Newspaper Page Text
P -K. ATURDAY JAji-SS. VoLUMK V, NuM.ittK.4S. HONOLULU,- HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, AUGUST i, r885. Whole Number 257. m K ? "V S, If 4 .1 hook .iiK'ir.vr. Mr Clevcl.tiuVs ntlnitnistrntion I191 alre.nty ilone smnctltTnt; to efface the ...ti.rul line in Ameriian politic.. Mi toceiu rtltuttueiiw to diploiiiatic and consular j Hitioru show 1I111. Fur the intercut of many American readers we append the following from a New York paper of rrent date : Th; list whkh follow tfifMnU very acen rat'ljr iti. apfi!fttmnti wlrtch have tt-iw fir !n miJe. The m!Ian still Y .t ate those 10 the Argentine Confeiletatlon, Central American States, Culoiiil-ii, CVea, Italy, Liberia amt Slim, bpaln will fi'ituMy be vacant by tin- retirement of Minister I"tter net! fall. It 1 not ripeeteJ that there will be any change In the Delgfan mini"", which It now filleil by the wm of a pre .sor ot Mr. Ilaar.l, aliho'Kit it is .mil: that what ii called " departmental coiitrj," will, not nrrinl t that eter Twenty-seven State are rcproenteil Wnhl lil. fair men will lay that tlirppolfitinentt realize the ileclira-ibn-oWHayatil at St. UiuN, that " the ml- minitratloti will malteercry cmleaxor to allay every remnant of cctlonal feeling In eierj particular J it 11 for the whole country, ami not for only a part of it." The Bcofiraphlcal roster of appointment I a follow 1 NI.W YORK. Minitter to Todicy $10,000 Minister to (lilll 10,000 Mioiilerto Hayll 5.0 Second Secretary I.evatton, Paris.. .. Secretary location, Ohlli ' l.5 Consul at l'.cllevlllc, Canada 2,oo( Consul at St. John, Quebec l,So Consul at llarve Consul ot Dundee 2.5 Commercial Agent, Ottaw a ,1,ooo Interf.retcr.Tlcntsin ' !, Total $l.7U4 01110. Minisier to Germmy $'7.5 C onsntOc'neral, Krankfort 3,000 C'nnsul-Gcnert.1, Honolulu Consul ut Amoy 3.5 Consul at llrussels 2,5 Consul at Iliimtneham 2,5 Total $ MARYLAND. Minister to France $17.5 Contul-Gencral, Ilerlin ' 4,000 Consul at Leeds. (.. Total $23,500 RLortniA. Minister to Mexico .- $12,000 The mission to Russia and the consulate at ManchMer were offered to Ccorpjian and declined. KENTUCKY. Minisier to I'cru $10,000 Minister to Switzerland 5,000 Contul-Gencral, Kan.i(-aa 4,000 Total . $19,000 INDIANA. Minister to China $ 12,000 Minister to Sweden and Norway. ...... 7,500 Minister to l'crsia. 5,000 Total v .., $24,500 SOUTH CAROLINA. Charge, Paraguay and Uriicmy Consul-General, .MelU.urne. Consul, Chemnitz U Consul, Cologne , Consul, Tegucicalfa Total $15,500 10UISIANA. Minister u Bolivia , $ Minister to Kuinania,Seisia,anu oreece Secretary Lrgition, I'srls , . . . Consul, l'aso del Norte Total .- AIJ.SIAMA. Minister to Venezuela ConsubUencral, Kin Janeiro. Consul, Cardenas... Total WISCONSIN. Minister to Denmark Consul-General, Montreal. . , , Consul, 1'iaguc. .... ...... Total ..; NLW J I.Kit, v. Minister to Vurtuipl Consul, Rotterdam , .$I4.6S3 .$13,500 ..$5,000 .. 4,000 .. 2,000 .$IJ,000 .$5,000 . J.OOO Total $7,ooo MISSOURI.' Consul-General, 1 Ialifai. v $3,000 CoiuuiGenerl,,.Miou ....:,.;..,., 1,000 Consul, Totouto M.... 2,000 Consular Clerk. ..,.. 1,000 Total ....,., $S,Ooa -lILlhOls. Coiuul General, fcVteima .$3,000 Consul, Stutgait i. 1,500 Tot a I , . , v. ,.'... ' $ 1 . 500 i-bNusArtcur. Consul-General, I j.mliin . , $o,Coo Consul, LUcrpHil",, I...... 6,000 Total 1, $12,000 .NORTH CAKOIINA. Minister to llr.uil ..,,,;$iMioo Coiuul, Manchottr..,. 3,ooo wfdswZf&tw ,.$ 15,000 .j M!nttr?r tn jian,. Consul,' Hamburg , , .$12,000 2.5CO Total ... , $I4.5 VIROINIA. Minister to Austria, .$12,000 .Consul, Hong Kong,... .....,, 5,u Total ,.,,.., $17,000 rENMYLVAMA, Consul, Ixhom , , . ...... . . . $ 1 , 500 wOiisul, (.iMiktlrlutt 11.. ,,....., Total NEW HAMfjlllRK. Consul, SherbrX'ke, , ........... Consul," Malanzat .$2, Soil .. 3.000 ..$5,500 ToUl,t,,,. Consul, Apia. CAltranNIs, SJ .. 1.500 VKRNOST. Minister lo KnfiU'Lt.............. UICIIIUAN, MluI.Ur to HusjU; , KIIOtlK ISLjXMl. Minister tu Nithcilamls. . ., ..... . . '"' ' ,ss.v.nt. Mlnlttrr tu Hawaiian Islands jUKa-NSAS. Consul, liiuiiltua , llU.AW.sltE. Consul, Nurcmbcrt; .j . Consul, St. Glle I7.5COI I .. 7,500 7.J . , J.OOO . . ,5oo IohkI.hi hvs an urtpnUalion fir hohliug religious Ktsictf. in theatres, am) music halls. M" llun'sU thouviit.1 inci;4 havclrci-B held a thhttwi .Us, the average atlcrulance Uli nine IruiUrctl. It Is fun.l that luultl lifcJelw will not, prtie 13 the churtiiea still Hlhw lo ItMl the UosikI Id swuUr nails. iai.Avi'... ft. aw.if tntn thf t'ratrr. Viewed from distance the crater appear, an immense lb)-.,, or nm-pliitheatri-, walk-.! in by a precipice varying Irum jon feet tn 6Vx) feet I height and nbnot nine mile in circum ference, 'lire Rrealer part rf this wall Is nearly perpeBrltetlUr Imt at I he Vc1tno llmmthere i n optnirtR which admit nf n KrAtual dewtnt to the lloot nftl crater. ThW floor i compme.1 wholly nf lira, a uaitinn nf it having the appearance of the ripple of the wnve on the afastmrc a llie tide cornea roll ing hi 1 arm' lit r oTtiin appetra rtrgteil ami hrolceii, wills small rhunlia of black, cnimbllnu; lava l)lnj lot as if it were the liotlnni of n col mine : elsewhere, the lava lonka a if it were made nf niolltn glau, the color varjinR from a thimmcrhrg grey In a glistening black A )nu rtn over the trad small finite reveal the molten lava beneath this crust. In some place the lava rise to within a foot of the surface, and in other phcea burst forth In small fnunlaln or nh.Is, The Mifface of this bed I imdu).itin, fro- 'iirntly rWni; in bilUxl.s of a hundred fector so, wiin corrwponninj; tieprcssions. ucca slnnally the heel crushes through the upiwr crJt, which at first make one nervous J but frequent repetition of this occurrence, without accident, soon wlal.lishc confidence. Following our guide acros this Iwd rf lava two inilca or more, -if reach the new lake, which, though smaller in area than the old lake, presents epial attractions. One of our Krts who had lingered behind, watching its changes, was o entranced by a sudiVn outburst of Iaa, cosering the entire hid with one sheet of fire, that he refused to 1. .if the Smt anil join us, although wc sent the guide back for him ; so he niisred seeing Ilalcmatimau altogether. ' On leasing the new lake )ou pals the Little llegg-tr, width is a circular opening, about three feel in diameter, in the solid lava. look ing into its yawnlnv; mouth )ou see a white hot mass of liquid lasaand sulphurous flameslnlch. ing forth few nostrils arc strong enough In endure for more than a minute. Near this vent art- irregular piles of sulphurous rock, still hot to the touch. The route from here to the old take becomes more and more rugged and fatiguing as jou ascend the walls of lss-a around ilatcmaumau. On inuring the top of lids elevation jou pass through .1 notch in these svall and rcacli a place, sheltered from the wind, from which you base a full sicw of the burning lake l)ing some fifty feet below you. To the right and left of the opening through which you gaze arc iricgu lar piles of las-a rocks rising still higher than the Iidgc on sslnch you are staliomd and forming nn immcnM circular basin. At the time of our arrival wc were fortunate in basing the wind in a direction thai carried the sulphurous smoke away float us, aflording a inagnificicnt sicw. . The surface of the lake appeared at night, in the veiled light ol the full moon shadowed b) ibin, vaporous, flcrting clouds, a lustrous grey, interlaced with sivid streaks 01" brilliant rose-colored fire jetting forth from fissucs in tbs bed of solid lava, forming a net-work of Irregular and fantastic shape. Ai intervals along these lines of fire would gush fiery fount runs of the most brilliant hue imaginable, as many as nine of Ihese bclng'in play at the same time, and hating the appearance ot bubbling spring ofmoltcn iron. Occasionally jets would be thrown from these fountains to a considerable height. At the edge of thi lake a flow of lava frequently bursts forth, cn-rping in wascs of sivid fire toward the center, but ncscr wholly submerging tho sur face. These exhibition were accompanied by liising, or rumbling sounds. Clouds nf sul phurous vapors rose fiom Ihc-e tissues carrjing wilh them fibrous parliVs claimed to be the hair of the goddess i'ele, a the old legends base it. The whole scene was grand, 11 Ail to con template, giving one a realistic kcnse nf Hell, as porlratcd k- Holy Writ. . During our rtay here six of the party descen ded to the edge of the lake until nearcnougi to thrust a walking mcl in the red-hot lava. . It was conceded, byll those present who bad previously sisitcd the solcano, that wc were especially fasorcd on ihis occasion b) basing much finer weather and a grander dispt.1) tSan is luualty met with. One Knglish man, however, in the urly, thosght ihe exhi bition was not as fine us some dNplais of fire works he had seen in London! So much foi kiiilinicnt. Soon after nine o'clock we rclraced our stcpf to the new lake where wc found our solitai) fiietnl, whom wc left there, still intcntl) watching the scene and his enthusiasm was ss greal we consented to lemain wilh him awhile and r-itcli fur another fl'), although the wind was chilly and the night waxing. In a few moments nfier our airisal the seams, ihrough which the il.imeiw'cre darting, commenced In umflow' and soon the emlie Uutom of the lake was one mm of fire of the 11104 brilliant coiurs imaginable thus never equalled in sividnessby the arlist a coinbinalion of rose pink, carnation, magenSv crimson, scarlet ami carmine Hashing into a brilliancy almost ivi!n- ful lo the esc to Uhold. In the cutter of this lake of fire stood out in lmld rtluf an Uland of rod. funned of lava, aiound which the flames crept and surged unlit it scrmed as if Ihe very island itself would be consumed, After a while the llow again subsided, and thcicafler the flames were Isshingaiul glancing through the open fissures of the solid lava, in continuous lines of light, plating luck and forth, incre.-alng or diminishing in brill) nicy according to the volume o the overflow, until we wen forced in recall 'Aa fact that ii was time to return, and icluclanlly left the scene nf enchantment. ty this time all vwie pretty thoroughly fatigued and it was with diflicully that wine of the ladies could muster sufficient strength enable them to traverse the three nitlesdistani.?. l"hc y came when a;eiui".nc the clitffiom the lava Jwl tu the summit, hut, by frequent lumlvve rc.iclu.1 our destination ahom eleven i .lllilf frtlni. t. .ill rAtitl.l t,, !.. .. . ' """t m i.mi ivi ii.c lauuc sve V. ..1 ..l..a.a.n.. ? IMU U.HI.V1,V. Aiur i:imi; wc were luvilcl to vvtul Mr, ViVlcr called a hurt hut .' rcuirdcJ It as an eacellcnt supiKr, and all were s hungry Hits- fully .ijojct It as one of the bol meals seisnlon llielniv. lljr iuUnI!hl nearly every one ha.'i iciiicil ami slept without rocking. In fart one ten llcman who had been sea sick said he frf ttnnilhU uuteWtsl tuihe rocklnc old Neil, tune had given him In Ihc cradle of ihe ilcv. T. V. Ilosolutu, July id, 1SS5. T1ieMariiisof.SaliUiiy for Knctartd and. Hi Maiijuu Twog foe China hart signed new opium treaty Ulwrcn China and Gisal Britain, ty the uiutsof which Ihe Interior is opencvl up freely lo the opium liiJe, The t.lmrilrlrr nf Silk I'tillttrr A New Vork telegram, dated July 141I1, to the Associated l'res, Is a follows 1 "The Trllrane says eslitnria'.ly 1 The raiting of silk worm I petty, her!;, ealrtnsting and a degradation of hlmr, and is fit only fur peons ami half animal wasants There is not much probability that the Industry can ever be raised into any importance in this eountty. It would not be good for the people of the country If ll eoukl be forced into temporary success." The New Vork Tribune is decidedly out nf it head in this nutter. It ought to know bet ler. Ii is true thst the successful rearing of vsorim requires knowledge, patience and a good ileal of that peculiar quality for which Americans are famous, and which is expressed uy that undefinable word "gumption," but at to lis Iwing degrading, etc., why the holding of such a view argues Ignorance. In spite of the pircnt society at 1'hil.ulel phia and other tributary organizations, by which public-spirited and devoted women are endeavoring to educate the people in Ihe mat tcr of silk-culliirc, their out-crops occasionally such Ignorance -as that which the Tribune manifests. Whether the statement of the Tribune be attributable to Ignorance, or whether the car of the editorial writer has been gained by some of the importers, who, of course, fight home production of silk, it matters little. It is a gross libel upon the silk industry and a cruet blow at the public-spirited people, who arc Irjing to develop a new-ami profitable employ ment for American women. Wc have so often shown the fitness of the business til women, who are wise and patient to proceed slowly, unlil they learn the condi tions with which they have lo contend, that il would weary our readers lo recount the poinl which are directly at variance with the claims of the Tribune. Let it be known, however, that the labor is not degrading, but, on the contrary, is pleasant, Inspiring and elevating, and suited to the bright American worker. On this point a recent rejiort uf the California State Hoard of Silk Culture fitly says : " V.x pcrimenls show that we can produce better silk in America on account of the higher men tal condition of our people, which shows it self in the ingenuity and inventive spirit ever improving on Ihe worn-out-crude methods of the Asiatic race, in the perfection ol machin ery lessening manual labor, Inthcaid lurnished by scientific researches and in the quickness and skill of the workmen." The character of the women who arc now engaged in silk culture in this state, not those whu arCT)rvmotJng it from philanthropic mo iti out jjiiojejwrto nrir actually prcxUicmt; csake'rvl'ifiircward which is gained h r if .w. ' " jy thr usraoymciiTjcshure fcrJfVpcrlifico- dcnieiPtJl t tSssffhitWit iir'litoiitv for urc hours, show that claim of the Tri IrvmeTPtJlWit irfuronty for Vpcns. It is a fit tiniJ-fsaffro?iicnt fjrMJrsjjcsl, intelligent, and .. v it - v. vvide-avfatu'AliUicaA, women and children, and the prOgrcaLiiC. are tnalcinf; in it in nearly all parts of the country is the best kis. sible evidence of the fact. The comments of the Tribune are of a'Uiud that injure must the one who makes them. Pacijic Rural Putt. F.I1UCATIONAL ANI1 REI IOIOUS NEWS. The Karen ltaptist Theological Seminary, at Kangoon, Hurmah, held its fortieth anniver sary April 15th last. Dublin, Ireland, United I'rcsl.jtcrians have declared formally in favor of instrumental Music in public worship. A graduate of the Harvard Aanet has nt taincd a higher per cent, in her classics than any of the young men of Harvard. President McCoslt of Princeton has been invcliqating Ihe relations of college athletics tn scholarship, lie finds the leading athletes the poorest scholars. Last jtar the llritlsh ami foreign ' Itible Society Kstted nn edition of the New Testa ment, at two cents per copy, and 955,000 copies were sold in nine months. One rptcstloa uiscusscd at the late missionary cunlcrence at Ovtka, Japan, was whether it is better that missiohari should be sent out married or single. Not only was the senti ment decidedly in favor nf their being married, but statistics from one society show ul that the term of service for single men-was five vears slimier than that of the married. It is computed by a Dublin statistician (J. I.ambcrt Jones), that lVs I'rotistants at the close of the last century were 40,000,000, while Ihe Roman Catholics were 120,000,000; hut now. In 1SS4, ihe I'rotesiautsarc l.S,ooo, 000 and the Romanists Thus Protestants have increased iihuit 250 per cent, and Romanists meantime only 50 per cent. In Foreign Missions the Southern I'icsby teiian Church lias stations in the Indian Tec litory, Mexico, Northern and Southern Uracil, Italy, Greece and China ; il is about establish ing one in Japan. The receipts for the year have lie-as about $73,000, and the year ends without a debt at home or abroad. The church ii asLetaso iuciease its gifts this year to $Se,.ooo. Qf the iS.jfij men svho received degrees. from Harvard Uriivcrsitv (irevious to this vcar, 127 bore the somewhat fanilajr nameof Sniilh. Williams is not considered a very siininon name, ) el its beaters come second in the list with a record of 113. .The llrowns and llrownes together number., ll. Fourth In numlier are the Adamses, with an even too. Then come the Clark and Clarkes 93, in all. The 1'aiVers come next, with 79. Strangely enough, the Joneses are well down on the list, numbering only jS. "We are gratified tn ;.e ihe fact that the pul.Sc schools of Alabiiua ate inUlngV.iue in dtistiy wilh scieiice and literature, tome phvsi. cal training wilh intellectual culture. t In female colleges vuuug ladies receive valuable insttitcliun in the art ami handiwork of house sslfer) ; and in the school-rooms young users, are Uui:ht that Uhor. whether of head 01 hind. ". brain or muscle, is always Hignn.ed, manly and honorable. It will be a pioud day of promise lor Alabama when every public school within her IxHttidaiicAhall establish an indus trial department." Says a contemporary, Kilicrn stales In (he American Union con. tat.) University and college properly tu the value of $i,uA),od or over. The slates In tills topeel rank as lollowt 1 New York, 57,S5S."3 I I'cnnsjlvanla, $4.3j.W I Ohio, Sj,ScV;,31 1 Missouri, $2,794,000! Illinois, $2,501,000) Massachuselts, $J, 261,027 j California, $1,568,749 5 Vif gluts, $1,650,0001 Tennessee, $1,921,0001 Connecticut, $1,409,630 ( Michigan, $1,380,. 1S4 1 lovsa, $1,378,0001 Rhode Islanl, $1,250,0x1 1 i4rict of Clumbia. $1,200,000, ami Indiana, $1,120,000. The state having Ihe low st Is Delaware, which has but $30,000 la velcj a Khuoht of j hUjh grade. IJrofcosiointt starbr. A U THURSTON. t MttTM tm-TOl) tttnrntft ot l.tttr. N J MtHK-HNT SttT. Hu.tOt.lMV pvR. S. KRMESTCRADD0C1C. M R. C. S. Kno., ... R. C. P. ami U S A. Uirtixw I .ate Achobr jifxl lVUtnwm of suiwiuiY .tsn MKHWIXt:, King' Co!lj, IWrdflt, OrricR and KrtDftfcic No. tjj Fort street, 1tly occupied by Dr. Caijpenter urricR jiqvm -9 i is otiock a. m. JI-S3 t ta$nmt 1 lo8 r. !. EDWARD PRESTON, Attorney rtM'' Vo timet or itt l.atrm Nn. tj Kaahumanij STurtur.. HUNUU'IV pEO. L.nADCOCK, fntrher of thr Vtttno furff, Atlilres care Mekrt. Wet, Ui5 Cb., Urn ij Pour Br.,... IIiMfttct4r. RiaiiirKCK No, n I!mma street. 3;8I T M. WIHTNEY, M. U D. D. S. Urntot tloom on Votl Strict, , fiNOLULO II. 1. Office ki llrewer' 1 1 lock, corner Hotel And Port Street l, entrance on Hotel Street. iio-V,, JONATHAN AUSTIN, Attorney nntt Ctnitmrtlor ut .fir, ,ln Aynt to tuh AcKiiotrlrttyrmpntM, N 14 Kaaiiuimhu SricKBr lloNOLmv aai-371 TNO. A. UASS1NGMI, tyent to tithe ArKiimrlettumriitn to Con tritetn for Lttbor, , Interior Omar HoNniuto ati-3tjj J OllU H. PATY, Aotttry Vuhttr nntt Commtnnton of Dectlr For the State of California and New York. Office, at he Unk of IttsJwp Si Co. j Ho-tOii'LU, 0nu, H.I. aio-iSr P P. GRAY, M. D., fiirsivrAX AXt suitauox, Office, next door to the Honolulu Library. 9 ti to A. M. Oi-tick Houks: a lo 4 r. m. 7 to 8 r. II. Sunday, 9 to 11 a. m. RESIDKNCK.cor. Ktivm and rcnuoola Sia. 334-383 O B. DOLE, Couunrlur at f.ait ami JV'oMr 1'abttc, OKriCE, Xo. 15 Kaa.wmanl' Strklt ..Honoluiu j4-j07 TT7- R. CASTLE, AltHrnelf at anil Xotary 1'ttbUr, No. ig. Merchant Strekt Honolulu Attends all Ihe Cifurls of the Kinsdom. tio-a(l Justness (iTartis. A u awcni. Importer ttml Jtrulrr In OUmauutre, Jlertitrn SUrerVttttci li'itrr, JlruckelMp Vote, No. 83 Fowt SfkKUT ...Honolulu KInc' (ojiibination Sprcucl ami KrsUAe. uustrai vtc art?, rancy itM, Wostenholm'f 1'ocktt CulfciT, ll. I r.cture l rabies, ChauU 1 tUnJ icu, L.larivi lSioI L,tt'iit, SUilune Uil, all Mm! of Machine Needle, "Domestic" ar rasSbii. Sole anent of the univcrully acknowleilgrAl Light. Uunninc Domestic Sewing Machine, 7lO2bf A S. CLECIIORN & Co. Importer unit lieutrm tn tlmcral .Wrr- cntntltie. Comer Queen and Kaalmminu 3ireets, Honolulu. 2I-S6l' A. SHEPARU. WtttehmnUcr find farcler, Watch repairing inaile n Spool fill t'. .VII orders from the othei Ulan. 1 1 irompily attended lo. No, $i, Il0IiLhrHEKr.........M.,.l0N(ILULU, 11.1. 3t-iJ2 A W. 2HIRCB & Co. .Ship Chamltrra mut Commtaaton Mrr clutnt, 1 No. is Qukkn St., Honolulu. A cents lor Ifrand' (jinbtaitiJ Hmli I jinr an( IVr. ty Da tb 1'a.n Killer. 110361 A LLEN A RODINSON, Oeulera In Luinhemn! ntt ktnt of Itutltt tny Mutrrloti, 1'utnts, OHm, Xutta, etc., NO. 44 QKBKN Sf-KKKT ...HoNOLULtJ, II. I, Ar.RNTS Or kCIIOONHU Ilale.ikala, KuUminu, KekauluoM, Mary Elicit, UHaina, TauaM and Leah!, . At KoUmotis Wharf. tio-i DISUOI1 a CO., Uaukcri 11 010 lull1, Hawaiian Ulanij' Draw Exilune on THE UANK 6r CALIFORNIA, . s ' SAN FRANCISCO. And ilwlr a(ci, tn NEW YORK. DOS'! ON. HONl. KONC MMr.N M, kOlHSCHILDASONS, LONDON, llivCOMMKKCIAK UANKINO CO., OF SVDNLV, LONDON. TU COMMERCIAL UANKINO CO., CFSVUNEV, SYDNF.T, Tb HANKS OF NEW 7L'A!-Nli: AUCKLAND, CIIRISICHURCH, AND WF.I.LINOrON nu: aNr!s of ukivisii columuia, ' VICIOKIAtU.C AND 1'0ULAND, OR. Trausait a Gaural Itmkitt Ihiuuesu tjs-ito C BREWER A COMPANY, LimiuJ.i Ueuerol Mereuntlle nnl CommlaalaH Ayenta QUVKN StRIKT. HciMOLtLU, Osftcer4--!1. C. Jones, Jr. tudut and manager lowrphO, Carter, lrurr art.) MvretaO' Iir1ort lions. OuuUs H. UuhopaM IL A. I. Uatcrj W'j F. ,nwn auuuor, 3 -274 c. IIUSTACE, (roaNnuv rtu uu.k & ro.i IIA.r.wl. um.I Hrlail tirutrr. in, Kiku Srr .......Upo lUauomr lm KanUy. llaalallon, an.l bhip ait, at itnat rwrWc Nw cou.1t br ..cry tttvti, U.4ri fro. ttMutiM, w..iuuiUHii)r,sKua, IVUtluiM No. 11a. ii?-t1 p C. COLBUAN, UmtktmUk, MathUUI, CmrrUf Wtrh Hon mt.tlmg, Hohohjiv , ..II. I PUatailoa llKIary, etc aat Casak ft Ctfoae'k 5 oq King Sut Alitoincoc urbo. p H. WILLIAMS, iMi-fMtTRR ANtl lRAtRR IN fttrnttur of ttrerif lrerljttnn Mn tfftholaterrr itnt Maihtfttrtttrer Ftaflfafffl Wrrm.wn No in Fort Street. Work. ! old Wiiht on II ret Mtrri, All order promptly mrwrnaa 10. jr , S-J3 -) sirrSiCSK 'ri rj'l'tnif r.rin i rrwin Tiryi rrrri"n 'j 'Jflrf ,ft fa. j Kim, StMti 1 llniiitV. 1 ' ',''-- P ''. rit-yi. iMFonrPm a fti)ih'.. (A RHNUKAf. Mi:UCII Anent fof iWlliicHrnctt Coiitsiin'i riantation. 'TW Alevandtr & (Utdwin lli-itation. K. HaUewd, or Waialiu ria.itatkni. A. II. Smith & fompiitT, KoIia. Kauai, J. M, Alexander, Haiku, .Maui. " '11m llaiV.u buaar Comrony. 'Ihe Koliftl.iujnl Lumpany, llairul.w yiantalion lite Ufttoii iMiifartcf tHntanV ol San Fraiirvw, New lmt,wVlJV Insurance Com piny uf HoMut. Lu M. Viort Paiem Citnful Machtnea. IM Ntw Yitrnami iimwmin rrcket l.irw. lh Men bant IJn, llnrmluln and San KrancIcoM I Jr. Jitt '"i Hon LeleWaled Medicines Mcix OP.!' bhiMT Mfnuf.wturini; Comiiariy. Vhctltr & Wihuii't bewiAff Machine. 3iu-a6l E"1 r ADAM J, Auctioneer unit Cmmohatan Meicitttiti No, 4rfJtRRN f-raritT ,, Honoiuip E D. HOFPSCIILAEGBK Sc Co. mtoirrt iitc Comntt.ilntt Jterthnnl. Kn, 4S ycKBhSTRFeT HonoluiU Oaiiu, II I sio-761 ED C. HOWL, limn it tut S11 I'uhtler, Pa ikk Hanger, etc, 107 Kino Strkkt ...HtiNoniLU HALL & SON ..(Limited) ItirORTBRS AND DEALERS IN Ilnrrhcttrr .nut r7ener.f JTerrtanithr, CoRNBit or King anu E-'drt Streets, Honolulu ornccRs: William W, lli'l rresident and Manager L. C. Ablet Secretary and Treasurer W.K.Allen .Auditor Directors Thoma. Mav, E. O. White "asojo? P A. SCHAUfER & Lo. Imyortrr uttil Cotittntton Jleithont 2iO. 10 M&RCMANT STKRKT IIONSIAJLU 2IO-30I F.. OEDING. Iljcprrni uno Druynmii, Office. No. 81 KkjET Strt. Residence. No. 47 Pnnclibowl Steret, Honolulu, Oahii. H, I, Fmflit, TackACt?, atvl Ragaije ilvloretl lo arnl froa tuipuirism Honolulu airU vionuj. iarciuiai IciitisUi aid lo .ioiUr2 )-uniiture, wttli WAT.ONS KXPKKSSLV IORTIIK rUKI'OSl-:. Tclclone. No. 8S. IIuusc Tclepliur.e. .Va do, zvj-zoo - I I-RAMK GKHTZ. S-H . Hon! rtmt .Nmf miiXrr. lloots an J Shoe made lo Order, toj Fort Struct. Honolulu a 1 0-6 1 r U. UUrABLANE, II. K. UACKARLANR. Q- V, MACFARLANE & CO. Importers, CommlMion Morolianta untl Suar raotor" riie-injf Ituitditif. . ,,...,, .Quten Krcct, 1 lonolulo. AGKNJA VVR Puuloa Sheen Ranch Co. Hawaii. J. Tow Icr & Cu's btctm 1'Iow and 1'ortaM Tramwaj Works. ..ceil. MIrrless. WatMjn A. Cus Siiirar Machincrv. (ititL'usv t.Ui(v aad Honolulu Uric of Packets, i4tTjooi ami iiunoiulu i.insol rackets, laoiulon and Honolulu Line of Steatncrs, Sun Fire Oii.ce of London. 341391 H HACKFELD & Lo. Cor, Fort anu QtfcKN Stuvt. Honolulu 3toa6 fTOLLlSTEE U Co. IVmlrMttle unit Itilnlt liruyylata nmt To ImvronlMta, No. 59, Nt't'wti Sr:.KKT Honolulu 3 1 0-36 1 Ll OPP A CO., Nu 74. KlHU iJTMKKT,. ...,..., ... Honolulu lrphol0lriMf ttruper ttml HeiUer lit till Klihh of Furniture Telephone Nj, 143. S-a;j Ll.YMAN BROTHERS, t to node i'm nf leuerul Mfrchumlhe. from J'ntnce, iluutntut, tlvrmuny imf tho Ifuttnt Mute, NlX iBIjUKKN STJsKRT 4J HoNOLUIV H YUAN QROTHERS tnmllon Merchant. Ko,bo6 FttoNi Stkakt........ 310-961. .....San Fmanciscu H E. McINTVilE & BROTHER, Mtioccrtf uiut Vfl Store, Cor. Kino anu Fukt Sr Honolulu tio-rtl H ONOLULU IRON WORKS Co., trnm lUtylnea, Uultera, Muuor Mltla, Cuulrr, Iron, llruau uml Lent Vnattnya Ho.MJLULU H.fJ Ilachiccry of every description nude to order, FaxttcuUr atlriitLrii iiald la Shin's Dlacksmkhlnir. job Witrk. en.CUlr4 cxi lb shortest ootice. cr-JOI THO. O, FOWLER & Co., $i LEF.DS, ENOUNP, .Ira prepaid to furnUh I'tuna ami tt inuLf-M fur Mtcrt FOUTAULr? TRAMWAYS, With or wuhoul CarsrsAJvd UcotnutiteSf Sprcial'y ADMTKO vOR SUGAR I'l-sNTATIONS. Permanent Uailvrays. aiht lxveuuit andean, )rac lion EniUca hh-X UdJ locomotives, biuani IlouzUing ai.1 Cdtiratini Machinery, Vuct aw toiiju fot all purpus Wllhllilg Cviutnet or tixiin. Ctakvitisu wtih tlkadrkjas. AlodeU aud Phitto. graph f ii.4 asovu ItinU i)J twhtnrry stay L teen at ib olhor tl lb uitdrrUgnal, W. I.GKI.EN h) O. W.MCFARl..AM-VeUsfor Imw Fo ier j a 34 T W, OIRVIH, CminihImIih itrrrhuut nmt 7jtTff i titer tu tirllnoit W.avtcv. I u't.-f..... ..H, 1 GVocsrks, Hwdvare, SutMMry. rlea MsdfavUets, I (It1WIT W4 lasIMaM. -SHT-.W JOHN T. WATBHItOUSB. lMfMrl.r umi OtnUf Jh rimmJt. Nixvj-ji Qvm Sraurr,, ,r-.i (lfHrriI Jfer- , n,ItON0LLLU No. Bai idi E luoinccc Cnrbs. T M. OAT, JR., &C0. Stnttnner ami r Itenter. Itctt Itttt'hrr ft I ft n p ,t(tney OAKfTPritOeK ... No, J5 MERCHANT SfRFFT 15S-36 HOMOLVLtf. II. I. TOIIM HOTT, Tin, f'opfter tin rl .Stirrt iron M nriter, tstnm tiift Itonte o(W kind, Humbert' ock ati meuK hmm furnMi- ,n HwS cliarnlelters lamp, etc M .. s I' C.. NO. 8 KAAMt'MANU SfKRICT HONOttfLU ftO-l f AtNE & Co., Votumtmton Merefittnti, !mpoiierAml dealen In Hay, Oratn and General Pmducf. Hotou Le.. . ............... .....,.t.t.,...,,H. t. io-6t r UWERS & COOKB, (St'icKORi To t.Rwa". ft I)i:kon,) Jmpniter Hint ifettterm In Lumber nntt att fitutta tf lliilMtnu Jtutrrtat. No. 8 Four SrRRkT HoNoitrui 10-16 1 T AHLO. tituter In fJooff, litre, Tertt Sttkmntt , ttncft tinmt, iioiMt miooim nntt Stt or, limit, lUeil ittut I'tmtr, tHynrn uiut Tohorrn. AKo projirieior of Rice and Sugar Plantations at Kanenhe, KooIju, Waipio, I.waf And HeeU. Cor. Nuuanu anu Cuah-aIn Srs. HonuK'IU oo-fco T VOMS & LEVEY, Auction eclii nmt Cmtntton Merchttntft, Conkh Font and Qukrn Sn-fcris, HoNOLULtr, Sales of furniture, Stock, Htn Ffttate and General lerrhandte prom pi I y Attemleu to. hole agents for American and i.nropean mcrcnanuisc. 11. j.yons, 3i-a8j (UJ, LrvRV. M PHILLIPS A Co. tmpmtrri nmt it'ltotfote Deuter In Cloth- tiijt llootn Shoea, llttt, JniV nr- nhhlny tloinla, Funry tlnola, Etc, No. to Kaamumahu Stbfkt 110-iOt ..Honolulu JWT W. McCHESNEY ft S0J, Dealers im Teuther, lllttrn, Tu'toir unit Commlnilon .Merchant, Agents for the Royal Soap Compat v. No. 41 QumN Strkkt . . Honolulu 117-368. rv T S;K1NIJAUM A Co. ?5kV I IVhotemle Heater In (lett w irr rchuiutiMr, A e y5t"a," Jciitittur .Mr$'s lirrac?. Qusky Strekt, Honolulu rV O T 1J1T'S. GRIaJAUM & Co. r yx r XflkfifttnfViff itml c 'omntttmlan ytrrehntitf ia St. San? Fkanchco. iiial ngJJir.e for and particular attention jaid to fnsi11iUji' Mand DTOduce. io-al OACIFIC HARDWARE CO. importer mul ltntterv In II it nttru re, Cut lery, Tool, Painu and Od, and Central Merchandise. N'n.?4ANi , Tort Stmkrt... Hooiulu 210-261 O J. LEVEY & CO., Whotennle ttml Uetnll Orocera, No. 95 Fort Strrct .Honolulu FreOi pfictrie and provisions ol all kinds on hand and received repilarly from Europe ami America vhicb will be sold bt the toweu maiket rates. Goods delivered to anj part cf the city free of charge. Island orders solicited and prompt attention Mill be cien to the same. 216-167 THE WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN IN vestment Company ('limited.) J.J-5-tey leaned for long or shott periods on approved securit). Apply to W. L. GREEN, OlTce llcaver ltlock, Fort St, Manager U9S TMIEO. H. DAVIES & Co. (Latk anion, Gbsrn &. Co.) Importer mut Commhalon Jlerctmita No. 4 Kaahumakt St" Honolulu agists for Llujd'sand the Liverpool Underwriters. ltnti.hand Fotcii. ae Insutance Company, and Northern Company. a 10-261 yHOS. G. THRUM, Ull-OiCTISG AND MANUrACTURtKa Stut loner, Itook-a'tler, Vrtnter, Jlook- bhtttct; rtt. An 1 publisher of the Hawaiian Almanac and Annual Dealer ii; Una Stationery, Itooks, Mu.ic, Tos and Fain,y Goods. Fiartf SlRRfi. Nkar Hotel, Honolulu 341-361 G. WEST, II. SI, DOW, C. . MACrARLANK. XITEST, DOW A CO., Importer mut lieutr in ntt ktml of Mtialc, fViMcy ami Juwtue tiootta. Furniture of all kliidk. Sewing MaUitn Errors. lUiniinits Chronws and 'lovs, 1'ictuia Frames ami v-oriucrs 10 urucr. a s peciahty. Movin; Miid repairing ruroiturc No. 105 F.1KT Strhktm..., l?v ...........Honolulu XIT1LLIAU McCANDLESS licnter In t'holceat lleef, 9'rut, Mutton, Ktc NO. 6 QUKIC &TKIKT. Flflt-MANKh-T. Family and Shippint; orders carefully at I end vd lo. A e Stock f urnitvtd lo Vessels at short notice, Yegrtablet of all kind supplied to order, Fclli-monk ....No- 11. 206 i Iiieur.tncc iloticco. B OSTON BOARD OF UNDERWRITERS. C, MfAt'&X . cj Agenti for the Hawaiian Islands. sto-trtil DRITISH FOREIGN MARINE INSUR. O aoce Company. (Limited) 77EO. Ut UAl'tES, ACSXT, TW bov agent has reteived IiettritlLtts 10 rt- iil tne 1 airs 01 insurance Deivieen iiomui4 anu ftxii in I be FaciTic. an4 is niw DreiMrrd to lut ioU lv at h loJ rates, with a special reduction 00 irrijiit pr Mcauiers. 110-901 ORGMBN DOARO OF UNDERWRITERS. ". A . SCUA Er'EK 6 C Att Alo stfcnisfx h Dresden Board of Undcfwritfcit. Vienna Board of Uo4rwrU. Itxlhe lUwaiian lidaitds, tio-6 FORTUNAGEHEUALINSUKANCECOM pioyof Betllo. ?, A. SCIfAEPEK V Ct AGSXTS. The abo lasurans CmbAuy, has euaUithc! a Ociwwal Acencv here, and Agency nere, anu io uiiUsrsignvd, (lencraJ Agent of 1U4 s. art aultiurunl to lati arc authurucd to lake n against the tUtigeni t oatige ul 1M tl aiov6i 4 llie beat at lb nuM. fcaonabl raist and va tle hum UoraUe terms. GERMAN LLOYD MARINE INSURANCE Cooiimuiv f BerU. . A SCUARr'&X V C., AGXXfS, The above I nturancv Con.paay has esiaUuhcJ a Gen era) Agency hue ud the abuts dgnd. tkiwr Agds, are autVMl to lake KbJts .4io4 ine lar.gtrs of the Seas ai the tl raasooabU iis and on the moa fa Votalle terms. Il-e6l H' AMBURCMACDBBURG FIRB INSUR st Coeaoaaj ol H&aMUf , A.JAE;KKtACXT, UUdiiitMrivksaJi-, Funis If and MKhibery 3IO6ll UAUBUkCBRKMBNFIRKINSUIUNCB leeaf, r A, SCUASrSM A Cv A6KNT& TtM ktote am luirhte; bee aytutaud agsitis U lata co iy are ueiuiod b Lrswe risk aavMl fire w 2mm saI lM'X buUoWg id e MersuaJiM tors4 llKisW, . ifca m4 UvvfUa laau. F4 ar.tuUrs y ai ibttf uskwt. Jusincoo C:irt)0. NORTH. OHRMAN FIRK INSURANCE Company of Hamburg. . UACKFKI.D A O., ACKS'TS, Capttsl aM Kcwrv. l,8jo,roa " their tt tnsutanrtComrnni, " jj.i,ftTa Tt Ag.nttcf Ihe atovc Coirpvnr, tot Itt llsw.iUn I.UnHf, Are prtttkted to Inture IIuiMiiS, Furniture, Mmhamli. .n.l frndiice, .Mahiner). etc., Alto Sujrsr ml Kic Mitl. amt vesfs la Ihe barter, .gainst loss or damage by r.,e, on the mol fsvorvUe lerms. sio-e6f NEW ENULAND MUTUAL LIFRINSUR. ance Companj ot tto.ton. CA.1TLK & COOKS, AGK.VTS. iNcosmeArsu isjs. The oldest Purely Mutual Life Insurance Company in the United States. I'nltrlcM l..f.f o., IhrvkOMt f.iror.l6e r.rtn Losses paM through Honolulu Agcncr, $49000 tioi6i PIIIJLAURLPHIA DOAHD OP UNDER writers. C. BRKM'KK A- Co Agents for the HswAtUn Islanils. eio-6i TRANSATLANTIC FIRB INSURANCE Company of Hamburg. II. HACKFSLD If Ct., An-ll. Cnpila! and Heserve Keiclitmnrk tf,au,otx tlieir Re Insurance Companies " 101,6),010 Total.., .....Reiclnntutk toj$yt,cm Ihe AKentsofthe ahove Company, for the Hawaiian Inland, are pretmred to Insure llutldinji. Furniture, IterchAndi aird 1'mduce. Machincrv. etc alo ISnsar Mid Rice .Mills, and veswli In the liarlur agaitut lo or damage vy lire, nn the most favorable ttinis. sio-iSi T HE LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND Globe Insurance Company. MSHOP& Co., ACEtVTS, KSTAEISHBD lSj6. Vi, limited Liability to Mochhotitcra. Assets ..... .$31,136,100 Reserve 6,750,090 incomk for i8;a: Premiums received after deduction of re Insurance.. $5,55.1,195 Losses promptly adjusted and paid here. 33-290 u NIONMARINEINSURANCE COMPANY of San Francisco. CASTLE A COOKE, AGKXTS. Incorporated 187V sio-a4i NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company of Boston, Mass. INCORPORATED l95. " ,taarti ilnnuury tat., iSH-i, tteitity $t7j 000,000. Polices Issued on the ratttt favorable terms, and absolutely Nou-Forfeitable after Two Payments. rXAMMK)K NOM-KOHrtlTUKB rLAN Insured ac,e 33 ears so ears Endowment Plan for $5-ooo. Annunl Premium $'J42.30. Ch-Surr. VTe. I'd-upliw, At the end cf the sd Year. $ aSo.S5 $ 545 3d ' 464.70 14a 4th ' 641 15 1,130 3t Bit.ii 1,415 6tlt " l.oag 00 1,695 7th M 1.23515 t.970 dtb ' 1,450.75 ."3S o h " 1.676.05 a, 500 10th ' 1,911 65 2,755 nth " .i57 90 j221 11th " 3,4.5.45 2 13th j,65 00 3.484 Mth " .967.7 3.7" "S'h " 3.S03-93 3.945 6h ' 3 57515 4.165 7! ., 3 90? S 4.3o lot I 4,143 50 4,540 19th ' 4.613,70 4,ioo oth ' 5,000.00 5,000 Tlw Second and subeqent premiums are liktly to be reduce by incrttuinf annual Jittrtbuttent 0 tr Of Applications can be hadof; and full Information will be given by the Agents, 356-267 CASTLE V COOKE. foreign bbcrttecmento. CHARLES BREWER At Lo. 27 Kilpv Stkbkt, Uoston, AUKXTS Of UAWMI.tX VACKKTS, tlvnrrnl Commtaalon Ayent. Special alicntton given to the purchasing of goods for the Hawaiian trade. Frcivht at lowest rate. TJ W. SEVERANCE, 116 CALiroHKU St., Cau,(Koom No. 4.) itAWAiiAX voxsur. r Merchant, COM Ml. HM OX HEM BUSINESS OOLLEOI, 24 Post St a F. Seed for Circular The Full. Bkhinkss Coih&k Includes SinjU ih) LVtuble Fjtto Book keepinki, as applied to all depart mentk of lruttrw; Csfimcrcial Arithir.ttic, llusines IVnmamhip; Mrrratiise Law( Business Cot iti pond erxe; Lectures on Law; Uitvess Form, ana the Sclents of Account 1 ; Aitu ButncM Practice In VhoteAle and Retail Mrrihandisin?, ContniUi(in, fobbing. Importing, Railroading-, Ect 11 u finest, liokerage, antl Banking; EnitlUh Branches, Incloding Keading, Sj'dlin.r,, Grammar, etc.; lring; and Modern lAnguagcs,conMiting of practical (ntstruction in French, tleiman, an J Spanuh. 4 SrecUL Bkanchrs arei Ornamental Fenmanship Higher Mihctiutlcs, .Surveying, Natlgatlon, Cnil Kn cineerlng, AMU)ing, Short (land, 'J yfk-Writing, Tele graph y, eic. For ftdl ..formation address, :. i UKAMtJtco. tjo-sli San Fhancim., Cxi. (General bbrrtiettfitnts. N, F. UDRGESS, t VAIU'KXTKH ASH IIUILOKH, BVMifiily anruMUKeAo thr -u!4ic ittat he has purclaset) the 1I.VGOAGK KXPIJKIiiH Uu.lne4 r.nlly uahtucr.l ty air. (I, t. tV,t al So. V4 King Mrl. htrh .lt t under Ihe manage. iMnn.ftii.K-. B. f. BUKGES& 111. LapM ..It tlUiul lU arnral . .-very u,aau and ffllylr Jivtr Kltr.lOIlT, PACKAGES & UAC.GAcJC, tu llonutulu ao vktn'tl). Txjnfjrxxmi at pianos , Mated il taf UK, AUSO, (IAS I'UkCIIAStt) Till: Tobacco, Cigar and Soda Water, ItiaWMU k(liis( Lia ,V klr. I- W. IllltJaWv. N0.I1 Kin urwt, whkh i)l be ceetducled by hit faun, J, tl. sssj4fvia. SHau wmri j lU line of hVJOKtRS' ARTICLE cm un, J, wm, Uividi wmri ji f) thing I be louod, 1 Ihe bet iueJiiy lhanUng the Miln lot U favor and raaraMecIna; to xtvm4y esttnt all order in either line of Uu twftsal leaaonaUe tbargts wv-uU ftjifuU aJicUa ulna wihimw pairobage, ULIa Talahatmm Jf. $& So, 84 Kin Mr, MmwMm .rv4 (1Q l(iu4 u ctoWf hf the (Stntral Jlobcrfiocmrnlo. -ASTLK A COOKE, HO(OIUU It, I. Would call attention to their and varlM Stork of - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Conkiiting of lhcbnr!vatlnl Faiii Stttl Jtreukiny I'tow, The Midi ne Steel Breakers, anil Furrowing Plo, Mo line Steel Flows all sue Planet, Jr., Culti vator., Dirt Simpers, John )re-) OaUK Plow a, I'Untcrs Hoes of the Wit nuke DISS10NS CELEURATKI) CANE KNIVES made to order, Ames' Showlt and Si -a J el. Garden I Iocs. Caial Barrows, (is Hows, Yokes, Chains, Fence Chains, Sugar Mill Requirements. SUGAR BAGS, SUGAR KEGS, Camberlniiil Coal, Sprm 0.1, Cj Under, I Jim and Kerosene Oil, Perfect Lubricators, Plumbapo, Al lany Grae, Diton's and S. and J. Files, all sues and kinds. Steam Packing, Flat and Round Indu Uublr, Aslstos and Soap Stone, Flax Packing, Indii Kul ber 1 low, H to a inch. Pipe and Couplings, Nuts and VAhers.imithcd, Machine ltullt, atl sires, Cold peiwd IlUik sun ill's, Lngtneer' rftid Carpenter's Hammers, Pipe Cutters, N inches 6 iitcn to 94 Inch, Anvils, Vices, '1 ubc Svruperf, Grindduncs, Meit American Bar Iron and Too. bttel. Builders Hard-are, all kinds and M)tc, Hub buck's Paints and Oils, raw and boiled. Small Paints in Oil, in larco variety. Dry Paints, Uinlxr, Ncnetun, Ked, (Vhres, Metallic, ftc , Wtiitinjt, Oertnan Vind'jw ass'td sires, Manila Roi Staple Groceries, No. 1 and a Flour, No. 1 and a Rice, Crushed Sugar, China and J a tan Teas, Oysters, Cuuis, Salmon, Lobsters, Finest Table Frills from the Factory Pure English Suicei, Condensed Milk Cocoa, SPECIALTIES :The I'nl nev lirrtMCtie Oil, Itrmtttu Veit (rifufjnl iJnlnya, 14 Inch. Ilubbtr Spriny unit Cnnrn llmkr Just at hand.BUko Steam Funm Valves, Facts Ing.&c, Blake Boiler Feed, Juice or Molasses, Irrigating & Vacuum Fumes Weston's Patent Centrifugals Complete, ALSO ON CONStCNMKN I California Hay, Btvicy, Potatoes, Basils Salmon, HanaVtftleto MuluiTTor Roilrrs and Steam Pipes, very cheap, Fern Wire and Staples, Oalvaniird Koof'U BEWXNG MACHINES, Wilcua and Oibb's Automatic; Singer Mamdactunng (Company, Assorted: keiniiifilon Loitipany. Family; Wilson Machines, the be4 assottinelit to be found, and at Bottom Prices. New Goo by every arrival from England, New ork and San Francisco. 1 JUw.Xraotiom !, ct-horM powar. Orden from the other Islands iVJcd al Be si Bales ami ltt'Jupatdt S16S CITY SHOEING SHOP, Q (ovrostiK uoiitis hTAui.ta,)' .0 aa Hnsi SkMiaj ii ill its IriKhis Iun. tn ihaHt w(-LttuiIik. utaiui.r. Racing & Trotting those a specialty. Oitf Kalff will k. rtaaonatlf. 'ttM unJc.rcnl, having UwaM out tk lartrcu or 9,1. jam., .wuu ,w .n. ...... .v.t wihui . cu.hiih aiK cf Ik, tikrat palrvftaif, L,MO,d Mi Ik. tal. rtrM Wr. J. W McDouU r.c.1,.4 tb. hlr.t Award uid for hi. Hand-mad. Am. at th. HawaUaa BaUUttM for tri. y.u .. f 47- IIvtm, talru lu tk, kcl. aiat rvluirwd ar tkurl tiotKe vhsi desired. I. . iciiunAi.i- HS-aU rA.iTMi: Ac 00. Xo.34 Fwt St., ClKklsllekg. Have received a cooizt.tiHi4 oftlie fot Fonotalral and Valuable rd for all kitaU of siCfk, u i VOOKKl L1SHKKD MKAL. It lithe greatest FWi forwer, MiIK and lluUer pro dacsr la ute Oil Caki Meal shov aLout tf pef lenl, U uuitblvt matte J this bear ty f$ vat 141, ie)W. oihU bmIh eual to staelbs, of wua, or is! tU. of turn, or lo 3f lb, of wheat bran, 'Mm, our UorUaUlllXICD IKED, aa well as our usual ututf vi the best kinds rf wrtM, Whit. I. ori.4 al Ik. l.nM Uw.M Kal.i. ud dtl.trl tnm lo qr sart Utim tAtj. rwlti Ihtwl Iks'lwn C rf CriiMU. Aswta'tW Ik, HOOVKR TKLCPttONK. Owwkaia rf P U '- Ha TKLKMKMW 10 .an 1 m 1 wl 1 'I r ,i vl V c Jl