OCR Interpretation

Saturday press. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1880-1885, October 15, 1881, Supplement, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014681/1881-10-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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Supplement to th e Saturday Press, October 15, 1881.
n mat
PRKAOitnn tir
D. D.,
tlio Bethel Chapol, Honolulu, Snb-
bath Dlornlnfj, Oct. Oth, 1881.
Ibmaii I,V: 8-0. "Tor my tliotiRhU nrfi not jonr(
tlionohtK, npithcrnro jour wsyii my wnjii, biuii
the Iiril. For m llio lienvcns nro higher than
tho enrtb, (v nro my wnys Itlplter umtiyontwny,
nnd my thouqlttR tfnui joar thoughts."
During many wenry dnys nntl wwkn. n
iTpat tuition most nuxiously nwnitcd tho,
rcHitlt of tho riMsnHsin'H fatal bnll. Thoy
limi been days ami weeks of torriblo sus
pense. Altornaio nopes ana icnrs nmi eio-
r4CU HJlUill nv XllilllU lllll milUU II'1JU11H,1
ill I.-.. n i.. i; rri.;.. ;.. r
;-; unletting iiuiu utuiiu) ui inc. -i iii.i hi nu
ncciuoui, no ennnco event, i u, lencnes us
tlni lesson, to trust in Uod, tlio sovereign
li'.tori xv in ivnnlil fiver ltnnresq nn.in rmr
iniiuls tho solemn truth that lifo ih uncnr-5
tain, but dentil is certain?
hrtoiuuii. Js not tins snd calamity ie
signed to bring n great nation to bober
reflection? A nntion does not appear at its
bent cstatn nnd in ith most iionitny comli
lion, when onirnired in war or whon msh
ing onward in a mnd career of worldly!
prosperity, nnd "nil hearts aro chilled inw
tlio oairor purHiut ol wenltli," nntl whenii
tho motto is, " to tho victors belong theSj
spoils," iNow tins wiw just tlio ininentn-E!
bio statu ot political allium wlien the
attention oi tno wnoio country is sud-ft
arrested by tho terriblo iiowh ofsj
dent Unrfiold's assassination. The
nrst burst oi ninous indignation urcnicH
:.l,..l ,.-,1,....,uUn,1 llinlinnrl nf ,1m imii'nii.tlUPOIl tllO (lOOlllCtl lieiUl Of tllO mull WllO
mi. .. nmiiliVi. nf mnt.ifitiH iii tlin bosnmfllms dared to plot nnd oxecute so hellish a
of UHinglo individual is quito distressing.jj'ieed. 'Wliila tlio
but when that feeling in inteiHitied,bybo-WS"e "" pi
mg participated in, ny a great nauoiif
keenly nlivo in every pulsation of itsi
miVlitv throbbiiiL' heart, then comes a feel
ing ol tornblo conflict ami distress aiio-i
getlier lndeaerinanio. Alter soveiiiy-nnio
dnvs of this nlternnto elovntion and do-
- .. i .,.,.- i
prcsqion, tne announcement, nnsiics over,
tho wires, from tho Atlantic to tho Pnciiic.f
nnd to foreign lnnd.M, " President Garfield
in dead." Tlio noblo Chief Magistrate, tho!
upright public functionary, tho nflection-i
nto father, tho truo husband, tin Mini son,!
tho sincoro Chrihtinn and guiiunio friend,
in no more, but weeps in death. 'JLlioj
caiiho or causes, which hnvo conspired tot
tho result of thm Mid ami melancholy!
ovont, aro of a naturo to arrost universal)
nllontion. and tunko u solemn impression)
in urn Mm wlioln mvilizod world, Not onlv!
1. ,u it ,,liw1 fifiv millions of Amoricnn eiti-Satmn. God has brought tho nation to
zona in tho garmentH ot the mourner, i)utEB'uB" uul'' mimnuu, mm n me
foroiirn nations and foreign courts havof;r.esult .shall bo to lead to national reforms,
viii .it. , it.., nrtiirnnr'u iiniirrn r. n 1 innnn nrM wimjiuhi tun iwt .... tu v.t.-v ju ,1,111.
ti. 1 i ..w ... 1. ....!. f....il. :..t)Hnw nftitii Iwm fhn nn.RinntinTi nf T,iii-'
murdered President lies
nine away, thoiurhtfiil
men, and patriotic statesmen and humbled
Christians, omitnre. "Is Guitcau tho only
sinner among (ho millions of America? Isu
...il I1..K wl . ...... .....I . I ... ..k4 ..1 .1 . .In... I ..I. ....... 1 fl
iiui. linn uviiuiin iiiiu uuit'-ibiiiiiu iii'U'ii miiuuil
in by many others?" Many eminent
writers do not hesitato to declnro in print;
" that this critno wan tho result of the'
' bpoils system.' " Gcwl deals with iiationsra
on tho principle tlint he deals with indi
viduals. iNntionnl hhih bring down Heav
en's disjilpaHtiro. " Tho nhsabsinntion of
President Garfield was n judgment upon
pur nntion." Thus good and noble, patri
otic and truo men reason, 'ino nation is
mndo up of individuals, now so far ns
mdn lduals uphold tho " spoils system "i
or any outer Kreut. uuuuuiu hih or crime.
leading to such crimes, just so tar indivi
duals aro guilty ot unrueid'H nhsassinn-
ur.Mvr.nnu nv
His Lordship the Bishop of Honolulu
ON SUNDAY EVENINO, OCT. 9th, 1881.11
2HAMUrl 111:17 "Know to tint (lint (liorn In nil
prince nnd n trcnt tnnn fnllen HiIb tiny in lnrncl?"M
Tlicso words, uttered bv David after tho
nacncatnntinn n( A mint In .Innli ntnitnnn
the ono prevailing sentiment throughout
ni.J.i .I-.-. .n. ft.nM! . . ,fi
uuuaiuiiiiuiiifiin iiiuinuuriinu iiitiiigs Fpreniir
from lnnd to land that tho President of tliuj"
lUintcd States lind fnllon a victim to th
assassin's bullet, from which it was hopcdw
iuo raigiiL rocover.
Hilt I Irwl wi nr ,1 rtllt.ttMen A .1 tTll.t..
auvw.uv i....u,trv.,,.t..tt.DV. iLllll l lilini
idisncnsation of His l'rnvi'ilcnrn lin incntnln.i-
ble to us, wo know that our lives aro in His'
been in vain. Do wo not read, in our&lmntl lUl0ut whom not a sjinrrow fnllothi
Hibles, "For whom tho Lord lovoth Hofi0 tuo Bronrul; nnd wo ronicmbor that itisK
for tho houso of tho kingdom, by tho
might of my power, and for tho honor of
my majesty." hilo tlio word was in tho
kind's mouth, there foil n voico from heaven,
saying, "O King Nebuchadnezzar, tho
Kingdom is departed from thee." You
know how that proud King was mndo, for
soen long years to livo among tho boasts,
as n punishment for his pride. Hut at tho
end of tlint period, lio camo forth an
humbled and hotter mnn and wiser King.
God has been pursuing' n differoht
method of discipline to humblo tho prido
of the Amoricnn people, but it is fervently
to bo hoped this method of God's disci
plinary Providence will prove ns effectunl
as in tho caso of Babylon's King. Tho
Amoricnn pooplo do nppenr to bo calling
their sins to rcmembrnnco. If tho death
of their President shall causo them to bow
their heads in humility and roveronco
before God, and truly to exemplify tho
motto upon their coin, " In God wo trust,",
then tho President's denth will not havo
might in heart-felt sorrow, break forth in
tho sad and dirgo-liko language of Eng
land's groat poet, the immortnl Milton
over Lycidas:
" Yet inicu morr, U yo laurels, nnd onco moro
Yn tnyrtlui brown, with ivy novor Horo,
I odiiiu to lihiok yonr liorncs linrslt nttd crude,
Ami with fore'd tlncerH rude,
Shutter jour Ichvib lieforo tint ntpllonliiR yenr.
Hitter cotiHtrnint nnd wul occnHinn dear,
Contil mo to dlBturlt your nenhoit duu :
I.1..- n..t.liti-t4 fliirflitl.l !u fln'tlflnm1 ill
J.' IJl J.lljtHIUIIW vill.l.u... .. ......., .... ... - ,'
Iiih niniilv. noblo lirnno. donu when, to riber, lool.
liiinimi vinw. his lifn nntl p.linrnctur. abilitv 3 Thirdly.
' :. . , , . in i. i
coin been nttributed to slavery? Mnv we
not with equal propriety say, that Gar-
lield's assassination may uo attributed to
tlint miserable system of spoliation, which
is deplored by all good citizens nnd true!
pntriots? Tlio Amoricnn pooplo nro reflect-
mg upon uns suujeci, iiiiu iiui ti moment
too soon.
llond "Assassination and Tho Spoils
System, " in Princeton Jtccicio for Septem-j
ami statosmanship, wero most noeded to jl residont Gariiold has led
rule over and guitlo tho political affairs oHpcoplo certainly nil truo
a groat nation. But hark! I hear a voico.Rovery denomination in that 1
chtisleneth?" Surely, God is now chast
ening tho American people, as n Nation.
"Now no chastening for tho present
Hcemoth to bo joyous, but grovious; never
theless, nfterwnrds, ityioldoth tho pencoful
tritit oi rigmeoiisness."
Very mnnj; aro tho improssivo lessons
tautrht by this bad nnd memorablo nvont.
Some of thoso I hnvo noticed, but others'
win continue to suggest tnemseivos to nil
thoughtful minds. Thoso nnd others will
cnll forth commonts and rcllections by tho!
present nnd futuro generations. Political
writors, historians and divines will novor!
ceaso to givo uttornnco to their sentiments
and oinnions upon theso subjects. Threo
centuries after tho assassin Balthazar
Gerard put an end to tho noblo lifo nnd
career of William tho Silent, Princo of
Orange, on tho 10th of July, 1581, the
historian, Motley, thus remarks: "Tho'
Princo wna entombed mnid tho tenrs of a1
wholo nation. Never was a moro oxtensivo1
and legitimate sorrow folt at tho death of
a human being. As long ns ho lived, ho
was tho guiding &tnr of n wholo brnvo
nntion; and when ho died, tho littlo chil-j
dron cried in tho streets." After a similar
manner will futuro historians of Amoricn1
writo respecting tho denth of him whoso1
loss wo now so dooply lament.
Tllnrn t5 ntln fnnHln nf l,Ja nrtlil. Kf
upon which tlio American pooplo will
writtoii, What I do thou ktiowcst not now,!
hat thou shnlt know hereafter. I
If wo fail to tlcciphortho handwriting on -tho
wall, of this wo may ho sure, that bv !
an ovent such ob this, which thrills the I
world with horror, God 1ms a, messngo for
us, and it will bo well, if, wlnlo wo treasure
tho memories tlint gather round tlio grave ;
of tho deceased President, wo endeavor to :
read tho lessons that oar Heavenly Father
wuuiu nuvu uh team uv lilts tlisnonsaiiotl 01
frr- t. ?i "
iiits i-roviucncc.
Boforo wo npply ourselves to tlint task.
let me bnelly explain why wo had no specia
servico in this church on Thursday last
As soon as I learned that thcro would bo a
general suspension of business throughout
tho city on that day, out of respect to the
momory ot tho lnllen President, I felt it
would bo right that wo as a church should
take part in tho day's solommtio. For this
Anglican Church in Hnwaii, whilst being a
daughter of tho Church of England, is in as
closo communion with tho Protestant Epis
copal Church of America as with tho Mother!
(Jhurcli. Wo aro not tho church of one
nationality. Bat without regard to nation
tionality, wo embraco among our members
all who unito with us in holding tho cath
olic faith. Whilst the memory ot tho late
.Chief Justico is yet fresh amoug us, lot none
Tho assassination nnd death ofa
unriiold lias led tho American
Christians of:
lnnd, to reflect1
.miiinir nvnr tho continents, nnd down tho Isupon tho subject o prayer. J. do not
conturies, from tholijH of Himwhospakogholiovo so many earnest and fervont
u nnviir iiin Hiiiik-n. "Are not two Himr-Sprnyers woro over boforo offered in the
rows bold for u farthing t and ono offtupaco of two-and-n half months, offered!
theso shall not fnll to the ground withoutlifrom tho 2d of July to tho 19th of Sop-j
your futher." And another voico I henr$temler. As tho long summer dnys lmve
uttered seven conlurios before, "Forftslowly pns,scd awny, how many earnest
nly thoughts aro not as your tlioughts,Kpruyers navo gono up inni uou wouiu
neithur nro your wnvs my ways, wiithfeapato tho lifo of tho beloved Prebidont!
tho Lord. For us tho heavens nro highorftTho hiblory of tho world nnd of prnyei
thanthooarth.so tiro my wnys higher thimjJl'rescntH but fow parallels liko it. Allbeliov
vnnrwnvH. nnd m- thoiiL'lits than vourjjmg m prayer havo mo,t earnestly prayed,
iiwt.w.i.idii Governors hnvo called unon tho nooule
Without stopping to speak of dates orRof their Sovernl Stutes to pray. JloHgioubg
rctfer to details which nro so ubuudnntlyKhodich and Conventions hnvo prnyed.B
i ..1 11 . 11 It --MAT 1 tiiint) rt tit'Ktntn tii i 4 1 n nu limin miirkl wi
nnd copiously iiresoiuva to iuu reiiuiugK""'"""'' i""""";n""--'iv--.!
juiblio by tho journalists of tho day, itSSGod has not heon lit to nnswor thobo
linK appeared ns it this momormuo ovoutwi"" !, '" oiuut, uccuuiuiitu wiut ute
was suggestivo of rcllections which couldtjtlioughts and wishes of tho petitioners. At
1,.. miwt. fimirnnrintnlvnniinnnntpduiion inklnrnlo, however, God eithor unsworn om
tii VUM m'i ....-..--- A - - . ....
tho imliiit. ..It appears us if tlio present? prayers in accordnnco with our potitioiib
:fflul i.iu
.i:..ti ...:ii ! . --.-- ...rHv" t""w. ,.... i.Du ..L.iUUb .
""V , i t l," i'i P.0"""10 "I;.1 'lonruoitHsupposo that this Church is not American
dolight. I refer to his domcbbc virtuoa.1..",, n nH RnlUl,. ml h nn nin nn,i
-- ..... ..W ..,. .. .... .. ..U U.VUW ....U
deep a sympathy with tho sorrows of our
brotkron in tho United States as with those
Upon Presidont Gni field, ns an affection.
ato sou, dovoted husband, tender-hearted
father nnd sincoro friend, tho millions1
now living, and futuro millions of Ameri-1
was tlio soiiHon, for tho pulpit to givo ut
gives us something better. We
teranco to its most solemn warnings, mornlgmust rumemnor uio worus oi uio xoxi,
sayings nnd evangelical teachings. WhonVs"For my thoughts," otc. Tho people
God speaks it is becoming in mortal mnnfjhavo prayed tlint Presidont Guriiold might
i.. t-.i,... -ii.titi mill lieli.n. Th not. Gnd nowhbo snared. This was a right nravor. but
cans, will novor ceaso to dwell with fond
delight and over fresh enthusiasm. His'
life, with that of Washington, Lincoln, and'
many others of our noblo Prosidonts nnd
statesmen, will bo kopt in perpetual
remombranco. Tho Nation inherits a rich
and lasting legacy in tho lives nnd charac-l
tors ot theso good l'residonts nnd patriots
inj utuaiuif runccuon rcintos to 1'rest
that may befall our brethren on British soil
And bonce it would havo been fitting
that on tho day set apart as a day of
mourning for tho lato Pro'idcnt, wo as n
Church should havo taken part in the dnyV
solemnities. But on learning that tho itcp
rescntatives of tho Foreign Powers had ac.
optcd nn invitation to attend tho momorinl
servico appointed to bo hold olsowhero, I
r-li xl l : l.l l ..i i .. .i.
.1.111.! 1 11 ,1 i- Vr ,; llUlli UIUli tli IVUUtU UU lllUHb 111 ULUUIU trilUU
ln,1 l,.5m,,a f .,;:.. .'.i" irrj'Roy this tragic Uoath, it it woro mndo the
.. i.iuij v. vviiti4iij till. L'uiiLaLiuii.n - ...,
unon his phnrnnlnr ,m n ttn, 'Bspeciai suUiect ot this evening's service.
scholar, nnd n patriot; but I regard hisi " Know yo not that thero is a princo and
Uhristiunity ns his crowning glory. A8Ha Breat n,an Iauon .tms aa7 m srnci."
sneaking? Is He not now snying to all nUersaf Gml litis soon fit ho should die, may it A
and nations, "By mo kings roign?" Forj!not bo proved truo that Ins cloath shall ro
well hiiith tliol'snlmist, "promotion comoum". ;i tjiciwu uimtua mmi ouuuiu e
neithor from tho oast nor tho wost, norfehfof (o nn" "enlh nro mystonous sub
froin tho south. But God is tho Judgo;jecta. Christ said, "And I, if I bo lifted
down ouo nud sottoth up uno-
&i), will draw all men unto Me.
ages roll nwny, I trust it mnv bncomn'
moro and moro true, that tho world nndl
tho poots will continue to extol honostyf
lit- UnVlllrr " Aty lmnnuX vvin 1 11,,. n1.1 iC
"V ".-j.ij. m uvuvab iiifiu in llio ilUlJtUDt,
worn ot Uodj" but it should bo romom
bored that Christianity is at tho foundation
of all true honesty. President Gfurllold
was not only honest, but n Cliristian. In1
that, his truo greatness wna conspicuous
nnd as such ho wns worthy to mfo over n
riheso words ot JJaviu may bo idly applied !
to the deceased ruler of tho American pco-
plo. That ho was "a groat man" is uni-
versally testified. Uo was great in private
as well as in public life, ouo who from j
'humblo origin ,roso to lofty position a
scholar, a soldier, a statesman ; ono who
led a virtuous lifo, part of it spout in o
bcouo surrounded by great tomptntions, yot I
111 Tllllfllll MnWII lllllt llilll CtULLt LU 111. I111U-CI
thor " I como boforo this uudionco withRniarvollous words! How far reaching thoirg
no mero loosely osprcssod ideas upouRmysterious inlluenco, havo wo not boon 3
God's soveroign rulo over this worldjJtold in oloquont words m Fort Streets
and univorse, but as an omiuent DivinoHClmrch, two days ago, how Garfield's
(President Washburn, of Eobort's College.Kdoath had mndo tho American people ono?M
at Constantinople-) declares, " Wo boliovutj o nro not living in a univerbo of chnobS
that God permitted tho iibbassin to iiroSmul dibordor. "As in tho vnbt nnd myaton-M
this shot, wo beliovo tlint ho might havoSons Inborntory of tho physical universe, "M
nruvonted it, but that m His wisdom, JUoflrt-'ium-KH ouo wjio tins toitg ineiiiwueu upom
iliil not. i.hnosn to do so. In this soiiho ltfithis KUbjectr-tno iiov. T. uonn. "Uod is
...u tt;u ,.t w hnvo imlted Him liifflannlyziiig, conibming and centralizing all
mitigate tho ilrended consecpionces of thisReleinonbj, nil forces, nil chnnges, bringing
net. by snaring tho lifo of tho President. " order out of npparont confusion, and bhm J
But God bus not, in this respect answered) ug worlds out ol chaotic darKncss; so in
nnr .. T.t. tin then oiiou ro whatfttho moral universe, ills unseen liana lbl
...... t.,..fn r nTu 4.tiu.hiiiiH in vinw offlover busy controlling nil spiritual dvnn-
11.: .i Kinics. ovolvinL'L'oodout of ovil. liurht out of I
Fintlu. Tho death of Presidont Gnr-bdarkness, alloginuco out of robollion, lovoj
field loads to reilection upon Uio uncer-gont of hatred, peaco out of war and lifo
tainty of human life, and all human plans.Kout of death. Above tho clouds, darkness
This is a lesson which God is over teach-Mnnd temptiht, abovo tho ruin and wreck of
;,,,- u hut. ,, f.,iini, nocnsioiiH fnr lnoroHwnrs, of mtoniperanco, of selfishness, of
:.... .. :....!.. it..... ., .,tl,..i 'iMut r.tuniitVoi)i)rebsion. of brutality, fof nssiibsinationlt
lllllini.ifnuil uiuii uii uuuin. . ,..v-...i, fi ii i .--."ui-- - --.- j;
is ono wherein Gotl has seen lit to hn-gnbovo tho awful darkness tind supoi-htition
press this truth on n great nation and thooi our jnco, nuovo tho seething nnd burg
J....i,i i,w mmnvinv ho Pnsidtmt of iiHiug of human passions, and above nil, the
nntioii, which had choson him to bo thoirBhad pleiuenta t fallpn nuturos, JohovnhJ
Chiof ltuler. Novor hns a Presidont on-gl'oaks in a voico which reassures his toil-!
t..,i.,i .,i, th., ilntiitrt ofhis hicli Dosition.fiiug, weeping, minting servants amidst!
with fairer probincts of iuof illness niid&tho din and conflict of earth nnd which
honor, or with u moro reiibounblo pros-HJiwjikeb echoiug bhouls on tho hoavouly
noct of living to termmnto tho ponod, lorftuins,
which ho was chobon, nnd perliupB ovon " Bohold I miiko nil things now," nnd
utiothor four years. Ho wns physicnllysngaiu I ropout tho words of my toxt.S
halo nnd honUliv. nossobsing U1060 pbys-M" 1 or my thoughts," Ac.
icnl nnd muntnl nlomuntH nqturnlly in-a Fourthly, Tlio doath of President Gar-'
dicntivo of louir lifo. Tho lauguago ofafiold nnnenrs admirably defeignod to limn-.
Shaksnoaro uiigut well bo ulten'd, whuubblo tho nation. Humility in nn individual isi
beholding him us ho walked ou that fatalyjono of tho uoblobt Cliristian graces, but?
uhllttw, morning 10 lllKO UIO triuil, "uowuumuiuauuw uiucii moru wiieii uiitutietiieii in u
fii.. ii4Ac i 'onsonl In form nnd moving how oxpres.sivo.-f groat nation mado up of fifty inillious.
'HTJr mid ntbiiirnblo 1" Tho Great Nation was&Ninuvah is mi example, whou hmublod by
'S' uroud of her noble Probidoiit, lntolloct-Htho preacluug of Jonali. Tho American)
unlly and morallv. Ho was a uoblo Hpoci-n pooplo aro inclined to prido and boubtful-
men of tho Americau poc. lo. lio wnsfinchb.
born in tho heart of tho Urcat rsatiou,Vs 18.
riitu uvnr nw i . - - . r.. . . . -- i
niin'oHnn vii t ft :ii: , BaDsiaining irom nauus anu vices only too i
w4uvmtu utnwu, jjw mnv ixiiiiiuiiB. tviius . . ... - . I
now lament, ln'n nntimnlv .lnnH,. nn,1 l,,comnion l0 "on ln 'ho many positions he
aro joined in this lamontnti'on bv thoSocouPicd ' ono wno Btood fir"'y " practice
millions of otlier hinds, with tho noblo nndBby the sound morals ho was tnught, nndu
boloved Christian Quoon of England nndlghimself taught to othors; a good son, anobloa
iiitiuuss oi inuui, loading mo grand prooiulP,0 " u"iu P'ciy, a latiniui auu loving
cession of mourners. How solemn nndjjbusband, an affectionate father, conspicuous
iiupressivo tho sceno whon so many of Hfor tho felicity of his homo in thoso relations:'
' n B, mnobl.tant8 tuU8 mourn tho doathHone whoso cheerful courage, bravo compor-S
yi .u uuuuivu iiuu uoiuira irroBiuoui, oiMure. unta tonne con omn ation oiallnoBs b o
.." .-. .. .i .
tho "United Stntos 1
Just Received,
o jt Sal e!
Bbls. Columbia River Salmon,
Extra Nice.
Bbls. Skcena River Salmon,
Large Red Fish and Fat.
Hf bbls Frazer River Salmon,
For r"ixxlly X7o.
Bbls of Kaas River Salmon,
Bright Red, Full Weight.
Bbls. of Plantation Salmon.
Theso nro their peculiar nntiouuli
inoy nro n rich pooplo ana bocom-
nnd bad grown with tho Nation's growthisi ig moro bo. Tho rohult is to fostor na
iitul fought tho Nation's battles nud jnionnl prido nud vanity. How fow in their
escaped tho denth-doaliug weapons cfs prido and succebs Btop to rctleet that God
woi'5 but in n moment, the moat unex
lWM'tnil roceies the usstibbiu's wound,
terniinuting in his death. How it coufiiinsstorononiy, "Uownro that thou forgot uot
tlio decltiriition of tho Son of Mnu, whoiritho Lorn thy God, Lost whou thou hubt
on o.uth: " Watch, tnoivioro, lor yo Kiiowaeaten nnd nro lull, and uabt built goodly
neither tho day nor tho hour whouiuv houses, und dwelt thorein. And when thj
tho Hon of iUnn comotn." unen iviugRiieras ami iny
David roviowod lus miraculous escape, on
u certniu occasion, ho oxclniinod : " Truly,1
, llocks multinlv. und thv
silver nud thy gold is multiplied, und nil
that thou hast is multinlied. Then thine
.. v . . ii 11. ;.. i.... .. ......'ii i i.. fi...i ill r ixir i
lis tho liom mow, uicru is tu on'iiietii-ioomnHiiip,uiiuiuouioigeiiuoijoni
botwoon mo mlu ueutu." ii uio iniioufcuiy uod. And thou say in tliy Heart.
President could hao but taken ono btop.umy power, Jaud tho might of miuo huud
tho fatal ball would havo pabiod him; butlhuth gottoa mo this wealth. But thou
it was not oo to bo, God had, for wisolsnalt renienibor tho Lord thy God, for ith
"roasons," onlered otlienvisoj und it isSHo that givoth tho powor to got wealth.'
for us, short-sighted mortals, to bow ourNow have not tho American people trans
heads and say: "Not our wills, but Thiuo if grossed in this very particular t Hnve
iw. .inni, " It is iu vniu for us to ivubon. thov said in uriile. " Is not this grout Babv
why did not God order olberwi&o; jvut aslour-tbis givst ualiouj tUotl huvo built
Honolulu, Srpt.'."Jt IM1, 57 So
Surveyor's Instruments.
X luiliuuicult, nearly new, tie ottered at reduced
lirlcoi j
la.VInrli Trnuslt with level ou Ulcicopt, rttillns
... VV VKV., .U I..IH .A,.
results were the m&itift-statioriK nf thn inflit,
ence of a sound mind sbriuod in the templol
of a sound body ; one whoso conscience wasn
clear as far as human eyo could discern ;t
mm. ivho m ftn nrrn tvhnn ihn fniinrlninnnl
nf mnmlll.1T nr Kolnr, cnnnnl ftnrl irtlt..rtil
scorned, has left behind in tho courage tboW
cheerfulnoss, tho faith, tho preparedness
sustained tnrourrh wcolci ol mtent.n Ktiilrr.'
. 0 ....
ing, so many signal proofs of tho influence :
and power of morality and religion such i
an ono is truly to bo entitled Groat. And
such a "prince nud great man" was the late '
t'rosideut Uarheld.
Let us for a moment reflect on the immc
diate result to the people of tho aesassiua
tion of Aboer, over whom this euloiry was
pronounced by David. Abncr tho son of Nor J
was Liommander-m-Uhicf of bauls forces ;
and attor tho doath of Saul, ho supnortod
Mm nlnlltlD nrTcllltnelintl. CnnPo enn ,.. il.n
w.i.o u. AnuuwQuu.u, kji.u, o DUU 1.W .UU
throno, and mado lum king over all Israel,
and eo limited tho kingdom of David, whom
n .. -. . ." .
Uod designed as baul s successor, nnd who
hod already received tho anointincr oil, to
tho tribes of Judah and Denj'nmin. Thcro
was constant war hctweon tho houso of Saul
and tho house of David, nud "Abucr mado
himself strong for tho house of Suul." Hut
in consequence ot au insult received from
lshbogheth, hoiejolvcd to transfer hisnllo-
gianco to Duvid. "So do God to Ahnor."
was his voir, "and moro also, except as the
" Lord hath sworn to David oven so I do1
" to him. To tmuslato tho kioudom from
" tho houso of Saul, and to set up the1
" throne over Israel and over Judah from
14 Dan even to Beersheba." No fcooucr had
Joab, who was David's Coramandcr-iu-
Chief, learned that Abner was iu com muni
cation with David for carrvinir out his do
sign of britifriiiL' all tho tribes of Israel to
own allogianco to David, than on ptatonco
,of conferring with him he took him asidoj
in the gnto, aud with ono treacherous stab
Abner lay a corpso at his feet.
Well might David, as he nronounccd tho
eulogy over him which is now boforo us,1
have added, "and I am this day ieeak
mougn anoiutea tving ; and tucso men the
sons of Zeruiah bo too hard for mo. Tho
Lord shall reward tho doer of ovil accord.
I Humpy Ivrl.nlth Dieilng Patent Ilaie, cttra? iog to his otvu wickeduois."
cJrcl.lw:cic;,veryui.crlw. A Tbo jndigoatiou with which
13,000 rect ty wit, wiu uout ot Tabiti, ac. fccived the tidings of his duai
l ao.fi Oulti flu.
1 llir.toruiuuit'. 8lel Tnp, 60fct.
1 I.el KiMl'rclearouic
bundrjr Ilouke on lulUar. Urldjc. aod Dock bulldlug,;
USai PlLtISGlUJ14.C0.,rojtbt,
David ro
death kuuw uo
bounds; bat with that iudignatiou thcro
r.amn & Knnmi nf hi ntln w.nl'ttACD Tlte
Conmauder.iu.Cbief, the man on whom bo
most relied, was staiued with an abomiua-f
bis crime. The hopes bo bad jujtcUcrubed'
t .
oi reiguing over a united pooplo wero
dn.'hed to tlio ground. It was lmrdly pos
fiblo hut that tlio idea would bo circulated
that ho had consented to tlio mnrdcr of
But that which ho felt to ho n moment of,
weakness nnd tho collapso of nil hinhopo.,
proved to no tno hour ol his strength, nnd
tho fulfillment of all that ho desired.
For when it was neon that ho attended
in person tho funeral of Abncr, aud com
posed n tlirgo for tho occasion :
" Dili Abner ns a fool illotli I
Thy lmitili wero not tin!,
Nor thy fwt tint 'nto fplteri s
As n mnn fnlloth Lrforo wicked inrn,
Ku folleit ttiuu ;
and when it wns further observed tlint tho
King nbstniiicd from all lefroRhment on the!
dny of tho funeral until tho sun hntl gone'
ttown, nn won tlio hoarts oi tho people irom
Dan to JJeerslicbn; nnd thorciireseutntivcs
of all tho tribes of Israel cntno to David to
Hebron, nnd said, " Behold, wo nro thy
bono nnd thy flesh." And thoy nnointcd
David King over Israel. And so out of;
wcnknc6s ho was mndn Btrong. Tlio con.
solidntion of his kinirdom, tho extinguish
itig of tho nnimositios and jcnloURics Avhich
for eeven yonrR had kopt Israel and Judah
npartj nnd tho establishment of David's'
throno from Dan to Bcorshobn, woro the
results tlint issued from tho assassination ofl
And if it bo yot too early to predict the
rcfmlts of Garfield's nsFnssinatiou, there nro
indications that they will not bo dissimilar
to thoso that followed on tho death of
Abner. Tho same sense of weakness and
prostration at tho loss of tho Buler of the
Nntion spread through tho American ticonlc
as David Acknowledged at the death of
Abner. ilut out ol that weakness there
has shot forth an element of strength. And
to-dny, tho strength of tho American people
is scon in tno uurying m tho JrosidontV
grave of political icuds nnd animosities, and
tho jealousies ol rival parties, nnd all that
uuutu itiiiucr uini. union which is the
strength of n nation. To-day, America is
strong, not only in hcrsolf, in tho union of
honrt with henrt from tho Atlantic to the
Pacific, but strdng nlso in tho Bymnathy of
tho civilized world, and notnbly in the
sympnthy of tho older branches of the
Anglo-Saxon rnco.
Whatever asperities of feeling, or ical
ousics, or animosities havo existed, or have'
boon supposed to exist botwoen England
nnd America, aro to-dny forgotten. The
message of England's Queen expresses tho
sympathy ot tho English people. In the
deep feeling ef thoir common brothorhood,
tho English speaking races, ou cither shore
of tho Atlantic aro, to-dny, united in heart
as closely as wero Israel and Judah in tho
reign of David.
From tho contomplntion of thoso happy
results, let us next inquiro whntlosbons our
Heavenly Anther would havo us learn from
tho dreadful crimo that has been committed.
I. Tho fnllen pnnco hns left to the
world a noblo cxnmplo of duty porformed
in singleness of mind without any regard
to ulterior conscquencos.
By tho Constitution of tho United States
the President is mado tho official head of the
nation, nnd in appointing to tho various
offices of State, is vested with nn authority!
moro nosoluto than that ot tho Uueon oi
England. With that authority comes the
weight of corresponding responsibility. The'
question that tho President has to decido is
tins : Shall ho cxcrciso that authority with
out fear and without favor, yielding to no
prcssuro, cither ot Inends, or motions,
doing nothing by partiality; not distribu
ting offices ns rowards to tho leaders of a
political campaign, but appointing to each
office of stato tho man most fittod to dis
charge its duties for tho country's weal.
" Woo unto thee, Oh land, whon thy King'
is a child, hnyR the wise .Monarch, and
President Gnrfiold recognized that it would
bo woo to tho great nation, whoso Chief
Magistrate ho was called to be, if ho did not
exercise bis esocutive nuthority with n singlo
eye to his country.s good; but should allow
himself, ns n child, to be tho tool of n polit
ical faction, or thoobediont servant of self
appointed tutors, who claimed to havo the
direction ot his appointments.
But now whilst tho nntion weeps for its
loss, it may well ho proud ot tho mnu who
has upheld the dignity nud independence of
tho i'resiuontinl Throne, nnd exposed him
self to tho assassin's bullet in his steadfast
resolvo to ho no party to tho corrupt admin
istratiou of publio affairs.
It is a grand nnd uoblo example that ho
has leit behind him, an example not only
to thoso who shall follow him as the Cliiefi
Rulers of n mighty pcoplo; but nu examplo
which all mny 6ct boforo themselves who
are called to oxorciso nny oltico ot govern
ment over their fcllowmou, from tho high
est position to tho lowost. How hard it is
to iulfill its duties with strict impartiality I
What temptations thoto nro to show favors'
to ono mau because ot Inn wealth, nud dis
regard nuothor bocatibo of his povorly 1 In'
tho administration of justice, huw ofton the,
law is enforced upon tho poor, whilo the
wcaituy law-breaker escapes ; Tho mourn
ing fur Presidont Garfield will not be
without its lesults, if everywhere the
prayer goes forth from no foigucd lips for
graco to lollow his good examplo ot dis
charging whatever responsibility may rest.
on oach without fear ol cunsequonces, aud
wan the only anxioty to do what is good
and right and best.
II. Tho tragic doath of President Gar.
field appears to mo to ho n call to the civil
ized world to examiuo tho foundations ofi
loyalty aud reveionca for Ilulcrs iu the
hoarts of tho preseut creation. When the
young Amnlekito came to David with
Saul's crown and bracelets, and boasted of
having slain linn, expecting to recciro a
reword, ho woa mot with tlio btern enquiry;
" How wast thou not afraid to stretch
forth thine hand against tho Lord's Anoint
cd?" Tho words imply that all right
minded men 6briuk with special abhorrence
from taking tho lifo of tho Chief
ltuler of n nstiou, Tho Teuiplo of,
over mau's body is bacrcd as tho
Lord's handiwork, aud of ovcry
Christian as being tbo Tomplo of tho Holy
Ghost. But a special sanctity belongs to
tho por6ons of Kings aud Ilulcrs. For
they are tbo embodiment of an authority
which is an emanation from tho authority
Jof tho Supremo ltuler of tho Univorce,
S" Tho powers that bo nro ordained of God.
iiiiu lliiuau limniuiu lliu JUWCr, rCSUIClll
the nrdinnnco of God." lloitco it is that
tho honor that is duo to tho Chief Mngis.
trate, whether ho bo n King or n President,
is coupled by St. Pelor with tho fenr of
God. Hcnco it is, also, that in our com
munion servico nflcr tho rchenrsnl of tho
Commandments, and our prayer, that our
hoarts mny bo inclined to keep God's laws,
wo pray that wo may Initlifully serve.
honor and humbly obey tlio Chiof Ilulcr of
5 the nation, in God, ami for God, duly con
sidering Whoso nuthority he hath. Whcnco
comes it that iu nn ago which boasln
of its enlightenment nntl education beyond
all preceding generations, men can bo
tonud with hearts so dark, so miniotislv
bold, so nlicuntcd from iho principles of
loyalty which nro tho foundations of order
and publio safely, nR to stretch forth their
muds ngninet tho Chief llulors of God n
people. The civilircd world had scarcely
recovered from tho shock of tho nmssinn
tiou of tho Czar of Russia, before tho
President of tho United States fell at tho
hand of nn assassin. It mny bo tlint tho
spirit of Nihilism nnd Socialism waR not
directly implicated in tho death of Garfield.
Hut it is to tlio doctrines that hnvo been
openly tnnght by Nihilists and Socialist!)
that wo must traco tho blunting: of tho edgo
of thoso fears which wonld othorwiso hnvo
restrained tho murderer of Goriicld from
his wicked deed. It is now mndo clear
tlint not crowned heads Mono nro iu dnngor
from tho evil spirit that is abroad, for theso
spirits of nnnrchy will tolernto no govern-
ment, nnd respect no governors who will
not bo subservient to their will nud do their
Whonco comes it that an ovil so gigantic
should rear its head in this nineteenth cen
tury? Wo mny not ho able, wholly, to
answer this question. But is it not tho
case that it has bcon assumed that now, in
the manhood of tho world, wo can afford lo
et slip tho lessons that wero needed in its
childhood P In tho zeal of tho present ago
tor intellectual education, multitudes havo
grown up without any inculcation of thoso
positivo truths of religion which our lore
fathers so steadfastly instilled into their
children. Happy will it ho, if warned by
an ovont that putB the world in mourning,
tho nntions renlizo that religion is tho
foundation of nil order nnd authority upon
earth that without tho final (amotion of
revelation, tho 6ccplro of tho Itulors will
uispiro no bcitBO ol loverenco or nwo, apart
from tho forco which is behind il. For if
thcro bo no Moral GoVbrnorof tho Universe,
earthly authority has nn banctiun from
above, and rebellion ceases lo be a sin.
Surely wo shall not miss tho inarlc ii, in
tho death kuoll of Presidont Gnilicld, wo
hear tho voico of God calling men back to
tho first principles of religion n3 the founda
tion of order nud public safety. A moro
'sentiment of religion will iiotsiifTicoinstond
'of tho plain, decisivo teaching of tho will of
God. Jf tho conscience ot tho nations iw
not trained in obodienco to that will, and in
tho embraco of tho truth of God, uo culti
vation of tho iutcllcct will supply its
place. For mnn is a spiritual ns well ns an
intellectual being. Ho is gifted with a
'spirit capahlo of holding communion with
H13 ilinicer, as IVUU un mm i mum .m
mathematics nnd book-keeping. It should
bo tho work of education to train iko spirit
in thoknowlcdgo nnd lovo of God, ns well
as tho mind in philosophy and science.
It ib not by tho ndvancomont ol learning,
but by tho training of tho spirit, that wo
shall raiso a barrier to the commission of
crime. Tho highest wisdom nttuinablo is
the fear of tho Lord. This is the only wis
dora that can restrain tho turbulent pas
sions of mankind. And if in thoir search
for wisdom tho nntionB of tho oarth plnco
tho pursuit of this wisdom in tbo forefront
'of their public education, then this fenr of
'tho Lord will bo tho root from which will
'grow tho honor thnt is duo to nil who are
invested with authority on earth. What a
depth of wisdom thcro in in thnt exposition
'of tho 5th Commandment which somo may
count antiquated "My duty is to honor
'and oboy tho Chief Ruler of tho nation, and
alt that aro put in authority undor him."
Antiquated thoy may he. uut tuoy aro
words which tho world cau never afford to
let go, and which no lovers of their country
should coasa to inculcnto nud teach, until
tho citizons nro so imbued with theso prin
ciples of order, that tho seeds of thoso poi
sonous bcros oi annrcuy, or socialism, or
any of tho othor forms in which bntrcd of
govcrraeut is manifested, will fiud no soil
iu which to grow.
And so may Ho who is directing nn
thiugs nccordiug to tho purposes of His
Will, and making all things subservient to
His own oternnl counsels, ciueo tho tragio
doath which is so universally deplored lo
turn to the advancement of tho Kingdom
of His Dear Son upon earth, iu checking
Iho tide ot ovil, ami bringing men to tno
heartfelt acknowledgment of tho truth
enunciated nearly SOOO yoara ago, that "t
four God and keep his commandments is
tho wholo duty of man."
Uantlilln: of
Chruuio Panels iinfranicil. I'liolo Panels,
In aiarltty of lubjccti, framed.
New Style Combination and Group Photo
Faneli and framed Picture,
Ebony Framos for Stand and Case),
Hand and Maud I'lite Ulrton.
G-Udoz-ot Tira
Artists Canvas Mounted Boards.
A ratlety of Udltlotii of the
Revised New Testament.
M lm
Steely or Coaiparttlrc.
CUtlllM. ror Knc or oori i.iiu.n. nyyiT i;
Y, V. liitfcEW. MautjierinJ lt
Office, Quvc tt.,ocrG.W.UftcUlUulo. ifitf
-l a Hlaavtnvr,uuau fMiu. uiiui ,v v t.t! ".if M
Oeutluitu,:EcosTC17'UJnicrt.'Ko. ISi 0,aiiiaw,1i
4 ,
2'TIII??V''l'iV " 7.Tn?S4iwL7'prnad ol i mens Stun toowrmrnsm u mm iiummiuu lurmu '... r " s
M.&NRUM. V- Wmtal. W lU-is&l. f , ?!- U ' sad iota eowsrU ! r 7 I Oooiiwisu" ' Bei?Qs1isxw3
, f
WljITh 1

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