Newspaper Page Text
THE SATURDAY PRESS. A NEW STAPH 11 I't II I. IS II KI) W B K K I. Y. at Mcr.inwi nvT. DoiiLAns a ykaii in advance Hubcrlber ml Advertisers will address Mr, Thoi. O. Thrum. Ilnslness Manager All matter for tht HAttirtlny Prof should be addressed tnlha"nATMIfAY I'llKMS." Tho Lady's Dream. Tho Imly lay In her bed, llor cuticli km minis nntl Rolf, Hat lirr sleep wn rt-itlois nrul broken still ( Kor tnriiliiK nflon nml oft From Rliln In niilv, hlio imitteml nml inonn'd, Ami lorn (I tier rtrniH nloft. At Inst aim stnrlrd tip, Ami KnzM ciu llio vncnnt nlr, Willi n liwk of nwr, ns if aim nnvr Homo dreadful plmiitoni Micro ( And tlicti In Dm tillliro Mio burial her fnco I'ruin vlsloai ill to, Tlio Tory ctirtnln rIiodIc Ilijr torrnr wn ho otlrcmp, And tlin Unlit tlmt fell on tlm liroidrr'd itiilt Kept up n trcimituns glenm s And fier voice tnn hollow ntid aliook ni alio cried, "Oil meltlint nwfnl dreamt "'llmtwenry, wenry wnlk, In tho cliurclmird'H ilium In tho cliurcliynrd'fl tllainnl ground! And tlioxo horrible thliuri with ahndy wIiiri Tlmt rnme nml lliltid rmiml, Dcnlli, drntli, nml nutli Irii lut dentil, tn every flight And mmiid. "And idi 1 theme tnnlilpii'N yoiiiiR, Wlm wrought In Hint dreary room, Willi flfftireii (IniotilriK am! "-siraa iliii., And clipukrt without n bloom; Anil ttin voice Hint cried, Tor the pomp of pride, Wo linntu tii nu pnrly tomli I " ' Tor tho pomp nnd jilrnmirefl or pride, We toil like AfriCKlnveH, And only In enrn ft hump nt Inst Whnru jomliT cypres wnven i' And then ho (minted I never raw A ground m full. of rrvves. J" '". "mcofUna crime " ii . Tsrfwdful Irnltn nnd alow) Coinn nf tur colIln still, A nnd nml alckciiinu show ; Krimi xrivf eicnipt, I never lmd drenmpt Of uticli n world of woe. Of thn hpiirtH tlmt dnily brenk. Of the pnr Hint hourly fall. Of the iniiny, mnny troubled of lifo Tlmt (,'riuvo thin earthly Imll Dixpiiho nnd hunger, pniu nml want, Hut now I droninpt of thuiu nil. "l'or the blind nnd the cripple worn there, And the bitun Unit pined for bread, And the hotiHclfwi ninu, nnd Iho widow j)oor Who Ih'kkpiI In bury the dead. The linked, ulna, tlmt Inilht Imvoclnd, The fniniHlied I mlrjht have fed I "Tho Borrow I might hnvo noothed, And llio uiircgnrdod tenrn; Kor many n thronging Hhnn wah thero l'roiii lonu forgotten year : Ay, even Unit Hxir rejected Moor, Who rniii'd my clilfdlsli fun ml " l'.ncli plendina liMik, tlint long (ii;o I Hciinn'd with n hpi'dlesi eye Rieli fncuwnn (.;n7iiiK ni plainly tlioro Ah when I ikihhpiI it by ; Woo, vtov for me If tho past should bo 'i'htm prvHuut when I die 1 "No need of HulphurouH lnke, Jo need of fiery coal, Hut only tlmt crowd of huinnu kind Who wnnted pity nnd dole : In everlnitin( retrosiM'ct Will wriiitf my hIu( ul nonl I " Aln 1 1 havo wnlked tlirough lifo Ti o lieedlriw wero I trod 5 Nay, helpiiiK to trnmplo my fellow worm And 1111 thn liurinl nod, Forgetting Hint even the Bparrow fnllrt Not unmnrked of God. " I drank tho richest draughtA And nto whntever in (,'ood Finh. nnd flcxh. nnd fowl, nnd fruit. Supplied my hungry mend ; lint I ncrer rpmembpred the wretched onofl Tliat Htnrvo for want of fowl. I drpsoed nB Iho noblo dress, In cloth of Hilvornml gold, With silk Aid satin nnd cojtly fnrs In mnny an ample fold ; Hut I never remembered the linked limba Thnt froze with winter's cold. "Tho worjnds I might hnc hcnled 1 Tho liuiiinu sorrow nnd smnrt ! And y t it nover wna in my eonl To jilay so ill n jwrt ; Hut evil is wrought by wnnt of thought, As well nu wnnt of henrt. " ' Hlio clnsp'd her fervent hauds, And the tears bcgnu to strrnm ; Largo, And bitter, nnd fast they fell, Itemorso was so extreme ; And yet, oh jet, that mnny A dnmo Would drcnni tho Ijulyra dream. Tiiomah lloon. Compression of tho Fcet'of Chinese Women. Jliss Norwood, nn American inisMonnry nt Swatow, Wh published n description of tlio process employed to reduce tho nizo of tlio feet of Chineso womoii. Tho binding of tho feci is not begun until tho child Iiiih lonrncd to wnlk and to do certain other things which nho could not woll bo taught to do afterward. Tho bandages employed nro manufactured for tho purposo, and nro about two inches wido and two yards long for tho first year, fivo yards long for tho Mibsequout years. Tho ond of tho strip is laid on tho insido of tlio foot, drawing tho four toes with it down upon tho solo ; thence it is passed over tho foot and nround tho heel ; nnd by this stretch tho toos and tho hool aro drawn together, leaving a bulge on tho instep nnd a deep indentation in tho hole under tho ifistcp. This courso is pur sued with Buveral layers of bandage, until tho strip if cloth is all used, and the end is then bowed tightly down. Tho " indenta tion " should uieasuro about nu inch and a Lalf from tho part of tho foot that ro6ta 011 tho grouud up to tho instep. Tho toes nro drawn completely over the nolo, and tho foot is so squeezed upward that, in walk ing, only tho ball of tho groat too touches tho ground. Largo quantities of powdered nliiin nro iifced to prevent ulceration and leMton tho oH'onsivo odor. At the end of the first month Iho foot is put into hot wntor, and, nftor it has bcou allowed to noak forbomo tune, mooanuagois caret uuy unwound, " tho dead outiclo, of which there is much, boiug abraded during tho process of unbinding. " Ulcers and other t-oros nro oftou formed 011 tho foot, nod "frctiueu'Uy, too, a largo piece of ilosh nloughs oir tho bole, and it sometimes hap pons that ono or two toes drop off. " When this happens, tho woman considers herself amply repaid for tho additional suf. feriug by having hmallcrnud more dolicato feet than her neighbors. Kach timo tho bandage is taken off, tho foot is kneaded, to mako tho joints moro floxiblo, and is thou bound ui again as quiukly as possiblo with u fresh bandngo, which is drawn up more lightly. During tho firtt year tho pain is so iutoiiBo that tho sufferer can do .nothing, and for about two years tho foot aches continunlly, and has to cudure bc bidos a pun tiko tho pricking of short .ueedlos. If the binding is kept up rigor ously, the foot in two yours becomes deid and censes to ache, and tho wholo log, from tho kneo downward, bocouie shruukon to be little moro thau skin and bono. When onco formed, tho golden lily," as tho Chinese lady calls her delicate littlo foot, can never recover its original shape, and, when uncovered, it is so unsightly that women object to take off their bandagoa even before me.nburs of their own family. A Mattkr of Oaioulatiom. Marriage brokers aro iiuito iniportaut buftiaess men in Oono. They havo pocket-books filled with tho names of the marriageable girls of the different classes, with notes of their figures, personal attractions, fortunes, dfec. Those brokers go about endoavoriiig to ar rango counoctions 5 and when they succeed, tboy get a commission of two or three f.- ' 1 - I" Saturday VOLUMU T. cent, upon tho portion. .Mnrringo nt Genoa is qtiilo n matter of calculation, generally Kcttlcd by tho parents or relations, who often draw up tho contract boforo tho parties havo Keen otio another, and it is only when everything is nrranged, and a few days previous to tho marriage-ceremony lhat tho Future hcshaml is introduced to liis intended partner for life. Should ho find fault with her manners or nppcaranco ho may brako off tho tnntch on condition of ilorrnying thn brokcrago nnd nny other ex penses incurred. Baauto Land. Ttifltitolnnd tnny ho described as tho Wales t'f South Africa. It is a littlo prov iuco lit led iu nt the north.cnst corner of Cnpo Colony, between tho Orntigo Krco ytntc, tho Cnpo Colony and Natal. It is nbotit 160 miles long by 50 broad, itH length ruiiniiig parallel to tho Orango Free State, or, roughly speaking, noirly parallel at soma distanco inland with tho coast lino. Sotno of its table-lauds aro nearly 5,000 foot abovo the sea, while its loftiest mountain is credited with n hcight'of 10, 000 feet. Tho cold weather throughout tho wholo of Jlnsiitoland is very sovero in tho monlliH of Juno, July, 'August and ovon September. Ono of tho wings of tho Cnpo Mounted Kiflcs marching up from Kostnd, in Oriii 11 nln nd East, to Maseru, tho chief station in Bnsutoliuid, was delayed some dnys by a heavy fall of snow, which block ed tho passes nnd rendered marching slow and tedious. Though IJnsutolaud may bo said to bo 150 miles by 50 miles in size, the cnslcrn sido of its breadth is scarcely in habited 011 account of tho cxtrotno cold an of tho inncccssiblo character of tho mountd nins. Tho most thickly populated districts of tho littlo country extend nearly aloug its wholo Iciigth, but nro of a breadth of about thirty miles only .tho thirty miles to tho north-west 'nnd 13'ing next to tho Orango 1'rco State. It is from tho Free State, then, that Unsutoland can bo most easily entered, and its chief stations, which lio within n few hours of tho Free Stnto bordi r, most safely and easily reached. Thero nro other routes from tho .south, but they present great dillicultirB to the march of troops, and nro open to grnvo objections from n military point of view. Tho llasutos nro mostly romuants of tribes who wero drivon boforo tho Knflirs. Early in tho century thoy took refugo iu tho mountain fastnesses of Basutolaud to cscapo tho pitiless soldiory of tho Zulu con queror Chakn. It was 011 tho slcop 'and rocky hill of Thaba Bosigo that Moshosh, tho first pirmouut chief of tho Basutos, ral lied tho starved and desporato men of tho di Heron t clans of his race, mado n suc cessful stand ngninst tho Zulus, and laid tho foundation of tho Basuto nation. To spoak of tho Basutos as equal or nearly cqunl to tho Zulus iu lighting qualities, as is sometimes done, is n mistake. Tlio Basutos lack tho disciplino, tho reckless bravery, and tho tnsto for fighting possessed by tho Zulu soldiers. Tho Basutos havo no military organization, merely turning out or being turned out by thoir chiofs for lighting by tribes nnd clans. Thoy aro not soldiors like the Zulus wero boforo the Zulu nriny was broken up, but aro merely hardy mountaineers. Unlike tho Zulus, tho Basu tos tight, as a rule, mounted, possessing hardy and nctivo ponies, which mako light tho dillicultics of tho mountain tracks of their country. Almost all tho Basutos havo taken to clothing, partly from thoir progress iu civilization aud partly from tho hovcro climnto of their land. Tliu military trait to bo remarked in tho Basutos is their aptitude for fortifying or tnsctoncuig thorn bolvos, and tho intelligence with which thoy strengthen any pohitiou thoy may de sire to hold. Indeed, tho colonists' diffi culties will probably eommonco when tho Basutos, worsted iu tho opon, botako thorn selves to their mountain strongholds. Thaba Bosigo, tho stronghold uow held by tho chief iMasuphn, is a good oxamplo of a Basuto position. It is an isolated hill about 400 feet high, with a ilat or table, top, nnd with sides scraped away by natural causes. Tho table is only nccesbiblo by throo or four paths. Some of these paths aro said to havo been rendered inaccessible, others to bo barred by lines of bchnnzes, or stono barricades. On tho mountain nro good pastures to grazo tho cattle, plenty of water and stores of grain nnd ammunition. Jsonilon Tekyraph. Salmon Propagation. Millions of salmon eggs nro now being shipped from tho Pacific coast for distribu tion in tho Eastern and foreign States. Thoy aro collected from tho Government propagating establishment on tho McCloud river, nnd transmitted overland in cars es pecially fitted for tho purpose. Arriving at Chicigo, they nro examined, and such ns nro found in good condition nro distributed from that city ns a contto, in accordance with tho ordors received. So perfect nro tho means of transportation that few in deed nro found in other than a perfect state, Of foreign countries, Canada, Holland, Germany, Frauco and England aro all re ceiving largo shipments under tho direc tions of their different fish Commissioners, aud in ndditiou largo quantities of tho ova nro consigned to private individuals abroad. So far as tho United States nre concerned, tho work is ono of universal nnd commend ablo charity, designed to put a cheap and nutritious food within tho roach of all. Tho government pays all tho cost of gathering, preparing and bhippiug tho eggs, tho con bigneos paying only the charges of trans portation. It is such acts ns theso on tho part of a nation whoso broaderpolioy rocog. nizes that prosperity or distress to one country is measurably prosperity or distress to nil others, that makes moro strougly for general progross nnd improvement than all tho dictates of bolf-bceking cxiiedioncy. L7 OrSRESOVICH & CO., IMl'OUTKltS AND DKALKUS IN FRESH FRUITS fcCUIFORNIA PRODUCE AlSO TVntsi of every kind ALWAYS ON HAND. FrMh Eastern Oyittrs in th Shall KBOUIVED UV AC11 bTKAMKlt. J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney nntl Counsellor At Law, Merchant .St., Honolulu, It 1. lj EDWARD PRESTON, Attorney rtntl Counsellor nt Law, ty M Kurt Street. Honolulu. MRS. D. B. GRIFFIN, Kin Fort Ht., Honolulu, Fiuhlonnlilo Mllllnor nntl IDrcM Mnkor. I New loo(! nnd Sijlci received rycry mntilli. ly DR. N. B. EMERSON, IIXVHIOIiVW AND STJilCVTlOW omc nt Dr llniniinn limit Htom, SI Men-hint SI. Spflilpncf, corner Knkiil nnd Knrt f lri-rt (llieohl Kriigcr prcmlfci) OITlre htmrs-'J to Iia. m, 8 to I r. v. a Oni J. NOTT 8c CO.. Importer nntl Donlom In Stovei, RnnRei, Melnl". Ilnnse I'lirnlililns Oomln, Cnitkrty. Olnn nntl Clilnn Wnrc, rrftctlcnl Mechanic, Honolulu, II. I. y . A. W. RICHARDSON & CO., niron-mii and iikaleiii in Ilnotn. Hhorv KiirnUhlna OootK Hntu, Cn. Trnnki, Viillnrn, Pcrfumcrf nnil Sniii, Wnltlmm Nntcnri, Flnr- Jewelry, etc., comer of Fort nml Mcrclinnt HU., Honolulu, II. I. ' 'r M. DICKSON, Photographic Artlnt, KWnnil HU Fort Street. l'lctiiren of nil nlzi-i nnil klnd mnile to nnler, nnd Frnmcn of nil dcncrliitlnn eontnntly on hind. AIo, Hhclli, CornU, nnd i:nrliltle of the 1'nclric. t ly I.. W. HOPP, Cnnlnet Mnker, Upholsterer, Denier In Fnrnttiire, No. 89 Kins Street, between Niumnii nnd Fort Slreeti. Mnttroecs con'tnntly on Iinnd or inndc lo order. 'y THOS. O. THRUM, Importing nntl MnnnfnotnrlnR Stntlonor. Now Afiont, Book Binder, Ate, Merchant Street, nnd Denier In Fine Slntlonery, Hook. Mimic, Torn nnd Fnncy Ooodf, 1 Fort Street, nenr lintel, llonoliilii. ly V, M. WBNSBII. J"" IWENBIU. WENNER 4: CO., Fort Street, oipoltc O1I1I Tellown' Hnll, Mnnufnctnrlnr; Jo-welem, Dlnmonrl Setter, KnijrnverK, nnd I)enler In Jewelry of nil klnd. Shell nnd Kukiil Jewelry rnnde to order, Order nlo re ceived nnd faithfully nltended lo for nil kinds of Hnlr Work 111 Jewelry Dcslgnn. I ly D. W. CLARK, Wntoh Mnlcor nntl Jewelor, iMroiiTRit or Wttltham nml nil other American Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Wnlch ncpalrlnsr mnde n cjieclnfty. 1 ly No. 1" Merclnnt Street. Honolulu. FRANK GERTZ, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER No. !M Merchnnt St., next to Thon. O. Thrum. lloon nntl Nlim-i Jfaile (n Oriler, or licit 51 n. tcrliil.iiinl nt Itcmoiitdo l'rleci. Boots and Shoos mado for Cash only " iy M. S. GRINBATJM 8c CO., Importer nntl Wholosnlo Donler In Gene ral Merchandise S Mnkce'n lllock, Queen Street. ly M. S. GRINBATJM Sc CO Fonrordint; nntl Commission Mcrchnnts, 214 Callfornln St.,Snn Frnncljco. Specinl facilities fni and pirtlcslar nltcntlon pnld to 2 consignments of Il.ind produce. ly T. J. MOSSMAN, Importer nnd Dealer In Crockery. Tlnln nnd Decornti-d Porcelain, Cut and Preed Olaas, Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery, Chandeliers, Lamps, Chimneys, Ktc. . .... Fire. Proof Store, cor. Kins and Niiuanu Sts., Honolulu. SJjr E, COOK WEBB, M. D., Homeopnthist, (Late Chief of Staff Ilomeopntlilc Hospital, Want's Island, n:y.) Ofllco CO Fort Street. Special. attention to diseases of women and children. Office hours Until 10 a. m. 2 to 2 ly O. BEUELKKM. O. EMOLINO. G. SEGELKEN 8c CO., No. 5 Niiuanu Street, ' Tinsmiths anil Plnmbers. Denlors in Stoves, Ilingei, Tin, Sheet Iron and Coppir Ware, keep ron Mnntly on hand a full assortment of Tinware, Galvan ized Iron and Lead Pipe. India llulibcr Hose, Ac., Ac. siy A. I.. SMITH, 41 rnnTSTHKBT, lMronTEnANiuiBALEnwl Merltlen Quadruple Plated Ware, Olnsswarc, Klnc'a, Combination bpectaclea and Kve Glnses, llrackets. Vases, Lii'tral Who Ware, Fnncy Sonis, Plcturn Frames, Wostenholm's Pockit Knives, ScUtnrs, Pis tols, Powder. Shot and Ammunition, Clark's Spool Cotton, .Machine Oil. all kinds of Machine Needles, "Domestic" Paper Fashions, Solo Agent for tho uni versally acknowledged Iilght Running Domostio Sewing Machine. u. r. wurr.NEV. t. v. iiodeutsox WHITNEY 8c ROBERTSON, (Successors to II. M. Whitney) Stationers, Publishers, News Dealers and Book-Blnclors, 1 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II, I. ly THE HONOLULU BOOK-BINDERY DOES RINDING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. The work executed nt this establishment Is under the supervision of MR. JOHN L. ltKKS, who is well known as an experlcnu-d workman, anil rannof btturpatxd. wuuit ii.t: .vr-rut: kate. WHITNEY & ItOIIF.ItTSON. Stationers, Publishers, News Uca'ers aud llook Uliidera I tty HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE A BROTHER, Proprietors, NUUANU SRF.r.T. Pilot, Medium and Nnty llrend always on hand and made tu order Also, Water, Soda and Duller Crack ers, Jenny Llnd Cakes, Ac. Ship Bread rc-haked mi the shortest mil Ice. family llrvad, made of thu Ileal Flour, baked dally and alnajs 011 bund. X. II. Urowu Brrnil of lti Brat Qunlltjr 2U C. M. BAKTOIV, Auctioneer. Balstroom on Quuvu tilreet, 0110 duor from Ksahumsnn 801 blreet. ly ii. X. ,HA:iMltl.Aii: A CO.. IXFOHIEUS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Kotilu.ou's Flre-piootuulldlug, QusenStrssl. Honolulu, 11,1. iOtNl" roa Ttis Olsigo and llonulnlu 1.1ns of Packets. Johu Hsy A Cii's LiveriuKil suit Loudau Pscksls. Tli Wslkspu riaulstiuii, The Sp.ucor I'lauUlioii, lllb, lUkslsu i'lsiilsli.uii IIIU Mlrrlees, Tslt Wslaou, 8111V Mschlnsry. The I'li'll'S -llei Itnncll L'uuirnT. 7M V HON, it. 'f II K II H , IKIOIITIMI AMD MAKUriUTUIlINU STATIONER, NEW3 AOENT, D00K-BINDER 1ND PAPER RULER, Mercbnt HI. near Furl, snl lurl HI. near Ilolsl, Honolulu - tl.liu. II I. Alt), Publlfhtr of the IUwkIUu Alnisnso and Annual, siul llswslliii lllrKlury and ClnJr, Ac.. Ac. ri.. M..rrtiiiiL.iit diur will bo dsvuteil to Otntral bis. Ilouery, tlUuk lUlks, Xfi and IlluJUn lf.tlm.nU. Tlis Fori ti Blurs ill einbrac 11ns bUllumry. Ilaikt, .Mll.l." MsleiUU, IVys slid faiiQ llols. 783 ly S.H.OASTLC. 1. a. ATBUntOK (UNTI.I! A OOOIIK, SHIFPIN0 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMI'ORTKKS AND Delators in Conoral Morchand.Be, No. SO Klogdlreet, Huuululu, Ilawallin Iilands. .... AOKSTi rOIt.. The Unlea Iniarsncs Cmpinyofsn rranelico. The Ne l:aglsnd Mutual Mis luiursnca cunipany, no. ion ThsOroson Packet Line. The Kuhsla I'UiiUllou, Ths llslkn I'lantallou, Wslslua I'lanlsllon, llsuiskua I'lsnlstUn. lir, Jsjiis A dou'sCslsbrstsd slvdieiuss. HTbeslsr A U'ilion's Rawing Mselilnst. IiiVXJ 1,) BISHOP & CO., 33 ANK 33H8,, till HAWAIIAN II.A1HD . , DRAW KXCIIASGt: ON IHE IANK OF ClLirOnmi, : : SM FMKUCO aan taint smars is New York, Mostasi. Paris, AackUaal, m ORIUTAI IMK COANMTIOI, : tana iiiscais is llena; Hour, yilnsriSDd Mslkvaru. And trasitct a dsntral Haaklsg Bsilasss. " TIT 1 , aw HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY, lli;..B. II. AIIM'I'I, OOVKRWIlXiOH AT TjA "W SHI No, 111 Kaaliumann ttreet. I'. A. MCllAI'.l'I'.lt A :.. Importors A Commission Merchants nSll Hiinolnlil. lllln I.Unili ly . M. 4'i;.tl.lII."JN. 71. It.. SUllGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC FHYBICIAN. 0IHci Corner fort nnd llertlnnls Sit, Honolulu. 82 :. I. i(l..1IM. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. q,un Street. Ilnnnlsln. II. I. "-1y i:i. noi,i'Njiii,,ti:.'i:it . :., IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Honolulu, Palm. II. I. oT? ly X. H. :i.i:JIIOIti- A; Co.. luronTtns t rimai in Gonornl 3Vrox-clincliof TB1 Crner Queen nml Kmlinnnim Htreell, If II. IIAOKI'lll.U Jk. CO.," ' OENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Queen Street. Honolulu. II. I. I'OMyl O. W. NOHTOX. O. B. NOIITOM V. W. 1IORT(?l tk. 3'f4 8tore, Orove llnnch Plnntatlon, Drnlers In Choice Gro ccrles mid Provision nnd ( Merchandise. 81B ly A . IV . II l N II . GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Family Grocery and Peed 8 tore, JS". ly! , tOr-ortSlreet.llnroliiln. 11. 1:. .Mci.vrviti: a 11 hot hi: it, GROCERY. FEED STORK and BAKERY, Corner of King nnd Fort streets, HONOLULU. TMly wii.ii:u At :., Corner of l'ort and Queen fclritts llonoliilii, Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building (oo-l Materials nf svnry kind. lll.l.ini! A CO.. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Cutlery, Drv floods, Paints and Oils, and (lenersl Mer ohmidle. Sn. 04, King Street. Honolulu. (7I'8 ly iii.i.i-:n c co.. Ship Chandlers and Commission Merchants, mportersand tieslersln General Mercnsndlse, Queen -ttroet Honolulu. Hawaiian Inlands. 810 ly I.AliM; A CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And IuiK)iters uf slid Healers In Hay, Grain, slid (lenrrsl Prluce. llonoliilii. II. I. ' 7l ly .lOftr II. IMTV, NOTARY PUBLIC nnd COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, For the Slstesof Cslifoinis and New York.Offlce at the II ink i.f BUIiop t Co.. . Honolulu. u'frft ly CLAU9 sritKC.IKLS. WM. II. IKWIN. wn. . mivn &. co., Sngar Factors and Commission Agents Honolulu. II. I. (07 I'.. O. IIAI.L. A NOn, IMPORTERS AND DEALER B IN HARDWARE Dry Qoods,Psluts, Ollsand General Merchandise, BIB-ly CornerForlsnd KlngSts. CAST1.I: A HATCH, 'Attorneys n-t Tjarvr. W. It. CASILK, M-iury Public, attend all the Courts of Iho Kingdom. Particular attention paid to the nCRutlaliou of Loans, Conveyancing, Collectlnc, etc. o" Money to loan on Mortgage. Olllce: No. 15 Kaahumanu street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ? ly UOLI,I.MTi:it A CO., Bruggitl, Apothecaries, Importers of Tobacco and Cigars, Manufacturers of Soda Water, Agents for P. Lorlllanl A Co's Tin Tn?; W. 8. Kimball & Co's Vanity Fair; nnd Ooodwln ACo's Old Judge, Tobaccos and Cigarettes, BIG No W5 .Vlinnmi Strrrtloiiolulu. ly A. V. PEIRCE ACO,, SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AOKNTS tun Drand'a Guns and Ilonib fences, Perry Davis' Pain Killer, 785 ,1 No. 40 Queen street, Honolulu, ly ci:cu. mtowN. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. NOTAItV PUIIL1C. And Agent fur taking AckiMiwIeilginents of Instruments for the Island of Osbu. 0787 No. 8 Kssbumanu Street, Hunolnln, II, I. ly viiko. 11. i.ivn:, Lira Jaiiiok, Qscrk A Co.J IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, asd Aursi roa Lloyd's and tho Liverpool Underwriters, nrltlnh and t'uretgn Marine Inturancs Company, nnd Northern Assurance Company. 0760 ly w.n. JOII.KON, 1VCo'x"ola.sti.3ri.i; Tailor. 711 No. 5 Fort M., below Dr. Ptangenwald'a. Iy PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Bakery X. EEOH.1V, Fraetieal Confectioner, Paitry Cook and Baker, 818 71 Hotel street, between Nuuanu and Fort. 3 ly HONQT.ULU IRONWOBKa CO. -aas, STKASI EMIINKS. SLHAIl MII.T.H ZasUasjssk llclUra,Cuolsrr, Iron, llrsn snd Lead Castings Maohlnory of Every Description, - Made to Order tt Particular attention paid to Bhip'i Blackimithlng JTsT-JOII IVOr.Kssecutedun the shortest notice. Mis I) JOHN '1 M'A'l'CltllOllr!:. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN OENERAL MERCHANDISE. J5 Queen Street, llonulnlu. II. 1. ly JNO. A. HASSINOER, Agent to take Aeloanwledgmoata to Con- tracts for Labor, 818 3 Interior Olllce. Hon luln. dm j. m. wiiii tm:y, .11. ., i. i. n. Dental Rooms on Port Street, Ofttc e In Brewer's, IllocU, corner Hotel and Fort streets. Bit ly Entrance, Hotel hired u. v. i:iiLt:uM a co., DEALERS IN DRY OOODB AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, rirs.proniatore. rurl 8l,.sbuveOdd rollosrs llsll. ll-l h. a. r. caarsa, - r. c. Josss. Ija; 0. BREWEE & CO., SHIPPING 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, I Honolnln. Hawaiian Islands. ly C. AsV'OItsU. Importer, Wholeiale and Retail Dealer in General Merchandise Ami Chins (Jijodi, In fls file-Proof Slots, corner ol King sn'l .Niiilsuil Slrvsl". SI j. a.nioKsux kuit. lkweiis, c. m. coock IJinilNM A, IK POSTERS ft DEALERS IN LUMBEll. AudttlkladsoIllulldliicMstsrlals,rort9lrssl.llnolulu sis.y HYMAN. HMON., Importers of General Merchmdlse KIIOM FXAXOE,EXQLAXn,GEIllIAyr, AND UNITED STATES, No. S3 Merchant Street, I, UYNA1 MKUM., WHOLESALE GR00ERB, JH and S18 California Street, MAN V RAW tlint)., tr- I'srtlculsr attention paid lo ulllug sud shipping Island orders. UI ly . V, COLKNAN, BLACKSMITH A tf MACHINIST Mara MasMlssc, t'lirrtoapa Wairk. , rialalla NackUMrry, sto. m Shop on King 6Ut, Btit Cattle Cocas V. ty in ,. . - Pe;ss. DECEMBER41iGly NUMBER 15. ED. C. ROWE, Honse and Sinn Painter, Paper HanRer, Ac TM ly No II I l'ort Street, Honolulu, 3 THOMAS TANNATT. tNo. M Fort Street, opposite H. O. Hall A Son. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Mnalo Bozesi For Sole. Or carefully repaired In a workmanlike manner. Orders from Ihe other Islands pre mplly attended to. 7M ly 'I-IMMIAM liACIi, M AOECiKr IS T, Jtn. 40 fort Mtreet, will nttend lo all orders In the M 'LOCK. GUN & GENERAL REPAIR LINE. Ha will give special attention Iu cleaning, repairing and regulating Mewing Maebinen, nnd nil other kinds of Light Machinery and Motat Work of every description. Illackainllliliig,elc. Also, on hand and for sato cheap, A Variety of Sewing Maohinos Jiiii, I'ixtolv, Sln3li.A"imitiillIyii( Macblno OH, Wccdlcs, cVc, Ac, ttc. fewlng Machine Tuckers, Hinders, and all other eTIrs and duplicate parts of inaclilnes supplied on short notice. J- Ilcst Machine Twlst.tra Sole Agent n IMi Ktngdim or Tho Florence Sowing Machlns. frum 110 to 110. While Hewing Machine, from (n to 75. Homo .Hliuttlo 'fewlng .Machine, fiom IIS to (35. BW Incliiillngall imrns snf ly i iiavi: Ni:iiiitisi a FIRST -CLASS HORSE -SH0ER! Anil nm irrinrtl to rnrry on tills Flrnnrh ol my lliislnesi In n inaiinrr antls. fnclory to my 1'ntronsi. OWNERS OFlFlNE STOCK Will do well to give me a Call. Horses sont to my King St. Shop Will be faithfully attended to. KX3m C. WEST. SPECIAL NOTICE. HAVNC SEC IT HIST) THE SEU vleis nf tho well-known Ui'lIOI.HTKUi'.K nnd IIKAI'EK. Jill. J. JIAHINIIUIIK. the onlv first-class Upholsterer In the Klnednm (lato of Han Irnnclsco), I am prepared to do all Kinds of T7XXa:CXjSri?33El.XN-Gs-, In the Lntcst and llest Style. WO&S WAARAIfVBDI Call and See. our PATENT IMM'kr.KN, iii:d i.)"i, siofa itmn, c. N. Tl. Mr. M. has selected a lino lot of Upholsterlnu floods, l'nrlor Sets unil Louni;e, Chairs, Ar., of the latest slvles, which havnJiiBt arrived from San Fran cisco. I have also Just received a new lot of The Latest Styles of Furniture ! WI.MHiW NIIAnKN. PIAMO A7f TAItl.E COVERS, picruiti; ctutn, ivaii.h, etc. All of which will be for sale chenp. It will pay you to callatajo. (it Kort Htreet and examine the floods bo fore purchnslnir elsewhere. 2 C. K. WILLIAMS. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established 18.10. Unlimited Liability to Stockholder. Assets Ml.snn.iori Ilcserve $ 6,750,000 Income for 1870s Premiums received nftrr dcducllon of rein surance S S,382,S95 Losses promptly adjusted and paid here, 1 3m niNHOP A Co., Annual. FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Company. A Leading Home Company. Assets, Juno 30th $767,307.17 Additional Cash Capital (now being called In) X-O.OUO.OU Total Asset $1,117,307.17 TII15 FIRKMAN'S FUND IJfSUK AXCT. COMPANY basis Us claims to thu best Eatronaua upon Its sound financial condition, reinforced y its accession of capital, giving It mer a million aonars in assets; us cxiensivu system i Agencies, in suring It a largo premium Income, without thu neces sity of heavy concentration of lines: lis adherence to the best principles and practices of Underwriting; by open, fair and clearly expressed enntrncts, nnd prompt and equitable adjustment and payment of leglllmatu losses. l'or eevenlcen years It has been favorably known aa a conservative underwriter, and during Hut timo has paid over 4,000,000 IN LOSSES, Passing triumphantly through tho heaviest conflagra tions Known lu modem history, II1N1IUP Co., Asrriila, 13m Ilonolulu.ll. I. GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. F o 11TU N A General Insurance Company of Berlin. TIIK A ROVE IKMHIANt'K COMPAflFia have established a Oei.eral Agency hero, and the nndrrstgned, Ueneral Agents, are aulhoilzcd to take ltlaka stjcaluat Ihe lsaiiKvra "I tba hem at tte Muat Itenaunublei Knlra, aud ou Ibe 3foat I'm arable Tertma. 815 ly F. A. HCHAEFKlt A CO., (lenersl Agents. SORTH BRITISH AND MERCAHTILE INSURANCE CO.. OP I.O.-KUO.M A fill KItlNMVUUIl. K3TA1ILIHI1KD 1109. CAPITAL , . . r. sTI.07,3sll Arostiuulalcd and liiv.stsit Pnd. ,3sJ,llH rilllB UMIKIlHirj.SiKD ItAVK IIKKN AP- M. POINTKD AIIK.NT fur lbs Hindwlcli Islands, and ars sulhorlseil lu Insure sgsln.t Fire uon fsvorsbls Irrms. Kittis taken In snypsrl ofllistilsiidsoaiuussiid Woo.eii IIuII.IIok. snd ni.rcbsnill.e stored Ibsrsln, Dwelllnf Houses sud lurniturs, Tiaiksr, Culls, tlhlps iu harbor with or llb nut cargo., or under repair. tot ty nu. HarrtcnLATiamtaco New England Mutual life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON, JIABS UHIOKFUHAT ED, 1SSS. The Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. In tlio United Statu. rollclM Inntd on the most farorabla Term. Kiawuls or Mon.l'orlellure PINH. INSURED AUF., Si VEAU.-OKtlI." AKt LIFE l'LA!f I Aunusl prrralunicnutlnusslVllcy 2yars3daya i Annual preailuni runllaurs Pulley t years It days 3 Auiiualprsiulamevnllu.ts Poller )! 17 days 4 Annual prcuiluui coctlaass Policy S yssistl days i Auuutl prsmluaicontlansa Policy 10 years M days JavasaBotas, i 4158.000,0001 Lsnaea Paid tbroawh IfoualHlu Akswcjt, S4e!oo CASTLC COOKC, AJCNTS III POH TIIK HAWAIIAW IBI.AWIIsl. ly OLD JUDGE TOBACCO AMD CIOAUTTES, AT aWLI.sWf EBS). M nnston Roartl of llndcrwrllf rs. A OK.1TI for the llaivallan Islands, J 0'-l5 O. lHlK.WKItACO. Philadelphia Board or Underwriters AOKNT. for Iho HasvsilUn Islands, "-iy c. co. a. ; AKMT ofllremrn llnnril nr tltiilrrwrllers, Aitenl nf l)reden Hoard of Underwriters, Asjent of Vlenns Hoard of Underwriters. Claims agalnl Iniursncs Companies within lha jurisdiction of Hie shove ll.irds of Underwriters, will hare lo bs cerll fled In by His shots agent to lusVs Ihem valid. IW ly iia.iiiii!ic4jii-iiki:.iii:i- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. rflllK UXDEIIRIOMII) havlnsi been - JL pointed Agents nf lbs sbore Cuinpsny, siepreskred tnlniure risks ssslnsl fire, nn Stone snd Itrlck llullil. Insrs and on Jlerchanillae stored therein, oi tba most fviirsble terms. For paitlculsrsspply at the efnrsnf TMly V. A. SCIIAKKKU k CO. TJtj g;ATI.AWTIO FIRE INSURANCE COMPLY, or iiA.nnrrtci. Capital : : : Six Million Rcichsmark. RISK HVNIIRKIs ON lll' MEst. cbandlso nnd Fnrnttnre, on liberal terms, br aTK ly II. IIACKFKMI A CO., Airenls. HAMBURG-MAGDEBURG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF IIAMIIUItn. HIII-f.niXUN. mKRCIIANDIHIF.. FI)R!I. TUItnnud Machinery Insured agslnst Fire on lb most favorable terms. A. JAEGER. Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. 7 ly Insurance Notice. Tin: i'.Mr:it.HtuMt:i aii: prkparf.ii to write upon Jlcrchnndlse, per flrst-clsss vessels between this and tho Const Ports, covering loss nr datmixe. It amounting to III percent, or more, on the sound value of the whole shipment nt port of delivery, upon fuiornhle terms. msiior a Co. Agents of Ihp Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. Honolulu. Jan. an. 1W". ia :im Insuranco Notice. TI1F. AOKNT Ktllt TIIK nillTIfsll For. rign Mnriue Insurance Company, (l.ltntteil), bss le eelred Instructions lo reduce, tile rates of liisnrsnce between llunolulu snd l'urls in Hie I'actflc, snd Is now pre pared to Issne pulldes nt the Kiwest rstes, with a special reduction on freight per steamers. TIIK0. II. DAVIF.S, ly 10 Agent Hrlt. Fur, Mar. In.. Co.. Limited UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OP SAN KUANCIHOO. IwZct.X'lxxO. INOORPOIt ATED, 180S CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS 819 For the HusrnUan Islsuirts. ly Rhenish Woatphnllnn Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY. OF M. UI.AIIIIACII. Itlioiilah Prnaailn. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, Or AACIir.X. (AIX-I.A-OIIAPKI.I.K.) A I.I. CI.AI.1IN FOR PAIlTIt:ijr,AR AVKR- . AtlK su.tilnrd by Uoods arriving here, and Insured In tno above Companies, have to'tm madp with thecog nlranco of aud cerlillcd to by tho nndcrslirncd. In order to bo valid. (TOO ly) J. C. Ol.AllK. Agent. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, Five millions Rckhsnark. Tm: V!fnr.itiijit:i havinu bken apnolnteil Agents for tho abovo Company, are now reaily to Issue Pollelt aarnlnat Rlaka of Flreost Biilld- lisiraj, MercliniiilliH) smil rnrsilliire on terms equal to thnso of other rcspcctablo companies. Losses paid for and adjusted here. Kor particulars, apply to 782 II. IIACKFKL1) A Co., Agents. WILDER 6l CO., Atjenla lor th Ilawallass Ialands, OV T11B Mutual Life Insuranco Co. tir SfKiV YORK. Largest, Safest and Most ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IX THE WORLD ! Assets (1830) $90,000,000 Now is a Good Time to Insure None but First-Class Illsks Taken, 8tt-Mu. CALIFORNIA Furniture iHanufactiirins Companji HAK PUANCISCO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OK axjXj x3ineiozvxzs'X'x3iuai OK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE PASTIES IN HONOLULU Or other parts of ths Islands, DESIRING FURNITURE CAN HAVE IHEIll Orders Filled at Lowest Rates llr application to Mr. K I'. ADAIIH. Queen Strati, wlio has our Descriptive Catalofiia wllb prices. ON HAND AT THE STORE OF L.W. HOPP Uisu HrHKbT, Blaok Walnut Bedroom Sets, Mlaok Waluut Nideboartla, Black Wulstut UiaiHg Chalra, Onk Cniie Heal Dialng Chain, Oednr lleslroiisn Hell, E. P. ADAMS, AGENT F6R THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS (21 tm aasaxxz. 3 HAMBURG TEA. 4T Iss IMIMINSIHI.K T NAY TBS MlX'Sf IM (iralre of this ood oW standard famlljr Mrdlelna lusnnut be loohlehlj- recumuisnded, is It Is truly a Marvel at Ik A, and no housobcld sliouM ! nllbout II. !t prevents as well cures MklsS StsM Kara, floul. sUteuiuallsm, Unavclsnd tl a. nrjr niaaasaa. Assrl4 Uvar, M shha. NauMa, Mia, WluU, In4lcattaa Ois4sss. Ilai, I'aver aael Asjh. MIs.ftlsMaaswa, LavaW latsta. sVaul Hrsa(ls, aud ever disease broujrbt oo or SKXrarsted tijr a disordered stomach. It purl&es tba Hlood, Cleansst ths Htoniarb aad Bo t)s, aad Klves lb wbole sjrsteui a l(ealb and Pellbt- .ulToue. There ner was a uiedlc'u. for th Ifuracrr rqusl to It, and being- composed of Herbs only, It ca I gla safely to Infauls. K la a Uioatpa la PJedlclosT -bartuleas, yet eOlcs? toss, Inralaabl Ufa family, est lbs road, at sea, and cserywber. ' for ia1 by all DrucjUU. aad at wholcial by W MotlAN sWOS. DILLINGHAM & CO. 37 Fort Stroot, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FINE ABSOKTMENT OP Geo. Wostenholm's Celebrate. Cutlery POCKET KNtVKS, ItAZOHS, SHKAItS, TWKKZKI18, . "STUB'S" FILES All ajicrs and Shape. Cut Steel Firmer Chisels, Btecl Mcfuuring Tftpet, Metallic Measuring Tapes, FENGE WIRE STETQUER3 l'or ajeitlnsr up wire sToneea- 4 . is- Harness, bridle, TRACB'if-fr, 1 V AM) 1 .fvll ri. STIRRUP BUCKLES. POLICE HAND CUFF8! Tinned nut! Ironed Tablo Spoonii, Baiter's Light llitlance", . -it Painter's Graining Combs, Limerick Fish Hooks, Olmmois 8kiruj,;rt All direct from the Manufacturers in England. AMERICAN COFFEE MILLS. Hygienic Water Filters & Coolers, No lee Required. t JEWETT'S PATENT WATER FILTERS & COOLERS (With roiiimrlmcM&ftr lee.) Have Constantly on hand FULL. LIMES OP " r Agricultural Implements, Builders' Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, ' Table Cutler Silver Plated Wane Lamps and Chandeliers, - Painters' Materials, K Mechanics' Tools Counter and Platform Scales, Carbolizcd Rubber Hobo, 3 and 4 ply. CELEBRATED MOLINE FLOWS Pari Steel Plows, " With Ircn and Wood Handles. AGENTS roit The Bain Wagon, Cortland Wagon Manufacturing Co., Galvanized and Painted Ilarbod Fence Wire and StaploB, Avorill's Chemical 1'uint, California Wire Works, Uallidio'a Wiro Rope, Albany Lubricating Compound, American Lubricators, Albany Cylind.r.Oil. NEW GOODS Constantly Arriving. Kerosene Oil a Specialty. - DILLINGHAM da. CO. 821 7 lori Ntreai. Ilonolala. DRUGS AND MEDICINES Krcrn thn Best anU Host Ilellablv Sources, ' ELASTIC TRUSSES, Jtp.v roil HALE AT Ul 2m B. BerrMASN'S Braw asrsj. FROM AMERICA AMD EVKOPEl NEW PBRF JJMXBLY I l'owden, Fine Hair Oils, Ooamotloa,, - And Toilet Article genarslly,'' UiaNiiipuNsed. ly n.ny For sala at lteasonable Prices, at Wl 2m mm. HsariratAMii'ss rwa; irtra. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL, AI.I.A7T HKKSIKBT, rlwssa. 1IOTKI. HTKKKT, HONOLULU. Xnlrancca on Hotel, Klchards, and BattUala SUctU PIRtT'OLAtl InTvBsIV aPBOT. 'jrlces th. aasa a Wrt-OIs H.-la Kaa Vsasvclaco. L w . . .. M rMSMUSITiaMMH Jtralua,aa4or aU aaes.lroil lilf. saboied aad d.Hsrrad ta sUajaM sl sr, AT atoCgstATsJ J-klUJtS. - - assaa wlaM tm art arMsa Sa Umt ajlantl sr tm taaatrsj) lMst tmg mmm lssss asmjr ism sawya) v ssanat, 4 t A. sUMIIT. lUaaUaa ttatol. Ml lTM tat4 OttaV SBsSsHsaHsaVk" tjBasV' 1 J0m '"S?4lBBaBBi" pMslsE'M9t KsHsEGm' cJgajK 9 OEjpaMO .LisaVsrsarHKt ssasjSTsWbiiMsTliJBaaVi- SastJJPsTBBJJj ' ssr3raa'JBasasH2t3ssaaBalaaaBHsav V2iiaiBfiBSjEPPPW sifSPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJPJj. C a4 Jiw. -