNTZ, MANAGER. Plenty to rat. a riiimlnq lire, clean beds, unit tho brst uttriulancu oil llin Hawaiian Irlnnilt YUltor rt'iiurliii; any nniiauil display ot rotcanlc nctlnn Mill kindly che Mauarer at leant ten ily notion In nnu weather, ami from eleven to thirteen In foul, Si! L. G. SRESOVICH & CO., IMI'OKTKKS AND DKALKKS IN FRESH FHUiTSU CALIFORNIA PRODUCE ALSO Xiit of every kind. AIAVAY8 OS HAND. Fresh Eastern Oysters in the Shell IKOKIVEU HY KAUll bTUAMEH. 1 Gb-iaetxrci Jelly, MANUFAUTUKKU OF REFINED A. NO. 1 SUGAR 3P. HORN, Pratical Confectioner & Pastry Cook s .a. scan xi. "V Plonaar Steam Candy, Factory Ltmsa aid Tamtuiad iy mp always m kad T a rka a rinds I'ut up In A. No, t Jteflneil tui;r, Ul;hl rrcouiuienued (or Hei voy0, Amtricw, mtk, XnglUk AND Owau YMtriM JlaJo to Order at ihort, Notice. Wadding Cakea Ornamantad la the klfibeit bt)lc of Art. Ittch frotu borne made Chocolate Crcama, Cocoanut sad' Cream Candle;. M. 71 UmM atM Im)hMMM x a.tlSlyqr I era OFFEE-OLD KONA COFFEE, got laic of Bubiitu at iu. DR. N. B. EMERSON, 3twjrixai:vrc yvix atrJi.3k-Ticpr Oltlce at Ilr. Ilnirmnnn' Drill Mtorc, 21 .Merchant Ht. OHlce hoiim 0 to It A M,3 In if. n. 1) Dm MRS. r. n. ORIFFIIC, tm I'ort Ht., Honolulu, Fmhlonnlilo Milliner nml tDrm Mnlter. I New (lomli and .Style" reclvrd nrrf mnntli. 1y J. M. DAVIDSON, Attonioy nml Counsellor nt Lnw, 1 Merolnnt St., Honolulu, UA. ljr EDWARD PRESTON, Attornny nnd Connnollor nt Lnw, ly MKorl Rtn et, Hnnolnln, I J. NOTT & CO.. Importer nnd Dealers lu Stovra, Ranrjon, Metal, Itniie I'nnil'hlns Onmln, Crockrir. tlln i ami China Ware, I'rnctlcal Mrcl anlcn, llonolnln, 11. 1, r A. W. RICHARDSON lb CO., imi'obtrih anh nrALrnn m Hoot". Hhoe, I'lirnlalilni; (looiln, Hat, Cp, Trunin, Vallien, I'frfuincry and .Soaix, Waltlimn Watches, rine.lewelrv, i tc, corner of I'ort nnd .Merchant Ht Honolulu, II. 1. l y M. DICKSON, PuotoRi-nplita Artist, JWnnitlOII'orl Street. rictnrei of all nrr and ktniti mido to order, and l'rnic of all description constantly nn hand. AIn, Shell", C'ornl, and l.'nrlultlc of the 1'nclllc. 2 ly L. W.HOPP, Cabinet Maker, Upholitorcr, Dealer la Furniture, No. RS King Hlrett, between Nnimnii and Kort Street. Mittresse" consluiuly on hand or madu to order. VJl THOS, O. THRUM, Importing nnd Manufacturing Stationer. News Agent, Book Binder, Ac, Merchant Street, and Dealer Iu Fine. Station! ry, Hooka, MuIe, Toy and Fancy Oood, J Fort Slrca, near Hotel, Honolulu. ly W. M. WKM-CKIl. JOHN BWE-tunX. WENNER & CO., Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, MannfnotnrinR Jowelorn, Dlnmond Setters, i:ni;raver, nnd Dealers In Jewelry of nil kinds. Shell and Kuknl Jewelry made to order, Unl'ti nlo re ceived and lalthfully attended to for all kinds of Hair Work in Jewelry or .Memorial Designs. I ly D. W. CLARK, "Wntoh Maker nnd Jeweler, IMFIIIITEIIor Walttiam and all other American Walchcs, Clockn and Jewelry. Watch Ilcpalrliis niado a stieclalt). I ly No. 1? Merchant Street. Honolulu. FRANK OERTZ, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER No. '."i Merchant St., next to Thos. O. Thrum. noon nml fsliom nmlc to Orilcr, nf Iloiit nn- terlnl.nmt nt Itoiconlilo Prleen. Boots and Shoos made for Cash only aiy ' M. S. GRINBATJM ct CO., Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Gene ral Merohandiae, 2 Makeo'n Block, Queen Street. ly M. S. GRINBATJM & CO Forwarrllnf; and Commission Merchnnta, '.'II California St., San Francisco. Special facilities for and pnrtlcshir attention pild to consignments of Island produce. ly T. J. MOSSMANi Importer and Dealer in Crockery, Plain and Decorated 1'orcrlaln, Cut and Pressed Olass, Slhcr Plated Ware, Cutlery, Chandcllirs, Lamps, Chimneys, Ktc. Fire Proof Store, cor. King and Nuuann Sts , Honolulu. ajy WM. J. SHELDON, GENERAL BLACKSMITH. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO Horso, Slidolxig;. Shop on King Street, opposite the Police. Station. 3 3m E, COOK WEBB, M. D., Homeop atklst, (Late Chief of Stair Homeopathic Hospital, Ward's Isbnd, N. Y.) Ofilco 00 Fort Street. Special attention to diseases of women and children. Olllce hours Until 10 a. m. 2 to t r.M. 21 y O. SEQCLKEir. o. ENUL1NO. G. SEGEEKEN & CO., No. 5 Niiuunu Street, llnsmlths and Plumbers. Denlers In Stoves, ltauges. Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware, keep con stantly on hund a full assortment of Tinware, Galvan ized Iron and Lead Pipe, India Ituubcr Hose, Ac, Ac. U ly HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE A. BROTHER, Proprietors, NUUANU SHEET. Pilot, Medium and Nav Dread always on hand and made to order Also, Water, Soda and Uuttcr Crack ers, Jenny Lilid Cakes, .tc. Ship Dread rc-lnked nn the shortest notice. Family Bread, iiiado of the Heat Flour, baked dally and always on hand. X. Il.-Uronii Ilrenil or the Bent Quality 111 A. I.. SMITH, 41 roirr stuekt, impjuteb aniiiicileu ik Merlden Quadruple Plated War?, Ohissmirc, King's Combination Spectoclei and Cye Glasses, llrackets, Vae, Lustral .Wire Ware, Fancy Soaps, Picture Frames, Wostenholin's PocUil Knives, Scissors, l'is tols. Powder, Shot and Ammunition, Clark's Spool Cotton, Machine OH, all Kinds of Machine Needles, "iiomcsnc-- i'.ipcr rusnious, ctoio ARent lor tne uni veisaiiy acknowledged Light Running Domeatlo Sewing Mschin. II, E. WHITVKr. J. W. nOBCUTSOH -WHITNEY 8t ROBERTSON, (Successors to H. M. Whitney) Statlonera, PublUhera, Now Dealers and BoadcBindors. 1 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I. ly THE HONOLULU BOOK-BINDERY DOES BINOINO OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. The ork executed ut this establishment Is under tlio supervision of Mil. JOHN h. HKKS.uuoi well known as an experienced workman, und cannot tmiurjiaited, WUltli UlfNK AT TIIK l.mVKST HA'I'EN. W1UTSBV ItOHHUTSON, Stationers, Publishers, News Den'rrs and Dook Hinders ui II. IIACUI'KI.U tc CO., OENEBAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Uiieen Sttot. Honolulu. 11. 1. 73IIy i.H, uaitlk. J. . irnemon canti,i: x vooui:, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MIRCHANT8, IMP0U1KK8 AMD Dealers In General Merchandise, Mo. 64 Klugitrecl, Honolulu, ,iwallu Islauds. ..., AOKNTS FOK.... The Uulon Inturanct Coioptnyof ,Sm Francisco. Tbt Ns Knguud lu.ursaco uoinoy, lloilon TueOrscua I'acket l.lne. Ths Kol,ls I'lshUlloo, The Haiku I'lantstlau, Dr. J4ju A Son'iCsl.ursUd Medlctues. IVhe.ler A Wilson's Sewing Machines, (uVM ly) ,f sisiua rianisiion, llauiskua I'taiilatiuu. BISHOP & CO., BAN EC 3D H. M , IIONOs.UI'U, till HAWAIIAN IMLAMDa' . . DIUW KXCIIANOK O.V...... I HE BANK or CLIFM.1I, : : : : SU riMCISCO iD tiims iaiHrs ii Nw Vork, Hcaloa, Paris, AHcklans, THE OniENTJII MNK CORPORATION. : : 100M AUD tasia IIIKIUIII llaiitj KotiKt - Byiiuey,ana Melbaaraia, And transact aatnoral tlMiklng Daslnaas. 717 ly a, c. iiu. m. r. aoiusoa AI.I.Kf MUIIINMU3I. ' At RobluKu's Ulurf, BaaUri in Lumbar and all kUda ( laiUtag KaUrlalf. falaU. 01U, alli, Ac., Ac., Ae., auaars e scaooaiaa IIALKAKALA. KULAMANU, , KKKAVLTJUIU. . , MABV,Kl.LK(,lvlJ ' VILAMA. i i ... - " LKAH1. , . 71) Honolulu, HswslUu Islands. j ljr A Jii:.f. ii. AimTta, t1 No. 1.1 Kaahnmann street. ;. H. IIAKTOU'. AHriluncfr. on Queen glrrsl, nno door from Ksslimnsnn " Blrstl. ly i'. a. nvAixv.vv.n. . ;.. Importors & Commission Morchants o-'1! llnholiilii, llswsllsn llUnds ly . n. ;i),ii,nir.. .ii. .. BtJllOEON A1TD noMEOrATHIC PHTBtCIAH. Onife Oirnsr Fort ami IWrlsnl Mil, Itonntnln " K. I. ABA.1W, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, I. (ni.y :. ii4i'i'N4;iiiti:.'i:it .;,, IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Hnmdlllll.Qslill. H. I. n787 ly CLAUfl aniEC.tKLS. WK. 0, IIIWIH. n. U. m win c. ;o., 8np;ar Factors and Commission Agents Honolulu. II. t. H07 V.. O. IIAI.I, A IHUn, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Dry Hoods, I'sluti,Olli and (IsnerslMsrchaniHis, 7S-ly Corner l(.r I ml KlncSts. jonn 'i'. iVA'ri:Kiiir4i:. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE JIM Qneen Stresl, Ilunnliiln. II. I. ly :i:;ii, iticoun. ATTORNEY AND CODNSELIOR AT LAW. NOTAIIY I'UIIUC. And Agent for taking AckiKiwIedinentiof Imtrumsntsfor tlie Iilntid of Ontm. n787 Nn. Ksslinnisiiu Slte t, llololnllt. 11. 1. ly ii. i i:iii.i:k.h a ;.. DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, rir-pronl3tore. Fort St..aliotrOilil Kglliiw. Hsll . Sln-ly .MMIN II. I'A'IV, NOTARY PUBLIC nnd COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, For the Ststes of California nnd New York. Office nt the Dstik of III. hop t ro.. . Honolulu. o7S" ly .1. m. wiiitim:y, ,11. 17., . . M. Dental Rooms on Fort Street, Olllc e In Urcwcr's, lllock, corner Hotel and Kort streets. 811 ly Entrance, Hon I Street A. W. III'H II. GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Family (irocery and Feed Store, 7 1)1 SCI Fort Slrret. Hor otnln. ii. i. r. ciRTin, r. c. Jolts, Ija. C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7" Honolulu, Hawnilnn Iilanli. 'y c. Arorto. Importer, Wholesale and Betsil Dealer in General Merchandise And Chins Goods, In the FircProof Store, corner ol KlnK and Nuiunu .Strrets. mi .1. w. csiitvinr. Commission Merchant and Genernl Denier In Dry floods, Groccilcs, Hardu arc, Stationery, Patent Medicines, Perfumer), nud 01asssare. 782 WAILUKU, MAUI. ly J. O. DICK SOI, I10BT. 1.EM 1-IIS, C. M. C00CB I.KWKKN A. IklCKMOiV. IMPORTERS & DEALERS ITS LUMBER. And all kinds oIllulldliiE Materials, VortS tree t, Honolulu SOS.ty A. XV. FEIRCE & CO,, SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AUKNT 0ll llrund'o Owu. uuu uuluu .., Perry Davis' Tain Killer, 78S ,1 No. 40 Queen Ktreet, Honolulu. ly i.,tiii: &. :o., COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Importers of slid Dealers In Hay, Grain, and (lenrra Produce. Ilnimliiln, It. I. 7"' r HOM.IMTIMt Ac CO., i'l uggistn, Apolhecai its, Importers of Tobacco and Cigars, Manufacturers nt Soda Water, Acents for I. Lorlll.ird i. Co's Tin Tag; W. S. Kimball A. Co's Vault) Fair; and OotMluln &, Co'b Old JudRe, '1'obni.cos and UlRarittcs. 816 Jfo 5 Nun Him Hired, lloimltiln. ly c. w. niA:iMii.AiM: & uw.. IHPOUTEBS AND COMMISSION MEBCHANTB, Itoblusou's Fire-proof llnllding, Queen Street, Honolulu, It, I. aoinik ro Tha Olssgnw and Honolulu l.lne of Packets. John llsyct Co's LiTerpootaudliOudoa 1'aeWets. The WolKapn Plantiitlon, Tho Spencer Plantation, llllo, Hskalsu Plmtation, lillo. Mlrrloes, Talt A Wnuou, snr Mschtnery. Tim Puuloa Sheep Itaurh Cjuipanr, 7US If. MZ, MclMTVlii: Ac UHO'rili:it, OROCERY, FEED STORE and BAKERY, Corner of King nnd Fortstrestt, HONOLULU. 783 ly mii,ui:u Ac cu.. Corner of Fort tint Queen Mrttts Honolulu, Lumber, Paints, Oils, Natli, Salt and Bnilding (no-l) Materlalt of every kind. itii.i.irvoiiAitr 4k. to,, IMP0BTEB8 AND DEAtEKS IN IIABDWABZ CntUry, Dry Uoovls, t'lillit. and Oils, aud CJeuernt Mer chanill.e, No. 06, KlnK Street, Honolulu. Tim ly IIOI.I.KM tc CO.. Ship OhandUri and Commitiion Merehanti. mportcrsandlJeHlersIn aencralMercnaiidUe,tJuen4trt)s Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. 770 ty A. H. CliKUllOHA Ac Co.. mronTtas xnt diuiu is Oonernl MoroliAiidlao, H8 Comer Queen and Kanliuniaiiu 8uets, ly ;iiam. t. uiii.i;k, KTOTAHV SPTTBXUXO, Agent totaka AoknowledKmenti to Labor CentraeU ami GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. ORtca In Mkeo Uluck. conivr Qiieea and Kanhumnu Hlrcti, lfuiiotulu. 8H ly CAKT1.U & 1IA.TCII, Attorneys nt JLarxr. W. It. OASTI.K, Notary Public, attend all tha Court of tlio Kingdom. Particular attention paid to Ilia m collation of!.ons, CntiTeyauclng, Coltectlnc, etc. aw Mooty to loan on MnrU'se. Dltlcot No. 15 Kualiuruauu strest, Honolulu, Hawaiian I. lands. 711 ly 'i'in:o. ii, ik.iviiSH, liti Jtiini, Oatisi A Co. J IMPOBTIB A0 C0MH15810M JCIBCHABT, aid aatiT rot Lloyd's and the Llrsrpool Uaderwrlters, and r'or.lfn Marina Inturanca Company, and Worthsrn As.ursnceCompsny. oTSO ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. StPf. BTKAN KNUIHRH, RVOAH MIM. SJJU& Hollra,Cuolsrs,lron, firsts and LesdCs. tings Maohlnory of Every Oeaarlptlon, to Order - Particular attantton paid to Sklp'i BUekiatUhlag OKt-JOII'A'OBKtafcnted on the .horte.t notice. (olH ly HVMAN HKUH., Importers of Geniral Merchaoiise KROM FJtANOE, ENGLAXfl, QE11MAXY, AND UNITED STATES, Wo. M Merchant Hired, Honolulu, H. I, HYMAK HKUH., WHOLESALE GROCERS, It and Callforula Btrett, AM rAAKtliaii. HT ParllcuUr attention pf Id lo tiling and tblpplnf Island wdeji. , ' coa ty ED. O. ROWE, Honae nd Slfpi Patlnter, Piaper Hanger, Ac. 7T-2 ly No I U Putt Street, Honolulu. 3 Morohant Tailor. No m FftrtHt., lloy fir. Ulan genwald's. ly :. :. ;(i.i:.iia. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST llornc Nlioolnir, t'nrrlnee Worfc, I'liiiitnllnii .tlnclilnery, Ar. f Shop on King Street, next Castle A Cooke's. ly THOMAS TANNATT, No. K Fort Street, apposite E, O. Hall A Hon. Watclien, Clocks, Jewelry nnd Mnslo Bozee For Sale. Or carefully repaired In a workmanlike manner. Orders from the other Islands promptly nltendcd to. 7M ly PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Balcony sp. Korusr, Practical Confectioner, Paltry Cook and Baker, BI8 71 Hotel street, lietween Nuuonu and Tort. 2 ly 'rilO.tlAN IjACK, m Aoainria T. Ka. 40 Fart Nlrepf, will nttend to all orders In the LOCK, GUN t GENERAL REPAIR LINE. He will Rive spclil iittn!lon lo cleanluir, repalrlnir and rceul.tluu KcwIiik Maehlnes, and all other kinds of MrIiI Maelilnery and Jtutiil Work of every description. Dlacksinlthh'ic, eta. Also, on hand nnd for sale cheap, A Variety of Sewing Maohines tlnns, I'MloIti, Nlmt, Atnmniiltlon, ZWCaehino Oil, Tfocdlei, Ac, 4tc, Ac. fewlnir Mnehltie Tuckers, Hinders, and all other extra nnd duplicate pans of m ichlnes supplied on short notice. KW llest Machlie Twlst.t? Snlt Agent (n thti Kingdom for The Florence Hcwlns Machine, from 110 to ISO. Whlto Hcwrlmr Machine, from f H to J7f. Homo Shuttle 8wlnir Machlno, from (IS to 135. ee Including all extras 60? ly f HAVi; HECUItKlf A FIRST-CLASS HORSE -SHOER And urn prcpnred to entry on thl Brnuch o hit llttliici In n manner iillav. raclury to my Pntrous). OWNERS OP"piNE STOCK Will do well to give me a Call. Horses sent to my King St. Shop Will bauithully attended to. 651 am C, WEST. THE LIVERPOOL LONDON GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established 183G, Unlimited Liability to Stockholders. Assets $.11. ,100 wo Itcscnc 8 8,750, Premiums received after deduction of tcln surancc $ 5,383,i9S I,ossc prompt! adjusted and paid here. 13m I1INIIOP A-Co., AKPll. FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Company. A Leading Home Company. Assets, June 30th , $767,307.17 Additional Cash Capital (now being called In) 350,000.00 Total Assets $1,117,107.17 THE FIIIESI AST'S 1'UND 1NSUK ANCK COMPANY basis Its claims to the best patronage upon Its sound financial condition, reinforced by its acctrslou of capital, glinc It over a million dnllurs In assets; Its cxtcnste system of ARencIes, In snrlue It a large premium Income, without the neces sity of beoxy concentration of lines; Its sdberenco to the best principles and practices of Underwriting; by open, fair and clearly expressed contracts, and prompt and equitable adjustment and payment of legitimate losses. For seventeen years It has been faorably known as a cnnsenatlte underwriter, and during that time has paid over 4,000,000 IN LOSSES, Passing triumphantly through the heaviest conflagra tions unown In modern history, H1NIIOP dc Co., Afrenta, 1 m Honolulu. H. I. HAMBURC-MACDEBURC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP HAMIIUHO. Biui.m.irnN. .n:nciiAMiNi:. rnRifi. Tl'ltK ulirl Mocblnery Iusured ugslusl Fire on the most fdornblc terms. A. JAEGER. Anerit fur the Hawaiian Islands. 7t: ly Insuranoo Notice. TllF. AOKMT FUH TUB BllITISII For eiirn Msrin. In.uriince ComiMiny, (Limited), hss le ceir.d Instructhies lu rrduei the rate, uf Insurance between Hoiid'itii and Torts In the Pacific, aud Is now pre psred to li.uo Pollcle at the hiurvst rates, with a si eclat reduction ou freight persteamcra. Tlll'.O. II. PA VIES, ly T7 Annt llrll. for. Mr. Ins. Co.. Limited i a. f;iiAi:FF.u. AUKNT of II re mon 11 curd of UiirlerMrrltart, Agsiit of Drcdoii Hoard nf Underwriters, Ai:ent ot lenna lliurd uf Underv, rlttrs. Claims again.! Insurance Ctunpsnles within tha Jurisdiction of the above Ilusrds of Underwriters, will bsis lob. cor II fled to by the aboviqgeiil to mst.0 thsni valid. VQ lr IIA.nUI!ll(allIIHi:MUIi FIRE INBUBANOE OOMF&XT. rilHK UNDIfiKglUNKU anvlas P- JL polntt'd Agenls uf tha above Compativ, art prtred tolnturart.kstiraln.t firs, on loueand Brick Bnlbl. tnga.auduu AJcrchautllac stored therein, ui the most hvurablt terms, for particalars apply at the ufnet u 185 Ij r V. A. eCHAKrT.H A CO. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF IAN FRANOIIOO. 3oVXn.x-lxa.a9. ihoohpobatbd, iaas CASTLE COOKE, AGENTS tit Far tha Hawaiian lalanda. ly CAMFUHNIA IN8UP.ANCE COMPANY, npilK VNOISRIIONKD, ACIKIVTB OF TUB at. aboeCtianv, have been anthovlie4 to loiar risks on Csriii), FrtlKUt auj TraaaRrc, from lloaolvla lo all arla uf lbs worlJ, and Vict vtr.a. 1 ly II. HACKritLB A CO. TRAMa-ATLANTIC FIRC INiURANCE COMPANY. OF UAMBIIBU. CnpUal : : ; Six Millions llekliimurl. RINHM NHVBr.B ON BVH.B1NUN. MKB chaudUa aud rurnltura, on liberal terms, bv aTst lr UAC'KfKI.D A It),. Aaanta. MOETK BRITIIH AMD If B10ASTIM. INSURANCE CO.. OF LOHDON ANU BUINBUKUH, tUTAVUHIIKU IKW. CAPITAL. , 777 v. atl.MT.3M Aattaaalalc aav Inraatasl F . S,Mt,llB THK UMBBRIiaNatBUAVa: IRBI AF. rOINTKD AOKNT for tha Vaadwtck Islaads, aad m. aalLOilsM lo laaui. siaiatl aw. apaa mvoraw laraaa. AUaa Uliaa la aai aart ol Ja Istaastaaa ttaaa aad Waodaa alldlaas and i real aiti laaalaa stoisd tfcorala. Uvtlliaar Uoasaa aad rorollore. Tlaibtr, Coal, fklfa la bailor vita or tb rami at Mr (a oat uiihsi or 4r rafalr. AP. WOv-faCHlAtaia A Cp Jmk & ft Ii' Ism i IT mmi X i Itnslon Hoard or CHderwrllers. HKNTA far th Hawaiian lalanrla, "'' o nnr.ivrn aco. Philadelphia Hoard ef Underwriters. AMIt.lTB for tho Hawaiian Islands, "-iy c. niiKwrn. A CO. Insurance Notice. Tiik vmn-.nHiunr.n aht, rnr.rAnr.n to write upon Merchandise, per firtt-clsss vessels between this and tha Coast Ports, covering loss or ilamaee. If amnnnllng to Id per cent, or more, on the sound value of the whole shipment at port of delivery, upon favorable terms. IIIHIIOI A Co. Agents of the 1 Iremen Pnnd Insurance Company, Honolulu, Jan, 31), 1WO. (eii am NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, Five Millions Relchsaark. TIIK I'JVnritMIMMKIi IIAVIXM BRKN appointed Agents for the nbovn Company, are now ready to Iainfllelena;nlnat Hlahaorrirtitxs Rnllfl. Iiiltn, .MrrrliniHlliin and rnritlltiro on terms equal to Ihixonf other respectable companies. iwiur liuiu nir nnu RUJU.ll'U Here, I or particulars, annlr to 763 11. HAUKPKM) A Co , Agents. Rhonlsh Wostphallan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY. OF M. UI.ADnAC'11. Rhenlab Prnaaln. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co,, Limited, Or AACIir.X. (AIA.I.A-CIIAPELI.E.) A 1.1. CXAIHN FOIt PAUTIUUI.AK AVKR. AtJK austatneil by Ooods arrlvlnc here, and Insured In tne above Companies, have to be made with the. cog. nltaucnofand certified toby the uuderslxneil. In order to he valid. nvo ly) J. C. (II.ADK. Agent. TIIK New England Mutual Life Insurance Go. or nosTON, mass incogpouATED, man. The Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in the United Stales. Follelei limed on the molt farorable Termi, Kxninile or Jfoii.Forfe-ltnrc Pints, INSUHKD AOK, 35 YKAItS-OItDI.NAItY LIKE rt!f 1 Annual premium continues Policy 2 years 3 days 2 Annual premium continues Policy 4 yrsrs 12 days 3 Annual premium continues Policy 8 years 27 diys. 4 Annual premium continue I'olley 8yenrs46 days 6 Annual premlumcontluurs policy 10 ycsrs&S days Assotai, i t 918.1300,000! Irfwiaea Pniil throtiKli Hnnoluln Aftney, '149000 CASTLE & COOKE, AJENT8 SID FPU TUB HAWAIIAN I8I.ANUH. ly LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE CO. Assets. $146,740,105,70 HAVE EftTAM.IMIIF.n AIT AUKlffTT l! HONOLULU, ror the Hawaiian Islands, and the undersigned nre prepared to write risks against FIRE ON BUILDINGS, MERCII ANISE AND DWELLINGS On favorable terms. Iinrrlllna; Rlalcs) s Npeelsh lay. Detacbed dwolllngs and contents In. tired for a period of threH lesrs, two premiums In sdvsnce. lAMMsefli proeiptly nitjntl and pisrublo tiere1. 'OO-Cn; 111KII0P Co. T?RArAAr uovn Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. f o uf"u N A General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin TIIK AllOVK INMJRAMt'K COSfPAMIEH hae established a General Agency here, and the undersigned, Ucncral Agents, aro authorized to take lllalit) ntcBlnat ittr' Inua;eni or the Meaa at the Moat nrnaonnltle Hnlrs, anil on Ike Moat I'nTorable Terms. 815 ly F. A. SBllAEFKlt A CO., General Agenta. WILDE R S6 CO., Agrals far the llavrallast lalaada, or THE Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK, Largast, Safest and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD! Assets (1830) $90,000,000 A.ZiXa OcVaatEC. Now is a Good Time to Insure None but First-Class Kisks Taken, f21.'.iu SJXIXTVT 'OXU LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY THIBTY-TOUBTH AXKUaVL 1EP0KT. AeMKTH (t'nah) .. ANMUAI. IXCUHi:.. VASU URFJ.tN : .. MS.O00 9 H. HAOKFELD & OO. QCNEHAL AOINTt, O. O.BERO-ER, Special Agent For tha Hawaiian Island. The only Cotaaar that laaaea Tontine Investment Polioiei, DelntT practically an endowment Policy at the usual Ufa Hales. 7)( jjO THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL. AIXAIf UEBBEBT, Fraprlator. Jvf Saetajabiu JIOTKI. STHEET, HONOLULU, Entrances on Hotel, Klcbardi, and Berelanla Streets PIRST-GLASS INTyKRY MtPfCT. I'rlccs tha same a Ftrtt-Clasa Hotels In San KranctKO. Wl SALAMUHDER FELTING rou (sveriit Ntilers, Sittm Fiats rro., rrc Savas aa. par Cant, of Pual PUCE XIDUOID TO $7.10 ML. THSSa M. SAVIBS latter, Sattar, RKCKIVKB PUB I.ABT LABFaVBR." IB .krzaabata Ika, aavek. aad 41k. ttaaatara, of dnscrlor quality. iwn avus.a,aa we. CaWm at Aaaaaai tnaiAIW CABCBBANB Ml BBBIBI AB., CHORS-BU.t lr a H lack to m Intk. 5or. karn Ott.tU direct froai S aiicct rrooi ejtaacovr. ' m -i Ia For tilt by aoLLit co. &m. pggsfo BY THE LATEST ASEIVALI FROM NAN IFRAJtrmC WK IIA.VB UECKIVKD A LAnGE addition in our former stock of Bhlp Chandlery, Ship Stores, 1'rovlslnnl, Ac, Ac, which glvea ni tha Greatest Assortment of Goods Kepi on lliefe Islands, all af which Trill be eoMaT the lowest Matkst Prices, as usual. Onf nfenda and the pnbllceentrally are respectfully Invited to eiamlne, 2 818 JlOI.t.F.8 A CO. PAINTS AND OILS. A TI.ANTIV I.rARIlt PACKAUMor STO Klnc White, llnbhnck Lead, llolled I'alnt OH In hulk and In oration drnrai, A fall assortment Fancy Color Paints, 2 SIS I10I.LB8 A CO. LUimiCATINQ 011. SPIIRn (III, IW A!r SiOAHTlTTatXlMlroii. Castor Oil 3 and 5 gallon tin. BIS 3 1IUI,I,K3 CO. WIJIK HIGGINO. CSIZRH I'ROM IIJICH to s imchkr. for t-j oaie oy 1I0I.I.F.B CO. 3 81S JIANILA CORDAGE. AFIJIX AHNORTMKHr OF RIBRH FROM U thread to five Inch. 3 818 BOLLBS A CO. IIEMI1C0KDA0E. AND BOLT ROPE. AKf ArM4IRTMF.NT OF HMtR FROM S 1.3 Inch to H Inch. Also. Bpnnyam, Selalna;, lUtlln, Housellne, .Marline, Hounding, Ac a 818 II0I.I.E8 as CO. BLOCKS AND MAST HOOPS. PATKXT I ROM MTRAPFRR BLOCRS, Metallic Iron Strapped Illocks, Patent Hushing, Plain Hushing, a f nil assortment or sites. 3 81S HOLLE8 A CO. GROCERIES. F AIRRAlf KW LARD IN PAIMI, S dk llks each, llutter In Jsrs and Keel. Coeese. Cases Assorted Tabic Fruits, Canned Meats, Jama and Jellies, Honey In disss. Pickles. Kca of Pickles, Vegetables, Kegs of Pig I'nrk for family use. Bars of toffee, Chesta and Caddies of Finest Tea, Sardines In qr and hf boxes, Vermicelli, Moccnronl, Crackers In variety. Cnrw Sugar. Keg Sugar. H0LLK8AC0. I 81S BREAD. SA1410! BREAD IK CAHEN AND BOX EH, uctlium bread. Soda Crackers Incases, Soda Crack era In Hoxcs and llns, Kgg Jumbles, llanana Cakes, Ac, Ac 1I0L1.ES A CO. 5817 EXTRA MESS BEEF. AJin KASrERK KXTRA MIHE PORK For Sale by B0LLE8 A CO 8 8IR HAMS AND BACON. Tl'HT AT IIAJfO, For Sale by 2 818 D0LLE9 CO EXPECTED. TJEB KIIREKA TO ARRITK. AH ABM X H onal Stock of General Merchandise. 2 818 B0LI.E8 A CO. POTATOES AND ONIONS. DKCEIVEII PER CITT OF HEW YORK, JESV the Finest Lot In the Market. 818 BOLLKS A CO. GOLDEN GATE FLOUR. B AKER'H EXTRA. EXTRA FARTII.T IB quarter and hall sacks. Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Cracked Wheat In 10 lb bags, received direct from the Mills every mouth, ana vtarraniea iresu, anu or me dcbi quani. 3 818 BOLLKS A CO. -iliftlUir K fk R 1RRE1JI FRESH CAUFORHIA Lime Just received. BOLLKS A CO JUST RECEIVED AT THOS. G. THRUM'S FORT STREET STORK, A FINE AS80ETMENT OF Office or Waate Basket! Mosquito Net Hoops, Bicycles, Velocipedes, 4 Net Hammocks, Boxing Gloves Children's Furniture, Bead Hanging Baskets & Wall Pockets,! Together with a full assortment of Fine Stationery. Soaks,-' Artiste' Colors 'water aud, oil, &c. i ALSO, A FIRB SELECTION OF NEW GOODS JLQ.SBIBTISO IM PART OF Frames, Fancy QUa.wtre,-M Panel aud Statuary Pictured, Oak Wagons and Wheelbarrows; With a variety of iNoveltiosJ aaaRaaaRBBBB TTJT TO aAiri An Involca of tha Celebrated Bord Pianot ! Which vi III be oahred oo Rvaaoaabl Taraa. I'Sa SPECIAL NOTICE. HAVKO 8ECURK1) THE 8KR vlcis of tko wall-kaowa UfHOLHTKaUIR aad UKAPBK, MH. 1. MAJIIMBUKK. Uo aatr aat-daaa VpholsterrlnthKlaaoa(lta of Ban FraMtato),l am prepared to oo all kinds ol In tho Latest aad Beat Mylo. WOII WAftftASffltl " Call and 8to oar FATBMT BOCkBBR, RIAJVatJBB, aBFA aMBM. aVC. If. B.-Mr. M. kas aelected a nne lot ol VkolUrlaf Goods, Parlor Bets and Loaneoa, Ckalra, Ac., of tho loUototyloawMok -1 i r r 1 1 1 at fiin Uf m. clo. IhareaI.oJus(rrcerdanwlo(nf ' Tha Lataat Itylat af Vsraitua I WIBBBW BBIABBB,, piar abb uhi cavsaa. JFMTTVBS (, BAIia. BffC. All of which will b for rait cheap. It will paw vna to call at Ma, Fort ktreet aad taaaalaa tkSoaaa ko for. purtkaslog tlaawkera, - ' x. r a O. . WltMABB. JUST AKBIVED FK OWiaWN, 10,000 lUOoil MCllAii FOR SALE UY . -"" ' m. nojmcmiAmQMm Q w it '. ,.'s la ij . :tW BAjr, (iiuri i, Wkolo aad tow , -f r ffaBABIA 3VJL