SIX IIONOLULU STAB-BULLETIN, Tl KSDAY. .TANTARY 12. 1915. 1 Are If Not, See US Castle & Cooke, Ltd, Fire, Life, Marine, Automobile and Accident Insurance Agents MORE MONEY IN THE BANK, LESS CHANCE OF SAY ING "H0W-DE.D0" TO POVERTY. BANK OF HAWAII LTD. 7 1 C. Brewer & Co, ' (Limited) 'i. 8UQAR FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SHIPPING and JNSUR r ANCE AGENTS, i I FORT 8T, HONOLULU, T. XL List of fflcert aad Director! : E. T. BISHOP. .. . . . . . President O. , II. ROBERTSON .... . . i ..Vice-President and Manager IL IVERS ............ Secretary E. A. R, ROSS. . . . .. .'Treasurer O. ; R. CARTER,. 1. Director ; C. II. COOKE. ...... ..Director J. It. GALT... ..'.Director R.;' A. COOKE. . . il . Director JL vQAKTLE V. . . . . . . . . Director P. G. MAT. . ... . . . . ... .Auditor BANK i noimuLu : LIMITED , ;. . -..; ' ::. : ' : "r -; '-. Issues K. N. ft K. Lettera of Credit' and Traveler! Checks available throughout the world. (kihTrafcrsat Loacst Rates Rre :' THE ' B.f. Dillingham Go. LIMITED , , . General Agent for Hawaii: Atlas Assurance ' Company o London, New York. Under writers Agency; Providence Washington Insurance Co. 4th floor Stangenwald Building THE YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. " Ten. Capital subscribed.... 48,000,600 Capital paid op....... 30,000,000 Reserve funu.........l.250,000 S. AWOKI, Loos! Maaoer & Rolh Jtangenwalo Bldj, 102 Merchant 'st ; STOCK AND -BOND BROKERS Members Honolulu Stock and Bond . vhange. BBBBBBBBiBBJBBBk . . 4BBBBMBBK2 Ward Insured Alexander & Baldwin Limited. Buga Factors Commission Merchants tnd Insurance Agents Aegnts for Hawaiian Commercial &. Sugar Co. , Haiku Sugar Company. Pala Plantation. Maui Agricultural Company. Hawaiian Sugar Company. Kahuku Plantation Company. Y McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. Kahului Railroad Company. Kauai Railway Company. Kauai Fruit & Land Co., Ltd Honolua Ranch. & Co. BANKERS Pay 4 yearly on Savings De posits, compounded twice Annually. 0 MEAT MARKET & GROCERY Phone 3451 C. Q. YEE HOP A CO. FOR SALE $300 Corner 4th and Palolo ave SO X100. $250 Lot 50x100, 4th Ave. $375 Lot 50x150, Palolo Ave. . All these lots are only one block from Walalae carllne. Terps .are $25 .down and $10 per mo. Here la your chance. ; j Pa E. Be OTRAVCH !Walty Bldf. T4 a Ktiw St AGENTS WANTED HOME INSURANCE CO. QF HAWAII Ltd- O'Nell Bldg, 96 King St, corner Fort SL Telephone ,3529 . aFOB beiit Fine 2-bedroom cottage In town; gas; screened; elettricity; $22. Renovated 5-bedrooni house; 30. FOR SALE Large house and lot with bearing trees and grapevines; $2500. J. H. Schnacix, Real Estate 842 Kaahumanu St. Telephone 3633 I I Bishop DON'T POSTPONE the making of your Will. ; Put off other matters if you must, but make your Will NOW before anything happens to inter fere. Our Officers will be pleased to help you in drawing up the document and if this Company is named as Executor no charge will be made! for assisting you with your Will or for lceeping it in our fire and burglar-proof vault. r L Honolulu Stock Exchanflt Tuesday, Jan. 12. MERCANTILE. ' Bid. Atked- Alexander & Baldwin.Ltd 2n 225 I C. Brewer & Co .... SVGAK. Ka Plan. Vo 21 V 22 Haiku Sugar Co 12" 131 Haw. Apri. Co. Haw. V. & Su. Co 22 M Haw. Sugar Co. 33 34 Honokaa Sugar Co 4 4 Vi lionomu Sugar Co. 14u . Hutchinson S. Plant. Co li Kahukuf lan. Co. 16 Kekaha Sugar Co 120 Koloa Sugar Co 13" McBryde Sugar Co.. Ltd. 5S ' Oahu Sugar Co 19U m, Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd iVt - ttnomea Sugar Co - Paauhau Sugar Plan. Co Pacific Sugar Will Paia Plan. Co. .j 12.1 Pleekeo Sugar Co. . . . 110 Pioneer Mill Co. 24 Waialua Agrl. Co !) 92 Wailuku SiJgar Co 1M i Waimanalo Sugar Co. ... 160 22'. Waimea Sugar Mill Co... 14o MISCELLANEOUS. Haiku F. & P. Co., Pid Haiku F. & P. Co., Com. ... Haw. Electric Co 191- Haw. Irr. Co., Ltd Haw. Pineapple Co Hllo R. R. Co., Pfd Hilo R.R. Co., Cora Hon. B. & Si. Co., Ltd.. Hon. Gas Co.. Pfd Hon. Gas Co.. Com Hon. R. T. & L. Co.; Inter-Island S. Nav. Co.. Mutual Tel. Co Ohu Ky. & Land Co.. . . Pahang Rubber Co Tanjong Olok Rub. Co... BONDS. Hamakua Ditch Co. 6s... Haw. C. & Sug. Co. 5s.. Haw. Irr. Co. 6s Haw. Ter. 4s, Ref. 1905.. Haw. Ter. Es. Pub. Imp.. Haw. Ter. Pub. Imp. 4s.. 2TV2 36 13 100 mo 140 140 18 M 130 14 18H 132H 10 21 90 Haw. Ter. 4s IHaw. Ter. 3s Hilo R.R.Co. 6s Is. '01... Hilo R.R.Co. R.&E.Con. 6s 52 52 Honokaa Sug. Co. 6s. Hon. Gas Co., Ltd., 5s. ; Hon. R. T. & L. Co. 6s Kauai Ry. Co. 6s Kobala Ditch Co. 6s . McBryde Sugar Co. 5s Mutual Tel. 6s ' 99 103 90 101 100 96 Oahu Ry. & Land Co. 5s 103 Oahu Sugar Co. 6s 102 Olaa Sugar Co. 6s 75 Pacific G. & F. Co. 6s... 102 Pae. Sugar Mill Co. 6s. . . . . Pioneer Mill Co. 5s 100 80 San Carlos Mill. Co. 6s.. 100 Waialua Agrl. Co. 5s... 100 Sales: Between Boards 10, 10, 30, 25, 20, H. C. & S. Co. 32: 15 H. C & S. Co. 33; 100, 25, , McBryde 5; 100, 75 Olaa 5'i: 10. 10. 15. 15 Haw Pine 36; 30, 30. 10 H. B. & M. Co. 14; 15, ID Oahu Sug. Co. 19V4: 20 Mut Tel. Co. 18H; $500, $1500 Hon. Gas 5s 99. Session Sales 5. 25, 20 H. C. & S. Co. 33; 25, 25 Haw. Sug, Co. 34; 5 H. C. & S. Co. S3; 5 Haw. Sug. Co. 34; 30 McBryde 54. Latest sugar quotation: 96 deg. test, 4.045 cts.. or 180.90 per ton. ar 4.045cts Henry WalcrfapUt Trust Co- f f ttd. Members Honolulu Stock And Bond Exchange. Fort . and Merchaat Streets Telephone 1208 J. F.ISpRGlAfJ JLTP. ; TOCK BROKERS v Information Furnished and Loans - " Made. Merchant Street Star Building Phone 4572 HONOLULU WOMEN TO GIVE AD CLUB TALKS CN C0WMUNJTY-TOPJCS John A. Palmer, in charge of Wo men's day at the Ad Club tomorrow, announced the followius speakers: Mrs. Walter F. Frear, Mrs. F. J. Lowrey, Mrs. F. M. Swanzy, Mrs. A N. Campbell, Mrs. Theodore Richards, Miss Andersen. There will be special music. The women are to speak on topics of community iuterest. , 1 ;4 Beets SHIPPING AND WATERFRONT NEWS FREIGHTER MA , One of the largest shipment of cot ton to leave the Southern states for the Far East and to pass through Ho nolulu is on board the big ladra line freighter Indrakaula, ' an arrival from Panama caml yesterday. Captain A. 11. Smith had much praise for the expeditious manner in which his com mand was handled in iu passage from; tbe Atlantic to the Pacific through the new waterway. The elides which some weeks ago dumped a vast aecu- mulation of earth and rock into the ditch have been cleared away. The channel now maintained is of suffi cient depth to accommodate the heav iest laden vessel. The Indrakaula met with favorable winds and smooth seas in steaming for Honolulu. The Inte: -Island Steam Navigation holds a contract to supply the vessel with 500 tons of bunker coal. The vessel received cargo from New York and Galveston. From the latter port came the bulk of the cotton. Big Increase in Panama Traffic. According to a statement issued by the foreign trade department of the Chamber of Commerce, the cargo ton nage that passed through the Panama canal during November east bound was 24Z.76Z tons, i ne west-Douno tonnage, from all points west bound, was 445,266 tons. As compared with the October ton nage this is a total increase of 67,567 tons, or 34,922 tons west bound, and 32,645 tons east bound. The European tonnage to the -Pa cific coast of coal was 15,216 tons; merchandise, 5103. From the Atlantic coast, .coal,. 13,095; merchandise, 62. &17." From, Gulf ports, merchandise, 4200 tons. The east-bound tonnage through the canal from Pacific coast points to Atlantic coast points, was 103,714 tons; to West Indies, 11,664; to Euro pean ports, 71,538. There was a resumption of interest and an active demand on 'change to day and although there were few ac tual gains, there was a marked tone of firmness. Between boards and at the session there was considerable business in sugar stocks, Hawaiian Suear' and' H. C. & S. featuring. Ex pectation ef -a rise in sugar is the cause of the bullish tendency. In H. C.1 & S. there was such an ac tive demand that after five sales in small lots the price advanced V4 to 33 and held its gain throughout the morning; 165 shares changed hands In all. Honolulu Gas 5 per cent bonds also rose Hawaiian Sugar was firm at 34 on three sales. There was much trading In McBryde without any change in quotation. Twenty Mutual Telephone sold on a rise. Hawaiian Pineapple was unchanged on four transactions. "Say, Hiram, what do they mean by a Strode var'us?" "Oh, a SStrade var'us is the Latin name for a fiddle." Musical Courier. DO. WANTED. Good furnished cottage Man and wife want a, 2-room cottage, or a 1-room cottage with big screened "lanai which can be used for living room. (Bath, kitchen, toilet, run ning water, electricity or igas essen tial.) In good, fairly quiet neighbor hood, within 10 minutes' walk of postoffice. (Or might" consider sub urbs.) Cottage to he reasonably well furnished throughout for housekeep ing. What we want is a small HOME in the real sense of the word, at a reasonable rent. Describe your place and state rent, etc., in first letter. Address XSX, this office. 6059-lt SITUATION WANTED. Smart Filipino, part Spanish, wants position in office or store; can take phone calls, make bills or in music store reads notes ocellently and understands piano tuning; speaks tine English and Spanish, or in school as music teacher. R. T. R., this office. 6059-lt LOCOMOTIVE REPAIRER. First-class man wants position; has had 20 years' experience as locomo tive repairer and hr.s good refer ences. Box 132, this office. 6059-4t FOR SALE. Piano in god condition. Box 93, this 6059-3t office. ' FURNISHED COTTAGE. Furnished cottage and light house keeping rooms; all conveniences; .-electric lights; -bath, running water; short distance from postoffice. Mod crate. Ganzel place, Fort and Vine yard. Tel 1541. 5994-tf GERMANS RECEIvE'STEMlER LURLIRE - I - i . ..... i i i 1 1 . j - . The local Uerman colony ana oin cers and men from visiting vessels j from a well-regulated barnyard grvet t lying the Teuton colors gathered in I td a delegation of federal quarautiiif. force at Pier 7 before the Pacific Mail' immigration and customs officers who liner Korea, with about 100 refugees I boarded the Mat sou Navigation eteam- . ry -i .... a k n :.. I i 1 1 : 1 o.... 1 , lroul X BUlgulU auu uiv .Tidrsuaii lands resumed the voyage to the main land at 10 o'clock this morning. Th Royal Hawaiian band played a pro- gram of German and neutral airs. I A delegation of a haif-hundred child ren among the refugees received gifts consisting of candy, fruit and toys. The departure of the Korea for San Francisco was a spectacular event, a large throng having bsec attracted to the scene. About 30 cabin passen gers joined the vessel ut this point for the Coast. The Korea was supplied with 500 tons of coal during its stay at the port. A large accumulation ot mail was forwarded to the mainland In the vessel. PA89EJWKRS ARRIYED Pec .UtX.v sj a.- Lurlina, rom San Francisco for Honolulu January 12-' Mrs. H. M. Ballou. CapL G. de Grasse Catlin, John Cashel. Dr. E. C. Sher wood, Mrs. E. C. Sherwood, E. 1. Smith, Mrs. E. P. Smith, C. L. Young, Mrs. '.'7. L. Young. Per stmr. Mauna Kea, from Hilo and way ports January 12. From Hilo J. E. S needy and wife, Miss Sou'sterby, A. E. Harris, Z. K. Myers. A. A. Wil son, C. McClennan, C. E. Edson. H. Medcalf, R. Medcalf, Miss Gibb, Mrs. C. O. Bell. Mrs. L. K. Wallace, Afl33 E. Patten, .Mrs. R. V. Patten, S. T). Baldwin, A. Cunha, H. Holmes, Mrs. J. H. Brown, J. E. Cullen, H- S. RicK ard. J. G. Rothwell, R. A. Kearns, I. F. Prosser, Geo. Richardson. E. A. Robblns, R. W. Shingle. Miss E. Schor en. Miss F. Eaton, Miss Percy, B. K.' Baird. E. R. Hand, Rev. Miyagawa md servant. Misses Serrao (2), Miss Ma chado, Mrs. M. SHva and four chil dren. From Lahaina II. Tono, C. F. Merrill, Mrs. Winters, Misses Win ters (2), A. C. Wheeler, T. M. Church, F. D. Kevin, Jno. Andrade and 'vifn. Mrs. H. Williams, S. Kanda, T. Hidu, A. A. Durney. Mauna Kea Passes Coasters. Several Inter-Island coasters em pioyea m tne movement of sugar from Hawaii ports to Hilo were Dassed bv the flagship Mauna Kea in returning to Honolulu. The steamer Maui and wunau were discharging sugar at Hllo. The Helene was taking on cargo at mpoopoo. -Purser Phillips reported southerly winds and a northeast swell! after leaving Laupahoehoe. The Ma- una Kea brought a small cargo in- eluding an automobile, 20 cords of wood, 60 sacks of rice bran and 138 packages of sundries. The steamer is scheduled to depart for Hilo and way ports at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. . Hawaii Sugar Report. Additional shipments of sugar are reported at plantations on the island of Hawaii by Purser Phillips of t!-e steamer Mauna Kea, which arrived this morning. The list included the foUowing lots: Olaa,, 18,500 sacks; Walakea, 2500; Laupahoehoe, 9400; Kalwlki, 1123; Kukaiau. 2600; Hama kua mill, 2200; Paauha 500: Hono kaa, 1500. Schooner Prosper Ready for Sea. The schooner Prosper, for the past fortnight at Hilo where a shipment of llim har hoa Knan j34oiVtavrvj-tsf t n ' ed to be readv for sea within f(: rrVr: .I."-B"'"4'?v-l days. The vessel has been moored a f Via till,-. l.l i it. Hiln whjrf tvn haiiao nn.' !5 VW Dg IOr ine norin rac; - Representative Gerry of Rhode Isl- and, who was defeated for reelection, reported to the house that he had ceived no contribution, but had spent $4367 for his campaign Mrs. Marion W. Brashears of New York lost her $50,000 slander suit against Mrs. Susan Smith of Shelby vllle, Ky., once known as the "Hetty Green of the Northwest." t t t . v. v vw National Guard and treasurer of Har - per Bros., publishers, died at his home to haye been chartered to load a ship in New York, aged 53. 1 ment of lumber for Australia. The First Preferred Stock of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company is an in vestment of unusual merit, as the earnings gain with the increase in population, and are not materially ajJected by clianged business conditions. Kvery share of this stock has back of it more than 10 property value. TKe earnings have steadily in creased since the Company was formed, and are now several times the dividend requirements of this stock. It is Xon -Assessable and Tax; Free in California, -and is issued under the authority of the Kail road Commission. Price $82.50 per share, netting 7.'27r( on investment. For Further Particulars Apply to G. G. BOCKUS Authorized Agent for Hawaii 503 Stangenwald Bldg. Phone 2784 . IS A FLOATING BARNYARD - a medley likened to that coming - ( luriiuc, an annai muiii ra.ii ri. in Cisco this morning The forward and after deck of the liner was occupied by shipments of mules, horses, polo ponies and crate-; of chickens, ducks and turkeys. Dotes, prize winners at coast kennel shows, also were in t:e colony of four-footed passengers. A large! collection of nib bits was brought to the port in the vessel. Nine cabin and 3 steerage passen gers thade up the list of travelers, who enjoyed a pleasant trip across the Paciftc despite the rough weather. The Lurline met with strong head wintfs and heavy seas until within the zone of the Islands. A cargo amount ing -hi lfino ton a will be discharged here! the vessel being scheduled to steam for Maui ports tomorrow even ing. The Lurline1-is expected to re turn to Honolulu on Sunday morning to comolete itscareo of sugar for coast refineries. More than 100 sacks of mail was received by the Lurline It is the intention to despatch tho United States army transport Sher man for Manila by the way cf Guam at noon Thursday. The Pacific . Mail liner Mongolia from San Franciscc, due to arrive FrJ day morning, will bring a later mall from the mainland. With fertilizer material for Kahu lui. Maui, the schooner James Tuft is reported to have left the Chilean ni trate ports 24 days ago. The schooner J. II. Bruce, with lum ber and building material for Hono lulu, is reported to have sailed from Tacoma, Wash., 32 days ago. Steaming , for San Francisco at 10 o clock tomorrow morning the Mat son liner Matsonia will carry the next ; outgoing mail for the mainland.' ' t . Twenty-three days from Grays Har- or, the schooner Espada Is due daily at Kahului, Maul. The vessel has been chartered to carry a cargo of lumber! The schooner Okanogan, with a cart go of lumber for Honolulu, is reported; en of the latest departures from Poii Gamble, The vessel Is due here early in February. . j The schooner Blakeley is one of the vessels predicted to be an early ar rival at the port from Port Blakeley. The vessel was supplied with a ship mem or lumber. A large cargo of lumber from the north Pacific coast is on the way to Port Allen, Kauai, in the schooner Oceanic Vance. The vessel left Port Angeles 17 days ago. The America barkentine Georgina, with a fuU cargo of nitrates from Chilean coast ports, Js out 34 days from Antofogasta. The vessel is ex pected here the middle part of Febru ary. ; Consigned to importers at Hilo the .scbQoner Caraano. with a shinmpnt nf "rc -IIU1 a lre.V&d?" - rr.':" - 'utuaa ea railed to BlHtlt thla At, steaming from HiIo for Honolulu. Steaming from LlverDool and Unit. ed Kingdom ports with a general car- HOWS 1 gQ tocall at nortV Zf tl I re-'fast of South SrlSX a Z .Hl'rVfS: 2l lT - iuc okcraujcr in- rector is expected to arrive here the latter part of B'ebruary. Steaming from Honolulu on January 1, taking ballast only, the British freighter Strathardle is reported to - have arrived at Fnrlrsi Pa! ia ct- lurday - The Strathardle is understood '5 ' I 0 E Pure Wholesome C R E A M Honolulu Dairymen's Association Phone 1542 Eyes Examined Glasses Supplied Factory on the Premises. A. N. Sanford OPTICIAN Boston Building Fort Street Over May & Co. Suggest'ona and designs for RESETTING and REMODEL ING OLD JEWELRY. Gold and Platinum Settings WALL A DOUGHERTY MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO- LTD. PrCroGEAPr2 aomtnccf nuifen MONOLVkU T.M W. H BURNETTK Sommlsslonar. off Deeds for California tnd Naw York; NOTARY. PUBLIC; Orawa Mortgaaes. Desds. Bills off U; Lsnes, Wills, etc Attorney for th District Courts, 79 MERCHANT STREET.., HONOLULU, Phont 1844. IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN NEWSPAPERS. laywkare, at Any Time, CmQ on tr WrlU E. C CAKE'S ADVERTISING AGENCY -. 124 Bansome Street Ban Francisco for HONOLULU DRY GOODS CO. HAND TWO WEEKS' BALE NOW O Hotel Bt. v ;Ob BIJou TDaatar Flannel Trousers THE 4UB Hotel, Ewa of . Fort You don't really love Hawaii until you have dined, danced and slept at the SEASIDE HOTEL J. H. Hcrtsche, Manager Jordan's DRY-GOODS x Fort SL - R. J. BLAKE Manufacturers' Agent. Over Hill's Curio Store, Bishop and King Sts. , - Phone 2443. . & W. GRAPE JUICE HENRY MAY & CO, LTD. Phone 1271 VIENNA BAKERY 1129 Fort SL Phone 2124