-7 HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN,. SATURD&Y, OCT. 12;i9'lS-, - y V A It :i . 111111 f I TO THE business man who will spare a few minutes of his ti,me to the photogra pher of today will please his entire family. His portrait produced by present day methods of photography will be an agreeable surprise it's done so quickly and cleverly. Make the appointment today. Ft10TOCCAPt2 DEtJTSTH ETAXGEUSCIf LUTH EMSCIIE (IIMIWE ZU ANZEIGK. Ilerr Tastor Euzelhardt wlrd Sonn lac. den 20ten Oktober. von Ilerrn Pastor I senberg waeh rend des Cottes dienstes von 11-12 Zhr Vormittags in sein Ami eineef uehrt werden. AlTe" Klrchenmitelieder sowlc Freunde der Kircbe' werden zu dieser 'Klrchdifeier heralichst elngeladen. ' Der ' Klrchenvorstand, ; . J.' F. HACKFKLD.: SteflveTtr. Vorsltzender und Kal. IVserlich Deutacher Konsul I. V. Railway Ties to Arrive in the Coates. The -American schooner A. F. Coates now on the way down to the Islands is bringing a full shipment of railway ties supplied at Eureka. The ; schooner Is due to arrive here within a few, days. . , - WANTED. White , woman to manage lodging house, rferrttory House," 646 S. King. 5365-3t First-class carpenter, at once. Apply Box Hotroluln. ; 5365-31 BOY WANTED. Intelligent, Bright boy. "Apply office of SUr-Bulletin, Alakea St. . .. : . . . 5365-tf - - -V- ROOM AND BOARD. Would like desirable couple to room and board in private family, no children. ' Large," cool room; good Jocanty;tncar car'Un.Kalnrnkl. Address rB.B.". this office. . : " 5365-6t' TV: ... I The Glenwood., 14?1 .Emma StTel. 1571. i Enaiows. suites' and single rooms. Beautiful groftndsr. f - C k : 4 K5365-6ril - 1 " ' : PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ARCHITECT, i TT Arthur Reynolds, Architect and A De signer. Office 51 1 Stangenwald Bldg. Tel. 2153. Residences" a specialty. k-53G5-lm ; ANNOUNCEMENT. Mrs. George Turner has purchased Neumann property, 1054 King; Tel. 2272. Extensive improvements now being made. . . k-5365-6m TABLE, BOARD. J Vida Villa,. 1030 S. King; Tel." 11 445. Table board, weekly or monthly; single meals. Phone order for din ner parties. ' kfSStf-fim 1 NEW TODAY NOTICE. M. Kernardt and Edward H. Nagle being no longer in my employ, the public, and especially all my custom ers. ao warned against dealing with them or giving them any credit on my behalf. o3f:-lw MAX (JREENBAUGH. SPECIAL MEETING. A special meeting of the stockhold ers of the Honolulu Iava Brick Com pany, Limited, will lw held in the of fices of the Henry Waterhouse Trust Company, Limited, in Honolulu, Mon day, October 21. 1912. at 11 a. in., for the purpose of considering an issue of lionds in the sum of $75,000, to be secured by a first mortgage on the property of the company: and for the consideration of any other matters which may properly come before said inept ing. Dated, Honolulu, T. H.. Octoter 12, 1912. ALFRED L. CASTLE, Secretary. Honolulu Lava Brick Com- pany. Limited. 5365 OCt 12, 18, 19 WANTS COLLEGE OF HAWAII STUDENTS PLAN ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEAR G!cc Club to Be Organized. Athletics Will Prosper ThrQ Ynar A rreel mr of the Associated SMi - tlrnt Body of the College of Hawaii i.-i.i -. - i .. . .-ii I was neiu raeiuu ai uiai conea;e ion purpose (,i:eKijon8 of imiortance to the stu !!enis. The meeting was called to or I der at 12 m. by Edward Tracy, pres ident df the Student Cody. The first question taken up was in regard to the construction of eollece tennis courts to be built at the stu dents' expense. The question was, ,Ar-A onri anH t, n4minr cf a committee was left to the pres ident. The committee is to look into the matter of giving a play, all the pro ceeds of which will go to the con struction of the tennis courts. The second question was that of a (college, glee club1. The College of Hat (waii has recognized the fact that, as a college it should have college or ganizations, one of the most impoft- ! ant of which is the glee club. This was passed unanimously, and a com mittee will be appointed by Mr. Tracy for the purpose of canvassing mem bers and making other arrangements necessary. The next question was in regard to holdfng college picnics, and this mat ter was also referred to a committee to be appointed by Mr. Tracy. The fourth and last question was that of choosing a college pin. .Thi3 was- another matter Which the stu dents consider Very important The question was" passed .without a dis sentteff-vote and the" appointing or a committee to choose, a suitable de fgnvwas left to the president. . Mr. Tracy is to appoint all commit tees and the, names will be posted? at the -college-on; Monday1. M Athletics are ? beginning to take; hold on the' college and money Mill be supplied from certain college funds! ?th purpose of discussing several!3 recompense ir.ey imenu 10 mike( A . at. . . , . s . ...... Of Odds and Ends in All .,--y- v.-..;.. .. r -. - . - ; -..V All Goods Must Go. Watch Monday ONE LOT LADIES WHITE WASHABLE SKIRTS 75c EACH ONE LOT LADIES' DRESS SKlRfs, ASSORTED COLORS, ALL WOOL $1.95' EACH ONE LOT. READY-MADE 2-PIECE SLUTS .......50c SUIT ONE LOT LADIES' HOUSE WASHABLE DRESSES $1.25 EACH ONE LOT LADIES' FANCY HOSIERY, ALL COLORS 25c PAIR ONE. LOTsLADI ES' THOMPSON CORSETS v 25c EACH ONE LOT LADIES' UNDERVESTS 10c EACH ONE LOT LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS 35c EACH ONE LOT LADIES' BLACK SATEEN UNDERSKIRTS $1.25 EACH ONE LOT LADIES' SVrAJER AESTS, ALL WOOL 35c EACH ONE LOT LACES IN DIFFERENT VARIETIES 10c YARD ONE LOT CHILDREN'S COLORED DRESSES 95c EACH ONE LOT CHILDREN'S WINDSOR TIES 10c EACH ONE LOT BOYS' WASHABLE SUITS 75c SUIT ONE LOT MEN'S CLUB TIES 10c EACH ONE LOT RIBBONS IN ALL SHADES 5c YARD ONE LOT LAWNS AND BATISTES, ASSORTED COLORS 10c YARD ONE LOT NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS If 'PAIR ONE LOT DRESS GOODS REMNANTS AT LOW PRICES TO SUIT ALL ONE LOT CHILDREN'S H. & W. UNDERWAISTS 10q EACH Fort 'Mihn ,,"ls'r"di,m nf an aM,UMic j The roHepe expects to put out a fine track team in the spring, and is already preparing for It. rne stu disappointed t"18 vre sreauy niianpoimeu . . . . were greatly !hen they found they could not put 'nut n foothall tMm this vpar anil for " " - - - gooa on rne iracn. The reason the college will not have a team this year is on account of lack of material. If they had or ganized a football team they would have had to use outside material and this would have raised: no end of com- : f . a. . . a.. ins. so mey gae up me iaea. inougn noi wnnoui a greai aeai oi reluctance. i ne college 01 Hawaii nas oecome a very important institution nere. is rapidly growing, Doin in attena - ance and favor. Ten new students registered in the Freshman class this year. 1 nis maes a total attendance or neany one nunareo. siuaents mis year- . Professor Gilmore, president of the College of Hawaii, has left on a trip 10 me VAasi. 1 ins is ma urai vaca tion in several years. Professor Donaghho is taking Pro fessor Gilmore's place during the lat ler's absence. NEWCOMERS' CLUB T( MEET The Newcomers Ciub will hold TtS regular Sunday afternoon meeting to morrow at the Y. M. C. a. tfegfnning at four o'clock Andersons orchestra will give a musical program in the Icbby and following this the members of the club will adjourn to Cooke Jlafl wtere the regular discussion will take place under the" leadership of Ei. Towse. The" subject ' of the discus sion will be "The principles of Jesus." At fiverthlrty the. fellpwEhlp supper In the cafeteria will be held and all those- who care to'Teirrain for. It are Invited io'do so. u'-: : - - r Sale Commences Moimin Oct. at 8 a.m. and Hotel Streets " mm LAiJF GOVT. Now the heirs of the estate of Vie lete Judse li are soins to brave a scr.m i o - " r with the eovernment. RaMm tn Punahou land sold by the guardian of s ,in . irene li, uiiuur m is wiuiuui legal titJe according to .the-Dole decision. as mentioned Thursday, practically 5JI the rest of Makiki valely was bougat by the government The block n which -the Pleasanton Hotel and other rest nee properties mentioned yesterday are situated, be sides others not mentioned in that 1 e- lort, was section 2 of the original Ii trct Section 1 of the same land I commission award was hnuehi hv t'lp government for water purposesi Not ".'being all required for the water do- ; partment. the land has been in part goid for residence sites. Several lots were thus disposed of quite recently. j And no government is npto it3 neck jn e mess caused by the cktid of title revealed by Judge Dole arter an these years. 'The whole be ofvMakikf valley Is fn fact Involved, being an area of 174 acres of land. V FOUR LIBRARY TRUSTEES APPOINTED BY' GOVERNOR The Governor today appointed .thy four members or the board of trus tees of the- Library of Hawaif.v Vd? nominations were made seeral day? ago. They are C H. Atherttn. A. Lewis, J. IL Fisher, ajad P. L. Weaver. This completes the board, which prob ably will now be made self-perpetuating. No wireless message , has been , re ceived from the Qceanic liner Sierra up to noon hour today. The Sierra' li en rotite from San Francisco with on hqndredandflfteen , . cabjn .passengers for, Honolulu, Tho vessel "should rea,c,h, b.er Ing. - Departments ; 1 our Windows i4th ft 1 LCGISLfiTIOI! Governor Frearfs Hnds Full of Pressing Pufal'c Ques- : tions Wovv: Busied with a huge mass of affairs requiring" early attention, which pfled up while he .was occupied with tho Fisher investigation. Governor Frcax probably will not undertake any leg isiauve matters for some tune to come. These last-mentioned- also have attained formidable .size,- in piles of documents that . must be pe rused for general and detailed infor mation on innumerable subjects, be fore the coming Legislature begins its Sessions'. , Such questions as the probable re newal of the. Rapid Transit Co.'s? re quest for a new franchise, the separ ation of i the? city and county govern ment from the Territorial, and pro posals for new 'public improvemenls project aid'comiirtsslon,' will 'not bt considered by u the Executive at the present time, nor. &scussed a large; portion', or ma time jusx now is ' taken jUU the division: of ;the new loan fund amqng,., the present commissions' ' and Improvement"- pro jects, with, which the Governor is having his share of , troublo because practically every project is demand ing sums inexcess of the motmt3' originally 1 asked, and comprosises ransf W effected -which- will enable' Mm to stretch the fund so-tlratiaii may get .biuuu,. . - t .. ... . Having just completed the details of the y alahole -ater illcensei which is to Tber sold at public auction Novem ber H, ai high" noofi'on'the' steps ot the . Goye,rjtteiit ' 1 building, CroTtrior. Frear liext Monday, wili jake up the problem of .ih4 lCau 'water license, a mat!er of .equal JtoprjUtnre to the one just settled. This .new one cannot be decided QrckTjr and" he i 'says' it " may be some.,, time tbefore-tit!,:rwitt hi in proper shape fto present to . the board pf; land -3 amimlssidners'- for" final ad- 4udJcaiionvVnV-i''- Hr auu . tutu, cuunie,' cuuw me ap- poJntmen;;: chief of -which is that of the Superintendent of,. PUMIc Works. Th6' Governor declines to , give pub Iicly any intimation of his decision on this matter, while the name of .a new ps8ibilify" for the vacancy in, the apartment ij heard on the' streets al most every" day. . It Is, understood that recommendations for something like a score of men' have- been handed the Executive, leaving the. inference that dame rumor in each instance- has its source . with the personal V feacb ' cahQidate and LthaL, Its 0 appeal of ihei" retwmmed'atiiong Villi dhe Gov ernor - j $ V '. -t f Despite helproprietbr'aprotest and voluble explahationof. his ownL' Sab- LiOUORDFiLER ' batnKrayv - generosity; ' v.. in dlspefism : association work, will also speak. Tea beer gratia; to all comers at; his store wil be served after the service and ail at Waianae, the liquor, license com-f young women are invited to Ue'present mission' yesterday 1 aiiernoon aecraearwneiner a memper or tne asociauon to withdraw the licenser-or X amasati, who conducts a saloon in one build ing and a merchandise &l6teT in an other structure at. that ; town. The license is sHispended untfl the first of the new year.'- -1 Inspector t Fennell produced wlt nesses who testified that they ; had been able; to purchase beer in anant ties at ' Yanlasaki's , store on Sunday. The proprietor produced ft number of witnesses who - testified they had re ceived much liquor, from him on the Sabbath, but had t tejfen.it as a gift. One of these was Former ..Deputy Sheriff Chris Holt, who served In an official capacity about six years, ago. lie said he had never paid for beer obtained at the Japanese v store on Sunday,; and had seen many others drinking there, apparently . without paying for the privilege. He could not swear they dfd uoi pay for it eventually, however. . Sukimora, Yamasaki's store em ploye, sought to explain away the in cident of last August, when Inspector Fennell arresteds him and , bis em ployer after a special officer had pur chased and paid for brandy one Sun day at the store. A local bartender testified before the -commission that he frequently had bought liquor at the store on Sunday's. V Y. W. C . A. PLANS SOME CHANGES IN CONSTITUTION A change in the constitution of the Young Women's Christian Association vhich has been recommended will be submitted to tbe organization t a meeting of tbe members whieii is to be held next Tuesday evening, October 22. The general opinion of the members as to the adoption of this constitution be solicited, as it will be more m keep ing with that of the national board. At the annual meeting ot the assofla't tion on October' 26, the adoption will be voted on. r The regular "Sunday Vesper service will be held at the Homestead tomor- . . . , row afternoon, led by general secre- tary Miss Esther Erickson,' Airs. Deun Rockwell Wickes; who isvtn ,the city.v nA thn H ,ki, vh5hitoW er. route to China -as' a miiionarv, ar- j companied bjr her hnsband. uilt at- i tend the meeting anJ will iw a talk! upon tho suiijprt "Woman's Flare in i fctcial bervice. And Miss Esther An-1 derson. for several years national sec-1 being made in Hawaii.with the cas retary of the Y. W. C. A., who is on tllloa tree.. It Is estimated that sev- 'f hex way to the coast from' Australia ? where she has been . connected with CLOTH ' ' :" ; ; ) M v I -'fv )V-.-: ?Sj fiM-'- J' 'Y- SUBSCRIBE NOW AND; SAVE, MONEY THESE PRICES GOOD UNTI' OCTOBER All these offers are atf prfc j You will never buyjthem.aa cheaply tyou desire, send me your order and McCIure,, Kevlew of Reviews 1 and Everybody's; $3; , McCiure' with Eve. body's or Woman Home ConipanlonlJ McClure,wlttr Cos?iopolitaa Americaii oir Good Housekeeping, $1.85;. McClure's with Deliaeatorr $1.1 : McClure'r with . Cosmopolitan and American, $2.85 : McCInre'a ; and ' Yc -. Companion, C$2.85;3IcClure's, ' Everybody's and Cosmopolitan, , $3; II: Clare's, Everybody's and Delineator, $7.05; McClure's,' Review of RevieT ", American and Cosmopolitan $3.85r McClure's;. Everybody's,' WorlTs Wc. , $3.85;..'.McC1ure'8r'. Everybody's Review Amerlcan, $4rJIarper's...Weekly;:ot':MagazIne".wlti' McClure's, $4.35; Eve:- rbody's. McCiure' American: Review' of Reviews. $3r EverfSody's. vie:: friends of Home Comnanlon--Review of Rev laws. $3.20 : EverybddT's.: Good Hcv t keeping, , McClure's, $3j Everyoodys, Review of Reviews, Delineator, $3.: ; 'Everybody's .Woman's; Home Compainfcra, McClttre'tV views, i Cosfflbpolitah; $3J5; 'Everybody's, American, Review of Review:, A Magazine makes a very acceptable Christmas or Birthday Gift ; N B. Positively no order taken at these prices after October 2S, 1312. Get. my prices before you put a penny. In Sfagaiines. ,; I meet or t;t prices offered by n.uyt ageney or. publisher a7iyhere."4 Perfect serrice guar anteed. Subscriptions to starl any time.. New or renewal. Let. me have your, order Tnowi"1. --- y:.l K'l-'l- ' pflnn Snbscnptipn: Agency; PHONE 1774 HONOLULU. H. : or not. (RUBBER An article ou the Rubber Exposi tion, illustrated with cartoons, ap pears in the New York: Telegram of September 25" under the authorship of j Janet Barry. In a somewhat satirical reference to "British lions' at the show, the writer says i These Englishmen of business are 5LL LLJi I : t m ufZt utL . noon tea or an industrial exhibit until you came to the South and Central American sections or those of our own province of Hawaii. Here there 4 a vivacity and a sparkle that comes as a rf rhamm., ftr a mftf of water. All the restless represen tatives of the tropics want you to put your names in their gtrest books, and when you leave it is much after thJ manner of a nrineess who has con- slaves. These men of the Southern part of our hemisphere are fairly ef-jo those present were tbos given by fervascing with ernsiasra. They wear Charles A. Wong; of Harvard, and Kim the colors of their country in their. Tong Ho, of Wisconsin. They spoke coat .lapels and they are patriots with ; upon the problems of the Chinese, and the zeal and verve of a born Amer-Jit was heard that they bitterly." re ican. whether he be from the North , marked about the notorious elemnt of country, the South country or merely their countrymen. If these remarks a colony." . j acredited ihem are true, it is hoped The Automobile of September- 19 that they will be given support to devotes much space to the exhibition. . Urihg about a higher moral standard. Following are extracts from it: j 9 m ' - ',- "The Brazilian show occupies near Iy half of the Coor. Malaya. Ceylon. Hawaii and a score of other produc j Ipg sections are represented with mag- ( nificent exhibits." 1 Dr. Walter Strong- presides over ! the Hawaiian and Philippine exhibits. n.11 nun t. 11 .1 lanuii ri ia. vn oj 1 ia 111 c zm cent date, but it Is said 'that condi- tinn iH0ai for u n o nwoMh 1 nuns are lueai lur 11 in a OTiswerauw . . o a . . . t nianfpfJ n uwn r "rf Rinnan j3 KjmjIar in structure to the speci- rnrn, hrwn from f- Malara uritf it'- ion The form of ih nmrfirrt i riif. ferent, as the crepe' is. pressed into' bale-like Dackaees. . Exneriments areitence eral thousand acres could 'be: devoted to rubber culture -Ua - the Hawaiian ,Thc Grace and Good Form of "BENJAMIN CLOTHES" will r impress you at a'ghmcev but it takes weaf td de monstrate their v real worth . " : -; ". "BENJAMIN .CLOTHES" V owe thcir surpsr: ing and. exquisite finish to ' the 2c: that they are msdc ented . . design cr j , and taddrsV and in their own proper ly equipped worl: " rooms; 23 ONLY" - ces that can not be had' after October 1 again:.; If you do not ,flnd "the c! I win bill, you at the lowest rat 'of Revlews.wlth Costaopolitan c; $3.15r Every be J 7 r 4 P. 0. 0 OX archipelago. .. .. The climate c ;both of the Pacifle island territori: of the United States. Is suitable f rubber culture, but so far the resul attained are merely promises for f tare . performances. In Hawaii th' progresrhas been swifter thia'.U t. in the Philippines." - ; :; ' CHINESE TENDER BANQUET TO" COLLEGE GRADUATES A banquet, tendered to four of their mer-rorieagues who have recently on the mainland, was held last at a Chinatown restaurant by thirty c! tbe most; prominent Chinese 'clerks and young business men of the city. The banquet was the windnp of a Icr. list of entirtainments given during tt -past month since the return of "th" graduates. The affair was under tie Tom Ayoy. and i was a Jolly crowd that turned out to J 'show their admiration for their foraer ! schoolmates. . .;' ... ' c" s ,11 - JZ t Ts. ng lkf' dwelling largely on t-o f'ltare of the new RepubUo of China. K. II. Chuck, of Cornell, and Hong Ye : Cring, who leave on the Persia today for China, to cast helr, lot with tt : others who are working for the up building of that nation, spoke briefly. Two other talks of special inttVest Four men indicted by the recent federal grand jury and who pleaded guilty In the charges against them were sentenced by IT. S. District Judge demons this morning: Hung i Tai Chun, for perjury : before the ' . .1 : . . ttrtrA TTai on1 MWll i Thomas Onokea, for. a statutory; of , ,- . -. 1. , ? fense, wa3 senlenced to six months' i imprisonment and costs ; ; Joseph i Francis, for opium smuggling-. was .given one month and costs, and Seki, ifr sailing liqwr at retail .without a Moecial government license, was .fined $20o and ccts and given a 60-day sen- All petit jurors in .-federal court were excused thli - morning (oi tia term.