From 8. F.t Chiyo Maru, Feb. 7. Fer a. f.j Sierra. Feb. 8. From Yaneouirr: Makura, Feb. 26. For Yaaroniert Zealandla, Feb. 25. 1 & C Is v-nr Tl o :; Evening Bulletin, Est. 1882, No. r462. Hawaiian Star. Vol. XX. No. 6503. 12 P AGES HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 5, 1913. -12 PAGES. ' - - " ' r ! PRICE FIVE CENT2. rrv ' h II fc: I I k I l m Z- : ..: t ,-. v:":: ft V If ,-.,J i.N ) i J v; K ' V." CASE CLAIMS Aged Parent of Benito Galman dez Furnishes Sensational Af- termath Son r Pleads Guilty to Murder of Private Bostic i and Gets Twenty Years He Was Told Would Be Given a Ught Sentence, It Is Charged Benito : Galmendex, Porto RIcan. ? pleaded guilty- this moraine to the charge of murder In the second de gree, and the trial of the man for the murder of Private Bostic at Iwllei on' IMM FATHER the night of June 10, W12, came to JinlSSr j 7 ' jBudden end - r - . 1812,-to ithe-mayor, Inspector J. J, qalmendeVwas tiken to prisoV witli pthlstein comments on pressure ' a sentence of twenty ycarsimprison4uthe infpectIn 8efTIce' ijnent passed .upon him, . ' r j edging assistance, from the sanitary in v- Two hour. ttwry j'siectors.- He jthen proceeds to point v father of Benito made a public sut .V6"01 matter of fire J ment In which lie declared that his: C6Capea and :irhat e Wwtr-'; son-te innocent'and that an lninstire other."T6ry grave matter , in? the con-j ,pa been done him. The father, fifty dlt'ons of heaters and moving picture ': nine years of age, appealed to the StaKiHf M1WsteIn wysr Bujletia to publish what he a I "With the new plumbing ordinance statement dt the conditions "surround."10 tbe "ituatipn referring to -'Tn-g the plea of guilty and the end bf i10806011011 "w111 be feomewhat reliev i the case. He says, in brief, that his? ed Dut tnere are matters in (he built: v cn -was Induced to plead guilty by the j ieZ ordinance which are of great Im: promise of a light sentence, and that hewas told by .the Spanish interpreter to plead guilty or he . would certainly r On the other hand. County Attornr At.Cattcart pivsecu-1 . . ,Von at mexiose of the case, says this V ; statement'. Is ridiculous, and that be :4 1 believes it Is a framed-up Job growing . v out of a row over interpreters that be 3 gan borne months ago.-., . V ' V Kffcrts. to reach the attorney - for ; ' Calmendes, U .M. Straus, and the In f i; terprtter in the case; Mendesy this at' ;i ternoon were, unsuccessful '."' ; l C . This- is th; story thati Pascacio'Gal--rrv"t, f?r. of Benl ?almeai:a;J i . warning auer ma ion had ' ' l -vJ rail.ty to . murder In the second decree i and received a senten? pt yx:$mty y?ars. imprisonment:-' . ,My son is innocent, and some- -.': " thing is wrong, about. this case. ;r- Arter he was sentenced this morn-f ; . son told me that he was . - .v ; forced ta plead guilty. He says . -.that he was told by the Interpreter 'he would" get ja light sentence If r ; S he -k would v plead guilty ; .to tne charge of murder In the second , degree. tt ; ; , - ' ' ! f;V : -VV'' ': " TThe Interpreter, ; Mende?. ac cording to what my son told .tne, ..'V'Jook Benito into a room this morn-" ,;'.,f ing and told him to plead guaty to vthe second degree charge. He told . Benito thntn if he i didnl plead ' v:? guilty he would be hung. He said r ' he would certainly, hs hung if he T 'didn't plead as he was told to. Be , nito.toid me that he pled; guilty. v ; only because hewas Instructed to y'i: ' - do. o. . He tays In his own con- ; rkW? science he knows he is not guilty V "There was a witness : for, my-' ; ; son (there this morning but he was , 0 ! r Jiever called. His name isvArio- quo Valdez, and he was living Hp- , : "; stairs In my house; when the man i v t -' w killed. He- would have teitt- C ; . fled fortmy son, s but he was! irot; ;t'"s jailed. VBenito told me. this morn-; ' ' ' 1 :! Jhff -thatf the interpreter said ' to 1 1 l. hlnr '.rYon plead guilty ,c to ifcls ; tf; charge or, there will be no witness . '." for you and you will be hung by the neck " V, ' ,.. ;;-1 j "The girl, Carmela Ramon, who v -: ; testified against him. has turned r- : - flgalnst. him for s another reason. lie had told her he would not live with her because he mutit support ,vhis,own:father and mother.-vVhen . '-v this came up. she said to him. 'If - you dont live with me I will put you in Jail, and tbe same day be v- " was arrested. .. ' 'l want to tell the publi? these farta, to show the true conditions ' ' ' Wndef which my son'.was sentenc cd.K" I -know, he Is not guilty and v would not have pleaded guilty had J ; he not been told he would get a light sentence'Jby tq, doing. CeVmiy Attorney Cathcart's Statement . County, Attorned. Cathcart scouts the v - storVvPf "Injustice; tang done. The whole thins Is a job on Straus, . the- attorney for the 1 defendant, hej o aid this afternoon. "He refused toi -allow a certain man to interpret fori , Mm and I; believe that the man is at tempting to get even with tbe attor ney -by sending the father of the de fendant to the papers. It's too absurd. , "All tjhat T know of the matter per BonaJly is that after the prosecution rested this morning I was called into the chambers of the judge, where 1 . found Mr. Straus waiting. He asked rbaif I would take a lower plea and II s feald l would accept jnurder. in the sec- : (Continued on Page 2), R?al Motor Cars ' UrtoERSLlfNG : H. E. H ENDRI CK, LTD. Merchant & Alakea, Phone 2648 IS CUT SHORT ,. ., . - - THEATERS In his report of the work of the" bunding and plumbing department for I Penance 10 viae irB, as fire ecsapes and stanf VWJ ARE' up u) in e present ume, gui oi.nny .,j.,wv,, v .. (!)) notifications to owners to pike . : On high and credible authority ., Cre escapes and stand pipes on their It ; Is declared here ,that the buitdings; only thirteen (13) have com- ; president will pl'ed. .Thla is a matter that thlfr dc-v gration . bill. Hearing will first f partment would like jto enforce vigor. , be given, as already reported ously in the Immediate future. d from , Washington. The educa- v -"Another rery grave matter is that 1 tionaror literacy ..test is girea of existing heaters and moving pic- " :Athe, reason , for abej)res I-$ tnre shovs Upon several 'occasions. Teto. as Jt is fetated. Mr. hite j. inspecUng theaters -with : the vjl Taft-does not believe in an llm- J chef the-fire epartmnte found ; f ath tat aisles had DeeS changed, .dressing nena . merely because theycan- i. j tflaWTiot pass this test, s ' ; matte wterlalpri)mlaiasljua around, in the rear, of he tUgeiilUte - t looked and some barricaded; nil to .the Immediate "danger of, 'the patrons of these establishments and the- public in generaL1- In cities on the.mafnlind thtqe; conditions are remedied by or dinances incorporating regulations (Continued on Page 2) With tne 6takes anven ana. grouna broken for the hew armory, and the old : 'drill ; shed gutted ;of company, property ana nxtures, me iNauonai Guard of Hawaii enters . into a new and hopeful period ! of its : existence. Reorganization is Uie slogan of the Citizen' soldiers, and with the certain ty of a decent home in the near future, officers and- enlisted men alike .are showing far more interest in militia work. .ine.Doara oi ouicera wmco m appointed January 23 of this year, "for the purpose of making recom mendations based upon a consldera- tion of ail matters appertaining to the Rational Guard of Hawaii, including the formation of new companies, the length of the enlistment period, and the creation of a reserve militia," has already, held half a , dozen meetings, - Si . A., ana ptans are oeing wmppea . mwt shape. This board is composed of Uieutenant Colonel Charles B. Cooper, surgeon general; Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Short, quartermaster general; Captains E. T. Winant and G. E. Smithies, ordnance department Col onel Cooper has spent many years in the guard, and has txl-n through tbe Field Service School for Medical Of ficers, at Leavenworth. The other members of the board have all had line experience. A matter of intense Interest to the Ki ard is the detailing of another reg ular army officer as inspe?tor-instruc- (Continued on Page 3) DANCE TONIGHT A dance will be given at the Moana Hotel tonight with music furnished by a Hawaiian quintet club. The man- agement cordially invites tourists. lo- cai army ana navy ana society iown- folk to attend.- dvertisement. SUGAR SAN FRANCISCO. Cai Feb. Beets: 88 analysis, 9s. 6 l-2d. Par- .ity, 4 cents. Previous quotation, 9s. 6d. REORGANIZATION! SLOGAN. OF GUARD MOANA HOTEL I -i FLORAL PARADE ' - v ' V Jeha II. ITIse : P ' Who has been ' called upon at a late hour to take hold of the Waikiki re gatta and pageant, and who is tack ling the job vigorouslyw", TaftTo Immigration Bill? 4 4 ; WACHtMnM n n Statements Made by Company :' and i ' Captains (Contradict Each Other Wo Trouble hSavs the One Lots of It; De clares the HarborShips Go ing Out with Full Crews and Some Old Officers .. (Special Star-Bulletin Wireless) HILO, T. II., , Feb. 5. The inter-island steamers Helene. 4 Kauai, Kaiulani and Keauhou, t all here, are still working. , The inastrs and mates do not ; say what action they will take, but 4 declare that they -will not 'stop $ work in the midst of , handling ln flat conaadiction of each other the reort3 from the camn ot the captains and the office of tbe Inter Island company. " Says the company through its offi cials, "There is not a sign of difficul ty -.The walkout of tbe captains and mates has net affected tbe work of sending ovt the ships. The public is being well-served." Say the captains through the chair man of th special committee, Captain Tullett, "T ? work of the company is being dels 1. Several of the ships id not get rr.t until way late yester day, and the company has now reached the limit of it? tether. From today it A motion to ihc cHect that the legis lature be aked to appropriate $50,000 tor the erection of a concrete building for homeless children in Honolulu was made by Mrs. Sanford B. Dole, president of the Humane Society, and passed at the monthly meeting ol that organization which wis held in the oung hotel at nine o'clock this morn- ine. The motion also contained a contained !use. whereby the legislature be ask - (d to donate to th esociety six or eight ttres of land on which to locate the l.uilding. and to provide for the maAi- u-nance of the home. r0llo ing the reading of tne minutes cf the last meeting and me report oi pecial Officer Miss Rose Davison, came np the matter of the summary 1 removal by the board of supervisors o the horse which was turned over to MJsa Davison to assist in her wor as humane officer. On January 4 Miss XMH SA!LK ' SAV AT5K1K0W Chairman;Vierra of Uomic Sec ton Says His Division Will Be Well Filled ; The comle section of the Floral Pa rade will be filled, said Henry Vie rra, chairman of, the committee on antiques and horribles, this morning.. We have entries in sight, to make about as big a fection'as we want and there are Ideas in tbem, too. There are new things in the entries .we are getting up, and I tklok. the public will enjoy them. I'm not giving away the ideas at this timer but shall miss my guess if our section 'doesn't make a hit." Vierra apllitr in the comic line is well known, and big things are Expect' ed In his section. '. He hidta at having drawn on certain sections of other isl ands . for tome of his schemes. SV7- i Entries Cemlag In. ; - . v." vf ' ' As ; the -date for the parade ap proaches entricsiare coming in faster A- notable new: one for the auto sec tion ' was made' yesterday, when B. P. Ehlers & Co; decided -to put in a big float ';vye have placed an order for five hundred of a certain kind of flow, er," said .Earner E. Cheatham; assist ant manager -of the company, "and we think that our. auto win make a strike Ing 8howing.,.,15'?:. . ; ' Sam Walker,- chairman of, the autd 6ectloii; says'tht he and his associates are meeting, with much encouragement .hvgettlngirp thtjr part of the parade, and he expects a very large showing. The von ; Hamm-f oung company have offered a fine cup, which la on display in the window of If. P. WIchman & Co., for the best-decorated auto. It . Is a voluntary pifvate offering, vthe ; com- will i have more and more difficulty In manning the ships.'. .- - - ,vW Say the records kept by thr customs office,. "All the Inter-Island ships went out on time yesterday and today' r ' Every departure of the Inter-Island fleet was recorded as usual by the in spectors of Uncle Sam, Say the records of the company, "The ships are all officered by old men, trained in the waters around the territory.'. : . : - Say the captains, "The skippers are old men but the mates are: all new. For the most part our ' members have stack faithful to the Harbor." ' In the clash of conflicting state ments one thing only appears certain. The company has sent out nine steam ers since the resignations of the cap tains and -mates were, handed in by Captain Tullett There has apparent ly been ho delay In the sailing of any of these steamers. So far as can be ascertained, none of the new-comers have been in command of any of the steamers that have sailed, and in many instances the officers were all old-timers. Nine Inter-Island steamers have been dispatched for island ports with in the past forty-eight hours, in each instance the vessel commanded .and officered by men who for years have been identified with the company. Tbe new steamer Kilauea, sailed promptly at ten o'clock this morning on a run formerly covered by the flagship Mauna Kea. Captain Will- (Continued on Page 2) Cavison, in a communication to The old board f supervisors, stated that was greatly in need of another horse, and that she understood Jiat there was a horse in the road depart ment formerly reserved for the use (if the road overseer, who wis at that time using an automobile. She asked the old board to have this horse turn ed over to her. The old board then 1 passed the. resolution that the horse in question be given over to the ute jof -Miss Davison. This was only a few minutes before .the new board ook jofitce. Under the regulation oassed hv th l-t'W board whereby expenses be cut down as much .as possible, the Touz hundred dollars which has formerly teen given each year to the Humane Society with which to pay the salary (Continuedon Page 3) ;X . lie nrr ' TIerra , ; ?fx-: i! A floral Parade chairman who if al ready sure of all the entries he wants. nnnaanantttt a V OIARLES BOX BETTER f It According a 'aUtemehtsI made U at the Queen's hospital this after- tt R lioon, Oiarles Boni president of 8 H the ' Merchants" Association, Is 8 tt Imtirovine. .V - 't : ? ' tt U Mr. Bon is' restinc and Is bet- tt tt ter than he was" last night,", said a a an -official of the hospital" '' a a ; Contrary to, .report, the - sur-' a a geons have ;not performed ah op- a a eratlonl Nothings definite rcould tt a be learned regarding the inten- a a tion of the doctors In this t re- a a gard. a i a a a a a a a a a tt a a tt tt a a a Ma Li Ul Stake hands . and: employes I bf the Consolidated Amusement company strnck this afternoon. - ; u ,; '.' - - ' Intimations : of trouble tetween the employee and .the company haTe ben rife for several days and it apepara that ' neeotiationa ha vo been In : pr gress between' Manager MeGreer of the; amusement . company and , the stage-hands organization. Tnistnora inur : the manager thought an arrange ment had been ; effected -tha would avert, an open Drjaaif ouirnj8;aer. noon he was - Informed chatvtbo men would hot abide br the terms consid ered satisfactory and wquld -refuse to ED ID WBr iwuim. : , : n . Mr. MeGreer this afternoon said that tlthnn-W th break comes only a few hours before the Bijou is putting on Us roost ambitious bin, Alias Jimmy val entine." all the houses would be run ning as usual tonight;: , " Jn a partial report .returned this morning' the federal grand, jury finds six true bills of a criminal character. Two were placed on the secret file pn tll the accused persons are apprehend ed, and these are understood to be of a statutory nature. The others receiv ed some publicity at the time the ar rests of the accused were made. Felicia Santiago, otherwise known as Felicia Bagos, is charged with big amy. She is a denizen of the Jwilel district. Koock Tong is accused of as sault and battery on the high seas, his alleged crime consisting in attacking a Hawaiian named Poai aboard the Likelike. Both of these defendants are out on bail. William Hagemann, tbe soldier who shot down his friend at Schofield Bar racks several months ago, is indicted for murder in the first degree, and Solomon Haumea is indicted for in cest. These defendants are held in jail. Federal Judge Clemons this morning adjudicated the City Contracting Com pany as bankrupt N The trustees of the Bishop Estate are holding another meetelng this afternoon in consultation with Archi tect Traphagen over , the proposed building on Bishop street Thos. F. McTighe, Ltd.. has filed amended articles, of association with the territorial 'treasurer, changing the name to the Waikiki Inn, Ltd.. and empowering the firm to engage in the hotel as well as the wholesale liquor business. Hi I - f 1 STAGE IIAL'DS FEDERAL GRAND JURY RETURNS lilCTillENTS Believed That Automobile Bandit 3n' i Room of Aged jurist And 1 IHim Then SlvNurseWlio L21: 1 : 1 as Only Witness -Thrilled by Brutality of the Afir .: PARIS, France, Feb. 5. All France Is thrilled by -the zizWr the 'murder of Edouard Pelitsr, a wealthy member cf -th tzf cf T:r liia nurse.' The body of the judge was found by hit va'st th!i r.:rr : the marks of brutal fingers" on the throat, and. that cf ts r covered later, hacked to pieces with a .small ax such as tv dita and Apaches of Paris have been known to uss in csrrsr.:. : this nature, . : - - V -. . The police believe that the nurse was an accsr-;!:: c! and admitted him to the chamber ef the Jur!jt, and v - ! -ally as the only living witness of the crime. It b l: was done by an unarrested member of the band c z.'.i 1. the' motive was' vengeance.:; yt'-Ui- . rf if i nisi i e Turks PrepEreFcr CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 5- The leased into the war department here the furious bombardment of the allies so far tzi tiin t-.z'L C men have been killed and some fifty buildir.;i s:t at: c:' 2 1' - j - ; That the Turka are preparing to assume ths cf.':--: ? ti t ! fore Tchatalja is being reported here. The Grand Vii! :-, : . J left here for the. front last night ,pres umatly witJv ths i - .: ' i cf . the commanders there Into a forward mov?r--t --: ".-r". t ' . The cannon. are to be distinctly heard fr;-i t : : c the people are leaving hers with their wive 1 ar.i c ' ... r: thebetaJla of the fighting now solnj fcrw" t- . . ndple It has been learned that more th a.i 1 . . - 1 - . . Ilea. when the carrisont of that clty-'att:?:.J a I: : i . u Katsura Gab iittOKIOJapa'n,'-Feb. 5 After a bitter attack t;-r Prlr;i ft! Katsura this memlng the Diet censured hit premiers-.!? ari c"::!ar:J . , eonstltutlonal In the last dejree. Immediately a(ter the v;l3 cf c: the Emperor announced that he had suspended the Cist for five d:, ; order to allow It to tool off. , , . r-. - ' r. -. The city and .country Is intensely excited over : tY-. 5 c':ii and ' people met in vast trowds today and cheered the co-:t;:.t:5rsJi:.j they appeared. Efforta were made -la mob the. "auppirtrrs cf the cx . but were prevented by the police and soldiers. . : f ' I'venearyi LONDON Feb.LMartyrdorn Is all. HflhV but. the Imprisoned s-" ettes are setting t'red of it and today granted. permission to their fr to pay thelrflnea and get them; out of 'the prison ceils ' been ever since their arrest on. charges of malicious mischief In imi: windows of the day following the refusal of theadmlnlstrat'n to Inc:., ate woman suffrage In the suffrage bill Slyvia Pankhurst and 19 ether v tlms for the cause were accordingly set at liberty this mornf ng. ' Bradley Martin Is E)3?.d NEW YORK. Feb.tWBradIey M artin the wellknown taoclaf I:- of .Ntw York and Newport died at hie5 home heri toiay.: No arrj -ments have been announced as yet for his funeral which - It la belicv. will be most simple, by the expressed Washington. Feb. 5 The ore money trust committee wllf be held Carolina, beginning Friday, and Jt wi II be meld in secret The annc . ment was made this morning that no newspaper men would be aimiiUJ t. the examination of the old olf magnate; v f''f.!;. Prince Murat WedsAm PARIS. France'. Feb 5 Prlnc-s Helena Stallo, of Cincinnati. The' Two accidents are reported from the police station this afternoon, both of which involve painful 'Injuries to the victima. Carl von ochoen. an officet of tbe American-Hawaiian freighter Virginian, was struck by a sugar sljng this morning and his face cut and ears hurt He was taken to Queen s npspi UL A Japanese by the name of Mnro- skite was the victim of a near-runaway accident. While driving a delivery wagon for the Hawaii Meat Company through Dowsett lane his horse shied at 9. firecracker, said to be part of the Chinese New Year celebration, and the driver was thrown fromthe seat The wagon passed over, him; nia face and shoulders being bruised. - He was also taken to the hospital. HOSPITAL FO!! , TWO VICTIMS 7 j.j .y.ii to Dlurdr-All tv r r " - . commander cf AirU-:,-! announcing that tv9 d: wish, ef Mr.Martln. be -of William Rockefeller by t at the hotel inJekyll Island. C Murat th4 afternoon was married tj ceremony yiraa comparatively simple. F(nncAFi(?Hn;T uuaLm.uiiuhba SIL . Six hundred Kowana.of the city, in cluding alarge putnber from the neigh boring plantations, gathered at the Op era House last evening and held a re ception In honor of Rev. Singers a-. Rhee, Ph. D who arrived la Honolu! i last Monday morning on the. 3ierra Dr, Rhee is one of the most tingulshed Christian leaders of Kc snd.'nnder .the jo4d,'regime, before t: Japanese gained Con ol of the I ! -.- mit' Kingdom. 'wr engaged In tev paper work of SeouL . On, account t some offense to his own governn; he was Imprisoned for a number t . years during which: time he carriei t . such a work; of reform among his fel low prisoners as to attract a great de-! (Continued en Pa;a 2)