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HONOLULU STAR-BUrXETIN, THURSDAY. JUNE -22. 191G. five ' i In this - climate a rich, cooling food is healthful There is never any ques tibn' about the X '--Si PURITY and ; v HIGH QUALITY of: v s ,:.t 1 . ' 1542 PnOIIESCTe ho;:oliM1I dairymen's- :. ' aecociation ? I- thl vin HAr.!r.:.Your:a co, ;.' LTD., Honolulu, i ALL APPLICANTS GARI LIKES TO SELL LIQUOO JUSTICE ViLDER CALLS CHICAGO 5IETIKG.W That Ab MUCH CO , CM BY COSITTEE VISHAIRY J? Causes for Complaint of City r sence of Excitement Marked J Physician Are Minimized in ; nepuoucan uonvenuon r typewritten nepon- ' i i i , . . - v .... . . I M . -5 -. ; ; ; Furniture Go; V "'Love :;:jr, lHt-lUS Fort 'St i Heard But No Changes Are Made By Commission ; -Every application for renewal of 1 UTt was a tame affair, that Repub- jn a written report to the board of liquor licenses which jwas submitted i lican conTentlon at Chicago.- The lead-J supervisors, signed by w; M. Ahla, F. to the board of license commissioner , era had it well in hand all the time I m. Hatch and Daniel Logan, the health In their . annual meeting late jester-1 and there, wat more excitement In the committee of the supervisors -considers day afternoon was. granted, not with-j galleries than among the delegates," I the objection of the city and county standing protests made by the Anu: aid. Judge A. A. Wilder today.: - He I nhvsiclan to the granting of a license Saloon League The: action off the returned last night on. the Matsonia, to the Territorial Dairy, frequently re after trip to v asblngton : on legal l f erred to as the Farm Cornn Dairy. business, v The judge stopped in Chi-1 and so mentioned In the report Jago to see the G. O. P,s convention I Relative to the complaints made by and left the nignt before Hughes was I Dr. Wayson'the report "Bays: :Wlth nominated. ? r tr : - i I reference to' the location In a ; resl- J; . Weslev '. ThomDson's sDDoint-1 denes . section we findrthat 'the site o-f one aay, ana raincxr.. Kyan, one meat as Hawaii third circuit judge I was approved by the ward of health; V - - ' 1 Was1 confirmed while ! -was in Wash-1 also that no complaint against ' the George W. Paty, secretary of the iaiton- added Judee'Wllder. rWhenl dairy has been made by residents of Anti-Saloon League, and Pastor D. C i.was there the general .opinion was! the section. .Therefore wt consider Peters spoke, to the board against that the . Mexican . situation wouldl that this Kround for comDlaint Is not renewing we license tor neinies lav-, soon smooth'pver. but it now doesn't I well taken.' era, cuuming n oia noi cave vie neces look that . way at alL"; . Jndze Wilder ' -w- rnnA 'wflviwim'.lri- wi 7 .V . . ,7 r v l: nas . neen away some ume. e saw eaniUry condiUon... and! the :; stalls " "V . ai"1' ne learnecLnounng new aooui nono-1 floored with concrete, fairly clean. Mr, vuc &iuuu6 ui yi.i.iv.i,iea w tuius zederaj ouuaing, . or ' tne uai cornn's description cl his methods of board settled all saloon matters , fo; the ensuing year i Tbere were 58 licenses renewed. : For selling "type" liquors Gonslaves was ordered to cose for, three days: Sumida & Co, two days; McTighe & hotels and cafes to sell liquor from;aUan, poliUcalsituation while in milking and handUng the milk for cus J1;2i rgur, closing time the: capital..:-: - , - ; A , , . tomers satUfied' us Sxat no complaint tf JSS h -"hLu - 1 - - -A? -. was.duem that regard. uYour com- THE CLARION rt II.Tlf Plica 1 li. cul;;:: co..,ltd.-: '- L ; i ' "it; I r .vais. .- v . . i ' - .' . , ' : k.vw . " ; : .. z: : r; -p.chamt' , i; ::glulu fhoto : GUFPLY CO. , . ice :ak ad quarters 1 )' .1:;3 Fcrt . Street :.- V. 7. All ANA CO. ' . 'T'" 11 .. .; i : t., tiicca Fcrt.v" w 4 . . ft t C . f - Over May & Co.- : DUVELOPINQ .l V; PRir TING , ENLARGING . . Cest In the City. ' ' '.: Hen: ulu ; Picture Framing ; & - ' "Supply Co. ; V r ;.; - It's all ended J for another year, eaid, Paty this morning v!We didn't, believe ' our efforts with "the board , would be successful, but 'we felt we should voice. a formal objection.";;! Renewed licenses are as follows: Wholesale W. C,; Peacock & ' CO Wing. Chong Lung . Company, Seattle Brewing and Malting Company, T, Su mida & Co., S. Kimura & Co Lovejoy Dias & Monix, AVing Won Tai Com rany, F A.1. Schaefer & Co., Wwong Chung Lung, S. Ozakl, H. R. Maca !ane, lloffschlaeger & Co., J. C. Cohen, Rosa & Co. . -.; - ; Hotelslielnle's Tavern, Oahu Rail way and Land Company, Alexander Young Hotel, Moana, Seaside; -; :;v Saloon ; licenses C. A. Peacock, Manuel Andrade, John -Sj Glllis and "John Bucklay, Charles Lambert, Ed ward Lawreace Smith, Frederick PauJ Johnson, Ah Choa, Jsaac.L. -Cockett, CLoy An, Leong Yau et al., D. Naga tani, Y. Taiaki, E.' S. Cunha, Manuel C Silva, Janes E. Thompson, Y.- Mur- toka. P. F. Rvan. fienrrft J'. Wnnfl. Will fE. McTIghe, Seeley I. Shaw John. C. Teixeirav Jr.,3 Sadayasu, Jose QuintaJ, Mrs. Flora N.Nil3. ', v , Restaurants Lee Chong, - Mrs" R. kle:nme, George Lycurgus, J. Wishard I f he meeting. was. a very. crowded cne at the starL The' members'pres ! ent, in -addition "to Chairrnaii F.";0. Lowrey,' wereJ.C jCarterRl- A. Cooke; Long. License Inspector Fennell was also in attendance, but had not much to do, as his recommendations were passed, without , qucrt!cn,'and .nonet of i cis reports wera c::putea . -m0O mm i i a s it iiii an i ii f Oil LUSILS -.I 5 - roittee is informed that the milk from this dairy, has always . been ..found clean and up to the standard' by the board of; health t pure food . Inspec- tors.. -;"'.,: - . i-f - "The buildings had been 'newly whitewashed, -1 Dr. Wayson admitting the Improvement. In that respect r Regarding ; the complaint ubout a muddy paddock,' we could not say, the condition is insanitary,4 especially as the cows are well groomed - 'before milking,', ut-- - V ; : Tomorrow Is thelasf day for, the The committee recommends that a payment of assessments, for the Lusi-J horsed stable . away from. but to wind- tan Improvement project and but, 251 ward of the cow. barn " be cleaned, say- . 1 r i II..' JI.U L.4 I I.. .1. fu.l..U..l paid .their tax at noon, " 1 1 there. i:ikfst r;?v i7l There IS $10,022.39 due from private r That a modern !naet and mverfid property owners In . the district, the J cesspool replace present conditions territory and municipality Paying theTh,,. M- , .nnif oWav.from and greater part, or the cost of .the work. helovr the yards and ,bami .bq hj f .wo . Jim vwa that, they do not. now -drain Into the Property owners have their choke of daIryi QUartera..-,i;i paying all of .their assessment or the Mf,bnr. ;t; .i;v-. nrst or ten instalments. ; . , ;. r ; fmm 'wrt,,., .nm .hm. Ko Unless every one of the SO - who J reDaired and all. rottea, wood, should have;not-Vet paid come Into the taxi be cleaned awar and olatfofni ; and assessor's , office . - before tomorrow buildings made tetw.een buildifigs , mgni 1 wurnave a numDer 01 notices supervisor Logah . told a -Tepresenc of sale posted ? along Lusltana street tative of the Star-Bulletin that v the f Saturday, ald, A.) M. Cristy,, deputy cows were r carefully w washed, and I city attorney, .this: afternoon..-, v Vul . brushed' before mnkin'thatthe.' milkJ ! in? vsp1 vera mnitim anrl oanita rv KAIMOKI RECRUITS 4 in type and that it was apparent the I proprietor vwastseekiciXihave ahei. M HQ f v nfiifs An1 1 '.Vaa1 UKULELE MOST POPULAR : l -INSTRUMENT UPOfJ COAST ;f -i-. -;-:' ; ' . -' f ' Nearly verr- schoolgirl In" Berke ley owns a Hawaiian ukulele .this summer, according to Edward W. Hulse. a business man of that city and San Francisco, who is visiting In Honolulu today,-having arrived ,Iat night on the Mat&onlaJ- . . . , ; ; . . -The children parade around In Claremont Park every evening with ukuleles, singing. :and the air Is filled with the music made by them," he ob served. "Nearly all the young people in Berkeley seem to own .ukuleles." Hulse is In the Islands for the fifth time. . On his return to the mainland In 1, January on 'the Wilhelmins, ? ha wrote a graceful verse tribute to Ha waiL.--::';- J-' :J : 5 .' William E. Luke, aged 21, of Brook lyn, civil engineer, employed. By the Central Railroad of New Jersey, died at Allentown, Pu of Injuries received when he was stabbed at South Bethle hem on March 11 after an argument over the possession of a seaL Harris Johnson, 101, oldest Elk -in the United States, is dead at Colum bia, Miss. h : . vv:--v.---;. aV "The sua end burning 'winds of v IS3 the shore wi3 ruin the hrdlot ' : complexions Protect your slia by ; Cn:ntc:j 0 Grcan antxim use tt Tau traublesom eon- ditioa will diMppear 1 one. It buti-' -fie tha coup(xirn Induitly wttlt a . irilDd.toit, pMfljr-VtUl IfPMrUM. Sn I0. tar rl alt FCxD. T. i:OPS2 & JnnM Chut . Vnrb Plf awaVMW . Ww . "ft VorHQty t :New checked and . sfriped0g ;. ; V sliupent of imapp.v yard-Vule Taf- ' ' ; fetas brouglit in by Tucsdav's boat Stripes - ;,s- -2 . .v vv .. .. .,, . :y- . ot vanous color on white or black ground, 7 K ' overlaid by thread checks. $2.25 and $2.50 ? : ' lcr ard. ? ;V, ;V.:;.J .V;-' '. ' : ' . . . - . "V: v ' . ' - v . Hotel near Pert !i$o:o''?TT:';", "" ' " .. " Fences kiL '. m ... ..Cw "Pen jc? Pamrols . v.v. . .'.. ; ..... .;. ........... . C1.C j up i , Fort Street Wii.ft ftVMW-.A r HP" "Everybody I met was interested In Hawaii, cand 99 per cent wanted, lo this. new company may communicate f know If they could get a Job' In ; the with Capt. G.: K. Larrison, Room 20, rVISITFOnTRUGER:. " t . :; T0 SEE GUN DRILLfand sanitary. . ; .. irw ir f . The. Kaimuki section of ' the 1 Coast J f The directorsof 'the F.' WiWooU Artillery, National Guard; visited Fort J wPrtb company . Increased f the fluart RugerL yesterday Evening. About 40 1 erly dividend to common stockholders men were present witnessing the drill from 1 3-4 to 2 Jper ;ent - KiSSSS W COLDS CAUSE; POACHES tailed , for that purpose. ' ' 1 LAXATIVE BROMQf QUININE re Arrangements "have been made-for I moves the cause. Used the wol Id over the ' new coast defense men , to drill to cure a cold in br.e"iay.,"The signal with tbereguUirsv next , "Wednesday je B. W. GROV- i, on each box evening et 6:30, and it .is, expected a, . M . that each man of the 40 present last X- "J . evening will be on hand,, and bring ( p-" qi iwouis. u. a a.-..- with him at least one other man who is ready and willing to sign up. . A recruiting officer 'will be on hand to enlist the new men. Anyone interested In the, raising of r i ! . . rv ' and blows the business to the store or ' Veslinp.IibiiG E 1 e t i i c ?ci - j : A Business Necessity." iT7 A O 1 Scientific Ere iff T ? Wft,Wi.ft 7 C, DAWS' WOnnirS A3?PAREL' . 1023 Felt EL Lchua Butter t Parker Biuch Bee! ; " Eslicatcsseii of Quality , Wetropontan Meat Market 5 . Phone 3445 : ' The cafes in ' Chicago, St Louis and Cincinatnl : are all. playing Aloha Oe, and people applaud the Bong as they do when Dixie is played," said Harry B. Newcomb today. . Newcomb and his bride returned last evening oa the Mat8onial " . ( : ; : "In the music stores of the Middle West they are selling mahy copies of Aloha Oe, the Old Plantation and On the Beach at Waikikl," he added. . 1; Newcomb and vhis bride, who was Miss IZ.-ily. Gruesser of Avondale, a suburb of : Cincinnati, were married May IS In. the. Oiho city. Mrs. New comb is '-a "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry uruesser. Her fatner is a prominent Cincinnati business man. r .Mr, and, Mrs. Newcomb will make their, home at Royal Grove, Waikikl, where Newcomb has built a handsome bungalow. , : ".i .t "'yt Mrs.'Anna Ponder of Baltimore cele brated her 109th birthday: S :. I If . i t. il f l i, Accredited to Colleges East and West: Grammar and' Primary Departments. ; . Send for illustrated catalogue, i : Prindpal: Mary I. Lockeyi A. B. PALO ALTO,' C ALI F. " . : -il:.v '- t. '; Y ' . Lots of about an acre- each at head of Keeaumoku -4 v Streets Finest residence property in Honolulu. Ma-' cadam street, "water, sewer and gas laid to each lot -! ." Let us. take you up and show you Only five left;-'? Kapiolani building, telephone 3662. Regular - army non-commissioned officers will - be detailed as lnstruct- nrs for th NftHnnal RnarifRmpn'' it: ENTHUSIASTIC ANGLER r MILL ENJOY SPORTS WITH BROTHER HERE Wnt B, Sharp, brother of Raymer Sharp", -special deputy customs collect or,, with his wife and child, arrived on the Matsonia .ast night and is stop ping at the Pleasanton hotel. ;- Sharp, wno Is a retired attorney of ban Fran cisco, ' expects to remain on . the Is ! lands several months.- He Is a very enthusiastic'.' fisherman and hunter, having ; 'brought-' to gaff "many record fish, ' and will "spend a large' part of his time here fishing for the; many game fish which abound in the waters about the - islands. I The dove season opens' next month and he also expects I- to make several trips after them. "' Raymer Sharp, soecial deputy cus toms collector of Honolulu, will take his Tacation during f: July . rand will spend his time : showing his brother, Wm. B. STiirp, who Is here on a visit, abcututhe islands. -r beauty QtMBgto I I I I 1 1 1 .. .s '- . c.f; L I ; POLICE NOTES ' - i I 4w Kim Warn "Sam,"- a Korean; was5 be fore Judge Monsarrat this morning charged .with . selling liquor in upper Nuuann without a license. . ; His case was postponed until tomorrow by re-j quest of his counsel. Attorney Wil liam J. Sheldon, J'V Kim was arrested last . night by Mounted. Policeman R. M. .Kanealil, wbo says be was selling drinks , to Btreet laborers. ' Jim Collins pleaded guilty In po lice court this morning to reckless driving on June 12 near the corner of Fort ' and Hotel . streets and paid a 525 fine, He was originally arraigned on a more serious charge of driving an- auto while under the Influence of liquor and pleaded not guilty, but the charge was red need ; this ' morning up on recommendation of Prosecuting At torney Chiliingwcrth,'4 V -J y -:': ? Output of the Rand rold m!n dnr. Ing March totalled 796,000 ounces. J ' A- :'-: I WaliiareJM in JhPfamous Hartmann Trunks. , 6w gw travelings to know that your clothes are carefully ffl and neatly tucked away in a Harimdim We have these triinks hi 'es and sizest . ... Join our "Made'to-Afeasurey best dressed men iw town are members cool, com V jortaoicruna pecommgiy aresseu. oiyiisn tnaiviauai suitings to choose from, i Visit us now. ,1 ' t 1 m -i- . v-i' ." r - . :i ' v". ' -'" ' : ' -7;- 'f ' -. . i -i-: vr- '- '.t'.;"'" v--' -;7-v-'.,r,v; ;;-'':.; " 1'.;'--.; V( ' ; '' ; :.'' .:-'.; r : ''i.S; ; ;. ' i,:;.' CI The Houselof Courtesy mmi Jimrt nn ... ,- t s