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WF wssT";B5...t;" "i'ff KU.'!"". , m. ft u J r" " ) THE SATURDAY PRESS. A NKWSI'AI'Klt I'L'IlMSIlKl) WKEKI.Y sun sent rriof n VE DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADVANCE Hnhscrltwrs and Advertisers will oddrcss Mr.Thoj.O Thrum, IlnslneM .Vnnng r All manor for Ihc Saturday Press shr.uld be addressed lolho"SATUHI)AV I'lthlM" Wood Anemones. A mist of Tlolrl wlillo nnil lilnc, A (Hbr" of fern-lemon, wnslieel with clow, And dried ly April's lircrzn I A licit of lilno-lKlls nil n-rew, And on tlin louder (jrniw n snow Of wooel niictnoiK.H. Tlio vrlnd-swRjcd lirnnehon rho nnd fnll lliollttlo wood U inimical With rlnloct tononnnd elenr, Tim hum of Iswi. tlio noriK of liird, And In tlio cnrol's ihiuiui la licnrel The ntrcnmlot running nciir. BencAlh'llin prcndln wooellnml trees, Among tlio wlillo nnemonen, Two children nro nt piny : Tlio blossoms ojx-tiliiu oim ly ono Their ntnr-like inct s to tlin dim Aro not mora pure than they. Thoy IaurIi nwny tlio merry hotine. They erown tlioinselvriswllliwooilirinil flowers, 'J hoy mimic Mrd nnd tieo j Till ono, tlio Rrnvor of tlio twnln, Holds np, to toll of eoinliiK rnln, A tloseid nnoinoiio. All, nlslor mlno I thronch nil tlin, Tliroituji mints of Riled nnd unshed tiinrfl Mlno eyes can yet behold A picture of tlint nnnlll wcxxl, 'J ho miow-wlillo cnrH't where wo stood And wnlched tlio llowcrs unfold. Ah, sister dear! 'tis meet for theo To wenr tho woexl niieniono Upon thy Ronlln breast! Thou hast not left lifo's quiet wnya To follow nfter Klti nnd prniso With spirit of unrest. I had no mind for woodland bowers, I scorned tho simple woodland flowers Wo pnllcd together then : lint waves of tender memory roll Full often over my sick soul In hnsy hnmiln of men. And my trnn natnre. flndlnovolco, Ilemlndfl mo of thy bettor choice, 'lliy calm contenleil pnrl : My roso of lifu hath thorns thy flower Ih fresh nnd pure as in the hour It blossomed from thine heart. Ah, my swcot sister, words nro vain, Yet could I stand with theo nijnlti lloiienth youth's buddiiiR trees, I think my honrt would freely chooso From out nil blossoms of nil linos, Iiifo's wood anemones. All The l'eiir Jtouml. Deronda's Mother. A mti:iui;v CriticH havo boon busy of Into detecting prototypes. A tompornlo and thoughtful ivrilor hns rccontly alluded to tho probablo identity of tlio onlturcd visionnry Mordccni in 'Daniel Dcrondn ' with tho Gcrninn Kohn, or Cohen, prosidont of a philosophi cal clnb in Red Lion Square, nt ono time attended by Mr. O. II. Lowes, nnd fully described in tho finmo novel ; and a brilliant essayist moro rccontly discovers Uonjamin Disraeli not merely in Vivian Grey himself, but in tho pondorous nnd obtuso Lord I3oncon fill old of tho cx-Promicr's onrly book. Tho rosoaiblnnco between Mr. Disrneli nnd Vivian Groy has boon ofton urged, nnd probably with no mnch truth nnd in tho Rnnio sonso as 1'olhnm mny bo said to havo boon Iluhvor, Pondonnis Thnekoray, nnd David Coppcrflcld Chailes Dickons, inas much as rtn imnginntivo writor is keenly Bonsiblo of his own responsibility, nnd nat urally endowssomo favorito chnrnctar with moro or loss 6C it especially when fiction takes an nuto-biogrnphicnl form. Tho conjunction of tho two namos, Disrneli nnd Dcronda, bolonging to tho same nationality, reminds mo that none of those ingenious critics seem to havo looked for tho gijrnof Loonora, Princess of Halm Eborstein, born Chnrisi, in ho mother of 'Tho Calamities of Authors. ' Yet tho points of similnrity between the real Jo w ess ns described by her grand-son nnd tho ideal Jowors ns painted by Georgo Eliot aro re markablo onongh to fill an incdited page of Tho Ouriositios of Litornture. ' Tho charms, tho strong will, tho fascina tion, the excitable, tomporamont of gonius tyrannizing over and indeed usurping tho plnco of natural affection aro ns clearly in dicated in the sketch of Mrs. Disraeli as thoy aro in tho study of Leonora Oharisi. Even tho first stop which Leonora takes townrds nltcring tho destiny of her son had it piocodent in the annals of Disraeli's family. Whou Doronda, indignnnt nt the disguise which hns beon thrown around him, oxclnirasr " Thon it is not my real unmtv! " tho Princess replies indifibreutly : " Oh, ns real ns another. Tho Jews havo nlwavs boon chaustnK their mines. My father's family had kont tho namo tit Chnrisi ; my husband was n Charisi. Whim I came out as a suicor wo made it AlchnrUi. liut thorohad boon a urnnouof tue family who oalled thenisulvoa Durouda, nud whon l waniou anainoior you i luuuyuv m uv rondn." ' In Tho Lifo and Writings of iBaao Dis rnoli, by his son, wo road : "My orandfathor, who becamo an English denizen in 1748, was nil Italian descendant from ono of those Hobrow families whom tlio Iwmisi tion forced tooinigratofrom tho Spnnlsh peniuHula nt tho end of tho fifteenth century. Uls-nncostors had dropped their Gothio Buruunio on their settle ment in tho Torrn Firma, nnd grateful to tho God of Jacob who had sustnlncHl lliem uirouRU uupro coUontod trials and nuarded them through unheard-of perils, they assumed tho namo of disiueli, a nniuo never borno lieforo or sinoe by any other family. Uuordor that their Taco luiBht bo lor ever rocou'iiWed. " Tho revolt of Loonorn, Trincoss Ilnlm Eborstein'B proud, passionato nntuiongaiust tho restrictions nnd humiliations of her raco may bo illustrated by n foy sontonces tak en from hor confession to Doronda, not, howovor, strictly observing tho order iu which thoy nro utterod : " I was to be what is called ' the Jowish woman. " sho erclaims : " I wns to feel ovorything.I did not feel, andbolievo every thing I did not believe. I wns to lovo tho long prayers in tho synngoguo, and tho howling nnd tho gabbling, nud tho dread ful fasts, and the, tiresome fensts, nnd my fatlier's'ondloss discoursing about Our Peo ple, which wns n thunder without moaning in tnyears. Iwnstocaro for over nbout what IsrMl'had'beon, nnd I did not caro nt all. I cared for" the wide woria nnd nij that 1 could represent, iu it. I wanted to livo n Inrgo lifo, with freedom to do what every ono elso did." Might not such a siicech ns that havo como from Mrs. Disraeli, Uiub doboribed by hor grnudson ? " My grandmother, tho boautiful daugh tor of a family who had sulTuiod much from persecution, had imbibod that ilieliko for her rnco which tho vniu nro too apt to ndoptiwhon thoy liud that they nro born to public contompt. Tho indignnnt feeling that should bo lOborvcd lr tho persecutor iji tho porlification of their disturbed son eibility, is too often visited on tho victim. Aud the caubo of nunoyauco is recognized, not in tho ignorant malevolence of tho powerful, but iu tho conscientious convic tion of tho innocent Butrorer. " And not only iu this oomprohonsivo r.o iseutment ngaiust tho humiliations and re etriotious of their religion and their race, bat iu the peculiar warping aud distortion given by this embittered (ccling to thoir personal character and their domostio rela tions, do the ideal aud tho real Jewess re semble each other. The very diblike to her sou which fa the fictitious character we are apt hastily to pronounce " uuuatural " ex Saturday VOLUME I. isted in tho roal one, nnd sprang from Jtho stnio cntif-o. Tho mother of Isaac Disraeli novcr pardoned her husband for his nntne. " So mortified by hor social position wns slip, " says her grandson, " that sho lived tuilil eighty without indulging n tendor ex pression ; nnd did not rccogni?o in her only ofispring a being qualified to control or vanquish his impending fnte. is exist' enca only served to swell tho ayrrcgatu of many hwmluihiiy particulars. Ft wai not to her a source of joy, or symfmthy, or Kolacc. Sho forsaw for her child only n futuro of degradation. " " I nm not n loving woman, " cries Ooorgo Kliot's Princess to her sou. " It is n talent to lovo I lacked it. Others havo loved mo, nud I havo nctcd thoir lovo. Every womnn is supposed to havo tho snmo set of motives or else to bo n monster. I nm not n monster, but I lmvo not felt ex actly what other women feel or say thoy feel for fear of being thought unlike others. r did not icish you to lie born. I parted with you willingly. Whou you ropronch mo in your heart for sending you nwny from mo, you moan Hint I ought to sny I felt nbout you as other women say thoy fool nbout thoir children. I did not fool thnt. I wns glnd to ho freed from you. Tho bondngo I hated for myself I wanted to keep you from. What hotter could the most loving mother have dono ? I rolioved yon from tho bondngo of having been born n Jew. " Loonora Chnrisi, in Georgo Eliot's novol, banishes her child finally and for over as sho iutonds nnd believes in order to frco him from tho trammels of rnco and religion. Isnnc Disraeli's parents sent tho futuro hcholnr nnd nuthor to Amsterdam for sonip yoars to rouso him from tho dreamy ab straction during which ho had prod need a poem, nnd thorcby filled both fnther nnd mothor with terror ns to his prospects in lifo. AVhon Into nnd tho droad of approaching death provo too powerful even for tho Princess's strong self-will, nud sho nt Inst summons hor son to her presenco in Genoa in order to rovoil thoir relationship, ho hurries to tho intorviow in n mood of high wrought emotion ; lovo, wonder, pcrploxity, enthusiasm all aflamo with him. Tho two interviews between mother and son nro, on both sides, nt tho samo abnormnl pressuro throughout though somo of Leonora's tnnnts nro notnnliko "tho tart romnrk and tho contomptnous commont " with which, says Mr. Disrnoli, his grandmother used freqontly to "elicit all tho irritability of tho pootic idiosyncrasy. " Tho Princess Leonora, howovor cold in hor nll'ections, is piBsionato enough iu hor disclosures nnd her unavailing wrath against dostiny. "Tho tender yoarning aftor a being whoso lifo might havo been tho worse for not having his caro and lovo, tho imago of a mother who had not had all her dues whether of roverenco or compassion, had long been secretly prosont with him in his, observation of nil the women ho had oomo nonr. When Doronda presented himself nt the door of his mother s npnrtmoot m tuo Italia ho folt some rovival of his boyhood, with its prcmatoro ngitationF. Ho hnd livod through so many idoal meetings with his mother, nnd thoy had scorned more roal than this ! "" Tho Princess gives her hand to hor son, looking at him " cxaminingly. "- " Thon sho kissed him on each cheek, nnd he re turned hor kisses. But it wits something liko a grcoting between roynltios. " When tho period of Isanc Disraeli's edu cational oxilo was nt nn ond he prepared to rejoin his mother with feelings of sensitivo tenderness, and wns received by her with chilling scrutiny, tho very forshadowing of Goorgo Eliot's creations. But into tho' real interview that ludicrous element en tered which so ofton blends with our strong est omotiotiB. Instead of being shaken in hor impassive dignity by iuvoluntnry nd mirntion, nud ejaculating, liko tho Princess Leonora of Halm-Ebcrstoin, " You aro n beautiful croaturo ! " tho first Mrs. Bou. jarain Disraeli was revolted by her son's nppoarnuco. Nor hnd tho montal discipline imposed npon him cured his objectionablo bont to poetry nnd sentiment. Jbaao Dis rnoli, says his illustrious son, roturucd to England n ilificirilo ot Konsseau. " Ho hnd oxorciscd Ins imagination dur ing tho voyago in idealizing tho intorviow with his mothor, which wns to bo conductod on both sidos with sublime pathos. Ho was prepared to throw himself on his mother's bosom, to bodow hor hands with his tears, nud to stop hor own with his lips; but, whon ho ontorcd, his strnngo nppoir nnco, his gaunt figure, his excited maimer, his longhair, nnd his unfnBhionablocostumo only filled hor with a boutiment of tender (?) aversion ; she broke into derisive laugh tor, and noticing his intolerable, garments, sho rcelutautly lout him hor chock. " With thobo worda Mrs. Beujutniu Disraoli disappears from her grandson's pigcs. But wo havo scon onough of hor to ho juhtilied in, concluding either that his vigor oub outline, enlarged and filled up, hhadod here and heightened in color thore, to tho Ubos of tho storv by thu tranbceudont genius of Goorgo Eliot, supplied tho original of Leonora Charisi, Princess Ualin-Eborstoiitj or that such striking coinoidouces of fooliug aud situation Biipposo in tho novelist marvellous intuition of tho possibilities of Jowish oharnoter. " Powerful, but adolt." Soo 'Vivian Groy. Importers of General Merchandise KKOM FltAN0E,b:NOLAND, GERMANY, AND UNITED STATES, No. SI Mcrchmt hired, Ilonoluln, II. I, mnAN iiroh., WnOLESALR GllOCEKS. S16aud21S California blreet, HAW r MAW tlMlltt, nr I'srtlcular attention paid to filling aud shipping IsUnd orders. W T Xllt:. II. UAYIKN, fl.iTi Jiiios, (laisa c Co. I JMPOMM AMD COimilllOM MIKCXAIX xd aosxt roa Lloyd', and the Liverpool, HrliUh Maris lu.urauts Company, ui NorlbtmAsluraucsCouipauy. oJfcO Ijr M. W. SEVERANCE, Hnwnilnn Cnnsnl Sc Commission Morohrmt 7 .110 California SI , Qui., Ilnom No. I. ly J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney nnd Connsnllor nt Iinw, Jtcnliimt Hi., Honolulu, II. I. Ir EDWARD PRESTON, Attornoy nnit Counsellor nt Law, nt Port .'Hrcrt, Honolulu. Jl 1 MRS. D. B. GRIFFIN, ll Kort .St., Honolulu, Fnslilnnnliln Milliner! nnd FDrm Mnkor. 1 Ntm llooil nnil Hljle receUeil rM?ry innnlli. ly DR. N. B. EMERSON, xMrvxaxvir and riun.cnaow OniceatDr. Hoffmann' limit Store, 21 Merchant HI, HcMilonce, corner Kukul anil Kort street (tlieolil Krngcr prenilnen) Ofllcn lionrn 'I to II A. m, !l to I r. w. n Cm jTnott &coZ Importer nnd Denier in Stove, Rnnqes, Xletnl, Hnne KnriiUIiliu; (lood, CrocUeiy. (Iln( anil China Ware, I'ractlcal Mechanic, Honolulu, II. I. 1 1 y FISHUJbt'8 CHAMPAGNE CIDER MANUFACTORY AND OROCERY. (1 Jfo. 1.1 l.lllhn N I reel. ly a. w7richardson & CO., iMroiixrii AviiDFALKnnis Hoot. Shoe, FurnllilnK (looil. Hat. Cap, Trunk, Vnlle, IVrfiiniery anil Soap, Waltliam Watclic, Fine .IcHclrv, etc., rorncr of l'ort anil Merclnnt Ht., Honolulu, It. I. 1 ly M. DICKSON, Photographic ArtUt, lUJnmt 101 Fort Street, rictiire of all le and klnil rnade to order, anil Frame of all description constantly on liaml. AIo, Shell. Coral, and ('nrlollle of tlic 1'aclHc. 2 ly I.. W. HOPP, Cnhinet Mnkor, Upholsterer, Denier in Fnrnitnre, No. 8S Kins Street, between Nuiiinit nnd l'ort Street. Mattreseea contaniIy on hand or made to order. fjy THOS. O. THRUM, Importing nnd Manufacturing Stationer. Now Agent. Book Binder, Akc, Merchant Street, and Denier In Fine Stationery, Hooks, Music, To nnd Fancy Ooods, 1 l'ort Street, mar Hotel, Ilonoluln. ly TV. X. WENKEII. JOHN flWENEIt.. WENNER & CO., Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellow' Hall, Mnnnfnoturing Jewelers, Diamond Setters, Kngruer, nnd Dealers In Jewelry of nil kinds. Shell nnd Kukul Jewelry miidc to order. Orders also re ceived nnd faithfully iltf mleil to for nil kinds of Hair AVork in Jewelry or Memorial Designs. 1 ly D. W. CLARK, Watch Mahor nnd Jowolor, iMroitThit or Waltiam and all other American Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Wntch Itepalrlnj; mndo a siieclnlty. 1 ly No. 17 Merchant Street. Honolulu. FRANK GERTZ, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER No. 2(1 Merchant St., next to Thos a. Thrum. llooti nml Nlioei JMniln to Onler, of Ilet Jls- terliil.miil nt lleiitionlilc I'rlcei. Boots and Shoos mndo for Cash only i! ly M. S. GRINBATJM & CO., Importers nnd 'Wholesale Denlem in Gene ral Merchandise, 2 Mnkco's Black, Queen Street. ly M. S. GRINBATJM & CO Forwarding nnd Commission Merchants, B14 California St., San FrancISco. Special fncllltlc". for nnd pnrtlcshr attention paid to a consignments of Island produce. ly T. J. MOBSMAN, Importer nnd Dealer in Crockery, Plain nnd Decorated J'orcclaln, Cut and Pressed fllass, Sllcr Tinted Ware, Cutlery, Chnndcllcrs, Lamps, Chimucvs. Ktc. Flro Proof Store, cor. Kins and Nuunnu Sts., Honolulu. i 1y E, COOK WEBBM. D., Homeopathist, (Lnte Chief of Stnff Hnmennathlc Hospital, Ward's Island, N. Y.) ODlco CO Fort Street. Special attention to diseases of omen nnd children. Onico hours Until 10 A. M. 3 to I r. M. 3 ly a.SBOKLKEN. (1. KNUUNa. G. SE3EI.KEN & CO., No. p Nnunnn Street, Tinsmiths and Plnmhers. Dealers in Stoves, Itance. Tin, Sheet Iron nnd Cornier Ware, keep con stantly on hand n full assortment of Tlnwnre, flulvnti ized Iron and Lend Pipe, India Itnbbcr Hose, Ac., Ac. SJ); A. I.. SMITH, 41 rOUTSTltKKT, IMIMnTKll ANDIlEALKBINl Mrldcn (liindruple Plated Ware, (llassnare. Kind's Combination Spe'etncles and Ke tllassfp, Drackets, Vases, Lnstral Wire Ware, Fancy Soai s, Picture Frames, Wostcnholm's Pockit Knttes, HcWsnrr, Pis tols, Powdir, Shot nnd Ammunition, Clark's Spool Cotton, Machlno OH. all kinds of Mnchlno Needles, "Domestic" Paper Fashions, Solo Agent for the unl crsnlly acknowledijcd Light Running Domestic Sowing Machine. II. E. WIITNEV. J. W. ROnEIITSON WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, (burecxsors to II. M. Whitney) Stationers, Publishers, New Dealer and . Book-Binders. 1 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.-I. 1) THE HONOLULU BOOK-BINDERY DOES BINDING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. The work executed nt this establishment liiinilcr the unpen Islon ot-Mlt. .IOIIN L. KEl'.S.nhu is well known ns mi experienced workman, anil cannot be mriaudl. WUHK HUNK AT T1IK I.OM-NI' UATtM. WHITNBV HOUKHTSON. Stationers, Pulillshcrs, Nes Dea'cia nnd Book Binders ly HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE A BROTHER, Proprietors, NUU.VNU BKIilST. I'llnl. Medium nud Nnrr llrend nlwarn on hnnd and Hindu to order. Also, Water, Soda nud Butter Crack-, ers, Jenny i.nui uukes, xr. bhlp Bread ro-lmked n the shortest notice. Family Broad, made of the Best Klnur, baked dilly and always on hand. N. II. Ilrown Hrrtwl nt tue g ly Best qualllx xroxaO-A-ixro dsoxti IE! viiatkk or ur ki..aui:a, W. II. IilCNTZ, MANAGER. I'lenty to eat. a routlni; Are, clean lieds, uud the licst attendance on the Hauauau Islunds Vltlturs reiiuirtnu any unusual display of nlrnnlc action lll kindly pTvoilauayer at leasi tin day notice In tlnu ueather, and from i leveu to thirteen Iu foul. ftly HIGGINS & JESSETT, Kos.&UandoJKIiiifbt., j?sjrS CHrriago Builders, Trim-1 iHI iU wir f?meri Painters, Varnlsburs All kinds of ltepnlrlni; attended to, and geod work Kliar.iuteiil at l.o naies. n ly S. M. CAirt-r.. 1, S. 4TBKIITUN (untij; Ac doour., SHIPFINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMrOltTKItS ANI Doalors in Corutral Merohandlao, No. SO Klug Stret, Honolulu, llawsllaii IiUnds. ,,.. A0KNT3 VOn.... llie Union Insurance Compiiyof TbaNt i,DgMnl Mutual l.lls unursnes uouipaoy, uoaion. llinrsi-ou Parkvl Liue. ThaKohalal'Unlatlon, The Haiku PUutsllon, Dr. Jsyuo sou's altiratiHl Ui.llrll,... Walaliial'l.nlsll'in, llauiakua I'laalatlon. IVheslsr A )Yil.on's 8wlng Hacliln... tol 1VI BI'SHOF & CO., B A.M-KIDXISI, l!UOL.l't.V, III! HAWAIIAN I I. A BIDS' . , 1I11AW KXCIUM1B ON- 1HE MNX OF CallFOMtl, : : 5M FRWrCIJCO iu limn AQSMTS IS Haw York, llostou, Pads, Aacltlsstd, THE MIEIT4I 111! CMPOUTrM, ; : LMMi 4D tuna saaacuai is liana; KawK. ydiiajr.aud Mtlbasursi, Anltraaaactsa.n.ral liiaalng 737 ly HONOLULU, H, I, SATURDAY, i:. r. aam, Auctioneer and Commission Merchant, ( I. eMy :. ii4i'i'K;iii'Ai:ji:u k. ;., IMPORTERS AlTD COMHISSIOK MERCHANTS Honelnln.Oslin. If. I. o?87 ly A. H. OI.IUJIIOHrt A, Co.. iMPosTins no nritrRs i Oouorol 3VCoxolaicliisio, 71 CirnsrQHSsn amlKsitliiimsiin lrfct, ly II. IIACKI'lllil :., OENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, qnssn Slrest. Honnlnln. 11. 1. fTOI-ly I A. W. II l MM, GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Family Grocery ami Feed Slore, 78? lyl f.0PnrtStlfct.ltornlii1ii. IIOI.I.IIN Ac :.. Ship Chandlon and Commtmon Merchants. mportrrsniiillieAlprsIn npnrral Mrcrmtnllt,e)uetnatr'M Ilonoluln. Ilawallnn Islsmli. "10 ly i,,tirsi: Ac :., COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Itnportpr of and ilenlers In ilny, Orsln, nml (lenrrsl Trainee, nnlininili, it. I. 71 ly .I4II II. I'ATV, NOTARY PUBLIC and COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, Fer tho 8ttpsnf Csllfoilils nnd New York.omco nt the llin'i ofllhliop it Co., , llnnnlnlu. 7M ly I!. O. IIAI.Ii Ac NOX, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Prydootls.t'ntnts, Oils and General Merdmndlte, 8M-ly CornorFnrlnnil KlngSIs, joiik 'r. u'ati:iiiiiini:. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Mi Qncnn Street, Ilonoluln. II. 1. ly JNO. A. HASSINGER, Agent to take Acknowledgment to Con- tract for Labor. 818 1 Interior Ofllce, Honolulu. Bra .1. Bl. WIIITNIIY, in. ., I. I. M. Dental Roomi on Fort Street, Offlco In llrcer'e, lllocl., corner Hotel nnd Kort streets. Hit ly Kntrnnce. Hotel Street olaus HrnrcKKU. w, ci. tuvriN. i . 1HWIN Ac '., Sugar Factors and Commission Agents Honolulu. II. 1. 807 II. I'. r.UIiCUM Ac CO., DEALERS IN DRY OOODS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Flro-proorstore. Fori HI..boTe Oilil Fellows Hall 8lfl-ly it. i. r. ciktik, r. c. Join, Un. C. BREWER & CO.. SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, W Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. I. o.nicKflos nonr. Lcwrns, c. M. oookk MlWIlltN Ac IIICKNON. IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN LUMBER. A ml nil kinds of IlullillngMnter Isle ,Kort Street, Honolulu pOS-ly ii. i:. iiiciNTViti: Ac iiko'I'iii:r, RROCERY. FEED STORE and BAKERY, Cornor of King nnd l'ort streets, IIONOI.UI.lI. 783 ly vn.ii:it At. ;., , Corner of l'ort nnd Queen Streets Honolulu, Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building (800-1 y Materials of ovary kind. A. W? FEIRCE & CO,, SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS AObXTH 0R Brand's Guns nnd Bomb Lances, Porry Dnvls' 1'nln Killer, 785-1 No. 40 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. NOTAIIY I'UnMO. And Agent fur UklhK Acknowlcdsinenlsof Instrumenlsfor the Island of Onhu. 0787 No. 8 Kanhumnnn Street. Honolulu. If. I. ly lIl.l.irIIABf Ac CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Cutlery, Dry Ooods, Pnlnts nnd Oils, and Qencrsl Mer chandise, Nn. 95, KlnR Street, Honolulu. 78 ly iii:.-j. II. AIIMTIN, oorMsiniiion at t,aw 803 ' No. Id Kanhnmaiiu street. C. N. BAUTOW. AHctluncpr. Salesroom on Qun Street, ono door fromkKnahumanu 0i Street. ly v. a. H;iiAi:ri:it Ac co.. Importers A. Commission Merchants o8ll Honolulu, HswsllNn Islands ly o. m. 4;ijni.iiiiiN, m. n.. SURGEON AND HOMEOPATHIC PH78ICIAN. OMce Corner I or t ami lltretsiilaSts, Honolulu. 829 IIOLLIN'rVII Ac JO., Druggist, AollitC(iiirs, Importers of Tobacco and Cigars, Jlnnnfacturers of Soda Water, Agents for V. Lorlllnrd A Co's Tin Tnr;; W. H. Kimball &. Co's Vnnlty Fnlri nnd Goodwin A Co's Old Judge, Tobaccos nud Cigarettes. 816 No 85 Xiiiihiiu Street. Honolulu, ly CAHTLU At HATCH, Attorneys vt Xjet-w. W. 11. CASTI.i:, NotnVy I'ubllc, attend all tlio Courts of the Klngdum. particular atteutfon paid to tlio negotiation of Loans, Coiiveyuiiciug, Collectlig, etc, W llunc to loan on Mortgage. Olllca: No. 15 Kaahumanu street. Honolulu. Ilanallan Islands. 784 ly (A. XV. 14!I'AUI.AA1! . CO.. IMPOltTEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HobliiBUu's fire proof UulMIng, Queen Street, Honolulu, II, I, AaiNtH roa Tin aUsitow and Honolulu I.lno of Pacliets. John Hsy A Co's l.lTorjH! ami London Packets. Tho Wslkspil Plantatlun, Tho SpencorPluiiUtloii. IIUo, llsksUu Plsutatlun, IIUo. Mlrrlets, Tslt A WnLoii.tfusir, Machinery. Tho Piinloa Slmep Itauch Uooi"nr. 7M I'll OKI AH liA;K. 3MC JSk. m t. No. 40 l'ort Ntreet, lll attend to all orders In tho LOCK, GUN GENERAL REPAIR LINE. lla wlllKla s-cUI attuntluii to eleanluK, repalrliif and rvKUlatlng' fiewliu; Maohlne., uud nil other kinds of l.lKht Machinery ami Metal Worlt of every description. ltlacksmUliius, etc. Also, on baud and fur sale cheap, A Variety of Sewing Machines 4JUIIS, 1'lstuls, Nliol, Aiiiiiiiiulliou, StXachiae Oil, Mecdles, 4u., Ac., Ac. rewlng Machine Tuckers, Hinders, itml all other extra and duplicate parts of machines supplied on short notice. Mi Ileal Machine Tvl5t.-5U Z'teAgtiit in Mil KtngJom Jot The VIorencnKewliiBMaihlue, fr 1.111 IOIo0. Whltu riuwliur Machine, frnm (It to 7S. lloiiiuMiultlorwiug Muchluo.fioiii (IS to (35. SMS- Incl'idlnn all extras KH ly I IIAVK NM'HKKIi A FIRST - GLASS HOESE 8H0EE I Asad am nrrtMrrU ti crry ass litis Kraut I say Business Iu a auasmsr sails- Asctary tsi nay Palraas. OWNERS OFINE STOCK Will do will to give . Call. Horses ssnt to my Kins It. Sttsp Will btatltifuUy aitUfffo. .. G. WEfcT. asJailaWB'AVr WM Ul2aKaW sJlT . V m nJraKflVWil' If 'IfllrjM I JL XvdBft II fcJUAgli JANUARY 1, lSsKsocioUMBER 18. ED. C. ROWE, Honse and Sinn Fainter, Paper Manner, &e. 7W ly No III Port Street. Honolulu. a WM. JOIINMOn, Moroliant Tailor. 78 No. 8.r) Fort Ht.,lielnwr Dr. BlniiRenwnld's. ly ;. v.. ;oi,i:.fiAn. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST Home .Shoeing, CarrlnKn llnrk, I'lniitnlloii Maelilnerr, Ac. ' Wrj Shop on King Street, net t'nslle .t Oooko's. ly THOMAS TANNATT. No. Kl l'ort Street, opposite K. O. Ilnll i, Son. Watches, Clock, Jewelry and Mnslc Boxes For Snle. Or carefully repaired In n wnrkmnnllkn manlier. Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. 7E8 ly PIONEER STEAM Candy Manufactory and Bakory x. nonu, Pruetieal Confectioner, Pastry Cook And Baker, 818 71 Hotel street, between Nuunhii nnd Fort, g ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. jfPff. KTF3AM ICNOINKN, S till AH Hlll.f.M Zm&iJS. Hellers, Coolsrs, Iron, llrnss nnd t.ond CsstliiKS Machinery of Every Description, AT Made to Order. "SB. Purticnlsr attontion paid to Ship's BlacVtmlthlng gT-JOII rortK fcntednn the shortest notice. o8l ly SPECIAL NOTICE. HAVNO SEOUllKID TIIK 8T5TI lets of tho ellVnnnn IJI'HOI.STKItKU nnd IHtAI'KIt, Mil. .7. MAlllNllUltK. the only Itrst-elsss Upholsterer In the Kingdom (Into of Snn irnnclsco), I nm prepared lo do all kinds of xji3r3:oxjTEJn.iia'a-, In tho Latest and Best Style. WOKX WAKXAITTED Cnlt nnd See our I'ATENT ROChKHN, J:i lAIVNtlRsj, nofa nr.n, c. N. D. Mr. M. has selected a line lot of Upholstering Ooods, l'nrlor Sets nnd Lounges, Chairs, (c., of the latest styles, which have Just nulled from !ai Fran cisco. I hno also lust received a ne lot of The Latest Styles of Furnituro ! WINDOW SIIADFJS. 1'IANO A Wis TAHI.F. COERH, rivrviir. coitn, naiin.jktc. All of which will bo for sale cheap. It will pay yon to rnll it ". H Fort Street and cxa line tho Ooods bo forcpurclinslnj: elsewhere. 2 C. V. WIIJ.IAAIS. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established lKW. Unlimited Liability to Stockholders. Assets Ml,2Vi,l(iei jeeservc s u, rtvi.tiw Income for 18711 Premiums received after deduction of re In surance $ 5,382,295 Losses prompt!) adjusted nnd paid here. 13m HIWHOr A 'o.. Age Ills. FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Compahy. A Leading Home Company. Assets, Jnno 30th 87(17,307.17 Additional Cash Capital (now being called in) 350,0(J0 00 Total Assets $1,117,307.17 THE PIIIKMAN'S FUND INSUlt ANOK COMPANY basis Its claims to the best patrnnacc upon its sound financial condition, reinforced by Its accession of capital, clvlng It oer a million dollars In assets; its extensive system of Agencies, in snrlnc It a large prcmlnm Income, without tho neces sity of hcaiy concentration of lines; Its adherence to thu best principles and practices of underwriting; by open, fair and clearly expressed contracts, and prompt and equitable adjustment and payment of Icculmate losses. For seventeen years It has been tn orably known nn n conserntive underwriter, and during that time lias paid oicr 1,000,000 IN LOSSES, Passing triumphantly through the'Ticnvlcstconnajra tlons known iu modem history. IllHHOl .V Co., Agents, 1 3m Ilonoluln, II. I. Boston Board of Underwriters. A GENTS for the Hawaiian Islands, J 80 My O. IIHKWIiKACO. Philadelphia Board or Underwriters. AGENTS fur tl.e Hawaiian Islands, 80-My O. llHKlVKRACO. V. A. NOIIAIIPKR, AORNT ofllrcinoii Hoard of Underwriters, Agent of Dresden Hoard of Underwriters, Agent of Vienna Hoard of Underwriters. Claims against In. uratico Companies within tiie Jurisdiction of the nhovs llonrds of Underwriters, will have to be carti fled to by tho above agent to make them valid. 700 ly i(AHiisinii-iiKKiii:K FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. T HE VNDKIlNIONISn havlnsj been ap pointed Agents of tlio shove Company, are prepared In Insuro risks asain.l flro, nn Stone and llrlctt Ilnlld Infrs. and on Merchandise stored therein, 01 tho most f ivorable terms. For particulars apply at the office of 78i ly V. A. SCIIAKFKK A CO. HAMBURC-MACDEBUItC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OP UAMIlUIta. USJILMNUN. MKKtIIIANniNR, VURNI. TlllllOniul Machinery Insured against Fire 011 the moat favornhle terms. A. JAEGER, Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. Insurance Notice. rwWIK I'NI'KHNIUNKIs AltC rHEI'ARr.11 M. to write, upon Merchandise, per first-class vessels between this and the Const 1'orts, coming loss or d image. If amounting to IU percent, or more, nn the sound value of the whole shipment at port of dollvery, upon favorable terms. IllrillOP & Co. Agents of tho Firemen's I'nnd Insurance Company. Honolulu, Jniu JO. ItiSi). rCl 3ui Inguranoe Notice. TIIK AOKNT Fin TIIK BiUTIftll For elftn Marina In.iiiaoca Ciaipany, (lilenileds. lias is celveil In.truclioes to reduce Ills rats of lnsursnca Iwlwosn Honolulu and I'otts In the PaclAc, and Is now pro luiroil to U.uo Pollclvs at the lowvst rate.) with a special reduction ou rrslght peraleauicrs. TIIKO. II. DAVIKR, " ly 810 AganHlrlt. '"r. Har. Ins, Co.. I.lniite.l THAN "-ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, sir HAMBITKU. Copilal : : : Six Millions Retchsmark, It iINKH INNIIRKII UN HUII.IHN.JH. MKK. chaudlso auel Furniture, 011 liberal terms, ur 37S ly II. IIAVKrKf.D CO.. Agents. Rhonlsh Wetphallan Lioyd INSURANCE COMPANY. or UI.AUHAtll. Ilheulak 1-rnssla. Aachen and Leipzig; Insurance Co,, Limited, tr aachk.x. (Aix.i.A.:iiAri:i.a,i:.) AS. I. UI.AIMN rost 1'AltTHJtll.AH AVKK A UK su.lnluul by floods arriving here, and Irmirtd In tuo ahnve Cnuipanlss, havs to b iiiada wllli hw cuf iiUaucuofaudcerllrlvd toby lb iinderalcurd, iu order lo b valid. duo lyl J. C. III. A UK. Agent. WILDER & CO., AK'Bls lar Ike Hawaiian Islands, -OF XHJ5 Mutual Life Insuranco Co. ur MKW YttKK, Largaat, lafflat urisl Soit ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IU THIfrOELD! Asssts (i860) $90,000,000 JLJUHt OA.SV, Hsw ! s Good Tim to Inssrs Mont but FUit-Clasi HliksTskss, UNION INSURANCE COMPANY UP HAN FIlAItCIHUU. 3VCn.xrlxxo. INOOnPOUATBD, 1B06 CASTLE COOKE, AGENTS SIS for the Ilatsrnllan Islands. NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital. Five Millions Relchsnark. rflllK ItKnr.KNHlNKI, 1IAVINM ItKr.JI JL appointed ARcnts for the nbovo Company, are now renily to Issue I'nlirlesnKnlnst Risks of Flreon Itnlld. Iiiks, sirrrliniidlsfl nml f-'iirnlliiro on terms erinftl to those of other respectable companies. Losses paid for and adlnsted here. Kor particular, apply tn 782 II. Co., Agents. HOKTH BRITI8H AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., OP I.OJIDON AMI) KUIMIUUOII. K3TADUSIIKI) 1809. CAPITAL i,on7,ai Accumulated anil IiiTeateil Fntid. a,H3H,ll TUB UIVI)RRiniVKD IIAVK IIRKW AP I'OINTKfl AOKNTfl f.r the Ssndwlch Islsnds, and are authorised to Insuro iiKnln.t Klro upon fnvorshts terms. Ill.lis Ukru In sny part of Ihs Islands on flnns and Wondsn lliiildings and merchandise slnrrd thsrsln, Dwslllni; Homes and furniture, Tlmbrr, Conls, Hhlps In harbor with or with out csrKoss, or under repair. 04 ly Kl. Uat'FKCIf t.AKOISn A CO GERMAN LLOYlD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. jy o TITU N A General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. THE AIKM F. INNUItAH'K CODIPANirJI have established n (leneral Agenry here, and the undersigned, (Jcncrnt Agents, are authoiUed la take Itlsfcs nicalnst llie llaiiKers or tlio Mens nt the Most Rrnsonnbls- Itntrs, nnd on the Must t'ni ornhlc Terms. 815 ly 1'. A. SCIIAIU'KK A CO., Ucneral Agents. TIIK New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. OK DOSTON, MASS in tioit i'o iia rr.n, issa. the Oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in the United State. Policies Issued on tho most favorable Terms. Kxiiniple or Xoii-Forreltiire I'lnu, INSUIIKD AOK, .T YKAItS-OlltllNAltY UFn PLAN 1 Annual premium continues Policy U years 3 days 2 Annua! premium continues Policy 4 yoars 12 days 3 Annual premium continues Policy 0 years '1 days 4 Annua! premium continues Pulley 8 yenrsin dnys 6 Annual premium continues Policy 10 years 6o etays ots, s 918,000,0001 Losses Paid tlironicli Honolulu AR-cucjr, $49, OOP CASTLE & COOKE, AJIENTS SID roil TIIK HAWAIIAN ISt.ANUS. ly CHALMERS-SPENCE 'AIRSPACE,' AND FOWLEK'S YUCCA BOILER COVERING Patented January 19, 1886. Has been victorious oyer all other dorlces for coTerlnr bolters witll which it has been broucht Into competi tion, both in Kurnpo and America, for tho past twelve years. Kndorsed by the Scltntyic American and London JSnginecrlnij everywhere as belnir the best Non-conductor, tho most Keliablc, the most Economical. The "Air Space" llsa mechanical device. Tho old method of covering boilers, steam and other hot pipes, was to smear a coating of piaster over the boilers and pipes, and directly In contact with the hot surfaces. Common sense teaches that any compound thus applied will soonliave the lifo burnt nut ot It, and that tho ex pansion and contraction or the metal over winch It Is smeared, villi csaso It to loosen and crack, so that It will, after a time, fall otV. Ilcsldcs this, experience has proved that the lime and other compounds uscel for this purpose, when applied direct to the. boiler surfaces, corroues mo uoiieri. so os 10 Rri'nuy injure mem. The Air Snaco serves' a two-fold nurnose: first it nro- vleles n stratum of air entirely arnundihe boiler, which is tlio best If nown non-conductor of heat. Hccond, it provides a surface which Is entirely Independent of the boiler surface upon which tho coverlm: compound Is placed, and this surfucc bclne; formed of wlro cloth of ii-lnch mesh, furnishes a splendid means of clinching or fastening tho compound around tho boiler. The wire spare is supported at the .pace of an Inch or more irom tue uouer or not pipe dv metal .urns placed close together, so that tlin expansion or contraction of I no uouer or pipes nroiiuuwnicii it lb niacca win not s fret the outside covering, because the stud allows Ing wire and coier. Experience and practical tests hare demonstrated beyond a doubt that the radiation of heat from a boiler nrreiunited by tho " Air bpacu "and Its, is les than that from a boiler coicrcil with any of tin other well known boiler coverings; consequently there is s groatcr saving of fuel. In proof of what Is tab! nbout tho superiority of the Ohahners-Hpenco Air Hpiicc, SCO Hcltntlfic Amtrican, Dec. 1, 1877, and London JCnglnterJH, July 18, 18T7J O. C. FOWI.KH, Sole Owner for I'sclflc Coast. H. HACKFELO A CO.. Agents, 820-U Ilonoluln. Kor Sale by, 7 Urn A. W. HIfllARn7t Ctt.u Corner Kort and Merchant sis., Ilonoluln. sxyxxrs HAMBURG TEA. IT IM 1MwNHIHsM:TO NAVTOOXVt'tfiW praise of this kimm! uhlstandarilVainlly Medicine It cannot bo too htchly recommended, aa It Is truly a Mnrvsl ! ' Akv, anil no hoiuehcld should be without It. It (iruvents as well as cuirs Mala His rases, UumI, Ulatiiiiuallsist, Uravtilandall KM. iiey Ulscaacs, ARVcicd I.lver, Hradarb. Kaasea. Bils, Wind, IhUIkssIIsw, t'aslaa tlou. Fevers aud Anus, Mssyleasuesis, anas Hide. Foul llrralli, and every disease brought ou or aggravated by a disordered stomach. It purities the Mood, Cleanaos the Stomach and Bow 1 1, aud give tho wholo system a Healthy snd Uellfflil. ful Tone, There never ss a luedle'na for the Nursrry eejual to It, and being composul o( Herbs only, It can Ik. eIvcii safuly to Infants. II Is a triumph In medicine .'liarintess, yet effltaxluu. luvsluable In the family, on tho road, at tea, and everywhere. For aale by tit Uruiltll, snJ st whullo by 810 McLA?l BKOa. For state or A HEHIMAaMJe IBVIMITalieilT.-Travs Well. . known premises of Ihs undersigned, situate on King street, together with ths fsmlluie, eW., ol tJ same. If dolled. The bouse has II rooms. Is In good WtflhlUIUI.Uni IHIV.lfHV.N .MV J....NM . spp'y ' j lsBHBFt.MsaRasBsDirMgi" ttuii la ' excellent onnorlunlty to parlies ilcslroua pl contlnuln Its lonr-taulUued LuslacSS. Vol 'further parilcnlsi (p Is If TUUa.A.'iilVs. BY THE LATIST AMITAt rRon ram ri(A!f cincn w T3 IIAVH ItKOKIVKI) A IjAUati IT addition lo onr former stock of Hhlp Chandlery, Ship Stores, Provisions, Ac, Ac , erhlch slies ns tho Qrofitcst Assortment of Goods Kept on tliee Islands, all f which will bo sold at Iho Lowest Mstket Prices, a. usnal. Onr friends snd tho pnblle generally are respectfully Invited tn etamlnei. a 81? ' 1I0LLKS A CO. PAINTS AND OILS. A Tf.AftTtlJ I.RAIttjr rACKAOMer T f nw ins. ?lnf While, llnbbnck Lead, 1 liolled I'alnt oil In I nik and In 5 gallon rlrnmi, A full assortment Fancy Cdlor 1'alnts. a sis iiui,i.e.a n w. LUJJRI0AT1NG OILS. Srr.nn mi, ij .it mi AirrnrT neiiral. Castor Oil 3 find & gallon tins. 818 3 BOtLKSACO. WIRE RIGGING. CilXKM FROM 1INVH to a ikchm, rim 1I0LLRS A CO. J Hale by 1818 MANILA CORDAGK. a rtii.i. amortnemt r nixrh rum XH SIX I i thread lo live Inch. 3 BIH DOLtKS A CO. I HEMP CORDAGE. AND BOLT ROPE. An AMMARTMRNT F MSRH rRMIt a l-a Inch to H Inch, Also. Hpnnyatn, Melting, Itallln, Ilnusellne, Marline, ltonndlnir, Ac 3 HIS nOLI.KS A; CO. ULOOKS AND MAST HOOPS. utojr wHAprrn ntirHN, Jletallle Iron Htrspped Illeteks, rIent llushlnr;, l'lnln Hushing, a full assortment of sires. 2 818 1I0I.1.KS & CO. GROCERIES. IjIairiiahkm' lard ik iaiij. s ni. ' each, llutter In Jars and Kegs. Coeese. Cases Assorted Table Fruits, Canned Meats, isms and Jellies, llimey In (llass. Tickles. Kefs of Pickles, Vi'Retables, Kil's nf 1'Ir Pork for family use. llajraiof Coffee, Chests nnil Caddies of Finest Tea, Sardines In qr and hf Ihixcs, Vermlrelll, Maccnronl, Crackers In variety, Cnbe Sugar, KefrHiiKar. noi.LKB A CO. I3READ. SAIIOlf DRF.Al IN 4AHHH ARM lMXRR, medium bread, KihIs Crackers In cases, Sods Crack ers In Holes and Tins, Kgir Jumbles, Ilanans Cakes, Ac, Ac. UOLLKSACO. R817 EXTRA MESS BEEP. Ann KAsrr.RN For Sale by KXTRA PRIMR PORK D0I.LK8 & CO 3 818 HAMS AND BACON. JVNT AT HAND, For Sato by 3 818 BOLLES A CO EXPECTED. , SKSK r.sjsar.ssA asp anaivs. KVRF.KA TO ARRIVR, Alf AIII tlnnal Stock of Ucneral Merchandise. ndlse. BOLLES A CO. 1818 POTATOES AND ONIONS. nKC'Eivr.n rr.R ttt of rf.w tork, Mm the Finest Lot In the Market. 2 818 IIOLLES A CO. GOLDEN GATE FLOUR. lAKKH'N KXTRA, KXTRA FAM1I.T H 1J nnnrter and hnlf sacks Kldorado Flour In quarter sacks. Corn Meal, Oat Me al, Cracked Wheat In 10 lb bars, received direct from the Mills every mouth, and warranted fresh, and of the best quality. 8 818 BOLLES & CO. LIME. tffhnnnr.iA fhkmh fJW Lime Just received. 3 818 (JAMFORlfIA BOLLES A CO CALIFORNIA Furniture Manufacturing Company RAN FKANOIHCO, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF iVXsI. TJBBOnXFTXOira OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. PASTIES IH HOHOLULr Or other parts of the Islands, DESIRING FURNITURE CAN HAVK THKIB Orders Filled at Lowest Rates Jly application to Mr. K P. ADAMS, quean Slcsst, who has oar Uescrlptlve Cstslogue with Prices. ON HAND AT THE STORE OF L W. HOPP KIMU bTUEKT, Blaok Walnut Bedroom Bets, Black Walnut Mideboardt, Black Walaat Dinlag Chairs, Oak Caae Scat Diaiag Ckaiu, Cedar Bedroom Sets, E. P. IDMS, WENT FOR THE HIWIIUR ISURN 821 3m PIONEER LINE PROM LIVERPOOL. THEO. H. DAVIE S ervKm ro haub Tue Oaro OK N (JITV OF MADBIU AND OBEBON, (IM Bsaya rsvsaai) JTJ.IT TO H3--"I Conalating of ths usual assortment ot DRY GOODB CLOTHHTO OMTaulzed Iron Booing and Fenos Win, lortUnd Cement (White's), Fire Bricks. Blue Mottled Soap, Best Welch Steam Coal, OalvruiUod Iron Ware, BadelUry, 3 pair Mlrrleea, Tait A Watson's Centrifugals, Wines, Liquors, Ac, etc. dec. ALSO To Arrive pr LIZZIZ IBEOALX HIIK IN HKCKMBSMa 0 Tou Kailroad Iran, T Kail, MoMav HUUat, Ac. c. Sj, THBO. II.UAVIKH, REAL ESTATE! Blrablc l'rttaert' M UVwr Sato. , TIIK WEII KNOWN liOT BITU sted on Von dUssI above Jkratoala, This lot Is too feel frontage on Fori street, aud IM feel (ear. Taste I. a iwo-atorv dwslllac house on Iks let. avail asw. with eoue house, beta koa sad Wiry, sad two wells ou feel deep, well sloaed up truss sae aoUusa lor . oa. purposes. Ths aster Is lald'ou In feat ellfcrent UiaStW, HV VIVIH t. f.MJ H.SIMVN. .. autpls room I iur lao sis leetlsn al two Unit rnllsass The fineiag Is all new. This Is ae of the saosl aesllby ss4 ci-nirs.rly locatul iota for a rssldsass ol any ta las city of Houolalu. The above sals oawrs a soad oftssaUr (us tks peruuuenl Intcslouent ol captasl. -, Tills perfect. lteds st tke ejposa. olTks psrsassss. Jl iiart uf tka bsrcliasa aujuv an fsaaala aseswsa ev aiortgags ou the premises. Vat fuilhH. particulars, apt '" -v-r. Whers a plan ol tks lot can a beaeal.'- T mum hm un rasatiy , . KiX "-A lAMWM." V afam BAT. MA (W 90LUS at Ce.