Newspaper Page Text
1 i , I "-vtv t .-1V ll IV AUCTION SALES, ny k. p. aijams. Day. " LEASES FOR SALE! nr order or A. J. CAIITWRIOHT, Esq. Administrator of tlie Es tatenf S 1) Ilnrrows, deceased -ON- SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15th, At 13 M lit "alts lloom, I will offer t I'nlnle Auction, All the rlslil, title and Interest nf llir ntiitp of N. I). I UltllOWH, In a certain Indentnre of Lease, nf thM lertalri plecn of Land on Hotel Street, known a "Itl.'iHi.t," npon which are (Hinted the "Pnlnco Restaurant," " Plumber Shop" and "Herring Premises." ALSO All Ihc rljtM. title and Inkrest of Mid Katale The Least, nflhe Hunker Home premises on Hotel Htteet now occupied by Ilr Webb tT For further particulars Inquire of A J Cartwrhiht, Eaq. II. I'. AI.A.11S, Anet'r. REGULAR CASH SALE Thursday, October 20th, A I 10 A. W nt Nit In Itixini, Denims, Brown Cottons, J Sheeting. Print. Flannel Undershirts, J Hickory Shirts, Undershirts, Pant nni Coats, Socks, Handkerchiefs, I Shawls, Coverlet nnd I nncy Goods. J AL80 , A Iiine in Fes Grocexies ! , ALoO Sacks California Potatoes, Onto Onions, Sucks Corn, Gases Iliitlor unci Cheese, Cason Sfxh Crocker, Cases Meiliiitn llrcntl, Coils Manila Horc, Wrapping Papor, tic. For neemtnt of lvliom It may coiirrm, GENTS UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY ALSO A LOT OF FURNITURE. r. 1, A l VMS. Atie'tr. H.HAGKFELD & GO OFFER FOR SALE INVOICES OF NEW GOODS JUST HECEIVED PEH IOANI," H. Carrels, Master, ?. lOdaya from IJremcn, Consisting In part of a follows: A Large Assi. of Dry Goods, SUCH AS: Fnney Print, Twenty-Flvc 'cw St)los, Denims, Hrown nnd Whllo Cottons, Drills, Tickings, Turkey Hetl, Ac, Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualities lloprn, Coliourgs, Alpioa, Italian Cloth, and Dress G-oods. SUCH AS Trinlod Satlocns, Pompadours, 1'lnidi. Ginghams, Victoria Lnwns, Satin Stripes, Pancy Striped Grenadines. WhitoHilk Jap mono. Twills, Bergos, Poplins, Satin nnclMoiro, lilnck and Colored Velvets, FINK SILKS, lilnck, Grosgrain, Taney, Colored find Striped, -vuarege, lyrepe, o.c, TAILORS' GOODS: Huckskins, Diagonals, Tweed, Cords, Sorted, Slloslas, Doeskins, CrtssimcrcH, Ac. A Splendid Asst. of Shirts, (Woolen, "Mixed, Calico, Hickory, Denim, Ac.) Morlno nnd Cotton Undershirts, Vhlto liosom bhirts, Ac, I Hooks and Stockingx, Handkerchiefs, Foulards, Glovm, A LAHOK INVOICE OF CLOTHING AS Fino lllnek Cloth Frock Coats and Pants, Huckskin Backs, Pants nnd Btiiw, Felt, Mohnir, Drill, Flannel Sacks and Pants, Hojh' Shirts and Cliildren's Jackets, Jlonkey nnd Sailor Jackets, I. It, Coats and Leggings, Carpet Slippers, Bilk and I. C, Urolirellns and Parasols, Fancy and Traveling Shnwls, Cotton nnd Turkish Towels, White and Fancy Quilts, Fell Hugs and Brussels Carpeting, 03IL. AJN JSJETr JS : Horso Blankets. Whito and Fancy Hlnnkets, l'nucy Btriied Woolen, two siu'S. Ho-irlot, Orant-'t), Wliite Woolon,Uand 4 points, Threads, Tape, Kluntlc, BcarfB, tc, Bilk nnd Yvhct liiblions, Buttons (or Bhirts, Coats, Pants, Dresses, PERFUMERY, FLORIDA WATER, Qenuiuo Kiu do Cologno, Lubin's Extracts, Toilet Bo.ips, Philoouine, llaic Oil, Combs, Mirrors, Looking OUsm'S, Pipes. I. It, B.iIIh, llarinonicas, Blank Books, Albums, Oold Leaf, Jowelnr, S'atohH, lletup and I. It. Packing, Coal Baskots, VIENNA FURNITURE: Kitcnalon, Arm, Dining Boom and Parlor Chairs, Settees, Ac., Saddles, CkHsUns, Girths, Stirrup Leathers, Urates of assorted orookery, Contalulug Plates. Cups, Teapots, Bonis, I Chambers, llioo Dishes and Bakers, Domljohns, S and fi gall I Bauipla Bottles, Vasea and Uliuuware.ManitaaudTarredltope, vi-tXEtx ? Rloo Basa 01 all sizes aud qualities, Coal Bags, GunnleK. Twine, DurlapM, AVoolpjok aud Twilkd Sacking, Llueti Hose, GROCERIES- JNtnUnes, in half nnd quarter poicm, - c, -id I. Biseuits, S.ilt In Jars, Castor Oil in Tins, Ktearnio Candles, 4, 5 and G, ' Matches. Coooanut Oil, Wash Blue. llubbuck's Linseed Paint Oil, U White Lead, White Zinc Faint, LIQUORS : Do ,aige ills and Botitellean Brandy, and other brands, Bum, (I in, Bt. Paul Beer, Alo and Porter, Port Wine, Sherry, ltliiuo Wine, Fine and 'labia Clarets, Cbnaiuacne, Dry lUidseiok Mimonole, Ch.Varre, O. II. Muunu A. Co., bparkling Hock, Moselle, Ac, itc, jerman and Havana Cigars Plated Ware Spoons, Forks, CrueU, Tea SU( Cups, Ac. ARDWAKEi Pocket and Butcher KdItcj, Scissors, Sheep Shears, Needle. Spoons, Files, Btmrs. UaUauUed Uaslns, Hoop Iron, heu ItiveU, Hammers, Yellow Metal and Composition Nails, Babbitt Metal, Sugar Coolers, lrou Tanks, ClariUers Ac. Abo, ortlaud Ceut, " White Bros." , Fire Clay, BlacksmlUr Coal. Fire Bricks, Tiles, Uuipty Barrets, Oak Boats, Ac. truu Liberal Sataple Mat Fiee of Freight Urdera fiom the other taUuds carsfully aluudid to by 4.HACKFELD&CO. 10 TO LKTt A NICK COMFOUTAHFiK FUH ulibol wrsniUll r-wai. aulubla fur two Ladlea or tieullaucu. atcst 7 luwiuau. o, lii iu8 St. ; , ,i - w - r - iii SHIPPING. ' OlYs AN R A N CISCO. " THK HAWAIIAN BAI1K fKALAKAUA JE.NKS, Matter, WiUhavcQnlckDinpfitchrortbeabovoPort lor Frclsht or pasai;e, apply m Ml m V T LENEIIAN ACQ.. Agents. FOll SANJUtAlN'UlSCO. ,. THK At IlItlTlSH I1AIIK jffij. Lady Lampson, S&jftf- MAItSTON. Master, Will have Quick Dispatch for the above Port For Freight or Passage, apply to 8TS SJ ', IHtKWKIt A Co., Agents. FOIL SAN FRANC SCO. Mt The Favorite I'nckct Ilarkentlne WJD U !"- T 1, F.MEIIPON, Mailer, Will have Quick Dispatch for above Port. For freight or passage apply to 873 TIIKO II DAVIE9, Agent FOR SAN L'liANGlSCO. !t llli; BI.H All.1.1 JI.AIlll vt "iOLANI ' II OAItltKLS, Matter. Will havo Quick Dispatch for abovo Fort For freight or naMiiqc apply to RTi II HAC'KFni.TI A CO.. Agents PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY For San Francisco. Tiir. ni'm:miii) hikamnhii CITY op NEW YORK conn. 'imiiiiuiiiieT. WILL LEAVE HONOLULU FOR SAN FRANCISCO On or about Monday Oct. 24. FOR SYDNEY" VI AAUCKL AND ! THK NPI.KMIIli NrKAMNIlII' AUSTRALIA I'AIIUIM,, IJISIA.M)l:lt. On or nbout Saturday, Oct. 20th, For Pre'glit snd lassape, spply to fm In. II. UAUICrni.U A CO., Aseuta. 41iil Inr .Shipment per Ntvniiier run noif Nloroit, l'ren ol tuircp. In the lire-proof MnrrlHiiH. nnir tlir Nlemiirr Ulinrr. NEW YORK AND HINOLULU PACKET LINE. MICSSItS "VV. II. CltOSSMAN & IlroR., ivlll dlepatthn nnt claps ve.rel from New Vork to Ibis Port about Jov let. Parlies ilealring to ship by thla line ilircct, will tued to fomnril orders by the Steamer of 2Jth of Aucunt, to arrureroom for their freluht. CASTLi: i. COOKI:, fas '-'m 4'i AcenUIn Ilonolnlii. TXJSLIU TlZBILuES STEAMER LIKELIKE KI.NU, I JIArli:it. Steamer l.lkclIKo will lene Honolulu each Tnctday at 4 r. )i., touching nt Lalulno, Mcalaealla), Malmo, Mnhukonn, Kanulliae, Lacpahoehec nnd llllo. Iletnrnlns will touch at oil the nboic jorta, anlvlng at Hur.oluln inch Sunday a. u. es Xo C'retlU for I'naance Money, -sa We poaltlrely refine to open accounte for Tsai'ai'ee, anil wo particularly call the attention of Ihe traTcllng public to Ihe uc;celly of limine lluj.'K.f c and Freight Llulnly marked; the Steamer will not bo reaponthle for any unmarked Massage, or for Freii;ht or 1'arccla, uiileae ltecoiptm lor. Froight Money Dae on Domcnd. In all ca of freight for partita not responsible, or unknown, lho freight money will be required In advance 1'ACHMIEN orl.KlllOHN mill UIXKN HIS. UK I'l.AI.VI.Y MAUICKD For the party whom they arc for, or plainly elated in tho receipt to whom they art coualgncd. All ilemanda for dnmago or oa must be made within otic month. In no way liable for lopa or accident to lto stock. CI?" Hack Drivers, Iloya, and audi like, will not be allowed on board the Steamer ou arrival, until after the paeirngcr hac been landed. b73 WILBKU A CO. From Honolulu to Hilo Direct. The A 1 Clipper Schooner, & C 31 A JL O lu O," 3L. UBOU.M,S,, Will tall from Honolulu to llllo direct, and will call at Intermediate I'orta on Ibo return trip. For Freight or I'aesnge, apply to the Captain on hoard, t JI or A. FHAMC COOKK. Agent. A. FRANK COOKE, AUEMT FOB THE FOLLOWIKO COASTF.HSt Wrtllelo, 5 Mololo Wnloll. Jt-4 Julia Wteha, MtX Wainialu, Gen. Sleffel js KaUonu, and Munn, FLAO-Itedwlth While Hall. ORlce-Corncr of Oueen MI and Nuiianu Street, 1 CHAS. BEEWER & COS BOSTON LINJEOF PACKETS tiii: wii.i, m: dlapatched from Iloaton for Honolulu on or about The 1st day of November next. Tenons wishing to order goods rhlppeil by this vessel should mail orders on or before September '.'Oth. For furthir particulars apply to frUam O.BIIEWEIIA CO. PLANTERS' LINE fOR SAN FRANCISCO JAIL O. Drewor A. Co.-Agonts. k Elf Meahandiac received NIornBC t'ree.SuE and liberal cash advances inado on shipments by this ne. 7tk iy O.UItEWEIt 4 CO. Job Printing ! 'PI IK UXUKItSIONKD HAVING X Just added to his Merchant blreit Establlihinent a thoroughly appointed JOB PRINTING OFFICE, Under tho management of an experienced and COMPETENT BOOK & JOB PRINTER la now prepared to attend to alt wo k entrusted to hi in with promptness and In tho HIGHEST STYLE OF TYPOGRAPHIC ART WIIETHKK IN Circulars, Certificates of Stock, Letter, Note, Stulcmeut or Dill Ilcado, Contracts, Business or Visiting Curtis, Drafts, Orders, Notes, Programmes, Shipping; or Nonoy Itcceipta, &c, &c. This In connection with the long established Dook Ulpdery, Paper Itsllng, and BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY Enablaa the undersigned to lar claim to eombetener In all departments, as each U under tho care ol expert eucvd furelgu workmeu. THK STATIONERY DEPAKTMENT Will carry a f nil Hue of Tapers for executing blanks of all Uescilpllons, or for special sins or class of blank b-wis, lu atluttlou to tbj usual fall assortment of Com rutrclal, l.e.-al and Uttlco rtutfoufry. NEW GOODS Cousttiulljr recclrctl at tke Fort St; Store, JX Fine bJUUooery, Books, Fancy OcoiU, Windsor i NewUm's ArtisU MaurlaU, Bu'ttoriok's Cwl ft Fatteros, Uoweu'a Qartlatt aJnW, Ac, Ac. 'Asw'ta iTJoi THO. G. THRUM. JA - fe-t- w. --. -4-.. . G. BREWER & GO. EXrECTBYTHEFINE American Bark "Ceylon," Dno front Boston In October, The Following List STAPLE AMERICAN GOODS WHIGIt WIMj BE OFFERED FOR SALE TO ARRIVE. TTraoatx Unm-y Terms s Steam Coal, Cumberland Coal, Frnnkhn Coal in casks, for Tamlly Use. re: israoisH-ivxi oil ISO ilecjrccs test, DoTner's 3il, OAXIS, Barrel Slioolcf Clinirs, Out Nnils, 3d to -iOd, Lnntcrns, Cbarconl Irons, Hunt's Axes, Hunt's Hnlcliets, O , x a MntchcH, Tnr, Pitcb, Rosin, Turpentine, 3Maxili. Cordngo, AI.b SIZES. Pick Ilnndlcs, Ax Ilnndlcs, A CHOICE ASSOIITJIEENT OF OROOERIES! CONSISTTXO or Corn Stnrcli, TomnlocH, Boston linked Bonn? fQenuino), Qrcon Corn, SnuGtiga Jfent, Succotnsb, Qborkins, Lobsters, 3?Vi.iioy Oracltrex'w J Huckin'6 Tomnto and Mock Turtle Soup, Cnlves' Head, llnm nnd Tonguo, JF" tJDOLsr Soap Wbalo Boats, Mnlo nnd Ox Cnrts, Burnett's Extracts, OB.G-ANS. Owtnp; lo tbe largo stock of merebnndiso in tho narket, wo propose to sell this consifinment At Trices that will Suit our Ciwtomorg. 673 1 ItM.WKIt A CO. NEWWAREROOMS OP r:t333 California Furniture Comp'y,, IN- CAMPBELLS 3NT323-W Block, Fort St. AHE NOW OPENED and wo Cordially Invito tho Fitblio of Honolulu to Call and Exm . ino our HANDSOME COLLECTION OF FURNITURE Largest Stock, Latest Styles, Lowest Prices 3D. F. ADAM8, AUENT California Furniture Company M HAWAIIAN TRANSLATIONS. 'riiK UNinnwioNKD is puk- X rutreJlo trsntlate, ultb accuracy and dispatch, sad uu reasonable ternis. Hoods, Tifiascs. Acm ate, Frooi Epclish U HawtlUo. tail tin una. Rcaldcsct. No. II 1M itnci. May U found at th Law Uascs of fv.u. v. rhiwni, uissioa vaaiosaa sows. aaa In H.L. bllELDOX, fitO ftflrt FOR INVESTMENT COiyVrVs at nine (9lprnu on Kel Ka UU aeeoiltlis, la snioauU of sot less than On TbiMssndlMlsn.M.aaU.) 0. B. Uoooliila, bept liib, ;mi. t70 if . -. , C BY AUTHORITY. Fish Stalls nt Auction. OK SATURDAY, October 15th, lesi, at U o'clock, at the frcnt tntrancoof Alllolanl Halenlll bo sold the Chotco of Stalls at the Honolulu Market, for the term of ONK YEAIt, from that date. it. a. r. cAimsn, Interior OCUce, Oel. II. .Minister of the Interior. Seidell Trintlen will be received at the Interior Office, nntll October soili, at 1J o'clock noon, for furnlshlnR all or any of the fob lovrlnjr nulldlns Materials the Government may desire to purchase In Honolnln, for fir months from tbatilatct Northwest Timber, per thousands " Scantllnir, per thousand! " T.t tl , per thousands Whllo Cedar Shlinrlea, per Ihourandj northwest Hnrfaceil, per thousand; Itedwood Surfaced, per thousand; Hcilwood, T A (I., per thousand ; ItcdHOod, Iluitle, per thousand; Kclivood, Scanllinc;, perthoussnd; Itedwooil Scantllni;, clear, per thousand; lledwood Shingles, per thousand; Nails and rlplltes, pcrkcK; llrlcVs, per thi'usandi I.lmc, per barrel; Cement, tier lisrroli All Tenders must bo addressed lo Ihe Minister of the Interior, and endorsed, "Tenders for bulldlne Materl sis." (Signed) II A. I". CAHTKII, Interior Office, Oct. 1 1, 1531. Minister of Interior. 59 8") Nnlr or I.oinci or siinenimeiit f.niitli. On Mondiy November oth jirox., at the front entrance of Alllol.ini Hale, at 1.' n'clucW noon, nlllbe sold at I'nblle Auction, the I ensp or Lot ,n, n.l, mi tho I "plniiiulr, Honolulu nilli this eondllloiit The lessor to erect within one year from date of least, a substantial (Ire-proof brick or stone bulldlnR costing not les than $C,), hkh he Is to keep In repair and revert lo the Government at the expiration nf the lease. Terms, leaso 25yeats, npset price $.") per annunin, payable semi-annually In advance. And I.onio sir l.oh Mus, 73 mill 70 oil Ihr ICHiiiinrtili. Tenn, leaso 10 years, upset prlco $150 each lot, piy. able rcml-annuslly In advance. II. A. I'. OAHTEK, Minister of Interior, Bepl, of Interior, Honolulu Oct Till, 1MI. 68 5t Solo of Lento of Govorninont Iiand. On Monday, October 17tb prox., at Ihe front rntranco of Alllolaril Hale, at r.' o'clock noon Mill be sold at Public Auction the Lease for socii jears of I.ols' Nos. GJ nnd M; eltnitcd on the Esplanade, Honolulu. nnuallv In adance. upi-ei price ijii per annum, escn ioi, niynuic semi II. A. I'. UAKTJ-WI, Department of Interior. Honolulu, feept 11th, 18SI, Minister of Interior. M Ct Licenses Expiring in October, 1881. lll'.TAII.4AISJ, You Kee A C-, Nuunnu at, Honolulu W'onc I.cinc & Co, Nuuaiiu St, O. S. Wo Chonc, Nuiianu it, " A. W. Hush, Fort si, " Tonr;IIIng. Nuuaiiu st, " Kwone I,er Yonp t Co, Maunakea ct, -San Kiitn Lunr A Co, Hotel rl, " Ilroglle, Spear A Co, Fort st, " ban Ko. cor. Mnnnakcs A. Uerctanla sts, ' Wonjr Lam, Hotel st, " Hen Wo. Nnuaiiu st, Wilder A Co, eor. Fort A Queen sts, " E. Hnfminii, Merchant st, " E. O. Hall A Sou, cur. Fort A KlnR Its, " Hanir Lihic Kee A Co, Hotel st, " (i. Alo. cor. Itlchard and Merchant sts, " Ilurh Mackay. Queen st, " A. L. hmlth. Fort st, " Yon lice hue Hie, Klncat, " J. T. A II. Wotcrhousc. Klnj; st. " floo Yoo A Co. eor. Nuunnu A Kins ', " M. S. Perelra, Nuuann st, " IIoji Jan A Co. Nunanu st, " Ah Chow, Llliha st, " M riillltps A Co, Kafthumanu st, " J. T. Watcrhouso, Fort st, " Tonr;Ktrn, Nnuann et, " J. T. A II. Wuterhonso, Queen st, " I'eter Fernandex, Klnj; st, Kapalama, " Nip Sou, bchool si, Frank, Nuuann at, " iti:rAiL-iiAW.ii. Hitchcock A Co, I'apaikou, Hilo, J. it. Mills. Ilnnokaj, Ilamakua, L.Turner, Walnlilnn, Kan, A. S. Clejrhorn A Co, Funalnu, Kou It. Hycroft, Pidiolkl, l'una, Mrs. Davis, Walmca, tj. Kohala, Thos. Npencer, llllo, Chun Hoy, llllo, Wone Qui. llonomakaii, N. Knhnla, C. . All Wan A Co, I'ahals, Kau, Man Wo, Knpaan, N. Kohala, Kit Chong Bliif, Onomea l'lautatlcnr, HUdy itKi'Aii.-iAiii. ' Klia Faa Chonr;, l'ala, Hamakuapoko, Antone Fernandex, Makavtao, Ceo Hop, Kahulul. Lum Lane Kcc, allnku, Alona, Lnbalna. Oe Lunr;, Waikapu, iti:rAii.-iAiTAl. Apan, Koloa, miiom:sai,k. Bollcs A Co, Queen st, Honolulu, wilder A Co.cor. Fort and Qmeii ata, Honolulu, h. O. Hall A bon, cor. Fort and Kluc ule, Honolulu, C. Afong, Nuuaiiu st, Honolulu, IlKTAII. NI'lltlT. Jaa. Olds, cor. Nunanu and Hotel sts, Jlrlllll.VU NI'lltlT. Brown A Co, Merchant st, aictiom. T. W. Everett, Maul, J. II. Hare, Maul, vicruAMNn. Qln rau.KulDplhl.N. Kohala, Hav,ali. Ajlna. Fahaiin. Kohala, Ilanall. Man Wo, Kapaau, Kohula. Hawaii. Akana A Ahoe, Honokan, Ilamakua, Hawaii. ljinq Fat. Walluku, Maul, W, It. l'rescott. Valley Home, Nuuanu it, Oahu, Kanakamu, llulawa, N, Kohala, Hawaii. Alio A Akana, Houokua, Ilamakua. Hawaii. Len HIli" A Co, Halanu, N. Kohala, Ilanall, Aklna, Kaneohe, Oahu. All Quay, Hilo, Hawaii, IIKKCHi:!!, Chai as. Notley. llamakun. Hawaii. L.Ai Aseu A Co. Makapala, N. Kohala, Hawaii. Jan. Woods, Kohala, Hawaii. jbs. noom. noiiaia, Hawaii. (1. Waller, Klnc at, Honolulu, Oahn. U, Walhir, cor. Hotel A Union st, Honolulu, Oahn. oitii Chine Ileen Fan, Hotel st, Honolulu, Oahn. Van;: Yan, Hotel st, Honolulu, Oahu. Tang Tart Yung. Fort st, Honolulu. Oahu. Inn? l'liart. Hotel st, Honolulu, Oahu, Ah Loy, Makawuo, Mam. Leon;; Fouk Wa, Makavao, Maul. C. K. Llonir, Naal.-U'i, Kan, Hawaii. Nlng Yte Keo A Co, Hotel at, Honolulu, Oahn. llltl'U. S. IlsrTmann, Merchant it, Honolulu, Oahu. I.IVKKV NIAIII.C James Dodd, Fort at. Honolulu, Oahu. HUE AKMM. Kona Oahu W, 8. Flynn, O. F. Wilder. . (I. Wilder, M. F. Feary. VAKR PEIinM.U. Akana, HIIAT. (len. Kallaa, Honolulu, I 1 if. aKnpiiani, lino. 15 lb ... iiiiu, i Knnakaiiul. Ilonrlulu, i S.ini Kutuukahl, Honolulu, I Miiniel, Honolulu, IS S7 Luhllea, Honolulu, Communicated. 1 ' A correnpomlont writesi Aro not tho following results, n natural and inevitable consequence of tho ruoderato drlnkinu policy oaid to be advocated iu onB of tbe pulpits of Honolulu 7 " An American In London writes to thn Chlcaco .Yr icii " I Jelitwrntflly declare that in We weeks nnd a half iu this Kingdom I have seen as many women under tbo influence of liquor as I have seen men under like influence within the pre ceding three years. Nor do those women drink beer alone ; they, ns n role, drink whisky. I have, in scores and scores of iust-inooa, seen little chit, dreu, lato at night, nt the saloon door, crying for mother to ko home, ns In our own land wires plead for their huabauds." In London there aro 7,003 publia house and 4,!J5 beer bonses. l)nrini loSO, 9.nGc) persons were apprehended for drunkenness. Of these, 16, 9W were males and 13,870 were females. Ouo of the most jamentable features of the liquor traffic in England is the fact that 1CO.0OO women are there employed as bar-maids, an at tractive form and face being the requisite qualifi cation. Labor Trouble. Ut-o, Oct. 6th, 1831. Knnoa S.-runrMx l'axssOa the morning of Oct. Oth sonio 6S Norwegians refused duty at the I'apaikou plantation. Warrants of arrest for the same wcro sworn out nnd they hare had the war rant, read to them by Mr. I- Severance, Esq., but they hare not been arrested propetly nor any of them put into jail up to the preseut hour of writ log (5 r. u.) Last night every one of them were at liberty and this morning on failed of appear. Ins at all. To-day thy lure been waaderiag U over tbe town at their own Uisur, and again Uy ore turned loose for the night to wander roii4 at their own tweet will and return or not to their trial. Tney swear that they will not allow any native oonstable to orreet teem. Mr. Severance u f righWned and we fear there will be stirring times ahead wales the sheriff v iov himself a mau osii sot a coward I OcoutOKAL. -..-I 4 .l,jt. fa-l . - . - SATURDAY PBESS. OCTOBER 15, 1881. Mnnncjers's Natter. All advertisements for the hAtinDAT Frs innstbe sent In by Friday noon. No Insertions for the current Issue can Ire gnannteed when tent In later. Advertisers will mark the number of Insertions de sired, from which dale they cliarce. Any not so marked will be charged & months THOS. a. TIIIIUM, Manacer. NOTES OF THE WEEK. A nkw coat of piaster li being put on tho walls nnd celling of tho 1'ost-otllce. I'oun seamen who deserted from tho Hawaiian bark lotanl Imvo not yet been fonnd. Wd nro pleased lo bo ablo lo stnto that tho condi tion of tho Prlnccsi llegent Is daily improving. A FonrtoN piper says that King Kalakaua It traveling corrcsixindcut of tho Ifatrallan Gastttt. Mb. A. I', Cooke's now flro proof building on Qnccn street near tho foot of Nauamt is being built of rock. Tim flro bell was tested nijain last Snturdnynflrr noon, but wo cannot nay that tho result was satis factory, Owtso to lack of spice a number of commniil citlons nnd other milter is compelled to Bland over to n future lisno. Mr.MontAi, hi rlccs in memory of tho late l'resi dent a.ufleld wcro held nt Ilia Uethcl nnd St. Aiiurcw's cliurcbes on Kiiuibiy last. MAtisitM, 1'AnKE nnd tho Norwegian Cotiinl hno gono to llllo to inquire Into tho dilllciilty with tho Norwi-gl.ut laborers nt 1'npilkou plautatioii. We noticed a tnmo deer being led through tho streets tho other day. It was brought from tho const on tho Lmli himjisoit for Mr. Cntnpbell. The weather lina been wnrm nnd sultry lately, owing to tho southerly winds. Wo nro not likely to havo tho trades ngnin for nny length of time until next jenr. At nn inquest held over tho remains of Mrs. Daniel Smith who wna found dend on Friday morning of Inst week, it wns found Hint sho camo to her death by taking corrosUo sublliiintc. No ono has been apprehended recently smug gling opium Into tho kingdom bnt thero seemi to bo n good stock on hntid soiuow hero nmong tho Chinese. Kery fow dnjs boiuo of them nro arrested far having Ibo drug iu liosscRsion. Ltst Tuesday morning Mr, J. It. Price, bar keeper of tho llmpiro House, n l-amaaina of Hono lulu, was foutut Uoad in his room beside his bed. A kiI mortem examination by doctors McKlbbln nnd Hutchinson rcvc.iltd tbo fnct Hint his do.ith wt8 caused by discato of tho henrt. At Tort Street Cliuich Sundny morning, J. A. Crnznti will prench a sermon to parents nnd chuich members upon "'J ho Duty of tho Church to tho Sunday School." In tbo nftornoon thoro will bun union children's mieling. In tho evening llev. W. J. Smith of San Francisco, will preach n revival sermon. Os Wednesday Inst, through tho cnrclcr.sncss of nn cxprcsi-drivor, Mr. Baldwin was run over on King street nnd knocked down. Wo lma fre quently oilltd attention to tho heedlosi dming on our strtet8 nnd tho necessity of tho polico olllcors keeping a sharper lookout. Tho requirement of propor vigilnnco when on duty is as much needed ns proficiency iu drill. J, Wednesdvt afternoon ndray tram on Qucon street becamo frightened nnd ran away. Thoy toro along tho street nnd noar tho corner of Nuu nnu street ran into Mr. Lishnian's enrt, knocking both wheels off, breaking ono of tho springs, bend ing a shaft and wrecking tho vehicle completely. Near tho Fish Mnrkct ono of tho horses fell down nnd stopped their mad career boforu further dam ago was done. Dn. FiTon, Government phjsicinu for tho north ern district of Kauai, has been nppointed lo fill tho ,c.ino.y in Honolulu, caused by tho resigna tion of Dr. Emerson. It was mainly through Dr. Fitch's energetic mensnres that tho small-pox wns kept from spreading through tho natho imputa tion of Knunlwhen tho disoiso appeared on that island ; tho nppoiutment will no doubt givo gen eral satisfaction. Foixowrsa is tho programme for tho Hand con cert at Emm i Squ ire, nt 4:30 r. m. this afternoon : Overture Tho Oath Anber Fantasia Farewell to the Mountains IIaselmon Quadrille Humorous, new Ilulow l'olka Mazurka Mrlaulc, new Kubuer Helvetian-btyrlcn 8uund , n..Wiisenborn Ualop roinoue : Lentner Tho Band will givo nn oitra concert on Monday evening, Oct. 17tb, at tho Hawaiian Hotel. TinoiE nro still n few natives of theso islands working In the gold mines of California. Tho Yreka Journal of n recent dnto has tho following item: "Tho deitu of u Kanaka and another barely escaping tho portals of eternity, together with tho rain storm, prevented tho Kanakas from doing much work iu their claim in Klamath rhcr last week, but during tho bhort tinio thoy did work thoy took out 100 ounces. Tho cement in their claim ij said to shmo brilliantly with stroiks of gold, and tho tailings thoy run into tho river will well pay to work ovi r again." Dubino tho week thero hns been nn addition to the numbor of places of business in town draped in mourning in respect to tho memory of Presi dent Garfield, nnd Hags nro still Hying nt half mast. Tho intention is to retain these signs of mourning for n iwriod of thirty days, in nccord nnco with tho resolutions passed nt tho meeting of American citizens held nt tho Uethel Church on Fridny of last weok. In giving tho names of places decorated in last weok's Piiess L. Msirctiant's Tobacco Store wati omitted. It was in tho manu script but was nccidcutly skipped by tho com positor. Last Siturday a Chinamnu who had mndo two or three trips to Knhakaulnnn in his wngon, carry ing natives, camo to grief Just below Uio quaran tine ground when on his last return trip about hnlf-pnst tight o'clock. In coming up tho reef ho got oil tho track mid soon found himself in deep water. Ho immediately began to shout, "haul in I" nt the top of his olco and attracted tho at tention of sonio natives near by. A man and two boja went to his relief and found him astrido tho horto'd neck. The Chinaman and Ids wagon wero got to tho shoro in safety but the horso was drowned. Services at the ciiubciies. Last Sabbath llev. Dr. Damon delivered a Qarflold memorial dis course nt tho Italic) In tho forenoon and Dishrp Willis n similar service nt the Anglican Church in tho evening, both of which wo give In full in a supplement to-day through tho courtesy of tho Gatttle. At tho Vort Streot Church ltov, Mr. Cruznti dcllmcdnu excellent discourse upon per sonal influence which wns appreciated by n largo audience. A very largo ntttndance greeted Key. W. J. Smith nt the Lyceum In tho afternoon when be gave another of his delightful Iliblo readings on tho Prn) era of the Uible, nnd iu tho evening nt Fort Street Church ho delivered n sermon for jonng meu from it Samuel, nt. Chapter, 1KM Verse. ' Died Abucrns a fool ditth." Tho speaker was pleased to bco so many jonng men out who liked to hear plain speaking, and ho should endeavor to place tbe truth before them so as to be readily nn ilerstood. Abner's death was presented from three heads. His strange stupidity, his misused nil vantages; nnd bit nunruc-w to safety, which wna il lustrated iu n clear manner. This wns followed by nn inquiry meeting that was rich in the con tinued presence of tbe Holy Spirit. At tlio Chi neso Church n praise servico was held 1 ibt Sunday evening. Tho church was croudod to merllowlng nnd an excellent and lengthy programme wan sue cetufully carried out. 'Addrtsses wero made by Drs. D.unon and Hyde, 11, A. P. Carter nnd J. T. Waterhouse, and in Cbinosc by tho Pastor of tho church, Sit Moon. Last evening another praito and revival service was held at Fort Street Church, that was will attended us usual, FoLuowiNd is the record of tho Police Court pro ceedings for tlia week i Kcgono Bullvan, drunk-Mint-HS, fined )G, coats SI. Kamkaote, Kahano, Nlolo, drunkenness, forfeited $0 ball nach. He urai, same chargo, lined -G, costs $1, Pohina, as sault and battery on Kcklpl, lined f., costs $3. George Patterson, fast and heedless driving, for feited 10 ball. Wing Wong, Park Sing, Ah Hoe, Wing Ouuuu, Ah Con, Ah Hoke, Ah Tone, Ah Sing, Ah YamaudMoeSing.hivingoplumluposseritlon, Park Sing lined $50 and f I costs, and sentenced to nine mouth's iniririsoiiment at bard labor, Ah Con, fitted 50, nnd f 1 costs, and1 sentenced to three months Imprisonment at havd labor i iio'r pi ; entered in case of the others. Ah Con appoils to it higher court. LalaU w. and Lahele w., disturb ing nuiet of nbht. lined t3 and U0 costs each. Patau, selling iuUuicstlng drink to native Haw ailhim, remaudol to 17th inst. A. Wenner nnd John ilickey, drunkenness, forfeited $3 ball each. Wahiuealae, samo charge, fined 5, ouitsajl. Joe Oaiup, larceny of (IW, corsmitieU for trial to Oc tober term of Supreuie Court. Joe Maliua, drunk enuetu, fined f3, coats $t. Ixiuis Ouaininaiid Pii moku, fornication, farmer fined 410. cost 1, and the latUr sentenced lo on months imprisonment at hard labor. Lo Yuen, malicious; Injury, ru ruanded to to-day, Kc-kcoa. disturbing peace of night, nc4 $2. cost 1. Kouna, auult and battery, fined $-, costs fl. Ifajetcanu. larceny, hIU urnu-ful catered by proeoutlo. IIoogum wanui, disorderly person, discharged on payment of 3 coU- Win. Croze, dronkenne-t, nd 10, cotlail. Civil caMs.-Wm. UmiUi vs. C. Casper, action on proinUory note for QH, lodgment for f'Ulniltf for full amosut, with iiXQ interest addi-w-l. O. Waller v. J. . Uoyd, aotira of aMtuup. - - sie - tt,. j,., , irt'ef '. STUM, elt for $G9.M, jndgmenl confessed, were continneu to tho 19tli Inst. Sotifai cases CniNrjt Tho long-talkcd-f fair for Iho pa'poso of raising fnnds to p.iy off tho Indebted nos of Iho Chinese Church was held In tho vestry of Fort Street Church on 'I hnrsdiy evening. 1 ho grounds outsldo wcro lighted up by Chlneso Ian. terns suspended from n lino extending nround tho church, with pleasing effect. 'Iho Iloynl Haw aiian Hand wns In nttendnnco nnd played n tin in bi r of npproprinto nlrs. 'I Lo vestry of tho church wns filled lo overflowing enrly in tho evening and thero was no iwrccptlblo diminution in tho crowd nntll a Into hour. Tho room was very nicely and uniquely decorated. Chinese flags nnd banners of nil sizes, sonio of them gorgeous with Unset, wcro suspended from tho wall, ling narrow strips of red paKr containing Chlneso characters wero hanging in tho spaco not occupied by lings, nnd there wero also numerous Chineso pictures in nent frnmes In dllTcreut parts of Iho room. Wo noticed tho bntltier Of Clllnn Knolnn ('..I N'n. A uirmmulol by smaller flags, occupylngingnronspicnons place. Several tables presided oter by foreign, native and Chlneso ladies, wero filled with useful nnd ornamental nrticles to bo sold for tho church fund. At tho back of tbo building wns n cool placo pro inred for refreshments. Flags of nil nations formed Olio nilin mill Mill nf thla ntui.lmAi,! ....I branches of palm, bambixi and oilier Irecs gavo It nn Inviting nppearanco. Other dcoornthuis of flowers nnd overgreens wcro profuso In ninny pnrts of tin building. Everything wns very neatly nrrnnged nnd thoso who hnd chargo of Iho prepa rations nro cerlnlnly deserving of credit. It wns most interesting to observe thoso who como to sco V,'2.'ni.r' A mora cosmopolitan crowd It would bo dlfl cult to find. Chlneso ladies nnd children with their strnngo costumes seemed jierfrctly nt homo nnd well pleased nmong their sisters of nnother race. Many nmuslng Incidents hnppcncd but tho bestof order prevniled nnd nil seemed to enjoy themselves. At 7 o'clock Iho nrticles on exhibi tion wcro announced to bo for salo nnd when tho nuctlon of unsold goods began, nbout 1) o'clock, somo of Iho tables wcro quite baro. Tlia auction S?. V,"?."10 1,1("1 nnmslng featuro of tho ovetilng. riio bidding nt first was quito lively nnd Homo things brought moro than their vnlno. Illds seem ed lo bo most ncllio on tho unineiitloiinblo gnr liicnts of fimalo underwear, nnd strnngo lo My tho young gentlemen wero tho only bidders for tbo nrticles in this pirllculnr lino of dry goods. It wns between 10 nnd 11 o'clock when tho snlowns over and tho pooplo went homo with their pur chnses. Tho receipt amounted to nbout l,oCJ. Miut Notes. There wcro rnccs nt tho Walluku Park on Snttirdny. A fair number of spectators wcro In nttendnnco. Mr. J. W. ainvi of Wnlluktt W iu Sm Fran cisco for tho purpose of miking largo purohnses of goods for Iho coming season. Will return on tbo next Atenmor. Whllo nbscnt his business is in chnrgo of Mr. '. Higgins. Hawaii Notes. Cnpt, Toomoy is planting for tho Ilamakua mill, nnd expects to put in nbout olghty ncrcs. The Ilamakua mill, Hughes', is still grinding but only by exorcising" tho utmost economy of water. There is n report that ut Knhukn rnnch two cisterns wero totally dost roved by tbo earthquake, causing n great loss to tho owner, Mr. Jones. Heautifui, wonthor nlong tho Hilo const but get ting rnthcr dry lu Ilamakua. Somo of tho lowor cino nt Honokan is boginniiig loauffer for want of r.iin. After experimenting with tramways, traction engines nnd gravity roads, Notley and Jackson, Ilamakua plantation, havo coma back to bullock carts. Quite n Fovcro earthquake occurred nt Hilo, Sept. fiOth, nt fi o'clock nnd 8 minutes a. it. It Is tho heaviest shock sinco lfcCS nnd lnotcd n longer timo than usual, The citizens of llllo wero to meet nt tho Foreign Church, October 8lh, (Saturday) to bo addressed by ltov. D. P. liakor on tho death of President James A. Gnrfiehh A CmNESE storo nnd restaurant nt Uonokna had a narrow escape from being blown up by dynamite. Tho owner discovered tho burning fuso in timo to mui himself and property. The hoavy stono wnlls of tho nntlvo church nl Kohala. two and n half nnd threo feet thick, wore cracked through nearly every nrcb, nnd iu numer ous other places on nil bides, by tho cirthquako of Sent. 30th, LAui'AnoEnon complains that thero seems to bo nn uncertainty ns to tho regular calling of tho IJleltke on her return from llllo. It would bo n matter of convenience to know whothor sho will call regularly or not. At tho Toreigu Church, Hilo, Oct. 2d, ltov. E. P. liakor, pistor, thero woro flvo persons ndmitted Into tho church ns members. Several moro nro expected to join nt tho next communion. A Chi neso infant wns baptized. A portion of tho pali of Kilaqca was thrown down Sopt. 80th by tho earthquake, nnd tho Kau road which runs nlong very close to tho crater sunk so that a now road had to bo made. Tho earthquake, made, considerable hnoc nt Kau. TiiEBtcnmor I.llelHc, Oct. Cth, wns seen somo tlistnnco from Hilo with hor flag nt hnlf rnnst nnd tho citizens folt qulto stiro that sho brought sad nows, which proved too true tho bad news of tho death of n most noble nnd Christian President. The cnrlhquako shocks wcro felt ntUonunpo nbout tho same hoar thoy was in Honolulu on tho morning of tho 30th tilt. Thero wcro thrco shocks ; tho first two wcro roally sharp nnd strong slinking everything ns it it wcro on board n vessel nt sou. Several stonewalls at Puunlnu, Houuapo nnd Wni oliinu foil down nnd pooplo were badly fright ened. Itoforo tho cartliquako iho volcano was burning liko n smelting furnace.. Some of tho Kohnln people would Uko to know why mall matter belonging to nn individual, can not all bo scut to ono olllcu. Does it require such vast acumen nnd executive ability to run a 7 by 'J Iioot-olllco that this simple idea, could not hnva icon woikrd out by a new incumbent in too or thrco months ? When tho P. M. O. shall havo fol lowed each mail routo to its respective country terminus und looked in nt its door aud bicu where tho Icttors finally rest until called for, may tho pnbllo hope for u grand fixing up of things ? And will it then bo called upon by n bill lu tbo Lcgis latum to defrny traveling expenses ' Magazine Reviews. "A Horkshlroltoad" 13 tho first of socral il lustrated articles iu llnrjxr't for October, n de lightful description of Now England rural neencs. "Journnlistio Loudon" is nn epitomized history of journalism iu tho groat capitr.l to tho present timo. "Tho Peahody Muaeutn of Archioology and Ethnology" is tho heading of n very in structive nrtlclo giving n history of tho founding of the museum of tho nbovo name nnd tbo work accomplished by It. "Adirondack Dayn" is n beautifully Illustrated nrtlclo. Next follows n sketch of tho llfo of Frederick A. Iiridgmau, an American nrtist, accompanied by engraviugs of several of his best studies. "Tho Tolfgrnph of To-day" gives ono nn excellent idea of tho recent improvements In tho nrt of telegraphy. An nrtl olo on the oulture of cotton In tho Southern Stntes, profusely illustrated, la very Interesting. Thoro Is ulsongood rovlewof "Tho Mormon Situation" aud tho usual romances, etc. Kei ilintr't for October opens with n. lengthy il lustrated description of "Old Yorktown" whero oconrrcd the last great battle of the revolutionary war, nnd where tho centennial anniversary of that battlo U soon to bo eclcbratid, Yorktown wa also fortified during the late American civil war, and few place lu the United States havo nn equal his torical interest. "Primeval California" Lsan in teresting account of rambles in the mountain of the Golden State and U illustrated with finely ex ecuted engravings. "The coniferous forest of tbe Sierra Nevada," also illustrated, U continued from last month. Other articles wull worth read ing aro "Poetry In America," "Ernesto Hand," "Th now phased! Napoleonic Malory," "The first Editor," "The Sonnet In EngliaU poetry" and "The migration of birds." Thero is also an unusually large number of poem. In the October number of Junltlait't Journal lb inobt Interesting articles are: "Sketches and llemlnisccnceri by Ivan Tourgenlcff, " republished from UtuiaiHan' Mayuiliu, " English and Amer ican English" from the GiiiIUmih'i Maauilm, "French Intellectual Life" from Karl Hllle- brand work on" Ihe rnnch in tho second half of the Nineteenth Century." "liyroti, Oiethe, and Mr, Matthew Arnold" from the VoMi$mjniiir lit' cmm-.-au Auvemure iu tno rmilppiuu isMnds" by 11.11. llehr" nnj "Two theories of poetry" from iliicnilllaii's Mamitiit, LipplHCvtli' llviattut ha two illustrated articles "Grand Traverw bay," descriptive of scenery alonft lake Michigan, And "Cordova," an account of a noted Moorish city In Spain, "My journey with a King" by Louisa Coffin Jones, iian in. tereelUui account of a trip from llllo to Honolulu in tbo old Uamer Ktla-ui soon after the acces sion of King KataluuA to the Hawaiian throne. Other interatina contribution are "Zoological Curloiti" part VII, and "A day In the North nooua. mere are aiso toe usaat romance ana and mbeelUneoua tejection. With the October number Tk, Calif iruian bo giajsanew story by Jo-qiiia MiUer, "One of to -,,fi v i--HTiJtfjJ-1 s World HiHders," i aequrl to "Shadowiof Shnsl.i." JarceiO'roira author of "Somo Schemes to An nt 111 Sandwich Islands" In tho September num ber hr an nrtlclo on ' I'mbb's Etprdltlon to So nora." "Don Catk" W Continued and W. O, Ihrtlett contributes nn essay "Karnucl Williams, Journalist," n San Francisco editor nlrri wan em ployed for sixteen years on the staff of Iho r.ithlkJ lltiltetin. "Coraots" is nn Instructive scientific nt tlclo nnd nlso give many of tho old superstition in connection with comets, '1 ho story of "'t'.l'fiO" is concluded with this number. Tlio " Plains of Hulto" nnd shorter contribution will bo found Interesting. in addition to tho fc rial slorlen In the Atlantic ittmthU nro t "Origin of Criino lu Society" "Carlylo's Laugh," "Tho two Hamlets "-which stntes that Shakespeare's drama wns founded upon n play written in lCWlnnd quote from both to snow tho latter is in somo places n verbatim copy of Iho older one. "Tropical Scqiieneo" by Clias. Warren Stoddard, Is Iho title nf n llttlo sketch tho scene of which Is laid In Tahiti. Phillip llrook oontrlbulea n sketch of tho Ufa nnd services of "Denn Stanley," tho noted English diUtio re cently deceased. Hawaiian Reciprocity Treaty. Corrcspondcnca of General dimly, United Stale Minister llesident, to tho Stnto Department of hi Government, published In tho "Commer cial llcsolutlons of tho United States t" Tho Influence, of (ho reciprocity treaty upon llin Increase of our carrying triula butween tho Hawa iian Islanda nnd tho Paciflo oonsl, nnd upon tho still larger lucronso of our Rhip-huthllng for Ha waiian owner, has boon ono of its most gratify ing results, 1 haio referred to this subject from timo to time, nnd mora recently by last mail, In my No. 101, showing by nnaljsisor custom-houso statis tics tlio proportion of American shipping to nil other, nnd tho l!!:n suggestive facts. '1 hrco years nnd n half ngo, when I first report, cd for dtitj nl Ihisiioat there wns but oho Ilantl steamer; now there, nro eight nnd moro ordered overyonoof Iheni but ono, American built. 'Iho Iticrearo lu sailing vessels ban been still iarger. llcsldes tl is, by far tho larger portion of vessels sailing for dun In tho Hawaiian trade !iao re mained under tho American ling, so Hint they do nolnpionr in tlio Hawaiian custom lumso statis tics. For example, ono firm In San Francisco, engaged exclusively In Iho Island trade, had mlded four now fast-sailing cruisers lo this trndo within tho year, nil under tho American II ig. Oftlioso vessels under the Hawaiian flag thero nro chiefly two classes! fl.J NewMilp built Intho I'nited Stalos for Hawaiian owners, mid (l!) ships formerly under Iho American flag transferred to Hawaiian owners, nnd Hawaiian flag. In ono liouao German capital has purchased n numbor of American vcshoI i nnd put them tinder tlio American flag. Pnrtof Iho GInsgow machi nery which rubbed n sore Bpot into tho treaty, ns I hnvn Ro often mentioned, wns brought hero ill two largo AmcricniMessels, direct from Scotland. It is but fair nnd just to admit that probably nil this increased demand for American Btilps and nhf p-buihlitig grow out of tho reciprocity treaty, nnd would never hnvo existed except for its gene rative, power. This gcncrntlvo power is reflex ns woll ns direct. It creates n ningiilflcent lucronso of Island products : this creates Iroth demand nnd capacity for a lirgo Incrcaso of tho inqiort trade from Iho United Stiles; nnd theso com bined crcnto tlio demand for cnrrioM under tho American Hag, nnd for American factor, agonls, hankers, insurers, nnd producers of rlmjst every kind. Tho trndo with Iho islamist hut n drop lu tho bucket. Hut, compiro tho total niiiount of her exchanges between tho Hnwnllnn Islands with thoso between nil other countries and tho United States; thou npply to Ibis last tho samo ratio of iricrrnso in onr carrying trndo nnd Hbip-bitllding which wo have gained hero; tho result, It sicnm tome, would bIiow that, under llko conditions of prosperity cvorj whero, all fear of the American flag disappearing from tho sen might bo aban doned. Assuming that thoro would havo beon tho naino amount of Hawaiian sugar produced without tho treaty which thero would not, iu fnol ndd, Hint nil of such sugnr would hnvo como to us, and would havo paid duty, thero would then bo tho baro nnd inuxornblo fnct of tho bias of corlniu demonstrable dollars to tbo Unltod States Treas ury, iu tho Bhapoof duties abandoned under tho treaty. It is trua nlsn. on tho other hand, that tho gain to tho United States docn not lesolvo Itself into dcnionstrnblo dollars." It is Bomowhnt vacuo nnd incomputable. Tho effort to hal.liicn tho loss nnd gain Ih thus difficult. It is liko trying to nettln the net gnin whero ono has giien nwny a Hum certain nnd found n nwnrni of bees. If our coiiiinorclnl policy with tho Sandwich Islands is to bo taken as only part of tlio hj Atom, intended to tnko in nnd bind together nil tho twogrcnt continents nnd their adjacent inlands on our sido of tho world, It rcoiiih to mo that thero aro such grand posslbilitloH to tho nenr fdtnro of tho United StntoH In mich n schema nn would innko tho reciprocity treaty with thoso islands n conspicuous landmark iu our commor cinl history. Considered Bimply by itself it would scorn comparatively feoblo and iuooiis'v.ueur-. Its ntuo to tho islands is very great, undoubtedly; that goon without telling. Our loo III roveuuo, nlso is plain enongh to nny ouo with wit enough to coniputo tho customs duo on noino million!) of pounds of sugar, rice, Ac. Our gain, I repeat, is as incomputable ns tlio fnttiro activity and pro ductiveness of a swnrni of bees. After nil this, thoro nro innny million of American capital invested hero under and bocmso of Ihc treaty. Jasils M, Coui.y, Minila: Logation of tho United Slides, Honolulu, Siimhcleh Ultimh, June C, ISSt. The Elele and the Revival. Editor Press : Tho trnnslntion from Iho KMe In tho Inst number of Iho 1'ittt, showrsa quecrly mixed stuto of mind iu tho wrltor ; nnd liko tho two poloa of n magnet, tho two polca of his nrtlclo repol each other. Ho siys " Wo rojolcod, nnd our heart was mado glad, when wo heard of tho work" Ac. "of M. L. Hnlloubeck. Wo nro with him, nnd wo trust that wo Hhnll nhnro In thn good romlts." Ahem I Hyn riso in tho prlco of wool ? Ho vlrtnnlly snys, " Wo nro glad to hear of (his work ; for ouo good thing it has waked up theso missionary fathers that hnvo beon nbleep nearly ever slnco thoy camo but novor mind, don't mnkon fool of joursclf; don't allow nny. thing they mny siy, now that thoy art wnkid up, to hao nny inllucnco whnlevor on your mind; but just go abend jour own wny, whether it tin good or bad, nnd n llttlo moro bo If bid tlu snnio ns you woro iloing before. All they may say, (nnd by inllucnco nil that this Hullcnbnck says) is Bald foe tholr own greedy e-nds. " concoal lug thuir real Holven beneath thn hypocritlcnl cloak of righteousness." Horn Is rank Idiocy indeed. "A wolf In Hhoop'ri clothing" nnd linn affected, to warn tho Hock ngniust its true friends, but the cars hate stuck through tho awkwardly assumed skin. No Nntlvo Hnwnllnn wroto thnt nrtlclo; mid wns it nny other nmong "whllo skins" but tho shepherd of Lnuni ? Han bo gono mad, or Is ho such it kunio ns to thus openly mock the suit conceit and gullibility of tho native Ha waiian, liy laying ono hand on bin bond with tho nir of fricudidiip, nnd with that hand keeping bis fnco upturned, whllo he Btabt him with tho other 7 Thu Scripture Hays "Uy their fruits shall yo know tlioui," me tnk- th'il hi Iter, what hnvo beon tho fruit of theso labors of thoso maligned " mis sionary fathers" in theso Islands ? Havo they not been good? Aud whnt Iimo been hi own work and tho fruit of them ? Ham they tended to aid, or obstruct thn other ? Further, let inunak litiu although It bo nu iilmost irrelevant or unimiior tnut question Can n man work alwny oriill day with hlght of energy that ho exorcists when working nn "uktipnu,"Hiid not noon break down 7 Must thero not lie Benson of comparative Inietlv Ity, nnd aro there not such Inriciy fluid of Industry nnd lit nature Itself 7 Would you Sir, work "(To joars" or even M weeks, iu the way that Mr. Hnlloubeck worked while lui wa iu Houolulu, and novir " simp" 7 Mr. II. did indeed, good work in theso Islands, and ho did indeed nrouto good people Into rcnowed activity; nnd many besldothnt writer aro "with him" und with other workers of tho samo vineyard, in nyiiiiuithy ; but they do not nt the samo tluie, llko that writer, givo n grip of friendship with ouo hand nnd a, stab with tno other. Veuita. Plaoes of Worship. fctixII(TiiEil!ev H a Damon, Chaplain, Kings street, near lbs Nallors' Iloma. Preaching at II a h, Heals free. Habbath hcbool hcfi-re the luornlng service. Prayer laectlinr on Ueduosday ovenniKs at 7 o'cloic'j FoBTHrascTCiiuncii-ltev J. A. Cruasn Pastor, corner of For; and lleretanla streets I'reaclilnir on rundsv. till am and Dir Habbalh hche-ul siIua at. 8t ANDniw'OATIUP4L-Knxllhservlcesi Id Hey His lllabop of Honolulu and ltv Thj lilackburn. Ha. vrallan serrlc-si Ilsv Alex Mackintosh. O.IJl, Hrly Communion; V3, Matins and Hermon (ilawalUn)l II. Mslius, I.llaiiy and beriouu (En.llsh); i, Kvantoiiz (Hawaiian); 1JH1, Eremouj and Hiiiuou (Kujllshl. IloMtx Cavuoiiu Cui'ucu- Uudir Ihe chtnro of II. Iter Dlstiop JItljrct. assisted by Iter bishop lierinaniit rrt alteei, near Hcrelatiu, btrvlcca every Hundar at W a - sad lira ' To Xot ! rPHK lniKHlSE OX J.miHA ST., X. lataly octupled by Ihe lloaolula MaUh Fciory, Fwscssloa glvsu ImDicdUuly. " ., , F. A bOIUEFSIt. E"t Admlalstraler slate Chai Loni. LOST OK STOLEN ! DRAFT XO. UiaiOHflOO.iiU IN favor ut It. WALLACE, drawn brO.TKOUtlSEAU . FlJflVltt.oF.A.t!CHAFKCO. Alluwaoqaa-i avriT wtrnca sjjsi Diuouaiies is sa c. as bay wml has beta stopped. ' f vttn ... uvMAf w yjV, hAWAlAHAoCuoiicu-Ilov II II Parker, Faster, Kln itrl,abov; Ihe Falat Hervlcsa In llawsllsu cvsry Hands at II . . HabUilh bebwil at 10a , eumrt n.".'.! k. sh.rn.tlus with Kaunukapin: lltslrlct -laitiocs In various chapels at 3.30 r , 1'iarrr iatllua!.vcoV'iJavIayat7ii-, ' ' skiWft--'-i-!ii' fe-V,, 1 It t I 4 4' :, ir -IW jGfik-fe-,