Newspaper Page Text
THE SATURDAY PRESS. A S I'.VVfU'AI'I'.U f Ml I.I H UK II WliRKI.Y M'narnll-rtni riVr.JJOI.I.AU.S A YKAH IN ATIVANOR "nli-i libera Bin) AiUnlU' t '" mltlr Mr Tlioa (I 'Ii.ihiii llii-lhr.s .Urtnnii r K mi mailer for Hi. Nalnnlay I'n ln.nlil linrutdreaaeil I.. Hi- H.M'llllim I'lllHH Clirlntniiui live. 'I lin Mlcnlii-tn plnji il llinlr (.'lirlnltiina tiuin TihiIiiM liMHtilli my iillnni(ivrii, Willie, miil!lii tiy it I'iflv iiiiHiiii 'I lio iiiirlmliiiM lutitnlit, Illicit with leiiYcn, (lnvn Imrkn rlcli nml tliilliif Miron 'I'linl iitrrimwiTi'd thnlr imttirnl ufriiii, 'I'liriiiiuli lilll nml vrtllny ovrry lirrwn llitil aimli In I i"it Willi fnliliil wIiikh lit Ml wnn lliiinlr, lull r-onlil not Irrnzo, Nor chri'k llm nttnilo of Die nit I nun ((.i nlimt nml linnly worn llm Imiiil 'I lint icinjH'il tlm rliunln villi Mrciiuntii linml. Anil wlm lint llatrtinl T Ml wnn pulil ltciKCl Immrv ltininliN' olnlin I 'I lie urnilliiLt kIwii Mm iiuiitln ilnyol In Manor of 1'iifli Imnxi'liiilil nnniii, Iuly iirt)iioitnriil Tlt1i Innty roll. Slid "Merry ('lirUtnnvn" Ulird In nil t O limllicr 1 1 rrrrro Mm rliolcn 'Mini liHik limn from tliy imlivo lilllni Anil It In kIvimi limn In rnjolitti I'lniiiiiti ptililln rtro full ufteii tllln llcnwu only wlliiem. of llio loll--A Imrmu nml liiijiriiliilnl noil. Vol, Wotilil Hint Itioti, with inn nml inlnn, llnilnt licnrilllin iii'Vit fillln rlto Ami hpi'II on oilier fnron nhliin A I rim rnvlvnl of llm Unlit, Wliloli nnlnrn, nml dm nnilln jxtwitrn In aliuplo nhllilliiKiil nprcnil llironuli mini I I'nr plenniirn Imili nut noiinoil In wnlt Oil ilinun i'iN('tl'il nillUlill rutlltilH, Wliollior tlm rich innit'ii miinpttiotiN unto ('nil forth tlm iiiii'lnliiirnln rmnmln Or llicy nrniiriril nl llm iloor 'I'hnl minritn lliu lowllonl of tlm HKir. How Innrliliiu, when nt mliluliilit wi Miunv-iiinflli'il wliiilx, nml nil In ilnrk, M'i lioitr- nml hIiiIi "huIii In nloop I Or, nt nn rmrller mil, In mark, lly liliir.liiK fire, llio Hit 1 1 hiihk'Iihi Of ni'lf-ooulpliK'oiit Ituiocriioo. Tlm mutual noil tlm urnvn tllftuiil'iit Of hiMirlx with ulnililni'wi lirlininliiK oo'r Ami wiiiiii iiiililililnu Innri Unit rlno I'ur tinmen oitco Imnril, nml lionnl no morn j Truro lirlulitcriFil liy llm mirmmilu I'or Infnnl lit llm criiilln Inlil I Ah 1 not for cniornlil flelilii nlono, Willi iinililiMit Ktriuinm mom pnrn nml liriultt 'I linn fnlili'il (Jytlmrpn'rt sronn, (llittoring lioforn llm Tlmmliircr'n nllil, In In my hturl of hour In onilonrrtl Thu Krouiul whom wo worn liorn nml retired. Ilnll, nnclont inmmern I imro ilufonrn, Whom thoy rmrvlvo, of wlnileiimmi Iiiwh i KriiiiinnlH of love, whoan miulonl hhiiho 'I'Iiiih Into nnrriiw room withdrawn) Ilnll nmiuiiHof irlnliiu) niniitd, Ami yo Hint ;nnrd them, inoniitnlim old I Yet, limy c-in mnkn, who fnll to find Hluirt IciHiiru oven In tlm liunlonl dnyH, MoniciitH to cihI n look hohiml, And profit by I huso kindly rnjn 'Mint thiiiii(li tlm clondHilo HiiiuntlmrH ntonl, And nil llm fnr-olf punt rovcnl. Woiidhhoutii, Foreign Nows Itoms. liOStiON, Novomlior 20lli. Tjonl Colo ritlKi, Cliiof JiiRlico of llio Coinmou LMohh, linn Iicoii nppoitiled Oliiof JiiHlicn of tlio (Jin'oii'i Jlonuli, vico Sir Aloxnudor Cuolc liiirn, deceived. Vibnna, Novombor 2Clli. Tlio Aronlo lipgriim pnsRL'd Ihrongli Mn.m-.i, lonving i i,fnrr!f!uii tlioro, nud occu)io(l tlio Turkish iiitroiiuhmontn on tlio lioiglttn. A dctnuli itiunl ndvnuuod to inko poH po.Htou of Dtilcigtio. Haouha, Novombor 2Clh, Tlio Monlo- JicjjrinH nro to occupy tlio town tuid distriut of Dulciyiio with 'l-,000 nioti nnil 12 piocoH of nrtillory. OoNsrANriNOri.r,, Novombor 26th. In tlio lighting whioh procodod tho ocouptttion of Duloigno by Dorvish Pnshn, tho Tnrkfl lost 200 killed nud wounded nud tho Al banians -100. Vienna, Novombor 20th. Oflioinl in formation in rccoivod thnl Dorvifih l'nshn pcrsoimlly surrondored Dulciguo to tho MontcnogritiB. Duiu.tN, November 2Gth. A crowded mooting of loynl inhnbitnnts wns hold nt LiHburn rccoiitly. It wnn nttondod by tho country gentry mid Protestant clorgy gou crnll', nud Hovornl fnrmers woro prcsont. llciiolulioiiH woro passed condemning tho liuul ngitntion nnd ngrnrinn outrages. Tlio Court of Quooii'a IJonch hns finally nppoiutod tho 28th of Docombor ns tho date for tho commencement of tho trinls of tho indicted Land Longuors. Iloaly nnd "WnlHh will bo tried, nt tho Cork Assizoa on Dccoulbor 7 th. Captain Beamish, n magistrnto nt Cork county, hns written n lottor to Forator, slating that ho hns rccoivod n threatening letter, nnd has thoroforo sought tho pro tection of tho polico. His object in writing to Forbtor is, thni if his death should bo nddod to Uiobo of othor landlords who have been murdered sinco tho present Govern ment camo into power, it cannot bo ploadcd tlml it was oithor justifiable or took plnco becauso Govornmout protection wns not called for in time. Tho Ulster men loft Lough Musk re cently under n strong csoort. Thoro wns mi demonstration. Tho hussars romaiued to protect Boycott. Tho Ulstor mou slopt iu tho barrnoks nt Ballinrobe. Lord Landsdowno has just boon obligod to lleo to KnglMid from his Korry ostatos because ho felt his lifo to bo in joonardy thoio. Tho immodinto cnuso of his flight hasnotyot boon nnnouueed, but no doubt it was hastened by Hho receipt of throaton inc lottors, whioh seem to bo Hying over Ireland in oil directions just now. Nkw Yoiik, Novombor 2Gth. Tho World' Loudon special says : It is undor hlbod that when Parliament asMmblra, GlndRlono will propose n grant of XJ0.000 to General Sir t'rodonck Uoborts, tho horo of Cnndahnr, for his military sorvicos in Afghanistan. OlUcial denial is made of tho rumor that llm MnrciuiB of Lorno will resign the Gov- oruor-Goiiorabhip of Canaila nt tuo oua oi three yoars, nnd return homo. WAKiiisarOH. Novomber 2Gth. Thoro nr0o rtV,0(.0 000 in gold bullion "lauding to the credit of tho United States Tro' surer, out of which it has boon deeded lo X monthly $10,000,000 of tho do. ,mi. ation of $5 nnd $10. No gold coins M donomination than 5 will bo coin ed at present. Tho work will bo performed nt tho'Philadelphia mint. LosDOsr, November 2Cth A great, Btnrm wovnils on tho Scotch coast. A S or1 of "xsso ta IU? Clyde have drag I Z hoir anchors. It foarcd thoro htw feeousomo loss of life. Tho ship Vandyke, from Quebec for Groonook, is nshoro nt 1 Ceath point. Tho bwkVom A. liar. u . r.. tJ. VnrL-. for Dublin, previously S red u hoou Wexford coast is likely tXcomo n total wreck. A lifeboat has Bono to tho rescue. I'lio Gorman steamer Katai, captain Wbs, from Glasgovv, No vomlier l&th, for New York, has arrived at Queonotown, nftor being at sea ton days. Her decks woro swopt nud hor ougtnos are out of order. London, Novombor 20th. Tho JTew savs Tho Pauama canal, whou oomplotcd, will bo a groat boon to shipping it is cortaiu, but that it will provo a protUablo Mwpula. tiou for auother twenty yoaia w doubtful. Saturday VOIiUMK I. II. in nn nxri'lloiil, but prnmntnro work, wliirh would Imvn been butter for finpporL by nuliniilioi froin llm (lovnniiiHmlii iti ImeMi'd. Thu Tinifit ntm n view of llm Pniminn cnunl nimilnr to llirtl, iu tlio jVnrit. U'AKHINnTON, Nnvniiibdi'Qnili. Secretary KvnrlN imyn Hint llm full dnlniln of tluniniv, Cliliii'Hn t ninticn hnvonnl been iccoivnd yol, bill, hn Miippoioil of rnurso tlmy are in nc corilnticn with tho instructions given to tho CninminMoum'fl. In I lint casn it will bo m liruly mitinfnctory to 'nil nculionn of tlio 'oiintry, nud will carry out llio vtnwn of llm Ailminintrnlinu on llinCliiuiiNO (iirmllon mi mil forth in llm ripcuinl iiKiNHiign mid veto of llm I'romiluiil of llio lll-mlvifrnd Iimanuro paiidod by (Joiigrosi. Tlm oIimihoh of llio iimigrnlion Ironty proviilo cnrltiin iqiecilh: icgiilntioim lo govern this perplexing Iioh Hum. In llio fiiluro omignmlM will lie re ntriclcd lo tlmsu llinili by miitunl co-opera-linn of tho Gliiuunn nml Amciricnu (lovoru mon In, IIiiiii pruvoiiling thu introduction of tho low olnmnn, whioh linn cnuncd no much comptiiiut, nnd vomoviiig nil objoutionnblo foaliiniH of (ho niirlingamo Ironly. Tlio commeroinl treaty will bring Chinn within llio fmino rolatioim with nn us nro enjoyed by tlio more favored natiomi. Tho iimtrnclioiiH lo tlio CommissiouerH woro very full on this point, nnd tho Secretary holinvoH that tho ronultswill provn eminent ly nntisfiiclory. Ho duHirL'il tlioin lo convoy lo tho Government ul I'ekiu the wish of the United Statos to uultivnto tho closest' relations of friendship nud commuruo, look ing to tho opening of extended reciprocal mnrilimo roltttiotin with the two countries. Secretary Kvnrlt Raid that with thin tronty iu full force a fow yoars will develop tho fact that oiiO'tliird of thu cereal prodiiotn of tho groat West, whioh now find their wny to other mnrketH, will ho engorly sought for in China, nud that iiiHtond of I'higlund maintaining control of tho China tr.idc, nn sho doon to-dny, tho United slates will be come her most formidable comiiolilor. Yokohama, Novombor 8th. His Mxcol lonoy Hnnnhumi, ilnpnuoso Arinistor Jtcsi dont for Coroa, is to lifavo for that country no or about tho lfith instant. The Coroau Government nl lougtli appears to bo some what noxious ns to tho future of their country. A lottor rccontly rccoivod iu Japan from Coron states Hint tho loading momhors of tho Kmbnssy which rccontly visited Japan hold n great council in tho cnpital on the Gilt of October, at which up ward of eighty high dignntnrics of Stnto nttondod. Tho subjects for discussion woro tho desirability or othgrwiso of restricting tho prcsont intercourse botweon Coroa nnd Inpan, improving tho .National Army, nud entering tho comity of Asinlic States. Tho rosult of tho deliberation is not mentioned. Uonokono, Novombor 4lh. Tho West ern Empress, it is snid, has docidod that nil tlioso who nro in favor of wnr with Russia should sign a document guaranteeing that if China should loso, tho subscribers will pay nil tho indemnity that mny bo psyablo by Chinn to llussin, since Ilin Majosty is not of ngo, and thoy are but two women, nml would not tnko tho responsibility of declaring wnr ngniust llussin. This docu ment is said to liavo bcou sont first for sig uaturo to Li UungiOhang, Grand Secre tary nnd Somor Gunrtuan of tho bmporor, nud nlso ns tho principal Grnndco, nud ho, nftor consulting with his principal ollicers, declared in favor of peace. At n rocont grand council of tho Wostorn Empress ,tb.o Princess nnd tho Senior mom bors of tho Six Boards, ns well ns Chung How, nttondod, and it is stated that it wns agreed thnt nrbitration b& resorted to for tho sottlomont of tho Livndin Tronty quest ion, ouo of tho foreign Ministers on ono side nud Li Hung Chang uu tho othor. ED. C. ROWE, Home anil Sluu Paiiitor, Pnpnr Hnngor, &c 7(0 1) Xu HIKort Hlreet. llimoliilii. s xin:o. II. WAVIliN, LlTt Janioh, Oblkn X Co.J iMrOBTER AND COMMISSION UEBCHANT, au Aaciit ron l.hiyil'annd tho Uverpool Underwrllera, llrlll.h nud Foreign Mnrino In.uruncu Company, anil Northern Aa.nraiicoCimipiiny. uTtO ly OASTl.i; Ai HATCH, dflLti'tonioyisi vt Tjcxw. W. IU CAHn.r., Notary Public, nttcml ull tho C'uurln of tliA Hlugdom. rnrtlculnr attention puld to llio ntBollallnii of I jib ns, LVuM-yancIng, Collecllnc, etc, OB" Money lo lunu on MorlSKR. . . ortlcu: No, IS Kanliiimmiuatret, Honolulu, Hawaiian I.Unila. 7l ly IIOI.I.INTIIIt V tUO., l)rvggltt Aiolhttartt, Importers of Tobacco nnd Cigars, Manufnclnrere of Hmln Water, Acciita for 1'. I.vrlllard & Co' Tin Tur; W. H. Klmlinll & C'n'n Viiully l'ulr; miilOomlwIu .tUu'iUM Judge, Tobuccoa and UlKiircllea. 810 .M S3 Numum Slrff I. Honolulu, ly i. W. DUCrAULAilillA; CO.. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION KEBOHANTS, Itobliiiou'a I'lropioof llulldlni;, QuecnStroct, Honolulu, 11,1. lacNin ros Tht (lU.gow ami Honolulu Line of Packet!. Juliu Kay .t C.i'. I,lerwl aud I.omlou 1'ackela. Tha Walkapil Plaiilatloii, Tlm Spoiicor IManUlloii, llllo, lUkalau I'Untallon, llllo. lrrlee, T.H t Wation, fugar Macldntry. Tha I'nultM Slioap Itiiucli Ooiiiiny. 7W a.K.OAITLK. J. n. ATHHIU0.1 CANTI.I'. v iiooui;. BUirPISO AND COMMISSION MERCHAHT8, IMI'OIITKIIS AND Dealers in Conoral Morchandlso, No. b0 Kiug Street, IIuuolulu.Hawallau Ulauda. .,., AOKNTS V0II .... The Union Ininrance Cotuptuy of San Francisco. The New H'ljliuil Mutual l.lfa Insurance Company, lUnlvn. TlnsOrezou Packet Line. The llohU I'l.nlalluli, Tha Haiku Plantation, lir.Jayuo A doii'aCvleurated UliMlettiej. aiaiua I'laniaiion, llauuku PlautalloD. IVheelee A Wllion'a Sawing1 Machines, liw iy) iiy.uai-; 1IIIUN., Importers of General Merchandise I'UOM FltANOE,ENaLANl), aJSKMAM', AND UNITED STATES, No. IU MucUtnl Street, . Honolulu, II. I, IIYMAX UKON.. WHOLESALE GR00ERS, SlOaudSlS California Street, NAN r MAN IIINIIO, fST Particular attention paid to fllllux and ahlpplns Iiland orJera. WU 17 1000 GALLONS OF SPERM OIL. rivitt 1M Hi; ah rit'i.t; or Hun oil j rr J. on h"io from Iho "Tronic HlrC" Tho Oil la ,tr lined, aud lo it ckar and nuuv ua water. For alo by i j i JIUl.l.l.q a. vv. .1. M. DAVIDSON, Attiii'iiny ntul Uiiiiiipinllor ut I.nw, I Jlfn limit lit , llmirilnlti, II I j I'.DWAllI) l'UITON, Atlornny mill Coiiiuidlor nt, Ijr Ml I'ml Hlrrrl llniidlnln I " mum, i). ii. oniPPiN," inn t'.itl hi , tlmioliilii I'i1ilonii1iln rilllliinrj mill IDrnn Mnlinr. I Nrw (IimhI. nml Hljli rcMlnil frry inonlli j DR. N. II. r.MKUSON, If A'fKXCJXVrW AWW MU IIUMOW Olllrnntllr llnirninlili'ii Ilfini lltnrr, 31 Mctrlinnl Ht HrtiilKiiri, ruriipr linknl nml I'nrl lrr I (tlinnM Ktnrr pci'inl.i) llillcn limirn tllull M.Uinli'.M II llm .1. NOT!' & CO., ImiiuHnr mill DuiiIom III HIovm, Ilmiicrn, .Mc'Ul., Iloiian I'cniil.lilnv' (ln'iila, I'rucUi iy, (linn nml Chinn Wnrn. mriiriu ,mcci niiica, iiiiimiiini, II. i. I Iy A. W. ltlOHAUDSON Sc CO., l!tl'iiliTi:it M li imAI.Klin IN lliuiln, Hliora, Kiitiil.lilnit Omnia, llnla, I 'it p., Trunk', Vnllnfo, I'l'tfiiuiry nnil Nimii, Wnlllmni Wnlrlm., l'lnn .li'wi'lty, etc., riirimr (if Vint nml .Mti Imnl Hl., Ilnimliilii,ir, I. I Iy M. DICKSON, P)iotKnpliio Arllnt, H nml 101 lfrl I'lflnri'. nf nil aire nml klinta innrin In onlitr, nml I'mnii'. of nil ilrixTllitl'ili" rnii.lmilly on linml, Al.'i, Hlii'lla, t'nrnl, nml (.iirl'ialllca nf llm I'm inn. 'J Iy Jj. W. IIOPI " Culilnnt Mnlinr, UplmUloror, Dnnler In Fiiriilturo, No. hH Kins Hlrri't, l"twcon Minmiiii nnd I'nrl Hlrcula. Atntlrrmi'H ron.lniitly nn linml or nimlii lo nnlcr. iMy THO.S. O. TIIIIUM, Importing mill Mmnirnnttirlnj' Sfjtlonnr. Nnwfi Ai;ant, Uoolt Illmlnr, &o., Mfrcliniit Httirl, nml Denier In l'lnn Hlnlliinrry, llnokn,, Tnyn nml I'nncy (IikmIb, I I'nrl Hired, iii'iir Hold, IIiiiioIiiIii, Iy w. m. wtNNrit. joiin HWKNKnr., WENNEU 8c CO., I'nrt Hlrrel, iip.iml(.i (Mil 1'e.llown' Hall, Mmiuriifitiii'lni; Jownlnrn, Dlimiond Snttnra, Kmirnveri., nml llenlern In .Icwclty nf nil IJinla, Hliell nml Kuktil .lewelry ininln In mrter, Orilern nlmi riv relvetl nml fnlllifiiMy iillemleil In fur nil kluiln of 1 1 ill r Work In Jewelry nr .Menmrlnl llralKiia. I Iy D. W. GliARK, "Wutoli Multor mnl .Towolor, Dii'iiiiTKiinr Vtl(ttim ami all oilier Amrrlnnn Walchcn, Ulovkn anil Jewel)'!. Wnlch Uctmlrlni! iiimli! n Htieclnltv. . . ".,. ...... ,. . iy iMii. u .lerni'iiii rurnci, iinnoiniii. FRANK GERTZ, fimSj BOOT AND SH OE Nl A KER No. SI .Merchant Ht., next In Thou. (I. Thrum. Ilitolx mill Mlioei .11 i 1 1 o til Onler, of Ilfnt IWn (erliil.iiiul lit Iti'MMiuiltlfl I'rlrrs. Boots and Shooo mnclo for Cash only M. S. GRINDATJM & CO., Importom nml Whnloaln Doulom lu Ooim- rnl MnrolimiillNO, 2 Jlnkcc'n lllock, (Jiiecn Hired, ly M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Forwarding mnl CoiuiiiIhsIoii Mnrohnntn, Sit California Hl.,Hnn I'mnclrcn. Heclnl fncllltlea for nnd pnrllralnr nttcnllon paid to 2 coiinliiiiliiontn nf lalinil produce. ly T. J. MOSSMAN, Imporlnr ami Donlor In Crooltory, l'laln nml Decnrnlml l'oreelnln. On' nnd I'renf eil (Unas, Hiker l'lnleil Ware, (Jullery, C'luuulclk'rc, I.ampi, Olilmnrrii, I'.tc. l'lru Proof More, cor. Kliif nml Niumnii His., Honolulu. - J y E, COOKiWEBB.M. D., Homoopnlhlst, (1Mb Chief of SUiff llnmeiMiathlc Ilo.pttnl. Wnrd'8 Inlnml, N. y.) Oftlco 0 Kort Hired. Hpcclnl attention to dlcnea uf women nml children. Olllco lmnrH Until 10 a.m. 3 to I P.M. Sly O. HEIIEI.KKN. (I. r.SUl.lHO. G. SEGEI.KEN & CO., No. 5 Xiiumiii Htrect, Tlnnmttlm nml Plnmliorn, Donlnrs in Stoves, llatiRea, Tin, Sheet Iron mid Coppi r Ware, keep con rlnntly on luiiiil a full nanrliuent of Tlnuaru, Oiilvnn lA'd Iron nml Lead Pipe, India Uulibcr lloie, ic, &c. yiy A. I.. SMITH, 'II rortT BTItKKT, IMI'OIITKU ANIIIIRALKnlN Merldcn Qu.idrupln Plated Ware, (IIiipsuiuc, KliiR'a Coniblniitiun Hpectnclen and ive (llmffeH, llrncketa, Vnicn, I.'i.trnl Wlm Ware, 1'micy Hnni s, Plcturo VrameK, Wo.tenholmV Pockit Knlvc, Hclf.ore, l'ia lols. Powder, Hhol nnd Ammnnltlon, Clnrk'a Hpool Cotton, Jlachlno OH. nil kinds of -Mnchlno Ncedlea, "DonieHtlc" Paper Kii.hlnna, Hole Aeut for luu nnl veranlly nckuouledeil IilRbt Running Domcntio Sowing Machine. it. E. VIIITKV. J. w, UOnEnTBOK WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, (Successor to II, .M. Whitney) Stationers, Puulinhors, Now Sealers and Book-Binders. 1 Merchant Hlreet, Honolulu, II. I. 1y THE HONOLULU BOOK-BINDERY DOES BINDINO OF ALL DESCRIPII0NB. The work executed nt Ihls eatuldlaliment la under the supervision of Mil. JOHN J,. ItKHa.wlio i noil known nn nu experienced workman, und cannot bt ntriatttl. WOKK 1IIIM! AT llli: LUWCIT IIATK. leiiimvev .. iimimirunK. Hlntloners, Pnlillshers, Nc l)encre and Hook Illndcrs. lly HONOLtTIsU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE it. BROTHER,. Proprietors, NUUANU SltEKT. l'llot, Jtcillum nnd Navy Ilrend always on liand nnd inadn In order Also, Water, Hoda and lluttcr Ornck era, Jenny 1,1ml Cnkcp, Ae. Ship llrrnil ro-luikril on tho aliortest notice, l'amlly lireau, ninucoi ino iieaiciour, oaKeu iiniiyaim aiwnya on hand. N. . Ilrown llri'iul n r llm licit Itunllly SJy citATiat or or uii.awka, W. II. 17ENTZ, MANAGER. Plenty tn eal, a ronainir lire, clean bed, nnd tlio beat utieiiiianco on ine iinnauan lainuua. Vlaltor reipiirlni: any unusual ilia iv umiaual it an ay nr volcanic action will kindly clui Maiincer nt leapt ten days notice lu lluu weather, and from eleM-n to thirteen In foul. 5 ly TIION. v 'I'll uim, JUI'OIITINII ANI UANUPiCTUIllMI STATIONEB.NEWa A0ENT, EOOK-BINDEtt AHD PAPER RULEB, Merchant SI. near I'orl, aud furl Hi. near Hotel, Honolulu Oaliu. II. I. Also, l'lihllthrr of the llawalhn Almanac and Annual, and llnuralliii lilrrctory mil Cal'iidar, .Ic, Ac. The Merchant .Heel Htnre will le davoleil to (Initial bla. Ilonery, 111 ink llooki, News and Htmllng lieparlments. 'I he Port alrt-e etore will emhracu Fluo stationary. Hook., ArlUl.' Mterlila. Toys aud r'aiic) lola. 783 ly BISHOP & 00., IIONOI.UI.U, till IIAAVAIIAN INLANDHI . . HIIAW l'.XOHANOK ON...... HIE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, : : : : SAN FRANCISCO iD TUMI 1UINTI l New York, lloalon, I'nrla, Aucklnnil, THE ORIENTAI BANK CORPORATION, : : : L0N00N AKD TUIla IIUJCUIIIK lloni; Kuiiki Myilney, and llelbouruc, An-I Iranaact aOaneral Uanklnar llualncaa,. S7 ly v. ;. ;oi.r.:uAN. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST lltirao NlHH-liikr, CnrrliiKti Work, l'jiilnllua Muclilurrjr, Ac. w Klion on King Street, next CnalliTj; t'twiko'a. ly THOMAS TANNATT. (No. SI Fori Street, oppo.lle K. U. Hall & fun. Wutolioa, Clocks. Jowclry aad Miuio Boxe rorSalo. Or carefully repaired In a workmanlike manner. t!rra from Iho other lalanda promptly attended to. TcH ly FIONESR STEAM Candy Manufactory and akary ar. xxof.Ta7, Prctlcl Confectioner, Paltry Cook tad Btktr, BIS 71 Hotel treet, between Nuuanuaud Fort. Sly i ....I ii i c OFFKK-OIil) KONA COVFKE. ll for iJle by HOLLUS A Cu HONOLULU, M. L, SATlfllDAy, JMLovolxtxxxt Tailor. Jo W". niH'nrtHt ,lif.iw lir nlaiiinwiilil. Iy 1IIGOIN8 Ik JJ'JiHKrr, N.i, MlnmlMKInitllt., 4J4)CiiitIii(o Iliillilnn, TilniJ l.J.fcr Jrl23ci?ion,( 'ii i I ,!, Vnrnlftlinr nSSa Allklnilanf llpitlrln nllenilei) In. nnd unml wnrk uiinrauleeil. nl liw Hull a H Iy 'l'IIO.H.N I , Mill, MAOlICISrXS T. JVti. 10 I'ori, Q Q ulll nllrn.l n nil nrili-rn In llm jr( LOCK, HUM X GENERAL REPAIR LINE. Iln will itlvi M'tIiI Rllciillnh Iii ilemiliiK, re-palrlliK nn.f reKiiUtliitf Hewliin Mmlilne., nml nil ntlier ainitatir Until Mm lilnery mnl .Mitlil Wiirk f every ilcacrliillmi, ItMckainHliInK, fin. Aln, nn Imlnl niit pir antn rlienp, AVarioty of Sowing Maohincs 4111114. I'IhIiiIh, filiol, Alilllilllillllill, XVXncliino Oil, OTccdlcs, Ac, Ac, Ac. , Hewlim Mnelilnn Tiiekem, IIIiiiIom, nnil nil ntder enirn nml ilnillen(ii purl, nr ni.ohlnM mippllnl ml uliorl nnllcu, 4i- IU nt MrlilliiTwll,-no , , . fiolt Apni in thli Klnyilon nr Tho I'lnreneeHeivliiK .Mn.ililne, froin 1 10 la 110. Wlill.iHewlmtMiiililiie. rriim (H lnt7A, HiMiiiiflliilKliiHimliiU Mm lilllv, fioni (11 to lll. Itrr Inelll.llllK nil elMl W)1 Ijr t iiavi: ii:'iiitici a FIRST -GLASS HORSE -SIIOER tjO.' Ami nin irinrnl to rnrry on Cti In llrnnrli my limine In n mnidinr Mntln- fnelory t my I'lilronn. OWNERS OFFINE STOCK Will do woll to give mo a Call. Hoi-bos sont to my King St. Shop Will bom'ttiilli iittondrd to. wl "" C. WEST. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL. A I.I. AM lli::tl!!:ilT, l'ii.rlelor. ir - jfeistew ivw, usu-cUiA: 1IOTKI. HTHUKT, IIONOI.UI.U. Kntrnncos on Hotel, Illchurdu, and Ilerclaida Htreele FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. .lrlcca tli pamo as Klrat-Cla.B Hotel In Han Franclaco. " mi fa SPECIAL NOTICE. HAVKG S15CUUH1) TJTH SKK Wcia of the ncll.knrmn 'UriIOI.HTl'.IIBU and DltAPBll, )lll. J. .MAIUNIIUUK. llm nnlv ilnt-clasn Upholaterer III the Kingdom Outo of Han I'rnnclaco), I am prepared to do all klndx of TJPECOXiSTEH TTVCa-,' In tho Latest ami Heat Hlyle. WOKS WS&ilVTED Call nml Sco our l-ATK.vr iioinr.iiH, III! II IAIU.M1E.S, NOFA j1KII, AC JJ.Tl. Mr. SI. haa aclecteilaflnn lot of Upholalerlnc (looda, Parlor Heta nnd I.ounsep, Chairs, Ac, of tho latest ptvlep, which have Jut arrived from Ban Fran claco. I hnro also pint recched, ft new lot of Tho Latest Styles of Furniture ! rllNlmtV MIAIIKS, l'lAKO ANIt TAni.F. COVERS, iit:ruiti: conn, kaum, etc. All of which will lie for tale cticnp. It will pay you to call nt .Vn. II I l'ort Htreet nud examine the Uomls le forcpurclualui; cltcuhero. S C. K. WILLIASIS. MRS. POOLE'S PARISIAN AND AMEKI0AN DRESS MAKING ROOMS Corner Fort and Hotel Sts., Up Stairs. Mns. rooTjH vounD kkspkct l'ULLY call thu attention of I.tullcs to her very Superior System of Measuring and Cutting, Which cannot fall lo glvo Ilia ncrcaaary ease aud sraco so vaaetitlal lu tUtinc uvtry llure. SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN TO Mourning, Wedding and Traveling Suits. LADIES' ItlDINQ IIA1UTS A SPECIALTY. I .it cat Parisian and oilier lending l'a.lilon l'ulilka. tlona on hand for cuitomera' rcftreuce. frOrilera from thu other IaUndau 111 recelvo prompt allcntlon. I baj ly qr HAWAIIAN Furniture Manufactory J. H. BRUNS, JR., IMANUfACTL'IU; AIL KIM DF FDRMTURB. ANII AT THE LOWEST PRICES) :f xj hist t xj i si AI.WAYH ON UAXD. ANB ORDERS FILLED AT SHORTEST NOTICE XHS FORNIT0BK IS ,V11 abXamcle lay 3MCt.olxlnsrar AND OP TIIK BEST SEASONED STUFF, AMD NO Pains will be Spared TO GIVE SAW ACTION TO IU OUtTOIHU VpkotelartataT Cafflns Alwaya wn Hand. 713 TCAtaANU KK.ai4 7 yK fflh !K'fJAiii.-,'!mW:'-iIK 1 mfKSWS imf; vr-jjr?' v ?z-n )'' aiar"- V30i Prams. J)lfiOlfiMBKU 25, 1880, THE LIVERPOOL 8, LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. I'.alnlltlalio.l IKT0. Unllmltod T.ltil.lllty In Htor.ltlinldnrn. Al ,,, , .,,,, ,, 1l.f.,ljn Id. me,,., iOMljrt) Inroinn tur l7U u 1'rrmlnriin rcrelxil nfmr ilnlnrilnn of re'ln- mirniim ... J a.Vipn l.oi.ea promplly mljnate.1 nnd pnld Imp, I 3m IIINIKil A 'i AneiiU. JjJ TIB MAN'S (fND IneurancojCompariy. A Loading Homo Company. AMa,.!mm,-Vtl , ,.,.,,..,.. .tTr,7,W.I7 Aildlllonal Unali Capllnl (now lielnjf rnlled In) m),Uit.ln Tolnl Aiae , , gl, ryilK KlltKMA'N'H KIWI) INHiril- .1. A.VCi: (;O.MPANV Imala II. tlalma to Mm le,t imlrnnnKiiiipon Haaiiiiml (Inn rielnlionilttloti.rrfn furred '.. .ernlnii of rnplul. jfllni It orer n inllllou ilollnia In naaela) It rlli'li.lvn ayalem of Acenrlea, ln aiirliiK llnlnrRnpreinlmii Income, mIUi.miI Mm ri'cea. ally of lirniry coiicentrallon of llneat Ha mlherenco In llm lie. I prlnelplea nnd prnclleea of llndernrlllnxt hy open, Mir nml rleaily etpreaaeil conlraria, nml prninpl nnd eijiillnliln ndjii.tmriil arid payment of ejllmatn lo.aea. I'or .eyenteen renra It lina lieen fnvornldy known n a rnnawAtlvo niiilerwrller, nnd diirliiK Ulna ho. paid orcr 4,000,000 IN LOSSES, I'aatlnR triumphantly Ihrouxli tlio lienrlofit toiiflxra. lloua known In mod'rn Idatory, IIIMIOI A. Co., Aw"", I Hm Honolulu, II. I. Floston Hnaril of (InilcrHrlttrs. A OI'.HTN for tlm llitwnllnii InlntuU, J Ml-lj O. llllKWI'.lt A CO. I'lillailclplila Itonrd of lliiilcrwrllcrs. AtlKNTN for tlio llawnllaii lalmwla, VH-iy U. llltKWI'.ll .fc CO. '. a. h;iiai:i'i:ii. AdKNT nrilreinen llnnrit of UuilerMTllera, AkhiI of lltMlpu llonid of Undnrorllrra, Aiient of Vlnnna llmnl of Uiitlcrorlttra. Clalma ajtnln.t Iii.uranrnComtril.'i nltldn tha Jnrla.llcllon oftliealKivn lloanlaof IJielprwrlleri, wlllliavo tootcertl flwl lo hy th ahoriagpnl lo make tlieni valid. TV) ly iIV.iiiiiiikJii-iiicimii: FIRE IN8UEANOE COMPANY. f1lll: TJNII'.UHlnM';i ImvInK hern np- JL pilntel ARcrita of tha nliove Company, am prppar..! tolii.uroil.kaniipln.lflre, on HIoiipmi.I llrlck llnllil lnf;a. nml on lernliniiillno .lorel lli.relii, oi Ilia moat f iv.irnMe tarim. for partlculara aiiply at Hie ndice nl 7W ly V. A. HCIIAKKKIl CO. THANH -ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP IIAMIIIIIKl. Capital : : : Six Millions llcichtmtirk. KINIlrl INIIIIi;i O.V IIIIII.DI.V.iH, Aflllt . charidlao and rurnlturo, oh llh-ral terniB, hv iTM ly II. IIACICFKM) A ,()., Aeenta. HAMBURC-MACDEBURC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP IIAMIIUIKI. WiiiMiiMiri. .Mi:n:iiAMnsr:. iiiii.m. TIIUKiiimI Machinery Insured Mfnlniit rireou tho moat f.ivomMo terma. A. JAEGER. Agent for Iho Hawaiian lalanda. l ly Insurance Notice. rpur. '.mii:iinhim:ii a in: iiiKiAnKi M. tn wrlto upon Merchandise, per flrat-claaa veieola between thin and tho Coant Porta, covering loaa or ilamniie, If nmnunllni; to III per cent, or more, on the pound value of the whole elilpment at port of delivery , upon fnvoralilo terma. IHSIIOI & Co. Agenla of tho I'lremen'a I'und Iuauranco Company. Honolulu. Jan. 80. 1H), tol 3in Insurance Notice. THIS AGIiNT FOR TIIK IIIIITIHH For eign Marine In.uraneo Compiny, (Limited), haa re ceived instructions to reilnco (he rutca of liiiiiraocn between Honolulu and Porta in tha Pacific, and la now pro pjtred In i.auo Policies nt the lowest rites, with uaeclal reduction on freight per iteamern. THRO. II. DAYIKR. ly M Agent llrlt. For. Mar. Ins. Co.. Limited UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAN PIIANCIHVO, 3VZn.x-lzi.o. IKOOHPOKATBD, 1868 CASTLE & COOKE, ACENTS 819 Far the llawmllitn lalmnla. ly Rhonish Wostphnlian Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, Ol' M. I.AIHIACIf. llboulaU I'rnooiit. Aachen and Leipzig Insurance Co., Limited, OF AAVIU'.X. (AIX.I.A.fll.tPKI.I.K.) AI.I. ri.Ai.its ron rAiiTicui.An avi:iu AUK foistilned by tlooda nrrlvlne here, and Insured In tuo above Companlca, hav lo ho made with the cos nlzanco of and certified to by tho underaisned. In order to be valid. (133 ly) J. C. (II.AIIK. A lent. GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. 1' o ifru N A General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. milK ABOVE INMIHAXCF. COMPAXIKM X have catubllshcil a General Asency here, and the nnder.lsiied, (leneral Ageuta, nreauthoilzcd to take lllakM nKaluatlbo lHii(tcror llio He.ial Ike oat Kenaoiinbln llnten, aud on Ike Mual Fnvornble Terms. 815 ly F. A. faOHAEFEIt A CO., General Accnta. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capita!, Five Millions Reiclisaark. rpur. iNnKKMiiiNt: havinu iikkn JL appointed Audita for the above Company, aro now ready In lauol'llricnnllit RUkNori'lreon Hollil Iuk, McrcltaiiilliMi mill t'lirnlluret on terma equal tolboie of other respectable companlea. paid for and adluateil here. i'or partfculara, appl; 71 II. HAOKfl'.t.l to A Co.. Acenta. NORTH BRITISH AND MEBCAHTILE INSURANCE CO., OV I.U.1UUN AND KUINUUUail. KSTADUKIIKD 1S00. CAPITAL. Arcumulisteil and Invested Fund. ,tt3N,H8 riliiK n.nKUHin.Ki iiavk iikek a p. M. I'OINTltll AllKNTi for Ihs Sandwich Islands, sad are autliorlied to Insure agtintt rlio uion Uvorable tsrioi, ItliVs taken Inanj part of the Islands on Stone and U'uoJan Uull'tinaa and inerabsuill.e alonl thertln, Dwelllar. and furulture. Timber, Coala, tihlpt in harbor with or with eul cartcoaa, or uuder repair. 01 ly Kn. HarFiCIfLAKdtKACO TUB New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF BOSTON, MASS I Nil OKI uk Art: ii, is a a. 7i OUUtt Partly Mutual IJe Insurance the United States. Policies Hmed oa tha most favorable Ttroi. Esmuple or ffou.rorrriluraa llaa, iS8ur.KD.Aat;, hs YEAU-oiinixAiir liib rus I Annual premium conllaur.l'ullij 3 j.ars lli)i i Annual prtnituei eouliuues Poller I II iUjs 3 Anuual premium continues Puller Ars!7 ilars I Anuual premium continues Pulltj a r.'ia 14 ;. t Anuual preuilumcoolluuae plly 10 years 14 dsrs jkmQtm. i 5xa,aoo,oooi Umm rsUd UarBcU llaatjlalaa Ageucjr, t4000 CAtTLV h COOKE, AJilNTt III rot THE IIAWAIIAa.IH.AMUa. Ir Haw ZUb4 VaUttMt. niiirraa sealaebia, a iu mt m nf New Cron. last received. - l4 rwr oisi uj sivs.i.0 m vv. vtrj mmmi n. uuin I " yT WILDER A CO.. AkoiiIx for Hie llnirnllnii lalnnils, -OC Till'. Miitunl Lilb Insurance Go. OI' WI'.W VOIIH, Lnrfjont, Onfoot nnd Mont ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD ! Assets ()H0). $90, 000,000 Now is a Good Timo to Innuro Hon bul Flrit-Clau Itliki Taken, nu- Hi. INTO DE3 3NT C3H 1ST 33 Hlioilld Im without Hm far-famed American Cylinder Cup 0 which over Ten Tliouaand ara In na, THE AMERICAN la tlm only LUBRICATOR IN THE WORLO That rsi, lie relied npon, A .MI IH WAKKAKTKII To perform All that li Claimed For It. A rerlaln nnmlier of ilmpa per minute or p'r hour (vl.lhlo in Ihn eyej.wlll VeepjoiirUyllnder lulirlraiiil, (The old alylo of ciipa do not feed It will pay for llaelf In fori every lo inoulha; In oil every reveii to ten month.; In wear, paeklniE and lalnir wry four tnonlha. The aliove, nl.o (,'upa for Hhaft HearliiKP. Oyllnder Oil and I,iilirlralliii;('oinpouud may ho had of Hie Ayenla, DII.MNOIIAM & CO. wn on rn CALIFORNIA runiilure Jtlaimfactiiring Company HAN rilAMJIHCO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS AXjXj X303rBIC3IXiaPTIO3Xrj3 household Furniture PARTIES IN HONOLULU Or other part of the lalanda, DESIRING FURNITURE CAN UAVK TIIKIH Orders Filled at Lowest Rates lly iipll.att.m lo Mr. K I. ADAMH, Queen gtreel, woo haiour llcacrlpllvu Cetaloguo with Prices. ON HAND AT THE STORE OF L W. HOPP hu NTitKirr, Black Walnut Bedroom Sets, muck Walnut Sldcbonrdg, Jilnck Walnut DiniiiE Chnin, Oak Cane Heat liining C'balic, Cedar Ocdroom Ncti. E. P. ADAMS, AGENT FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS 621 3rn CHALMERS-SPENCE AIR SPACE,' AND FOWLEU'S YUCCA BOILER COVERING Ptentod Jananry 19, 1866. Has been victorious orcr all other derlcea for corerln? bollcraulth which Ifliaa been brought Into competi tion, both In Kuropo and America, for the pa.t tvrelro yeara. Kndoraed by the ScUitflflc Aim rican and Lowlon Knglnurlnrj evcryithero na bcln? Iho beat Nonon doctor, the moat Itcllablc. the most Economical. THE ATR 8FAOEI. The "Air Spaco" tlaa mechanical derlce. The old method of corerin; boiler, ettam and other hot pipes, wa, to smcir a coaling of plaiternrcr the Imllera and pipes, and directly in contact with the hot surface.. Common avnaa teaches thai any compound thus applied will tuon haro tho Ufa burnt out of 11, and that the ex. panalou and contraction of Ibe melal over which it li smeared, will cause It lo loosen and crack, lo that It vrlll, after n lime, fall off. Ucsldes this, experience baa prored that the lime and other compcunda used for this pnrpoac, when applied direct to the boiler surfaces, corrodea lliir.bollcrs ao aa to greatly injure them, ThoAIr Spacoserreaa twivfold purpose; Brat It pro vides a alratum of air entirely around the boiler, which Is the beit known non-cmiductor of heat, tiecond. It Erorldes a surface which is entirely Independent of the oiler anrface upon which the corerini compound Is placed, and this surface belns formed of wire cloth of Si-Inch mesh, fumlthc a aplcndld means of cllnchlne or fasteuins the compound around the boiler. The wire space Is supported at the apace of an inch or more from tho Iiollcr or hot pipe by metal stud placed close together, so tliat the expansion or contraction of the bol)cr or pipes arouud which It Is placed will not af fect the outxldo covering, because the atud allows a euiUclcut movement without dlitnrblns the surround. Ins lre and cover Experience and practical tests have demonstrated beyond a doubt that the radiation of beat from a boiler nrrtiunded bv tho"AlrSDace "and Its covei.u?.ls lea than that from a holier covered with any of the other well known boiler corcrluj;s; consequently there Is a greater saving nf fuel. In proof of what Is said about the superiority of the Chaluicrs-Spviico Air Space, see StitntlXt AMtrican, Dee. 1, 1b7, and loiulon Jlnyliu4rta, July U, Ib77. (). a. FOWLUU, Solo Owner for I'atlflc Coast. H. HACKFELO A CO Agents, 3-2 Honolulu. GrXM.&,'sr&, Jelly, MANUFACTUHED OK REFINED A. NO. 1 SUGAB BV Pratical Confectioner I. Pastry Cook XI JX. JD Xt. TT Pioneer Steam Candy, Factory Lemon and Tunarind lyiopi alwaya oa haal T , tyi ct rxxLm l'at up In A.'o. t nelntd Su;irs, hl;hly recommended for See, vojijes. American, French, English and QemAa FutriM Made to Order at short Notice Wedding Cakes Ornament In the blshest Sljle or Art. IUch fresh home made ChocoliteCreims, Cocoannl and o ' Cream Candles. Ea. 71 Hatal Mlract b, ) ! Far g lr gr hip Chandlery. AUHUK AtUMKTMKST, IC.CEI Cordage. Hemp and Manila, Couon Duck, lleup I'aovas. FUx CaaraJ, Vlax Hall Twine. Cotton Ball Twin, lllock.. Osra, llul Hoops, Jib llanavs, KfctLal BY THE LATEST ARRIVALS IMim flAJ rilA5 !). "AJtt UAVK ItKf'KIVKI) A IMIIOK. VV ad'llllon tinnr former lftfc of fihlprtundlpfy, llhlp Mlnf.i, Proililoni, At, Ac,hUh gltea n. IM Orcatcot AnBortmont of Ooodo Kept on It.. Iilandf , all nf whl'li ttlll U (old it Ihi liweal Market l'ilra, a ntnal. Oar fflenda and llm "!S.Xti'tHr r ifipetlfnlly lnll't l eiamlno. i nnM.nn a no. 1'AINTH AN!) OILS. ATf.!TIC MIAII l.t fACllAliffir ITIt l'Mli .Ine Wlill t, IMIe.1 1'alrit (Ml In Inlk r.d In Knllon .Iramt, A fallaiitOTlm'nl fancy Color Palrm. ' '" IIOM.KM A CO. LIJIIIUOATINM OILS. SIRMM Olf, . A.f V IUITITr Ritlrr4t.' . Ca.P.r (JII.nd5iallon Iln.. nOLLBrlACO. -.VIltK HIOOINO. Sir.iJi rn)i iimjii iu m'iiM. ron Halt t.y IHfll.l.KH A CO. MANILA CO It DA UK. a rirr.i. AMoitTm:air otr ntw.r.n mon jm an : thread lo lire Inch J (Hi IHM.I.r.M & CO. JIKMI'COItDAOK. AND HOLT ROI'B. A 5 AHHnir:tr.HT or ntxrjt mon a i-a Inch tol In.h Aim, Hp'inyirn, H'UInf, lUDIn, lloH.ellne, ilarllne, llmmdlnj:, Ac nil nOM.EM ft CO. IJI.OUKH AND MAST HOOfS. PATKMT WO ITRri'K HIAH'Um, MeUllle Iron Mrpp"l Hloeka, Tatent llualilnir. Plain Umbilici fill aaaotlmrnt of alr. a UU JtlOI.I.BM ft CO. UHOUKitlKS. I;-Ainniirr i.amo in rittn. n a mt. 1 paeli. Iliiller In Jara and Kera. Coe. .'a.a A..orpil Tahlo I'rulta, Canned Meal., Jama and J'lll'a, Honey In fllaaa, I'lcrlra Kp of I'l.kl'., Vej;ptahla, llewa of J'l J'ork for family n.e, Hafa of Co(T-, and Caddlea of Finest Tea, Mardlnea In fr and hf lioiea , vrrmirrin, iatcaroui, uracaera in vaneir. vnrni nnrar , Keg Hajftr. noi.i.r.n tiixj. I1KKA1). SXtAUtK IIRKAD tit VAHM AMU WmXWM. medium lrted, Hwlt Crackera In ca.ea, Hod Crack era In lioica and Tlii, Jnmhlta. Ilatiaoa Cakra, Ac, Ac. h flOJ.MJB ft CO. r. HI7 EXTUA MKSSJIKKF. Ann KAirKKiv kxtma pkimb rnmc for Hale hy IIOLI.EB ft CO I BID IIAMSAN1JHACON. JlrtT AT II A .HO. I'or Kale by 3 HIS ' I10I.LEH ft CO EXPECTED. Pkr i:iih:ha ro ARRivr, A.t tlonil Htock of Ocneral Slerchandl.e. ADM t bPJ IMJLI.KH ft CO. POTATOES AND ONIONS. r.::i villi i'i:it .'irr or hkw tork, Jlav i ' the PI licit I.t In the Market. 2 81ft . WJM.KS A CO. GOLDEN GATE KLOUIl. llAKIlll'n KXTHA. KXTMA FAMILT IK M J nnarterand half licka, Kldorado flour In quarter parka. Corn ileal. Oat Meal. Cracked Wlieit In 10 lb has, received direct from the Jlllla every month, and warranted ftetb, and of llio tw at ouallly. S tH nolXKU ft CO. LIMK. tgdnnnr.iM rittviii ;TvFt.F Mine Juat received. SI CALIFORNIA UOLI.KH 4 CO PIONEER LiINE FROM LIVERPOOL. THEO. H. DAVIES OFFEBN TOM. HALE or CITY OF MADRID AND 0I1ER0N, (10S Oasrsi Paastsssre) JTJ8T TO ttLJl.NI Conilitin-of thcmoil asiortment of DRY GOODS & CLOTHING O.ilranizcd Iron Roofing nn4 Fence 'Wire, l'ortlnnd Cement (WUito'n), Fire Ilriclu, Dine Mottled Soap, Best Welch Btcnra Coal, Galvnnitcd Iron Ware, fvuldlery, 3 pair Jlirrlc-, Tait &. WaUon's ContrifaraU, Wines, Uquorg, ic tc. eta. AtBO To Arrive per LIZZIE IBEDALE DUK 1ST DECEHBEB, CO Tons Railroad Iron, T Sail, Reostaic Slates, fte. fie SHC TIIEO. If. DAVIES. 'ctewiitei pane For Sale by 3m A. W. KICHABEE A . Comer. Pott and Merchant sts.. llooololo. N. NEUFCLD, 01AID, gQUaUUI AID UPKISIT FIAX0-MAXZ1. llSLDr. H. KukfeU Ca, AgaaU tar a XawaUaa UaaaU Th Sydiuf Mall, 5afA.'j. JauarfV, U8, pagu 117, US. Pianofortes inthe Exhibition. In nor previous notice of the PUo-v la tax KiMbi. lion (So. IV.) In connection with those of the Oerman Court, we were enable to du -nore Huia'mvaeralf tha It L. XKVVtLD, of Berlin, and Uut eaunera. lion was trroncoa., blnce wrlliosT lhs.1 ssllc. th brdney agents,, Ka bone, Kccx A Col. have ilrrn ns an opportunity of, of 'which, four are exhibit -it Instead of two. a formerly suted, Tha ruralla A l.raod of full Maupi. 7V octaree orerstruns. "an avu'llccl metal frame tn azTtaTcs, the action la perfect unfipL,- reoeiltloti." All the modern laiproTomenUarapvned the lnilruairnt Is cased In walnut, of nne tone and light loach, i-.d belui lo addl Hon bj far the most pilctwoith cuiht to coaunajsd Iba most ready nuulut. Ea.SU an nprUbt cottaxe crand, with Iron frame oicrstrung. well Isilshed, and cased In a handsom frame In the toale Qaatorso stile. Ess. a Is aa p rUht cottsj e, simpler la the exterior, hot with aobsUu tlal mtlsl tram, and all the sitdeacts of thorwtck car In the Uteroal constractlon. Ea. t Is aa ovtrsUaaa aprlxht boaiolr rottaj of very seixeable tone. . lUilar thnrouzhly exuataed the workaasaihlp and construction, and tested ton aad loach, w are aMe to apeak with coaAdene on the sterile menu of Ike Instruments, rspeclslly when we esxnnata Ike prlcee wSth those ol oli.r exblhtta. laF Jtaao ara aow aa ezklbltloa at Ike store of MBSu H. HACsOfBUl A CO. OLD JUDGE TOBACCO AW ClfAmiTTU,, AT HsMXaETsUI aV 1st' raSeHafaaB ' (jAHKrgSHjlMARin m naBaHaKlUaaLBBBBWrr" M