Newspaper Page Text
- ....... CT70 v ; 2 HOXOLtJLtJ -STAB-BULLSTH TOEBSKST, APBIfr 19,1917. 'A If ' '?l aiOO.OOOtlAYBE GlvEw ARbiOR ES , Members of the senate ways and taeana committee suffered s partial change of heart on armory eppropria Hons today when, they voted to allow the expenditure cf $100,000 for such work, JS2.000 of which will have U h iftnlMi . niA. n k. Ka'nr,l' or representatives mi ;irr- Jtemiied as most needed by , the ,rfinn . HfM.Tine nairol national guard officials Tat only appropriations Itemued by the ccnmlttee were for an armory, at ' .J "I ! if ? 2 f, Crr;t P. Wilder for introduction, pro- iinf Jh ,k6' Uic eortrol ana supervision of tHe ' 5., t10, she ccmm,ItU -?fr;u.ard of harbor commissioners. Gen, feamuel I. Johnson had urged the ; u is f urtfcer provlded tbat the patro: ' iZS! f r,morlef M fctorehouas J'ccrj8,sl of two members, each to be fXederal equipment as well as being of Bot ,,, y,,,, ,g or more llian 30 years ftdvnnnce v social centers in witof- , ,Ji0 fhall be appoIllte(j by th9 .tbe way .listrlcts. , Evidently the letter harlx)r lKarij Ther 8hau be selected Tr9 .7 ..r -'' ".we.-uwi .money as (his is an Increase of ISS.ow orer the aftimnc the committee decid. ; cd upon eirller In the week. 4 Committee members expressed - de t elded opposition to ihrt erection of a ; storehouse back of the University Club, tcross tho Hreet from the malaJon of Waikiki beach 'lying between rtrroory a warehouse, as one member jtbc seaside resort known as Heinle's . Jutit ' Tavern and the Halekulani hotel, and f?J PirbiT the dicussion tlve feeling .ud, 0tber Bectlens of Wafkiki beach ifroppeJ out from most of the ne'm-!M may in the opinion of the Doard of ter that nation! guard wark is now;jiari,or Commissioners require rtc'a .tra3tK'ally rtlts ienrtli. and Uiat after J patrol. They shall at all times kern Jew ysais t)?e f.vlmg for gfiard a vigilant lookout forepersons in dan : Work may be corsidetably less than ge cf downlne. . ende all the assto- It "Is io w,,thus; leaving jntnyfnh' anrc in' their. iower to.ajn-' tsochper- roporfcd-cnuCir'es of little tue. gr , .The Itecv rf 5100,000 represents a. . pig in. t lie ff'nouni asxea oy me -aaiiniStraUoc,;t:ie first request being crs - . : ; . . f Tfor" ;310C0 later decreased Vonder A'iie'inih-. hers" of surh. patrol kliali Juseisupe of. the. committee to 1177,000. ' re el ve not lens than JD00 per ' m9' m ' "' .teach, to be appropriated cut of the ; '.-ARRIVED HERE FIRST i ; v " 47 YEARS AGO TODAY ; V. -?: . , , . j rules and regulations as may be neces- . According .to W jarrett, today Isaary. for carrying out the provisions ' theA47th anniversary of the arrival at I cf . this act. and shall furnish such . ' Hoitlulu of the etcamer Wanga-Wan-I beats and pulmotors,, or. other lifcsav- ga,.thft first. British Iron mail steamer to plow! the Pacific. She arrived here Aprils 19,. 18 JO,. 28 daya from Sydney, via Auckland.. Following her came other "British mail poats, in-Juding Hie Citjvof 4Adelai1e; rity cf Melbourne 'and MargTegor. .',', ., ! ; , The. Urillsh mall boats transferred - a i ,, L ui .....i ! wooden vessels, the Nevada, Nebraska j ine ,for lipoIltmenLf 1 dlsIc and Dakota, which plied between Kaaf",8ttM-.- Thehouse bill provided Fr.nciRr Tiri iinnohiht Aftir'a 'iW ! that they should he appointed by the trips the steamer, of both countrle, ran rlar tlimnph ftlimit maklm thin i ran clear throuRb, without making this port a terminal. . ' ' "' Jarrett says that of the Honolulj merchants who witnessed the arrival cf the Wanra-Wangauraly four are liv- I-Sjoeay F.. A. ,Schaeler.ol)ert.Lew,1 HOUSE NOTES i J rx.t. .2 o , th.u'j. ' . iw" T ..Tpi ti the' -13th day. of the session. House bill 446, raising the salary ot tbe thalnran cf the Maul supervisors, pissed second reading. H -The- bill providing a pension for The commission today postpr.ued for ; Judge E. P. Alkue of Koolaupoko, Ha- the second time its Inter-Island inves i:wali, yassed third reading. i t'.wtion convtued hearing. .The hear. t . . : - ing was set ever. to May 3, two weeks i ' A bill' fixing the minimum pay of from , today.' ct the lrquest Vof the police officers -at f0 a month passeo . - third reading.. Representative Wllder's bill to pro . vide for the registration . of nurses .'passed third reading. The bill providing for the registra- i 'tlon of, vessels operating In Hawaiian waters fasied third reading The njuae this afternoon was to freconiidr the vcte to table the bill I S brovldins that the territory iav circuit J ;Jnd?es $i200 a rear in addition to; 4rwhat the7 are vow utttin? from the, l KppfascnUUv Ivutfewrhi mtroduc- J jod the icvne . bill of tb-, morn ins . cs 4lcn...JtJpn)ldejJor r "r.nstrct'cn Kt a rosj throitkh lu: oaC ,1-jts in -j (North Kcin, Hawaii, i .. . 1 '.K? TRACK MAN If Serve choicest OrerlOO Vftrietics Packace Foods V: V" ' HIS t 4 Phone 412L " I Ik. m. J AW At . J ; .' i M uyz ,i - - - - . 1:1 . dill ramps PATROL OF DEACII House Measure Would Employ Life Savers at Waikiki to Be Named By Harbor Board "Safety first'-U' the keynote of a till that was to be Introduced in tne ' m - a . A A ... t,-m lor WaUitl beach. f Hi till which, It Is understood. fr t'(oir strci;cth and aMlrtyfs 'im n f rs and boatmen, ana suan ue px--lert In the use and methods of resus citating, both with and without appa ratus, apparently drowned persona. The measure continues as follows: "It shall be the duty of the mem- ' nous.- and keep onir in the. Fetion under thrlr rcntroi, for whi'-h purHwse they Khaii Le vejtcd wuji ijoijcc xow- general revenues of the territory net ethers Ire appropriat-n. 'The Heard of Harbor Commission hall have power ;. to make fiucl ig apparatus as may be, necessary.' HOUSES DIFFER "ON v WHO SHALL APPOINT THE MAGISTRATES The fcoufe of representatives today declined to concur in the senate nmpnrimpntR to thp hnnsn hill'nTnvM- wild VeTppd by' , p" iiti,- wuuiu uc ppuimtu uj i the governor. Representatives An drews, Miles and Tavares have , been appointed members of the house con ference committee. '.., iiTi.iTicTf.ppT-- TOMORROW AFTERNOON At 2 o'clock toxorrow afternoon the public utilities tommifsoa will; hold a rrgular weeaJy tneeUfti. to clean up IfOJUno dui 1 transacted, j roaune business which could.. not he on the regular, meeting I dite, .Tuesday, ' . owing 1 to lack of a I quorum, . . ,. ; ., ' . - , . fcteiraship ?omp?ny because of. the Illness of Norman ; E; Gedge, whose j testinrony is particularly sougM by the rcirmsicn.' V ! --r . . ,;.. '- 4 SENATE NOT TO BLAME ... AFTER ALL, HE ASSERTS "I did not Intend to make a state ment carrying the Inference that the eenate was in any way to blame for the ralxun as regards the city charter bllL". said Renresentatlve Lorrln An-. drews, father of the original charter bill today. . - , - . ; , ' . . : j Andrews goes on to say that, from the Jact that tha house kept the rhar? ifr'bill mo re. than a month, he believes the senate did good work ln'finishing with U in. the short time it, had It, &ni at'the came ume maiung somo lAShJable niflendraents. 1 "':' ' 'Sandwich Dainties foods arid save kitchen labor. , We provids acorts of delicacies Pott td Tongn and Ham, DTild Meats, Potttd. Chicksn, Tnrky, etc. ordinarily difficult and expensWt to prtpcrs, bat which yoa can stenrs resdy-to-Mrr and at modems costCTheit high quality is assured by the Oval Label reserved for the finest grade of each Armour product ARMOUni .COMPANY " .. -1 Stock carried at Queen and Alakea ALLIES MAY SOON RECRuif lU UNITED STATES WASHINGTON. D, C.April 18. ,ibe Webb bUL to permit the Allies to recruit soldiers and sailores is the United States, passed the house today. NEW RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT STANDS BY ALLIES ; WASHINGTON. D. C, April 18.- Assurances were received here today that the provisional government of Rassia wCl not yield to overtures of 'German and Austrian socialists' who have been moving for a separate peace. -. . , ' ALIEN ENEMIES MUST LEAVE VICINITY OF FORTS WASHINGTON, D. C, April 18. Instructions were sent oat today by Attorney General Gregory to United States marshals that alien enemies re siding within, half a mile of any fort, military camp, air station, etc, win be required to move prior to June 1, urar penalty of arrest BRITISH PARLIAMENT CHEERS UNITED STATE8 ALLIES LONDON, Eng, April 18.-rWith cheers and handclap ping the bouse of commons today gave unanimous-approval to a resolution, by Chancellor of the Exchequer Donar Law, seconded by ex-Premier Asquith, expressing ap preciation of the action of the United states in entering the war. A similar scene took place in the house of lorjs. GOVERNMENT WITNESS UNDER SERIOUS CHARGE SAN FRANCISCO, CaU April 18 A warrant was today issued for the arrest of F. C. Oxman, the Oregon cattleman who. was a witness for the stale in the trial that resulted in the Conviction of Thomas Mooney on a mur der charge in connection with the San Francisco dynamiting. Oxman is charged with subornation of perjury. Estelle Smith, a witness, has made af fidavit that Oxman offered her money to swear to connect Weinberg, ac cused with Mooney, with the crime. Weinberg's trial is coming soon. Wednesday, April 18. PrlOVIDES UNIFORM HOUR FOr. CLOSING Representative Robert Ahuna at the session of the house this afternoon introduced a cencurrent resolution directing the board of ' liquor license commissioners to fix a un!form hour for the closing of all establishments where liquor is Fold uuder its jurisdiction, applying it to wholesalers, re tailers, saloons and hotels.. WIRELESS WITH BIG 1 8 LAND WILL RESUME Further resumption of wireless communication between the islands will occur, tomorrow with the, reopening of commercial service with the Big Is land. At the office of the United States naval wireless this afternoon it was announced that commercial messages to the island of Hawaii will be accepted beginning Thursday. This is in accordance with expectations ex pressed earlier In the week bu is the first definite announcement of the date. , - . 'l . . SHINGLE INTRODUCES WAIKIKI RECLAMATION BILL Senator R. W.. Shingle of Oahu Introduced Jate this afternoon in the legislature a bill embodying the governor's plan for the reclamation of Wai kiki lowlands by the appointment of a commission to draw up plans and as sume control of the work. This commission is to. consist of the superin tendent of 'public works, : chairman ; the city and county engineer, land com missioner and two others. Of the latter two one shall be a representative of beach land owners. . The sum of 120,000 is proposed as-aa'appropriation for the commission's use. - v GIRL TAKES POISON IN COURT T , A Juvenile court was muca disturbed .this afternoon .when a 15-year-old girl tried toHcommit suicide following her commitment to the girls' Indus ; trial school, by drinking a bottle of iodine. The Portuguese mother, who ! was in court with her daughter, was nearly, prostrated with grief. The girl waii rushed to the emergency hospital, where first aid administered by the acting police surgeon brought relief. She Is now at the Queen's hospital and it is reported Ehc will recover The girl had been arrested by "Proba tion Officer Joseph Leal and chargeiwith incorrigibility in connection wit o some anair wim a soldier. "RlinnHA OF TUP Hit I C' SUCCESSFULLY PRESENTED "Tha Duddha ot the Hills," a. Japan ese play of unarnounced - authorship, was successfully presented.; in a. pri vate i reraiere last night at the resi--4enowf -Drt aj4"M i.-Chsttt sjrAdsfRS, "Diamond Tllead i road, and. will tbe rer-eatad tonight; the proceeds to gdio the 'Wounded j French Artists1; Fund. Tho- production is by The Footlights, Which adds la its list .of success ful perf ormances. Natural scenery and pretty nghUns eifecls made the result extremely fittractive. SPEAKER H0LSTEIN HOST AT BANQUET Speaker H. L. Holstein i will be host this evening at a banquet to the mem bers Of the house of representatives. Thf RahniiPt -will t)A ho A tti thA OrtM TOom, Alexander Young Hotel, and will begin at 7 o' guest3 1 are , ' char e3 Chi! clock. Among the invited Gov. . Pinkham, President Chlllingwortb of the senate, Mayor. John C. Lane and representf tives of the press. POLICE COURT NOTES Hi Dr. L. E. Hooper, who was in an r.ccldent on Nutianu avenue -with V: Kakemato. Anril i. has been arralened fin police court oa a charge of he ?a less driving. He will be heard April 28. iony anaJOO COiTetl nave oeen ar-i re(ed-iilfa fOmmlttcd tO the Circuit coiirt'bn a charge cf "fcUaling DIshoy Rertilck's Ford car. They were ar faigneft in police court this, morains under vukt new Jaw making ... such an offcntrcmtrtleioHS conversion." Leok for Armoorrs - Oval Ubel oo your dealer's ' "store front if Sts. Honolulu 'i. II - ? Weifnewiay. Aprik IS. --.That the outbreak of disease among cattle on Kauai is anthrax was learned today when' pr. Victor A. Norgaard, territorial veterinarian, returned on the Inter-Island 'steamer. Mauna Loa from the Garden Island: . . ' . Although he could not. be located by the Star-Bnllethv down to '1:20 this afternoon. Dr.C Nprgaard .was said to have, told, vbtIous territorial officials with .whom he conferred this morning that the disease is anthrax and not hembrraghic septicemia, which he at first.had believed it to bev ' ; ; , . J. Af.VDowsptt of the board of ajxi culture and forestry, said this after noon the whole. d if trict has" been quar antined and that ,Dr- Nornraard tells President A.-H. Ricfrcf the board that he expects to get vaccine ready to ren4 to- Kauai bjv v next . Tuesday's boat. - v - - t ' .. CHAMBER DELAYS ACTi6?i; :Q (m PAY FOR GUARDSMEN Compensation for employes who are r;n A h. minra thnrhuWiiiv diSCUssed by the members of the diam: brr of nommrr. thl aftPmnon unrnt h ironafil nnfntnn that nAotln should be; taken by : the chamber?! this timer" J.'D." Dougherty Ipolnted lout that there had been no enlistments to., speak of, in the . National ; Guard since the call of the governor, and if the chamber should go on record with some eftnUe; decision .lt.w.oul4,p7pbj ably help' matters. ' v ;..- -yl . S. L Lowrey-said that the people as a whole -should bear the burden of compensation ' and not the jit dividual firms. G. K. Larrisen said he doubted if the burden would be as heavy as expected since In all probability mar ried men . would be exempt , X F. Bishop and A. Lewis, Jr, while admit ting that the remarks of Dougherty put the question in a new light, said j the chamber should not decide at this trmd r. r - ":'! BIG WAR EXPENSES ON WITZEfiLAND'S SHOULDER . ;'r :- ' . '' " - lB3r Asociaed Precs) f BERNE, Switzerland. Swiuerland's' extraordinary ' expenses that hare grown cut of the war will amount, by Jhe end .of t this . year,.tp. .about. 700,-, OO.D00 francs ft. iaestimated. v That figure, hdw'ver cbvers'cnly the cojt Of 'tnantaljjng Swiss neutrality--iniardmgt5eTiorles, etc. , There must ' be raised In a'ddjtion- from. 20. 0Q.0da; to. ?0,0,Q0i francs annually jo pay the interest on other-debiaT In 4J1 it Is reckoned that tot interest charge and sinking funds the state is. going to have to produce an even 100, f 00.000 fracr-Income above what it ordinarily raises. . . . Thus far . only about; one-third of this guinhas 'been assured. The to ba ceo monopoly ; proposed by the Bun Oesrat is but one of a numberof meas ures that win be necessary, in the im mediate future.-x And , the monopoly proposition , is already meeting with strong opposition, . JI ere than 703 persona were forced to the streets, scantily clad, by a fire j which destroyed the Hotel Rosslrn. at ls An-Is. Cal. BUSINESS OF ATLANTIC I i COAST LONG PREPARED -. FOR EVENT OF WAR - , I' (Continued from page one).; .. the bank credit already existent was et cut at length in this publication last month, in connection with British government borrowings.'." If the banks create hew. credit, the effect . will be to Inflate the . situation and increase the reserve requirement; .Moreover, the bank situation should be kept free and -strong .to deal wtth the - basin. j3 situation.. -The lati vBritish leas : was floated without bank subscriptions and bank snjserlrtlcns to the late ll'As OvOJXK) Cans Jiaa locn . were a U declin ed when it ras fctnd that the lean could-bc fir'e.1, without them. r v Taking Ecndj Pa trie tic Service- "The Un thculd. subscribe as ttC oard ugests. tut chiefly: with a view t diitribct'pn, and the Ameri can public she u!d be prepared to take the bonds as a )atriotic service. Sav ing for -the leans should be in . orter here as it has been abroad. There are pretests azainst ; economy on Vae ground' that it may disarrange -business and perhaps occasion losses and unemployment in some quarters. There is but slight danger of unem ployment while the war lasts, and It will enry be possible to supply' labor where It is most needed by releasing it elsewhere. Business is Inevitably disturbed by war, and everybody must adjust his affairs to the needs of the hour. When the labor supply is ut terly inadequate is no time lo wake unnecessary work on the plea of kcep fng somebody busy.-; ".-,7 ' SheTl:ere's a yellow hair on your coat and "my- hair is black! Hubby-Thls is an bid coat. fc That hair cams' from ycur head lastSvInter! ruck. " Vv- ' :- She Why, Colonel, I'm a grand mother! He (gallantly .)-?-WelI' believe me, yu'tdon't look "a'day older than you always have.-"-Judge. ' FOR SALE. jv- Sacriflce s.ale, party leaving shortly wishes to sell a 1916 Cadillac, gooa as new, i only! 1350. down and. $50 a month of $550. Tel. 2644, day or night ' ', 6764-2t Five-passenger 1313r Cadillac touring car. ''-.Private serviee; good as new. Phone MO. v 6761-6t FOR RENTr1 4 acres -of good .fertile, land, good lor gardening, with; on beach J ; rent, $17.50 per -,- montji. , Address . Box 5&8, 5tar-BulfeUn office. 6764-6t situatj on , wanted: ' ; i'ortuguese chauffeur ' desires posl r tionwl tit-priVa t arnfly t--doe own repairing;' 10 years -experience; best references.? Box 586 Star-Bullo -'tin. - . : . 6764 3t -? is worth, instead of birth. .' ' ' That - ad . . ill triiTii ,v L ; , World to 7th, 1917. ror regard cohvehtiohi ; Mercantile 1 WE STORE EVERYTHING JAMES H. LOVE bread islthal incomparable 4V V ; k. LWlS GREAM BREAD " delivered at your door freshly -wrapned. v PHONE 1-4-3-1 --r-rt,- -V White V' ? f o'rrWomen An -attractively slim of ankle -foot, made of upperV iyoiy leather welUOseo lm sole and low. rubber heel, perforated toe t'ap easy sport 6 last. Laeed. i- widths. Pair $S.C0 Same with white canvas upi'r anil saikllo vamp;, Ofl ' pair . i . , . ! i ivianuracrarers Shoe . . . j -; - 1 , ' r 1051 Fort Street f - im.i . 1 i 11 1 , 1 7) ' r,nrf f mericailism ; ' ' vierica dcn car i txioney you've got or what you might be; This Naticn . r wants t6 faidw who joo are fc4 what wotf cot do.: -. ; Baromal robes, cJaisV. reed,id; rafe : "Estipction haye; ' and brains. The humble crftsrna.n; patiently developing '. '.V ,r . " r -: f ,his invention need sib patron o'king. : Through the ... -' 'rrKhty force of adverticing.the cw' World hails him as " 1f'S : "' Jts-bftefactbr.:': ' ;-v" t ,v:v;v:v:';i;r l iT V Advertising Sat Americanism leveling all men to a plane l s of thcif jise to their, f ellowkind-rcreating. a peerage ol - vertising - may; trow i to the greater 'IK titc- 1 T 1 1 1 in ivrr t jii xiiii f!rmvntifn of the AssocLated Advertising Clubs of the be held in the dty of St. LouisJune 3rd to :-.vV-'v'r-, ; ; 1 td ' s 4 Club Bldg. St. literature mteresiinEf this fifeat address Convention Board CITY TRANSFER COMPANY PHON .1281 . -. i t fi -spied ft and Misses. fashioned shot'. - and straight of . . white Xu Buck 6 All sizes and I . ; ULlVVf -- ' .- '" ' uses of . .;;;.' ') lii niiiiuai y - . v m .- -r . si Louis Mtf'? Gn-iy, oiore business