Newspaper Page Text
. l t : i t I v. : , - Mm i 1 r .1, '.-. S .-... Ms IE :FDi(?rnnuiir; LI lUL'Ul jtL Uau! i 111 Hi tv lead : -" ?-. 4 r A IN PAPER AND CARD ; Napkins i Doilies Ramekins y .; -'. ' ..'-At 'J ; .' j I inn . unrnsroiea Sandwich Wrair ; :: etc; etc.; SEE THE' WINDOW J Ilawciicn fviivs :D , -;; 7-' Limited. ,'.; Yourg Hotel Bldg. THI vcn HA! ":-YOUN'G 0 - . L.T Cm f . c c ! u ! u. ? I - i -4 - ' . v-1 ' y Co. ' "', , , f f r- ' - -1 ' - r . - - . 1 I . i . . v.- W , i .- - ' ' f i D t 13TH I . f. . Report of Comniittee Points Out Large uain: i in ait w rpartmentj of Work H- .-j. - .--V t - .r- v " .-J . , -What. is. withouti doubt one of the matt lntereillnff rtports yet present- ed at . the twelfth j annual Episcopal km vocation now id. session In St. -An drew's cathedral, i was ; that .of.: the Christian ; Educatiop' Committee con elstlng of Rer, Frank A. Sa jlor;' Guy H. Buttolph ,and Kev. : Leopold Kroll, which was read8tjthe t a si essoin set Ids Saturday afternoon. Replete with tatistlcs,;Vand coif piled : after.much Vxhaustire. in vestif itioar on - the part of the members of: the committe,' the report iet; forth' ia'a clear-cut' man- 'near ihe Interest wtlch Is being taken in' Sunday schools ad other, forms of religious educations now being carried on by the Episcopal curth la Hawaii. The report is, in full, as follows t: "To the'Rlght--KeTereBd;.tlie-;-Pre8- Ident of .ConTocatlcat - ... - . jriTyoulr committee cn Christian Edu cation, after a careful -investigation Into facts and of ficLV reports; "begs to submit the followkj: , . ' . -: J . "Vord -vas sent t? all the outlying districts for reports of ; day A8cho?Ts end . Sunday 'school:, becauss a per-' Eonal yisit'Was iaipc sihle.';: So far as practicable, visits 1 e been" made; to the ' various' schools . to find . out the i uaber3 attending, tnd what' kind of vcrl:Ava3 being done.' The church of tLe Ilcly 'Apostles,-1. 'Jo. reports IS In .1.2 Sunday, school, ',vith" thres teach Urs; CI la the Japar:e Sunday school end 19 In the night fchool; 152 In the Waiakea Sunday scbool, .and,12vin tie t'-t school, r :tig.' a totaf o :23. la C jr. Jay school, and :i' in nigh Ecliools: Kev. Fen'. rn-Snuth reports the less to his Sund.y school of Mrs I'arclay, who has gr:e to Maul, and in her rce the he!,) cf Mrs,' South vcrth. , Th?re Is no C y school la Hilo. . "Jfcrch last a r.ev : :-ht school was ;.:-rteJ ia' the Wakea Japane tchoo!!ioi:se under the name" of. the j V.'aiakea Young .'Mr ns Association j v. itli 12 toys. ',Thes3' boys are, good members cf the chv.rch. The Hilo Japanes3 Sunday schc:l has not' been rrowSr.s so fasU beet -?e of the Bud (:Li3t Sunday. school, which';. has been started. A regular L''e class. Is held every. Sunday evening just after. even jlr.g prayer, , to which 16 young men . 3 come, i ce i;ev v. wep rill at Kchala, for want of teachers La3 a catechism class after the 9:S9 rervlce, la which '15 children and 10 r..:n srs-esrollid.:-but ethers often i lay ar .1 receive the'sr.-ie instruction. At the close of ..the cl. s, the Kgreao catechol sreaks to: 1 '' countrymen r.-out t!;e same things 3 have been already At Tr3wl there are (" c!.:::ren.'. .At Va!. .; a there: are over vj, a total in the Kohala ci.trict cf 113. Church cf the Holv Innocents, LahaJna, reports ta the tuncay, scnoci ... and . 45 -la the---day &c.;ooi. - 'l tie. ciiurch of the Good Shep l.crd. Vrailuku, reports 2 in the Sun- cay fccLool. . A Cole cla-3 of 17;:three i-tdti.trs. ine bunaay school -has rceu and has pivca a lenten ciiermg or. HZ.ZO. ; .- ,.v;.'w , M 'i-iauj iuiasion, fvaimuKi, re- pons t j on the list, with four teachers. 'i,r or. y school meetfn 1 - St; Andrew's: .WJr 'e .chooLyear ; -a a uccco j been to' keep the r limit or the. Priory Kaon pnrolled in t : school-this year . -f :st class, lOtow-. ; began the fcio-i i r ptember,;19l3.:- - 8; t duate from ther :r ; TL ere are weekly I ( .Z3 u-6"w . ' a confirmation c -nted from this r. v's. Priory - has -i- ol, with Its own t ls'oa''the:Calec,.. :, the Church Yc :ry. Some ;adv: taken up Dr. Pet: y la China." On 2 ; sing features . cf : '.tendance at the cathedral of ma: r. rn ad f;r w jThe confirtiation 'class,1 with" a r. few h : is, caving i:iDle rIa?L -nrV -cay.. r. i:. l'j:.,zttz r:; 1 cf Cats for G .' Yirk; fiOTAHY f U:rt:::rr. C - w L - ., 1 j ;,. ct:.;-:t, ' .. lu- u.' r; LpipLany has a mark- . -o system or Its own, the production cf the priest ia 'charge, which 'shows ' '"""j a-uenuance Tor each Sun day, and how many Sundays each'chil J has Icca rrcscnf ia the year. 'This s yj te: 1 was first ktafted la ' Eask Ta- .c..!an. and used successfully ' ; ' V;V , 1,"n 17 cnurcb. Chicago, . in t. Luke s church: Lfnin Voh -3, been .interesting -to note the ex c;..cnt among the' children-in I eep- rrla1 T -X cvt-raj nave not . ,r,rnissed a Sunday. The chHdren ravA c'f,V,er3r f00 Lenten offering for mls- . f.p.E--. t'csiaea paying for all their 'own " " -. :rs .; and. supplies. " Tlere '- Is no ' v!v roon for the chIIdrc J 'ho come, j iTi they must soon have fcome larger if; ace.- St Peters Chinpsp miiA , r, JIVJJ-'l 1 1 n L0 rol. JUh nine teach . v. . ..w. i Icrs. one assistant BiTiroHn , . r. L:rr, it ry Tiaac, Cl ci cr?one superintendent For I lone time ' V. rita , . j St Peter's has not hud riom in the .C,DAKCOADVriTIClQ, church buUdine and Ro7 lut T; glasses hare been meetlnl at lolani a trz-:'.&z9 school. The new church twill io tir: this d ffh-u!fv an, 1 . ' r 7 uHcn-neeaea New Line cf K ' lff ;r-. St CJrmjept A G C II C Y. ::rr;t Ctrctt Cz.n Ccr. Tstie Fruits and Vesetites; V - - - 1 KAIMUKI GROCERY 0. I .;a;ae i;ojJ and :.::Z.r;D.Pc:a!)ii ''-', '' 'i;-,-,. CAHRERE V K : rhoue :297 reyor m me Sunday school, with tine teachers. - - v ,!St' Mary's, MolUltaV a1 Wh school of 25; anafteraoonfschool of KCo ..::ead rrvlT, Sunday Pi:ne 3723 "UT 1 . wiia inree trherBand - cne; Japanese catechist Sm-v vn. ings at St (Mary's arc takei up with evensong la English at 7:00 and ser vice and Instruction la Japanese at .to, "The women : Vorker at u - t -f . . J t 1 I I t I: t: E t t, tc f; r' p( a w. Ir b ti a.' be vr rr. r E dc rr. sc tl It fe ar. ed tic Tr dn in R. as. 8C? fir. cor roe Er. the to? Mr. t'c:.. for son ML mer Hav Pet l.ave been conw the privilege of ; ; 3 with regret t! cf four "teachers 1 year,;' and the : 1 them 'quickly : z I School for rcl'.ment for I 3 177. .All day r grades wha r. -llsh'were t 1 e.hool and t t rr.J consc rs has -shown ; c xaminatiens ; ? school I3 r.- TI.;re Is a f ri work and In r ' ar school t. first place, and !i the ball tear-', t according to 1 : : 2 hoarding de: : rr-.der the r: ' . Iron.. The d r :.t and' clear. : '.':n keeps the . r 3 up to th? t school year, . I a uniform : v ' rs are expected ' "4aus Instruct!:; grades ,-acd t" Car. Jays 'at 7:f clas3 .wasv-start ' -'' ''-.'V1'.--'. ' : j ' open ; next fall. 1 far thi3. depart.-. ' r-'-!:t;lose it ; s if they, are re for-their I'. n 'rfs the beys zr T:r the.,nrst yc-r 1 rkasure to r:-r.' - ? talents, cf 'i:'--' e Inlereslr I 1 : '-'y. toward. t!.a v re :.e ?.-r. - s. ' t . a: cue r; ;W ( n a ";r t ic: ra 3ve y ; ar'. Id he a t oc; 'as." : 9et ; 1 (TO -, e C t h eff.. !3S ; ;.th: an ; iche' . a"- ear. - !ve- :bi? . m. st : 1, mi . . a - - n'irv wm tliri't -Veaifs of' experience in studying : the-: lubricating:' types ofmacnery has qualified us to determine die oil most suitable for automobile lubn cr. t: car Dd you believe that years of experience in ths , manufecture of hundreds, of high se lubn : eating oils has made us competent ;ta p: p d vice such ah oil? Then we say to you unqualifiedly tiut . v ... j. the ad tSpeclal BUr-BuHetJa Correspondence V U AIL,tJKU.V MauI. - '.Ma .! M.C-On "'eduesday evening .an enthusiastic i iteiing- was neid .at the gymnasium c.Tice for the organization of lhe;boy scout, council : for AYailuku.' In - 'spite cf the severe storm there was a toom LcraionaDiy filled, cv those interested ia the; movement, , By-laws in accord- j ar ce with the ".national : organization f ere adopted. -' Membership .ln .the vuuutu was iugn .eieciea s ioiiowsr H. B.- Penhallow, Dan Carey, Major Cat Y. LesUe . West,-V,iF. Crockett, It. A. Wadsworth, Dr-Wm; Oamers. R. EL Dodge and- CapU Whitehead: This will be only one cf several councils which In -. the , near, future will be formed on Maui to assist ia the work cf the boy scouts, ' Appointments, are already - made for meetings la other sections of the Island, to arouse en thusiasm - among the mea. I The - su preme . council r will,; be ; composed 'of one member rrom eacn local council W. Fv Crockett was elected secre tary-treasurer..- Dr Ian McLaren , will be scoutmaster: of the "1sland.rv- The doctor made a strong address on. the boy scout work,- which was : listened to with closest attention. The second meeting In WTalluku will be next week. Wednesday "evening,:;' Mi J' - o L : 3 re ;h i.:.- :.l 3 to a da-the rn aer. -?d ' f 3C l ' 3 ' ei:: ;:re h: h f " aol. 'an tt t the : are tr'.'ng 3 contr.hut rious ;::tivi- . '. ". --i";V: ': ;r-- v- -: perts on ; lubrication, . we recommend it as an 'f, 2,500,000' gallons soldMast year--l5C00,CC3 :rt;V:v,-,. - ,;morethan in 1912. ; Dccs-,: Vi-Ur'i this' prove cur clum? Dnesn't this nrove that Zerolene rnu:t be an eiii- cient oil? Ask; our nearest c-ency ' rcarding Bulk Delivery of Zefolene. ' , if J ' 5 JAPANESE CERTIFICATES m 0E 0L1TH S0C:J TO PASS :0UTfpnED;3T:HIL0T.:Eri lFjrcIal Starulletr CorTfsponartc3 HILO, May ; 29.-That' the' 'issuance oft : rth certi f icate s .4t J apanese ' born la the Hawaiian islands is a thing tof the past, never again to be granted, is men who : have been H observing ; the gs but he :,too .late, to get situation' closely.' This follows on the slulhuo L': cc.::: -!) , ,r - cavalry Arm i;:fa;itry flay 15-1 ;: ;: i g g ai.: e (Continued' frcx tzz Z) - v V Minion f.r'Jara&psa chil- s T,0 la the d3y school a?d 25 r.Iaht school wl. -re Miss Mabel ".efer teaches end !Irs. Ta-aoe for the ni t f' ool. This instructs, the ch:: :rcn la the ' ree trades; Tho rht crSmi 's cf men who r.ra taking Hng-; t : re being no era d jag as the; : -Ply - want to J:arn- to read - Mr. Fukao I 3 two Instruc a week, la Jar - 3 for these -ocl . boys. Th 2 : h ool . attends t -cdral service every"" morning -: r .with lolani and the Priory kao and Mr. 'Ken? give instruc T( :.-alarly at St. Peter's School ;:aese Boys, though there are -apanese in the school Trinity -a Sunday school has an enroll cf 40 with five teachers. " ' ;: nev. D. D. Wallace of Kona, .1 Las a Sunday school of five. the p - n r. ""liking uuicj me kev. Mr. rniio bcuqi for Janantvea .. x wV& " ? "J5 a EIbIe class' of 3. fn Th! 01 f 50 WJth four teach the' PiHC0m?lte8 the report with tne exception of a few nnflo t?. 4.1 2 0 4 1 :t. 2 0 a -1 to 00 n .0 5 0 0 ;'l-: 1 1- 0 0 14 or o' 1 0 4-0 01 0 0 0 00 v. 0 0 1 0 heels of Territorial Secretary,! Thay.i--Tbe following Is the ...official - box . - a a t in. score: - , . - :r - er a-pronouncfenv r tJH SB PO A,E e":rrV.: Cullens-2h ,V:8 il ,1- 0 6 3 . . 1 Williamson, ss 7 . u , 1 ,u men beli6ve'that; he, will .find; IS S" possible to make iay ' arrangement ' tf,,f "f 11 ' 1.1... .1. ,-nv.vinnn crcif1 tV,co rainier, ti . .-. - ... . - r"v . C ..... i .'eTer .r-a; ftV .... the 'holders, permitted i-irance to iistJ;n'11..;-. malnlano. .. ... -, - , -'.-V?;' Rhodes ' 'T-l , , : Said one.: welPknown Citizen: - ;it : at; S h ? ' I : appears as- though, the immigration cfrt ficials on the coast are in sympathy Jr3?' 'li 1 with the' anti-Japanese sentiment of ' ' '. tbe'official.ear of the department at Washington -and consequently ' a ; di- a. - t ' AH .iV . AiiAotiAn trl ! I rvA avoided by- Secretary ;. WilsbJ; of the:d6-l ? CaYa AB R BH SB PO AI ; partment, -Jf ..lie isatorced vtoxit.hel - . tvfrf;,-;.6,.2il v-00 may ffer to It gress. but you know, what that ..Mkely .f . . t.n - 0; t 1 will ; mean ndeflnlte : jPostpon.. Ren()wgkU cf 7,: j , 3 a q : -3 0 0 ment! f It is i pos8ibleTethatlB :if Vi;.; 6 0 0 o: 1: 0 0 taken up'agala by .the territory, -but S: I :J , i;! a it.'jrill ' give holders only, tne rignt 10 , ss.p v. 6 r x ; . 0 : 1 2 ; 2 hold, land la Hawaii, or. to .rote at ; 0 0 0 , 0 0 s0 1? 2 2 ; 0 0 0 1 1V1 18 1 12 1C6 1" 0 0 .0 0 0.0 1 Miv Cullea. mg . ap we f lad thatVwe fe io4o childrAn -i - nave : 1 370 fWM, ; ' . V' ' n tt.'CmZ auer lastrucuoa u iae bundav Rrhvi . in a . - .1 npro Ira 1 . ;-. .V ,n we night school uie oar mr ur oriental Chris tediQvsorae oeseea that, the Work done w rlB: wof k- that . TotaUl . . . . 60 10 10 5, 45 .17 4 :' Stolen by Slaughter .? running - f of territorial elections. r ilcndlulu Dry Goods i- GRAND TWO WEEKS' 8AUE NOW ON - f7Kcte! St. Opp. crjsu Thextep who ....... "IT' vs.aas iw tnose ueen riP- wav ultv. iv-. . v . ti ilii , ilia 0ft t . done hftr7wrc:wurK'Js la the ft t fw son- ' ia the. r CHAfi Q ED Viti ? J. I7Kerslii)er1' .l;".;. Vulcanize r Correct "Prlcet i:ir rL'"V - ; ' rOro.-? Uhrary; a j : Yl.Cn All teachers SL 13ixahPth,a -ri.-; - Sunday -school rV list. 0.1191 a day school ot.33 Chinese, and 33 rtir. night school of. 43.. SC'EIlketh's is doing. peculiar; and wortrHwork smong the Chinese and Korean, triany Drougnt to , the church through the -children, :' h-:: 'St" Andrew's congregatloa -eports a-roll of 208 la the Sunday schc 1, with 15 teachers.- Although V it doW-'not show, in.-numbers, the Sunday fechooi has advanced splendidly adutl&athe past year. The classes 'have tint, hd betn-f Judd Marys' do almost comjnendaHe'work andshould have.all the assistance pos sible. ".They are in the inost i,otfMl j lve district la4lonolula.Sd Mark's. i; r r ,,7 - " - ay pp!?.rwith Miss Miller as teacher, - It is) foirig 'a good work among the ehlldrA u district 'There are 25 chlldrel reportTS ed on the Sunday. it. Llv' M WOr. tery. were ;:ac file i ton, elder occc narr .i At bail has Ingt ; sarn rt ' Ft . Skins from . of ;f .-Joseph; Ferrage " Tar N0.-;1CCS, -was charged ui". ornamental clcr' '', Kalakaua aven-; . his. inachjne-j 7 under "arrrt ' " tou"Satt:-',v ' ' Fera " . ' far? v. :3 e t.1 rn, -I'r-;; : well, and the teachers have bwi mXct If I fl C S C-n C 3 T A U R A N f faithful. .The children are iirrieA to : ; L . -y f.n3 other OUaest cU&ia iend I at reascantle prices. - t Sunday schooL with soma atinfAo." ' ; l'.: I Ctr::t, f,'iir Uttr.i:a r "st Andrew's Hawalma coffgwtlon I year " ' i:h;-'- r,..fepoit!A:iU ' ' ' ' ": '''---- -" ';;.-' I -.-a -t -cur, ' a we t run r ter l was ' Ofilc-f ; -'lege. at a B s a hoi t.'ae wl Kitt .uuanc 'ith 1 ;'' rort-ciar V ptioa l ; - car f the yrup o:FGs,FORV "CONSTIPATED CHILD ' ''y,:'-Ji':f?l ' ' . ,' ;;.r? a. DellcIoBS Frait XaxatlTe can't hana s-tender : little; stomach, Uier ;:"-f;'.iM4 lowelsi--;.:i;-.V'-'-: .? v-i-vv' : rrr : a i:fc' t-Ci: ' Krerv mother realizes, after riving her children -'"California Synxp of ies that i this Is their r ideal laxa tive, because they Ipve -Jtf - pleasant tasted and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach; liver and bowels wfthnn?nlnffv'.'..vKu-!.V!?T'.i : Vhea -cross. IrriUhle rfe'verish or breath is -bad, stomach sour; look at rn . lou cue. iuuuici . ,nwt of- a teaspoonful of this 'harmless "fruit laxative," and in a. few hours'all the foul: constipated waste, sour hlle, and v Mndimated - Tood ' pase.ul ox tne bwels. and yon tiave ar.-well.: playful xld agala, . 1 WTien its little; system 1 "nil of cold!! throat sore, has stomach V'dlarrhoea.: indigestion, colic' j ', uber. a : good Inside 4 cleaning i 'j always be the first treatment ,ai '-' --j- ' ' :'-. . .. 1 1 X ions "of mothers i-keep f Calif or t. Irrnn of Flzs" handy; they inow A qsnoonful today saves a ' sick r VV tomorrow; Ask your druggist V pressc-nt botue of rCalif ornia Syr- a ;vvthe VwhicV has directions for 3, cnudr.uriog jbottle: Beware o r rinted on .eneits. asoia jit? - J. Get the cennin 1 - Hickey. p ;...; 3 '4- 1 :Dr::ry r: "' '-. .17.1. "' ."" ' We.Lnow of no , rritcriab f cr dra peries cover- . - j--.,-- . , ' cid e :r,r eei!3 CHr.e!:a- Gu;r:.r.le:. :q:U,y Kr.Kr!rs.: They cr3 d::.-':.' fsisi nd AVitcr ruirar. teed zo by t!:2 ? You can Eocd your rccms ra chc::! . : : . Svill net ir.d it a bit. Jhy ziv-.r.:: :r . ; .conis in rzzny beautiful .ivc-.cs;cir.J pollen:; cl ui : -J-and adptilla to kind cf rccni. ' ' - . T Oaf experience In Kerne deccr-tcn is zl ycuf t:r.::e 1.1 1 ;' harmcrucus ejects for cue rccui c: ce1:: .I J. HOP? Ci CO., LTD. Home Furnishe rs for over 33 ysars. Hyae8, ss Totals 1 5, .ifi . 54 10 134 45114 ; 8 ' Hits snd runs bv innings: k ; r 25th" Inr. Runs: '.-- - 'Ta'.-:" - -r- - : 0 0 0 1 1 5 0 3.Q0 0,0 0 0 010 Basehlts ;- -:-: ----'i ' - ':'i-"-' 0 0 J 211 0 $ 0. 0 1 0 0 Hrl0 4th Cav. Runs :'. -5 ;K ri-. ja 0 0 0 6 1,3 0 0 0 :0; 0 0 O-t-10 Bate''hits.r4--vu .1,1 1 1 0 2 1 4 1 0 0 01 013 Summary; Kirbjr broke his arm af ter first- out in first inning; hits off Waterhouse, - 7 in , 7 1-3 i anlngs ; . orr Scott;" 4 In one inning;; ofr W. Smitu. 2 In ,2-3. innings; off Hlckey. 8 in 7 1-3' innings ; of f - Oakes 2 in 7 1-3. in-, nings ; home runs, Oakes ; three-base hits, C Smith, Cullens; two-oase nils. Renowskt: Scott; - sacriflce hits. But ton, Donaldson; double plays, William son to Cullens to Smith; hit by pitcn- er; Bachus and : Donaldson hy Water house, Donaldson by W. Smith ; bases on balls, off 'Hickey off. Oakes.!2, off Waterhouse 3; struck; out, oy iur- by 1. by Mickey 8, by Oakes 3, by wa- terhouse 1. by Scott 1, by W, Smith 8; wild pitches, Scott; passed balls, Dun can 3, Cross. Umpires, Matthews and Byrne, ' - ."-J "'-"' .' ... ""J: 1 handled viln lit iSftfiaai:Pcpr:3 &'Sm' ' - , y .-i.-a-s-aav ' ' ' --.'.:-'':r 5 '-: V v ;-'-r..v ... '..'.'a'-'-.'rf-X--':" vv'-': . ' . -."-:'--v; - - 7-"'.- ': ' klsL, next to Young 1874 Telephones 1STJ - v" - - .- . 7 Juan Salamon, Puuloa . Clpriana Patnil, Puuloa .".25 24 J" an font be LANI. Ci rr: .;;rarnla Hg. Syrup -itiaeraent,';- S'A.-- lA' " ;..r12L--' y ........26 . I . - tr...i..i. 1 v wpany. aa-1 Freda u. r-agerroos, nouwmu . . aii rr --i.i---i-- 1 , .'r remanent supports for: iXjnfT ? ' :ied ia ground cfose to) LA f'-n'J i iraii 10 oe PiCKea wst'trra a- ut:cu - ' T . ."l-iW to s to . Lv: er" fur '. and J -IS' hi "(ra? !--7,000 " e tri, at ."ter;;:Lie tree branches. I ;-tested by a".CalIfornIao. i) experiments in . uNew ; -Tothe & F ! rxuat:'r.g ; incandescent .xJa4e, the - ; ;.:;road ; crossing signs haveferre a e-rio Ko aoT mnra h?irkT Tlt ad their distinctive form north, Z further. '-,.v . j.-d run That he ; hM ?meJtedIme: crca' them without using a. rk with ups upon enabled n a mile d much Is in a n s rays ( 1 t 1 t; be i JohoLDavis McGuire, Honolulu .-..23 Keala Paea, Pearl City .....19 mnklyn .O. lellbourae. Honolulu. 4tf Lillian i. Bollee;. Honolulu ...... . f ":v-t v;:t.,5;:-, 11 v F' w t .. .. Motercycle or Automobile u ''.. :-' '-'. ' An accident from indulging In road pleasure Is as bad rnr oness throther. :!; Insure; io the Pacific, Suretyr Co. - ' where indemnity is large and premiums small. - : . 1 ;,. " ' . ; .'--' : . ;s: :r . .- j -. . : i- - -" . " - - .a .' HAWAIIAI! TRU ST UU., lT ' v:; 933: , ,.32 1 1 Sam ilUcaf f, Honolula Dora Karazeff, Honolulu James Ward JtiisseU Hilo, Hawaii . 32 Eunice Catnren rram Chas. H F; Drake. Boston." Mass. . .33 Marion Lucy Greene, Honolulu ..... Z7 I . '..: ;- -. - r "' "'- j: -'':" .BA'R'R Bi . $4.00 a year - - . - - 4-1 ;oatamer ri,,t,, - as rtUa ia Dr. Jr. r. weocmauu, -v.-.- -rues is , . 1, tt,.Tii : ...SO atist. ;-JX)rouj;-nriwBM,v liilillTsiSi - ' . V-.7-U-: i--,7'-,-J ?xiri5r' '7-:-' 'TX.y- : - -; 7-v ; t. ; ; --:. ' - tl Alio Cu. . .-... 0 jr - - tv thb d a Gerrin ecie? 1 M ; U feeO-V ; - . ". - -.- I , - i .-- - . - . . .... r ... .. ... -. i.' ".".:;..;.7.::l ' .: " :""r"' ,;; : '"' " '