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V '20V-. 4 W- i 7j if i 4 lJ 1 v . t v l il I t -1 ; ,17 w 1L -V.LX '. . : . j, 4 W.,' 1 T:"M -TVJTI " TTTT V l - ' .. ' 111-7 . , I i 1 i. . ' r A v I - i v,i '.,1 Ai a, it I, H ':: t ! ? -v':V--'v J 1 . , S2LS:0ID PRflSRESSJOF DOY SG i:i 1917 toio dy Harry S. Hayward's Report to, - Councillors Shows Fine c ' ' o-'".;- 4-Progress , i' V Bjr f HARRY- 6. HAYWARD, 6cout CbmmlMloner v ( Report made at annual meeting ',; April; 12117.)' My report may be of icreater Inter-est-to those' of you, especially the new f councillors, who bare not been act Ire ; Identified with acouting. If I briefly de'tcrlbe -the aim of our movement, m1 Jiow va boy becomes 9 scout and ; stays one. ' . ' " The cornerstone of bur (struct ore U x Scrrk e, exemplified iJy'the vcobt mot-. to and sccut habit, "Ue prepared" and ;!1)0 cood turn;dslly.-.. Fronrths mo- meftl a , bpy Is -enrolled as -tender-Jpot 4t ,Jsthe scoutmaster's -uty; to train birn to continually keep thofs In- : junctions tn mind. A scout is hot'only . a .scout at iiis. meetincs. but the train- .lug' U kC dlrected that a real t-ccat ? practises Scouting etery hour , cf the .cdiy."'' y. -. ;)Yha4 the Scout Must Know - Before -a scout may reach the first xlass grade he must prove conclusive v ly j that he has done this. The 11th Jtpsf ta'flrst class scout reads as " follows. ."Furnish satisfactory evi- dence tbst he has put lntcpracflse in. ; his dally , life ' the . principles ; of the scout olthk and law."-- - This returtres . 'statements from the scout's parents, 'school teachers, employers and others j ! . ylihi'whom tiie scout comes tn cauy . ; contact. -.' -"-:' v-,---v 7 Letters? from school .teachers reach cs in scores.'telllng us that the effects 'or.-scout' training iC.wn' the habits, morals and characters' of thfe beys Is 'Immediate and permanent,' and that a -.first''-class-'scout'- stands headaad shoulders' iboVe his' felloes, .; 7 '.iHefore-.A-' boy becomes a scout Jit? 'nuf't take this promise: ,fOn my hon s;r I t HI do my test to' do' myjduty 'ty G: : and my; moznrt JiJ to ptey tLe c:ut law;, to hejp other people st all t.csjAo teep myf If physical ly iiTz, mentally ..awake, and moral ly strslsfctA. The acout law which the bey, promises to obey when he takes Lis oath Is as , follows: , "I will be trustworthy, LloyaL helpful,'' friendly, courtec-js, ckfiid, cbedlent, ' cheerful, thrifty, Tlean; trave and reverent; -The t: ler.-c'ts :.'' v f .V - -C; tro t three' tradestender; ''fret, . .l.cls and firtt cUss, Toany --Good Turns br o a tcnacrtoct a uoy must De.axi . 12 years xfrse at.a must pass a 'troops have much tonhelr credit -Tiie . --The hynin TThe Star Spangled Ban : " -e fo!Iiw!r.g: - ;:. : difectorsAof.'the; Carntval .vfere -kJnl ;.ncrn' is the Rational anthem: not by ; w.tte c-aut lax flgtsut?. I encugfr ( to .say. Uat the ,b07s: r.era ;a-act bf Congress,-l)ut by the recognition n...rar-3 cl the oae.: i: iff .treat factor in.the hand)iug,of crouds. Viven it'by the army and navy. When c I'Jn and - Usury of the , furnishing, information. utihrlni act- ever; it-is played -listeners- should l 1.35 ana.iae cuswinarjr wjuw :ct due it. Tie a number of d:rctic.ns fcr first aid for injuries ti e Ei!a Is broken. -treatment It f".'.r.tir.. shock, fracture, bruise f 1 rciilisJLThe t!i3 ; : ' -- r.r.i the tcnrniqnf t,' snj ' :;:ctlir-4 cf tatrylns ilrmentary ' . s!?::.;!!:;?. r ; kr..'t? r.nd i.l iiity to'ltiU a liro i... r.ot mere thx:i two 'i C 1 h the ran-e s the sc wcVdcirLdvinrVd '-'' .vv..o, , Cl lllc t))'r- I rtMn s R. I lULUS 1 . .. i . v i. ie Tei: ,u ...cent - badges, mere.y saying , that tbesc Liidaes are fciven. to stimulato the interest of the pecut In the . - lite about him, nd are awarded Jor leasts assra jh-huuvi i uiiiert.-iii . naujetu i axcaiwejure 10 puoitc .ueaun, acnaiar-, ir.ln ana .-taxidermy. ' ' - . .the use f a ; splendid campsite keeping us supplied . hundred nd fifty bo : fri.Tihich time. we lived by the bugle . trcra reveille to Jtaps. " The importance Zct .tlcse big camps cannct be overes timated, The sroctmastcrs and scout j 'learn' more . tn a week cf-wbattwe tenn ' latenslve training" than they coull Jn fix months f ordinary work. The material suoccss or tl. Is rally was largely cue to the fine coop. crutlon we received from the men cl 41 3. my. Not one of our requests 'y;ti) i'nled, and" everywhere we met irv.ih -ai.ost cordial reception' in, cur Ctest tor experienced men and for taterialf. Ai this rally the Duncan . cupf awarded each year for all-round i? :l2c& waa woa by Troop.; A, 1L v .... ::aota. Before he may become .r.ny conipliments on .their appcar-i i:'".-vi- iiVwy'i- r. ; 1 class ecout a tenderfoot mutt Winner cf. gettins things 'f ! .st'elollcwlng .tests! Onenosth's doue quIeUy d effectively. m, No-J . r rv!r as a tenderftct; elementary .vernier cur lovg atistad ln t!,sala j -,' SCOUTS ALERTI . : flru s.ld bandapins; know -the gcneral .'of the Red Cress "Hiristiuas seals. ov - "AH tcouts sre requested to report V.-V. . VtVr; in the i ouenE,cr? c y ur i:crro, acimg as otjt-On faster morning, being ret a r ' III ' V,r.n8 i .1"cp,.v- teaching - an! .directing, ood example by the scoutmasters ,ot ..4; S si" li a m,iiRan,Pa- Policing lhc Rrcu:ids.r -Ir thi ;Troon YI and of TTobp XVIIi, as wiell . . , , , . V r;l : Vfcrai j uh -ender vhese-auspfces thec'ifcoU--f roop -Vir; or instance, i who .issueti , A'-rr ra'- tVe te s'-- Ve' 5 Ist' ;-.-.;.:-. .;v;? !'f vfprth ;rpp(i;tt'nder,4nTaa;t.-5;b-rfock .iS 'UVsc S" Icout andScouta'Tere i:l:t t0 k? -tblnV of Jtyes. 26 of them with 6u "1.ES.a "rr..- ""i n.a ister-Eorn:cc, this iear. and? ia?t -.thefr- acoui master, and .on. .assistant i rw v f nice buiis on u:s i;rsi. r r.ip,. re.usc:tauoa cr.tly CrovncJ. .cocVJug an ;. - - . , . tarn wnenever. possible ts - becoming : alert! ' - -"-..' " . " , " Ncrtu Har.xr.d ame and describe t r eni.:t becooie, common- C"' ; ;: . - ' lc-t three of stars, an'J I .ft p . , , -.; ;.. ' I ed ctl ' ' . - -c - 1 ' j ir'r;L ' 1 ' - . . 1 ' t And jow we have to ; ' "!"." V. .; ven': Ilc-t., assisUnt acOutmaUern but.piay.1trt a .C ?rt. -:Y irW IZVVrl located in. Xuimnu valley: numbeMn Xow the time .-aa in uwil.ij.sj5:w trus ..jg , ;, . --- . - training. :The of the movement all over our country. . ... . ' . . -.. . ..! ' r.v Our r annual rally tuWd last Kar lsTra swt. $ . ; it ; 1 r We must have a ai -ivauua, v,puncuwrvuce ?ivuis l : ii'-jnvn Vre.-.w.t - v r, r ' hothinff-.'mi!st- UTS TiiE cij;;.:.issic;:a f ! u'iBBw' uuiab ' 'I h r - HARRY "S.: HAYWARD f r ' - W,.8c?u Comm sslpner : - Huttbn, fecoutmaster.f TheJohn: Guild cup, held iort one year; by the best drilled Uroop; was'; brought homo by Troop , It. K.' Thdmas scoutmasier. ,-1.he shield, .presented by the local sccut outfitters, fcr a record in; makM . "All scouts Hy .bur national flag Ing fire .without matches, was won;bJ , mlny of them, like jnaiiy. un.In Sccit Arthur Xeely fcr Troop .4.) ee- formed-adults, do not lower it at sua ly is now 'assistant scoutmaster of hls Bet - it la considered' a mark of dls troop. The- life saving flag was :won. respect to allow the flag' ! U-,- fly by Trool V, (The flueen's E i throughout the ilght ' 1 . ' tbe woTk. done by the bdys rsflesH.- Ureal .credit upen all the .epntaidvten. ;.i-:'i .,' I For Community ROOd tUrnS iOUf - cs.a3 ewacs andmakir.g tftenweives gxnerauy ceeiuu .ve.iae eceAvpa es.ln-ering the ls!an.i from Diamoni Head l0 'duty Sqnday morninjj, April 22, mentjto KnLuku. wine ?2:,C0 being wniti inn1917' V toefcn uniform f with iises,at the end cf the day; i ' , , . ; ,taves, at - the- Executive building During, Babj'- Wee's. t Falama Set Hcmsnt last year sfouts were continu-. t lly on diityrcady -to rcsyihtp- any a.Mor .service ,j--.f 1 r.t the vacatien sthoylftcld. at Kai- uum.snu the Kakaako ecuooi scouts were in ausnaancfr, aL.KiUi: places Kaweteiceha. -Day- eyfry year.? theys; M.; this," w8.ay was Remarkable. p in i, ,a r(,r anv 4rfif!?'irv flint ir.lJMit 1 i . v ' - . . I ..;- r.mnr- . . tn fnrt Ai. will. I -r . - ... -""4jj jjui uicae nine jan.iuLAiua nu- nnM. fxf lha cinliti tl Art , a rrru ' s tJ. .--t . t. . rt ; 1 ; Trnnnt ' We1 now have 20 active Iroops on rW, Waadf. with four new ones now . i, - .,H fhA. Fnrt Sf - rhino., rhnh t u h Kauluwela Mission, and two' - iiOiliii. Exclusive of these new trpors we now have 407 6ccuts regis- tercd at j,MdQuartexs; Xhe tro0ps are . . . i I-r-Geo I y . . i ! . cn a better, st cstmaster; 7jiTnatIcn Wity many itas been play with iratw Tvn " Xtt-rr in troop.'S., ,. ; v. .n7 TffiHi IV-XV- H- Hultcn, Arthur ,N-elj-; jsanj Alffldafalr,.,n ttii,.TX.,, ;V.., V Eiigar S. Carry. Jack-Daly; Ka- waiahao C!ub;"s2. v- . v;--..--Jlioajboxe- like that vweuld fuesa t : V! R.'. Ki Tfccmcs, Ray Caird;i Jap. least iwo 'inflllon pounds; qfwhoje anece Y. M. t A.: 'J. . - VII Vm. ' Knott. ' Kiijoshi liosoi.'iatch ior fires- Reduce fire frisks Wm. Kalama; Kakaako Mission; 32. j by cleaning the rubbish out of cellars VIII Wm. A; Uryan; Central Union .and Werners. Be sore you know exact church; 16. " "-,-";' " 1 v ly what, to do ln.ase cf fjre.'tiV.;. i; IX L, a I Jaeii n !cn. A, ! K. . Arnold, c Le .youfc lowii Morcily vtfficials Win. Chang, Kaimukl; 19. . , ' know that yon are ready for service in X 'Cluis. S. trthe, H. K. Wcstcott; -your jcommunity. Xe) them what you CO.. . ' J ' :. v' . i . . -,caa do anlask them what they would xiCha's. Baldwin; 'Walter Akana; J ike to. have you do.-. Id. . , . . , . j .-.,Think! These are only a few of XlIJOdward Urleri Beretania 'Mis- .slon; 1$. "tOntinned on vTasc six) Jus t WaUis .'Conducted By Mabet Putnam Chilson fV - In our.finger dpwd the- lit)i i ..y;:': r;-r:r:"i' name clrcn in the, Scout-H oner ffoll. we hsppilyvfind Arthur siVNceiy . as an Eas,le wjcuU Brnet.Cray,As.a I.ife and Star scout. That's good, aa-i little later we shall read more about them. ... . ,. '. v .It's difficult to please everybody. -Xo matter bow hard we-try.-tuere is.- ways sure to ' b someone - ready. -iti. criticize us. So the only thing' to do Is, to ue.cur -bcstt judgment .anJo ahea.l.-.. . --;! Thi. other day a man wrct.a-Ictttr Sx6 the StajfruUetincompWahiirsbout , rpe;op3e not, knowing about ,the oAaierl r , can flag. :u$ had seen tuts -jjPkj tures, and ithc pags - were .all rots; hy t didiit, Uopl r k iw w tutUc than .to. paint turh flsgs, etc.?-- Well that -l8n't :the' faift cf the jaen-rbo -show v them.., in-. their windows,, isflt? .They. mean to be .loyal by showing thesis? as la power ' tovurge pien .on ja-their .figh tins people-:. wheh'l glancing iat,-a piiture da net top to pick it (o pieces, , as a ru!evlf the; spirit show - la ,there;. And it f.pertainlyla there in some - cf, the. great, wax ,ph. tures. Of course the jartist should know a.bout"the . flag ,whcn.4ie paints It ; teto ,tlie picture, i If he. r would only consult a sec lit, be could easily-, team .the numborof stars and. the , number of f tripes put,in JJut rather:be 5 Is 'like tne man who! went from here up to Vancouver and -painted banana trees on canvas, think ine -to make a V hit w iihi , the .people there, , nanyj of - whAtn - 4iiei-:)iafi : v )Ka ti-)iAOAS ') and wait for a, boat to come along and , beg them to come as its guests to Ha- wait .They -are simplKcraiy $a .see' I Dananas - Tan( ; coconuts v. and pines agrowing.; S&ithU mad pajnted aw?y ind butyls pictures bhUale In one of the shops. But no sales were made. of the shops. But no sales were made. and pretty soon It was discovered that he was, paintingseveral bunches of Dananas to a tree: , v Here Is what Boy's Life has to, say about our flar and our. sons: : .- ' " -M .wJm V i C Z ' d server, or in the upper right-hand .'cor nor tf V ctr4na in nkmnr1lrii1.iv - stand.; Jtise always for: "The . Star SDanrfed Banner." Grounds, to act at ouardi and ushcrt at the membrlal services to be he'd j ror tr.e Mawatian.Aztee victims, rim clacs scouts detailed as ushers should rDort'at'S:5f : 1 ..-- J. By Ibe-way, coutsK this reminds u m.a .wonderful WAv.that von turnpd TI,.. ,i.u o.. i H . as. V. . .V..V. . o ' .1 11.41. T- 1 ! , uii ictsra a i w a j s plant spuds and; may Ue. lire .pnt 'enr-who .knows? Road this: i ..- - - ,v ; - , rON THE SERVICE OF-YOUR, ; : v country: i : ; V. f Ccy s'ecuis ; have 'been -. biking. campmg. working, splaying. - so. that tuey would have strong bodies, skillei handa, keen minds ? and coursgeous ,v , I spirits when they aere needed by the rurpose.L . j Tias come to use that nation ceedsvery boy larger, food supply be;ieft .undone -to avoid "a famine-lit case5 of. war. ' Have a -garien.;the blgesVahd best you can ?r-wbB-Tf ,nJi lwr'? fu't of lettuce knd radishes; but amil-j iSome.iood. . . f ; I he many ihinga that you might do. You know your own town. What rfoa it need T I low can you help ? -This is real Scoutins." Y' - Jt; is .v ''" " Jiih Scouts -I ( .v Carl Mortensen, Troop .V Eanle J ,Scout a'voung Scout who. has won high, honors for himself and-f-Hawaif. . ' .' J- TROOPXX HEARS TALK BY ... MR. ALLEN -Meeting of Troop XX took place as usual on Ftldar last, neing called to order at 7:45 p.- m, ; The attendance of Scouts; Was 16, and officials, two. Two new boys, were also recruited. - 1 There .was one distinguished Tlsitor Who did not come, for the mere pleas tire to visit the- troop,' but came, to talk to thejhoysv He was;Mni Allen, man having traveled .in every couny Jtry Sunder Ihe , sun from ': the. frozen parts pr northern xsortnv America to the southernmost point of Chile, S. A, from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, from Russia to India and from Norway to the Cape of Good Hope, Africa. Mr. Allen has . also been a bushman for eight years'and a woodsman for about an equal lerfgth of time. He.wilteactr us how to find our way out of, a forest' where we could see nothing.' only trees' and bushes. -He will show and demon strate how to help a comrade out of a pit into which he has fallen, without the air of ropes, and man; other things Scouts should know while on a hike or in a thicket of trees. ; Mr. Allen will attend Our : meetings as of tea as he can end will teach the hoys astronomy; which the thjys are very Interested In. Mr.' Allen is a great astronomer. hour. After speaking, he thanked us for our kind attention. ' We then shook hands,- with rhim and told him 'our names.' ; i' .-; i,; - c'y' v P. Boyd is nO longer with the troop. He was A S- M. He has tone to an unknown destination. !; -u ' v -Me 2tlng adjourned at i$sr r,. 'V i j:. - HENRY SYLVA; ' v 4 ' Scribe, Troop XX. TROOP Xy II HAS NEW SCOUT- ''"' v r MASTER -"V-rJ. :vl The Scouts of Troop XVII are hav-t, leg a hew 'scoutmaster, Mr. O'Brien, for the future. ; ;" x,, ." He came to the meting, "which, was his first time. ''---.:' - . iviu iu uie niieruuuu u uiiitcu boys and taught - them first aid and bandaging;. - ' - .r ;. '.' v The boys were very happy to meet Scoutmaster O'Brien. - : " FRANK TYAU, ":;-, ' -L.v. . - U " - : Scribe. TROOP V HAS FIRST AID -WORK The meeting was called to order; at 7:J0. Friday, Aprll lJ, 1917. , .:There were 31 boys present and two absent. There .was one official pres-. en t, also. : Albert BuUke and William Ho were appointed patrol leaders. . -r Louis Jardine. Albert Tuck Chan.- Joseph Kane and Eli Panee were' ap-4 pointed ambulance men. . j , tMr. Barry, continued the first aid Llcctnre which consisted of the head bandage,' band bandage, finger band age and fooJt bandage. The ' trodpv wasT dismissed at 9 o'clock.! v ; ." HERBERT TAYLOR. , Scribe. .1 TROOP VI do PLANT VECETABLES , The netlng was ' called to irder at ; o'cIocKFriday eVenlng,April 13, ny.-j? coutmaster.-Thomas-Th e. Am ee t ng consisteid of - 2;Scouts SnL One of ficial presetff wtth:ei?ft Scoots absent - ; Af ter v the. rolL call . eadC2eader of tne two patrols that went camping on Easter told hls'accounts. ; Both stated that .they had, a jolly, time.- The first patrol or the Tigers camped -at Pearl Citjv while the Eagles camped at K? ha la. It seemed that the latter group had better time than, the .former, be cause tee Eagles camped at Kahala for nearly. three whole days, while tht others camped lor. only .one and a half .days . , r 1. 1 . There were talks from our scout .,v - jLrV S.S1" b Abraham-Amoy. There were He spoke to , the boys for about-a half n- nroaZZp Am--t-iv , master. , He, told us that we nitust be prepared In kau-kaus, if any emerg- .i..;.r'-'-.v:-:..;.:;-.; ;.; ArA V -J fa- 1 : 1 : H, y O ku r.--.;-v:.v" ': t4. -5 f .-. ' -. -; A-rr-,-- ' v -: w - 'V . :? ;tvi'::." JAiV 'U ; i ' ' v;.- . f ' I -v v g 7" "w: f i I 'V- H ? -j;.:-4-'-':"1' . " ." :.. 'f - . ' - ;:iivf . ''n .-rs',N, '. m V't- i ly Yyy- Vi'.-':.V V :Vv;:Vi- - i , ... .' . - . --.... -i. . 1 . 1 . '. -, . - i . 'Thereis ; is natural becaus White Color of flavor J. it. 4 V ' - e?;5.; ency 'occurred, We boys are going to ctiltivate' lands : and .raise vegetables and other useful things. -A ' h ; ; -' ? L The ; -ecoutmtistdc : read; .from ; , this month's Boys-X-lfe .od the Thirteenth cout Uw, ?A eouts- Hungry,? He also; told :us a.bout the Seveith Scout Iw.r'AtScqut la ObedlenL":vHe gave us toegood points" ohi obedience: Meeting -adjourned at ?:i p. ra. Every-Seont of -Troop TI must meet tomorrow:.jevening at 7 nSa.. sharp. by -order , of .Scputmaster R, K; Thomas. , Tv F. KUNINOBU. " ' 'i - -" -' v 4 '-Troop VI. -1 THOOP Jl STILL BUSY v ; ' Our regular .meeting was; called, to 1 20 scouts present. Amoy ; talked fo: U3 on first .aid and sanitation. v. Jobn Felfcrjias' passed the signaling and judging ,tests. ', ' ; " rxOK 'dllNG, Scribe. . - TROOPS IX AND X ! At, 7: 13. o'clock the troops fell: In and 'saluted the" flag. The roll; was called,;by ; the Rcrfbej There Were ''80 scotiLv tour of f iclas "and three Lcf fl eers' present.' - Mr.1 H; T". Lake arid Mr. TOwse were"' visitors. ; James"lewis passed, his tenderfoot test :-lie-iwas'j sw orn - in ; by the' tenderfeet' of. the troops'. KaTani Cockett was s worn; in as "a second class scout by the second j class" scouts. Mr. lake then; enter-j tained ns.with stories cf detective work 'which be 'has experienced.' v They. were hair-raising stories, too. First he told us about, criminals that he has bunted down. Then he-amused us .with spme funny stories, llis talk was so much enjoyed that 'the scouts' raised the roof In applauding Mr. Lake and he obligingly gave oui an. encore; Gee! We ; could sit- and listen all night to Jlr.. Lake .talk and . w e surely .hope that he will come again. - . V ; w w ' t , ' . t iur.. owse --nag a.aiBr-saewea nis generosity jby presenting a large .pam phlet ellinsr all about the American Flag and. thy. .Union Jack, nd 'With Pictures of all national flags. This 4s a very appropriate girt, at this time, when pur iIag -neans so much t us. and we voted Mr.-Towse our- hearty thanks. - The meeting -was then ad journed, -v -t,'- .',..-: ; ; E TJUNE.' ; - " ; Scribe, IX and . X. a ROUND HEADQUARTERS Several complaints from seen trass ers auout -wouts oemg late to evet-j Jn Jave-beert -made. In. Boys' Utc i lers about scouts being late to '-ineet- cure orthaf ?dIseasff,,V , Unless scouts get on tinre ?e will 4m ve td begtn the cure ; ourselves. ? z .-v".?;. ; . - Slow -but sure is the motto- of bur scouts in connection wifh paying their dues, -4 We are glad to. say thst ven if it is Jow pay Jt is sure 'pay.1 Scents wishing to pass Second and first Velars teats ' should go early to meetings and have .some first class scout pass them. '-',-:.- - ' " One man was killed in an etploslon at the' .IJjidley'-. yardi of the du Pent reader WAtka at.WauvlnstanIVtf 1 When Vour yes need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy -Natviral Flavo- to natural 4 IT IS - UNBLEACHED. Hpllynd : tulcc Cakes -; ,;,.,' -' ;;. - j,:i!:Sbld by Grocers ; 4 Honolidu.Distribiitofor TH. - - iv' .1 1- WE ANNOUNCE ''ANOTHER EXCURSION AT THE ;v r -INCLUSrVH RATE OP- ' v l Leave Honolulu Wednesday Wfu m. i , , . ;rpturnattjr0ay, i a. mv K Stcove ; Reservations - -. - Interisland5team bone,i9ilOf i f 1 c ft . w i The present menace uninl tellig iriijust. the; same np ; " jeopardy. YOUR f utufe, -Mrhen yon 'ipend xarelessly, '-. saving ; nothing and having no serious thought' for the days to oome when .what you have will need to cover unexpected expenses. ' ; ; ; ',':r:' 'Join the'ws -of ;men and women who are loyal to ' themselves "and- the nation by putting; a little money side 'each Week, in ''a, safe place where it earns inter est and. helps to accumulate more money.; 1 ! We pay 4 per cent interest on time deposits 5" Bishop & .Company Savings Department flour. Holly flour Look for the Creamy - and Bread of fure 'i and Tickets ' - - --. Navigatio 'Xiueen .Street to pur country, i 0 - .''if I ..... .,r,.: - '.':-" -; v : r, -; : . -.'. . .-. ;; ''.' : I -..-..- . -.'." ', . '. """"" " I " ' I ' " y hCb Ltd ent spending f.riv,.-;( ; . .5. .--, r