Newspaper Page Text
f "... t': : . v. IX HONOLULU STAB-BULLETIN; TIirjnSIAY,: AmiL 19, 1917 ' ' " "" 1 . i i i i . i . . 1 , , T 1 iuasamc ;j empie i visitors wno nave net a been im mined must be In the Temple by 7; 15.) . V At ,aienaar : MONDAY ; Leah! Chapter No; 2, O. E. - stated,, 7:30 p. m. : - . , ' . . - " - ' . TUESDAY 5 V A'-' ' , Honolulu Lodge No, 409, sp ciaL second degree, 7:30 p. to. WEDNESDAY Hawaiian Lodge No! 21, spe . clal, third drgree, 7:30 p. m. THURSDAY; - Hooclolu Com mandcry Ko; 1, i elated, 7:30 p. m. . i FRIDAY lr '7:"':-.;"J :. "-v. Lodge 1 Trogres No. 371. special, third degree, 7:30 SATURDAY ' V I fsnnony Chapter No. 4, O. 11 f t tate4,. 7:30 p. m. CCHOFIELD LODGE , SATURDAY ' : Stated meeting, Saturday, April 21, 1917, .7:30 p. m. Odd Fdlovs. Hall V V WEEKLY CALENDAR MONBAV At". Harmony Lo3fiei.No. 3, 7:30 p. , 'm. Third decrcfor, three candidates.. ,;;"v;:: K TUESDAY V H :;'.r t-:- S Exceliilor Ixxlge No. I; 7:30 p. vJ m. Regular fcuelness session; ' S:15 p. ra. fifth evening of the Whist TournainenL- All Odd 7i Fellows and Itebekahs invited, ' Scora .cards are free. ' - .,v''.;' THURSDAY " - Olive Branch Rebckah lodge . No. 2, 7: 30 p. m. Begular meet ing. rclmesla Encampment No. X .;.;7:S0 p. m. Regular- order 'or business. W-i "''.- HONOLULU LODGE NO. it -r.'ODCRN -'-.ORDER . OF PHOENIX. v.'lll r.?t( it their home, corner f t :rct-r'.i .h'4'Tort streets, .everv Thursday 'evening at '7:80 o'clock. ' J. AV. ASCII, Leader. '- t-l4--FRANK HURRAY, Secretary. " " i!c:;qlulu LOD5C eiv c;f. o;. " v '; ' meets la their hall V1 ' : ca Klitx SLi near ' ! Tort, eTery Fridsy " Y-' evening. Vltltmg ; " , brothers are cor CiaJly invited to a( J ;v- vtend, v' l-v " JAS. !i; FIDDE8, E. TC - jx H. DITN'SHnn. Sec. ? Menoluld Branch of the CZRH!An AM CRf CAN "ALLIANCE ef the U.S. A. , : j: !:::t:-rs In l of P. HaU last Sato ...:y of tvery mcstli:-.,' H--;zzzzrj 27, February 21, Mtrch IX. i;rU : I!ay tt, June 3D. i If: TAUL R, ICCNBERQ, Prea.1 a EOLTE, Secy. HCnr'ANNS COEHNE ; r HcRdutii Uje, No. 1. J ' Vcrcsmiurcea la.K. of P. Han i:a trite a -uzd drittea Montag: v Zuzzzr 1-tri 15, Fetruar.S tnd H. ::;rx C ur 13, Arrll I pad 18, llal r ui r. J. i 4-r-1 IS. i ' ;:: : : u -ri. jiiiiJi . Pnei' C-I GLiTl, Sekr. . mystic Locac No.i -'it cf pV. I I'tcis la Tytaa lialL corner Fort t I r;r;lczla . Etrcts.-evcry-Friday c ; -.'.zz tt .7:20. o'j:!ock.- Vi&iUn; I rollers cardlally. lavid. ' '. ? '" v. C F. ERANCO, a ,C A. & AliG US, P. K. IL and S. ilz I::c!:pn!:nt Review Tuti.slied' Moathly" . - : Lckdlas rUsh-Japaaese lisiaxlae Cutscrijtioa Rate U.00 per year P. O, Fx 474. . - SO CampbeU Block Ilerclant Street,. IloaolaJa. . ' i -r; lohd-youkg: ; ; ;-":rrh::ri2j. Co., Ltd. :, Cr -'neers and Contractors -v Pantheon Clock, Honolulu, T. H, ' Telephone CS13 and 4537 ; iq?. runiaTUEE iii ,VOOLVEAR . . Suits tor. coys - :':'. THE 'HUB, Jlotei,. Ewa f ,Fort j MESSENGER H 1 " AND- , " So o 8 I . A T1TJ D K r S KeeMy Ate' SWOT AT J FRANCISCO Ureet, tact Umtmm ,imi Eirt?tn Pfcn SI.E3 i taj tt Mfctat Me tMce fro ObMiw tr.M ; Meet fiwm SUMS is Sm IMM Itatoe New tteei and concrete struc ture. 360 rooms, 2 SO connect ing; bathrooms. Homelike com fort rather than unnecessarily expensive luxury. Is center of theatre, cafe ana retail districts. On car lines r aoirerriog 'all over city. ti.? municipal car line direct r irv r " ITotor Bus meets trains teamrs. Etl Stewart . r'frf m H vaiUa JalanJ h-4jiiite-. CabU 44rM "Tn" a B O OoAa. v "THE VALLEY ISLAUD tVmt fn U r1lt "Th Tny lUT and aea TBAcnirirt HALCAIULA. farxaat extinct trU-oo tn thr or1d and the UO TALLKT and iU faaioua -Nandla." UNCXCCLLCD TUNA FISHING -fiOOO AUTO ROADS -- . Writ mr wira tot mart attwa. - The New Grand Hotel ! Tba wly flnt cIim hotel la W&lhiku. TfittM batk witb arar imh . ...... n PLEAS ANTON ;H0TEL LUXURIOUS AND - ? COMFORTABLE -t i,'' STRICTLY FIRST-LASS ioo rooms,: baths; 7 it A Luxurious Jome, Hotel v , 1426 Makikl SL . Phone 3675 ' . ALIIOLANI Soharhan .Hotel, 2320 Walalae Road, . Kaimuki, Honolulu. On the . , - '-.f ;: . Car Jjlne ; v: . Clean, ; wholesome - surroundings; cool and, comfortable rooms; home atmosphere. Rates reasonable. Phone 7161, V- v .WILL C KING, Mgr. ". " " ' f ' " Coral 1! Nature's - Own x AquarlunvT Class fir . iv'- , Bottom Bests ' Dally passenger auto service leavee Hawaii Tours Company 9 a. m. Reser vstlons Hawaii. Tours Company, phone 1923; our phone, Blue 612. - -i : UP-TO-THE-MINUTE SPORT HATS REASONABLE PRICES fiTJ JlPr7;fi;. ij 1017 Nuuam St. nr. King St. -MUTEEimPARK ':XlcntLctr;''r-'' i ;CHAS:DLKY,nt llerchant, near. Fort. C "THOR" ElectrIc Washing Machines J ; THE HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO, y- ', - lto ; - ' So. King SL: ' ' Hard-to-FIt "Men Are Fitted Here Tailor 'i y-King near Bethel i Get all the light you are paying for by using Edisou Mazda Lamps; ' ; v r EIXCTEIO shop ; c DEVELOPING Ji-i' PRI.NTINQ . ENLARGING .--"'vBttt'ln the 'Cltyf Honolulu Picture Framing 4 4 Supply Co. . CHUN HOOH , ? : KekaulUte. Nr. Queen.' Phone t991 X ISLAND CUBIO COMPANY K a w a i i a n Curios, Stamps, Coins, Post Ca rds. The most complete, andi attractive Curio Store. 170 Hotel Street - H Honolulu -LUMBER Paints, Plumbing Supplies, Building Materials. Prices low. . Houses built on Instalment plan. ' Choice House Lots for sale. CITY MILL COMPANY, LTD Telephone 2478. P. O. Box 951 The ROMAGOY Hdte uaraens TheVonderwillinery Navel Oranges Chic, Exclusive, Distinctive IXODES In Millinery at the shop of MISS POWER, Boston B!dg. POULTRY PRODUCE MEATS Territorial Marketing Div'n. Msunakea near Queen Phone 1840 BERG STROM MUSIC CO. '1020 Fort St, ' YEE CHAN & CO. King and Bethel St. ! ORIENTAL SILKS New Summer Styles in Ladies SHOES : i . Prices $5 - A $6 r MANUFACTURERS'. SHOE ;--rs STORE, " 051" Fort St. Enlargement a Specialty HO NO LULU PHOTO SUPPLY CO. 1059 ' Fort . Sport "Coats Mandarin Coats 109115 No King Street : - i Fresh Pasteurised j v MILK,-;ORE AM and Ice Cream ' . Honolulu;: Dairymen's Assn. ! Phone vl542-4676 i Pyrcne Fire Extinguishers Acetylene Light. & Agency. Co Ltd Correctly Designed and JFiited THE CLARfON, Fort e Hotel Sts :X: For, any incal; !-p : I Mcat Fish Delicatessen - Metropolitan Meat Market W ;Photie3445 ALLISCHAMBERS MUX IIAHIltERY HONOLULU IRON W'KS. CO. -.Phone,1203:- : Quiek . Delivery by , motor - i . ... "m f romPure ; Dietilled ' Water ; .r : I OAHU ICE CO, Phone 71128 -: White Reignskin Shoes for Ladles, ; m rir ; -- i v Shoe Store,- Klntf' eV Hotel Sts. r : Highland Swiss Chiffon f . -:-;',--l1 lb.. box 60c , ':. -Envelopes to match PATTEN'S, HOTEL STREET -? Paper Fasteners-Hand ? A lirindy Office; appliance Punches ; antListamps pa per leaves togclher in one : ; movement; 'iulViq Accessories. . KickelecJ sur-' Price $2.50 HAVAHAfJ NEWS CO., ' ; : LIMITED. t ; K - Young: Hotel Building A-Bishop St. :-: PIANOS PHOTO LCI Hash Tonic Dress Suits "MP" SPLENDID PROGRESS OF BOY SCOUTS IN 1917 TOLD BY THE COMMISSIONER y'. (Continued from rage 2) XIII F. Q. Cannon; 16. XIV O. P. Soares; Portuguese Evangelicarcuurvh; 18. --XV UV Sanderson, Janes Awal; Haleiwa; 22. 1XVI CapL Pcnl H. McCook. V. S. i A.; SchoHeld; 6. ' . - - SXVII-K. ilerrfil. HLrtm Nalno; iKsIihlr 15. - XVliI Ciintcn Hicks. Leo Ue.:oc; Christian church; 1. IX1X IL W. Duncan, a'tmg; MoS iliii; r. - , - : XX rV Warkc -Soarrs; Norms 1 Sihobl; 23. 1 t?pecial;c-onmentUtion I .due tae j following sennts and their seoutmas 'ters,. these having become Kagle fycouts durhig tc year. " Eagic w ut Is pne . ho, having betome a : first 'class covt passes tests in 21 'merit. badges." among which It is, ne Jce&wiry thst he pas tbone In first aH. physical "development, life saving, per ' sonar .health, public health, cooking, tramping, bird study, pathrindinj. pi ;neerlnc.jithletic&ran1 any ten ethers, i . . ..... These scouts are: Antau wtiaer. Troop I, Gefx C. Potter, scoutmaster; Arthur Nee! y. Troop IV, V. II. Hut tori, scoutmanter; rl Iortensen. TiooV V. Edr II. Barry, scoutmaster. Trom January 1, 1S16. to April 12, 191 1 322 -mei it badges have oeeu awarded. ' ; r t'an TiHoh formerlv of 'Troiin ,V, Inow assistant scoutmavtr of Troop XV4II, was first scout tn tmau to earn 21 merit badge.?, but unfortu nately wse enable to pass'thj life 'sav 4ng test and nccs net "Quafi'V fdr the Kagle ba.!ge. Progress on Other Islands " e' other isknds. v.hi'e i-ot und-r the jurisdiction of this council, snd in very encouraging reports. -growing. on the Island of Maui Is well organiz ed under. Uie leadership of Commis sioner Mathews of Alexander House. Hilo has three troops .wnich are re ported asnloing well, but Kohala" has been theeenter of scouting on the Big Island. Kdhala; however,, suffered a distinct loss, which; is our gain, for Commissioner O'Brien of Kohala .has come ' to "Honoiutu; and is organiislug a troop at Kauluwela.-" I desire to here thank the scoutmas ters and their assistants for their un tiring efforts in bringing the troops up to their present high standard of efficiency; 'also our acting executive, R."'.Wy Duncan, in charge of headquarters.'-:We now have on file at head quarters an efficiency record of each scout,.' showing those" things In ;whlch he' is' most proficient," and should become necessarysln-the Crisis which we ,now face for every man to play;s man's part, I can sajrifor.pur men and boys, wc are prepare . ' ' ' "' ae' .'I 1 -a How Boy Scoutr Save Xivct. WIimi' cavtnsr in 'r rrlHnt. - tll icout "spreads" his weight and crawly Ropes and - planks jire of invaluable assistance. - ''' -' 'V " . , When stopping a runaway horse attached to a' tmegy, the . scout runs in the same direction,' grasping--the reins with hand nearest to the horse. For "protection the other hand is pressed against shaft . :' ' When saving person whose cloth ing is . afire, tlie scout rolls the vic tim over rapidly and if oossible wraps in blanket or other large covering. Loose sand or clay makes an admir able rw smothcrer." ' : . LIVER, BOWELS Enjoy Life! Don't Stay Bilious, i Sick, Headachy and A - Constipated ; ; Get- Rid of Bad Breath, Sour ; Stomach, Coated Tongue, Indigestion ' , Get a" JO-cent box now. " -.They're fine! " Cascarets liven yovrr ilver, clean jour, thirty feet of towels and sweeten your stomach.. - You eat one or two, like candy, before. gong to bed and in the morning your head is clear, tongue is clean, stomach sweet, breath;right kid cold gone. Get a box from your, druggist, and enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. Cas careta stop sick headache, biliousness, indigestion, bad - breath, and constipa- Mothers should give a hole Cas caret to cross, hilions, sick, feverish children any, time." They are harm less and never gripe or sicken.---Adv. sen Ct CraamSato TneErea SsAum by czposnr to Sob, Pas mad Wiarf ai-jkly relierd by Murine Xj Remedy. Martin fr, unt Eye dbm4ort. At your Drantat'e ir by mo.iL fioc per Bottle. ' Vr Boitk of Uua Kr fc-ea, xk Uarir Kye Keme4Co.,C3uefta ' 1 ... . . i ' 'CASCARETS' FOR HEADACHE, COLDS, A The on - Ham m-Young ;, Co Ltd- Auioniobilf Repairing f RANK COOMBS Bishop and Qaeen. TcL 2182 Autos for KING A NUUANU AUTO STAND Phone 4-2-4-2 FOR ALL PURPOSES Paper Bags, Cups, Plates, Napkins and Towels, Eta. AMw-HAVYv PAPER CO, Ltd. Phone 1410 , . ,-, -.:. J. Ashman . Heaven Mor. 'v P A P E R MEAT MARKET A GROCERY Phone 3451 C. Q. VEE HOP. A Ca M'CHESNEY COFFEE CO. COFFEE ROASTERS- Oealera In Old Kona Coffee " ' Merchant St. Honolulu. Visit SILVA'S TO GOER Y when you want best quality in men's clothes. ;King St. jrOrtDAN'S WOMEN'S APPAREL i ?lvl029 J'ort: Street , -,- j .! GruenhaQen'a Blue Ribbon J HAWAIIAN DRUG Col ;:; Hotel and Bethel Streets . ir' t, e . ..V; Fuller: Insecticide ; : ""-:J-.,-r,':- For Trees, Shrubs, Poultry , : LEWERS A COOKE, Ltdi .159-177 So. King St . ' The Waterhouse Co., Ltd. Underwood Typewriters YOUNG BUILDING H. HACKFELD & CO. -LiniUed-.-:-TComnlssion Uerchants C HONOLULU- HONOLULU MUSIC CO. Ltd; : ;U07 Fort4Street: STEIN WAY ..'fH'ALL, Thayer Piano Co.; Ltd. HAN AN 'S BEST SHOES M'INERNY SHOE STORE '" Fort, above King SL . -' f .: ; - , , ...... . -. - 1 D. J. CASHMAN TENTS AND AWNINGS ; Lusu Tents and Canopiea for Rent "" 'Thirty Years Experience r Fort rSL, near Allen upstairs Phone 1487 1F-YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN f 4 :. ; JNEWPAPERS , Anywhere at Any Time, Call on . irite THE DAKE ADVERTISING AGENCY. 14 Sansome Street , 8a n Francisco When In town visit our ' ... DELICATESSEN COUNTER. Goods by every steamer. H. MAY A CO, : Ltd. Phone 1271 5i DATS TO Regular sailings to San Francisco and Sydney, N. S. W. For further particulars apply to C. BREWER & CO., -T T11 t i 1 ') Watson Navigation Company Direct Service Between For further particulars apply to' .'!... ,...-: ,: CASTLE & COOKE, Ltd., AgenU, Honolulu tOYO KISEN KAISHA Regular sailings to San For further-particulars apply to-; 5 CASTLE & COOKE, Two and a r" lsfCfSN 1 fl ft . . .. ' V'i .. V. . ' ' . : j T 1 1 half "S.S apply to .- Fort and Queen SU.' ' CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIAfi R0YALJ.IAIL LIWE . Regular Sailings to BRITISH COLUIIBIA, HJI, NEW; : ...VZ''For Further -particulars apply: to ''.-j ;v T -:j. V rTHEd H ; DAVlES & CO., LTD. General Agents. - BY AUTHORITY. RESOLUTION NO. 749.. Be "it resolved by the Board of Su pervisors of tha City and County of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii,' that the sum of Five " Hundred Fifty. Dollars ($550.00), be, ad jthe same is hereby appropriated out of all moneys in the Pennanent Improvement Fund of the Treasury of the City and County of ! Honolulu for the acqpunt known as Reconstruction Kailua Bridge. I Introduced, by CILS. N. .'ARNOLD, , Supervisor. Date of Introduction: ! Honolulu, Hawaii, April 17. 1917, ;. 4 I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution passed First Reading and ordered to print at a meeting held by the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 17rl9J7,oiithe following vote of said, board: ' ? Ayes: Arnold, Hollinger, . Lars en, Logan. Total 4. ----- . Noes: Hatch. Horner. Total 2. -Absent and not voting: Ahia. To tal 1. . " ' .". . E. BUFFANDEAU, Deputy City and County Clerk. 6763 April 18. 19. 20. ' ' TIDES, SUN , High , High Tide. HL of Tide Large Tide 8maU Data A.M. FT. P.M 12:37 1:25 a.m. 1:04 1:49 2:32 3:13 April 16 - 17 18 " 19 - " 20 -. 21 0:15 ! p.m. 2:08 2:47; 3:21 4:12 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 4:54 1.9 3:52 New Moon, April SAU FBAIICISCO LTD. . . General Agent San Francisco and Honolulu . Francisco and to the i Orient, j, Ltd., Agents, Honolulu s extra ay onthemai nland when you travel by the' ; ft Great Northern t Eiritv ClasS $65 u pward V i4ra days on . tha water. : - For, sailing date" and 'reserytlont o,' .,.'..'' , A;snt , F R E I G'HT and -i T I C K E T t Also reservstlont aiir . point oa the . - na Inland. tie WELLS-PA. co 4 co.n Klna tU Tel. 1811 Y. TAKAKUVA & CO. j Limited. ; J "NAM CO" CRABS, paekid la f , SanJUry Cans, wood lined, f Nuuanu SL, near King 8L OAHU nAILVAYTIUE TACLE ,:,r. OUTWARD ' H' "For Walanae, WaUlua, Kahuku and Way sutlona J:15 a. ta J:X3 Pita. i For Peart Ctty, Ewa UIU and Way Station- :S ; Jili . D 11:30 a. m.,2:15 p. a.?:29 p. cu 5:15 p. a, J9:S0 p. fli'-lS P-' For Wahlawa and Leilehua-U:l a, mji:i0 p. ta., S:00 p. n., 'U: p. to. ' 4 For Lellehua f8:00 a. n. . INWARD . Arrive ? Honolulu Crota Kahukm, Walalua and Waiante i:Zi a. n 5:30 p. m, w : J. ' Arrive Honolulu from Ewa MU1 and Pearl City 17; 45 a, :?$ ,.ta 11:02 a. m 1:2 P. l:24 P 0" 5:30 p m., 7:2S p. in, Arrive Honolulu from WahJawa and Leilehua 9:15 a. 1:5J p. 3:59 p. ':IJ p. tau The Haleiwa United, a two-hour train (only first-class tickets hencred). leaves Honolulu every Suaiay at I:3D a.: m.; for Halslwa Hotal; rcturslai arrives la Hcaalula: at 13:10 p. xa, The Limited stops only at Peirl City, Ewa Mill and Wtlaaaa. -. - Daily. ' fExcert BuaSa. ,;2adiJ only." ' G. P. O EN I SON, F. C CMITH, Superintendent.- t . O. P. A , ' AND MOON. . Low Low . Tida Tide Caa : Large SmsQ Zllsea r.I:: C:tl C;t3 A.M. 6:39 7:ir P.M. 5:50 ..'7:06 ises J:04 ::45 5:37 5:36 5:25 .5:34 5:24 5:23 5:S2 6: : C: 6: 6: 21 21 ' 8:11';' ,9:10 7:40 S:10 8:39 9:03 22 22 mm 23 26 :05 :47 10:36 11:01 11:53 :30 a. m.'. 6: C: 3 9:39 fin 21, at 3 Voy' YoJ O o r v.l 1. o .t"v-.