Newspaper Page Text
o 3 3 3 CO Trade H- r Reg. tJ. 8. Pat Oft:. ' TVtY'S.S U'fc A PPtCS AND - Cove om aim rs c UJHAT , HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN DA1I-Y AND WJlf WgiiKIyY Term of Bubucrlptlon: Dil SUr-Bulletin 71 cent per raoft, $1 per rw, 6 cenu pr copy. SenVWteny SUBBlltUn $B :r AdrertU!nrRat;t: CltMlfled and Bminest ABaounc- rte&tt 1 cent per word per e&cn iwer. t.i, up to one week. t!mate ilx words per Une, Per lln. one week Per line, two weke 40 oen" Per Une, one month. ... . . . eSf Per Une. U tnie..0 ce nu ma Otber ruee upon appueauon, . No tdrertleeaentt of liquors ox ce tiin i pTcpiioUry xnedlclnee wUl be tceepted. mM la : replflat to adertliemettU, i,o drei row replies ecUr is sUted ta tne sdrertlf eaaent. ' If, 70a are a telephone nxbecrfber, phonf rer- adrerjliement; wa will Otm PHONE IS 4911 LOST Lady's Eltln watch;. en jraTinr. "From XlDia to BUlle, Xmas -909," on In aido of case. Liberal reward if re turned to . Star-Bulletin office. . . : '; 6810-rt.,. ; Raincoat, between Schofleld and Alea. Reward If returned Chaplain Fealjr, Schofleld. - 6811 St WANTED. : Hoofs i to Repair Wo cuarantee to top ail leaks, v eo Lou Rojert or sAJonso, Jones. We ; lead; . others follow.- rurekt Paint Co, ti$ Bo. Petriess i Presenrlai Palat Co, also ntch and Qrarel Root epoclallsts, - still at the old stand, ti Queen at, -; : Ptoao Am, , Wanted to buy tor cash; lmprored or ttnlmproTCd property suitable for ; home. Address Box $38, Star-Bulle " - tin. ' . . ; .O . .-, '-. . y 150 l Wanted Second-hand ' Ford Truck. t - v pt conditions ; and lowekt terms. f ? Address "Aloha, - P. O. Box 749. ?' : Waited to buy for caah a Ford Road- tier. - Address box ho, iu, uara w pttrEuUetia." ; ; 6809 6t The best market pMCa will bo paid tor i eicia washed cotton ran - by -the v Uc-olula - Etar-CyUetln,.!-: ; - T84-tt HELP WANTED Tour f jaan for Gfflco - ;,la . wholesale hfeuae, with v some knowledge of bockkeeplnj and typewriting.- Good ' wlfes. ; Apply a own handwritla. : vAddres Box 140, Star-Bulletin;-; - ; . - 6807-4X "' Boy wanted to take posltlou la print , Irg plant. Also opportunity ; of at : tending schools Good pay to start :; Apply air. Thona v x. a. . V Clerks inr.ted at tho .Ideal Clothing : Stort at nce.: -V i;CS10r-2t . SITUATION WANTED., t ; Young lady T. lshes position As clerk U " or :a5?rboikPCT; gocdY refer " - enccs.l,AAdrcja t3bxi64 Star-Bullo-' Hz oaice,'. '.y f:.l 68io-t?t j ' Experienced young cliiutf eur desires neat -firm. Addresa sox ess. star- -1 807 6t lh Japanese girl want position as took 6810 2t ' v EMPLOYMENT 0FfCE3, The t mlsa Smploymeht offlca, engla . eerlng, building, contracting; phono . K75. O. N. Nlahlzawa, Alapal and Japaneao ' help Pacific Employment Bureau. 1166 Union near Hotel St, Phono 4156. 6806 m T. NakaxdshV S4 Beretania at, near ' Nuuanu. Phone 451L 6:30 a. tn. to 6 p. m. Recldeaco phone, 7096. 5146-tf Aloha Employment Office. TeL 4S89. ' Alapal st, oppv Rapid Transit office. All kfadt.: help rcr&iahed. 6l0l-tt Japanese help of an kinds, male and female. G. Hlraoka, 1210 Emma st Pbne 1420. 6054-tf one place, in their at tempts ' to prt7 with .- the Rvsslaa soldiers,' displayed a blacard reading -Russians, dont attack; we also will tot attack." r ; V 'CIGARS ; -HTZFAtiaBROS; i Adelina Patti COT CP j WOULfc Vow M(Nfcb UHAT FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE BUICK Racer, 8300; also Hudson. S20; both good condition. Phon 40B5 or Pacific Auto Machine Shop. 6303 --6m 1912 Packard Rosdstrr. in good condi tion, 3700. Address P. Sts Bulletln Office. 6608-tf AUTO ACCESSORIES All makes of auto and bicycle tire and tubes; auto accessories; also vulcanizing, retreading, rebeading, etc. Taisho Vulcaniiing Co., J-td., 180 Merchant, Kwa Alakea st phone 1197. 6582-6m Automobile, carriage, -agon supplies Quaker, Portage tires, tubes New , Oahn Carriage Mfg. Co. Tel. 2742. 6803 6m Accessories; tires. Tel. 1324 Smoot & Steinhauser, Alakea and Merchant 6803 6m MOTORCYCLES, ETC. THOR 'motorcycles; Pierce bicycles; supplies; painting; repairing. K. Okahlro. opp. Oahu Ry. Tel. 4018. T. EKI-cyciemotor agt. So. King. : 6804 6m BICYCLES. Komeya, Bicycles, Punchbowl Kiug. 6076-tf MIYAMOTO, bicycles. 128 King St 6803 6m SATO. 830 N. King. TeL 1026. 6803r-6m SEWINQ MACHINE BARGAIN Drop-head Stof er sewing machine la perfect orders cost scar ror ewe sale, pries 125. Cottago 6, Cressaty's, 2011 Kalia road, Walklkt 6303f MISCELLANEOUS TO CELEBRATE: THE 5TH ANNI- - VERSARY G. Fujikawa, King and v South streets, will bold a grand re duction salt "cm all new and second- : hand furniture at reduced prices for a ' period of - ono month until; July - 12th. TeL.16 v; 1 680tf-lm All kinds bt . trult, TegeUhlea- and X seeds, f 1061 Aala street. Phono 8564. t779- -v : - . AUOTIOH BULLETIN We are sure that the many owners --'of unused Furniture Are not doing the best they can to help themselves, or their neighbors. . What does It . profit you, that that old Bed suite shall stay year after year tn the basement, or those old but very use ' tul Chairs shall remain la the attic, you can absolutely seU them for fair value at any time la the . Auctlen : Rooms, and It you do not need the .money, buy subsistence for a Lin T coldahlre Baby, there are many left In the Fea country, whose fathers ' died that we ; may be peacefully sleeping, f It seems as If the Bocbes ; had: a special ; spite " against the v' fields and pastures where the writer played int boyhood, as they come - back again and Again! to Hereward : the Wakes country to- kill and maim . chiefly .womoa and little children. LttoU' aromvT; for yout1 left off Furni . tore and send it to Honolulu Auc i tloa Rooms. . JS. Bill y. HOTELS 1 - THE P1ERPOINT roa the Beach ar waikikr Furnlshed bungalows and rooms: ei' cellent meals; splendid bathing and boating; 1000-foot promenade pier; beautiful - marine and mountain view; terms reasonable. Mrs. John . Cassldy.i TeL 6708. 6203-tf HALE KAI HOTEL On the beach at Walklkl; fine bathing. Rooma single ' or ea suite, with or without board; .housekeeping apartments. Furniture an new; first-class cuisine; summer rates. New management Phone , J027. 6810 3t St Elmo J065 .Punchbowl St, opp. Library; double and single rooms, with board; excellent cuisine. Mrs. A R. Heapy, prop. 6806 tf Oils and Greases DlatHbuUd by j AUTO SERVICE SUPPLY CO. p J - r Aft ANT r. a u V S fill WEUP'UNftTP - 1 1 I .1 Lett rT Yfil GY? FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSES Desirable houses la various parts of the city, furnished and unfurnished, at 815. 318. 820. 626, 330, 335, 340 and up to 135 a moBth See Ut in our office. Trent Tnit Co., Ltd., Fort street, between Km gr and Merchant "THOSE ATTENDING SUMMER SCHOOL" Completely furnished for housekeeping, three bedroom cottage near Normal, 825. Address Box 641 Star-Bulletin. 6808 t Two-bedroom, nicely furnished cottage with servant's room and garage 1634 Magaaine street Will be va cant June 5th. Apply Coyne Furni ture Co. 6801 tf Two newly.furnished apartments, two rooms and kitchen: walking dis tance. Address 837 Young St Phone 5192. 6810 3t Furnished three-bedroom bungalow, Royal Grove. WaikikL right of way to beach. Phone 7639. 6806 tf Cxnpletely furnished cottages, and apartments on the beach. Apply Mrs. Cressaty, 1909 Kalakaua Ave. . 6779 tf Furnished cottage. 2461 Upper Manoa m. C01I roaa. Appiy no. ztoa or pnuue oi 680S 6t For sale or rent Phone 7609. 3784 tf UNFURNISHED HOUSES. Two-bedroom house. Peck avenue, off Vineyard street Apply 297 Vine yard street. 6796 tf Three-bedroom house, 1624 Dole St Telephone 4281. 6808 tf FURNISHED ROOMS. Attractive suite of rooms, facing beau tiful garden, large lanai, sleeping porch and private bath. Excellent home cooking. The Roselawa, 1366 Ktaf street Phone 2699. 6808 6t Two furnished rooms with lanal; Fu ll ahou district; with or without board. Qox 674 or Tel. 5428. 6810--3t Large room tor two gentlemen, also single room. Bpeclal rates rr the moatc . Heinle's Tavern. Phone 4886. . t . 6743-tf Light housekeeping sad single rooms. Gaazel Place, 111 Vtaeyard, tff. Fort S4344I 1 Light housekeeping rooms r high eleva tion; close ta. Phone l93. 6483-tt Housekeeping and single rooms; close la. Pboae 2543. . 680661 FOR SALE OR RENT. Three-bedroom house, furnished or un- furnished, 1325 Fourteenth ave moi road, KalmukL Price very reason able; Inquire on premises. 6810 12t FOR SALE. OR EXCHANGE Second-hand cameras and lenses bought, sold or exchanged. Koda graph Shop, Hotel and Union sts. 6307-tf 'HIDDEN PUZZLE .PREPAREDNESS, lad a soldier. REBUS. . . musical instrument YI8TSRDAT8 ANbrreBS. 'jper left corner Aoiln, note at lift ihoui&ar. .. , - tefflfejr "75? Cvj Irv (XujL J -A-r BUSINESS GUIDE BAMBOO FURNITURE. R. Ohtani, Fort, near Kukui. Tel. 3028 6800 tf CAFES AND RESTAURANTS Boston Cafe -Coolest place la tows- Art er the show, stop in. Upen aa and night Bijou Theater, Hotel st 6529-tf Columbia Lunci Rooois; quick service and cleanliness our motto; open day and night Hotel st, opp. Bethel. 5518-tf New Orleans Cafe Substantial meals; moderate. Alakea st, cor. Merchant 6589-tf CLEANING AND DYEING A. B. C, Reaovatory; clothes cleaned, . dyed aad repaired. Phone 4149. 6104-tt Steam cleaning. Alakea st., nr. Gas Co. 6234-tf CUT FLOWERS AND PLANTS Coconut plants for sale, Hamoan - riety. Apply A D. Hills, Llhue, Kauai. ... 6277-U T. Kuniklyo, 1111 Fort; phone 1635, 6298-tf Toyoshiba, King st, opp. Vida VUla. 6411-3m CONTRACTORS ANQ BUILDERS. HONOLULU PLANING MILL, LTD., Contractors and Builders. Manufac turers of doors, sashes, frames, blinds, moldings, screens, , brackets, etc. AH kinds of mill work, finish ing, turning. Repair work an small Job a specialty. Fort SL TeL 1510. 6806 6m K. Nomura, builder and contractor; excavating, grading, paving, team ing, concrete, crushed rock, and. MolliilL nr. Quarry. Phone 7488 6568-lyrA CITY CONSTRUCTION CO., general contractors. 130& Fort st, nr. Kukui. Phone 4490. 6452 6m M. Fttjlta, contractor and builder, painter, paper hanger. Phone 5002. 6300-lyr H. Monies, builder aa4 contractor 662 S. Beretaaia st Phone 3227. 6602-6m CONTRACTORS GENERAL HAWAII Buildiag Co, building, paint lag, masonry etc. 1322 Fort St. near KukuL Phone 1195. C616-7m U. Yamamato, 83 S. Kukui st, phoue 4430; general contractor; building. 6354-tf ENGRA I X 3 Calling and business cards, mono grams, wedding inTltations and an nouncements, utationerr. etc.; cor rect styles. StaBull3t!5 Printing Department, 125 Merchant st. ' FURNITURE New and 2nd-hAQi furniture bought and sold. Phone 339S. 1231 Fort st 6453-6m SalkL Bamboo furniture; 563 Bereta nia st iM)7S-tf JUNK Junk bough: and slo. 6407-m Pfrliie 4366. MASSAGE K. . Hashimoto, massage and electro neermg. Nuuanu st, opp. Williams' undertaking office, phone 1785. 64003m MERCHANT TAILOR H. Y. Sang, tailor. 1131 Union. 6454-m MONEY LOANED Money loaned on diamonds, watches and jewelry at legal rates. Federal Loan Office, 95 N. King st 6365-tT Fidelity Loan Office, 52 No. King st Money loaned on diamonds, watches and everything of value. Less legal sates. 6769-lyr PAINTING la Wokong, citizen painter. Phone 4671. 6748-lm SHIRTMAKER8 YAMATOYA Shirts and pajamas made to order. 1305 Fort st, opp. Kukui st, phone 2331. 6442-ljr - -j- ' - H. AkagL 1218 Nuuanu St.; -shirtmaker. 6307-tf . , G. Yamatoya, shirts, 1146 Nuuanu st 8451-3m K. Tamane made to order, 348 N. King 6805 6m TEA MOUSES Ikegu. best Japanese dinners. T. W Oda, prop. Telephone 3212.- 6183 tf i 'V " BUSINESS PERSONALS CHIROPODIST. Dr. Frank O. Kansler. Elite Bldg.. 164 Hotel St Hours. 8:30 to 4:20; Sun days or evenings, by appointment. Phone 5536. 6806 tf EDUCATIONAL PENMANSHIP. L. Malterre classes begin July 10. Can 7176 after 4 p. n. 6806 -lm EDUCATIONAI LANGUAGE. Malterre's French lessons in classes or at private residence. Jjeginners or advanced pupUs. Tel. 7176 after 4 p. m. 6806 m OSTEOPATHIC Dr. P. H. Penaock, osteopathic physi cian. 424 Bsrc nta st; phone 2350. 6701 tf NEW THOUGHT Buy New Thought Books. Phone 1579. 6769-tf PALMISTRY. Mme. Cleo Is aa experienced practi tioner in the Science of Palmistry, by which she has made many re markable prediction. The lines la the haad show the powerful Influence of r 11 affairs of life. Have Me. Cleo read for you. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Parlors 254 S, King street, Phone 3606. Hours 9 to 6. Evenings by appointment. Mme. Cleo will be at Kaptolaal Park, near band stand every Sunday. 6805 tf BUSINESS GUIDE PRINTING We do not boast of low prices, which usually coincide with poor quality; tut we "know how to "put ' Ufe; hustle and go into printed matter, and that Is what talks loudest aad longest. Honolulu Star Bulletin Printing Department, 125 Merchant street - PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS. G. Floyd Perkins, 603 Bldg. 'Pho.ne2907. Stangenwald 6809 6m WOOD AND COAL Tanaba Co.. PauabL nr. River st, tek 2657; firewood aad charcoal, whole sale and retail. 6297-tf ' A Turkish communique states that rurxisa saomanne sanx as ui ron of Alexandria, the steamship Hamour, of 8,500 ;qas; with 7,000 tons of coal and 1,000' toas of cattle food on board. No steamlr cajled the Hamour ap pears. r ' . Mr. J Bona Law declaration re garding Imperial Preference is greaV ly appreciated in Australia, ssys our Sydney correspondent, ast -evidence of Great Britain's intention 'to carry out Mr. Chamberlain's Empire policy. TO g i i' 4 fej !M LITTLE INTERVIEWS JACK MILTON, with Trent Trust Co.: Real estate is picking up. In fact it has been livelier during the past week or two than for some time past and Jack onghi to know. And yon ought to know that the demand for goopl real estate is making itself felt because real estate is the one "snre thing" investment you can't lose on it. Now another thing how in the world do you expect the folk of Honolulu to know, that yon want to sell your real estate unless you let them know by advertising it. Still another fact the place to advertiss jrcrar real estate is in the Classified of the STAB BULLETIN. Because it has the largest circu lation of any paper in the islands. Results are certain. Phone 4911. J BY AUTHORITY OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH Honolulu, Hawaii. June 6, 1917. TENDERS FOR THE PURCHASE OP HIDES. Sealed tenders Indorsed "TENDERS FOR PURCHASE OF HIDES," for the purchase of hides belonging to the Board of Health, for the period of six months, from July 1st, 1917, to Decem ber 31st, 1917. wm be received at the office of the Board of Health until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, June 25th. 1917. Tenders must be for the price per pound tor aides delivered oa the wharf at Honolulu, oa weights approved by aa ageat ot the Board of Health. Payments required la U. 8. Gold Cola Immediately after delivery. The Board does not bind Itself to accept the highest or any bid. THE BOARD OF HEALTH. By its Acting President, K. a PORTER. 6805 lOt OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. TENDER FOR BEEF CATTLE. Sealed tenders will be received at the Board of Health Office until 12 o'clock aoori, Monday, June 25th, 1917. for supplying the Leper Settlement with beet cattle, for the period of six months from July 1st, 1917, to Decem ber 31st, 1917 Specifications at the Office of the Board ot Health. The Board does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any bid. THE BOARD OF HEALTH, By Its Acting President, K. B. PORTER. Honolulu, Hawaii, June 8, 1917. , 6807 lOt SEALED TENDERS. Sealed tenders win be receives! up uatll 11 a. m. of Tuesday, June 19. 1917, for Furnishing and Erecting Finish Car pentry and Hardware aad for Painting Carpentry Finish Mud Plaster Walla at the Administration Bulldfng, New Ter ritorial Penitentiary, Kalihi-kai, Hono lulu, T. H. The Superintendent of I ublic Works reserves the right to reject any or all bids. .t .' Plans, specifications and blank forms of proposal ere on file la the office of the Superintendent of Public Works, Capitol Building, Honolulu. v ; CHARLES R. FORBES, Superlateadeat of Publlo Works. Hoaolula, June 7,4917. 680710 -L Presjdeat Nicholas Marry Bntf er and the student body of Columbia bade goodspeed to the 250 University men aad alumni who have enlisted for war at impressives service In st Paul's Chaple. - Mt m t vt -mx B3 .4- s'iByvBud jFislier Cojyrl'sttfd. 1316. fcy BL- CKUa Satisfaction is what you get : at this GOOD. Y EAR. SERVICE station. 4 1':: . .. - ' -. - iiiv ivii aiuiiiiii-1 uuii4 Co., Ltd. k U Honolulu HUo Automobile " Repairing FBANK COOMBS l. t Bishop and Queen Tei-2182 Autos for Mit-6 KING 4 NUUANU AUTO STAND - . FOR ALL PURPOSES : ? Paper Bags, Cups, Plat, Napkin and Tewel, Etc i AMvHAW. PAPER CO, Ltd. " Phone 14tO m -. J. Ashman Beaven, Mgr. 1 A P XL n ' feat A Tvt'vri HONOLULU MUSIC C'6a Ltd. llOTTort Street-:- MEAT MARKET & GROCERY Phone 34Si C Q. YE HOP A CoZt'y.. M'CHESNEY COFFEE CO. COFFEE ROASTERS . - ' f- Dealers In Old Kona Coff ' Merchant SL ;Hono!ur JORDAN'S WOMEN'S. APpAIeL"'' 1029 Port Street Grirenhajtn' Blue Ribbon.' Chocolatos HAWAIIA .'JRUG CO. Hotel and Bethel Street SILVA'S Vr TOGGERY Home cf Mart Schaffner A Marx cfothes' -t' , King, near Pert ' f PURE-ICE From distilled 'water ' Quick delivery by motor. ' -1 OAHU ICE CO. Phone 1123 The Watcrliouse Ccv Ltd. Underwood Typewriters YOT7NOBUniDINCf H. HACKFELD & CO. Limited' Commission Merchants HONOLULU Lv-V: rx, :v i