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HONOLULU BTXH'BTTtLETIlT, SATO? DAY, 1 DECEM BER 5, 1014. xmmm RILEY H. ALLEN - - EDITOR SATURDAY DECEMBER .I, 1014. TherJt a divinity Ihnl nh(i our end.,--Hough hew them how we will. $hakci Y. M. C. A. FINANCES. .re WELL DONEDO IT AGAIN! Hawaii county's first fair was such an em- ; Few institutions or eveiri business houses plan their ''finances more carefullv than ' does tlie 'QFmWAU, WILL BE SHOWN AT MID-PACIFIC CARNIVAL Gerrit P. Wilder Appointed to Head Committee In Charge of Large Exhibit y Lovers of flowers as well as grow ers of flowers ar to receive a rare treat neit February ihrmieh the me- Young Men's Christian Association. Its (man- dium of a gigantic hibiscus show which cial and other activities are directed bv some 'now, being planned as .one of the dis- . , , , , itlnct features of tie MiJ-Pacific Car- of the lest businessmen in Honolulu I liival. The plan; have been brought Hut in spite of this fact the Association iinds " " v7"a v "T be,elonu l" rr" 1 . . . I P. Wilder as chairman of the commit- its income is not .measuring up 10 its exjecia- phatic success that it should be pde an annual tions. Several sou ices of recepits are not yield ieature, as is wiggeiUeti editorially - bv tne!ins as much as was hoped for even on a con- . - ' i . n-i i. i... i .1,. "Hawaii Herald. Visitors-from Honolulu who servative ba.-js. Though the educational de- tee in charge of Lhe show. Mr. Wilder having-already commenced work on the details of the feature. In line with the appointment' of Mr. Wilder as chairman comes an invita- Iihov-Tmsint it? ) a ! ti rr T hi lrkwT y L' it liow "lf saw the fair are convinced of its real value to ' " lMC 7 , " IVY ! "r :l!LJ?.e uone, me receipts iroiu ciass iets vas naiuf"i ui nuuuuuu, intuwimS mat an 7 I ii : ...1 u tl.I during September, October and NovemW than ' ulture make an early start in nrepar- aring these same months last vear. hng these flowers for the show, which Nearly $3000 beyond money now in ht J H L mZZTu? must be secured to carry the Work of the Y. M. jder tp secure Ju.u as many specimens in oruer uiai iub the territory. U:.xt year Oahu should, send d display to the fair, provided Hawaii county, washes to extend the scope of its exhibits to theMMitside islands. At Tany rate, . the whole territory should en courage the idea and if possible excursions from the other islands should be arranged. ! The Hawaii Herald comments on the fair as follows: "The Hawaii Cfffyfi frflir Should,, by.'all means, bectfme"an annual" afiair It ' was the first effort of the farmers, ranchers and plan tation managers to get together and display the results of their individual hard work and, as everyone will admit, it was a most successful exposition. The exhibits, oftd various terri t orial and county.depalriema jind iljbsejof the individual exhibitors, were excellent and the vrhole show took on the aspect of a much larger town and district. ;J The directors of lie show are deserving of great credit and the exhibitors should feel stirred up to far greater efforts. iVThe various displays .were very interesting 1 both the exhibits of agricultural and indus Irial articles must nav awakened the'general ; r.blic to the possibilities of this island. There ere lessons ,to be learned in every exhibit, and there is no doubt that many men and women tile Hilo Armory determined to send some t hing in next year to the . County -Fair i tTiat ' ould merit a first prize -;.; j ;;v '.- 4 The live stbcV;exhibits weTe excellent, and . lii's very important" branch J5f -th' industry ;of ::y' community subuld' receive even "better at . ::tion next year. Farm produce, 'fruits' and .7. e may, in 1916, be all that is left for those ho will stick to the' islands,' to live off. and j Free sugar will see to; the rest, an : : -imship lines ". and . other ' conveniences will, r.Mless, be blotted out as soon as the sugar J ... try is killed; County fairs teach people r to endeavor to make a living in other ways. . ha Hawaii County Fair should certainly be . . :i annual one. ;" ' l "'' ..... .4 -.- f w- -4...;. 4- . . n A 4K,l. fiol .oi. onnn.vl;,,o- tho aS Ve pi.SSlUi v exhibition may in.;ress upon the tour- estimate of the finance committee. J he Asso-jist something of .he interest which is j l.l r,nrnn;nn oK0,.T.; nr1ar taken in flower culture in Hawaii. CIUIIWU nuuiil aMtv iuic rmil.n lliium.i in nun i P. W. W1CHMAN. has completed a f business tour of the island of Ha waii, returning to this city in the steamer Mauna Kea. FREDERICK KNIGHT and Mrs. Knight of San Francisco, who accom panied the remains of Mrs. Thetma Parker to the Island of Hawaii, re turned to Honolulu in the steamer Mauna Kea today. G. W. GILL of Pitcher Creek. Alber ta. Canada, and his mother. Mi.-. M. Gill, are visiters in Honolulu and prob ably will remain here for a year. They arrived here Thursday on the bark R. P. Rithet. this beins their second trip to the islands. ' ARTHUR K. OZAWA of the legal firm of Bkting & Orawa. and who is said to be the only Japanese attorney actively practising in the United States, left on the Chiyo Mam yes terday for Tokio, on account of ill health. He expects to spend several months at a health resort near Tokio. to reach December 51 with all bills paid. The Chamber of Commerce, as the represent' ative body in which is concentrated the major portion of business sentiment in Honolulu,; well consider, the matter of the The show next year will be confined strictly to hibiscus, and that it is go ing to be attractive and well worth seeing goes without saying Gerrit P. Wilder, who will have charge of the hibiscus show, a Mid-Pacific Carnival feature. CHAIRMAN C. R. FORBES of the harbor commission, is back from a tour of inspection of wharves and landings on the island of Hawaii. In company with other members of the commission he was numbered with the passengers returning in the steamer Mauna Kea. - a inignt verv Mr Wilder has not as yet appoint-' were eager to see ths exhibit, which ed those persons who f UI act withl they did. and grew enthusiastic. LIm on the commiitee. He expects to' Mr. Wilder has stated that shortly do this, however, within a few days, he will call a meeting and appoint the In the interim he will be busy getting heads of the various committees to as- t cmrirPRr-nn here ind there and nut- mm m tne worn. Anoiner iea-, Rapid Transit charter. TWO VPars ago the ting to the test th schemes and plans tnre of the show next February will fniv.mnrr AQmMintinn ronriorod verv "nod he Personally has worked out e the competition for prizes to be aiereliants Association lenaemi C1. MOll ..The 19H shov brought cut a sur- offered by the carnival company. service in working With the governor, the legis- prising .wealth of lossupns, afthuloal-! Since the hibiscus show ot the last lntntv.nnd Unnid Transit officials toward an set forth." 'said Mr. VtfMer recently, carnival, there has prevailed a reeling laiureana Xtapia iransu omtiais wwaru . tttn. ' Vilr. th mttftr. "All of which has given to many Honolulu Lord Kitchener estimates the probable dura :cn of the war at three years. Kitchener talked f roflv for Kitchener- to Tr'in S.!Cobb of the ; , - - , - - , ; - acreed form Of franchise. That bill IS now fhe nrmeiDai nroduf ers of hibiscus had residents impetus to study the hibls Uf' n T:M,om ; (Tf Unecial tables of their own upon which cus and grow it. More than lOrt.OOO " -rlthey arranged their flowers. The ar- hibiscus cuttings have been given out IS opposing it. lhe Kapid Transit IS anxlOUS )mory was thronged with people from by the experiment station since last to see it passed. The , People of Honolulu want ehope. hour until .he u '; FeAb' th08e re,;d(,nt, ot Hfinolulu action and results rthey are HOt in favor either i one orthe prettiest features of the who are hibiscus "fans" are W. M. Of . long-drawn-OUt controversy Or the shatter- show last ipar was the distribution by j Giffard A. Gartley . Valentine Holt. , 7 . - . J. . t Mr. Wilder of baskets of hibiscus bios- John Cummins, William Rosa, Mrs. ing Of plans for improvements m the KapiU nma amone the nassengers aboard a Thomas King. Miss Blanche Soper. Transit service. It would seem to be a case Pacific Man liner which arrived the Mrs. k. f Bishop c m. Cooke and i . . . i 'momtne tbft ihnw ooeiied. Each pas- Mrs. Charles Rice af Kauai. Residents truly Where the Chamber Ot Commerce;-Dy a careilll er came Mnore wear!ng one of, of the other islands are cordially the flowers, and al! of the passengers t vited to exhibit specimens. HON. MANUEL EARNSHAW, resi dent commissioner representing the Philippine insular government at Washington, D. C, is a passenger In the United States army transport i Sheridan en route to the mainland. He win join his colleague, Manuel Quezon, now at the national Capital where efforts toward the passageof the Jones' bill will be made. 1 LETTERS FROM A CONTEST WINNER. consideration of the circumstances, could be of Use to Honolulu in securing 'action, ;Theyar"3espatches m brief : Germany has Killed thosttof 1 0e Russian- array and Austria has captured the rest. Around Ypres progress has been made all along the line on both sides and in the Ydrest of AronUhere,-iaf lidtlnng important! except ior the-iaughter of several hundred thousand,1, The situation generally is quiet. Editor Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Sir: Your ticket as a result of the baseball contest was promptly received and I am awfully flad that I was one of the prize receivers. I thank you very much for the tick et I received. I remain yours very ALBERT K. SING. I 1233-T Aulds lane, Palama, Honolulu, T. H. V' -v WICHMAN Jewelers believe they have secured the rep resent t i o n of those lrmt whose articles of SILVERWARE et the pace in the world of art and. beauty. There are Sil verware pattern in individual pieces and seta which we will be more than proud to show you. If you will permit J r jr3 Rer. John W. Wadman, D.'D will occupy Rev. A. Akana'i pulpit' of the Young People's League, Knights V of Pythias hall at 11 a. m. tomorrow and will preach on MNebemiah-th Patriot." In tne evening at .7: 20 p. nu Mr. Wadman will apeak at Aiea. JOSEPH ROSE SAYS HE IS VICTIM OF MALICE; NOT "FIRED" BY Y. M. C. A. 5 ,Mt will bs much easier to establish a neutral zone around SpntbAnierica, after the ending naval battle has been fought to a finish. - An American editor is beld in Germahv- as a spy. Now that long-discussed issue of the pen and the-sword iwill be settled. , 1 T' ; As he surveys the Persian situation, AV. tor: gan Schuster doubtless feels like joining the I-Told-You-So chorus. de his three-year prediction. Evidently he-; Lodz is rapidly becoming famous as a cele--pects the bitterest pari of the battle to be ; brated exporting ; center of conflicting war :cd when the; Germani are back on helr news; V : i ; : Mexican bullets and American refugees con- Our idea of -an optimist is : the man who tinueto fly. across .the border. J '::!:s he can put off buying all his (JhHsmftsJ i : ll j., , y 'i '! ,i 't rnts until aftero o'clock on Christmas eve - - Lillian Russell's third husband has just died 1 : till get just what he wants. ; ; -r but Lillian goes marching on. , . :iJM SUGAR PLAHTERS ASS W. :;.:;letes v:on:r. of 34Tii session I.ravliig further consideration ct the r question, besides what It re ived In executive aesslcn on Thura y, to the trustees with full power ? act, the Hawaiian Sugar Plantera loclation adjourned its thirty urtii annual meetisf at J:?0 yester y tfternoon.kaag held fTea half y sessiona since opening oa Tues v iaorning.,- -s-.:v.i; rresldent - J. M. Dowsett,i trpoa the Trance f tne last committee re .i ca the program, said: That completes the session of the r.l rs. ? We have had amofcf, inter :zz and . bxstructlve meeting! "The -craphera'. notes are much, more i Iwice aa extensive aa those of former year. The Bending out IL e reports d" month In advance 3 tad very good resulta and 1 hope esae thing will be done next year. tvaak you for your attention," Of several reports presented-at th c'-o- sessicn, that of the committee i forestry elicited the most lnterest- d acussion. It was Introduced by -cs Glob, chairman of the commit 'T who' in bia opening remarks of the value the algaroba tree chained fromjeta ' a as - stock feed. On Honolulu . ia ' vear. ibho "-r . T Teas cn President Dowsett, as a member of the board of agriculture and forestry, said that one of the chief difficulties of that body was ra dealing with the fencing of private lands, to prevent the depredations of animals In young forests.", Therefore the cooperation of the planters .was desired. Waianae had 3500 acres under forest, the plan tation having planted 75,000 or 100,- 000 trees. ; The watersheds of Oahn wtuld4ong ' ago have been : denuded he had given up his connection with the S. AJ W. V. and told me he had come to the conclusion that his con nection with the above club had bet ter be discontinued. His resignation ( from the Y. M, C. A was not dis- from Secretary cussed or suggested. Hr..Rose should C. A., denying a be given credit for doing the right made to I Rose said today: '"Mr. SJainback, the attorney-genei-J aL denies that her ever told the Ad- published this morning vertiser, Its editor or any of the re-' porters connected ' therewith that 1 1 stated to him that while guard at the door of said club I admitted anyone who had the price; he denied that I did admit to the attorney -general that when any man came to the door of the club and requested the priv leee of admittance." if he was sober. 'clean and had the appearance of h gentleman, 1 vouched for him person-" ally. Thfg latter-statement was ex pressed in my letter of resignation to the officers of the above club." Showing a letter Snner of the Y. SI. Btoryf published this.' mnuag,- Joseph ;thlng without having been Rcse' declares, that' IS connection ,do it." with ' the' ITnlted Spanis! JtVar Veter an8 club has been grossly misrepre sented;- A. stfl&y saldt "For some time past Joseph Rose, an under teacher of Spanish in the local Y. Al. C. A., officiated as bouncer In the club on Sundays, at a per diem of seven dollars and fifty cents, it is saidN He now claims that he resigned that post ' after at conference with fdhtoTheitrti1cT &ematter 38, j is claimed. toarwtfetfWY. M;'.,JX. officials ledrntft of - Ws, connection with aVrbbote doint" . (Hey gave him the choicest resigning. - Rose has a, Jttfer rffpm Secretary ) super which BHty ' GOOD ROADS MASS MEETING AT KAIMUKI "Air. Joseph Rose R-as not asked to resign from the Young Men's Chris tian Association. He came to me after W. O." Smith' was surprised -that Mr. Renton should have been la the dark about Honouliuli. 4 Mr,: Renton explained Mr. Thurs ton's anperior knowledge 6f the sec tion by t the fact that he was "an land shell fiend" and as"; such roamed 5 ail . over the mountalnal' . j !. Mr. Dowsett said the Waianae com pany gave license to anybody to shoot ' goats, and Mr. Thurston said he saw i . . 11 ' JI- " very jew. goats m me . waianae oisr; uicLi x : v zx;x--..:-s . In j answer "to O. R.. liwart, ;. who asked what should be done, Mr. Thur-j ston said simply get the O. R. & I. Co. to fence the lands,, adding that some officers of the company admit-' ted.that.this should be done. . ; I ' 'Asked if there - was any authority. to compel the fencing of private the association from its beginning in 1882. Owing to the state of the weather it was decided to be impracticable to visit the . Waipio sub-station, and a majority rot the diminished attendance at this session wad flLSlnclined to visit the main station at Makiki, but it was -agreed' thai any who wished to go there and to the federal station would have 'Conveyances provided for them at 10 o'clock this morning. Although, it was stated. Director Agee had been granted leave cf absence for three months the day before, members of the staff .would be on hand to show the visitors around. Under the auspices of Waialae, Kal muki and Palclo Improvement flub. a mass meeting will be held on Thurt- ( day evening next, December 10, in the assembly hall of Liliuokalani school, ' for the purpose cf considering the . subject of good roads for the district. J Supervisors-elect will address the meeting on the frontage or district tax, and there will be speeches also by R. R, Reidford of Alanoa and oth ers. It is hoped by the club mem bers that every property owner in the district who .can do so will at tend the meeting. -. Valises checked. Adv. ' . City Transfer Co. VANITY CASES In some real new combinations and shapes at present adorn our show cases. Hut they won't be there long. Plain, Engine Turned and Engraved. Your monogram beautifully engraved free. Come and select before others. VTEIRA JEWELRY CO., LTD. 113 Hotel St. This Home . . k. Z- AVs. Jit ' xM , 1 House and lot on Eapiolani. street, opposite Thomas Square and .within easy : walking dis- : ''.'-;XX . X.- V . tanctt-of down-townl Lot 50z 120 ft. The 6-room house has modern conveniences, installed, rhe price' is'$3200?u "'X- 3 11 . ' ' . - r w : V 1 . of forest cover if It had not been iands,tne president .replied that tne tor the conservation,, and planting otjoaty rnj was to condemn the lands forests, t 'K .--i-.' :i $ ;: K; i tor. forest reserves The government ; IVX. fliurston said ; that the fwa fencing of prt- basin needed early .attention, as the vate Iand8. . " V forest on this side of the Waianae j Mr. Renton had an impression that mountains was being destroyed by Ewa got rather more of its water cattle. Up till ' ten years ago, . the from the Koolau range than from the thick Jungle of lan tana kept stolLnWalsAaran'gevV-' down to the lower levels, but since Reports of the committee on agri the lantana had been killed the cattle cultural machinery and Implements, went, up the mountain- In. Jplaces the-George Gibbvchairman; that on eat anlxaals In Gliding down, carried" with ting, loading and general transporta tUm atrt?8 of th-mountalnsld' soU. tion, A. Lldgate, chairman; and that' Tnis 8Ute or. affairs prevailed tn the on warehouses,. David Forbes,. cbfir- Honouliull lands dear up to Lellehu man, were accepted, with little or ho Mr. Dowsett remarked that it was discusston-j'. . surprising to see how the old nativ : The matter. Of - Indexing the first' forests of sandalwood, koa, etc were ten volumes of reports, brought upiby reviving on lands .where the cattle M r. Ewart, was -,on motion of M r. were fenced out. V , Bishop referred , to the trustees for Mr. Renton was surprised to hear action. It Mras also decided to have the sUtement about the - Honouliuli the volumes of .the old Planters' lands. This was a vital matter for Monthly, the predecessor of the Rec- -'X, fpWELINGS FQR RENT FURNISHED. 1554 Palolo Valley Road 3ibedrooms ....$35.00 2336 Oahu Avenue. Ma uoa 4 ;bedrooms: ".. Prospect and Alapai Streets 3 bedrooms 60.00 Adams Lane 3;bedrooms 30.00 Tantalus 3 Ibetlrwrns. 45.0?) DWELLINGS FOR RENT UNFURNISHED . .. 3;bedrooms $30.00 . .. 2jbedroom8 13.50 ... 4;bedrooms 45.00 . .. 3;bedrxms. 30.00 . .. 3bedrooms.. 40.00 . .. 3 bedrjoms 20.00 ... 3 bedrooms 25.00 ... 3 bedrooms 16.00 . . . 2 bedrooms 17.00 1230 Palftlo Hill Jload v 1321 PaloWValle Road 1 !3?Tintht4Y9Attf Kaimuklt. i4i5fiyaiaae Roaa J?. 1526 JtanlSlani JS&eeWi Kunawai Lane, Liliha Street Kalihi, opp. Kamehameha IV Read. Cottage No. 3, Auld Lane, Kalihi . Aloha Lane, King Street Guardian Trust Co., Ltd. ' ii,ttirtns which might be jEwa planUtlon and they would have onL Indexed,. Secretary Smith saying V pianwuou C, vTta'the xylL'& V.7CoS thar they -cratained "the "history " hC X Stangenwald Building, Merchant SL 1 . if ' ; 'Waterhonse Tnist" HOUSES FOR RENT FURNISHED 2336 Oahu ave., Manoa 4 bedrooms Pacific Heights 4 bedrooms...-. .$50.00 1252 Kinau st 3 bedrooms 40,00 1554 Palolo Valley rd., 5th ave.. 3 bedrooms 35.00 1261 Center ave., Kalmuki 1011 3rd are, Kaimuki ... 2 bedrooms. , 2 bedrooms., 25.00 37.50 UNFURNISHED 770 Kinau st 2015 Lanihuli drive 1339 -Wilder ave... 1128 Wilder ave... 1231 Matlock ave.. . Manoa J - ' ." 3 bedrooms ......... $32.50 3 bedrooms 40.00 3. bed rco ma 40.00; 3-bedrcozns.. 40.00 2 bedrooms 22.50 27.50 1323 Matlock ave 3 bedrooms.... 132S Kinau st. 3 bedrooms.... 1126 Kin st 5 bedrooms.... Cor. Koko Head and Pahoa ave.. Kaimuki 1348 Wilder ave 839 Young st. 3rd ave, Kaimuki 1871 Ala Manoa rd. ... Adams lane, city . -. -a iwi wmi ,i ;2. bedrooms. . . 3 bedrooms . . 1 bedroom .3 bedrooms . . 3 bedrooms 40.00 .35.00- . 50.00 r: . 4-J.OO . -y l J4o:ooiU .35.00 t . 15.00 ; . 170 X "Waterhouse TrijstV Cor. Fort and Merchant 8U. i