OCR Interpretation

Honolulu star-bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1912-2010, November 18, 1912, 2:30 Edition, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82014682/1912-11-18/ed-1/seq-5/

What is OCR?

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little to the If It. A::s first toward
the reservoir and then en an cy:
trde nterins: the crcunds at the left ; I -
i JM
f.t :cs E. A. C:!v:rt Arrives to
WAILUKU. Mr- :, L' jr.. 15 .Miss H.
A. Calvert, the he::? mother for
Maunaolu arr; i ' ea the .last- boat
frcra the Coa.u 1 cra- to Maul to
day ty the Cla h.:a. Th.i i3 a new
poUtlc.V at- the L : :.A; ary erected by
; a. frkaJ In crJ ;r V. at the teachers
nfoht t' r Ilrve I fr i ro lc;-.;r hours
cn duty. The r.( v.- ; :. :i!oa means
v. hit It Imp!', a.
rare cf the eh"'
-the entire
; ; a mather in
r hr own 'eh!!-
a her.
tlrf n. '
very l
h:.:s I
in tho
arh a rccl'Jon
thry believe
!y. fartur.ate
1' :".;-"ry
i ; r:.ve 1 dar-
...... V ,
Jr.- t.
t rr
c . . :r liair vers .
v 4)w.r l 4 . .. , .,...
C;:.ir r.ff C:a::, ;:.C3 ta C2.73
Chvcr Hsr.d f.'irrcrs ........
............... t2.73 to
Cilver Talcum Hctdsrs, oval
Ciiver Ca2p Coxes, round, ' 3.5 3
C:iver C sp Ccxes, oval C3.75
Thoso ;ools-c(no in many bonutifui patterns and 'make- t pi cabins' 'aiidVpsefni- 'igift. vh--
'. - .' A-v,v:. . . - - - V,-,;-- -',: " -h' i-'-
h A h. . :, - .- " '; ;' viw w wi i O it si ---.w- jill :" ; i.'. V-'hh'wf:' '-A"-'-:::': iV'A--- Th-.
Principal, MIjs Era L.Ueusnery to
rr.ake the entrance beautiful with well
planned shrubbery. The old fence has
teen repaired..-; . .A. vAha-;
Tbe new electric llahtins Dlant for
Maui AsrlccHure company will it-pply
the Seminary with electric Ihts. The
wirlns will be tejrun ccx The elec
trie fixtures are teins picked out now,
bo that In a lew. nicaths when the new
plant Is. In manias order,. the whole
of the institution will be as well light
ed as any tuihllng In. the Territory.
Tfce Eulcb nov made usa cf ty the Central Union : Church last niht vhere
Maul Agricultural ccmrany for theirja lare crowd had r-thcred to listen
phint telenss to the Cen:!aary. In lieu
cf usins it for the rev,- r-T'e'-the
Guar company has arranged to give
the Seminary, electric lights. -
ro r: t:ii: C0Lri::h, ' v
rcr forencrs cf the nu-clc3, wheth
er ir. iuccd by violent cxereire cr in
jury, tl ere is r.cih'.r.T tettrr , than
C! ; .Lrriain's Pala Lain. - Thi3 ; llr.l
n. :r.t :.so relieves rheumatic pals.
rcr tale by all 'dealers. V. r.:o:i,
r !:h I- Co., Ltd., cRts for Hawaii.
Jverth-cmcat. , ,
.Val-' is to 1 v,
' i t' - t f .::y
-.: t C ). , Thrre will r
? ) c:u:hc;::e end a tr;
' !1 f!;!l. "
C: ': r f "rr;r; .. ;!vj
. c....rsr.t patt;rr.3 v
.......... Cach per set
c'Lvnn c. .i.wi'iC r.iin..crjs
;. Cn elands with tread base,:
' 'adjustable, , hsdacsnefy, en-
: grayed, 4 ttylis . . . . . ....
,S.....;3.75, C3.JJ,-;3.75,-121.75
::'i7r-V- . h. O
a! - ; I .'J H
fictcd Cc!!:r2 VCman DcHVCPS
rf,. "X p.iri f-;.- V
rCfcoerrinj as her subject "ChiLufon
EducatlcaTla Japan," Miss ; Charlotte
De Forest care an Jaterestin taU t
tr the address and to hear the tecred
dusicale, which. 13 the second fer3
to be given this year. Miss De b yr
est, who Is a : teacher In the Girl's
Fehccl in Ilche, Japdn, is net unknown
In Honolulu, as her father visited the
Iiland3 2reral years ago 'earcutj-.tc
Jap-a to cr.T2.TS In; missionary, worh.
After h!3 death 1-st year , a memonol
church wa3 trcctr j In hi3 honor. ..he
i3 on her way to the Orient to resume
her duties after , a year's leave'of ab
sence In the States..' " . '.
Fcllowlnr; a brief outline a3 to the
Jcr":r.--3 and the ways In which th
J.; ? chi::.-en f.rc t tausht
th - Chrlnim f-Ith, Mi;i De I'oivst ex
l!: ...I that-tha iygt?m3 used that
f;r the development cf n:oral3
ar.i r.ar.r.ers , were probably better
than the; 2- In use in the Er.lhh
: :h:ah f:r in Japan th-y l;;'n at the
; a . .: r
.1.' Cc
v.:.;- tr. 2
! t : rs e c !
J citfr:nf!
:, rr.I I!h
i r - rive -. ti t;
' : - !y each .:;y, r.::d, the" 1.:! cT
; chart r-.J 1 lachloard, r.- I with ;-
v. i j : a : : t..:: : ;i .
mahe a ' -;rcr. !an
.. ' ca th? eh!! : .
.c: the
t ;: ' " t rf th? La-'.lrh lan-
at f'
y ( ;
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it ; t
; th.. .
:th a:.;t Ir.-j
h 1. . Aft-j
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t aal th.
t ) F'':i.-p ita
i j. v i
t: .
. : a; j i:.ai
C . i.j .
. . . . t V. V . . . - I . . i i .
. - h:r v,:a th - !?ym:: :
h-j cf th: chh.Jrc", th:.
t s .rcly r.r;u;re a hr.o'.vl-
: th? t
Chr:;ih;a;ty that will I
: T 1 -:.- to th.:::.
' -
:tcd r.ara
C'rMy Tall::-..
7c V:
ai i:
I!. :t
r I, r, 1 1
... ..lib. I 1 iO
a r. 1 3 -Court an j
cf "I ;a. canton
. ' . : e to be ir.atruct
:.!e care cf th::r child-
fcr this parp; ? ha -3
ca? cf., the. peer: " h
Cilver Flssks ;.;:,145 to 54.75
C:iv:r n;:'cs With- cup. -.........
.... . .53.75. to . 5 3.' 3
Silver Handled Wr!sk Xrocms
-. , .. ' - ' -. . " r
''.'....'..'' .......... .. MW
Silver Shaving Set ... .. . . .
:V'...;v.Ui..i . ..X3.75 to $10.53
Silver Smokers' Sets . . .
-" . . ;. ::. . . 10L25.'. to 511X5
Silver , Military sets, 3 pieces..
. v ' 775
Silver Army and Navy Set3,
4: pieces $12.25
Silver Cloth -Crushes V-UT, 534.3
irF fhT? 9C 0 0
: - ? y
"Ar:.iv rjS i:
ADD TO DIG DILL . ; ; ; - ;
Witha program - of four pictures
acts, the Liberty Theatre-bill cf last
week was. generally considered ahcuc
the best ever offered since 'thi3 'the
atre's openins, and the announce:.". er.t
i V
j:;.;;:?:: flctchl::
Priraa C;a at Ye Llharty." :
that an additional tur. far ahove the
ordinary act cf its kir.d, will be; pre
sfr.teJ tear V,'- comes a3 a surprise
f many. 'The prices of admission re
'n a3, usual. . ; . ; -
Another feature; of . tonight's chang
es will be the -Introduction to Emalre
f .theatre ratrons' , of ,Lcroy Lenhart,
I -trisir.ally billed 'for appearance at the
Liherty, but cu account or tlie- unus
' r.al length cf that theatre's program
he will be the feature of the Empires
I ill, and is claimed to be the only "act
I - cf hi3 kind to ever appear In. 'this city.
, The usual new 'pictures' will bo pre
sented at bothh. theatres 'and' Ir.dica-
.'lions p'Cint to-unusually good perform-
f nnw tit -hr.fVi 'Aha 1 Ahort x o r r 1""
V -l "Will t ' V J . . ...11 V .
! Mrs Jessie Ilcneymani who or fIve
years ,vas president of hthe- Y. VhQ.
A. at Portland,, Oregon addressed a
iarge gathering' cf the members of
the local association In the Boston
. Duilding yesterday . afternocruwiaere
they had met to " meet, the new, presJ-
dent, Mrs: 11 Tenner "Peck, and ;- to4
hear airs. rlloneytoan taJlL tfuci - :i
The topic which.. th.ej speakerpZM)3e
lof her address was; one fi especial
interest to the. girlssyjQ ' hMzy,-i; -h; 5
I - a - .r. - . " .'" .
I - A bunch of angry Cuban5 baseball
fans went to a : Havana Uotel with
ropes; prepared to lynch theAmerican
umpire. whora few. hours before had
j rendered decisions , on the ijdiami
Iwhich bhe Cubans diehi't likeV The
rendered decisions ,oa the -idiamond
lice had to be called. i i'
-5-a,A-i a-y. ru
isi.V: y r JYcunQ Dull
f ALL r.i!LL!L!!Y
Exclusive Yet Inexpensive Headfjeat
.1 A MRS, BLACKSHEAR.; . t ,
Harrison .Dlk Fod St nr. Ceretant
Imitation Typewriter
1 - -O-
1 1
w W
- A w
lib visit 'to t!:D
1 ty r i' :' . 1 .-
rr.. :'i c. :. J a !
c frc ..I J. : r.
t . ry p:;..r2 't:
r: '. Thj to:::'- .
f ::aday rnd Ju.
: is
The g-a
1 1
Th? frarth d::r is-ta ta
ths rne-raan. Cams "play--ed
ths -. '
O 1
r 1
' FROM 'jAPAfl "'
--a A a ' - h 4 Mf ""' ' '
1243 Forte SU , above Deretanla
Telephone '32?3 A P.OA Cox 733 .
3 P.-71. J.' A. C. vsv P.'-A. C. .'.
C a.- . - -- --r :A ; h. :-:
AjAsA -v.- 'A-:-h"- y-y .- -y t-!? f?.!--'::.',-f i-'a,:---?
--A":'A.'-. h'"-
7 .. .. . Ji.-r.'.-. " .
Reserved Seals for center of graBd-6tand.-and
wings can be booked at E.
O. Itall .& lion's Sporting, Department
(entrance Klngr fetreet) up to l'jt. m.:
after I" p." roi at. M,. A. Gunst &" Co,
Klojc nd4Forta .A rh: A"..' ';-
3f5c: 1412 Nuuanu SU eor Vineyard
Ai-hhh Aa - Telephone ,1543 A-a-A - s -
Office Hours; 3 .to 15. a..m 7 to I
all for. Sun day
h-hh " . ; (r:
:A-;i pA
.Ay. .o..;.A-;-ti 1137 FC.1T GT. r.ZT,
filUnlioIi: tery -vzi
maa; rn
aAah:a.;) v ,
ETLC".', C :
"'Z - :
iAhtf faaT W X Vineyard Street f- k ' J ;j if ' j J ' ; v a -
MlAioolAli: P -
'"Jr? ' j" A A Ar Ar.--? '
... .; a
v-., -vi:
t r .
: XV.- ..-'ff- -"''W: " "

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