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PACIiECO LIAY I BESEGRETARYf TOlMYl Senator May Alto Be NrijetU as unawman oi uoumy.' Committee Seaater Uuwl r.. PatAoco M&V let mentioned la Democratic pojiteM crclee as the likely choice of; the Bourbons (or two positions. Qnefls ckalnnao of the county oemmlfte and tha other U secretary to Mayor J. J. Fern. XM "I understand xny name is tbetaa. mentioned rn connection with the ?po sltlon of secretary to the mayoryPii checo said today, "but I do not'kau what the plans of the Democrats art along tills too." . iV Pecaeco declined to say whether hf would accept the position of secretary if it were offsrsd him. V frf "There U also tone utkChM added, tkAt 1 am -elated to euccisl William McCieilan as a member i"of the county coram tttsa from theflOth. precinct of tha Sth district-- 4fft, Sotr Democrats art of tbi opinion that Pftcbeco, tf ehosea a nemijjef6$ the committee, will be made -ft tin roan. This, however, would ba. lett to tha committee Itself, A metinr of the county committed is to be held in the CoIUns building at 7:20 o'clock tomorrow . evening Chairman McCleUan eaid tcJar,thit a he would tweommend Pacheco as; hit ooecosso pxofiainj Fachetofs atntftd the committee by the -1 Ota ef tbl Mh . Other, businsia ttrapaactedvill probably s.Ucfu4cihw reo4mmnda Uona of 'the committee' to the" ihaypf as to Democrat eligible for tfcpciat meat as heads, of the city and (ouhty departments. J-t ' ' f CAMPBELL ESTATE KEEPS& STEP,W1TH CITY ADVANCg - : Continued from Paw 1)5 j the ' exterior finish will he of i wli te cement plaster, simHer to Ue V$it man building. - r; V';y ; c- j. -?V? On the Port street aide the-tbrel occupied -at present by the HclUiter Drug Company and C. J- Day .ft'Com? pany will remain and will not ati i much, remodeling ' as - those : on; thi Hotel aide.. These ' two stores lyk cellars and : so ' cxeantioa berp w ;u 'be reauired, bat under most of J.t2s other stores it will be necessary std t icav tte tt e - entire ' ltnrtb; 1 1 ' thi building.. .The frosU on the jlcWs' ter and ! Day places will ' be altered and a third itcry added wtbitfEliei1 while noil et tha Hotel street ll-ejo the 'structure will practically- have" t -. he ftbdilf -i T'-r: 'tH.VVf;,'.M - Tbe ccraer at Fort and Hotel') wi'l te occup.el by tte Hawaiian JewtlrJ . end Novelty Co.; Catira newv-hi&d; 'Quarters adjolatng the corner will he -buHt for the Huh store, and ' next j to it will be the entrance to the -ccccl and third floors,. Occurylss lie-ccr ner site on tha second floor ill ' U a Izizt lilies' tallcrts.a' anpori-sa-V ! The buildisrt now occupyt:s?tt s site hare beca there ' tor .years va3 ""the tew structure ia'deslrd bqth;fo ' 'business adrantase and aa an idj-inct a to tha tityi comaerclai , ; thcrouh. i fare. - ' ; ;; ' , . ! r -;,. The new building 'win la allir) i1- atrty be occupied by the a ace tt ccms xiow ca the presiisaa, ld.i::v liitcr'a, 'Day's, (Surrey and Ue 'UuV Jcha 8et9r la to tare the ccr: ! t ' store. The second 'and third He: :s ; wiu . be 'diTided into v from MS ,;t3 20 up-to-date offices, for whichiirj . bare already been sereral arpliti ' , IcproYexnents on tha Ehlers'an3 TVi:hruaa bulldtif a are f titrate llto A amount to IlIWK); ao that tha'ehtlto street ia to be muca improTCdJ In taaklsj aaaouaceaent toay-ef , the building plans, the trustees ef'ti: -i Campbell estate." Messra. 11. Ha vol Holt, A. N. Caaiphen and K. W. SLla S tie; rave tha .foUowisr stataacit: ;vt Hotel street tr the city and cour ir. tt a daciisd to- ramodal - the buli;r.:g owned by tbe estate on TOrt'ttrt : y and. rebuild on the Hotel street' f re:; t- are. The trusteea feel that the vf l; inr : Importance ct thia" aactlca I'cf . Hoaclula as a retail busineaa tctstr demands .recornltioa firbn- theaULj , u ue ics&ais v u .esu 'a - entiUed to up-todat ttorea in ;whicb ; The' new improvement wlU present ti- fonnity of daaim, which will ad3.,ta theVceneral appearance -of this'-, tujt nasi section. The "WiAmaa 'bloc baa - been remodeled and the Ehlersv tied I la la wocesa of yecoastructlctt. - Xf.U V the ccmpletion of the tetabdell-stCrf . me xvit ana notei syeei corners lie Campbell estate will "have ontri5:ttd , .; to Honolulu an Improvement thlt.wUl and ia lme with the general civic" $zo : rresa of recent ' years, - "i t RUflS AUTO THROUGHi ;l CHINESE GROCERY STOkE .1 turned nastily: to Wa rirhtr to ?avc!S l Anwn Pwnahfiti street tT on t -0 Ktr.i ; street yesterday afternoon thftVcEp 1 mii ht W ri-S '-th ava waif tf ITiiw' ITJer'a ei-ocarr.ttft'ra aoa the comer. Damage to the: tore waa about $100. according to the;pc- " nee. Motorcycle roucemen - franco ;' sand- ferrera report that the fcCurrt car suataxnea m janunca ratuacor vana m bent front 1 axle. The police say - Curry turned from King tnto-Pmiahou street at about 25 mile aa kour.' S.fnnta nf frVt an' ft Tit A nm kh'mxM ,the aidewalk near by and through do' Roselawn Hota, fence. Tbf.'potfe - have no Inf ormalloa or. tM -kil. A . . . . t - , - i, . v The governor lraar appolhted.'Wait;i, k; coe ot- stamiora, C Averr ox i r.mtAn Cftorsw EL Beera of j New Havea, delegates to the annual ; Con: oatarllhinsoa is a vtsttor la tlM clty'froa.hla lone in Haul. M;- - Hctjcluia? Aerie Iratamal Order of OCaaJiaieela this evening for regular business ?: rtTheyaUaa Band wlU gjre a pubHocJO!rt in Aala Park beginning atf7.20 tonight XLVSvSpiU baa. raiwaad La hi tomeliniNwUlwili. Kauai, after a ouayjwerk-jn Honolulu. . . iy--bi- k . WaUawarrea Thayerr former acere- Jt4ry1fpfjHifcail, baa retnrned from a sh5rthinj(aa vtait to Hilo. ,".?eltrst,degrte will be conferred at abmi:metins of. Hawaiian Lodge No.i nurAtt x. u tontgbt ATuts&deiros, "engineer" of, the Capitol '.elftator, returned to his 3a tllsyyesterday, after a two weeks' va- tatlomV;v AthOeguler JuaaJUy soeeibit of the IQUihl 'improvement Club wtU be held UliNerenitig in the KalihVwaena haJLY. V fjtJjrafeuneiLfuung.Mea'i Insti iute4tktbia evening for regnlar rUsliTfistih C B. V. Halt CatheUe wisaioa' grounas. Aaae&i,tnas spent a weea wun nis Aunt ?and.l onde. Mr. end Mrs. Jordan Tvisfyat'WaiiW. tThe fega'Ur ntcntbly meeting of the .Xallhi .rmprovemant Club will be held this', livening at the Kallhi-waena scheolfiouse' at T:10. - 4ittBtiTl4MacKaya, editor f the IUto:Tribane.,a-e vlaftor-ta the ty spenemgUiweere wacation, the first be"hU,Ukea la years. U TteHorTolulu Btreet Railway Em- Floyes' Benefit Association wtli meet at 7! 10., tomorrow evening at 'ita cluh- louiey. Beretanla street. Ms'K'tfa fslexpectedT'li Young of Marenro. Iowa, eiUbeiwbrk among the girls at the $ospei'MU$ioa Home ia Kalauki picitlcliUbeltgh' Lodge No;l, I. a jj. f r.ri mssta tonight for nomination Of l i fleers. This is also the third evening of; the whist tournament airjVtndrilra. Walter W. Barnett of l I1H14 Utf (Jet,- XailM. welcomed laat UturCiKat; the Department hospital, iprtitnaiter, ine arrival or a daugh .VMftTtn Mrs. 4 Carl Albert Henne. btrg-OMlslD Cedar street,' welcomed atjthir;hta last fH4ay thearrtvaj CfiaonAwho baa beta christened Ed wrd.-V'Vr"'' ' ' : f t'i 2imiM; . .I 'AttcraejiEaoi Tlncent -of Wailuku. Mgui, ia 'ho? baa been, la ' the city at- tescisgttoicasea before the supreme courtMeft'today for Tils Valley Island it rfn XtThursloa has gone to Eaa'and wm. return the latter fcirt'cf.'Jttlyi He wfll Joia Mrs, Tbura- tos.noaj been oa the coast for aone',wesa. , ; 'R.ltk.Craik of the public works de r-rtmentf tia left tor the mainland ir.dicnihls: return will ba'aoeompa- rl? 3iby his bride. The wedding will ue vpuceiw Virginia,-,i w Da t a J Lan! and Mist Margie Kiel sen I were married U?t Saturday - by Rev.' II.: US Parker, pastor -of Kawaia fc ao i citirth) the witnesses beiaf Mrs. E. AhSand J,4 X Meyer. S , , ; vl V Summers' bta beea returned to dr iCUlt-f court la the aae of Lydia Ka mae Vetal-; against' the ; Oahu Sugar COk-'.V-a't-loa to enjoin the defendant rca t clalr Jng certain lands valued at about V?uo;ooo. . v. , ; -; ; o J.V h:;. chnack has , gone to Saa Trat icOitad will spend two'or three nicnt. j'en'the' Pacific .coast - He win also .,;t'hia son, Dr.A. 0C. Echnack. Part.'cfnho. tlme Mr. Schnack: will be atiBartlfett'Sprlnga,-' . . f j ci J.-Ksniau vans. who. resigned y clerk t'the purchasing' agent'a office ,ta'(Wcrk bthe legislature, baa return e3 itohlii former T position. Francis Erans,wl b". took bis place, te leaving .for' the mainland. r-,;: -' : : . , J'AVith'Rer. Kong .Tta Tet, ttaator of the'.Chinti Episcopal Church of Stl i eter's of delating. Chlng Young Chow i -dlllss -Mua Kam ' Hoong, jiroml-ncnt-.lnHocal young Chinese circles, V re-married last Saturday. The wiK tjlssfts iwcre Tarn . Sbee and Bl: O. Sulna:; ;:T$. '; . ' jiWith i Rev. Samuel K; KamalopIIi. assist a ttv rasto- &t Kamnakantll ithurth, ,cUdatinr. NIcle4ar K-Hopll etthle 'city, and Mr. Minnie Aka of llirnftc:atli avenue, KaimukV wers tzLrt . t Hi: I night at the borne of Hoc and.Mrs.f-J.imee K. Uta. Maluhla VII Jo;a,- tl-.e iiita beins the wlCnesseS to the -cirsaony. - Mrk Hopii was- former It tc nn fee led with the Honolulu post bfflceand (was assistant cleric pf ta house j ln'tbe latr legislature.- ? . rv. ii. t :.-k . .' . . '.. ; .: r 'C Albert ;Murphy and Mrs. LHHan'M. McCLllouthv were ' married yesterday evening :att the home of Rev. Leon I JUooftouroWk' 2540 Ferdinand afreet tistr'of ,'the First Methodist Episoo f U'Churci. The witnesses were. Har iT(Kewclijn- and' Mra.'.KeUle Newman. MrMtirphy haa bea fa'' Honolulu Iboutia year; while Mrs: Murphy ar rived httk about', three weeks ago fAmithemam!and. IL0 HIGH SCHOOlTOt ;; ;GRA0UATE BIG CLASS f rollbwbi ere the members of the class M! 17 of the HOo hlih school, ihef.aY!ng beea received today by Ihe.dfefrartaent 4 public instruction: Thrhrnii Leonard Eldoa. Carlamitt, Ivy 1 loop t?r ,LUUv --Yoshitaka ' Nakana ucncra--iwOseiena Mary watt, cassia n.odwenrorbea, Mary Johanna Cole rc&n. V Commercial Lauren e, Benson Willf onfcMargaere Kaaiu :. Pv R. YtmAgxtv.5 Koauo', MoraxL HlrcsM HiAhlmoto. Tadami . Kono, Elvira Catherine Carvalho, C Kido, iUiiuimiitl) ON UDOB CHARGE (Continued from Page 1) tberooghly explained to him. The city officials enderstand also that Snyder consulted a private attorney regard ing the statute. "XTe feel that this ease ia even nacre serious than the Steven case,' Cardan continues, "because the coun try hr et war. A eeaaidarebie por tion of the cltisea labor supply is likely to be taken away to serve at the frost And it a lessening of the labor supply occurs by Illegal methods the territory is liable to find itself tn sad strait." The city sttorneys office say it nHtawtaBds that 10 rUlpiaoa were to leave (or the mainland today, but up to noon it had t been learned whether they left or not. Snyder and Mania pit were booked at the police station shortly after 7 o'clock this morning for Investigation. At 10 o'clock Harbor Officer A. C. Carter brought Sabtt Moniza, June Rosodae Santiago Doquite and An gel Dangaroa to the station from the waterfront and booked then for sate keeping. At 10; 85 frank Wtfrr was arrested end bald for investigation. " la connection with the arrest of the four defendants the city attorney's ot lice has called Attorneys Joan Cath cart and Fred' MUvertea of the law firm ef Thompson, Mllverton and Cathcart Into consultation. Detective Lane, while searching Snyder's auto this afternoon re ports that ue found a deputy sheriffs badge of King county, Washington, gad a regulation old style Colt's police Stanley Jones, a promising young middleweight pugilist ef Spokane, Washington, but more recently of 8an Francisco, is in Honolulu with bis trainer, AI Fellows, en route to Ma nil for a series f six bouts in the Philippine Jones is tn good condition but too heavy, for the welterweight and a little too light for the middleweight class at III pounds. He baa beea boxing at the Dreamland rink, in 'Frisco, with considerable enecess. His last bout was a four-round affair the limit in Californla-wtth -"Ed Hugbea at Grass Valley, -near Sacramento, June 2, and be won easily. ' Early this month be also defeated "Wild Wooley" Webb at a similar affair at Crockett and boxed "Spud1 'Murphy to a draw in 8acra meuto. " Sexehteea hundred dollars for the relief of indigent, suffering and help less persona, to be expended by the commissioner of immigration with the advice tad approval of the governor, was "voted by- the board of lmmigra. tloa at recent meeting tad bae beea tet 'aside by the auditor..: - - r This money. It la understood, i te be used to assist the Associated Char ities ia caring for persona who have applied to it: the assistance to tide the organixation over for the next two months. ' E. E. Brooks, manager of the Associated Charities, said today that unexpected calls for aid in the pest month have exceeded the budget es timate enormously. f : 1 it j TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT.' . FURNITURE HOUSES. Two room cottage; bath, kitchen, 50 ft screened Ianal 1049 Beretania, --. , 'fiiin Furnished three bedroom -bungalow, .2546 PrlncA Edward street Royal Grove, Walkiki; right of way .to beacn, Fnone wu- -. . 1 Completely furnished bouse. Lower ; rManoa road; spacious garden. Phone FOR RENT. , FURNISHED . ROOMS. Clean, cool bouaekeepms rooms. Walk - v Ing distance. The Palme, 74s Bere tania. 811 Ct Lsfff front room: 'two rentlemeff or couple; I small rooms. T25 Beret. SfTUATION' WANTED : Anyone '.requiring' reliable bcysf to .work durtox tummer vacates may .- aeeare them applylnf to Wm; Knott, Kknko Mission, Phone S247. - : Mil t HELP WANTED. Office boy wanted must- be tntelll . ' gent, eiulck at figures aadwrite gooa nana, uooa, opportunity xor bright boy.- Apply in own. writing to Box 15, Care of - Star-Bulletia. " - ; 68ll-t . ' : r LOST. Passbook No. 1035, Finder retom to ' Bishop's-Savings Bsmlc ; . CSll St FOUND. For terrier puppy, fen-Jo. Inquire S. MoeBer, Hackfeld dt Ca 6111 2t HOTELS. THE ROMAGOY 14Z MakikL Sum mer rates. Rooms, cottages. With . or without board; Crstlaaa cuisine. Laer crosnda. aarare. tennia Aonrt .electiicany lighted. Lucilla Roma 1 fpft Prop. Phono 3S7S- CS11 3m J Mips off here CHARITIES BODY GliH $1700 OLilV,. l.illuiil SEEtaiME -1 1 i y. PASSAGE HOI Five Russian residents of Honolulu who tried to alow away on. the Dutch steamer were unceremoniously taken from the boat Just a few minutes be fore sb left for the Orient Detective Rudolph Stein of Cn tM cDuffie'f de partment, Russian interpreter, pointed the men out Another local Russian who tried he same trick on the Korea Mam waa discovered and brought back in a launch. Four of th five who tried to leave on the Dutch steamer were married men who intended to leave their wives here, according to Stein. Their plan wm to mingle with the large crowd of exiled Russian on the way borne from New York, with the hope Cat tbey would not be discovered until after the ship had left. Four bona fid Russian passengers from here joined the delegation of over 100 from New York on the Dutch steamer and three famUlee of about IS Immigrants from here returned on the Korea Maru with a delegation of about 20 on that steamer from San Fran Cisco, NEW TRAFFIC A new-ordtnanee t -regulate vehi cles in the-business district of Hono lulu during business hours waa pass ed by the board of supervisors Tues day night The main point of the ordinance la the establishment of special traffic district follows King and Hotel streets, from Nuur anu to Fort; Merchant street, between Bethel and Richards; Fort street be tween Boretani and Queen, and Bethel street between Hotel and Mer chant, In this district no motor or horse drawn vehicle shall be allowed to re main standing for more than SO min utes as follows: King street, from Si, na. to B:S0 p. m.5 Hotel street between River and Nuuanu. from t a. m. to S:S0 p. m.. and between' Nuuanu andj Fort from 8 a. m. to 10 p. tn.r Fort and Bethel, ex cept those belonging to the TJ. S. post office, from I a, m. to 5:30 p. m,, and Merchant, from t a. m. to 1:80 p. m. In the last two ease only stops long enough for he discharge of passen gers or freight will be allowed. I DAILY REMINDERS t , - 'Wanted Two more passenger fof motor pnrty around island, 14 eacb,i Lewis Oarage, phone 2141. Adv. I For Df stilled Water. Hire's Root Beer and eH other Popular Drinks try the Con. Sod Water Works Co. Adv.' - YES; sometimes want ad reduces long task to abort one. NO; a want' ad will not rent an un desirable room to desirable tenant ; Oh. Honeyraooner. do you remem ber the little creeper-covered-oottage ycu and she dreamed of? Maybe you'll find it in the Classified Columns. Look now. v A Turkish oommininue staUa that Lie a tenants - Felmy ; tad Falke two airmenv landed in. the deaert behind the- British lines on the Slanl front tnd destroyed a water conduit which ti TtlaM had laid for the use of the troops, LA PASSED f ' Men of M&mMIuJ w- An important announcement will be made in Friday's newspapers con- cerxnnff The ideal Clothing Co. 's Store "Watch for it In the meantune do not attecrti&to spend a single dime for thank you, . I i - SU..IU...U Oi-' HER DISEASE ms9 Dizz&sss, Fftiataess, ell Dbdppeaicd After the Woman's Medi cine wa Taken. Enjfiaber, OWa'Tor two years I toStred wtta S severe female trouble. was nervous, ana hd backache and a paia la my side moat of the time. I had fixry spells and waa often so faint 1 could not walk across the floor. Tha doctor said I would have to have an operation, A friend asked me to try Lydia E. PinkhaVe Vege table Compound. AfbtrUkinSften bottles I am new well tad strong, bare no more pain, backache tt dixxy spells. - Everyone tells me how weU I look and I tall them Lydia E. Plnkham'B Vegetable Compound did if-Miaa Nwa BccTSWicx, R. F. D No, L Box 83, Kingfisher. Oak. Every women who suiters from female trouble, sKrrommees. backache or the blues should try Lyuia E. Pinkhem'e Vecetable Comrjound as Mr South wick did, or if they Deed free advice ia ' regard to suit nnoying symptom write to Lydia E. Pinkbam Medicine Co leoafldeatui), Lynn, Mais. anti Fort Sts, .. .--4 . i 1 1 1 f l Ak 9 , i 1- ' . i i WE STORE EVERYTHING ,t. . . JAMES H. LQYX : - INSIST LOVE'S OKEAITJ - -WRAPPED AS SOON AS WAKZBT j . ,, There ia more food value In bread fee the wioiiey yen pay thaa ty athar foo product . . :"kC"';rT:;T'f. JAPANESE SILK GOODS AND COBIOS, KHI02T03 AND ElIBROLDEBmS. SAYEGUSA 1120 NTJUAHTJ- STREET, JUST ABOVS HOTEL . Beautiful Ass Oriental THE GHERRY - . . 1137 Tort For Graduation- Dainty Freiich Heeled Puriips Kid evening slippers, with., attractive half Louis CuW heel. In white or silver gray. Very beautiful and dainfy. Low Heel Pumps xMncess low heel white satin . slipper, especially attractive and appropriate for Graduation Day. These are new. Price, $5.50. The Campus,, white, reignskin clotn pump. White ivory sole and low heeL Price, J8.IS0. yr;.'Jm&1 T Hi ' . . - ; illhr m..L ' y ' CITY TRANSFER COMFANY PHONEt2S1 - - i' ON of - i Goods St 5 ' 5 -.; (.-. . - -" -rjf. - r; . X.. '- m --k ; ft Me mm , mm ; . - V 1 X k. j .' .71 V if -