Newspaper Page Text
& n Olj 3A; J kJxjl 1 ViU.I'MF V, XuMTJKR 50. HONOl.l'I.l . HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. A UC.UST 15,1885. YVllOl.h 2 5y. jOuoiuroo tT;ir)o. Infliiriiiuc lollcco, Press. ITS-? U lv 1 f s . - , 1 Wwm M Wr by Mtss Helen I t JfWteH tW tmeflt 4frtH 1 NtttfeSf ,r, ,.l n,.c 1 U ., n I 1 1 xMMrAtht.4 t' h 1 t.a.flfettf tNfeMl., ittaclliMm ""'jaKMrfMIH the are .leHrln Itt Wat ' tne reietsrsttsi watm,. eao watmanu ' " .1 v n mr mm iroin nra ;), M.,r,l ih-Hriila hMWl Wlllltl'lfalK HUM. , I t,i MB Mini Mmlw itiAl ,1 11 " "" - f 1 ih Mi efliMW to thf wotW, Jnrt nn 1. 1 .vemfcm lit MM iWm wtart n at ) III tulnri! nTfM jri iHf '...r..S of tea tn( lukui. ih) ihr c-rr!, RMbU 51 Ihirt Wtt Wel t in (. hi ii, iii only IA il f 11 mfiimU f tltenmniU 10 nfVI mrt it - tonttwji IV ll pJ hWJ on 1 1 im tnomtnt, tnipd a wiling n, SIM hhIi calm l4iv tnM !v ut o tenet ts Mnrin of niWimiiv to 'Cti .11 n. The fttM Mgn, imlwi, nwubtn w Miiffi) n ihf hH nf li M.nedhnj ite in ilir mum rtiwl vA h- nf Ih iMaf hltlf IMM .ih.im1 ll tren Ih UUixiv iloii- n( iJiwioomfd, Hii 1 Miiillo ie all IirMmiH lrf fMMd wwlfr iht !' jil whflf Mt hell bm Mill iltt in Uif f wJi prKiMkin, Here, !. we fre furtwrt to tr tome iffdHhmeW bj one at .he hmpttahie Uilie and nn ItfuMl hniM ie ffonitH nbml taut and nftcthnwni hum,; )rfB tiVm we gin (tnl w mil imitnc). Only a hoil dilee from lbi ilacr. KnVvrtharie bl name, me wddenljr anif In Oie MlRr ol a cliff i.OCM fert hipli, 1o n bif h e mom r.i imo the valley. 1 lere mcnifftt vim mrt . gieen kibiM moan lam ihnl in the alie -n thrre M, fotiirj wit nf p. nh the outlet temanl the . t,lipote a clif) of i.kici feet rtw petpendie Utl. in ! rovfrol with ftj-ioj; prajf from the erei tetlr et hioh beat against if Th fktt tnLmn iK t,Htl lf ll , . ., . , .. K deirent in two leant, then meandeieit throuRh , , ., ., ', ... .lit.. . the 1 alley, while other falls out of sight sent lutle streams in all directpirts, BmistwMng and fertilltine, the wliole vslley It is Mid to teemUle the Ymemilr in form and is one of the most ftmoos in the island. At the same time it is a sight to fill every one with deHp.hl and awe. These great palls (prrciplcesl re decl their sides in the btosd sheet of clest water, piuopsof palin. will graceful, but not majestf m rompsrison with oeh ttemendous heights waie lietwsen its and the sea. which bet calm and blue in its midday repose, Tr-r descent is a Myinr, one to novkes for the hmses b.e to taVe the eiy edgt of the preci pitous path, and that shows only too plain') what a misstep woald brmc forth. At the vers foot of this rapjdlj descending road was 001 stopping plae. were soon at home, and after rrtttnr, awhile, toward eveninc, we strt'led through the valle) Some delay on the pan cf others left inc alone for a while, nd I was clad to dnnV in the quiet beauty of the scene. The wondeifu1 luxuriance of growth so renutkaUe in the irupics ; the sivid green of mountains and salie 1 the calm da) d)inc in the west j th sense of esaltatton that Nature alone pv-c one all these made the trail: memorable. In the evening we rowed on the nier awhile. It was full moon, so we svr this losely sallc) flooded by the pale, light that tenders the commonest objects beautiful, buw much more ibc-teon which Nature lias lasuhcd tverythmg. Then we sat on the s-erandah, and two swcetrc4Cd names, acomipaiiied i) a guitar, sang song after song in their musics language. We twined in Arcadia, and the caret of life far, far lehimi us. During the day we bad scleral times looked shuddering!) at the path cut in rigug up the oppoMtc diff. Eatly the next morning we were on our way We followed tie Waipio till we came 10 a favorable jdace fur fording, then foil wed the sand) beach, pasted under a clump of cuooa p!(ns, and lacgan the ascent. When I tell )ou that the cliff is perpendicular, and that a toad h nil in the side so narrow that a horse cannot urn aiosind there being onl) a few places wide enosigb to ass any one coming down, ami that wc rise 1,200 feet in making the ascent, you will se wh) our nerves were on a strain the whole way. I dated not think of the consequence uf a single misstep. At we reached the top one native man sang out " Pan piUkia !" which means the trouble is over. " l"iKVu " may mean any tiouble fiom the. mwistest anoojance 10 the Icj.pling of a kingdom. Once at the top we breathed freely and enjoyed the grand panorama below, the patches of garden retcrntibng, as one Ud) said. " a crary quilt Se then went up and don twli gulclies, alt differing in jiT), I ish I jW cubicj to cwtimalnatmn une iota of the wondrrfftl variety of foliage, of culor, of form, that look all the senses capttse. Kerns from the im mense tite fern, with a truck a sard ut ciitfe, to the most deKcate smalt bait ; iaabala. had, kukui, kea and a thousand albas inter mingling in a mantle mot gsHgcattt than a monarch's robe. Chih, ravin, bad slides, yiiiupg cat eras are ftlled. cttverasi os, hsidco from sight by litis woedatW gtswtb. while laMauic run cttssvb aast fcatooa thru branches, panutie aasnli seiie aftsta iht vy chosoest noU w nasusy ba- and flaasH iheir gwgaout colors while tsv sanshrae, when it canssot flad site loft. &kn ttaonuh the learea, waaaly susstag, it shasi mat boss some aeattt in tac haatt 0 da gsstssc, saw the caut sprhtg mrtei at tu aaadt war ttssnt or Uut u svti autkful . Wat wc ate mat aU.( ctvtaiutc Use istaasaa of she same. t eulihibad a and the fetrtuas rider mat taa wba stud Ink to ta othaa ia udaaas of a "dieassW ktHr." a "bad suir. n, rt, luUy inwattv," aad taa UU At IM caase t tar Waaaunu .IT. I.c.atss4laffifc. We seat ai aosaca back wssh - i;jije sd4 owseertt Imwid; dasraad a f- wuh iigaaicrat gjaaipni al tac aaW 'i.i'ujh vtnng fcro uA iaolsUa what atasW h. s , oi the unw aaia al baia cat ptaaspicc. Tats saBtf M 'y Uk. ta, Wsspso, bat se de tnt a awns' ataia ao,uaianad oat teatasn aaa oaeaoaa. We kaow of aotMaj atssta dav teg laalaasfa, ' ctaslauU, i the hiv uf uaiinawat taao A troatu aaaWt al ., itead I : . hat - .- i .k .. ........ ,, w lawtiatliii. u" hi B use ... tuc b use w.l. o btrtaitaUt ldat un.ui I'lirct tie n,r4, art m4 asaf uusrr ha K .. Ul be a Itrje AetM t tttav. Tw tUtc Clt, Ll t(in eb lb, cwjjaet, succeeded " "A"'1 ow'- "' P"! ,rt " ' w w N sa In a HlM.teo.1, A II . ,H H " "" ,,W,,r tw, efcttHnl in Hit!efii ihtii Hiii tliti, wailemitatwl tkilfullf lauiuh u aftn scleral trials, when n , ,w, ,wtW h. )h, wr( lf fa liM tm tuiMa -.r ik. b !, iut. twkt Jlt"in 1 IH "P'HI Mff "ll"lt W Ct tIIW1 ! - i-., m imt ahvrnaitl liftlna miw lh .1.. ...... . . 1 ..1.,. .1 . . . . .. . ... , 1 wt avtm iiiiwi inmoin at vmirun nit fnltlit tnwtlf iti. oat MUt towcn i iht! MM mmni lifliBft Iheil o. Mn .irnml j m lip on ih bh, ml wr jay una wn .., .? nr .n... . '"VTT't o were Ibr JfTWItT, ktht nT frh 41 rii.kitrt nu nfcm. iJIT fcLifc. K R" F " J tl.... . Mm'innn. bsrt ifrtwi or ei nwmorwi TA Jlnff fnlt. t A VMnglm ditpateh of Jirtf JlJIyBTM i Sat Aw Anterior ilinWp v-onimt--7he T faelfie Mail. sn rrandtru to Atwraliaiihr Rd line, S'j Yirl lo Wnetuel! the I'ljxlr Une. N'w VmW toTiiik'i UUnJ. the New Votk, Hawnaaml Metieo, and the Nf Vntk and Culw Ijiic h ilecllrnnl to ottv the I'niteil Snie maiU aft-r lo-tb) Cnmniemini; apon thin action, I VntmiUer Vitaa u nay M i ' Certain Amencan ti-amhi. lines, ptrtUHly iimlw the lead of ilie PociTu Mail Sleamtbip Cnmpany, lia tnteuu into a cumbinatlon, aipatemlr ith Iht littentiun of foteind a .titf ibitlon among them of the $400. Oca jippropthted lij eongie for nillp;e mtn- wmaition for caniine the mail. fqim of thm iole to the Mito(fice depattment, tie tiring tn Inuw ht ictmt iwi)tl be piien. I propraed tu each of the companies to po to tlie full limn law wonld allow and a .1 1 d llicm both -a and inland pmlagp. This i ahoul thte times liat they had tieen teeeiving for the same senice durim; the past tel jean, it is three times what had been rutid for rattiagr across Vh Atlantic and pmlstbly in most C4es all that thould be paid for carrying the mail The contpanies wete still acting tn concert, and in consequence ol their combination le fused to anrept these terms nhkh were so liberal, compureil with what they had received ' J that they felt, 1 suppose, that thev could dnn they felt, 1 suppose, that they could dme I the government out of the position it had taken " ' 1 by relusmg to carrs lor the compensation ' orfercd. Tlie companies seemed 10 think that if they refused to carry the mails, there would be ' no other course left to the go ernment but to make contracts with them and distribute the $400,010 accordingly. A complete schedule for the tr-inspottron of the mails will I ar ranged, and they will go with a ver) little difference in point of time to Ihelr destination A statement ha tieen made in the newspaper, to the effect that the United States Govern ment is not so liberal as Great Ilntiau in the compensation of steamship lines. The tact is the rate which has been ollcred our lines scry much escccd the rate paid b) Great Britain The rate w e oiler is about 6? per cent niorr than the Untish hoes receive from their gov ernment It was a rate unjustifiably Urge, wre than ought lo be paid, but the goicn dcmed it fair to go to the utmost length which the law and reason allow cd in order to aioid any diffetencc with American steamship com panies until congros should meet. The de partment hat made such arrangements that the public will differ no inconvenience worthy uf mention in respect to carrying the mails, and in some cases, notably the Cuban scrwee. the mails will be expedited The superintendent of foreign mails said the American companies had refused an offer ot $1 da ptr pound for carrying the mails. This it what i known as the combined sea and in land povage, and Is equivalent ui $.3,303 per ion. They irceivcai piesent the international rate of 41 cents per pound. The p,aiiaaster-general has directed the following changes lc be made 111 the dispatch of correspondence for foreign count lies, intake effect Angtitt 1st Mails for Cuba heretofore dispatched by se imi New York, will be for warded to Ke) .st, ia Tama, Floriad, for dispatch to Havana uy the steamer whLh lcau-s Key West c cry Wednesday and KriiU) : coi res lience for New Zealand and the Australian Colonies, heretofore included in mails made up at San I'rancison foi dispatch to ilvose colonic, din-rwill be forwatded eiclusively via Groat Umain in mails made up in New York as wll as 111 San Krancjsco. There being onl) ooeditpatcltduringAugutt ncxt.onthe 1st pros., from San Francisco for China and Japan dir ect, ouriespondcttce for China, Japan and the East Indies will be also forwarded until the XMh, of August via Great Ilntain in mails made up at New York, tocontainall registered correspondence for th destinations alioic named 1j-ciim Arie. The first Manmet of the Compama Mesicana de Xavigaeteo del Tadfico left China Jut) I4lb for Mexican ports, tia Honolulu, so repotted, llostncst is at a standstill in Mtjlt in consquKe of the action of the govern ttstfit on the railwa) wibstdiea. The railroad cotapaBM have dischargeil all thai eon Mractton bands i,&oo on the National aad 4,372 on the Central A Tampice branch hate beeta discharged, who were Mining from jo caats to $1.75 K' lv. Tfce National was working towaab Maataiticsht. Tioabic Is aMictpatad cales, coacession, ate avadc by ike 8ttaat, bat "tbair aatsd at tied by lititttb bandhoUart, aad there appears bat oae way wm el licit dt&cadtias tit 1 aa appeal to the UaiseJ States," write a prtraae cotrat paaaW. la LaaticM, fcMlJr it SNkKMi Amy murhwi ilt much pirt-W 10 th pukmM bttfMfapt MTMt ttt U lk)K4 Of OMEMOm Um wmmti pHitii ttiitf W nw-dian WM W tlM CrifMMll Act WKtwtMM nmmz tbe f of commi tww ibWttm ym ta -iffcn- fmn TW ?kkm, Uch aan. twsm tu9ftoi.4s-i. wi m oMt nilt mnI Kaif loaf . bviM ta s ml cifif. The pormin . vfy Uj ajad hhl oa 'he ThaoMt aatfaoakfatai. wfcittacr ta dpiu- fn (TtJ.ii4W tO tW BOOM Uf CwiailWaW I., .... . .w . 1 . Tt.t LkI. N,,. in , Uadm ed,toiai, naaaur t "TW am al aa iiUataat lav (issat taa Maaaait of Saaatsswr aad Iti at cvMoUaattua U i untatvatis aad 1'uot! 1 . .. .... i ,u in ..!( . gens u, uastvsCAII .1. est .1 ie 11, Ut n wur wksti.b the C'uj 7t4 ibrwi, bis aiaitc ,- , .. t I'nata wwtt mmaaamj oua ttrr inaslM af I ' Irtlaat. afcd altsxau tittiltl vt hiuisrlX" ' A t, THUMTOS .ltnW Ml bum, Homttu H. , MUSST CHABOOCK u f a ... t b n ,.,. A iii tW f f 1 r I - TT m""'" U M Pm af uritaHHV 4x11 JiamctxJh K..lf llklJ, l.KlM. llifi.l tl.H ill.. II .ill.- ...- i,..,,.i,i.i . - ' pDWARD I'SBSTOH, iHrMfg iiH.r focimffni- nl J-(in toj I. Rfe tortT llMU is-joi 'f3 X. I1AHCOCK, 'fmrhrr "7i I'hirteHlirfe, Mm, Swrs Mrssts, Wast, Bfi'.ViV. Ni'ss-j rii.,,.,,i,.i ,,,.. ...Monnsul.t'. Himihsn. M, is Cm li. ijj-i t M. WIIITNRY, M, )!.!). B. flflllrlf Itflllf I'dll1 li-ei(, HoStiiuve II I Otoe in ftrsr s HW, ronwr Hml ami rrt stmts cmmitts- on lltsl Siftt notrt IONATIIAN AUSTIN, .tttnrtrff rtMif rrtHMitr til ilr, lliif trn lo lille .li-AitntlffiliKMlfill', No. it f,m WAit htaimT . ... Honosvio tl-ar j NO. A, 1IASS1N0UU, ."tleiil l hihr .IthnolrUtltOnnilf I" 'hm lmrt fw Isil'tir. iNTaama Orrun , Itcmnii'ti tti-a JOHN II. t'ATY, .yhirtf rMfc ttiof rrtiiftfi fhrttlt for iht Htatsi f Cahfomla and Naw YL Ollko at lha Itanl. tf Hishop ft Co. UnMat nut. (Um II I iit-i D I' ORAV, M. O , I'll isiir,i, ,1 vii s(f;fj;;n, Cfte, iwsl Hoist to th llimohllu Ubfltry 9 to lu A. SI In aw. II Orrus Hot 1 rto ir u ..,-.. 2, .n. , RfSIORNCE.w. Kiou and funsscala St. !( 5 DOt.H. rViMHarfor ,if fttp illnt .NVtor VtthUCt ovnea, N,-- it Kash. wakp Sraaar.. Hukolusv vxr R. CASTI.U, -Irfnrnrr if I aw it tut .of,ftj I'tiltUr. No. 1, MracHAMT STKBRT, ..,.UOHOLLLU Attend alt the Count of the Kincdont io-t6l business Citi'iie. A t SMITH, FitifHtrlir fin.! trntrr In tllnttnirft Mrrhlrtt Mrer-Z'nreit llino, llrttckftl, I tint-. No. R) Fost SrsaBT Honolulu Kins' ' Comlunauon ipMUds and Eytelasie, Lastni VSirs War, fanci Jma, Ihcture r rabies, V ottttthottn P,K.Lel Cutlery, it. 1 Uvuc's HUtKl ms CUrVt bpool LoOmii, Mjctiinc -Oik alt kinds of Msclune Nvwlles, "Oomestis ' lapr racoons. Sole acnl of the a.iocnwll) ai.knowleJ,;sil Ufhl. untune. t)oietic Semng M,c)ili-e 2i-tui A S. CLCGHORH & Cj. iMjmrtrr nii Otwi in ilrnrml lrr- ettuntttic. Corner Queen anj Kal,iifnnii Strci, Hanoluht 3lfr-36l A SHEPARU, WutcU ropiilrlu xutilo u Spoclnlltj. VII ordtr from the otht 1 uds promptly attKlsl to. No. Hi Hoiu. iritieT. HosoLttu, II I. A W. PEIRCE & Lo. ClmmtlrrM ttmt L'att,mtMlut Jtrr flutttt. No i$yt.s' St HoNuLtrU-. AgDi ior llranJ Guu -ml Itomb loikci and Per ry lavu Im Ki)lr. io-si A LLEN A ROBINSON, rtWrr in Itumbrrnmtttlt Umi of Itnil.t iity UnttriulM, f.iit,lUt, .ttl.rtc., Na 44 jKfcEM iTRRKT Hf.SOLtLU. II I. ACKNT1 OP SCIfQONKt HaJe&kiiJL, KuUmnnu, KeWiuluohl. Mry Ellen, UiUina, Pauahl and Lealil, t RolnawW Wharf iio-a4i O1SH0P A CO, OAOacers lloSOUCLU, IUWAUAN IH.AND4. Draw Uuikabftc o THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA, SN FRANCISCO. d (pHelr AfMf M eVKW YORK. HOiTON, HQNC KONG Mf4-.,V M ROrnCHII,lH-SONS, I-ONDON TVtCOMWRJtClAL RANKLVQ LO OK IYDNKV. LONDON. TVtXJMMBHCLVL IWNKINC Ca. CFiYONLy SYOMT Tat RctN'M OF NRW ZRALANU: AUCKLA.VD, CIIRIffrgiURCII. A.VO WRLLlNOTO.t IrME BANK OF MI'lUI COLUMH1A, VICTORIA C AND PORTLAND. OR. 7wvm. rf Ghh1 BmM Butinm CUREWDR & COMPANY. tfHaW J inrttl Mreinti'mtU4t QammtttioH Junt C laaas. K. it mil sal jmm. sr-. araaasaat tat taatat , aajauaajar aajt&aatal. riaaaBH la.Za-TTTsLiitWT' tt-mt ( - ItUSTACX. itusMsn stta aasaei aa J IIAfe4lM,lf fINii Ittiilt OrMff '" Kl ""' UaaUaaHt. yaaaja. Iaaeasiaa aaataaattaat, aaaalia, ai abas. ttal I f"1 c COLaiMAN , V-rfi ' lilj,i.,yl, Jrueaiwi.l. fiarWaf. irrt -"" ' ,41. i .itoiiitoo Ulstrbo. A" K. WILLIAM!. IstmarM m DhaiM tft I ftriiVTir of tlttr ..rrfr.liiii, Vflmtttfrtr nntl JlrthrtHMirr. Pumflur. Wimw fe, 111 fan Sir Wel Nail at iM trams on ll.xtl mi AH wtd prmxytlf atrtiaitn ia. tft GCKKRAL Mi:RCUANO!SI. AKmi ftw ltn tlttcNcvtli ft Ctmiptiy'i lUm(tm 11H .!IIWf 1 MID .Ml. IUHMWA, W, ltnUt(nt, m tlln l'Ui.lMl(Mi. V tf Smith A GmtMnt, Kola-t, Ktti If Smilh K Lt f a? Atsssfttlflf. M-.Vu, MaiiI IUrmImi HnitiAiiim rm f limwi i-K 1 nwirntw? uomirimf r nltiji. t ).... TMilten liinfiiMiiii C'stttMnv of Itomon t), M, Wswr-tfl' IS-trtt CtiMiifttfdt Maffihi't 11m .Vtw Ytwk kifl Htmoliilti iVrVt I m Ihv SltrchAW'i I.iii. HhmImUi nl Sn I'tAnrltco tr Jnytwi I ton . I lWrtf Mrilicuii Wit A (UWt Slhw Mtituftrfimtittt ComAriv TI A Hm Setn,T lt li)n I !- i E P. ARAMS, .1 HrH'itirr inn fiMMKifwan Itcrrtutnt, No, ,(. (Jit t km Stiisur, IIpnoiI'I i E n. uoppsciiLAnonu & Co MriffY,' itittt itititttlwMlnt tfsrr(ft ,(, No it tji tr." smitr.....HnotU)i; Omiu. II I pn C. WOWIt, Itimnc ami iffn I'lthtlr VaTKH llANCiMK, ric , Nrt. iof Kim SrmiET llttNUI I I X. E HALL A SON ( imiicti) istmaTass aso oicsiths is tlimlirili-f triirr,i .terri,iin,r, COrnsr or King ami Koar Stsfkts, Honoluih arrtcHas WUIUmW I tail lret lent and Manager L. C. Abtts .Srrrlar an.l lrriuifr V 1'. Allen. . Altililiir t)irelor IIioiwas av, 1'. O lute -s6to? P A. SCHAnPUR . Lo. tmjmrtrr mttt CtntntMhn rrrfn, No o Mbrwiaht SrHRKT . IIONOlUtt' is-t5i p II URDING. IJjtrf (lit. Iirttjftnttt, Office, No. 81 Kliiff Slrtrt. RfiidfnCs'. No 47 Pnnchbjwl Stcret Honottil.t, OaIiu, II. I, IVIajtit, I(.kAi;f, aittl Ibs-saje JfltemI Iti ami from all iKiritnf Hotwlulu anil vicmuy Lttreful i itntiou iiaut to moin Furniture, with WAGONS LXrKRSSLY I'OR Till. PURPOSC Olice TlchorMi So, 66 IlsfU'W IdcpI'lOtie No QO, IJJ-JiJO PRANK GRRT2, ;( fin.f hortnttrt. UMta tutu 3iwe made to Urjer i i"" ""j iwai fluent . IIU1Ui,s.s.s. U W M.CPAR1AVB, II R. MAirARLANK. Gw .!ACf ARLANE A CO. Importm-s, Couiniiitnlou Mnrohautw 11 ml Sut;nr Fuotcim I'tre prswf UailJin Queen trect, llonululu. AGkNrt FOR I'uuloa Sheen Ranch Co. Hawaii. J. lottfor J6 Oo Siem I'Jo and 1'oruMe Tr-vmwAj Mirrlcji. Watn sVCoi Suzar Machiner. Calawitw klw;ow and Huitotulu Line of 1'Ca.ett, L.lveroiI una J Iwrwlulu Line of Facketi, Lo iJotl uml Wunolutu Liue of hitumerL att I- ire OtTice f Londoti, 43-39 TJ HACKFELD& Lo. Hnnrrnt Cotnmllim .iyrutt COK. FflKt AND Qt,KKV StKKKr HOXOLILl 3IO-3Q1 LJOLLISTER 6t Co. II liotrsulv nntl ttttttil ItrnitftMtM nmt lo I'ltrrnnlnlM, No. j9, Nuuanu Sr.KBT , ato-261 Honolulu rjopiJ a co., NO 74 KlNU SrisLKT llOhOLLLt trtolterm, lirupm nmt Itenter In nit A fill uf t'nrnttnrv Telephone Na 14 j 3-37j TJYMAN BROTHERS, tmort?r of Uenrrnt Jtrrrlutmllte from I'm nee, I'nytnml, tier ma ny nmt the Ifnltrtt Mutri. SO it QLKC bTBBKT .. . HONOLUIt H YMAN BROTHERS, Cotnmttiton Mereltnnta Nn ao6 Fhont SrKtT. tio-6t San 1-RANciu.t) TJ E. McINTYRE A BROTHER, tlrutery nmt I'eeil btore Con. KtSG anu FoT bt HriMOLVLU 1T0N0LULU IRON WORKS Co., .Steam KnulntM, it at term t .Snjar JlttU, tHlera, Iron, llrn$nmt Lemt Cntiny Hokux-lu . , 1 MaaUatry d evary 44uir4m made to order, ftartkltW aUc44m pakt ta Ship's UUcV.muhing, m waft aastMttti tM ihm ahnriert rKXiCt tloa4l IHO. O. POWl.BR i Co., LKKUS, ENGLAND, Irs rui-f.l la furnltlt J'Jnm ilml K. tMill.t fur .iff. el POUTAULB TRtMVAYS, Wkk K Hbau Cut nj Luuwnonvn, SptcUlly ADAPlitt) OK SUGAR PLAKTATIONb, fsawiaajll Ki1vs(l taJ liMinstilret aaj tars, T'sc uaa ladnai ) ftiMj UiowMitbtt, Ssara aaaiaa aad UtliiswUaf llWue, Ivi- IW.TRcirARUsKei " AstMttta la. K a Oa tit-it. 1 W. QIRVIN, VmukIiiI.s Jlwrthnnt ami O.N.rul I 1m itivt'eNi., Vsaasu. btai ...... Ml tiattiJia!: M4iar JOHN T. WATERHOUSU, Jm.vri'- umJ lttutr in (Itnirat Wr rAtHHiiaav Nu 11 i Hmtif HoiM-cn le-tfti ' T M. OAT, J H., A CO && llntanii' II 11 ,LA 4 ibtiri Norr, tlttf ;;is-r ntut shrrt trttn M P'ti'j if nil tftfc llttb-rV MMh tn mt , hnt fttmij. Ihf JflMiUa chMftfftUtMi, Ult. eh I AINU A Co, f,OrflMfs't1M Urt-rtuiHtM, mmfrt ft0 ilfnlm tn lUy, Omtn unit Citntial 1'rtnl'tr. UnHiUtli . . ., .1 I j in fii I UWUUS A CUUKU, (?ntHtnfl l.hwiiM A I)i;khin,) hjtttpnrlfir ttmt ftviJVr tn t,tnntitr nmt uU HtMir fiiiifriM .irtirrrmr. am-ttti L .MII.O Itmtrr In ttrn thl', Ittrr, tm, Mitt, ttmt tt'tineft (Jmiiej, ItntM, IfKlff It mt sltnr, Itrnttt Vrrtt nml I tottr. ("'iifrt flMi' totntrftt .Mm. irnrirlnr if Ht AI)I Slianr I'lttiildlloti hi Katictul.e, Kixttiiit Wmiin, I wa.flml llffb. Cliff. Nt'l AN I AN U LllAri WH Si .... llttNOtt I 11 r vons a i.nvKY, .tnrtlanrr! nml t'nmintmmlm, Mrtfhnttt, COKNff ViiKT AS It IjUPKN StKI-Ktf, HuNUlUIU. Sftifcr I'tirnilnrr, HiotV, Urul I.Ktalp otnl Onertil frclntulie pminptl) Allriitlctl tn, S)! Atfenin for MnrnrAit anil Mini) run iiietch.tii.aa i i i.vtiNU, JJ-Jll I I J. I fivnv wr Phillips a Co. tmimrtrm timl l.Jtntrniitr Itrtttrr In f loth- futft limit m, Shurn, tlntf, ffrn - ithttntt 1lunli t'nnrif Howl, lite. N ioKamm mani SrsmtT HitNotuu mo-aft i TWT W McCIIUSNRY A SON, ' Omum in . Wfi rtttftrr, IHtlr. Intltnr ami Cntittilinn U Aftfui for tli tto)nl Sutip (.nmptifi NV jAl Ni 4 Qi mtw SrnniT HnNi4kJui JTIK S VIs' C.U1NUAUM A Co tini-mtr ami it lintt.ttr lifittrr In ). rtat )lrirtioniltMf, MAKflhS UltK.k .QlICKM STHttRT 1 IftNtlt til V TVyt S GRINUAUM & Co. t'ortritnltiiff mi'f l"i tn fjtWnti Mrreftttnttt. No. 914 Calipohnia Sr Sin I-nancico pecUl facilities fur and ruint uUr ntletition (mtd tu conieninent of ularul tirmluce. ito-sAi pACIPIC HARDWARE CO imnortfr ttmt ttrnlri In llttnhrarr, Cut Ifrfit I tint irt I'jiitt aniOtU, and General Mercliandie, No 74 AND , I'OHT SrKHKT HltNOIt.ll O J. LEVEY & CO , II AofVji't nmt liitntf drueem. .so. 93 1-onT bTRPKT .. Honolulu r resh rocrrie anI provuiont o( all kind on hand and rciciica rcKutariy irom and America uiucn will U Hold at the lowest market rale. Good delnrrcl toani nart cf the cilv free of crianre, 0ndonlent aolicncd and proniit attention will In Qtven to the name 116-967 nUll WESTERN AND HAWAIIAN IN X vestment Company (limited.) Mouey loaned for Ions or hort period on approved wcurny Appl t W L GKKLN, O fice Heaver Illock, Fort 1 Manager 44-9S nniiEO. II. DAVIES A Co. (Latk I 4NI0N, Gkekn A Co ) , tmjutrtrr unit " mini fax fti Mrrrhnnt No, 4 KtAiiVMANT St Honolulu At.hNTS PUM Lt)dand the Liverjtool Underwriter, Uniuh and Voieijn Maiine Inuiunce Cuinpanj, and Northern Aaturaiue Company 310361 nniios. G. THRUM, iMPOttTlSO AND MaUFACTIR1NG s.iloMtT, ls H'lter, l'i inter, ttouh blmtet, tc. And publisher of the HiHaiUn Almanac and Annual Dealer In Fine Stationery, I tool,, Muic, Io and rant.) Godft. Fort Sirkkt. Near llnTfci-, . Honolulu 241-361 r, wesr, 11. m uow, , W MALPANLAhE, W1 EST, DOW A CO , Importer ttmt Deat-r In nit Ktmtm of Mnie, i'niiry nmt ttntnent tlooitn. Furniture of all kind. Sewing Machine, Mirrors. I'aintlnst, Lhromut and lo. Ptcture frames and Cornices 10 order Mownjj and repairing I urniture apeclaht. No. toj FokT Strkkt., , IIonoiuiu AXTILLIAM McCANDLESS tirnler in Cioteent tleef, nlf Mntton, Kte. No. 6 Qukbn Strkkt, Tisii Mar-bt. Family and Shipping orders carefully attended to, Uve block furnished Jo Vessels at short notice. Vegetables of all Linds supplied to order. rELsniohK . No, tit. 58 K3 Insurance loticcc. B OSTON BOARD OP UNDERWRITERS. C Z?K'H',A !- Cc. Agents for the Hawaiian Island. to-?6i B RITISH FOREIGN MARINE 1NSUR. avnet Company, (Limited) THKO. A PAt'SS, AC EXT. The above a sect has received liutructtona tu re duce the tales of Insurance between Honolulu anl Cons In the Pacific, ami It now prepared to Issue poll cles, at the low t rates, with a special reduction 01) freight per steamer. tut-ttt DREMEN BOARO OP UNDERWRITERS. F A.SaAA'fi&K&C Aftmt AI110 a rents for the Dresden Board of Underwriters, Vienna Board of Underwriter. For the Hawaiian Islands. 110361 L70RTUNA GENERAL INSURANCE COM- 1 pany ot Uertln, F A SCHARfiRX 6- C.. AGHXTS. The above Insurance Lorn; npany, hat stabushe4 a the uiadcrsignexl. General General Agny here, ana Agebia, are auUtorued to Use risks egauast the dangers Uthe Seas at I be nuM raAscanaUe tales athl 00 the mgHUvvrawe ttruis. iio-6i GERMAN LLOYD MARINE INSURANCE Couituuvof Ueilin F A ,t7MJA V C, AGISTS. Tlie above lMrant,e LoMsny havs est sUihi a Getv el Ageswr hwe, d & alwvefued, General Agents, MeaiMlKinatMi intake Hi agaitut tKa dangers avf the SeasM tlHMakM reasaMUlite laUics, anjon the moa fa. tceaUeimav aio-eei HAMBURIVMAGDROURG PIKE INSUR. sauce Company tf Hamburg. A JAKutiX.AGXX-r lteU.rtg, fJbarUMe, Furnt ue aa4 Machinery lasuret (UaH ll tMlhe Mia I UvKabli lerm. rrrti isy-efei HAMUURO.BRUUEN PIKE INSURANCE Cotnaejiy. A A XHAt&K V C. AGXNTS. I'M etove 6m lat Ueaj epgLittii agmti ibjt WMJfl. PfBl tfwii liaW 4um4 M ea laa a4 Q4V WeUtojs ud sm JaJt'r-4.4- .-. uUitesa. tja th siuiaa laituisUa lsrstu f aat ksAftiasuUjs J ftff l tiear srfUe lel OH III 0I1IIMAN I'IKtt iNbUIIANCIt Cnmpaity nl I lamtitiraT, y tf ffL AAA If & Lm , (tA'V7".l rjfil.l -ml ,s--fvf lUI'K.mtil (Am4lblt M tiMurnri' C'm(srtt, " , HAL Kfhl It ,V t. , Al,H vr.t Isa.'m H,""" li"?, ). a m in niwiTP inpwnjr. lor it 1 1 wi i tn twsltsil ittjtir utm irffiMrMi tt inntf lift i mn, rnim w. M'Titt4,i rn IVmluf Mi.litiify( fit,, lrt Khmf mI HiVAttU. antl tU In tt h(W, my-itiM Um y flag Itftt 'in ib mii fstmrttl itm Wa. io-i psJltWKN(H.AHI) MUTUAL LflMttNMUK (JSfftt A fJM'A. AGR,Vn r n finp iNArrit iUji The oIitcAt I'.irc.jr Mutual Life limurnuce Compnny hi the United StAtcs. VnllrlfB lnnritun fiHtnfff rnttttithlH letmt LotlCt pat I it tllMMI.Il Honolulu AtftlCVi 49 Hi lAl PHILAHULPHIA UOAIU) OP UHDItU wtllrfi. t RKhM'Mt M f'0 Aafnti for tli IUwnIIam IiUndt. s-6i TKANS'ATLANriC IMIM1 INKUUANCR CotUiAity of Haiinljutif, HACKhUM V tV, Attntt CaiHA. RMil Urtrtv KrUltttnitk t,(t.iai. ' tli-tr Ke liiu.'m om(mn,e-t " iol,r))i,ca. lotnl Itflditniark io7,((jri,rii Hip srnt nf lli tn (,tnpnyt ftir itts, IUhmIIah labntti. At- irarril In Injure llmMitigt, I urnilurri MfrO'iMia -ml I'rtMlniti, Mflclnurry. nc, lao Snnr nmt Kke Mill, Ami veil In tli ImtUir aAtttt iii Uf iiiiii.r iiy lire nn tut mu lavuraiiia irirn lii-J4i T Hit LIVRRPOOL AND LONDON AND Glou liiinraiifp Coiiipanv, ..SVO'cV Ce., AOKX.S VrAMfttlRI) tSjA. VnllmUm'l I ItthltUif to ttrtlntttm. Aftietl $Jl,jn,lon WriPtvt 6,7,wjri INI IIMK MlN 1879 Premium received aftrr drductioti of if ItHiirAMCft $ S,jSi,a) U)4oe ,rctnill) Adjusted and paid here j ... l.rrilUN MAKINH I NSU RANCH COMPANY LU i7s' 0' San Pranclico fiSrhi ssWfWWA 447AA7.. InuufiKirti) jKyt aia-961 ,VT lW- ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE Xyi Insurance Coiupnuy of lloston. Mass. 'JfA IM rtHHOKATKI) H)S Artt tnnmttf tttf fVVf, urmltj $t7, OtOt1HHI Pollers Ittuetl on (lie molt favorable termi, bfolutely Non-Foifeltable aflrr Two Paymenti tnd PXAMILR OP NOW-POKPRITUftP MAN . Inttired aie $ jear to years Lndowment Plan fvr $5000 I initffi I'rrtntntH Jt',M ?.?" N L'sh Surr Vie I'd nip In At the end of the ad Year $ Bo 85 $ 545 3d " 46a 70 640 4th " 6fj i 1,130 Sth " Bji 85 1,415 6th " .o9 00 ',oqs 7U1 " 1,135 5 I 97o ft.h !. .45o75 .3S gill 1 6705 t.juo toth t 911 65 a,755 Mill ' .I57 0 3005 litli a.4i5 4$ 3So 13th M 1,685 00 3 4H4 14th " . 1,967 70 3,710 IS'Ji 3.63 9 3.915 ,6 3 573 35 4.165 17th ' 3 0-3 15 4,380 t8th ' 4,4a 51 4.59 19th 4.61370 4.B00 otli " 5000.00 5.000 Th? second and sul)et-pint rremmms are likely lo be reduced by fiurtatme annua) Attributions of tur flu$ taT Applications can be had of , and full Informal ton will be given by the Aienis, 356-167 CAST.! aV COOKh foreign bbcctbcmcnts. HARLES BREWER ot Lo. j; Kilhv Strrrt, UtnroN, Atli:.TS OF UAWAIiAX fACKKlS. 3entil Contmtimiun Auntmt bpecial attention gum to the purctuiinf of goods for urn Hawaiian trade, rreient at lowet rates. 110-167 TJ W. SEVERANCE, 116 California St., Cal.,(Koom No. 4.) IIAH'AIIAX tO.V.Vf, .f- COMMISSI, Wrrehnnt, 115-166 HEALD-S BUSINESS COLLECC, 24 Post 8L S. F. Send for Circular, Ilia Full Hi in ess Coursk IncltHes Single and t-fuuiric i.iurjr iHAJK.krcpiDir. as aipneu to all uepart memi of bustneu, (JommcrcUt Arithmetic; H u sines- rcnmansnip, .Mercantile uw; iiusinesa tcrepon1 eiK'C Lectures on Ijiw, Business Forms, and the Science of Accounts; Actual Huvncts Practice In nuleaie anU Ketatl .Metxhandistng, Lommtsslon, Jobbing, Import Ins. Railroading, Lxprcss business, llrtvlverae, and llantlnt;; Knaluh HrarKhci, Iticludms keadintr. 'ellimr. (traniijiar. eit . Drassintr; anil MsKlern lnjtuats, cnnsistinjC of practical instruction in ikiiv" aiciiuit auu stuaivi. brttciAL llRArttcnes are Ornamental Penmanship, Higher Mathematics, Survtyinif, Navigation, Civil J-n-ginecring. Assaying, .Short-Hand, I ype U riling, 1 ele graph y, etc For full information address, k- r. ilKtUi&f.tK 130-181 Ban Fkacic, Cau (General bcrltfirmcnU. -SEOHGH LUCAS, CONTKAC10R and HUILDKK. STKAM I'l.AA'IXO Mll.l.S Klpittntttli, llnnttlttttt. iUnufsclur all knvlt of Moulding,, Bracket,, Window frames, Blind,, sashes and Doori and all kinds of wood-work finish. Turuliatf, scroll, anil baud aawlttir. AH U Ittiuot tiki,-, Xniurif.soi Tto iMiin, ORDKMS FKOairn.V AlTKMll'lt TO t,VII vs()kk r.HAKA.sritn fl Urs fMim tat Mti I J., I, tulicW.4. lJ-tI NUTK IIBAD8. LHTTHR I1BADS. Illl.t llt..llss.i.IAil.lll..M HbADi pMw4 t Of iu ty iKt fRLi rUal.MINC tOJlfANV 1fin1.1l 4tiiici'lifJcmciilo. M OMJHTKU CO., iMttt: rm An iim ud iff tin a rovytiti MiWuiiitXi,' Ml pHhVtifef. lOlli'lf Lrif A.h V4Md AMtitiWit A u leitivej lltll U attaf.-lwUdfitil tj Xt 1 hi nnt petfutrve In ihe wolld All of one iu..Im. (.101 Variety of odors I)U nr ff(fi, alio Oeilliilnltl Trti -, (all ilmjtfl and It-le) Hiiriflrnl Inalniiiiniite, Pht1ofxrnihfir AiippUra and the Urtal and liisMt tMinpUl UtxV uf DRUGS, CllliMICALi, PATENT MEDICINP.S. rr Irpl In tlt!t KlnRdoin. a Iftrafr invoice nf HASIIKI Mi:itir.ltUAXKA ,HVH1ti: dirrrt from r uropt, free from arwl itr dill Afimlt fnr PARKE DAVIS & GO'S Pharmaceutical Preparation. J. C- AYER Sc (CO'S Patent M.dlclu.t, Hortcford s Add Photpliates, Green's August Dower & Geriuan Syrup, Allcock Porous Plaster Co', VtirAy A Lanmao's FlorlJt Water Yrltis Ulttert. H OLLISTER & CO., ate sIm Proprietor, and Msttuf.i. ratluleit of the tclebnlcd Rheumatic I Inimf tit EUCALOFORM. Agents for W'm S. Kimball St Co' U(rnrf Vanity I'ttir, tobacco nntl Vtuatrtte t whiJi have ni rivals Ihe largest assurUueiil of PLUG TODACCO AND CIGARS IN THE KINGDOM, tWA' GINGRK Al.E fr S0DAWA7KX has alwa)i been recognized a the !( tn the market, OUR tllXGl.R ALU EXTRACT being manufactured from our own pnate formula In New York. AFRAIKI) WATERS in Patent or Cork. Sioppcreil bottles at desired. VHOI.LSLK A KK1AIL, 59 NUUANU T1 MKTAIL, Lot. IORT MI.UCUANI Sl-at MHi NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We talc pleasure in announcing that. In adUitlon to Out CuNPlLCTIOKKkV ANU CaI.II IllflNILSS, we will operionbAIUKDAV. APRIL ijib, an ICKCItHAM PARLOR Which hat bean rteaity fit ted up to meet lle reUir Bieots of our trade Our Ice cream will he tny U superior quality, made of genuine cream from the Wooulah Daimy with whom we bate arranetl to suptly us regular I v with pure cream, which, having (renuenlly itleti, enables us lo guarantee first : la aitkle, of Ue treai eual to that uvaaIc In any ot tlie Urge cities. The frtlluwing rarielies of III CsKam k4 Uk J bt lurnuieii at our ousmi.g, ana several otner vannieT, If our traJe will justify It lOi: CUKAM, VANILLA, CH VX GLVLr. I.KMON, CIIOCOUVIIL SlR.WMrKRVt flMPPLr IU1CH. w ORANGL AND SIHAWItbHJsV Partstf aypptied iMjr Jay estr) husWay, nu4 wUhing Ic Citan t SuoUay must leave (hair eider tM Saturday Ufurt 9 P M, whsta UI be iletarereJ teore MA, M. Suadar live cream wi.lbi Oalie4 M that they will ksep fight koatrs U 4 iW-alase omwII 1Mb llcAitg (a rtt-fiv ibse -f taiUk, paU'vuc in iU tme ot tMi iMsinetas. f4 rMuktuaj lltM for thif ber! favoraUtbe Uut we reeaaln, rsjtfi.Bj, MELLER & HALBE, 141-Mt Klu lmt Meiir tilnkm ISITINO CARPS. IIUSINHS.5 CAKOSI tf Mi.nt' S-KII a, U k.4 Kt wJ.i si ita r-KKtk r-UllllmllNU ICI OIIII.L Ctcucnil Jlbi)rrUinuciilo. pAarri.ll A COOKK, rflptt j it , If I Wi-lWl tlta Hi U ! ffc H it tit 11 t t(( inil Amicinruity.n iMiLi.Mi:rTN, L'smtUtma: bl ll.t tmthaHefJ I'.'U tMmml lhvnkhit ,' Ihe Mdlitie htsel l!.riii, ain) riirrul'g I low, hne Stel I'ltiwsell tlee-t1anl, Jr., Lulu vauirs, Dirt S'ft, alohn T)rtAre Oniitc I'lusve, I'Unlrrs ll ttt lb Im tnaLw, IHSSIONS Cr'M.IIIUlKIr CAM-. KNhM made In sifitera AtttV Shostti tuA NiJ (irdn I (;. (,nal Ilairow4, llom, ViAcs. Lliains, rente i hadu. Sugar Mill Hcqulrctnciiti. SUGAR HAGS, SUGAR KI2UH, CitmLeii-lmitl Coiil, Sprm Oil, Cylinder. Jjsru and Ks-rutvene Oil, Perfect Lubricators, I'lumtiatio, Al Iwny Grease, Ditt-tun's and h and J files, allsieeanil kinds. Sltdiii Pacltlnif, Hat and Hound India Itublw-r, Atlaslos and Soeu Sto"s, l-Iae rattinc, India Kub ler Hose, )t to jifKlt, 11p- and Louptings, Nuts aiwl Washers, linisli'd, Mailiiu Holts, all sties, Cold piesd 1'lai.Lsmith's, r ngineer aj (Urpenier'e lUnnnrrs, Ciin Lutteri, Winclfs B '-! I" 94 Inch, Anvils, Vices, 1 uh Scrare-r, Grinduones, Itest American liar I r on a 1 I lu)i lert, Huilders' llatdwarv, alt kinds ami M)le. Hub' buck's Paints ami Oils, raw ami boiled. Small Pnipls in Oil In Jarae vaili, Dr) Paints, Umber, Venetian, Red. Ochres, MetfclU.fti , Wlililp, Gtrrtirfn vindiw ass id siH, MantU K.e No. 1 and a Flour, No. t and a Rice, Crushed Sugar, China and Japan Teat, Mvat.ra rUm. Oelr..n. I ,l..a.v ""'l, wiaiiia, tiatiiiuii, buuiiu Finest Table Prulti from the Pactory Pure Enitliih &clce. Condemed Milk Cocoa, SPECIALTIES -The I'nf tte hrroMfne Oilf It ruton' t'en titfntnt Lining, 14 Inch, ItnMir Sjtrhitf ninl Lnnrtt Ilml, r just at hand, Lt lake Steam Pump Valves.I'ack Ing, &c Ulakij Roller Peed, Juice or Molaasei, Irrlgailnt; Ac Vacuum Pump Weston's Patent Centrifugals Complete, AIM) ON CONSIGN MR II T Ctaliforula Hay, llaile, Potatoes, Uaurl sannon, uams, AsbeMu luturelur Ik'ifcrs and Steam Pipes, verychtap, rvnii Viie and .Staples, Galvanized tcwftng SEWING MACHINES, Wiltoj and Gibb's Automatic; Singer Manofittuinig Company, Assorted: Kenm gtuii Lutnpai,). lmilr U'tlaon Alachlnes, the best asaotlinrnl lu b found, and at I tot torn Prices, New Goo by every arrival ftom EuglanJ, New ork and San Pranctscu. 1 New Trisotlott Enulur, H-bor jiowcr. Orders from the other Islands f.lle.1 at II M Kates am. Mtlh dispatch it) a4j OITY SHOEING SHOP, KOUTt-.Tlcr.HT, (Oi'i-osnt ionn O 3. Horse Shoeing in all its Branches IkKte tn the moM watknusuhie manner Racing & Trotting Shoos a cpecblty. Our Rate will be reasonable. The underlie tied having bosieht out the. btrst of Mr. James IkiAii it the alaovc sXcp, solKits a com I at ance of the liberal t-aiiwa j bestowed mi the Lie &i r Mr. J W MtDonaM received the hlehest Award and Diploma, for Mi Haj.i-oi.ida Shoe at the Hawaiian ,ihib.tUn for the year iHa. IV Horse takeu 10 ihebLep ami rcturMi al "short sottce when dsueL I V M( McDOVALU -iisVi 1 A I IV 112 V O C. No. 31 Tort St., Clcek BuUding, llsv. rt4iv4 . utfitiaiutMbt 1 iIa pet VAnamtal aiul Vliutil tted lut sll SuHll d uk. u roOKr.O UXSKKO MK.ll.. llltllM (realm llti tvtmtt. Milt, si.l lUlu, pr. diM.r ia esc 01 LaL. MmI tWwtaVobt a? t nl l iisirilit, nslter , this trtarly , t ttm l Ibv uf Iti. (Mai M tMJtl ta )M Mn. of IMS )ll IU. A mb, Uf U 71 ItW b. Ut U4. AUj, m UnritaM si I X hit 1 1 Kit, .. tU .1 , usual faf tlW Urt tliMlt U Hat-, Oat., Wheat, Corn, Ktu, Kits, WUchl, bKrnJ attw UJ MwttI Hlt. sJ tfflil.efwt f..i. . ny j yA MIMI tWr skims te tM I'arlae Ufa ln.ur.ata Ca. at Caltferisla. t,.tr-llKt MftflVI.K TUKMIONt. r miuuaf r f Iswas in ia. Hi. i uf CtUwaia Tsl-KfllONt ,N0 if ,,4-tfi i ''- 0