Newspaper Page Text
--.v. .-V' v nONOLiJLU STAB -BULLETIN, FRIDAY, MAT 4, 1917. Furniture and Piano wort : SERVICE FIRST HONOLULU CONTRUCTION & DRAYlNG CO., LTD. PHONE 4-9-8-1 J. J. BELSEB, Manager. STORAGE 65 TO 71 SOUTH QUEEN ST. MATS WW. iniRl'SlifiAIISiTIIATinNMERS IfiRlDElOHS school- cmocrsta announce the follow in j jale of meeting for the primary lafjnu; ; . " ' - v' "cnlght Mokauea road; Punchbowl ! Luso streets. aturdty Aala park., :cndar,i ' Ma ; . 7--MoiIlHI crlJlIuoalanl school. 1 ucdajr,: May" SWalanae. -Vr(lnesdiy.,Ma7 9 Kalulanl parkj ...l-uaa; ccaooi ana union, street. I; nrsdiri May 10 Wilder aventu i ifa(Mir.aiM.o nntt. i n a wu , tilivmt UH van. i.iiv) i- - .' Vy," " " rliay, May iralpahttVi and .V - .' .'.:'.'' ." . ' ' .(urday, . May. ; 12 Kaneohe,- 9 a Waikaie; soon ; Kahana, 2p. ta.; !a, 4 p. hi.; Lale, T:S0 p. jn. , ncJay, May 1 3-?-0 pen date. r:.:ay May, 14 Vineyard and r streets: Falihl-iraena schooL : c day. May 1 5 Open date. .'( JneBda'y. : Mayr 1 Pumping '3, WaSyllcpIlo; Lalmt road. Nno- : rsday, May U-pen date. ; . ay. May 18 Aala partii' - o Dpmocrata hava ' settled on S and garbage issues as the, prln-. 1 points of argument and at their :!ng last nlsht under the banyan la Palama they told what fine i they would build iand promised rsrtage "If put Into office. .They naturally panned the Republicans v hat they; bad not ;'don : aiong lines with eniphasis on the lack ..J construction In the fifth dls- Attempts to Color Reports . Increasing Low Estimates (8ircai Cor. Faifs AiKut Sugar NBW VO'tK ... v jrllj!. TJie (ulan sit film., in m '.t an ls on the American market Is con cerned, has been considerably clari fied during the past week. !t 1 gen erally conceded in view of the many confirmed adrlces recently received by the local sugar trade that the Cu ban revolution and Its accompanying disturbing influences are now to be considered aa largely eliminated. With this knowledge at hand the trade has naturally- confined its pre sent interest in the Cuban situation to a conjecture as to how closely the various estimates made of the reduc ed Cuban crop which have freely cir culated of late approach the fact. Laid Co Inspired -Pressure v; . ' An attempt to minimize previous reductions, of. Cuban' crop estimates was made - early-lft the. week. The lmprorcd statistical position of the crop was based on, the publication of a report emanating from the state de partment to yie effect that the pre vious unfavorable crop, estimate quot ed by a United States consular officer of ,200.000 ' long" tonsshould ba In creasHi by 10 per cent iThls attempt to Influence, values as a matter of record fell flat in the local marktlniimtirh- n If -aft'-All I known ; that the 10 oer 'cent Increase Bocrlons-. were on deck; ini l,inllcated was predicted on the 1m L. u McCancIless. ? who. ;al :i tct running for any. office, is -frnlnr tor a-Democratic admln 'ica. C. Prlnele and -J.-'X. the fcayoralty candtdateswere , the. former with, his, circus "car, la- rrcrslsed : that - everythine i dirferest lf.heiwas elected. - f; akcrs were tne''14iiuperTUh r ",'''o :. ?.Z Z "N3Cn3 COOKED ' 1 : - i: Hev. L.' TJ. Kauineheiwa, 1 1 c zl2,- Dr, .W. 1L Fry.; Mr. . V,'; R.XhnilcgworUfc. N. ,T. ITrs.' Cc!!:-s, Il. Gay. Chas. :r:. l:::.U Jvl-soa and -Infant, ':-. .Tc ' r.rcn, II. O. Paschoal, E. . ::i:s.XircntftX. A.J. Dow, ;:. r:-.c:tx, iTfs c. Morgan.-. ? .u a : : i z z n 3 cx f zcted : . . , cr.rcr expected Mrs. Royal : li-g Katberine Scott,, Richant A. V. Terr In, K. It. Rey. Mw r'. Ir. Carres, Irs. C J. Flavin. 1. M. Dor.ildscnr Miss Bessie. H. cits, MIj-s rile Lucas, lss r.rrce.'Miss 11. Burr. Mrs. -3t. : . mies White,' ::ts.-'-Mary.-Cpfl-K. MeycrR Mrs. 2. K. Meyer, :;:;iette, U. . Miyn Miss M, F. ' r. Oj 'orn, Mrs. . OBborn, ilrs. : rr. p," Henry Dutton. Mrs.- A: , . rs. A. -W. Barnes,. Mrs. A. AV. . r.uth.A. Wood. Mrs. F, rry, R. !1. AVsrd,' Mrs. R. M. Mr.yir.4 Mrs: Nesbit, Bishop cr.d faUyry.Mr.v- and Mr?, end fs :rJl v Clarence 6e?gh, J. Ralitcu, S. G. HIndes, F.;J. y, Mrs.' F. JLcwfey: .: " i ?, a ccur5 of 5 private lessons : :m to tlace froa Madams Les : : rnnlul-u's Icadin- teacher, L O. . HaJl, of Fort and King.- -3 Tel. lie:. , Res. S675 , Office hours 'to 6,.: ' mediate 'resumption; of normal, bar- Vesting conditions, - an event which Bven the; most, optimistic forecaster of the present Cubatt crop outturn LFJl SCilOfll IS Uttle Credence Given to Recent ifuJd uot honest,3r exl,ett lo ,K5 rea1' I Ate advices from Cuba dearly in dicate that President lenocal fc in complete command of the situation. His reelection which was clinched by the elections held during the present week in the disputed province of Ori enie has definitely settled the dis turbing political situation that was the primary cause of the late revolu tion: With peace restored among the Cu ban political factions it is only logi cal that the harvest in Cuba will pro ceed from now- on at a normal rate in the Western provinces and at an in creased rate in the Eastern provinces, where the. production has been most seriously retarded. It must be borne J in mind in this connection that from the most authoritative sources such little information as can be gleanei is to the effect that any resumption in the Eastern provinces of a produc tion closely approaching normal is yet a long way off. While it is true that grinding has been resumed by the centrals located on the northern coast ft most also be taken into ac- 'count that the mills located on the Cuba railway are still to a large ex tent restricted as to their output by the fact that transportation facilities are' to date practically unobtainable While it is undoubtedly true that many of . the earlier reports relative to the hampering of Cuban production based solely on the influence of the Cuban revolution may have been somewhat overdrawn U can also be truthfully' stated-that the restoration of normal production by many of the affected ' centrals int)riente and Ca maguey province is practically rfn Im Iffi ttHS Mr ECTH SUGAR ' : m 'w k v wonk wjf w- '.w wk kna - ar pitMIUfclltM KtVrJUyiLt r DpfinitPYftr1 Dpfpr- i on; Xeaj4cottee-cKvan1 various r v mined end Differences of Opinion Quite Genera! WASHINGTON, D, Discussion among 'mnbers; of Con gross as to th revenue: legislation to be adopted tor the purpose of meeting in part the financial burden of the war reveals that there is still no general agreement on this subject-.The deci sion to authorize the t issuance by, the treasury department ot $2,000,000,000 In short term certificates of Indebted ness to bo taken up out of revenues indicates the probable? sunf that - the new taxes will aim to realized fit will servo also to glvt - Congress : time to consider and' debate the revenue ;bl!l rather more "carefully than it- could otherwise as"'ft.. will obviate the neces- of tb drawbactTroTision of the tariff law for the purpose ofdiscouraglns e ; It : Is' well understood that' the ad ministration is , dislnclmed ; to : dlsfurh tariff, schedules; at the present time. As ' to .the consU nption " tax there is conslderiblo ; difference? of., opinion .Many congressmen are strongly op (osed o it; because it . will add to the cost to consumers ,of the commodltlej on which it is laid and so wilMncreas-t the growing burden of 'be high cost -of living; i In' other quaier -'where it or dinaril f ;wbuld 'bfc qp pced there is a disposition to accept Jt as' an! emergen cy measure provided, it'is- applied to a sufficient number of producU to yield a "considerable amount., of' revenue.' The repeat of the drawback clause of tillv nf rnthin I hrourK lprfitlaUon In the tariff. Whili -it' WOUld mean gome increase ot revenue; ia;iuieiy w meet opposition, on the ground; that It would hamper"' the wori of supplying the Al lies with needtia products. . ;V Oistike Consumctlon Tax k In vlew Of tho opposition in, both nartiesto-'die imposition of taxes on . . " k . . Ml. 'iK.A --Ak' consumption rossiDie - inai iue order to ; begin Immediately to . awell ' tho-, treasury receipts, It la ? agreed however",' that the general plan . and sedpe of the .bill should be determmed as early as,' possible id order that the business world may know what bur dens it will bo called upon to hear. 4 PrCBmili Affect Inn (iunif ' "i f ' nrmosrstle leaders may 'decide In the revenue legislation likely to be of . stead to: Iut i revenue duty on tea. special Interest to the sugar ' Indus-f coffee and some tther articles now ad try 'thrco possibilities are, under diaJMtted' frea. . cusslon. . One of thes Js an increase, Within the, neit wek or .10 days of the tariff on sugar and other com ' considerable progress probably wjll te modities. Another- is the plan to Im pose a direct ' consumption tax , on all sugar, domestic and imported, as Well Tf ..3.1LEVEin)& m. 7 t , is not Fcriiir)ui oup's foodra palatable diet, tut it is cutting , out indigestible vlt.. jluquantit3e balaneo up essential food Yaluc&;i?X ' . TJie prdiua.uietis;gcxier of thcc values, 8uch as thc mineral elements, the Jack of which,;, isnpften JresponsiblQ foraBernia, listlcssness, nerv ous breakdown, aBd general inefficiency. ;-Adaily; ration; of 4 a made, by the ways and means commit tee in preparing a bill. . P. 0. WILL TELL TIK.IAIL 01)1 r. ... ; -. . i - r .ssv .;-- -. ... ;'.. u' : ' w-'? . -"!' ;: lias been , booii jb f thousands. Made :'bf prinie hard1 x: I: c it iiiid in al ted barley, it contains all tl iiutriinent " incl tiding: tlio vital mineral elements phosphates of i otaslif e tc which ' Nature has bountifully store in thcerici-:fpbd.grris ; '(jraperKut.s; to digest, and comix iradj to cat jlirectirohv the packet: ;A trisp, appetizing food that combines good, simple living" and truecbno , 'V Yi i-orors iind -fltores sell ;GnipcrKuts. 'postmaster DC H. MacAdam today told the StaBulletin he, desires to in form -the- people of Honolulu msj f wherever Information i,s available the ipost off ic0, will. answer inquiries as to ine closing um i mus. - SJncewar , .was declared by the United States on Germany, April 6, the - post office, as well aa the Star Bulletin, have complied with the navy, department's request not to mention the times mall steamers will arrive or depart.; .T-v: This : has been ' a hardship on the jpbst of fice as well as the newspapers. t because a great ; many inquiries by every day by thc"officefrom husiness firms snd individuals, wanting to know the time, malls will close Xor mainland and foreign :po(nta.; L f Lnv'e arCin the same fix as the newsMDers,' said the postmaster thi l- morning "I wish you ?rould telj the J public thatwherever. the information 'Js availablev we will answer Inquiries as to the closing time of mails. " We are not allowed to give out anything more." I' ; PASSENGERS ARRIVED 1 rFrom Hawaii: Mrs. M. Hardee and two infants,Mrs. E. C. Greenwell, Mrs. O.- E. Bryaift. Miss u Bryant, Mrs.t W. Ackerman and two infants. Miss Jones. S. Lyle and wife, Mrs. I R. Wassman, Ai S. Wall. H. Yamanaka, E. CJ Smith Miss latscher. ! IWhcnVbcr Eves Need Cere -;;;Try Hlcs&c Remedy .'.'i s -;-'-'-'-':;,:' ' ' More breadth was shown in the 6tock list today than for several days past though the volume of business u as somewhat smaller than yesterday. Generally the tone was firm. Several stocks not traded in every day ap peared among the transactions. Prices on sales were Olaa 13, Waialua 31 3-4. McBryde 10 1-2, Onoinea 54 1-4, Pacific Mill' 171-2. Oahu 293-4, Pioneer 371-4. San Carlos 18 1-2, Pahang 19 1-2, Brew ery 16, and Ewa 32 1-2. The market for unlisted stocks was in direct contrast and was narrow in tone and small in volume. Mineral Products lost its recovery of yesterday end receded below the earlier low price 'of 70 cents to 69 cents. Other prices on sales were Engels Copper $C and Mountain King 40 cents. Quo tations were 'Oil ?2.95&$3, Montana Bingham 38 Q 40c and Madera 2829c. Honolulu Stock Exchange Friday, May 4. MERCANTILE Bid Asked Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd 260 290 C. Brewer A Co. SUGAR Ewa Plantation Co. ...... Haiku Sugar Co. Hawaiian Agr. Co.( . . : . . . Hawn. Com. 4L Sugar Co. . Hawaiian Sugar Co.. Honokaa Sugar Co. Honomu Sugar Co. . . . . . Hutchinson Sugar Plant.. Kahukir Plantation Co. . . Kekaha Sugar Co ...... Koioa Sugar Co. MfBryde Sugar Co., Ltd. . Oahu sugar Co. (Rtwl 8tr-Bllett Crmv4 WA1I.LKI. Maui. May 3. By Act 1V), lately passed by the legislature aad signed by ' the governor, and , 4 which goes into effect on June 1. La-f halnaluna school Is taken out of tue ( control of the board of commissioners of public instruction of the territory and placed under the jurisdiction of a special commission of four members, all of whom shall e Maul resident. One of the?e. w ho shall be the-eofii-cio chairman, is to be the Maui com missioner of public instruction, and the other three are to be appointed uy the goveruor. MacDonald To Stay It is stated officially from Honolulu that -Principal Mac Donald, who 1 re sented his resignation some time ago, has consented to withdraw it and will remain at the head of the school i der the new regime. Has Salary Money Been Appropriated? Some question has arisen here on Maui as to whether or not appropria tions were made In other bills as pio vided for in the new act If not it seems likely that the school mtgat find Itself without funds for carrying j on its work. Section 8 of the act pro- j vides: 'The salary of the principal,! teachers, servants and officers of the school shall be such as may be from time to time appropriated by the Its- lslature. It is not known yet --nether or not any such appropriation was made, . . 32' 32'2 200 215 48 ..... 49 40 9 19 21 Olaa'Sugar Co., Ltd. 160 104 10'a 29 ,29 14ft f1 5 54 54a . . . 29 17 20 200 37 18a siy4 37A Onomea Sugar Co. . Paauhau Sugar: Plant Co. Pacific Sugar Milr-... .. Pala Pfaritatlon Co. . . Pepeekeo Sugar Co. .... Pioneer Mill Co. ........ San Carlos Milling Co. . . . Waialua . Age; Co. ... WallukuSugaK Co ..... i MISCELLANEOUS Ehdau Dev. CoV Ltd. Ist lssua As, 60 PvPd. ' 2nd Issue Assess. 8 pc. Haiku Fruit A Pack, Pfd. Haiku Fruit & Pack, Com Hawaii Con. Ry. 7 pc. 0.. Hawaii Con. Ry. 6 c. ft. . Hawaii CbnuRy Com? .': Hawaiian Electric Co..K . Hawaiian Pineapple Xo. . Hon. Brew. & Malt 'Co. ... Honolulu Gas" Co, Ltd . . . Hon. R. T, A L. Co J . .7. . . Inter-Island Steam Nav Co Mutual Telephone Co. :. Oahii Railway & Land 'Co. Pahang Rubber. Co. ..... 6elama-0lndings Plan. Pd Sefarfta-Dlndings P 63 pe .-. Tan jong Olak Robber Co. . T BONDS ; , Beach Walk Imp. DistyA. Hamakua Ditch Co, IJf. Hawaii Con. Ry. 5 pc. Hawaiian I rr Co, 6s.. . . . Hawv Tef.'4 pc. Refund . . Haw; Ter. 4 pc. Pub. Imps, Maw. TervPub. Imp4 pc H'aw.' Terr'l S'i pev . . . . . Honokaa Sugar Co, 6 pc. Honolulu-Gas Co, Ltd, 5s 104 Kauai .By, Co, 6s. ..... .. 100 Manoa Imp. Dist 52 PC McBryde Sugar Co 5s Mutual "fel. 5s .... ....... Oahu fry. A Land Co, 5 pc ..... Oahu Sugar Co 6 pc.... 109'2 Olaa Sugar Co 6 pc . . . . . Pacific Guano A Fert Co 100 ' Pacific Sugar Mill Co, 6s. 100 San Carlos Milling Co. .. 102 40 16 140 '14 41 164 200 ! p 162 20 91 70 a. ih 100'a 99 Between Boards: Sales: 15, 5 Waia lua, 31.75; 50, 5 Waialua, 310; 150, 100, 30 Olaa, .15; 100 M cBryde,-10.50 ; 15 Onomea, 45.50; 55,' 100 Pacific Sugar Mill, 17.50. ; V Session Sales: 20 Oahu Sugar, 29.75; 20 Pioneer, 37.25 22 San Carlos, 18.50; 10 Pahang Rubber, 19.50; 5, 5 Hon, B. & ,M, 15J5; 5, S Hon. B. A M, 16; 20 Ewa, 320; 1 0 Pioneer, 375. : RUBBER QUOTATION. At the Singapore Rubber Auctions held this week commencing Wednes day, r plantation pale crepe realized 67.12 cents per pound. The New York price for the cor responding date was 82.50 cents. - ' '? Latest sugar quotation: 96 deg. test, M75 cents, or $123.50 per ton. Sue ar 6.175cts Henry Waterhouse Trust C6 - Ltd. Members Honolulu Stock and. Bond .Exchange . Fort and Merchant Streets .. .. , - - TeJephoit . 1208 AR.MV DESERTERS SURRENDER; 1 - WANT TO FIGHT FOR U. 3. II : -H i J j - mriJBI!IGIIT PAUA- it. HOT k ST. C THOMAS H. INCE PRESENTS BESSIE BARRISCALE and BRUCE M'RAE . In the powerful Triangle Ptotoplay of modern life " Gliarles Mmirray' The funniest comedian in the Keystone Forces in Animated Weekly Picturization of world events. ; Prices 10, 20, 30 Cents. 1 Box Seats 50 Cents GRAND JUNCTION. Colo. John A Manion, rirst sergeant of Troop M. Fourtn cavalry, and Private Max fjptlepih of the same troop, who de serted at Caiixco, Cal, on. March 6. have answered lo ithe call of patrio tism by surrendering to Corporal HJ C, Hawkins, In charge of the local army recruiting ttaticn. Man ion had been in the service twelv years, serv ing In Mexico, Honolulu and the Phil ippines, and had attained the rank of first sergeant Both are anxious for return ts duty n order to fi.urht Gerv many. PLAN STRUCTURE FOR FUMIGATION Bids will be opened at Che . depart ment of publlc works next Monday for the construction of a concrete fumiga tion building to be used by the entomo logical' bureau, of the "hoard of agri culture and ' torestry.; The building will stand on Allen street across from Pier. 6. v -.. . :, -".: The main room of the building will be 44 feet and 6 inches by 48 feet and 8 inches, while the fumigation room will bev4 feet by 53 feet and. 10 inches.- in the former will be offices', quarantine section, lavatory and plant section. In the ' latter: will be three separate rooms for fumigation. BFC0NsfB Special Amateur Performance Tomorrow JSJiKt ' ' " Moie Laughs and Surprises Than a. Circus -''" '"' ''' ' '''' : --.V-- v H. -'V." WATCH ANNOUNCEMENT TOMORROW When Cross, Feverish and Sick Give "California-Syrup of Figs" Children love this -fruit laxaUve," and nothing else, cleanser the tendei stomach, liver and bowels so nWely. A-child simply will not stop playing to empty Lie bowels, and the result is, they become tightly , clogged with waste, liver gets sloggish, stomach sours, then your little rone becomes cross, half-sickv : feverish; don't . eat, sleep or act naturally,- breath Is bad, system full of cold, has, sore .throat, stomach-ache or diarrhoea . Listen, Mother! See it tongue is coated,' then give 5a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of.Figs,":andin,afew. nours all the-: constipated waste sourj bile aAd undigested food passes, out of the sys tem, and you have a well, playful child again. . . r A . MUJIonjs of mothers give "California Syrup of Figs because it 1s perfectly harmless; chUdren love it. and? nev er falls to act, on. the stomach, liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown ups plainly printed on the bottle. Be ware of counterfeits sold here. Gel the genuine, made by "California FfS Syrup Company." Refuse apy other kind with contempt Adv. A resolution placing at the disposal of President Wilson in case of war 48.000 members of. the Polish Falcon's Alliance of America was adopted at the opening session of a special con vention of that organization at Pltts nrg. IN" THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii At Chambers In Probate. In the matter of the Estate of Man uel Caetano Baptista, Deceased. Notice of Hearing Petition for Probate of Will. A Document purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of .Manuel Caetano Baptista, deceased, having on the 4th day of May, A. p. 1917. been presented to said Probate Court, and a Petition for Probate thereof, praying for the issuance of Letters Testamen tary to Antonio D. Castro, having been filed by said Antonio D. Castro. It is ordered, that Friday, the 8th day of June, A. D. 1917, at 2 o'clock p. m.. of said day, at the Court Room of said Court in the Judiciary Build ing in Honolulu, City and County of llonolulu. bo and the same is hereby appointed the time and place for prov ing said Will and hearing said appli cation. By order of the Court: H. A. WILDER, -Clerk. Dated Honolulu. May 4, 1917. W: J. ROBINSON, 916-920 Fort St, Honolulu. Attorney for Petitioner. 6777 May 4, 11, 18, 25. At 11 AO o'clock 7 X&i?2& -fhQ'it jna of lOillSIIT : At7M0'o;clok r An accident to bur feature film prevents us from showing ' it tonight Instead. Ve present - ... - EH. SOTHERN and v ..- PEGGY HYLAND IN ..." - MS mm 13th Chapter of '.' "The Shielding Shadow" :Upto:the:Minnte,: PATHE WEEKLY - COMIHGTSUNDAY Pauline predericb::in PRICES 10, 20, 30 CENTS.) 1 - BOXES 50 CENTS mim. .if-- -- 'Vl lAtCIIILDO FRIDAY, 2:30 immwrn v'v -4 ; Marguerite Clark in 'Miss'Geofge'Washington BURTON HOLMES' TRAVELS. CHILDREN, ALL AGES 10 CENTS. In Gome and see our complete line of Silver Novelties, Jades, Dia monds, Watches and Jewel Tv of all kinds. Remember, afterIav 1st we will be in our new store at 1112 Fort St. H. Culman Co., Ltd. MATINEE 2:15 TONIGHT 7:40 Whooping Cough tTUMt 1T A implp. sure nd :I f-Mre Irfilmmt for broupbial trqt. toMlr.g drey. Vaj.r--ia4. t:rla tte? th pansrna :of Ctrmf at qik. it In bsa t nXtrm tr m A'tbma. Tm lr fndrrM. utrn;! ntl rptle. lmpin4 with rrrry bnali. nakra brtithlng ray; wiV thf mnt tlmm d tpth'tijh.--nr1v""nlUrtiW. Hi luTalnsbl to iT"fhT witb 7000; cblMrco. trunent of Dlpbtbe rU. enmendation In 30 iin of u2?pl afik SjldbyCkcmtsts. Vipo-Cretfletis C. H ITUI3T .I c ta . a n HeiDouBIeLife Last Chapter The Crimson Stain ' Myitery ' Pathe Color Film 'Prices, 10, 20, 30c ilTHKA T ti H 1 Program beginning at 1:50 p. m. until 4 p. m. : J ; ; .i Evening (two shows 6:30 and 8:30: SPECIAL PROGRAM . FOR TODAY : AND EVENING. . f"Peg 0' The; Ring"; t fourteenth epiaoae sensational senai) Universal. -1 : ::i vU-.'--V-; MSELIG-TRIBUNE- (illustrated newsj- Selia. . , , -OTTO'S CABARET (comedy) Lubln.; "THE PATIENT FOOD CONVEYOR . (comedy) Vitagrapn. . , ; . 1 ... . ' .. .-.- ' - - . .