' ' A. I . . I a- t W fc AA W f. ( . ! :::r:i::'.' ' Mender; Ncvcraler 2d. 1!. 1 13 C ' - ::;::i:: 1:. WALLACE Pan Frsnelzc News was rccefTci ty ttl3 xaorn--'s r. M frc:u tie ccast taat .the Uai:n CM Cca:rar.y of California.-a. t Havias ccacJaaed axUlt to "nicbanl A'-ikian r? ("rned to tort itb tail street wharf where several c start tre' r (tailed for Seattla No t?n;ler ::.) -. .,'.... - - Grajs II:rL :r Arrives, Novell :r rnea tad collect!, CI-Mcj J oa an . . n. . 1 1 corrTticn r?.3: t?rn Navemhcr 21. S. fl I t ..c: eft : t: ' to : v : v cf f. : f:il 1. 1 ! tis Cc. ;ralT-tr--:-a Ccr- r v 1 . 3 rcr ti-t::3 ca.: a v;-raa se"- t..n a raer.:' th v". rf to t 4 .ne?? lmr.-.imA. :i 'rajser.i-ers, traveling 'icyo Risen Kaisaa .try., were received by ' liar ': rat ion Catherine , A. t iti) the t xce ; tA:i :.., be debid vc:.d 1 beairy required ty I'd- ; 'absbn 13 accorded .'. -- hundred jmsr.r-'rs 1 11 uyo Mara Is cn : : s t.v. ir-.t r v; ri ' M-aAtil , v .;;,t 1 1 . f ' r- .' t . . . . t . .t I : I- . i.l he 1 1 with a:.' .1 cf f; :! CutJned fcr tie r Left i : ui I: 1 r.r.a t;o;.i a f evcre at-, ?"'Vr vV t-;iC.:l. Mrs. Cook. . Master Cock Miss ff tj;'-. ' 1'X"'' p v-J 1 (1 v- t, - , - - - . I. n-r.frcr.i Suva and 11? 1 c-- i cf furcr tl ' ' , v : 3 . cii : . CI .. ir . H. ira:l..n ironi tie Vlip'rtz. Mrs. I. Xsvurtr, L ,V.'. llouSb. Ur... ; cAil . . -.1. i ;:arr cane ash ere ' t! ' f'cr:.! 7 rr.ac? ictizfactory trr. a ' :aA. w; the local Erltbh cor: ' '2 fcr tlj care cf the naa until -ch tine is be can be sent cn to th? r :!: '' 1. The Lodacer we3 to Al fcr Van couver and Vlctcr! a tlii. aft rnccn, following the!Iiag cf ca'Acs ly the master. : v - -' 1- f'2ry A: f:r 1 ; " Twf :,:- It 1 s : da Ad : . t a. ' c :: : ctro c a . . : . t' i:e r:'r 1 .f-- ia :r t C ; - : :r a... , : ; crts Tenyo -V vara, O. S. C, a. r: I I Cv'.aral 'a liver icru I'al.rl . I.Iaru, ! rt: :r., J. in, . j 1 Tr :.rico Lar.?i--, An.' 6lnr., i in. ... ; : l 1:... , a: A.ITID t : : f 1 r 0. C. C. Ventura, f rcaa aa Fran cl 3. Fcr Ilcaclala: llrs. S. L.. Ac- I'ri: .r.; Ilrctler Alfred, C. ' Eeaton, lirs. C L.atoa. P. IK-Ccrss.' P. H. licit, Al T. Ellis. Cart. A. Ford, C. E r. R. Tracy, T. UyaJman, I. B. Hear- ir- Mrs. L. .Harder, lilss Harg-er. H U. Hill,. Master 11 Hill. II. D. Hea- cock, A. Kearr.s, Mrs. Keart3, Mrs. V.'. U.. Mrs. VA Meier. L. K.Mey- t:-, Mio. UAMc.rr.n,; Dr. NeTerry..J. NewtH." -irf- -i't A: : :i. Dr. - v- -'V .: LOVC) r;. rr-' f. r 1: Faa I ; ci: :o Arrived, Kovel;r ZZ, ccc L C. TCippoa ant l.:ac3 Novrr::L.r 12. : , v,v7.y 1 AiT' VT." " V..' ;VV,f'!!:a' rl'Tl dock et Ilaclc : L.'.r . ?ay : : f;cru Laa . ' ; Yi a iZ c.'.ia aai 12 tUsr : ; -: 3; . JiS- t - r:.zM 13 tuii; CiC 1 teas caro; I cr llilo, 2CC3 tc r.3 care 3. " ' :' Hi:;::! n t, ill arrive Iron Seattle et. :x izV.s . fcr SyCaey at Taru'r-:!! fcr ilaa tr;n- 4 t. ra. t:;-y, : 1:. c. 7:zro c!-cd rt !? A.' O'Cca-cr, D. C. I - t - T Si . i 1 , f . , c. Ct:. J : . 3 ' :r. o. L :: v- A CA: a r. a . r r ftr. Ki--", frcn ?r.-'-l r'. : .ra. 1 11 :i i" 1- , . - lit V. A. l :i, Mrs. Kelca, Mrs. C. G. Ycaarj, 1a. A. D:c: ;, T. D. La". L. Vl . vw, . .1.1. . - -..1, JU C. Ml' 1 --2, - -Mr 1 l.liccx, Id. C...T. il C.a ... P. Ci VM.i-3 Ah La:-. K:: ry I ' D. M:l A I, CIca Ri. J. II. K. AYf r.virav.l lc-nhrrs, R,' K. Lcaiae, II. Rc 1: ir. "ad Z deck. . Tcr frr. Jiikahala frcn Maul, no bis I r 2rts R. P. Q-:arI:3,, L. Ccars, Mrs. Eccres. Mrs. Martias, E. V.'ilheln Mrs. Eowea. ilrsA-iErown, V. K. 1 1 a tc hirscn, S. , F. 1 V,TrLtlt. Mrs. : . W. Mutch, A. A. Myer. Geo. II: Dann. 1 Per O. S. S. Ventura, fcr Sydney.--Marta Golden. D. E. Star-ley. Mrs. II. FuilerS. McRean. G; E. FhilIrr-3 and wife. R. V. Cayce. wife acd infant, J. A. Care w, F. F. Dainty; F F. Dainty, Jr., Mrs. II. S. Geer, F. L.. ' Jarnan. . Per. &tr. Claudlae, for HIlo rla way ports Nov. 2'. M.-s Jacob, - Mri. 'H- i:ir -shurr. r "v.- : t Per str. 'Kinau; for." Kauai " ports, Mov. f.lr. ana .".rs. 1. lionrig,- n. Rchrlj, Master Meneioglio, ; Mrs.. A Menefoalio. Mr. and Mrs. A. de Brette- ville, Miss Webber- Master "Vebber, Miss.Markhara,' Dr Derby! Mrs. Band- " The regular "monthly ineetlng of the J oraaa'Bl Guild I of St. - Clement's j .W Ka Via1 JnmftTftr; ft .tor. noon at three o'clock la, the Parish Houser :; r- a-;"; -To v f-v: "3 u3 .: : l : t: il Pcl:.:-.:.iXc:rcral.. 1 : . 'I tie t ;:.: c T x':? U. :v,;rt iat:rc,i3 u 1 r ;3vi: at Caa i -, : ij tl? i -i'i c:rrcrat:ca l r Uaica 0.1 aaj Its tav.aty-two tub Eiaiary ccrrcratioas. To its trarn toU I -3 in Us rz-'- Mar? ?T11r?.y. iCai' -a, Fu::.rt: , Cau-;t. L:'ruje r.r. I. t I!-: 3 el. trlct, ' tl" G .sral rtUdcuai Cw-;:: ::a.r.0T.-. adJa ..by t ? d;al 152 prci-cia? cil tvell3, 11 t::.'c i:aaiers, 4 tiak tarfj-s. a tu fl C:ii r.'J;3 c fi;e line, Uid33 i c :tr: It owe: '? cf i:.2:0 teres r: tl3 xaiacral Ice:.: " -s; a! " rcf.aer i -3 and a . weii c-taliisaei : selling Ts - ? r-j r--f. . li. ::"-.: 1 rctr:!:-;: 1 Cc: c- lir:!:u:.i r:-v.ir: 5 in Cc:l-' 'f the Con , tla 0:r. ' :1 . J r - rt cf :h c- t' ... -y 1 I'etrc ' ::: 1- :. . cf 11 ? :: :t cf tl: 7 .f I'r.tva . L. . ... Tr: .' tl-t : : tic '3 cf ruvi . Ci :t cf 1 1 c : - i ; . C. . C ' " : I : :. V. tj l.-w ti- tie cr:r:i:n cf a 'C ....... . . 1 . . a.. o. i.u - ai.Kawcl :.ai. No indictments tav: vi ran: a.-"' ' yet... '..,::. ;:;': h .i 1;. to v ' G7J.;:u;:D.sHonTEr:o ' Vithcnl" f.ar'racra days; rcr In lr.z until the date Eet for the clccia- cf the carnrain which has beea.was- el ty th3 i::-'3 Da'";ht.rs la the ef- f.rt to - c.:a;lte their 57o,C3 ta;.i : t fnnd with which to ere "t1 their : .. Lea:? In Kairauki, the r.;.:.:'her3 aro -wcrhia-r witaa a, reneea-t.-c.cj', r-rfectly ccnSd-nf that whea Tr anks aiving Bay. dawns,',-, the. necessary funds will have Tbeea secured. A meet ing of the nernbers will be held thia evening at .which the final plans fcr the last few days ot their canpalsa will be threshed out.7 A - - . 1 A lare" amount had, already, been contributed toward the.fund when the campaign opened on' the first of No vernter, and the King's Daughters be lieve -that they have cho6en, a fitting day on which to bring- their campaign to a close. . The fund Is' open to all who wish to- contribute: !, and they think; thatthere can- be no, better way of , expressing (hanks'. 04 Thurs day than an .offering toward this fund. CROUP. ;S.V-:A;, fit-'! vi This disease W so dangerous and "so rapid lis ' development that; eveiy mother of young children snouia r .De nrenared . for. It-: It is very' risky to wait until the! attack, of croup appears and then. send for'jnedlcine' and let the rhild suffer until it. can be- obtained. Chamberlain's Coush -Remedy lis f f,f . and ' p ffprtiial rahd has 'never fcpon k'nftwn'to fall -in any case. -; For sale by all dealers Benson. Smitn. fr Ck) I4d... agents, for' yawailrdye-: ti.5eiaent ; s'. , :; A.' ' w c t . fcro 1- couli 13 :.: li t tl face. ! -d drl ae I. ' J;' ?ca 1.: ! I. n a r '.: -t ci II: "in: but a f-.v ., -. Hi:, fri:aaa scout the thry that tlo ma deliberately Icared off the wharf w.th sa!r! ial latent. f ' The'Etcry t! ' he heca tzV with Chi-f 3 : .-..-tu cr scLca.r 1 iaar:..:3 .'ara lzi I. b nl'arsi ir.T. a watery rrav: 13 also Gcniea ry raucm, wao t - c -r. 3 thrt r-i 1 : -ra tlo r.:' c: a atru-":lia.T raa la th? water vl.i cn Lr-rJ !.:$ l' I!s r :' - i tj llo rid cf tl? tir. i. i cvc: :1 - I :t ti ctlcrs rt tl .t-t! r -rti:a!. ' cti: "Ccrcn-r Rc 3 ill held an la;-' 1. An ::: 1 1 O. - - .. . .. A . 1 1 A - - . W . .... A . . '. r 1 . . v 1 T" - - A . r;'- m t j c.l- cf rc . : : v ? r .. . ' 1 ct A.i: : : A, L:tv :n II :t r .j.. s.. w., c. ... ... . - V f:... 3. . lie .-:: tl:. . CA.::. ----- lv. v. . Earrain CtodJ : rd's Lecture Travel er, 13 vela. T,I.' 4111. - Call at res idence cad MciAaUy Road, Maaca, . - .-.'Mai. -A ' Ferns at a taraia; gain away.. ZZo " Prosrcct Ct-; A'- .'''- ' ' . '5lL2-tf. 518 North'Klna St--- 1 ;i Tel. 1873 i-ii'" ? 'n' ?''''-i'if f' -":' .--4 in -c j - j I . '?AI wi w-1 Vifcj :5:';1 4 A- A A. a. tf. a . A ' r A. A : ' . SALE, ' . : - i 2: r-.--A-- ;s .i.A'v-.-";' -;a;- - -,. ... i v- V. V v. . .- V 1 --r v?i-T;fV" :LT HA" TC Ur.TIL J All. - - f ' A 1. - - I A A b k CXa. . . - i C c .1 t hvj ....... J cr.AirCII CI II fcr II yj I 3 litre 3 o'cA A: ti: . :: U . ... , . . -- J tci-.' - l A . vAta -. t C , A. 1 A. ,tf- !A7 ' A A L A - - A . 1 Factory en th Pre.r.:;:3 . .: aa . ., j- - 7 ' Coston. Culll!r3.r". Fc'.rt w.ra-t A , Over Mzy & Co. . A ('A' t . Ill ( : c .-f a :a. 21 a.- .. :;i. c l .- - r- - - J t.4Ai,i.k. t 1 li. y- i w 1 ..- ; 1 :n d . -cr cf f j . . 1 . .1- A A. C 1::. anl I : -'ly c VA1 a;. Iff t ... u . . . J, 3 r hereby r.:vc3 r;'l:? t3 Ai trcl 'j cf said d:cnc:d to 1 rc::: : X tlclr ciA -i duly autl-ticc'cd cai with ; r. . ,r vouchers, .if any exist, even, if the claim b, secured ty r.-.crtr:":? uoa ;rl f .ate, .to him. th? said csrratcr, wiA. n six' mcatl3 from the date of the first put' A tioa- hereof, cr the . A v a . ... v oa. nui i. ; 1 ci i .. D. teJ, IlcaAaia. Nov. -2". U12. -K RICHARD PHILLIPS. Executor of the Will and cf the Eo- tate ct-Anna-irTiiiJipa, cecea. ea. . . ALKXANUilU 1). IaAILNAvJxi. Attor . ney XorXxecutorA A- - " ' a 5402 Nor. 25, Dec 29, IS, 2J. j -A A:.f av;- ;i .1-' AaP:AA'1:tx:U - '5 .A" s .sA'- 'A' : f..; :