Newspaper Page Text
't Wllbelmlna; Doc. FerS.t Uirline, Dec. 23. 'rm TantoiTrrt Marama. Dee. 31. For Ttietirtn Makura, Dee. SO. - A . KTejUni buliotta; KbC 18S2. No. 5753. Jlawalian SUrVoL XXI. No. 6773. 22 PAGES IIONOI.UMJ, TEIUUTIKY OF HAWAII, MONDAY, DEJC. 22, 1913. 22 PAGES PU1CE PI VR cnxa SIBQIfflES NEW RECORD FOR INCOMING MAIL oo o o t-: r Ventura Brings 741 Sacks; Pdstoffire "" m g.c:: V if v r.. ; 2 ' , , - s I I-:--U J - ... - s..'-V : . ; 1 aaa V' -- x- 1 . v i i i mr m. a r. Ill fflEE SIIETOHS'UI e OF OLDEN GIANTS Alih: UlSbUVtlttU m -'jr J: ' : 5 Four Under-water Cruisers of Recent Design Will' Be ;Sta ; tioncd in Oahu Permanently, Acccrdmg to the Information That ias Justiicached Here FIWAL DECISIOfi HAS1 ; v 'fALBEADY BEEN REACHED Hange of Operations in Hawaii Wilt: Be Larger Than on the Pacific Coast I I...'-- .Sabmaiiaes are to,be added, to1 the defenses bf; Oabn, . and .majrbe e , lected at Pearl Harbor in a compara- tirel snort timer -Thia ia tbe .atai : tilng aewi that ha Just reached here' ! and. that will be ali the talk in the " oaVy and", army circles when it be :tomef . generally known.r-Fouf of the 4 cder-water crufsert, of : late design, , are to be permanently stationed here. nnd private ;Word, from ' Washlntton states that .while official ahnounce- ' meat of the step VlU be delayed for om,e .timer final decision has already been reached. . ; The .submarines to " perform ? this duty in ' Hawaii hive been . selected. They will bevressals of the K and L classes? a number of. which have been under construction at' works on the ; J 'a cine.. coast 1 "Several of tbeae itwo clascs, which are, the" latest; design, oro now completed and will in a short v.t!nic be turned , orer to the,- United 5 Ctatcs for, formal acceptance. -" It is expected that when .it Jbecomes known that these submarines -are to come to Hawaii there will be a protest frc:n the racI2c coast as there k has I ecn in recent years an Increasing de ; jr."nc3 that a large number of, subma ' Tl. -3 be atatlrr.? J4 in the Paclflc for the defences of that coast ; Naval au thorities, are ready with a reply to such rrctests, however-,. They assert that the rulEarlne division to-be sent : to" Hswa!! wlT rc- !!y fern. r at part Cof t? 3 J"c' c".:t c : ics, ev:u more y r- , -Cthe Tachlc. c:r r. r.; : cr t, cratlcns. it ('.:.:;: tt Ilall -and in .. . j rr threatened war ..;,) licet "tself would more ly le la the viclnitr-of its Ha. w-allan bass than off the Pacific coast 7.'" ' : 1.-1 .. . I, diiRiiiol Letters Delivered Today. While Packages (Viil Be Distribti v ted Tomorrow v and v ?7 : - . - Wednesday v -KX 1 ,"L n the' mainland : c. 'V- --ki; f- there. 'II f ? f -' ' ' the Lattk. little ."wtssives :'oCI3b vi-fj liiic'-': de- 0. lkUii The finest pleasure-craft on the-Pa- f tine. : Col. - D. C JackUnR'B splendid .vacht in Hono ; . jlula. rTur:ic 1 bat:; to Teattle after , ieavlng Puct Sound a few weeks ago, y-.. on account of the bnerY sudden 111 V Less, the Cyprus again sailed f San Francisco on Decembers , 10. according : to news from Puget Sound and was to '.v sail for Honolulu' shartly afterward. u - In . fact. CoL - Jackllng - planned to spend Christmas in; Honolulu, but this ' plan has probably been changed as no word; has been received here that" the Yacht ' has; left for this port f . v - KA.'- CoV ,-Jackllci;- Is a' mnlU-milllonaire mining jean of Buttev' Mont4 and ?ex ; .' - lects to spend much of his time cruls t r. !ng In' Pacific and Alaskan waters. ;k.The Seattle Post-Intellbencer, of De jA -Member -C says : ; V : ': . ;;":",: Bound for,: tfaii'vVFraiuds'Vlrom ' . which port the ylll sail on December V 10 for. a.crui8e of the Hawalain . isl ' ands, the private - yacht j Cyprus, re cently' completed at the yards of the ; Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Com-- ,lany. for Cob D. L "Jackllns. left Se .1. Attle . yesterday, afternoon. . . .. " The Cyprus is In commany of Capt - 'W.-T, McNelley and her only passen- ers are EI. J. .Franklin, consulting en- ' gineer to Cel. Jackllng, and C B. La i.ront. assbitant to President J. V. Pat- - erson.; of the 'Seattle Construction' & ' Dry Dock' Company.; v ; ' K, Goes Aboard at San Francisco. . f -""Cot Jackling'and a trty of guests fiom New York "will; Join the Cyprus i at San Francisco.' the; vessel getting away for the islands some time next Wednesday 1 afternoon. The yacht's owner plans to spend Christmas at Honolulu ;"and after a. cruise . of ...Ha waiian y aters will .bring the Cyprus to Seattle, Teaching this port some . time In Febniary. " " The Cyprus left for San Francisco . recently .with her owner aboard, but returned" to portion account of hfs 111- r.ess and heavy weather off the coast . Beore leaving . the bay - yesterday ' afternoon the vessel cruised about for; son. time while her compasses were iidjoiled, ; ' ' SPECIAL SALE 3 To'Maks, Room for New Stock Mi C HENDRICK, LTO. 1 Ti: .r-t I Merchant & Alakea fOViieln lept tofj, delivering; tise 4 ti reco rd Nf er t in e-; II o no in w , post O 't Santa .Clans reached morning, traveling from the' mainland ; i" ;Vi":j"J-"?An.H.": plr tnre shopmen m shipment of mail that, haa feyer Und d in lirao nuiuand rlherepresenta' tlves cf Uncle Sam ' who deliver the,; littl srised -iuns-r nnrri : nnstvni wnrv nit ? 1 Presents from loved ones awaltlnjt distribution.;; ; rrKodagraph v.jfrint:,:-!' row will commence the task 1 of de I coV'rbocraV PedrolVilllam Frascri cjtlllieliiKeUJohiinKBr-5 ' i. l.mer;rowt left to" rlghtehn ?ndlofa. WIIIwpi - HelokahlkL rtf nciow-ccne?'n uetnei strew siae oi jvu. jnuiaunsun t: 5 llvering the presents. .Incidentally, Santa Cuius will be good to the postal, employeea this year -as, : according to t a recent ruling,' they will be paid over " time for ; thear;nlght,a': utthe" first f rlma 'har ftiav 'kavii aai mIIaw. '-. wtuv ucivt uiv uhtu w c ( vvcu cvaiv vr 0 ed such a luxury, Silt GENERAL EIHKI ID TO LEAVE s 1 i-V lEIAPIAiliSS Pnisf mj)Rttr Jnaonh ITWnt ; cfatrf t that his-force had; been recruited tip ' " erai tti, . morning jouowtoK-wwchj ' Residence in This City SSXp?S:s This Afters ICVr IU IIIUIIWl UOIUVIHtll VVIIdWIW WVIIWV age mail. On account of , the large shipment received the city will - be divided Unto districts and tomorrow. delivery, begin-TegisteW l'I'tJ6?: !.nrt 1 ave these shores to aesurhe my du here and, in gin8,7Ynjf :alncere tivirr o4n ih. faM th. (f - a oha remains for - Hawaii's resic enta o? an -. mionai wcs. r wixn rvoresin wfcnm "whom, the iapanese are enjoying the friendliest of- relatlena.w--HI- ia exceptionally heavy this year and' te,!nfl; of profound . regret that I Je ihere mar hi & kiieht'ilpiav in it rf-f ties Irv-the consulaf service elsew :.,. (Continued on page, four ) : CIiniSTi.MS TO fltiliil Villftll 1 UnUULLIlU ' " . ' - . . x - ' ' . . - - i ' I r . . .. -r I SAKICHi EITAKI,. consul-general fcr. Japan in the Mawanan tsianas, - -- -- t; Hisaklchl fciUki, ho for the past year has been Japan's representative in the Hawaiian Islands with the title of V consul-general, will leave for. To klo in the Toyo Kisen' Kalsha. liner Tenyo laru this rjternoon accom panied by Mrs. Eitaki and the! child ren.1? Mr. Eitaki has been in the Jcn&nese consuiat service for many Quaint ; arid Beautiful ; Custom 'Appeals Strdrigly Program ; js5: Now Given Definite arrangements for the carol- slnging i throughout Honolulu on Christmas Eve have now been practi cally completed and the program for next Wednesday : evening was an nounced this morning by Miss Mary P,'W!nne,'one of the leaders in the movement. ,At the same time. Miss Winne, on behalf of the committee, asks that there , be- general carol-6inging by those who have not so far been reach ed! for any of the various singing groups. The committee hopes that the -spirit of spontaneity that -has so far carried; on , the work will result in many singers not now in any of the groups traversing the city on Wed nesday evening and joining in the commemoration of the quaint and beautiful yuletide custom. The programs at various "centers" and by various groups are given be low. Jt will be noticed, that several groups will move from one center to another,' singing at each spot. Sev eral districts have no particular cen ter and the groups will tour tliese districts .generally, such as the beach read and hotel sections, the Nuuanu section, the Beretania section and the Kaimukl section. , The. people of the districts in which (Contlncei dn'page f bur ;. 4 4 4- 4 pointed, this office will be. In charge of Vice-consul Arita, formerly of Ot tawa, Canada, who is expected to ar rive in Honolulu December 24." At his residence on Nuuanu street last night, the consul-general was host at an Informal farewell banquet at which were present prominent local business men and journalists to the years, and itis said that his recall to! number of 20. During the affair there the capital will mean a promotion to a higher; position, possibly that of minister. During his stay in Hono lulu he has made many friends, both among bis own people and among those of other nationalities and, as he I9 a keen business man and well versed in the English language, his departure will be keenly felt locally. The consul was busily engaged throughout this morning in settling the affairs of the local office prior to his departure and, in a short Inter view winch he gave a representative oi the Star-Bulletin, his remarks were of a nature which boded nothing but f,cod if-r these islands and for the Japanese residents as well. He laid special stress on the friendly relations which now exist between ihe Japan ese and the people of other national!-, ties cf Hawaii, saying that he felt were many toasts proposed, the ma jority relating to the good work which the consul has done during his service in these islands.- It was through his efforts that the local consulate is now composed of two large modern struc tures; one containing the offices of the consul and bis assistants, and the fother the residence of Japan's repre sentative. A fact which was brought out at the banquet, and one which is interesting to note, is that, during Mr. Eitaki's service here, no complica tions have arisen between the Ameri can and Japanese communities. Al though it is. rumored that there are several men in line for the position of Japanese consul-general here, no au thentic details have been received as to who will take Mr. Eltakl's place. A delegation of local Japanese busi ness men and others called on the con- FUre this tnencMy spiril woum (u-lgu, this morninc. a nmeoKKinn nf eallv tinue to exist. On every hand b-. decorated automobiles making its way said, both he and Mrs. Eitaki have to the Xuuanu gtreet office ghorty been met with every curtesy andjafter ,Q o-cl0ck hospitality and ho expressed a sin- j t cere aloria for the people of (Uw-j r)egjri , becomp -I have been recalled to Japan by my government," P company of the GaarJ to a question from the reporter but Qf H Reginald Hope Rath, a I have received absolutely no infor- hjte maQ &t . A f A. . k 1 f k Vl Til DiailOn as IO wuai iiuaiuuu 1 am w take, whether It be in the consular service or otherwise. The rumor that I am going to Stain as minister ap pears to be without foundation, for no notification to that effect has reached me. Japanese consuls In all parts of the world 'are now being recalled, as is the case when a new emperor takes the throne and I am not In a position to say who will be appointed consul f or , Honolulu. 5 Until a consul .is ap- made his declaration of intention at the federal court clerk's office late last Saturday night. Immediately aft er that'little formality Ratb returned to headquarters and enlisted as a member of the white company. The hearing of H. S. Decker's re plevin suit, to recover a racing-horse from High Sheriff William Henry has been continued by Judge Whitney to January ; '.:y-i' Road-workers at Waimea, Hawaii, Dig, Up Bones of Men ' Over Seven Feet Tall lIgeAd OF GREA'T battle RELIEVED NOW CONFIRMED Story of Maui King Whose -Bodyguard Fell oa Invasion; Brought Back to Mind : i Three gigantic skeletons unearthed a; few days ago at Waimea, Hawaii, have aroused Intense- interest among those; who have heard of the unusual happening, The immense size of the ' skeletons confirm stories in, Hawaiian legends of the great stature and tro mendcus ctrengtii . of the men of old, particularly those who surrounded, the kings and chiefs in the; days y? when might and right went together. . . . - The newa of the discovery came to Honolulu on Saturday- by . the, Mauna Kea... . John . H. v Wise, who2S been at work In the Waimea. 'homestead district on the homcsteadlng project in wnicn.. he and several btheri local peopla tre Interested, vouches foft the ccrrectnesa of the Information, having perrons Uy inspected the skeletons and made roughs but ractlcal '.: measure ments or some of the bones. , . TThere Is no question that the; men. jivmg, were 'an weir over seven feet high." said ; Wise today.; .The :- leg bonea, ,for instance, were far; longer than that of any man in Hawaii today, so far as we know.' 1. ant something over five-feet-ten In : height and the icg-Dcne, front foot to knee came half way between my .knee and thigh.: The uones wew or immense ,alie. t The skulls were also of treai' size; while the-conformation Indicated: that the men .were of an intelligent type. The forehead was bold. Instead of . retreat ing and all the 6kull-bdnea were weU rornjedif'f'f iT'st':'- , ' The three skeletons were dug up by' 4 rpad-gang bulldlnff "a new roadi' in cutting down a grade; thq,: three skei; etons were. found. ? WIae savi. that the men were, not .burted,- .for':neJther the posture noft, the surroundinrsi sbowed ny-vidence-Hef Hiawaiian- bu r ! 1 1' want waa. to place them , la a bent posture, shoulders- forward anarms womjni . uown, to toe knees," he said hls vmornin, i but? none fccf ; these uodies had been so arranged TheV werd lying Un an extended attitude, the figures on their .sides, and it is reasonable to . suppose that ihey were soiaicra rauen. in battle, both from ths circumstances under which ther have neen round and because their discov. ery bears dut a legend dealing: witU a great . battle in thia district ' in - the sixteenth century." ' ISH i Perhaps unfortunately for scientific research, the : Hawaiiani who were employed on thev road-gang refused to allow the skeletons, to b taken away, ana tney were ; reburied. However. Wise says that they can probably be Secured .In case they should be desired for the Bishop Museum. ' He thinks that ethnologists would And much of (Continued on page eight) . ; ; MATS0NW WILL BE PC GIVEN: A ROUSING WELCOME TO HONOLULU President Ordersecretaries Daniels and Garri:on- ta R::r: , mahd Those in Chage of Function .Where Pence F!: and Philippines Activities of Administraton Were TrcI : to Burlesque ; The arrival in Honolulu oh Janu ary 27 of the Matson Navigation Com pany's new liner Matsonla: wjll be a red fetter day in the commercial his tory of this port, and, at a joint meet ing this morning of the members of special committees appointed by the Chamber of Commerce and the Mer chants' Assoc'ation, definite plans were formulated to meet and enter tain the officers of the vessel during Its stay here. :" Those present at the meeting were George Brown, Emil Berndt and T. M. Church, representing the merchants, and H. P. Wood representing the chamber. John Drew, manager of the shipping department of the Mat son Company, also attended. George Brown was elected chairman of. the jcint committee and H. P. Wood sec retary. It was decided to meet the Matsonia upon her arrival in the stream, the members or the commit tee to cruise about in a launch ac companied by the Hawalan band. As scon as pratique has been granted. the members of the committee will go on board and present Captain Peter Johnson with an embossed parchment extending to him and his officers the aloha and besi, wishes of the com munity. , ' On the day of the vessel's arrival. it is planned to give a luncheon at t ne of tbe local hotels at which Cap tain William Matson, who will: be a passenger on ' the boat, and Captain Johnson will be tbe guests of, honor. E. D. Tenney and Joha.Drew are also to be invited. The rest of the guests vail include members of the. Mer chants' Association, Chamber of Com merce and the press. George Brown was appointed a committee $ of one to arrange for the luncheon, and the speakers; T. M. Church;wtll feecure the band for the occasion; Mr. Drew will charter a launch and Mr, Berndt will have prepared.: the parchment, II. P. Wood. will eendint notifications to the different members of each body and , make ' other plans - to sscure as ;birge aa: attendance as ror::t!?. ; 1 WASHINGTON,' D. Dec 22-Prldent , Wilson's anjttf has' fa" on officers and leader of the military rdee'ef th Carabae. Al an x". math to the dinner on the evening of Oecembtt tt, when tha "Damn tv s 1 aurrectoa" song was sung and Bryan'a peace policies travtttlc'J by l-v: ships carrying roaea and doves of peace instead ef cannon-ball,' ths dsnt today officially requested Secretrry of War Garrison and Stcrtt:-;-the. Navy Daniels to evfrely reprmand, the offictra who were rt:; : ble for the .dlnner.?,,y vV: w-:''--'--;::; The two highest offlcera of '" the. Carabao are Rtar-atfmlrat Thsrr. :j Howard, U. S.: N and Major-ceneral James Aleshira, U. S. A. ; ) President Wilson makes It plain that hla chief objjection to i" th i' Is that there was shown by military cfflcera-a' aplrlt oiv.oppcjitif n t3 ( administration's polices In the Philippines and particularly its In. Mexico BanI Run Hue Of Year wStriireatenes Gr.2 Lc: " ; f-iraoci.-W pr cii -; - ' - MEXICO C1TY Mex, Pec. 2. The Cank cf Lon:n t-j second largest; banking Institution, clesji itj d::rs t;., c saeclal paymenta because of the recent "financial tic;' :;:" t President Wilarn and the heavy withdrawals cf forci;-:.-: r J;" lnfornjed of. the crisis exisnj In finsrclsl circles, Pr Issued a proclamation today declaring' the- rtmlnizr cf : ucus legal holiday, hoping to stsm the "run" cr t j t:- ;, r are threatened with Insolvency unless the wilh.r-. c Bank of London and Mexico reopsned its dscrs afi:r t'rt cz". holiday had been declared, but Isirtftsing ta pay d:;:: :rz. Citing scenes were witnessed around the tanks cf ths cit t: jre heayily8uarded. f.f " ..' J rTOKIO, Japan Dec. 22 SenorF ran els: o C- La r , ' of foreign laffalrt of Mexico, later. Me xican a ; -. -arrived here today In his' present rol e, cf a r;::;;l c-.3 . V! 'Agltatoral; for.'a 'Japanese-Mexican alliinca srs p!ir a ing to welcome him. j t : the, administration "hii know!; -- j t.'i at t: n radical reorsanlzatlcn to'ccrf:rn t3 th? -trust taw and thua prevent prczccv'.ijn t t. Mrs Pan t 1 ;-: - ; 1 - J: ? LONDON, Eng Dec 2i Mrs. Emmtllns Pankhurjt' I: land! today, untroubled by the police. - - ; - ft f.p - CHICAGO,' III Dec 22. -Madame Schumann-Hein'r r::i t and widely-known. for her appearances with the MetropsiiL-n - r Co. today filed .suit for dlvrrce from William Rapp, her i . .. waa married to RappJn 1SC3. :. Mme." Cchumann-Heink htj : ; .t c : She aska divorce on the ground that for 'temperamental r;r::r-s : not five happily with her husband. J ; ' j :'-v- m mw o t ' MELBOURNE, Australia, Dec 22. Newa has been r:::i,:J Y Noumea, capital of French Caledonia of a fresh outbreak cf v : ; nomena at Ambrim and aurrounding Islands In the New H;.r;::. by disaster, on December 6. According to new today, thrre h:; : heavy less of life among the natives but no deaths cf whit:-. f V ; ' 7 ' - ' . : - ; ; ADI3 ABEBA, Abyssinia, Dec' 22 Official announc? r tr.l is here of the death of the noted and picturesque Emptrsr M:-:'; . H has' been. reported a score of times but always before err:-::.:'. H HOLIDAY, ISSUE .TOMORROW. 8 tt The Star-Bulletin will Issue a tt tt special Christmas holiday, edition tt tt tomorrow, xThe; cover, by Poole, tt tt staff artist'- of. this paper, is a tt tt particularly handsome design in tt tt four colors, with a happr Christ- tt tt mas-ln-Hawall conception. There tt tt will, be plenty-: of - good reading tt tt timely news and features, and the tt tt Issue will carry A notable amount': tt of holiday advertising. Christmas tt tt shoppers will find tevery query as tt tt to what to buy in the advertising tt tt columns tomorrow. .The Issue tt tt will make an appropriate gift to tt tt send your friends elsewhere. tt L ji...i. JLi 1. . til) I iiut-JJ. SlflilSS : "Have manufactured 500 bags su gar,' was the text of a cablegram; re ceived this morning from Manager P. J: Bell of " San Carlos; Milling Com pany: : This small ' outturn represents the results' of, the first test run and marks ' the -i completion ' of j the tym pany's pbinL ? :;, -:'-''V- ; It ; Is expected that, operations- will be: commenced to the limit of the fac tory's capacity in tha latter part of January-the exact date" depending entirely upon the maturity of tbe cane on the, estates of -the planters' who have contracts with ;the company In the meantime, a few short ruus may be -made- o take care of any early cane. and to ensure as far as possible the smooth workTs of the mill when work la started on the main crop; The company 5 expects to turn out not less than 10.COO tons of ECjaf for 1314. "tThe -factory tzs' tcea ercctel ua- der lUunerous ; -ct-iac!r3 In r .c?rrl time by Tlr. Bell," ezl ' A." D.'O :; secrete rj- cf t-: r - - "I'm , ready to go to t r ! 1 1 an 7 ' with : this case,'. this afienooa if witnesses can be 1 found,' aar.c . V;?& District1 Attorney Jeff JIU" in federal court - this morclr.3 ' Attorney George k Dav'a 6err. that a definite date be set for th? t bf Manuel Correa, held oa a c : of white slavery. : : ; - ' ; ?? Never let It be sail " that . shirking work," added thf r. triclf attorney. . -You'll fin 1 as eager to begin theso tria: into the active court buslnr i 1 of you here are. - " ' . Judge -Cleraona suitestcd . t t cary 7. would be a gocnl Uvce t ) ' up. the Manuel Correa case; and iey Davia hastily V consents I MScCarn had an opportunity to i cd besinnlng" It at ence..' ': v " It wai tie ' now - prosecutor's ; appearance In his official car a c';'y. tt iro inaV calendar.-, of u" cc: FlngtU. was called and about IZ wreresetfor bcarlns;mostcr t:. ly-In; January. :That ef Trod i: hips mate accused of .ar."au: Searcan.- will bj;la ' before a j . December; SO.;,) To the tlorr. , fcembled . In'ccurt tbla secr. J cient .-evi'lance . that - McC:.rr. ; cere in hlAf,fe'.,!na to dteposiUorr onto af." ; tzz-::zzr --.with, a' yiaw ,to sea ward to cevv buninest.' .;' pleased with; Us fir!. Honolulu Iron V.'cr: ? hr.s ..good-;. I rca ly fzr fcM; ; 0