Newspaper Page Text
a v z ' P ' ; Pi P: :; i 77--: P From S. F.j . 7 Honolulan, Sept. t. , Ur tLf,i Wilhelmlna, Sept 10. From TaAroarrri , Niagara, Sept.-10. Fer Tanroatert 7 . Harama. Sept. I. ' A s.. -j O w' t .1cnin DuUctln. Et. 1S82. No. 5641. i Hawaiian Star; 'VoL XXI. No. 6G84. 14 PAGES-IIOXOLULU, TERRITORY OP HAWAII, MOXDAT, 8EPJ: S, J013. 14 PAGES. prjci: nvn ctah nrr' r l J ... " ' ' . i - ..'''7-' ';' ''; 7-- - :- ,Z'P' . GP.GEKSEH i Great Koolau Tunnel Prelect uay Co Completed by Ha K ' 'waiilrricaticn Expert fEGOTlATIOFOR 7 CHANGE UNDERWAY Reported That Builder of Ha makua Ditches Will' Take Contract fcr Waiahcle CITY VOW'T PAYv PROBABLE SBSULt GlITINCfllTS SITE IS ?a ,Jcrppn Jorpcr.scn, cfvll cnclucer of the Hawa!ia.n Irrigation :Co . VLd., probatly soon -wJU placed In cfcarpe cf Umv completion of the tun- rel rf t!.e V'aishoIe Water Co.. Ltd., In place cf JI.'K. Dlrhcp, tho engineer v'to l as started the great work that Is gcirs; o fmtvIj the Oahu Sogar Special Committee of Supervi ' sors Can't Aqree with Cald , well onAVatcr Bill , TV0-THOUSAfiD-DOLLAR ( ITEUS ARE REJECTED Minor Charges Dropped After Conference; but Main Points - Still in Dispute v v.. -- - v- Some Change; ih Llethod of Relr;"mrc Gidt ; -Gfaving-Docli is Por3ible-xp.rt:low -7 -; 7 J Formulating- v 71 7X -; 'fligher-up3 in Washington -7 . -.: "- ; ISpwHal Star-Bulletta Cable . . , . i. ;'' . . WASHINGTONrD. C, Sept. a Alfred- :cb!3 : is -here1 from his trio to Honolulu and renorts that ccnstruction of the 1 "iPeari Harbor drvdock on tfie cresent site is fea:ih!2 rnd nrac. Refusiuj to recommend two tm-ticable. He is formulating a written opinion, -With measure? portant ,ltem for payment, a special monc mahnrfe onH rfotoile Corof?jrv 'nrniHc rmr Mhop committee of the BTipenrlBors. named i"wiwrmvutwug wkU"- vvwiwwj to confer vith" superintendent of pub-; NaVal officials are iubilant." 7 . 7 C.;S. ALBERT. Uc Works CaJdwell over hia now fam ous bill for vater rendered to the city tad county; v.ill probably force' the superintendent to carry the matter' to the courts collect th TLls 1 f Associated Press Cable X. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 0. Expert Hcble today ten- 1 h bmV nii sts 111 lDg 1 2rec PreI'mmary report joh the Pearl 'Harbor drydock dis ise,tte JutwM of .' a -confer-' aster, to the secretary of the navy.- Noble'repcrts that he can ence jast Friday between caidweii ; save th? drydock complete, according to tha orirjinal plans.; above cablegram from the jrr1 'RiiT)o-nrJorir . Petri "Vvr ' gnif Tn. fheco. Two Items on the bill, It "was v 7 stated today, will be . lopped off by ! The ' i Caldwell, but on, two other Items-re-' Star-Eulletln's ;. Washington corres rudiated by the supervisors fce'standf' pondent : removes the last .lingering firm. Unable to come to an-agree-' dtaU)t. as'to .the construction of the meet, the committee will make Its re-!rearl Harbor drydocK on its present 1 -u port soon and believes it has such (Continued on page, four) Oi SECURE- was sent here recently. Noble -spent ten days here, and jthis report given today is taken to te preliminary to his written report of conditions.- ; The cable' from the Star-Bulletin's correspondent Infiicsj esrr.thatVNoblef by. those, familiar . .with . the subject j -wW recommend a-, podlfication of the that a drydock cf some sort would be joriginaL pIan.'and tMa Tlew is taken built -at. the Mid-Pacific Xnaval base, also oy the contractors, ; The Associ- slte. Jt has - never', been questioned j but there has been talk from time to time of a floating drydock, on the sup position, that the harbor bottom would not support the weight of a "graving aock,' - The navy, engineers-have been confidential! along, that the. sita was practicable, and the report pi the uay ated Press . cable,' however, Indicates that tToble finds fiothing amiss with theoriginal specifications;; , ; ; . Neither Civil Engineer Jayler, pub lic works officer at Pearl Harbor, and uresident of th Ijoar that submit ted the 'original repcrti "ot Walter, F. tcr , is lilily to ! t'jr.ul scheme Co.'s i!.r.', . :i uith millions of gal lons cf v::.r C-u'Ay 'frcm the other 'tie cf VJ.i iv'cnd by the tunnel - thrcu'h the Ilcclaa range. ' -It Is i:J:r:!:ci'. that Eishop, whe res!,-:rc! t'.G cf flee of Buperintendent of rul'.io vrrlis to accept tho super- Inter.: :y cf the tunnel operations, will rcch a E.itis'actory arrar.gemenl with H. llackfeli & Co., Ltdi agents' cf'bolh 11.9 water and the planting Waits Ur:n f !y:r to Report -fcr V.crk Until 10:30; Then Gets Tired V; v i- ' " JIadame Puahi ' walked resignedly into the oSce. of , tue mayor this morning, with ten dollars - in hef perse with "which to buy a license to permit-' her 'hula hula' dances: to be giytn ai her. home by Kapiolani park. She . remarked , that though SherlnTJ Jarret hd aesurejj her at the time he ordered her to Close her .place that she could' resume tho hula hula business soon, he had , apparently changed his mind, and advised her to get a license. ; - "He say the 'missionaries don't waut -hula dance, v confided Madame Puahl. A So I think be8t way me get license; -then I can give my dances all right." ' - , - V. . The womanatte4 long for " his honor to put In an appearance, brit unsucccrsfuliy. She flnallyleft fcir her home saying- that she would-ra. turn again. - . '.''':..', II. K. ristop, present chief of the TValaleile. lVa'.cr Comrauv Jrrljatlon project.. , companies mentioned. Bishop , came here under engagement to '.the county of Hawaii as the expert road engineer for the loan fund commission,, having had special train lng4 in .that specialty of. engineering in the east. He soon mado such an 'excellent record .on the big island .that Governor Frcar snatch ed him" from the count to succeed Wars ton Campbell at the head of the territorial public works, when the lat ter resigned in ravor or private em ployment, - v. ' .: ' " :- Mr. Jorgensen's engagement by the Waiahole Wafer Company, . It is re ported, means a change in the hand ling of the work.; It, is said that he will take the; contract to complete the work on the big irrigSiLion scheme on schedule time, and that he is ' confi dent of finishing the big tunnel. and ditches in less than four years. , In all probability, whatever he may .. (Continued on page four) Though the mayor Cs not at this time issue dance licenses an ordin ance to that end, however, has been drafted by P.. L. Weaver, deputy city and county "attorney Madame ; Puahi wishes' to discuss the matter, with him, and 'she will probably act on his advise, -The chief executive has 'al ready given ii as his off-hand opinion that it weald be proper for the super visors to issue a licenfe in this case. ... Madame Puahi; waited for hla hon or to "show'Vup for work until 10:30. ler beard, submitted some months ago, Dillingham,- general 'manager of the was to the -effect that the dock", could . Hawaiian Dredging Co.,- contractors, be ,-ttHt ca the present jBite and; ac- ,has any: private advices from "Wash-cc-J'-x to the original speciflcatlons. Kington oh the sublet.' ' V i ,- : This :Jast contention .the contractors, - v DUllnSham, wh seen ihis morn ttB Ilawallaa Ev&d:-;i,Ctook'-x- Ing, state lthat;l 4.'S0r frlraterin-" and it, was to" finally' settle formation, and .-wduldiiot comment thla raatter. thai Alfred Noble, a civ-, on the Noble report. until behad fur ilian. civil engineer of world-wide re-l . . ; , ' ' ' k . -v , nown, . aid ; an expert on foundations, I - ; (Continued en page four) . v WHICH IS GOVERNOR OF Ef.lPJRE STATE? : ; r ' 7-""" """v" 5. -!' "" v r IJtJ J ij LA V L. 1 1 i I at W m - 7 1 'r;;rUBc7'- . -V- mmmm Ifl CtLJJAIL IHIP 3F.25!il is bt 1FA 'iroWATl WC3 Chun - Duck - Soon Is - declared to hi 7 ) .;.'r.7ii.77 Transport Buford Leaves Snn Frar.::::o f:r th: V::t C Vi'son's Message Sends Arppi:?is l!::rry;r.3 to 7 to GofJcrth 7 : r f Associated Press Cable) . '7 SAN FRANCISCO, $ept BvAmerfcana by the thoutanj 2:2 to the seaports of Mexico to flee the' country, atcorZ'.r.j tD rr-:r.i have reached Waihlnjton and that are retponsiils for tvs h.rr :i C ure today. of the army transport Cuford. Tr.9 Cuford l:ft f:r .' j coast of Mexico to take on 1CC0 refu;ses sa!J ta av-a !'.:.-3 t' 5 ::r: , assistance at two or three ports. Charles Jenkins, t;::!il r:;:::-:. of the department of state, is in chars cf tha Zu.':rd. Santo Domingo Er.5 . isvc" .: 7 lAsnoclated Press Cable , ' ) WASHINGTON, D.'C Sept. 8. Vice-Consul Etteva reports thit a ; clutlon i is in prosresyln Santo Domingo and that ur.bcsts are t . .:. Puerto Plata, endanserinj Americans. The state c':p2rtnent Is liv: gating. . : " - t . '- Thcw'GdseMay To 1 1 i in cpr.e c:ur. i V -..' V , ' " ' V tAa!ate4 Jte.-s Cablel OTTAWA," Canada, Sept CThs tuiisn c;i case, together "Vvith. the appart-t readine:3 cf fr counsel for Harry K. Thaw ha brought Imm;;::'.;: foresee at east two years' &tly before the Thaw c::s c Is expected to be carried to the' Privy , Council In Cr;'i verdict is reached. ;; ' i ' r'.i l.i s ta li: - ts 1 : 1 Blov; Aimed At 3v: zl?.. ' r v tAssxtited rtes3 C1!J , ' WASHINGTON, D. C dpt. C Cjr r C kats-ay cfTr-:i an srrr.i.rtrt t3 the j i drs-Mj cu' -'-:: :' -. f:r Ci. "J.-.-.r .... r.r- .rr : t..s i jcent on Inheritances cf i;?,c;3 up ta t :vir. '.-." p.r c:- inheritor cf the t-lk cf ths Ati:r f.rtur.:, - .' J tj i . millions by: the 'cperat.'sn cf ths wnir:-', - Senator C'ip? cf Minnesota, pr: ii tus l-;. ta)C JIsIatirrJ, says he will support tha- amsni.-.j-t. 1 SAFES H. E. HCNORICK, LTD. Merchant and Alakea Telephone 2648 BUHlIJESnf' : REQUESTED TO FflaMDCLOTHES The treacherous curtents'bf 'Kawal- here pitched hie camp on a racant loa bay; a trifle orer a mile north of ; piece of land near the Kalih Deten- iwlalua, claimed a human, life Sunday tlon .hospital on Saturday night, ac-' morning, when' Private, Elgey, I Co' cording to reports that began to Alter; 25th Infantry", was -drowned before his, into central police station that even- v friends and - comrades . on- the chore ' Ing and on Sunday morning. . and in the .water could go to his as- A man, declared to tally to 4 mi-. sistance ' v f- ' v ; :r; nute detail with therdescriptlon of .. The 25th Infantry, completed a, prao the..bcdly wanted Korean, is said to tice - march around the 'island, this have beetveaa.bya number of resl-? : morning; and up to yesterday there dents In that neighborHbod.A visit pad not been ' an accident or .an in mado by a detail of oQcers indlcate4-idnf ' n mar t.haVtrinC Saturdav that some one had spent a night at night the regiment camped at'tbein the" place, Judging from the remains dustfial school and making an early of a repast, and , the embers left be- j moniingv start,'" arrived V at its next f;sfro,m R tn-L ' ' y camping place sbortlyter 9 amAs The Korean, who on several occa-1 goon. 8beIter v lcnt9 were.pitcheo', sions, has sawed Ws way-to freedom, the meIi -were-iven permission go is believed to be in constant comma- MriiimK,i aTW wno nfhir in nn nlcatlon: with .friendt who are i under- Ume ta c1!ng off, Jn tne oceaiL i Ai Kawalloa- which,-' .freely" trans lated, means: the great water--there is a well 'developed , reef over which the rollers: boom atr all times.- -There H also a cross current; tn which fewim ming Is extremely difficult. ; Although there were si number of "men nearby, it was some jaiinutes -befqire ETgey plight was noticed, : and when discQv eretl he was helpless aid at the mercy of j waves ; und xurrent, t He "was brought to hore ; by , several compan ions, and 'for- twa hours " Captain Mount, pt the medical corpSr prked tn riiiHrittft him. All' fforts rov- )ed useless, and it is believed that the soldier was past help before he' was Tracing his peculations back . for. discovered. ; ' '.: s. almost a year; postoffice officials here' The 25th brokecamp at T o'clock have discovered an amazing series of ' this morning. ' and reached' Schofleld petty. irreguianue8 in tne worx or veil before noon. . .. ' (Continued, on page three) PECULATIONS - COVER PERIOD OF 01 YEAR PR0V0STQUARD :, T 7 r r DEFINES A LEI Addressing ' Governor Frear as "Honourable President" and "Your Majesty,' Mrs. Cerelina Ababao Hughes, evidently a Filipino or Span ish woman, has written a pathetic letter - from ' BatangaSi P. L, asking that the territorial , executive send i back to her the clothes of her hus band, James Hughes, who . she be lieves died at Pearl City last March. ' The epistle haa been handed to Attorney General Thayer, who Is en deavoring today to ascertain - the facta in the case. ! The writer says that her husband left her with two children, 10 and 8 years old. who are crying for the pater and asking that. if be is dead, they be allowed to see at $1500. which he was unable to rur- hia clothes that they may remember nish and he was computed to v jail, him. . . v : ; - . . I where he 'now is. : ; The city directory gives the names The work of the postal officials, fc of several men as James Hughes, but gether with that of customs- men, bis there is only one that would seem to, revealed long-continued juggling on fit the description. In the 1912 direc-i the part, of Smith, it was stated to- tory is recorded the name of James day, ard tnough he had succeeded in ters a day or so" ago. George W. Smith, a clerk In the reg-1 istry division, .who was placed -under I arrest, some . days ago charged with embezzlement V ; , Smith was arrested Adgust 29 by United States Marshal Hendry on a ' warrant sworn j to by : Postoffice In- specter Fred EL Jaryis. He came up for preliminary aearlng on September 2 before the United' States commis sioner, but waived examination and ; was neia to await me acuon oi -ue federal grand Jury. Bond was fixed r. x -f Why is a lei? . a . -f . This is a 'ijuestion r that : has -f often been -asked by embarrass- -f ed malihinis,.' when . ; garlands v 4 -f have . been ; festooned on . their- -f f. hats, or- hung - lround ? their nn- -f f willing necks; much' as the fToral -f horseshoe i is placed upon the -f f fractioua Derby winner, .v l S-'Xf- . 4- Possibly a sergeant of thejro- f vost guard has defined - the lei ' habit. In the; terse' report of : an -f arrest,' which 7 reached headquar- master's department , The name is he had been operating on -a system; 4- not repeated In tne . new ; directory, hy which he- might have , profited however.: If this Is found to be the. much more heavily but for the vigi oerson soueht an erfdrt will be made . . . ' . - ko comply wlth'the wife't" request - J : v (Continued on page three) - "Private Blank,' out of uni form. : . String, of . flowers 4- around ' his hat. OTHER- -f WISE SOBER.? 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- 4- f 4 4- 4-4- . Upper picture Is that of Governor William (SuIzer of New -York, recently impeached by the- assembly at Al fcsny, but who has steadfastly refused Z0 quit his job as governor; below is Lieutenant-Governor Glynn, who was delegated to the office of acting-governor, following . the ' ImpeaQhment Latest reports from Albany are to ths effect that -Sulzer still refuses, to be ousted but is occupying a downstairs ofice at the cpitol while Acting-Governor Glynn occupies the regular ex ecutive office on a floor. above. .".i'DHFFIEI'ILI. I GET HIS TRIPS TO SHAkGIIAI i.7Maihe':Bull ilcz: zz '. 'Li: 7 : . ' ' . ' - . ' ' ' t: ; . . - i Associated Press CatleJ t- . 7 PORTLAND, Mafne, Sept 8-TJ-.9 tpecial c:-;r;-:::r;I e!r third congressional cjiitrict'cf this ttate thsws tzrr. f-.4.- . The eome.lete'returna give Petsrs, republican, 273 v...i, , ocrat, 1CG3; and Lawrence, Pro;resslv e, ZZZ. ; In the presidential election in the t;-ne d::4.rl:t, Ta.'t :t Wilson ES3 and Roosevelt C;3. :i v: Tokio Agifeiion Incrcr 'ZY'-' -'..::;; (Associated Press Cable J ' - : ' : TOKIO," Sept 8.-i-Government' detectives are jua'rdirj n:rr Japanese cabinet night and day during the prtient ;;.'tat!;n. The newspaper Nlroku ohimbun has teen suppre:sed i.:ca leged anarchistic utterances. 1 :s cf i'.i Sanchez Agrees to Return to ' Orient, waiving All tytra . p dition Papers -p-v . Carlos Roberto Sanchez, the young .man of mysterious nationality who is wanted . at ShanKhal. China; on a charge . of stealing1 several thousanTl dollars has consented to return : with out the; exercise of : the extradition. Withdrawal of his petition for a writ of, habeas corpus was filed in the su preme court this morning by bis coun sel. Judge A. S. Humphreys, and the prisoner and : his young bride , will leave on the China next .Thursday for the Orient " .".;- r" 'J: ' . . Sanchez' will be escorted by - Chief of Detectives McDuffle,-who formally will hand the young "man over to the Shanghai authorities on the ship's ar rival at that port : . . ' . . This sudden turn of affairs in the episode of the bride and groom who came to Honolulu from the Orient two weeks ago is the culmination . of a stormy interview, in the office-of At torney G eneral Thayer this morning. Present at the seance were the attor ney general. Judge- Humphreys, Mc Duffle and Sanchez. The. discussion lasted for. an hour or . more, . with echoes of frequently recurring vocal explosions reaching, out to the ; corri dor of the capitoi building, v ere Mrs. Sanchez, the anxious bride 4aced to and fro. From the .sounds of the wordy- combat it was gathered Uiat P jNegro Prisoners SuiTc zz:y. . . - K (' - ; v - ' "' :;.' - (Associated -Press Cable ' '.' ' ' 7 - RICHMOND, Texas, Sept 8-A horrible and needless tr3;riy v recorded here today when negro prisoners were su"ocat:i to e'esth. T underground cell in which the deaths occurred was found to contain 1 prisoners. ; ' ' " " -.- v i ' -. . Son Bdrh tosAmericaii PDudiz: Tj, ' - ' ' Associated Press Cable - 4 ' LONDON, Eng, Sept 8-The Duchess of Roxburghe,, formerly "Mi: j May Goelet of New York, gave birth to a son today. ; f Z' (Continued on page three) GOVE !!i".I!T0 LEAVE FCn COAST TODAY'S tli':: league ON .EARLY BOATi .. Governor Frear has booked passage on the steamship Wilhelmlna, which leaves Wednesday for the . roast ; hft also ,1s booked for the Mongolia, which leaves for the mainland next Saturday, and for the Sierra, leaving here September 20. .He Intends be ginning his long-anticipated .vacation when he departs on one of these, and will take with him the necessary doc uments to arrange at Washington for the next bond issue, 4f it is decided this issue shall be floated before be goes out of office.. " : , ; "I had expected to receive the word that would make my , vacation - possi ble, by noon . today,." said the govern or this " afternoon, "but It. did , not come. '-It may arrive, before night -or it may be here tomorrow morning. 7 7 It Is thought he refersto Infoflna tion expected, from the national cap Ital regarding the. governorship situa tion, though he does not say as much. It is certain, however, that he intends going to the states at the earliest possible moment, and thaj he very likely- will proceed directly to Wash ington. ; where arrangements for-the bond flotation will be made e!ther by NATIONAL LEAGUE. ; At Chicago Chicago 5, St Levis Z. . At New York New York 8, Ln- -lyn 1. - - At Cincinnati (double header) Pittsburgh V Cincinnati 2; Pitta burgh 1, Cincinnati 2. -, At Boston (doubleheader) Phi! 3 delphia -13, Boston 0; Philadelphia C, Boston 2. ': . , ' AMERICAN LEAGUE.' 'At Washington New York 4, Wa. Jngton 0. -' - a '' - -;- . Honolulu Lodge No.-' 809 Loyal O der of Moose," was gm-ted a c license by i Territorial Treasurer I Conkling, this morning. . ..Acting President Cecr? C. C Of the: 'Merchants.- Azzziliil r nounced "thla afternoon ths a;;:' nrent'of V. IL Farri-S-3 as a rc;r cctatlve of C.e association la tt tertalnment of Fraacl3 Ertc I:. son, the new govemcr-g--. :ral :f Philippines.- Ha will act ii c:-.' tion with representatiTes cf th? C ber cf Commerce ar.i th? Cc r. Club: . . ' ' ' hii cr ty the mar. f - ? ? b