Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY PRESS . . ,i VOLUME r. HONOLULU, H. I, NOVEMBER 27, 1880. NUMBER 13. : Ins, THE SATURDAY PRESS. A NKWHI'Al'BK I V II I.I S II K I) WEKKI.V. etlnsemiTtoi riVE DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE 8nbcrllir ami Advertisers will address Mr Tlio (I Thrum, IliiKlririm Manaaer. All mntfr for Hie Hitiinlay Press should he addressed tohr"MATl'lttAY I'HIIHS." Don't Ftuh the Boys Aiide. Wo know llm lail nro troublesome Aii'l hinl to roir, hut then Wi! also know, with Nrttims help, 'I hoy go to make- tint mi'ti. ' Tlmy wnnt to Irani a thousand things Of this grand earth, no wide, Anil lliutigli the fitiestlons lull like rnln, Don't push tlm boys nsldo I Tho littlu girls you tolerntu Within jour Nirliir gny-r Tlio precious darlings are no light And graceful in tlielr piny; " While Uojfl nro tiiiililliRiiino," yon cry, " Tliolr noliMi joii Mn't nbiilo P Oh. mother I (or their fuliirr' sake, Oun't push thu boys nniilc Their very roiigffnrss in n law 'J'Uut runs through nil llm rnco, And, trniwri'il with n kindly heart, Ih better fur Ihnn grace. Your tiiet stripling seldom mnkes Tin hero when Iio'h tried -Then nmlhor mould mid Hofton, hut Don't push tlio bojs nsido. Tho while thoy ran nnd jump mid clltnb; And slug thu tnnelcss song, Tlm I racing tuunin from thu hillH Mnkcn nlltlioir mtisclei strong; Thoy garner llfo-hhxHl rich nnd rod Onin Htrciifjth from fleld nnd tidu Against thu tiinu they hIiiiII ho men Don't push thu boys aside I Are. .V. A. Kitldtr. Brevities. I'ooplo tlirtt go to pot Gnrdonorfl. A good Ride-show A prolly clu-ok. An old wisuncro A decayed wisdom tooth. Said ho, "Lot uh bo ono." And sho wns won. In Holocling color? for tho various npirtmontH oi your house, rtvoid n, brown study. Ah fur tho librnry, it should alwnyH bo red. An Ohio newspaper spoaks of a man be ing bruised by thu " omphatio gesturo of a inulo." " Ah," said a deaf man who liad a scold ing wife, " man wants but littlu ' hoar ' below 1" Wo hear of a man who has mndo a for tuno by attending to his own business ! This is authentic. But thou ho had low competitors. Heboid that man with lordly gait: "Why docs he hold bis bond so straight 1 "lis not for prido of woath or fame, nor glory 01 ancestral nuniu, nor yet. inu guiun uia garments deck. Hu's got a boil upon bis jicck. Thero is a girl in Santa Barlnra with Btich n big month that, tho othor day, whon sho smiled at a fellow on tbe'strcet, a kind-boarlcd litilo boy exclaimed, with great earnestness : " Look out, miss your lid's coming o(T!" Dr. Hall says that every blado of grass contains a hcrmon. Wo can understand why some people shavo thoir lawns so close. Thoy waut tho sermons cut short. "Yon wouldn't tako a man's last cent for a cigar, would yon ?" " Certainly I would," remarked tho proprietor. " Well, ,hcro it is then," passing over a cent, "givo mo a cigar." Tboro is a roal humor in tho card postod in tho obsorvatory on tho top of Mount KcarRargo, announcing that visitors aro requested not to writo or cut on tho struct ure It adds : " Writing matorials and sticks for whit, ling will bo furnished on application at tho office'1 An vtnclo rccontly found his nephew playing tho violin, and tho following hits took placo : " Sir, I ondoavor to keep timo." "You mean, valhor, to kill timo?" " No, I only boat timo." At a printers' festival lately tho follow ing toast was offered : " Women ! Sec ond only to the press in tho dishomination of news." Tho Indies aro yet undecided whothor to regard this as a complimont or otherwise. Pat asked tho othor day, very innocent ly, whothor tho Atlantic cable vns laid on tho water. Sumo ono told him it was, nnd that it was lion ted by means of buoys plnced at equal distances. " ll'ys, is it ?" Bid Pat, " well I think tho cable company should bo prosecuted for cruelty to childVun. Its a nion's work to sthay out on tho ocean nil thu time a-huwldiu' up a cabto, so it is." Throo Irishmoti, who hid dug a ditoli for four dollars, vyoro qtiito at a loss to know how to divido tho piy oqunlly. Hut ono of tho number had boon' to sohool, and voiohod division in tho arithmetic, so it was loft, to him. Ho did it at ouco, saying : " It's aisy enough. Suro there's two for yoi, two, aud,two for mo, too." The two received thoir portion with it greatly iucroascd respect for tho advantag es whuh learning gives a man. A good srur.y wns told some timo ago of a Galvoston colored concro Ration, whoso pastor had backed off t. o Sunday-school funds at mouto. Ho was duly tried, and tho verdict was : " Tho liov. Aminidab llloilso ant acquitted of tho sin of gambling, porvidod ho pays do money back by noxt Sunday night. In tho inoantiuio tho mom born of dis congrogashuti is waruod agaiust jiluyin koards wid bruddor Bledso." A baker whoso loaves hid been growing " Small by dogresa and beautifully loss," when going his round to Servo bis cubtom its, stopped at tho door of ono and, knock ed, when the lady within exclaimed, ' Who's there?" and was answered. "The baker." "What do you want V" "Td leave your bread." "Well, you needn't make bitch a fuss about it put it through the key hole," was tho reply Judgo Thatcher, who surceedod Mi. Quiuey on the municipal bouch of Boston, was a man of stem and uubeudingtempor. One of bis prisoners, in addressing thu Court prvioui tu Bonteuce, uted the words "nUo" and ,likowi6o" iu a way which implied a difference of meaning, '- Do you know any difference between tho words also ' and likewise ' ? ''"asked thu Judge. "Yes, your Honor," replied the prisoner. "Judge Quiuey was ratient, kiud, courte ous and gentlemanly, You aro a Judge, also, but uot like wise." Moreno's Final Defeat Itccontly tho b'. ''. Merchant said of Ilri wait'iiti nllhirs: If Moreno Inn any authority from tho King, or has boon empowered in any way to speak for tho King whilo abroad, tho peoplo of Hawaii ought to know it. And if they tind it to bo so thoy ought not to rest nntil llio King's Ministers oponly withdraw that authority. If tho Cabinet has not infliicuco enough with tho King to do this, it should ho compelled to rosign. It now nppcars, though tho fact wns conconlcd and denied, that this fellow Mo reno was commissioned a sort of Minister Plenipotentiary to visit Washington, Lon don, Paris nnd other places, nml in tho Klng'R namo demand tho rccill of tho sev eral Foreign Ministers. Tho truth was discovered by Mr. Green being nppointed Minislor of Foreign Affairs in Hawaii. Tho Gttzcltr, says : On Saturday, tho 25th, it was rumored that Mr. Gicon had learned that letters hnd been sotit by tho Cabinet, of which ho hnd becorno n member, to tho groat powers of tho United States, Great Britain nnd Franco, requesting, thu recall of their diplomatic representative? hero, and that thoso mis sives' had been entrusted toio less a per sonage than Mr. Moreno. Mr. Green .then did tho only thing which an honorable or intelligent man could do, namely, informed tho foreign representatives of what bad been done. Mr. Grcon tbon resigned his office nnd Mr. Bush wns again nppointed Minister of Foreign Affnirs ail interim. At tho Inst moment beforotbo steamer sailed tho King listoucd to tho advico of bettor counsellors nnd appointed a Cabinet satisfactory to his subjects. Tho Hawaiian Gazette (extra), of tlio 27th ult. says: Tho public will rcccivo with cxtrcmo satisfaction tho news that a Cabinet is this day formed which has n good prospect of being permanont, nnd which will have and desorvo tho unqualified confidence nnd re spect of tho wholo country. It is as fol lows, viz: Wm. L. Groon, Foroigu,Affairs; Honry A. Carlor, Interior; John S. Walker, Finance ; and Attornoy-Gonornl ml interim, awaiting tho nrrival of Wm. Nevins Armstrong. No bottor choico of a Ministrv could bo made than Iho ono which His Majesty has now chosen. It was nono too early. Com plications with foreign powers were im minent, in consequence of tho nets of tho Inst Cabinet, incited by such unprincipled advisers ns Moreno. Important revelations of' tho "doings of tho recent cabal may bo expected. Mr. Gibson has got out a notico iu front of his printing offico callicg upon Iho natives and foreigners to join in a peti tion for the re-instntoinent of Mr. BubIi ! Ono more step was necessary, tho revok ing of Moreno's commission and his dis. missal from tho Hawaiian torvico. This wns dono by letters and telegrams which wero forwarded to AVashiugtou, D. C, im mediately on tho arrival of tho steamer in San Francisco, on Wcdnosday evoning. Mr. Moreno has thereforo no longer nny official connection with tho Islands. Any thing ho may nay now must bo looked up on ns tho angry ravings of a disappointed soldior of fortuno, who attempted to soil out this Kingdom -to a body of Chincso immigrants, whom bo hoped to land tboro. Tlio King has learned tho truo character of this adventurer and thrown him over board ; but not until tho 'rascal had dono everything. that human ingenuity in mis chief could devise for broaking up tho ami cable relations hitherto existing, between tho Hawaiian Kingdom nnd tho great com mercial nations of tho world. S. J?. Merchant. General Grant on Foreign Lands. During his conversation with tho gentle men present tho G on oral spakb of his visit to Japan. IIo said ho had ho troiiblo whatovor with peoplo, ,ns everywhere ho found native Jnpaiiosn who spo-ik tho English lauguago fluently, tho Government having introduced tho lauguago iuto the public schools. Ho says that iu tho intorior districts of tho country in almost every school prccinut young people may bo found who havo never boon away from homo, and yot spoak Eng lish in n mannor that would bo uo discredit to Lindloy Murray. Jo says tho bchool system in Japan is vory prosperous, nnd thnt,tho higher branches uf scioncos nro taught in a much more simplified form than iu this country. Ho 'related some of iho incidouta of his dinner with thu King of Siam, whom ho doscribos ns a young man about twonty fivo years of ago, nnd who speaks English fluently. Ho said tho dinner surprised him, for ho found nearly every dish much the same ns thoso prepared for him iu Paris. Ou inquiry ho ascertained that tho King em ploy b a French cook constantly, nnd is endeavoring, it seems, to be up with tho Intost modes of cooking. Iu Siam, as in other places, ho found tho English laugungo tho principal foreign tan gungu taught iu tho schools. Ho thought, ho said, that whon ho started ho should need a supply of French, but found by ex perience that good English is tho hotter lan guage for it trip around tho world. ( Ho thinks English is sure to bo (he common lauguago for all nations, and that tho moro lirogrcriMvu countries, sooiug this, aro teach ing it in thoir echools. JnvciUorti 'Jmeg. A dull old lady, being told that a certain lawyer was " lying nt tho point of death,1' exclaimed, i My gracious! Won't oven death stoptha man's lying f" V. H. llAirt'OW. AHClluiinrr. Su1riK)iu on Quctn Strt, ono dnor from Kubinntnu ai ."Irrtl. ijr ED. C, HOWE. Hdom ul Sign Fainter, Paper Hanger, Ac TfJ ly ,Vd. IU fort, blltcl. Honolulu. S W.W. JUH.1MUX TO 'No. S r.irt bt.. beloW Dr. V-lDtnrM'. ly ). '. IIOI.KNAI1, BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST Marae Short uc. Carriage Work, rtxiilnllau Marlilurry, tr. m Shop on King 'r.J n u' A- Cuokt'i. ly W THOMAS TAW ATT. ' (No. KJ yon Street, opposite K. O. Hull A Bon.l Watch., Clock, Javrelrjr aiiil Miulo Boxaa ' ' " r or Sale. ) - . T Or eirolnllr reptlrrd In workmanlike manner. OMcr tiom the other l.Umli promptly atteudc4 to. TMj ly J, M. DAVIDSON, Attorney nnd Counaellor nt Lnw, I Mcrchnnt St , Honolulu, II. I. EDWARD PRESTON, Attorney anil Connellor nt Lnw. ly CI I'ort Htri'ft. ltnnrlnln. 1 MRS. D. B. ORIFTTN, (lm I'nrt tit , llonnliilti, Fiulilonnoln Mllllnor! nnit rTiroM Mnkor. 1 New (looil nml HlylrrcerlTfil crrry month. ly DR. N. B. EMERSON, IKYSIOIA.W yXIWX BVI10130W OlHro at l)r. Hoirmnnn'" llrtit! Hlorr, HI Mrrclinnt Ht. Hpflilpiii , rnrnrr Kitknl nml Port Direct (tlienld Kriijrtr prcmUci) OIHcc lionr -II l U a. m, tf In I r. m. : dm , J. NOTT & COH Importers nml Dealer In Store, Rnnsrn, MelnN, llniiie Knrnl'hlne (lorol, Crackny. flli nml China Wnrp, 1'ractlcnl Mrcl-niilci, Honolulu, II. 1. ! iy A. W. RICHARDSON & CO., IMI'nltTKIH AMI IiKAI.r.m IV llnnl. Slioen, I "tl r ll 1 1-li 1 11 r- tlootl, lint. Knp, Trlinkii, Vallsrit, Prrfiniiery nml Sonii, Wnltlitm Wntche, rtupJpurlrr, etc., corner of I'ort anil Merchant Ht., Honolulu, If. I i iy M. DICKSON, Photorjrnprlto Artlat, 102 anil 101 VnrtHlreet. Vletnrea of nil lc ami klmla mailo to onler, anil lViraci of all ileacrlntlnna constantly on hanil. Also, Hhella, Corals, anil Onrtonltle of Iho I'ncllle. g ly I W. HOPP, Cnblnet Mnhar. tTpholaterer, Dealer in Fnrnltnro, No. RS King Htrett, tietnreii Nnuann anil fort .Streets. Mattresses constantly on lianil or made, to order. My THOS. O. THRUM, Importlnr; nml Mnnnfacturlns Stationer. Now Af;ont, Book Blmler, otc, Merchant Street, anil Dealer In Vine Stationery, Hooks, Music, Toys and Fancy Goods, 1 Fort aireet, nenr Hotel, Honolulu. ly W. M. WKVVEII. JIHINMtlMinX. WENNER 8c CO., Fort Hlrect, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, Manufacturing Jewoler, Dlnmonil Setter, Knuravers, nnd Healers In Jewelry of nil kinds. Shell and Kukiil .leclry made to order, Ordirs also re ceive.!! nnd faithfully nttended to for all kinds of Itiilr Work in Jewelry or Memorial Designs, I Iv D. W. CLARK, 'Wntoh Mnlcer nnd Jeweler, iMrotrrrn or Waltham unit nil other American Watches, Clocks anil Jewelry. Watch Ilcpalrlnj mnde n specialty. 1 ly Nil 1" Merchant Street. Honnlnln. FRANK OERTZ, jf't BOOT AND SH OE MAKER No. SiiSlerchaut St., next to Tlios. O. Thrum. limits nii.l Millies .llnilr t Orlcr, of ne( Sln- trrlnl,niiil nt ltcnaonblc 1'rlcc. Boots and Shoos mado for CashTonly ivy M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Importor nnd Wholesale Doalors In Gono- rnl Merchandise, S Makec's Illock, (Jucen Street. ly M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Forwarding nnd Commission Merchant, 214 California St., San Francisco. Special facilities for and partlcslnr attention paid to i conslKnnienl of Island produce. ly T. J. MOSSMAN, Importer nnd Denier In Crockery, ,- Plain and Decorated Porcelain, Cut nnd Pressed Olasi, Slhcr Pleted Ware, Cutlery, Chandeliers, Lamps, Chimneys, Klc. Fire Proof More, cor. King and Nuuann Sts., Honolulu. aiy E, COOK WEBB, M. D., Homcopathiit, (Late Chief of btnir Homeonathlc Hospital, Ward'n Island, N. Y.) Ofllce fiO Fort Street. Special attention to diseases of Motnen and children. Olllco hours Until 10 A. M. 2 to t r.M. 2 ly 0. SEUEtKES. a. ENOLINO. O. SEGEI.KEN & CO No. 5 Nuuann Strict, Tinsmith and Plnmher. Dealer in Stores, KaiiRes, Tin, Shct Iron nnd Copper Ware, keep con stantly on hand a full assortment of Tinware, izcrt Iron and Lead Pipe, India ltubbcr Hose, Xc, Ac. 2 ly HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE &. BROTHER, Proprietors, NUUAJJU BKKKT. Pilot, Medium and Nnvv Kread always on hand nnd madn to order. Also, Water, Soda and lluttcr Crack ers, Jenny Llnd Cakes, ,Ve. Ship Dread rc-lmked on the shortest notice. Family Bread, mado of the Best Flour, baked dally and nhvajs on hand. A. B.-Brann Ilrrnrl or the Bct qiinllty 2ly A. L. SMITH, 14 rout stheet, lyfonrsit aku dealer is Meriden Quadruplo Plated Ware, Glassware, King's Combination Spectacles nnd He Glasses, llrackets, Vases, Lustral Wire Ware, Fancy Soai s, Picture Frames, Woiteiilinlni' Pocket Knives, Seizors, Pis tols, Powder, Shot nnd Ammunition, Clark's Spool Cotton, laelilne OH. all kinds nt Machine Needles, "Domestic" Paper Fashions, Solo Agent for tho unl Ternally Bckuowleilged Light Running Someatlo Sewinp; Machine. It. B. WHITNKr. J. W. HOMRTSOS WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, (Snecesjora to, II. M. Whitney) Stationers, Publishers, Now Donlers and Book-Bindors. 1 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I. ly THE HONOLULU BOOK-BINDERY DOESMHDIHQ 07 ALL DEBCRIPTI0N8. The work executed nt thN rsfabllslimrnl Is under tho supervision of MIt. JOHN I.. JtKKS.whn is well known as an experienced workman, andricmof bnurpautd. WORK ttOSIl. AT TUG ItlWl-ir H lit. WHITNKV'A UOI1BHT80N" Stationers, Publishers, News Dea'cfs and l(ook Hinder A. W. PEIRCE &. CO.. 8HIF CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MEBCHANTS AOkNTB OU llrand's fluns and Itonib Lances, Perry Pl' Pln Killer, 78J-.1 No. 40 Queen tureet, Honolulu. ly iioi.i.i.htdu &. oo., l)vn;pjil, Aiotlitcm it, Importers of Tobacoo and Cigars, Manufacturers of Soda Water, Arc its for P. Lorlllard ,t Co Tin Tag; W. H. Kimball t Ci' Vanity Falrj and Goodwin t Co's Old Judge. Tobaccus and Cigarette. 816) Xa M.t .Xiiimim Htreet.lloimliilH. ly . W. .11 A:i-MIll.AiK Ac JO., IMP0HTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Itublmon's Flrs-proofllulldlnc, Qatn3trst, Honolulu, II, I. jmtNiN ros Tht OUsgusr ami Honolulu I. Ins of Packets. John Hay A Cm'. Mvrrpuol and London Packets. Tli Walkapu I'Hut ilW.u, Tin giiirr Plantation, itlla, IliksUu I'Unlsll'Hi, llllo. Mlrrlees. T.vll ,t V ik.iu, So;r Mnchlnery. The Piinloa fthosp llancli Ciiini'sitv, 7 i. a, cAsri.n. i. a. atii liitok (MTI,i; A cook..:. SHIFPIN0 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMl'OKTKHS A.NU Doalors In Conoral Morchandisa, No. SO Klngatrcet, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, .... AOKNTS FOR.... Ths Union Insursues Coinpinjof Sn Tht New i:nglnd MuluM I. lis luiuraneo i;ouipuy, notion, ThsOrtcon 1's.cV.I l,tnr, Tho Kohlf PI lulallog, TheHslVti I'Uiililloe, Hr. Jsyiie A Soi'sCtlbratel ls,ttclus. IVheeltr t Wilion'a Sewing' HaiiMkna Plantation, Msolilnss, Insoo ll BISH.0P & CO., 33 V'lNT KERB, IIONOI.UI.V, II I I HAWAIIAN-ll.NDaV . . PKVf KXCIIANDK ON'-.. I HE I1NK QF CILirORNia, : : JM mUCISCO uo tuicia ioinhis New York, Bawtoaj. Purls Aucklaierf, THE ORIENTAI B1NK CMPOMTIOH, ; am. luna sttscuts m llonsj Koiitr, MtrUneXiaDil Mciter.rtB( . An4 transact a Qcasrel Baokloi luilasM. I'Iljf Ili:.K.I. II. AtlMTIft, oorwswjjijon at -xia. -w Wl No. 1 .1Ka a h nmann s t rcet; I'. A. N7llAi:i'l'.l. c CO.. Importers A Commission Morohants MM I Honolulu. Ils4lsn Islands (ly o. M. 4!i;;ti;tiiM.. ,ti. ., SBR0E0N AND HOMEOrATHIC PHYSICIAN. Ofllcn Cortisr Fort and llsrs tsnln Ht, Ilonolnln. S2' :. . AWA.UN. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. I. s"s,.ly i:i. iioi,i'N:m.,ii:.i:it Ac :o., IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolnlu. H. I. n77 ly A. H. JI,i:JllOI.N Ac Co.. iMroartat lis Bunas I Gouornl 3VIorclx.aactlio, 70' Corner Qnssn anil Kaahiiinsini Sirs sts, ly ii. iia;ici'i:i.i Ac :., 0ENEBAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Onsen 8lreM. Honolulu, II. I. 79l-lyl iii.i.i:n At CO.. Ship Chandleri and Comramion Merchants. mporttrsanil lisslrrtln Oeneral Mercnandlse,(JutenStrot Honolulu, HawslianManda. 779 ly i.aiki: At :,. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Tninorlers of snd Deslori In Hay Drain, and Ornera Pnslnr. Ilonoliiln, M.J.- ' 7 ly cLiua seiir.cxtLs, wm. o. ibwik. w.ii. U. inirn Ac co.. Sugar Factors and Commission Agents. Honolulu. 11.1. Sin '.. O. IIAI.I, Ac HX IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Dry floods, Paints, Oils and Oeneral Merchandise, 778-ly CornerKuiland KlngBts. .oii,- 'i'. vATKiinoimi:. MP0RTER AND DEALER lit OENERAL MERCHANDISE. 825 Qneeii Street, Honolulu, II. I. ly JNO. A. HASSINGER, Agent to tako AcknnwledRtaenta to Con- tract for Labor. 81S .1 Interior Ofllce, Hon lulu. fun 4:i:;ii. iiitowr. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. NOTAKV PUIII.IO. AndARont for taklnit AcknuwledKineiitsof Instrnmentsfor Hie Island of Oiliu. 0787 No. 8 Kaslmmanii gtreet. Honolnln, II. I. ly ii. i i:iii.i:km ac co DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND OENERAL MERCHANDISE, rire.proofStore, Fort at., above Odd fellows Hall. HMy ii. i. r. ciRTta, r. o. joirs, Ijr. C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 7J Honolulu, Hawallnn Islands. ly C. AI'OI. Importer, Wholesale and Eetail Dealer in General Merchandise Ami China Goods, In the Flru-1'roof Store, corner ol Kins and Niiumm Strrctt. IB j. o.niOKao nonT. tr.wr.iii, c. m. cookr i.i:irr.RN Ac iiickkon, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN LUMBER. AndalIklndsofnulldingMterlals,rortgtreet,IIonolnlu M PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Bakery x. :Boitir, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker, 818 71 Hotel street, between Niniana and Fort. 2 ly .1. W. CSIKVIIY. Commission Merchant anil Gunernl Dealer In Dry Guods, Groccrlea, llardwarc.'stntlonery, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, and Glassware. 78J WAII.IJKTJ. MAPI. ly TIIMt. II. WAVllltt, Liti Jasiiox, Oaiiit Co.J IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, and Aoiai roa Lloyd's and the LUerpool Onilerwrllsrs, llrltlsh and Foreign Marino Insurance Company,andi Northern AsinrsnceComrani. ""80 tx CA8T1.K Ac HATCH, LttC3I13LyiSI kX XjCI'V7C7-. W. It. CAbTI.K, Notary Public, attend all the Courts of tho Kingdom. Particular attention paid to the negotiation of Loans, Conveyancing, Collecting, etc. aT Money to loan on Mortgage. .... ,, onico: No. 15 Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, Ilawaliau Islands. I" IV jours ii. I'A'i'v, NOTARY PUBLIC and COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, Fer tho States or California and.Kew Yorls.Offlce at tha Dank uf Bishop A Co.. , Honolulu. o7Mly J. III. W II I TIM? Y, HI. ., . 1. J. Dontal Roomi on Pott Street, omc e In llroHcr's, lllocli, corner Hotel and Fort streets. 811 ly Entrance, lloul Street A. H . Jl I1 Ml . GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Famll) Urticery and Feed Store, jos lyj tO Fort Street lllo'olnln. II. :. .nel.VrVtti: AcMKOT'HUR, GROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY, Corner of Klnp and Fort streets, HONOLULU. Italy ' wiiiii:it co.. Corner of Fort and Queen Streets Honolulu, Lumber, Paints, Oils, Naili, Salt and Building (soo-i. Materials of erery kind. lII.l,li-4JIIAni Ac CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALER! IN HARDWARE Cutlery, Dry floods, Paints and Oils, and Oeneral Mer ehatnllie, No.B&, King Street, Honolnln. U8 ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. f-oaa. 8TF.AN KlVfllNKS), MUtJATl MII.I.H 22wUb Hollers, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead Castings Machinery of Every Deaorlptlon, f Mado to Order "C Particular attention paid t SUp'a BJaeaimltolne; V-J0ll WOItKtiecutedon ib shortest notice. oHI ly UY.HA9 MIIOM., Importers of General Merchandise FROt FliArfOE, ENGLAND, GERMANY, AND UNITED STATES, No. SO Merchant Hlirct, Honolulu, 11,1, iirniArv iikon., WHOLESALE GROOKHS, SlOandSlS California Htreet, HAN ' BAN I N ! . fry Particular altcullon paid to Allluj; and shipping Island nrdcra. Wl ly TUONAN li4l!K, MAOHINI T. as . id reri a.ree,, q -iJsft - ullt.ixml in nil orders In lh "aPSa) will attend to all orde LOCK, GUN I GENERIL REPAIR LINE, He will give special attention to clcauinf, repalriog amt reznlattnar Hewlnf MaebJnM, aud all oilier kinds of L!ht xachlwery mul Meul fvckp( cvary discilpilon. UlacksinllUlnic, etc. Also, fan band ami for aaJecbeaa, , A Variety of Sewing Maohines Wdius riatata, Maat, AaamaMillaa, KMhiM U, XtMtllM, tjM., .. . fewlnc slaehlue Tuckeia. Illnjers. and all otr txtra and dvpilcato, part q machines supplied on short notice. Agr- Heat Machlio'Twbu.S SoU Aft in Ihtt rfaciea at The Floronca Hewlul Mschlu. from I0 to ItO. Whit titwing Machine, rrow fit to 174. Home Shuttle Sewing Machine, lioni I it lo U. ay- lucluolog all sitraa tat ly THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON ft GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Kstnbllshed 19.M. Unlimited Liability to Stockholder. Assets ,. Sll.Slfl.tOO Heserrc... 4 0,7SO,) , Incomn for IBTUt I'remlnms rccelsrd after deduction of rc-ln- "irnce $ S,TSJ,SX. Losses jiromptly adjusted nnd paid here. 1 1m III.HIIOI' A- Vo., Agents. FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Company. A Leading Home Company. Assets, June .TOth , ..$7G7,Brj7,7 Additional Cash Capital (no bclnj; cnllcil lti).V),0iJ,rH Total Assets ...$I,H7,.,W7,17 rpill? 1i,llU5SIA3sP5"vU?fI 1XSU1I- X ANCK COMI'ANV Its cliilms to Ihe best imtronace upon Its sound financial condition, reinforced by ,1's nccesslon of capital, citing It over a million Hollars In assets; lis ritenslre system of Agencies, In siirlnz It a large premium income, without the neces sity of heavy cnncenlrntlon of lines i'lts adherence to tho best principles and practices of undernrltlni;; by open, fair and clearly expressed contracts, and prompt nd equitable adjustment and payment of lcKltlniato losses. For seventeen rears It has been favorably known as a conservative underwriter, and during that time baa paid over 4,0O0,0OO IN LOSSES, Passing triumphantly through tho heaviest conflagra tions known Iu modern hletory. BINIIOI A Co., Agent, 13m Honolulu, II. I. Boston Board of Underwriters, A tlKSTH for the Hawaiian lalamla, .iy (""-'j c. niinw Kit a co. Philadelphia Board or tlndcrwrilers. A OICfJTS for the Hawaiian lalnnds, cV soi-ly C. lilt K W Kit CO. i'. a. m;iiai:pi:h. AtJEIVT ofllrrmcn llonril of Unit erwrlters, Agent of Dresden Hoard of Underwriters, Ai;ent of Vienna Hoard of Underwriters. Claims against Insurance Companies within the Jurisdiction of the above Hoards of Underwriters, will have lo lis certl fled to by the alwiveageut to make them valid. 71)0 ly KA.niiiiKCsiii-iiKiii-ni: FIHE IMSURAWnE C0HF&H7. THIS UNHKItSIOIVK!) havlna; lirsn af twdntcd Agents of the ahove Comntiv, are prepared In Insure risks ainhi.t lire, oo Stone snd Ilrlck Ilnllil tncra.and on ?Ierchnisllae stored therein, nl thimost f ivurahle terms. For particulars spply at Ihe offlre ol 'M IJ I'. A. FCIIAKFKR A TO." T It ANS-AT1. ANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIAMntlRti. Capital : Six Millions Ilcicliimark. Riskh i.vsuitKn ny iidimi.;n. Mint- chandlsc nnd lurnltnre, on liberal terms, br 37112 ly If. IIACKFI'.M) ,t CO., Agents. HAMBURG-MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP IIAMIlUItO. Btlfl.niMlS. MKItC'IIANDINi:, FIIIIM Ttllti: mid Mnchlnery Insured nsalust Fire on tho most favorable terms. A. JAEGER, Agent for the Hanallan Islands. . 712 ly Insurance Notice. Tin: i'mii;h.smjfi Aiti: i'iikparri to write upon Merchandise, per first-class vessels between thie and the Coast Ports, covering loss or damage. If amounting to 10 percent, or more, on the sound valuo of tho wholo shipment at port of dclliery, upon faorablo terms. insiior Co. Agents of the I'lrcmen'a Fund Insurance Company. Honolulu,. Ian.. Tl. 1&0. oil am Insurance Notice. TIIK AOKJIT FUR TIIE TIIIITIAII For elgn .Marine Insurance Company, (Limited), bss re ceived Instructions lo rriluce the rules of lnsurnnce between Honolulu nnd Purls In the I'nclnc, sod Is now pre pared to Issno Policies nt the lowest rates, with a special ruductlon on freight per steamers. THEO. II. DAVIE.S, . ly 7 Agent Ttrlt. For. Mnr. Ins. Co . Limited UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF BAN FRANOISOU, AXArlno. IKOOBPOEATED, 1805 CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 819 For the. Hawaiian Islands. ly Rhenish Westphallan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY. or II. faLADBACir. Klieiiiati Prnaaln. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, Of AACHF.X. (AIX-I.A.CIIAPKI.I.E.) AM, C'l.AIMN FOK l'AUTI:UI.AR AVKR. A(JJ austalnsd by floods nrrl lug here, and Insured In tne above Companies, have to be mado wliti the cos; nUanco of and cerillled to by tho undersigned, In order to be valid. (700 ly) J. a (1LAIIK, Agent, GEltMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. Tilt! AIIOW: IXMUIAXCE tlini'AMtn ha established a (leneral Agency here, and tho undersigned, Ueuiral Agents, aro authorized to take Hiak rtkraliiat Hie nnuajrraor llse He at Ike Moat Hraaonablet Hn tea, null oat the Moat FnTnrnble Term. 815 ly F. A. bCIIAKFKll CO., General Agents. H0KTH BRITISH AND MEBCAMTILE INSURANCE CO.. OF I.O.MOOM AND KDINBUHOII. KaTAtlLIHIIKU ISO. CAPITA!. .. ,... l,09T,aS Arcstninlatcrl and IiiresteU Find. a,3N,U8 rroiK ctneiiBinKKD iiavk dkrn Ar al I'OINTKD AOKNTri for the gaadwlcb lslands.'and are aulhorigr.1 lolnstiresgslnst Fire upon favorable terms, Itiias taken In any part of lhelalatideiileiiand Woo,sn Duitdlngsaiid merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Houses and Furniture, Timber, Cutis, Ships In harbor with or with nut csrgoes, or under repair. 601 y KD. llorrSCU LAKdKfl A CO NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, Five Millions Reiettsaark. fllllF, liNIIKKMIHIKlt IIAVINU BKKN M. appointed Agents for tho abou Company, are now ready to laaiiorollrlcsiaa'aliikt Kisifcaarrireaii Hiillil liiga, .MerrhniKllMi audi t'liriiltura on terms equal tolhoso of other rcspctablo companies. Losses paid for and adjusted here. I'or particulars, apply lo 783 II. A Co., Ageiits. . TUB New England Mutual life Insurance Co. or D03TOH, MASS IJIOOHPOKA-rED, 1MSS. Iht OUlest Purtly Mutual Life Insurance Co, in tht United Statu. Pollalee iimtd ca lh moit' faYorftbla Termi. Baaiatple rXau-FarfVlturo flaw, 1H8URKD AOK, 34 VKAI13-OKDIXAIIY LIFK I'LAN I Annnsl premium'ollejr a years A days 1 Annaal preoilaw conllours IV'kr 4 years 1J days 3 Annual i.mlinu cclltinuos 1'ollc; Hj ears 27 das t Annual premium eoMlnus. Policy S y.srsK days a Annual prsmlaraconllnucs Policy 10 yearM days I I 910.000.0001 Limii ralst lairaaiatli HaBalHlu AscMty. 49000 CATLI h COOKE, AJENTS til FOR THIS IIAWAIIAK lalAMUa. ly EASTERN PORK A BMAXtli LOT of Eutera KsUa filmi Folk. For 8aU byi ,611 ?z ,. JK)i.LHCo. WILDER 6c CO., Annul for tlip Itnwnllnn Ialnnits, OV TIIK Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF WKW TOIIK, Largest, Snfost and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD ! Assets (1330) ..$90,000,000 ucVXjXj 0.V8XX. Noirv is a Good Time to Insure None but I'lrst-Clnii Illika Taken, 83l--i SPECIAL NOTICE. HAVING Sr.CUUin) TIIK 8KIt . ''"".of tho well-known UI'IIOI.STKIIEII nnd IHAl'KIt. -Mil. J. .MAItlNHUHK. Iho only tlrst-class Upholsterer In the Kingdom (late of Han Francisco), I am prepared to do all kinds of In the I.atcsfand llctt Style. WORK WARKAIVT11D! Call and See oar rATE.1T ROC'kF.nN, HKI lAItlXUM, NOFA BCD, die NrB. Mr. M, has selected a line lot of Upholstering floods, I'nrlor Sets nnd Ixiungos, Uhalra, Ac, of the latest styles, which have Just arrived from Han Fran cisco. I hayo also Just received ft new lot of The Latest Styles of Furniture ! WINDOW ailADF.!, riAlSO AflO TAm.F. COVERS, FICTURF. conn, 2VAIM. ETC. All of which will bo for salo cheap. It will pay you to call at .In. Ill Fort Street nnd examine the (loode be fore purchasing elsewhere. 2 0. K. WILLIAMS. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL, AI.I.AX IIF.RIIF.RT, Proprietor. t.t,l- T,,o:kijr 'tAstrr .. vjr -rai.v-1. - ; aaas-?f;r.T3l HOTBL STHEET, HONOLULU. Entrances on Hotel, Itlchards, and Bcretanla Strecta FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. jrlccs the same as First-Class Hotel In San Francisco. 831 a MRS. POOLE'S PARISIAN AND AMERICAN DRESS MAKING ROOMS Corner Fort and Hotel Sts., Up Stairs. MI1S. rOOIK AVOUTjT) KESPECT KUI.I.Y call the attention of Ladles to her very Superior System of Measuring and Cutting, Which cannot fall to givo (he necessary caso and grace so essential In Siting every llgnre. SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO Mourning, Wedding and Traveling Suits. LADIES' RIDING HABITS A SPECIALTY, Latest I'arlslan nnd other leading Fashion Publica tions on hand for customers' reftrenco. f jy-Ordcrs from the other Islands will receWo prompt attention. 4 819 ly qr I iiavi: Mi:!UUEI A FIRST-CLASS HORSE -SHOEE! Anil una prrpnreit to enrry oss thl Rrasicli I my nualiiexM 1st it mnauer aallx fatclorjr (o'snyr FHlroai. OWNERS OFFINE STOCK Will do well to give me a Call, Horses sent to my King St. Shop Will beailiully allundeil to. mim C. WEST. HAWAIIAN FHrniturc Manufactory J. H. BRUMS, JR., IMANUFACTL'RKST AIL KIM QF FC8NITD1E, and AT THE LOWEST PRICES! FURNITURE AIsWAVM MX HAXb), ANB ORDERS FILLED AT SHORTEST NOTICE THE rUSNITUKE IB Lll IsiIco "lay MMohlnory AND OK TIIK BEST SEASONED STUFF, fjajsas- , X3tKBCfUl-:'.'.SI HT-i""iiiiiffTi"r" mt F" " ' WL'Ti-!Tmtr'TiY;tvMlrmr'TTWili ANII No Pain will be Spared TO OIVU .SATISFACTION TO HIS CUSTOMHS. 'lltoalrrlut; Doate. la Onler. Coffins Always on Hands Tl ANU MKB.'ltesj ly K.NOWJLES'STBXM anis ' Vtt o it ii m. Pumps. rnnt vmrhsMinneb hats jvmv I. liKIVKllptrAaif Turaar. frou Boaloq.a full M .urtueol at lhs cUbrltitluniBs, which are uaq u4 to b cbeapar and Utur. IbaJl any ptbsr Hlla.ot posop Imported. ' W eaH tk ItMlso af ptoaWrt PMtifc larly la lb Veusn faaap. Uioh la le4 0apUctMI 0ituidtrTlC4bU .svaai olksr pumps. IU3o f ' 0. UIWM CO, , .a - if i i si1j Mi, j i CALIFORNIA Furniture fflannfactiiring lorapacj sa r'nANcisco, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS or HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PARTIES IN HONOLULU Or other parts of the Islands, DESIRING FURNITURE CAN IIAVK TIIKIK Orders Filled at Lowest Rates lly application to Mr. r. P. ADAMS, t)neen Street, Who has our Uescrlplivo Catalogue with Trices. ON HAND AT THE STORE OF L.W. HOPP KINU HTHr.KT, Black Walnut Bedroom Sets. Hlack Wnltiot Mldcboardi. Ulnek Walaat Ulalag Chnlra, Oak Cane Heat Uialna; Cbalii( Cedar Iledroom HcU, E. P. IDklHS, AGENT FOR THE HAWIIIM ISLANDS S3 1 3m H. HACKFELD&CO. OFFER FOR SALE INVOICES OF NEW GOODS TO A1UUVE l'EH ,v GERMAN BARK '0. P. HAENDEL,' AND PEU "ATALANTA," FROM RREMEN, (To bo followed by the "Kale" and "Iolanl.") . And per Steamer, via Panama. INVOICES OF The Folio-wing Goods Aro now in our possession : , DARK BLUE DENIMS : K New Prints, Stnr 1'niln, Ac, Ilrown Cottons, Horrock's White Cottons,A A B Turkey ItoU Cotton. Tickincs, h llltio Cotton Drill, Hlne nnd Fancy FLANNEL, LnHtinga, Italian Cloth, Itenpfl, ' Fancy WUito nnd Ulnck DREUS GOODS, , Jacqunrd, Sf olinir, Sloussclino, Jnconotx, Ax., BareRo, Curtains, Lambrequins, Table Carer, Ac Ac. Ac. Ac. TAILORS' GOODS: Iluckskins, Doeskins, Coatings, Diagonals, Printed Moleskins, Ilrown Cords, ' White Linen Drills, Ac. , An Assortment of Shirts, Woolen, Flannel and Cotton Mixed, Merino and Cotton Undershirts, Wool Jackets, Shawls, Blankets, Towels, Ac. HOSIERY: , Socks and Stockings, Balbriggan, ' Children's Ac. Silk Handkerchiefs, Fonlarda, ' T. 11. and Fanoy Cotton llandkorchisfs, Neckties, Wool and Silk Braids, Ilibbons, Thread, Buttons, Ac. India Rubber Coats and Overalls Fancy and Toilet Articles : Florida Water, Genuine Eau de Cologne, Philocome, ' Combs, Tooth Brushes, Lnbin,'s Extracts,' Foathcr Dusters, Uarmonicos, 101m oinngs, riaying (jarus, , Looking Glasses, Vienna Chairs. t ; STATIONERY: t Blank Books, Ledgers, Journals, Dar Books. Conv and Iteceint B AT I Gold Leaf, WHAPPINO PAPEB, Suiienor Printing Paper, two nixes, Manila Itopo nil sizes, Spnnyarn, Flax and Ucrup Packing, II A SKiff ax c3 Goal Woolpaok, Burlaps. Sail Twine. India ltubbcr Packing, t - I ' si SADDLES Sydney and Engliih. Powdor, Lead and Zinc Faint, HARDWARE : -" T,cnc"WlreV41 srBfTIdbnlronrTHTelsr"1 Galvanized Iron Pipes W to 1 i inch, Yellow Metal IU to 36 oz.. Nails. Btoei Bulls, J'crforated Brass. Buckets, Cutlery,' Scissors, Butcher and Pocket KnlvM, llozors, Sheep Shears, Saw Files, Ac. ., CROCKERY la AstwrUsl Cr(e. Ak, Dinner, Breakfast and Tea Sets, Bowls, Itioe Dishes, Cups, Flower Pot. ( GROCERIES : -i i Sardines, Vinegar, Duret's OUts Oil, German Sausage, H Ultra Wssh lilue, lllutf Mottled Soap, Table Bait, Stearin Candles, 1 7. stc. , LIQOORS: a e ir Bouiellan Brandy, Gin, nam, Alcohol, . St. Paul's Ale.Miiller'ilijrHisr, Chilli pagne, Ch.'Farre and dsieck Dry Monopole, Ac., Empty Demijohns, Market Baskets, Molasses and Tallow Barrels. CEMENT: Stockholm Tar, Fire Clay, Fire Bricks. Bed Bricks. Tiles. Slates, Boats, . Blacksmith's Coal, Steam Coal, ate. ALSO-4 KTEAM CLAstlFIERr, ANtt Pianos from L. JTeufeli, Btiiia ron hale iir mi 1 M. HACKrKMt CM. HAMBURG TEA- IT IN IMPOMIMJ! TS MAY TSM MVCU f M pulse of this zood old standard famllr Medicine Hear-not bo too Iilshly tecomniended, as It Is truly a Sfissvel Asje, and no honseocld should be wtlhiut it. It prereaU aa well as caret MilUl Wtos rase. (. HfcetiasaMsM, sntlaaal all HM aejr Vlseakaes, AaVeeteal' Uvfr, 'Mfs)stct, (Ma. Mile, Wliatl, IcUsWUsmi4 CsMMllsMt. IIsms. ravars sisal (, Wilisjiiia)St lsal Inate. Vonl refill, and every disease brought on or azErarated by a disordered stouiacb. ' ,, It purifies tht Blood, Ceanie the Hlomack and Vow els, aud itlvea L tsltole system a Healthy sad larllzht ful Tone. There Iieit-r was a medlc'ne far" tks Muraery ra,qal to It, and bclnz compose4 of Herbs onlyltcaa lK,'g Iven aafely to Infanta. It I Uluuph la sadlcU harmless, yet eslcacloas. Invaluable In tht totally, ea the road, t sea, and everywhere, ' for isle by all DruiucUta, au4 at wholesale by. Oil) MoLKAN Mt08. Uh sssa. sjsjbja aasK' bo tc JTirtt Class laasuais sia Last JUM at rlmSKlSff t I ' 1 f .4 , ...