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HONOLULU STAB-BULLETIN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1G, 1910 force with wMch all tf we met the opening rush of tnii It was beyond our expectations. AXMifflM ;MSSiIPSlinie ,.-.3' t." k ' - 1 ( . : r; ? : Wednesday s Star-Bulletin t better now qcz &G7(as kil'IITRISI DF I.SIIARP AflVAHTF lBHM7E5SE! JAPANESE DAILY KO PLANS MADE . I .' I . I . Ill I I mm l i -n T rw rm .... FOR CAMPAIGN ON wucs nnn run rn urn isstuuntm. IIWI EDWESDAY ifcH Slavpr nf rt P. Georne barracks, Once Convict- ?a, ueis New neanny &Duke, a colored man -who was 3f-;ted of the murder of C- P. 'A, an age.l stable watchman and I) lender at Schofleid Barracks, R-e reopened' In federal court at i lock next Wednesday morning, ft Jury, will be drawn to hear the i trlaL f J5 was arrested at Schofleid Bar jjby U. S. Marshal J. J. Smlddy auary 22, this year, a few days .!tfc dead body, of Geprge was ne"ar th9 Incinerators. Deatn suited from a blow on the back head from some heavy lnstro Iah with th ftrrpfif f U. who attended the fires in the 'I raters long iron poker, bent ' end, was taken as evidence. It 1 pund near the body; When the 'i fs-ai searched, a wallet T which ; !j carried was mUsinj?. " j trial of Duke resulted in bis tlon, but a short . time ; after ; Charles F.1 demons, n a mo by. the- defendant's counsel, " d a new trials uapt. vvuuam ' es, U. S. stationed formerly ofield BaTacks, but now at Fort 1 l Texas,- who was a "witness, at y&t trial, la to be a witness at i oond trial. He U said to already ) j Honolulu, having-, been, brought. 1 oy the Mvernmrnt. Duke has PRODUCTS STOCK Unlisted securities were today chief in Interest in the local stock market and that Interest centered mostly about Mineral Products which en joyed mother sharp advance and was much sought From 1.271-2, for which 200 shares were sold, it rose to 11.40 and then eased off 2 cents to $1,38. At $1.20 5800 shares sold,. 2000 at $135, 1133 at $1.27 1-2, 100 at $1.40, and 100 at $1.38. Engels Copper recovered the 5 cents lost Saturday and 1000 shares sold at $3.50. Oil sold at $3 for 2763 shares. Sales of listed securities between boards of 20 shares and $1500 In Tele phone 5 per cent bonds at $1.06. At the session there were 142 shares dealt in. Olaa was 16 1-2, San Carlos 19 7-8, and Hawaii Railroad common at 8. ioARD OF INSPECTORS, HAWAII PRISONS, NAMED Governor Pinkham today appointed three men to serve on the board of prison inspectors of the third Judicial district, as follows: ' U S. Aungst of Holualoa, Kona, Hawaii; S. P. Woods of llahukona, Hawaii, and Julian Monsarrat of Kapapala ranch. , Gear wheels to be connected to the front wheels of an automobile have leen-invented to make a car lift its own top whenever the driver desires. been in Jail since the end of the first trial.' - ' : ' - - -; - V 0 tany, new Or .7 jinm patterns ams or 3J4v? Oiugliams you find lie a are dependable as to fast color," - ItwithsUinding the scarcity of good dyes. Any doubt !l pattern is always tlibroughly tested right here in the jre, so that when we say the Color is fast, you may ow it is so. : ... '''J':v:'.. . :- Dile du Nord, Red Seal and A. F. C.'s In Checks, Plaids, , - ' Plairl Colors Stripes. V , - HELP US TO INSURE DELIV- . . . . ERIES . .- . The efforts of the Circulation 4- Department are centered on In- suring. prompt and regular dellT- f eries to subscribers. . If your paper is not delivered promptly and regularly you will do yourself and us a favor by f calllng'Phone 4911, ask for the circulation department and make 4- the com plain L f Serving so many thousands of hemes every afternoon makes oc- -r casional lapses possible. The SUr-Builetln maintains f until 6:30 p. m. each day, a spe-, -f cial city service for any custom- -f f er the carrier may have missed, -f , ' 4- Honolulu Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F., has regular business meeting tonight. Charging non-support, failure to pro vide, intemperance and cruelty. Mew L. Kanoe has filed in the circuit court a suit for divorce from Samuel C. Kanoe..':- ;-r: 1 ';": ' Federal trial iurors for the October 1916, term have been notified to be in court at 10 ' o'clock next Monday morning. - . , ' : Ching Yan, charged with 'having opi um in possession, pleaded not guilty in federal court today. The case will take ' its place on the calendar for trial. ' ' ' . GACBS' Hotel near Fprt, Honolulu ' . , , , . II a - - ranee There is fire insurance, life, accident, industrial insur j ance, any of which is desirable for its own particular I purpose, but for the man of medium means, a savings account is his financial insurance that he really cannot James Ah Chuck, Sidney Smith and Alfred F. Ocarcpo were sworn in fed eral court toda as Chinese, Hawaiian and Filipino Interpreters, respective ly, for the term. . ; Charged with having opium in pos session, Lee Choy, a Chinese;" pleaded not guilty In federal court this morn ing His case will -take its place n the 'calendar for trial. Charied with, ha vine ODium in Pos session; Lee Neee, a Chinese, pleaded not guilty in federal 'court today. ' His trial will follow that, of Wong Sow Kal, set for November 1. ; ;" ' . - ' -r ":: '"' ' Charged with perjury before the board of inquiry at the federal immi gration station, H. Ogawa, a Japa nese, will be arraigneom reaerai court at 10- o'clock tomorrow morning. ' A plea, of not guilty was entered in federal court today by. Mock Sang, a Chinese charged with having opium in possession. The case will go to trial at 10, o'clock next Monday morning. ' Mrs. Christina Oliveira of Honolulu and William U Adams of Puuloa were married Saturday night by Rev. Sam uel A. Kamaiopili. Mr. and Mrs. H. J.- Fogleman were witnesses. " The Golden Circle Sewing Club of Leah! Chapter, No. 2, will hold a ba zaar . Saturday in Bishop park Tor the benefit of the King's Daughters' Home, Kaimuki. v ' r Charged with ; maintaining a still lor the Illicit manufacture of liquor, Joe Iokewe; a Hawaiian, pleaded guil ty in federal court today. He will be sentenced at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. ! ' ' ' i- - - - Charged with the commission of a statutory offense, the woman men tioned in the indictment being one Charlotte Martin, Sam Decker will plead In federal court'.at 10 o'clock to morrow morning.' ; t Choy Fook, charged with having four tins of smoking opium In posses sion, pleaded , guilty in federal court today. He will be sentenced by Judge H. W. Vaughan at 10 o'clock to morrow morning. v ; , Wong Sow KaL a Chinese charged with having one large horn, one -small horn and one shell of opium in pos t afford to do without. ? .WfrWi jWe will gladly talk with you about opening an account ; . j .with this Savings Bank, today. ' - 2 pay 4o interest on time deposits .V Bishop & Savings Department Comp any OAT CMS COLDS? This question is asked every day. A cold is really z. fever, not always caused by the weather but often due to disordered blood or lack of important food-elements. In changing seasons fat-foods are essential because they distribute heat by enriching the blood render the svstem better able to withstand the varying elements. A H15 IS LUC UOpuiUUl itauu muj Scott'a . Emulsion . should always be taken- for colds, and it does more- builds strength to prevent sickness. Scott's pulsion contains Nature's rare strength-buading fats, so skillfully blended that the blood profits from every drop. It is free from harmful drugs oralcohoL Sold at drug stores always get the genume. &cgU&Bownc.BloooificUS,N.J.' tS-a TO BE LAUNCHED IN A FEW DAYS A new daily paper for the Jaianese community is to ; be issued soon - in Honolulu by two veteran newspaper men, R. Murakami and T. Kimura. The name of the paper is the Hawaii Cho ho (The Morning Report of Hawaii) and it is to be a morning daily, issued from an office on King street, near Palama Settlement. r It is to be strictly independent in attitude. Its owners announce, and they say it has no backing of special interests, but will depend for support strictly on advertising and subscrip tions. The first issue Is to be out this week, of 12 pages. The regular issue will be four or six pages. Mura kami was formerly with the Hawaii Shinpo and Kimura with the Hochi. A . . AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS; ' MEET WITH MISHAPS- , NONE PROVE SERIOUS . Accidents for, the" week-end although numerous were not serious, at least not those reported to the police. Fri day evening Manuel de Mello fell from a Kalihi street car while dismounting at the corner of King street and Ka lihi . road, sustaining j bruises which were treated at the emergency hospi tal. " ; Later the 6ame night Muraoka and R. R. Catton had a mix-up with their autos at the corner- of Nuuanu and Kuakini streets. About 10 p. m. the cars of A. J. Karratti and Capt, C. R. Cell came together at the corner of uuanu and Hotel streets. V1 , . .". On Sunday J. Ashman Beaven's and R.- H. Campbell's carVtaagted at the corner of King anfi .Bishop streets, ; and this morning early K: Matsunani's hack -was smashed by an auto said to have been driven by E. U Coney. session, pleaded not gvilty In federal court today. The case is scheduled to go to trtal on November. 1. ' A meeting, of the Daughters of the Ametican Revolution, was to be held at 3 o'clock this "afternoon at Mrs. Hermann ' Hugo's home on Metcalf street, Maklkl. Rev. V. U Loofbourow will speak 6n "Old Book." - . Wnncr Qoon Let tfromlnent local Chinese, charged with the commission of a" statutory offense, win pieaa in federal court at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning. The woman .mentioned in the indictment is Kim, . Sung Kee. Wong is out on bail. t . r An din Anstiro and Vicinte Gerona, charged with the commission of a stntiitnrv offpnse will -niead in. rea erai court at 10 o'clock next Thurs day morning. The woman has been released, on nor own recognizance. Bond for the man has been nxea m the sum of $100. f ' 0 : Dave Geler. charged with trafficking in morphine, will plead in federal court at 10 o'clock next ' Thursday mnminff. H has been released on his own recognizance until 10 D'clock to- M morrow to secure Dona in me sum oi $350. Clara Geler, wife of the defend ant, was arrested at the same time as her husband. She was released fol lowing an investigation by the grand jury. . .v '..v':"::''";", ' :'1 The case of George S. Hieshima, charged with perjury, has been nolle prossed in Circuit Judge Ashford's court at the instance of City Attorney A. M. Brown. Hieshima was com mutH fnr niiPFpd Derjury while" he was a witness in the Scully-Chllton- Fischer conspiracy case. He suea ine mmher nf the liauor license board and City Attorney Will Carden for damages, but this sun was aiscouiui ued last Saturday: ' v ' I7SUE0FD0NDS Horner Says He is Waiting for Chairman to Call Meeting of Hie Committee y Declaring tfTat he is not only in fa vor of the municipal bond issue but willing to work for its passage at tho election November 7, Supervisor Hor ner today took exception to the re mark of Ben Hollinger that nothing bad been done I y the committee, con sisting of Hatch chairman; Logan and Horner, ccaute he (Hcrner) was against the "ifue. "Ever s'nee I was appointed on the r nmmittpe " said Horner. "I have been waiting for the chairman to call rs together, but so far as I know nothing has been done. "Taking the bond issue as a whole." he contini ci, "I firmly believe that It will be a good thing for Honolulu, although T-erBoually I feel that a filtra tion plant, is net necessary In regard to roads, l ovever, the quicker we get them'fixe.l tl;e better it will be for both the city and county and the ter ritory. Id Towse Eays the territory will give us the money, but we do not want to tae any chances and have the people demanding roads with no money to supply them." - " ". ; Hnrnrr blirvps that the majority of frnnn'n'n r.-)!e wcjit to see the bond Issue ,ais. ' - . ' I CUaiv vi'.n Hatch when asked today j whr being done about campaign-. ing ti ti-e bond Issue, said that the proii'it::cn was being worked on. but did 'iv t alve' specific datails . of . the. work. ' . 1 ; ' Ccoruo Collins, city engineer, ; is . wcrkin on a-i epert for the road com-, mittee which v will show concisely what roads have been finished, are ' now" being constructed and plans of those roads which shouia oe im rrnvrri in the near future with all costs of construction and maintpnnce. Are Coming, Bat Yon Want People in You r Store Every Day The Way to Get Them is to Tell People what vou have to OlTer. J Don.'t Wait till Buyers " Just 1 lappen Around. Go to the Buyers thru the medium of Paid Publicity. Go Into the Homes,. Talk to the Buyers oh . their Lanais and in the Offices when they are in Just the Mood to be Interested, . ; ; v v You Can Do This thru Paid Publicity. You can Increase Your Service and Increase1 Business. Paid Publicity Draws Buyers. . .. .- : I I DAILY REMINDERS T Expert manicurist, Onloa barber shop Rnnnrt the Island In -auto, 14.00. T nwln Stahlon Phone 2141. Ad?. . uTaVa snmA of today's want ads serve YOU by answering a few of them. rni. nntnid Water.' Hire's Root Beer and all other. Popular Drinka try the Con. Soda water -woru w Adv. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY W A NT ED Man who is willing to sell car on easy payments to-lo reliable men for taxi service can get good price. Ad dress Box 449, Star-Bulletin. 6607 tf ' - : HELP WANTED Wanted Immediately, a good, reliable woman for the care of two children and general housework. Phone 4U4 for particulars. 6607 t FOR SALE Black Minorca hens and Muscovy ducks for sale. Phone 2033, or call at 1278 Punchbowl. 6607 6t FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS Nicely furnished, mosquito-proof out side rooms, by week or month, be tween ' two car "lines." Apply io 'i.n,it - - 6607-5m CARD OF THANKS Widow and family of the late John Kaukaliu wish to thank their many friends for the appreciable floral of ferings and kind sympathies extended during their late bereavement Adv. Visible, Baldng -Ovens ', '' '" " ; for- Oil, G.-aollne and Gas', Stoves. Approved by Good Houtekeej- :' ; Jnfl Inttitute. .? ; - Fore Sale ,By: WWDiKoidccftiiD. V f 'THE HOUSE Or HOUStWARES" V 55-65 KING STREET. HONOLULU 11 - ' . . 1 f ... body- r u Brightens and invigorates the whole r : ) T The cooling drink that relieves thirsty throats. , .' 1 Christopher's and F. & 0: Candies Ludlit Hotel, near Fort. a I AirVri "1111 tl rrrrri !l MWIlimi rMJilllilllhl I 1 )ir ih . HAWAIIAN TRUST CO., Ltd. Stocks and Bonds Eeal Estate . Insnrance Safe Deposit Vaults Authorized by law to act as Trustees, Execu tors, Administrators and Guardians - BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL GOODS ; FONGINN :M GO. ituuanu 'St?, ear Pauahi St.. ' . ' We Invite of a newly-arrived and' most attractive line of Bronze Flower Vases, Figures, Animals and Incense: Burners. . 4 i t Fort Street 3 A. A A . . On'pcdte CathoHs.CV-.rch' ; . . . .... ... - . . . . ' . .. .V. -