Newspaper Page Text
nay j-i uypviui THE SATURDAY PRESS. A NKU'SIWIT.It lM!IM8Jli:n WBBKI.Y M-nsmirriox OVE DOLLARS A YEAn IN All VANCK Hnt)crlbr and nVrilners will oililref" Mr Thm. 0. Thrum, lltiflneM Mans? r All matter for the Hatnnlav Press should h aililrcereil lnihr"SATt HIlAV I'lllIS To MyWife. Tho followiiiK ilflliflitfnl ntnnzns wcro written boiho ypiuH n(.o by Joseph Ilrnrinnn, n Now Orlonns jntirnnliat, to Ills nlnctit wife Oitno to mo, ilcnrrst i I'm lonely wltliont tlicc f)nv tlinonml nlulit-tlmo I'm thinking nlionttlico: iiwii-uino I'm tu I unv-tltnu In drc( Nljilit tlrno riml uny-lltno In urcnniH I licliolil tlitc, I 'iterolcomo tho wiikIiik Hint cn.ncn to fold tlipo, Oiinn to rnc, tlnrlinR, my norrown to lllilni ; f!orno In tliy Ix'nnty, to FiIcrh nnd lo lirlfjlitcn j f Jnrno In tliy womanhood, meekly nnd lowly : Oomo In tliy loviiiRiii'Sfl, queenly nnd holy I HwnllowH will lilt ronnd llm dcnolnto roln, Telling of HprlnK, nnd IU joyoim renewing ; And tlionfjIitHof thy lovo ami IU manifold trrnimro, ArorlrclliiK my lionrt with a promino of plcnflnro. ()li, Hpritift of my npirlt t Oh, Mny of ray Ikhviiii I Hliinu ont on my poul till It bourgeon nnd IiIohhoiuI Tim wanto of my llfn hnth n roHo-root within it, And thy fondness nlono totliofmiiRliliiocnii win it. T'ljtnro Hint movoa llkn n mna through tho oven Feature" lit tip by n ullox of Heaven V.yin like tho Hklcn of poor 1'rili, our mother, Whom nhndow nnd buiibIiIiio nro chnnitiK cneh other) Hmlloa emnlnfj seldom, lint chlldlikn nnd simple Opening their rym from tho henrt of n dimple On tlinnkn to tho Havlonr, Hint civen their fwmltiu, Ih left to tho oiilo to brighten his dreaming ! Yon hnTo been glnd when you know I wnn Rlnd- dened i Dnnr, nro jou nnd now, to hear I nm Fnddcned ? Our henrtH ever nimwer lu ttino nnd in timo, love, Ah octavo to octavo, anil rliytnn unto rhjme, lovo. 1 ennuot weep but yonr team will lia (lowing You cannot wnllo but my cheek will bo ulowiiiR. I would not dio without joti nt my Hide, lovo ; Yon will not linger when I Hhnll hnvo diid, lovo. Oomo to ton, ilnnr, ero I dio In my Borrow 1 Who on my gloom llkn the nun of to-morrow I HtrmiK, Hwift nnd fond as tho wordiiwhich Iflpeak, love, With n hour on ymir lip, nnd n wnilo on your rheok, love. Oniio, for my henrt In your nbieuro id dronry ; 1 Initio, for my spirit Ih nickencd nnd wonry. Oomo to tho anna Unit nlons Hhould cnri-as thee Oomo to tho heart Hint lit throbbliii; to promt tlteo 1 Sun t'limclico Call, President's Message. Wo givo extrnctB no follows from tlio rncPBngo of Prcsidont Ilnyew, sent to Con gress on the convening of thnl body, De cember Cth : Fcllow-Citizons of Uio Sonnlonnd Houso of JloproscntntivcH: I congrntulnto you on tho continued nnd incrensing prosperity of our country. By tho fnvor of iJivino Providonco wo hnvo been blessed during tho iinst yonr with hcnllli. with abundant linrvestR, with profitnblo omploymont for nil our people, nnd with contenltnout nt liotno nnd with penco nnd friendship with other nntions. CONDITION OP THE COUNTKV. Tho ocenrronco of tlio Iwoiity-fourth election of chiof mngistrnlo has alibi (led n nothor opportunity to tho pcoplo of tho United Stntos to exhibit to tho world n iiignificnut oxnmplo of tho pencoful nnd Ktrnngo trnnsmissiou of tho power nnd authority of tho government from public servants whoso lor ins of otlico nro about to expire to thoir nowly-choscn successors. This oxnmplo ennuot fail to impress pro foundly thoughtful pooplo of othor coun tries with tho ndvaiitngos which republican institutions ofTor. Tho goncrnl nnd cheorful ncquicsconco of nil good citizons in tho result of tho olocliou givos tho gratifying nssurnnco to our country, and to its friends throughout tho world, that a government based on tho froo consent of an intelligent and patriotic pooplo possesses clomouts of fitrongth, stability and 'pormanoncy not found in any other form of govornmout. Continued opposition to tho full and frco enjoyment of tho rights of citizenship con ferred upon tho colored pooplo by tho recent amendments to tho constitution, still pre vails in several ot tlio Into slavc-uoldiug States. It hns, porhnps, not boon mani fested iu tho rccout election to any lnrgo extent iu acts of violouco or intimidation. It hns, however, by fraudulent prncticos iu connection with tho ballot, with tho regu lations as to tho places nnd manner of voting, nhd with counting, returning and canvassing tho votes cast, been successful in defeating tho oxorciso of tho " right pre servative of all rights," tho right of suf frage. OUR FOUEION RELATIONS. Our relations with all foreign countries have boon those of undisturbed peace, mid liavo presented no occasion for concern ns to their continued maintenance My an ticipation of enrly reply from tho British Government to the demand of indomuity to our iishormon for injuries suH'orcd by that industry at Fortune Bay iu January, 1878, which I expressed in my last annual mcsbitgo, was disappointed. This answer was received only in tho lnttor part of April in the present year, and, whou re ceived, exhibited a fniluro of accord bo Iwoon tho two governments as to tho measures ot insuoro fishing privileges bcourcd to our fishermen by tho Treaty of AVuBuiuglon, and were of so serious n chnr netor that I made it tho subject of a com munication to Congress, in which I rccom mended tho adoption of measures which soetued to mo proper to bo taken by this government iu tho maintenance of tho rights accorded. TUB C1IINESK TKEATY. Tho provisions mndo by Congress nt tho last session, for tho expeusos of tho com mission which has been appointed to outer upon negotiations with, tho Imporial Gov ernment of China, on subjects of great . interest to tho rotations of tho two coun tries, otmblccl tho commissioners to proceed at. once upon thoir missiou. Tho Imperial Government was proparod lo givo prompt nnd respcelful nttcution to tho matter under negotiation, and tho conferences proceeded with such rapidity aud progress that on tho 17th of November last two treaties wore signed at Poking ouo re lating to the introduction of Chinese into this country, and one relating to couuuorco. Mr, Trosuott, our commissioner, is now on his way home, bringing those treaties, nnd it is to bo expected they will bo recoived iu season to bo laid before tho Somite, early in January. IN SAMOA, King Maliotoa, under tho support and with tho co-operation of the consular represen tatives of tho United States, Great Britain nnd Germany, seems to havo given poaco aud tranquillity to the islands. While it docs not appoar dsirnblo to adopt, as a who(o, tho scheme of tripaitilo local gov ernment which has boon proposod, tho com. niou iutoiosU of thrco great treaty powors requite harmony iu their relations to tho native form of government, aud this may be best bocured by a simplo diplomatic treaty tyitwoou them, It would bo woll if tho consular jurisdiction of our representa tive at Apia were increased iu extent aud importance, bo as to guard tho American interests iu tho surrouudiug aud outlyiug island of Ocoauica. A TtUNSl'ACirtO CAULK. Iu this couuecUou, I desiro also to sug Saturday VOLUME J. gest a very great scrvico which might bo expected in enlarging nnd facilitating our commorco on tho Pacific Ocean wcro tho transmarine cablo laid from San Francisco to tho Sandwich Islands, and thenco to Japan nt tho north nnd Australia nt tho south. Tho great itillucnco of such a means of communication in theso routes of navigation in developing nnd Fccnring n duo share to our Pacific Coast of tho com morco of tho world needs no illustration or enforcement. It may bo such nn ontcr priso, so usofnl nnd in tho end so profitnblo ns it would provo to privalo investment, mny need to bo ncecloratcd by prudent legislation by Congress in its nid, and I submit tho matter to your careful con sideration. ItECOONITION OF MILITARY MERIT. T commend lo tho nllontion of Congress tho groat scrvico of tho Commander-in-Chief of our armies during tho wnr for tho Union, whoso wiso, firm and patriotic con duct did so much to bring that momentous conflict lo a close. Tho legislation of tho United Stales contains many precedents for recognition of distinguished military morit, authorizing rank nnd omolumouts to bo conforred for omincnt sorviccs to tho country. Action of Congress, authorizing tho appointment of a Cnplain-Gcnornl of tho Army, with suilnhlo provisions rolnting to compensation, retirement nnd othor de tails, would, in my judgtnout, bo altogether fitting nnd propor, nnd would bo warmly approved by tho country. THE UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION HnB received tho nccossion of almost all tho countries and colonics of tho world, main taining nn organized postal scrvico, nnd it is confidently expected Hint all other coun tries and colonies, now outside tho Union, will soon unito herewith, thus roalizing tho grand iden and aim of tho founders of tho Union of forming for tho purposes of inter national mail communication a singlo post al territory embracing tho world, with n comploto uniformity of postal charges and conditions of international exchango for nil descriptions of correspondence. To cnablo tho United Stntos to do its full sharo of this groat work, additional legislation is asked by tho Postmaslcr-Goncral, to whoso rccommondntion especial attention is called. Tho suggestion of tho Postmastcr-Gonoral that it would bo wiso lo oncourago, by ap propriate legislation, tho establishment of Amorican linos of steamers by our own citizons, to carry tho mails botweon our own ports nnd thoso of Moxico, Central America, South America and of tlio trans pacific countries, nnd is commended to tho serious consideration of Congress. Tho nttontion of Congress is also invited to suggestions of tho Postmastcr-Gonoral iu regard to Postal Savings Banks. American Wheat in Russia. Russian journalists appear, says tho Lon don Telegraph, to ho jusfc now painfully exorcised by tho announcement that two Amorican steamers, ladon with grain, havo entered tho port of Hovel for tho purposo of discharging thoir enrgocs, a circum stnnco hitherto without prccedont in tho nnnals of Ilussinn commerce That llus sin would novor nocd to import coreals from foreign countries has heretofore been a firmly established article of faith through out tlio Lzar s dominions, bo rnpid, how over, has of lato years been tho falling off in productiveness exhibited in tho ngricnl tural districts of tho Empiro that tho scom img impossible has nt longth como to pass, and Northorn Russia is importing wheat from tho United States. It is but justico to tho Russian press to acknowledge that it has bcon profuse of warnings with respect to tho probable consoquonccs of slovenly and unintelligent farming, pcrsislonco in old-fashioned nnd exploded systems of cul tivation roluctauco to luvost capital in modern agricultural improvements, absen teeism nnd other lachos which have practi cally disqualified Russian grain growers from compoting for foreign custom with their transatlantic rivals. But Russian boyars and peasant farmers nliko woro So immutably possessed with tho conviction that Russia was tho predestined granary of Europo that thoy calmly ignored these salutary monitions. Thoy aro now strickou with nuiazomout aud consternation by proof positivo, such ns is ailbrdcd by tho importation of Amorican eraiti iu Rovcl, thnt tho ccroal yields of Northorn nnd Contral Russia no longer sullieo to meot tho consumptive requirements of tho nntivo population. Germany, too, is giving to Amorica tho preference over Russia for what grain sho finds it necessary to import from abroad, on tho reasonable grounds thnt tho Amorican wheat is at onco cheap er nnd of better quality than tho Russian. On tho whole Russian ngriculturo is just now at au extremely low ebb, audits future promibos to provo oven gloomior than its present. Tho Lost Amorican Goods Intended for tho Melbourno International Exhibition. Tho loss of tho American merchantman Erie the Jicd, off Capo Otway, Australia, is particularly nnfortunato, since tho ves sel, which sailed from Now York Juno 10, had on board many cases of American merchandise intended for display nt tho International Exhibition to bo opottcd at Melbourno ou October 1st. Mr. Thomas R. Pickoriug, of Portland, Conu., who had ohargo of tho agenoy for tho exhibition in this city, had carefully soloctod thoso manu factures that woro specially adapted to tho Australian market. Through his exertions tho Stato of Connecticut made a special a p. propriation of $2000 whorowith to exhibit tho industries of that Stato ; f 500 of this ntnount was usod lo construct a largo showcaso for tho exhibits, which, with a number of tho exhibits that accompanied it, is lobt. It is now too lato to replace tho goods lost by tho shipment of others, for it would tnko nt least sixty dayd by tho quickest routo to laud gouds in Melbourne. Ono of tho regulations of tho exhibition re quires that goods should bo there beforo tho opening day, October 1st. Still, tho exhibition will remain open 6ix mouths, and if any of thoso who havo lost.goods should docido to replace theip, thoy would undoubtedly bo permitted to do bo, con sidering tho circumstances which caused tho delay. In all, nearly 150 cases of mer chandise wcro lost. II. W. SEVERANCE, Ilnwnlian ConMil & Comml"nlon Mnrchnnt 7 M1 Cnllfornla HI , Cl Room Nn. 4, ly J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney mid Counsellor nt Law, Mrrdmnt St., Honolulu, II I. I EDWARD PRESTON, Attorney nnd Cotmiollor nt Iaw, ly B1 Fort Street, Ilnnnlntn. 1 MRS. D. B. GRIFFIN, linn Port St., Honolulu, FruMonnlilo Milliner? nnd IDroM Maker, 1 New llnotl nnil Htjlc rpclvol every month. ly DR. N. B. EMERSON, IIIYBICIA.W .VIVZS BVHO-TBOW OniconlDr HofTinnnirn Driis Store, '.'I Merchant St Serlclence, corner Kuknl nnd I'ort Mrcct (thcoM Kroner premise") OOlco lionrn- 9 to 11 a i, 8 to I r. M. II Cm J. NOTT & CO., Importer nml Dcnlora in Stovw, Rnnrjn, MclnlK, IIoue FnrnUliins 'loon's, Crockery,,! 11im nml Clilnn Wnre. I'mctlcnl Mrcl.anlcn, Honolulu, II. I t ly CHAMPAGNE CIDER MANUFACTORY AND GROCERY. 0 Xn. Ii Mlllin Street. ly A. W. RICHARDSON & CO., lwr-OUTEIll AVIIIIEU.Enil! Hoot. Shoe, I'lirnUlilnR (lonrt, Ilntu, OniiJ, Trnnkf, Valine, Perfumery nml Hniim, Wnltlinin Wntclien, Kino. lewelry, etc., eorncr of l'ort nnd Merchant M,, Honolulu, If. I. 1 ly M. DICKSON, PliotoRrnnMo Artist, lOinnd 101 Tort Street. 1'lrtnrcR of nil nlzci nnd klndn made to order, nnd i mini's or nn tipncriMinnn roiutnntiy nn nnnii Shelli., CnrnlK, nnd CnrloltlCB of tho Pacific. Aln, tliy I.. W. HOPP, Cabinet Mnltor, llpliolntoror, Dealer in Furniture, No. BS King Street, lietween Nuuanu nnd l'ort Streets. Mnttrciiacn onutnntly on hnnd or inndo to order. . J ly THOS. O. THRUM, Importing nnd Mnnnfiictiirinr Stntioner. Nown Agont, Book Binder, &c, Merchant Street, ami Denier In Flno Stationer)', Hook, Mciflc, Tojb and Fancy Goods, 1 l'ort Mrcct, nenr Hotel, Honolulu, ly w. 3t. wn.sNKii. joiin WENNER & CO., Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall, MnnnfnotiiriiiK Jowolors, Diamond Setters, KiicrnterH, nnd Dealers In Jewelry of nlTklnds. Shell nnd Kuknl .Jewelry mitde to order. Ordern nlo rc- relved nnd fnlthfully nttended to for all kinds of Ilulr Work in Jewelry or Memorial Deigns. 1 ly D. W. CI. ARK. Wntcli Mnltor mill Jeweler, isiroriTErt of Waltliam ami nil other American Watches, Clock and Jewelry. Watch Repairing mnde n specialty. 1 ly No. 17 Merchant Street, Honolulu. FRANK GERTZ, BOOT A ND SIH O E MAKER No. ffll Mcrchnnl St., next to Thos. (1. Thrum. Hoots nml Million Slmle tu Order, of llott Mn- tcrlnliiMiit nt lteimonlilo 1'rlect. Boots and Shooc mndo for Cash only ajy M. S. GRINDAUM & CO., Importers nnd Wliolcsnlo Dealers in Gene ral MorclinmUso, 3 Makee's Illock, Ojicen Street. ly M. S. GRINBATJM & CO., Forwnrdiiif; nnd Commission Morchnntn, 9U California St., San Francisco. Special facilities for nnd partlcslnr nttentlon pnlil to J consignments of Island produce ly T. J. MOSSUAN, ImTHrrtor nnd Dealer in Crockery, I'lnln and Decorated l'orcclaln. Out and Pressed Glass, Silver I'lnted Waru, Cutlery, Chandeliers, Lamps, Chimneys, lUc. Fire Proof More, cor. Klna and Nimana Sts., Honolulu. iiy E, COOK WEBB,M. D., Homoopathlst, (Lato Chief of Stan Homeopathic Hospital, Ward's Island, N V.) Office no Fort Street. Special attention to diseases of women and children, Olllcc hours Until 10 A. M. Stolr.M. 3 ly O. SEOELKEM. O. ENULIXI1. G. SEGELKEN &. CO., No. 5 Niiiiauu Street, Tinsmiths and Plnmbors. Doalors In Stoves, ltnngcs, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Wnre, keep con stantly on hand a full nssnrtmcul of Tinware, Galvnu lzcd Iron and Lead Pipe, India Rubber Hose, &c, Ac. Sly A. E. SMITH, 4 milTSTIIKKT, lYI'OllTEII ANODEALtn IS Jlerlden Quadruple Plated Wnre, Glassware, King's Commnatlnn bpectncies nml Ulasses, jirnckets. Vases, Lustral Wire Waro, Fancy Soaii", Picture 1'rames, Wostenholin's Pocket Kuhes, Scissors, Fls tols. Powder. Shot and Ammunition, Clark!! Snoot Cotton, ilnchlno Oil, all kinds of Machine Needles, "Domestic" Paper Fahlons, Solo Agent for tho uni versally acknowledged Eight Running Domestic) Sowing Machine. II. E. WIIITVKr. J. W. ROnEllTSON WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, (Successors to II. 51. Whitney) Stationers, Publishers, Nows Dealers and Hoolc-Bludors. 1 Merchant Street, Honolulu, II. I. ly THE HONOLULU BOOK-BINDERY DOES BINDINQ OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. The work executed nt this establishment Is under the supervision of JtH. JOIIN L. HI'. K8, who la well known as nu experienced workman, nnd cannot lourjHintd. woitit i.; At- tiii: MiHKvr katkn. WIIITNEV & nOUKKTSO.V. Stationers, Publishers, News Dca'ers and Hook Hinders llr HONOLULU STEAM BAKERY, R. LOVE & BROTHER, Proprietors, NUUANU 8HKKT. Pilot, Medium and Nay Dread nlwnys on hand and made to order. Also, Water, Soda aud Butter Crack ers, Jenny I.lnd Cukes, &.: Shlo llrcad rch.ikcd ou the shortest notice. Family Ilread, madu ot tho licit Flour, baked dally and always on hand. X. II, Urowu Ilrrnil t Ibe UcM Qunllty a ly trOXjO-saLCTO HOUSE UIIATKK Of OF UII.AUIM, W. II. L1CNTZ, MANAGER. Plenty to eat, a ronslus tire, clean beds, aud tlio best attendaucu ou the Hawaiian Islands Visitors requiring uny uniisnnl display of volcanic action will kindly elte Matiarerat lej( ten day notice lu tine weather, and from rletun to thirteen In foul. 5 ly HIGGINS & JESSETT, Nos. M and M Klnt St., 4&A?GnrrIiM:o Buliaers, Trlni.Mi ZZSttliav, Palutorm, VanUshui .& AIILIudsof Itepalrlni; attended to, and good work guaranteed, at Low lUlesj 8 ly ii. IV. 31 A4;rAHI.Ai'i: At CO.. IMPOUTEBB AND COMMISSION KEBCUANT8, lloblntou's i'lrs-ptoof llullJlog, Quceiiglrett, llvuululu, II, I. iaiNia roa Ths Otiito and llooolulu I.ln. of I'scksli. John Hay A Co's LlierjKwl and London Packets. The Wslkapu PUntalluu, Tho S.nccr I'lauUllon, llllo, llaktlsu I'ltutallou, llllo. - MlirUeJ, Tlt .t ktMo,iiugrMacblnry, Thu PuuIoa hhecp KaticuCQuipinr. TM I, c. auih. r. tosiiiuj AI.l.l'.K Ac IIOIII;-NO.. At Hobluion's Wlttit, DeaWs in Lumber and all kinds of Building Matorials. Patats, Oils, Halls, 4c, ke.,e iiisjis cr scuooxsai IULCAKALA, KULAMA.NU, KUKAULl'OIII. MAKV F.LLKff, PA UAH I, 1'ILAMA, LKAHI, 8M llonolnln , Ha walls n Islands. PIONESR STEAM Candy Manufactory and Bakery Practical Coafrcticctr, Pastry Cook and Baktr, 1 Tl Hotel tre,t, bcuecn Kuuanu anil fort. 3 1 HONOLULU, H. I, SATURDAY, ii :.-. i. ii. AimiiiK, O OTJItaXIXiIiO XV AT tiA w Pfl.1 No. 1.1 Knnlinninnii street. ;. H. ItAlt'rOW. Auctioneer. Pnlesroora on Queen Street, ono door from Ksahumnnn 801 Street. ly i a. H;iiA(:n:it c ;.. Importors &. Commission Merchants oill I Ilonolnl ii,llssHn Islands I y o. s. ,i;.n.m.s. at. i.. BUROE0N AND HOMEOPATHIC PHYBIOIAN. Olllce Cornsr lortnn.l Ilerttsnlii His, Ilonotutti. 8M :. 1. AIA.1IM, Auctioneer nnd Commission Merchant, Que en Street, llonolnln, II. I, i:i. iioi'i'sciii.,iii:ii:it & ;., IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Honolulu. Oaliii. 11. I. n787 ly ED. C. ROWE, Hotiso nnd Slrjn Pninter, Pnpor Hanger, &c Kli )y No 111 Fort Street, llonolnln. 9 A. H. ;i.lU.'IltItl A. Co.. IMPORTERS iSD REJILRRS t!!1 Gonorrvl IVIoi'olinxidtlMO, 791 Corner Queen win! Ksnlmmaini Streets, ly ii. ha;ki'i:i.i a. :., GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, Queen Street, llonolnln. II. 1. 701-ly I A . W . II i; M II . GROCER AND PROVISION DEALER. Family Orocery nnd Feed Store, 70S tyl 60 fort Street, tlnmlnln. iioiii.i: Ac co.. Ship Chandlers nnd Comrataston Morchnnts. m porter s anil Heaters In QenernlMerchniiiIlie,QuetinStroet llonolnln. Ilnwntlnti Islands. (HO ly i.Aim: Ac CO.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Importers of and Dealers In liny, Ornln, nnd (leimrnl Produce, Honolulu. II. I. 70.1 It .IOIIIV II. IMTV, . NOTARY PUBLIC and COMMISSIONER of DEEDS, For Hi" Ktitcsnf California and New York. Office nt Hie Itnnk of Illshop t Co., , Honolulu. o?&5 ly II. O. llAIil. Ac MO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Dry Ooods, Paints, Oils and (lenern I Merchnndlsp, 8M-ly ConierFortnnd KlngBts. .ours 'i'. iva'I'I'kiiodmi:. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 825 Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I. ly JNO. A. HASSINGER, Agont to tnlco Acknowledgments to Con tracts for Enhor. 81B .1 Interior Office, Honcluln. fun .i. at. 'iiitai:v. at. ., i. i. s. Dental Rooms on Fort Street, OfTIco iu Drew cr's, Illock, corner Hotel nnd Fort streets. rill ly Kiitrance, Hotel Street CLAUS rnECKEI.H. WM. O. IllWIN. UM1. - . IIMVIIX &. :o.. Sugar Faotors and Commission Agents Honolulu. II. I. 807 II. I lIlll.CutM Sc CO., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, flro-proof3tore. Fort St., abmeOdd FlIIowb Hall. BIB-ly u. i. r. ciRTiit, r. c. jo.iu, ua. C. BREWER & CO., SHIPPING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 733 Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. Jy lII.IlxVSllA3f & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Cutlery, Dry Hoods, Paints and Oils, nnd General Iter- ehandlso. No. 37 Fort Street, Honolulu. 7P8 ly it . ii. .ticiivr m: &. iticriii:K, (iEOCERY. PEED STORE and BAKERY, Corner of King anil Fort streets, HONOLULU. 834 ly wii.ii:u Ac co.. Corner of Fort and Queen Streits Honolulu, lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building (aon-l Matarialsof every kind. c. ;. coi.kjia;. BLACKSMITH AN D MACHINIST Home SIiooIiik, Cnrrlnice AVorh, I'lunliilloii Mnclilnrry, Ac. 80J) Shop on King Street, next Cnstle & CooVe's. ly THOMAS TANNATT, No. 83 Fort Street, opposite K. O. Hall .t Son. Wntchos, Clocks), Jowclry nnd Musio Boxes For Salo, Or carefully repaired In a workmanlike mnnncr. Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. TNI ly 'i'in:o. ii. iavii:k, I. in Jakios, (Irksn k Co. IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT asd AatsT roa Lloyil'sand the I.tferpitol Underwriters, Ilrltlah and ForolKn Marino lusiirnnco Company, and Northsrn AsmiranceCoupuny. nS 1 ly A. W. PEinCE & CO., SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANT8 AUK.NTK toll Ilraud'a Guns nnd Ilonib 1-uuccs, Terry Davis' l'nln Killer, 785 ,1 No. 40 Queen Street, Honolulu. ly ItuBT. LBWKIIB, C. II. COOKK. 1. K IV RUN Ac C O O K II , Successors to Levers & Dickson, IMPORTERS & DEALERS IN LUMBER. Aud alt kinds of llulldlng Materials Port Street, bUi) ly Honolulu. ;i::ii. iikmvi. att0bney and counsellor at law. NOTAIIY FUlll.IC. And Agent fur taking Acknowlmliiiiientsof Initruruent.for the lilaudofOabu. o78T No. 8 Kauhuniauu Btreet. llonolnlu. II. I. ly IIOI.I.INTI',11 Ac VO., VrujgUlt, Alothttariie, mportors of Tobacco and Cigars, Manufacturers of Soda Water, ArchIh for P. Loiillard & Co's Tin TaRi W. S. Kimball A. Co's Ynnit l'airi anil OwmIhIii A Co's OKI JudRC, Tobauos and Cl)r,arcttrs. 810) Nu ha -Viuiiiiiii Htreet. Ilouuliilu. ly CASTl.i: St. HATCH, Attoi'iioys SKt Xatxxrv. W. 1L CAUTI.K, Notary Public, attend all tho Courts of tho Kingdom. Particular altentiou paid to Ilia neitollatlou of Iiani, ConveyauciuK, CollectlnK, etc. - Muney to loan ou MorUuse. Dlllcoi No, 13 Kuahuuianu street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. 781 ly HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. rt-Bf NT K.AM KMtlNKM, SCtJAIt BIII.1.M UUt llollera, Coolers, Iron, Uratsaud IadCstluss Machinery of Evory Description, 43 Mad. lo Order, -u t Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmlthlng aa-JOII WOKK sseeutcdon thoshorlsit notlcs. o8H ly S. . OASTI.ll. J. . ATHEHTO UAMTI.r. Ac UOOKK, 8HIPPINQ AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IMPOIITKIIS ANI) Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 Kln3tteel, Huaolulu, Hawaiian lilauUs, .... A0F.NT3 If01t. Tbs Union Iniaranco Oouipauy of Sao Franclico. Th.Nfw IUi(lind Mutual i.ns luiuranca uuinpiij, uu.ion. Tlta Oregon I'ack.t Line. TbaKuheU Plantation, Tbe It.lkiil'UuUlloD, Dr. Jju. i tfgu'sOoUbrsted &l.llrlnes. wsuiuariauiaiion, lUumkua Plantation. Wheeler Wilion's 8ewln; Machines. iouq in BISHOP & 00., HONOLULU, I I I I HAWAIIAN lkl.AHD' . , DRAW KXCHANQK 0N. I HE Bill OF CsUIFOMII, : : SM FUNCiSCO -us lumaiasNif l Mew York, HtMlaa, Purls, AHcklatul, THE MIEITJU IANK CWrPOMflO. : : UMBO. Tuna satacuss u llouy KoiiK, Myliir, sod , MltHna, Aod traosKtaQiasral Htatlog Oatlatw. TJ7 1 PrTZL TlfcrjEltea JANUARY 8, 1881 ' , wat. JoiiftNorv, Morolaaxit Tailor. 7tit No. r)5FortSt.,ietow llr. Htnngenwnld's. ly IIIMIAN IIICOM., Importers of General Merchandise riioM FJiANQK,ENOLAHD, UIERMAXY, A2,rT UNITED STATES, No. 29 Merchant Street, llonolnln, II. I, Ill'.UAX JIKOM.. WHOLESALE OR00E11S, S10nnilSI8 California Street, NAN I' It A I II 1 N II O . C37" Particular attention paid to filling anil shipping Island orders. KM ly THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL. AI,I IIi:itIli:itT, l'mprlrtor. M$U(U HOTIII. 8TKI:ET, HONOLULU. Entrances on Hotel, Richards, nnd Ilcrctnnln Streets FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. drlccs tho samo ns FIrst-Clnss Hotel In Snn Francisco. 8.11 S WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED r.x I.ATE ARRIVALS, I .. XjEurso LotofHIay OF TIIK NKW CROP. ALSO, Whole and Ground Hurley, Oats, Jiran, and Alfalfa Hay. We rnrry the largest stock nf Horse Feed In this KluKdom, nnd we nro always prepnrcd to fill all orders with accustomed promptness, and AT LOW HATES FOR GASH. OB-Ornln Ground lo Order.rJ Wheat, Corn, Cracked Corn, Oil Cake, Middling, Mixed Feed, etc., nhins on hand. 1 3m I. A INK & CO. HlHaO STORE, At the Old Comer, Front and Wnlanulnnl Sts. A. S. CLECHORN & CO., AUCTIONEERS, IMPORTERS AND Dealers in General Merchandise, Groceries, Hnrdwnro, liootHinul SIiocb, Clothitip, Dry nnd Fancy Goods, otc. Ladles' and Gentlemen's Yuriiiglilng (looils, Late Importation, In Rrcnt variety. Choicest Brands of Tobacco and Cigars. FULL AND COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 'OF CANNED GOODS Fresh Importation. " Orders from tho country promptly and carefully exe cuted. Particular nttentlon Riven to the piirchnstnr; of Roods on special orders, cither lu Honolulu or at tl e Coast, by our special agents. B am J. II. MA11V. Manager. THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Established 18M. Unlimited Liability to Stockholder. Assets $.1l,E!r,,100 Kescrve $ O.-SO.UW Income for ISTUs Proiutiima rcccUcd after deduction of rein surance $ 5,381,295 Losses promptly adjusted and paid hero. 13m 1IIMHU A Co.. Agrntn. FIREMAN'S FUND Insurance Company. A Leading Home Company. Assets, Juno 30th $707,1(17.17 Cneh Capital (now being cnllcd In) 3.V),(00.00 Total Assets ?l,117,:i07.17 rpiIK FIUKMAK'S FUND INSUIt- X ANCi: COMPANY hanln Ita cbilms to tho best patronage upon its suuiiil lluniicial condition, reinforced by lta nccessiou of capital, clvlnu It over a million dollars in assets; Its rxloiiahe system of Agencies, In mrlnr it a large premium Income, without the neces sity of heavy cnncciitrutlnn nf lines; its adhereiico In tho best principles mid practices of UndrrurltliiRi by open, fair ami clearly expressed loutructs, and iirumpt and equltnble adjustment and payment of Icgltlmato looses. Kor seventeen years it has been favorably known ns a cnneenatlto underwriter, and during Hut time has paid ocr i ,000,000 IN LOSSES, Passing triumphantly through tho hcu lest conflagra tions known In modern history. 1I1NHU1 A 'o., AKCllla, I 3m ' Honolulu, II. I. WILDER & CO., Aneiits lor (h llnwnlinu lalatuila, OP TUB Mutual Liib Insurance Co. Ol' NKW YOIIK, Largest, Safest and Moat ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. IN THE WORLD ! Assets (1880) $90,000,000 AXili OjV XX. Now is a Good Timo to Insure None bat Pirst-Clais ltliks Tsken, 81l.'3u NORTH GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, Five MHUous Relchsaark. riHK l'NKUMIM.i:i IIAVIKI1 HKKN M. appointed Agents fur the abovo Company, are now ready tu Iwuet'oUrlcanKMlB! HUknorsVlreou HullU luica, Hrrclmuillao null s-'iirullure on terms eijualtuthnsa nt other respectable companies. Looses paid for and adjusted lure. Por particulars, apoly lu MI II. HACKVeLII Si Co.. Agents. THK New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. Or BOSTON, MASS INCUlt VOH ATKI, ls)0. 7 he Oldett Purely Mutual Life Insurance Co. in the United Slate. Policies IiaA e tht most faiorabla Terma. t:xnmle or Wo.ForfrHssr Tlaiia IN8UHKD AQB. Hi YKAK-ORPINAHY LIITK rlK I Annual prsinluutcontloyss Pulley 3 years 3 days 3 Annual prsulum covllnuss l'lky 4 J mi, 1 dUys S Annual stiiiluui ccniluuss Policy 8 )Mi77da)s 4 Annual pr.ialam coctlnots Policy 8 ysaisHdaya I AnuaalprsmluiacouUnatsPiJIcylU jSMiMdys ataatai, I 1,000,0001 fcsiMH Vmt IkrasisTii Msislai Acr 4;009 CAtTLC ft COOKK, AJINT9 lit , rOH THK HAWAIIAN IKLAMUI. ly r to'jUmlaw ? yujjjiiftl'sijt" '" hi' yrrL. ff m ii 'stff'LB &R. OWVMM r jr r en .tfVtfUMBER 19. noslon lioard of (Indenvrlterss A OKXTg for tho llnfrnllnn talnnili, n talnmli, O lIRKWRItACO. soi-iy riilladclphla llonnl of Underwrllersi AOBNTS fur tlio Ilrtirnllnn Iilnnila, l0-1y t). n R K w Kit . CO. i'. a. H;iiAi:t'i:it. & IIF.XT nfllrrmcii Mnnrit or Umtmrrltera, XX Airent of IireiJsn Hoard of Underwriters, Apr-nt of Vlsnna Ilonrd ef Underwriters. Clilmi against Insnranee Companies within the JnrKllellon of the abore Hoards of Underwrite r, will hare lo Is csrtl flsd Inl.y tin alpot agent to nnko thsm tall.l. 7M ly iiA.iuiiiitljiiiiHi'..iii:i- FIHE INSURANCE COMPANY. rcmr. UM)HItSKJ.VKI Imrlnpc hern up- pointed Acents of tlio abote Companr. nrsnrsnsre.1 tolmurerlsksaislnst fire, on Stone nn.) I! rick ItnllriU Iiirs, and on Mrrclm inline storsil therein, nt the most terms, for particulars apply nt the nfrlfo of " 'y r. a. co. HAMBURC-MACDEBURC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, of ii am nuna. Ht's-f.ninu. NKiti:iiA!ntNr. rritJti. Ttlltr. nml Machinery Insured natnst Flro on tbs most fnvornltlo terms. A. JAEGER, Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands. "ii y Insurance Notice. Tut: i'it:iiftiu.M:i aiii: piikparrd to write Upon Merchandle, per flrst-clasn rcsels hetwecn thla nnd the Const Ports, covering los or damnae. If nmoiintlnir to IU per cent, or morn, on tho soiiniUaluc of the wholo shlpincnt nt port of dcllrery, upon favorable terms. IIISIIOP ,fc Co. Agents of tho Firemen's Pnnd Insurance Company. Honolulu. Jan. 3D, 1WI. tai nm Insuranco Notice. TI1K AOKST FOIt THIS IIUITIItlt For eign Marine Insurance Compsny, (Limited), bsi te cctTed Itistrnctloes to reduce the rntea of liiiitrsnco between Honolulu nn.l Furls In tho Pacific, and Is uuw pre pared to lusuo Policies at tho lowest rates, with a special reduction on freight per steamers. THEO. II. DAVIES, ly TO Aftsntrtrlt. For. Mar. Ins. Co., Limited THAW 9-ATl.ARTIO FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, or iiAnmntu. Capital : : : Six Millions Rciclismark: RINK INNITIti:n OTV III1IMII.M1N, MKR. cliauillao nnd Furniture, on liberal terms, br 3831 ly If. HACKFKLII .t CO., Aircntn. UNION INSURANCE COMPANY OK BAN FHANGIHCO. 3VT.risio. INOOni'OHA.TED, 1805 CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS For the Ilawntlnn lilands. iy Rhonlsh Woatphnllan Lloyd INSURANCE COMPANY, Ol' .Tl. UI,AIIIAC'll, lthouloli lrnniin. Aachen and Leipzig Insuranoo Go,, v Limited, OF AAt'HI'.Jf. (AIX.I.A-CIIAPKM.K.) Am, vi.AinN roit I'AitTicn.tit atkr". A(li: austiiliied by Oooila nrrlvhiR here, nnd Insured In tue nbovo Companies, hnvo to bo made with the coa; nlrnuco of mid cerillled to by tho nndcrslned, lu order to bu valid. (7C0 ly) J. C. (It, A 111-:, Agent. GERMAN LLOYD Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. !' 0 TLTTJ N A General lnsuranceCompany of Berlin. TUP. AllOVr. INSUKAM'E COMPAXIEM hnvo established n (lencral Agency here, nnd the undersigned, Ucueral Agents, are authorised to take lllsfcH nicnliiNt tlio IniircroMhe Mcaaat ttao Itlunt ItniHonnblo lln(m, null 01a Ibe IHoNt I'nvoralilo Tcrma. 81.1 ly F. A. SCIIAEFKlt & CO., (Jcncral Agents. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., Of LONDON AND KUI-VOCItUII. KSTAUL1HHED 1809. CAPITAL JCI,00T,2IS Accumiilatcil snil Inveateil F11111I. a,83N,118 rrtnis UNnEiismNUD iiavk iikkn ap. M. I'OINTKII AdKNTd for the Sandwich, anil are authorized to Insure against Fire upon favorablo terms. Itiikstakcu In any part of thelilamlsoiilftoneand Wooden DulldliiKsnud merchandise stureil therein, Dwelling Houses and Furniture, Timber, Coals, Slilp. lu harbor with or with ou; cargoes, or under repair. 801 ly KB. OFFSCIILAKOKKACO NEW DRUG STORE OS NIIIIAMJ MTnEET. Holllster xSo Oo. ltESrECTFUU,Y INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC, To tho Fact that they bare Opened at their Old Stand, No. H.1 Nuuami Street, a Full Line of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYE STOFFS, ANI) Dll tG GISTS' SUJTDAIJES, INCLUDING THEiCELEBEATED CELLULOID T R U TRUSSES. S S THK LAIIGEST AND MOST Complete Assortment of Perfumery IN THK t'lTV. THE PRESCRIPTION DEPARTMENT Is In charge, of a rharmaceullat nf large experience, thoroughly competent and reliable. riyl'rctcrlptloiu compounded at all hours of day or nlcbt Niuur iiKM.osfTiii: ruoxv doom. K1 3m TlIO.ll.lM I.AUK, OHINIi No. 40 ft'orl Nlrcel, nlll attend lo all orders in the 3MC a?, J4 LOCK. GUN & GENERAL REPAIR LINE. Ha will Siva specUI attention to clcauluic, repairing and resuUtlng Hewlne Mavhluei, anil all otlinr awdsof IJiil Machinery and Meul Work of overy deacrlptlou. Ill4ckauilthliu, etc. Also, on band aud fur sals cheap, A Variety of Sewing Maohines Uusia. fliKK, Nliol, AutsstHtslliatl, Macbino OU, JTeeilei, Jic, Ac, Ac pewlng Uuclilue Tuckers. Ulndars. aud all other cur and duplicate (arts of machines supplied oa short uolU. 49- Best aiac&laa TwUt.-S &U Jftnl (n Mi King Jam Jot Ths Florsncc bewlnv llachlii. from (0 to I0. Whit BttWInK Machine, from lo 7. lotu8liulllblN Machine, flom l tJ,IS mr iDCludlntallestras m ly Tor Sal or Leas. BKMIKAB1.K INVKHraKXT.-TIt WalU known nratnliea of tlia uuderaiirnc4L sltaate on 7 lug street, logilber with tho furollure, .etc., of Iho same. If desired. Tho Douso nas 1 1 rooms, is in soon order, and Is wcllfnrnlahed throojihout, thus glripir an eacrlUot opportuallr to parties deslroas of continuing Its loni-csUbllsh4 Liulntss. for farther particular apply tu U tt TI10W.A.TMHUM. riANNKWOOOI) 8-A Tj A HGK VJ asaortiaca of iloatou aud Sau Francltca packing. 9i jvOLLKq ft Co C. BREWER & CO. I NOW- Oflor TF ox alo ijt Tim riNK AMERICAN BARK AMY.TURNBR, NEWELL, Mister, now about due from Boston, The Following list of Merchandise Bteam Conl in Imllc, Utimborlnnil Conl in csnTtn nml liiilV, Slovo Conl in ensks nml bulk, Oak rinuk, 1 inch to 8 inch, llnrrolfl Tnr, Pitch nml Itonin, Cnnnl Ilnrrows with Iron Wheel (F.LKCTMC nil AUD.) Turpentine, PnintOil, Lnrd Oil, Enntoni Pino Hanoi Shnnkn, Iob1oii Cnrtl Mntclicn. NEW STYLES OF FURNITURE Parlor ami Bedroom Sets. A Fine Line of Groceries t Tomnto nnd Mock Tnrtlo Soup, Trih Stow, Stowed Cnlvcs' Hcnd, llnrricot Mutton, IiolmlcrH, ClnniH, Corn, Pent), Tomntocrt, Sausiigo, Clnm Chowder, Lnrd, Family Pork Cotton Duck, No. I to 10 Oakum, Boat lIonrdn, WhnlebonfH, A clioico detection of Iloatou Crnckcm in 21b tins, - . Maniln Cordngo, nil eizon from 0 thread to 4W inch, Spunynrn, Mnrlino. out zriiw, Oars, Wasliboards, Bnckcls, Asb. 3lnliL, Unit Mnttrcascs nnd Pillows, - Curled Ilnir, Excclnior, Iron Safes, nssortcd eiea, Michigan Pino Lunibor, Iloo Ilandlcs, AVood Sent Clmirn, Ilido Poison, Sugar Bags. Rolling Top Office Desks Office Chairs, Baby Carriage!, Jump SeatJExtension Carriages, Brewster Baggies, r.Brownell's Buggy. An Invoico of Bcfincd Iron, nBBortctl. Corrugated Iron, Fence Wire, Kubbar Bolting AN I.NVOICK or Burnett's Extracts, AND COLOGNE. Downer's Kerosene Oil MULE CARTS, New stylo, got up especially for Plantation nse for tana Extra Wheels aud Axles for Male Carts. fBr-AII of ths aboyo Goods "ill bo oSersd to tlio trad at prices that will be sure to snlt, 831 1 C. BHEWKR CO. PIONEER LINE FROM LIVERPOOL. THEO. H. DAVIES OI'FKBM WO SALE THe Oarg o -OF- CITY OF MAIHtll) AND OBEKON, (IOS Dajrsi Psvaaase) txjt to :o:-a.isri Conslstinc of ths usual assortment of DRY GOODS & CLOTHING Onlranizod Iron ltooOnp; and Fonce Wire, l'ortluud Coment'(Whito'a), Flro IlrickK, llluo Mottled Soap, lkwt Welch SUmux Coal, QnlvnuIzeU Iron Waro, Bailcllory, 3 pair Mirrlcou, Talt WaUon'a CentrifngaU, Wines, Liquont, do. do. Ac. ALSO To Arrive per LIZZIE IBEDALE BIIK III ttECEMBKal, 00 Tons lUUroad Iroa, T Kail, KooInK SUteH, Ac. Ac. 8318 TIIE0.1I. DAVIKH. I HAVE MKOUMICB A FIRST-CLASS HOSSE-SHOES! Atitl sua psrapMtMl ttt carry Ihla Braisck I saijr Eualueasi 1st si ssmslasir awlU. ratcUr la aasjr ralrsrask OWNERS OF"PINE STOCK Will do wU to givo Call. Horfai sent to my King it. Shop Will befaillfull attended to. C. WET. REAL ESTATE! Denirablo l'rorty o lortSI. Vr Hale. ., THK WKLIi KNOWN X.OT S1TU- X ateil on Fort htrect abort Usrctanla. This lot Is 1U0 feet houtas on Vort struct, and 114 feet rear, Thera Is a two-storjr dwelling houso on Iho lot. nearly new, with cook house, bath boas and prlrr, and two wells W fuel deep, well stoned up from ths bottom for sswer asu purpose. Th water la laid on la fonr dUtrtal places, and plpluf all In cotmI condition. Tkers la ampin room for Iho erection of two Ur cottages. Tka, fvuclnr Is all new. This Is on of ths most health and centrally located Iota fur a realdtnc of any In Ih city of Honolulu. Tho shore sale offers a good opportunity for the penuanont lurcstinent of capital. " Title perfect. Deeds at the espouse of the paickasee. A part of the purchase money may remain aecared by mortKexe on the premises. Fur farther particulars, au ' ply to U.W. IfAUV,oulhkrHuUee,of A. J. UAarrWUIOIil", Ke4.. Where plan of the lot can be seen. a t QroMrif a, ArvLi, una r bm-kkii AT LLi Co's.