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Image provided by: University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI
Newspaper Page Text
HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, FRIDAY. APRIL 7f 10 If,. FIVB H r. 4 mmm SUGGESTIONS FOR HER TRUST DEEfl BABY WEEK PLEA MEETS APPROVAL OF THE CHAMBER Absolutely Pure Mad from GrapoCreamofTarfar no alum Much interest is being manifested in the Cherry Blossom Pete which will be given by , the Episcopal churches of the city at the Royal Ha waiian Hotel early in May, the pur pose of . which Is to ,raise $.0O0 for the erection of. a home . for Japanese girls in this city. : The plan received the indorsement of , the advertising and subscription committee of the chamber of commerce yesterday. FURNISH' YOUR HOME RIGHT 8 fitting It throughout with our dependable electric fixtures. ; ELECTRIC SHOP 1 ' Phone 4344 v'. 1133 Fort 6L A. N SAN FORD OPTICIAN Boston - Building Fort Street (Ovr May A Co.) Honolulu Music Co. Everything Musical Tort, next to the . Clarion for Sachs" W. AH AN A: CO. ' ; v;: : Tailors."-?; t, Kin j St.; ' between Fort 'Z-' .. -.'f and Bethel.. PURE ISLAND MILK AND '-. CREAM. 1 -'Honolulu Dairymen's An, : 5 .... 457ft Phone 1 542 -X - FOKG IHN ' & CO. Actiques and Chineit ; - " Merchandise : ' ; t Knuanu, above Pauafxi ? V ! fltffc So Testified A. S. Humphreyst Who Drew Document, at Hearing Today Proposals made in 19i9 by Queen Liliuokalani that the have a will drawn, and the bringing about of the establishment of the trust which Dele gate Kuhio now is trying to break by litigation in circuit court, were re viewed at length in Circuit Judge Whitney's court today during the tak ing of the testimony of Attorney A. Fcrij tiun committee of the chamber of Modest Request for Funds is Indorsed: National Guard Plan Gets 0. K. ' (July tli? modest sum of $U for ail the ia!ies in Honolulu, to be used in the advancement of- tLe IJaby Week program, was asked for by Mrs. James A. Kath, chairman of the publicity committee, in her request for indorse ment of her subscription list plan presented to the advertising and sub- Humphreys, who was called on by the queen Beven years ago to make the will. A petition for the perpetuation o' Judge Humphreys' testimony was filed by Antonio Perry, counsel for the queen. Judge Humphreys told of his being called in to draw up the will which, 'he' said,, was done prior to the queen's leaving for the mainland. ' After Curtis P. Iaukea had told him that the . queen wanted a will commerce. The plan was indorsed by the committee yesterday at its regu lar meeting. The committee then -turned to the plan of Adjutant General Sam John son to raise T3,50 for the benefit of the National Guard. The size of the guard has increased out cf all propor tion to its territorial and federal funds, both of which were appropriat ed on the basis of the strength of the eruarri a asro. when it cnn'sted drawn. Judge Humphreys said he re-;of fewer than 700 men. Today Gen fused to go into the matter until he rl j0hnson reports the guard as hav had personally seen the queen. Two ing 5000 men on its rolIs xhe only consultations with the queen followed. ' solution of its financial problems is a he testified, Iaukea and John A. Domi-.jarge popu,. subscription. The cora nis being present at both; and V. O. mittee indorsed the project, and one Smith, one or the trustees, at the large busjnegg firm has already con- others pledged to add their .namesv to tion that he matter of a trust deed was brought up, all ' suggestions re garding the trust deed coming from the queen herself, the witness added. Judge Humphreys stated that he re ceived no suggestions from anyone ex cept the queen as to the provisions which the deed should contain. When the question arose as to the number of trustees, Judge Humphreys testified he suggested that three should be. appointed, the qtieen at that time selecting A. S. Cleghorn, CoL Iaukea v and Dominls. -.He added that the list as soon as presented. Letter Outlines Needs. The subscription letter, indorsed by the committee, Is as follows: "In conformity with the expressed desire of the war department the Na tional Guard of Hawaii 'has been re cruited 1 to a strength of more than 5000 men. As appropriations for the fiscal year by the federal government and up to June 30, 1917, by the terri torial; government, being based on a j ivitcu Alio uisapiviai v. iuu4iuio t .m0 - ' - v.... , at that time, for the reason that the been exhausted, the guard is in urgent need of funds. latter was very young an 1 had had no experience. .'., -J;yj PUNAHOUPLAY WlLLBElVEN KlfillT OF HAY 5 The Punahou Dramatic Club will present its annual play cn the even ing of May S. , . cA' .mpdera: coTiedy,weJI known on the professional stage "Green Stock ingsj" will be given tinder the direc tion of "the talented dramatic" insiruct ot. Miss Maud Hastings.? Miss Hast ings is fortunate in having an .unusual ly promising castr and the production should be as well acted as youthful amateurs can be trained to act. The play is fall cf amusing situations and witty conversation. Margaret Anglln, s jceiia; - won great success in tne luroduction' not long' a?a' ' STA R-B U llLETI N G I V ES YOU ' FOR GQQD r.lEALS The Palace of Sweets Headctuarters for ' Easter 'V Cards and Novelties . ARLEIGH'S, Hotel St. Carnation HilK Makes:. Better Babies. HENRY MAY & CO, .V: LTD. ' Phone :1-2-71 JIEflT FLflSIIES, DIZZY, evous Mrs. Wynn Tells Homt Lydia . Pinkhazn's Vegetable r 3 Compound Helped Her DuringChange of Life. rJchmond, Va.'-V After taking seven bottles of Lydia, E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound I feel like a new "woman, I air way s had a headache during the Change of life and was also troubled with other -bad feelings , com mon at that time dizzy spells, nervous feelings and heat flashes. l Now I am in better health than I ever was and Tecommend your remedies to all my friends. Mrs.LENA Wynn, 2812 E. O Street, Kichmond, Va, ; While Change of life is a most crit ical period of a woman's existence, the annoying symptoms which accompany it may be controlled, and normal health restored by the timely use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. . Such warning symptoms are a sense of suffocation,. hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread ' of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ars,-palpitation lof the heart, sparks before the eyes,; irregularities, constipation,' variable ap petite, weakness and inquietude, and dizziness. - .. , - 4 For these abnormal conditions do not fail to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. :"v. ..." . ' ' '" "Several .eltonsive projects which will leal to increased efficiency in the guard und which are necessary for the proper training of the men,' are' held up for lack of funds, and much valu able time is lost Money Urgently Needed. "It is estimated that $13,500 is ur gently needed to maintain the Nation al Guard, and to reach the high stand ard of efficiency that is aimed at. The items for which this sum is desired, with the probable amounts required, are as follows: ; ."Laying water system to the Punch bowl military reservation, with the necessary water storage facilities, ?1500. : ' "Erecting rifle ranges in Punchbowl and providing for a suitable camp ground, 12500. 1 "Pit houses, stibies, administration building and sheds. Punch bowl, 12500. ! "Equipping and furnishing Honolulu armory and supplying proper facilities for the enlisted men, $5000. "Transportation for sergeant-Instructors on duty with troops on Ha waii. Maui and-Kauai. $2QO0. Disbursing: Board Planned. "Subscriptions will be received' and money disbursed under the jurisdic tion of 'a National Guard disbursing board, which .is to be appointed by Governor Pinkham, on recommenda tion of General Johnson. ." "In view cf the above facts and in the belief that the National Guard is of great Value to the nation. as well as to the territory, we, the: undersigned, subscribe ; the amounts set opposite our respective names." LOCAL JAPANESE BURNEITTS BILL Oriental Goods . O AND JAPANESE PAPER FISH KITES : -: .' ' '";-V''r- ' - '' Easter Candy Chickens in all colors ODO SHOTEN V' Holding that the amicable relations between Japan and the United States will be endangered by 5 Congressman Burnett's immigration bill, 'which has passed the bouse and is now In the senate, the Japanese Association of Honolulu at a meeting last night, pass ed resolutions requesting President Wilson to : veto the bill in case the senate approves iL . 5 The resolutions, which will be for warded to Washington, D. C, in : the next mall, reads as follows: 'Vhereas the Japanese Associa tion of Honolulu fears that the immi gration bill, which has already passed the bouse cf representatives of the United States, will endanger the close amicable; relations between the Unit ed States and Japan; and 1, "Whereas, the Japanese in , I lawa 11, in the enjoyment of such amicable re lations, are striving earnestly for still closer friendship between the two na tions and laboring Pir the perpetual cemeting cf 'uch a desirable and ! laudable, accomplishment; l)e it I "Resolved, tht we request, bumb- ly.and rs men and mends, that oo4i mw Wilson, President of the United States of America, refrain fromtap Iroving and affixing his signature to th? immigration bill as it is in its present shape." MORE SlIDEsVo TO COAST FOR LECTURES v One more set of slides will be sent to the jnaJnland this week when the Hawaii Promotion Committee for wards a, clioice selection to Mrs. W. W. Merrymcn, wro is now lecturing In Texas. Mrs. Merrymon is the wife of the director of the U. S. magnetic observatory at Ewa, and is conver sant with all of the beauty spots of ll.i waii. r "Yif-r 1 1 n i. 1 Mew v ...1 , ' vi ,' V .1 ' ; Suite If! 'i VI' ill Vv V I i n Broad, Striped Cotton Crepes Washable also. Separate Norfolk Jackets, to be worn with White Tub Skirts. Every Size Every -f" ., o iii '-. if-. . r - , i : -;,.k if- Color Fcllerines Newest effect '..''',..,' for evening wear with Party Gowns iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif 11 i Latest craze. We hae the exquisite colorings TOG Chines, Satins, S GALORE for the esthetic w om an of sport- elQthesdQm. Sportt Gloth(s;;;; to mateKy madi of Rajah Silks, Italraii Silk s, Grepe dfe 1 fully tinted, New mew eiti WalMng t snown Chiffons, wonder- Golf reisses, Suits extreme nov- es date store. on ly ait i'tii. f cr?' '.. " . ': -' fc i . .-I : V'v. i . -ii-'-i: : . "' '- ' ' 'k i .1. .-t- v.:'.- -t t ' ".-'.''''. ' t r - '.; ; . . y. f i . ' K'Ajh ".',-"; ''i.:.; , ''. .'. i - ' ' ' ; : ""i.'t 'jf 'S , ".i-: '' -