Newspaper Page Text
,. SATURDAY PRESS. t AlHHIfOO VOLUMIfl I. HONOLULU, H. I, NOVEMBER 6, 1880. NUMBER 10. .itwlfc:BfT--Ji-wWi.3 MwrfSH .. THE SATURDAY PRESS. fi f K It PI nt.lHlini) WKKKI.Y i n mi-riot nvr DOLLARS AYEAR IN ADVANCE k er mil "dtcrtlsera will aililres" Mr. Tho (1 j It .iii--- tanaper Work and Wait. A Imslnnilmnti who miny jrrnra llnl til'itiHlml lii flrM. nml sown In fcnro l,m,. wrnry ltli III ikmlitsi nml fonra. I i .il In vr.ln ! Thcn rock, nml nntitls M i'l i 10I1I tm Inrvost in my liniM. ; rs fnt seeds rot In lifirrrn Intnl.. M flrrMtpInc vino in itlioriii(j; S iiMriiiwd crnHs Ha Modiotns bring S . InriN milling itn liMnclirs hIiik. U iWk Is ilyiiiK on UwTilnln j I In Ilinvini nrn lirnm lln-y yiolil no rnin i llior-nrlli Is iron I toil In vnfii I" While jt !io np-ilto n lirrnth lml ntlrreil His ilriKipin vino, like winjj of liinl, Ami from Its lenvos n vnlrolio lirnril: I ho conns nml fruits of llfo must ho r irvr 111 J in mysUiry. Yet iioiio enn toil in vnln for inn. " niiRlitinr linml. moro skillrd tlmn tlilno, M mt ImiiK llin rlnstcr of llio vinn, Anil runkn tlio flnlds with harvest slilno. " Mnu onn lint work i Oml enn crcnlni lint limy wlio work, nml vntcli nnil wait, Hnvo tlirir rownrtl, IIhuirIi il come late. " lxik up to llcnvrn ! Iiriioli! nml hoar I'll" clomls nml thumloriiiKS In thinn enr Ami iinswcr to thy doubts nml fonr. " Iln lookcil, nml lol n cimiil-dr.ipnil enr, Willi Inillini; sinoko nml llnnioi nfnr, Wns rtmhiiiK lo n distant stnr. And ovcry thirsty flock nml plnln Wns rlHini; up lo nifct tlin rnin 'Hint cninn to clothe tlio McliU in grain. Ami on tlin clouds lin haw nrln '1 ho covonnnt ol Ood wllh mnu, lli'wrlttun with liih rninlKiw lion ; "Keoil tlmn nml linrvost slmll not full, Ami through tlio (jntes of lioll nssail. My truth nml iiromlw slmll pruvntl." Brevities. An Ohio widow owod bor hired man f.TJM. Sbo married him to Rqunro tbo nc roiint, and then for $00 scoured a divorco nml turned him out. Magistrate "You aro clmrgcd with hnv nig oniitird a Insin of water over tbo jilnmtiir." Irinli woman "Sure, j-or honor, ye iiiimt forgive mo; in tbo dark I took tbo gentleman for my buhlinnd." Being called to account for tbo statement thnt n cortain mooting wns "a Inrgo and respectable otto, " when only ono other por poii bocido liimtolf wnn proRcnt, a reporter miisted that what bo hml not down Van litcndly true; ' for, " n:iid be, " I wns largo and tbo other man rcfipcctnblo. " A would-bo journnlisl drops us a postal card to inquiro: " What muf,t I do to writo iluoiitly?" Shnrpon up your pencil nml your wits, my hou, and writo it thus f-l-n-c-n-t-l-y. A woman is easier to manngo who has had a pnst. Slio knows what to expect. It is (Inhering to bo tbo first object of passion to a Woman, llUl IL in tnubluiu.o t obn nx- acts too much. UuhN. John 11. Gougb rays thnt, over in Eng land, whon bo told G.000 people in Exeter Hall that Mrs. President Hayes refused to allow wino to bo ollered her guests at tbo White lioiibc, tbo audiciico gavo thrto cboors. It is very Bid to sco Lawronco Unrrott's cimgintulatory telegram to General Gar field, " Glamis thou art, nml Cawdor thou sbnltbo, " rendered "Clams thou nrt and chowder thou sbalt be, "in a country dutnoemtio bhcot. "How do yon pronounce s-l-i-n-g-y ?" Professor Stcirns asked tbo young goutlo man nearest the foot of tbo class. And tbo smart boy stood up and suid it doponded a groat deal whether tho word applied to a man or a bee. G to thu bend young fellow. Iulliko qualities cannot bo concealed, no mRtlur in what position sbo who T)sscsseB thorn may bo placed. A Lcadvillo lawyer wns iross-cxamiiung a womnn on tbo ivit-nehs-stntid, and becoming somewhat abus ive, shoiixclnimcd. "I'm tihidy, by thunder, nml don't you forgit it " " Ma, " said a thoughtful boy, " I don't think Solomon Avas ns rich ns thoy say ho " "Why, my dear, what could have put that into your head?" "Why, tho Uiblo says ho slopt with his fathers, and I think if bo bad been so very rich ho Avottld havu had a bed of bis own. " When King Alfonso rices in tho hour of midnight nml and gropes nhout on tho top bhelf for tbo parcgorio bottlo, ho is just as liablo to knock doAVii a box of tacks, and not notice it until tbo iron enters his sole, na niiy free-born Atiiorican. Oil City J)crrick. Tbo Avorst cut-up man of tbo hour, ac cording to tbo Clovolaiul ruice, is tnni Western reporter who, in describing tbo apponranco of tho hello of tho town nt n lo cal picuio intended to Bay that sbo looked an Viif, t, of courbo, tho typos had to got'it nil foot I " X having been oiroudcd by a friond, sonds him ' elmllongo to light with mothers-in-laAA' "With molliers-iii-laAv, " says tho othor, porploxod. "Certaiuly. I aviII send inv iiiotber-in-laAV to stay Avith you, nml . L. 1 ilc limn wttll llin. you foiul your vu oiiumi ...w .....w ...... ...., nud tbo first man that begs for nunrtor will ho assumed to havo been run llinmgh tbo body." "Not much," said his antagonist; " I niioloL'iao humbly and respectfully. " il Judijo Thatcher, who succeeded Jtr. fl OuineA- on tho Municipal boneh of Hoston, ' iCkim'11 and uiiboudiiiK temper. Ono of hirt- lArUoncrs, in nddressmg tho Court proviofis to fcciitonee, used tho words t'also"uid"likoAvUo" in a way which implied a diflbreuco m moaniug. -.wu y u know of any diflbronco botwoon the words cous nud gontlomiuiiy but not likewise.' A poatry plncctl heforo n powder maga ,:. k.,. bis colonel nppioach, smoking an Itninrlvd IUvana cigar. "!'"' nr,IU8 and say iirmly, but respectfully, "Pardon me, eoionol, but smoking is not nllowcd here." The colonel, with a Biiperh gesture, flings away tho cigar nnd gives tho faithful leutinelmlouis d'or. As soon lis ho (jot around llio corner tho faithful sentinel with proud tears on bin ruggod couutoiinnce, plekcs up tho cignrniid linUheaitAvitheycry tuaiiifeotatiou of delight. Ulbo'nnd Mikuwuo'r- rbkcii uio juugu. "Yes, your honor, " replied tho priboner. "Jtd'gu Quincy Avas patient, ktud, court- , iou aro juugu mi", Mr. Swnmn's Funornl. Ilrrontly Mr. Swnmp wns ongncit in lipgiiiB n well nt llio luck of hm houso, when ho been mo ntliirat nml wont down town to get r drink, Ic.iviiiL' liis cott licsido tlio mouth of the well. While down town bo took sovornl ilrinkn, and hnviiignrmiitt cd a negro, kicked out a window ami coin tnittcd other ctci'spur, ho was arrcRlcd and fiont to tbo island under an nBmuncd uanir. Meaiiwbilo his Avell caved in and his coat hcing found near it, bis family thought ho Avns buried nlive. They mado n groat fuss ami iricit to lint) his body, but failing in (bat they determined to hold n funeral nnd bury ti coffin in bis honor. Howovcr, they didn't lot it bo known that thoy hadn't got his body. Tlio day of tbo funeral was tbo day Swamp gut out of jail. On nppronch itig his house ho snAv something Avas going on tbcro, and stepped up to n man and nak ed him Avhat it Avas. The man took ono look nt SAvamp, turned palo and lied. Swnmp Avas pur.r.lcd nml cntorcd tho houso to investigate. When tbo servniit ssiav him cntor, she gavo ono yell and fainted. Moro fiiirprioil, ho iusbc(l abend nnd mot Iavo or thieo people avIio also lied from him in terror. This exasperated him, and finnlly, nfter two tnoro fnilurcs, ho stole up behind a mnu nnd grabbed him, and whon tbo fol low snAV what ho supposed to bo thocorpso holding him, bo wns so scared that his hair turned gray and he struggled violently to get invay. Jlnt Swnmp dragged him into h corner under the fitairs nml sat upon him until, after tbo fellow bad nearly died of torror, bo got cnlm enough to explniu Avhat was going on. Thou Swnmp ran to tbo parlor Avbero tho ceremony Avns in pro gress. Tho elorgymnn had just said: "You nil kuoAV ho wns n sober, peaccnblo nnd in dustrious citizen, a man against Avbom no cbargo of Avrong-doing or disgraceful con duct avub ever raised ! '' Then SAvamp roar ed out: "For Heaven's sake, parson, hold on 1 " And then, Avbilo tbo pcoplo who lecognized him nnd thought it avus his ghost began to yell, and sumo piled out of tho Avindows Avbilo others fainted, bo con tinued : " I'm much obliged for your certi ficate of character, but it's a lie, for I'm just out of jail for getting drunk, righting a niggor and making an ass of mysolf gen erally. IJnt though I nin't a fit subject for a funornl, I'd be glad to hnvo this crowd join me in n dnuco to cclohrntomy return." Jlnt tbo parson looked scvoro and took his bat nnd left; Swninp's Avifo got up from a swoon and said to her husband. " Don't net like a fool, you old idiot! " and tho pco plo who hadn't run away in torror Avont borne in a gloomy frnmo of mind, fully sat isfied thnt Swamp ought to bo ashamed of himself. A Father Who Melted. Tho other evening a citizen of Detroit beckoned to bis 12-ycar-old sc n to AjIIoav him to tbo Avoodshed, nnd Avhcn they had m rived thoro ho began: Mm.h. ,..,.,, ,nn., i.nn. bnvn boon flight ing ngain ! Hoav mniiy times liavo i Turn you thnt. it is disgraceful to fight?" "Ob, fixthor, this xvasn't nbotit marbles or nnything of tho kind, " replied tbo boy. " 1 can't help it. As a Christian man it is my duty to bring up my childron to foar tbo Lord. Tnko off your coat ! " "But, father, tbo boy I Avas fighting with called mo nntnes." " Cnn't help it. Calling names don t hurt anyone. Oil' with that coat !" " Ho snid I Avns tho son of a Avirc-piiller." " What! what's that?" " And ho said you Avns an office-hunter!" "What! Avhat loafer dared make that assertion ? " ,,.,, "Itnindo mo nxvfnl mnd, but I didn t say anything. Then ho called you a hire ling." " Called mo a hireling ! Why, I'd like to get my hands on bun ! pulled tho old gent. " Yes, nud ho said you avuh a political lickspittlo ! " " Land ' grocioiiB 1 but Avouldn't I like to have tho training of tint boy for about live minutes ! " wheraod the old man as ho hopped around. " I put up Avith that, " continued tho boy, " nnd then ho said you laid your pipes for office and got left by a largo majority. I couldn't stand thnt, father, and so I sailed , r t 1!. .I....1 1.!... itnlil.lin. .lrtil over tuo ictico nnu iiuluu mm ..-" in Itbs'n two minutes. Thrnsh mo if you must, father, but I couldn't stand it to hear you abused by ono of tbo imiligiiaut opposi tion I " , , , ,. " My son, " said tho father, as ho felt for hnlf n dollar with ono hand and wiped his eyes with tho other, " you tuny go out and buy yot Iavo pounds of cindy. Tho Uiblo hays it is wrong to fight, but tho Jliblo must mnko aiioAvanco ior uuuurai campaigns nud the vile slanders of tbo other party. I only brought you out hero to talk to you, nnd now you cuii put on your coat nud run along. " Guide to Paradise. Tbo following " timo tablo to hoavon " has just boon issued by a AveU-known re ligious publishing hoiiro at Pnris ; " Ciuido for tr.xvelors to paradise "Trains leave At nil hours. " Trains arrive When it plcasos hoavon. "Through Hxpros Fint Class: Povor iv Plmstitv. Obediotice. v.." " ., . i o i rirt.... " i'jxprebtv rirsi nun oi;iiu ' Piety, hovotion, Sncrnmonts. " Way Tniiu -First, Second and Third Coiiiiiiinidments, Public Duties. t Faro First Class: Lovo and Cross. Second Class: Desito and Combat. Third Class: Fear and Pouitcuce. tt Nolico to Pasbengers ho return tick ets. No nlcaBU'o excursions. Children, who havo not como to yo.irs of discretion, free, if carriod on the Uncos. Passengers will ploiso carry no othor baggage man goon works, unless thoy wish to mUs the train or bo delayed at tbo last station but one. Passengers get on nnywnoro nioiig i" tim--. An old Commodore ivns spitining a ynrn for tbo benefit of nn old lady of serious views, and nrotibing bor sympathies by tolling how tho sea nn mountains high and taxod tho utmost endowors of tho croxv to manage tho ship. " Ah, but you sco, feir, " said tho old dame, laying her hand softly ou his, "thoro Avas Ono nt tbo helm" "Loiblor,s you ma'am!" ho exclaimed, energetically slapping his knto, somotimoa thore were live or tix. " Punch. DR. N. B. EMERSON, omeeatllr llnlTninn'a Urn? 8torr. 51 Merchant ft. Sesldenee, enrnv Knkitl and Port street (Ihenld Krngcr ireinl.ri) UHlee hour. U t 11 . m, S In I r i H Cm MRS. D. II. GRIFFIN, IUI Kurt St.. Honolulu, Fn.shlonn.blo Mllllnor nml DroM Mnlior. I New llonil. anil Styles receded every month. ly .1. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney mill Cnuusollnr nt Lnw, Mrrehint SI , Honolulu, II. I. 1 EDWARD PRESTON. Attorney nml Coimsnllnr nt Law, ly l Poll Hlrrct. ifnnnlnlu. .T. NOTT & CO.. Intportors nml Donlors In Stores, Rnnn, .Alrtsl., Ilim.c Pnrnl'lilii" UimiiIh. (.'rockciy, 01a .mil Chlim Wnrc, Prncllcnl .Alrcl.niilrs, IIinioliilii, II. I. I iy A. W. RICHARDSON & CO., iironrin (Mi im:a1.i:ii. ii ItooU, Slmc., I'nrnlslilii!! IIooIk, Hnln. dps. Trnnkf, Aslln-', IVrfuniory nnd Siiiih, Wnlllinm Wnlclir, I Iiip .Icnclrr, rlc. comer of Fort nml Mcrclinnt Mta , llnnnliilii. If. I. j iy PhotoKniplilo Artist, HlJsml 101 PortHlrpft. Pictures of nil l.r nml klni mnn to nnlcr, nml Prnw nf nil il-Tlptliili rnii'lnntly mi lift ml. Also, ShHK Corsls. nml 'iirlo.lcr of llio I'nclf.c. t ly L. W."HOPP, Cnblnot Maker. Upholsterer, Donlor in Purniturp, No. PS Kins Street, lielween Xuii.iiiii nml Fort Streets. Mnltrepr. eon.lnittly on hftiul nr ntnilu to order. t ly THOS. O. THRUM, Importing mid MaiiurncturliiK Stationer. Nows A;nnt. Boole Binder, &c, Jlcrclmnt .Street, nnd Denier In Fine Stnllonrr), Honk, Mnlc, Tors nml Fnncy Oondi, 1 Port Slreet, nenr Hotel, llonoliilii. ly w. m. wenikii. joiih siyr.Nrni. "WENNER & CO., Port Street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hull, Manufacturing Jewclors, Diamond Setters, KnrjrnierK, nnd Denlers In .Tewelry of nil kind". Sliell nnd Knkul .lewelrj iniidc to order. Orders nl.o re relved nnd Inltlifully iltcmleil lo for nil kinds of llnlr Work in .lewelry or .Alemnrlnl Denlgns. 1 ly D. W. CliARK, Wntoh Maker nntl Jeweler, iMroiiTKii or Waltiam anil all olicr American Watches, Clockn ami Jewelry. AA'ntcli Itcpilrlni; made n etieclnlty. 1 1) X o. 7 Merchsnt Street. Honolulu. FRANK GERTZ, ltZ BOOT A ND SH O E M AKER Xo. tfl Mcrclinnt St., next to Thos. o. Thrum. Ilonls ami Millies .limit- to Order, of llest Mn terliil.miil nl ItiMisonltlo I'rlecs. Boots nnd Shoos mado for Cash only ajy J M. S. ORINBATJM & CO., Importers mid "Wholesale Donlors in Gene ral Morclinudiso, S Mnkcu'a lllock, (Jneen hlrcet. ly M. S. GRINBAtTM & CO., Forwarding nml Cummissiou Morchnnts, SI I Cnlifornln St.,Snn Pranclfeo. Speclnl fncilllli" foi and pnrllc.lnr nllentlon paid to S conslgnnifiits of Island produce. ly T. J. MOSSMANJ Importer mn Donlor in Croclcory, Plain and Deeornti'd PorceHIn, Cut nnd Pressed Olnss, Mlvcr Plated AVnre, Cutlery UhuiulelUrs, Lnuipt, Uhlmnevi., Fire Proof btorc, cor. Kill); nnd Xuunnii Sts., Honolulu. -y E, COOK WEBB, M. D., Hnmeopnthist, (Lntc Chief of Mnu Homeopathic Ho.plUl, Ward's Inland. N. V.) Ofllcc 00 Port Slreet. .-peclnl nttention to diseases of vniuL ii.Aii.oj.Ai O. SEOELKKN-. O. EMILINO. G. SEGELKEN & CO., Xo. Ti Niiuauu Street, Tinsmiths nnil Plixmhors. Donlors in Stoves, lUiii-i1", Tin, Sliet Iron ninl Coppir AVnre, keep eon htnuTly on hand a full assortment of Tlnnnrc, ( Ized Iron nnd Lend Pipe. India ltubber Ho.e, Ac, Ac. J iy HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE &. BROTHER, Proprietors. XUUASU SUKET. Pilot. Medium nnd "S'ny llread alwnys on hand and made to order Al-o, Avnter, bod. nnd llutter Crack ers, Jenny bind C.ikes, &e. Ship llrcad re-lmked on the shortest notice. I amlly llrcad, made of tho Host Flour, baked dally and alwajs on hand. jr. II. Ilnnrn llrcntl r tlio Host tnnllly aiy A. L. SMITH, -II roiiT Tnr.ET. iMronTEit and nEAiEn 11 Merlden Qumlmple Plated Ware. OUsiware. KIiir's ' . . v.a. i i . ..,! ! fl !. an lira rLrrt IIJIS. Illl.llll, .311". Ml... 4... ... .--... - - I, Cotton. M idling Oil, all kinds of Machine Needles, "l)omsllc" Paper Fashions, Solo Accnt for tho uni til versally ncKnowieii;cn I.lRUt Runulns Somoitlo Sowlnp; Maclilno. II. E. W IIITNrT. J. AV. IM11IEBMU.S. WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, (Sncccmors to II. M. Whitney) Stntlouors, Publlshora, News Donlors nnd Boolc-Bimlors. 1 Merchant Street, llunolulu, II. I. ly THE HONOLULOBOOK-BINDERY DOES BINDINQ OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. The work exueuteil nt this establishment I" under the snp-nislonnf Mil. JOHN I,. ItllKS. wliu is well known as an experienced workman, nnd ftinno! iur;infii. U'lllllt IMUXK AT TI1K MIAVKSr ItATKS. WHITNBV A. HOIIBItTMO.V. Ktatloiiers, 1'uhllshcrs, News Dca'crs and llook Hinders i iy UASTJ.H Sc HATCH, Attorneys nt IjrtTSTtT". AA It. OASTI.F., Notary l'utillc. attend sll the Conns uf the Klngdoin. l'.rllculsr sitentiun paid t llin iieaotlsllos ofl4sns. Conrvyniielne. ColU'Glliik'i clc. or Money to loan on ilOtcei No. IS Kaaliumaou street, Honolulu, Hawaiian l.lsnd.. "' ly ll I.I.I H'l'i: It Ac VO., DruggMt, Ajulhtturiti, Importors of Tobacco nnd Cigars, Manufacturers of Soda AYater, Accnts for P. I.orlllar.1 CV; Tin Ton; AV. S. Kimball Jfc CV Vanity Kalr; asd Goodwin A Co's Old Judjie. Tobaccos sud Cigarettes. 818) N'ii Hit .Niiiiiiiiii Htrrrt. Iluimlulu. (ly ii. XV. nAWAUl.AXV. At CO.. IMPOltTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, llobln.oa'. llro-pioof llullillni;, QutsiiBlrsst. llonolnlo, H.I. iqors roa "lis (lUitnw snd Honolulu l.llis of Pirkela. John llsy A Oil's MterpooUnd l.oudju 1'stkcU. , Tim INsUsim PImiUII Tim Siisiirer I'lsnUliiMi, llllo, IWkaLii I'lsuttliiiii, I III", itlrrlses, Tult A l.s, mw Miclilnery. Ths iu.Mis Itsiifb I'limi'swr. 7K V HO N. ii. 'I'll H II s lurOKTIMI SNI USKlf'SVri'UINa STATIONEH.NBWS AQENT, BOOK-BINDEB AND PAPER RULER, JUrclnnlHI. nssr Port, snd r.rt Ht. utsr Hoist, llunolulu ( 11.1. A I mi. 1'obll.b.r nf ths llswallsu Almsnse and Annnsl, snd llsirslliii Directory n I liiUmUr, As.. Ac. TU Msithiul .is lll l .lolsd to O.tirrsl lis. lUi.ry. HUiik llulci. New. sod lllnilln lirpsilnisnit. the foil ! M'" l"l smbrsce Plan bUllonsry. Hooks, Arl.u' Msttflils. Toys si. I Vt 73 1 s. a ciitlb, j, i. sTuautos. (MNTlii: Ai 5OI4i:. SHIPPING: AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lUrOUTKRI AND Doalorslp Conoral Morohandlao, Ho. 14 .!" Slrssl, Hqsoiqiu, nsssiun hi.uui. .... AOKNTS VOn -Ths Union lassrsnes Cosipsnyofs" rrsnle. TbsSsw ;ii(Isd4 JlaluslUISIOIUIsnee vnnnj nn.n, Tha, Or. iou Packs! Line. Tb.Koh.l. PUnUtliiu, Hr Jsyus k doa'sCslsbrsts-l M..llrln... TbsllsiinPlsDlttloa, Wslslns 1'lsnlsllan, llsmskwa l'lUllun. Hbe.Ur k llon' S.nlng Msehinss. ik-w.1 ill IV.M. JOII.'sKO.'., Ynies, Iulrul Wire Ware, Fancy too.ns, IMcturc Kramoit, Wo-tcnholm'fl Pocktt Kntc, Seizors, 1Mb. . , ii ul,.., n..r1 A ii.iiiimlllnn. I!l,irk s tirxil Moroli-ant Tailor. in't No. ti felt bl., btlosr Vt. btBieowalc!'a. ly couwnjuijjjon v i ti a. -vv JM NoLljinslmmanii Hrrot. V. . H.tlci'oM'. Hs'Mroom on Onrrn Slrrfl. on iloor from Ksnlmir snn " Mfffl. iy ED. C. ROVE, Ilonso nml SlRit Painter. Tnper Hnncur. .W ly N'n III Port UlrPfl llnnolnln. &o r. a. sciiai:i'i:k m vak. Importors A. Commission Morchnnts oAlll llnnolnln, HmtnlMn LlnmU fty O. M. 'II.-,1I;, .i. ,, SUltOEO.N AND H0ME0TATHIC PHYSICIAN. O.llfe Curiisr ri.rtnnd llrrflsnls fit, llnnolnln :; 11. 1. AlsA.-IIN, Anetionoer and Commission Morohant. o.nrnirrpt, I. Hm.ItI i:i. noil .N-Eiir.B:t :o.. IMrOltTEHS AI7D COMMISSION MERCHANTS, llnnnllilli.Oilni. II. I. oIJj ii. iiA,'sii'i:i,ir Ac :., OENEHAL C0MM1S8I0N A0ENT8, - IJus.nSlRfcui.Oftu.ilnlii. II. tr t9l.lvl IIOI.I.I'S Ac '.. Ship Chandleri nnd Commuuon Merchants, mporlerHandlienUrfln Oenernl .Alfrehninlliie.ou.rn Slreet Honolulu. Iri.sllit I.IaiiiIm. 7U I jt COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Iniiortiir of snd Iiesleri In lin;, Orsln, soil nsrtrrs I'n.liiee. Hiin.iliiln. II I. 70A ly cum uriiscxr.i... wm. ii. iiiwin. -tV.11. ii. IKIVin Ac CO., Sugar Faotors and Commission Agents Honolulu. II I. POT i:. . is a 1,1. .v won, IMPORTERS AM) DEALERS IN HARDWARE Dry (looils.I'alnts, Oils nml llenrrsl .Alrrchsnillir, Comer Port nml KlncStt. .loin 'i. -ii'A'ri'.inioiiHi:. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 8 Onsen Slrrel. llonoliilii. II. I. ly 4'I'.4'I1. IlKOVi-V. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. NOTAUA- I'UIIMC. And Agent fur tnklnir AcUnowleilRinfiils of Initrnnientsfor tlio Ihlnml of OjiIiii. o7fi7 No. S Knslmntsitu Street. IlMiolnln, II. I. ly it. i". i:ib i. r.u.M jk ;.. DEALERS IN DRY 000DS AND OENERAL MERCHANDISE, rirff.rnofStore, Fori St..nlioteQiM Kelloir ltsll SIB-ly .IOIRIV II. IMI'Y, notary public nnd commissioner of deeds, For the Slates of California nnil New A'ork.Omro nt tlio risnk ofllUhop it Co., , Honolulu (,7S1 tr .1. 31 . I1IiB:V, ,11. I., I. I..s. Dcntnl Rooms on Fort Street, Offlc e In llrcwer's. lllock, corner Hotel nnd Port streets. Sll ly Entrance. Hon I Street A . IV. I1I M II . GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Pamll) (Irucery nml Feed Flore, 7A lyl M Fort Street. Hot olnln. A. W. PEIRCE Si CO., SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AnKNTs yon Ilrand's duns and Ilomli Lnnccs, Perry Dnvls Pain Killer, 7S5 .t No. 40 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly ii. i. r. CAnmi, r. c. juyis, Un. C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPFING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7m Honolulu. Hawaiian Islnnds. ly ;. AHMsrx.-. ImTJorterJjjleHile-nnd Rntnil D Anil China (lno.1., I., tho Fire-Proof Stored corner ol Kins and Nnusnil Streets. 8"1 .i. oinvirv. Commtesion Merchant mitt General Deulir In Dry floods. GroccrlM, Hardware, Hlallonry, Patent Slidlilnes, Pirfumery, nnd (llusswurc. 7f3 A' A I I. I'lil'. MAUI. ly I. Q.I1I0K80S IHinT. Lr.KII, C. 11. tOUKB LlllVKUS At ll;K(40K, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN LTJHBER. iidallkliidsofBuiiainKUter!nl,ForlSlreef,IIonolulu u. i:. .uui.'rvaci: .v iuiotiii:k. GROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY, Corner of King and Tort streets, IIOXOI.UI.U. o-l ir Corner of Port and Quren Mntts Honolulu, Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Bsilding (oo-l Matnrlalu of every kind. mi.i.irMiiiiA.ii Ac ;., IMP0KTKRS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Cutlery, Dry Goods, Paints and Oils, nnd (loncrnl Me?- chsn.ll.e, .No.OS, KluK Street, Honolulu. '" ly -rm.o. ii. iavii:s, (I,tre Jasios, (lsrxx A CiJ IMPORTER AND C0MMISB10N .MERCHANT, aso sacsr roa Lloyd's nnd thoI.lTerpoolUn.lerxrrltrri, and Korelcn Marine Iniirne Comrsny, and Niirlhern AiiitsiicCoiiuisuy. o'80 'T ;. ;. coi.iDiAi'i, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINI8T llorso Miorliis. fnrrlnuo 'ork. IMuulnlloit JlnvliUirry. e. WJ Shop on King Street, next Catl & Qike's. ly THOMAS TANNAXT, No. 8.1 Fort Slreet, K. O Hall A Son. Watches, Clocks, Jowelry anil Muslo Boxes or sale. Or carefully repaired In a workmanlike manner.'' Orders from lbs other Islands nromrdly-nltended to. TW ly PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Bakoiy Practical Confectioner, Pistry Cook anrl Baker, 818 71 Hotel slreet, betwem Nnnannand Fort. 3 ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. -- STKAM F.M1INKH. HVC1AR MII.I.M iiGsC Bellers.Coolsri, lion, Ilrs snd l.ssd Cs.tlngi Machinery of Every Description, W Mails to Ordrr -fit Particular attention paU to Shlp'i BlackimlthlnB S- JOIl WORK eeutnlonlh.liorl.inoll,. Mt lj bTshop & CO., H k. 3J" EC 33 X. m , IIU.NOI.UI.U, I I I I HAWAIIAN 1SI.AWUS' . . DKAAV KXOIUNOK 0.S I HE BANK OF CALIFORNIA : : : : SAN FBANCISCO su lumiuiNti IS New Yoik, Uoslou, Purls, Aucn,HMi1, IHE ORIENTAI BANK COKPOPATION, : : : LON00N SSD THUS SUSCHIUS long KoiiKt i yrtue)',snil Melbouras, And irsinscl s fltnsrsl IHnVJns nnlnes. TIT ly ''IIO.UAI4 l.OK. MACHINIST, & sf HO. IU rs nirtc.i V3 StiOS -III nii.ndlo sll orders In the V will alien i" LOCK. GUN i GENERAL REPAIR LINE. lie will alss special ttwillon lo rleanliiK, repalrtnt and rruulslln rwot Uehlne., au.l all other Uindsof IJshl Machinery ami Msui wouui sier .....-. 1-ltlacksuillhlnK. etc. Also, on bsnd and for sale cheap, A Variety of Sewing Maohines linn, isutola. Ml. AamimMlllnia, Machine Oil, Wcodlci, fcc, Ac, Ac sewlne Machine Tuckers. Illnjors. uH all other aslra and dapllcals parts of machines supplied ou short uoilct. J- llest Mschliit Twlst.tca &; Ajtrt fsjIAfs Ktnaion or Ths Klorsiics Hewluf Machine, from 0 to f SO. AVIiltHwiiu( lclin. irooi '-; , ... lloins'ihiUllsKewliiMschln,floia IIU. aA4rlucludlnjaUelra M ly Sin A. n. ;ii:jiioh;v a ;.. tMrnsrtss Jin nrm. is Oouornl 3Vtorolixxicllsof 7 Corner Uneen snd Ksshnnm-n Streel., Iy IIlMIA.-t into., Importers of General Merchandise KIIOM F1IAX0K, liNOLAXl), aKHMASY,Ah'l) uxirjii) statj:s, No, n Merchant Street, . llnnolnln, II. I, IY.llA.lf IIKOM.. WHOLESALE OROOKIia, Sill anil !II8 California Street, NAN 1' It A S V I S V n . tTT" Particular altenllon paid to fllllnj; and 'hipping stand orders, pal Iy I iiavi: ski'.- . FIRST -CLASS HORSE - SnOER ! And ism prnmriil to rnrry nn Ihls Tlrnnrli o my Ilnsliirssi In n iitnniicr soils- fuctory to my l'ntrons. OWNERS OPlFlNE STOCK Will do woll to give me a Call. Horsos sent to my Kins St. Shop WW be faithfully attended to. 851 Gs WEST. SPECIAIi NOTICE. HATJfO STirilUHl) Tin-! S1311 lcts of tho well-knimn nnd Jilt. .7. MAHINI1UHK. the only flrsl-elaes Upliolstcrrr In Iho Klncdom (late of San lranclsco), I am ircpared to do all kinds of TJi:EC3Xj.sTa3E?jnsr3-, In tho Lutcut and llest .Style. WORK WARRANTED! Call nnd Sco our I'ATK.NT IIIKkKll.S. iu:i i.ui).iks, NOT A IIF.n.H, ,IG. N. Tl. Mr. M. has seleeted a fine lot of Uphnlsterlnc (.nods, Parlor Sets and Lmincs, Chairs, Ac, of Iho latest blvle", which have Jul nrrlvcd from San Fran Cisco. I hacaUo juat receded a lien- lot of Tho Latest Styles of Furniture ! WINDOW MIAIII.S, 1MANO AJfI TAUI.n COVKItS, rifrruiti: 'hii, .vaii.s. kt;. All of which will ho forsalc cheap. It will pay you to call at Tin. l Port Street and examine the (i noils he fore purchasing elsewhere. S C. r.. AA'II.MAAIS. TuclMRc'(?0NiaTANir" "'-'dklied 1S30. TTnllmltcd Liability to btocuuolclcrn. Asets j3i, Hesero S O.TWI.UIM Incnmu for 187'J: Premiums rccelvid nfter deduction of rc-ln- surnuce $ B.nSS.iTJj Losses promptly ndjuted nnd paid here, tnin IIISIIOI A Co.. AkpiiIs. FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Company. A Leading Home Company. Assets, June 30th $707,307.17 Additional Cash Capital (now bcinf; called In) 3SO,000.00 Total Asset 81,117,307.17 Tin2 FIREMAN'S FUND INSUlt- X ANOi: COMPANY bails Its claims to tho best patronasa upon Its sound financial conuuion, rciniorcou by Its accession of capital. rI1ii It over n million dollars In assets; its extensle system of AReiiclcs, In- suriuc It a large premium Income, without the neccs- surllic It a large premium income, wimom ino nrecv sltyo7 heaiy concentration nf lines; lis adherence to the best principles and practices of Undcrwrltlnj; by open, fair and clearly expressed contracts, and prompt and equitable adjustment and payment of legitimate losses. For s cnnseri Vtr ...,nip,n ,iiir Ii lin. lireii fiiwimblv know n as a cnnsenat!o underwriter, anil during lh-' 11""5 n paid over 84,000,000 IN LOSSES, 1'asslnc triumphantly lliroticli Iho hcalcst conflngra lions known In modern history. II1NIIOI A Co., Aiteiils, 1 3m Honolulu. 11. 1. Rhenish Wostphallan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, OF 31. a..In,CII. IlliouliU I'russln. Aachen and Leipzig Insuranco Co,, Limited, or AAtiiir.x. (aix-i.a-ciiai'KI.i.i:.) A 1.1. CI.AIMN roil I'AHTICWr.All AVKK AIIK sUiUliiril by (loods uriivliig licro, and Insured n tuo sIhivo Companies, Iis lo bo made with ihecoi;. nlianco of and cenltled to by the undersigned. In order to b valid. (Tl'O lyl J. O. (II.AI)i:. Atent. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, raplUl, Five aiiHIuiis ReichSanark. Tiik tNnr.iiNiuii:ii iiavinu iiki-.m appointed Airents for tho. abovu Company, are now n ady to lasiiuPllrl-nKliit Rlakaorrironu lliillil- IMB", .Alcrclliinillsei Mill! lirilllnri on terms eiiisl to Ihosa of other rcspcctablo companies. I.O.sea paiu inr sun aujn.ieti lii-l-. For liaitfeulars. sillily lu T83 . Co., Agents. HOUTH BRITISH AMD MEBOAHTILE INSURANCE CO., OV I. UNDO A Nl KUI.M1UUOII. K1JTAIII.IHIIKI) IS09. tlAPITAI TT Jtl.OOT.aiH Arcumiilnl'1' l iiestert Kiimi. -i-"i" fiHU UWIIKUmuaTKlT IIAVK IIKB AI'- l I'UIMKH AOl.NTi lor lbs gsmlwlcli IsUbds, snd ars sulboilieiltelnsuresgsln.l Klreuiwn lasoiablalsrins. .i. i . . .i... R . ..... i.t ll.l.l.iif.oiielolis slid lCMsn tli.tlillncs snd inerthsndl.s itored therein, Iisrtlllnf lleuj'"" snd rnrrillure. Timber. Coals. Mdps In hsrbor with or with nut earjtot s, or nudsr rrpslr. 101 ly nn. iiayraciiLjKfii5Rco WILDER & CO., Altruist lur llin llassnllnii laluuila, OK TIIK Mutual Life Insurance Co. 2VKMT YOUK, Largest, Safest and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WOKLD! Assets (1880) $90,000, 000 A.IUXU OAU. Now is a Good Time to Insure Noas but flrst-Clatr, Risks lasin, n.W-u. Itoston Rfanl or l!nilrrwiiers. 4 flKNTN for I he llntrnllsin fslAiils, si. JIH nni.r mi co. riillaitrlphh Ronrd of llmlcnirltrrss A flKNT JA. OMy NT5I fur the llawallsin Isis, C. III1K a CO. Insurance Notice. Tm: a in: pniMMnn to wrllc upon Merehnndlse, per flrst-elass ts.,. lielween Ihls and tho Const Ports, -jirrrlnjr loss or damage. If niiiminllnK lo III perceirWor more, nn Hi. sound talun of the whole ihlpment nl port of dclltery, upon faTornble terms. IUHIIOP A f'o. Aijent. n( the Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. Honolulu, .tan. :. i"". nil 3m MAiVteURC-MACDEBURC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP IIAMIlUltd. Bltn.DI.MlSI. Mi:iU:ilAMIISn. rnnn 'IUUIisnd Mncliluery Insured acslnst tire on tho most fuvornhlo terms. A. JAEGER, Aeent fur the Hawaiian Islands. 7 ly Insuranoo Notioo. riAIIK AOHNT Ftlll TIIK IIHITIMII For. m. elirn Mnrln. tn.iirsnce t'ompsny, (l.lmltedk hss le- frtvArV'jJIsyLW-AH W.,.,.M.Sr lut r?.irm. "! '"""" psied tu I. .no I'otlde. nt tlin lowest rstri, wltn' V.I' reduetloii on Irelght per steamers. , THI!0. II. DAVIK8, y " Anentllrlt. Tor. Msr. In. Co., I.lnillrd i a. ;, i:i'i:it. AdKNTnrilrrmcii llonril of liitilersrrllera, Aueiit of Drea.len llonril of Ifmlerwrltsri, AkfuIoI Vienna Hoard nf Underwriters. Claim, sgsln.t Insurance Cuiiiianla wllhln the Jurlsillellon of the shots llosnls of Underwriters, will hate lo he esrll lied loliy llissliorssnenl tninske them sslld. 7H0 ly iiA.iiiiiiitjii..iiiti:,iii:.- FIRE INSURANfjE COMPANY. flHH UNDKUSIflMCn hns-liiR liesin ai- M. polnle.1 acenls of Iho shore Company, are prepared to Insure risks aeslnil (Ire, on Nf one ami Uriels llutlil. Iiirb, nndon Merclmiullse stored therein, in the moil fsrorotils terms, for particulars apply at Iho ofTice o( 7" t r. A. A CO. OAI.II'OIIKIA INSURANCE COMPANY. TIIK U.VDKIISIONKH. AdENTS UP TIIK almto Cnniisny, haro been snthorlred lo Insure risks on Cargo, VrrlKlit ami Trenaiire, from Honolulu to sll parts uf ths world, and sice rersa. 7 ly 11. IIACKIKM) A CO. TUANM-AT1.ANTIG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ip iiA.Mniint.. Capital : : : Six Million Rtichsmark. KI.NKN IN.StlllllO ttn IltllMII.VIIN, JMEU. chsiiillsn nnd Furniture, on liberal terms, by 37W ly II. IIAC'KKKI.I) A 111., Acents. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF 8AN Fit A IV CIS CO. IMCvxlxxo. INCORPORATED, 180S CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS I'or tlio Hnwnllnn IalniMle. "J- GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. v o liTXT N A General Insuranceftmpany of Berlin. Tm: Aiiovn inm;iin'i: ciimpanikn hae established n fleniral Agency hero, and the undersigned, Oenernl Agents, aro nuthoilzed to tako Ilinhsi -i-snat Hip lniHrr r Iho Nona nt (lie Moist nrnaunnblo llnlrs, nml on llin 815 lyJi'1""" '"Y,?." a '.-.trniv. new tngiand Mutual Life Insurance cu. OF I103TQN, MASS INHOnl'UIUTED, 181.1. Ihe Oldest Purely Miititd Life Insiaance Co. in Ilia United Slates. Policies Iuncd on the moat favorable Terms. F.xniuplc of .N'oii-IorfrUnro I'ln. INSUIIKD AOi:, 3S YKAItS-tltDINAltY UFK TLAN 1 Annnsl premium coutlnuis Policy 2 years 3 days 2 Annual premium continue Policy 4 years 12 days 3 A nnnnl premium cintliiim Policy rj)enra27 ilajs i A iiiiiul premium cnr.tlnna Policy S yesrs 19 dys 6 Annual preniluiocontlnnesl'ollcy 10 jesrsS6 dsys Asstiota, i i 911,300,000! Issaeai Fnlil tliroituli Ilmoliila Asency, g40,00Q CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS SID Fnil THE HAWAIIAN 1HI.ANUS ly 3XT3ni7s7- "5T01rl.3HC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY THIETT-TOURTH ANNUAL BEPOBT. AMNKTM (Cnali) ... AN. MI A I. IXl'OMt:... CANII NUni'MIS 93H.00U 000 . , -. 7,000,000 H. HAOKFELD & GO. GENERAL AGENTS, C. O. BERG-ER, Speoial Agent For tho Hawaiian Island. The only Coin jinny (lint Issura Tontiao Investment Policies, IlelnK prucllcnlly an Kndbwinent Policy at Ihe usual Life Hates. HI ly CHALMERS-SPENCE 'AIR SPACE,' ANUVOWLEH'S YUCCA BOILER COVERING Pntented January 10, I860. Has been vletnrlous oier all nther del ices for covering 1...U..PM t.lih wblrh It has been brouifht Into commit- lion, both In Kurnpa and America, for Iho past twelve .r.r. kuilnr.iil br the Scientific Anurkiin and London Kwilnttrlno everywhere as bclnif the best Nnu-cou. iIiicioi. Uio . I'eliable, Ihe inosi Kcunomlcal. 17IX3D uaJTH. I-a-03D. Tliii"Alr Hpaco" Is a iiicchaulcal device. The old mclhod uf covering bnlerr, steam and other hot pipes, was to smear a coitlujruf plaster over the holler, and pipes, anil illircuy in cimmci nun ino uoi suriacer L'omiunu unit teaches that any compound thus applied omiiinu unit teaches that any compound thus applied III soon hare Ihe life burnt out of It, and that the ex aualnii and coul ruction of the uit-tal oier which It Is uioti.rd. ulll ll In IfMisen and rrncl:. so that It ,i,r. will soon hare Ihe life burnt out of It, and that the tx- Mill, aftsra lime, fall off. llisldes this, riperlence hss proted that Iho Hum and other comiiouudalitril for this puipose, when applied illnrt In the boiler suifsces, lonodes tho boilers so as lo greatly Injure Ihem. The Air Mpsco nencs a two-fold purpose; flrsl ll pro- des a stratum of air entirely around ihe boiler, nhlth Is Ihe beit known Don-conduitor uf heat. Hecoud, ll provides s surface which Is entirely Independent of ihe boiler surfsie upon which the covering compound Is placed, and Ihls surface bilut; formed of wire clolh of l,.nch mesh, futulshes a splindld means of clinching or lastenlnt' Ihe lompound around Ihe lIH-r. The wire spare Is supported at the space of an Inch or more from lbs bcllcror hot pipe by melal itnds placed close together, so llisl the eipsnsfon or coutractlnn of the bollsr or pipes aionnd which ills nlsced will Inol af. feet the outside roverluir, because ibe stud allows a sumcleulinoieuieiil without dlstuibliij: Ihe mrround- ins wire nnu cover. , . . , Kiperleuco anil practical lesis nave .iriuKiisirsivu beyond a doubt that Iho radiation of tint from a boiler nrroundedby tlie"Alrbpsce "aniillscovei..i?,li Is than thai from a holler cnerrd wllh any of the other well Vnown boiler ouiliij;.; couseurully there Is a itaslat sinirliir Sif fllal. In proof of what Is said altout Ihe supeilorlly of the ... ... u .. .! fcl...n .ka Vel.mlH I nij.lMn i.nainiLrs.niiriic. ji "is.fc. - n-."y' -.". Dec. 1. 1877, and loitJon Knjinttrlng, 4uly li, laTT, 0. C. KOWI.KIt, Sole Owner for 1'aclllc Coast, M. KAOKfCLO A CO., Agents, 817 a llunolulu. Ex Cyme. faHHIN BAY. VUlfUHMU AT, MAY 1 B Bran. Whole and Ground Barley. Ti ' for bale by faOIXES Co. Latest Departure. IRON STONE "WARE. Nicklo Mount.nrl hi Hot" nr Single Piccos, such ns TottTots, ColToorots, Crcnm Jugs, "Witter Jugs, Slop Jnrs, Sugar JJowlu, i Ppoon TTaldors, Ten nnd CofToo UrnH, Sots Toto-n-Toto, . Uuttor B6wl. ALSO Plain Granite Iron Stone Ware. The aborc ware Is put together not simply io take tha eye but Is well made In ocry respect. ALSO- 1 CROCKERY 1 AN1) China Ware! Plntcs, Tlnttors, Diahos, Cbambors, Cups and Saucora, Toilet Sots, plain nnd fancy, Ohccso Covers, Dinner and Tea Sots, Dosort Sots, &c, &c. STOVES, tk RANGES, METALS, Agricultural Implements, NOTT Co., Tractlcal Tin, Copper and Hhcet Iron AA'orkers, i iy Kaahmnanu Hlrcet, Honolulu. JUST RECEIVED AT THOS. G. THRUM'S FORT STREET STORE.I A FINE ASSORTMENT OK Office or Waste Baskets Mosquito Net Hoops, Bicycles, Velocipedes, Net nn.mmool.8, Boxing Gloves Children's Furniture, Bead Hnnging Baskets & Wall Pocketu, Together vtllh a full assortment Fine Stationery, Books, ArtiaU' Colors wntcr and oil, &c- AIAO, A riME SELECTION OF NEW GOODS CONSISTING IN PART OK Frames, Fancy Glassware, Panel and Statuary Pictures, Oak Wagons and Wheelbarrows, With a variety of Novelties' JTJT 0?0 BAXD An Invoice of the Celebrated Bord Pianos ! Which will be offered on lleasonable Terras.' I ilm , N. NEUFBLD, ORAHD, 8QUAM AJID UP1I0HT PIAKO-MAXZB. JXELIM. B. HMkfald a Co AaU for U aUwalUmbiandi Thi aitlmy Malt, Baturilay, January IT, 1U0, ;ijrll7, 111. Pianofortes in the Exhibition. In our previous notice of the I'lanoi In the Kialhi lion (No, IV.) In connection with those of the tier nun Court, we wero unable to do more than eaeaiorals Ihe esbiklls of I,., of Berlin, and that enusma lion was erroneous. Hlnce writing thai notice, Ihe Sydney agents, Messrs. llabonr, Keva A Co., have given us an opportunity nf seeing ths luslrumsnts, of which ronr are einiuiiiii insieaii oi isu, as lurairriy iisini, The I Ira! Is a (Irsud of fall compass. 7H octavee overslrung, "an aeon, ileal metal frsni In sirraffci, the action Is perfect uufalllng lepvlltlun." All the modern ion. All iuo viuurrn slrument It cased la Improvements are applied; Ihe Ins ralnni. nf flue tune and Ifehl tone walnut, ot sue inno ana Usui loucn, sno ueiug in aaai- ...-. . - ..---,,.- -. - - --- .- - ... ..... lion by far Ihe must pilceworlby ouhl to command tk moswtaiiy niarae . , overstruutf. well Inliheil, anif cased Is a handsome frame lu the luls liuatorae style, Ne a Is an p llahl collage, llmplir In the esterlor, but with slibslsu tlal in rial frame, and all Ihe evidences of Ihotoiuk rare Jist, en uprivni cunax ar.Ris. .'"s !" iissi. la Ihe Internal construction. Me. 4 Is an overstrung I"' I upilKht boudoir cottage of very aerseable lone, ni : Having thoroughly examined Ihe workmanship and construction, and tciled ton and touch, we are able to speak Willi connqence on in sterling mcriis or inss InstrumsnU, susrcfally when w ceeinare the price with lhne ol other W Klsni.s are now on exhibition at the ttoi of WSero H. HACKKtf.D A CO. T?ASTKltN TOIUC-A UAlAt JtOT MU of jEattern Eilra mm rork, ror rial by MOLLIS h Co. III