OCR Interpretation

Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-2010, November 16, 1912, 3:30 Edition, Image 14

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1912-11-16/ed-1/seq-14/

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The fixth cf the f erica of week-cf-thy tcaa It v brk for such imml-
; :r r.:; lir.r.3 vras teldln Cooke grants in Ecaltcrc.1 communities away
!. Ycur Men's Christian Assocla If.-ota centers cf population. Especially
. '.. ..:, !ir at twelve-thirty tb!s J Is this true t tea we consider that
rr.oea end was led ty Rev. W. JB. jrnuch that I dene for the immigrant
r.t v.-bo fpebe uren ithe subject. clers la the ray cf Eight schools, ''and
Arr.o.f; L-arr.Igrants." .Oa ac- other agencies, . iV. cone" by volunteer
I, . - ; j . lr.:
TO ri:
7 nTfpp
Pastor Russell,: wbo visited' Hono
lulu some mo nth s ago on hl3 world
tour, is the subject of a nct-too-fav-oratle
criticism sent out by the Re
ligious' News Bureau ef t New York
city.. The article says. In part: ;
Wn. T. Ellis, The-Religious Ram-
t cf tba larra number cf foreign- workers without salaries, who can : bier" and "editor afield of ihe Ccnti
f ti .3 Liter!.-.! class who come to.-rcrk.at the centers but who cannot ;nent. Presbyterian), la-reporting an
.i i u; .''-f tut
tie f
: fling was
f rr;-t t:r.:v ; . ' , Tcref-n y.lzzlzri Investiatica ;Ccm-
t.-cH at-1 :t fdlor-3 th:t It v. IU ta ft t!mr!-r r:!tt?e with poster Russell cf the
l ReT.;-lrilllaa If: GulIcVJ'whd ? ax
riv1 Ja lonol ul rx last Monday oa the
fcierra and who, lor the; past forty
years bas been engaged la, missionary
work ia Spain, comes to spend - the
wif.t er here with his brother. Rev.. O.
II.. GuIicX ana ; brings tome Exceed
In:!y lnterestr-g. stories.'of the mis
Eic; iry work in the country which
1x3 been hia field for. nearly half ,a
century. .. , r .; . ,
Vl!r,G click wasboni In theV Ha
waiian. Islands, and left Honolulu for
the United Ctates la.. fifty-three
yc-rs a3, 'intending to further bi3
education ia cae cf the eastern col
leges. It -was while oa the -mainland
C-t fc? tecrrra Interested, ia mlrsion
cr y. rcrX . an i a iew -years after h!3
arrival la the east be. was commis
sioned fcy the .American Ecard cf Ilis
tiens to ga to Epaia, and it Is ia .that
;r. c:
. m to Co r:mcthL-T for the i .i- ErorMyn ,Ti xrnac!3, tjTites la the country that he nas carried, ca hi:
t, ' ia part,X3 f:l- v.' ;tsi':? l.cra tt llcr.cluli llin Cgt.v.: ;i: .;,,-;;;-.v-:;''-. v.orl: ever Eince. . ..i .-', , - ,
flit '.:.: to tr ey ucome scnttercj I iv4srt cr tr.s ;.:
!1 vcCo for the'ir-I- cer the Terxilcry. And yet, two T-ting Ccr.itt3e cf th
Ih3 r.xrt cf ths 'lissions Investl-
e Interraticnnl
to cur thcrcs? T:.:3 i3ftMr3 rr.v.:t l2 terns in- mind;, r.rst, ji-xie Liu-nt3T Asscciaticn vrzi c::3
-i c!r:v.h;re, f:r V : t' ro lz a r: -arkatle cr'rlt cf tf ri-iat. a hr3 meeting in the New Ycrk
t: ; f- 1.-, r-u a r-- :r' : ne ca I.!arch 31, a ncctlr-
t ; :ve il e::: :c::i l.i l'A f rc.a .:izh many hundreds wera turn
. S c.:.a l;:.:r.::c.:t ays. ..TLIs away. ' Newspaper account- cf th!3
-veil f;r Ca Ir.tr: 2u:t!:a cf v.ere v,n:iy circulated cy t:; :r::...
:l tv.a c
:.' en t
r ::i::3 c!
.... 3 c : r... c
rr. I t? I:: '
: :. ..a c . i.err
: . t:.a frrr.i cf 1 ' : ir.::v!'
f I r' c::i c : -. : ra cf r" '"
! : ::! r:In- rr;-.:- f 'i :-
1 : v.:'; f c : i
- .?? : c ' -
cf tbs
i vvilh Ir-.rr.!;rat!:n
.'.3 r ;V f::. : 1 ?
-era a:: . :
TL3 I.-npreslcn iven ty th::a r
v.-.3 tr.r.t a cartful ccrarany cf repra
f -f ti ; zi rrv-!-rly ChrLl! n n:n
i I
:rmc:t re !.:3 c:
tl.3 r.....:-nary eai:rpri:3, L. 1 tzl
f:urd It rravely lacaing! T: 3 e:
sicn it; !! v.as t:ll:r nlt::::- thzn
in t:. ;
ir.enr t ever r :::
. : 3 Ly Cl.ri. ti.fi lay::
1 tv 3 ir.t:rv!3v,', "I fc
:1 c!
I a 1 fullar
' ' - - o r ' -
c ' I.-.
c :i t! 3 aver: ;3 r. r ;
: I '.z vril:: 3 are i :'A
1 t: :
:r cireu! " . cv:rr
cf czy ctl: - ll-,;r j
t ::i tL:
cf t:.3 - rltlrf
Arriving' la ,pala shortly f after
Queen I:etei:i" tad', teen ipe":i
from the thrcna by the revclullcn
r.-hie1: ft that time was just ccrnin
a a- ' , h,ves ccn??r.-""-7. era
rf t: - i.rt ' vane: Veal ra--;:--rr
ever : t - tlat country. Uni.r th:
rr.v rcc'""a tha pee:!a cr'ej-1 r;r
f::t frf ::n cf speech ani pr: c 1
ce" f :
ri: Vt
c . :r V
nrcs. '.
cf C.
r.an. r .
ti3 e
" p
: r:
after, a very Ehort, re! -a ho rer'rred.
VThe next king to com? ta the thrcne
was Alf onso XII, son cf Queen Isa
bella, 'w: 3 at that tlma va3 llvi. t in
exile Li Paris, and uni.r I.I3 re:rr H.,
religious ceniitiens were ,rerr.-vhr.t j
chnnej. Tha perfect; freele:a cf (
worship and rp-ee!i.Ws che":i toj
rc!!e!:n3 teleratiea with 'certain 'a-j
gree cf rretrieiien en mny ocra:' --5!
and la many plaees. However, unirrj
the reier.3 cf Alphcnea XII and Al-j
phenso XIII, the country he.3 enj:y-
ed practically complete religious frc3-'
dom.. , .-. '..;... . . "
The freedom of wcreh!? which tot;
exlets has teen, tha cavf a cf t'
tuiliing cf a larga numl:r cf I r -tertant
churches thrcv-Leut tv ? c: -try.
In cenneetion wila v. hi eh e"
sr all eys ; 'cstahl; " ' I.
Cw i3t iw cm crcr . 4 y t .
terVst cf the Prcte-tnr.t c."-;rr
Inclu'a.a larrja .nun:L:r c
fjxn Crt! -!!3 far-::: 1.
; TL3 c:u;.:i:.aai .f ia
c!r tv 3 af t cf t 3 :
tha Iff tea years faeli.i:
c! nr.er t taa C;
.1 u:v;:ar: ' a
- 1 . -.-
v- ...
til V I
i: -.
f: r
ti f
; .
trl.Tirata vrhxh ru!:
-urlrr. see'air a t::
1 r - j th 3 eev ral rc; al i .
. f ' Lar:: a, --After ' tha ' crcrr. ."7:
t:: a refu:;l ty a G:r- in :;; .:: u :i
thrcuga the iafluerea cf Eev. c ::::, "
-r. It ,wt3-finally re; V I r-'! : :t c : f
- 'f , a r:: r r:!:f :. : cf 1 ' : : !
r . : r. "':! cf It:.lj", Lut : ... , ;
7 -
; t: 1
: f
:; I..
f -
r r
I av :
c : t
I'zv. 5. r
A cf :: .:
C: t
i cr;
r; ; K;; f 3
, . i ....
cf t:.3 l::
.j ..i;:at3-v. rit:
n c
' : cr!:r ta mi:
3 r.
1. . . . - -1 - . . . . .
rt. ..3 v ..a
: c: tlx
: a
. t:.
c .
: c :
; Art L.
...... . j 1 V.
t. )
:. t "-
: : a ia t: :
t T,. . . T - -
rvi. 3 11 a. n. Cu:;':ct,
::.i;u cf J::v; C:::Lt." 1
v.;:.3 nra:;:j tL3 jaran:: a e
r -' rs T.-MI3 r t tea en route from
? C:..:.t to i: clulu. It ha3 teen
i to eel:
li a traveling eecre-
f r.lure cf l!.
, 1
tf c:i i.!l cf ti 3 ;-T.-K."Ir. teats la
cf . r to teach the Japanese passen-
the cu.t:-3 and .conditions cf
w country to which 'they are
rd.y r'-'.:3 ('-!:- for the first time.; V Tragedies
it-iy Li..cifc.j L-o.ctiL.ci" enacted among ! the
: :r r: t
1u: -y, tha ne
C 1
ra t:
i t:
pneeer -jers, ; and.'.'ns .-fhe
icr- cf these , passengers
rriacipal Eiud-.nre t!:e Japanese picture brid-s Euch a
; up.' Cn !':u-ff : . ry could ret enly prelect : the
IC.X at th ff - p. p--::r.gers 3o. a. large
:cse and Un ;.. at cf educat; .al work: AddI
f; nlsn - wen-oau!:- n ha3 fcer ir!: :3;to the.JTv.KK.
' Z nil the L tjl::.a andUts answer is being awaited.
r..l African . maazics! No doubt: the local Japanese asso
; :rs, ns vell rs a rood-'ciatian will, have a new building, and
j whn: thi'3'13 accomplished it . will; be
rork and cover
now able to
tien c i:a in csiaLiisr.mg a Jap-; do at Its present location.; ..v''f -
r.r.c: 3 I:.:. :::::.lica bureau ia eonnec-1 : o ... -V:.:'r.
tlca.with the cno crcrated by the com- IIOoIESTEAD YESPER SEKYICES
miltce at t!f A'xhca wharf, for : the -"":;'-:. ':.;J '.- , -.H f 'r'': .
trnefit cf tha J; ".ue:a . tourists and The regular Sunday vesper services
eruf grants ccu.iag Inio Ilcnclula cith- will be held atthe Homestead on King
or from the Tar Eat 01 f rem the street tomorrow afternoon atV4:30
CcaeL v" - 5 ' o'clock instead of 4 o'clock. tThe
The a: sociaticn, in cooperation with meeting will fceTed .br fdrs,' JJoney
V. 3. Hawaiian EcarcL La3; also takenjman, whorwlll give a" shorPtalk,- and
lLa ;:'v;:m cf th?.wcrhirthat can tlllss Haney wilj sing.
.... - - ua: 1Q13 '13 -accQiupasne
3 i f.lien cf Ceeretary Mat- alia to carry on more-oi
: r.eeetiate with the promo-. a larger scope thaa it U-
;, S r- :a. A :. : v c 3 cf
i -: r.3 ca'"Tha .::-:; cf
A;.ct "TI::u:ht: Tha Luild
:a le;::r.3 are frea to the
- : rt3 ' cf ' X2vr Thc-ght will
. 1. - 1 ...... .... . . J . ,.-.
: - ia::.t Net.- TI. :u:!.t aul!.:r3 ia'the
iif . ry at tha Ilerre, t3 wh::h v.a wel
cc:..3 alp visiters and iaveeli jetors.; A
cordial. Invitation is "extended to
. . 1 . .
' - -
Ifr: .
t: u
3 : : c
Ilyr: n-Arth
1 :-T - r
' V- ' I
-.v ' Chclr." . . . , .
Reserea "Give car. -unto ray r:
, , . , , r: r ' ' ' j
. 'n'-fi!"' p" "iTn
Uiw kM t . . Utli till 1
Acting cn Hha' eur-ftioa cf Dr.
Ccudder la. bis sermoa last Cuniey
evening that scooa crganiaatioa thculd
taha up fh matter cf urging for a
new charter for Honolulu, the execu
tive committee cf the Wen's League
of v .Central Unlaa Church. ba3 decided
to make that the subject cf their, eve
ning program at the fifth annual meet
ing cf the League which? will te held
la parish houseMonday 'evening, '.No-'
vemherS.f J' ; ' ...i ; ;'a
Governor 'Frear has accepted the
invitation of the Lea'gU'a to give the
c;enlng address, r .Other -prominent
rpeakers , : be asked to: express
their - views "upon - the subject, atter
w hichr inercrwilLba' opportunity" for la
General discuseienf 1 - ." -?'VW: T.Vf
,.It isthe, purpose, cf the corttnittee
xo issue a verjr general invitation,' ln.
cludlng many, who, are- not inemter3
o?4he Lcaguev In order that the'dis
cuxsloa of .tbis'1' important, question'
may be given'ja large hearing.-, llem
bers and invited guests will gather as
nsuar at vtix- o'clock - snp'per. - The
tuslneps 'li of - the evening will be
promptly ; disposed of in: order that
t mple time imay . be givea to; the ad
dresseSv f 'I 7v'"''.'i 'j f ,
. ; i o '' --f :
; -The' man , who 1 is too; lazy to work
aJwajsseeJilssa ;.pupUc.pffjcc,;.r,.
OrTf fry Ar!a:Ia,V.Frcni a II 0 .:
fC: t). '. .v. .:,.-.';. cui:--. ..t
- Orf.n. , f . . ..;
Evt -. ' ;l- .;: , :
Pre: ' : Tcecata in D m!nor.
Call To'T;::: "Evening T" - V ;
rot vc.ot:; K:.xgw;.;vv.....c: :Ir
Antl Te . 'Da: .1 , . v .,, . . c ueti
- , ' T f " f .. . . . '..' . ;
Solo for Tenor-"With Overflowing.
II e art . . ,, : Earnhy
Oretory Violin solo; !Ad agio Pa
- thellgusw . ?' ' Godartl
Jirs.-Ingills .--.y.w
Attt'em-'Cantate Domlnls", ,v Buck
' 1 m O .
ing valuable wcrh la the irt:r::t cf
navigation, according to Au'.h, Tho
object. to the expe:!ti:n 13 to correct
In some instances it tu3 teen ror?T
tained that there 13' an errcr cf varia
tion cf from 2Vj to d?"Tee3. 4
The Carnegie wilt proceed, to Ccro-
ner; thenca" thrcu:a the .vCtmits cf
Jiage'.ian to rcrt Ltanley In tha Couth
Thn f eaHoa f ffttrfviil TnAof- Atlantic, and after Etcnir.? nt rrr!i--s
. . All O V U Cfe OV1 iV V w V v w w , - - , m 1 k o
ings, conducted by: the six Japanese F-rt3 in "South America, she will cr-
churches : of ; Honolulu," was held- at
Aala Park, last night at which - Rev.
Qlrn n unCv of .ta& Japanese ..Makiki
Christian Church, "who recently return
ed from a, trip around the world, gave
the address,-oLtherevening-
These revivals, are: boing conducted
along the line with a worldwide move
ment among the Japanese .Christians, i
and Rev. Hori. pastor of the Japanese
Nuuanu Christian Church, is chairman
or the committee tn ; charge "of the lo
cal movemenkrtTner next" big meeting
will be held tonight at Thomas Square
and tomorrow flight at the "Asahl the
ater the third, and last will be con
ducted. 5 : f k-:-- , ., ; . -:'
rive at 'New York in June cr 'Ju'.y,
when a full report will be published.
-iMre,.Pete.rsJt.wfi of. th? ccnm?n.i"?
of the Carnegie,' also 'arrived on the
Aorangi. Mrs. Petera bad remained at
the nearest station to. whica the Veoool
was operating ever since the ; Carne
gie sailed from New .York forar -years
v,:.: .,!,' ' . O ; '
, The : lake steamer Cecilia was
thrown on the rocks . In-Lake ,;,St
Louis during a stora.' Sixteen people
were drowned
Lore. docsnT laugh ' ' at theff smith
v Cardinal Respighi, tlcar-general to
the Pcpe,; has resigned, believing him
self to- have been responsible for: tha
actions of a subordinate which .-: the
. . .
l- i
. . r-.r
v i . o
- k. - ...... J I .
fDrr cleasln? ofjlau!: r:r: :rl3
-:'f.r l 1 2;-:?. a:..: r. :
cr.:r :ta? sr; rt.
;;7 Kinr st; jo:i?; atmeie.-. Pro-
. -
y-':..: -v' . : r; rr-, . ;:
:-f :-:.-r-:' i-:i:...J:n'r: '.r ';:;-: '- --.'; r" ' :

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