SATURDAY PRESS. re- VOIiUMli I. HONOLULU, .11. L, NOVEMUELl 13, 1380. NUMBER U. - lu 1 MI THE SATURDAY TRESS. I v I U - V I- K II p I II I M II K II w k K K I V M rt mitum nVKtlOU-AJUiAYKAU IN ADVANCK .atofitwrs ami diettler will address Mr Tho tl i n i.lne.a Manecer i iaii.rr.vili satnrday IVh slunM he addrre.ed i kr -l I Hli I'lli: . A Freak of Fortune T rvui mick nmmir., W hpii p'l"i niU Nvnu In tlylit five wivaiile t lilrVrt'-a tntielml cnnjfl, Ktul WtfUttl. lii'll. niul wiumt tit'lM Wrre nmpt ill .ifl St-plriutHT lme, .flr (linl' ilullllrllllix llr KlrtrK, i rp Hiwetmittij; In Ilia flelila of e'tur Nr I.HIeml l the itiiNiituvr irr. n I ws.tcliea.1 tlie ilcrKtiiiiK hIrIiI tiif-ctltpr. Ai-ot tlir tillla the njr tlnali I )( Miiwl'n nfler-ulnry lliiKerrHl i Perfe1! . eve' a ilpliriiHM lmli. Save ulirn snu ieiihr. ilewy-fliigcrrHl, prew (mm the Mtt 1'iHiUi plno tin- innate that arvunU n ml mingle S Hit i.vlriii Nattirr'a iiuhhU divine, In lcnfy li-inutd niul ferny ilttile. A rwaly murmur atlrrwl ntnunu flip iirlera l) tlm dimming river ; Iw in dm writ rvripletiitenl liting ltann'a kIImt lm niul quiver rtip ImtilrrV iihmi i lier potiaivo liylit H'erllimesl the wiitlil with trniii'iill Klnry, An in (lie f mi; ran I lump, of niijlit We Imi rt lionrMil tho ilil, imwl atory 1 The olil. oweel nlry, rvrr new ! Vrt l'nlo Mixnl lyt our itonU to err ; l'.ir I wna iinmelerbi inxir .mil yim Vrrr vlinlRT'it In (iMliliTplruik' forever. u iirr lit jewel in jour linir, tul on your flitir, while niul Mender, A wntiilerful "nwo-nolltarlp" riaslietl Imok tlio moon's, trninliicont Fplomlor ! e. I'nte ilocrrnl tlint we alitvuttl mt ; Vint (i, with Minnt riiilirocoi, We elunc n ninmetit, hivirt to lienrt, IVith' ivillur on our ml muni? f rices ; Far ml we lirnnl tlm iiililniulit trnlii Iliiah down the pirK with elnufnutl thuiuler. A Vim ninollierisl cry of Min Anil then our noiil. were torn nxmuler 1 A rear ! What cnriiraa frenkn, nh. hip, The fickle tfixlde. Fortune, Ires i My crufl olil uncle IIiiiiiiIIh'ii Ha ilieil. nml left me rich n CnTSiisI Old (imlilerplAiik tins Mitmlereil Ihro' !! wmlth : j on utill nrt Mnml I'revjllinn y Inlnt I, in) 8w't. can oiler jou lire. hniipines nml thrici n million ! My Love's Cipir. n t illa w n c r. i. r. n. The room i. n hlnre of Rplenillil light. Knir Indies (jliilo throuKh the fentnl linll, A thouiml Kni-JcN ilnrel (he sic;ht ; Hut, oh ! to Iw out of it out of it nil Down in the gloamini; nml ilmk nfur. With neTer n light hut my Ioto'h cignr. I walk in n cnnlen of roynl blixiin ; The very trooicAl irilniult ncem To Imve brought their bcmitv nml rnro perfurao To lull the fauul in n lotus ilrenm ; 1 wouM giw it nil, and Iw well content, For n breath of his lino JlnTiitiaV ncent. I hnte this life of glitter nml gold Of folly nml feigning mid fnxhion ftiM ; Oh ! for the freedom I Imrtered Mild My Iotc, nml the sunshine oer ns, The cottngp. Tnnl mid the garden-sent, And n smoky odor, ns rnro ns sweet. Oh, to lx nnder the eTening Bkies, (riy nnd linjiny nml blithe nnd five, AVnlching the light of my own loon eyes An they shine in their ivrfect trust on mo I Oh, to walk 'nenth the evening star, Alone with my love nnd his line cigar. Brevities. Franco hns 40,000,000 bens, with only 5,000,000 women to throw things nt them. An exchango nsaumes to tell " what tho Indians raiic. " Tho things they raise most is that which Robert Ingersoll docs not bo liovo in. SjHinccrport Journal. " Patrick, that is the worst-looking horpc 1 over saw j why don't you fatten him up?" " Faith ! the jwor basto can hardly carry tho little mate that's on him now. " An old halt, when asked how far north ho had been, replied that ho had been so fnr north that " tho cows when milked bc 6ido a red hot 6tovo gave ice cream." " Sit down," Faid a handsomely-dressed nnd vivacious young lady to n compmion nt n fashionable wntcring place: "sit down: it's tho only thing you can do hero without being obliged to pty for it. " " Kiln, is your father at homo ? " said a bashful lover to his sweetheart. " I want to propose somothing very important to him. " ".No, Clarence, pipa is not at home, but I an. Couldn't yon propos o to mo just as well ? " And ho did with perfect suc cess. Tho Evanston Index says that women rcpcmblo flowers. They shut up when they bleep. The goutlomcn is probibly young; ho may yet como to learn that there is bnoro relief in slumber. A man out west turned state's evidonco nnd sworo ho was a member of n gauff of thieves. Uy nnd by they found tho roll of actual members, and nccutcd tho man of hwearing fnlsoly. " I was n member, " said tho mm; " I was an honornblo member. " When yon bco n. man tako of hit hat to you it is a sign tint ho rospectsyou ; but wheu ho is teen divesting himself of his coU you can mnko up your mind that ho intends you hhall respect him. Yonkcr tiUitcsman. A new Haplisl convert wished very much to bo piptized by ono minister and to join tho church of another. Sho went to tho first and nsked if it could bo done. ."Yes, " ho replied, " 1 could do it, but don't tako in washing." A poot asks : " When I nm dead and lowly laid, And clods fall heavy fTom tho heavy (.pide, You'll think of me?" Don't worry. Tailors nnd shoemakers have rcteutivo memories, nnd yoVU ntrt bo for gotten. Noriitown JeraM. Tourist: "I say, boy, what's tho namo of that hill yonder?" Hoy : "Dunno." Tourist : " Don't knew. What I lived hero till your Hfo, nnd don't know tho natriu of it ' " Hoy : "No ; tho hill was hero nforo I cotn'd. " Tho last piece of ruslio laiinesa encount ered by out-of-town correspondent is tint of tho man who, leing nsked what ailed liib. eye, nuswercd, " Nothin' ; I hut it cox I can sco well enough with one. Sometimes I shut ono, sometimes t'other." When Dr. II. nnd lawyer A. wero walk ing arm-in-arm, n wag b.iid to n friend : "Theso twonro just iual to ono highwny. man. " " Why, " nsked his frioud. "He caneo," rejoined tho wag, "itisrv l&wyor ami a doctor your money or your life 1 Miss Mumfonl lias nn elderly edmircr, who tho othor day presented her with a hmidsonio loco collar. " Now, do not, " ho said, with n sort of elophnntino jplnyness, " do not lot any ono oho ,ruil10 ' " donr, " nnswored Laviufa, " 1 will bo care fultotakoit'off.'"','wL- Cnno I'lnntlng. The heading of this nrliolo rnllsnttrnlioii totho luosl important iliu whieli bplongs to raising n good crop of cant', nnd planters nre found tu disngieo in matters whieli nun would suppose htid beim thoroughly nnd eoiicltisirply settled by netunl ti.ieriintiil in Ihn yenrs that havo pissrd. A largo majority of planters slill adhero to tho old plan of planting three nnd four enmw in the row, without reference to tho qunlily of (he cnno planted, or tlm uttungth of tho land on wln'rh tho erop is to Im nimlo. Nntnro jilainly leaehes us that tho burden should bn apportioned to tho (.(length of the soil, and if wo wish (ho iiIiuiIh to nttnin n fair sire, wo nmul mil. havo too ninny of tliotn, or wo shnll hnvo an inferior growth. With a erop of eano it is eortninly do (.irablo nnd prolitnblo to hnvo n good nnd regular stand, so ns to strttro nn nliuiidnnt yield, yet wo hnvo never seen nn experiment made to delennino how ninny nnues hhonld bo found in n row n foot long. On page 81 of tho dairy of the Into Mr. Valeonr A tine, wo find tho following entry which throws great- Hghfon tho subject of thick nnd thin planting: "On tho ocroiiO of June, 1 carefully counted fifteen hlliiilieilcntiCN on n row tuotily cuiupns ies long, nml w lion eut for grinding, nil pos slblo care being taken to nvoid u mistake, only ir liuutli'ctl were fotinil nml brought to tho mill, nvor oiip-lialf linvinjc jiorinluM from wnnt of strength in Ilia soil lo bring them to matu rity. In other woids, tho Darwiiiluu theory was fully illustrated by a survival of tho fittest ." Thero nro some planters, nnd successful ones, too, who usunlly, with sound cane, jilnut ono stalk with n la), which gives them n good stand of cane, ns it suckers much better than that planted with two and tlireo stalks. From nn experiment mndo on n smnll pc.ile last yeir, wo nro inclined to think that thin planting with sound cane is tho right wny to do it. Wo planted ono btnlk with n lap, nnd although it did not seem so thick in the row ns tho other cane, yet wo found no ditl'creuco ns to tho qunntity of enno on tho ground when cut. It suckered freely, nnd tho ground not being ovci crop ped, tho suckers matured nnd mndo ripo canes. Tho amount of cnno nctunlly used to plant n crop is so much subtracted from our working capital, and this is nn nniiunl loss, placing tho cultivators of cane nt n serious disadvantage when compared with thoso who cultivate cotton nnd corn. Tho troubles nnd disappointments of cane growers nro sufficiently numerous, and nny nlloviation would bo thankfully nnd gratefully received : if each ono would mnko tho experiment on n smnll sualo, some rational conclusion would bo speedily nrrived at. Under tho persevering efforts of Com missioner Lo Due, many rivals to our in tcrcbUi as sugar planters nro making their appearance, anil wliat, with tho product of nmber cane, potatoes, corn-stalks nnd water-melons, cano juico seems likely to bo eclipsed nnd loso tho prestigo it has hereto fore enjoyed as th-j producer of saccharino matter. Thcso nrticlcs can bo produced in cold climntcs, nnd although they may not yield nbiindantly they mny nevertheless seriously curtail tho demand for our pro duct, nnd thcroby nfl'cct onr iutorcstB to nn injurious extent. With tho prospect nhend of us, and tho possibility of n return of tho low prices of 1877-78, it is iuuumbcht on ns to mnko nil the improvements in the cultivation of cano and thomnnufneturo of sugar which scienco and actual experiment may suggest. Unfortunately, planters nnd farmers pro gress very slowly, and hnvo n strong tendency to keep in tho old grooves, nnd thero is probably no branch of business in volving tho samo nmouut of capital which has ma do such insignificant progress dur ing the prcsontcentury. Assumption La). Joneer. The French Annexation cf Tahiti. Tho prolcctorato which Franco has long oxcrciscd over Tahiti nnd tho group of tho Society Islnnds has just terminated ; King Pomnro the V. abdicates nnd tho islnnds becomo n Trench colony. This step is duo mainly to tho management of Mr. Chcsso, who has acted as Governor. Tahiti can now entor on a career of real progress under French energy. As in other I'acilio islands, tho native populutiou is fast disappearing, having fallen from 10,000 nt tho com mencement of tho century to nbout 0,000. Of tho immigrant population, l!J0 only nro French, while Hnglirih nnd Amoricaus count 107, nnd Chiueso -lOC. Tho French ex pect that on tho oeiiing of tho Pnunmn canal, Tahiti will becomo n great stopping placo for steamers. About one-fourth of tho soil is rich nnd productive, hut n very small portion is turned to account. In proper hinds it would furnish n rich nup. ply of tropical fruits to tho western shores of America. A submarine volcano has boon diseovor od in tho Pacific, south of Fortsiiro nnd tho Jlovin IhlniidN, by Commander Huntington of tho United Stnles steamor Alert. First n volume of vnpor wns discovered rising from tho sen, followed by the uphuavnl of black musics. As tho ship approached tho submarine volcano tho master) thrown up wero distinguished ns mud nnd nshos. Tho uphenvnls wero nccompnuicd by dull ro iKirts, liko those from submarine mines mid by nn odor of sulphur. Several dayB wero spout in making tho rceoniioisanco. A reef, or island, is in proeess of formation, Sound ingH wero obtained in from five- to twonly iiiuu fathoms. Tho water was full of ashes nnd mud, nnd some of thin and ono tpecimou of tho bottom woro brought ou board. At night (lames wero noticed is suing from tho volcano. Tho editor laid his hnlf-mnokcd cigar on tho table, nnd tho candidate, dropping in to talk matters over, perched himself on tho toblo mid sat down 'on tho real Connecti cut Havana, Jty and by ho sadly Mipped oft' his high seat. " You nro not lukownrm in your cause, anyhow, "he said plaintively. " Ah, no, " replied tho editor, encouragingly "tho old fires nro utill burning." And then ft great hush fell upon tho busy banc turn, such a profound silenco that for a niinuto you might havo heard a guru drop. JJurlMjton Ilaickeyc, nn. n. li. KMr.nsoN, IMtVHIOtA.IV AND MllllaiHOW DlHient llr Itiiir.iuiin'a tlrntf Mime, 'J I Mrirlmnl Ml Ni-.itnrr, tiiinrr K ilk lit anil I uit alrert (tlieiiM Kriijjer rriiilaral Oilier lumen 0 lo II i u, V! In I r II dm mus. r. . anirriN, till 1'iirl HI , llnimhilii, I'ltalilnnnlile Milliner! mill IDroaa Mrtltnr. I New (Iniiila nml HI Ira e-rellnl evrrjr imiiitli Ijr J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney nml Cimtinellor nt I.iwr, J Mre haul SI , Honolulu, JI I ly r.DWAim imrsTON, Attorney niul Coiiuaollor nt I.nw, ly (Ml'iirt Hlrerl. Ilnnrlnln. I .1. NOTT & CO.. Iiii)ortrra nml Denlera In Stovea, Hnii;r, Mrlula, Hume I'litnlaliltue (loeila, t'riKkrijr, (llaaa .mil Clilim Wnre, 1'rritllnil Mrrlnnlca, lliiniiliilu. II I. . 1 iy A. W. IIICHAIIDSON A; CO., ivrmtrKit nii nr.u una it Ilonla, Hhora, riiriilalilni' lila, llnl-, Cia, Triinka, Vnllaca, lVrliliiiMy nml Honi, Wntthnni Wnlrliea, fine .Irivrlrr, flf , rornrr ef l'urt suit Mrrrliniil Mia., iiimoiiilit, li i, I ly M. DICKSON, Phnt(iijriiililn Artist, in.' niul llll t'net Sleeet. l'lrlnrea of nil ara nml mnitn In inilcr, nml rrnnira nf nil ileacrlpllima riiiiatniilljr nil Imnil. Alan, Hhrlla, IVrnla, nml riirlnlllea r Hie I'nelllc. a ly la. W. HOI'P, " Cnlilnot Miilior. Ujilinlatoror, Dealer In Fnriilturo, N'o SS Klna Street, lielnren Ntin urn nml Kurt Hlreela. Mnttre-aea ennatnnity on limul or mmle In enter. Ur tiios. a. TitnuM, ImjiortliiR mill MntiufiiotttritiK Stiitlonor. Nowj A;iit, Book Dimlor, itc, Merclinnt Mtreet, nni' lienor In llne Slnlloni'iy. llnnka, Mnalc, Viijh nml I'nnry (lomla, 1 t'lirt Slrecl, nenr Hotel, Honolulu, ly W. M. Wr.NNlCll. JIIIIV SWKNBrtX. WENNEH &. CO.. 1'ort Street, iiimlte Oilil I'ellimii' Ilnll, Mmiiiriiotnrin'- Jcwolora, Dtnnionil Settom, Kintrntern, nml llenlera In .lewelry nf nil Ulmla, Shell nml Kiikul .leuelry uniilc In ortliT, Onlrra nlan re eelteil nml laltlirnllr nltrmleil In fnr nil klmla of Hnlr Work in .lewelry nr .Menmrlil l)eai;n. I ly D. V. CLARK, TrVntoh Mnltor nml Jowolor, mroiiTriinr Waltham niul all other American Walcha, Clocks and Jewelry. Watch Ucnnleliij; mmte n apeclnlty. 1 ly nlniit S Street, llnnnlnln. THANK GERTZ, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER No. V.J Merclinnt St., next to Tlm. O. Tliriim. llimla itml Slioea .Mnile In Oriler, nf Iteit Jtn. ti'rliil.iiuil nt Iteiiiniilile I'rleri. Boots nnd Shoos mndo for Cash only ' I V ly M. S. GRINBAUM fc CO., Importors nml Wholcaalo Docilors in G0110- rnl Morchrtiiillao, S Makec'n lllnck, (necn Street. ly M. S. GRINBAUM & COM ForwrinHriK nml Commission, 211 Cnllfurnln .St., San l'rnnclacn. Sneclal fncllltlea for nml rnrtlcalnr attention palil lo li cnnalgnmenta nf laliml irnttuce. ly T. J. MOSSMAN, Importer mill Dealer lu Croolcery, IMnln nml Decnraleil INireelaln, Cut anil Treaaetl Olnas, Sllier riatnl Ware, Uutlcry Chandelier, Lnmpa, Ctiliuney''. Mtc. Klrc l'roof Sture, cor. KIiir nml Niinniiii Sta., Honolulu. iy E, COOK WEBB, M. D Homoopnthist, (Late Chief of Stair Hniurapillilc Hospital, AVarU's Oiflce no eon nirevi. pei;i"iii ailcntloirtn dlteaaea of Monien nml clillilren. Olllce linnra Until 10 a. m. 3tn4 r. m. 2 ly O. SEUKLKE.I. O. ENULINO. G. SEGEEKEN & CO., No. 5 Nuiianii Street, Tinsmith nml Plnmhora. Donlon in Stovoai, Jlancca, Tin, Slivet Iron and Copper Ware, keep eon. Mainly on lianil a full assortment nf Tlnare, Cilvan Izcil Iron ami l.c.iil l'lpe, Imlla Ituhbcr Ho'e, Ac, Ac. ly HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE &. BROTHER, Proprietors, NUUANU SHEET. Pilot. Meillnm anil Navy Ilrend alwaya on hand nnd mndn to order Alao, vater. Soda nnd Itiitter Crack era, Jenny Unit Cakea, Ar. Ship Ilrcail re-liaked nn the shortest notice. 1'nmlly lire-id, midoot the Best flour, b iked dally nnd always on hand. X. 11. II row 11 Ilrenil or the Iteit Qnnllty Jy A. L. SMITH, II rnnT sTiir.KT, ivroiiTEii anii 11c.11.rn ix Slerlden Qundrnplc Plnled Ware, Ctlassiiare, Klnc'a Combination Spectacle nnd Kje, Ilrackcts, Vaea, I.natral Wire Ware, 1 ancy Soini, Picture Frames, Wosteiiholni'a Pockit Knlies, Scissors, Pis tols, Powder. Shot and Ammunition, Clark's Spool Cotton, Machine OU. all kinds nf Machine .Needles, "Iloincstlc" Paper fashions, bole Agent for the uni versally acknowledged Light Running Doraostic Sowing Machine. U. E. WHITNEY. J. W. IIOnEllTDOS "WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, (Succeasors to II. M. Whitney) Stationers, Publishers, Nows Doalera and Booli-Blnilorn. 1 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I, ly THE HOHOLULUBOOK-BINDERY DOES BINDING OF ALL DES0HIPII0NS, The work executed nt this catahllahment la under the supervision nt Mil. JOHN I,. UUHS.ulio la well knoiMi as an experienced workman, nml cannot beturpaittd. WUHIi llll.Vi: ATTIIi: I.IIHT.SI' It.UllS. WIIITNI'.V .t ltOlinitTSON. Stationers, Pnbllahera', News Dea'ert and Hook Hinders I I ly j. w. r.-iuvirv, Commisiitm Merchant nnd Gutcral Dealer In Dry Honda, t.rocerles, Hnrdwure, Stallontry, Patent Medicine, Perfumiry, and tllasairare. TftJ WA I 1,1'Kt'. MAUI. Ijr MUM.ISTDR Ac CO., Druggtttt, Apothtcartt; Importors of Tobacco and Cigars, .Manufacturers of Soda Water, Agent, for P. Lorlllard .1 Co'. Tin T&k; W. K. Kimball A, Cn'i Vnnll) Pair; and Goodwin A Co'a Old Judge, Tobaccos and Cl;arcllei. 818) X" h.1 Xmiiiiiiii Street, llomillllll. ly i. w. .iiAt'rAin.Arvr. :.. IXPOIITERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lULIn.ou'a lira pioof llulljluf, Qu.eoSlml, Honolulu, II, I, AQNt roa Tha OU.jow ami Honolulu Una uf I'ackals, Joliu Hay ,t Ci'a l.lveraiol an.1 LotidMD I'acWats. Tli Walkapil I'lantallon, TlmSptneer I'lanUtlvn. Illlo, llakalau Plaiilall.ui, II lb. Mini. r. Tall .t Ual.oti, Sugar Machinery, Tin. Piiul.14 Shtap lluiull C'linpalT, 7U . . OAirLK, J, S, ATllKllloa, oakti.i: Ac joui:. BKIPFIN0 AND COMMISSION MEHCHANT8, IMI-OKTKKS AMI Ooalors In Conoral Morohandiso, No. ID Kluxdlrtalgltgiiululu, lUwallsu ... Adl'.NTs IfH -.-Tba Union Inmranec Conipanj f Man Francliro. TUa N llngland Matual Ufa tntuianet Compaiiy. Huston. Tha Orajori I'atkal l.lue, ITli K niul a I'Unlallon, lir. Jajua 6on't OaUtratadiTlia Haiku I'lantalloo, Mrdiciuta. . llalalua I'Ul.Ulloo, IThealtr A Ull.on'a SawlnzMlainakua I'lantalloa. Machinal. n4 lrl ' BISHOP & CO., BAN HI 33XLS, IIOMII.UI.V, llll IIAAVAIIA.If IMI.A.N'Um , . VnKW KXCHA.NOK OS-.... I lie BANK OF CUIFORIIIt, : : : : SIN FRANCISCO au illicit iniKii is Maw York, UuatoN, I'nrls, Aucklaud, THE ORIENTAI IINK C0RF0MTION. ; : ; L0M tkiis ssmcuma lloiir Kong, 'llny,ani3 NtiboMrn, An4 lianiact a Qanaial Banking BnsUaM. ' 117 ly iti:..i. if. .tii.tvn;, OOVItl-lMlilinH A. X' IjA -v Ji'l Nn. 11 Knnlitimnnii iteeft V. S. UAH'I'itW. Amiilitneer, HnlfHtmm nn guaan iefl, nim ilenr feunt Kaalmmann 2 SOaal ly . a. N'iiVi:i'i:it a, :o.", Importorn A. Contnilnnlon Morolmnts "'III Honolulu, Hawaiian filaiija I; O. N. t' 8UIWKON AND UOMEorATHIO ritYSICIAN. limi-a t'nftitr Fftrt nml liaralanh Ita, llmioluln, J7 i:.iri i,.iih"I Auctioneer and Commission Merclinnt. lluaanHleaal llnnnlnln. II, I. (anl.l j i:i. iioi'i'.M4iiti:ji:it.v :tTT IMPOllTEns AND COMMISSION MEUCitANTB, II111111I11I11.O1I111, II. 1. o7 ; y ED. C. HOWE, Umian nml Sluit Pointer, Pnjior IfmtRnr, &o. 7J ly Nn lit t'nrt Hlreel, llnilitlnlii; 3 MMf. .IOII. .sor, 3VCoxol3La.3txf; Tniloi. TU N11 1.1 1'nrlSt., tiilnw llr Hlnngrimnl.l'a. y A. H. 4'l,i:IIOICi A. Co.. iiiroanaa ktn ntiLtm 11 Crouoriil 3VXox.-olxX3.clliaoT "H' Corner Onaan ami Kaaliiitiianu Strrfla, ly 11. iiA;iii'i:i,i .v vaIT, 0ENE11AL COMMISSION A0ENT8, Oiiarn Street. Ilnnnllllll. II. I. 7l ly iioiai.i: Ac '., Ship Chnndlori nml Commisiion Morehants. mporlsraninl llanlaraln Oenerfll Msrciinmllae,Qisan4troet llotiolnlii, Hawaiian lalainla. 7711 ly i.Aiiw:a ;o.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ami Iiiirfirlar of and llrnleia In lluj, drain, nail (lanrra I'rwltir,., llnnnlnln, It. I. TU I Ir CI.IL'N BntrU'.'ll'.IS. WM. II, IIIWIN, xn. a. uttviit Ac ;., Sugnr Factors and Commission Agents Honolulu. II. I. WJ7 :. . n a 1.1, Ac no;, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IK HARDWARE Dry (Jooili.l'aluta, oils ami (lenarnl .llarclianillir, -ly Corner Fnrt anil KlnsSlt. ..- t. MA'ri:itiioi)Mi:. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Qnarii 8lreel, llimulntii. It. I. ly JNO. A. HASSINGER, Ap;ont to tnlio AoknnTirlnilKinontii to Con- trnctH fnr LaTior. 813 .1 Interior ODtce, Hon luln. Cm ;i:;ii. iiitotvi. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. NOTAKV I'UIII.IC. And Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Inatrnnisntsfor tlio Ialiiud if Ualm. n87 No. B Knalinmnim Slree t, llnnolnlii. II. I. ly 11. i'. i:iii.i:km Ac vo DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Flre-proofStere, Fort St,,atuv,iOiM Fellowa Hall, aia-ly .lOlli II. l-A'I'Y, Notary public and commissioner of deeds, For tlio Stnlraof California nml New Vork. Office nt the Hank nfltialiop ,t Co., , H0110I11I11. o7&5 ly .1. n. viii'i'i"i:y, n. .. i. i. n. Dental Rooms on Fort Street, Oflle e In Ilrcwer's, llloe!.', corner lintel nnd Kurt streets. 811 ly Knlrnnce. Hnul Street A . W . I' S II . GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Family llruccry nnd Feed Store, 70' ly" 8n"'8'rt.lnelnll'. A. W. PEIRCE & CO., SHIP chandlers & commission merchants AOKNTft FOIt Irand'a Cluns and Ilomb lince", Perry Davis Tain Killer, 785 ,1 No. to Queen Street, Honolulu. ly u. 1. r. Ciisn, r. c. Joxts, Ijr. C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 79J Honolulu, Hawnlian Islands. ly ;. AI'OI. Importer, Wholesnle and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise And China Oooda, In the I'lre-Proof Store, corner ol KInK nnd Nmianu Strecla. aid J.O.nt0KSO nuDT, LKUKUR, CM. COOKK IJ'tVllltN Ac niCKNUK, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN LUMBER. And all kinds ofnulldlugMaterlalSgFort Street, Honolulu 11. :. .uciivrvui: v iithi:u. (1R0CERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY, Corner of King; nnd Fort streets, HONOLULU. 783 ly wu.ii:it Ac co., Corner of l-'ort and Qurm r-lmla Hopolulu, Lumber, Faints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building (aoo-i Matnrlals of every kind. mi.i.iftt.-iiA.ii aV cu., IMPORTERS AND SEALERS IN HARDWARE Ciitlrry, Dry Oooda, I'ulnls anil Oils, nnd Uaneral Met. chanill.e. No. 05, King Street, Honolulu. 79ly :. 4;. (;oi,,, blacrsmithand machinist Home hhorliiK, Cnrriniro Work, IM011I11II011 .lluclillirrjr, ate 803 Shop nn King HI reet, next Cftstlu ic Cooke's. ly THOMAS TANNATT, (No. 6.1 1'ort titreet, opposite J, t), Ilnll A Hon. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Music Boies For Sulo, Or cnrcfully repaired In a wflikmnnllke innimer. Orders from the oilier llnnd ironililly intended lu. 7W ly PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and'Bakory x. uohn, Practical Confectioner, Faitry Cook and Baker, 81tJ 71 llolulsttect, between yuiiaiiii nml Ir'oit. tf ly TIII'.O. 11. IiAVIIM, Lite Jasioa, (llx 4 Co.J IMPORTER AND COMMISSION UEBCHANT, . ad agist roa Lloyd's nnd tha Llferpool Underwriters, llrlliali nnd t'orolRii Marina Imuianca Company, nnd Nortlieru .liinrance V""'!'""). uinu iy CAST1.K tV HATCH, Attornoya rx'i XUnxrV. W. It. OAbTI.K, Notary I'uhllo, nlten.l all the Courts of Hie KluKduni, I'nrticiiUr attention pat. I to Hie lugotlallou oft.oaoa, L'onvvyniirliiKi Collecting, tic. air Money lo loan on MiirU'uve. Onica: No. II Kanhumanu street, Honolulu, Hawaiian lalnitda. Itt ly IIY.UA. IIICON., Importers of General Merchandise -FHOM- FHAXQE, ENGLAND, UKKMAXV, AXD UN1TJU) STATES, No. 2-J Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I, ll.HA. IIIIIIN,, WIlOIiESALR OltOOBIta, 810 nnd 218 fnlltornU Hire t, MAN rKANVINtlU. t iT Particular attention paid to nlllns and shipping aland orders, KO y HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. StOUm. ITKaN KKtiltfKH, ll'llAR MIIXH aaftaUk Hollers, Coolall.Iroa, Ilra.sand UadCaallpis Maohlnsry af Kvery Description, afar- Mads to Order. -fc rarUcalarattuUon paid t SUp'i llackamlthln sT JOB W0BK tieculsd on lbs shorlssl aelU. (ot I w SPECIAL NOTICE. irAVNd HnCIMIMI) TMK HKIt- I 1 vleta of Ihn nelMciimrn ri'HOI.M'ir.lll'.ll nml IHMT.II. Mil .1 MAIIINIII UK llie only nrsLelnJa rphnlalerer In the Kingdom (lain nf Han rinnclarol, I am piepnreil to do all kinds of XJ3PI-IOX-T3Dl?tHir3-, In lh Latent ami llestHlyle, WOIE WAlMlAIflSDI Ciill and Mcc our I'ATCNT ItlM'kl'.ltN. Jlllls I.OtlXil'Jt, NOI'A ItllDM, AH. f I' .Mr M.hni seleeled n line lot of t'phiilslerlne llnoila, I'nrlor Hrla nnil l.ouiiif'a, I'hnlrs, ,e nf thn Inleatslvlea, lilrh hnve Juat nrrlrnl from Nan I'rnn. rlsru I Imre nlan Just retelned a new lot of Tlio LntcBt Styles of Furniture ! tVIMMlaV MfAIH.N, i'ianii A.i ttivrits, ritrriuti: I'limt, naiijs. trrr. All nf whieli lll he for snlc rhenp. It Mill pny you lo mil fit Mo. Ill l'urt Hlrerl nnd eintiilnn the tlo.ila he. font purchnslni' elseiihere. JJ ('. K. WII.I.IAMH. illH.MAN I.A'U4 M A O II I 2NT I 8 t. ,ii, It) tort Nlreel, Q O wlllnllend In nil nrdernln tlio &$ LOCK, GUN . GENERAL REPAIR LINE. lie will Rlvn spi-elnl nttoutlim lo eleniilmr, repulrlnir nud reKiilatlm; Menltnr Miiuliluei, nnd nil oilier kiuda of I.lrlit neliluery nnd Molnl Work of every ilescrlpllon. Illneksiiilllilnir, elc. Also, on linml nnd fur sale clienp, A Variety of Sowing Machines Jiiii, I'lnloN, Nliot, AimiimiMlnii, ZlCachino Oil, XVocdlos, Ac., site., Vc. fewlnie MhcIiIiih Tuekern, Hinders., niul nil other extra nml dupllentii purls of machines supplied on short notice. jr Host Mnchl.10 Twlst.iro title Agtnt in iMi Kingdom for The rinrencn MewliiK .Mnelilue, from J 10 tu ISO. While Howluif Machine, I'riini n In 7.1. UniiioMlinitlnHnwIiin Mnclllnu, floill (IS tj I3S. y lucliidlmt nil nxtrna q y I 1IAVH Ni::i!ltKlt A FIRST-CLASS HORSE -SH0ERI Anil nni prefinreil to rnrry 011 tliln Ilrmieli ol my IlnnliiCH in a 111 nn 11 or Hiitls fiirtory t my I'utroim. OWNERS OF FINE STOCK Will do well to give me a Call. Horses sent to my King St. Shop Will be faithfully attended to. tst m C WEsT. NEW DRUG STORE l!f JUJUAN'U NTIlEirr. RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC, To tho Fact tli Jt they have Opened at their Old Stand, No. rM Kuiiniiu Street, a Full Line of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, AND BJi UGGISTS' SUKJ)J11ES, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED CELLULOID T R TJ TRUSSES. S E S TIIE LARGEST AND MOST Complete Assortment of Perfumery .. Kt TUB CITY. THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT la In cliargo nt MK. W. I.. IIKMCH. a Pharmaceu tist nf large experience, tliuroughly competent and te llable. rryl'rescrlpllons compounded nt nil hours of tiny or iilKht. uriuiir hem. ovTiit; front hook. 613 3m CALIFORNIA Fiiriiitiire JUauufacturiiig Company HAN FU.VNCISUO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS .a.xXj zxisoriii?Tioiira household" furniture PASTIES IN HONOLULU Or other pnrlsof the Islnnds, DESIRING FURNITURE CAN IIAVK TIIKIII Orders Filled at Lowest Rates lly applliailuii to Mr V. P. AHASIH, Queen Ureal, who baa our HescrlpilYc (,'utnloiiue wlli 1'ilcm. ON HAND AT THE STORE QF L.W. HOPP UIMU NTUKI.T,. Black Walnut Bedroom Seta, lSluck tVuluut Hidcbourila, Jlluck Wnluut Ululiig iihnlra, Oiil Cuuu Ncul Dlninif C'tiiiiia, Veditr llcilruom 8cl, E. P. ADAMS, AGENT FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Oil 301 liNOWLES' STEAM Vn.cs it it 111 Pumpiii, rnHK rNRKBHiaiVKD H4VK Jl'T UK. U. HKIVKIipsr AuirTurnsr. rrom lloslon,a full at s.nlmenl of tosa ralvbraUd Puropa. which aracuaian lued lo ba cheaper ui Ultar than any ether side ol pump Imported. We rail Hit allanllen of planters partic ularly to tha Vacuum Pomp, which la leu oomplkaud and tuara stir Iceabla ban oltxr pumix 131 3m C. MKEWER at CO, yL THE LIVERPOOL X LONDON GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Kitnbll.hed IH.fl, Unilmltni. Mnblllty to HtockliolilBM. u'.'i,lm ' Ill.sni.l'sl "pt'"' I .twi,ixi . Iiifoiue for limi. I remlnms rereltcd afler ileilnttlnn of re In- M,rl",''' 0,3SJ3 Lnises promptly adjusted ami paid here, la" lltWIHII' 'n.. Axenta. Ji1 IK ill MAN'S Jb'UJND Insurance Compariy. A Loading Homo Company. Assets, June Willi $707,W.I7 Additional Unih Cnpltal (now helnfr railed Iii)!Wi,is)0i Total Asstfls.. .t JL. ...... ,..,.(.., 1 1, 1 1 T,ri. n 'pn K VI lIRrAlN' KirN'M i8t)f- J. ANfi: C'oni'ANV hnsl, Ha claims to the hesl ialriinarii upon lis aiiunil niinnrlal r ondltlon, relnfnreeil hy lis nrresslon of rapltnl. kUIiik It oer a million ilnl ars In aaapts j Ha eilenslre ayslem nf .gencles, In stirlne It n Inre premium liirmne, wllhnut thn nerea slly of henry rnnrenlrntliin of lineal Ha adherence lo Hie heat principle nnd practices of OiidernrltliiKi by iipeii, fair nnd rlenrly expressed enntrneta, nnd prompt and riillnble adjualniciil nnd payment of leiiltlmatn loaars, ' I'nr seventeen years It has been fnrnrnbly known as a cmiaenntlva undcrwrller, nnd dnrliiK that tlmo has pnld oer 4,000,000 IN LOSSES, 1'nssliiR trliiinphniilly llirnuiili the heaviest conflairra. Huns known In inodrrn history. IMNIIOI A- Co., Aaritin, 13m llmioluln, II. 1. Boston Board or llndrrwrilcrs. 4 UKXTH tar tlm llstwallitn lalnmla, V Ml-1) I), IIUF.WKIl.t CO, I'lillailclplila Hoard or Under writers. AUKXTH fur llio llaivnllnii lalnmla, 0 My O. IIUKIVKU.t CO. I'. A. HtittW.Vt'.ll. AC4KIVT nrllreinrn llnnril nr Underwriters, Agent of ilrrxlrn llonrd of lliidtrwtllers, Agent of Vienna Hoard of Underwriters. Claims against Iniurancn Companies within the Jnrls.llctlon oftlioaljore Hoards of Underwriters, will hnre to hocsrtl lied to by Hie aboTiagent to maae tliam viilld. 7U0 ly IIA.-fllllIKJII..HKIMIi:1- FIRE INSURANOE COMPANY. rilllK U.M)K.Il.Slt),KI) hnrliiK been ap- M. M,lnleil Agents of the nliove Colilpnny, nrn prepared to Insure risks nualnsl fire, on Klinieaml Ilrlelc It til III on illrrrlmmllae .lord therein, on the most fiVurnblo terms. For pnrtlculiiis apply nt the olllce of W 'J V. A. eClfAKPKK A CO. TIIA"-ATI,ANT1C FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, or HAnni'iKi. Capital : : ; Six Millions Heichsmark. RI.SK I.NIIIti:i ll!V IIIIIMIIMjat. MKK. . chaiidlsc uud Furniture, on liberal terms, hv at" ly If. 1IACKFKM) CO.. Agents. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capita, Five millions Rclchsraark. rrmi: i'Nnr.iiritsivi:is iiavinh Jsl appointed A;eiit4 for the nhovo Compnny, nre nnw ready lo Inane )illclcnKnlmit niakNnrl'Ircoii ItiitJil. liiKN, MerelinmllM, ami Fnriilturo on terms ecinnl tnthn.c nf ollierrcspcctable companies. Losses pnld for nnd militated here. For pnrtfeulars. npply to 92 II. HACKl'ELU & Co., Agents. Insurance Notice. raaisr.- I'nuKHJiiuncii sKK M'HKFAUf.It M. to write upon Merchandise, per flrat-elain icsscls between tills nnd tho Const Ports, coloring loss or dnmacc. If amnnntlnr; to 1(1 per cent, or more, on the sound vnlue of tho whole shipment at port of delivery, upon fnvorahlo terms. IHSIIOI' .t Co. Ai-ents of the .Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. Honolulu. Jnn.:i, 18W0. oil :im HAMBURC-MACDEBURC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIAMIIURO. Bvn.mxiiH, MKIUIIIAMINK. rORXI. TUIlHnnd Mnchlncry Insured against Fire on the most favornttle terms. A. JAECER. Acent for the Unnallan Islands. lit ly Insurance Notice. TUB AntSNT FtIK THIS DKITlftH For sign Marine Inaurnnce Company, (Limited), has re ceived Instructions lo recttaee the rstca or Insurance between Honolulu nnd furls In the Paclne, nnd la now pr pired to Issue Policies nt the lowest rates, with n special reduction on freight per steamers. TItnO. II. DAVIES, ly 119 Agent rtrlt. For. Mar. Ins. Co.. Limited UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAN FU AN CISCO. 3VXT.XlX3.0. INOOllPOEATED, 180S CASTLE & COOKE. AGENTS For the Ilnwnllnn lalnmla. iy Rhonlsh Wostphnllan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY. or M. UI.AIIUAC'II, Itheiilab ITliaala). Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, Ol' AACIIK.f. (AIX.I.A.CHAPKM.i:.) A 1,1. V1.AI.MN I'Olt 1AHTIJIII.AK AVKR AtJK nu.tilurd by flomls arrlvlnc here, nnd Insured In me nbovu Compnnlen, have to be made ullh the coir nluincaoraiidceilllled to by the undereUncd, In order to be vnlld. (7H0 ly) J. C. tlt.AIIK, Aecnt. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OK lonho and kuinudhqii. K3TA11I.ISIIKU I SCO. CAPITAL ...., ,.., Ci.ODT.aiS Arcuiuulatcil anil Investcil F11111I. 9,838,118 tKMK DNUKIIHIONKll IIAVK HKK.If AP- - I'OINTKP AflKNTS for Ilia Sandwich Islands, and ara authorize,! to insure against Hto upon favorable terms. Itltks taken In any part of tha Iilanda on iHona and Wooden rtulldlnge and merchandise atured therein, Iiwelllnr Houses and Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ships In haibor with or with nut cargoes, or under repair. 0I ty KD. A CO GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. I'OllTUNA General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. rTHIK ABOtK INM'KANt'K COHPANIEfl A. have established a tlrneral Asency here, and the undersigned, tleneral Acculi, ara aulhoiljed lo take Itlalsa siKalssal (he BatiKerii or llsc Noaaal ike Moat Hnaawnabln Malra, stiadan tke Hunt t'ntornlsKi Tsrrsna. 815 ly )' A. riCllAKKIill i. CO.. Oeneral Anenls. TIIR New England Mutual life Insurance Ci. or IIOSTON, IAS8 IKIOirttRATKB, IaS. 7Ae OUlett Purely Mutual I.Sfe Inturance Co, in tha United States. FoUcWi Inuad on tha moit faTorabU Tarau. Kaaiuple or .Juu.l'orft-Hurr rims, INIUIICO AOK, M VKAIIS-flllDlNAItV LITK VLkJI 1 Annual premium continues I VI ley 2 years Sdajs 2 Annaal ieialum roallaaee Pulley 4 yeara II days 3 Animal premium Otlillunes Pulley a years II daya 4 Annual prsutuui cutllnno PiJIcy I yeara t daya I AouualpiemlurocontluueaPUIcy 10 jearsMilays Jkjmmmtm, i i ll,aoO,OOOI Umii raJ4 IsarauKk Holul AcBjr, 4!00 CASTLE ft COOKK, AJINTS in ro TDK HAWAIIAN IM.AMM. WILDER & CO., Aleuts fnr llio IfawnMsiii lalamla, Os Tilt: Mutual Life Insurance Co. or ?r.w york, Largaat, Safoat and Moat ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD! A88Ct8 (1880) $90,000,000 ufVIaXa OAHX. Now is a Good Tlmo to Insure None hut l'lrst-Olaii Hliki Taken, ail.'in. ILatest Departure. IRON STONE WARE. Nicklo Mountod in Sots or Single Pieces, such as Ton Pots, CofleoPolfl, Oroam Jugs, Wator Jugs, ' Slop Jars, Sugar Bowln, .. Spoon Holders, Toft nnd GolToo Urns, Sots Toto-a-Toto, " Butter Bowls.' -AL80- Plain Granite Iron Stone Ware. Theahmearele put tnr;elher not simply to take tba eye hut Is well made In every respect. -ALSO CROCKERY? -AND China, Ware! ) 'rH' - Plates, Plattors, Dishes, Chambers, Cups and Saucers, Toilet Sots, plain nnd fancy, Oheeso Covers, Dinnor and Ten Sots, Desert Sots, &c., fcc. STOVES, & RANGES, METALS, Agricultural Implement!, Tin wetxre. NOTT k Co., Tractleal Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Workcta, , 1 Iy Kaahnmanu Street, Ilonolnln JUST RECEIVED AT TIIOS. G. THRUMS PORT STREET STORE,' A FINE ASSORTMENT or Office or Waste Baikete Mosquito Not Hoops, Bicycles, Velocipedes, Net Hummocks, Boxing Gloves Children's Furniture, Bead Hanging Baskots & Wall Pockets, Tojelhrr with a fall assortment ol Fine Stationery, Books, Artists' Colors water nnd oil, &c. AIM, a riwE SELECTION OF NEW GOODS CONHISTINO IS TART OK Frames, Fancy Qlassware, Panel and Statuary Pictures, Oak Wagons and AVheelbarrowi, With u variety of Noveltiea a aTTJT TO a.xrz Au Involte of the Celebrated Bord Pianot ! Which ulll tx offered nn Iteisouatil Trfmi. t Sru tstav ttfTHB ruaraT ihibtk flfclff" strains, and of all axes, FOR HAL.I. aaaSass) hoird and dellsrred lo steamer or KUOOntr, AT MUUSHATB. rUlbSB, lroasa wUtslaa ! atar ts4i Mm Umt Hull f ( isajteava mh UMf mnr laava. MalMr iaa al sat stasias. l S A. MBKIISHV. Hawaii U44. Notlos). AH; rilHM'iHWMin mtmtm aaootlns or caUhlnf IH cattle or koraea on Ihd uealava kue Kaapakaea. Makihaialoar an fVneekeo, ItUaJ of HawallTSaUlct of Bllo, y 4 3 m i V-T A .'I 41 A 41 '1 1 .i! X