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a "4. -. tr "x:- . .. , r. U' t i II. i W 6 ' '-at .'-.V Y. 4.:' h - -.v. : Honolulu demands a fair business administration. That's the kind ,f administration Honolulu will have The freepU Whs Rid trvAly Rr are excluelve-YbUXti H ape. -. date my ervlce-t v .?J f - iA. POMBO ' itJTTtTTJQ f ... a aJ a.. la. aa . .. - - A ...W4!yuu...iij,v,' Honey Caliec? Many i)ersons prefer those made by, our skilled pastry . cook and baker, to fruit t cake. -Have you tried j tbem? ; j ; Freshly Jiaked : Pastries ' i ' ,:. Bolls Pies of all kinds' Fancy Cakes Layer Cakes rv i K TTdfelicdfTcVf "r .0. mnes Are tuned tp th expert t6nea of the bugle bo that all jam tary palls aay be sounded on them, the tones all harmonize, . with- o another, di. corJ are Im possible and no musi cal knowledge is necessary for har monious results. ' illustrated booklet, with prices, on request.' These chimes make unique gifts. Trices run as follows: $7.75, $10.50, J1U0, l:50 and "$23 50 each. .. . .;.- -. W. Vl Dimond & Co:, Ltd.; The House of Housewares King t near Cathcl.- U U 1) II , I ' GA CM ;::7;v;v':; ': 6 et th se facts i " ::f&$:;C When you, want facts, ask those who know by personal investigation. -Opinions of. Well Known Physicians and Osteopaths. Regarding Chiroprac tic" and CHnical Experience with Vertebral Subluxations." by Dr. Patchen, are free, at addresses given below. "Vi ; V W. C. WEIRICK, D.C F. C MIGHTON, O. C, - : f- ?- f424 BeNtanla' Sfii ; - V i ? - f ZH-ZQ5 Boatort Bldg; i t ' Plmer (Parent) School Grad. Pacific Colieoe Grad. EEAL ESTATE- -v s'.s- w. - ' - - - : .." : STOCKS and -it- IHSOEA2ICE . i -: - " f 1 J . n f 4 9 Bethel Street ICOLLEGECLUB'S. APRIL MEETING IS A MUSICAL ; ;Tje' April aeeuag of the couf e Clu took; the form of a muaical held at tbe CbrUUaa cborch en the after uooa pf Tueeday, Aprti i, ) Ail thr numbers-! n(' the program ete of in-eat interest,.' rendered byj ome oT Honolohi's -best-liked agists, j . The aecond nninber. Toft Sonxs from KeBtacky MooBtains,' . snog . by Mist Roth -Tobbs, possessed quaint- the opinion today of Dr. Victor A. Nor nees. aU Its owi.r A explained , by. , gaara. territorial veterinarian, who Misa Rath Huntington. s these aonga aad others tike them have been recent-, ly louad . among tbe Kentucky moun taineers where they have been passed down by word of mouth for , three or four, generations. . They are old English ballads taken to that part of the country by the Colonial ancestors of the present-day mountaineers. entire program of the musical fqll0rs:.t. .It Andantino, for two riollns and frlano t Edwin, H. Lemare). Miss Mar garet Stereo,. Mrs. Ernest Ross and Mrs. Bernlce Steven. ', 2. Folk Songs trom Kentucky Moun taint (colleeted by Loraine Wyman). "Barbara AUn.'VrPretty Polly," Tlie Mary Coldn Tree.-, "Sweet AVIIlUm and Lady .Margery." Miss Ruth Tubbs. ? Walts from "CaraJrar (Schu- i a, ann ). Ocu ve Study .(.Williams w Miss Roth JMmtyi,;;,5 i. r.;4.-i.-y :-i.;K&t!itt. l rHer Rose" (Coombs), fayltan" if RoJaad).' Nor.wef;:dl Sehnsueht kennf (Tschafkowskyr Misa Dernico KhuuTsnzz-: .' ; : . i;-v ; 'r i 6rfkval9 Songs "Ould Doctor Ma Ciaa-. (Lohr), Tre Got the Mumps" (Franklin . St , Greea) ExhortaXio,: Negro aeraoB (Cook), Mr. O. i Berg- tnan." ;. . , r : . .'.'.v,;.- 1 . ; rrt Spirit of Spring,". Miss . Leo-tftra- Asderaen.? . ; ;u i 7.NTnnIlgkt.Walt2" (Ilanlet Ware). TMr .-Dearie"., i ( Mary ? Helen Brown ), lira. -Alexander Robertson. .- " ' S. "CaTotte" (Ramtaw), prelude and m IhUlii Tonight will rOreat Northern night at Heinle's Tavern, "on the beach. at.Waikikirand a most 000 dial invitation la extended to tbe pas sengers and officer of . the S. S. Q.UKprjtJiernJtoUeuL.the dinner fiance to be-given in honor of the ar rival of the big Hill linen ' ;,v plover .cabaret entertainment, by Mts Evelyn Gilbert during the eyen ing and dinnerl An - excellent menu has ' been carefully selected and will be served from 5; 20 to 8 and reser vations for same should be made as early as possible.- Adv. ; -'Cf. ROUND THE ISLAND TOURS . Around tbe Island. $1.75. Sunday Ticketa at Benson Smith & Co, Fort street Phone 1356. Adv. ; , . Four children were burned to death In a fire that destroyed their borne at Saginaw; Mich. ; v : ffhe plant) of,' the Jeansvllle - Iron . Works at. Hazelten vPa ;va3 .damaged by ''aloss of $75,000.' " v- Y ; V 1 '. r !i::n;r::::niiiHin frescrves i ' V J &e skin andeomolnclon f ; indcfmitely. Retains the netMty or Toutnwnen youth is but a, memory. w Your inhMnnee viTT ' - always be the worvkr of your fnends if you we r rtrta t. ixjpxcs & sent, Kew Tork !:"::ininnnn:n!rniiHiiiiiii u e have a nice line of : La Tattsca Pearl ? : v Necklaces !' - Just like the genuine in color and finish also. ; , ) ee , our large, assortment of RMneetctie brooches. Exact dn-. pficatca of the Diamond Platinuei brooches. r.-.-" H. Culmaii Co., LtL Fcrt and Hotel Sts.-: - .... I LOANS GREA MGIIIEIME'S Z wZ a . -' SAFli'jDEPOSIT Phone $610 .fiONOttJUJ STARUtLOTN; ,TIfTI?SDA Y, LIULE DANGER ANTHRAX SPREAD, SAYSiRGAARD Territorial Veterinarian Feels j rM: ta:n D ASSUred tpidemiC Will Be ' Qurckfy Checked There is no danger ef the anthrax outbreak on Kauai spreading throagh tht lr!and cr being comrannfeated to ether islands In the territory. This is was asked by the Star-Fulletin for a report on the epidemic in the Garden Island. 'There is no likelihood of the cut break sprealing." said Dr. Korgaard this morning. "The infected herds are pastured In a well surrounded Talley opening out on the sea; all preventive J measures, mciuamg quarantine, nave Deen laxen, toe aeaa came are oeing cremated and enough vaccine to mocu late all cattle infected or exposed to tbe disease should arrive very short ly and I will at once take it to Kauai and vaccinate. all the cattle suf fering from or endangered by the di sease, The only ranch to suffer from the epidemic is the PrkicevMc plantation at Hanalel, Dr. Norgaard says. There are no cattle ranches adjoining the in fected pastures. Deaths of cattle from the disease to date have been about 70 head. The disease is such that ni cattle 111 from U can behlpped. They would die before, reaching their des Unatloa. ' , . .-. , Will Vaccinate by WheTeaaJe ; .ri.vfii vaccinate about 1000 head of cattle In (the Quarantined district,' sakL: Dr. iNorgaard this morning. ordered enough vaccine Monday by Cable toj), Ban Francisco to inoculate from 1.0 to.JOOa head and it should aniva. aoon.-.i-i, - j DrAi;iBK?Ilaia7er4lepntj territo-, rial veterinarian, -tar tKauai, j8 zt the) Princevllte ranch ; ta , the -Ilanalei , di trkt., taking. etery -precaution; and en forcing tha warantine. absolutely. He wfilremain on 4oty there until the epidemic has , ben-checked and atl Bona Meal la Blamed : As to the cause of the epidemic, the territorial veterinarian belieYes ft dtier largely 'to 'Lone meal Imported from Callfornia,-where ihcre has- beet? tome i trouole from anthrax recently. "In y-annMM report f 1- warned stock growers not U feed anything, but Ha waihra-xnade bone meaV'.he aaid, The ' meal is -led with salt a the, aalt licks ht.caae.vbere pastuj-ea arc-deficient m iron saltSv The, veterinarian warn ed catlle me of the territory t Insist on getting only bone meal manufac tured fin; the JalaBdir vrp;. r- - rj. ' .. The entire Hanalel district is under Quarantine today" and one of the Im portant . things tat be done after the epfdemie is - checked will be to , do away with Infection of the soil which has -resulted frnrrt sthrnta th iftl aeaa irom .tne disease. 'Before Dr. Norgaard reached Kauai the" .cattle men, had been skinning the dead, cattle and burying their carcass es, where the proper; method to have followed should have been complete cremation of the. cattle, by pouring oil-on the bodies, aad burning then) to ashes. "That Is the only safe way to prevent further. infection, because if the sod once gets-Infected the infec tion continues to stay in tbe ground and grow." saya Dr. Norgaard.! 'The. territorial veterinarian, desire to assure stockmen ot tbe territory that there Is no possibility of the , di sease, being brought her now and that with iCally possible precautions being taken the epidemic should he stamped out toon after the jaccine arrives from the mainland and inoculation is, siren sick 'cattle and .those exposed to in fection,' . " t ..vrVu i m' - i f-vA" membership in the New York Coffee and Sugar Exchange, was sold for $5000. an advance of $200 over the Idst previous sale, v - :s i i s I ' " ' A WUio amend the revised statutes to prevent- the sale of 1 cigarettes -or Cigarette papers -was Introduced In the Maine legislature. - : :v. ; IN.THB CTRCTJIT COURT OF THE at Chambers, in Probate. . In the Matter of the EaUte of Hen ry Williams, Deceased. - ' ..-'-. NOTICE OF HEARING PETITION . FOR ADMINISTRATION ; The.PfUUcn of Mary Kaipo W'Uli-t nms, widow of Henry Williams, '-'de-' ceased, rileging that , Henry Vlnt; ams of Honolulu, Tt H, died. intestate! at -Honolulu aforesaid on the 11th j day of AprH A. D 19J7, leaving prop erty, within the JurUdicUon.o(. thl3l upon, and praying; that. Letters of AoV ministration issue to C&rrie Kapihe having this day, been filed!. . r " It is ordered, that Friday, the 25th day of .May, A D. , 1317, .at ,2 o'clock J p. pi be. and is hereby appointed, for hearing t said Petition! Inv the Court Room of this Court in the Judiciary i Building la Honolulu, City and Coun ty of, Honolulu, at which time and : place all persons concerned may an- pear and show cause, if any they have, why said Petition should not be granted. v Bv the Court, " ! H. A. WILDER. Clerk. Dated Honolulu. April 19. 1317. i J. T. DeBOLT, ... . . . : . Attorney for Petitioner. 5 r4-Xptil 19, 26, May 10 . CnziizizilyiZis, Eves iaSamed bv exce sore te Sam, Dssf and tiai r cpkly-lievtd by If arte, tSltyRcaeay. NoSmartinp, fusl Eve Comfort; r -At v ourDruggir0cperJtotii5. RsraccrC f atvtiv rubt?c. I rCtfc al tkeCyef rsetsk SEE VICE FIRST NATIONAL GUARD NOTES The res gnetjon of 1st Lieut. A. Reginald GUlsyer, 4th Haw. Inf.. N. C, as an officer of the National Guard of the United States and cf the Terrltory of Hawaii, is accepted. That portion of -parasrar h 3, S. O 3t a fiO T-H ritw Anril . 11T which refers'to the resignation 'of 2nd Lient. -'Henry Vincent, is revoked. I Subject to future examination, in conformity with ' section 73. National Pefenfe act of June 3. the fol lowing promotions in the infantry arm of the Naticnal Guard of the I'nited Ststes and of the Territory of Ha waii is announced for the informa tion and guidance of all concerned: 2nd Lieuts. Albert K. McDougall (qnassigned), A. J. SUUmsn and J. Yates, to be first lieutenants with rank from April 17. Assigned to 2nd Haw. InU and will report in 1-erson or in writing to his regimental com mander for assignment and for duty. The following named enlisted men will be honorably discharged to ac cept commission in the National Guard of the United States and or the ; Territory of Hawaii; Ist.Sgt E. K. Kanehailua, Co. I. 2nd Haw. inf.; 1st Sgt Arvin A. Whelan, Co. G. 4th Haw. Inf.; S.t. Samuel K. Tcomey, Co. II, 2nd Haw. Inf. Subject,, to future examinaUon. in conformity with section 75. national defense act of June 3, 1916. the fol lowing appointments in the National Guard of. the United States and or the Territory of Hawaii are announced for the information and guidance of all concerned: EK., Kanehailua, to be second lieu tenant of; infantry, with rank iroin April 17.-i Assigned to 2nd Haw. Inf. ; ,Arvtn.,A, Whelen and S. K. Toomey (o be.s second . JieutenantAiOf infantry with jank. front Apil7..;Assigned to 4tb. HawinL - y J Mus. 1st Class Charles E. Healy, Ho Co lat Haw. Inf., is trans ferred aa "a private to the 3rd Haw. InL Sgt Manuel Perreira, M. G. Co., 2nd Haw. Inf., is transferred as a private to the 1st Haw. inf. Sgt John Alexander, Co. C, 1st Haw Inf will. be. honorably discharged by reaspn 01 pnystcak atsaouuy, That Dortion of same paragraph and order as above, which applies to the resignation' of Ifct Lieut. Herbert C. Alston, Is amended to read "Herbert C. , Austin.;;,; r T . Subject to future, examination, iu conformlty'Iwlth raectIon 75, ; national defense act of June 3, 1916. the follow ing the intantry arm of the , National; . Guard: of v the United StateiSnd of the,teTritorrTif Hawaii majors, with rank from Apru 19 Capt. Orlando J Whitehead, ...3d RgL - Haw; ilat -N.. G.;. Capt, Henry Robinsonr Jr., 3d Rgt. Haw. Inf N. O. To-' be captains,. with .rank , from April 19-lst Lieut. Edward Walsh, 3d Rgt Haw. InL, N. G.T let Lieut Al- Tin Robinson, 3d Rgt, Haw. Inf., N, G.y 1st LieuL H.. R. Slogett, 2d Rgt Haw.. Inf., N. G.:fd Lieut. Seabury Short, 34 Kgt Haw. Inf., N. G. To be first lieutenants, with rank from. April 19 2d Lieut David Town- send. 3d Rgt . Haw. Inf., N. G.; Zd Lieut. H. Waiwaiole, 3d Rgt Haw. Int. N. G.; 2d Lieut Wm. K. Peters, 3d Rgt Haw. Inf, N. O.; 2d Ueut F. P. Rosecrans, 3d Rgt. Haw, Inf , N. G. The above named officers are as signed to the 3d Rgt Haw. Inf, N. G. The" following named enlisted men will be honorably discharged to accept commission In t the National Guard of the United States and of the territory of Hawaii: 1st Sgt Caleb Burns, M. G. Coi 3d Rgt 4law. Inf., N. G.J Sgt Fos ter Robinson, M. G. Co., 3d Rgt Haw- InL, N. G.; Cpl. Samyel A. Baldwin. M. G. Co 2d Rgt Hawv Inf, N. O.; Pvt George Murray,. M. G. Co., 3d Rgt Haw-Int. N. G. J Pvt Jv B, Mac kenzie, M. G. Co., 3d Rgt. Haw." Inf., N. G.; Pvt. Wm; R. Makaena, Co. E, 3d Rgt Haw. Inf., N. G.; Pvt .V. C. Schoenberg, M, G. Co 2d Rgt Haw. nt, N. G. t' f- ... : Sublect. to : future .examination, in conformity with eeetkn75 national defense act of .June 3, 1916, the fol- owing appointments in the National Guard of the United States and of the territory - of , Hawaii are announced, with rank from April 19, and are as- I Club ! - presents "Bar Bjr Clyde ;Fitch CHAS. R. BISHOP HALL April 20th At 8 P.M. ."- 1. .f Tickets - to be ' exchanged at Cunha-XIusic Co.,. April 18, 19and2uV - Puhahou III bara A PML 101017. )Sig(&'ptrQQuiig- A - tfrttTftT Ttt 1 1 : HONOLULU : COWTEUCTI ON DEAYHTG CO . , PHONE 4-0-8-1 i f ned to th lh,rd iment: Samuel A. Loldwin, to b captain of mtantry; George Kurruy, to be first JJciitenant of infantry; rrederick A. Clowes, to be first lieitenant of ia- ftry; Caleb Burns, to oe seconJ Iieu- tenant ef infantry; Foster Robinson V : "Dtenanml ct infantry ; w ue secoua ueu "oaMofinfactry; Wm . IL Makaenti,!-m M. Weeks. AJloiha 11 A cordial invitation is extended to all tourists and visitors in the city to come and visit our store, where the most artistic and skillfullr' l.'nrvtt Ivories, gorgeous IVmcee and Pina Silks, beautiful Hand Embroideries an 1 Laces, Silk Kimonos, Mandarin Coats, Ma nila Hats, and a large collection of, Oriental Novelties and Curios U on view, EAST INDIAN STORE . Fort Street We beg to,;nnounce that arrangements have been cade with Mr.. Albert E, Lloyd, to represent 113 in Honolulu and adiacent districtse This will assure the resident s of the islands of r the benef its of our complete 1 service ; inmaking ' thebove .an;-, nouncement we desire to advise the customers of L. A. Hart that subject to liheiraccouh have hadjfurjii shed us we will assume i the -same", and Hereafter deal ; directly with them through our local agent. We request , these customers to cummunicate at their earliest convenience with Mr. Lloyd, at C. A. Long1 soff ice, AlaKea St., Honolulu April. 12, 1917. 1. r ; -mimm for G6-ineli. Cretonnes, new Spring patterns, shadow effects and French chintz pat terns . ..V J . .. . .. .25c per yd. "v .-" .. y . . ..' . r ''; .' 72-incli' Mercerized Li iien Finish Table Mercerized Table napkins, and 20 in. at $1.25, $1.60, J FRIDAY'S "BLUE BIRDS" .MlVi 1 ; 111 t ' i Tailors Furniture anoPia : v J. J. BELSEE, Manager. STCEAGE ; I to be second; lieutenant of infantry; V. C. Schoenberg, to be second lieu tenant of infantry; R. Searle, to be secend lieutenant of infantry. The follow in named- enlisted men cf Co. H, 2d Rgt Haw. Inf N. G win te houorabiy dirhargel on account of Ihyslcal dtrabliity- Pu Kanaka Kal liuaua. Pvt. PhUip Kalua. Mech. Wll- NOTICE Charles A. Stoneham o: Company l;in., 18-m.. $1.95 per doz. AVhite Ltiigcrie Waists, allsizcs $L00 ea. ' SACHS' : Hotel St., near Fort ; Jf' -' Jjet us show you our new English-made woolen jatternK. -. - . . '-' - - ' .. - - -We Ml give you the cut, 'style, lit and quality that guar antee satisfaction. 'vi V : , ' " , ' " , fit;: no,,:HouooL. LTD. 65 TO 71 SOUTH QUEEN ST. Blaiidell Baildifi? f ... . 1 VP Fine Grade White Voile , in assorted " - stripes .".v;! . . :U:25c per ycL Hair Ribbons, plain colons, ' stripes. ' 1 ..'ft- FiiiDAIr's " V BLUE BIRDS'! 2 Kir.r r.::.r 1