' -EIGHTEEN HONOLULU STAtl-CtnLETrS, SATURDAY, SEPT. C, 1913 ACHi is b f phut mm 17 1. - 4 Liquid. iu Yc:;.'.j CM Fcrccd to Submit to Uh:;::l:o Outrages for - - i . ( V... LCNro:; "I cannot realize tow - ::i cr.n f tend by and cot only Ece, t r.ctually applaud the murder of c.I : : rs. Pankhurst by her daugh-tcr:-." . . . The rp eater was a woman; who Is to the forefront In England in. eman-c;;-.tlns her tex from disabilities v Litherto hare .prevented them fr::n c.-mln? their own living In Tari rus walks cf life." Sbe la cot an'antW : u' :::t, tat the has been too bUEy 'd 1 -thcr tboct the vote. I.Irs. Tank : v:: is cr.e cf the gTcr.t militant suf - ttcs r.ow cnc.. tentence and be :' - ;rt .led by what 13 known as the .t Mousa Act," tIj.,' released ' r Y.zc''Q when Ehe tows weak . i hur.cr-trik!r. and pvt lack in-. t ; :i L3 Eocn as she TegaL.5 a little . - v . . ";t is h!;h time." the contlnuted, h-t CA women, who ftill are proud cf the name, thould protest against t'..:3 r.rtjTioa of a mother. I have n " ri rt for lcnowIrK that Mrs. .". i.. 1 h rt t Is ahrc?-. ';ly dominated .by ! t Czl:n, L'jlvi i and Christabel, - :!vhy ly Chr' label. I.Irs.-Pank-l.i.ri.t hertvlf might, and I lare say , v, f Jl, declare that her devotion to t'..o 'cause rises superior to all InCu ' -.ccs, tut those who know. the family ' r-v otherwise. If Christabel Pank 1 :. t were o Insist that, In view of I .r nclhrr's r.e , and health, . sho j.crt not l.unpcr-Ptriko any lnoger, ::rs. Pankhurst would rcEln herself rrn-ir.s her sentence an saving 1 r life." ' . . . -V, Cit-htert Are Active.- ' C i ' ".hat does Christabel do? TTom the ccrnfort and safety of her retreat !i Taris Christabel foments tho ai t it'.-'n In England which projects Mrs. rar.khurst as the most magnificent ot ; .1 the martyrs, day by. day strength ening the old mother in her pathetic - resolution. "V"hat does Sylvia rPanfc-hu'-tt, her other daughter, do?" In .the ruliic presg and in private she pro vides every pcrsiLle incitement and every conceivable opportunity" for ber mother's suiciile. ' Can this, hy any I'rctch of imagination, strengthen the cuse of woman, all of whom are v.' '.hers or daughters? ' "Pome of my puffragettc Wends Eay that It is the unparalleled spectacle of complete sacrifice of two daughters giving up . their mother In tko cause c f humanity: Ml an example of this hind is necessary, why docs not Chris 1: !-cl do it hersoU? - Why docs the' Ti orithipped heroine skulk . in ' Paris vhen the hunger firike hourly awaits her here? Christabel Tankhurst, dy ing frori the e(Tectsof forcib!e; fecd-J-, would-excite emotion and, agita tion that can scarcely be overestimat ed. SyMa Panlihurst lias vritten that continued hur.gcr-striking inevi tatly means death., for her mother. ChrisUbel rankhurst knqw.s It is ilrue. AVhy does the not" save hf r mother by Eurrendering herself tc tte author ities -and substitute for the pathetic old lady her own.'virile personality? Christabel has htinger-struci before. Can it be that the. .recollection 'r. of those pangs is vo acute' that sbe'.doei not want to do it again? Ms Christa-', bel Tankhnrst afraid? ; Vv pcakr Fearg Militanta..; A " . "I would gladly ask you "to; publish; my name," she continued; "except for one reason.' -.Iam" not lnv the Meast' afraid of myself; but : I am .lot ; my BY V - ; V K in P i : I Upper picture Is that' of MIsS SyMa. the notch of the spindle and the pro Pahkhurst, below Is Mrs.. Emmellne, cess was repeated from time to time Pankhurst, mother and ' daushter ( until the fiber carried by the .distaff whose activities In the . suffragette - was all spun into yarn. The use of the cause have terrorized England.' j spindle in this process How gives the work. Petty revenge would ' be ure of length in the linen industry the wreaked on. the organization which I .."stfndle" of yarn being . taken ns control "wid on . the women it employs. measuring 14,400 yards in length. This We should ' be boycotted by mnay . is perhaps rather a length of wnven clherwise reasonable women who I Jence an a; maximum attatoable know would regard what I have said length, for it ; has long been vastly exr about Christabel as hideous sacrilege, ceeded by thenaUve spinners of In It is hard enough as iris to get wo-. London Times. . f ' , men . to support movements actually j mi -; . in operation for improving tne ma- arA . clol -a-Alfarft nf our sex: , We cannot Join in : now, they Bay. . We have promised all our time and ;'moneyto the cause. When tho vote is won wo shall be glad to help. It J rather -disEeartening but I f rafWy VT mi. F l n in the world, although she resented be Jho at tltufio: of .w ommr ho rt ?Ing the : by tte New their time m the so-called antl-suf- k rs aDOe ars in A merica in fragette movement. If some . women jwlTMfim want the vote why on earth should !!rt!J Zf? those -women . who. don't try to Vte-JJ vent the others from having it? ,, fBev Yorkers with One more . . , novelty. . 1 i ' : .-. . The f maUcal enthusiasm respon-, , ghe hag Wd a 8kIfuIj7 fitted r ible for the amazing spectacle of two . nto hef noae. .thoot iercing. the daughters conspiring at themurder ,flesV BO ghe toxLTemme the trin- c.' ,ine;r Vr. c t 1m ' rible family sacrifices. I will give r.n tvriral . Insfntiro : nf Uhlp.h If' have personal knowledge. - The six- hat ended It. She has now, -hap-tcn-year-old daughter of wealthy par- T, been transferred : to a . sphere cnts . is bJcssod-it you like it with her I mJnd not be ur aTnothcr who Js-devoted to tho cause. thcr contaminated and where her Tho daughter has been Brought up in the idea that the highest form of service " is sacrifice. Therefore she vcntout, with all the ardor and en thusiasm of youth, to sell -suffragette nowspapcrs and 1 J'.rraturc fn thb Ftreets of London." She was sent to the Iiast End. 'There she was assail ed with vile epitnets. the meaning of most of which she was mercifully ig- rorant Jostled by the lowest of the low; she bravely -tried to sell her pa pers. Her mother glorified in the Epirlt of hpr'offsnring, and kept her day after day in t.h's environment of outfepoicn filth- and: crime.- Brodd, but ; always ; fr?eMc'ned, this: "child tho. "was : only 1C, remember braved th'inflcrrut -suggestions; the sordid siSht.- ?nl the opon brutalities. The. Last Straw,: , - ..''-;. ..' V - i. - TrMo rtcd her mother's influence kept i;r a? - her post When she was fpat; aU Then, one day one of a crowd of 'rough's Fpat in her face. Be fore, she" conld?escape other roughs followed i'thia beast's ' exataple". i - As the child fled she was covered v lth the loathsome' eperioratin cf mon aud boys of the lwcst'-type.' HISTORY OF , The extreme antiquity of the arts nf mfnnin? and w earl us is not more remarkable than the slowness of their i derelopinent into their present condl- tion. We cannot fix a date for their I primitive origin, but it is certain that 'they retained the greater part of their i primitive character . until the begin ning of the . eighteenth century. Then, aa from the earliest days, wool, like J all other textile materials- was spun ..entirely by hand. ' -1 The most primitive method of spin ning was by means of the distaff and spinole. It is said .nowadays that any thing which has two ends can be in corporated into a woolen thread and cloth. But for the. purposes 6f the primitive Bpinner the fiber , to be spun must have ; had sufficient length to enable it to be manipulated, drawn .out J and twisted by the fingers of the spin , ner; and even so the manual dexter ity whereby fibers tx6V more than a few inches in length-Hne longest cot ton fiber, that of the best Sea Island cotton, is unaer two inches long into a continuous "and uniform thread many miles" in' length Isone;of the most wondrous manuesiauons oi pri mitive human ingenuity.". The spindle was a round stick of wood about si foot or. less In length according to the material to be handled tapering to either end, to which the extremity of the yarn to be spun is attached. It was surrounded near its center, by a perforated disk or whorl made of clay, stone, wood or other suitable matei lal It said that a ; potato . or - other tuber , was ' sometimes used for the purpose Its -function being to give steadiness and momentum to the spin ale in its rotation. The distaff was a longer stick of swood with a loose ball or bunch of the material to bd spun suitably prepared by processes which need not here s be described attached to Its uppqf end. ' . The spinner either fixed the lower end of the distaff In her girdle or car ried it under her left arm. Then draw ing out; a prepared end of the yarn, offArwnrd fllVd a "rovine." from the Jl.t.H tn(.4 I, nrlth Via fin CTflro until ; it had . attained some approxi- mation to the required degree of at ! tenuation and : fixed the end of : the jam to the notch in the spindle. The lEpindle-ywa then jnaadetoji.-rDtate 'either by twirling It with the fingers, j or more ; commonly' by rolling It be tween the hand, and the thigh,- and quired speed of rotation was attained. As soon as it was loose- fresh sup j plies of fiber were . drawn out from ' the distaff and - manipulated by both hands . into an ' equal and uniform strand of yarn or thread having the degree- o'f attenuation required. The yarn thus- formed' was then - wound on the spindle until the point; was TAnrhAd at which ttm roTlncr was still j Insufficiently j attenuated. ; At ' that point the spun yarn was caught Into ai aifje tjtt IOC10 UUHinC. ll IUU CHil A KING IN "HER NOSE . By Latest Mall PARIS. When' Jille. Polalre who that she ,8 the thinnest actress ket when off . the stage, , - - - . V - ""sw9. lw. y. vv ., ter uses. All I ask is. lVhat was the good of it? . Was it necessary? Could cny end Justify lie ; means? V In this case the misguided influence of the mother morally 'eompellcd .the young daughter to undergo the ordeal from which she' will never completely re cover. In the case, of Mrs. Tank burst,' the influence of the daughters is morally compelllns the: mother' to commit, suicide. -;.y , "In t their war- against men cannot the militants, or. malignants, snare old women- and . young girls? Must they attack tbeir own. sex, and -antagonise those who. like myself, have urged and .exercised that liberty of thought." and action ; which they seem to think can be: attained only by ac quiring a vbte ?! - - - - - r V . . .-' - '.J"' v "How. did- that ne'er-do-well manage to-live?" -In hope:that:if he inspired- enough faith, he might live on charity." Louisville Courier-JournaL , T never take sides in a town row." ?I alwaysudo.. .Then I don't have to listen to the grievances of both' fac ticns."ljottlsville Courier-JournaL : IHtSriiLt AND IMS AND DISTAFF KOT ALLIED k --, . - . V' i . ' . ' ', ;. f fvnf rtri I History snows that no great genius ever bad red bair. Alone among the poets of the world was Swinburne, whose hair was distinctly reddish, and among the great reformers only John Banyan's hair was really red. .The Simon; Pure' carroty head, however, appears 1 nowhere linked to j world fame. .': ;..;a v.: The flaxen-haired, blond or the man whose hair when an adult Is a true yellow also remains; marked apart as being unlikely to : " possess genius. Should one such be, his only compan ion will be Thackeray, whose hair; is described as yellow. Charles Kassel has reviewed the biographies of most of the eminent people of the world's histories and tabulated his results, so far as the color , of the, hair, is con cerned, v.':' ,. .;.:' ':"- : '-.' The following is the;-much;:U it shovs that CadUlaaleadership in scientific motor car development is once more nlqily derh JTt-a'.", ' A NEW ELEMENT - -;i,-.; vv;: i v Each year you have lookeVl to the Cadillac for , ? - the real and substantial progress in motor car , V development . ; ; ' ' . ; - 3 essentials in the practical motor car. - . And you have not looked' in vain. Now conceive if you can, a Cadillac with its essential functions sharpened, accentuated and refined. . ' ::-' i ::V - r ? v ;v Conceive such a process of refinement culmi j k nating in an entirely new riding quality of un-; " ; c" -r exampled easavT::: :';c '-l";;:,' That is precisely what has come to pass in this . new car. f C ' The principal contributing factor the two-; speed, direct-drive axle W is described . in detail i '4 elsewhere. y I - The Cadillac itcnBatic'ctafngj ligting au ignition, the first " practical system ever made and first intnAlucdd : - by us,' has, after experience 'with it on 27,000 NQINE -Cylinder, '-inch bore by 5-lnch stroke;.. silent chain-driven cam shaft, -puma shaft and generator shaft, encfesed . valve 'Jy: " rnedhanlsm : Five-bearing crankshaft. HORSEPOWER 40-50 Cooling -Valer, copper jacketed cylinders. Centrifugal pump; ' ; radiator, tubular and plate type. IGNITION Delco dual system. CTANXTNG , DEVICE Oelco Electrical, . patented. -.--..LUBRICA-' : : TION Cadillac automatic splash system,, oil'uniformfy distributed. CAR3URETOR Special Cadillac Cesian 6t maximum effl 1 V ciency, hot water jacketed and electrically heated, air controlled from driver's seat.' CLUTCH Corter type, large, leather-faced ; -' with - special spring ring In fly wheel. .'TRANSMISSION Sliding gear, selective typer three speeds forward and reverse. Chrome v ttickel steel gears running;on five Annular ball 'bearings. CONTROL Hand gear chaiige fever. and, hand brake lever at driver's ' f . right, inside the car. Service brakefoot lever. Clutch foot lever. Rear axle gear control, electric switch. Throttle accelerator, -. foot lever. Spark' arid throttle levers at steering wheel. Carburetor air control, hand lever on steering column. DRIVE Shaft, JW'0 ts or bever gears of special, cut teeth. AXLES Rear, full floating type; special alloy steel Jive axle shaft; two speed ' -r . direct drive. n Front axle, drop, forged I beam section With drop forged yokes, spring perches, tie rod ends and roller bearing steer ' Ing spindles. Front wheels fitted with -Timken bearings. BRAKES One Internal and one external direct on wheels, 17 Inch by .v ? :2yz drums.,, Exceptionally easy in operation, both equipped. with equalizers. STEERING G EAR Cadillac patented worm and wortn dear.; sector type;-. adjustable. 13-inch steering wheel with walnut rim aluminum spider. - WHEEL BASE 120. Inches. V : TRES3Wnch by 42-ir.ch; Q. D. demountable rims. SPRINGS Front, ; semi-elliptical. Rear, three-quarter platform. , FINISH 1; -; Calumet Green With gold stripe. STANDARD EQUIPMENT Cadillac top, windshield, full lamp eqaipment, gasoline gauge, elec r; V trie horn, power-tire pump, foot rar. and cocoa mat Iri tonneau of open cars, robe rail, tire holders, set of tools, tire repair kit, -;'.'' Warner r Autometer. . . -,:,: ;-: : , ',. ... . . .' . - . i .... M :. v tJADlLLAC, MOTOR CAR .M" 11 Me irs orewn io -wacs; is the pre vailing hue on the" hevis. cf great men.- "A list of fifty caioe3 has been compile la which the, color the cair, i3 given .hyhiogTajFDrs, and 90 oer cent, are . dark brown tor black. There is jftit, strargp -to. a. a, single mention of pVtm&tnre'graynessnor.a single case of that ashen-brown -hair kBowh, 83 "singed 6Vmoust colcrr." : The structure of, the thair whether straight or curly-! giren in twenty- ! J OJL Jvassera, list. of. geniuses. , and oi these all but four possessed curly cr wavy hair. (It is extremely, notable that of the remaining four Napoleon end Andrew Jackson were the1 two re maxkable' for "wiry hair, and that James Itusssll Lowell and Grieg were those having lank straight hair. The poet's "ringlets"1 and the musi cian's shock' of hafr are by this list seen not to be mere accidents, butin some strange way are co-ordinated to their powers, tnd the general popular instinct is not at fault. 1 i The color of beards also arouses many points of interest All the an cient tapestries show Cain and Judas Iscariot with yellow or red beards, and Pontius Pilate in ancient art always was given a beard. (Being' a, Roman cf good family, he . probably had, no beard ; but those ' details ."did , not trouble the "old masters.)' A. reddish beard; however, - does not carry the significance that goes. with red hair, for a large number of .eminent .men with dark-brown hair, have had : red dish beards. Sometimes the eyelashes have been ruddy, Savonarola, who had almost , black hair, having startlingly red eyebrows, and eyelashes. But, A XEy QUALltX OF! LUXtJIlY bP EFFICIENCY '."" ;;": ; You have looked to the Cadillac for the great t - i Delco "electrical system of an SPECIFIC ATIOITS IN BEIEI? - . -v. . : mf:( Warn as a general rule, here alsv a silky brown beard, wkena(fcompanIed, by (these principles and practices to their line, curling dark brown hair, is the own conditions ana in many ways im most usuaj characteristic shown, la. prcvlag en them. They will L see the biographies of those men whose. rn tks Irish Department of Agricul-. names have ; been t handed down t tnre tnd its activities and eonstlta- fatst. Lendon Tit-UIts. IK THE MM i LIVILIZAIIUl mm ;;V-.VtM.Ho '.ru tl thwimcans the least of the Influences that and experience be expected to throw J.mvik i.M..ri HiMKtMi.th. on the solution of these various prob lems? :- Probably very little. Amer icans have much to learn from us in the matter of provident, scientific and intensive farming; but, apart from that, we are net very much more ad vanced uan they are in the organi zation of agriculture as business or in our political recognition of ' rural interests. It Is In Ireland that the visiting commissioners will find such enlightenment as the British isles are capable of furnishing on the subjects of their , inquiry. . With the principles and practices of cooperation they will already have familiarized themselves at first hand during their continental tour, : But in: Ireland, theyi, win vsee what , can . nowhere clsei be seen an ; A NEW SOUKCE OF ECONOMY Cadillacs, been stil further developed j improv- , 1 and siiuplificd and .the plight attention re quired from the user materially reduced. Tbe carburetor has been improved, its effi ciency and its well-known economy increased. It is hot-wafer jacketed and electrically heated to facilitate starting in cold weather. The fear springs are six inches longer. " - The body designs arc new and strikingly handsome. , - ' " : : iVont seat passengers may enter or leave the car at either side. V r f . r c.v - v 1 These andmany other refinements of essen-. tial details make f6r a greater and a better Cad illac and serve to more firmly establish its posi- " tion as America's leading motor-car. V- The Cadillac Company has ed you in the smallest particular or in a single promise. ' v -;.;':; : J ';:V;;:; '' -: - -'..;? We promise you again, in this hew car, a pos itive revelation in motor-car luxury. : v . mm'" imT""" ' ':,'y';:-.-:, ;..- :Vy;:- i.' . i.. -.f . ' rWSH Klish-praking community applyint: , . itloa u ouicial institution laboring with the people as wU as for taem. keepiag in touch with tha needs ef each district without losing iu cen tralized enciency. and bringing state aid to agriculture In such a way as to evoke and supplement, but not to sup plant self-help and Individual initia tive. Ireland. In' the person of Sir Horace Plunkett, has led the whole English-speaking world In thinking out and in working out the problems of rural life and in Inducing Amer icans, if only by the force of contrast, to recognize their agricultural back wardness and to see about overcom ing IL Sir Horace, indeed. Is by no; American seal for Improvement of farming- It Is altogether fitting, there fore, that the last experience of the commission should be the country In which his teaching has borne its fin est fruit, and where. If anywhere In the British Isles, the business techni cal, social and governmental aspects of the task of butldmg up a rural civi lization can be studied with real pro fit to the student -London Times. "How did Calkins get the right to stick that 'Hon.' In front of. his name? He never was In Congress, was he? "No; but bo mce impersonated a rt-cr.ber cf crrsress over the tele phone." TTwff-lo Express. never disappoint- f