OCR Interpretation

Saturday press. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1880-1885, January 07, 1882, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014681/1882-01-07/ed-1/seq-5/

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) nr
Jlj- K. P. ADAMS.
Great Sale !
II 14 J. J, JtiNWAW J3 !
it II M.. by order nf lh Trm! nf lli f.nni
II In Kattl, I will i' ITT for .tie it
public auction, the following
Magnificent List of Lands in all
parts of tho Kingdom,
Comprising Pasture, Timber, Kice
and Knlo Lnnds, Sea and
Inland Fisheries,
ml Inetmllnr I'xrcrU f ter site, suitsbie noi ""'
rur purchase uy inc mi' cup "" "'
those nf inudntlr means
17 he Ahupuaa of Kcaau,
illnit In runt. Island ( Hawaii, wllh " ' '
ll'ftiirTlniiiinilTito lliimlrril anil
Till, Award SV.9 II., psrl l, Unjtl I'tlenl 71, lo
Ttllllam ('. I.iintlll'i.
1 hi l desirable properly, lh rnnl.il portion bslnr.
n grazing lantl, tnd llif nppsr pill ente ml with TtlnJ
bit llmb-r.
'2 The Ahupuaa of Ka-
Fnna, Hawaii, wllh tn area or
TvteiHr-sl. TlionitHHrt rarer llttiirlreil irsrl
Twenty Arm, more or l.
Till. Award i'-MH., parttl.tc. William C. I.unillln.
Themakal portion I grazing lind, and the upper ptit
tntered wllli limb r.
3-ThexAhupuaa of Keahl
alaka. Itltuit In runt, lltwall. nllli in tret of
Twelve lliaiiilrrtl mid Ml rail yl Aerri.,
iittue) or lea,
ml. Award KA9 11.. vrl IS. to William C. I.nnalllo
The mtkal portion l (.rising I.tnd, wllh Cocoanut
ITrf near III tt uppr pirt 'limber.
U The Ahupuaa of Hono-
, Maul, wllh in irrt of
Hunt'il it Kitntpall,
Three 'riinuaunil
Light lltinilretl anil fllxty
more or leia.
Tlllf, awn 8V.0 Jt part il
: to William C. I.nnalllo.
(lood eraalni; lind.
5-The Ahupuaa of Kaapa-
Ilntted In Klpalinln. Maul, with an area of
UneiTliouaniiil four lluiiilrrit mill KlRhly
Title, awird 8.V1, II., pirt 15, lo Wllllim C I.nnalllo.
'hl kind li oiiiewlialcutiiihysulclie, hut la rich
and ultAhle for raining and fnttenlnc; Hoc.
, 6 The lliaina of Puako,
ittuateil In Wilmea, llnwall, with an irea of
ftercu nml Uncllnir Arrr.
Title, award KM. II., part. In Mltllom C. Lnnalllo.
Tim chief product of tills laud I. Salt.
7 The lliaina of Kapahulu,
tltutted at WilkIM, Calm, wllh m area of
Tat Tliotumul Threei lluiilrrl rartyOn
73-100 Arrr.
Title, Award SM9. II., port 31, to William C. I.unallln
Th land Is inoitly patture, ha a valuable .a fUliery
and Includes within lit boundaries the world-ienowned
critcrof Ulinoad Head.
' 8 The land of Kaea
a lei. of Kapahulu, tttuated at the bead of Palolo Til-
ley tnd with in irea of
a-KOnvllnaelrtwt and Ve ! n Half Aarca.
Till la runiitly fore.t land..
' 9 The lliaina of Pau,
tltnated In WalMKt, Oahu, with an area of
Twenty. I'uur 37 100.
Title, award 63S9, H.. part W, to William U. I.nntlllo.
Thla land Include Manlenle Pasture. Illce land and
Fith pondt.
10 Land of Kaihikapu and
Itnated at Walklkl, a lele of l'au, Ith an Area of
tnar OU.IOO Arrr".
Rlc or Kalo land.
1 1 Loko Opukaala,
lltuated at Walklkl. a lele of Pan, with an Area of
Hum O.Vloti Arrr.
Thlalt" deep fresh water flh pond.
1 2-A lele of Pau,
llnnted on both ildea of the Manoa itream la Walklkl
with an Area of
One US-100 Arrr.
Of which 1 1-10 acre l .uperlor Hlce or Kalo land
and 38-100 acret Hula land .bore the level of the Auwul.
Two Kalo palchet 83 fett apart btlnc ,a le'.a of Pan
tltnated at Walklkl with an t:re;ite Area of
MO-IOOnlau Arre.
Viral ctata Illce or Kalo land.
-The land of Kaahaloa-
a lele of Pan, tltuali d In Manoa, Oahn, wllh an Area of
fclKilt U'J IIIO Acre.
Superior Illce and Kulo laud.
15 The lliaina of Kamoku.
Itnated at Walklkl watua. with an Area of
, KIKklecu Acrra.
baperlor Hlce and Kalo land.
' TUlo tuarJsM'J, II., part 30, to William C. Lunillle
Four Kalo palchea In Apana 1 Jof Award UTS noyil
Patent adit In Anee, the fifth Kalo patch nf tltl Apaua
the mauka on being ritcned, illuated In Walklkl,
with an area of about
' tttkioo ornn Arrc.
Vlth pond at Kawela, Mnlokul, with an area of about
Tnauty'Kliv Aeren.
Title, part of Awaim, fSMI, 11., part ffl, to William O
' elila It a Mattinil I.Jke. leu y tpniis., ri..f..
,iMi the tea by only n 1. ind bank, ami It wllhln lour or
. Vv. .'... K...UC.L ..I ,.hirAihftl.thuiitouclietevery
Aeekt II make, one uf Hit net fl.herlet In Iho Mnp
r dnm. lilt al.n the re.orl of treat Humbert nf lid
.... 1 ... . ...1 ...l.tl... . ill..iit rnrer lor h00tlnc
I- JUl, 111 ,"'.1.1 ,w..v ..-,. ---..- ..-.-- -- -
beluc atlbtdi-d Uy th Ueiuo bulriithrt which fringe ln
Further Information, If deilred. In resard to tho tbort
property, will bdaOorded in toy one by S. . UOUb,
nue of tn
lie If ll.tlva or ine i.uiiaiuii .,..i.iw.
K I.
All ANN. .ucl'r.
ratiiK i.HUiMr artit'K
1 , VIkTI, AbbOUTMKSr.
FromFirat Hands,
Eb.bIIb U Soil l YBKY LOW klgiirw.
V W kp none but th bast.
aar tear 9f tk aUy or alcht, at
Tho LeadiHg riper or the rcno
knd aa a Faaillr Paper, Sttodt Unrlvtlled. Mr. WIL1.
lAllSON. Special1 Corrtipondont tad UabacrlpUo
;tai for in. iia.i..? ..."-- . .. .,...
jjsj Aaaitti ws iiium, ....i ..........
Al II o'clock noon, at Hales Hoom,
50 bxs. Apples,
74 sks. Potatoes,
79 bxs. Onions,
Ex J. D.SPRECKELS.fm.SauFraucisco
K. P. ADAMS, Anet'r.
MortRagcfi's Notice of Sale.
lv vinrri; or a row-Kit or
I ) Maleninlaliirilln a irrlnln ehstlle mnrrgsge glsen
by Jce.e .M.Thnmp.nn nnd W llm I' Johnston In Ihe
Hawaiian Agricultural Company, dated Feb Pith, IMI,
lli unileralgiiid give, tn'tlce that It Intend l forcelo.e
nlil mnrlgjge 'r condition broken vl.i fiun-iinjrturnl
or I hi' ili-iit .ecitreil ineniiy. nn" "in "r" "' i"""" 1,,v"
lion ollheealc room of li I'. Ailaim, nt Honolulu, on
nf Ihi' ili-lit ..cured llirn tiy. mid will sell t'
U. I ... Il.n ?ll. !,. t.r .Imiiifirv. A. 11. lcv. II
llin ltd iIhy nf .lilliunrr, A. I''
n'elmk.M. nil the gntsli. chattels anilincl nninfil In
sill niurlgn.'rvlri A IIIIC or l.irvsi'ti n ire rninwaj,
Ingelhrrwlih all llttnrr" and appurtenance and tlo a
lot nf wlr'. rope, pr., tastings .le..tniw on tho Com
nlil nxirlirn -r rlrt a line or F.lrvsl'il Wire 1 rntnnty
nin' nrm ra at I'annii. ivnn. nawaii.
'I Go Hawaiian Aitrlci.lltiriil l.n,
lir ! V JoNi:H,.lr.,
B7 3t
Itnmiliiln, tlcc
Adminintrator'ii Sale
tv viii'i'irr,
or AN
lj mini by Ihr llnnoMliI" A
I'nuirU .Imld. (,'hlr
ln,tlrp nf tlir Hlltirnnr l.'niirt. HU112 (it n (Joint of
rrnlialr, dnlid llrr 1.1I1, IIRI, mid lijr nrdir nf Itnli-rt II.
Iltln-r and .lolin T llal.ir. Adinlnlirtlnr nf th' rlt
ofllHNHV A. KAIIANU, iln'ii"d. Ih iindcr,liid
will llnl Public Anrilon on MO.NIIAV Ilip'JIh day of
.lANl'AIIV in'tt nl Wn'rlmk M . athln nli'" room on
Uiiffii MtM"t, nlllhut dcrnf I.1111I fllmili'd at Knlla,
alMM, lilnnd nf Onliii.ini Ihi' ' makal" aide nf Klnit
Htri'i'l mid on Hi' Walklkl of Major Miielinniur prrni
l,', li'lnc part nf llic pr'inl rlracilhrcl In Itojtl
Patent MM Ktilnnn DiHI to. I. Knnroii 1 nn I,oraii, th'
nnio Ii'Iiik morn fnllv decrtliid In Dcid nf cnn?fri.nce
frmii DpiiniiKk.) lit ll'iuj A. Kahann, dated Hie ".t
dny nf .Mnrcli, A. II, l"TI. and recnrdid In the Hawaiian
llellry of l)red. I,llier. pp. I Hand 4 a. Contiilu.
lie an arm or vv-iuaer'a.
Iierdn nt Hie exprnn of Hie tuirrlimer,
8M m k. P. AIIAMH, Ancfr,
T() Cl(IM) (JOIIHlgllllUllltS,
at Ida. m. nt Hilei Itnom, cnnlitlng of
DiiYUOODS, in variety
I.tnen and Col tun Hlicitlnj,' nnd Drill. Nnpklnt,
l.lnen Hiiidkerchl'f.,1able l.lnrn, Itnllnnr,
Tlirifldnhd IMIIuu l.lnen, l)rei lloodn. I.tice.
Ilicrtlon. Ileautlfiil A-et. nf C'n.tlmere .tTweed.,
Illimkcti.. In variety; Woolen ."hlrt A'lakle L'mdn,
A Mplendld A. ft. of AxinlnMer, IStiip-.-ls A. Velret
of New and Klcinl Dccljnv, Inrludlng
Stair fc Border Carpets
A Small Involve of lieaiitUul llfavy Itrocaded
Silk Curtains and Drapery,
to 111c lu place of Folding Doora, rjonicthliig
Entirely New ;
Twine. Engll.h nine Mottled and Ilrown 5oap,
U.ilv. Duck) t. Knlleh make;
ltlack and KnainLkd rinttci Pin.
Illnkfinltlu' Anvil tnd Vk.ce,
Drum- of Dnlleil and Itnw I.lll.erd Oil.
lie. t While Lrail, Zlne. Illaek Paint and tied Lead.
Beat Auneuled Fence Wlro, Jine. 4, f nud 6; Ac, Ac.
F.. 1-, ADAJM. Anr'tr.
ON FRIDAY, January 13th,
At 10 A. 91., at Hnlea Iliraaai,
Dry Goods,
and Groceries.
By order of the Aailgnees of th.' Estato of MR. CHASE
Photographic Stock &
E. P. ADAMS. Auet'r.
Hy Order of W. L. (lHEEN. Esq., Trustee for
E.tntonf J. 1100T1I,
AT 111 O'CLOCK A. M.
Ou tho Premises, Nuuanu Street,
Stock of Liquors and Fixtures
r cln Naloou of KmpJro House, ConttUt
Iiik; In Purl of
Hard, Hum. Irish Whirl), Hock Wine, Iliandy,
Alo and Porter, llu:luuil Draught Ao. byrupa,
O-uttoxis WlaiBlty X
Ac, ilc, J.c.
a or, I'aik. Whisky,! Cask Ituui,
JCj.ka men WhUky. I Cask Ilrandy,
bSCatv. llruiiily, IiiCa.ia Lion ilrandy.
Chindrllers, Looking Olaea, 1 Plaun Forte,
hcttei',Tiblet, Wrapping 1'jper, lljgalelle Table,
Pliluree, Wluu (llat.ee, (lublett. Tumblers,
hllirr bpnaiiu, htralnrr, .te,. Ice bafr. Clock,
Fealhtr Uu.lcrs, Water Ullir, Ciuo MrulUialri.tte
K. 1. AUtMM. Allrl'r,
We have the Most Complete Xa
to be found West of the Kocky Mountains, wth all of
tha lattsl luiprovtuient, that art lu use at tha Ettt
Tor making a pure article.
All water used In our Factory It FILTKBED. Not'
over, we will aot be undcrtold. Ml
.Lw-J& 1 1 Jffc.af '!-Aiel A-HM.
Expreia Cnrrlarfn Rnicitlntion Stnnit Ko. 8 !
.Noll' In h'rrhy (ln lint fltiiid .No. 1 li'lntf Hi
mtktl ld'nf Hotel Nt , frnri llrewr'n lllnck (tit, tin
liern rhinr'il I'lllie mtnka alttc of lintel fit , at th
'tttcrl Jnnrllon nf Union rlt,
Nn mot than Kli Ctrrlas'1 will k allowed on thl
Aland ttnne. llm'-fnir n the Union Ht. fronl,tnd Iwn
nn th lintel Ht, front.
V. N. AltMHlltONd,
.Mlultler of Ih Inlrrlnr.
Interior Office. Jtnntry Uli, IM. 7121 M7SI
ln. II. I', lUlliwi-r hit thlmtay lie'ii appolnl'd an
A(cnt In cratit MirrluRO I.lc ni for the Dlitllrt of
.Mikawio, Inland of M.ul, II, I.
, W S AIIMlTKflMI, Mlnlnten.f Inlrlor.
Interior unite, Drc'-iMh, I8DI, W tsw)
OITlclil notlco hi. thl. day been trcelvej Hut In con
"iinee of the reilgnailnn by .liion I'erry F.rjnlre, of
Hi' olllicof (Joii.ul for I'ortiuil, theCmi.nl for Italy,
K. A. Hchicfur, Ki'inlre, will temporary diich.rj: the
ilullMiif Cnimtil for Portugal. All p'r.on. ar re'inent
eltnKlr full faith and credit In all hi. onicltl tut In
tlutcptcly W. U, Oltl'KN,
.Mlnliter nf I'orelen Aflalm.
llept nf I'nrclgn Arr.lrt, Hnnnliilu, Dec -Jih, Ml,
70 .It
Snln of I.nria nf Government i.nm1.
On Wedned, Jnnimry )Blh, ltuJ, it Hi front n
trance of Alllnlanl Hale nt 13 ti'clcck noon, will hi nld
tt I'libllc Auclliiii, the lean; of Hint tract of land
lieloiitflni; tn thu 1 1 avk 11 1 1 a it (Internment, ltuated In
JtAl'Allir, IIA.M.VKI'A, HAWAII, bounded
on Hit I'a.t by (Irtnt In Knma and ll'nlainliil, nn the
Went by Krehln, on tho Miuka aldo by (luvernment
rntd ltd runnlne In a point at the ei, containing an
uri a of 1(x) icrv., more or 1..
TKIIMM. I.rnre llyenri, npnet price $'per tnnnin
for the whole, poyible tunuilly In advance.
It. A. P. UAKTKIt,
Mlnliter of the Interior.
Dept. of Interior, Honolulu, DielJtli, 1M1. M-lt
' Notlco to Mariners.
Public Notice la hereby ulren, that nn tnd after the
FIICiT of JA.NUAIIV IWi, there will be eihlblted on
the extreme Mouth Wet Point of Mnlokul, a filed while
Freenel f.l(ht of fourth (Ith) magnitude nhnwlnj tronnd
theinmpa.a. The I.lht I at an deration of W ft, from
aea level and It vlmblc from a common lilp deck In
clear weather adlttince of II mllrt, Toer t. painted
white. Lantern red. The beirlngiarc Mi'netlcand at
(1) To Wmnml Head h. P Wet.
('.') To Xnkupu.i Point N. CO' Weat.
(3) To Motnpn Point N. VH We.t.
(I) Tn NW Point of Moloktl N, S Kaat.
('.) To NW Point of Lnnal a. M" Util.
Offlce of the Interior
Honolulu, Nov lSlh, IH3I. M 3m
The election of llepreaentttlve tn the next I.er.1'
Ittlve Anaembly, will ttke place throughout the vnrl
on. F.lectlon IllilrlrU of the Kln;doin, on Wednerday
the l.tday nf Kebrnnry next.
The Poll, it the aeveral placet of election will bt
opened l 8 o'clncir a.x.onthe dny above named, and
cloeed tl i o'clock r..
The following place are designated for holding Hit
Ilawnll t
Dlatrlct of llllo Court House, IIIIo
In.p'Llorn of Khctlon
J. W. A. Ilnpal Police Justice
L, Heveranc Tax Aeror
Jos. Nawahl, Tax Collector
Dlatrlct of llamnkua Court Home, HounUaa
luepcctor of Election
J. P. Mini District Justice
Jt. A. Lymun Tax Asa's.or
Chaa. Wllllania, Tax Collector
Dlatrlct of Kohala.... Court House, Walmea, bo. Kohala
Inspector of lllectlou
H. 11. Mahuka District Jnsllct
Geo. licit
Ttx Collector.
And a beennd Polllnj; pltc at
Couit Houae
Inspector of Election
Dlatrlct Justice
II. Johnaun,
D. S. Kahookauo Tax Collector
District of North Kona School House, Kallua
liipectur of Election
J. O. Hoaplll District Justice
.Tax Collector
District of houth Kona School House, Hookrna
liispectorn of Election
C. W. P. Kaeo 7. District Jnstice
II. II. Nahlnu Tax Aaaeeaor
John Nahlnu , ; Tax Collector
Dlatrlct of Kan t'.Hpencer' Store Houae, lloun.po
Iaaptcturi of Elrcllun
J. U.S. Martin District Justice
II. M. Whitney, lax Aeteexir
J. kauhane Tax Collector
District of Puna Court House, Poholkl
Inapeilort of Election
J. W. Naeole District Jnstice
T. Katlhlll,.., lax Aseeeeor
Mnkuhla Tax Collector
District composed of Lahalno, Olowiln
and KahooUwe,
Court llonse
Inspector! or blccuon
D. Kamaloplll ;.'... ..T.T.".... Police Justice
J. W. Kalna, ::.,.:.:; Tax Avsea.or
b. E. hulue, .'.;.:.:;. Tax Collector
District composed of Ktlitkaloaand Kaanapall
bihool Hou.e Honolua
Inspector, of Klictlnn
District beginning with and Including Walhe and
extending lo and Including Hnnuaula,
Court Hou.e Walluku
Inspectors uf Election
II. Kulhelanl Police Justice
T. W, Everett 'lax A.sea.or
W, JJ. Kcanu Tax Collector
Dlstilct beginning with and Including Htmakntloa and
exieuulnx to anil Including hula.
Court House Olakawao
Inspeclort of Election
W. F.Mo.amtn...... District .Instlc.
Y. II. Ilav.elden Tax Assea.or
A. roruauder Tux Collector
District be-lnnlug with and Including Kahtkli.ui
cxienuing to aniiiuciuuiog nuuiau.
Court Houae.
Inspector, of Kleitlon
S. W. Kaal
P. hawalku,,,.
P. hamal,
District of
Court Huute.
K. K. Kunlhea.
.Dlatrlct Justice
,,,.Tax As.ea.or
...Tax Collector
Molokal and Lantl
,,.,. Pukoo, Moloktl
Inspectors of Election
District Justice
J. -Nakalcka,...
J. K.lujiithu,ite.
..i.Tax Ae.ee. or
1.. '..11. , a,
.. . VW.,VfcW,
1UU, a .ccutia 1 OIIIHK place at
bchool House baohal, Lantl
Inspector, of Election
h. Knhnnlinlahnli District Ju.tlce
It. W,. Meyer, School Agent
It. Ncntiui, " "
ttahii I
District of Kona Alllolinl Utlt
liiapeclnrs of Klcctlou
It. F. llickcrtnu...... Police Justice
J. Il llu.li Tax A.c..cr
U. II. Lucv Tax Cullectnr
District uf Kwa Walanao.... School House, llououllull
Inspectors of Election
W.(l. Necdham District Justice
Wank Drown, Tax As.e.ior
A. Kaubl, Tax Collector
District of Walalua...... Court Houae, Walalua
Inspectors of Klecllon
S. K.H.hoe, ..,.,...., District Justice
J. Amara,,
Ttx Collector
District of KoolJiiloa bchool House. Ilauula
luspeetors of Klectlun
J. Ktluhl, District Justlct
II. Kaualhlh ,,..Tax A.ees.nr
Pauklalanl Tax Collector
District of Kooliupokn Court House. Kaneohe
lusprctor. of Klectlon , ,
J.I.. Kaulukou District Justice
T. A. Lloyd,,, T" Asse.sor
W. 0, Lane.,..,,...., ).Tx Collector
Mnnal I
District o Wilmea School llojse, Walmea
T Inspectors of Kleition
...District Justice
I, 11 hapunltl , .Tax Attetwr
A.Ksukau, , Tax Collector
And a second Polling place at
School House Nlltuil
luepcitoil of r.lecllun
Geo, (lay , District Jutllce
J. II. Kaika, , t!.''x.A,.'',,"r
K, Karult,,., lax Collector
Dlatrlttof Punt.,,, ,...,. ...Coul Home, Llhut
Inspectors of Llecttiui
k it lUimkn District Ju.tlct
J. tl. Tinker , .TKA.aciaor
A.W.Maloho - .....Tas Collector
And a second Polling plact at
Court nouss ..; Koloa
In.pectota of klectlon
J Hardy ..Ttx Aaatt.or
'- ..,,......, .....,..,.. i...
Kev.J.W. Hinllh i ,. bchool Agtal
District of H.njlel Court Hcuie, Hantlel
loapectort ofSlectloo
J. Kaklnt... ,., ..District Ju.tlce
It. Fuulkl,. ...... ...,., , ,i,..Ttx At.et.or
W. Uovell Til Collector
Audi second Polling piact at1 r"
School Houat ,,,,,AnthoI
Intpectort of Kltcttoa
J. II. K. Kalwl , ..District Ju.tlce
Jis. Hush,,.. i T.iColtrclor
S.W. WlcI...... .....PchoolAicnl
Mlaltttr of l) Interior, ad Interim.
Interior OSkt, Dec. 15, I8cl. e4 CUM,
a.- '
A Propo.ed Amendment.
To Article . of the ( on.lllntlon granted by Ilia Ma
J'My Kamchtmeha V, on Ihe aith day nf Angnat A. II.,
IW, 11 amended tnd approved on the 13th day nf Mty
A. II, W. terordlng lo Article W of the Conatltntlon.
Thtt Article.' of the Constitution be tnd the time
hereby emended so t. loretd ta followit
"flection M. The Itepfeaentalliet alull receive for
their terslcea 1 compenstllon to be ascertained by law
tnd paid out of the Pnbllc Treiauryj but no Increase of
(ompeneallon shall take tried dutlnie tlir year In which
llahall have been made ( tnd no law ahall be ptaaed
Inerea.lng th eiimpenatllon of ttld ll'presenutlrea
beyond th auni of Five hundred Dollara for etch
Hesalon." , ,
I he rhy erllfy that th for'Rolnir tllll ptad II. third
reidlng In the Legtaletlve Aoembly of Ihe Hawaiian
laltnd. on the Wh diy nf July A. II. H").
(77 01 3m Meetttiry,
Propoaeiil Amendment.
To Article (I nf Ihe Constitution xrint'd by Kamcha
tnehi V. nn the SOlh day of August A. II, I'tJI In lecord
snes with Article Wof ttld Cun.tltutlon
Nectlon I, Tint Article CI of Ihe Constitution granted
by Ills -Mtjesly Kamehimeha V. on the SVth day of Au
gnat IBai he and the sime la hereby imended In leror
dance with Aillclt Mnfatld Conatltntlon, hy ttrlklnx
nut the word" "file hundred" mil by anbatllutlnr there
fore the words "two thousand" ind by alrlklngoiilthe
words " two hundred tnd fifty' and aubitllntlnr thre.
for Ihe words "one, thonxiid" so tint the Article
ahall reid IS follow.,
"Article r,l, yu person shall b eligible for a llepre
senlatlve nf Hie people, who Is Insane or in Idiot! nor
nnlcsa lis be t male .object of Ihe Kingdom, who shall
have arrived it Hi full ate of twnt-on yar. who
ahall know how In read arid write, whn shall uiiiler. land
actoiinl. anil snail have ben diinilclleil In Ihe King
dom for tt least Hire years, the ia.1 of whlth shall b
the year Immediately pircedlrie his election ind whn
shall own tetleaiitp within Ihe Klngdoji nf 1 clear
value over tnd nlmv til Irriimtirances of it letat Iwo
tboueand dollars, nr nhoalmll have an inritiil Income
111 it leant one tiinuaaiiit Hollars, oHvil from any
properly or sum luwful i'nipluymnt "
1 rren
liy certify that
he foicenlm tllll tina.ed it.
lilrrl read
illriK In the I."jl at te Asreinh v
In the I.'ul.ltllve Assembly nf Ih Hi
wtllan lalands on th 9t'i day nf August A.
ll. Iw.
877 nt 3m
Licenaes Expiring; in Janriary, 1882.
1 Wm l'ennell. King at, Honolulu
1 Whitney A. I(brtinii, Merchant it. "
a I) K M.hu. Kallhl,
!l l.um Wal Ki , Nuuanu at, "
.1 ?m Nowleln. Hotel si,
I Knnng Yin flnj .t Co, Nnnuiiu it, "
A Hop HlnK, llenlnnla at,
r ham Wo Chortg A. Co, Hotel at, "
II f.'hlng On &. Co. Nuaanii st, "
C 1 1bbelts A Koiensnn. Ulakohen. "
8 l.ewert A Cook, Fort st, "
111 Honolulu Iron urka Co, Ulaknheo, "
10 Ah Ted., Nuuanu at,
13 I, ale Plantation Cnm'y, Iile, Knoltuloa
15 Wtinu l'ark,.Snuiiii'i at, Honolulu
19 He Akol, .Maunakea at
S) Will Levy, Kill,! .t. King st, "
) Ahiina X. Akaiin, Kaalnen. Koolnnpoko
gJT.I Mosrman, Niiniinu et, Honolulu
S3 T.I Mo.sman.cor King and Nuuanu Sta, "
31 Cnnchee A Aliiing, minnii M, "
2t Hlng Chung A. Cn. Hotel nt. "
lit Hup Hlng. cor Nuuanu and lleritst.lt HI, "
37 .Manuel lie ((ilsdr.a, King St, '
2", Anee, King Ml, "
!5 Wo Hon Ke. Italiflpepe,
III Ilonr Lung, Kllauea,
if) (1 M I'lnkham. Knlna,
g7 Ah.lall, Ktp.a, Kawnlhall.
il Mhen Foot Kre A Co, Kelt, Kan,
7 Ton;; Wo, Makapula, Kohala,
II Tuck OngA Co, .Makapala, N Kohala,
l'l HnOln, Punahua. llllo.
l'J V II Holme., Walplo, llamakut,
31 Henry Armltngr, linnokaa, Hnmakna,
34 Hul llongATnnz Wimif, llonlnwa, llamakna,
3J 0 Melnecke, Waiohlnu, Kan.
I E Ilatchelor. Wnlliiku,
3 Ja. W (iirvln. Walluku,
10 Akau, Makuwan,
W I. Akana, lltlkn,
M W.in Ainu, Kokomo, Maknwan,
15 Ah Clieong, Hui.ukoltaii, Lahiilna,
17 Hong Hiin Kue, Walluku.
VIC'rt'AI.INO. . ,
1 Apan, Knloa, Kautl,
3 Sung Ai, II imakuapoko, Mini,
t Afo, l.abalna. Maui,
ft Loo Kan, Hulawa. N Kohala,
II) Atal, Hotel hi. Honolulu,
14 fuck T.I, Nunanu St, Honolulu,
1U Kuiig l.ung. Ullauea. Kuual,
& Allen it Mtackpole. Kawnlh.e. Hawaii,
'.-7 Aknna. Wallili', llllo, Hawaii,
i! Jo Malkaloa, Kalalll, llllo, Hawaii.
IHE Mclntyre A llro. King nnd Fort Sts, Honolulu.
KKTAII. Hl'lKlr.
1 Henry Ylelra, Nunanu, tit, Honolulu.
i'aui. i't:niii.iu.
14 Apana, Molokal.
in I. oo haii, N Kotiala. Hawaii,
2A Wene Gee, Honolulu,
Sti Ah Cnong, Ewa, Oahu.
1 R K Pthee, Waiohlnu, Kan. Iltwill,
21 WIl Cornwall. V alkopil. (ul,
raftK Htircitr.R. ,
Ah Sim, nihonna'. IHIn, Hawaii,
II FooKee, Hotel HUllonoluIn,
20 Afat, Walluku, .Manl.
13 Wm Levy. Honolntu.Oahu,
14 U W Macfarlaue, Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu.
4 Frank Sena, N Kobala, Hawaii,
4 H Armltage, Ilonokaa, Hnmakna. Hawaii,
23 Vara Nnwlein, Hotel bt, Honolulu.
riMl. AMXM.
STonngNlng, , Kona, Oahu
20 J hpooner ' "
37 J JI Black,
10 Mabel. Honolnln, Oahu,
14 Napoa, Honolulu, Oaha.
15 Jos a Tucker, Kohtlt, Iltwtll.
3 Haul. Llhnr, Kaul.
cnuanr-u is tub icte. db lono and mctt or his
Tho brigantinn J. ). Hpittkrh arrived here from
Sen Francisco yestcrdny whence aho aailed on the
21st alt., nnd brings news of the ex iloring steamer
JruiiHttlt. Tha Jtanntllt twilled from San Fran
cisco July 8th, 1879 and was Inst wen by the
whaling -vesseU Daicn nud lleltii Mar ou the 3d of
September of tho name year.
Nuws wan received nt St. Petersburg Dec. 20th
that tho expedition had been heard from, 'the
diapatcb. sent to tho U. S. Government reads .18
follows.. "The JtttHiittlr. wna crashed in tho ioe
on th 11th of Juno hut, in Inltitude 77 north nnd
longitndn 157 eust. The crow embarked in three
IkmU, which ero separated by wind and fog. No.
11 boat, with 11 men, under cbnrgo of Engineer
Melville, reached the mouth of thu Lena river on
September l'Jth; bout No. 1, ' having ou board
Captain Do Long. Dr. Amlihir iid 12 mou, reach
ed the Inn nt in h pitiable oondilion. i'rouipt
ruttiaLiuco was rendered, llout No. 2 haa not been
heard from."
As noon as the fact wns known Ihe Hnsaian
offiolnU sent them assistance, of which they were
in groat need. It took some two months to get
word to Irkutsk where them ii u tele-graph station.
Tho noxt new of them will probably tell nf helr
arrival nt the nlxiyu place. Tlie point whero the
JttiHiiflU is said to hate been crushed is noniu ISO
mi leu north of l'-aKti-r labum nnd SOO mile front
tho month of thu Lena river. After leaving the
cmel they were in their boats ou tho ae.i ntul ice
for three months nnd Miffered great privatiuns,
hut notwithstanding, there hnd been no deaths,
union the linatlug boat had tiecu lost,
Ther are lu peod of money and hae telegrnphtd
for funds. Every possible nts.at.incu will lie given
them by the ltuasian Government in lirmghig
them to St, 1'cterahurg, The next mail from the
coast will probably bring additional particulars aa
letter wore on tho way to tha N.Y. JltrulU from
the i-arty.
Moxtna ' Report I
fozwetj9MBt)tr, lc
i Vex,! NaTTonatify,
i i .- ., ., . 3
Id ti .. a
s 5 t i
,.. , j 4 ....,. .,74
From I lo 5 , gl.l 111., .. 31
"5 to 10...., , ,.l I t .,
"HI to 30 ,,. li.. ... 1 I..
"30 to JJ , & $-,, ,, o..
"allot) -J,. S 4r, , ..8 3
MO U &i..... .,..,,,,,. a a a l .. 16 1
"SO in I'll 1.. 1 11
"oo to to..,.,., si a s..
Over 70 4 2 3.,. -. I.. It 5
Total...,,... 2j I T l'l '- ."" l"li
' CoararcTiix M isnar Uobtilitt.
Dec. IS77, I)ettht...,..U D.c, 19T. Dettht 73
Dec, lefJ. " 1 rc- I8W, " il
Nov., 1C81, " .,,...
CacsX or DxT.
Convultloni ,,,.,. Heart Dliuit 1
Dyaentciy ,.,.,..,,,5 Dlaeaieof Ltvur ....I
Debility.. t Fever 4
Bropayi...., ,..,.,,,4 014 Age.,...
Dlsva.enf bladder 1 Unknown 19
lolvnci....,,.., ,..,.,, ,,,....... ... -.,,.. .,
Agent Board of Health,
Foixowruo U the programme for tbe Baud Con
cert at Emma Square at batf-paM four o'clock this
altar noon t
Orsnd Much Vlendl,,., ,,
Ovetiiue Charles VI., (new)..,,,,,,,,
Htmn.Pi.ln lha Lord....
aaleellon Krnanl - V
WalU-Mr Qs.cn. (new) ,.,,, Coto
March ewtclLcl Ltkut, (new) , Hcrger
Atl .,. -.tUata.
JAXUAllY 7, 18M.
Manager' Notlre,
All tdvertltmntt for the hTimur Puts, meat be
snt In by Friday noon Ko Interttons for the current
Issue rtn he guaranteed when tent In titer.
Advertisers will mark th number of Insertlonsds
sired from which due they charge Any nut so marked
will b charged months
TIIOS. (I TllltUV, Mtnigtr.
Tnr. pntillo aciiool. open ntjnln neil Momlty.
A row pcIioxjI lerrn lc-nn nt l'uimliou Inst Wexl
neajay, Tnr Klnu nml Queen returned from Hawaii by
llio Ittahml on Ttie Jny liiat.
HATtintiAT lutt waa (Jnccii Knplolitnl'n MrtlnlAy,
nnil n nnlulo wnn fired from I'nnchliowl Imltory nt
'Inr. Clilric"') Tlientro 1 liclni tnoiMl f rom list
old irtllloti nn Urn Kaptntmdo to a plaeQ nenrer
tlto wnler.
Tnr. J. It. Sprtcktlt Arrived In ixirt ycslefiLty,
flftirnilnya from the Ctmut. Our thank nro dno
(Jnptnin trllt.
Tlir. iniliiii prnyer idetllriK will Iw continued At
tlio 1'ort Hlrtot Chnrcli next week overy evenlnn,
except Mnlunmy, .
Tiimik wcro n number of tmchcrsi from tho
other l.tninU In town tlili week to nltotid tho
Tenchnta' Convention.
Tub Unnil I on doty nnln. A concert was
uIvpii nt the Ilotsl on 'Ihuradiiy 07onlnK, nnd nlil
piny nt Kmiim Kqnnrn to-ilny.
Oaitu CoM.ror. Iim Another liiian for Ihenccomo-
drttloiiof Its. pupil nml will nodonht lwnpprecl-
Kttd hy tliowi who prttrnnlrn it,
Mn. Will. ('Annon, who in tmvelinK on llnwnU
In tho Interrnta of the H. F. IIhIUiIh, In nulhorlzed
to receipt for the Satcmjit J'nrjm.
In tho thovr window of Mr. Turom'a gtoro on
Kurt "trrcl mny lie wen n crnyon tKiflrnltof nlrtdy
which waadniwn hy Mm Uilllriof Wnllukn,.Mnal.
TriEtir: will ho n meeting of tho I.ihrnry and
Iteadmu IliKim Association thl evenln. at which
thu election of n Secretary will tnko plnco to fill
tho Tncnncy in that nlllc.
Tirr. tlm' for tho ojxTtitlon of tho ordinance ro
l.itlni' to cisn-txxil will expire on tho -Sril of thl
moritli, nfter which dnto tho refrointlona will bo
enforced by tho Hoard of Hi-nlth.
A nuiMiiNii U Itolng erected on tho vnlley rond
liv Mr. Wnlerhouso for Mln Harah Klnc' kinder-
(tarti'it school. It will probably bo completed
nbout tho hitter pirt of next month.
Ax Fort Htrcet O'hnrch, J. A. Cromn, pnstor, -c SIX
pronclt on Sunday nt the nunal hoar. In tho cvo
nlria lliero will lion tmion rovlrnl service, nnd nn
nftcr nicctini' for inrpiirii'ii in tho vestry.
Humptt Dompii wan prodncid nt tho new
Miotic Unit liint Saturday uvenlnc for tho fonrth
nnd Inst time. A numlior of tiiecinltitH were in
troduced nud thu jivrformnnca w.ik hu enjoyable
Ijabt Mondny, which wna oberred no n holiday,
New Ye,ir' dny fnlllntt on Sunday, wo noticed n
forgo number of iiituiieatoil Indlvidunla on tho
Htreeta. Kcvtr.il Sghta look ptaco dnring the day
nnd evening nlfx.
William Uatis, accond oDlcer of the lyr
Head, who shot n Chlnnmnn on Cbriatmru) morn
iiiK, wag foond Rnllty of munslriURliter In Ihe third
decree, nnd wuh K'ntenccd to onu yertr'B impnaon
luent and lined aJHJO.
Tiie prayer meelinKS darini; tho week nt the
Dethel In the forenoons and nt Kort Street ehnrch
in thu evening), have been iiiterehtini nnd well nt
tcndeil. The Attendance nnd interest ntthenativo
churches have nlto been marked.
J. IIamuoan and Davis have been nrresled for
attempting to break opn Mr. J. A. Hopper's safe.
The hauruer3 nnd other trjuls which they used
hnve been identified ns belonging to Mr. Whitman,
around whose shop Uarrigan was often seen.
, Tub following officers were installed in Polyne
sia Encinipmcnt, I. O. O. F., Friday evening, Jan.
tith, lcW2: J no. Etiimelutu, U. 1'.; U. w. rascoe, s.
W.; J. 11. Morrill, II. P.; Is. S. Ticchnor, J. W.j
Jno. S. Smithies, Scnbe; A. W. Bash, Treasurer.
The cooper of tho whaleship John foitland, Mr.
Kennedy, jumped overboard at 3 a.m. on tho
morning of Jjouember Hlli. two day after leaving
Bail Francisco. A boat wns lowered but nothing;
wna seen ot Itink Kennedy was nbont lottyjttan
of age.
Wrrn the exception of sixteen case of drunk
enness ip tho Police Court on Thursday, CTJmlual
business has been vory light. Holiday being a
legnl holiday the Court wna not in session nnd on
Saturday ot last week nud 'Ihursday of this,
there were no criminal cares.
A cooBEsr-oXDEST write : It is thought that
leprosy whs driven out of England by the intra
ducVTbn of good fresh vegetables, and plenty of
them. It is evident that il died out nfter their in
troduction aud use among the poor. It would not
be very expensive to one among the natives.
At the Installation of officers of Harmony Lodge,
No. 3, 1. 0. O. F., which took place Thursday eve
ning, the following geulleiutii wero installed for
tho ensuing year: J. It. Mornil, N. G.; Geo. W.
Puscoe, V. 5.: M. 1). Moniarrat, llec. Sect.; A. W.
Uichardsou, Per. S.; A. W. Hush, Treasurer.
TnE ballad on tho fourth page wns put into the
forms without the errors being corrected, and It
wna not discovered until nil had been printed, in
the uiuth verso "shednddled" abould be "ske
daddled," and in tho tenth verso ungalted"
should be ungalled," "ply" should be " play," and
" thin " should he " their."
A NiTrvB's horse fell over tho'pali last Monday
afternoon below tha railing nt tha bend in the
road. 1 he rider Jumped oil just in lime to save him-
hell, nucl me nuim.il reu w tue ronu ueiuw, mm
C inie near injuring some people who were coming
up from KooUu. The carcass lodged ou the edge
of the grade where It still remains,
Ix Uostday, January 2nd, was Queon Emma's
birthday. A large number of native gathered in
her yard la thu afternoon, and remained until a
late boar. They wero nddruased by Hon. Albert
K. Kuuoinki'ji uud uthers. Many iople culled to
pay 'their raspeota to the Queen Dowager, She
gave a social ounce at her residence iu thu even-
'""VOL T fi
lt is egpecied it
bat Allen Oates, the famous cm-
tntric9. will
arrive at Honolulu by tbe next
steamer ru route lo the Loloulcs. Air. fcawm
limit ne bus iimde nrrangeiueuts to have bar ap
pear nt tho Musto Hall if thu steamer naive
hero iu proper time iu (.elections from, " La
Perchole,1' " Little Dnko," aud " Oirofle Girofl,."
She is uocorupiiuied hy Charles Drew, the noted
" A sionx is goiug the rouud uf A Chlnnmnn who
was stopped lute on Thursday night on Berelauitt
stiret, by two melt who Attempted tu rob him. The
story needs coutlrmntioii however," rn Unutlt.
Kot whatyiiieufir reaaoudoea this particular
story need confirmation T Several reliable wit
nesaes were nrouwd hy Ihe cries of "haul in," aud
were present when tho man related hi tale. Moro
particularly now, howuver, we will any that prob
ably nu rubbery whs intended, aswolmte since
lenrui-d the probable identity of tho H&a-iiilting
panics youuu men of rei.vtable faniilti'H, but
of ' Larrikin " teiidcncien, which, if nut rewtrainid
mny bring themtc-Uea trouble mid their families
disgrace. A severe iualty nttaches to this kind
of offence, aud il will be 'well for young gentlemen
(? lo remember it. v
Am informal meeting of rsona interested in
forming an association for the promotion of
physical exercise was held at tbe residence of Dr.
Hutchinson last Tuesday evening. Twuuty-u.no
persona were present and the naiars ot id mem
bers were banded lu on tbe printed sheets which
had been circulated, nud it was stated that 123
person had digued their names to theae sheet hat
nil had uot boen handed in. Dr. Hutchinson wan
chosen temporary Chairman, and Iter. Mr. Swan
ttiuisjriiry hecretary. A committee ol seven wail
elected to which tho Chairman nud .Secretary
wera added to arrange for subsequent meetings)
nnd for procuring a lull etc. Owing to tho aUteucu
of some who weia chosen members of Ihe com
mittee no meeting uf that body was held; but a
meeting waa called for Friday oilernoou (yetter
day), W ate pleated to see thU movement being
energetically pushed forward and triut Hut it will
lie nisae a success.
Foioownta is the record of Polios Coat! pro
ceeding. tor Ihe week: Georse Davis, boutobreak
lag, remanded to lb 9tU Utsii Plikol, Kantkoa,
Loapaus, Kaelama, Kanekoa (2), Kaulahao. Kup-v
nihi, Akepa, dronkvimeta, forfeited frj ball each;
William Druxe, drankennew, fined $10, ooau.f 1;
Wm. Craze, second charge, sentenced to isVea
days' iiuprisoumtnt at hard labor, coats 1; Chaa.
Cox, David Purdy. J as. HaalOe, J. Detirs, same
charge, forfeited t)6 baU aaohi Edward Janira,
tame charge, aeuteuead m seven days imprison
mtut at hard labor, eMHVll Ktktbi, same charge,
fined &, ocwu tl-'JO; Patar McDonald, assault avM
battery oo W.Oade,flud 5, cosU 1 Ako.eacaaw
iug from Oaha prison, aentencad tu two moatbs'
tiaprisaniusMit at t rd labor, ooata )1: atauiauoi.
ilmnkennea., forfeited sjr, Itlt J. Ilnchnnaii, e.imo
charRe, forfellil l linllt Wm. Conleons, croai
rheal, n nlle pneil entered hy procntlon. Iloo
klekle, lnrrcny, rernnndetl to to-day, A. Holster,
drunkenness, senlencrd In seven days' Imprison
ment st Imrd hlr, cost f l. Knlnrn, insnnlty,
romrnitleil lo Instno Asylnm. Civil fe.cord
'Ilioinin II. Hohron ts. I'nhokoln, Knma,
J. .Manlon and Nnhinnl.tn, deserting conlract ser
lco, nil fonr defendants ordered to rtnm loern
ployer. costs f.1 each. II. Mncfsrlnne vs. Knhn
lelki, d'rwrtlriK contract sorvier, ordered lo return
to employer, roils 1. I. Dalton . A. A. 11.
Klliott, nctfon of nastiniisit for $ lll'.-M, Judurnent
for plaintifT. K. T. 1 ri'linn vs. Allrrd Ilors-r,
netkiri for tl.'M-KrxsIni short il' llv.r-d from Anj'r
Jlni'l, continued to tho llt'i. K. A. Hehnefer A l'o.
vi. YniiK Ynnu Yew and Yip Cheonu hliinr, ilcrt
ln rontrnrt srvle. dcfemmiU ordered to return
to employer, costs .1 ench.
Ma L'l No-rr.1.
lialn nnd mud for eight days, nnd n prospect of
nn Indefinite oontititiation of thn tui me,,... Yon r
rorres()iidenl of Inst wek, In retiortlnK Hie Knlr
nt Wmlnkn, was In rrror In regard to the flno ex
hibit of oil-painting apart tin. All tho work nf this
description wns eircntrd by Mrs- (llllln and Miss
Hortur..... Christmas ,sel ipiletly in vallnku,
mi account of bndweather. An interesting, rvice
wns held nl tho Knglinh church, which was beAUtl
fully dccorntid. 'I ho church was well filled.
Hawaii .Votes,
Along Iho windward coisttf IIaw.iII, tho old
year went ont In storm. Northerly and easterly
winds with he.vy inlnswere followed by strong
southerly wind with huge quantities of cold beat
ing rain down fresh from the snow covered mount
ains for Koine timo tho stream were impassible
or nt least dntigeroas, nnd the ocenri wns brown with
discharges of mud nml dirty water, lo say nothing
of land-slidis from the sen bluffs. 'Iho planta
tions romplaln of writer liends carried away, tlnmcs
smashed nnd blown down, runds wnshed nwny nnd
filled up, nnd genernl rniti Incident on theirenMer.
....Actual stirvntion is wttlng in in Jlninnkun,
owing to tho iniioslbilltyof landing freight nt
most of tho landings. Homo nrn beginning to Lor
i air from tliervi more fortunately situated nt n fair
landing l'J miles off Urentconiplaintsnremnde
ulwut tlio bridges between Ianiinhoehoa and II Ho.
Several of the largest nnd most dangerous streams
nre tinbridgrd, the strnctures having rolled down.
'lheMj places aro dangerous in tho best of weather,
nun merely ucaiii-irniminiuewcirHi jjuringtne
recent heavy weather, tho Uokala landing was
somewhat damaged, nnd n sheet of the iron roof,
log of the Rtore-housn upwards of ft hundred feet
nbove wa level wns carried off by n heavy tea
Christmas was obBTved In Kohnli on the 2llh.
The day came in fair, but with n gale that held un
til Hnmli) night. In the evening there wain small
gathering nt the house of the lterr. Mr. Smith, for
the purpose, of gl'lng n surprise, hut some of the
cnllers wcro themselves Borprised, to see n couple
prrrtnt theinselvett for tnirriagi Mr. William
J'nty to Mlts I.i7le Woods. Mnny wero kept at
homo by tho Inclemency of tho weather, nnd pre
vious engagement. Monday came with heavy
wind nnd rain that tins conlinu'dwithoutmnch in
terruption. Tho enrth is saturated, nnd water
courses usually dry nro now filled. Tho thermom
eter nt 'J o'clock on the morning of the Sjth, stood
Kav.ii NoTra.
MmonAxncM of tho rainfall nt Kolo.i, Kau.il, by
Dr.J.W. Smith, for 1881.
J nnuary 2.0)' Jnly
February 1.03 Ausrunt.
March I.'.r.'rfiteinber.. .,
April MX) (Ictobtr
liny. 3.(7N'ovembcr
June 1.12 December
Total M.7.". inches.
In 1830 the rainfall wns IVl.'.'J inches.
Country District Troubles-
PAnKrasuuno, Hawaii, Dec. l."th, 1881.
Enrron Satchdat Poess : I wish to call yemr
attention to tha manner in which oar dignified
Deputy Sheriff is being persecuted by the common
people of this community, who are unable to ap
preciate his many noble qualities. I considered it
my duty the other dny to call on him and eipresi
ray sympathy; at the name timo I hinted that If ho
would hnve me instated as policeman, I would
heirtily assist him iu circumventing hist enemies.
He seemed very favorably impressed, nnd placing
on the table a bottle of oivlthno nnd two glasses,
naked me if I thought I was qualified for such
work. After drinking confusion to his enemies I
said: " Y'our Honor, I deserted from n ship a lew
yeirs ngo, nnd for a while tried hard work on a
plantation, but manunl labor was never intended
for such finely developed natures as yours or mine;
so I soon dropped that, and tried waiting on the
table in n restaurant; there I was the slave of
everybody, so I took n step forward, and tended
bar for n little while, but was soon owing the pro
prietor too ninch, nnd he hinted that I had belter
resign, which I did rather reluctantly, but soon
got a position as lnna on a plantation. This waa
n little more to my taste, but tho manager was a
very mean man, who was continually watching,
spying nround to see If I kept the men constantly
nt work, lie actually made n row one day, because
he caught me asleep in tbe cane field while the
men Were silting clown to take a smoke. Upon
discovering whit n mean, mercenary wretch ho
was, I refused to remain any longer in his employ,
and now beiagshoit of money. And seeing that
rilicemen nnder you hare audi a good time of it,
here offer you my raluible ecrviccs, and promise
to back you up lu any thing yon may do or say,
never disagreeing with you in any particular."
"My dear friend," said tho Sheriff, grasping my
hand, " bike another drink. I plainly perceive,
thnt yon are eminently fitted for tho office of
policeman, and I want you to nasist my Deputy,
Mr. Fawn, in silencing my enemies. We Are kind
red spirits. And must go hand in hand. I suppose
yoa Are n loyal subject ?"
" Yes, loyal to you as long; as it pays," said I.
"Of coarse, that is tho brat requisite, bat are
you favorable towards the present administra
tion i"
" Your worship," I answered, " I nra personally
Indifferent as to who is King or Cabinet Minister,
bat I am atwayain fnvur of tho upper dog in A
tight, therefore ns long ns I seo nny chance of ob
taining nn easy job, with plenty uf money, I am
always ready to shout, Long live our noble King !
May ho lite forever 1 What pay cm 1 get F"
I saw Hint the generous heart of this noble be
ing was touched nt my frank nvownl of loyalty, as
he answered : " I was not mistaken. I foresee
that you nre by nature fitted for n policeman. If
yoa are faithful to me, under my tuition, yoa
might even rise to bo a Deputy Sheriff, bat time
will tell whether you nre qualified tor such n high
position. The Government pays rather poor wages
to a policeman, but ot course no one expecta yoa
to lite ou your salary. If yoa possess the neces
sary qualifications for tho office yoa will be able lo
make much more than your bare pay. For in
stance, it couple of shipped Chinamen run away
from borne cane planters, he gets out a warrant for
their arrest, gives you tho warrant with n descrip
tion ot the men, ami requests you to arrest them
for him. Yoa nsk him how much money there is
in it fur you. If he says twenty dollars or ao for
each man, in addition to tho mileage, well and
good; but do not demean the dignity ot tho pro-
lessiou uy inrowing leg over your siuuia ior less
than fivo dollars, even to go two hundred yards."
"lint, your greatness," I inquired, "does not the
Government regulate the coats in such cnes ?"
" Some simple people sometimes imagine so, hut
they soon get undeceived it they try any ot my
policemen. Mr. Dry man tried tn obligo me to
,loreo oue of my men to capture a man of his that
way; be bad the insolence to write me a letter say
ing the laws Allowed euough, nnd be refused to
pay over fiv dollara extra. As n result he lost his
man. vve Knew wuere be was, twelve mites away,
bat the policeman was not obliged tu see and re
cognize the man even if jvustug within four feet
of him; five dollars would not open his eyes; the
man escaped and I hope it taugbt Mr. Drymau a
lesson not to interfero with me or mine, for I am
determined tu tench to-oplo to respect us."
Hero ho stopped long enough to pour oat an
other gluts of liquor, laughing lightly all Ihe
time, lifted the gl.ieai admiringly between himself
olid tho light a with, hit critical eye he perceived
its clear, pellucid look, tossed it off, nnd smacking
his lip ns he pushed buttle and glass toward me,
resumed i
" Our liquor costs ns nothing; of course we, as
representative of the Government, cannot hay
oiiiM-Auo, which is tabooed by law, therefore we
must allow etery dealer around here to make us
voluntary contributions every week. Yoa perhaps
saw that scurrilous article iu the Puts about
" Are you sure it inoaut yoa V I Inquired, try ing
to look as though I was uncertain.
"Sure of it 1 1" he ejaculated, "How can it refer
to any other person. The event! spoken ot could
not, happen exactly the same in two ditftrent dis
tricts. If I wai only certain who wrote that, he
would be locked up to-night upou some charge. I
think I know the sneak however, and I have bad
him nrrested three times tiuoe then."
" Whntever could cauao nny sensible person to
persecute yoa in that manner ?' 1 inquired, look
ing ndiniriiigly upou his intelligent features, n
tfaey scow led st Use thought ot tb iuilsgnity jbos
thrown upon him.
"The little English stietk t" he bitted. "He kept
Ihe billiard labia spoken of, and ooaasionallr bad
a case oi 'jtentnony ravurita come upfront Hono
lulu, with which be treated some of the boys who
patronized bit table, Ot coare I nude him sbU
out to Ma to tbe tana at one bottle par weak, 'be
side an occasional drink, lie uettr sold any
thing, bat 1 wan able 14 make tha coarse on bioi,
in case he went back ou roe. He 1 married lu a
native girl, who left him. Tonurt applied to me
la arrest her if 1 could find her. I sympathized
with his wife, so using my authority, 1 took her
quietly to uiy boas, whero Fawn and I took her
under oar uaal pruUcllon. 8fee I young and
piastly, afA4laJiiot iumediaWly inform the ho
baud UaI w had f ouud her. He not wind of it
somehow, anal tried lu eU.il saaxob oa o by
coming to oar rooms unexpectedly. Ho aud a
i.-... ,. ... u- a-... .... ... u. is--... t
...vciia . iu ia Aj,ai.i fvw. wi msi. .,, inn
be hsppaued lo hear them aad drove the gill oat
Into the cane field, juat in tloie to escape obaerva
Uoa; Haas, Uthoah Urrlbly wailed over kia
ffjfa 4U3ua ,.. J)L'a
nafro-T eseape, he had wit ncragh lo charge thtrrt
fmlh villi li'lnc drunk, and arrested Ihem. Smart
fellow lhat Fawn, seeing that they were both as
sober as I am Ihi rninnte. 'Iliey were locked np A
few hcM nntll Rome of the people around began
to protest ngilnst It, (at though it was any of their
lmalnes.,1 Uefi Ihcy were allowed to depart with r.
llttlo advice tm my tnrt After that the girl aetu'
ally enmn to her husband and acknowledged tho
whole truth. Aa n cohse'tuenee they wenl leforn
the Jndgennd swore ont n rharge against rae and
Mr. Fawn for mofMoht. Oh J il ht hafd to think
or such Ingratitude I As yet gvsl Inek wonld not
d"ert me. 'Iho Judge') commission bad expired,
and ho could d.- nothing nntll It was renewed. In
Ihe meantime I net my talents to wofk fo save ni
from disgrace. 'Hie little vampire declared waf
against me, refusal to recognise my rights In the)
matter, and iroiiof yu M;,vf it f refused lo give
mo so much ns n drink P
At the thonght of these trying times, he was ol
Heed to slop long enough to emply thn bottle into
his glass, and fortify himself wttli another ri.Ii
nfter that he resumed; " I knew that if I ronhl
only keep hlrn short of money I would be safe, aa
ho would bo nnable to prosecute me, therefore I
gave strict orders lo have him arrested on every
opportunity. Fawn carried out my orders nobly,
nnd the Judge being obliged lo take a policeman's
word against his, lined him for drunks, being n,
common nuisance, etc. The sen run had the im
pudence to say that I had caused lilm to take to
drinking by taking Away his wife, as though ho
was not better off without her. I crowded him un
til he wna obliged to sell out his Millard table, and
ho hiving a little money left, I brought A fourth
charge against him, for being drunk snd disorder
ly. Although tome of the leading people of Ihe dis
trict were in his company, and had the cheek to
contradict tho statement of Mr. Fawn by saying
that he had not tnkin n drink all day. I had Mr.
Fawn crnwl under the houses of some of oor pro
minent cltl?tit Inst night, and h discovered that
they are taking up a subscription to assist tho
Hrltlsh scoundrel In prosecuting me.
" When I!is .Majesty wns here the other day one
of my enemies! carried ft bottle ol olnJthai openly
to htm nnd presented It to him, as a siiecimcn of
what tho district Is nlivo with! ns ranch na lo say
that we, 1 Is officers, nri" backward in our duty.
'Iho King rotnls.il to attend lo this business in
the next legislature, but J also Intend to Introduce
nn act in the next Legislature making It a crimin
al offence lo speak ill against Apuhlio ofnear. I
win senu inr your commission tins wren, ana you
must Iniinedlitely go on duty."
I prornhwil to bo on band, nnd the bottle being
I mpty, withdrew. You see now liow much a public;
officer has to stand. Yours pitifully,
l'r.LTIAIl l'jLiOODT.
The Native Freit
Tho Pat Ainu says of the coming elections:
"The names nre mentioned of numerous candi
dates, nnd some of them have already flashed up
on tho public with A statement of their own re
commendations as Legislators. It is we Hawni
iinsthat nro thus moving; no signs of prepara
tion nre visible hy others, who aro perhaps keep
ing quietly In reserve till the timo come in which
to pluck tho prize. The prospects are that tho
coming session will tw In mnny respect an Im
portant one, nnd it will bo well for those who nro
pulling themselves forward as candidate to be
thoroughly posted in everything pertaining to
pnbllc affairs. It will not do ferr us to run away
with extravagant ideas, inconsistent witli the style
nnd condition of our Government; bat let us
semtiniza with deliberation and care tho preten
sions put forth by candidates; and if, in their
utterances we find thnt upon which wo may safely
stand, then let as meet them upon a mutually
ngreetl platform, which shnll have for Us object
me puuuc goou miu me aavanccmeni ol tne wel
fare of the tiAtluii, ,
" It would seem, from the general feniurcs of
the manifestoes pat forth by some of the candi
dates, that the principal thought in their minds in
going into tho Legislature, will bo to agonize in
opposition to tbo policy of the Government. Be
fore we commit ourselves by jumping into tbo
Btrenrn, it will be well to paus and consider, what
measures we propose to support,"
The same paper, in wishing its patrons a
"Happy New Year," has a, retrospect of tbeyenr
tluit is past, and says that oor cup tutn not been
one of unalloyed joT,referTing to the small-pox
visitation. Hut it Is thankful for tho King'a re
turn from his tour around the world in good
health; the office of Itegtut was filled doting his
Absence with credit and to tho advantage of tha
public service;; the high office of Chief Jnstice,
made vacant by the death of n man who was a
power in the land, baa been jodidouspjr filled by
His Majesty's choice of one who it son of tbo
soil, and to wbom the Hnwniiau confidently look
for tbe proper administration of juatlcc and even
handed enjoyment of righta; both oar agriculture
and our commerce nre flourishing, oor, heretofore
barren plains are enhanced In Tnlcc, and the
wealth of every district of the country is in
creasing." The Kuoloa under the headinc " Th Mm tn
Choosons Hepresentitltea," says. "Aa the time
is near at hand when the elections will take place,
have our readers carefully selected tbe names of
those candidate for whom, they intend .to rote,
aud to wbom ahall be entrusted tbeaaTai oftbo ,
Government and the interest ot the nation ? By
ft wise exercise of tbe right or the ballot, wise men
may be returned, qualified to take care of oor in
terests, which will suffer in the hands of the un
wise. We quote below the sentiments of the Hon.
Noble, Simon K. Kaal, uttered iu a public meeting
a few days In-fore the election of ltoO. They con
tain much of value to be considered by all true
Hawniiius." The article goes on to quote at
length from a speech delivered by Mr. Kaai at a
public meeting in Kaumakapili Church, in which)
n said, " My advice ia that we choose two foceiga ,
members," and spoke favorably of several for
eigners who were then before tbe f eople as candi
dates Mears. Dole, Green, Carter and Sheldon.
" We must remember," says the Kuoioa, "that Mr.
Kaal, whose are tbe words we have quoted, is a
native Hawaiian, and n person jf good sound
sene. He 1 by no means ignorant a to wbat is
for the good of Hawaii, and it would appear that
he well understands the qualifications requisite
for one to be a member of oar Legislature Assem
bly. Natives and foreigners should herein coni
biue in order lo bring nbout needed results. For
ourselves, we have no particular name or names
to support. All names are alike to us, provided
they are thoso of competent men. The sole object
we have in new, in trying to induce tbe electors to
act conjointly with foreigners and to choose for
eigners and native ns, members, is to forward tha
interests alike of all classes the chiefs and the
common people and topcrpetnato the indepen
dence of oar naliwj country."
We translate from Ihe leader in Wednesday's
EMt: "From the very commencement of thu
little newspaper, and nil tbroufih tbe past year,
opposition and detraction have beeu Wtter against
it, Its death has beeu prophesied, and its last
struggle for breath haa been eagerly looked for.
M'tlA UAtl tfs.e. ! etainn .-.. 1 .a
iiivtixtuitiui luioitiuuu vyijBiiiuu 10 ico paper
found in tlio fact thnt it it published by nnd its
itnnvlain ta l. line W 4f III ... n
proprietor Is the Hon. W. M. Gibson. Certain
sentiments of this gentleman, tbe owner ot the
,,,r,n.v- ivuuno m mi oi n certain ring, and
hence tbe opinsition; and oat of the abundance
ot Hbuse and spitefulneas has arisen tbe expecta
tion and hope by some, that the F.Ult would really
taiut and its mouth be stopped. Hot, owing to
the fearless, independent and energetic support ot
tho right, the welfare and the progress of Hawaii,
which thi paper has always maintained and
which constitutes its platform, the hope ot ita
enemies hate been disappointed, and it atlll stands
unmoved on the grounds upon which it first
started out on the ocean of journalism. It native
Hawaiian editor, John Sheldou, has alto been in
cluded for a share of abuse from some of Ihe
newspapers; bat he has particularly attended to
his duties throughout. It is a fsct, thnt the little
A7e lis been hotly attacked by the pen of some
of the best educated sndigh in position in tha
country, foreigners, and oeonaionaflf a Hawaiian;
Government officials and people not in office;
clergymen and laymen, tbe big newspaper. Haw.
aiian and English; on every iwint of Us course it
haa lieen attacked by a crowd of assailants; but
never, in nil the blackness of tbe storm uf assault,
has the little Klttt receded one single step from ita
position taken at the outset. It lias rrlicd upon
ibo good will Mid good sense of the people, and
we can proudly say that our confidence has been
well placed, lor, like n flood has been Ihe rush
tor the little sheet aud the demand fur it from all
iiuartersi and wo nre happy also to say, that to
day iu enemies are bat few, seeing tint Ih oppo
sition of many baa been turned into a feeling of,
strong approbation."
Uuder tbe hcadinn, "Who'a Afraid,'' h SMs
says in connection with the subject of th lec
tions t " There doe not Appear to be roach inter,
est manifested among tbo foreigners. The snb
ject most talked of last now, U the libel suit
against the Hon. W. Jtl. Oihaon. It U gotten sp'
oat ot jealousy, from a wish to defeat and to bring
discredit upou him. Therein lie tha only hop of
tbe ring of bird of a feather. They are afraid of
his voiCMAnd hi pen. They do til to fear, for he
U tbe defeiuo ngaunt their cuntpiracies and their
Au editorial review ot the year in the tnua
1WII. MIU. IUUUHUV.I -'iruting til pi. I yCHtr,
there hat) been n great religious awakening among
the people. Meeting were held with kiertsaing
intereaLand the good rtanlu have ben evidtnt
Truly th blessing of the Lord haa been oosrt
oat on that Island. And while weMeakonheaM
thine,- pray that the love of Godmiy abide
aud hi nghteotjsneta rule tbroaahoat th laad.
Mr. Albert Kanaiake Ibvio ( ,i. .
tTsia Itfn aatoil ta L-I . .... a a a
tha UwrCCtiual tha Hoard af Haattti 1
inauwaaiouwiaporuiloBof labor.-. . Aaatuul
ih,-.Pt-t1 5' -n- b U Law. tVTiei
proclty Treaty aad tha Tea Million Loan at
simply mentioned, feat H lata be inferred thai tha
geuueuian will pa
lllbeneejnneltabeth.) A MMs-asl-l
by MMan. Kuasiahea. Joan DM.
. and KaLaukc in L a mn.
cauoA klgnao.
uoa), roapoe,
jointly otfer ihcioMlnai aa raadlsJait, mm forth
thai the aaoi total of tha aapwptilioa bitte foe
laa last eleven var ia ueer aiSvaa tan . ,
It aatjlhai candidate pleajfla lhaiiKaiii. If
wm .saa . ava I
it u
ftlk!tj -X'to. " ',

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