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TEX HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, SATURDAY, FEB. 7, 11U4. . : $ imm VJOLIAfJiEliYILL " . Finally Rettored To Health y -y$ PjUikham's '.Vegetable (Compound. Belleroe, Ohio. "I wcs in a terrible state before I took Lydia E. Pinkham's iv cjgttuvle Com pound. My back ached until I thought it would break, I had pdna cvfir ,mc, nervour feelings and periodic troubles. JL was very weak and run down and was loeing hope of ever b,eing .well And strong. After tak ing Lydia E. Pink- 1 ham's Vegetable Compound I improved rapidly aadpdaj.Aroi wep woxn$n. I cannot tell you bow happy I feel and I ' mrmnt too much for vour CoraDound. Vou 4ot be without it hi the house if ti. ttiM tm tV amiMinf -iHfr ChasC Chapman, & F. D. No. 7 Belle T2e, Ohio.. ' - Worpap's precious Glt, The one-which she should most zeal oualy ;guardt.ia -her.Jie.alt, .-but it 4a ' the one rnopt.ofjen neglected, until some ailment peculiar to her sex has fastened itself upon her.' When so af fected roqh omen may rely upon J-ydia f-iE. Pinkbam' Vegetable Cfcunpound, a remedy tl;atW.bondexfullyauc- tesvinwUjbthio inhering wooden. -- y- If you hare tha aliffliteMt dubt tliat Lydia E. Plnkliam's Vcyeta , WeComponnd irmiicIpyoUtWrito toiydUi K.Pinkliara HIeUclne;o. Tiqe. .-Your letter 4wilHe opened, read and answered ly a woman, and held In strict confidence 1$ PER CENT' TO 33 i H E RECENT Reductlcfi on,vVHouaehold .-.Utensils, Hardware; and CocJkery City Mercantile Co., '-.If Hotel St., near Nuuanu fle-whsr dntn nil iy Queen SL j? 'v..V-;-',:--""' HALM gives a positively non-stallable motor---a big adva to the man who drives. It pre vents tieups under heavy traffic conditions and all danger .from accidents due to stalling of motor at critical times. ; f. The new Chalmers "Six" motor -r t u raunot:lc' stalled; .Vhen the startiii"; switch is '; ' ntoved over to rt.h oxtmiie 'right, the starter is connected p and iinnuHliatelv turns the motor over. As stwrn as the car readies a simI of C t . S miles an hour, the starting motor becomes a ;. generator and sends current hack into the bat - tery, hut all of the time it is tonuectetl with the - driving mechanism of the car. -Under, any con ditions where .vour motor is likely to stall ami drops 1m1ow flOO revolution per niinute, this . powerful electric starter automatically comes to - ;the motor's a.sutance and gives it the boost that " " 'lifts it over the stalling nint. Suppose, for instance, that in ' 'jRP.hjRP a steep hill the supply of gas would be so reduced that oiilinarily your motor would stall or that it would 1k necessary to shift gears, as is always the case when your motor starts to lalxw. The moment the clutch pilal is pushed out to shift gears, if the motor is running slowly Mi, 'NOTHING TO DO BUT STEER'-TH AfS WHAT IS SAID ABOUT CHALMERS SIX! "N thine t" c!o Jnt to 1 ;n ah : i " Tf:2t hoy 'a-y i: i ; t-) '.'n ;uv -Ue n w- OhalrrxT.-; "Six"'. I r..o-. . (.'ivf ni.'r.i f . fuli ior.m' rf riaci ! from the driver's sat acc-eibility , the ,as tan and ail lubrication in M .' t r.i? the feature-, whi.h a; !;t ( tironely to all motorists. Once yen have taken ypir i1-mv it: j tbr driving teat it Is unn- ifary u move from that uoition to i. a;:.. , thing Hf-ccisary in t-tartlns. hnnMliiij-l 'iit the roajt or MMHvins the car. ; r.n usual attention to inaklnjj tbe ar raHscnfnt of the contnui 041 the owl of the la?ih jus?t a eonvrnient aa pov Fible. M the top of the it2tru;c' oliimn arp the spark an 1 throttle lev ers. It is easy to rea'h rhem without :.-movintr your hanrta frtm the steer Injr wheel. At the riht are the emerseniy l iakij and the gear shift ?.. The orlver's hani naturally drops upon them It c(fort to reach ihtrV. Clutth aul brake ioiaU placed in the most comfprtable .and. therefore, (he moat eorenlent pot ilon. The accelerator g where it ( b? easy to reach, and it baa also a most convenient and ccmforlabJe foot rest. One can di'Ive this car all day without becoming cramped. r ' On uie dash directly in front of . the, ?rver is the starting and ignition b witch. . All kthat you have . to (lo to . The Honolulu TaXl Company have purchased twelve Forfl town cars from the Schuman Carriage Company, TJie Pord town car is the ideal machine for the taxicab service; ' H. B. Weller has purchased a new Ford touring car. William Galbraith, of Wahlawa, has taken delivery of Ford touring car. - Geo. ' P. Thlelen has ; taken out a Ford touring car. . ' ' A. C. Hagen has added a Fordtour- r CHALMERS'SIX 12425 '4 ; "- A - w t SCH1API GARRIAOE 'MS7 , J - WilRTSliLG C OSir&; IWtlTflS: - l CAMAGE CO., Mi Agents ;th-t this ar t move ti.sf gvJtri: oe tf the f-xtr me rmnt Vuiir '::(i. r Marts at on-e. Ok th'- :;-rht hand i'le of ti." ..jr &rt two uai-" wfcir-t ritt fiU pressure and the a?o;ine prpsstire. Stiu further ovr is tae piclonter which miy he seen equally weil either trom the front seat or the tonneau. IKlA'PfTi thf spCLd( meJt-r ai;i t:i -".: ,an:;'' I: a ronvenient !arh l:qhi viihli iiiuminates everythins on ihe rowi. Mven the loi-ation of ; he ejr-tri' ljo;n button his bce-.i determined uith aa -ye tc tlte oriver'si ')!i.ti icic". It is placed on the left hand (ior. where, if desired, yon can pre?s tnc button with your kne?. makins it unnecessary in an emergency to take your hands from the steering lever. In addition 16 three featnre"of (o:i veniettcei there are of course, demount able riros, electric lisht?. and a vety Important "convenience the left fjand drive, which alovs you to enter fcou either. side of the car. The' convenience of this car jroes oeyond the mere control when driving, however. Every lubrication pcint .? ti adily accessible. The mour has a large breather ?lpe and oil. funnel into whichpil .may be poured from almost any kind of receptacle. The clutch ts automatically , lubricated from the -Victor. The grease cups are all lartza and easy to reach. There .is a. gasoline, gauge which always shows the anvotiiit nl fuel in your gasoline tank. ing car to tne cotony at. t.aimuKi. y Mrs. A. H. B. Judd is Immensely pleased with her. fine new Hudson "six.- ' ' . i A Hudson Light Six was shipped to! Kauai this week for E. H. Broadbent. Frank Baker has put a new Chal mers "Six" in the rent service. Another Chalmers - "Six" was 'tak en put this week by Dr. Case. The doctor has long been a Chalmers' booster. ' - ' - O. B. HONOLULU. " ;md at a point where it might be expected to stall, ihe starter continues to turn it' over with out any operation on the driver s part, just the same as when the motor Ls started. Or supjMrse von are driving in heavy traffic and are force I to come to a standstill. When you accellerate the ordinary motor "Von would probably stall. Hut this is not the with this motor, for the starting mechanism, being constantly connected with the motor, carries on its functions contin uously. This is one of the greatest feaiure of safetv. convenience and ease -of hand ling, that lias been put on a motorcar in the past five years. Any driver appreciates the import ance of a device such as this, one that absolute ly prevents the motor stalling or giving any trouble under heavy traffic conditions. A non stallable motor sounds almost too gotnl to be true, but in the new Chalmers "Six" has lcen crystallized the hope of every experienced moto rist that some day ho would have a motor that would not stall. !!914 CARNIVAL TOLD, I (Continued from page ninn) ins the entries it may be said that they wili Le very numerous and of jreat variety. This year's procession wiii be much the largest ever had here, judpinp: by the entries already made. L.NTEJ: I'AIMDE In the evenins comes the Japanese lantern .parade, a spectacle few cities can show. It is a carnival parade done in true carnival style. Thou sands of Japanese marching in line with their lights! and numerous illum inated floats, make a sight of brilli ance and fun with which the week will close. PATKIOTIP SERVICES There will be Washington patriotic and memorial services on Sunday, the 21st, and in the evening a sacred band concert by the Royal Hawaiian band, on the roof garden of the Alex ander Yppng Hotel. MILITARY (SPECTACLES The military parade on the morn ing . of the 23rd, followed by a mili tary athletic tournament in Kapiolani Park in the afternoon, ends the out door entertainments and spectacles. They will be followed in the evening by a grand military ball, given in henor of the commanding general of the Hawaiian department, M. M- Ma comb, by IJirector-general James D. Pougherty and the officers of the 1914 Xlid-PaQiflc carnival. . What it's Coming To. "What do you think of our bridge club?" "You have some excellent material la iC How do you manage to secure such good players?" . "We 'pattern after the baseball peo ple and maintain efficient scouts." Judge. The Stude, baker Landau roadster which arrived on the Honolulan, has been bought by Airs. L. Tenney Peck. Dr. ELii. lars'aall, of the U. S. quarantine service, has purchased .1 new Studebaker "Four." Fred. Correa, of Waipahu, has bought a Federal truck. Luke Buck has taken a Federal equipped with seats for the passenger service. 5 -i -1 - -i- J VHITEHOUSE r ? N BRIEF REPORTS ON m M nnin urnni vwf nivy vy i iiii ii ic iiiii m ami w. s J r i ' -v. i i -v- t i - IIIIUII If II9II1I mi ill ii iiiiii ! i I i in connecaon vvun me roaa wor. 1.1 ti-e city and county, what is to te j d -ne and 13 being done, tne re jxrt of City Engineer Whitehcuse. on the work cf the month in cuter dis tn'cts is of interest. The report was submitted at the last meeting cf the supervisors and is as follows: 'Thinking that it might be of in terest to the members of this board to kaow what work has been carried on in the road department in the out er districts. I wish to submit the fol lowing report, covering the most im rcrtant items of construction work that have been undertaken. A de tail report showing the cost of all the wcrk done-during the past month will be submitted at the next regular. meet ing. "The road forces of . the district of Ewa have been employed during the past month principally in doing as phalt patching, between Aiea and Ha lawa. A recent storm that we had delayed this work considerably, and caused considerable damage to the road from Pearl City to Honouliuli by blow ing down numbers of old algarpba trees, which necessitated some hus tling on the part of the road overseer to keep the road open to traffic. The side ditches in KIpapa and Walkaka laua gulches were cleaned several times during the month. "In Wailtakalaua gulch automobile traffic was seriously impeded by light ' showers, causing a thin scum of mud to form on a portion of the grade on the Ewa side of the gulch. This sec tion is a portion of the new belt road recently completed,, and is built on ap proximately a 6 per cent grade, the surface being formed with No. 3 road oil. When the red soil from the side roads is tracked on to this surface, and a light shower happens along, the combination creates a road sur face that is extremely dangerous for automobiles without chains on the rear wheels. In the future Uiis section of the road v.ill be constantly gravelled with No. 3 rock, which, I think, wiii do away with all further trouble. "In the district of Walanae the road forces have been confining their ef- A . A . 1 A 1 .t t- iiutis iu eouipieuus lue run a inruuga 'Nanakuli, from the Nanakuli pond to the boundary, between the Ewa and Walanae districts. They have also dene some slight repairing in Puuo huiu. During the month I inspected the road from Walanae to Makaha pcint. A portion of this road is changed from its present location and placed parallel and adjoining the tracks of the Oahu Railway and Land Company's railroad. A bridge and fill shculd be constructed, near Makaha' point similar to the one that was re cently built at Nanakuli, in order to af ford safe and consfant traffic with the homesteads, between Makaha point and Makua. "The work done in the Waialua dis trict during the past month has been principally the rebuilding of the coral road connecting the mauka and makai road p.t Waialua known as the Ed ward Iiore road. The macadam road at Waimea has also been given a new coating cf sand and minor re pairs have been affected upon most of the bridges In the district. "The road from the Waialua Mill to Mokuleia, which was repaired near ly two years ago, is standing up in excellent .shape. This road is built on black adobe mud; the surface was plowed, harrowed, and shaped with a grader: approximately three (3) inches of beach sand were then plac ed upon the surface which was again ; harrowed; the road was then thrown open to traffic which consolidated the surface until in most places it resem bles a macadamized road- 'The work done. , in the Koolauloa district .during the past month has principally been confined to the re pairing and rebuilding of numerous bridges. The new reinforced concrete bridge at Malaekahana has been corn1 pleted and the approaches thereto are rapidly nearing completion. The bridge at Haleaha, which was in a very bad state of repair, has practi cally been rebuilt, new flooring and stringers being placed, and the abut ments on both ends were reinforced with additional concrete. Work is just started on the rebuilding of one of the bridges at Hauula known as the Hauula Bridge No. 1. This bridge when completed will consist of con crete piers upon which a wooden deck will be placed. "In the future, should money be available, a concrete deck could be placed on same. This bridge is simi lar to the one recently completed at 1'imaluu. "In addition to this bridge work, there has been considerable patching done to the coral roads in Laie, Waia lee and Punaluu. "The only work done in Koolaupoko during the past month was the com mencement of the repair work on the Pali road. It is the intention of this department to repair only the worst sections of the road at present on ac count of lack of funds to do the en tire work. The sharp turns are being paved With what is known as Durax pavement. This consist of a base of 5 inches of concrete up which is spread a sand cushion of approximate ly one inch; upon this cushion are then laid lava rock blocks in concen tric segments of circles; these blocks are 4 inches deep and have a wear ing surface ol approximately inch- j es by a12 inches. After being laid the blocks are thoroughly grouted with rich cement grcut. This pave ment. I think, when completed, will withstand the heavy traffic of auto mobile trucks on this steep road. "In addition to the work done on the Pali road, thp only other work done i-i this diFtrict during the past month was the rebuilding of the old wooden bridge at Kaalaea." See n hat's doing at 112 Queen SL for Infants Saye the Babies. IXFAXT 310RTALITV is something frightful. W can liardly realize that of all the children born in civilized countries, twenty-two per cent., or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirty-seven per cent, or more than one-third, before they are five, and one-half before they are fifteen t We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Castoria would save a majority of these precious lives. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. Drops, tinctures And soothing1 syrups sold for children's complaints contain more or leas opium, or morphine. They are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation and lead to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operates exactly the reverse. It causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the ores of the skin and allays fever. TThe signature of P hyejeio n s Reco " I tiw userf yoor Cantoris la cs ct colic In :ictt ndtia fcuaa .1 Ibe, bcrt tmxilcise cf !: adocUi nuuW-" J. . SijtPLOK, 11. 1)., CbicasK 1.1. ' A bkhIIHmw Tilnab. M Vr.fc!i for m as joai ;trrU U Cocr-c the liUctt r-miac 1. S. Alcxixskr, TI. D., Omtli, Nih. i to Hive neJ toot Caetcr; on rmrlom occcaion ,n uittble ce tnJ tuve fciuJ li & pi-'auIe And effl lent laxative, pcciaily tn the varices diieaat of childhood." Ckas. ovao Cakdisbr, M. D., Brooklitt, 31. T. Children Cry f or SI? - . L In Us i5; F or Oyer 30 Y ears; vre wmrmm e"" Tt c Does the other you affords at the FIVE A At Your A A the Honolulu Makers TO AND FROM ALL Furniture Movmg Best Equipment in the city for this Line cf Work. Union - Pacific Transfer Co., Ltd., Tsi. 1871. J74 S. King St. Opposite Lewers & Cooke. Oriental Goods Bright, Crisp Importations that are Pleasing and Satisfying JAPANESE BAZAAR 1180-1134 Fort Street Opp. Catholic Church Fresh Salmon, JUST ARRIVED C. Q. YEE HOP &. COMPANY Meat Market STAR-BULLETIN 1.75 PER MOIH lJri i and Children. . 0 guarantees cenuluoi rn mend Castor I a Clitoris goal for children 14 I fnMtrt prMrntM tt, and alwara obtala U deair! raaulL" K.Uju.ld BLtrnria.u. D., , Ba24,2t.Y. " t harv prescribed Cattorla to fiaCtM ?or at rat re:. It U all right Hotter llXalt, for efcUdne w ill uka It without an trouble. C A. Wtuwir, II. D stlooiatlfA. M Tear Cattorts ia a plodld remedy foe ehUdraa, know a the world o r. I nae It la By practice aad haf po hceitanr j In recommend lag Vt for the eoaa I1juuU cf ln(anU aad chitdrea.1 , . . -.. J. A. tbUMMAa.lLTu . Ctty.lfev Flctcher'o.Caotoria. mHmnrrmtr, errv. Vhite a. "V U. ' Vti d ? mm: a-; it i im f"fm same price? , CAKE Grocers 1 Si A- is -"' LINES OF TRAVEL Halibut and Smelt ! PER S. S. HYADES. Tel. 3451 Soap satisfaction Soap WOYRS ,4 vi - i .... , -1 Ipl. f : 1 : 'A 1 1