OCR Interpretation

Saturday press. [volume] (Honolulu, H.I.) 1880-1885, September 23, 1882, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014681/1882-09-23/ed-1/seq-5/

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' i
SEPTEMBER ,3. .88.
The null 31 I lech plantation, Kool.ui, Is
lieing mt in order for grinding.
Welcome showers have laid the ilu-l in ami
around town.
An enjoyable farewell dinner was giv en on
Wcdncd.i) evening to Mr. Clan- Spreckels.
Mr. M. I- llallenhccTwill hold his farewell
praise sen ice to-momm evening at the Kan-
makapili Church up stairs.
The regular meeting uf the .Mission Children-.
Swicty will he held this evening at the
residence of Mr. l C. Jones.
The Hand lioys were on board the Sites ves
terday to see l'rof. llerger off, and sang a num
ber of farewell songs in Hawaiian.
The scrai-annual conference of the ciders of
the Mormon Church in these Islands will con
vene at Laie on the 6th of October next.
1 iik tiKOriKo i.i.-rrtK.
have been pressed by the I'.tett to
sample of the rapid miimer in which work can shows the trading vessels of that country in
I done when it is necessary, the peculiar green waters of the North s'ca. Vc
ilieru.ul 1 rum Honolulu to the Pall is in ..,...,.,..,,,., rcail Mr. Hush's entreaty to return his letter
cxecllt.il condition for wheeled vehicles but "' ' l l" Um.lon llndgc, one b) ,,at l)rml(,,lt ,,,, , K,icf l,j lc!nE ,tropil
the grade down the 111 toKoolaui, in a most '"oonhght and ihc other al sunset. A scene BnU )iplc(, ,, ,)ccam(. J
wretched .state, particularly after showers of "n '.llc California coast completes the bst of ,,ropcrty, am, rcca,C(, ,1(;ir ,,j,rnnt(.nt. ,,c
rain. When is work to be commenced on the f"rC,Rn ,VCW A"l."-' Nnnd studies arc ,aJ, ,;,:, an aclionil,le offense, and show,
long-talkcd-of road over the Pali, and how "eellent t tcvv of Diamond Ilcad-a fami. his ,,,.,. , . not j , IjM (lo
inucn will
!. Ml iul i.n . . 1 .... ... 1 - . .... . . IU . t Vi l 111; II llI Hilt ISWII1 I ...... . . 1 till t ..
liv, u-..vii uii u-svii-M cirinarauics ..... f ms irupcr i. Wli.1l a Mlitml hnllnu- rnrrwnnl
fore the first stroke of work is done? Honolulu; Kcalakckua bay on Hawaii, show, ,e has, nnvway ! Go and demand vour letter
D, C. l.ecTuWTnnny of our ZZZZZrZ be tZ " " J"
renders will remember as an eccentric " nied- Maui "The Needle" and the " Waterfalls-"
ico here 111 1S6
l.t In nt ....r...il l..-l.l ! It f ' . .
''y. is in iiicliii 1111..111-11 111 iirirniriiT 11 h. imiim - i... .... . ..
.. ,, ' " , . '. . ,, "' "" " -""'"'"K 'e trater ji ,.,, -
licorgttown, Dcmerara, giving occasional Ice- and in the distance the great dome of Mauna "ON. Jos. U. K wainui,
tures in which bis experience at these islands I,oa irildcd hv the risim- nn il. " i-,-,im. ,.r Dear Sir
is made lo serve an important part, treating of Halemaumau," and the " New Lake," both ,!" !v".I'e",,'-C "I"1'! ,ow.n are P,rajs'"K tc
surli s.d.Wiv n. ! . i.. : ! .... .... Uawau J M Aina for the vigor and boldness
-j -- M. ..,-,, .,,...,.... .,,,,.,,. in .in aunc smie; '.iioonnciu at.waikiki,
....1 I.: .i.-.i . ...... . .
siitin, niti ins iicaui, cic.
The "lighting editor" of our stalT returned
from his tour of Oahu (his week, and rcms
all afe along the line and quite ready for "'he
army." He regrets that his tour should have
necessitated a change of plan for so large a
body of mm, but feels convinced that their
iki," a with which it is conlendini' ni'ainst the Kiim'c
beautiful painting showing the moonliuht Ministers, and the recent legislature.
effect on the sea near the mouth of the '""'Bnation is fell at the base conduct of
lagoon near the bath house,; "Kapena lall," "j 'S
in .Miuanu stream near Honolulu; and two their being leaders opposed to the interests of
companion pictures from Maui, one showing !nL' Hawaiian people is a means 'of bringing
rsaliuluibay and the other the town of Wai. """""""' '' iwrcpiuc ainne actions 01 the
- rnlvt 11 I X'.....
luku and surrounding country. Most of these
J. Nawaiii.
llflllC ll1l ii ll.l.al Kntia.l . t . I SUTKI n
presence is not necessary to nwe their countrv "" . t greaier lengui in vvauuKti, .Maui, 'jcpt. 9, 1SS2,
-. . nrevinnc issiifc .filin lL.t.tL ....1 il .,..1.1!. It. Vv . Kavvaimti
cousins. 1 hey are awed sufficient at the auto- ' .. . ..-.:,, ....,, un. (uium. -
There are a number oflx))s on Iward the
.lliiska who contemplate giving an entertain
ment at the Theatre next Saturday evening.
The Chinese have about fifty acres in, rice
at Laie plantation irrigated with water from
the artesian wells. The rice looks well and
promises an abundant yield.
Mr. G. W. Macfarlane gave a farewell party
. Thursday cvcningatLcahi, to Mr. It. II. Fowler,
that was largely attended, and saitl to have
been a brilliant and successful affair.
cratic moves' already made.
The island correspondent of the Sacramento
RtcorJ-Union who wrote over the name of
"I'au" did a great injustice to the veterans of
the Grand Army of the Republic, when he
stated that "a general rally is progressing round
should take advantage of the present opportu
nity to examine this fine collection.
A number ot the Alaska boys were engaged
last Thursday on the plains, getting themselves
in trim for base ball matches. They expect
to practice on Thursdays and Saturdays.
The notice recently given in the Press of
the illicit distillation olololehao at Koolau has
had its effect, as some of the moonshiners hav c
lieen brought to justice since its publication.
The roads around this island are in better
contlition than they hav c been for some time.
The worst places in Kvva and Koolauloa arc
being repaired and the work will soon be coin
pitted. There was a very good attendance last Tues
dax evening at the organ recital given at St.
Andrew's Cathedral by Mr. Wray Taylor, and
the programme, a very good and well executed
one, was appreciated by those present.
A preliminary meeting of U.S. Army vet
erans was held on Wednesday evening al
which the charter was signctl by those present.
There will be an adjourned meeting this even
ing at the office of J. M. Davidson, Esq.
People of all nationalities in every part of
the island of Oahu arc unanimous in their
expressions of disapproval of the course of the
King and Ministry, The same, unanimity of
opinion also prevails on the other islands.
The rice lands on this island are being
extended wherever there is water obtainable
for irrigation and in some localities the Chinese
announce their willingness to lease land at
long terms and bore for artesian water at their
own risk.
Col. G. W, Macfarlane leaves us by the City
of Xtw Ycrk on his mission of Immigration
Commissioner to Portugal. Hon. J. M. Ka
pena also leaves us by the same vessel, accom
panied by Judge Kaulukou, on a similar mis
sion to Japan. .
Mr, Wilder' ice works have undergone
thorough repair and will be ready for the
delivery of ice some ime next week. People
who have had to do without this luxury will
know how to appreciate it when the supply is
.igain without limit,
- 1 in
The regular meeting of the Y. M. C. A. was
held last evening at the Itclhcl vestry. 1'ur
her plans were arranged for the ccrcmonv of
.tying the corner nunc of their building, on
ttiurvby afternoon next, to which the native
tnd Chinese associations were tube invited.
Thcstcumer Suit brought one of the largest
learner cargoo. that has ever arrived here
rom the Coast 1,200 tons. It was all di-
lurgctl and an outward cargo taken on board
.nthc short ixriod of five dav. This is a
Dear Sir :
At the end of this year, I shall cease to be
an agent for the EMc. Hear in mind, that
the hopes and the prayers of the nations arc
nailed fast to the newspaper, Ko Hawaii
'' Aina. The people arc indignantly com
plaininc at not seeing the laws, while but fnu
t i-ii .i" , , , , tac c Stele, many take the J'ae Aina
Wc fill three columns and more of the first and the Siioin... Thimrn,,. .t n w:.T.
a nucleus formed by a recent organization " of Pa8c of our issue to day with the outspoken or be afraid : the right and the truth will be
that body. The G. A. It. is a non-political 'noughts of the people from one end of the land K"t supporters on your side.
organization and the Post that it is proposed to '" 'he other, approving and praising the stand J IxALUA.
organize here will have no bearing directly or taken by the J'ae Aina, and condemning the Messrs. J, U. X. 11. W. KawaiNUI
indirectly on I Iawaiian political matters. Cabinet and the Ims" tetfihture, as the people Dear Sirs :
fear not to call it. And what is nolicablc is, Please find enclosed twenty dollars, and
Should the steamer City oAew York arrive u, a , wrltM are Q asscvors Mndly send me ten copies of the J'ae Aina
anil remain in port Sunday, it is expected that ,. .. ,i,.lr,r ,i . . r- ' P cry week for a y ear. I and all the people
the celebrated lecturer losenh Cook n 1) lax -'tor, and one custom house officer in this district arc filled with admiration at the
the cclcuratcil lecturer, Joseph Cook, D. 1)., who arc opposed to the bad vpmnnt ni, courageous ultcranrM in ,r ,.r : r.,.,.
IV. fit tntttt In f Unit t Islnirx. fn.ir ,-... f it.,. 1 . .!. t ' l . . .
., ... . ,.., .w ..... W....VW J..lW- PIVIII
I.. L.
his lecture tour around the woiKI, will occupy
of the best interests of the government anil the
In lookim- over this rsil.i, r.k .,: . . a! c nsai your liolil resistance to the
KortSt. pulpit. In the event of Dr. Cook's of the people in op,x,,i,io ,0 the present Cab- "luure
noi occupying the pulpit, .Mr. L-ruzan will inet which has not the confidence of the people
"" i' "'" """"K ".c )c retained in their jiositions.
win ue uimtieu, so inai an wno ncsire may
have the opxrtunity of attending Mr. Hallen-
lcck s farewell service at Kaumakapili church.
the public moicy.
Waianac, Sept. S, 1882.
as rulers.
Taking office on the 20th of May, lour full A "ascally action ok mr. hush.
months will have passed since they began their We: cannot sec why the Minister of Interior
management of affairs, and what, we ask, arc should select the P. C. Advertiser and the
their important works accomplished during Jfawaiiaa Gazette (sic) to print the laws, and
this period? leave the truly Hawaiian newspapers Kuokoa
Thrse aie only the important works we can anl J'ae Aina out in the cold. Docs
see thev have done ; the treasury of the nation tni,i black heart think that the foreigners out
has been robbed ; the Gov einment is called number the native Hawaiians who number
upon to plunge into a debt of $500,000, for the 45.. that he should deprive the pure Ha
purpose probably of paying the officers of gov- vvaiiansof the sight of the laws of their own
The following persons are booked for pas
sage by the City of NrM Yoik, due on Mon
day: A. W. Maertens and child, Mrs. L.
McCully, Miss Dora Robinson, Mrs. J. P. U
Count, .Mrs. D. McLoad, Mrs. T. Lightner,
Hon. P. Isenberg, and wife, Mrs. M. liarticld,
Miss Ponti, W. E. Foster and wife. I. Itob-
inson, Mrs. H. Cornwell and daughter, .S. ernmcnt ; the ministers have taken in $2,000 land? No 1 This act ofhis comes simply of
Strain and wife, Jas. Strain, Miss Draper; J. a P'cce ; and the mind of the nation has been avenge and spite, and can meet only the con-
N. Wright, It. S. More, Claus Spreckels, sti"l through and through and has sent up a demnation of the nation. Paeaina, Sept. 16,
wife and 2 children, George J. Theobald,, cr" of opposition to the present Cabinet. '882.
IJaron Von liulow, II. Kowler, J. M. Kapena," Arc these ",: !ort of actions the nation tie- TWO thoughts.
G. W. Macfarlane, J. L. Kaulukou. sires of its rulers, and that it should be said Two principles are now contending with
. that its bankrupt premier-is being enriched at caC1' olher in this country! these two princi-
Cannot something be. done to ameliorate their expense ? pies are struggling will, each other in the news-
the condition of sufferers within hearing dis papers, and in the mind of men. The former
tance of the Chinese Theatre? Up to the hour We hase )rfre m ,,,:,., , of these may be stated thus :-The government
of midnight. itis.miK.ssible to sleep in that u.gar,, l0 certain s)cophant representatives of to """"t" state when there was no const!
neighborhood. Upon enquiry into the matter ,,, i,.!c1i. '.. ,,.,.,' . ...., tution. and the whole nowr nn,l ...,...
nn.. ..flhn ,,IUnra ..,.!. ....! V... "h" - """ ""' Honolulu , . , . ... " - "" "
lazy." It appears
cesses, come down amongst the audience and
restated: " play men heap they laWed hard to ,uss appropriations picas- bc ves'l aKa''n in the hand of the sovereign,
that the actors take long re- , lo lrfr ,;,, tha, or, he ministers and ' a" J liis word alone to be carried out
'fjmt - ,-
ib..v rtiim...t !,.,... .i i.i ..,, whether nuht or wroni'. rn-nnllc ,,r,i,.. ,:i...
mnLMmllilL. hl,,,.. !!., r ,.. """- "uuij, jes trcoiy re- .,.,. - o. -o- -. w .,,;..
b, ..,.., Harile,, willl le cmo)umcn,s ofofricCt Such o-oiners.
causesgreat delay. However, people living is tllc fash!or) oflhecoln, aIllI sch ,hc . The opposing principle or alternative is this ,
ri,tniet: g Tl r"0 nY'u ''"' f"-c(to) trailers, with their goods e KfaB to rule, subject to the constitution,
his pub, c nuisance. The Government collects done uj. in bundles, these opjvoser, of tht very ,llat ,,e bc unal,,e l0 l' a"X ofhis
license- fee and why den t they regulate the ho pronocd themJ own wish in opK,sition to the constitution of
hours? . . 'Ie land; that he be restrained" from using his
Natives and foreigners in the district of Ka. After all one of the most petty, mean acts Pw" al KinK lo oppose the rights secured lo
makcla, Honolulu, on behalf of themselvcsand 'ne by this set of ministers was to insult us in Iop'c
horses want to know how they have incurred our own land, by threatening to destroy the . our realm look carefully at these
the road supervisor's ill will. Previous to his J'ae Aina, and to use their authority to cause ,,,ouBht and Judge what is being done tit the
starting in upon the foot of Hcretania Street their followers to cease taking the peoples' j,r"e.m l!me- If the former principle triumphs
near Smith Ilridge, the sidewalks were pass- newspaper.
able, but now- large three-cornered stones have
been laid down full width of the street. As And noi that alone but one of the ministers
natives generally go barcftxited they are the insulted us by not replying to our letter sent to
greatest sufferers. If there were any way of him as to a true Hawaiian.
going around this (not much) macadamized Wc are loyal subjects of the King, and wc have
road, eves) thing would be well enough, and a right to ask a projier question of any govern'
j--!' tutu iijii
in this land, then the citizen will no longer
have any rights under the constitution; pro
gress will lie at an end ; the right of suffrage
and that of legislation will become good for
nothing and be entirely subverted.
Hut this is the principle which Gibson and
his fellow ministers arc striving in mil. !,..
IIMtl, CIL.JIllMlK "Mtf - WVII lliuull, U1IU t'K' I" ' 'IWjn.l 1JUCS1IU1! Ul Uliy gOV CHI' , I . .vu
1, ,..... u.nnl.1 I.. nl-nnw nmnnn.! II.. mrnl r.ff,rrr ... it .mm,. . -.. ... ... I. . """. anl it Wat for this pUrPOSO IllCV Wi-nl
.-..... -... ..n..w... v...u..b., ,v ....... ......, wh. ., n..... nv mw lull IVI IIV . . .. " '
people and horses of Kaniakela. Complaint treated with any consideration as a citizen, and ,mo t"e caninet. He is strong in h.is public
U also made concerning the state of the road our rights as a citizen have been .denied by this I"orcsslon' of 0VB '" the Hawaiian, and many
over the bridge. Although there are thousands taction of Hush and his chief. a!e caI,,u"i1 ty Jn. Hut he is diligently dig.
of inhabitants in the district, in five years no Kor the many reasons wc have brought for. lnK.a p" '" w,licn ,0 uu'y the civil rights and
money has been scM in epalrim; tlie roads, ward, and acconlint; toihe mceuftlic jicuple, If ,,awaiJan enwen.
we pu, our ...ifon loudly andlnlhl. public lSlXZLl
Mr. W. A. Coulter has on exhibition at .he way, and .lo beg in the name of the Hawaiian law,, Tnu Their priXA Z frc'STubem
Hawaiian Hotel a number of paiiillngs which people that the Gibson-Hush ministry be dis- "e and denounce the deeds that are 'now being
are to be disriosed of this evening at auction charged, and that wise, honest men, acquainted l.onc' I-1 them in all prover and lawful ways
sale. "The Dreary Ocean "is a scene on the with the Hawaiian people, be put in their !!w "i1',?? ,p?c iho?! ho are ""tending
Swcdishcoast; the tuintingof "Danish Craft,', place,, and the ,coPle unite in this ,titi... !?8Sl-ffl!lC&,l,;l,,"7&,ior,ht,r cl1

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